Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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Eellvercd by cnirlcr In any part of tha Cllr.
" "
JlURlNIf 8 ( IrFlCE No. 43.
M IN OH ai
v. y. i . Co.
Council UlufTs Lumber Co. , coaU
Thatcher coal , 111 Main street.
Spring goodn , Itcltnr , tailor , 010 IV way.
Carbon Cool Co. wholesale , retail , 10 I'earl
There will bo n meeting of the A. A. S. U.
nt the cathedral Friday ovoninR nt 7 o'clock
for work In n council of Kailosh.
The Salvation army will send a part of
I their corps to Ovcrton's mission this ovon-
Ij , lag to-participate in the exorcises.
1 All ladles who arc Interested in helping
Chnutauqua will please meet'the ladles'
coinmlttco at it o'clock this afternoon nt the
homo of Mrs. K , O. Smith , 703 First avonue.
Uharloi Voslor of Carson , la. , and Miss
Sylvia Urobst of Ewinjr , Neb. , were mar
ried nt. 7 o'clouk last ovonlnu by liar. T. J.
Mackay , nt the residence of T. J. UlarK , No.
CO Fourth street. The newly married couple
Will BO direct to their homo at Carson.
There will bo n special mooting of the Pot-
tawuttamlo County Fruit Growers' and
Gardeners' association nt the county court
house Saturday , March 8 , at V ) p. m. All are
requested to bo present to consider matters
of Importance to all members of the associa
T'nc report that the newly elected nldor-
men Imvo held n caucus and flxcd up a slate
of appointees for the minor city ofllcus lacks
confirmation. Tho'now council will pick out
good men for the various ofllcos and they
will bo appointed strictly with reference to
their qualifications for the respective ) places.
Aspirants for the ofilco of chlof of the Uro
department are bobbing up with bocomlni ?
rcnulnrlly. U | > to tlio present writing iimo
uflplrniK candidates nro in the Hold. They
nro O. D. Hulgh , Norris 13. Wicks , Charles
Mattal , Vie Keller. Jake Uotfers , H. H.
Hunlfngton , Charles Nicholson. John I3ohn
and C. D. Walters , with several precincti
yet to hear from.
The tire department was called out about
0 o.'elock last evening by a IIro In the house
occupied by Mrs. Hlclilo , on Washington
avenue.between Hrynnt and Scott streets.
She had been ordered out by the landlord
and during her absence yesterday afternoon
the roof of the cottage was reinovea , She
nttnndcd the meeting of the Salvation army
nnd while she was away the plnco was set on
fire. The interior was considerably burned ,
but the building was of Httlu value.
City Steam Laundry , 84 Main. Tel. 141.
The popular wall papof and dccoratlvo
establishment of P. C. Miller has been reopened -
opened with Mr. Miller as manager. The
entire stock has been purchased by Jacob L.
Jensen , and largely Increased by the addi
tion of all the latest styles and designs by
the best manufacturers. Thn old establish
ment is ready for business again , a fact the
public will note with interest.
Personal I * irairrnplm.
J. M. Glunt of Hralncrd , Minn. , arrived in
the Uluffs , accompanied by his sister-in-law ,
Mrs. Nell Voorhlii , who has been visiting in
Minnesota for sotno time. During her ub-
enco she was seriously ill xvlth In grippe ,
which resulted In the loss of her hearing.
W. G. Roberts , representing the Chicago
Herald , was In the city yesterday.
Keeular conclave of Ivanhoe eommandcry
No. 17,1C. T. , this evening. All sojourning
sir Itnlphts nro Invited to bo present. By
order ot the K. C.
For sale , on account of slcltnoss , of J.
Dickey's ' general merchandise stock , located
on Broadway , Council Bluffs , will DO sold at
a discount for cash or trade for good unlu-
cunibcrcd city or Omaha property. Address
Duquette & Co. , Council Hluffs.
An Inhibition of Muscle.
The classes of the Young Men's Christian
association gymnasium are arranging for an
Dthlotleand acrobatic exhibition to bo given
at the opera house Friday evening , April 11.
The programme will also include vocal nnd
instrumental music , and the entertainment
will undoubtedly prove Interesting. A simi
lar exhibition was given two yours ago , at
the close of the first season of the "gym , "
and was a great success. It is desired to
purchase additional apparatus , and it will re
quire about $150 to maka the desired pur
chases. There should bo no dllllculty in
realizing thin amount from the entertain
ment. There nro now over two hundred
pupils in the various classes , and about
seventy-live of tboso will take part In the
Ilflris Ij tdlnfl.
Choancst line of bleached table linens nnd
towels over brought to this wustorn country
is ut the Boston Store , Council Bluffs. *
Don't forgot , the flnoi cleanest , bast mar-
market in the twin cities Is Mcrehendorf's.
of fine watches and Jewelry in the city , am !
the place to buy the best goods at the lowest
prices is the establishment without rivals ,
the most reliable linn of
Notioit to G tin til > rs.
"We , the undersigned , ngroo to pay oar pro
ratu assessment to defray tlio expanses , and ,
If necessary , to devote our time to closing
the gambling houses and placet of this city.
And wo hereby give notlco that any cam- '
bling devices , tables or appliances found In
this city by search warrant on or attar the
15th day of March , 1803 , will bo seized nnd
destroyed ai the law directs , nnd that wo
will hold the city government , to u strict
accountability to keep the gambling houses
and places closed theroaftoro.
F , II. HILL , JOHN SciioKNrobN ,
O. U , WAITB , KBVS 13itus. ,
Fiimi Wntas. j. U. UIXIIY ,
KUNEST E. lUiiT. W. S. Cool-nit ,
\ \ ' , II. M. 1'USBV , C. UOJHN ,
F. It. DAVIS , C. C. COI.E ,
F. A. Coxovcu , H. P. MILKS ,
H. II. Ouimuoi./ini , J. N. Uoss ,
W.V. . ClIAl'MAN , II. JAMK9 ,
A. J. STBJ'JIKNi'Ott , IlAltr & McCAUK ,
O. U.
S. M.Vi > ! iamson sells the Standard and
ic sowing machines. 100 Main st.
paper , second lloor , Boston Store ,
Council UluHa.
Tlio OliaulniKitn ] I'rouriumno.
The executive couiuillton ha decided upon
opening the Chuutauqim sesilou July 1 , IS'JO ,
and coiiilnuo for eighteen days. Whllo the
full list Is not yet complete , enough is sot
tied to assure uu entertainment la every
way equal to last season. Among tlio lec
turers will bo Loon Vincent , Jotin Dowltt
Mlllor , Or. A. H. Glllottj ; who IB also super
intendent ut Instruction , the sumu as last
year. Dr. Hensou of Chicago will also bo
with u again and Uov. Albert Wright of
IJonton. ' 1 ho celebrated Hosora band Is en
gaged. Prof. C , O. Cuso will again Imvo
charge of the chorus as last year , and tlio
Schubert quartette will again , greet the
friends they won last season. Our own fu *
vorlto , Miss Neatly Stevens , Is under con *
tract for July U and 4 for the < of
1S1W. Sol Smith Kuiftoll is also under con
tract for July 4 for two appearances. The
promise Is now given for thu ncliost Fourth
of July programme over offered la Council
Hluffs. Others will bo addud to the list of
attractions mid made public In duo season.
Altogether the session ot Ib'JO will bo oven
Bupenor to that of ISbO.
CorHOta , Cornets , Corsets.
The linen line of coraots In the city ,
Prices S3 to 50 per cent loss than other deal-
era. Boston Store , Council Bluffs.
Drs.Yoodb ry have removed tbolr douta
ofilco to 101 Pearl ttroot , up stair * .
Publlo lutorest Incroasoa In the Hol-
mlok Mur'dor Trial.
Tlio Mnrpliy Tamujranoo S
' ' The
The GynninHlurii I'lipl's
Uoat Club Wnkis iip-
The Csc-Throwlnir
a ho third day's trial of the Holmlck inur-
dor case , as It is called , drew a larger audi
ence than on cither of the preceding days.
'Ihoro was even somd demand for standing
room. Inside tno bar there appeared for the
flrut tlmo Mrs. Palmer , the widow of the
man whom the defendant Killed , and her
mother , Mrs. Porter , Uothvoro dressed In
deep mourning. Next to them were seated
Uev. Mr. llelmlek and his family. A largo
number of ladies were also inside the railing
nnd several of the prominent clergymen of
the city. Much interest was manifest , es
pecially In the cross-examination of thofo
witnesses for the state who admitted that
they were members of the gang which was
bent on assaulting thu preacher and thus get
ting oven for his interference In the wooing
of Palmer and In uttering from the pulpit
scathing criticisms of Sunday baseball and
every dnv saloons.
The llrst witness yesterday was a young
man named Sweenoy. Ho was one of the
gang that wont to Helmiek's house for the
purpose of egging him. Ho claimed that so
far us ho know , the only purposn was to
throw eegs , and that there was no idea of
doing bodily harm. None of the party had
weapons , except eggs , so far as ho know.
They might have had them , though. Ho
joined the pang at the solicitation of Palmer ,
who , according to all the witnesses , seemed
to bo the ringleader. Sweeney had been
tending bar and playing baseball. Ho had
heard that Hov. Mr. Holmick hud said that
no ono of any decency would engage In base
ball on Sunday nnd had made other uncom
plimentary remarks In a sermon one Sun-
'day night. Such remarks had aroused the
indignation pf some of the boys , but the
witness Ooniod that it had led him to make
threats against Holmlck. He admitted that
ho had repeated a remark made by Ono of the
other boys that If Helmick made any more
such statements in his sermon ho would get
a lively shafting up. The witness dnnied
originating this statement , or endorsing it ,
but simplv that ho told someone else that an
other of the boys said this. Young Sweeney
testified that shortly before the party went
to the house to egg Helmlok , the day of the
shooting , ho was warned by CityMaishal
Sells not to go. Sells asked him if the boys
were golug to egg Helmick tnat night , and
said that If they did it would bo the worst
thing they over did. Ho communicated the
warning to the other boys , but they went
just the same. Ho was afraid there was
going to bo trouble , nnd so made different
excuses to got away. Ho went to the church
to see if HolmlcU was , there , he not being at
homo , and afterwards wont down town to
see if ho could find out about him , leaving
the otlior boys watching at the bouse. The
eggs were nrovldod by Palmer , and divided
up among the gang , each having about six.
The great interest of the day centered m
the examination of IJavo Oliver , who was
with Palmer In Holmiek's barn when the
shooting occurred. Oliver is a lo\v-browod ,
coarse-featured , sulky acting sort of follow ,
whoso appearance In the witness stand was
by no means a favorable exhibit for the
state , if ho was n fulr sample df the material
whiah made up the egg throwing surprise
party. He was at llrst much embarrassed jit
being called upon to speuk.beforc so large an
audience on so delicate n subject. As he oc
cupied the chair most of the day ho got a lit-
tlu used to It , and so far recovered his au
dacity as to bo able occasionally to civo a'
port answer to some distasteful cross-ques
tion. For the most part ho answered with
such a low mumble that ho had to bo con *
starkly admonished of the danger he was
causing to the outstretched necks of the
jurymen who were trying to . catch
his words. Ho also had a far-away
look aimed at the opposite side of the room.
His memory was as bad as bis mumbling ,
and in Vhe hands of Attorn'jy Sims , who
cross-examined him sharply , ho seemed to
bo undergoing a massage and sweat treat
ment. Oliver testified that he wont with *
Palmer to Helmiok's barn to get thu horse.
While there Holmick returned , and shouted ,
"Get out of my barn. " Palmer jumped out
Of the door and throw something. Ho IUD-
posed it was an egg. It was so dark that tie
could not distinguish Helmick except by his
voice. Helmick Jlrod and Palmer Jumped
back into the ourn. Holmieic told thorn to
come out and ho would not shoot. They
hurried out and joined the other follows in
the street , and then they went down town ,
Oliver hurried out of Neola , going to Avoca ,
but returned in a day or two.
Jim Hardman , n teamster , was the next
witness. Ho lived , in the same block as
Holmlck , right across the alloy from the
barn. Ho was in his yard , heard the .snot
and after the shot hoard Holmick say , "Got
out of my barn. " Ho hurried to Holmiek's
barn with another man , who was visiting at
his house , and was soon joined by another
nelchbor. Ho disagreed from thu ottfer
witnesses in the order of the shot and the
shout and also in regard to the darkness of
the night. The state bus u theory that it
was not so dark but that Holmick dts-
tingu'shcd ' Palmer before ho shot , and shot
beruuse of the animosity between them. The
defense had shown Irom the state's own
witnesses that n man could not distinguish
another more than a few feet away. Hard-
man made the distance thirty fcot , in bis
opinion. On cross-oxdminatiou an attempt
wad made to gut thn witness to admit that ho
had nn animosity against Helmick because
ho thought that Holmlck suspected him of
having stolen grain from this very barn.
The witness denied this stoutly , nnd denied
having mndo any threats.
Dr. { larvoy was called to testify as to the
nature ot the wound of which Palmer died.
A. Adler of Chicago Ims just opened the
largest wholesale and retail manufacturing
establishment for picture frames and mould
ings in the west. Before really establishing
his business hero his wife's health fulled ,
nnd ho is compelled to return to Chicago ,
For this reason ha has determined to sell at
wholesale nnd retail the entire stock of over
5,000 metal leaf and hard wood frames , with
several thousand line pictures , etchings , etc. ,
at any sacrifice the public demands. 311
Hrondway ,
Wall paper at popular prices at the Boston
Store. Second lloor.
C. U , steauidyo works , 1013 Uroadway
Desirable dwellings for rent nt reduced
prices by E. II. Shoafa & Co. , rental agents ,
Brouduuy and Main si. , up stain.
Dr. II. S. West , porcelain crowu and
oridgo work , No. 13 Poarl.
Thu Manhattan sporting headers 418 B-way.
Thu Murphy
A full house and happy minded audience
greeted Francis Murphy at Masonic temple
.last evening. The early part of the meeting
was Interspersed with songs by the choir
nnd Mrs. Snyder of Creston , In. , speeches
by Hov. Snyder of Crcston , Kov , G. W.
Crofts , Mr. Hayden and Mr. Iluobard of
this city a neat plan ot Mr. Murphy's ' to
distribute tbo VQrblaco of the evening.
The remarks of Mr. Murphy turned the
thought to the hopeful outlook of a world
growing hotter. Hu touching allusion to
the death of young Abraham Lincoln yesterday
day in London awakened the remembrance
of that great grief that swept the land when
the great Abraham Lincoln's life went out.
Ho said no soil on earth but America could
produce , such a man. And then ho paid trib
ute to the men of the west , for out ot the
west were to oomo tha great men ot tbo
future. Ho described the orphaned family
and the mother tubing up the burden of the
wbolo family ; then the boy working
his walkthrough college , to bo placed at the
head of it ; thou sent to the loglslHturo , to
congress , to the sonata and finally to betaken
taken by the pcoplu nud placed in lee high
est ofilcu lu the gift of the people , yet in tbo
crowning ulory of that hour ho placet the
chapletof honor upon thomothcr'A brow nnd
the kiss of love on the mother's ' lip.
Thcsa meetings will close next Sunday
night. Sunday nftornoou ut S o'clock Mr.
Murphy wMl hold n meeting ill Masonic tem
ple for only. The meetings are hold
each evening and are free to all.
The water runs when Ulxby plumbs.
J.O. Tlpton , real estate , 637 Broadway.
Snva SO per cent on tombstones and menu
ments. Design sheet and prlco list frio. L.
Kelley , ' . ' 03 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Council I'riiooctliiiiis.
After a third attempt the council last
ovcnlnz succeeded In securing a quorum
with all the aldermen present except Alder
man Bellinger. The < first hour was passed
in reading the minutes. Alderman Lnov
objected to the motion that the rending of
the Itemized bills bo dispensed with and the
motion was bst. The usuil monthly bills
were allowed. The semi-annual bill of the
Council Bluffs Water Works company ,
amounting to 311,112.50 , was referred to the
finance committee.
A portion of the Globe's bill for printing ,
amounting to $114 , woo not "O. 1C. d , " and
the mayor stood sponsor for It , but it was
not allowed.
The bill of the flro department for the
month of February , amounting to $1,293.85 ,
was allowed.
The expenses of the engineer's department
for the twenty-eight davs of February , " as
certified by Engineer Stimpson , amounted to
? 308 ( JJ and ware allowed.
The bill of Walter Urns , for supplies fur
nished the lira department , amounting to
§ 130.SO ( , was objected to by Alderman
Everett , nnd was referred back to ttio
flnnnco committee.
The bill of Mrs. Warner , amounting to
tC''J for feeding the city prisoners , was al
' 1 ho Globe bill came up again nnd Alder
man Kvorett objected to it on the ground
that the city printing had not boon open to
competitive bidding. Alderman Weaver
warmed up nnd moved that the bill bo re
ferred to Mr. Everett. Alderman Lacy
wanted It referred to the fluanco committee ,
but Mr. Weaver , who Is chairman of that
committee , would not have It so. It was
finally referred to the other members of the
The bill of the waterworks company was
again taken up nnd It was decided to allow
the amount duo for 200 flro hydrants at 8100
per annum each and twonty-llvo hydrants at
$75 oach.
Several election bills were nllowed , In
cluding pay for registrars and boa-ds of
cledtlon ,
A. C. Graham appeared before the council
with reference to the amount duo property
owners bv the electric motor company. Ho
claimed that where the track of the company
was nearer ono stdo than the other , the
owner of property on that side was entitled
to more of the money duo from the company
than the owner of the property on the other
side of the street The matter was discussed
ut some length and finally referred to the
judiciary committee.
Alderman Everett then Introduced an or
dinance providing that hereafter the salaries
of the city marshal and chief ot police bo
fixed at $1,500 per annum , in lieu of the foes
or other receipts that might acruo to said of
llcos. A motion to pass it to its second readIng -
Ing failed to carry , us Alderman Waterman
voted no. It then went over under the rules.
An ordinance adopting the plat of Madison
park was passed to its second reading and
finally passed.
A. J. Mandel appeared before the council
and protested against the paying for a wash
out which resulted from the neglect of the
city engineer , and the desired relief waa
Council then adjourned until this evening.
We want you to list your rental property
with us and wo willsocuro you good , reliable
tenants. Kenta collected and special atten
tion given to care of property. E. H. Shoafo
& Co. , Broadway and Main st , up staira.
Gillette & Freeman , decorators , 23 Poarl.
Dempsey Bros. , candy manufacturers and
wholesale dealers. Send fortprlccs.
Pets of the 1'oltce.
It was a motly gang of offenders which
faced Judge Aylosworth lu police court yes
terday morning. The first ease called was
that against "Dandy" Dunn , who was
charged by U. B. Westcott of the Nonpareil ,
With carrying concealed weapons on election
day , Westcott conducted the prosecution.
After nil the evidence had boon introduced ,
rounsol for the defendant moved to dismiss
the case on the ground that the state had
not proven that the offense charged was
committed in this state and county. The
court allowed the defense to recall its wit
nesses and introduce the missing link. Dunn
was found guilty and fined $5 and costs.
Charges ol disturbing the peace were also
pending against Westcott and Trimble , but
the cases were continued until next week.
The court released themallowing them to go
on each other's bonds.
Frunkio , a woman of the town , was
arrested for ( .leccing a country cousin in a
Pierce street bagnio. The victim failed to
appear and the case wus dismissed. The
woman was thoa arraigned for disturbing
the pence. Ovido Vicn appeared ns her
counsel , but was ruled out by the court on
the ground that ho had not been admitted to
practice. Vien then had the woman conduct
bur own case and sat by her side ana
prompted her. As neither side wus ready
for trial , the case was continued until today
at 11 o'clock. .
Two booze flaes were assessed , which
were paid and the boozers released.
Sammy Goldstein , an incorrigible boy of
fourteen years , who was arrested on com
plaint of his uncle , had his case oontintied.
The case of T. 13. Hoborts , charged with
assault and battery , was also continued
until Friday morning nt 10 o'clock.
The case against William Russell , who
was implicated in the case with Hoborts ,
was dismissed , there being no evidence to
hold him ,
The assault and battery case of John
Norwood was continued until the witnesses
could be secured.
S. U. Wadsworth & Co. , 207 Pearl street ,
loan money lor Lombard Inv. Co. ,
A full line of jellies , preserves and jams
just opened. Kelley & , Younkerrnan.
Snvo Ijlfa and Money.
The gasoline steve Is moro dangerous than
the unloaded gun. Save life and property
by using the C. U. Gas and Electric Light
Co.'a gus stovo.
Nc.w Ijllo In thn Uoat Oluh.
The annual meeting of the Council Bluffs
Hawing association will bo held next Mon
day evening , and all thu members are requested -
quested to bo present , as olUcors are to bo
elected and other Important business with
reference to the work of the coming season
Is to ba transacted. An attempt will be
made to secure the state regatta for L/uko
Manawa , but this can not bo done without a
vigorous and united effort. In either event ,
whether the regatta is held hero or olso.
where , the BUifls will bo well represented
by several well trained crows , The associa
tion now has eighteen mnn nt work at the
Young Men's Christian association gymna
sium , whore they are In active dally train
ing. As soon us the weather Is suitable they
will begin regular practice nt
the lake. The association is now In
better condition than over bnfora.
It not only hnn a largo acllvo membership ,
but It is nearly out of debt , Tlio last hop
was a-grout financial success and another
will shortly bo glvon that will probably place
the association on n level footing. Since the
addition was completed the club house Is of
ample proportions nnd would bo u credit to
any club in the west. The boats are in food
repair and It will be unnecessary to add any
more racing shclli for some time. A few
moro row boats will be added the coming
season. The association starts out for thu
season of IbOJ with brilliant prospects and
uu evident determination to make a credit'
able showing when lirougbt into active com
petition with thn rowinir association of other
cities of the state ut the annual regatta.
A Wild Trill n.
ASIILANP , WU. , Moron 5. The log tram
on the Ulgolow & Walter's narrow gauge
lallrondnear Washbnrn rar away today
while liomlug down a stoop grade. Engi
neer Wtdtor * and Brukoman Carleton
jumped and both were lu tuutly killed.
.lHC1. , ,
DBS MOINP.S In..iM reh fi. A number of
petitions against -WV soldiorit' monument ,
and favoring n hospital at the soldiers' homo ,
were introduced In'fiota ' houses this morn
Among thn ImpoiWht bills Introduced lu
the house were the following !
To limit the rlgh fyappcal to the supreme
court ; to accord greater freedom to the pub
lic press ; to appartjfln" tin state Into repre
sentative districts ; tq cuango the printing
nnd binding law ; to dcllnn nnd punish
vagrancy ; to amend the law In rela
tion to the Mite ot mtoxlcatlnir
liquors ; to rcgulato the .Issuing of
mileage boons ; to prescribe the forms nnd
terms of promissory notes : to provide for a
change of method In thu school book sunply ;
to change the election laws and provldo for
the adoption of Myers' patent voting ma-
The house concurred In the resolution
calling for n joint convention for the election
of wardens , etc. . amending It so that the
mooting will bo hold on Friday.
The joint resolution favoring automatic
couplers was passed.
At 12 o'clock the Snnato was an
nounced. After being called to order the
journals In the two houses of yesterday In
reference to thn election of senator were
road , and Allison was declared elected. The
joint convention dissolved nnd the house
adjourned until tomorrow.
. bennfc.
DBS MOI.VEI , In. , March 5 , Most of the
tlmo In the senate this morning was spent
in n discussion of the annexation bill. The
most important bill Introduced was by Hay-
less , amending the pharmacy law In accord
ance with the wishes of the State pharma
ceutical association , rho annexation bill
was then passed without opposition.
A concurrent resolution was adopted call
ing for n convention tomorrow for the elec
tion of vimlons of 'penitentiaries , state
printer and binder , etc.
The committee on federal relations re
ported favorably on Taylor's Joint resolution
calling on congress to placa jute on the free
list. During the discussion the senate- wont
into joint convention with the house , after
which it adjourned until tomorrow.
Tha 1'h.iriimcoutlciil ntll.
Dns MOINES , la , March 5. [ Special Tele-
Brain to THE BKE.J The bill which the
State Pharmaceutical association has pre
pared fpr amcndiug the liquor law so far as
it relates to their business , was introduced
in the senate today. It doss away with the
ge&cral petition business , allows per mits to
bo uses during good behavior , and relieves
the druggist of several harsh requirements
that are in the present law.
The regular bl-ennial resolution in favor
of a Hcnuepin canal was up in the senate to
day and passed unanimously , as usual. The
sonata also passed the Des Moines annexa
tion bill. It urovides for extending the
boundaries of this city BO us to take in all
tbo outlying suburbs. There was not an op
posing vote in the aennto , and it is believed
there will bo no objection to the bill in the
Both branches of the legislature have de
cided to hold only forenoon sessions at pres
ent , and devote tao.uftcrnooiis to committee
State Tompnrnneo Alliance.
DES MOINES , la. , 'March ' 5. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bne. | r HJbe annual meeting of
the State Temperance alliance was held hero
today. The presideuce of the alliance , Mr.
B. F. Wright , wbtiSiO coquetting with the
third party has brpught him Into prfneral
disrepute with the 'lion-partisan prohibition
ists , announced his resignation. Ho was
afraid that ho would be removed If he didn't
resign. A number of speeches were made
during the day , all favoring no change in
the prohibitory law. The crankiest element
among the prohibitionists'run the alliance ,
nnd they would listen to no suggestions of
needed changes In the law , to
make H moratolerant , and generally"
accoptaolo. The resolutions adootcd declare
against the Gntch bill whlch is Intended to
remove the abuses that have been connected
with searchers and seizures. It strikes at
the blackmailing constables , but the alliance
rushes to the support of the constables and
opposes the bill. The following oftleers were
elected for the ensulnor year :
President , J. A. Harvey ; secretary , Mrs.
A. K. McMurray ; treasurer , Dr. M. P.
Turner , all of Polk. Director , Third dis
trict , W. F. Andrews , Hardm county ;
Fifth district , G. R. Strublo , Tumn countv ;
Seventh district. Dr. Albert Hichuiond ,
Story countv ; Ninth district , Hov. M. S.
Clark- , Cuss county ; Tenth district , Kev. K.
E. Flickmgor , Pocahontas county. Vice
presidents . E. Blake , John Mahin , C. O.
Brown , Alonzo Abernothy , H. M. Remley ,
J. B. Crennoll , L. Todhunter , S. H.
Mitchell , .f. A. Treat , S. H. Taft and J. S.
The attendance was not large and was
limited to the same old crowd that have
made prohibition a hobby for many years.
Keel Oak Goes Wof.
RKI > OtK , la. , March 5. [ Special to THE
Bnu.J The city election was nn overwhelm ;
ing defeat to prohibition. The mayor and
entire city council with ono single exception
are the choice of the anti-prohibitionists.
The mnltoup of the council will insure a mar
shal favorable to their interests and they will
only nave to elect one councilman next year
to Insure thorn n majority then.
Took a Dose or Liyc.
MAKSHAbUTOWN' , la , , March 5. [ Special
Telegram to THIS Bun.l Two little children
of Frank Mlllard , near Albion , got hola of n
can of Ivo this morning , The larger child
throw a quantity Into the small one's face
and fed il some with n spoon. Within on
hour the little ono's tongue and both eyes
were eaten out and It will undoubtedly die.
Domo'orntlo Nominations.
DCS MOINES , la. , March 5. At the demo
cratic joint caucus this evening the following
nominations were made : . Warden Anamosa
penitentiary , J. F. Mooks , Indianohi ; war
den Fort Madison penitentiary , J. H. Mo-
Cluen , Guthrie county ; state printer , D. M.
Harris. Missouri Vulter ; stuto binder , Gus
Sohml'lt , Muscatlno.
KsturnB ( ndloato About O,58OOOO
Hogs TortileViiuor8onnon. .
CINCINNATI , O. , March 5. [ Special
Tolegra'u ' to TUB IJKK. | Tomorrow's Price
Current will say : TUq week's packing In the
west has been about 100,000 , hogs against
215,000 , last year , * tflual returns nud close
calculations for pointU" representing 03 per
cent of last year's a 'al and approximation
for all other places'ilidicato ' a total of about
0,580,000 bogs for the winter season ending
March 1 , or about l'iooX)0 ( ) moro than last
year. Figures for the loading points com
pare as follows for.'tjhjJ ' ' parlod from Novem
ber 1 to March It i
Place. | ifKJ-w. I IbS'J-W ) .
Knows City $ . . . IWi.OOO
* ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ,
8toul . . . . . . . . . . . .Vi.Vf. . . , . ; : nee ) ; twoi , > j
ludlanapolU J ? . 9 : rtojo )
Cincinnati i.ii ? . . . . 211,00 ]
Milwaukee - . , . . . SUO.OOI
Bloux City. . - iWI.OJl .
Ceilar KapliU ' . ' , Uil.U ) ) H8.0)j
Cleveland . " ' 21. . . . Ui.OW IIW.OJO
Louisville , . , . . . , V. 1UVOM 1U.UOI
Ottuiuwa , 115.0) ) 711.00) )
Kookulc , ,
ht , Joseph W.OJO 8.1 , OJO
Nebraslrn City , 0.1.0J ) K1.00J
Wichita . ar.ooj
South St. 1'aul 11)3,00) ) IM.UOQ
All other. 83).ODO 753.000
Btnio Hank * AliiHt Itanorr.
LINCOLN , Nob. , March 5 , [ Special to TUB
BEB.J Auditor Bc'nton has made u call on
all state banks to inuko u report to the
bunking department allowing their standini :
at tbo oloso ot business Fobrtiarv 23 , 1800.
This call Is tnudu In pursuance of the banking
Ing act pnisaj at the lust session of the legis
lature , which provides ttrut the auditor shall
call for three such reports at sonic past date
during the year. The last call was mailo for
October 31 , and It Is confidently expected
that the coming report will show the bank *
of tbo utato In much better condition than at
any previous time.
OO.A.X. . .
The. following tostluionlnla from lnr o consiimrrn of fuel. who have Rlvon all kinds of coal practical and crucial tpst , nro the host posilblo
recommendations that our celebrated mack 1'eerlcsi IK the Vovtcoal for all purposed on the market :
Ilinvo given the Illnck I'ecrlfas Coiil iv thor- house with lllark I'eorless Coal and nro thor kitchen use , nnd would nave > no otlior. Tfr
GURU test , nadnm satlsllod It Is tno ben cos ! oughly natUllud with it in point of lioat , oroil. mnkes the lenst smoke , nslios nnd olnilcM nutt
for aI purposes In the wo < tcrn market , and t omy nnd cIcnnllnosM , it wives on little aumko , gives tliu grentest dourceof h atnf any roftt
hnvo'burtlud ' thousands of tons ot nil kinds of leaves little itshcs nnd rowcllnkt'rs. wo have ever used , nnd H by fnr the cheapest ?
coal. w. W. lliEiir.r.if , HK.NIIV KISKMAK Jfc CO. nud rlennoat fuel In the mnrkot.
City Steam Laundry. Wo have used several IninilroJ tons of IllneK llotisr tt BFKTV w ,
tt'o hfivo Iwnted our mammoth dry goods Peerless Coal durliig thUntor for boiler and Kid Hotel.
Sold Exclusively by SAPP & KNOTTS , 3I Main St. , Council Bluffs.
Twonty-Two Senators Refuse to
Appear In Tholr Plaooa.
Hill or.Illtnols Cast the Only Uopuhll-
oan Vote AcnliiHt tlio Contestant
An Exciting Tlmo In
tllO I10I14C. *
WASIIINOTON , March 5. In the sonnto
today the bill Increasing the pension of the
widow of General VVarren was taken up nnd
on the question of passage the vote was
yeas , 10 ; nays , 0. As there was no quorum
voting tlioro was a call of the senate , whan
thirty-six senators , less than a quorum , an
swered. Thereupon n motion by Mr. Platt
directing tha sorgoaut-at-arms to request the
attendance of the absent senators was agreed
to. After some minutes the presiding ofllccr
( Ingnlls ) Informed the senate that the ser
had that there
aoaut-at-iirmB just reported
were twenty-two senators in the restaurant ;
they had been all notified to attend and tnoy
had declined to do so. In a few minutes ,
however , several disobedient senators entered -
torod and explained that they wore discuss
ing tlio merits ot two Columbia river
salmon , weighing between thirty-ilvo and
forty pounds each , which had been shipped
to Colonel Montgomery of Portland , Ore. ,
who was visiting Washington , and by him
served up for the delectation of his friends
in the upper house.
The chair announced that as there was a
quorum now present nnd as 2 o'clock had
arrived the educational bill was before the
senate asSinflnlshod business and the Warren
pension bill would remain on the calendar.
Mr. Barbour addressed the senate In
advocacy of the educational bill , and Mr.
Plumb made nn address In opposition to the
bill.After an oxecutlvo session the senate ad
WASHINGTON , March 5. In the house to
day the consideration of the Aritansas elec
tion case of Featherstono vs Cate was re
sumed nnd the contestee was accorded the
floor to speak In his own behalf.
Mr. McHao of Arkansas m a four-mmuto
speech defended and eulogized the people of
his stato.
Mr. HoukJ of Tennessee , who has
charge of the case for the majority of the
committee on elections , mode a presentation
of the claims of the contestant. In conclu
sion Mr. Houlc urged that the colored people
of the south should bo given a fair chance.
"No man can hold a scat on this floor who
was returned by moans ot rifles , clubs and
fraudulent ballot boxes.1' Ho was in favor
of a national election law. At the conclu
sion of his speech Mr. Ilouk demanded the
previous question.
Mr. Hill of Illinois ( rep. ) , who Is supposed
to bo opposed to the claims of Foatherstono ,
rose and asked unanimous consent to ad
dress thn houso. There was a good deal of
excitement exhibited during 'tho roll call ,
and the vote was very closo. It resulted
Yeas , 145 ; nays , 141. So the previous ques .
tion was ordered , I
Mr. Outhwnito then offered as a substi
tute for the first resolution reported by the
majority , declaring Cate not entitled to his
seat , n resolution declaring Feathorstone
nnt entitled to it. Hojeetod Yeas , 138 ;
nays. 144 , Mr. Hill of Illinois voting with
t ho democrats.
Mr. Springer moved to recommit the case
to the committee on elections with instruc
tions to the sub-coinmitteo to proceed to Ar
kansas to tnvestigato the election In tno
First district of the stato.
Mr. Boutollo suggested the oropriety of n
provision that the members of the commit
tee bo permitted to return to Washington
Mr. Springer's motion was defeated
yeas. 130 , nays , 110.
During roll call a great deal of confusion
existed. Mr. Outhwalte , calling the speak
er's ' attention to the fact that order bo re
Mr. Speaker The house will be in .order.
The gentlemen will take their seats and
oeaso conversation.
Mr , Crisp , who was standing in ouo of the
aisles , objected to being pointed oat.
Mr. Speaker The chair did not point out
the gentleman.
After a heated argument between the
speaker and Mr. Ct Isp , the latter said ; "Tho
only point I deslro to mnko is that the
speaker goes too far when after he has ob
tained order and a gentleman Is attempting
to find his sent , business is suspended and
an individual member pointed out in this
way. "
Mr. Sponkor The chair does not think
any gentleman ought to consider himself
any exception to the request made by the
speaker that the gentlemen should take
their seats.
The vote declaring Cato not oloeted was
yeas , 147 ; nays , 133 ; and Foathorstono was
seated by yeas , 145 ; nays , 135 , and the oath
of ofilco v\iis administered to him by the
speaker. Adjourned.
' Nominations.
WASHINGTON , March 5. The president to
day sent to the sonnto the following nomina
tions : Isaao Clements of Illinois to bo
poualou agent at Chicago , William T. Ham-
buscb , supervisor of the census for the First
Wisconsin district ; Captain Furquhar ,
chief of bureau , yards and docks of the navy
department with the relative rank of com
TS Nature's effort to expel foreign sul >
1 stances from the hioncliial passages.
Frequently , this causes inflammation
ami the need of an anodyna. No other
expectorant or anodyna Is equal to
Ayor's Cherry Pectoral. It assists
Nature in ejecting the mucus , allays
Irritation , induces repose , nnd is the
most popular of nil cough emus.
" Of the many preparations before the
public for the ciuo of colds , coughs ,
bronchitis , nnd kindred diseases , there
is none , within the range of my oxnorl-
once , so reliable as Ayor's Cherry Pec
toral. For years I was subject to colds ,
followed by terrible coughs. About four
years ago , when so aflllctod , I was ad
vised to try Ayor'H Cherry 1'octoral nnd
lo lay all other remedies aside. I ilia
so , and within a week was well of my
cold and cough. Since then I have
always kept this preparation In the
liouse , nnd fool comparatively secure. "
Mrs. L. L. Brown , Denmark , Miss.
"A'fow years ago T took a sovoio cold
which affected my IIIIIRH. I hud a ter
rible cough , nnif passed night after
Might without sloop. The doctors gave
mo up. I tiled Ayur's Cherry Pectoral ,
which relieved my lungs , Induced sloop ,
and afforded the rest necessary for the
recovery of my strength. Jly the con
tinual use of Ilia Pectoral , u permanent
riiro was effected. " Horace Fulrbrothor ,
Uockingham , Vt.
Ayer's ' Cherry Pectoral ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer te. Co. , Lowell , Mass.
BoldbytllDruggUU. l'tlcelj iUbottlc , 5 ,
In Carpets , Mattings , Oil Cloth , Bugs ,
and Lace Curtains and Fixtures , Portieres
Drapery , Silks , Plushes , IToholstery Goods ,
Window Shades , etc. "Will make prices lower
then any hsuse in Iowa or Nebraska. Call
and see us or write for prices and Samples.
Fruits and Commission , 347 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la
O. .A. . IBEEBIE &
Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers in
Largest Stock and Lowest Prices. Dealers , sen 1 for Catalogue.
Ko . gQ5-aO7 Kromlwiiy , and aon-200 IMcrco St. , Council III nil's B
HRI Rl l N Rl M C Hydraulic and Sanitary Enpinoor. Plans , Estimates
i UmiAIMUIIXL. Spocificutions. Supervision of Publlo Work. Brown
Building. Coucil BlulTa , Iowa.
NOpU I ID7 Justice of the Poaco. Olllco over American Express , No.i
i Ov/MUni. Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. .
QTHIMF Ki CMQ | Attorn ° i'a at Law- Practice in the State and Fed-
O I UML. Ot OIIVIO oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugnrt-Bouo Blouk ,
Council Blulls. Iowa.
II1AVK several houses nnd lots to trade for
Council Ululls or Omnlui unimproved prop-
aty. C. U. Jmlrt 8M Uroadway , Council Illulls.
TjTOIt JIKNT Tne very desirable residence.
-I ? No 11 ! ) North nighth treet. cor. Washing
ton ave. Six large , pleasant rooms. Hunt low-
to right parties. I'ossessfon given Immediately.
Tlico. Gnlttur.
WANTED Situation by lailv stenographer.
Four years In law nnd loan olllco. ix- ;
perlance In wholesale business , llox ' ! ! > , Coun
cil llluirs.
W avenue. ANTED A good girl at JHH Hlffli School
/1ANVASSEIIS Wanted-Good Eteady man
VA-an make $ J to $1 a day. 11 llroadwny.
EOH SAr < K A bargain It taken soon 57 acres
W ) rods north ot ( Jliantanqua grounds ; will
sell In ton acre lota it desired
1) ) acres on Grand avenue inside tno city lim
its. $ iOJ per acre.
Choice lots In Millions , JiW to $100.
Lots In Kiddles' sub. , 8iiO to $ I)00. ( )
Two ot the cnolci'st lesldimce lots In the city
at $1.7iO each. If takin soon.
Fine lot on 7th ave. 14JX1J3 : will mate 3 good
lots ; n great bnigain ; only 81,000.
II room house on Miidlson street one block
from llroadway , very choup.
Choice 60 foot lot on Ave H , f 100.
Nice cottage on 1'urk avenue ,
llesidences and vacant lots In.all parts of the
city. Farms tor sale. First mortgage loans.
W. C Stacy .V Son.
Itoom 4 , Opera Illock , Council llluirs.
T710U BXCHANOE A stock of dry goods , no
J ? tlons and m.Illnery. Address -10 Frank St.-
Conncl. Bluffs , la.
TTIOIt BALi : At a dargjln : One double saw
JP and sllcor ; one veneer machine with gearIng -
Ing complete , all now. suitable ror basnet fao
tory. Inquire at Snyder's commission house
yj I'earl St. , Council Ululls.
A1JA HG AIN Complete roller mill nnd saw
mill for sale. Capacity of roller mill , forty
barrels dally. Will sell farm In connection with
mill If desired. Good roasoni for selling. AH
Inquiries In regard to said pronorty sent to tne
following address will receive prompt atten
tion : C. U. Heel. Keels , la.
Y\/"ANTKD Situation by lady stenographer.
VV Four years with law and loan ollko. Address -
dress Hex sa * . Council llluira. la. 41li-in2Tt
FOR yALE Tno soven-rnom cottage at the
corner of 'M avenue and Utn street. Also
the now Swiss cuttago occupied by mo on 3d
avenue. Ulther property will bo sold on easy
terms. W. 0. James.
COUNCIL BLUFFS property for sale nt grea
bargains. The following , among the mos
beautiful homes In the city , will be sold u
great bargains , on monthly payments , or term
to suit :
Throe now 8-room houses on Lincoln avenue
two blocks fiom electrin motor lino.
Two now'4roum houses four blocks from
eloctrlo motor line on North Boventh street.
One now 5-room house four block ! , from elec
tric motor Hue on North Seventh street.
Three now ft and fl-room houses ono block
from electric motor line corner Avenue A and
'iwolfth street. ,
Hasldes the above I have houses and lota in
all parts of the city.
Ono new 1-room house on Mill st.
C. II Judd , BJU llroadway. Council llluirs.
for second-hand furniture , stoves and
CASH , A. J. Maude ) , ffJj llroadnay.
OK S.UK-ily rasldnuce. rV Willow av
enue , on south side of lluyllis park. Heated
by steam , llcntoa by electricity ami containing
all modern ImsirovemenU. Lot | OU by suj feat.
Also will sell or exchange for Improved city
pro-party , my farm of r > 70 acres , tun miles east
of Council llluirs. N. M. 1'iisey. Council Hluirn.
PUKNISIIOD rooms for rout at,117 Fourth
st. , Council llluirs.
TVTEW improved roil ostatn to trade for unlm
IN provoii Omaha or Council llluira property
C. 11. Judd. < W3 llroadway.
jiOIl BAMS or Kent Garden land with homes ,
-1 byj. lUHlco 10 ! Main st. , Council
Pros. Vice I'ras ,
CIIAS. 11. HANNAH , Canhlnr.
Paid ur > Capital . SIBO.OOO.OO
Surplus . . . 35.OOO.OO.
Liability to Depositors , . . ,339,000.00'
DIIIKCTOIIH-I. A. Miller , I'O. ' . ( Jloison , K. L.
Blnmart , E. E. Hurt , J. 1) . Edundsoii. Clias. It ,
Haunan , Transact general banking business
Largest capital and surplus of any bank In
Iowa. Interest on time deposits
F. M , ELLIS & CO. , '
. . .
Hoorns 4 to and ) . ' lleo Iliiinllng. Omaha Nob. ,
nnd lloonuiSII anil SIB Mernam Illock. Counsl
IllnlTaiow , .Correspondence Sol cued.
J.H. Co.
. . Murphy Manufacturing .
1st Avenue aud 21st Street.
Unnd and Scroll Sawing. lie-Sawing nnd
Plnnimc. Sswlugof ulllvluds. 1'orcn lirackots
Kindling wood W.SO per load delivered. Clcuu
sawdust by the barrel 2'tc. All work to b
first-class. Telephone S il.
"Your Patronage Solicited. "
Room 2 , Opera IIOUBO Uloolr , Council muffs ,
ArchiteJ and
Superintend.nt ,
Room 201 , Merr-iam Block ,
liios. UFKICKK. W. II. M. I'USHT \
Corner Main nnd Broadway ,
COUNCllj ttljlTKKS , IOWA.
Dealers in foreign and domestic cxchanps
Collectionmade and interest paid on time do-
Host equipped , most centrally located factory
in the city. All modern latest pattern iniiclim *
ory. Operated by Hklllod mechanic * . Special
attention given to scroll nnd bandsawlng. pinn
ing and trlmlng. General contracts aim ttl *
mates for houses and buildings a. specialty.
Corner North Main and Mynster streets , toun >
ell llluirs. Telephone 289.
Iho very latest noveltloi for banquets an
nrlvato parties. Cholcii fruits , bon-tons , clioco
latet. buttercups , and old fashioned mo nssos
candy i specialty. Orderc for parties and mall
oVdiirs promptly tilled. U.'U Hoiulwny , council
No. 27 Main St. , OverJacque -
mln's Jewelry Store.
i\v < i . . . - , \l//// /
Electric Truss ] ? , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agenl , , .
neu.c <
Kopcclally ( iliipteil for Klortrlo 1 lutitiiiK , illlls
nnd Klovntorii. IteKiil'ttlon. Durability uim
Kconomy not Excelled. Hlzej from 15 toaoj ilf \
E.G. HARRIS , Agt.
pjw * 510 I'earl BtCouncil Illuirx.Iown.
Send for oktalu uo. Complete uteuiu plunt *
t urulahcd and troctcd , .