Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1890, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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    ! ? TTTF ] OMATTA DATfiV 1VTCTC : SUNT ) AY TUAttfJTT 2. 1 -STXTTBlilN" " PAfJRS i
A Largo and EnthuBiaatlo Mooting
Hold at Suporlor
_ _ _ _ _
1 bnino Itottxlnc tpcnolios viatic In
1'aiiir or the I Inr iIimIko
Onilln Annulled Ity
S n ljiuvjtr
All KlllllllslnMlO MoctlniT
SiPFHioii , Ncli , March 1 [ Special
Telegram to Tub 111 1 1 A largo nnd ont
thuslustlc meeting in tbo Interest of the
Omalin , faupcrior X Southwestern road uas
bold hero Inst evening , In which dclogntlotia
of the boards of trtdo of Lincoln , Omaha ,
rrcmont nnd Superior , Neb , nnd dolcgn
tlonn from Cnwkcr Cltj , ManKnto O3bornc ,
Ionn nnd Downs , Kan , pirticlpatcd lion
C K Adams was iMinlrmnn nnd Ldvvin J ,
Murlln secretary The Kansas delegates
gates presented n carefully tabulated
statotnont of the products of Kansas
Hon Huclln Martin , Secretary Nason nnd
T J O'Connor of Omaha President It II
( Oakloj nnd Socrotnry A Atkins of the Linh
1J coin bourd of trade nnd I II iMcClav , prosl-
J dent of the Lincoln real cstnto exchange ,
nnd 13 N Murso of the Fremont board of
trade set forth .he commciclul ndvautnges
of tholr respective titles
ludgo Clark A Smith of Cnwkor City ,
Kan , staled tnat the pcoplo of northern
Kansas wanted an outlet to the markets
of Omaba nnd Lincoln and n
short route to Chicago , that peed
subsidlos could booted , that their only
market now was Kunsas City except bj n
long haul to Chicago nnd St Louis Hint
Chicago had boon their principal markoffor
their llvo stock ; that tliov had a line coun
try , lortilo In its character nnd rlpo for the
1 road , that they would promises Lincoln mm
Omaha a good passenger and freight traffic
It , It Hays of Osborno county said that ho
wanted an outlet to Chicago via Omaha , that
four of the counties on the line could not bo
surpassed In the Rtnto for products nnd live
stook nnd would do anything In their power
to extend their commercial Interests with
Nebraska , that they could not shin their
products because they did not have adequate
railway facilities , that the pcoplo of Kunsas
. wanted the Northwestern railroad and must
have it
Hon G S Bishop pf Manlcato Kan , nlso
strongly urircd the united efforts of ttio
Lincoln und Omaha boirds of trade to sot
euro thorn a Nebraska market nnd short
line to the east
Ex Congressman Lewis limbeck nf Kin
sns said that while Knnsus hnd no intluonco
with railroads they hnd a rich territory nnd
only ono way of gating out of It , that on
the line there vvoro 1 % 000 000 bushels of
corn In their county waiting for shipment
and cars could not bo got to ship in ,
I that they wanted to ) , o to the worlds fair
at Chicago via Lincoln nnd Omaha and that
they Intended to ( , o that way or not at all
b h tbat thoj could vote line 3ubsl lies all along
H tbo line Articles of the Omnhn , Superior &
_ H | Southern rnilway ( ompinv were prepared
_ _ ! nnd signed Tbo incorporators are Jiuncn
MI btophonson of Omaha J II McCoj of Lin-
Hp cola , r I1 Dennett of Superior , Neb , It , IL
M\ \ Hays , Osborno , Clark * A Smith nnd II
I D Wooobury Caw Iter City , S
_ | V C Bowles Manlcato , F L Hound , Ionia
_ Ht Kan The line runs from the Kansas line
_ ( near Superior , Neb , through Jewell Smith
j Bt Osborne , Mitchell , Russell , Ellis , Rush
H M Pnwnoo , Ness , Hodgeman and Ford
_ H i * ' counties , Kansas ton line in Ford count } ,
Tbo principal place of business is Cawbcr
City , Kan Capital $4,000,000 lhis road Is
H almost an assured success
fl A Lnwyr-r Iforirr-ts llim > rir
M Hastings , Neb , March 1. [ Special Tole-
M gram to Tub Ufe | A sensational stcne 1
M was enacted at a lata hour last evening ut n '
H law ofllcc Judge Gaslln of this district ivas
H trying a case at Chambers , when u promt
M nqnt member of the Hastings bar , who had
M taken oxcrptions to the judges decision , in 1
M the height ot passion struck him a ttrrillc
M blow ovci the left eve The attorney drew
M back and in 11 tragic manner romanced "It
H wai iiotlwho hit jou judge that's what \
H done It , " pointing tu a half lilted whislcy
H flask ho had in the meantime drawn from 1
H nis pocket The Juugods laid up for ropilrs 1
M nt his rooms this morning His loft ova Is 1
H clothed in mourning It has bcon the sensa
H tiun of the day and ninj tcsult in the ( lis
H harment or fining of 1 number of attorno\
H Gaslln is ono of the oldest district judges in 1
H the state
H II10 lifliij 1 1110 Oil ititimqiiii
M Lone Pisl , Neb , March 1 [ Special to
B Tub Uef ] At n mooting of tbo directors of
H * the Long Pine hold recently
H Dr J. 1. Durvca pastor of the Tirst Con
H grogutlonal church of Omaha , was elected I
H prcstdont for the ensuing year and tbo oftls )
H has boon tendered him and ho has accepted
M Tbo Long Pine Chautauqua has been or
M ganlzcd for nearly four vcars nnd the grow Hi 1
fl of the Institution has boon phenomenal con
M sldorliiK , this bolng 11 spurslj and nowlj set
H tied country It has boon oxtoiiding its
B arms gradually eich jeur until it his tap
B turod all towns east as far as the Missouri \
HH river and Omaha in particular The do
Hi scrlptlon of thuHCjnory along this river has i
! been put 111 rhyme and prose so often that it
Hi Is not ncccssaiy here to try to improve upon 1
Hm the granduor of the pleturo A great main
of the pcoplo who attended the assembly
last j ear rcmuinod after it was over , two or
three weeks camping along the -Ivor , before >
starting homo Ihoso who nro desiring an 1
outing this summer hnd bettor try this
place , where they will find nn olghtcen tnllo i
jiromhindo of the most fosiinuting sconer } ,
Where everything is clean nud of u ri fresh
log coolness in tlio summer , with no mud ,
dust nor mosquitoes which are u pio\alent
factor lu other pretended resorts in the >
nest This is the only large si7cd vood
land spot with these characteristics In
Nebraska nnd which Insures the eompleto
und permaoont success of this Chautauqua
assembly With men it the head of the or-
gauization with the ability and influence of t
Ur Uuryca shows that its tendonoy Is on
ward and upward , so that we pronliosy that
the success of the Long Pine Chautauqua
under his management to bo very flattering \
> indeed It Is the haven of the embryo art
_ 1st and tbo woods hero last summer wore i
of them
f4y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hi Dedication ol I'roiiiont'M Cli ) llnll
! Pklmont , Neb , Mirch 1. ISpecial to
H * " Tub Bbb.1 Promont's now olty hall was
H formally dedicated this afternoon and even '
H Ing 'iho buildiig | was turowu open to our
fl citizens and a gonural invitation citoinled to
H Inspect tbo handsome structure A larco
| number of pcoplo availed themselves of the
M opportunity , lhero U a ioueral pride in tbo
M now hull , since it is a monument marking
M the steady und rauld growth of the city , lo
m I night it was brilliantly lighted from lurrent [
H to foundation , the principal fcaturo this
H ovonlng being thu d ( licatton of the uatv [
H Dpartinonts devoted to hendquurtors for the
H lire dop-irtuiont. fliu suite nf rooms to bo
H used for this purpose ure in the upper storj
H They have boon furnished by private sub
B Boriptlon atacostof utout $750 and nro uu-
H doutitedly the llnost devoted to a Hue pur- .
B pose by any city In tbo west 'i he dedicatory
Bb iirograuuno was un informal 0110 Iho
B apartments were turacd otr to Prosldont
B Loomls , of thu ilro denartment , who , in a
Bb noatspeccn , accepted thorn in bjlialf of iho
Bb liromon Prominent citizens wcro called
BM UP9U uqd uiado appropriate remarks
M lti'airiei llrmllUn
M Ukatiiick , Nub , March 1 ( Spctlal to
M qua Hte J lliHuso of William Miiucer ,
M charged with raPe on the person ot ono Mary
M Barman , In this city nn the night of October
B I IB last , was closed lust night after a two
M I days trial lu thu dUtilet court , und resulted
B I In thehonorablo acquittal of the accused
H Mlko McGinteo and 'lorn Bird , twi crooks '
M arrested some tlmo ugo for tboft , pleaded
[ guilty thU morning In tto district court to
petty lnrconv and were sentenced to pay i >
line ot $100 nnd stiud to mm It ted to the
county jiil until the s.mio Is paid
rwo crooks were captured by tlio police
J' csterday ' nnd In tholr possession was found
n complete set of hurghr tools On thorn was
also found n quintitv of Roods stolen at va
nous during the present week from cloak
rooms nnd display racks In front or stores
Mrs hllziboth Stile of Jiluo Springs wns
jcstcrdiy udjudged insnnobytho bonnl of
lnsanitj commissioners and ordered sent to
the nsjlum at Lincoln Her lnsanitj Is nt-
trtbutnblo to n recent attack of In grlppo and
religious uxcltcmcnt
A Bnil lllurf nt U'Selll ,
O'Nnli , Neb , March 1 | Speclal Tele
gram to Tnr Bff J \ fire broke outlast
evening nbottt mldnUht In the rear of the
store building or T.N J. Hjnov occuplod
ns a geuoral store \ > v \l M bulliin , which
resulted In the destruction of the notion
store of N.Btercd the I lkhorn Vnllov
biink , Dr Connollj's drug store M M. bill *
llvnn's gcncnl store nud the lawnlllcoot
Ctirloion A , Cinton nnd two small olllecs on
tlio north side of Douglas strcot The loss
Is i estlmateJ at S10 000 , Insurance about
flGOO It wis otilj t-i the hardest effort
that the balance of the block was sated 'Iho
cnuso of the Ilro is unknown
A Thiol IMutult Guilty
Gnvi > 1st ami , Neb , March 1 [ Special
Telegram to lur Bi r. 1 Vllllnra Laflln was
arrested toda\ \ charged with stealing $100
from bis room innto at the Kocky Mountain
hotel Seventy dollars wcro found on him
nnd ho plead guilty lit police court to having
stolen the amount ana was bound oter to
the district court In the sum of f40l ) , in do
fault of which bo is In jail I no district
court is in session nnd ho will bo tried the
first ' of next week
An Altiiri on cil Child
NsnnASKA CiTr , Neb , Mnroh 1 [ Special
Telegram to Tap Bfl | List night nn un-
known \ { two-months-old child was loft at n
house of ill fame on Fourth strcot It was
turned over to tbo oflfcors , who ara looking
for its heartless mother
Itocelvmi ; ( < niirftliilut 1011s.
NiomtAiu , Neb , Mnrcb 1 | Special to
The Uff | Hon A L Towlo has been
receiving congratulations from his friends
over his appointment ns reeolvor of the
O'NoIll land oleca
S < 1111 nt 1 ( t in linns
AtmoitA , Neb , Mnrch 1 [ Special Tolo-
gram to Tun Brr J Honrv Thornblll was
today sentenced by ludgo Post to hang Juno
Id . for the murder of William Barritt last
. A lies Jl- > ken
Hastings Neb , March l | Ppoeial Telegram -
gram to The Bun ] W H Buto while
ongagodin moving the old onglno house , had
a leg broken bj the snapDing of a log chain
this afternoon
I'nlloii in ns n 1'nrtnnr
NiomiAitA , Neb , March 1 [ Snoclol
to Inn Bee ] The Niobrara Volley
bank I has taken in as onu of its comp.uiv
Frank Nelson county 1 lork of Knox county
feIlll'S hOKHOtt
He I Hnd Dune Wrnnir but 1\ns Ito
Jnrini (1 nnd Kepoutnni
Wasiustton March 1 At tbo session of
the house committco investigating the
charfees against the civil service commission
toduUeprcsentativo Evart read a telo
tram frqm Commissioner Edgerton sajlng
the charge that Campbell had LHcn out
civil ' service questions was never made
known ' to him ( Ldgerton ) until the evening
bofoio 1 ho wrote the letter to the president
nnd , the reason why it was withheld was
best < known to these who condoned it
Oberly ' had testified the other da\ that Ed
corton > had refused to have anything to do
With the charge against Campbell
Superintendent of the Census Porter said
regarding Shidj's appointment In thu census
ofltco that Itooscvelt c.imo to him and said
that ho ( Roosevelt ? thought Shidy was uu
justly dismissed from the Milwaukee post
olllce and asked him to appoint Shldy to a
Dositlon in the census bureau Ho would
not appointed Shldj hnd ho been ted ' that he
had made false certlticatcs in the Milwaukco 1
Commissioner Hoo3evelt gave the history
of tbo Investigation of the Milwaukee post
ofllco 'Jlomombei , " ho said ' Slildi was 1
not dismissed tor doing n wrong , but for
trying to mono for it bv doing well und
lie had confessed nnd expressed slncore re
grel for wnat he had done " Koosevelt do
clared that the government must protect its
own witnesses , who were persecuted for
telling the truth He would not irlorforo 1
with the punishment of moa for wrong
Coiaaiissloncr Thompson said that after
bearing Shidj's testimony ho did not think
he was a man who ought to have a place
tudor the government for the reason that
ho showed a moral obllqultj which unfitted
tilin for employment in the government a 1
Commissioner Lvman testified that tbo 1
prolimmary report made in the Mllwaukeo 1
postoflico case previous to the organization 1
of the commission had not been acted upon
by the commission because bo ( Lvmun )
could not get Edgerton to co opcrito with 1
hlin Oborlvlud been nppolntcd to the com
imsBioucrshlp of Indian affairs
Oberly made ti statement concerning the 1
preliminary report giving it was submitted I
in writing after ho had loft olllce ulthough 1
lie had known its uaturo shortly before ho >
loft Ho caused a great deal of laughter by
sajlng that when Paul was appointed bj
Picaldcnt Clovolnnd ho was vice president of
the Milwaukco Civil S01 vice nssoclat'on
Postmaster General Wunamaker was then 1
asked concerning Ids action 111 the c.ise of t
Shidy Koosovolt had toll him tbat Shldy
bad nidod the commission In its { nvestiga
tlon and Postmaster Paul had taken offense >
nnd discharged Shidy Roosevelt hud not .
tolJ him of the chnrges against Shidj of
making false certificates Ho was asked I
whether if ithad been stated to him that
Shidy was guilty of tbo charges against titm 1
ho would have tntortained a request for par
sonul endorsement for a position for him
Wnnnmakor replied , • Certainly not " Ho
would consider it his duty to warn the heads
of the department against such a person
Scrvloo I'immioii Bill Doomed
CoiUMiits , O , March t Gonural Alccr ,
tommandor in chief of tbo Grand Army of
tbo Republic , passed through tbo city this
morning , and in responses to tuo inquiries
ot a delegation of Grand Ami } nf thu Ito
publlo mon Bald "I made cireful Inquiries
while in Washiligtoli und learned bevord all
question thut tbo service pension bill cannot
pass The cast as well ns the south • will ou-
pose it , and the punsion eoinuilUos of the
Grand Army of the Republic bay it cannot '
pass 1 am satisfied , howovar , that the do-
pendent pension bill will piss within the
next two weeks It is better that these who
are sick nud helpless shall reeoho help than
that all should fail , and tbnt will bo the re- '
suit if ont.v the aerv leu bill is pushed "
P11UII0 Dolii Htutumoiir
Wasiiimitov , Mirch 1 The public debt )
statement ) Interest bearing bobt princl 1
pal , 318 053,033 , , tntermt , IT.4H 171 , total ,
fS2l 0C7,20J , Debt nn which interest has
coised since maturltj Principal und inter
est * 1 , 'J81 1T0 , debt hoaniig no interest ,
trrriUUJiW lot il debt Principal $15.11 , '
HJ ISO , Interest , * 7VI ) (153 ( , total , fllUl,7U-
r819 Total debt less mailable cush items
$1007,307,114. not cash in treasury , $ < J < 3-
7M r.34 Debt less tush In treasury March 1 1 ,
lbJO * 1 0J1 M7 SJO Debt leas cash is treas- ;
uri February I , lbJD , $1,010,707 0111 , decrease
lu debt during the month , { U.ldJ.l'iO , do
cruaso In debt sluco January HO , lbS9 f U ,
OWOU 'lotalcashln treasury , us shown
by treasurers general account , foU 0T3 C1J i
The Ohio in a Mundstill
Lotusv ti 1 e , Ky , MaroU 1 1 he river Is
ulmost at a standstill , having risen but uu '
iuch thu past blx hours The Kentucky Is
not rising and It is bcllovod the river will
bo receding rapidly hero lu a few hours
Evansviule Ind , March I Iho rhcr
hero still continues to rise , but tbo rate has
dooreascd to half an inch an hour , no reports
01 serious damages a * i et
_ _
" "
The Nomination by IowaDomocrnta
of a Eontitorlnl Oandldato ,
A I'rnctlonl AcUnnvvlcdK6iliont Tlint
Allison Will Bo Ilo-clpotPll-Pio *
codlings In tlio House
nml Senate
Alllsmi'H Opnnnoiit
Urs Mots 1 s la , March 1 [ Special Tel
cgrnm to 1 ur Bee 1 "Ihodembcrntlo caucus
to noiuinntu n United btntcs senntor wns n
vcrv slim affair tonight Only fifty of the
sovontj ' two democrats nttonded It It was
gcnornll ) ngrccd that the cmnty honor of the
nominnt on should go lo Mr Bostovv of
Charlton ns u sort of consolation prie for
having . bcon defeated for lloutennnt governor
last fall If thcro lind been any possibility
of olectlng n democratic senator some other
man ' would have boon nominnted Ho roa
celved "H votes Governor Larraboo received
"nml the rest wcro scttterlng This Is the
final domocratio acknowledgement that Sen
ntor Allison will bo elected ucxt Tuesday
Dns Moives , la , March 1 In the house
today , nftor the presentation of a numoerof
petitions [ , Holbrook offered a resolution Bay1
ing that as the rouub'icnns in prcscuting
Larrabco's petitions , had said that the sign
ors were mostlj democrats , the members of
tbat party uow invited such signers to hence
forth work with Yhem This aroused partisan -
san discussion A motion to 1 ly ou tbo table
was defeated bj n tlo vote , and the resoluI
tion wns flnallj withdrawn The roll was
called for tlio Inti eduction of bills The only
bill introduced was ono by Bcoai , nnd was n
legalized 1 act Governor Gulthon made nn
address after which adjournment was taken
until i p in
Impo-taut bills were Introduced this nftorJ
noon us follows
By Ball To prevent improper combinn-
ttons nmong iusurunco companies , to prevent
vent double taxation , nud to divide the tax
ing of mortpnged real ostatc , to compel In
Buranco compnnies to piy the full amount ot
policies , to provide for the pajment of
majors when acting as justices of the
By Burn To provldo for the printing anil
distributing ot ballots at the public expense ,
and to reguluto votint ?
Bj Bjors To seeuro children between
the t ages of 7 und U a common school cduca
tlon to compel insurance companies to pay
the ' full amount of policies
Bj Chnso To require rallwaj companies
t to place automatic couplers on cars , to em
poucr I the railroad commissioners to llx joint
rntcs , to es'nhllsh a uniform sjstum of text
nooks and reduce the cost of the s.imo
By Clark To empower cities to cnange
wntor courses and levj a tax to paj for the
sumo , to t reninnDDcllnto courts , to provide
for 1 tbo printing nud distributing of ballots
nud to regulate elections
Bj Dayton 10 establish an industrial
home ' for adult blind , to empower tlio mil
road ' commissioners to m iko joint r uea
By Dent lo establish a state normal
Bchool at Lo Mars and nppropriato f 100 000
thorcfor t , to allow tin ) licensing of saloons In
localities I voting thorofor
By Estes To croateun board of school
book ' commissioners and authorizing the
establishment of a Lniform series of text
books 1
Bv Gates To provldo for holding farmers *
Institutes 1
. BvGlntlv To crtaton bbard of school
book commissioners with power to rcKUlata
tbo t prices of books to prohibit the Voting of
nld 1 to build rnilmads ,
Bv Greaser To provide state unlformltj
of ' school text books , to prohibit pools
trusts ' und conspiracies .
By Head lo sccuro elementary education
for : children betwocn thu ixt > Ha"of eight and
ilftcen : l * • ' * " •
Bv Hornlsh To deOno toopowers of cities
in ' tbeir relations to electric light plants
3j Hospers To protect persons and prop
erty from danger from steam engines on
highwav ] s
Bj Horton Licensing stationary ongi
neers <
Bv Johnston of Bremor lo dcllno the
qualifications of county superintendents of
schools ,
Bj lohnstoi ofDiibnquo To provide for
the I printing and distributing of ballots and
to 1 reguluto voting
Bv Lane lo prohlbitjtho sale of tobacco
to 1 minors , to providoa lorormatorj tor pris
oners 1
Bj Hondeisiott Fixing thu liabilities of
mtno 1 operators for injuries to cmplojcs
Bv Lewis -lo protect laboro-s in claims
for wages
Bv Mack To mcroaso the power of courts ,
to I provide for a uniform series of text
books 1
Bj Mouk lo prevent tbo evasion of ns-
scssment 1 bv owners of evideuco of Indebted
ness 1
By Paschal To tax mortgages on real cs
tnto I , to dcllno the duties of the supreme
court 1 where nppcil it , tnicon on death son
tenecs , to create a board of school book
commissioners 1
BvStcsbo lo compel school attendance
BvSolsbc He Jlatlng sleeping car com
panics ;
Bv Stewart To crojto n school book com
H\ Woods lo reguluto tlio charges of tel
ogiaph 1 and tclcnhonu companies
H"iergoj lo prohlbitthosaloof tobacco
to minors
In nil 107 bills wcro Introduced It too *
nil the aftcinoon to Let through the list
A resolution was adopted fixing the tlmo
of 1 meetings enl in the morning until furtbor
ordered 1
Adjourned till 2 K ) Mondaj afternoon
_ _ .
Vi 3 MotM s la , Mnrch 1 In tbo senate
this morning 11 iiumbor of bills were Intro
duccd the mora important of which were
the following
Making thu second offense of the larceny
of any sum under $ i0 a felony , providing for
the appointment of guardians for persons
addicted to the excessive use of Intoxicating
drlnxs , conferring upon railroad commis
slonors the power to fix joint rates , provid
ing foi free text books
A Joint resolution was pissed calling for a
convention next luesdnj for the election of
n United States senator
Hon I" . S Parvln and B F Guo , a cora
1111ttco from the Pioneer Law Miners ns o-
elation , visited the senate , und Parvia made
an address
Adjourned to Mondnj tnoinlng
A League ) Fornmd to lbrovv Off tlio
Ilritisli Yok .
Nrw Youk , Match 1 A Montreal special
says A Icaguo has beeu formed nero tu
bring auout tbo independouco of Canada bv
1&03 All American powtia are to bo asked
to exert their moral inllucncc and if needs bo
concorlod actiou , to free the country from
the last vestlgo of Luioptun rule on iho con
The league will huve united with It nil the
liberal clubs in tbb country American uni
versities ure to ba united to co operate , as
vvell as all the political bodies who bavo for
their object the bringing about of the tlnul
triumph of democratic institutions through
out the world The league will bo under the
control of a supreme council whoso actions
will be kcut secret This now departure
coming after the actions of tbo liberal clubs
in declaring for Independence cuuses much
comment hero
t omli Dakota liPcivlaturo ,
riEiuiE , S D , March 1 . - Special Telegram
gram to The Bee | Tbo senate passed a
bill nutliorump the issuance of bonds b > the
state , and relutiug to the sUilo engineer ,
fixing his compensation , etc A joint reso
lutlon vvus passed providing for jiriu ting and
distributing ono thousand copies of the pro
, Uibltlon bill , which the governor upproved
toda ) . The senate resumed consideration
of the nporopriatiou bill passed by the house
nud still further scaled down all Items
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i
This ovonlng a numbof of ether unimportant
measures came up o third reading and
Iho house pas pJ tl * sennto bills to pro
vldo for the npjftlnTmont of n bonrd of
charities nnd corrections , defining tholr
duties and tholr pajvoas nnd ono relating to
tnuniclpal corporaolous
Govcrnpr Molletto approved the bills cro
ntlng the ofllco of inspector of mines nnd to
prcsorvo > the wntou of thu Big bioux rlvor
Ptl number of othiPKUs passed the house on
third reading TnTHrftiontlonal bill , n bill
rogulntlng elcctlrt i iud to adopt the Aus
tralian , sjBlcm or voting nnd u school text
book > nro still agitating the salons nnd some
lively times are looked for on these mens
urcs next wock .1 hajchool nnd text book
tncisuro has hnd a powerful lobbj hero
within the past few davs from the east , nnd
they are backed liyffrllcHitVof ! monov , which ,
tdoortssay , Is botag used wboro It will do
tbo most good ,
> 1
a plcuijIau htiiiki : .
Chicago Commission Mr-rdinntn PrO
tout Acnlnst lllirh Itnton
Cnicvno , March I [ Spocinl Telegram to
Tnr Bed 1 A peculiar strtko and ono to bo
participated m by millionaires is Just about
to bi Inaugurated here a strlko of commis
sion morchnnts Ono of the most Interest
ing scones in the cltj is the almost Impass
ablcthoroughfnro known ns South Wntor
strcot vvhero the sidewalks nro filled by
crates ot fruit , bairols of vogotablcs , boxes
of poultry nnd oisos of eggs nnd where
grocers wagons are baokod up against thn
sidow alk on onch sldo so that the horses
noses ; nearly touch On the nor'h sldo the
buildings run back to the river On both
sides these nro old nnd low , having been
built just nftor the ilro Most of the produce
commission business of the cltj is done In
this place nnd thcro Is a livolv competition
nmong commission mon to got leases ot these
stores as the } nro the onlv ones nt present
in which this business enn bo done to ad-
vnntago As the number of these
hnvo 1 not increased with the
population I of the cltv nnd the consequent
growth J : of this business their landlords have
n corner , nnd routs have risen until it Is
claimed that thej oat up the prodts of the
business 1 Chlcaeo feeds moro pcoplo than
London or Nov l ' ork Over 4 500 grocers
como south to Water street daily nnd nro
coming and tolng from morning till night
As many lu this line of business feel Hint
they must have chcaoor stores or go out of
the business , 11 crisis was precipitated h.V n
inceting > of thn proJuco oxchungo this after
noon , at 'vlilcli It was decided a reduction
of rents must bo undo or the whole nrmy of
commission men would mtgrato to another
part I of the city
DIscusHert I Ucdneed Passenger Knto
CniCAOo , March 1 [ Special Telegram to
Tub Bee ] flio representatives of all the
lines . interested in the St Paul's reduction
in passongcr rates met today Mid discussed
the t matter The Northwestern announced
its i intention of meeting tbo reduction nt
Omaha , but the Kansas Cltj roads were dis
posed to bold off until the subject of second
tlass rates could bo settled It was thought
possible to tnduoo the St Paul to withdraw
these rates which have never bcon made
heretofore , but the effort failed nnd the
nicotine adjourned without dellnito action
bv the Kansas Citv lines the Omnh 1 lines
all giving notieo tnat they would
mnko the 1 eductions , beginning March
4 After tbo mcetinc the Alton concluded to
make the rates to Kansas City on their old
principle | of meeting 110 1 rate made by anv
competitor It is the unanimous opinion of
nil ( l western pjssenecr men that their branch
ot the business will ho conducted at a loss as
J Tong us the reduced basfs Is In uffect
Not FiiIIipn irYin'tho SnIJnot
, , Chicago March 1 f [ Special Telegram to
Tin Bel ] Chairman Blanchard of the
Central Tronic association returned today
from New York vvhero he had a prolonged
but futile interview wlfh Jny Gould In an
attempt to induce the latter to compel Gene
nl Passenger Agent iovypsend of the Mis
fouri Pacific to insert the eastern differ
entials in his rate sheet The matter is under
consideration but Ctuurdinn Btanchaid is
not entbuslastic on tbo subject
* -u-
" ' • oirt tllfjl Drnth
Kavsas City , March 1. A special to the
Times from Lamar Mo , says During an
entertainment nt Shorts school , twelve
miles vvost of here , last night , four mon be
came engaged in n quarrel Mrs Henry
Short fainted nnd dip 1 She was subject to
heart 1 disease Siv' men received painful
Murilirict by Ontlnws
Okliiioma I T March 1 News from
SJinwncetown thlrtj six mlles east of this
city sujs the dead bodtos of n man named
Holmes ] nnd his vvifo und two children worn
J found fhursdaj It is supposed they were
killed ] for monov by the outluws thut infest
the Pottawatomie reservation
sunp s "d to bo SilcTtr
Ciiehalis , Wash , March 1 Tbo sheriff
arrived , here today with Iho man nrrostod at
Toledo yesterday supposed to bo Sllcott Ho
gives the name of L L 1 buyer and is ap
parently { nttompttng to concenl his identity
Ho ] claims to hnvo been 1 resident of Wash
lugtou 1 , D C , ai d to have known Sllcott
Inlrr.lnu ) l1 VI O A
Sioux Faus S D March 1 [ Special
Telegram to fin Bri J The executive
committco of the Young Alon's Christian
association Interstate-association tins do
clued 1 to hold its next annual meeting in this
city < tom t October 2J to " < " > The society Includes
cludos North Dokotn South Dakota and
Minnesota 1
Itelerri il to the I urm ra
Yamvton , S D March 1 [ Special Tolo
giam ' 10 Iiif Hi.l ] At a public nicotine :
of ' citizens this afternoon to oinsldur tno
question ' of uld for the Minorcountj farmers
tbo ' matter was referred to the Farmers
nlllanco ' or Yankton countv
No Conclusion Hcnchcd
vVvsmvoiov Mnrch 1 fho senate committee
mitteo on privileges nud elections took up
tlio J Montana senatorial controversy for con
sideration today hevoral hours were devoted
voted to discussing some of the legal qucs
tlons Involved , but no conclusion was
Pensions > vjiout ProofW ,
Wasiiinc-tos , March 1 Mr Gest of
Illinois introduced todaj u bill to pension
disabled soldiers who nro without proof of
the origin of their disabillti
bTILL A.\OIliiil MUllDUlt
t cnl CliniROil Willi Jlnvlni : Killed a
Mniint Whitman , iNoh
The photograph of 'aaliwhicti was for
warded to Whitman , I > uUj has been Idea ti
lled At \ \ hitman Neal's alias was Cobb
Ho shot down in cold blood three jears ago
a man named Hull hnd' escaped arrest
From lhero ho , wont to lova , where bo stele
the horses for which lib solved two and ono
hulf years in the penltblitlnry
On i ebruarj J Noaljttbltf a cow in Lin
coin at 10 o'clock in the morning and by 11
o'clock had sold It for 923 Uild tot awaOn
this occasion ho gave tbo urmiu of Cutou
A few dajs prior to tills 'tlo ' stele n horse
belonging to John W. Holt Vice president of
the I irst National bank at Falls Cltj , Neb ,
and roda the uuluial to1 Lldcoln where ho
tried to sell it but coijld not Ho than
tnrned the unimal looscV und ' it is supposed
v > enton to the Pinney farm and partici
pated in tbo JoneB murder Chlof boavoy
bus located Mr Holts b , erse on a farm near
Lincoln nud will notify the owrer
bticllonberger will bo kept at central po
lieo station until County Attorney Mahoucv
has filed his information , which will bo mur
der , and thou ho will bo arralgnod and sent
up to tbo county jalL An oulcer stood close
by bis cell alt night long nnd no person was
allowed to sea him bbellenberger's incar
ceration has not affected bis appetite
Ho Was Missing Bight Days
Neiuuska Cm , Neb , March J ISpecial
Telegram to Tub Bee ] Upon thorough In
vestigation tonight it Is found that Joe
Sballenborgor vvus fn this city on the even
lng of February 4 having that day com
lilotod work on ice cutting for Ledlgh &
Mason and was paid by chock After that
day his whereabouts until tbo 1-ith are not
now known Ho turned up here again on
tbo latter day ,
LtvtoBt IatolllBonco Trom the Brtll
Gossip About Tights nnd I Ightors
Ilcrlnnli and Iinvvcrcnco Matched
Bulnn nml Dnnforth Ahhoy
Goes to Ht Pnul
The Ilroltmrliood'H Proposition
Cmio tno , Mnrch riioPInjcrs'nationnl
baseball icaguo logins the spring mooting
nt Clovolnnd on the 11th Tbo principal
business will bo tbo consideration of the
plnjlng prhcdula ndoptcd bv the committco
in January , which , it Is thought will bo
ndoptod iho season begins oil April Jl and
cndB Octqbor 4 , with HO games Secretary
Bruuoll of the Players Icaguo , to
day sent u letter to the presidents
und secretaries ot nil basobill leagues in
the country calling attention to the fact that
the principles upon which the Plajors'
league is founded do not recognize any of the
old arbitrary rules Inimical to players tutot-
csts , etc , nnd inviting the consideration of
the following proposition
The creation of nn ngrccmont betwocn all
the leagues and associations to contain
1 Mutual recognition of all contract obli
gations between clubs and plnjors
3 Provisions for the proper support nnd
discipline nnd enforcement of Just nnd defi
nite penalties for brenchos thereof
8 iho mnltitalncnco of a uniform cede of
ploj ing rules
Kpons on Pickett's DcNortion ,
Kansas Citv , Mo , March 1. [ Special
Toloferam to Inn Bff ] Prcsldont bpons
snjs in reference to Pickett's Jumping his
Kiinsns City contrnct ami signing with the
brotherhood "Asjctl have received no
ofllci il notification of Pickott'a signing with
ttio biotberhood and shall talco no stons
until I ao Ho accepted J10U advance lnonoy
of mo Inst fnll and signed a contract If ho
violates tins I will sue him for obtaining
mono under false pretenses Plekott will
play in Kansas City or now here "
Thren CI 11 In Clniin Him
Si Louis Mo , Mnrch 1 | Special to Tub
Bi r J Bob Petit , the old Chicago player , is
in n pretty stow No less than three clubs
claim him Now Haven , Toronto and Mil
vvnukeo Petit has signed with New Haven ,
Milwaukco claims to have purchased his 10-
loose of Toronto und Toronto claims to have
blm in its rcscived list , nnd the board of
nrbltrntlon will be called upon to untangle
the mush
Crescent Cltv PuglttHtlcs
New Oiiievns Mnrcb 1 [ Special to Tnr
BrE ] Louis Bczmah and Jack Lavvrouco
nro to light hero before the Young Moii'b
gymnastic club Mnrch 21 , the men to weigh
103 pounds , for n SI 000 purse lommj Word
nnd Kid \ \ llson to a finish nt the West
End tomorrow afternoon 11 0 vest End
club offers a purse of $2 000 for a fight bo
tvveon Blllv Moors and Andj Bowen
"W lint II111 ; hum Goes
Cincinnati O , March 1 | Specinl to The
Br 1 ] Bug Ilollidaj , Cincinnati's bard hit
ting eontcr Holder , ai rived hero from St
Louis today nnd goes into thn cjmnnslum
immediately Hollidoy savB that St Louis
is sure to huve n brotherhood club and that
Buffalo will bo dropped lu order to make u
place for the Mound City club
. Tlio CliDinwion Onto Put ;
Cincinnati O , March 1 [ Special to Tiie
Bi l ] Junk Bolan , the champion light *
wcicbt pugilist of Ohio , has been matched
for u finish contest with Daaforth , tbo
light to take place before the Young Men's '
Gymnastic club at Now Orleans for a 81 00(1 (
• purst the event to" co mo off within three
weeks Iho men are to weigh 120 pounds at
the ringside
Wants Striker Enjoined
Cievpiam ) , March 1 John Striker , n
well known ball plajer , together with tbo
Players league company and Albert L.c
JohnBon are defondauts in nsuit commenced
by iho Cleveland baseball eompanj today for
violation of tbo National league contract
The Clovelnnd company wants Strilcor on
J&mod from plujmg wltt.tho ) brotherhood
Ahhcj One s to r Paul
President Xhompson of the St Paul club
has made Charlie Abbey nn offer , whieb , bo
villi probablj ncoept Abbey declined to
sigc with VV heeling
1 nr tt , the Crack Jockey
Cincinnati O March 1 ISpecial to The
Brr J Uio crack eastern jockey , Fred
Taral , lias arrived and taken up Ills rest
dence nt tbo Latonia race course Ho has
been cmplojod by the Labold brothers for
lb'K ) uud will have all their mounts for big
smites Ho rides at 100 pounds , and his
winnings for lbbJ array blm as one of the
most Bucccussful jockeys in the country
The Labold brothers have purchased from the
'IhoriiualOHtjckfarni the running qualities
ot tno lliroe year old llllj , Ocj pete bj Duke
of Montrose , dum Olivia , by Iho 111 Used
Ab n two year old she won ut Saratoga and
Coney Island , ut the lattei place beating a
large priced Held ever thu 1 uluritj
course , about thrco-quartors of 1 inilo , lu the
v cry fast tune of 1 11 J r > She is a promis
ing llllv and will bo u ( Feat utquisitlun to
the Lohold string
Now OilimiH HaoeR
Nl vOm cans La , March 1 [ Special Tel
gram to Tnr Bef ] Summary of todaj's
Ono and ono sixteouth of a mile lorn
Karl won , Oukcs second , Pete Willis tblid ,
Time 1 l
1 iv o Furlongs Ev out won , Void second ,
Kiioxvlllo third Time 1 01
Half Mdo Kcvlvnl won , Donovan Bccond ,
Fremont third rime 52
Ono Mile Bonnie King won , Panama second
end , Marchbuin third lime 1 4Mif ,
Gnlti lilinrii liners
Gurn.Niiuio N J . March 1 - | Special
Telegram to Iuf Bi-e ] Summary of to
duy's races
'Ihreo quarters of n mlle Pnll Mall woo ,
Blessed second , McGregor third Tlmo
1 'iltf
Five eighths of n mile selling Bounlo
Lass won , bklu sneond , Watch Mo third
llmc-1 09 > /
Ono inilo , selling Lady Agnes won , Hot
bcoteh second , bunBhliio third 'I line 1 S5
Fivo-olghths nf a mile , soiling Gold Fish
won , Howe second , Buckstono third 'iimo
1 07
blx and one half furlongs Bradford won ,
Autoc rat second , Ludy Pulstfer third limo
1 Ja } '
bnvou clhtbs | of a mile Pericles won ,
Benedict second , Mclodrammu third Time
1 JJ
A Point at Curiln
In pluj ing ( Helms thoplajcr on tbo
ritrht of the dealer the right to Bbufllo tbo
curds aftortho dealer hands thorn to hldi to
cut , and aoes tlio same apply to all games !
In ulnvlug high , low jauk end the game , who
loudBf 1 nquirei , Omaha
Ans Ho lias It does The player to
tbo left of the dealer ,
Ncliruskn , town and Dakota Pensions
Washington , March 1. | bpeciat Telegram
gram to Inn lihii J Pousions granted to
Ncbraukans Original invalid Abel K.
Beers , Crawford Hestoratlon and Incrcaso
ltobert A Brothers , Potter Increase
William IC Iticlmrt , Chadron , Marlon
Gudgol , AYaylaud , Joseph C Glluort , Huy-
den , William Monroe , II arson Original
widows , < Jtc Minors of James T , Now ,
Bloomlnrtou ; Martha E Sanzstor , former
widow of Viliiam AI Allen , Aurora ; minors
of John M McCoy , Osceola ,
Iowa pensions * Original Invalid Wesley
J Btaudisu , Jossup , Benjamin B Herrick ,
Montrose Jacob lildor , Bairlej ; Jobu B
Mjers , Creston : Michael h Cavanaugh ,
Maquoketa , Panlol Kilbourne , Whiting
Increase Thomas Barker , Albia ; .lesso L
Hlgloj' , Shcllsburg ; Do Witt Clinton Mnko-
ttoaco , Charles City ; Jtobort Forbes , jr ,
Pittsburg , Chnrlos B Mitchell , Dos Molnos ;
tzra Fox , Clnrlos Citv , Ashford Good ,
bouth Dakota pensions Original In
valid William Honk , Bgaii Increase
Heed It Brockivnj , Huron , Jacob llnchman ,
A GIGAMIO llMlllU'ltlSi : .
Omaha CapltnllntH Invostlno ; llioii-
nnnilH In Southern Timber IinmU
Atlihson , Knn , March 1 ISpecial lolo
grnm to I nn Bli ] Howell , Jowott . , Co
of Atchison nud Omaha have organized n
gigantic milling nnd lumber enterprise on
the Sablno river , In Louisiana and ioxns
George W. Howell nnd W. It , Smith , the nt-
tornov of the firm , returned from tlio south
last night , vvhoio this week Mr How ell enn
cludod the purchase of 100 000 acres of line
land in the two states The lnml is on both
sides of the river , nnd gives the flrin control
of the sticaiii n distance of ever n hundred
miles Iho land is lu u state of wild nnturo ,
nnd an nxo has never boon put in it It
nbounds 111 plno nnd cvpresB and oxtomls
back of thn river on both sides from three to
llvo miles At Loeatisport , on tlio Louisiana
sldo of the river , Mr Howell has bought n
small mill , which is now in operation get
ting out lumber to build n mammoth mill ,
nnd men nro nlso burning brick to build tbo
engine houses , smokd stacks , do ing kilns
nnd ether buildings that will ho of brick
Tlo proposed mill will cut TOO 0M foot of
luinoor in twelve hours , and an electric light
I lnnt will afford light to work bv nt night
From llvo hundred to n thousnni men will
beoinplojod I ho enterprise nlso Includes
the building of n cltv at Logansport , which
Is now a straggling hnmlot , nnd the rccou
structlon of n narrow gnugo railroad Into n
atnudnrd gauge from Logansport to bhrovo-
port The investment of capital will run
Into mnnj thousand dollars , tbo purcbaso of
thn land alone icquirlng an outlnj ot ever
binriling Evidence
Asm vnii , Wis , Mnrch 1 Evldonco of n
startling uaturo vvus given toduj by J E
Lonnoti , a brother of nn attorney In the
Hurley bank robbery case Ho snld two
weeks bufnro Christmas Ed Goodland canto
to him with a proposition to mnko $2 100
each , sajing Cashlor Reynolds hnd offered
him thut much to bclu him rob the bank
\V itnoss nsKod Goodland if Pcrrin had nnj
thing to do with the schema nnd wns told
ho know nothing about it Defendant Ed
Baker said 10 Ilurloj Mint ho was broke and
went to Perrin for help because ho had
known the latter for twelve v oars Porrln ,
vntnoss testified , gnvo blm ? 1 500 to buv n
saloon This less tbo cost of the license and
other minor matters was the monov ho baden
on his person when nrrestel Baker en
dcavorod to establish an alibi bj tostifj ing
that be was ut the theater ut the hour of the
The Iloporicrs Bounced
Ottawa , Ont , March 1 [ Special Tolo
cram to Tnr Bn 1 There was n sccno in
the Benatu dlvorco committee this morning
Iho gray headed tnombers assembled cnrlv
to hear tlio racy evidence in t dlvorco suit
When the respondent , n Mrs Clapn , was
tolling her story It was discovered that two
newspaper reporters had smuggled thorn
Belves Into the room Boioro they were de
tected the icportcrs had taken copious notes
on tholr shirt cuffs Sonntor Dickev , the
chairman ordered them to lenvo the room
Both correspondents refused but tlio eliuir-
man insisted Mrs Clanp wanted the re
porters to remain fhoy were liowevar ,
Unallj compelled to withdraw
A I nnions Cnso Decided
PicmiE S D , March 1 [ Special to Telo
gramtolUE Bei ] The famous Drlscoll
Joucs case was decided In the supreme court
todaj in favor of the appellant , Kobort H
Driscoll , vvho appealed from Judge Nowlln
in the Lawrence countv circuit court Jones
was the holdover olork of the territorial dis
trltt cour * , whtlo Driscoll was appointed
clerk of the circuit court by the countv com
missioners upon the states admission
Jones claimed that ho hold the ofllco under
the circuit court and Judge Nowlln bus
tainod Ills claim Iho decision was reversed
versed today on the supreme bench ,
and an order was issued remanding the
case back to the circuit court , to Ibsuo a
mandamus compelling Jones to turn the
ofllco nnd recoids over to Driscoll This is
nn ' important decision , and lins been
anxiously awaited by the people ot the new
April May
An II 0 lost m ills li whlcli to p inry jrour 1 lee 1
Durinu H10 wlntt r liiontlis tliu I IochI becomes tliln
an I impure Hob ly bocnncsvoik mil tire J tlio
snctllo iimybel 11 nn t Just now Iho njrutem cmvi s
ll eallornrcllauloii oillitno IlnodsSursnparllla Is
pectillurlr adapts I tu 1 urlfx and onrlcli tbo blood to
create uyid npi etlto una to ( ivcrct 1110 that tlrod
Iccllnt ! It lucrum s In popularity o > cry year
Is j thu I leal bi rliiK Miillrlno tt rpi its tl e klitneys
nn 1 llvcr tunes tlio illvustlvn ori.un > cren esanai
j ictlto 1 urllles it 11 Tlliillms tlio liui uroand hIuzbI 1i
Wool 1 conn the houdaclio nn ! mommies all the
1 Dr istrullni ; oilpeu of Hint tlrod reeling Mr ( I VV
Moan of Milton Vlues , wrltjn 1 orllvoytars I wn
nick u\ cry sui line but Imtyo ir biKiinln 1 tbrnary to
tikulliola , Sumi | urlllu and buvo 11 it semi 11 sick
day hlnpe
April May
In the kprliiK my wl ) ! o h > stem wns ci mpletoly
run 1 it iwn Two muiithH are I beiinn tlio uio of
Ho I Hhursai urllla nut after tub if two liottlej 1
tlnlmyai 1 clllorestoredmynrrtous j lom timet
up mil my general heulttiiirtatlylruprofod Itltro
rorotubi great 1 luaturo In ttlllmr nlout Hood • Hup
bnpnrllln ' I unsilcr Hoods 8irnapnrllla ban no
equal ! ( .ioihii I'liATT ' Bill totter t.nllli > IU Ohto
Has n record iifcures lit Ucrofula and other blood
dl ca u never equalled by any oilier prij arullun ,
The nit t sovcro ai > c ylclt to tlil < ninoly when
otl ort I ute failed la liaro tlio allKlitot eflect ] | 0-
loJItary ncrofuta vtlilcti clluua to tlio blord tfltliiho 1
Krealot In aclty , it ciirod by this 1 ocullar mcdlrtuo
Its many remarkaklo euros buvo won for Hoods
bar aparllla tbo title ot Tlio Grcstcit III00J 1 urines
April May
' I was Tory much run down In health had no
strength mid no Im ll 'iullon to do anything llmvo
bean taking Hood a tJiraupurllla pud that Und foil
lug lias left me my aipetllo has return lam like
anivriuau' liuirMUV I.ATiIXi.Norlb oluuibui ,
HiuhI'h htnsiiiuulllii
fioldbyall druggUla Hi > lx tor Ij 1 re pa rod only
uyO 1 1IUOIH CO , Ixjwcll Mail
IOU VoKCtt Onu Dollar
stnlo of ioutli Dakota Another decision j
inaootoda ) holds that any order dissolving 1
or continuing n writ or ntlnchlnctit is np- f
ponlnblo 'I no court tins mtjotirnod until 1 9
March 1 , when it will rccontona nt 1'lorro. 1
Ho riles n Dninngo Hull Aaaluit tt
Olflopr limn nnd Sliorlrr Mnllmi / Ul
. .1V. . MoMonnmj illod a potitlon In the J |
district court jostcrnuy prn > Ing foi nn in f lj
juuctlon restraining Mnrj C MeMonam.t , I ,
his wife , Charles \V. Iltirdlck nnd James I * . 11
Mallon from taking the boy Dot from tlio V
custody of the fatliot ; or out of ttio county ,
nnd from intcrforlne In any wn > with the
bov or taking anv stops to remove him from
the custody ol Iho father , alleging that ttio
dofcndanis Intcinlcd romovliiR the
child from the state In accord * ' "
anco vv ith the petition nn ornor w ns issued by
Tudgn Clnrksoti giving the fattier the cus
todi of tbo boi until the further ordorvf
the court
Attached to the petition ts n copy of tbo
nrtieles of separation entered into bi Dr
McMunamv and his wife , containing thu
stipulations enlerod into bi thorn on August -
it,18s' in consideration of n cash pav
mont of J.0,000 Mrs MoMonnmj .
agreed to rcnounco nil claims on A
the doctor of dower und inheritance ,
nnd all claims for alimony Iho ngrcenibiit
nlso gives the father the custodv of tbo boy ,
' Dot , " and specifies that he Is to be nllowod
to visit tils mother nt regular Intervals nnd
correspond with nor
Imniodintolj nftor the order of the court
hnd bcon nt ido n potitlon vv as filed bv Oon- '
ornCowln , Dr MoMcnnmv's attornoi , for .
JohnW MoMonamv , Jr , by his next friend ,
his father , ngalnst IlenrP. . Haze ,
Inmos 1' . Million nnd C \ \ . .
Durdlck , praying for $10 COO damnges on
of pormnnont and severe Injuries intiltt"d
on the bov The petition charges thnt the
defendants , llnzo nnd Mallon , under pretense -
tense of serving a writ of Inucns oornui j
brutally nssnultcd the plaintiff , John W. * r -V
MeMenamv Jr pulled him , boat htm In- , .
Jurcd nnd wounded hlin causing n lupttlroof
the loft inguinal region nnd causing the
hernla , (0 become strangulated so that the '
boy is pormanontlv Injured Iho defendant ,
U W. Llurdick , is charge 1 vv 1th Inciting tlio
issault Hnzo Is mentioned ns n police •
otllcur or this citj nnd J 1 > Mnllon Is the
sheriff of Dodge countv and acting in thnt
Dlcil Aniontrtriiiitrrs -
Gertrude Uice the little llvo and ono half * *
J enr-old daughter of Mr and Mrs Itico , '
Into of Norfolk died vostordaj morning at
the Darker holel after 11 short Illness Iho
rcmalUB will bo burled todaj lu St , Mnrj's V
comotorj 1
The father , the proprietor of a gonornl
store in Haj bprlngs , hns been telegraphed " '
several tlmos by the bereaved mother , who * v
Is living among strnngors , but has not boon
found It Is thought that ho has gone to n
neighboring town beyond tolcgraph com
munlcatlou with a stock of gelds
vtor unrv ,
John P Kdstrom , a clerk at the Nebraska xt
National bank died last oven'ng ' at 0 80 "
0 clock at 1 05 Martha strcot Mr Ddstrom
is a member of Mjrtlo ledge No 2 , Knights
of Dj thins Pneumonia was the causa of <
his death The funorul will take pluco Mon
dav , March 3 , at 2 p 111 , from thq Castle
hall , corner of I ourteenth and Dodge
A JlandHoino I'rrflcnr
Prof Sutorius director of the Sutorlus * .
mandolin club was vestcrday the recipient i M
of n $200 Washburn manuoltn from a largo tfMLH
musical firm in Chicago Iho instrument 9 H
was given with the iirm s compliments L H
I Ip I to 1'nrtH Unknown
Minseapoiis Minn , March 1 A Grand
Torks , N , D , special Bays Prod Gunder
son doing a banking business at Kojnolds
under tbo name of Hypotbek bank , has lied /
to parts unknown leaving manj creditors
• ' ,
Ynnkno Ulteh Dentl
Lovisvilw Kv , Mnrch 1 Cautalu Deles
T Dligh , aged sixtj seven , chlof of tbo detective
tectivo force here , died tonight Ho was 1
well known throughout the country as
1 Vankeo Dligh " v
Young Lincoln linnrnvliiiz
Londov , Alarch 1 Vouug Lincoln is
stcadllv recovering from the shock and '
jther effects of the last operation All serl '
ous phases are groatlj initiated todaj
March '
, April May >
At the con h g of sprh a the btiol ulu il I bo i url
fli I 119 Impurities which li ive been iiccuiiiiilntlng for
months ! roven > oars nro llablo to iiianlfcut them
fci Ivls and acrl lusty airucl thu ho ilth IlioJaciarsa
purlllulsunloubtodly thubost blool 1 inner Itnx 1
I ol every taint of Impurity ilrlroi out scrofulous '
II mora and uurmsof rtlieaie and ilvoito the blood
thu quality and tone ottgoutlal to a > od I en th
Sarsaparilla ,
Isi rcpirod from ' ami arllla Hun I illon Vlanlrako
11 rk Junlpirlltrrtc'aiilutlicrwellkiK\viiTegi.tal lu <
reiucdlft In audi a 1 eiullar iimimcr n to dorlve tlio
lull medicinal value of t nch It will 01110 I en In the
lower of medicine Scrofula bait lllieiiuorc • 1 m
Holts llliilL | > nil Hum r llysi e | > U Hlllolllluss ' * rU
filt-k Henlichv Indlicuatlon l.incrul Jleblllty , ( a * V
tarh Kidney uu 114vcr Complaints
March I
Apyil May
I know that lie o la fursipurlllal > hk'iO'1 thing I
wasaorcrely troul lol lth bllllouano unit t lought
I would try Hoot a Harrai arllla When I hallakiu " \
bat a tolllo I nr lliidublgihange for tlio bailer , /
and after tubing two bottles 1 considered tuy >
H'lf mtirttly uui I I believe H00J a Hnn > a | nrllla will '
do nllttintliilalmed for It ' J 11 Hilint Collect > r 1
lor Kelt loloi liouu Couipaiiy , 73 Kuat M iln blroct ,
liochotcr N \ . •
Sarsaparilla - *
. j
, Itnkelloorl t Harfauiirlllaut | a aprlngtoulv and t
ricmimiu III la ull ivb ilnivo thut lulnciabhi tirot
reclliiQ C I' .MtilALBC , JUIlrllio btrett , tlrooVlyn ,
"ieellng Innauld and rtlwy having 110 ap | elltsun 1
nonmbtllon tunork ItorkHoota rur ! npurtlla with
thobe t riiiills A u licaltb linlCDwlrr and fir
fcniml 10 jlllty I tl Ink It sui trtoi to uuylhlug clis '
A A 1HICI tl , title 1 N j.
April May .
• My health was very poor last "I ring and seeing uu
alvcrlltoiuent of IKodt Saruiuilln 1 thouslit 1
woulltrytt Itl ai worked wondcra/pr tioai It has ,
built my syiteiii up I have takeo four buttles and
am on the ofth I rocnuiiueod It to my u ijualuv- V.
ancoi' J Mattiicus , Oiwigo , N 1 , > a
IIuod'H harsiipurillii
gold by all drugglttl It ; tUforfi Iri'i oroj only
bye I HUOUA.cul weJI Mais
100 Doses Onu JDollur