, THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , MAIU3H 2 , 1890. SIXTEEN PAGES V . I THE GRAND OPERA [ SEASON rrntiffomonts All Oomploto Tor ttao \ Coming of Pattl \ f < C WILL BE A GREAT SUCCESS A Immense snlo of Ailvnuua Scats The Coliseum Transformed fop the OcenMon 'llio btoilcn of ilia Operas Ilir I'nlll IlicncniiiPtit Tliere is no lonircr any doubt ol the sue ecus of ttao sens on of Italian grand opera winch open * In this city Monr/ay / ovonlng , ttlio advance sale of tickets hns baen largo , the rccoluts up to last evening nggrcgiiling over f 10,00(1. ( Inking everything Into con sideration , this lias been c < | unt to expecta * tlons When the sale of season tickets otcned thcro was a largo Uomand , i\it the rush cimo jestcrday when Binclo admissions were on the market Of course the larger sharoof anxious purchasers secured Bents for the mutlneo , when Pnttl appears , but the sales fur the Monday night performance were satis factory to the man ngcinont , and the Coliseum will undoubtedly bed lied on the opening night It Is a ques tion , howovcr , whether the Immense building will bold all these who wish to nttoud the mutlneo Tuesday Orders > lor tickets to hear Pattl bare poured la from surrounding cities and towns in both Nebraska ana Iowa , and the W trains on Tuesday will bo fllloil with music a fKiovcra from within a radius of 15U miles On Monday evening Verdi's subllmo t > nom , "II 'lrovatoro , " will bo produced , lvlib Tnmngno and Nordlca ns the stars tTuoxdny afternoon Mmc Pnttt will appear ns Kosinn In itiu "Harbur of Seville " As will bo noted by reference to Tub Hle'b telegraphic columns Mine Patti sanu nl the matinee \cstcrdny nflcrnoon In Dcnvor l'rivato dispatches nlso stuto that Tninngno Qiid Z'.rd lea hnvo fullv recovered from tholr i Blight coldH mil will 1111 their Omaha cn- ' A'gemeuts ns announced S'J'ho opera coinnanv's train loaves Denver • . nis morning at 10 o'clock and will nrrivo In Omubn ntlU n. m , Monday Almo Puttland others of the leading singers hnvo encaged quarters nt the Millard The proparntions lor the reception nro complete A vnst expanse of chairs greets the eye upon first entering the Coliseum Chairs to the right , chalra to tliu loft , chairs evcrywhoro all nrranged In orderly rows with numer ous broad aisles , aud every chair numbered Two entrances have been nrranged both lit the center of the building on the cast side The main ontrnnco leads to the amtibi- , theater and will bu used for the general admission - / mission tickets , and the other entrance , Im mediately south of the mala entrance , will bo used as an cntranco to the main lloor uad reserved seats A largo force of ushers under the very rfllclont direction of Mr Louis Haelir will bo ' in attendance to conduct tlckot holders to i their seats una ample nrranccmcuts luivu i been made to handle the Immense crowds With the minimum amount of confusion Two cloak rooms have been provided at thn southeast corner of the auiphitbeatro , will bo in the hands of competent 33 for the checking of coats , cloaks , etc Lho matter of cxitB extensive nrrauire- b have neon made There will bu six Nil from the amphitheatre ; ono in the iwest corner , one In the Bouthwost cor- tbrco in the centio of the east side and lear the northeast corner Thorowill , o ontrancu . to the main lloor at thee o of the east side und ono dircctlv oppo site nt the west side It wilt bo soon that thcro will bo no dilllculty la clearing the liouso la n few moments A policeman will qe stationed at each entrance A lire brigade wilt bo on hand and hose will ba stretched throughout the building Uho dressing rooms extemporized Xor this i occasion in the tear of the stago'aro models iif neatness und convenience The ouo in tended for the great cantatrioo is a commodious u flair , and contains all the modern improvements , oloctrio light , not and cold water and all the otbor ucccBsorls of a oomploto boudoir The furniture Is unique und beautiful , a lioavy axmlnslor carpet covers the floor , ex quisite paintings adorn the walla , while choice plants und mining vines fill the lovoiy compartment with the most pleasing odors The auxiliary dressing rooms I nro ull complete uffalrs witlfln themselves , and the company will bo subjected to no in convenience whatsoever The stage curtain , nn immense affair , is of silk plush , while the scenery is the very best available anil will • vld not n little to the effectiveness of the en- . ytcrtaininents On the right hand side of the / , /ntage , commanding an ndiniraulo view of ( • v\iQ whole stage , nro eight private boxes • wHh a capacity for twelve pontons each * ] his front of tlio stage , und the boxes ns woli , will bo banked wilhdlowers and othur- , wise lnipresaivoly and beautifully decorated -HISTOKY OK U'lll-J OOMl'ANV , Ulip Host ArtlHis of ISuropo Itnmlctl T'oKPthor In tliu Orirnnlzatloii When Henry U. Abhoy , the great 1m- prossario , determined to bring Mme Pattl bncirfor another tour in this country , ho was at first undectdod whether to present lior In concert or grand opera The latter contemplated enormous expanse nnd big risks , but his faith In the American people und ilioir well Known liberality toward on * tcrpriscs that moot their taste was so front that bo llnally decided to sccuro n com - -iuny , comprising artists of the highest repu tation aud glvo opera on a grander scale than wus over before known this side the At- K lantic J BL-ler vUiUi that idea In view , bo sent his trusted * H ngcuts abroad authorlzod'to cngago the best f B slngars of Europe aud offer such M terms 'as oulu induce them to K , neenpt Mme Adellnn l'attl was already H under the contract , but It was doomed nocos- 1 nary lu order to curry out the scheme satis- B , tnotorily to have u tenor of notable fame B Consequently Mr Abbey opened negotiations # M with Tauiugno and succeeded In closing with < him • H With two stars ot this magnitude BK at the head of on organization ' Mr Abbey could not afford to < mV give them uuy other than the finest support , ( consequently ho employed such celebrated JBS artists as Mine Albuul , Mmc , Nordica , Mme IBM FabbrI , Mine Synuorborg Mme Uauur- T B nieiatcr , Mme Voldu , Sig Del Puonto , Big JBJ Ua Vaschutti , Sig Ulelotta , Sig Luelnl and } ethers of equal renown The chorus was ! secured.In Milan , the ballot lu London and H the orchestra iu Now York No such com ( bluntlon of musical talent was ever ] before transported through any country , imv Its knowledge ot grand opera Is bo thorough , ! its ludlvlduul and collective ability so Btrong , / that after having bceu brought together MS from all parts of thu old world ono rehearsal tBS of "Homoo and Juliet was doomed suftl- -XAmt to open the Auditorium at Chicago j B ' * i"hat Mr Abbeys ventura has thus fSB ( fur proved a succosb is unques \BB iioned It is now safe to predict y fl that the two entertainments bora will bring \jm iu at least IIB.000 , aud possibly tiOWO Tafl The comuanr numbers about two hundred jjH people It travels ia a special train of twelve i TBI curs and carries enough wardrobe to pro Jvfl Uuco no less than a dozen operas Mme jnV 1'attl travels In u special palace car boariug 9VB her came It Is a perfect palace on wheels BV ilotldes this there are two of Pullmans / finest fclocpors for thn principals , two tourist j B sleepers for the chorus , orchestra and ballot , t B two hotel cars , ouo day coach aud four bag SB gngo cars , 2H * A MAKUli UK llllUUlll aH Suuli lias Ilcen tlio Journey of tiio i H l'attl Uporn Troupe . H Wr , Marcus Mayer , the advance agent ot j B the Pattl Opera troupe , when here recently wB tpokoas follows uoucerning the croat aud * unparalleled triumphal tour of that great JH | ortMoltatlpn : ] -g" Chlcugo , where wo opened the Aud- JAVVr itorlum " he said the , , receipts were $230 , " 'Tv V 000 for eighteen ( > erformaneot t went to i V M Mexico to pave the way for the com | BB lag of the company There our prions ; l B were 1150 for tbo season of { _ JIftocn performances und $1'J for sluglo 1 scats There is an unwritten law In Mexico that/a manager cannot soil his whole bouse to soasoo patrons ; ho must save bo mo seats for these who cannot afford or do not dcslro to witness every performance The governor , howovcr , was n friend of mine , und raised the embargo to such an ex tent that 1 wns allowed to soil almost every thing for the scasou , U o gave six extra per formances in Mexico , maKlng twentv-ono In nil , ana our receipts were J2'J5,000 in cold The company bad a tremendous ropcrtoiro now embracing twenty operas Patti did nothing now except "Homoo and Juliet , " but una will sing "Lukmo" during the return engneoment In Chicago "Wo lind only ono mishap with our train of thirteen cars At the junction of the Moxicsno Intornacionula and the Mexlcano Centralo an Iron bridge UJ ) foot long , about twelve mtlos nbovo Torroon broke down and our train was delayed thirty-six hours , so that wo arrived in Mexico on the 10th in * stead of the Olh of January and opened on the llth to a ? in,0l)0 ) liouso Tnmagno's William Tell proved n phouomcnal success , at it has done evervwberc "In Snn franclsco , in splto of the depressed - pressed feelings of the pnoplo , cnusod by the jummial snow und Hoods , lho company lias done remarkably uoll I am nn ola Call , - fornlnn , nnd I never saw such wcatbor as they have had there Thcro were days when not oven suburban trains could leave , and I felt very much atrnid of the result of the season , Hut in splto of all we had nn ad vance season snlo or $27,000 , and when the company reached the city ivo hnd iCO.OOO in bunk representing the season sale , and that of the llrst week The receipts of the first week were over $50,000. The company goes from here to Loulsvillo for six performances on u certainty , nnd then to Chicago , where Pattl will sing three times and Tamngno thrco times Boston will follow , with ton performances , begin ning March 10 , nnd on Mnrch 24 the com pany will begin an cnimgomont In New York , which will Include sixteen perform ances Durimrthc New York scaton the company will sing two nights in Philadel phia " PATTl'S DiitUT L > OMAHA The Former YIhIIb of the Diva to Tliln City On Thursday , April 3 , 18SI , a special train having on board Maplcsou's "Ilor Majesty's Opera company urrived In Omaha from Snn Francisco nt 7:30 : p. m. The train consisted of three baggage cars , thrco coaches and four Blcopcis The thrco sleepers were "La Travmtu , " "La Somnambula , " both Mann boudoir cars , the "Lycoming" of the Hannibal & St Joe railway nnd tbo Mann boudoir car "Adellnn PnttU" These boudoir car * were fitted up In the most suuorb stvle then known in sleeping cur architecture , aud very llttlo behind the finest cars of todny They were supplied with all the appliances for sleeping , entinc , cookine and the tollut , nnd wore occupied by the high-priced members of the company lho "Adeliua Pattl" was occupied by the renowned songstress nnd her husband , Sig ner Nicolini , aud Mr M. H. Do Young , proprietor of the San Prancisco Chronicle , accompanied by his wife , on a plcasuro trip to Europe As the train rolled into the depot a curious crowd gathered around it all having iu vlow the same purpose , to catch a glimpse of the leadimr stars , Adeliua Patti and Madame Gcrstcr I The greatest attraction wasyMmo Patti'B I I car , in which the partv was seated at dinner I The curtains und blinds were drawn In such a manner as to permit the gathered crowd to fully inspect the Interior of the palatial car , aud every mouthful eaten by the great singer was watched with tbo most intense Interest The leading pcoplo of the company , with the exception of Patti and her party , left the cars and sought rest in the hotels The chorus girls of the party curled tbemsolvcs up on the seats of the coaches and passed tbo night there After quiet had settled down upon the scene Mme Patti was called upon in her car by a reporter , who wub shown through the magnificent palace The car was built especially for bnr and cost 105,000. It was a inugnificent conch The curtains were of ho ivy damask silk The walls and ceilinc were covered with gilded leather tapestry The lamps were rolled gold Paul's boudoir , iu point of elcganco Burpassod anything ever before constructed for travolieg purposes The furnlturo throughout was covered with silk ot the most costly and elegant mat or ml A grand piano was one of tbo appoint ments , tbo casing of which was of costly wood , beautifully carved , and cost $2,500. vTho instrument hud ship sprincs which caused it to remain constantly balanced , thus doing away wltn the necessity of frcquont tuning Tbo walls were hung with valuable plcturos , two of which cost § J,000 each , und were from the eaBols of famous Italian artists Jn this fashion did Mme Patti mnko her entry Into Omaha Mme Pattl spoke in tones of unbounded pruiso of her trip to California and her trentraont In San Francisco , where she re ceived a grand ovation Jewels , valuable vases and costly presents of all kinds were showered upon her F.uch time she sang the stage was heaped with bcautllul bouquets and Iloral decorations of every de scription Upon her last appearance she was presented with a floral olforing ton feet iu length and six foot wide At this porfornianca the pcoplo were unable to got into the bouse and between two and thrco oundrod passed through the roar and secreted themselves under the stage In a moment of ecstasy they cheered and were discovered In Salt Luke City Pattl sang to an audience of ever ia.000 parsons In the Mormon tnbornaclc , both Mormons nnd Gen tiles vlolng with each other to do her homage Ono of Mme Paul's constant companions at that time was blnr world renowned " parrot , wmoh wns a very kuow- ing bird und afforded a great deal of amusement to the party That evening us Mme Pattl and her hus band strolled up Tenth strcot in the moon light her attention wus attracted by the musiu of a German chorus suiig by sturdy male voices coming from Tumor hall It was the Munnorchor sincing socloty rehearsing - hearsing for a concert goon to bo given Pattl stopped an tbo sldowulk for fully five minutes listening und seemed to bo highly ontortaiaod judging fromher complimentary remarks The next duy was wnrm aad balmy , and tbo minor imembora of the company were often seen on the streets , Jind their foreign dress and maunor attracted considerable attention tontion , Mmc Pattl and Signer Nlcollui remained in their car until 8 o'clock , when a currlago containing Mr 13. llosowator and General Gibbon , then department commander ot the l'latto , drove un to the depot and were joined by the distinguished artistB It was intended to drive to the barracks but owing to the muddy condition of the roads tbo idea was abandoned However , the party visited Hanscom park and several other plncos of interest Mme Patti expressed bersolf as much pleusod * The trees in the park were just taking on tholr Bprlng verdure , the ten der green of the grass , tbo sunshine und balmy air and thosong of tbo bluebirds as the llittcd among the treeslent oncuantment to the hour Mme Patti had never before soon the American bluebird and admired It greatly ; iu fan , since the time she first vis ited this city to speak of Omaha wus Buro to bring to her llpj a word of admiration for the beautiful birds alio saw In the park on that spring day Late in the evening a private supper wus given at the Paxton hotel , attended by Mme Pattl , Signor NIcoltnl Mr E. llosewater and Couut Zaoharoff , and about 11 o'clock Pattl and her husband were drivoa to their private car at the depot in 1SS7 the diva again visited Omaha Ne gotiations bad beou pending oeiweon Mr Max Meyer aud Henry M , Abbey , agent , to give the people of Omaha an opportunity to hear her alng Paul's manager asked a guarantee of fS.000 for ono concert After an effort to raise this amount It was decided that it was greater than Omuha felt disposed to offer for the attraction Tbo tdoa of renting the exposition building wastnon suggested The proposition was accepted and the ball was rented at the usual rates Later a programme was arranged of the best coucert mombursln addition to the third uot of "Semirauilde , " and the scale of ad mission determined us follovvr , SI , $ - ? , f3 and Si , according to location , Bomo of the best seats in.tbo gallery bringing * 3. On Satur day morning , February IU , the sale ot scuts commenced at the Exposition huildlug und wus a most exciting struggle for place , Two hundroa and ilfty people were in line , many pf whom were speculators It was de- elded at first to sell ouly ton tickets to ono person , but tbo rule was soou broken ana blocks of as bleu us forty tickets were soon being sold Shortly after 3 o'clock tbo sale closed , between J7.000 nnd J3.O0O worth of tickets being disposed of l'attl nrrlvcd In Omuha on robrunry 23 , in bor magnificent train , which Included the car Adellnn Pnttl in which lho diva made her first visit to Omaha In the Pullman car Ancborla were tbo great singers main suppers , Mme Scllalchl nnd husband , Count Lolli ; Sig Ontlnssl , Sig Novnri , Sig Ardltl , Sig Corsl , Sig Migiglnri , Sig MorinI , iNii'olini'n prlvnto Rocrctory ; Sig Saplo nndC 11. Mathews , the manager A largo number of ladles aad gentlemen were enthercd nt the depot to greet Mme Pnttl It was the anniversary of the birth of Sig Nicolini nnd in commemoration of the ovnnt Mme Pnttl decided to , dine In her traveling home , so the spectators wore dis appointed in not catching a gllmpso of bcr nt they expected Mmc Pnttl reached the Mlllnrd latoln tbo evening , where a sultoot Bovcrat rooms hnd been especially prepared tor her , being newly carpeted and furnished nt great ex- petno The night of the concert the Imposition was flllod frdm wall to wall with the lavgost nudlenco that had heard l'attl during that season , Among the auditors were the leaders of fashion , and loveri of musio in every clnss Ladies hats were tabooed , and full dross was lnrgolv the rule Ono hour was occupied in seating the immense gathering , and nt S'J0 : precisely a llttlo man with n bald head raised hii baton and the first notes of the orchestra floated ever the heads of the audlenco It was Signor Ardltl > Vhon the dnlntv trim : figure of Patti stepped upon tbo platform the Blorui of ap plnuso that broke forth wns enough to con vince anyone thntfsho hnd captured thenudl- onccjboforo she had sung a nolo When the oponlng demonstration had subsided the diva began with a selection from Lucia in which she displayed all the rlcnucss and brilliancy of voice that has made her famous After the selection the storm of applause was so torrlllo that the diva could not ignore it and gracionsly rcponded with a well known Scotch ballad JIcr success was Im mediate nnd great The paoplo of Omaha had never hoard collectively so great n musical event lho woric ot the company wns superb nil the way through The orchostrntion was grand , nnd under the conductorship of the veteran Ardltl was onoof the cliiof pleasures of thu evening , l'attl herself was resplendent with Jewels nnd decorations , the most noticeable a mnsslvo cluster of diamonds ncuily two Inches in diameter , the gift of lho late em peror of the French , nlao n cluster of lnrger atones presented to her by the Empress Eugenie She also were decorations given by all the potentates of Europe uicliidinr ono from Uio late Cznr Alexander of Russia nnd one from King Kaluknun The city wus thronged with ucoplo from abroad who had como to Oninuu to hear Pnttl All the principal hotels were crowded while numbers of privnto houses sheltered friends from outside towns who hnd como to Omaha to enjoy the concert Anions thu many distinguished people who were present were the following : Governor and Mrs Thayer , General J. S. llrisoin , General and Mrs Crook , General and Mrs IJrcck , Colonel nnd Mrs Henry , Mr nnd Mrs John M. Thurston , General nnd Mrs Cowin , Mr and Mrs Frank ColpetzsrV. . N. Hancock , W. A. Paxton and many ether prominent people fATTl IN "LA Tit AVI ATA " The Great Divas Aiinunrnnco in Now Tork In 1S84. The following is an extract from Now York editorial correspondence which ao- pcarod In Tun Hue , December 15 , 1834 : New Yoiik , Dec 9 , 1881. " * • * The Acadomv ot Musio was crowded Friday night with a fasbionnble audience on the oc casion of Adollnn Patti'B nppearanco in Verdi's opera , "La Tiaviata " Pnssing down the central aisle of the parquotto a few minutes after 8 I beheld a spectuclo of daz zling Bplocdor lho vast and brilliantly lighted auditorium with its regal decorations was rcsplondantwith the wealth , bcauty.and benton of Now York A'ain-glorious , pom pous Bhoddyocracy was there dcelcod in most gorceous toggery There was a fair sprink ling of that less imposing of Now York so- ciotywhioh exhibits hotter breeding and higher culture of indulging la less extrava gance in dress The black drcBa suit with low-cut pilot and white cravat was predom inant among a majority of thomule audience Only a few dudes made themselves conspic uous by their loud flummery The np parol and fixtures ot the ladies were de cidedly striking and flashy Velvets , satins , laces , ribbons and iloworsr- both natural and artificial of ovary Bhudo and huu in distracting profusion The display of costly jewels was simply stun ning The twenty four boxes ranged tbreo tiers wide and four tiers high on each side of the stuge , were all occupied The two lower tiora were for the most part monopo lized by the millionaire edd fish and muek- niel snoboeruuy , for which Now , York Is famous What specimens ot vanity and vul garity those Amorloan npos ' , bf nobility uro I \Vhutover may have boon the makeup , color or quality of the princolv Parisian costumes worn by the robust und cudavorous com pound of fomlnlno indelicacy that occupied these boxes , nothing was visible to the audi ence below except the bopowdored and beJeweled - Jeweled ousts with tholr liberal display.of the fountains of motherly love Hero und there glimpses ot I. .00 , presumably part of n name , less garment , were exposed in order to enable - able the owner to exhibit strings of glitter ing diamonds that were nttachod The curtain had already risen when I on- tcred and Pattl , radiant with smllos , su perbly clad in olognnt robes , ornnmentod with flowers , her quconlj nock blazing with I diamonds , wus the oonter of a guyiy dressed group that made her appear like a lustrous pearl set in a cluster of rubies aud emeralds Sbo sang ns no otbor mortal can sing , and acted with rarouprcrnirporfcctton which justly enti " tles iher to ruuk among the greatest living actors I hadscou "Travlatu" und Camilla , " us counterpart , played by famous actors at various times uuu places , but never had I seonViolettn or Camlllo personified with such passionate yet natural iutonslty of fool ing Although her support was in many wuys defective , nnd Alfredo , who plays the role of Violetta's lever and was carried oft tne stage in a gonulno fainting fit , Madame Patti sustained the play throughout by bor masterly tact and her almost superhuman oxortlons , which elicited frequontand hearty applause Spoil-bound from first to last by the profound emotion , Intense passion nnd • loop pathos of Pattl's porsonatioa of Vie lotta , I was literally moro impressed with her murvnloua dramatic power than her enchanting vocalization , which eminent musical critics all the world ever pronounce absolutely perfect 1'ATII OFl" THE BTJlOK Next day I called at tbo Windsor hotel to renew the agreeable acquaintabco formed during Madame Paul's crlof stay at Omahu last April on her return from California "I am so glad you have called , " exclaimed Patti , as she extended both her hands in her vivacious and fnscinatlng maunor ; "I shall not forgot Omaha Wo had such a dolicht- ful tlmo ia your city , and I always remem ber with plcasuro how wo roamed around the place Your magnificent hotel , that eloctrio light factory , tbo park and those lovoly-bluo birds Do you remember , Ernest , " turning to Mods Nicolini who had also received me most cordially , they were not sparrows , but real blue birds with such beautiful feat hers What a splendid time wo did have I I llko Omaha and should like to sing there oncu this wlutcr " " 1 hope you will piny In some opera that will enable our pcoplo not ouly to1"hear yqu sing but see you ucllug , " said I , for after seeing you in Truviatu' I rocurdj'our act iug uluiost us excellent as your song You must have boon oxbnusted of tor such An of fort , you were so torrlhly lu earnest I no ticed big tear drops trickling down your cheek * during one of the acts , " Madam was completely uronon down Inst night und did not tuko a morsel after return , lag from the opera , " said Paul's secretary , Mono " 'La Travlatu' Levelly , always does uffect bor deeply She sheds real tears and fouls as wretched ns it the play was a sol emn and sad reality " "I had more than ray usual part to play last night , " said Pattl smiling Alfredo , my lover , wan unwell and iu ono scene had a tainting spell , so 1 hud not only to do most of the loyo-mak ug , fondlini ; aud pressing ; out to fill out his part as wall as that ot the absent minded actors who failed to keep up " "Turnlui' from the sublime to tbo ridicu lous , " said Paul , there was an iuciilont In tbo play last uight that does not appear in the libretto You raraember ths scene when Atfrudo throws down the money at my feet and in the excess of posslauato grief and anger I faint away on the sofu Juqtutlhut moment thu man who lmper ouutea the baron whispered to mo , " * Oon't faint too hard , luadame ; dent make it too sorlom ' " 'What's the matter ! ' said 1 , In Italian " " ' .Madarao , I saw the boaltoday ' " What boatl' ' 1 saw Uio Orcgonlan , the ship In which wo oamo over'from Europe last , nnd wo must try nndgicyjback on that boat next spring ' "Wasn't that ludicrous ! " exclaimed I ttl , laughing But I kept astraight face and neither you nor nnybody"olso tn the nudl- once noticed thnt Interpolation In the play " . What a magnificent sot of diamonds you hnd on lost night , tnadain/MlWas t oxtrnv- ncant when 1 guessed they were worth over ? 25,000l" ' " Indeed you were noli olThcro were eleven strings of large diajponds tn the nocklnco and my diamond bracelets'and car rings nro of great value . . How much , " turning to Nicolini nud Lavolly "do you reckon them worthl" * ' * You hnd on your ncck , < nrms nnd cars ever $3X > ,0U0 in diamonds nnd Jewels , " said Mr Levelly This is stupendous Are you not nfraid of being kidnapped by some darlug rob bersl" "No danger , " said Pattl "I am well guarded off and on the stage , and wo dent keep the jawolry nt thu hotel , f nlwnys hnvo it securely dcposltod at Tiffanys " * * * E. It Sttislcal mitt Dramatic Notes , The now opera of the popular Uostomans will bo received with the same enthusiasm hero as they have been throughout the entire country Their success Is the moro grati fying nn both Don Quixote nnd "Luzetto" nro the works of American composers Don Quixote ' was composed by Ko iuald do Kovon of Chicago and the llbrotto by Harry Smith , also ot the same city In Boston , where the opera was produced by the Hos- toniaus , there were sixteen encores the llrst night and the opera was an Immense suc cess The opera has made such a pro nounced hit in Amoricn that the English rights have boon sold to thu Prince of Wales theater , London , and the llostonians will produce It for a lonir run in Chicago on their return from Cali fornia in May , linrnnbeo ns the Don and Frotblnghum as Snnco Panzn have two of the greatest of comedy roles nnu they have made pronounced hits in them "Suzctto" is ono of the brightest of comedy operas , and in the tltlo role Mnrio Stone has made a most pronounced success , Jesse liartlctt Davis is charming in the role oT the Mar chloucss and MaoDonnld and Holt pluy the Marquis and the peasant lover to perfection At the Grnnd this evening Pat Koonoy will In " ' Now W " nppear "P.nt's ardrobo Sev eral now specialties und songs will bo Intro duced , und Mr ltoouoy himself will glvo huyernl now imitations As the house will be crowded without a doubt it will bo ad visable to secure scats In advance , thus avoiding a certain rush at the door , The Messiah rehearsal tspestponod this week from Monday until Wodncsday even ing , owing to the Italian operatic perform ance Tbo patrons of tbo Eden museo will bo treated to a startling entertainment during the coming week , Tno Jones trairody will bo preseutud with all its details and vivid descriptions ot alt the Bconcs und incidents of that lernblo nffulr For the last two weeks Manager Lawlcr has been hard at work with a staff of artists and corps ot as- s'stants preparing the attraction At nn enormous expense the woric has been com pleted Artists have examined the Pinnoy lnrm and visited It dnijy , In order to muko the excellent sketch of the place which will be presented at the Eden Musoo during tbo coming week , bo perfect indeed is this sketch that it is bo- Ilaved tbo authorities will request the use of It ut the coming trial of the accused man T'lio exhibition at the Eden Musco will bo llko aud real In tbo background will bo stretched the great canvass views of the Pinnoy farm wnoro the mhraor was com mitted The hay Btack under which the bodies of tbo murdered people lay has been secured nnd will bo on exhibition The clothing which the unfortunate couple were at the time of the cruel murder will bo shown In the foreground will appear the wux figures of the murdered couple as well as of Neal , the suspect The exhibit will consist of many relics of tbo * PJunoy farm , some of which are yet unknown to the au thorities and may proyo cjf .vnet service in bringing ' to justice the guilty person or persons Air Lawlor has devoted much time and lubor on this matter He bos worked with such vigor nnd success that ho expects County Attorney Mahonay nnd other au thorities to bo astounded by tbo light which this exhibit shall throw on the tragedy at the Pinnoy farm Mr Lawlor has worked this-up for the benefit ot tils patrons , but bo will cheerfully turn ever the evidence ho has accumulated to lho authorities after this wcok It Is expected that this attraction will astound all who see it Wbilo the great tragedy is shrouded In mystery these who visit the Eden museo will not bo at a loss to place the guilt where it properly bo- lotics , The exhibition will bo moro than realistic It will bo the most startling and sensational exhibit ever offered to the eco plo At n tlmo when information is wanted on a great crime the Eden musoo offers a solution to the mystery This will oo the greatest week the Endon musoo has over enjoyed IT WAS NOT A LlHEb A Verdict for rho Dof'cnso in LUJu'rf Suit Against Tliu Her The jury la the libel suit of Edward Lilja against 1 he Uee returned a vordictfor the defendant in Judge Doano's'court yesterday The enso , as has been stated , was an action for libel and $ T ,000 damages brought by Lilja as ! a result of the publication by Tun Hnu of a brief item iu its police court news in October , 1883. " The case was given to the jury at n late hour Friday afternoon nnd a sealed ver dict returned Friday night for the defendant In his Instructions to the jury Judge Doano defined the rights ot a newspaper in the matter of publishing nubile records aud court proceedings The Instructions are herewith presented In brief : The defendant admits the publication of the orticlo complained of but claims It wus published as a news Item and without any malice or IU will toward lho plaintiff und al leges that a complaint had been mudo in police court against the plaintiff aud a war runt issued for his arrest The jury is instructed : 1. That the defendant , ns a newspaper , had the right to publish as a matter of news tbo proceedings occurring in the public courts , or such matters ub may appear In tbo public rocoras provided the same is pub lished in creed faith and without xnallco and for a publication made under such circum stances the publisher ot a newspaper will not bo liublo to an action for damages H. It the defendant went beyond what ap peared in or was shown from the court rec ords or proceedings then the defendant would bo liable t 3. If the publication was pf the character denominated by law as libejlpps per so then malice is presumed from tbp.publlcatiou and need not bo proved If , ho\V6yor , such pub lication is not libelous per Jo , then it de volves upon the plaintiff'to roof malice on the part or the defendant , and the absence of such proof of malice -no recovery can be had i } 0 4. The publication compnrcil ) | of Is not libellous per so , excout that part of it which charges the compluint ngautiho plaintiff In police court , and the issuUnto of a warrant theroagainst him , nnd us that was a matter of public record , and is shown to have been true , no duinagu can be awarded for such publication , unless you tlndifrora ull the evi dence that the publicitio/i fuuis maliciously made , . , . „ B. Jf you ahnllflnd that the publication was made without malice and bow faith , your verdict - dict will ba for the aofondniii If , however , from the testimony , you flnA'that ' the publi cation was muliclously made you will return Biieh damages as you may find the plaintiff has sustained by reason ot the publication In assessing damages to IhuplaintllT you will courlne yourselves to such damuges ns the plaiutiff may have suffered In his good name and roputatlon by reason of having been brought into public scandal and disrepute by reason ot the publication complained of , nuiivrrius Itev Dr Duryoa or this city bat be ' on elected president of the Long Pine Chautau qua ,11 , , is reported that Trod Nyp will in a week or two start u weekly paper Topics It will be issued Saturdays with illustrations , Dent fail to hear Mother Geese at Washington hall , March 7 und 8. Henollt of Woman's Exchange The experiment which ono of our Isidlne dry gooJs merchants has made Jnkeeplug ! < mi i i _ iii _ iii i iiiiiim i rgi THE JONES TRAGEDY HAS MANAGER EAWLEB , SOLVED THE MYSTERY ? A Great Scoop ! Important facts brought to light by a stroke of enterprise1 Who killed Allan and Dorothy Jones ? The guilty parties will soon be known ! The gal lows already creaks in anticipation of its righteous purpose ! Eden ZMZuLtsee 11th and Farnam WEEK OF MAKOII 3rd The most startling and sensational attraction ever presented in a. place of amuse ment TO THE PUBLIC : At great expense and trouble we present an attraction this week which at this mo ment is doubly pertinent That tve have a surprise in store lor many people we will not deny On the _ contrary , we expect the name of the Eden Musee to be in the mouth of every one interested in the Pinncy Farm Tragedy We expect to surprise all Nebraska with this attraction When avc are through with it the authorities are welcome to the fruits of our efforts EDEN MUSEE CO REALISTIC , - STARTLING - REVELATIONS ! THE GREAT CRIME AT THE PINNEY FARM 1 MJAl , , TUB } SUSIMXT The only perfect Wax Figure S N ATI AN JUJSIliD ? T ! ever presented to the public , - \ showing the Suspect , ( | 3 \ \ DOROm J0NES ! NEAL JO , ) ryp\S ' In perfect wax Some startling True to life and exactly as Q/i\\ scenes ! Some striking real fins : § \yfr \ isms ! WHERE THE OLD FOLKS DIED A kind old man An ungrateful guest Evening in the barnyard The wife ' s alarm - A cowards shot The old mans llight Shot in the back A brutal villain A silent witness You are a murderer " A midnight vigil The man at the gate A startled xotintryman MURDER WILL OUT Some startling scenes A SCRAP OF PAPER Some interesting relics This startling exhibition will be opened Monday at i clock p. m. and remain during the week CAPTAIN CONSTANTDSTIUS This marvelous man , long the great feature in Barnam ' s show , will be on exhibition this week only He is the wonder of the world THE TATTOOED GREEK „ -G6 and see him and learn the story of his tragic life 7 MammotrT'Exhibition Departments 7 2 Companies in 2 Theatres 2 One Dime Admits to All NOTE The Eden Musee Is at all times orderly , and ladies may attend without escort , being , , , guaranteed absolute protection OUSTS PX3VCE .A-IDIMIITS TOAJEilL , TWO PERFORMANCES Y 11115 Grand Italian Opera Company Under the Direction of Jlcsara , AblJoy & Qrnu , ' MADAME FRANCESCO TAMANOO , AND A COMPANY OF BENOWNED ARTISTS Monday Evening March 3 , Verdi's Subllmo Clrond Opera , In four acts , IL TROVATORE RIG lTItANCJUSCO TAMAC5NO AS MANRlCO MME , LILLIAN NOUD1CA AS . . . . .LlCONOHA TUESDAY AFTERNOON , MARH 4 PATTI MATINEE ; M which will be presented llosslnl'a IleautlMI Opera , the Barber of Seville MME , ADELINA PATTI AS ROSINA Grand Chorus and Ballet Orciiestra of Sixly , CONUUCTUlt , B1Q , HOMU1.ADO BAIlO Inquiries should bo addressed to BOYD & IIAYNKS Locul Managers for Pnttl Engitgomont Omaha , Neb , llenerveil afate are now on Hilout the box ollice or Iloyd's Opern House The sale ot neneral udmlt > falou tkki'ts will coimnencu ut V a'clock Mouduy montlnif ut tuo box olllie of lloyd'd Opera IIoiihh , J'UIUKStl. . " \ JJ.50 nud Kva aeiierul udmluslon , flOO his store closed ou Saturday nights for mouths past bus demonstrated tliu wisdom at well as the justice of the move Tlio sales of this progressive merchant have not fallen off in the agcrpKuto aud his employes have had tbo benellt pf his liberal policy From S in the morning till 0 in the evening is a prood days work for any man or womuo If other retail dry coeds houses would act in concert aud do liuevviso tboy will lose no truao nnd , coufer a boon to their clerks A petticoat pf chimKoablo silk , with plnUod rullles around tliu bottom , uiado to ilt snugly oypr the , hips , by being shirred several inches below the waist line and huv- lnc several drawing strings of rarrow ribbon run in , is a late fashionable novelty for la- dies Fulness it given it by several steels which go oil tbo way around it , sett tag lho dros9 equally in front and behind It is u tnodcruio aud modest sort of a hoopikirt.but is an advance speclmon of what is to follow later on That honpskirts are again to bo worn eceins to have been dooided on la fash * ionablo circles Colored sateen quilts , with a largo spray of Mowers worked in crqwol Btllcii with white nourishing thread , and edged with a frill of ecru lace about a nuartur of a yard wldo are capital , aud quickly made , They look well If lluod with white sateen , turned over at tie top and at ono of tlio lower cor ners , purposely left unworked Floweied urt muslin , with a gathered frill ottbo same , erctonno in tbo same style , satin sheetinir with deep ball fringe , are all popular quilts of the duy Thursuuy Friduy und SuluriiayMurchO 7 and 8 , and Saturday Matinee , Special I'ng.igement of THE FAMOUS BOSTflS ENGLISH OPERA TOM KARL , H.C.UARNABEU anil VV nTMiroDOrfAIjD-Proprielora-tind Milliliters lini'isiaontiir TiniltSIJAVKVKNINO . . lion Quixote ( Now ) I'ltlDAV KVKN'INtl huzetto " New ) SATMIIDAY UVK . . "Pygmalionand Ualutoa" AKTISTS ASSOCIATED As the HOSTONIANS SOPRANOS MAHIUSTOKR , JlII.lKTrR ( lOItlAN , OA IU.OTTA M ACONDA CONTRALTOS JESBIK ! 1AITIKTT ! DAVIS JOSIil'lIINH HAUTUITT .FLOltAPlKLAYiSON TENORS TOM ICA UU HIWJ N W. IIOlP BARITONES AND BASSOS W. 11. MAOnONAI.0. JI a IlAItrtAllKB latlJD DIXON HIIO UNI ! OOWLKS ( IBOKOB H. FltOTHINOHAM Cotnploto Qhorus nud Orchestra Now and Beautiful Costumes Musical DIrector B. L. STUOI.KY btnso Director , l'ltlll ) DIXON J'ltlCIIH Parquet and Parquet Circle , $ U)0j IlaUony tl.UJs ( loiibral Admission To amltl.Wi Oullury-V % The sale ot seats will commence Wedutuay morning , This Sunday Xlglil Itlui'cli It The Only and Original PAT ROONEY SUPPORTED BY HIS COMPANY of COMEDIANS INCLUDING MISS KATIE BOONE Y AND THE FAMOUS Quaker City QUARTETTE Protontlng tlio Laufflilng Success Pats ' New Wardrobe Secure scnts at once und avoid the rush at the door Box oilico now open