10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUXDAY , MAKOTt 2t 18nO.STXTEEN PAGES . . THE LOCAL WORLD OF SPORT H Jack Dnvla Anxious for n Oolllaton B with the St Joe Kid H : A LATE BUDGET OF BALL NEWS 1 The Onto Citj Club In the Imnt rhrocB H | Good Words for the \ \ licclmcii H J Ik ; Spring 1'riiBrnimnp "MIb- M lollnncmis Sports Bj Jr riirro Anyl > ntl > Aqlilns for nl Iclit ? H J nek In\l , tlio local champion 1igiv > H \\a\u\\l \ \ nnd 1) L , McLornixti , nn nutliorlty M on ring in tut cm , spent an hour nt Tup Hi r H onico jcstcnliiy Havls , ulio by the wuj , Is M In defiant form , came nttor information with H . reference to the bt too Kids ' offer to 1 , flRht htm heforo the Onto Citj Athletic club H i for a | iurao of MW , but the wrltor was in H ; possession of no further inforuintion than H I that which was embodied in a brief special H ; to fin Dei from Chicago ii fowdmsuKo , M ofTcriiiB to tliLot Davis under the eotiullions M ' mentioned lack was inrormcil lion ever , that by wrltliiR to UukIi \lclCeoue.h of the CIiIciro bportlni ? Journul , ho could Ret the I desired lntelliLciieo , Ho Btatod th it ho had been In Omnh for fully thrco months nnd had exerted hllnsult to the utmost to cot k i on n go before the loeul club but l to no avail Ho has olTorcd to moot nnj bed y , big or little , white or black for n rcnsonnblo purse and of all the ueLo tlntions that liavo been hud with the various ! flRhtcrs throiiRhout the countrv , ho lins never been thu mult of tlitlr failure In ma lorinlWng Ho has tivon Into ovcryde M I mand nnd acLcdcit to every proioiltion , but j tonotunosc It was Uioueht ror a whllo j th it n match would bo mule with Killcn , m I but that second rater gave it out us his ultl H mntum that ho vt ould not tmot Davis for less j Minn 1500 lhoelub offered liim one third H ) that amount whltlMvas nmplo , In fact muro ' than nmplc , considering Klllon's wualnir M capabilities ns a lighter At present Slat H terv or bt , Louis is Dolne negotiated with . but thoehiiiiecsof brinRlnc the matter to a H sueccssful Issue are slouaer H 'X would ratlior meet the bt Joe B Kid than any ono I know of , " H sod lack , and ns ho has been H fresh enough to offer to como ever hero and M lick mo for 8o < )0 ) I think the club may bo H nblo to mdueo lilm to como and try It on m I Ion ever , its doubtful , for 1 boo by the Chi H cao ( pnpors that ho has llunkcd in two or H thrco difTeront affairs with local men of Chi H caRO Ho Is rather a clccr man , I know , H but considerably ovorratou " j ' Do you think jou could do hlml" H Well , I'm ' not given to lighting in the H newspapers , but if Lomucl ever boats mo H hell bo n vcrj sere man before no completes ' the job " H You vo mot him ho s a stocltv lor- B mldablo opponent for almost any man , vou H know I" H Yes I mot him once out in Denver , ho H was there with the Clew croud Ho was a H much better man then than ho is todoj M Why Vuquelin the hit , duffer Kilrain played H with nt New Orleans recently , whipped Mc H GroRor a couplu of mouths ago without turn < Ing a hair Hut theic is no use discussin H the Kid Alt I want is for thu Gate Citj | club to Rnt him hero nnd ehaso mo in thu B ring with him 1 must have some stuff " HBl And Juck moans what , ho sajs Ho is a H rnro star in the llstio lirmumont a-manwho H whips no ono w ith his mouth , but is always H ready to demonstrate his powers insldo the H roped circle insteul of the columns bf i H uewspupor Ho is just now blR nnd stroni ; H ns an ox , witli a ruddy complexion a clear H eye and muselos lilto steel Ho wants a con H test with some one It in ittcrs littla whom H nltliouj.il bo would prefer IOllon or the t H Joe Kid Ifihoro is anybody ucliinc for a H fichl ho should send his iinino in to Jack H rho Gate Citj Athletic Club H tno Oato City Athletic club is In a statu H of lussltudo that threatens its early dissolu- H tionifBomon wb ol isn't shortly Infused H into its sluggU , veins bovorul attempts H hav o been mudo to bold a meeting for the H purpose of gotttng through with the annual H oloetlon of ofllcors , but oaeh tlaio the at j tondnueo was so small that a motion to nd * ' journ was the only business transacted H Just now the elub is practically without a H helm , the president , Charlie AlcLormicI H wus laid away to rest forever some wcoks H uc'o and sint o then the vlco prcsidont , C C H Olarko , has rcslpaed and removed from the H cltv Ihoolllocrs aticndiiiK to the clubs nf H fairs now are freusutcr 1 rank l'armuleo H and Secretary E Mncner the manm.ci , H Jimmy Kilkinncy , beiiif , down with tmcu H mouiu 1'ortunutoly , howevci , Jlr Kilkln H. noy is convalescent and will soon bo atiu to > resume his duties aguln With this state H ment the club members will readily up- H prcciato why there has beeu such a pro B longed period allowed to clnuso with H out an ontertalnmcut "n effort will bo H inado however , within the uox ten days to H cot a sufficient number of thu members prcs H cut to elect now ofllcors and slruiLhtcn nut H the ulTalrs of the eiub Another failuru to H accomplish this cud mcaus the douiiso of the H organization H Wliat MnnnRi.r llaokett Says H On being asked for his opinion as to the H outcome of the Western assaciation chum H plonship chase for lbOO , Manager Hackett of B < lft ) K" " fts nitvs vni v BenslblvrenUod H Tarn hardli flt to judRO of that I Irnow H the Western association claims inoro by top H utation than auythhiR else , Imvlntr had liter H nllno opportunity to judo | of the strength H of the teams I bolicvo Milwaukee and H Minneapolis will both bo well trained clubs H this season They sooni to hnvo excellent H material 1'hon Omaha always puts out a H strong uggrcgutlon of plnvars Dave Uowo H has about suved IiIb team intact from last B 1 ear and should bo in good tlim It seems H to niothuttba Western association teams B nro rouiarknbly evenly matched Kansas H citj may have a little the best of it at the H Bturt but jon cant tell anything about ihiiU H liusoball is very uncertain Onoof the clubs H regarded as iho w < akest may start in una H play the mischief with us J'hcru is no toll H inir I hope the clubs nro noli matched It H takes all the interest out of a race to see ono H tonui far nnd away ahead My experience H . bus taught 110 that an easy winner is u bad j liuunelul investment " B It is I iimiy Hut Irur B H Is very funny how all the baseball H > savants have suddenly como to the con Hf elusion that tt o Western association is ono Hi of the most prominent , ono of the strongest H Hj aud best munoRtd baseball organizations In H ] the country Hut ono brlof year ago it ro Hj cehod only ridicule from the authorities Hj aud scribes who toduy are extolling it to the j eltles Then It was a rag tag , bob tail sort K of an iuBtltution la the bauds of a few 1 broken dowu players and bungling novices , 1 but uow it blazes forth rofulkcnt with cap ] able managers , line pluvors and prospects j Hero Is what Henry Chudwlolc the futhor of H ttie game , has to say on the subject Hj That Western association is beyond quos j tlon thu Ihelloit and best handled orguuiza- H Hon of the minor leagues , aud if the Amori j tan association magnates do not look out j Bbarp their western rivals will lead tliem H this seaaoiu L\idently Messrs Krautholl j unit Spoas know what they wore about when 1 they entered the estorn association last H fall Iho aseoclatlon I think , is the nucleus H of a grand western league to take hlbh post K tion in the ncur future I hey have bright H. magnates to look after Its welfare and Inter H ; est I see they are tlrst In the Hold with a V published schedule ono too , which was H adopted quickly and harmoniously \\iih H cii ( it such enterprising baseball cities repro B scntcd in the western championship arena , BBS and with the | remise of a closely i ntoktcil BBBV pennant race the promise of lluanuial sue BBBBi cess for the association Is creator than that BBBB of any league oi assoolatiou lu the arena for BBBB lbOU buccess to the westerners , say 1 BBB ' Ono for all nnd all for one Is their uiotto , BBBB the only true ouo for u well ordorou league H. The IJnrly mining I'roKrauuiio H a ho exhibition season Is but threoorfour H wcoks distant and every day the fans are H bccomlug rooro and moro Impatient Ihere H Is every prospect of au lnterostlug eampaigu Hj 'lho oixmlng came on the home ( rounds wit H bo plajcd WoJaosday , April 3 , between ) Hj Omaha and the Cleveland league team H ' 1 heso two clubs will also plaj on the Jd On BBB' ' too 4th and Ulb Omaha will beltbt louis BBBB' ' , battling with the rejuvenated llrowni , at " Qulncy on the 7th and bnclc homo on the Oth , when they meet Now York s crack coloroa team , the Gorlmms as tliey do nlso on the 10th April 20 the championship sonson opens hero with the Sioux Lltys , the Interim , howovcr , will bo filled In with Ramosrtvlth the Dubuqucs , Davenports nnd loctl nraa tcur teams Hip l'oct Writs * a tjpttor The Prosldent of the Kanjai Citj club Is in rocolpt of the following very mnnl > cpistlo from Inn Uurns Omahn's old loft Holder QniNcr , 111 , Tob 11 Mr Spcas Deir Sin I see In nn nrtlclo In the Kansis City limes that Hums Is n deserter I will an swer that In this uuv I signed n Kans-is City contract and there I plnv , como whit will Pre ! Carroll of Pittsburg cimo to Qulncj nnl stujel hero two dn\s trWiiR to ict mo to jump but I would not listen to hitn I would rather pint lu n winning eam In the Wtstorn league than n tnllcndoi in thu American nssocl itlon I think our tenia will bo n sure winner ItcspcclfullN , Ivvrs Huitv * riils Idler w is n ten stroke for the Pet nnd the Kansas Cltv fnns au tall Ing of tiv InR him a big blowout on tits nriivnl there If Uurns had desorti d It would hive boon a • hard blow for the Cowojs us he Is ouo of their most rdllablo men A Grnutlrinj nl rnlcnt Appended will bo found the complotoofll cial list of the platers who liuto sighed with the Western association clubs up to date It is a grand arraj of talent , and no slnilar or Rnnlzttlon in the countrv cm trot out such a ( .alaxy of promising ball tossors , a cloan6r moro upright and cxemplarj sot of young aud munitions plajers Des Moines D t'mio , P Soinon , M II Hrlmblccom H C I usselbtch , J II Walsh J V Houl W P lralllav , L I 1 Inuntjan J 1) "lieluii M D MeKeui , W L Hart , J McCtoskcj Uonver- II Trumpet 1 Tlood , J Mo- Glone W Konnoai M Whitehead A rwlnehain J Lolibeek , P W llson J C Shores I ) Howe ( munuger ) , W White , J D Curtis , A Dalrymplo G 1 roadway , J ick Mcssolt KansnsCltj H C T onp , P 11 Swartzol , J II Uunaon , C C Doll , r Peirs , J 1 PicKott , C L Hoover , D E Stoirns L. L builth J Hums H Slater MIinmcr , J Hc\lvJ P Conwiv , Hcd Ulttmin Minneapolis L L Postoi J V Carroll , J Ryu , II It Chrlsninn T Honglu H O'Dat , 1 Miller , N Hud on , J Mitchell , D Miutichiti H Uugdalo Milwaukee W V Kreig r Clausen , C II Cushinan ( manngor ) , J 1 liomton G W Davies P r Welch A Ike H II Howe 1 1 luiilfnii P J Pool man A C Jautzen L bilch II O Wostlake Onmhi-C H Willis , J J Tanning , W ITrquehart M P ilinos E H Cleveland W II Clnrko , J Vvalsh , C K McConnell W II H lys W Mornn W Androvvs J Canavan , I J Uird , V 1 Leonard ( man nfcOi ) , Jou Striuss bioux Cltv D J MurphvV Hurdiek r Urosnan , J Cline , E C Glenn , H Kup pel , V Genins W } j Crossloi , H V btovens , 3 Powell J Devlin , Hcd Hanra- hnn • bt Paul-I M Phillips It E Hurks , J H Glasscock J Cantlllon , J Moaktn , W L Mains W rarmcr , P Dal } P \ inn \ Gnoit Wnid lot the Whocliiton lho Journal of Lincoln , Neb , ranges itself on the siclo of better roads , as the fol lowing item testifies "Xoamstors us i class have advocited n decided antipathy to cjcllsts , and crowd them out of the roads and nnnoj thom in ovcrj posslblo vvly This is unfair nnd un just Iho wheel had como to stnj , nnd riders are entitle 1 to all the courtesies of the road In tlmo it will bo recognized that the bl"ielo is a boor to the ownurs of horses and carriv.es Instead of an nnnojnnco nnd disndvunt ic , us it is considered bv so man ) nt present iheru is n tieat movement in the east towaid the improvement of the public highvvuys i ho matter bus boon dis cusscn vv ith v igor and profit In some states tovornors have urRcd its consideration upon the legislatures , md Important results will bo cert iln to follow At the beid and front of this road acita tion will bo found the wneolmun now a laro and influential part of the population They are alwayB to be found on the side of highway Imp-ovenient , and then earnest and intelligent udvooucv of the eausu bids fair to be enough to turn the tide of public sentiment I IahIi s riom rtic Diamond Hurdiek vv ill report at Sioux Citv Alarch 1 There is a lottei in this oflleo for Catcher C J Hlrd Omaha s new manaRor , Trunk Leonard , is said to bo a greut hustler If Kansas City cant catch on with seven catchers slio'U hotter ( , o dump herself iuto the turgid K ivv If Tddle 1 uizloback snould happen to got back in his 1337 form , ho'd play i feieat third foi Dos Moines Manager Cushinan should increase Mil waukie s ehancos in the Western nssocla tion race about two fold this year Toledo wants Conway , Healy nnd Don aghuo of Kansas City , and all she has to do is to produce her roll and go yd thorn Billy Sovvdcrs still keeps up his reputation for being a most sensible , level headed ball plavor no II pitch good bill this year , too lorn Poorman says ho is going to play the game of his llfo for Milwaukee this season 1 hats what they all say vvbou thoj uio on U1U WUIIU . II-1 Old CignrSign" West-tloesu't make n bettor umpire than ho does center Holder , Socrctary Kocho has muao a poor selection , that's till Joe Strauss writes that he Is satisfied with Omaha s terms and wants to sign The probabilities are that ' Irisockor" will again bo ono of us ' lied ' Hitman rivals Jimmy Galvin and Mlcltlo Welsh In thoBlzoof his family Hit bus no less th in si\ little Heds three boys nnd three flrls The exhibition season is but three weeks away Iho plavers will soon betin to ar live und when they do come the season may be considered on The Cowboys hnvo boon ordered to report March 10 , m order that they may spend n welt or ton days boiling out at Hot Springs ocforo the Bcassn opens Mr Hrovvn , John MoShnno's privatosee ictaiy , wis president of the Indianapolis ] base lull elub thu ilrsttvvo tears the club was In thu National league fem Nugju s catching sa far this spring gives ov ery indication of gro it strength Ho has caught four Mimes now down in the evei- glades without a sign of nn error O P Cnylorhns dubbed DooMcDonough DooMcDouchnut , nud Doc has dubbed O P , 0 Peanuts Cavlor Atrocious , these New \ork ncwspapoi fellois , alu't they ) The Kansas City club lias purchased Hoovers release fiom Toronto for a price said to bo tSW , and this , too with Hamburg , late of Buffalo available without cost Tit Willis , In sneaking of swift pitchers the other evening , said that in his opinion Hutchinson is the fastest man * not oven barring Ed Cruno who ever stood in the box At Crotty refers to Ked Ilittman , the now Cowboy second baseman , as the man who wears the store teeth , " and bo savs that vvhon ha coaches the sound la like a mule squealing , Patsoy 1 eboau is In soak at Hot Springs It is to be hoped whoa ha emerges from the curative waters that ho will bo cleansed of Ills hoodlums slang aud pnzo lighters swagger Manager Soloe has arranged hioro practice games for his team In thu liumouiata vicinity of Hoantovvn thuti has ever boondono before This is strong testimony of Trunks eco nomic Ideas Hoth Tom Nnlo ( and Jimmy Coonov nro putting up a game full of starch for Anton's colts In 1 lorlda So far they have been mora lavishly noticed than any of their fel low pluyers Manager Cuthman doesn't Intend to allow any clover to spring un under his feet so far as pitchers are comorncd , anyway He has oulvs'kuod six already , nnd is on thu look out for the seventh W lllto String Mains the choke osteoli glial specltnou whom bt Paul claims a her star twirier , declares ho will curve the Apostles Into the chumplonship this season \ \ illlo nas prabablv been bitting the pipe Of the whole array of bright and inter csting base ball serlbos iu thu couutry none nro moro enterlaiulug than mo well known Hen Mulford of the Cincinnati Times Stur , lie gets alt the news and serves it like a chef ' Canuon Ball Charley King Is studying / hookKooping Joe Murpny sats * "Ho Is preparing himself for morcnntllo llfo , so ns to hnvo something to fnll back on besides brickyard work when the base ball frosts nip him " Manager Hackott of Kansas Cltv was In Chicago the pvst week and nrranucd for a flories of oxhlbitlon games with Anson's caracoling colts Ihoso games will tike place on the I'owboy grounds April U , 11 nnd 10 Omnha does not got IlufCilo Collins after nil He dldn t w int the cirth exactly , in fact would bo satistla I vv 1th the western hemisphere but M manor Laonard hn In't tlmo to wrap It un for him , tnd the young mnn will bo troubled no moro , at loist by 0 m ah i Peck a boo Veich If ho lots baozo atone , will startle the forest citv denizens this summer Hois l natural piny or but no man can do geol work of any kind with nn illicit distillery un lor his bolt in condition , Vcnch is worth n cir load of Jay Pnatz Kansas Citv seems fully able to cope with the Western association teams Still the Cowboys wont h wo much of n wall ivor Sporting Llfo No vou bet your llfo thuy wont It is an oven race between the first live teams of the W ostorn association Dick Dwyer , who guarded llrst for Oinihn in IS57 , h ts been elected to the management or the Portl ind , Ore team He w 111 1111 the position vv oil , ns ho is u lot el headed fellow bcsllcB being nn old bill pluvor Dick will nlso open u sporting goods house in Port land Jimmy Manning , the old Kansas City oiu tnm wintsfcJOOO to piny second bisofor that team this seisou , and vows he will Jump Into the biothorhood if ho don t Lot , it Jimmy should bo careful that ho doesn't jump into the turcou IIu s been on the verge these two tears Dito Howe continues to gnbblo about vvtiat lie expects of his nuw cut her Pnrk Wilton Iho truth of the matter is , Wilson is nothing moro or less than an ambitious amateur , and is as apt to fall down and kill hitnsolf as ho is to make a Bennett or Hush eng as Poxy Dave j ly s ho Is sure to do 1 ho St Louis pauors say that Hug IIolli day is taking line eire ot hitnsolf When not manipulating the aphcro in n handbill court , ho loafs about the flro department headquarters and runs wld dcr muw sheen when nn nlnrai eil's ' her out Hug has his dove like eve on the lciguo batting honors this sc ison Iho Sporting Times says that 'DnC ' Clnrko oucht , to bo with some National leigiuelub her uise he is every bit ns good n pitcher as Kid ' Nichols WhyMr\ilos , i on make mo sick Dent vou know that Clarke nlroidy belongs to n team iibont ns stronR us uny in the Nitlonal league ? Why shou d ho Icivo It jny i Conwnv , who is undouotedly the best pitcher Kansas Citv has will bo sold if bpcas can cct his price for him Honly threatens to jump the elub if ho isn't sold or relcisod but before ho makes the leap ho shouldn't ' ferRet to return tlio ? . > 0 ( ) idvanco money ho accepted from the Cowboy mun upement Frank Hindel would like to return to the ball Held , and his hosts of fnc ids hope that ho may 1 rink wis a gieat catcher lu nls day tno very best in the country , so says Huss Ml Kelt oy und Hilly Hockwell until 1 his shoulder went back on him when ho ro- tlred Ho is undergoing treatment now , however , and thinks he is going to como out nil rleht Jimmy Canavan has asked for hs | rclcaso on tno piotoxi mat no wants to go into uusi ness Who over hoard of a. man of Cnna vans callbir leaving the bill field to go into business ' Chestnuts , buns und all The jouug min has probably received nn offer of un increase of sat uv from some Vuiencan association or lc i uo club but ho isn't smooth enough to v ork the Omaha club Gcorgo bhnfor is under rc9ervo to the Detroit troit club but it is more th in prob iblo that ho will bo found with some onu of the Nu tiomil lcue.uo clubs the coining season as several of them have m ide otters for his 10 lease He is wanted for the purpose of cheeriUL the bovs after defeat with funny stories about hi3 tripe this country in the May ilo v er in 14W St Pnul hasn't been hcira from since thnt wild evod story of a year oi so ace when 'twas ' s lid that tl a league would tike la tnut citv and Winncpeg if a club could bo located In Van Couvers IshiDd Hut St Paul has got there ouco morj It is to the effect that there is u desuo , burnluir like u led light , in Chris Von ilei Aim s heart to get Sioux City s franchise nnd take his Browns into the Western association beat ! Cincinnati Times Star As nn iuovitiblo ennsequenco of nil the notoriety Buck Ewing has received by ica son of John li Day s offers to tiim to return to the league Mike Kelly goes to a Uoston newspipcr und confidentially informs the bescbull editor of thu fabulous offers that have been maue him to go b irk on the brothorliood In lvelly 's mind the Boston management hate offered him $57ruU ad vance inonoy , a deed for South Hoston for signing a thirteen voars' contract , at $20 00D a vcai if ho vould return to the league Hut no the noble old boo7or disa lined o thus degrade hiuiaulf foi such a p tttiy pile und hell stick to the back numbers ' agcre latlon until alio busts K < llcv s egotism und nrrognnco are disgusting Ho couldn't stand Buck Ewing s success so he cooks up v story about the t uiptiiiL offers tliat have been made him Ilo doesn't ' like to bo loft out of the pipeis tllhccllancoiiM ljoi.nl Snorts The next polo lo iguo game will take place at the Coliseum next Friday ov oning The Apollo wheel club will meet tomorrow oveningfor the purpose of electing ofllcors Av > ntjutt , tn , i finish liKlvvnen Tack Davis . nnd the St Joe Kid would be un event worth a pretty t onny to sco Jlmmv Lindsay has received a fine offer from Senator Mortrnu , inanngi r of the Mechanics chanics' pavilion Portland Ore , to give a week a sparring exhibition there The Omaha Gun elub w III hold its rocu lar meotini ? on lucsduy ov oning Match 11 on which occasion a programme for the com ing shooting season will bo discussed The Into cold snap has driven the ducks nnd geese all scurrying south nRiiln Tair bigs of kcoso were male by sundry parties out on the Llkhorn and Platte last Tuesday and Wednesday Willie Hlllto Mugnoi , alias Old Sport , In founs the sporting editor that ho will dlslo cato his piobuscis it lie ever refers to him again in any way but as Mr , Magnor As Wlllio uiciiis business , horoiftoi Mister Mogner ( .ocs Cash C Clnrko loft for his now homo In Portland , Ore last Tuesday night Ills frlouns , nnd they nro legion , binquotted him at Little & Mel igno s m the afternoon , und the debonnalr Cussius was sent oil loaded to the guards with tool ehcoi und enthusiasm Juck Dowling of the Huillngtou Is the owner of ' Dust , " ono of the handsomest 'mportcd puts in the west Daisy Is the mother of six of the dandiest puppies Iho dogs and one female that , wore ever born The sire Is Jack A Woods Impoited Dude r-a $ .00 pug Harvey .N McGrew spent Monday at his Sioux river farm anion ? the quail Mau reports - ports that ho baugjd thirty four , but this should bo taken with a eood doul of allowance anco , when it is remembered that ho is the man who claims to have hilled thirty one teeso with two barrels Mao is n line tlcld shot , thoro's no mistake , but bo kills too much game without showing uny up The Stillwater stock farm part of the estate - tate left by the lata Charlie AlcCormlclr vv as sold last week to 11 J. Kendall for { 17 000 This included laud * buildings , farm tnacliin ery und stock , with the oxccptlon of the celebrated stallion Chit wood and Aretas unit the brown tllly Maud H Marvo Ueardsloy will remain in charge of the horses on the ranch < > u ( rlon and Ausvvortt Will you pienso statu in Sundays Hlb whether P T Hurnuin is dead or not ! Where can I obtain u eopt of the Queous bury tuxiugrulesl li tv O.Omahi Ans Ho ts not Of the New York Clipper In a jamo of euchre if ono player calls for his partners bust card can one of the opposing puivora call for his partners best cardl L O P , Omaha • Aus Ho can Can you inform mo how many of the Omaha ball team made a batting uvarago of 300 or moro In 18Ssl Who load lu tint y oar and what was his average ! Who lead last year and what was the overate I Is JaO considered stroukI Cowboy , Kansas City Ans Not one O Coanell led with an averagao ! iU Ho played in 81 games , at bat3Jl , 40iuus , bS base hits nud 17 stolen bases Burns was second with an averaeo ot 271. Jack Ciooksjlol last j ear with an ntoragoof .070 An atcrage of 230 indi cates n strong hitter Of all the old tlmor ice horses how did rcllpsostindl Whomdldho die nnd what vv is his greatest porformancci tt hen nud wnoro was Jiick DotntMoy born ! Whtt is his height oTid weight ! Old Sport , North Platte Ans Eclipse was ono nf the groitest of alt the old timers lit * died July 10 , 1317 , in Kentucky Ono ot his greatest achlovo ments was the beating1 of the English rncor Sir Ilonrv n' the Union course , Long Island , four mile heats for Btakes amounting to JM.OOO lack Dompspi was born In Ireland iu 1M12 Ho stnnd3 5 foot 3 ( inches In height and weighs 141 pounds W ill vou plo iso publish In Sundays ' Bri ttle dimensions of the 200 yard stindard American target ) Is the Omaha rlllo elub still lu uxlstoncol W ho nro its lea ling shots ! W o would like to m iko n to nn in iti h of four with O nahii iho Hltlos Dos Molnos Ans Iho dimensions of the standard Amorii m tirgot are as follow s IllKinvti r or Clrtl * Vt Idtli ot Itlngs lOHrile 1 M H Inches I clrcl rOUUInolin P I 0 > ll Inches Hilrtln s I kIh s H 1'MM lutes 7 ilri 11 lulus " 1 SMMIiul ii t rlrc ! llHVim lilts i 1 l tll I id cs r pin c 1 invuj incl ui A . tl tm Inihus 4 clrilo - > l It ( Us < IIHilIu is J clnj Hi.MMinthiN j 4 lit utiles itlrtiell Indus . 6 bS-l ( ) I ulics I bilm roof timet 4\ I fiot Not 11 J nn 111 ci 11 rlso tl o Liw tin > or 11 ll cii i it , , tl i lircoiiiliniili ail III oen I in cr tuner luunllnit 1 tno I > imo us thu outer euintliu.j IhuOniahii HUlo clnb still broithes but that Is about all Jolm Petty , Ju Ilo Clurk- Bon and Dr Worley nro the cricks ot this organizition Postpone match making nt loist three months lo decide n bet please state in Sundays Hi I Which way does a hisoball curve in relation to Its whlrliug nud why ! Juiiios Sweizoy , Holdrcgo , Neb Ans Tno philosophy of the curve Is slut plo nnd easily understood Iho ball is thrown through the nir , with a roturv mo tion on its nxls so thut the reslstanca of the air , to Its jidv inco motion , is greater upon ono point of the sphere than another , nnd the consequent lesult 1b n movement of the bill nwiy from the retarded a do In other words , tlioio is a sort of compression , or force of air , acting on the fnco of the ball in the direction it may bo hurled litis force , ns jou will roidilysee tends vvhon com blnod with the original impetus felven the bill , to deflect or ciuso the ball to ourvo In the direction from the rotnrded sldo lnstoad of maintaining its urllnul ( direction If the ball rotate about its vert axis in the opposlto direction the curve will bo changed Thus it is established that a bill will curve in the direction of tliu leist roAistance and it is onlv necessary to nltnr the direction of the axis of rotation in order to chin o the dlreo tion of the cutve Hy imparting a twist to the ball that the resistance falls on some in tcrmodlato point the ball mm bo mudo to take any of the combination cuivcskuovvn as the out shoot the rising outeuivo , " the ' in shoot ' ind drop , " and so on through the vv hole category S\Lir litUL , Oil * NOILS Ovpi ! j52 000,000 Worth ot Itpnl rBtnto hi la in Unit tt i ok Sut Lakl City , Utib lob 20 JSpccial to InrllEi J Over $ " tOO 00J worth of loal estntc chanfecd bindsS duriiigho week cud ing rcbruary 22 1300 Is there unothci city in the rountry that can show such u record ? it seems ns though pcoplo had been asleep until now and were just awakening to the fact thut this is bound to bo u city of hun dreds of thousanas of pcoplo Accordingly every one Is anxious to improve the ch inco of making purchase * of real estate , foinni , tint when the rush comes in the ispring and utid summei , Ihooppbitunity for big profits will bolone Hut IP wo look nt Denver wo find that its boom began sov en years ago , und has not come to an end yet , and It is a very suggestive fuet that our most active buyers are Denverites They know Rome ihlug about the growth of a city in the midst of the richest mining regions iu the world Hut other states are also larjolvrepresented , Nebraska Iowa aud Kansas furaisuing a lurge number lhe present vviutor , thougn mild may dis gust muny for it is cnumcterlzcd bv un un tisu tl precipitation of mois.ure sometimes i iln , often snow , end the streets are there fore In a horrible condition It is oxKctod | that the city council will give this m itter ojily attention for much may be done by paving and the putting up of sinowiilks and crossings Winters hero are of short dura lion und M irch sees the apricots iu bloom lawns ( .reen and gardens made What wo need for the building boom to open is bricks , und it will be some wcoks before enough are manufactured lo onublo builders to push ou orations Meantime the life aud stir in the business streets , the numocrof agents at the hotels , and the arrival of newcomers with more or less capital ready for inv entmeut , betoken an uiu of prosnenty lhe uir is mild and bilmy uiu everyone seems to breathe It with a sort of delight Mere ox l&tcnco is a pleasure , aud disease seems to bean an unknown factor The famous hot water baths at the hot sprlni s north of town have JjeonbrQUght jnto the heart of the citv A splendid nataloiiuiit for-lhe use of both Boxes has been onencd and is llbcrallv nit roni7cd , und those who make use of this rare opportunity of bathing lu its health tlvlng waters cannot speak in tonus of sufficient praise ot the splendid luxury Tbo ilibuno of this citv published a list of new buildings already commenced , or ut least , sure to bo started as soon as the ma tcrlal can bo obtained It foots up ever $2,500,000 This umount is certain to bo vastly exceeded as the your progresses for It only represents buildfjgs uttuuliy in can tomplutiou and contracted for One of the effects of the election Is thai business men now itnovvdoliultelv what they can rely on in regard to the immediate future turo A steady advance seems to bo insured beyond any reasonable doubts Among the heavy transfers of re ilestate I notice I ifty by 100 feet , lot 1 block 77 , plat A , eornoi ot 1 irst South ulid West lamplo streets foi SiO.000 , 7x10 rods , lot 4 block -U , plat H cor nei third List and lliird South streets $ J0000 , lots block 51 , plat A , corner Ihiid south and West lemplp sticets for J20.000 , lot 4 block 20 , plat A , tl3 000 , lot 4 block 01 plat A , corner Third West and Third South streets , SH.OOO . Aaron Koyser's lot , 105xJ30 feet on Soeoud South , was sold for { 00,000 Architect Klotting has plans drawn for John Daly's now Tcsldcnco on Urlgham street to cost f 10,000 Mr McCnrmtck , the wealthy banker , bought the Cuimiugbani corner , and the Murgetts Hi others premises a ( joining , which gives him > % feet frontage on the east aud 1J0 feet ou the south He will erect a magnificent flvestoiy bunk building on the location Ho paid nenrly $100 000 for the latter lhe new hotel on West lomplvhas received its natno It is to bo called thd Hotel Oatario , after the famous silver ralnubf that naino It will be built just below the corner ot West lomplo und Second South streets It will have a frontuc.0 of 103 fceti on the latter and run back 2i0 feet Practically It will bo on a cor tier , us a new 8tieet.il to bo opened though the block from easti to west II Is staled that the architect who designed the Chicago auditorium is entrusted with the plans for this hotel Five imndrod thousand dollars is the sum named fur thu cost of the build ing , exclusive ot iheuost of the site C A. Loqkiit Blank Books that are cheap but will wear are the ones on isn a i.imv , | 100KhltliiitSAM \XUNLKS , U > GItVUItH AND IMtlMIHtb , 11.1 houili Kith Htreit , BACKWARD HALF A CENTURY The Early Settlers of Pottawnttnuilo County A MYSTERIOUS WHITE CHIEF The hcorot ot Ills Lire Hurled W Ith Him Ills Dylui : llntrul ol IIIh Whlto Hrnthoife M.itsli llirttln'H Story A Stort til the Plaint "Mirt" Hut din , on a plLusint Sundnj proudly vvtoltls n l mo iivviudoii littn ns the oldest sottlot liyttifr lu l'ottnwiUta- niiocouiit } Ilo iia roulllto oldsottlor doing tnoio living ) n f0ut mid tvtontj hour * tlmn most mouvho \ o hull is not so whtto , nor jouaso liuinv On vvoolc- dajs the old sottloi vvotrs no eitio and in f ict needs none on Suiidiiv , but ho natuially gets It out vvhon on dtoss pi- uido boeauso it vvtis won nttoi a Blimp oontost , at the mooting ot the old sot tlot a ot Westotn Iowa His ehiuf com petitor foi the houoi wasColonol Gitltor Thecoloiiol was in thlspirtot thoeoun- tty hofoto Mart II irdln etmo here In ago as well as In residoneo , ColotiolGul- tot counts tnoio cats , but in malt It g the aw ird ot the coveted enno it was ilo- oldod the eolonol lost boeauso his early losldcinco was on the Om ilia stdo of the rlvoi und not iu Iowa Guitot wis an Indian tiador , and made noadquartois on the Omaha stdo , but vv is up and down the rlvoi , tiadlng with the rcd- Bkins , and not infrcqnontly camping on the Iowa side The decision m\- > made , howovoi , that tocfnniLtllyhis resuloiiLO was in NobiasUa , and the enno wont to Hardin Colonel Guitot still Booms as active andvigotous as in the days vvhon ho was at thu head ot the primitive coin mot ci il elrLiOs of the Missouii t UI05 Ho stood the othoi daat the comet ot Broidivuj and Main stioots , watching the oloetilc motor go hv Iho old mnn scorned dnzed and vvhon accosted ho roused toati oxpicssion of the thought whieh had oviuontlj boon put of his duv dreaming ' Gtoit ehangos joung min , since I usodtohaioa httlo store just atout hcio In ono eoiiiorof what was a com Hold My grnLious , boi , if .inj thing h id told mo thou that n mllioid could bo built into Council Mull I would have thought him I didn't ei i/j believe - liovo there was anyway to ovoi got tin ough the blults Now just boo all these big buildings , paved streets , and that electuo meter slidiiiu bv tli tt wai it does boat all , and I'vo litodtoboo it all Itdoosbc-it all " Mint Ilaidin came to Council BluiTb as a boy His family histoi y is like 1 romance A oioud KontucKj family mooting vvlthiltiancialrovLibOsthroujh ' accommodating a friend by endorsement dorsement ot notes , his fithe losing his cstnto , together with hi1 slaves , could not biook the scorning bus iniliation nnd gathoung his familv about hun and talcing whnt household goods ho possessed , stutsd for Kansas - where ho took op 1 homostou Ono day - < omo soldiorscimt ed noiu hisfuni The fuinily had just begun to accumu late such supplioj as chickens and goco , and feaiing lest the soldtois should indulge in foraging a sehomo was laid to win the good will of the of- flcors aud b > their control ot the mon , secure piotcction for the coops vriio oldoi Hat din wont to the cimp and invited tbo othcors to supper that night The invitation was gladly ae- LoptoJ nnd Mrs Ilardtn , whoso culi nary skill was of 110 moan oidoi , pro p ired a feast , some of the cher ished poultry boltig aaonitod its a ransom The good housewife spieul the table with the silvoiwaioof bottoi days , and m ido the bonrd spar kle and glow in surprising centrist to what the wearers of the bmss buttons had ronson to expect in a westoin sod house The cuiiosity of the guo ts was natuially moused and inquitios were mnUo ns to who tbcoo pcoplo were and where they came from to bo supplied with so manj of the evi- donLO of hotter dajs bomo ot tlio guests were well ac quainted with the formoi standing of the family in their old Kentucky home Not only woio the ohlekon coops that night protected from foraging privates , but numerous favors shown the hospitn bio family , and a personal Intoicst awakened which led eventually to great Quangos in the tot tunes o [ JthoJIunllua _ The soldiots moved 011 to Tort Loav- onworth , vvtioio they woio stationed Ono day there drove up to the Hardin farm n sl\-mulo team and a long auny wagon The elder Ilnrdtn was told to pack up the household goods and go to Fort Leavonvvorth Iho olllcors wanted the Haidlns to take charge of a hotel , which needed a jolly landlotd nnd just such a land lady as Mis Hardin would suiclybo The proposal was in the form of an ur gent demand , the aimy otllcots being Lotl $1,68 Wedneadayi Consists of ladles genuine kid , button shoosBiz.es 2 } and 8 , A B C D & E widths , actual value $2 BO to < 3our price , Mon dny , Tuesday & $1 68 dotormincd to provldo themselves with just such cotnmissarv comfoi ts as thoj know would boalToided by tt hotel pro * sidodotot by the Hardltis No refusal would ho listened to 'Iho ncceasirv metniB under llbernl tntronngo was i/uniaiitor'd Aflor some constiltntloti the wagon was picked and the move made Aftoi solving as frontlor citoiots for a tlmo ill-hoiUh nlndo auothor chiuigo iicecsiry Again the chlckou-fed nrmt ft lends c into to the nsstftmico of tliofamtlt , and Mr Ilmilin soeurod the tony , wnti li in these days was an all important olomout of trtiuspottatloii Ono day a not iblo UiauiLior crtused nn the foity His nnino was Oalwoll Ho was an Ihigllshmau , a mystoilous soi t ol a man whoso real name novot bo- enno known to these who assoLiatcd with him ovoti most inlimitolj The stipiiosltlou Liitortaintd bi till who know him wis that tot some ruason to thorn tin known.ho had boon obliged toloato Ltiglamt , had as sumed anothci 11 itno and waswandoi- lug in the nuw wotld as an o\ilo Ho vv is a man ot evidently moio than or dinal 1 ability and uduc ilion , and pos sessed a gtand nhtslnuo Ho hud lived for years with the Indians ami although 11 whlto man , ho bet uno the locognl/od chief of the Pott iwaltamlos Ilo was at this tlmo moving with his bind of dusky skins , who woio on tilth way to the county which now bo its thoii natno Calwoll took a gtoat fancy to the oldet II irdln , and a mutual friendship was thooutgiowth of this cisuil mooting It developed almost into an iufatuition 11 which both shniod with cominglj equal fervor As a result of Calwell's indent solici tation the Haidin fainllj decided to mete to where thoPottavvattiinles woio to locate and again begin a ploncor lifoOno Ono summer day in l6l" a Missouri llvoi boit landotl at a bond 111 the nvot south of vvhoio Council lHulTs now stands The Hardin family got olT , n lonesome Httlo gioup , and the boat moved on , lent ing thom alone among moaquttoos , stud and brush , with not a Miul within sight or homing , md miles fiota the first and most ptimilito signs of civilization A Httlo cabin was built , nnd hoio the f nnlly was sholtoicd ilone In a vvildot- ness Months passed without the slgntof oven a redskin , much les 1 whlto fiiLO Then the Pottnvvattomlo Indians began coming in.with a sp-ink- ling of hnlf-brLods , and then a few white ti idcis Mai t Hardin was then but 11 lad , but the recollection of numeiotis incidents in this wild and dcsolnto experience is teiy vivid Iho nllo fut nishod an abundnnco of food Moro than ono dcei was shot by the riilo vvhlih hardly need have Its 11111/7I0 outside the uibln door 1 loin wasalu\ur } , the fhst tuat loathed the cabin costing 810 for a ban ol lhocldot llardiu continued his inti macy with Calwoll , who had auibin noiu where Goiso s old bievvurv now stands on upper Broadway In ill thoit In tun icy the whlto chief of the Potta- wattimies novcr revealed anything of his previous lifo , nnd died with tlio se- eiotstill in his hieist Who was hoi " Wliatdiovo him fiom Tngland Iho answci wis but led with hun Iho oldoi Hardin hnu muiy confi dential t ilks with him , but the soctots of his pist lifo wore uroly touched upon and when thoj vvctc Cilwoll would quickli tuin the subject und evade nil inquisitive piobings bhortli bofoio Calwell'fa death , while ho was lying upon his sick bed , the elder Hindi 11 said "I'd like to ask jou ono quebtion " All right Ill answer you anything , except ono thing " Hardin naturally concluded th it the ono thing forbidden wns thosoctetof his past life , and answered ' I think I known what you mom , nnd what I want to ask jou I do not thirk jou will object to nnswoting I waut to know how jou fcol tow aids the whlto people " ' ple : Well , Ill answer that , I toll vou ftankly , Mi llardin that if I had my way I wouldn't lcavo a whlto man liv ing in all the world , except you I hate thom all that much ' Some terrible oxpeilonco must have thus embittered him against the w hole whlto race Whnt wnb itr" No one has jet ansvvoiod , and tlio toirtblo secret is his Own Sew Clinton House , linn Citj Absolutely ( ho proof rinc-t and laifiost hotel In Kansis City Unex celled in its appointments • • _ x o Consistsoriadles'don JjOJj & • gola , button shoes , flonuineMcKav bow ai aa ed , Opei a & Com \ \ UM mon Sense styles , tallOU sizes 2 { , 3 & 3) ) , B C jD&E widthsactual value sf3 to | 3 BO , our price Mon duy , Tuesday Wednesday , $1 08 AConsists of ladies X r 4A l\i\i * . genuine French kid and fine Dongola , tr \ ttbutton shoes , hand Sk V Jill I turned and hand iD L l U U I weltsOpora & Com I mon Senss styles , sizes 2J. 3 and 3J , A B C D and E widths , actual value $4 BO to fB , our pi ice Mondny , Tuesday und Wednebday $2 88. . j I ' Wo wish to saj 10 OUK riUiNlS AND PATRONS , that tvo ate 11111K- Klng extoiislvo lcpaits and ehangos tit out sloio , giving ouiacltcs ihoio 100111which 0111 Ineieasing businens demands lhe ttotk is being pushed - _ od as fast as po stblo , aud in a few " " wo will bo able to open and displaj out spring goods , which are const mtlv at living , but which the dlit nnd dustof tepiiilng eompells us to keep undet cot 01. ! * I I Thoonly safennd pninless metholof e\tinct- M , luff teeth mil thu only 11 etlio 1 of tils rtlnic B ( tuth without jilite remalulut elinn unil duiii- ! abe " m. mi fs\i.iituoB7i\ < IujD iJOIKltitS hfltll . i. - - OMAHA { Tlio Well Known Specialist , Hi Is nusurp i sd 1 In tlio tn at ic-ntol nit for mi t 1 ill H i ATI I ) hi asis miMiliiire 111 iree t tin 1 c I 1 J B inti'icj loss it Manlii I m I Ami ill n SUrrlllljr H r li rrrnt subs lulcly e 11c I t-cn 11 r II kn II j H 1 Ifo Soirut for itt 11 or VV 11111 cuuli U en U H ( at 1111 s ) Ntrv n i I ciii ilo 111 * 01 1111 1 q t ikly H mill icrmni mtly Jn ti out t > imrosj t lu H still iif mil ) Ct iibtnt ill nfrn onlcu- c r m Utli nn I IncUsoi Stroiln O unlit Nib H Elastic SILK HOSE I & [ ' 4 1"m \ m u j / ' \r rancosc Veins , / B X i ; ; \\i ik I iiiib elc flU \U \ Trusses , I ffij Jrl * I | i / Batteries I M { Physicians ' Supplier I J 'A Architects ' Snpplics 9 C IO Engineers ' Supplies GOODMAN DRUG CO 1110 I'm mini Shod , Oniiilin W Special for Ladies Wearing Small Shoes I Being overbtocked on Small Si/es and Nan o\v Widths , of Ladies Fine Shoes , we have S Condensed them into 5 lots , and will offer same Below Actual Cost , Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday , March 3d , 4th and 5th. I T n.O Cons > istsorindlesgeii XrOL O. uno | hand tut nccl fine Dongoln button Aft M fa shoasOpoi n & Com KB li U mon Sense styles DZ B T * 0 sizes 21 , 3 & 0 | , A tUi ttrim i * # r CD&E widths , nc- tual vnluof4 , oup price Monday , Tuesday and Wcdnesdny , t2 48. T * \ 4d Consists of Zlcglop AiUli a. Bt os * celebiated la- dies'extt a tine Don ° 'a ' button shoes , 9 ft ft to 9 $ ! J U hand tutned , Opeta J. oil ] nnd Common Sense * * " styles , sizes 1 , 1 } . 2 , 2) ) , Q nnd 31 widtji , A B C D and E actual value $ Q 50 , our pi Ice Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday - day $3 38 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT I As an extra inducement , we shall place on sale 300 pahs ladles genuine hand turned Dpngolu butfon shoes , all si/es , 2 } toV Opera and ComnionSsnse styles , actual value of these shoos V our nrice Mondav Tuesday and Wednesday , > f ,08 INSPECTION faOL-IClTLi- ) _ . . . . . . . _ , . The above lots compi Ise the following well known makes ZelgleiDi os , Philadelphia , Reynolds Bros Utica New Yor < t , Gee W. Ludlow , Chicago , Curtis & Wheeler , John Kelley , IP Rood & Co , > * Roohester , N. Y. , and many other leading rnanulacttw era ZUNDER < fc HARRIS , 1520 Douglas Street 1 Omaha's Lowest Price Reliable Shoe Dealers Op n every evening until 0 o'clock Saturdays