Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1890, Part II, Page 10, Image 10

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    I '
1 OtaAHA-
_ _ H No advortlaomcnta will bo taken for
_ _ these columns after 12:30 : p. m.
H Terms Cosh In odvanco _ _
_ _ H Advertlsments nndcr this tie ml 10 rents per
_ line tor the first Insertion , T cents for each sub
_ _ reqtient Insertion , nml tl.Mi per Una per month ,
j No advertisements taken Tar loss than 25 cents
_ _ for tint Insertion Snven w ords will lie counted
B to the line , titer must run consecutively nml
_ must do pnld In ADVANrE All ndvertlse-
j ments must lie handed In before I- : . " * ! o'clock p.
_ _ m. , and under no circumstances is HI titer be
_ taken iir discontinued by telephone
_ _ I'arilrsadvertlslnclnthrtncolumns nnd hsv-
_ tag thtlranswers addressed IncaraotTiiB Her
_ will please ask torn client to enable them to get
_ their letters , as none wilt bo dollvered except
J on presentation of check All answers to ad-
l > ctisments should be enclosed In envelopes
I All Rdrertlsmcttts In these columns are pub
I llsDed In both morning nml evehlng editions of
_ The lien thn circulation of which nggiegates
I more tnnn is ,000 papers dally , nnd gives the ad-
\ertlsers the benefit , not only of thn city rirrti-
I latlon otTttr Urn , tint also of Council Illuirs
j Lincoln and othercltles and towns throughout
_ _ R this section of the country
_ _ H Advertising for these columns will lie takes
_ _ on tha nbovc condition , at the following bust
j lir-ss houses who nro authorized agents for Til is
j Ilki special notices , nnd will quote the snine
H rates as can bo had at the main olTlce
_ _ _ _ UUIJTli UMAIIA IIItANCH omCK-Oornor
I O of Twenty-sixth and X streets , Nebraska
_ | Savings bank building
| TOHN W HELL , Pharmacist 820 South Tenth
j ' - > Street
H /"IIIASE A EDDY , Sutloncr.s and I'rlnters , 113
H \J South Kith Street
_ _ _ _ Q II I'AllNSWOllTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum
O. lng Street
H \ \7 J. HUGHES Pharmacist , 624 North ICtU
H Yl . street
| A U : ( ) . W. I'AHK , Pharmacist , 1718 Leaven
H < 0 worth Street
H LrUGHE3T7'lIAHMAaY. 2203 Farnnni Street
_ _ _ A LIVE mnnwnms omijloyinonti willing to
_ _ XXwork ; vngos no object : A 1 references lor
_ _ sobriety nnd Industry ; n lmufc guaronteo given
for honesty Address X 16 Heeolllco 309 2J
i H WANTED fly young lady , a position ns
1 it bookkeeper or olllco work , Address2004
H Hurt st 484-4t
_ _ _ _ TUMIII5H Situation wanted as munagor of
_ _ XJ retail lumber yntd In Rome good western
I town t tott years ox ponenco ; can furnish first
H class rvterenccs Address X Sll Hoe 477-31"
| 'TXTANTRD-Stttintlon by a etenographer of
H I IHo years experience ; nlso understands
H hookkeuiitng ; good references Address X , X. ,
1 Iloo'olllci ) , 487-2t
i H TVANTRD-Sltuatlon by lady stenonrnpher ,
H T * lour years with lav nnd loiut olllco Ad-
U dress Ilex f. Council Illuirs la Wniint
H OITl'A'L'lOX wanted for ncotnpetont Scotch
j tJ woinnn ot 'H ns liouneieepor for hotel or
H wlilowor with children ; also for 0 good women
H srlthchlldren , ngesS tnontlts to lu yenrn My
H roottlsnro nlunyH fitllof girls ftom UtoH Mrs
H nreg.1,3U'4 So ICth H)8-ij. ) ;
H * T > OOKlviii'iU-nrst : : : class , wnnts position
H JIn olllco or bank ; llvo yeats' experlenco ;
H references furnished Address V 11 Keo olllco
B 383 3 *
H A GOOD cttr cnuvftsser to sell something now
m X.Vand protltablu J. II Corues , Kamce bldg
L Lfll "W ANTED-Cooil competent man to manage
H TV our business In 11th Nobraskn town : must
M Invest 8100 : salary to Btart iU ) . paid monthly
H Address wlth stump and references Lock lloz
B 017. Omnltn , 4218J
H A MAX 1 til JA cnn dottblp his money In ono
H XVday belling n lrc muLS for J. II Comes Co
H 428 2
i H WANTr.n-Ttttolllgeiit onico boy for position
H it lu South Uinaha ; 8tato where last em-
H ployed Address X il Ilea 4B5-L'3
M A 'J'KAVKLKU who cares to handle aside
H Xi-lliio for proltt call on J. II Cornea , iia-2
m \\rANrRr SalcstnentrnvolincIn : Neoraska
i ' toenrry a line of wool hosiery on commls-
i slon Address with reference . 11. Putnam ,
l l.a Ct'osse , Wis 4b8-
B \\7ANTI30 A ( Irsfc class cnrrlnca painter ,
B 'I capublo of taking oharge of'ualntshop ;
H steady umoloyment ; nddress , stating v ngos
m John Clazcby & Co . Clarlndu Tago co fa .
H 4CT-tr
| " "VA/ANTED A young man that understands
M ti keotilng accounts , willing to nialcu himself
B generally ussfttl Address X3J , lloo olllce
H 5H041.
; \\7 ANTI .1)-J00 raon for Utah.noarColllnston
1 ' and Mllford , fto2.0 ! per day , or tM per
l month and board Mlley k ICramer , cor 11th
! and rarnam stw mi
' \T7ANTED SnU-Htnen nt $75 per iiicnthfinlary
H T T and expenses to sell u line of tdtver-piutua
H ware , watches , etc . by sample only : hyrse and
H team furnished free ; , write at nice for tin mar
H tlcttlnrs and s.tmple case nt goods free , htan-
B dard Silverware Co lloston , Mass 333
M W ANTED 100 rockmrn tenmstors andgrnd-
H 11 ers for Utah und Nevada : cheap rates
m Albright's Labor agency nai l'nrnnm st 3JJ
B l\rKN to travel for the 1'ontlillL nurseries of
B | aXlanada We pay $ ' * ) to JHW per month nnd
H t > xpeuses to agents to sell our Canada grown
B stock Add fctono & Wellington , Madison Wis
. a. 'tm.ll
rt IKri&TlVKS W Hantammi In every lo-
4-'callty to act as private dotectlvo under our
H Instructions Kzperience not nectiasiry l'ar-
B tlculurrt free Central Detective Uurcau llox
IIP Topeka , Kans 3slK
TAN 1'HI ) lu wide awalio men to sell goods
H H ottiiibtnllmonts MvtropolltanMfg.Ca.,17m
St Mary's ave j % j
\\1 AN'lItD Canvassers at Slngor soulng liia-
' ' cllloa olllce IB18 Douglas st 377 mai
"WrANTKD Carriage woodworker , Artlmn.v
B Vartlu , Sfitti between N und ( > , South
Omnhn ct ij .
; CtALKSailtN Wante < lttncH A tuw gooa
m VJ men to sell our geode by sample to the
B nhulesalu nnd retnil trade Wo are the largest
m luaiiuracturerii In our line Liberal salary paid
m 1'ermuuent position Motley advanced for
wugoB , ndvertlHliig , etc For terms address
Centennial Mfg Co . Chicago , 111. 844-mlfit
H 'AArANTKD-Salosm en on salary .or commU-
m 'i i alon to haiullo the New l'aumt Chemical
m Ink etaslng pencil The greatest Bulling no\elty
B overproduced Erases Ink tnoroughlyln two
] > ocoudHuoabr Rtoaof paper ; X ) to finu per
J centprotlt Ono agents sales amounted to $ iK0
9 ltislxauys : another JJiln two hours We want
i H ? ono energetic general Hgnnt for each state anil
| H territory , Sample Iiy mall llf cents For terms
I H and full particulars , address the Monroe Eraser
H Mfg Co , LaCrosse , Wis 4C.M *
, \\7ANTii ; ) Agents tor DenverStato Lottery
* Tickets Mio Address A. UHossA „
Denter Cole Ma-aprUt
1 AVANTK1) KlSarAIii ; HEM .
< ; "W ANTED Experienced waist llnlsher none -
HE , ' other need apply Also German girl for |
1 noDsauorc mutt be neatand good washer and
H lroner Mrs , Emily ltoys Ml N lbtU st ,
J 4Till-2'
ipfls'7ANTnilWotniin pastry cook , fiuj asslst- .
i Hl ] ! T J ant , t U ; girl furoiilcer'sfamily- "J : second 1
] girl fof private family ; cook for tamlly ot 4
Jrii young laoy cashier : four good dlnlngroom ;
| H Kirls ; housekeeper on a f arm , no objection to a
I H child : on good girls for gcnoral nousework
Mrs Ilregail4S : fco llttf TeUHHt IXIT-3J.
T WISH to employ a few ladles , on salary , to
- takaohurgoof my biiHlnetis nt their hoines
| H Light ; very fascinating und healthful ; wages
| H till per week Huference given Good pay ror
i I rt tlttte Address with btump , Mrs Marlon
1 J walker , Loulsvlllo , Ky
* j Q IASTUVcookH 4 hotel waiters , M to cook
m i wobh and iron , wire for ( leriuaa fanner !
H Kvlth'u Kmp . cilice , DlbH S. IS Tel 155K. '
H \\r ANTED A good business woman to take
| H TT a district agency ; must invest tlUd ; cash
| H salary , * n per montn Address lf A. Ilpor
pBVJ Mlilanl hotel , Otnutia 4b0.t
H "I .AUV ' aOK.NT-Inspect our goods , free > ,
m J-J Bead stamp for postage .
on same A. J ,
Lyman , 1-ill Cherry bt , Kansas City , Mo
4U7- & '
LBl7aNTED Good second girl ; leferences re !
pBHJ IT nulred Ames , JOJi' l' rk ave 17U-I
H Vt7I' WANT 4'J ' Oermati girls at the German
| H T T Employment olllce 11 a b'urnaut , Monday
morning , also liotiscxeeper , 4T0-KJ
I " \\7ANTUD-Olrl for g > nernl housework ,
| | H IT must bo neat and good rook , family or.L
M good 1 wages Apply ttt SiFarnam at 6IU •
\XrANTK"-At' " & )3 ) Dodge nt , a tirnt-class
| H T chambermaid and tiartor girl ; none but n
> ery competent girl need apply iVl-i *
T\7ANTED First olass German glrlT io
I washing or ironing ; 1707 Cass st 410 4j
\ Xj"ANTKII GooTgTrl rgeireraTTiousowork
| H T. lntiulro"IU-JonenBt Uetweea St Maryfa
ave ami l a\au ortli at 391 ! !
"WTANTED A good girl for general house
| H i ' ' work , good wngBM to good girl Apply
I after ( I p. m. to WX Dodge bt 31s-o
WANTED A first class shirt pollstier at
| | H • " once good , waaos aud good cnauco tor
Hi ngbr girl ; David City lauudry , David City ,
WANTt' .D-Oood second hand Klnch bl-
cycle Addrem X 2S , Hoe onice 471-2t
" "
iru iS8 : > lAIClN < 3
WANTED Modlsto of 30 years experlenco
IV wishes to enitngo Willi n few families who
will have first class dressmaking doan at tholr
homes Kitting by ncttial measurement Sat
isfaction guaranteed Address X 31 , llee
AN elegant u-room house , hatn , cistern , fur
nncc , mantle , electric bells , built on moit
npprmed plan , completed last March , full lot ,
onu of the nicest homes near Hanscom park ;
price nQHtl Hutchinson It Wondl.T 'l Douglas
Tel ljX > . 451 2
1lJIt ( HK.W 1 miles from town , a hew house
. ' nnd tine garden land ; apply fcOl N 13th st
grocery 4JJ lit
IillIII HUNT 7 room house , modern Imp
3 Sdl Dodge , npply IUN Mtli iSl'll
WOll KENT Houses lu all pTrts of thocTfyi
J- fromirtoJluDpsrinohth I ) . V. S'lolos Co ,
- ' 1.1 l'lrst Nat bank 4fil-9
KSiniiNCESltiPnul Mock No 3. , 2' .th and
llarnoy.reartyby Mnr li Soethem Good
location \ery nttractlvo all that inn be asked
for in the way of improvement * , which are of
tno latest , nnd nt a rental that cannot Do beat ,
W J. l'nul , 180J Farnaut 47(1-3. (
HOTEL A new hotel of 11 rooms on Ilroad
way Council Hanra po 3osalon given itn-
niedlately Call nt Koom 217 , Shooly block
ITIOH Itr.NT ImmedlatelT well furnished ( T
JU' room cottage , right by the high scnool , city
water , nice lawn , etc , \oiy desirable Call at
J. 'lf ) Dodge st DI1-UJ
\ \ / ANTED Gentleman and wife to tnko till
'I turnlslied house on Park nve , and boird
gentleiiiannnd wife for house rent Adilress
X 33. Hec MIMJ
IilLEGANT house of fl rooms on Dorcas st
liTernw to suit II 11. COLE , lloom 0. Conti
nental blk . and f > 0l N. SI st U'i-3 )
iJIOlt HENT i neat houses near motor in ;
XI same for sale tl 'sJO and J1.S0D , on small
monthly payments Or will bullil to suit pur
chaser , iumure of owner HOI Fuxton block
"lTIOIl KENT n-ronm house 8HS. 17th. In btso
Jinent. . 5 minutes walk irom 13th nnd Har
ney : city wnter 4U5- : ! ?
fjlOll KENT In the Kstabrook block IfltiTiind
X Clilcngo streets , line , so * en and elgnt room
tlats with every convenience and newly pa
pered ; these Hats face east on.TolVersott sqiuro
park aid there Is no better locntllou In the city
Hobcrtfl 4l N Ibth St till mini
GHOOM corner Hat with modern tmprove-
ments 24th and l.oavenwortn sts 1117mil ]
Foil HENT Largo ton room house with all
modem Improvements , suitable for board
lng house , on K ktli , botueen California and
Cass sts , Ileut reasonable Inquire room COU
First National bank building 33fl
IjlOll HENT Now C-room house 22d and Call
tornlasts , all conveniences , JJO A.CWako-
loy room 60i N. V. Life bldg 325
I.UUt HENT An 8-rootn detached house , fur
X ; nace bath , etc 20th nnd Lea\onworthrIO.
David Jamloson , lice bldg ll- )
TJlOIt ltENT-7-room ilatLango block ; OlTsTT
Oil HENT IIuuses nnd stores ; property
cared tor taxes paid Midland Guarantee
& Trust Co . 11114 l'nrnnm st Abstracts 3.17
ITIOll KENT A spiondld bilck store , well lo-
-L cated , now occupied by n shoo store doing a
profitable business by party who Is colug to
move Into his own building I ) blocks from this
location : splendid opportunity for some one to
open up with a trade built up to start on ; pos
session glvon April 1st : rent very low T. 0.
llruner , Jtoom 1. Ware block 452 G
OH HUNT House ot t rooms Kin Calitor-
nla t. Cheap rent to a good party 135
AN olegatil 9-room house , bath , cistern , fur
nace , mantel , electric bells , built on most
approved plan , tliilshed last March , full lor ,
good elevation , one of th nlceat homes near
Hanscom Fark Price $ i,0iW.
Hutchinson & Wead , 1S24 Douglas St . tel 1529.
454 2
VIlCtLV furnished rooms , modern conven
es lencos , terms rensonablo 2017 Leavenworth
Ir you wish to rent a house or store see II E.
Cole Continental block 1SU
FOlt KENT 0-rooin house with earn , 2114
California bt Inquire N. W. Cor.22nd and
Dav enporr , 2311
IriOU HENT New u-room house ; bath , gas ,
. hot anil cold water 717 S rf7th st 28J-2J
IriOItHENT-11-room house No 31U N.22nd
: st luquho N. W. Cor 22nd and Davenport
\ 2Wt
"ITIOH HENT Houses and flots in all ilarts ot
X ! the city ; Hats and unfurnished , rooms a
specialty ; parties desiring rent nt from &i to $75
bo sure to call at 150(1 I'm nam St . before rent
ing Hutts Iteming Agency lBlniI7J
FOR HUNT Two Ill-room brick houses , No
1210 and 1218 North lath.all modern Improve
ments , oue block from citble cars For information
mation call at Nebraska Marble and Granite
Works No 212 North 15th & $ . 371 2
FOIl HUNT Elegantly furnished prlvato
resldenco with all modern conveniences ,
nlso good barn and nice lawn on cable , only six
blocks from 1' . O. : no liner location In 'ltr :
owner and wife will take room and board if
agreeable ; tor particulars address V OS line
TpOR HHNT The choice flat In the Her block
JL1 cor 16th nnd Jackson sts , nil newlv papered
and has all conveniences Call at 1112 Harney
Oil HENT 7-room flat with rnngo , and
every other convenience , S3.1 , Including wa
ter Apply at 705 S. I6th 8t. George Clouser
310 2)
[ TIOH HENT Cottage of 3 rooms in roar of
A ! 1215 Chicago , near 13th ; 110 per month 878 ftj
DOOM fat with steam neat , ] 6tn st , near
Jones Jhos F.llnll.ill : l'axton block 327
ITIOH HENT-H room house 1)35 ) N. 27th St
J 214 2J
TT'llONT pin lor handsome suite ot front
X rooms : also other rooms First-class board
niouern couv umences iteiereuces Ibittlk amain
FUIINISHEIorunfurnlbhcdrooms torrent ;
1st Hat , 2231 l'arnam , 48fl-3t
NICELY furnished rooms with boar.i , 11.1 8.
MM 4'J-3t )
ITIOH HENT Two nicely furnished rooms at
3 1J01 Chicago st 4C7- '
FHONTbed room and parlor with use ot
piano In private family ; (10 a month 1511
California street , 478-5 *
DESIHAIILEhome rooms and beard fortlireo I
in prlvato famlly.nicely located.213UIIarnny.
ITIOH HENT Pleasant furnished rooms with 1
all conveniences , DID S. 2Ut h st 5/J
PLEASANT rooms with board in corner I
house , Paul block , 1822 Chicago at 15J J
TTlOlt HENT 3 furnished rooms for lions e-
-L' keeping , or could be arranged tor 4 gentle
men , mil N. 18th , 447 2
FUHNISHED rooms with board at 407 N WtU
at , Paul blk 425 3 *
ITIOK KENT Elegantly furnished ro6ms one
-L block from PO ; modem conveniences : best
location in cltyalso ; day boardcrs.Cull 111 817th ti
4ITP )
Tj OH HENT Suite ot front rooms , modern
JJ conveniences , with or without board 811
per month , 2218 Leavenworth st 328
QT , CLAIH European hotel , cor TJ 'tti and
ODoilgo Special rates by week or month
TTHJHNIBIIED room and board ; all conven-
-U lunces 1U1U Capitol ave 3JU
'VncEL * ' furnished room with board ; modern
X > conveniences , lnriulro at l > J7 N 20t st
"T7IOU llENT-lloom with board 1722 Dodgest
iE ik > ;
EOOMS furnished or uufurnlshud with board
it desired , at reasonable rates Modem con
venlences bUU N 17th st 31i-2t <
"VTEWLV furnished rooms 1011 Douglas
1 LAUGH furnished front room , 1013 Karnara
J- 373 12
1700MS and day boaid ; 1721 Capitol nvc
XX i _ _ 2B4-mWj "
JIlOIl HENT Pioasant furnulioit room with
board ; modern convenience , 2015 Douglas
3U3 3
OOOMS Uoard If desiroil nt : reasonable rat oh
JVModerniomcnlvnce , itSBo 17th bt
irUllNlSIIEDroam A. bourd
J- 1318 Daveuporl
- 184 7T
TilOll HUNT Elegant front loom with alcove ,
J. well furulshed ueur cable and liortocars
All modern convenlsnces Call 2ao8 Douglas
U21 >
TT011 HUNT -A large , comfortably furnished
X1 room In a uuw cotlagu fronting on Capitol
ave ; private family ; wither wltnout board ,
Address V 23 , liee 7M
i , . . . . . .
TTIOK KENT A very large front und back par
X1 lor uuturnUhed 17AI Capitol uve ISi
NICEroonis.modernconvculences.isci Farn'm
IilOH HENT-One largo front room with board
! UVo Capitol are 075
'VTICIlrciom , modern conveniences KltDav *
J-s enport 483in09
K it itKNT-noosis vNruuM8iii < : i >
"TTOll HENT Three nlco iinfnrnlshed rooms
X' cheap to parties without children S. W.
cor Hurt nnd 22na sts Hefcronccs cxchatieed
IilOIIUIiNT Sunturnlshoil front rooms : hont ,
gas , bath , with or without board , nil N.
Uth st 111 4J
I foil H1NT : Two or three unfurnished
rooms , UiaCassst , or enquire nt 4M N.
ICth st C01-3J.
I " jH > ll HENT-2 largo Ilrst lloor , front unfiir " -
iiMted rooms at C18 No 20th st , R blocks
irom p. a 502-gj.
| j > Ol'It unfurnished rooms , ettitahlo for
Xhousekeeping 1713 Douglas St 3U" > 2
fFl'N FritNlSllEDihiiinbersfor ltouseTeeplng
tJforman and wife ; nuchlldren 311) ) N Fall
34V2 *
IjlOll HENT 1-room suite , unfurnished , suit
able for housekeeping , gas water , otc , to
famllv w lthout children ; northwest corner 17th
nnd Webster sts 3T !
" S TOHE8 nt " 7t)7. TilT.TlT8. Tifth.Kxra ) ench "Targo
show windows , steam heat XurnLsliad Tllos ,
r. Hall 311 l'axton nlock 311
ljlDIt KENT I story brick bulltllng II111 Doug
X' las St , suitable for w holosalo or wurehoti o
purposes Also brick store , M7 S. 1.1th st In
quire of Chas anftnun , 1 ii2 ( Douglas st 3 If
"I/O it KENT -Storj-llest and most central loX -
X' cation in Omnhn , ssxlun possession Im
mediately , must move , caij ha\o long lease ;
now is the oppoi tuiilty to rout the best store In
the city , iubiislness cohter Address X3 < l Ileo
IjWH Ur.NT The l-storv brick building , with
X or without power , formotly occupied by the
lice Publishing I o , I'M rarnnm st The build
ing has a llre-proot cement basetnont.completu
steam hooting IKturos , w nter on all the floors ,
gas , etc Apply nt the olllco of The Ileo U15
TTIOH HENT First ortnlrd lloor of thoneW 3-
X' stoty building o lng built between N. Y.
Lite und Morse building ou l'arnam st , D , C.
Patterson , 518 N. Y. Life MB
9 STOIIE3 , 2103 and2105 Leavenworth st
< - H78 mllj
JrtOR HENT-3 furnished rooms for light
. housekeeping , references oxchnnged 2324
St Mary's avenue 4-r ) 6J
"WANTED-Twoor three nicely furnished
i rooms by man an wlfo for light house
keeping Address X 29. Ilee olllco 470-2 *
WAN'l'ED Hv gentleman nnd wife , two or
three furnished looms for light house
keeping lu a pleasant locality , moderate rent
Address X21 , nou olllco i63-2J
\\7ANTED To rent a hotel of 30 to 50 rooms
li In good town ; will buy furulturo Address
X 20 Hoe 418 2J
an.sci : ufit\s nous
HE COLE , reliable lire Insurance
. 335
WANTED Lots Insldo for mortgages , lands ,
otc W J. Paul , 1001) ) Faiuam 470-2
HO T. GELLENnKCIC , teacher of thobnnjo ,
room 213 , Douglas block , or Ilee olllco 2111
AUCTION sales every TuesdayTliursdaynnd
Saturday morning at 1114 Douglas street
Omaha Auction & Storage Co 310
HE COLE , notary publlj and conveyancer
a 10 SUIT the convenience of clients engaged
. during the day wo open oveulii gs 11:30 : to 8 : W.
II E. Cole , Room ) Continental lllk 204
I DESIRE to purchase ; 8 or 10 complete IC of
P. uniforms ; must bo in good order Call on
or address Secretary Pythian Club , Paxton blk
JUDGMENTS , mecnanlcs' lien * , warrants
Jury and witness fees bought for cash O.
II Edwards , it 12 , Uarkcr lilt ns9
IP YOU have stocks ot merchandlne for snle
I hnve customers with the cash .1. II
1'arrottc. room 21 , Douglas blk 420-1.1
T\7 ANTED To board -clnldron otany ago
it convenient to 'schoolT-lteteroucesgiven.
Mrs M. J. Clyer , Pcplllou , Neb 48J-1 *
ANTED-lloard tor girl 10 months old D.
A. C , 15th und Pacilic sts 305 2J
I V you want to sell or rent list it with T. C
Ilrunner , whohna alnrgo list ot customers
Koom 1 , Ware block , B. 12. Cor latliand Farnam
453 31
T 3 E. COLE , rental agc'nt , Contihental block ,
PBHSONAti Divorces nuletly : advice free
Address Lawyer , llox 031 , Chicago III
I WANT to buy a hoitsawith lor paying S > 0
down and $12 a montlu Address P. O. Hex
120. Council Hltills 201 !
OSV Hotvveon Wincoto & Hlley's olllce , 20th
nnd Leavenworth and 3013 Pacific street
One blank book about 8x10 Inches led cover
and about 151 pages 93.00 reward It returned
to either above addiess Wincoig iV-HIUiy.
4 ( > 0-
Tnn cleanest nnd best storage In the city at
low rates at lilt Douglas street Omaha
Auction & Storage Co 330
FpHACICAGE storage at lotvo Bt rates wTTT .
XTlushman , 1311 LoaVedWof ill 1kI8 '
BEFOHE buying a piano examine the new
scalu Kimball piano at A. llo.spo.1513 Doug
las bt 445
PTANO tuning by George IPtioinlle.d , piano
maker 111 North 17th. 20yrs experience in N.
V „ Chicago and Omuha Excellent references
2U0 mSi *
LIST property for sale Hutchinson & WVad ,
1521 Douglas , tel 1621) . 45i2
WANTED To buy for cash , n stock of hard
ii v\ are , stoves , etc . about ? 3,000. Address
"L , " 20 II St . Lincoln , Neb 408-5
WANTED A good second hand letter Die i
case Address X IU Uee olllce 300
\XTANTED Furniture , carpets , household
11 goods for cash Wells Auction A : Storage
Co , 317 S Uth st 330
WANTED Good common ial paper Ne
braska Moitgage Loan Co.,510 l'axton blk
flAHH tor all kinds of household goods nt 1111 ,
WDougIasstreet.Omalia AuUlonJf Storage Co
T71LOUHINO mill wanted nt North Dend , Neb
X' A liberal donation will do made by the bust
ness men for the same Address Mill Commit
tee , Northllond Neb 0 _ m4
TX/ANTED-To nuy for spot cash , city or
II country parts or whole btocks of dry aua
fancy goons , clotlilng , boots aud shoes , inllll- ;
iiery.stationery , geut'sfurnishinggoods , , eM
' Call on or address J. L. ilrandeis & Sous , cor
ner 13th and Howard , Omuha 8.U.
WANTED to lltiy-12.500 good short tlmo pa-
per II 11. Henderson , 401 l'axton blk 417 <
XX/ANTED A stocKof drugs Part cash &
IT trade , Dox 6l8Omaha , Neb 127
1J\OH SALE In smalt lots or by the car clean
7 Millet seed Write to W. U. Ilojton , Dnvtd
City Neh •
, Ul-T
FOIl SALE or trade About $1,100 new'Jew-
elry Will take i lour Omaha lot part pay ,
bal cash Address llo _ 228 , Cozad , Neb 433 7
Oil SALE OnooTthe llnest driving teams i
In Omuha ; afraid of nothing , stylish and I
prompt drivers ; also a full platform spring ;
carriage almost now Address X.X2 , liee olllce
TTXHt HALK Lady's extra large boalskin cape
X' almost new , best English make , sold ror
half price Address X 21 , Ike olllco 473-2J
IjinitNITUili : auction everrWedueiday and l
: Baturday 317 ttUth Welfs U4J _
Foil 8ALB AM-tiorsa power Porter englue
lu good condition weljjlit
* fs lliu pounds , cyl-
tnder llxiu ; tor partlculurs apply to The Ilee
olhce 710
I poll HALE-Deutlstoutnt-ull in good the pi
. Cash ortlrau 18 l'axton block 313
lOlt 8AL1 ! or trade One flat ton dusk , one
X'K-foot standlug desk , one leauuof awtlou
of school laud 4U acres of improved western
land and sections of U. P. railroad Vwi II
II Uoudersoa , luo l'axton hlott , tut-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
QT rtEIINAMl'nnd 8cot > H colly ( shephanl )
CJdogs fors..lo. . M , P , Ilronn , IapUllon Neb
TjIOH BALB-Somo " irood wafches and dla-
X' mnnds cheap II F. MnsteM , room 4 , With
liell blk , , ) nt'
IODIC hero for sale at low flguro the ttirnlttire
of a 7-room house , nearly now and complete
Also the house to rent , on Park ave Address
X2 , HepotHce , TJ 271-2
T710H SALE Ons elegant sonlsklncloak , near
X1 ly new , nt one-UiIrd Talno , Address X _ Ilee ,
HEAVY delivery wagon : set single buggy
harness , 1 coal bed , 1 top buggv , 1 carriage ,
111-llal sliver ornot , I Mexican saddle , sot now
double harness , lloom 13 , Board Trade
TflOIl SALK-Or exchamfe , half blood Clydes-
X' tlnlo stnllloh , will exchange for good dilvldg
horse George Vradenberg , 023 S. 10th.
708 m 12 *
Dlt II GHOUX.electrlclty.mttbSage nnd mag-
notlc treatment , chronic diseases n spoclni-
ty , simple medicines when needed , 322 N 15th.
438 m.llj
MADAME IlLANCIL tha greatest mind
reader and counsellor , has sulto of
pnrlors at 322 N. sreets w. comer Chicago
nnd ICth This lady has a remarkable gift
ut second sight , tells pnst and future correctly ;
businessconlldentlal : has just returned : lost
Hnd stolen property , truthtnlncss of nhsent
Mends a specialty 317
r/lOHTir.Vn Tiller-Mrs. Lenorrnnn can bo
XI consulted on all airulrs ot life Satisfaction
guaranteed No 3111N. 15th st 100 m 2UJ
MME Do Ian , maguotlc-physician nild mind
reader , has the power ot any two mediums
vonevcrmet 'I ells It the ono you love Is trtto
or false Gives jou ndvlce on divorce , contested
wills , buslnoss speculation , etc Pallors HON
14th bt , 411-mnt
Dll NANNlI ! V. W AHIUJN" . clairvoyant , mod
lcnl and business medium Femalodiseases
a specialty , llli N. ICth ft , rooms2 and3. ,110
\\7ANTED Educated young ladles and gen
TT tlemen to learn snorthanrt and typewrit-
lng nt the Standard Shorthand Huslnoss col-
leg * , Now York Life building ; llnest rooms In
the city ; all latest Improvements , electric light ,
• jlevator service : cheapest school because It Is
Iho nest ; Instruction thorough , model n. practi
cal : demand ror stenographers constantly In
creasing : succuss positively sure Call orwrito
for one ot our largo doscrlptlvo catalogues
Address , Standard Shorthand Huslnoss College -
lege , l'rank H. Hell , Manager , N. V. Lire Illdg ,
Omaha , Neb 7Qj
DEPOSITIONS , 10c per folio ; petitions Ic cor-
rospondenc9liccopylng,3c.Mrs.Illno.toL ; MO
U-m20J )
SHOHTIIAND and typewriting taught nt
Omaha Commercial college , corner 15th and
Dodge sts Instruction , free In graminor spell
ing , writing and letter writing Pitman and
Graham systems : plenty ot tjpowriters for
rentcopying ; done ; circulars , llohrbough Ilros
201m ch2
KEYSTONE Moitgago Co T.oans of $10 to
$ l,0J0 ; get our ratjs before borrovving and
save money ; loan on norscs furulturo or any
npproved security , without publicity : notes
bought , for now loan , renewal otold and lowest
rates Call , It 208. Mieuly blk , 15th & Howard sts
tC50,000of prlvato money to loan on lmpioved
• I'lnslde property : cash on haml , Ceutral In
vestment Co , loom 23 , Cham Dor of Commeice
MONEY to loan iti large suns Central In
vestment Co , room 25 , Cnnmbcr of Com
merce , j 3U (
$60,000 at 0 per cent In amounts not loss than
120.000 on llrst cln s btiRluess property
McCandllsh , 314 South 15th nt 41041
MONEY loaned .on furnmuo , horses and
wogons : rntbs roasonnble City Loan Co ,
118 S. Uth st , ; opposite Millard hotel 35.1
SEE Sholes , ro "Ahi 210 First National bank bo-
foio making your loans 351
CPEH CENT rMldtmco loans J3.O0O to JlOtHO
llulldlng loans at special rates The Mead
Investment Co , liee oulldlng 350
WANTED First class inside loans Lowest
rates Call and see us Mutual Investment ;
Co , 1501 Farnami j Six )
MONEY to loan O. J * . Davis Co , real estate
and loan agontsr 1505-Farnum ti , 3J1
IriHST mortgage loans at low rates and no tie
- lay D. V. Sholes Co , 210 First National bank
MONEY to loan ; cash on hand : up delay J.
W. Squire , 121 st Furnahi st , Jblrst National
bank building , 302
MONEY 3J , 01 or 90 days on furniture
pianos , horses , houses , otc J. J. Wilkinson
618 Paxton blk 3t3
LOAN8 City ami farm loans , mortgage pa-
per bought McCugtie Investment Co 351
MONEY to loan on any security
tor short , tlmo at low
rates Lowest r.ttea
on personal property
The HonderconMortgageInvestment Company ,
lloom 1.0 , l'axton block • 3 > 5
Oil ATI EL loans at lowest rates : business
contldentlnl J. II Emlnger , 1117 l'arnam st
3 0
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , planos.organs , dbimonds ,
at lowest rates 'Ihe llrst organized loan olllco
In the city Makes loans rrom30 to 3CB days ,
which can be paid in part or whole nt nny
time , thus lowonng the principal nnd interest
Call nnd see us when jou wantinuuor Wu can
assist you promptly nnd to your udvnntnge
without lemoval of property or publicity
Money always on hand No delay In making
loans C. F. Heed & Co , 3IS S. 13th st : over
lilnghnm & Sops , 357
LOANS at lowest rates ; cajli auvayd onhand ;
notes bought ; monuy advanced on any
available bocurlty Tno Peoples Financial Ex
change , room 57 , Hurkor block 358
IriASTlfRN Money Philadelphia Mortgagu 4 :
iiTrust Co want mortgages from direct norr
rowers ; make saving and call on Gee W. P.
_ ( JOAt7 Itn-ri ! nf 'IVftdQ , ull )
LIIIEHAL real estate loans matlo by W. M .
Harris , loom 20 Frcnzer blk , onp P. O.
BUILDING Loaus il'J to 7 pur coat ; no ad
ditional charges for commissions or attorneys
ney's fees W. H. Melkle , First Nat , bank bldg
HE , COLE , loan agent , Continental blook
. 34 ! )
MONEY to loan on furniture , organs , pianos
horses and wagons Huwkoyu Investment
Co , room 3J , Douglas blk , 1Mb and Dodge Ms
BUILDING loans DV Sholes Co . 210 First
National hank building 351
MONEY to loan , by II F. Masters , In nny
amount from 410 to )10ooo for any time ,
from ono toslx mouths , at borrowers option ,
Loans mutlu on household goods , pianos ,
organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , etc , in
any amount at the lowest possible rates
without publicity or removal of property
My loans are bo arranged thut you can make
a payment at any time , reducing both princi
pal mut Interest You pay Interest only for Hie
tlmo you use the money ; If you owe a balance
on your proportyl will take it up and carry it
for you
, Money nlvvnyson hand No delay No pub
liclty ' Lowest ratasji U. IV Masters ,
ilooni 4. Wlthnell Block , 15th and Harney
_ _ 1 314
SECOND mortgage loans It 13 , Hoard Trade ,
CHOICE City Loans ' nt lowest rates We need
loans ot Kl.uM ta JTAHS ) , to till special orders
Central Loan & . Trust Co , 1205 Farnam st
lo 412.815T
UILDING loan * rmiile on
Choice city property
Ar lowest rates
I'rlvalo funds to
loan'on brick
ros tdenco and
business property
tiDonVerv favorable
r tiTtns
Kttuba' l t. 'hamp & Hyan ,
Uyrfrnam St C23m9
CJECOND mortga oans , 11.10 , Hoard Trade
SECOND mortgage loans It 13 , Hoard Trade KX ,
71T1DLAND Guarantee * Trust Co „ N. Y. Life
-lilblug.complete abstracts furnished aud titles
to real estate oxamluell , per foctod X guaranteed
CIAIIDEN farm torrent , sire , location , land
und terms most luvorablo : Jbhn it Wee
ster 414 Dee building 290 4
T\7ANTKD-A partner with llvo to eight
TT thotisuad capital In an established m'r'g
: business , either us bookkeeper or salesman
Address X14 Ilee 40081
a OJofTPrluters As wo deilre to devote
more time to papers , the dally , weekly und
Sunday Democrat , uud as we have n line lob
aud book department , four presses , etc , with a
deniocrutio patronugewe desire to rent our
jobbing interest , on a per cent by the month ,
Propositions will be received for ten days Ad *
dress Democrat Pub Co , Oman * . Nob.430ml
A NEWSPAPER chnuco-Tho Dally Demo
crat is the only democratic dally in Omaha
It , Is the official organ of Douglas county Has
been ] by convention resolutions indorsed as the
party 1 organ , its stockholders are the most
prominent | nnd w-enltmest democrats In Ne
braska , A practical newspaper man who will
buy 1 n small Interest nnd look after a special
department i for the company's interest will do
well to address Democrat Pub Co.OmnhaNeb
IOH SALK-Hotet furnished In Chniiron ,
Neb , situated on Main street ; tjcasht bal
to ; suit purchaser Address M , II Sangworthy
JpAHMS near Omaha for city property
. Stock ot groceries , wantS cash
Good store building in good Iowa city tor cat
tle 1 or hogs
Farms for encumbered Omaha property
Trnckngo lot for Iowa farm
Hlttcntusoil.V- Wend , 1521 Douglas teL 1529.
454 2
fflOH EXCHANGE-Alot with four buildings
: X' on It oil routed and In good order , front
ing ' on a pnVed street In Omaha Neb , for east
ern < Nebraska or Iowa rarm land , Apply to
E. N. Itrniller , lloom20 , Continental block
' J Wi-Ct
12.000 acrosotlands for lots to build on Will
X pay some cash and nssunie on ilrst class
property 1 Oct list Special deal for good lots ,
VJ. . Palll 4'6-a
( I ' 1LEAH farm In Nebraska for house and lot
ln Omaha Address X 30 , Ileo olllce , 613-3'
171011 SALE or Trade A clenr stock ot hnrd-
- ware , * lti0J. Would trade for part for Omnhn'
property i ( residence ) nnd rent or sell Motontid
line j dwelling house Is lu u county sent nnd Uve
itownor Nebrnskn Addrebs X ill llou
" '
mo I THADE-rirst class ho tci In growing
X railrovd town for good farm land For
information I call at Uo 121 , Cnrloton , Npb
"ITIOH EXCHANGI > For farm land in eastern
X' Nebraska or lonu , 20 lots In the prosperous
cityot ' lllalr Neb , within three blocks ot the
court ' house , nil clear and * tltln perfect , 15. N.
llradloy , mom S3 , Continental bhica 402-2r
WALNUT lllll-irino residence of U rooms
li wlth all improvements , on lot GOtbO
Largnhnm : 'I rado for Insldo property II B.
Cole ' UoomO , Continental block M0-2
2j'01t i\CHANGE-4 qiiorter sections of land
1 • more or less improved , smooth , good soli ;
hay lumber and wood convenient Merchan
dise wanted Write llox 12 , Springvievv , Nee
IIIAVEfiwoll Improved farms in Holt coun
ty , Nebraska ; well located : best ot soil nnd
no , snnd If you hnvo anything to trade for
same , cnll on Jinx J , Ilaehr Max Meyer's whole
sale j department , corner 16th nnd larnam
433 2
1D1EUHK lot for wntch or personal property
. Address X 30 , Ileo olllce 61.1-2
IE you hnvo anything to exchange cull on or
address II , K. Cole It 0 , Ccntlnental block ,
Olllco open evenings 030 ; to 8:30. : 307
$10,000 worth ot Omaha pro corty to exchange
for good farms < rlthtn 40 miles ot Omnhn ;
this property Is only lightly encumbered U.
It Hall , It 1- , Darker block 38. ) 2
T710R EXCHANGE For good mortgage paper
XI lOixl.W ft , "a corner lu lllllsldn ; No 2 , also
2 lots in Fall mount Place , east fronts N. U.
Atrple , room 10 Ware block 297 2 *
JrHNElYV improved rental property in Cassa-
. dv's addition Council illuirs to trade for
house und lot In Omaha , II , E. Cole , Contin
ental blbcfc KW-2
InOK EXOHANGE-Stock of drugs , including
. store building , to exchnngo for a good farm
within 40 miles ot Umuhn ; n good paving busi
ness II It Hall , Koom 42 , Ilnrker block .
3WI 2
MOHTGAGE on farmland to exchange for
horses Address X 30 , Ileo olllce 513-2
IT-Oil Trade 32U acres good deeded Innd 10
X1 miles southwest of Hertund , Neb , , cattle
preferred Jno G. Hallard llertrand , Neb
JilOH EXCHANGE A ntimborot goodTinln-
. cumbered farms in Knusas nnd Nebraska
for stiK'ksof goods and good stock , will pay part
casn If suillclunt inducement Is olferod Money
on liana and titles to land perfect Correspond
ence solicited IJ A. Hyder , 070 North 21th st
IJSXCHANGE for merchandise , 20 acres land
ii near Kansas City Address V 69 , Uee
, . , 170-2 *
CHOICE Improved fnnns In Nebraska , lowe
and Illinois , clear of lncumberauce , or ex
change for improved Omuha propsrty Address
| X25. Uee 437 7J
ITIOH EXCHANGE Stock rauch In Wyoming ,
t . 3,000 acres , fenced 151) head cattle , cleur.for
farm In eastern Nebraska jr western Iowa D.
A. Powell , JiM Muyno St , Orchard HlllOmuha
• 444 7J
JTIOH EXCHANGE-Cholco improved Nebras
. ' ka farms Will assume light encumbrance
If you have anything to oiler oddrosa or call on
Gee J.Sternbdorir , loom 317-318 First National
bank building Tolenhono 404. C25
TTIOIl EXCHANGE-Lnts that will bauble In
X' value In 0 months , clear and lnsluo , 82.500
wortn of nursery stook for land J4.000 Jewelry
stock for clear land J7.OU0 general stock for
money and land , Nebraska farms Iowa farms ;
J.V.UtKJ worth mlnlngstock that vvlll iear investi
gation lor oncumbred land lu Nebraska or
Kansas J. II Corse , Sheely Jllock Ill , !
"ITIOH EXCHANGE-ri.dOD bow and clean hard "
X' vvnrti stock In a line locality for a good farmer
or wild land in eastern Nebraska or Iowa
Also , several farms to exchange for city
property and city property to exchange for
land Hotel huslnoss and bar to exchange for
farm property List your property wllh John
son & Welierg 310 S. 15th st 440 2
80 acre timber claim , live miles from St Paul ,
Neb , for cheap lots , merchandise or other
good property V 58. Ilee olllco 176-2 ?
I neil EXCHANGE-2 lots In South Omaha or
1 lot near Vinton St , for horses or mules
Koom IJ , Hoard Trade Wi
I WANT a grocery or drug stock to invoice
JI.50U to tl,0J0 ; H cash balance Improved rual
estate I/ick box 4 ) , Central City , Neb
73Bm 12J
AN elegant l > room house , bnth , cistern , fur
na < e , mantel , electric bells , built on most
unproved plan , llulbhed lust March , full lot ,
good elevation , one of the nicest homes near
Hanscom Park Price * 5,0)ll. )
Northwest of city , lots (10 ( per cent cash ) up
fiom iMJtl
Walnut Hill from V > 50to 11,000.
1'Ialnvlow. cast front , $1,050.
I'loasnnt nt , bet Cass and Davenport , 11,500.
Farnam bt , east of Lone ave , a lot extend
ing through to lvos st , S3,750.
21th ut , north ofbt Mary's ave , 102 ft , ex
tending to next st „ Improved S1J.00U ,
East trout near Park ave , ana Leavenworth ,
Hanscom Placolots aslotv as $1.6.50.
Windsor Place lots as low us * l,050. ,
New house , 11 rooms , 3Jst near Pad lie $3,100 ,
$500 cash , balance easy , now rent ml at 110.
Cottage , 0icoins , bath , etc . lot 20x120 1 mlle
N , W. P , O. , J-\750 , jnoo cash , mtg J900 at 7 per
cent , bal tilt mo 1 per cent
Fine east front , good 7-rnoia house 1 mile
from P. O. . lot3ixU7. $1,500 , easy terms
IloiiKe7 looms , lot ,0x150 , California st near
31th , UltMi
Douglas st , on Capitol hill near Paxtons , full
lot , good cottage , J5.000.
House and halt lot near 27th and Douglas ,
$2,1X0 , $2 > 0 cash , balaco easy
Hutchinson a Wead , 1521 Douglas , tel , 1521.
435 2
5 room cottage with vrell etc . In Wise X Par
innlee'R addition , lot 48x112 , corner.southfronr
$1,000 ; * IU ) cash , balanre KI0 per month
H room buck house In Aldlne square , new ,
bath , city water , gas sewerage , eust front , ; (5iO cash , balance S s.33 per month , lot
112x120 east front In Nelsons , 2i"tli avenue
near Cuming street $4,500 ; I5UU cash , balance
to suit
8 room house In Central park , now , well , cist
ern , etc , south trout , $ I.9U ) ; tlOO cubIi , balance
J10.80 per month , 8 per cent interest
n room cottage nnd stable , lot 65x125 , ( ] ,20U ;
1100 cash , balance HI per month 8 per ceut In
HiO acre farm in Price Farm dwelling , stable
and other outhouses All ilrst class land , im
proved , J2.D0U. Will trade on terms to suit pur-
205 acres In Harrison county , Iowa , 30 miles
from Council Illuirs , 4 miles rrom railroad da-
pot , lias II room house with bath room , 3 cist
erns , 3 wells , wind mill , barns , feed mill , Hx )
fruit trees , church and school , house for help ,
nil improved and fenced , prlio Siu.ouo ; 2.uu
cash , balance to suit , or will trade for Omaha
city property Ca.lon .
l'KH ' I'ftrnam St .
401-2 Board of Trade Hulldlng ,
85 feet on 20tli street , opposite St ,
Mary's ave , cheap (
Lot oili 8 With , Just olt Woolworth ave , line 2,200
Lot on HUltU street , 40ftrront corner , . . . 1,350
Lot ouS21th. btreot 40 teet Inside . . . . . . K50
Lots on A street , houtb Omaha . . , , 4'J0
l.otlu I'nppleUui park , line v , HOO
1 The iUtest trackage propeity lilclty . . . . Ki.uiO
Have 4 very largo ranchos for Omaha prop ,
crty ; also noma large brick flits tor tluo farm
Ilou o aud lot , buslneas center , at Ij value
Hoube and lot near Iluunom park , Hue , very
cheap ,
, Housei nnd lot , all Improvements , great
! snap . . . . 6.000
Fine corner on bhermuu ate , great targaln
Houses and lots in nil puns ot the city ,
L. Waterman , jr , U70 l'axton block
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
roit SAtiH ltnAti KSTATIJ
_ _
ITIOH SALIC Several well Improve d farms on
10 years time , within from 14 lo no miles of
Omaha , Good orchards and running water on
the farms Apply to the owner , C McMenemy ,
lloom 2U , Continental block 4K-2J
MOHTGAOEsT etc ' for lots Inside What
have you ? W , .1. Paul , 1009 Farnam 470-2
SOME line rent at property on South 10th , In
good locitlon Street paved H.E.Cole ,
Doom 0 , Continental block 603-3
OOLD FACTS forsprhiTreadliuf
# 2,190 buys a 5-room house , barn , lot 10x160 ,
two frontages Walnut Hill , fvxi rash
flail tnkes nS-room cottage,35 feetof ground ,
within one mlle ot postolllce , $ lnoo en sh
Jl , ; n ) gets n new o-room hott o on 34th near
Ittimlltoii , J50U cxsli , a trio of bnrgnlns ,
Also dwelling properties too numerous to
mention , from JI,3 < U to Mme on terms to Milt
nnd locations to please the most fastidious
Choice luulness nnd restdonce lots nlwnys ou
tap Call and Investigate W , A.SPKNCEH ,
N , ti Cor ICth and Douglas
III AVE Just opet id an olllco where 1 am
prepared to sell or exchange city or farm
property I have soma excellent bargains In
cleur farms ; nlso residence , business and vacant
lots In illy 1 have n lot on sith street , South
Otniiha 1 can deliver for J1.34 l-gllt-edgcd.
U E. liugglns , 312 South 10th street , Chamber
ot Commerce 491-lt
SEVEHAL nlco Broom houses In Council
Illuirs on motor llnej small payment In
cash and 115 monthly , II E. Cole , room 0 Con
tinental block 490-3
rPWO choice lots on small cosh payment , bill
X unco second mortgage to rosponstblo parties
Who will build II E.LOLF , continental blk ,
and 2501N. 31th 60.1
K OUNT/.E I'laco-FlncsT rolliienio : " " locnllty
In Omaha Two houses with modern im
provements : prlco 17,600 each II , E. Cole ,
Continental block , and 2501 N 21th. 605-3
GOOD moitgages to exchange
for horses and c utlo
City lots , houses nnd lots lu Omnha for im
proved farms
81.500 ditig btore In city , nent nnd elenn , ii
ensn , bnlanco Undo
Wanted Mercliandiso tor farm Innd , city
property and money What have ton got ?
lloom 922 New York Life , Omaha Neb All-i
l0llSALE-A beautiful cor Iolxl 4. walks
X'trees , good barn , II room house llnlshed
with hard woon , nil modern Improvements , in
Kount7u Plnco ; chenu nnd ou easy terms
1 new se on room cottagn on 31st near Pa-
clllc , 52,7110 ; 9300 ensh , bnl 23.lHper mouth
1 (1 rcom cottage , cor lot 45x115 It , J.1,000 ;
$300 cash , bal $25.00 per month ,
2 7 room cottnges with bath and gas , on Hurt
st near 24th. il 900 : * I00 cash , bnl U25.00 per
month , or will exchange for Insldo unincum
bered lot ,
Horse buggy nnd hnrness for snle cheap
Hamilton llros , Utilldeis , 403 S. 18th St
Slxty acres , between Thirty-second nnd
Tlilrty-olghth streets and Cuming aud Hamil
ton streets
Grounds exquisitely laid out
Choicest residence sites In the city
'Iheentire park adorned bv * the best land
senpo gardtier In the United States , who bus
furnished plans tor the host system of
gi ndes
lnvlng sower.igc , water supply nnd electric
lighting t ,
Heasonnblo prlcos villi bo clven those build
ing residences costing $5,000 nndupvvnrds
inspection of grounds Invited
Apply to olllces of The Uorals Park Co , Con
tinental building
Directors George 1 * . Ilemls , president ; K. W.
Nash , vice president : John II Dumout , secre
tary nnd tieastiror ; K. L. lllcrbovver , nnd Dr
S. D. Meicor
OLEAHrnrm In Sheridan Co , Neb for house
nnd lot in Omaha Nlco homo near Luke
Street school , to trade for clear land II It
Cole 600-2
OAN sell desirable residence near motor line
at tin monthly U. li Cole Uooni ( i. Conti
nental blk , and 2501 x. 21th st 190-3
ONE ot the llnest south fronts on Cass st , lit
tle eust of II W. Yates residence J2.MK ) .
Northwest ot city lots (10 ( per ceut Lash ) up
from UOO
Pleusant st , uot Cass nnd Davenport , $1,500 ,
l'arnam st eastot Lowe ave a lot oxtendlng
through to Ives st , 83,750.
21th st , north ot bt Mary's ave , 102 ft extend
ing to next st , improved , } 13,000.
East front near Park avu and Leavonworth ,
Hanscom I'laco lots as low ns $1,050.
Windsor I'laco lots ns low ns $1,051
New house 9 rooms , 31st near Pacific $ .1,100 ,
$500 cash Dulunce oasr now rented at 830.
Flneeast frontgood 7-room house.l nine from
I . O. . lot 35x121 , U.1,500. easy terms
' House 7 rooms , lot 60x150 California st near
31th S3.510.
House and half lot near 27th and Douglas
$2,000 , 3210 cash , balance easy
ilutclilusoni ; Wead , 1511 Douglas , tel 1629.
' 454 2
I WEST End addition-Choice lot 69x130. east
front ; price $ .1,600. H.E.Cole , room 0 ,
Continental block 505-3
FOR SALI-40xl27S. ! south front , JftHl ; chenp-
est lot for tha price in Omaha Apply on the
promises , 3110 Decatur Bt 4JO-7 *
rpwo very desirable building lots 120x1.57
X teet In Lowe's addition , block Y , Price
i $1,250. 11. E. Cole , Continental blk 40(13 (
FOH SALE Hero Is a cnap 6.1x115 foot with
a good il room cottage on North ll'th Bt be
tween Lake nnd Spruce sts , $1 6U0 , only $500 cash
balance to suit Lots In Collier and Amos
place and lledford place that wo can dell on
the most favoroblu terms Houses and lots for
sulo on n small cash payment and balance
monthly payments toauitthe purchasers , Cnll
i and bo convinced that wocun suvo vou money
I In Belectlne your propeity Wo also soil prop
erty In Council Illuirs Iowa , Grand Island nnd
Kearney , Neb , aud lands In all states nearly
on best terms and low prices Cams and see
us and bo convinced Johnson & Webcrir , 310
South 15th st 410 2
, buys a ncnt 4 room cottage 14 ! miles
$ from P , O. ; Centernoiir20th ; Iot25xl50 D
C. Patterson 518 N. Y. Life 414
"ITIYE ! loom rottagos , $1,600 each , $100 c&
li-cnmiynalanrn $11 Tiermnnth.T4io , F-IlBHT-
311 Paxton block 370
SPECIAL llargiln A very oiegant eust from
property No 820 Georgln avenue , with a. •
line0-room modem residence with every con
venience , luclu ling gus llxtures , sewer con
nections , handsomely decorated , und lu fact a
gam of a home ; owner going to iiivvh the city
This property must basoliloy March 1st : for
price and terms see me If you hive nny In
tention of buying and want a nice place , this
will suit you DY bholes Co 21) ) 1st Nat'l bank
ACOIIN/KH341-3 / feet on Farnam t. nt a bar
gain , $9,0 0. II E. Cole , Koom 0 , Contl-
nental blk , and 2501 N. 21th st 430-3
AIK1A1N Uaker place , house and lot $ I,3U0 ,
easytonns ; Wxl'l ft ; 3 homos , 0 , 8 and 0
rooms , full lots , less than cost ; Custi or trade
Address or call on owner E , G. Merrill , 44th uud
Sowardst , Walnut Hill , li59-m 18J
KOUNTZH I'laco Il-rooin resldcnco with
every modern convenloiica ou corner lot ,
110.1x121 feet ; prlco $11.00. ) . II , E. Cole , Contln-
I ciltal blook , auil2504 N 21th. 605sl
I "I/IOH LEASK-riO acres on bottoms north of
IX1 city forgardonlng purposespoultrydalrleH
etc ; plenty of money can be made ; call early
j for choice of locutions lloggs& Hill 31J-J
KOft eust front In Hanscom I'laco , a beautiful
fJlot , $2.00 J ; easy forms I' . IC , Darling , 11 liar
ker block 2422
A 0-room house and lot 3.1x121 , only a- - mlle
west of court house , $ J,0JO.
10x132 , south fiontou Davenport st , with two
5-room cottuges , $0,500.
Still Homo moro ai ro property away down ,
A new ( • • room cottage and small lot noarVOtti ,
south of It It , $1,1/00. /
New 6-rooin house und lot , Lowo'a addition ,
$1,50. ,
A good 9-ioom house and lot , 30x141) ) , In Her
bach 2d udd , north of Charles $ 1.6110.
Good house uud barn , with full lot , Hanscom
place $2,1)00.
Colsetii Johnson Si Lovgren , 119 , Chamber of
Commeice , 397-3
ITIOH SALE Very chenp no truile * , farm of
! 54J.70 acitfH , sec 5 , 12 , N 0 W. Hamilton conn
ty Neb ; 2nilirs rrom Marquette , small hou e ,
Httiblo , 300 ai're-i of pasturu fenced , living water ,
price only $10 per acre $5,417,00 , one-third Ir89
crop included Terms } - ! . 'A i cash , bnlanuo 0 per
tent interest F , IC Atclns , owner , lnllrnad
building , DenverCol 3U8
FOU 8ALE00 w 111 buy lot 60x120 In Omaha
Yiew , ono block rrom motor line , nicely ou
grade Lots in thia addition are worth $ IM ,
uud the ubove price'Is open lor a short time
only , II E. Cole , room 0 , Continental blonk ,
ITIOH BALE-Tlueo lots In Hawthorne , orlte
• $1,200. 11 , E. Cole , roomil , CoutieenUl block ,
X' For cash without dUcount
One $ ' i < k > morlgage
One $ J00 mortgage
One $1,600 mortgage ,
Ous $2,010 mortgage
All bearings per cent Interest
Well Horuiod Principal and interest guaran
teed W. T. Seaman ,
Omaha's iurgest variety wagons and car
, ? lf'lt33 aud 1X13 N 10th af 31M
A SMALL payment down and $15 per mouth
will buy a 4-room house and lot ou 101b , two
blocks Irom motor ; Hrst-clus * chance to acquire
a home on easy terms Apply to II , E. Cole ,
Continental block , 272
ran sAiiH itKAii nsTATn
wnliAvr J
A CITY OF 150,000 TEOPLR /
in a itADius orn mTles we h.whsjo.wo /
rroiLK '
The building pormlts ror 18S9
amounted to $ 6,000OW 00
The real estate sales ror 1839
amounted to 18,000,010 00
The bnnk clearances for 1839 ?
amounted to 20,00j,000 00
: Wo ell Ileal Estate
in this
Wit HAVEN'T the cheapest property In the '
cltv ,
vvECANNOTloan money cheaper than nuy
other llrm
HUT lb' YOU WANT tobhy good insldo bust
lipssorroslilonoa property ,
IF YOU WANTalonnon such property ,
Olt INSUHANOUWHITI'EN' aud your bus !
ness In general attendcil to promptly and lu-
tolllgouily ,
CALL und see us
T EWISC HEEFlvca ; "
Solo ngonts tor nil pioperty olTored by m.
HESlDENCli ' '
J'HOPEia'Y ,
i alamo plaza :
ALAMO PLAZA , located on rarnnm , Dodge
30th and 37th stH , the best location in the city for
a line residence Has city w utor , gas nndstreet
carsorvlco , Farnam street is paved through
the audition Uhose lots are olTered for u siuirt
time at very low prices and on easy terms
DUnANTpiAriris7ocatVdo ! iiYcingnndhIo )
sts , and in a part oCthocky that Is well built up
and has splendid street tar facilities Wo have
Mints In this addition tor saloon terms to suit '
HAZEL TEitHAClVls ' high " and sightly lo
cated between loth and 20th sts . und Joins Deer
Park on the south ; only one block from the
electric motor line to South Omaha park , and
tnreo blocks south ot Vinton st wo u 111 sell
twenty ot these lots to people who want to
build In n short time nt from J0J0 to $8 HI each :
only $10 cash , the balunca iu monthly pay
ments at 7 per cent Interest I
1 8HE.IUDAN PLACIi ' . I ' '
SHEIUDAN ' plaCE on Leaveuwortli street , ( _ _ _ _
three blocks bov ontl the present street car ter- < ] _ _ _ _ _ _
minus Forty lots tor sale ut 89JO each ; $ u _ _ _ _ |
down and $10 a mouth ; Interest.7 per ceut , lllll
Plats of lots with prices will be furnlsho.l _ |
upon application at this olllco <
On any good scaurltyVn sVimV' suit HENTS
Heal Estate Loan , and Hontnl Agents ,
lloom 1,1 , Chambei of Commeice
r OT00x121 foot , on TwentyninthBtreet , Ju t
south of Lake stioet , cheap at ? 1G50. One-third
Lot 7. blocks , Orchaid Hill add , on Hamilton
street , near end ot motor $2,000.
Lot 13 , Mayno'B add to Orchard Hill , 52x130 ,
Just noithot II , It bildgc.onMllitnry roadl,350.
Two lots for sale or trade In Uodlck Park ad
Coiner lot on California street and rioasunt T
street , very slteTy $ .1,000. w"
. Lot 1 , block 22 , Carthage , cast front , corner
on Cuming street $1,000.
Corner , 50xI5J feet , small house , in Wnlntit
Hill For sale or trade
70 foeton Sanndcis street , near Grace-street ,
a but gain at { 0,600.
Soma line lots In Kendall's add , ut a bargain
Lot 22,1 Ik 2 , Mayno's Place , on T5tU st , J1.S03.
Lot 21 , blkfl , Walnut Hill , corner lot , on Cum
ing street , very cheap at $1,250.
Lot 10. blk 12 , Clifton Hill , comer ou Military
roan $97) .
Two lots in Hedlck PnrU to trudo for vacant
lot ; wilt pay some cash dilfoionco ' _ ,
House nnd corner lot m Walnut Hill , tor
trade , $1,200.
Crolglitou Block
mill : Mead Investment Co ,
X Ilee llulldlng ,
will exchange a.down-town residence , 20tll and
St , Mary's ave , , ror choice building site , not
less than 75 root frontage , lu vicinity of Hans
com park or betwccu3 < d nucHClh Leavenworth
and Davenport
A 60-foot lot , fronting on Catherine and Col
fax nts , only $ .1,0)0.
lliistol it is the best paved street In the city
Wo hnvo very line lots on tins btreet nnd in
Hedlck pnrk udjolulug which wo will Belt to
those who want to build homes for avery
small payment down ; the buluucn may run 3
orn years ; or we w 111 build ror the purchaser
and allow hlinto make'inouthly payments ,
The place to rent 6 nndO-ioom Hats is at 11th
andl'aclQosts , on line or motor and viaduct ,
1 block rrom union depot ; 00x153 corner only
$15,00) ; this will pay UK per cent on invest
llasldence loans 0 > J to 7 P r cent
llulldlng loans at special rates
' 1 bo Meail Jnvestment Co , I
ileo llnlldllig ,
50 rt east front on Lowe ave In Walnut Hill , < 42 ,
A great bargain In this ; very easy terms F , "
K. Darling 4J llarker block 212 2
ITIOH SALE 1'or a fotvciuys wo offer great
X ! est bargains In Omaha In our 100 choice lots
In Omaha View ut special prices for cash
Hoggs & 1IIII. 309-3
ITHIH SALE or trade A good dean Hardware
A good blacksmith and wagon shop with tools
A good bank having un established buslnebs
Two good residences
A good di tig mid Jewelry utock ou easy terms ,
Addro 8X lioo , 299 fi
UPKC1AL burgulu-Ilestlot lu Hillside No 1.
kJ Choice lot In Hawthorne cheap C. A. Col-
lurd , owner , Kearney , Neb lKVm22J
"ITK > lt SALH-230 root fronting Dodge.betwaen
X 29th st and 2Jth ave , : aliolcest ground In
that part of cityi price lower than the lowest
Hoggs i. Hill , 1108 Farnam at 3U0-3
INCOLN Place an I Carthage lots plica
11,0.10 , $50 down , balunca $16 monthly
W , L , SalDr It H. Hoarl i'eult fi l
liiUUBAl.i : or trade forOniaha property , 219
XI acres of good laud partly under cultivation ,
near Grand Island , enquire West a > Frltscher ,
108 N J4rh st 5iLm7' *
FOirBALE or Trade-linprovod tarm of 3 . _
acres lu Gosper county , Nelj , six tnilea '
from Oxford uud 11. .V M , railroad Addrcsn J ,
It Shaw , 1U2J Hamilton street , Omaha.tUOmOT
T HAVENWOHTH street , lots , . vriceitl.lUO , $50
XJ.1QW n , tialunce $16 monthly , W. L. Hslby it ,
13 , Hoard Trade 623
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _