2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEfei SATURDAY , FEB11UAKY * , 22 , 1S90. ' B fc" BB rought In Ho had the lr of n BB loml educated tough to which hi * cold eye BB glasses contributed Ho were n pair of dark Bfl pants , with stripes of a , lighter shade , n dark BB vest , n chinchilla sack coat , whllo shirt , and Bfl n blue and whtto scarf loosely tied Ills corn HB nloxloa was a shade between brown nnd flfl swnrth nnd the hair was ns black ns that of nn I ml inn Tlia teeth were pearly whltonnd readily attracted attention The lips were j Htinpod somewhat lilia thosa of a negro , but HH ] worn by no means so thick The hair was flfl ] low cut and reached ever tha forehead until within an inch of the eyebrows From this HH forehead , the crnnluin roachnd abruptly up- HHJ ward , thn crown at the top being abnormally HHj high and round Everything Indlcntod flfl ] A MAN WITH CttlMINAI , 1NSTINCT3. flfl ] Ho soatcd IntnsGir and when told thnt flfl ] theta mentioned nbovo were coming to see J him , said that ho had nothing to Ray nbout it flfl ] About what ! " nsked the correspondent flfl ] ' About the murder " said Neal HHI Who spoke ot murder ) " was the next HH query HH To this Neat replied that hu had nothing to HHj HH lie was nskod where his homo was and ro- HH plied that ho didn't think it was necessary HH for that fact to bo imido known Ho said HH that hu had heen in Omaha n couple of HH wcexs ago and had bought some of the Jew HH olry there The shorld asked him If ho did HH not say ho had bought nil of his Jouelry HH there and Neal laid ho did not say anything HH of the kind IIo insisted that hrt had ad * HH milled hnving bougnt some of liK Jewelry HH there , but tuo rest bad bcon bought else HH where H "Whcro were you in South Omaha lastl" HH ft was never In South Omaha " HH When did you ever pass through it ! " HHI "I was never in It , " I HJ Did you not buy a ladys' ' watch thorol" HH1 "No , HH Where did you buy the lady's watch you HHI pawned ! " HHI "I bought It in Denver " "Wlierut" HI Well , 1 ain't going to say anything until HH1 1 see au attorney " HH1 IIo then turned toward the shorjff and HH1 with lll-fclgncd simplicity , asked : Who HHJ ( wns murdered ! " " HH1 The sheriff was silent HH1 ' Was there any ono murdered ! " Nonl BflJ | I ugatn asked , and noticing that the sheriff felt flflj | | disposed to uiako no reply , ho said : flflj | , i Yes , I know there was somebody mur- flflj | flcred , because J saw it In thu napor " HHJI I RNcal's breathing was heavy and his eyes flflj | I sought other directions than tboso of the BflJJ correspondents ' Otherwise , HJHJ Till ! rF.LI.OW WA3 UNMOVED , HBfl Ho could not bo lnducod to BBJ | tnlk further He asked ibo sheriff when ho BBJ | j expected the people from Omahu and was BBJ | told they night arrive tonight or tomorrow BBJ | Ho then handed the following nota to the BBJ | shorlff , which wus addressed to a Airs Wll- BBJ | | son , n landlady with whom ho had been BBl boarding , it shows BBI THE SCOUNDHEl/S CONSUMMATE COOLNESS BBJj | In making preparation for his Journey to the BBfl Jail or perhaps gibbet as it ho were going to HBJH his bridal : BBJ | tAlns Wii-son Will you please do mo a BBB favor ! I may luivo to go to Omaha today or BBB or tomorrow , mid I would llko to Iiavo my BBB hat , soinu underclothing , and my tooth brush BBB and powder Please let mo have them as BBB soon ns possible nnd oblige Your humble BBB servant , J , I ) . Katon , " J > Tlio brush and powder the correspondent BBB has not yet seen , but they were bought at BBB 1 Mclchers 'ihcro is no doubt but that the J | watches other than the lady's ' nro these J bought at Molchor's in Omaha J from the nbovo itm.iy bo scon that bo J I sldos beintr a thief nnd probable murderer , it BBBJ i is npparont that Ncal 1b u consummate liar BBB ' , It Is not jet known when Neal will bo taken Bfl ji to Omaha " _ M I "NHA.LTS" TRUNK HJHH Additional Kvldenco of Guilt Found HJHH in lis Content . . | | Kansas Cur , Mo , Fob 21. | Special Tolo HHflJ gram to Tun Bee.I Tub Bee correspondent BJBHfound "NcjI's" trunk In a flat nearly oppo- HJHH alto the Foutain theater , at SovontU and B • > May strcots The Fountain Is a variety BBBJJ thoiter , with all that this term Implies BBBJI ' With ' ono of the chair warinors named Mln- H nlo Sullivan it is pretty well authenticated BJBH Neal wus infati'itod , and to her ho paid a H great deal of attention The trunk was of BJBH the cheap order , covorca with stained and BftHl j varnished tin In this were found a toilet BftHJj j. sot consisting of a soylonito comb , brush and H liand mirror , the whole being enclosed In a BftBB xerl plush covered box There was also a BftHJj light blue nocktlo wltft clever ornumont , HHHwhich was marked "Wriirht & Ualdwln , . Hr South Omaha ; * ' another blue tie , r BBHJ Bovoral * collars , a now clothes jHHl , brush and an empty box which BJBH ; nt ono tlmo contained a Smith & Wesson ro volver , thirty-eight caltbro , three and one iuurtcr inch barrel and numbcrod 83,339. i I Uhls revolver Is missing It ovldently has i not been pawned , bocauco - no pawn tlekot BBHJ | | has yet been found Neal claims that ho BBHJ | i sold it , but to whom the police have not yet BJBH uuen ublo to determine BJBH Chief Spcers has eight cartrlges of thirty BJBH calibre , which were found umong "Noal's" BJBH effects Ono of these he has given to Tn e HHH 13r.ii correspondent It is renter fire and HHH ivill bo compared with the unrlrldgo picked HHH mu on the Piuuo.v farm a couple of days after HHH the murder With the number of the ro- HHH volver now obtuined it is thought thu HHH finding of the weapon will bo a matter of HHH but a short time HHH There were also found lo the trunk two HHH grips , both now , one of light brown leather HHH Imitation , the other dark nud iuitativu of the HHH hide of an alligator There was also n , new HHH pair of luced shoes stamped by L L. Forrla HHH & Co , " u cutaway grosgruln markca S L. HHH & Co , " a pair of pants of striped black and HHH • pepper and salt , another ot blue uud black HHH ! Btriocs , a dark blue oquaro cut Jacket with HHH ] black buttons , a bottle nnd box of sozodont HHH nd a tooth brush , the last mentioned marked M U 40 X. " HHH No truce has yet been found ot the pol- HH ished horns , though a mora valuable dis * HHH covery was madulu the memorandum given HHH by Mr , Kolbort ot South Omaha ot the HHH jewelry sold by him to Ncal , whicli'contains HHH the description in Mr Kolbert's haudwritlng HH ot the Jowulry sold by him to Neal H cjni : 8e.vviy on this soisnie H A Probability That Ncal Will llo HHH liumleil In Omulin huniluy H Kivsab Cur , Mo , Fob 'Jl , [ Special Tale | pram to Tim I1ki.1 Chief Seavey nrrlvod B . unexpcotodly tonight , not having stepped , as H It was supposed ho would , at Topoku to so- H euro the ncednd pa | > crs from Governor H i Humpliroy for the return of Neal to Omaha | llo was de ' talned at Lincoln On his arrival , H nnd for.some time after , ho kept the visiting H newspaper mon on a lively Jump , Ho hola H ' lengthy Intorvlows with Shorift Howling ot BBHJ Wyandqtto ' nndChief fcipeers of this city , the JHHl | rosultof which was that on uluto train to- HHH night ho returned to Topeko Ho telo- HHH I jjraphod the governor of his departure , hop HHH log thus to bo ublu to meet bis excellency HHH and obtain thu nauessary papers toulght To HHH accomplish this Uovcruor Humphrey will bo HHJI coni | > oiltd to lese n good nights HHH rest Should , the nblot secure thq HHH papers ho will return to this city HH on the early train tomorrow The remain HHH dor of the day will bo spent in securiug HH "Noal's" effects , nnd It la piobablo that the HHH latter will bo taken back to Omaha on to- HHH morrow nights train , reaching there Suu- HHH day morning HHHJ County Attorney Mahoney has written the HHHJ attorney of Wyandotte county , asking hlin HHHJ to waive any prior rights ho may have to HHHJ Neal becausu of the charges now ayainat HHJ Mm , ami let Douglas county , Nebraska , have HHHJ thp first whirl out of him Sheriff Howling HHHJ has assured Chief Scavoy that nolthor ha HHHJ nor the Wjaadotto prosecutor would inter HHHJ forolu thu bringing ot Neal to Juitico in HHHJ Omaha Such being the case , there Is little HHHJ to feat that QoVurnor Humphry will hosltuto HHHJ to the taking of Neal from this state H ANOXJIIiH I'OkNT MAD13 CIjCAU H IS'cal's Transformation From a Cow H uor la a Duila Kxplalnod H Additional facts concerning the move H menu of the man Ncal in this city were H < - learned yesterday At about noon of the 7th , H the'day on which ho bought the watches and H malljowelry at the pawnshop , comer of HHHJ Eleventh an a Varnnin streets , ho went into H the oftlcu of Slept b un's ' llvtry barn , H I Tenth and Huroey , nud asked U ho might HHHJ fso the telephone t onuiuunicate with South H S Omana ilu was lnlormea by C , F. Williams , BJBJB K na omuloyo of the barn , uud the only ono In HI the offlco ot the time , that ho might , providing ho paid the 10 cents loll which was charged up against the offlco for messages going out side the city limits Ncal paid the dtmo and stepped to the telephone His attempt to use the Instrument wus , however , very nwk- ward , nnd showed that ho know little or nothing nbout It Finally no got It partially to working , but suddenly bceamo so nervous ns to npponr to Mr Williams to have lost nlmost cntlro control of his voice Then bo asked Mr Williams to telcphono for him , asking htm to call up the Transit homo South Omaha , nnd say that ho , the man who loft word there , " had sent for the trunk , nnd wanted it sent to the City hotel inslood of the Cogens liouso A reply of all right came back and Nonl went out , So far as can bo calculated It was only n few minutes later when Neal went to the City hotel , npposlto the stables on Haraoy , registered and took dinner The person behind - hind thu desk nt the time was Peter Halin Mr Hahn says that when Ncal went to register his name ho was ter ribly excited nna npologizcd for the trem bling of his hand Ho registered ns " 13. U , Livingston , " but put down no place of rcsl- denco The writing Is almost Identically the saino as that In which ho endorsed his nnmo on the checK ho recclvod In payment for the cattle , and tno fac-slmllo ot which appeared in Tim Urb n few days ago , together with that of the bill of sale , A schoolboy would detect the fact of the signa tures having been made by the same person The ono on the register is somuwhat moro scrawly than any of those made previously , thus indicating that the cllect of the tlend'8 crime was Intensifying in Its action upon himself In a brlof , passing conversation with Mr , Halm , Ncal said * that he had ordered his trunk nnd satchels sent to thoCo7zous nouso llrst , nut finding that it wus closed ho had concluded to try the City hotel After hu had omen bis din ner his trunk nnd two tail colored satchels came Neal wns in the hotel olllco when the luggage came mid ordered it put down in ono corior ot the room Then ho uskod to have it all taken up to ' ko room , as ho wonted to chnngo bis clothes nnd didn't llko to open his trunk and satchels in the olllco buforo everybody , Mr Halm told him there wus nobody around to take the things up Then Ncal said , "Oh , well , never mlud ; give mo n hey to n room " A Uoy was glvon him Then ho picked up the valises and went up stairs When ho ontorcd the hotel Mr Hahn says ho was dressed In a rather rough style , hav ing on u suit of old kind of gray domed , n dirty looking handkerchief around his neck and his foot encased In farmer looking boots His genernl makeup gave Mr Hahn tno impression that ho was a stockman or something of the kind Ho seemed , however - over , to have Just had a shave and n hair out While ho was up stairs Mr Hahn had oc casion to go up and in pa < slng the room which he had giveu to Neal ho rlancod in , the door being partially open Neal saw him and remarked : " 1 wont muss up the bed any , us I'm not going to stay nil night I only wanted the room to change my clothes In " Ho rertppohrod in ttio offlco about n quar ter of au hour later "n completely changed man , " as Mr Hahn puts it Ho hud on n now sack suit of block clothes , a derby hat , Bhoes of the congress gaiter style , wh.to Bhirt and standing collar , handsome necktie , cults , etc Mr Hahn said had to look at his guest twice in order to assure hlmsolf that it was the same man Ncal went straight to his trunk , nnd , standing with his back to the desk , precoedud to hurriedly open the trunk and ono of the Batchols , take the old clothes ho had cast oft from the latter - tor and throw them into the former and then lock botn with a bang Then ho went out upon ibo street probably , according to a close calculation of the time , directly ever to the pawnbrokers to make trio purchases of Jewelry About half an hour later , or about 1 o'clock , ho returned .to the hotel accompanied by an oxprcssmun and wagon Ho paid his bill , had the trunk and ono satchel loaded Into the express wagon , caught up the other Botchol r.nd Hew out , motioning the driver to go south on ienth street After being irons a couple of minutes or bo Neal returned , say ing ho * bad forgotten his umbrella , which was'immediately handed him from behind the nfilco desk-and ho again disap peared Mr Hahn says the umbrella had a silver or oxidized handle df a somewhat funcy pattern He says the trunk wus greenish tinned , and had heavy wrought iron or metal corners Mr Hahn said that while Neal was out he thought the trunk was somewhat in the wuy and ho lifted it around u little In doing so ho discovered thut it was so light that bo thought at the time there couldn't bo scarcely anything in it The fact that Ncal did not put both valises IntJ the express wairon gave Mr Hahn the idea that ho must have somothlng very precious in the ono ho carried , and it secinea very heavy for him to carry Both the man in the livery offlco where Neal telephoned , Mr Williams and Mr Hahn at the hotel say that the man tallied to a dot with the description ot Neal , as now deflnltoly known and frequently pub lished Neither of thorn notlcod his hands , except that they were uulto targe und rough , After learning the nbovo facts The Bee reporter who secured them questioned a nuinbor ot oxprossmen who make u business ot waiting at various points within a radius of four blocks of the hotel if or Jobs , wbothor they baa hauled any such buggago as that described , on the Tth , but none of them could recall so doing Several clothing stores were also visited in the hope ot find ing the one where Neal bought his now clothes , etc , but without satisfactory re sults It was found thut slnco toe fact of Neal having been in Omaha has bceomo so widely nud thoroughly known , many people nre strikingly averse ovou to trying to rti- call whether they have met , and particularly whether they have had dealings with the as- Bnssln , and carry this dislilco to extremes that arc seriously aggravating as well as hinder ing ? at times , . The idea of such persons Booms lo bo that if it should become kno wu that they had spokcp to or dealt with him , it might hurt their business An amusing little incident In this connec tion was mot with oy the reporter yostordav uftcrnoon Hntoring a well known business liouso on Farnnui street , the reporter asked If the proprietor was in Ho was , nnd came forward Can you tall mo whether n roughly dressed young man about f > toot 7K inches tall bought , a suit of clothes ( describing thom ) here on the 7th of this month , or cnu you ns a special favor toll mo whether any such clothes were oought at your store here on that day ! " The old proprietors face clouded as If ho had been dunned for a big bill ho had paid thirty days ago , and nftor eyeing the reporter sharply for a moment , lib replied : ' Well , 1 I I dent ' know that is faot Is 1 dent want to say but no , I tblnk not pretty sure not " Shall I quota you as saying yes or no ! " "You'll not quote mo at all , for I shall not toll you my name I wont have my business hurt by being mixed up In this murder case " Smilingly turniug on his heel tno reporter walked out , nnd dancing up ever the door road in big lettora the name of that same dcsucratoly cautious merchant Took Htm lor n Yahoo Ofllcer Jcsso Newman was watching the man , now known to have boon Neal , when ho was making his purchosos of jewelry at the pawn shop , corner of Eleventh and Faruam , After the fellow had departed the oDicer stepped , In the shop and observed to the clerk | "Thnt fellow seems to bo stuck on your cheap Jewelry he bought two walchos , didn't be ! " Yes " replied the clerk "ho'a , , some coun try Jav who has Just sold some stock , und ho dent know what to do wuh his money Hut deut run him in for if bo's arrested you will know bo bought the stuff hero " The ofllcer snyp the wan , who was about tlvo feet , seven or eight inches , seemed un usually fidgety nnd nervous , but supposing it was some farmer touting his tirat gewgaws ho aid not suspect him Ha furtbor said that thu man was dressed in a common gray ish suit , aud sported n thin , light inustacbo Ho said that hu oould certainly identify him Aia Nero Toulu Use Hbrstord't Acid I'tiosplmte , Dr , S. Ik Williams , Claronca , la , says : "I have used It , to grand effect in a case of nouralgio fever , und in uteriuo difficulties Al o In casus where a goueral tonlo wbb needed For u nerve tonio I think it is the best 1 have oyer used , uud eau recomuieud it pioit contldcnUy " FLOWERTAPS ON HIS BARREL Ho 18 Willing to Take Gotham'a Pair Bonds at Par PROQRESS OF THE STRUGGLE Knoll City Still Continues to llo the Onlr Plnuo Tor the Kxhililtton The Oninlin Appro priation IIoiirc W'asiiihcitos , Fob 21. It was rosolvol that when the house ndjournod today it should bo to inrot Monday , The regular order bolug demanded , Mr Hooker ot Mississippi proceeded to address the house upon the worlds fair bill Ho spoke In favor of Washington as the alto ot the fair , it being the seat of government Mr Mills of Toxns said this was a business matter There was somothlng besides patri otism in it Cities came here hurrahing for the old flag nnd appropriations This was a proposition to inako money If Now York wautod the fair she could organlzo It on business principles , nnd hold It So it was with Chicago nnd St Louis , they were busluoss cities and know how to mnnago buslnoss ontcrprlsos In the district It was proposed to Issue bonds to pay the expenses of the fair ; the people were now taxed and governed to donth Ho took It for granted that the fair would beheld hold ; that congress would go oa intorforlng with the rights of the pconlo und it would bo ehurged to p itrlotlsm and Columbus Ho would have to do as the rest did ; ho would have to vote for n situ and rcprosdnt his people ple , and ho would vote fur Texas neighbor St Louis Mr Murso of Massachusetts said ho would vote against the bills First , because his democratic brcthron had prcdictod in ad- vnnco that the first acts ot tha majority of this house under the now rules would b o to wipe out the surplus und empty the troas * ury of the United States Ono of tboso , and the ono likely to pass , called for the issue ot bonds by the District of Columbia to the amount of * 15,000,000 , one-half ol which at loust the government would bo hold for It is supposed the country would get back n part of this sum from foreign visitors and exhibits , but ho thought it would bo safe to say that this proposed worlds ' fair wherever held would involve a loss to the treasury of the United States of several million dollars It was far bettor to cxpond $ 15,000,000 In es tablishing n postal tolcgraph throughout the country or to take the tax off sugar , n prime noccssity of life , a tax that bora oppcsslvoly upon every laborer or mechanic • Mr Peters of Kansas said it was nlmost a hopeless task to try to stem the Ma of pa triotic feeling , but before congress com mitted Itself it should Bee it the government could afford it The regular estimated ap propriations for the next fiscal year were { 100,000,000. The miscellaneous appropriations made during the special Besslon were $10- 000,000 , nnd during the long session the amount would certainly not bo less In ad dition there were at least $250,000.00 indoQe- iencies , inakiiii ; the grand aggrcgato of the appropriations 8112,000,000. There were ouly M5O.OO0.0J0 of estimated rev enue with which to pay them These figures did not tako-rivers und har bors into consideration Mr O'Neill ot Pennsylvania-nrguod that there was too little time remaining to ar range for a worlds ' fttir in 1303. Air Blunchard of Louisiaua argued in favor of the fair but did not speak ; 'or nuy particular locality Mr O'Forrall of Virginia nnd Mr Gib son of Maryland favored Washington as a place for the fair * Mr Houk snid to have the fair nnywhero oxceptat the national capital would take from it the most of its importance Lot the nation Inherit the buudincs which must bo constructed here for the fair-iSThoyiwould bo , they were now needed for ouplto usol Mr Wilson of West Virginia said wo.had had a series of centennials durluir tho.past fourloen jears Tbelr Influence for good could bardly bo overestimated Wo should show to tbo old world thu trrandost sight of earth a great nation built upon the corner BtonQ of liberty It necessarily followud that the only right and proper place for the fair was at the seat of national government Mr.Vandever of California argued in favor of St Louis If it was to be a financial transaction purely , why not advertise for bids and give the fair to tbo city ottering the most mo no v. Ho be lieved the next exposition would bo bold in California , and thoryforo ho favored tbo claims of St Louis ns a. recognition of the strength nnd greatness of the west Mr Carlisle said the exposition was to give the people ot the old world not an in sight Into our great manufactures and indus tries , but to show thom our great country Ho would vote for St Louis and next for Chicago Ho disapproved of the , bills pre sented by the cominitteo Congress had no authoritv to hold the fair elsewhere than in the District of Columbia or the territories He opposed an appropriation of $1,500,000. It a state wanted a fair its citizens had only to incorporate thoinselvos una hold it Ho would vote for the bills ouly after they bad boon amended to meet his views Mr Klnsoy of Missouri idvocated that the fair bo hold in St Louis Mr O'Neill ot Indiana bollovcd his constituents stituents' Interest would bo best served by holding the fair In St , Louis Mr Wilson of Missouri also argued in favor of St Louis Mr Forman of Illinois was for the fair not as un accommodation for foreigners , but as au educational aid to the people of this coun try Ho wus for St Louis bcciuso it of fered the best guarautoo of success for the fulr fulr.Mr. Mr Hatch of Missouri pleaded for the fair to bo hold ut St Louts , the great center of the trade uud vommerco of this country Continuing , Mr Hatch ridiculed New York's slto Ho described Forest park , St Louis , with its magnificent groves and its l.USO acres , where , said ho , you could pick up your little park and dump it down three times in u day " Mr Outhwalto of Ohio imld the celebra tion should bo hold boyoad the AUegbonloa , Obeying tbo Joint resolution of the Ohio legislature und his own Impulses ho favored Chicago Mr Mason'of Illinois made a strong speech for Chicago Our southern brothers charged republicans with unklnducss and too severe criticism in political matters They In turn charged the southern ptoplo with the same faults , and bitterness was aroused How could this bo stepped hotter than by meeting on common ground ia a common cause Come to Chicago and ape whether her hospi tality differed much from Georgia , Missis sippi or Kentucky Mr tioar of Iowa spoke of the glories ot Chicairo It bad pluck aud push and energy und would make the fair a success Mr Kerr of Iowa believed a fair held lu the east would not exhibit , the true wealth of the country It should bo hold in tbo great west and m Chicago Mr Owen ot Indiana said If any place had earned the fair It was Culcago Logic , geographical graphical location , popular feeling , ull in clined to choose Chicago Mr Springer dwelt upon the great expense - ponso of holding the celebration in New York Ho roforrcd to tbo failure of Now Yqrk to complete the Grant inonutnnni De duct 85.0JO.OO0 for bultdlmrs needed ni Now Yoru und but (5,000,000 would bo left ot the Albany appropriation Compare that with Chicago's position , (10 OOJ.OOO in money nnd a Bite Chicago would ask but 1500,000 or 1000,000 from the government , und that for its own exhibit In referring to tbo coutost nt Albany he quoted the declaration of one ot tbo btato senators that to him the bill was crow , and ho would oat his share It the fair was located la Now York In all proba bility it would bo n fullure It was the opin ion of the ablott lawyers of Now York that the Albany bill was unconstitutional und that tbo taxpayers oould successfully resist thu imposition of the charge Mr Flowur sam that as thu gentleman had questioned the value ot the bonds Now York proposed to offer he was himself ready to take all of them at par Mostr * . Fitch , Dunphy , Lansing , Spiuols , Wallace , Haines , Tumor McCarthy and Farquhar spnko for New York Mr Chandler closed the debuto In a few words , sayiug the country could safely trust the house to discharge lu full duty and bo hoped for a fuvorable couuluslon upon the question next Mondar Thu house then took a recess The house ut its evening session passed rrp forty prtvatouenslon | | bills and ndjournod until Monday , M V r- i Senate WAsntsoToy Fob SI In the senate to day the conftronco report on the bill to increase - crease the pensions of totally disabled pen sioners was agreed to after the explanation that under thp ) net ofl3$0 It had boon pro vided that totally disabled pensioners then drawing $50 njmqnth should rccolvo$72 ; that the increase did not apply to these who were ponsloncd tnorenftort that the bill as It passed the sonatd was lntonded to correct that omission t tlJAt thohouso bad nmonded It so as to allow arrears oi pensions in such cisos , nnd the result was practically the adoption of tbo scnato bill ss originally pasted , no nrroarn being allowed , Among the bills reported nnd plnccd on the calendar were the following : For the establishment ot a pure food division in the dopnrtmontof ngrlcultura ; to provldo for the establishment of n gun foundry for the finishing nud assembling df heavy ordnance on the 1'nciria const , Mr Edmunds Introduced a bill to punish crimea against ofllcors of the United Stntos while in tbo dlschnrgo of their duties , nnd , by roqtiost , n bill to roorgaubo tbo rnnk und pay of the personnel of the navy Hofcrrod 'iho semite then ; irocccdod to the consider nfou of the house bill to provldo for town ulto entries In Oklahoma A number ot public building bills were PitBJed , including ono for Kansas City for ja,500,000 nnd ono increasing the limit of the cost of tbo Omaha building to fi,000,000. The bill to amend thn law rolatmg to copy rights having bcon roichod Mr Qoorgo ob jected to its consideration Mr Piatt moved the house bill as nn amendment to tha senate bill and the bill was laid nsido , Adjourned Amonilinont to tlio 1'ur • Pooil Hill Washington , Fob 21. Senator l'addocl : from the committee on agrlculturo todiy reported - ported nn nmendmont to Faulkner's pure food bill to take the place of that part of the original bill stricken out by the committee The amendment provides thut thn secretary of agrlculturo shall provide for the Inspec tion und post mortem examination of live stock to bo transported to any ether Btato or torntory or foreign country for consump tion , In casci animals are found nfloctod with any disease rondorlng them unlit for consumption , they shall bo condemned and destroyed without compensation to the owner , aud if the post mortem examination proves the carcasses unfit fjr food thov will be destroyed All fit carcasses and food products manufactured inorofrom shall bo labelled by the inspector before being Bhlppad The owners of slaughter houses shall ontain a lizonso and uudor it'they shall pay Q cents for each boviuo carcass Inspected aud 'iconts for each hog , no Inspection to bo made or label nfUxcd until the license is procured , the money paid for Inspection to bo nupliod to the payment of the expanses Incurred in executing the law Con Urinations The following nominations have boon con firmed by tbo senate : , Supervisors ot the census , Illinois OscirF Avery , Fourth dis trict ; John H. Fisher , Fifth district ; Jacob Wheeler , Sixth district Iowa David W. Heed , Second district Wisconsin J. L. Lindorn.un , Fifth , , Consuls F. A. Ilusher of Minnesota , jbons ' ul nt Port Stanley and Port Thomas ; Friuk D. Hill of Minnesota at Montevideo : p. H. Mvers of South Da kota , at San Salvador ; E M. Love , receiver of public mouoyjj nf Valentino Neb , ; Levi E. Pond of Wisconsin , to bo pension agent at Mllwaukao : J. 'JCjoorgo Wrlght , to bo Indian agent of the Uoso ud agency , South DakotaN . < N'ljn ' iinntlonH ' WASiiiNOTO jFjib 21. The president to day sent the soiiat the following nomina tions : Postmasters : Minnesota Johnnah E. West , St Cloud ; Josiah A. Peck , Wa basha Wisconsin Frank B. Hand , Hur- loy Nobraskas-Henry H. Troth , McConk ItoinlorOfinenls NcwjYoitK , Fob SL.T-A largo delegation of prominent ' citizens from tais city and ' LSrpoktyn will , s rt . for , ! iyashin gUm today nnd'tbmorrow to aid Now " York's/congrps- Blonal representativesIn tholrendoavor , to have tbo worlds • fair located here A Georgia Murderer Arrested CnioAao , Feb 21. ISpoolol Telegram t Tiie Bee I Joseph U. Roynplds was ar rested in Port Huron , Mich , tliU morning ' " ' through the efforts of Detecttyo i Robert Bruce of Chicago Reynolds is charged with having committed a murder in Morgan county , Georgia , March 12 , 1883. The kill ing was the outgrowtti of a political feud that existed between the Reynolds family and that of Benjamin II Jones , who was his victim The affair occurred Just after an election The mon met at the depot , ot a small town and after a few words had been exchanged Reynolds , a democrat , drew a re volver and shot Jones in the head The shooting was done In tlio presence of a largo number of men , Reynolds , who is but twonty-two years old , fled and nothing was heard of him until a few days ueo , when ho was located bv a detective agency Robert Brace hus gene to Port Huron with a reaui- sition from Georgia to take the man back for trial The Hloekuilo KiiIhpiI Again Sacramesto , Cah , Feb 21. Late yesterday - day the biiow plows succeeded in breaking the now blockade on tbo Central Paclllo line over tbo Sierra Novuda mountains Ono ot tha east bound trains that had boon on tbo road five days succeeded in reaching the eastern base of the Sierras nt Truekco , Probably a day or two moro will bo spent m flanging the railsand unless there isunothor heavy snow fall , the road wilL bo open for nil trains Tlio I-'In : Kecoril Toledo , O. , Fob 21 Early this morning a fire destroyed the tin box and fruit can man ufactory of E. P. Hreckenridge & Co , the the building occupied by Smith & Haldo- man , elevator manufacturers , and the build ing of James B. Borlz , dealer in Junk and old iron The Peoples theater was consid- nbly dnroagod by smoke and water , The loss is ubout $150,000 ; partially insured Helena , Mont , Feb 21. Tbo Granjto block burned this morning The Uro was probably caused by fire crackers carelessly thrown by members of the legislature during their jollitication over tbo wind up ot the legislative session The legislatures jour nals , books und papers were destroyed The total loss is estimated at J50.000. , Hard on , Cattle Men St Louis , MoT Fob , , 31. A dispatch from San Angelo , Te whlou lies in the midst ot the cattlc-producidg region of that state , says the orosfllt&l's proclamation ousting cattlemen froin'tJia ' , Cherokee strip wlllon- tuil losses running Op'to hundreds of thous ands of dollars urtho stockmen of Texas , who have the tt&so of the largo pastures ot the nation at a great cxponse JIlHhop jUubM I'dunil Guilty , Cleveland , 'Of * Ffb 21. The Jury in Hlshop Dubs cas jroUirnod a vordlct today finding him gul njapd suspending him from office uulll the opening ot tbo general con furonco in lbltf , when the case will be re opened ; aL l'uujri ! ) > Worlc < Full Toledo , O. , t'ebP'21 , The Toledo pump company's ' workj jnid , property were taken possession of yesterday by tbo sheriff-to satisfy a claim of $100,000. The failure will bo a total ono The assets and liabilities are unknown . n. m Weekly Ilnnlc btutoinent New Yohk , F b. 2,1. The weekly bank Btatemont shows the reserve has decreased 13.700,000. The banks now bold $3,701,003 in excess of legal requirement ! . - Mnrylan'tl ItoU atrlototl Annai > oi.is , Md.t Feb 21. The senate bill to rodlstrlct the stale , thus making five or the six cougressional districts democratic , patted the house toJay , "I have lioi-n ntltfoiril with un affection of the throat from childhood , caused by dlphthoria and have used various remedies , but have uover fouud anything equal to Browns Bronchial Troches J' ' Ro v. G. AL F. HamptonI'lkcton.Ky . , Sold only In boxes DUNS REVIEW Of THE WEEK A Losa Confldout Foollntr Provall- lrjff lu Eualnosa Oito' .os , SOME SIGNS OF IMPROVEMENT An IncrcnHo In 'tlio Number of Com plaints ltocnnlliiK blow Collec tions Tlio PlttRbtirc Iron Market Weaker Tlio Cniiiincrulnl Sltiintlnn , NnwYoitK , Feb 21. [ Special Telegram to The Bee.1 R. G , Dun & Co 's wcukly review - view of trade says ; Whllo the prevailing impression In busi ness circles is rnthor loss ronOdont than it was n wcolc ago , there uro several signs ot improvement Cooler weather has caused a little moronctivity in some Hues ot trade Wheat Is a little stronger and without a clearly doflncd reason there is n llrinor tone In the custom Iron markets , whlio the re duction in the Unnk of England rate from 0 to 5 per cent , with Its Inrgp gain ot $1,315,000 , In gold during the past week , diminishes the chance of inconvenient demands from abroad On the other hand , genor.il trade Is not increasing In volume or In profits , and whllo Its soundness is indicated by the occurrence of fewer failures then many cxpoctod as tbo result of pheuomonnlly unsonsouublo weather , the complaint of slow collections is common nnd rather increasing Wool sells slowly , coul is very dull , hurdwaro dull , the liquor trade fair , tobacco quiet with slow col lections nnd the grocor.v trade generally de pressed , with collections very poor At Chicago grain receipts exceed last yocr's and receipts of beef products und lard are nearly or qutto double , with a gain of GO per cent In cheese for the week and some improvement in hides nnd wool , but no change is Boon in clothing , though the dry goods trade compares Tairly with last year and the shoo trade is only fair Clovoiaud notes a fairly good trade , but Urn bad condition of country roads affect collections , though in some hues they grow hotter Detroit observes fewer failures thnn were apprehended from the mild weothor , but at Milwuukeo extended time has been given on many largo uccounts and cold wealhor bas como too late to clenr the stocks In many country Btorcs Fair reports come from Omaha , St Paul nnd Denver and indeed from most of the western and southern points , but at Kansas City trade is rather tnuctive and ot Pitts burg iron is weaker because ol the Increased southern competition , with a duller coal trade , but good business in glass The foreign trade of the country is not as favorable us it was two months uro In three weeks of February the exports from New York show scarcely any Increase and the imports nn increase of only 3 per cent , indicatingtnus far an excess or imports Wheat exports are still much nbovo last years 4iud the price has rlson 2 } cents , with reports or injury to tlio growing crop Corn exports largely exceed last years nnd the price is Jfo lower , with oats fc lower Pork products are steady and moving out word fairly Speculation in coffee is stronger nt 20 cents , but sugar has not changed It Is dim cult to account for the better tone which clearly exists iu the Iron market here and.at Philadelphia , unless it is due to tbo nope that Boutborn Iron , which is now moving from Sheftleld nt J2.50 per ton to Pittsburg and soiling somewhat largely , may hereafter uffect the western ratbor than the eastern mnrketi The local money market has been easy nt unchanged rates , although the treasury has taken In Binco last Saturday $2,400,000 moro than it bas paid out uud intoiior exchanges wlth.somo cities ' is adverse It is hardly to beexpoctcd'tbuttho banks will bo able to gain in strength until April , but the decllno • in foreign exchnngos to 4 80 puts further away the possibility of gold experts 'Iho business failures accruing throughout the country during tbo last seven days num ber 271. For the same week of last year the flgures were 270. CAT1LK COiVKN'X'ION. . A General Moetlni ; of Stock Men and Raisers Called FonT Worth , Tex , Feb 21. The follow ing invitation was today sent to the gov ernors ot all.tha southwestern states and to prominent people all over the country , re questing their presence at the lmorstnto con tention of cattlemen , to bo held in this city on March 11 : The interstate cattlemen's convention has bcon called by the representatives of the different associations throughout the south west to meet the Northwest Cattle Growers association at Forth Worth Murch 11 , 1800 , to lnquiro Into causes which have led to the low pricesof beef to theproducor without nny corresponding benefit to the consumer Such n convention huvlng been called , the citizens of Fort Worth extend a cordial invi tation to the governors of tbo different states and territories , the representative stockmen and all otbora interested in the stock inter ests , asking tnat the governors ot such states or territories appoint at least twenty ono dalcgates to attend nnd participate in the deliberations of the interstate cattle men's convontlon , in order that an intelli gent discussion may bo had and a conserva tive action had in the promises , leading to a solution of tha dinicultlos whlcti have for the last few years confronted the cattle breeders and ralsors of the country This is a question of vital importance to tno farmers as well ns to the cattlemen , and a full at tendance is hoped far , especially from the northwest cattle feeulnz states Rcspoct- fully yours , Invitation Committee Got Away With Clmroli Funds Bui-rALO , N. Y. , Fob.21. | SpecIal Telegram - gram to T > ie Dee , | A warrant has been issued on behalf of the congregation of St , St Adclbort's ( Polish ) parish for the arrest of C. II Nawak of Mount Pleasant , Pa , , vice censor ot tbo Polish National alliance , on a churgo of appropriating to his own use $800 of the funds of tbo congregation , The offense constitutes grand larceny in the flrBt degree Some time ngo the money in ques tion was subscribed by the congregation for tbo purpose of Bonding two delegates to Rome to ask the pope to interfere in the diflloulty pendiug between the parisnonors and Bishop Ryan with regard to the re moval of their priest , Father Klawittcr Mr Nowak and Father Clchocki ot Pitts burg were tbo delegates selected Minis terial duties prevented the priest from un dertaking the Journey and the duty was left to Mr Nowak , No word of any kind was received from Homo and suspicion was aroused that Mr , Nowak had not started A messenger was sent to his homo in Mount Peasant , where Mr Nowak was found Ho claims that the money was lost on account of a transaction between him and Father Klawlttor The parish then decided to prosecute him A mooting of the parish ioners was hold last night and it was decided to send another delegate to Rome The Wyoming Mining Trouble * . Lmujjie , Wyo , Fob 21. ( Special Telegram - gram to The Bee ] Thirty moro of tha col ored miners at Dana , who were brought here from Ohio , were shipped homo this morning There uro 12J still ut Dana and thirty more on the road coming , These who came from Iowa are at work by tbo day at $2.50 per day , The others are stlU'stundlng out It appears that tbo mlao , In its present progress ot development volopmont , turns out u great deal of sluck coul which somebody must lose , aud tbo con test is between tha company aud the miners which shall stand tbo loss liiiuil onV-rmiM. Waphingtojt , Feb 21. | Special Telegram to 'liie BEE.J lioads offered : $0,000 ' at at $ W1JV. - i m ' The Nebraska National bank ob tained a ju-Jfrncnt of * iS7.73 u < rulnat A. L. Strang ot l lu the county court yoitorilay a nouniiii dosi : . Two Kxcltlnir Gaines of Tolo Last Night There were two games of polo played nt the Coliseum last night The first was between tweon the Contlnontnls and Iho Council Muffs tonms , the former winning by a score of 0 goals to U. This wns n dead wnlk-away for the Continentals , the only feature of the contest being the ncrobntio feats of Josophtis Stoln , n now plnyor recently signed by the UlufTs Mr Stoln is what Is known In po etical language ns n cuckoo Ho noosn't know ns much nbout polo as a liorso does about tha line arts The second gama was between the Con tlnontnls nnd the Morses , which resulted In a tlo In the play-oft the Morses made a goal In Just thirty seconds and won the gnmo This evening the Lliiuolns will bo here to bnttlo with Mimngor Princes team for the championship of the state , aud some lively Bport Is anticipated Trap ShootsToilixv There will bo n swocpstukes trap shoot on the Gwin & Dunmtro grounds across the river today Among the events will bo several oral live bird matches , and a good turn out Is expected WU ! Hnttlr , It Monday NiKlit Joe Laiinon nud Charllo Collins will ap pear in the squared clrclo nt the Athoncum club rooms Monday night to settle the ques tion of superiority These two pugs mot last Monday night ; in a six round contest which resulted in a draw nftor some very vigorous slugging Will Sign With the Matlnnnl PiTTsnuno , Pa , Feb 21. [ Spictul to Tin : Hee.J It is reported hero tonight that Fred Dunlap will surely sign with the National louguo , nnd Secretary Scindrott says if ho does ho must sign with Pittsburg There is lUoly to bo several startling Jumps by prom inent plnjera in the next ton days 10rl ) Not Mttlallsri LAritBTTE , Ind , Feb 21. [ Special to The Bee | Free Erb , who was defeated hero Wednesday by George Beck of Indianapolis for the American Fiolu cup , which Erb won from Charllo Build some three months ngo , has challenged Beck to shoot htm n 100-bird match for $1,000 n side The match for the cup was CO birds each , Bock killing 49 to Erb's45. Aunthor National AgrcniuontLeamir Chicago , III , Fob 21. [ Special to The Bee | A league of Illinois base ball clubs has been formed , nnd they bavo applied for protection under the national ngrooment This league will embrace Monmouth , Rock ford , Aurora und Joliet , 111. : D.ivunpurt , Du buque und Cedar Rapids , In , und Beloit , Wis Phil Rceclus will play with and manage - ago tbo Tot re Huute , Ind , team Hczlnnh Acnlm.t Boweii New Oiileakr , Fob 21. [ Special to The Bee 1 Louis Hczlnnh , the Cincinnati light weight who accidentally killed young James by a chance blow in a sparring exhibition at Dallas , Tex , n few days since , will doubt less be matched to light Andy Hownn of this city for $1,500 u side They will meet to morrow and urraneo the details prior to Bo- ztnah's departure for Hot Springs New York Hums Hull News New Yonic , Feb 21. I Special to The Bee.J Sam Thompson und Al Myers have Joined the Philadelphia National League club lu Jacksonville , Flu The Now York League club will leave for Charleston , S. C , next Wednoiday The Philadelphia Brotherhood club will start on a southern trip on the 25th and the Boston Brotherhood club will go to Richmond mend , Va , on the same day Charllo Reilly of the Columbus team is coachcr for tbo Princeton college team The suits of the Princetons will consist ot bluck shirts , caps , breeches and stockings Across the shirt front in orange will bo tbo word Prinooton " . .n . . Frank Bancroft talks ot selecting two teams from the college clubs and making a i lour of England next snmmor * llrnthurhooirUmplrcn I Chicago , Fob 21. [ Special toTheBee ] The following umpires have been appointed by Secretary Brunoll ot the Brotherhood league : Robert Ferguson , Brooklyn ; J. H. Gaffney , Worcester ; Bobby Mathews Phil adelphia ; Al Knight , Boston ; Charllo Jones , Now York ; Tom Gunning , Fnll Rlvor ; Billy Holbert , Now York , and Ross Barnes The double umpire system-will bo , Invoguo In tbo Brotherhood laokson HlugM a Giant Washington , Feb 21 , Potcr Jacksor ) , the colored pugilist , tonight knocked out Gypsy , " a Maryland lighter , woiglung 855 pounds , in the second round Thu tight lasted four minutes and a half Thn Billiard loiirnniiicnr New Yoiik , Fob 21. The second game of the billiard tournament was played this nftcrnoon between Coltou of Chicago and Ives , eight-inch balk line , no handicap Ives won by 500 to iiJO Ho made some good runs , his highest being 03. Average Ives 20 , Coltou 13 1-5. Tbo third game was played tonight be tween Slosson playing fourteen inch balk line and Daly playing eight inch Slosson won by 500 to 417. His highest run wnB 00. Averages Daly , 1017-40 ; Slosson , 12 } . BTATI'J NEWS News About this Hosnrvation NioiuuuA , Neb , Fob 21. [ Special to The Bee I The Sioux reservation has been open for cloven daV3. and from tha day of Its opening a steady flow ot now settlers tins been iho result Most ot these settlers have been on the outskirts for the pa3 ( year , nnd , while they are not In sufilcioht numbers to take ibo entire reservation , there Is a goodly number and they are taking early advantage of the opening Many inquiries nro received regarding the country It is too early for unyono to risk the uncortalnty ot spring weather , und tlio prosldent displayed wlto Judgment when ho declared ltr open without specifying any date , as the bad state of affairs such us that ut Oklahoma will uot exist hero A number ot men from nbroud are hero looking up Niobrara for a location , Aside from the stir cocsoquout to now com ers , business is otberwiso dull Bv another mouth wo expect a largo Influx ot emigrants , aB Niobrara and Knox county has boon ex tensively advertised in the east by the Chicago - cage , Milwuukeo & St Paul Railway com pany The Fnrin rn Orgnn'z ntr SruiNo Ranch , Neb , , Fob 21. [ Special to Tub Bee | Tub Bea pf February 14 con tained un Item from Sutton stating thut the farmers of Clay county were ogltatiug the alllunco movouiout very fervently and or ganizing fast , and were already running un elevator at Edgar and would soou start a busircss at Falrljeld , AU this is true but the Fairileld business Spring Ranch is the place of business Yoiterday u meeting wus held and representatives of thirteen alii- aucus turned out , about twp hundred , repre senting uoout olght hundred farmers , and a stock company was formed to do a general business of buying and shipping everything thut the fanners and laboring men need They nlrcady posicss a store building , lum ber yard , shads , hardware buildlug , scales , corn cribs , ooal houses , anl stock yarJs Subscription lists were sent back to each alliance to procure moro stock , and each alli ance will elect u director and in a few days will be ready for business All who with to deal direct with the company can at present address the ngent , A. J , Orondorft , Spring Rancho A Ilcilininlnn Farmer Huiolllos Elua , Neb , Fob , 21. [ Special Telegram to The Bee ] John Dwarlt , a prominent Bohemian/urmor llvlagonq and a half miles south of here , committed suicide this morn , lag by banging hloisolfin his cow stable Ho had bnen on a spree for tbo past week Ho leaves a wife and four children in good cir cumstances C.irolcsn OIllomlH Ravenna , Neb , Neb 21. [ Special to Tits Bee ] i'lio deputy shorlff pf Custer sounty uud three assistants loft Broken Bow yes _ _ . . * Dyspepsia , . . Makes the llics of many people mlscrablo , jj\ causing distress after eating , sour stomach , JKl sick hcadacho , heartburn , loss of nppctllo , iJ H a faint , "allgono"feeling , bad taste , coaled f < - . tongue , nnd Irregularity ot / DIStrOSS thoiinwcts Dyspcpslttloet / After not f"0 * , , c11 ol , lscf' , k _ , . , requires careful attention , bitting ami a remedy llko llood't S.waparllla , which nets gently , } ct efficiently It tones the stomach , icpil.itcs Iho diges tion , creates a good np- er | tr i1- * petite , banishes hcidtche , „ - and refreshes the mind HOaUnCIIO } "I ha\o been troubled with dyspepsia 1 had but little nppclltc , and i\liat 1 did cat Mr nrf distressed inc , or did mo i " , urL little good After eating I ' j lUm would have n faint or tired , I all-gouo feeling , as though I had not ratcn t aiijtlilng Jly tronblo wnt aggravated bj ; my business , painting Last b. . . j spring 1 took Hoods Bar _ . our , - I J Stomachi - * : did saparllln , which mo an iiumcuso amount ot good It gn\o mo nn I appetite , and my food relished and satMlcd I the craving I had prcNlously experienced " ] ; GEOuac A. Iauk Walcrtonn , Muss j Hoods Sarsaparilla Rotd by all itruggltts pi s lx for $5. l'roparcd onlj by C. I , HOOD Jt CO , Aiothocnrlcsl.o | otl , JIais I IOO Dosob Ono Dollar ! | ' tehlay morning on the B. & M. passenger train , having In charge a man whom they ' were taking to the Norfolk lusatio nsylum Arriving nt Kivonnn the guards stepped Into the depot , leaving their mnn on the train Tlio train unexpectedly pulled out , i and when Abbott was roichod the candidate _ _ _ JBh | . for tha nstlum was put oft to await the 7P"4K nrrlv.il of his guards , wno followud on the next train , ' Airesteit for Knrgnry • * , ' ' Hastings , Neb , Fob 21. ( Special Telegram - gram to Tun Bke.I Nicholas J. Hengcn of Blue Hill , a promlnont democrat and candi date for sheriff oi Adams county two yenrs ngo , was arrested this morning by Sheriff _ _ J Crane nnd brought to Hastings to answer to " "lT " * V the charge ot forgery The complainant is James E. Hunt , ngent of the Plnuo Mann . fncturlng company , who alleges that Hengcn jf drew un two promissory notes , payable to f the Piano Manufacturing company , signing ' the uamo of Sobastin Wiltz , n wealths- j farmer living In this county Hcngou will p ' bo tried this afternoon before County Judge } Burton i j Hotinil 0\rr lor Forgery i j Hastisgb , Neb , Fob 21. ( Special Telegram - . ] gram to The Hke | Hengon , the Blue Hill ' • forger , was ut his preliminary trial before 1 Counts Judge Burton this nftornoon bound } over to the district , rourt Ho will unuoubt- I odly bb taken to Kearney tomorrow lifter I noon us bonda will probably uot bo secured I A MntHsnn Slinu O-alrr Falls • ' Madison , Neb , , JFob 21. ( Special Telegram - I gram to The Bisu ] Edward Jacobs , a well known boot und Bhoo dealer of this place B wns closed up this morning no two -Bi chattel mortgages given to thn First National m bank nmountitig to nbout ? l,500. The total nihilities ire plnced at 37,0u0 ; assets about 5,000 llr-lil i.ir llnrtlurv i H S Bloomikoton , Neb , Feb 21. [ Spoclak B Telegram to Tun Bke.J Fred Tyler , the - jl young man arrusted Tuesday charged wit 3mkMmt ' burglarizing the Owens hotel of this city BmBJ had a preliminary examination this uftcrnoon B before the county Judge and was hound over Vj to appear nt the Juno term of the district B court in the sum of f5H0 , which ho was SI uuablo to secure and had to go to Jail H BoiIhiiii-ii Cnmtirnmiqp B Central Citv , Neb , Fee 21. ( Special ? MJ Telegram to The Bee | Tbo case against V ox-Treasurer Webster's seconil' term bonds - m\ \ men was compromised today by the bandsflj men confessing Judgment for thu amount of | Webster's stinrtngo ot state funds Thh BJ amounts to $18,000 und interest , about tSI.OIIJ BJ in all There is general satisfaction over this BJ arrangement The second trial of Webster B will take place next week Jll Nnbrnskn , lnwnnml fialcota Pensions Bt Washington , Fob 21. ( Special Telegram BJ to The Bke I Pens'ons ' granted to Nobrask H aus : Original invalid James M. Baldwin , flj Beatrice ; Allan C. Haddinh , Lincoln In V crease Thomas D. Harding , Nobruska Vi City ; George W. Carpenter , Brownvlllo ; iJJ William \V. Imess , Plninview ; Tno mas S. j4fW Myors , Ponca ; William G. Grant , Franklin ; Kr ii ( ll Rufus Pryor , Nowmau's Grove ; Daniel / ? * t\ \ * Burns , Chadrou ; Charles Wentz , McCook ; r j Ansel D. Hums , Atkinson Koissuo Joseph J Frazier , Fairmont Rulssuo and increase 1 James Prostan , Orleans Original widow , I' ' eto Sarah E , widow of James Thompson , Carlton , lnwn pensions ; Onglnnl invalid William T. Englo Altoona ; James L. Collin , Oska- . ' . loos.i ; Cornelius McKcan , Perry ; Parley M. I Hartson , ICcosaiifpia ; G cor go Smith Mo- ceased ) , Masonvillo ; Julian Phelps , Atlan tic Increase Josuph Higbeo , Morning Sun ; John G , Powers , Fontaiieilo ; Juntos j Farr , Amelia ; Peter Cross , Spencer : James Cellan , Lucas ; Thomas Glover Spirit Lake ; ' George Sluody , Wuukon ; Henry T. Martin , > Braxton ; John W. Benson , Eldon ; Thomas W. Maxwell , Lenox ; Caleb H , Bnndes , 1 Drakevllle ; Edward P. Van Valkenburgli , j Lnko Mills ; Lewis R. Chew , Hope I villo ; David P. Foster , Lima ; | Jnmcs L Bnrgnr , Carroll ; Ralph 1 Andrews , Iliizolgrocn ; James L. Nloduy , 1 Humcston ; John Jt Maulsnn , Hopliinton ; I Andrew Harrison , Batavm ; Georeo Brown , I Bassott ; Charles I ( . James , McGregor ; ' Aaron Boatman , Conway Reissue Henry i.- , _ Burkholdor , Clour LaVe Reissue anil in- rr = r * pfc crease Samuel Lockwood , Hopovillo.T5 ! * Original widows , ote Dollali , widow of > -r ' > James A. Thompson , Cliillicothe - , Dakota pensions : Increase Alfred Lnr- , kins , Christine ; Owen Owens , Plunkinton ; Francis Hurritli , Salem Union Vntoran Ijofrlou , . Newauk , O. , Fob 21 , At the fourth an nual encampment of the Union Veteran Legion here today Dr J. 8. Koaao of St , \ Louis was elected commander Tlio Indies also inot nud organized the First Rational auxiliary , Mrs Emma J , Barker of Alle gheny , Pa , was elected president * In thn CouiuionH London , Fob 21. In the commons tha homo secretary , replying to Labouchore , stated that Lo Caron hud not received any , payment from the goyermnunt siucu ' ho ap peared us wltnoss Labouuhoro 'domunued explicit ussurancu that the list of witnesses , summoned to appear before the Parnult commission should bo furnished before bo- I lug called for on expenses of the commission I fitOYAl I' POWDER Absolutely Pure mif6 'J hlspowdor never varies A marvel of purlt/ -w B ; ' Blrenittli unil wjioleictnenojs More economical T than thu ordinary kludj , junl canuot bo void by M competition wllp tlio multitude of low teic short weight alam or phospliati ) powders , tf " 1 < 1 unludilbicjiM ItorAt , lUKikd I'oivtiiu Co . lotltVfcllBtN V.