I' ' R TXHin OMAHA DAILY BETC * . SATTTRT > AY W/RRTTA"RV 420 ISM I , THE CITY M Krlck nnd Owen Johnson wcro arrest H cd ycstilrduy charged with steallnc H n sot of hnrticss from Fred Wilson H Today is n national holiday , boltiir 1 the nnnivorsuy of Kcortro Wnshiiifrtoti s H birth , consequently the ban 1(8 will all H bo closed M The * flro dopnrtment was called to tlio H Ninth S.roct Medical Institute liouso 1 jestordny nftornoon but tholr services H were not needed tis the flro was put out B before nny dninngo Mas done fl A citizen informed Managers Boyd B nnd Ilnyncsyestoidn.v that they could do * H I pend upon HK ) Fremont people coming H to hour Patll Ho hud received a do/on 1 I letters from acquaintances oihis li villi ; H there asking him to eocnro scats for as H many parlies of eight and ton H The funeral of Itov Dr T. U. Lemon H will bo held from his lute residence , H 8028 Chicago street , Saturday , Fobruury M ] 2'2 , at il pm Interment at Prospect l Hill comotcry Friends of the family Hj tire Invited H ] The Young Mon's Christian Assochipo H Hon will tender to the tcachors nnd H pupils of the publio schools nu cntor- 1 tninment by Mrs Crnry , who is now H giving the course of Art Tours in B ' the tissooclatlon building , this H aftornoou , commencing at . ' 1 oclock H Tim views yrlU bo carefully selected M froth the six entertainments , and will B bo of special interest HHfl I'ciMonnl 1'nrnKrnplii. Hi VV L. May of Fremont is in the city B E , Ulowett of Fremont is at the I'nxton.'v B | ; . A. Wild of Wlluor is at the Jlorcuiints H p. Q. Dana of Fremont is stopping ai the I Cqsoy HB | J , 12 Voalt of G rosham Is stopping at the Casey I 11. Gibbons of Kearney is a guest at the HH | Pnxtnn HB | C. A. Tracoy of Wood River in a guest at I the Casey HH | I L. J , Capps of Hnstlngs is registered at B | tbo Caicy HB | John Unrsby of Falrmoilnt is stopping at I ! the Murray HB | i L. M. Keene of Fremont is rcgistorcd at I | the 1'nxton. ( II S. Hon ! or North Platte is stopping at HJ the Paxton HH | * 0. H. Kvnns of Kushvillo is roRistorcd at Hi ' the Pnxton HBl ' J. M. Kobltuon of Plnttsmoutli is a guest Hi at the Casey HBl J , II Johnson andjwifo of Blair nroguests J at tlio Casey HH | G , M. Brown of the Alma Tribune Is ro - H ) latored nt tlio Pnxtoli HB | i J. D. KUPatrick nnd wife of noatrlco uro Hi stopping at the Paxton Bi Juan Hoylo nnd J. P Johnson of Kearney HHj nro guests ut the Paxton H John M. Thurston recljtercd at the Coates J in Kansas City yesterday , H Mr II A. Haskell o ! Tim Uei : composing HHj room is laid up with la grippe H Mr M. V Cory and wife of Harvard nro HHj In the city visiting their son , Mr James HH ] Cory H A. E. Hutchinson of this city was regis J tcrcd nt the Shormnn house , Chisago , yes HHj i torday H Mr D E. Johnson , president of the bank HHP of Vcrdigre , Neb , called upon Inn Uci : HH ] yesterday H liislioji Xoumnn left yesterday afternoon HH ] for New York , where ho will nttond a HH ] meeting of bishops M Frank P. Ireland , J. C. Meredith and HH ] Henry N. Shoncll of Ncbrnskn City nro , HH ] umung the guests ut tbo Puxton B Nebrnskn'H InpulrtMon j 1'lcaso state In 1niJ3etx thojiopulalionof t Nobraslca ten and five years ago , and the ' H ] | probable figures for lb'JOl Itcador , city Hj | Ans The population of Nebraska ten 1 HHi ycurp ngo , according to the national census , HH ; was-152,542 , and live ycurs ago according to ) HH the state census , was 74IH5 ( ( , or nearly HH double Figuring on this ratio of Increase HH the population in lbtIO should to 1,46U,201) ) . M atllitnrr Prisoner ) . H Ten prisoners from Fort Snolllng , In M churgobf Lioutcnant Ucnu and Surgount I HH Wbittakcr of the Third Infantry , landed at HH * 10 o'clock ' yesterday nt the Webt HH Blor street depot Tncso mil HH tury pr.sor.crs liavo been sen- HH tenccd by court-martial to ono year or more , HH ndd are accompanied by guard to Fort Loav- HBJ enwarth They came in over the St , Paul 1 HbJ road and left on the Missouri Pacillc HV HjB lcm are Invited H The ladles of the Creche wish to moot H their trloads and show'thom their building H and tlio children who have a homo there In HB order to do this most pleasantly the ladles L * HV will glvo u recaption at the homo , corner HH Nineteenth and Ilarnoy Btreets , today Ha from . ' 1 to ti o'clock ' p. m. Wo bopo Hh to have a largo number present , in- eluding evor.v one Interested in such a work , whether tlioy have been connected with the J HV Crccho or not Hjl Mas T. L. ICiMiuLL , Prosldent H AiinouiiucinentB H This morning seats \yill bo placed on H aalofortuo engagement of Charles Arnold H in the pretty pastoral play , "JlanB , the Boat man , ' ' which begins Monday evening next HH and continues till Wednesday Tbo Ploy is HbJ from tbo leu of Clay nl Greene , and Is ono Hi ! of his best productions Thescono is laid In HMl the Adirondack mountains nnd affords on- Hlj portunity for sccnlo display which is made Hi j tbo most of Tlio company is an nblo ono > , HbJ and is under the mnnnpement of T. Allison Hjl | Urown , the well know n Now York manager H | Kitlowalk Awards 1 At the mooting of the board of public j works yesterday bids were opened for B | tbo construction of sidewalks from January Hj5 1 to July 1 , lbJU Charles Oanlnor was ( awarded the coatract , his bid being the low Hlf CBt Hu bid 22 cents for 4 foot walks , Hj | 110 cents for 0 foot , p9 % cents for 8-foot , 41 Hl | cents for 10 foot , S'J ' cents for 12 foot , 78 Hit cents for 10 foot , Oil cents for 20-foot walks ; Hlj f 10 per 1,100 lor repairs , includinglabor ) Hi J uails , etc ; 10 cents pur foot for cross walks i ISurlnl of Iiitiire Hlr th MI The remains of Lena Rivers , alias Ella liar j rls the unfortunate girl who dropped dead B la a bagnio , tvero interred yostorduy Hi afternoon at Forest Lawn A Hft Jotter had beou received from lior , Hf parents at Full Cltv declaring that HB tboy wore too poor to giro a decent burial I , Hg land they asked that her friends hero look \ ' Hf after her iutormout Accordingly tbo in- i H mates of Madnmo ' Marsoll's house wont to H | ( Work and ralsod n purse of fS7 to bury her H | A beautiful casket was bouirht and the ro- H | onaius were attired In a shroud of snowy H | whltonesi , A bouquet of lilies of the valley , ' Hr were placed In bor hands and a cross of HJ iwldtqflowon were laid upon the casket At \ Hj 'JM : a small uotcrio of her late companions } authored at Hoafoy's ' establlslimon and a HJ ( brief burial service was road 'J ho remains Hj wore then taken to Forest Lawn and buried H An H.lltor on a 1'opulnr Iteinuity H > While the columns of the Graphic nro opou to any and all utiobjuctiotiublo ad- vertlBomonts , yotlt is quite impossible for us to spoalc knowingly of the merita 'of ' the various articles of niorohandlse , vndvortisod Purtlculiirly is this true of patent , mudioines But there are ox- coptlpns occasionally and a noteworthy oxcectiou is the eolobrated Chamber Iain's ' Cough Remedy This now univors- H ally iciiown medlctno hua boon advor- ( lsed in the Graphic for four or flvo years , but not until recently had wo Hi any poreonal Icnowlodgo of its wondur- j .ful ofllcaoy , which bus como about H tcrough the prevailing lulluonzn and H , tha stubborn cough that bus t > o often ' nttoudod it In the writers family this ! 'modlclnu has on several occasions this B winter cured n cough that battled ' B any and all ether roinodlos ; and the B number of fanillios In Kimball and B vicinity lp which this remedy has boon B ' psod with lilco oifoots attests to its value B * . ra p spoeitlo for coughs and colds of B very nptur . Ktinba ) , ( South Dakota i , ) Graphic , Fob 7,161)4 ) TUB OVMNAhlUM XKOUIlIili _ The Instructor Will DrnwdBnlnry Ho Is not Allowed to Knm Mr Plpor , secretory of the board said , Mr Kuinraorow was appointed lastOctobnr , butsinco . that time has not drnwn any pay llo has not asked for any , and so far as I know not given any Instructions whatever Ills salary whoa ho begins work will bo $110 per mouth * CI "llio professorhowovorsuporviscd the ar rangement of tlio gymnasium room Ho told tbo commlttto what to buy and saw that it was properly placed There has never been any beat in tbo room Suporintoiidont Wooloy got an estimate on boating npnarboi ntus 'I ho estimate was something hko S4j0. j ; This was about two months ago , but tbo matter was laid on , the table and has never been taken up slnro it was read the first time " , The apparatus In the gymnasium room cost about TO . , The room is" so cold thnt no Instructions can bo given whntovor , coiisenueDtlv the In- structor has no opportunity to fulfil the duties > of his ofllco It U Intimated , however , that inasmuch as it is the fault of the board , Kummcrow will in time , take Btops to recover - cover pay from tlio tlaio ho was appointed , As : it now stands ho cannot nccopt nay ether position , uolthor con ho instruct the pupils for waat of a place to teach thom , . Alas , alas 1" the dude oxelaims , "In mv slnnuer unklo I've ' got pains " Dent fret , " said ma , for whom ho had sent , " 1 have seine Salvation Oil " "Mv time Is UP , " said the doctor to the patient , whom ho found usiag Dr Hulls Cough Syruu , and ho was correct , for his cough hud been cured on 'uiiaNoi ; 'v Shoo Factory Wants to Come to Onuilm Property LUtrri President Hnrtman had a handfull of an- nouncoirenls to moko nt the Heal Hstato exchange meeting jestorday , A shoo manufactory with 100 moo wants propositions from Omaha for a removal to this cltv This was rofcrrcd to the eommltteo oa manufactures , A committee was appointed to receive the Hock Island oxcusionists and notlco glvon of a meeting of the bureau of charltlos at the V . M. C. A. rooms this afternoon • There will bo no session of the exchange today , D' The listing yesterday was as follows ! Washington bqunro , lot 19 , SlbOO Washington Square , lot 18 , SJOOO Washington .Squnrc , lot , 27 , $11,000. Shot wood Park , lots 5 and 0 , COxlSO , J10.000. ; Torrnco Addition , lot 25 , 40\140 , tea room house { IUUO0. Brown Park , lot 8 , block 8 , 20x120 , $7D0. Houscll and Stcbblns , lot 5 , block 15 , Mx 110 , ? lSu0. _ Kirk wood , lot 11 , block 2. DOxHO , $1,500. Boyd's Addition , lot 5 , block 10 , 1) ) x54 , four room house , $1,250. ' Samuiero & ; Hiinebaugh's Addition , lot 7 , block 1 , 50x150 , SlIiOO City , Idt 4 , block 10S , GGxl2 , two brick dwellings , $11,000. Plainviow , lot 7 , block 1 , IKK124 , $1,300. Prospect Place , lot 18 , block F , 50x127 , four room house , ? 2b"50. , . Washlagton sipiare , lots IS , 19 and 20 , l. "J5x 35S , $7,200. West Cuming addition , lots 20 and 21 , block 0 , SI,000 Orehurd Hill , lot 13 , block 1 , 50x144. SJ,0J0 , Washington square , lot 20 , 13x127 , $3,500. Sales were reported : Uy F. IC Darling , fivo-room house , Pens place , 51,300 ; lot 10 , block 7 , Hansconi place , $ J,1U0 ; p.irtioi.3 , block 1 , riorbach's third addition , 5.1,500. By Otto Lobeclt , lots 1 nnd 2 , block 33 , South Omaha , $2,100. Bv Stringer & Pennv , lot 19 , block 118 , Dundca place , ? tfU0J. By A. P. Tukoy , lot 9 , block 8 , Clifton hill , $3,400. , Fits , spasms , St Vitus dance , nervousness i ; and hysteria are soon cured by Dr Miles Nervine Frco samples at ICuhn & Co , 15th ' and Douglas _ ' THIS CIt. . ? J ii-V. AGENTS Preparations i Tor IL'iitercaliilnfr tlio i Dlstlntrulslnd Holly The excursion party of Kock Island pasi scngcr agents will arrive in Omaha boiiio 1 time today and a committco was ap- pointed by the real estate exchange this 1 morning to meet , welcome nnd entortaiu i ttioin . The party Is composed of John Se- bastion , general passenger and ticket agent , Chicago ( ; S. F. Bojd , assistant general pas senger and ticket agent , TodoIiui George S Ubodos ] , assistant to Scbustlun , Chicago ; J. E. Hoonigaii , Cedar Hapids , la ; C. M Pratt j , noting passenger and ticket agent at Minneapolis i ; A. B , Farnswortu , general I eastern agent Now York ; Thompson , Now i Englniid reprcaentntivo , Boston ; D. J , Flynn , travaling passenger agent , Now \ W. J. Leahv , traveling passenger nt-ent , at Buffalo ; I , S. Loomis i the ; Plilladolphia nassongcr agent ; li E. McLcod Boston ; H. S. Phillips , Montreal - troal ' ; D. L. Cavon , Toronto , all truvehngj j agents ' ; M. P. > Vu hburn Northwestern pas J senger J agent , Detroit ; J. A. Sheppard , Southeastern passenger agent , Chicago ; V , J. Clark , traveling passenger ngent , Chicago - cage ; J. W. Fry , travellog passenger agent . for ' tbo northwest , Chicago ; W , C. Chewer , Peoria ; William Klckev Davonpart ; G. D. Bacon , general agent of the passenger department - partment \ at St Louis ; A. S. G , Hough , traveling i passenger agent , St Louis ; P. P. Young , Chsttatiooga : A. tl Mo tint , Kansas City i ; W. H. Firth , Kansas Citvt George L. Hoppert , St Joe ; J. L. DoBovoiso aad K. E. Pulmer , Omaha ; C. 11. Sloat , Topeka ; Charlo i * Kennedy , Portland , Ore ; Rob . ert Kepplor , Portland ; George G. Leo , Denver ; F. W. Thompson , Los Angeles - goles ; Clinton Jones , Sun Francisco ; ; T. J. Anderson , general agent ut Topeka , and O. II , Kroli , secretary to Sebastian , Chicago _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Omaha Needs Morn llotnlH P. S. Euhtis ana John Frai.cos , general passenger agents of the Burlington road , liavo started a discussion touching upon the hotel facilities of Ouulu as compared with other weatoru towns Tiny say that tbo lack of accommodations in this line is the great objection * to Oniuhu as a convention city Yosterdav evoalag Mr Frances received a short loiter from Mr Eustis In which that ofllcml says ; "My cigbteon months experience in this torrltory ( mean lug Chicago ) toacbes me that if Omaha had more hotel accommodations of a first-class character she would got tbo location of many a convention largo and small Kansas City and St Paul with tbolr Hue largo hotels , are gathering In about everything " Mr Francis says ho has plenty of opoor tuuity every time a mooling ' > ' culls him else ' where , to have the truthfulness of tbeso as- ' portions forced upon him All my efforts to secure important association meotintrs for Omaha have been frustrated by declaratinns on the part of the o who attend tneni that our hotel facilities ami accommodations are not sufllcleot , " C1 | fc'ervlce on tli V. V. Vieo-Presidont lioloomh's latest circular ' utterance to Union Pacllle oftlciuls in which bo instructs thoui regarding the observance hereafter of civil soryloo rules la promoting and employing men is causing more or less , strange comment "Wbo do you suppose deserves credit for such an order as that oa ttila road ! " Inquired a rather independent subordinate when the subject was brought | ' up for discussion , "il certainly never orig- iuatod with Charles Frances Adams unless ho has recently changed his mind Mr Hoi comb , however , muy have gotten tbo thing through because he knows what practical civil service meant , bavin ? been connected with the Burlington road where it is on- forced , If the Union Pacillo force Is to bo' rcontinued as at present organized and all , I : future promotions kept within the ranks It will be a great relief to ; ' very many of us There will bo no I mora outsiders broOght into the family , until vacancies occur requlrlug the employ moat of additional help Mr Holcomb says to his staff that wheu any of them fall to Had the mon tboy want by roferrlug the matter to him he will help them out " W liat llnu tlio Liktioni : Done ? It wus rumored yesterday that tbo Fro moat , Elkhrn A ; Missouri Valley rord has maJe several very favorable promises to the Omaha Commercial association though it such is the case both parties prcfor to keep the fact a close secret Those wna ought to know denied everything when questioned but Tim Hf.e's Informant said his pointer came from rellnblo sources nnd could bo depended - ponded on "It is my understanding , " ho continued ' , that the Elkhorn people have j agreed 1 to tnalto a flat rate equal In the sum of tbo two locals , that Is Omaha merchants will | not have to contend ngalnst the ndvnn- tages shown Chicago dealers , by reason of the long haul business , " i . Tim Clilonan ItonUs nml KitrM The Chicago roads hnvo changed their tnc- tics on the cut-rato uroblom and say that a 20 per cent reduction will bo much moro bonaflclat to thom than the old rate was Just what this means has not developed livery ofllcml hero believes , however , that there is some strong motlvo back of n , thouch thov nil ndnut the permanence of tlio now tariff . Hates > vcst of the Misti sourl river must como down nlso to bo In line and It Is couceeded that a reduction in the cast bound schedule equal to that made from Chicago , west is sure to follow Tnntli Htract Vlatlticr Hills Bids ' for building the Tenth street viaductA are all in and there Is n largo number of them , but the union douot officials refuse to glvo | , out auv information until contracts have boon awarded They are now waiting tor the cltv council to pass an ordlaancc nu- thorizing . the construction of the viaduct , end ] ust ns soon as that has boon done , " said Mr Kimball yestordny "wo will bo ready to commorico work As the viaduct and depot building go togothcr wo can do nothing until the city compiles with Its uart of the coatract regarding Tenth street Many people believe that 008 of western manufacture ) cannot bo sold east in competition with old established | houses in that vicinity It depends en tirely on the merits of the goods thom Boivcs If superior to the goods now sold ] there , they will soon become popu lar ] Up to November 1 , 1889 , Chamberlains lain's Cough Remedy had not boon sold in Pittsburg , Pa , now Messrs F. II TgRors & Son , prominent druggists thorc , say It is the most popular patent medicine they liandlo , also 13. E. Hock of ' Allegheny City , Pu , says : * 'I rogurd It us the best seller In that line of rotno- Oins I litvvo in the store and ono of the most ' biitisfactory m its results " District Court Myron L. Lowls was tried before Judge Clarkson on the chnrgo of burglarizing the * store of Andrew O. Petersen nt 3305 Loavt enworth strcot in December last of a lot ol clothing The clothing was brought into court , aud consisted of suits , pants , cloth nnd ' a buffalo robe The stuff was lndontl- lied bv Petersen and a strong chain of cir cumstantial evidence woven uround Lewis , who is a quiet looking , I rather dudlsh man about thirty J cars of ago ' 1 ho stolen goods were founu In his Dosscssion and ho was try ing to disuoso of them to different patties When the state rested the defendant mis placed on the stand and told a vciy gauzy story about how ho came to have the stolen goods , iu bis possession He said a well 1 dressed man claiming to bo from Kansas City had offered him all he could got for the I goods above $ S0. Several witnesses testified as : to tbo good character of the accused and the defense rested The jury was dismissed 1 until 9:30 : o'clock Monday morning , when the case will bo argued Dr.IIaughawout.oncof tbo oeatdontists in { the west , extracts tooth without pain , inserts , teeth without plates absolutely clean und strong , 1609 Douglas , Omaha The Only One The Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul Railway is the only line running solid 1 vestibulod , oloctriu lighted and steam heated trains between Chicugo , Council - cil Bluffs and Omaha . The berth dreading lamp feature in ( the Pullman sleeping cars-run on thoBo lines l is patented and cannot bo used by any ether railway company It is the great improvement of the ago Try It and be convtneod Sleeping cars leave the Union Pucilio depot , Omiiha at 0 p. m. dally , arriving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. in , Passengers talcing this train are not compelled to gotout f of the cars at Council Bluffs and wait for the train to be cleaned Get tickets anil sleeping car borths'at Union > ticket oflieo , 1501 Farnam st F. A. NAbll , Gen Agt J. E. PiiKSTON Pass Agt Mnrilm Washington Social There wus a pleasant gathering of young people } , , with a sprinkling of older ones , at the South Tenth street M. E. oburch last evening It was called a Martha Washing ton social , and was > given by the Epworth I league ] , the recently organized .vqung folks socclety of the church The event was obar- acterjzed by that spirit of 'socfabllity for which the Mothoaist people everywhere nro distinguished The affair was ably managed ] by i Mr Arthur N. bmith , vice president of the [ league Miss Nellie Hood , with her dark locks { powdoied gray , a white cap on bor ! head and a largo , saowy kerchief over her shoulders , made a charming Martha Wash ; ington She had about two dozen assistants , wnoso garb was a dupllcato of hers . Mr Edmund H , Davie did the honors as George Washington Ho were the knickor- bockeis , tbo cocked bat and ether gorgeous apparel characteristic of the gentleman of a century ago An'entnrtalnincprogramme was presented , I the I initial fcaturo being the splondiu renul- . tton of a plantation melody by Air II D. Carbol Little Gertlo P rkhurst , ogod ton , followed j - lowed ! , with'n recitation , and she was re warded with liberal applause , Mr Arthur N , Smith , who possesses an \ excellent tenor voice , sang the Song of * a Thousand Years " A r6. David Cole , who rankB high among the vocalists of the cltv as u soprano Blngor , rendered ' Calvary most effectively , The closing number was a very pretty trio , sung by Mrs David Cole , Miss Cara Smith and , Mr A. N. Smith Supper and a season of sociability fol- lowed I The genial pastor , Hov C. N , Daw- son i , lent considerable pleasure to the ocea- slon i by his tirosenco J iHonstipatioti , IF not remedied in season , is liable to 1 hecomo habitual aud chronic Drastic - tic purgatives , by weakening the bowels , confirm , rather than euro , the evil Aycr's Pills , being mild , effective , and jtrcngtbculng In their action , are genor- ally reeouiiueiided by the faculty as the best of aperients Having been subject , for years , to constipation , without being able to find liiueh relief , I at last tried Ayers Pills , I deem it both a duty and a pleasure to testify that I ha\o derived great bcu ellt from their use For oicr U\o years past I ha\u taken one of these pills o\rry night befdie retiring I would not willingly bo without them " G. W. llouiuau , 20 East Main st , Carlisle , la " I have been taking Ayer'B Pills nnd using them in my family sliku 1657 , aud cheerfully roconimeud lliem to all in need of a aafo hut effectual cathartic " John M. Hoggs , Louisville , Ky For eight years I was afflicted with copstlpation , which at last liecame so bad that the doctors could do no moro for mo Then I began to take Ayers Pills , and soon the bowels recovered * their natural and regular action , so that now I am in xcellent health " S , I _ 'Loughhiidge , Bryan , Texas " Having used Aycr's-Pills , with good results , I fully indorse them for tlio pur poses for which they are recommended " T. Connors , M. D. , Centre Urldge , Pa Ayers Pills , i rasriBiD st Dr J. O. Ayer * Co , Lowell , Mail ( jold by ll DruggUU sail tt-lr ) ia Mcdlcla * . i I , _ _ _ _ _ n i HOPE FOR8THE AGED . A Promlnnnt ManAtinWH llniv Kltlerly I'coplo Can l'r A ns their IjIvoh nnd Avoid A\enkiiQ snnil Stifraring * Chsrlos Dickens noisr wrote R truer thine thsn the ' following ! Cnn nnjlhlrc bo moreipltlnblc thivn tlio rtnlit of cldcrlrmenorwonion.T lto rcnlliatlist tl > a ftrenclli of cnrllerypnr lsilcMfilnRf Town the plunoof lire , -ho o end U In dnrliK-M , tiny loeV , snil onilcr If tliclr ' itcnrj steps will rutir them pntnlrssly to the cnJ " Anrcldrrlr r rson who feel * trorabllna of the nerves , it enkonlnii of the rmm'te' , trs < cnoil Tltnllty , ilocrcmert , , Tlgor , clillled hands or feet , needs , nnr , mint , Iirti" , ntslstance , Jlonoy ennnot reudor It llriiKH slroulil lie svoliloil Hero Is hat una of I lie KrcntCJt of modem p Indicium , n no toss pcrvmnso thnn Dr Unnliior * j-s en the subject : , Kulorly pernors , xvho In winter suffer from cold feet nml nml nrtlilclnl hunt npiillcd oxtcinally fall to infant rillcf msy with unilnulileil propriety and ml- "J rnntnitp , , tnko nlilskoy nml hot water on coins to bo t Ifftlicndnclmorfoul ttnruo follow , tlio Inference Is tlio spirit nns Impure , ! rolmlily containing fu ol oil -A very llulit trace of this notions Itinrcdlont In spirit wllllnsoniocon > tllutlons produce hemloctio ns nc- curnto n test of Impurity ns chemistry enn enipoy " , There is only ono nhsoluloly pure whiskey fioo from fusel oil , nnd thnt Is tlio well known nnd justly popular DutTj's Pure Mnlt Whiskey It lias nil Ihn | piopcrllos Hint centrlbuto to health nnd vigor , nnd none Hint lnjnror It ennnot hnnn tlio stumnch even Ota child It Is sold universally and well merits Its : wonderful popularity , no sure nnd tnkenoothcr DRSTbETTS I ft BETTS UM Faun am STiiKfT , Omaha , Nib ( Opposite Paxton ItoteU I t | } I I Ofllc liorjr9ua.in , to 8 p. m. rfundnys X0 a. m So pm SpcclalliU In Chronic , Nervous , Skin and Blood Dl- eases Coniult&tlon nt onice or by mall free Medt- clnes sent by mall or express , securely packed , free from obsarrntlon Qusrnntccs to cure quickly , safe Iy I nnd permanently NERVOUS J DEBILITY _ Kfi M3&S& slont lhy-lcal dociy Mlfllnff from intllscretloni , ox- cess or tndulKence proftuclnic sloeptesneis despoa- dency , plmpluiun the face , aversion tosoclotf , ervallr otscouraReu , lack of cimUdence tlutt unfit for study or J business , nml finds llf a burden Safely , perraan- cntlr nnd prlvatuly curaa Consult Drs Llttts A UutU , ItCW : Farnam Street , Oinarja , Neb • BlooJ ] and Skin Disease ' SS'ss ' ro J a u Its , eomptttely eradicated wltbont the aid of mercury Mcrofuta eryelpolas f ver sores , blotches tilcen , pains In tbo bean and bones , syphilitic tore J throat , mouth and tocuu .cAtarrtit etc , permanently cured where others have failed HitaBr ] * , nrInaP7 ntiallsr& , * qucntbumlndt I or blojtly urine , urine ttlzh colored or with milky sediment oa atandtnff , weak back , gonorr htea i , Rleetcystitis , etc rrorupily and safely cured charges ' reasonable * I TaiCTir Ei ° u , ) r _ ftst ; ( free ? ? : .i movnl coroWoto without cutllnit * < llp-ordlllnllon. Oures arrdoted at bomebi patient wltboulamomimu ] pnln or annoyance u. jnc > ( 'To Young M6n and MiflIe-Aefl _ Mm , A QTTDP fflDU I110 nvfful effects of early A uUltUUnti Vice , which brlnits orraalo weifkncss.destroylnirboth mind and body , with all tadreaded Ills , permnnontlr cured TIPQ TJUTT ? Adilross those whs h vo lm- IIUUi DljlllJ paired themselves , Dy Improper IndulKcnc.s and and solitary habits , which rum both body and mlad untittlnz tbem for busluoss , study or mnrrlitiro sIaiiuied MrN , or tboso ontcrlnn on that happy life , aware of pbyslrlal debility , quickly assisted OUR SUCCESS , * Il based upon facts , first practical experience , sec ond-overy case Is especially studied , thus starting aright , third moaictnos nro prepiiod In our own la- bauiry exactly to suit men ciisu , thus atfectlnir euros without Injury IirHcndO centa postage for celebrated works oa chronic , nervous and dnlicnto diseases Thousands cured rjy A friendly loiter or call may sare you fa- ture suffering nndsbnmo , and ad1 golden years to Ills rBr No letters answered unless accompanied by < tents In stamps Address orcall on DRS HIITTS & BETTS , 1433 Farnam street , Omaha Neb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A SEEIOUS MISTAKE jMncli inliclilef is done In the treatment of constipation Tlio cnuirioti opinion la tliat nllrequlremcn' ornfullIIIeillfthoHeulIcIno forces unloading of the uotrcla , A ( { rent error 3Iodlclno simply purgative , corrects no morbid condition , consequently tliclr use Is Tolloweil uy greater eostlveness A rem cdy , to he cflcctuul andpcrinanont , must he composed of tonic , alterative , corrective nndcartliartloproperties Tbesoaroadmlr- alily combined In Sr Tutt's liver Hits TiiryivllI , In a short time , euro nil the suf- pfcrlnss thnt result from Inactive bowels They glvo tone to tl 9 intestines , stimulate the .ccrotlons , und correct Imperfect fuco- . tlonul action of tlio stomach and llvor Tutt's Liver Pills NEVER DISAPPOINT Prloo , 25c. Office , 39 & 41 Park Place , N. Y. ' Thursday , Fr 'idny I Cflh 911 Ql 99 nndSnturdny , I rtJlii _ UI | _ _ And Special Saturday Mntinoo . .iRETURN of the POPULAR FAVORITE S ThoOrlKlnulanl World Famous jTHNLONS | * | 1'rcscntliiR their Fair and Ppcctacui&r Drama , NEW FINUSHA - _ i Mini ii Introducing KewScenery Costumes , Musts nnd Specialties Night 1'rlces,25c , ! < oJi andIL Mitlioo I'flso s , saed7je , Muutlny , Tucstlajy and Wednesday , Feb 2I , ( :05 find 20. First Performances In this city of • CHAS * * ARNOLD * In his Original Creation , ( Hans , Tie Boatman ) I ' I AN Idj i. or tub AniiiONiiACks One the few American I'lays that has caught I the I' .nullsh tmte Touches of Nature Iuueliter and Tears lleautlful Home Ilulmtis ThoBt Bernard Do * , ' Nerd , ' and a boatload of Merry Children Ilegular prices Beats ko on Bale Saturday mUNKENtfESS v * Liquor Habit MAume wo/ho mas/sairro/tt cubs KHMK-5 GOLDEN SPECIFIC It can bo tUcn In ump f wotfc * > r U , % la ut * ftelMoffusJ without th knowUdgo of ttiep-iunt , r awMiiiy It U abioluulr barmltta nnd willl90i ptruanaot aad ptcdy oar * . * r hatha ; ih # wilintu • madarata drlnfcar or an aioohollo wrack ITIJK VCtt I FAILA Zt oparataa ao qulatlr and with aaou car taJntr that tha patlant undsrgoaa no tnooaTanJeaoa , and r * h * ta aware , bta complato reform all oa ta i • Haotad 41 parr * * * * f partloular * fraa I DUNJkC .lbtb Vlla iKU aadl0lhXCuailBsHUi • WacvppUii li ULA.U.HU UUIVZX CO Omaha * " * * I I ' > , i ii J i The Spring Ovorcont wo linvo tins season plncod on snlont the nbovo pii-o excites tlio mliniraUon o nit customers Dcsidcs those nlrortised Inst week wo linvo todnj' opined nnothor style which wo have mmkcil nt the snmo price , nn clognnt Melton o a bcnutiftil brown slinde with fine silk fncing Wo hnvo nlso opened * scvernl other styles of very clioico gnrmonts which wo nsk you to exnniine Wo nro mnking special low prices . ' jy on them as an induccmoiitto get your Spring Oveicoul early t In Boys and Children's Clothing wo intend to monopoli7e the entire tnulo in the city this season , Wo hnvo ' nlrendy received ninny styles and our Spring Stock will be complete in a few days The entire space on the second lloor which hns heretofore boon used for our winter Overcoats will in addition to the former room bo ' ' now filled with Boys mil Children's Clothing When yon see the pricuiyou will thjnk it impossible to mnu- ufacture them for what we sell thom for 1 j j The 05c Derby's wo place on sale this weolc.aio inado of full fur stock , with silk lining and line silk I rim I mi ng They are excellent quality , come in the latest shapes , and nro sold by every llntlcr for $2,50. • J " * ) If you intend to buy n pair of shoos , this week is the best time Wo hnvo n few styles which wo want to • close out to make for now Spring Goods You will save from $1.00 to $2.00 on every pair of shoos as wo $ ell i them thnt much cheaper than Shoe stores • . _ , Spring ' sample ? arc ready and as our stock will bo complete in afcw days wo are now in shnpo to fill nlf mail orders Samples wiuli rules for measuring will bosent upon application ' | jy * , Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets j During this month our store closes at 7 p. m. Saturday at 10. [ \ FINE I CLOTHING Men's Furnishings childrTnT _ SPECIAmE5j GUATEPUL COMFORTING EPPS'S ' COCOA BREAKFAbT "Ily a thoroilgh knowledge of the natural laws nblcn govern tne operatiuns of digestion ana i nutrition j , aud by a eAroful application of the Cno properties of well selected Cocoa Mr , Epps has 1 pro\lded our brealtfast tables with a deli cately tlavored boveruge which may Bave us i i mauy heavy doctors * bills It Is l y the Judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution 1 maybe Kradually built up until atrouK enough to 1 resist every tendency to dlsoase Hundreds ; ot ubtle maladies ure tloatln * around us ready ! to attaclc wherever there is a weak point We 1 may escape muuy a fatal ahnft by keeping our ' selves-well fortllled with pure blood and a prop • erly < nourlshod rrame " Civil Hervlce Oaiette Made ( Imply with boiling water or milt Bold I ; only ' In half pound tins , by grocertUabeled tuus : IAI1CC COD0P. pn llomicopathloChemists i JAMtO trrOOi UU lxjndon England ITIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES I Crentlylmprovpd iitthHinfInjijiisckiMMinne E ' 3siJ . Enslestrldlne nHcitmadt , llprtaiisltivth j a a and uiioxun acoordloi to the we'eut pJt on tliom v 4 Adapted equally "Il io rouch country or line " city drives Will cl' to" best satisfaction ' . I I I TO WEAK MEN Bufftrlnj frtitn the tflecU ol loylhful * " > N J " } X decay , wutlnu weakDCM lo t liiaoliood , f te , I will aeud Tuluablu trcstlM uwaU < ll conUlrJj * full funiculus for huaie cure , Ill KB of rhuve A. lpl Bdld medical work I Uo < jld bo nad Iw . avery ra a who 1. nervous und deblllUi l. AiiXrei * , trof F.C.'OWXI .Woodu , Jonl , The largest , lastcatnnd iinest In the world u I Passenger accommodatloiis uncxcellod New York to Glasgow vin Lonilondct'r.v Clrcassla Feb S3 NowYoikto A70i-cb.Gibraltcr and Itul Bolivia , February 22. Saloon , Second Cr.tss ini > STEKn\an r.itsj on lowest terms Excursion Tickets reduced , made available to return uy olthor t le Pictur esque Clyde nnd North of IreUind or Itlver Wersoy mid South ot Ireland , or Naples nul Glbrulter ExcuusrONs ot Pxnu on Coviinevtal Touhh on lowen terms Travelers Clrculir Letters of Credit aud Drafts for any amount tp low est current rates Apply to nuy cf our localC apeuts ; or to HG'jilGrsoii ' Brothers , Ctiicaio , Ilk II S. llArt H. V. MOOItKS tl Ii MaHES U. P. Depot sVMBkam f NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK TJ S. DEP0SIT0HY , OlfAHA , MB5. Capltnl j , $100,000 SiirplusJnii IhI , 1880 52,000 orrioKits and niitiicnous IIfniiv . Vates , Iroildent Lewih S. ItKLt ) , \ Ice Iresldont A. Jt'IVlW/tMN , WV MoiiiB JOIINB.COM.IV3. U. C. ClIKIIIMI .1. N , II IATIUCK \V. i | . B. lludlir ' . Cashier THE JRON BANK , , Cor l' 'th nnd Tariiam Bts A General Jjunklng lluslnesa Jratisacted COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK " Capital , - - - $400,000 Surplus , - - 40,000 Olllcers and Directors K. M Morsemau ( I Jl Hitchcock , Jos Unrneau Jr , A. Henry K. Jl Anderson Win ( J , Maul , v.pres.i U1J. Will lainx , A. P. Hopkins , pros ; A. Millard , cashier ; V , II , Urj ant , assistant cushler , . B3 &U r I issued nvuTATes Btna IW IN J COUNTIES , CITIES , < UI 91 sW W \ oouoHTANoeoip Deal In GoVt I.und 'Wurrnnta und Mrrlp liccelve Accounts and Kttiiid all lb : i'ucllltlca el a aenerel .limltlne Jluslneaa Luriespondrme solicited S. A. KEAH S CO , Bankers 100 WASHINGTON STREET , CHICAOO , ILL IIS DROAOWAV NIW VORIl n • Il AIX KINDS Ol' Business Piper , grassy il l On Improved and Unlm- IViniMfTflffO proved 1' ! op > rty lUUI li'dlllI'urchased / or Negotiated > \ 1 Tne Negotiation of KAIUK ! COItl'OltATJO.V 1JOND3 , UUIlUOi A Specialty i i Correspondence Solicited W. B. MILLARD , Room 813 Brown Buildlne , Omuliu , Neb Dr JOHN C. JONES , I'llALTlCB MJllTKOTO • IHftlaAhlKOr WOJIBSI , omce , B.E.Cor , UUt al oeuilai on , OiuaUsN * i H.W.C0B l3iHaDooo " W , 3T8 , OMAHA , FJELV / tob ran tnsAtiuanr oj- ail V APPL1AIICES FOR DEFORMITIES AND 7RUSSE3.1 W Beat Facilities , ArpsTatusaodRen.ditsfctSueetiaral { Trestm.at of eveiy form of JJueats reauirioe MEDICAL or 8UR0I0AL TBEATKKHr - NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIEHT8.1 Board ft AtU.ndiice , But Atecmiaoda'Jonj iu WaeL1 .B9 _ CrWIUrEyoR01P.07LAnaonIofcrn.lUe. ana . < ! Bfaeei.Xniiici , Clubfeet , OurvaturiiofL'pi-it.lMleti . m Tiuiiors Ouoar.Oata > rhiBronolilU > , Inlialatloa ; sV DISEASES OF H0HEH t X vXs < m we navn LiTsir iddiu i Liiro.n miriKTariT roa , * voaas DuuisucoxnsaasHT CSTMCTL1 RIVATK.i OalyHeU > MaIIe41oalIiutltuteuaLlaaaepec.atyot ; PRIVATE BISEABSa AllMooaDU.t * * . .taceturall ; trtatcd Urpnllttle roliptt H r mo7adrromthf.7iuai wlitoutiarourr l.w Kt.l ralM flBl T > t > l > i.atrarLoilot > ITlIieffSa 1-arllti lilt tin.liM e.mtb lrttli < latLiira.b/e rrtipostfiQe ( . Allcc&niualeM Sssl HoDiffoaQdiDtul M.eiele.iortDilraeifoUicDIl/ci.tlAr.s. ! Ci.llie.urelrparkd.DO itTl [ . .alodlc.t c4Qltolioriradflri OnrarloutlnlirtUirpnferril C.ll.na.on.t'lniornoj . . VL.h.fjrorjoarM.a.antl wa will . .ad la plain wr.rrtr , osi } C9UOrIU RlCHl { ( r.ciiaDiiMi < lllaiPctcieHrpU BS slil Ula.t and v.rlcoo.h , nllh qo.tluu lliu Addrtu BV OfllAirAiiiEDioAiaHUROTnArinnriTUiB isth and Podgn Striots , OB AHA , KEB , f W Dr.J.EJcGREW The Well Known SpctliillHf , Ri ) | 9taa Bv lann.uren..oiltn mF * XmM . au ' rormsufl'iin ] If VasUUVvSb VATK DIKKASSd I I Vtn-m < Hcet and Ktrict- , | \iJtfiti \ rl II hookai The Ill ? ] r wi ! vifk < y if Sorrot , 1' ' lor Man i. . - f-SSaltfA , / or Wo nan , eaull _ / • . fcW . JF * k- ' licintjFiarap ) ( Cja cC.I p\ \ k I c vn H ea1,1'e , * r V i. / \ tarrali and bkj5/- * " * " * iHiliaiisi " "i / I " Hl.eaies eu rev . , ? SiSsw * M * " / rt\ . luiiiieiilty 'iroal\ \ f sr KA u"feflrr Iw nient l r corre * • co.vsuiYJrA'riojv ritai : ) . ) Orfico SE Cor latli & Jackson St , Omaha , Neb , - t i ERRORS OF YOUTO * 8 5 > > ir Aertoiia Drlilllty , 8 g . "I h ? Vouthful luillarretlons , I \1 I Bb Your Own Physician 1 % i _ 3 Many men , from the etttcU of youtlifu ! & | a .inprudtjnee , h&vo biought ai > out Kto of to 1 7 > * i UiiCi * tliathuij irdutt-J the KCitfr liij - iv I > : teni o much a * to Induce turnout enry Jf i S- other diseiw , and ( ho real nuu of the V > i 9 troubloiiciinely ovw IxliiVtuiiMCt lliry > t are doctorMfur tnerjthlug tut th rffflit a I 71 una NgtMlt.siUnitliitf tl.u loaiiy TtliiftLlu T jemfdl ithatrn llco ciiit ? 3 haiprotluctd < E % fortlmrcUtfcf thlsclaw of latitiiU , none g 0 cf tlio ordinary mode * of lifntrr.ntttf'itft w \ O cure JJuriiittronreitciiylvacuHereiuidlipa * A X tiul practice we lave eiiMrtiiivnted with W _ _ _ _ / * lmj j , Btid dl o rit new till foncentrftt > ! wine-J& vrJ"i ffi y 9 'He * Jh nccoin | aujlnffutflcriplonUGf | fit r < J l-UJf 0 forrd oa a < crluliianJ perdv curr W IL P W , O liundrodiofrasr > 9liiuurT > ractlruiivvvH ) > Mi ' 7. nktorul to i rir tt hfalih liy IU uw after Vt X cllothirronKMlloafttllM iVrfctllrjiuieln- V b-r dleiitimustheuK < llntheirupar tlonof M 0 ilils prmrrii tlon V ( ti It J-rytlirosyJon coca 11 drachm * O Ii Jcruhetln.18 dradinu Vj Z lleloiilu IHoica , 13drachm , g V 1st ltufinln 8 ( Trains , C I S5 > it.lirn * > iIaamarnalcoboneSrralaa ( fi * C > zt It i unJra , 4 acrujitcs , 0 ' h Olyocrlne n a. Hit * i > t 1 llaka 00 iillli Take 1 ] > 11I at 8 p rrt . and an- - % * 1 ollu-ron Boiiirf toUU liifumurauialt will C& 9 U > nocrtuiaryforthot > ntleuttotaL0tvvol > ltli ! H , i tp HtlHHltlnianiaklntrth6iiunb rthtT0atlay. O , L fhla l eiiKHjy I * adapted tuerery condition of q 7 : iifrvou dcMUtraiiilwfAknoMlurllhfrecx , w I 25 nn 1 mmcially fa tliOHOi asei rcaultlnff from X < W 2 lni ( > rua ncp lhe ntuiHJrotlyo power * of ( W I C thu itntoratlve are truly ftftonUhfnir.and Iti ft ,1m , • H tits fotitlnuM fur a * liort tlma Irunkra the a SJW Jl Jinffuld , dtlilliUU-d , jirrvflti * oondltlon WW 1 * W J. one bfrnicwed St f * and \licor. Ct' % W Mm t m 3 AswoararouitautlYJaroceiptoflaUrrar'f Jr { 1m , 0 ; li.'iwrr * relative to I till rvtnedr , • would O W C u > tiil.owwliovrouUprcfrrtoottalnUpf ( & i. , 5 u * , l/y rifinltttnic llaafnirtlyafAira paxltft ' ! P * • cOutalnlmc 11IU. carefully com * JL < 1 ft ikoundfd.wltt be wilt by return inall from ff | ourprlvato lalioratory.orwe wlUfurnJth 0 C ; - m 6 packuir wahlch lllcureino tCA * * iforti o 4. % ' R AUdrci * orcall oa ft i I § Hew England Medical Institute g | L _ > g 31Trcmont Itow.JIoatoii.Maaa , ft wsffc ' * . * w- i * Otytf C3opyrigbf.lW.tyr.fcllu _ 3fflft * W * > a- ' Mftiw M WWVZSB CISUZQtl ? • * ' * * * I EJiiSi 5 V * / ' i > 4iu Iltui < dU > 6 * Wai