Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1890, Image 1

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I The Omaha Daily Bee I
1 |
I l II nil I iiiiinimii !
Iowa Legislators Making the Round
of State Institutions
Yesterdays Proceed In go In tlio House
and Senate The Uailrond Com
jnlsjIoiierH A. Farmer l'a '
1 tnlly llurned
"Vlsltlnit Btnto Institutions
Dm Moines , la , Feb 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Brb | The members of the
legislature have departed for tholr annual
JunKct to the various public Institutions
There was considerable opposition to the
achomo , but the Induoomont ot frco rldos
ana free dinners was too much for the incm-
bors from the country to resist , and so they
ordered the tour It will cost nbout $ S00 , and
the legislature will not raconvono until next
' Wednesday afternoon Encli committee Is
composed of ono senator and two representa
tives In the order named !
T Agricultural college : Senator Smith of
Lynn , Smith of Boone nndltiornburg Ben
edict homo ! Kent , Davlo nnd Lane College -
! lego for the blind : Mack , Gitchell and Hoi
' lldny Fish hatching house ; Dnvidson ,
Iiusscll nnd McFnrlnnd Hospital at Mount
Pleasant : Caldwell , Mitchell and Youhg
Hospital at Independence : Muttoon , John
son of Bremer and Shipley Hospital at
ClArlnda : Uayloss , Woods und Luke , Ko-
„ , > . form school at Eldorn : Wolfe , Slattly and
* > ' Hall Uolorin school at Mltchollvlllo :
Harnott , Folkucr and Dolok
and dumb institution ; Barrett ,
Graesor and Hobbs Homo for feeble
; minded children : Funk , Hno nnd Kyto
I Ponltontlaiy at Anomosu : Hanchott , Nem-
mers nnd Wvmun Penitentiary nt Fort
Madison : MoViiy , Chamborlaln nnd Mor-
' row Soldiers'homo : Brewer , Hossoll aud
Law Orphans home : Seeds , Hart and
Smith ot Mitchell State normal school :
Perkins , Holbrook and Uyors State uni
versity : Prlco , Ulyltio and Hrlggs
Tlio House
Des Moines , lo , Feb 31. [ Special Tolo-
griii to The Hue , ! The house this morning
fixed the salaries of tlio 11 lo clerk , bill clerk
and speakers ' clerk at ? 4 a day Miss Mabel
, Moore was appointed speakers clerk The
I committee on journal clerks recommended
J that tbo number of committco clerks bo re
duced to twenty-eight , and two journal clerks
bo appointed A message from the senate
was presented , saying that it had been
ugrccd by concurrent resolution to adjourn
from today till next Wednesday afternoon
After the appointment of journal clerks ad
journment to that time was taken
/ ' ' 1 ho Semite
' \ j Dm Moines , Tu , Fob 21. Woolson's sub
/stltuto for Harsh's ' resolution was udoptcd
tlila nltornoon nftor a long dabato A largo
number of petitions oa senatorial questions
and a few on railroads and other matters
wire reported , 'lho report of thocommlttoo
on rules was taken up and the cede recommended -
mended by tbo committee , lho senate held
a lengthy session and disposed of oonsldor-
ublo ut-unportant but necessary business
The Itallromi Commissioners
Des Moines , la , Feb 21. [ Special Tele
gram to Tub Dek I Tbo Milwaukee road
continues to udhnro to its claim that it Is not
bound to respect the commissioners schedule
when hauling freight from one point of Iowa
to another by a route which at ppints crosses
the Btato line and returns to the state with
frolgbt In transit , lho commissioners have
repeatedly notitlcd this company tbat tboy
wore violating tbo law , but tbo company ul-
ways reply that wnen tboy leave the state tboy
can haul under Interstate rates , which tboy
do , making the rate what they please , to
tally ignoring the commissioners schedule
The lust case 6f violation reported to the
board is In a shipment from Sioux City to
Holoit , la The commissioners have de
termined to tnuko a test case of this last
i Grain sh ppcrs are flooding the com
, inlsslonors' olUco with letters complaining
S of their inability to secure a sufllulont num
ber of cars on the Northwestern road to
supply tholr demand The Northwest
ern oxplalns tbo matter by claiming that it
has 8,1X10 oars of grain blocked in Chicago ,
and has a largo number of cars utilized by
ice dealers ,
The Dos Moines & Kansas City road has
written to the commissioners asking further
tlmo in which to carry out the boards order
to rcplaco a station at Losllo
The Sioux City & Option
Sioux City , la , , Feb 31. [ Special Tele
gram to Tub Dec ] The most important
movement in facilitating construction df the
Sioux City & Ogden road is tno removal of
financial headquarters from Now York to
Sioux City and tbo appointmcut ot A. S.
Gurrottson of this city as dlroctor
The building and equipping of tbo first 125
inlleB from bore lo O'Neill , Neb , has boon
embarrassed several timet bv red tape , At
the mooting of the board of directors which
transferred the headquarters it was decided
. , . to builu JIM miles of the line west or O'Neill
* this summer on tbo route already located ,
k. uud tbo contracts ara about ready to bo let
f ( m -Iho lute freeze has onnblod the company to
f cross all Its construction mutorial uud rolling
| l Block on tbo winter bridge ,
ff KnlnraiiiR tlio Bhoju
I (1 ( Watuhioo , la , Fob 21 , | Spociil Tole-
; 1 gram to Tub Hub , ] Plans for oxtonslvo nd- < •
i A ' dltious to the Illinois Central shops at this
W placabavo boon made , and they will bo pre
CHJ sontcd to the stockholders at tboir meeting
Vw today The plans are endorsed by the
jM . officials ot Um Iowa division , lho plan is to
IM alme-ft double tbo capacity of the blacksmith
Wm aud other shops aud build new car shops It
HJ is Buid that u cquveuiont site has boon soleot-
• HJ od for a largo aud handsome dojiot and
IB frolgbt housatlowu town , Waterloo needs
Mm thin nnd It is hoped that a part of the $2,51)0- )
] 0J0 which it is authoritatively stated hus been
3HJ assigned for Iowa division Improvements
HJ may eomo bore
JB Finally Ilurnnil by Gimnllne ,
us Bbitt , la , Fob SI , [ Special Telegram to
HJ Tub Uee.J Auton lilelsch , a farmer living
HF about live mtlos west of Brltt , poured anso-
_ J line from a can into bis cook Btovo yesterday
r M . y ' to tart up a fire , The gas exploded , cover
'hw , nig biin with flames Ho Jumped throuuh
\m the window and screamed for help His
1 father , who was at the tiarn , brought water
1 und oxtiguislod | ) | thu Haines , but not till It
I Had burned hint so badly that ho died this
1 morning ,
I the Urltlgo Htock Kubsorlbod
* Sioux OitrTa ) Feb 81. [ Special Tolo-
m gram to Tub liucl All tkojitock for thom
m new Prldgo across the Missouri river hero
r M bus , been subscribed Tbo company Is called
! tb0 "ona McLean company , and Is sup
111 ; ' , | > oscd to stander tlio Sioux City & North
' -if" , S orar'tha Sioux City & Ogden and other rail
louJ lulerels-
i Ml iLiVolmll OlUOers Ulcotoil
Ml Diss M6ii ts , lo , Feb 31. [ Special Tclo-
& § • gram to Tue HEE.-At a meeting of tbo
sn Ues Molaes baseball association tonight tbo
V following oQlcors wore elected ; President ,
v + Martin Tiittle ; vice president , A. W. Wright j
M pk secretary , J. Ai Hurclay ; treasurer , Kirk
K Jcwetl , Additional directors : H. C. Alver-
S W "f son , W. H , Liddle , Pleas Mills and J. P ,
AV MftcCullar ,
jH A Track Walker KUleil
: sVJ New Hampton , la , Feb SI , [ Special
aB * lecram to Tug Hee , ] Ucorgo Uermer ,
aged fifty-five , wns killed by tbo northbound
express on the Kansas City reid this fore
noon Ho was walking on a bridge just
south of town , when bo was run down nnd
instnntly killed A Jump of ten feet would
have saved his life
Supnonml to Have Drowned
Font Mauiso : * , In , Fob 21. Ellsha
Moore , ii ferryman , started across the river
for Nauvoo , 111. , with a traveling man yes
tcrdny and has not boon soon since The ice
is running heavily nod It Is feared that they
were drowned
I-UNUUAIj of count anduassv
Mourning ; TlioiiHnnils nt the tiler of
tlio D.'nd StntCHinnu
[ Copi/rloM IIVO by Jamu Gordon 7lennat < ]
Hudi-Pesth , Fob 21. [ Now York Herald
Cnblo Special to Tnu Uee.1 The same
groy leaden sky overhead and tbo same pen
etrating cold tend to heighten the sombro
aspect of this mourning city From early
morning the avenues lending from the Fran *
Joseph Plntz to the station wcro lined with
regiments of the lmportal army with ro-
verscd arms In the early morning Empress
Elizabeth , accompanied oy her lady-ln-walt-
mg , Countess Festitles , drove from the
palace to the grand vcstlbulo , wbcro the ro-
mauia lav In Btato , nud at the foot of the
coffin deposited a magnificent wreath ot
roses , carnations and violets which she
had gathered In the morning
with her own hands It bore
the Inscription : "To her faithful friend
Eliiabotb , " and wns the most magnificent
wreath In the chaplet of flowers which on-
veil the magnificent blor of the dead states
man From the mtddlo of the day the vestibule -
bulo was closed to tbo public and mluuto
guns were llrcd at the fortress of Ofon The
street lamps , drcssod with crepe , were lit ,
adding a weird effect to the somber dullness
of a sunless day , Shortly before 3 o'clock '
the limited spuco In the vestlbulo began to
1111 up , with Archduke Josef at their head
At 3 o'clock , preceded by outriders , the imperial -
porial carringo win soon approaching , com
ing across the suspension bridge Desplto
the bitter cold the umporor sat ,
accompanied by members of bis
household , in an open victoria ,
wearing the light blue uniform of a Hun
garian cavalry iroooral Ho sat orcct , not
even wearing a military mantle , saluting
sadly the respectful throng Descending
from the carriage before the academy ho
entered the vostlbulo , and , visibly a prey to
deep emotion , knelt In prayer by the coftln
side for several minutes Uy him stood
Archduchess Clotlldo nnd across the blor
und deeply veiled was the widow with her
BonB iJohtnd tbo emperor wcro drawn up
the magnates of tbo'land , tbc ambassadors
of England and Italy Priuco Reuss , the
German ambassador , was a striking flguro
in bis simple Prussian uniform nmld
so many glittering and golden
garbs The members of the min
istry , Count Toofe and M. Tiszas ,
and tbc chamber of deputies en masse in
black velvet mourning costumes formed a
fitting back ground to the sad scene At the
conclusion of the emperors prayer a choral
rcquium was chanted and the venerable car
dinal primate , Slnor Tyhieul , blcssod tbo re
mains The vice president of tbo bouso of
magnates and protector of tbu crown Count
Josef Szalaky , tbcn.mado a ' short address in
the most excellent taste -As ho spoke of tbo
confidence which the nation and sovereign
had in the uocoased the emperor was ovorV
coma with emotion aud sobbed The
services concluded , the king , accompanied
by the cardinal and oftlclating prelates ,
walked with bared heads out into the platz
and entered his carriage , which at a walk
was driven towards Ofen Three eorricd
masses of sympathetic people followed the
funeral ' cortege Princes , ministers , ambas
sadors , prelates and pooplo.wore all on foot
Though accustomed to striking pageaats and
solemn spectacle s , I never have soon a raoro
touching scene than the fuucral cortege of
Count Androssy presented ns it went along
the magnificent avenue which bears his name
After an artillery salute at tbo station the
cortege disbanded , and only accompanied by
bis linmedluto family , the remains ot the
great statesman was carried by special train
to the family seat at Telobes , where private
interment takes place tomorrow
Everywhere the consequences of Count
AndraBsy's dlsappoaranco from political llfo
are now being fort , nnd unprejudiced ob
servers predict that Herr Tlsza's downfall is
imminent and tbat Count Apponyi , loader ot
tbo moderate opposition , will shortly be
called to power
Tlio Government Lioses Its Majority
In tlio Hoiulistuv
Ueiiuk , Fob 21. The results of the
election so far as known account for 331
scats As the rolchstag has 397 members ,
this leaves 103 seats to be ascountod for Of
the Sdl the election failed In 9i districts ,
making supplementary elections necessary
in tboso places , The VU members elected
are divided between the following paitlas :
German { conservatives , S3 ; Imperial
ists , 10 ; national liberals , 0 ; centrists ,
G3 ; German liberals , 11 ; socialists , 20 ;
Poles,3 ; Alsatians , 10 ; uomocrats , 3 ; Danes ,
1 ; independent liberals , 1. The National
Xultung estimates from tbo returns that lho
Cartel parties have already lost eighteen
seats Thn paper savs that owing to these
losses of the Cartel parties tbo government
will be uuubio to secure a majority In tbo
It x Soafiillxt Gllns
Deiilin , Fob , SI , Compared with tbo last
preceding election tbo socialist vota in Her
liri shows an iucreasoof 83,000 and tbo liberal
vote an increase of 6,000. The conserva
tive vote decreased 35,000. Two socialists
have boon elected in this city , The social
ists carried Madgoburg , Altona , Hamburg ,
Dresden district Leinsio district Chemnitz
aud Sowickan
SoclallHls nnd I'nllco Fl jilt , Fob SI , A sorlous ri t occurred
bore last night A parade of socialists , bent
on colobratlng their vlctonos , collided with
a body of police A mounted ofilcer was
dragged from his horse and terribly beaten
and his logs wera broken Ho was carried
into the police mulion , whieb was subse
quently domollshod by the mob ,
Olirolcul in iho Mill Ourcor
Kax ius Cm , Mo , Feb , SI , [ Special Tolo-
cram to Tub Uee | Last Wednesday John
Uldon , paymaster ot the Carrellascoal uilno ,
near San Pedro , N. M. , was overpowered by
Leo Whtto , who had been about tba town
for about a year , aud robbsd of several hun
dred dollars Wuito then went to Sau I'oaro
and overawed tbo place with a Winches tor
Last night he took the best horse in tno
pluca and , leading it to the house ot a Mexi
can woman , made ber cut oft bor hair , put
on mans clothes and mount tbo horse Tbo
outlaw Jumped on behind and the two
started away , Deputy Sheriff Meyers und
aud a potsa wore soon In pursuit and over
took the pair To an order to surrender a
series of shots replied Tbo woman also
handled a revolver Moyers was fatally
wounded , und ono ot the posse and the des
perado were killed , The woman is under
ToimyHon Very Hick
Lokdo.v , Fob SI Tennyson is in a seri
ous condition from lulluenzo
A Praotlcal Argument on a Radical
Busnn If Doesn't Think Much ot tlio
Dakota Woman Anyhow Lake
Travcrso IloBnrvnlfon
Land Decisions -
Washington Hureau Trie Omuia Hun , )
513 Foubtsestii Stiirkt V
Wasuisotos , D. C Fob 81. I
The friojids of the sugar boot Industry in
tbo tnlddlo states nnd the far west who are
intorostcd In the establishment of factories
for the manufuclura of sugar and tbo secur
ing of a foothold for this industry whom
ever It is possible to produce boots would do
well to muko tholr desires known to the
house committco on ways and moans The
committco has practically agreed to report a
reduction ot tlio sugar duty to the oxtotit ot
23 or 30 per cent The sugar producers and
manufacturers who are now hero say tboy
cannot stand this reduction and that if it is
made the establishment of sugar beet facto
ries will for the present nt Inast cease and
It will bo many years before the enterprise
wilt go ahead They would not complain ot
a 15 tier cent reduction
This afternoon the attention of Miss Susan
B. Anthony was called to an intorvlow telegraphed -
graphed from Chicaeo in which Mrs Man
otto M. Hones of South Dakota is made to
say that Miss Anthony is trying to emulate
Francis Wlllard "If I am not mistaken the
brainy women of our party will rally around
mo und wo will show Miss Anthony whnv wo
folks from Dakota are made of' " that Miss
Anthony issued an appeal to the people ot
South Dakota for fun as , cto ,
Miss Hones was formerly vice president
of thu association from Dakota , " said Miss
Anthony "Sbo came into ono of our con
ventions once und as she was the only rep
resentative present from the then territory
of Dakota , wo made her a vice president
We found she was not the sort of a woman
wo wanted and tbat she was mak
ing capital out of her ofllco , so wo
soon dropocd her from our rolls Sbo
tblnks she hus cause'lor a porsonai quarrel
with mo aud never misses n chance to got
into print about thu matter I understand
Bbo still considers herself a vice president ot
our association , but I am sure the rcst . of our
organization doesnt To show how much
she is thought of in South Dakota 1 may say
that nt tbo recent state convention , although
she was present as a solf-appnintod dclcgute ,
she was not even appointed a vice urcsidant
from her own county Really tbo whole
matter is not worth bothering ubout "
The house commltteo on Inaian affairs In
reporting favorably tbo bill of Mr Gifford
ratifying an ngroemont maao by tne Sissetou
und Wahpoton bands ot Sioux Indians and
granting u right of wuy to the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St Paul railroad through the
Lane Traverse reservation in South Dakota
makes these observations , which will bo of
especial interest to tboso who are interested
in tbo opontng ot tbat reservation to settle
ment : These bands of Indians occupy a
small reservation in Dakota bordering upon
Lake TraverHO and extending southwest
ward from sald lake From the reports
upon this subject made by tbo sec
retary of the interior aud tbo commis
sioner-of Indian affairs , dated December
13 , and 17 respectively , 1335. It appears that
the aggregate sum of t'J,402 has been paid
tbo railway company in pursuance of this
agreement , and that tbo sum of0G remains
unpaid under tbo agreomout The bill pre
sented is prepared with care and amply pro
tects the interests of the Indians Tbo pres
ident especially calls the attention of the
commltteo to this matter It appears that
tins money is now lying idle and is ' much
needed by tbo Indians to purchase seed ,
grain ana other things necessary to secure a
crop tbo coming season These Indians nro
among tbo most advanced of tboso iu the
United States The railway has long since
been constructed and it is not improper testate
state that it is a mutter of injustice and
hardship to the Iadians to retain this money
lonKcr "
Asilstant Secretary Chandler today af
firmed the decision ot the commissioner ot
the general land ofllco in dismissing the con
test of O. P. Cooper against D. Courtney's
homestead entry for the southeast ] i of sec
tion 33 , township I north , raugo 27 west ,
McCook land district Cooper alleged ' tbat
Courtney had changed his rosldence The
local officers dlsmissod the contest of Cooper
and tbo commissioner aulrmed'tbeir finding
The assistant secretary now finally dismisses
Coopers contest
The assistant secretary reversed the de
cision of the commissioner In tbo appeal ot
Leonard Morae transferee of Ansley Uris-
com The commissioner , under data of
October 20 , 1BSS , decided tbat now proof
would be required before tbo entry
could bo passed to patent because
the evidence submitted did not show
a sufficiency of improvements to indicate
good faith Ths assistant secretary , citiug
precedents , decided tbat tbo preemption act
does not specify the nature or extent of tbo
Improvements , and only requires thut they
shall bo such as would indicate the good
faith of tbo entry man ; also thut the degree
und condition in life of the ontrymun shall
be taken Into cnnsidoiution in determining
whether the improvements show good faith
Ho directed tnat tbo entry bo passed to
The assistant secretary of the interior af
firmed tbo decision of the commissioner in
the uppeal ot Jacob Haas , dismissing the
contest against the timber culture entry ot
Elsie Mintuns for tbo o ) of the no \ and
the n X of tbo so } i ot section 31 , township
10 north , runuo SI wcBt , sixth principal
meridian North Plutto land district Hass
charged that the entry was made for specu
lative purposes , und ulso charged failure to
culllvato the laud The local officers dls
missed the contest and ilia commissioner af
firmed tholr decision The assistant secre
tary now affirms the decision of the commis
Senator Mandersou met with quite a
severe accident last night by which his left
arm will be partly disabled for soiuo tlmo
and bis left wrist was made skinless Ho
was at work under u students lamp over
which wrs an immense paper shade Tbo
latter caught tire and in bis oITorts to ex
tinguish it he received very severe burns
Tlio senator will not , however , bo kept nwuy
from his congressional duties , Ifo was in
• his seat in tbo senate today and bo called up
and had passed tbo Oma'ia ' public building
bill ; his bill permitting soldiers iu tbo regu
lar army to wear badges indicative of the
military order to which tboy uelom ; uud the
bill increasing the boundaries of the Yellow
stone park
Colonel Henderson's bill
amending para
graph 8of scctiou 4,411 , rcvlsod stutuies , by
striking out the word Galena and Insert
lue the word Dubuque has received favor
able action at the bands ot the house com
mittco on commerce It creates a port of
entry for Dubuque
The house committee on commerce has re
ported favorably Mr Gifford's bill author
Iziiig the coustructlon ot a bridge across the
Mlsjonri nvor at the citv of Pierre , the
capital ot South Dakota Tbo bridge is to
accommodate foot passengers , railway
trains and vehicles , and is to be under the
control of the secretary of war ,
H , Cbristopel was today appointed post
master at Goodrich , Kankakee county , la ,
vice F. L Marr , resigned
Medical pension examiners were appointed
today as follows ! Nebraska Ord , Drs F ,
H. Haldorman and F. D , Ulckford ; North
Platte , Dr F. N. Dick ; Hroken How Dr , II
a Talbott : Niobrara Dr George W. Ira
nnd VN ; Swan ; David City , Dr T. J. Mur
pby , JoTva Itock Uapids , Dr A. McNab ;
Lyon , Drs A. J. HqbcrU And George A.
Smith J
N. N. Wells of Schuylor * Is * nt Chamber
lains J
Major Peter G. Vhrbom.ilhspoctor general
of the department of'tho PhtHb , and Messrs ,
Here Jowett , C. A. Potior rind Cal Hrown
of Omaha arc In the city \
Congressman Laws and George A. Hlck-
ock of Nebraska accompanied the conores-
sional party to Philadelphia this afternoon
to attend the colobrotton of the anniversary
of the convening of thjs first congress They
will return on Sundnvovoning ,
S. L. Caldwell ot Lincoln , special agent
for the department of justice , is here looking
up the Western Unloninhd Pacific tolegritph
controversy rolntlng to the lattor's maintain
ing an Independent telegraph system over
lho Pacific railronds
L. L. Wiley of Omnhiyls bore In consulta
tion with the fish commission rolatlvo to
stocking the Btroams Id the west with tiout
and salmon "
Mr Wollfiot of the town of the same name
In Nobraskn , Is in Washington working for
the maintenance of the prcsont duty on
The house commlttoo on pubtio buildings
and grounds today made u fnvorabla report
on the bill which recently basted the senate
appropriating JJOO.OOO for a publlo building
nt Sioux City
A favorable report will bo made upon the
bill piovldlng for the disposal or the Fort
Scdgowlck mllltnry reservation in Colorado
and Nebraska to actual settlers under tbo
homosteaa law ,
Sccrotaries SVlndom and Noble ask congress -
gross for $3,000 to defray the expenses ot
tbo opening ot the two now land offices nt
Pierre and Chamberlain , S. D. The Reins
in detail for opening these offices ore as fol
lows : For furniture , safes , advertising and
transcrloing records , , * > J,000 : expenses ot
Bpccinl necnts and clerks detailed In opening
the nbovo named offices-$2 „ > 00 : ofllco rent nt
Pierre , 5250 ; ofllco rent at Chamberlain , $250 ;
clerk hlro nt Chamborlatu , $1,000 ; clerk hlro
nt Pierre , $1,000.
Secretary Noble has asked for an appro
priation of $ J,05J ! for the purpose of survey
ing u portion of the northern boundary of
Nebraska , which has boon thrown into the
public domaui by theprasldent's proclamation
oponlng tbo Sioux reservation to settlement
A favorable report bus been made from
the bouso committee dn publlo buildings nnd
grounds on tno appropriating $100,000
for the purpose of a lto and tbo construc
tion of a building atv Cedar Uapids The
bill was introduood byiMrT Kerr
Twelve bids were opened at the treasury
department today for oxoluslvo right to take
fur seals upon the Islands of St Paul and
St George , Alaska , for tbo term of twenty
years from May 1,1890.
The scnato committee on coast de
fenses today beard .Gouoral Miles ,
who concluded bis statement as to
the necessity for , providing suitable
dofcnse3 for the Pacltlo co st After ho re
tired , the commltteo prdored the chatrmnn
to report favorably his bill to prnvido for
fortifications and other aoacoast defenses
The bill carries an appropriation of $123-
000,000. The appropriation is to bo expended
in nccordanco with tho"recommendation of
board officers appointed by tha president
An additional allowances " of $ , XS0 a yenr
has been ndded to thu clerk hfro for the
Koarnev postofllce , making a total of $2,000 a
year This is the second < incro&so within a
low weeks -Peiihy S. Heath
Another Impnrtnnt • Step Toward
Omnha's New l itlrirar HtilUtiim .
Washington , Feb i Sl.i-jSpecial Tele
gram to Tux Bee | Attorney General Mil '
ler today finully passed up fi , ' and approved
the tltlo o block 80 onWblchtho ; now post
ofllco butldjng for Omifoa , i tobo cogs jiict-
od Tbo'supervislng ' < arcHt ect'of the 1 treas
ury will uow procood.\yftt > E > lafis * au 'd specifi
cations and the work , will proceed without
1'rlvato Wild Set at Liberty by the
* - PraBidrhr
WAsniNOTON , Fob 3l. The following
order of the secretary ot war was today
transmitted to Gonoral.Ilugor at St Paul :
. "By direction of the president , the unex
pired portion of the sentence of Del P. Wild ,
late private , troop F , Eighth cavalry , is re
mitted in recognition Ot the fact that the
punishment adjudged * was excessive in a
marked degree The prisoner ' was ordered
by the second lieutonantof bis troou , M. F ,
Steele , to assist in placing n canvas upon
a shod He refused to do so upon the
ground that ho did < ndtv enlist to do such
work Ho was cursed and struck by tbo
officer Soon thereafter he was placed in
confinement and brought before a court
martial ot which Lieutenant Steele was the
the judge advocate , convicted of disobedi
ence of orders and sentenced to dishonora
ble dischnrgo with the forfeiture of all pay
and ullowancos and to confinement iq the
military prison at * For ) ) * ' Saelllng for one
year No action appears to have been taken
against Lieutenant Steele , whoso broacb of
discipline was of an aggravated nature It
Js also grossly impropdr tbat Lieutenant
Steele should have baonHdetailed as judge
advocate of the court Jj Tbo president does
not bcllevo this case to lib , nor does he think
it Just to the army that it-should appear to bo
a fair illustrattan of the , administration of
military Justice " : *
Opposes a Postal Telpjjrnpb
Washington , Fob 31t-The house com
mittee on postofficcs and post roads today
heard an argument bv William A. Carsoy of
New York , chairman .of the cxocutlvo com
mittee of tbo antimonopoly league , in oppo
sition to the limited postal telegraph bill
prepared by the postmaster general , Cdrsoy
opposed the bill bocatlso it contemplated
giving out tbo business dttthe government tea
a iprlvato corporation , i The clerks in the
postofilces bad already enough work to do
Tbo telegraph was mostly used by specula
tors and gamblers uud olily 8 per cent of tha
business of tbo country was social Work
ing people did not use the telegruph to uny
great extent and consequently would get but
little benefit out ot the * postal telegraph
scheme It tbo rates telegraphing were
reduced the wages of telegraph operators
would bo reduced The 'pustolhVe depart
ment did not tnonugo tbif business It now had
satisfactorily and this was-a strong argu
ment against its nssumlngjiew burdens
A Broken Rati Ditches a Freight
Trnln nt HarHiirjr , Wyo
Laiumig Wyo , , Fob.JO ] . [ Special Tele
gram to The Bkc ] A Jbjroken rail caused
another wreck on ' thotfnlon ; Pacific at 4
o'clock this morning , thp'scene ' being Harp
ers , about thirty miles ; Wust of here Tbo
accident occurred la a westbound freight ,
aud two cabooses and ji car wera derailed ,
overturned und burned Conductor William
Storey was badly bruised ! Fronk Sui tb , a
brakemap , was thrown through a window ,
aud the caboose topped 'oyer onto him and
was soon In u blaze 1'orUinatoly they had
a Jackscrevv and ware nbl' to raise tbe car
enough to get him out before tbe tire reached
him Ho is badly cut In the face aud head ,
aud his jogs seriously bruised , but It is not
thought bis injuries wlfi provu fatal
r.icht Woi-lrtnen llur .
PuiLjUKLriiu , Feb b While workmen
were engaged in ralsjn tbe roof of the
Grand opera house , thav cracking ot some
boards caused a panic and the men manag
ing thu windluss ran-away , allowing the
structure to fal ) . . gifty workmen wcro
under the roof and tbo ; wjldost rumors pre
vailed , but when the debris was cleared
awav It was found aVonly eight men were
hurt , none seriously ,
An Irish I'rlont J4ilrd.
Dublin , Feb , 21. Father Kinsella has
been sentenced to two months hard labor
for connection with evictions in Glengarry
The Kansas Olty , Wyandotte < &
Northwestern on Its Ear
11m Burlington Charged With He rim
ing to Until Northwestern Cars
Because It Hurt *
ltd Business
Trylnc to Vrnr zo The in Out
Kanbw Cirr , Mo , Feb 31. [ Special Telegram -
ogram to The Uee.J There Is war between
tbo Kansas City , Wyandotte & Northwestern
orn and the 13. & , M , The trouble has grown
out of the purchase by the Burlington of coal
Holds In lown The Burlington therefore
raised a tacit refusal to haul the Northwest
ems cars of coal Into Nebraska from
rico As a result of nil this a wonderfully
largo amount of corrospoudenco has bussed
between General Ma'nnger Newman Erb of
the Northwestern , the coal companies und
the general officers of the B. &
PTho conl dcalors , who have bcon
supplying hundreds of tons of Leavouworth
coal to Nebraska consumers through the
Burlington connection at Beatrice , are com
plaining vigorously , Mr Erb tblnks the
action of the Burlington nn outrngoous and
unprecedented ono , whllo the Burlington
folks thcmsolvcs say " tbat no injustice is
meant and that it does not pay thorn to haul
tbo cars of other roads , and at tbo same time
they have no cars of thefr own system
Meanwhile the Leavenworth mines nro But
tering , Nebraska coal dealers are
fearful of losing big business uud
tbo Burlington is preparing to supply
Nebraskans with coal from Its mines In
the Hawkeye state and in north Nebraska
Mr lirb has prepared all of the correspond
ence in the case and will submit it to the
Nebraska railroad commission at Lincoln
next Monday , whllo the same complaint will
at once go before the intorstuto tommorca
commission The cause is a peculiar ono
and involves tbo right of a railroad to say
whothcr It shall discriminate on the question
of the character of business it receives from
another road whore the full tariff is paid
The following extract from an Interested
dealer is self-explanatory : "Wo now
have at Beatrice four cars of coa
from our Leavenworth mlnos destined to
points on your road , for which your full
local tariff rates from Beatrice wa3 iuiendod
to bo paid These cars wcro refused by your
line and wo are Informed bv the management -
mont of the Kansas City , Wyandotte &
Northwestern road today that your com
pany claims td bo short 1,003 cars and to bo
therefore unublo to furnish cars of your
own Under these circumstances you can
readily see that It is an Insult to our in
telligence to bo told that you cannot
talio the coal In foreign cars and that you
Jiave not refused to furnish cars for our conl
at Beatrice You may say that you can fur
nish cars'into which coal can bo transferred
at Beatrice for local points when offered , but
thu shipper of course Is required to transfer
the coal I do not know whether tnis ls In
tended ns Irony or sarcasm , inasmuch as
the transfer of coal from ono car to another
lu transit is impracticable The facts are
that wo propose In view ot tbo present rates
on coal made bv the Kansas City ,
Wyondotto & NorthwoBtean road
to deliver coal at Beatrice
from our mines nt Leavenworth
pay you full local tariff and yet deliver It to
the beople in Nebraska at better rates than
they can seiuro tbo cheapest coal that you
deliver Wo understand thut the ueople of
Nebraska nro interested in securing cheap
fuel and Biipnosed that you would do nil you
could consistently in cooperating with us In
furnishing cheaper fuel to the communities
served by your road Your efforts appear
to bo on the contrary directed to increasing
tbo price of fuel , regardless o f the fact that
do impairment of yo ur revenue is
expected , your full tarill rate being
paid I shall confer with tha management
of the Kansas City , Wyandotte & North
western road and see what can bo done to
aid in compollinir your comnanv to nerform
its full duty to the publlo and prevent a dis
crimination against tbo coal mines of this
Btute "
Mr Erb , speaking to The Bee correspon
dent tonight , said : The tendency of legis
lutionln recent years , both Btato and fodcral ,
bus beeu In the direction of a stricter super
vision of railroad corporations and to check
the powers which were supposed
In the early ; dovolopmant of other ,
railroad oystcms to reside with tboso
corporations Thoybablt of discriminations
against Individuals and localities , the pro
motion of purely selfish interests of rail
road officials at the expense of the gonerul
public naturally resulted In wnat railroad
companies now condemn as hostile legisla
tion It will be fouud that every such law
was lovitod oy some evil which the public
found itself compelled to correct or check ,
lho action of tbe Burlington road in refus
ing to receive from us conl , though full
tariff rates wcro tendered , is Just such con
duct as is llabto to , invite mora
strlngont and aggressive legislation ,
from which wo with other roads
uro bound to suffer Here is a road , directly
or through its ofllccrj or some of them , 1 am
Informed , interested iu coal mines in Iowa
Our road , recently ncomplcted to Hcutr 'o ? ,
finds itself able at n fair living tariff to
bundio coal from the mines in Kansas , which
uro nearer the points of consumption than
tboso in Iowa , so ns to deliver it at points In
Nebraska on the Burlington system ut less
than can bo dona from the Iowa mines and
vet allow that road the full legal tariff
rates from Beatrice to destination in other
words at the sum ot the local rates , lho
Burlington , despotically disregarding the
Interests of the nooplo of Nebraska in secur
ing it cheaper fuel und especially at a time
when it Is a most important nnd vital mat
ter and while the distressed farmers uro
many of them compelled to burn their corn
us fuel , reiuscd to perform its moral and
legal duty "
WeHtorn Vrplirht Aasouiatlnn Doings
Ciuo\ao , Fob 31. [ Special Telegram
to Tub Bee I the Western Freight asso
ciation spent tha day on docketed subjects
sud in lining up western rates lo moot the
reduced basis to the Missouri river It waM
found that in a number of cases the rates had
to bo reduced mora than the HI per cent re
duction to the river , and it is estimated that
the total loss in revenue , the amount of
traffic being equal , will bo fully 85 per cent
Illustrations of greater reductions than that to
tbo Missouri are { 10 cent rates from St , Paul
to Omaha and Kansas city , the former ratei
being 76 and 60 cents respectively
Kleniiiship Arrival i.
At Now York The Assyrian , from Lon
don ; the Wlllkomoon , from Bremen
At Hamburg The Scandla , from Now
At London Sighted : The Obdain , from
New Yolk
At Glasgow The Prussian , from Phila
At Liverpool The Rossmore , from Balti
Tlio Aimolio Problem ,
Washington , Feb 31 , Lieutenant Ken
nou ot General Crooks stuff todav submitted
In behalf of tbe secretary of war and General -
oral Crook a statement before the house
committee on Indian affairs la support of
General Crooks proposition to remove the
Apache Indians to Fort Sill Lieutenant
Kennon took issue with many of the state
ments made by General Miles and others
who have objected to the Indians'removal
and quoted extensively from tbe records of
the war department to sustain the arguments
ho advnnccd Ho laid that If the Apsrhcs
were removed to Fort Sill it would bo nlmost
Impossible for mom to cross thrountry anil
roach their old haunts in tT \ Ibsico nd
Arizona ; that the removal s , bo mndo
was agreed to by the prcsld 'ho secre
tary of war and all the major . i sis ot the
army , and they had In the tuC&ihatlo
way In thotr power called upon * ress for
authority to right a great wrol j. remove
what the prosldont , with a full k iu id-roof
the facts , had characterized ns a rol \Uh to
the nation
A Tliousnud Guests Assemble Tlio
To a * l .
Dr.TiiolT , Mich , Fob , 21. At the annual
banquet of the Michigati club this oveulng
1,000 guests , many of national prominence ,
assembled Ex-Sonutor Bruce spake on
The Southern Question " Ho made on
oloqucnt and fooling nddross , saying the
freedom nnd purity of elections was the burn
ing question ot the hour , und In Btlrrlng
words advocated national nld to'cducatlon ' ns
n panacea for southern outrages Ho ridi
culed the idea of setting apart a territory ex
clusively for negroes
Sonntor Plerco of North Dakota spoke
on the Now Stntos , " speaking of
tlio wouderful progress of the
west Ho advised the republican party to
logislnto for the masses ; the few nro already
provided for
Hon John M. Thurston of Nebraska responded
sponded to the toast The Man Who Wears
the Button " Thurston spoke fcollngly of
tbo old soldiers generals nud privates ami
paid a marked tribute to General Alger
Ho said with a republican congress it ought
to bo possible to keep every party plolgo , to
rovlso tbo tariff , to protect labor without im
posing unjust burdens , to comoloto
nu honest census , to maiio u fair
reapportion mont , to protect every
citircn in his right to live , labor and vote ; to
provide for the holplcss and old , the widows
and orphans , for the sufferings nnd wounds
of every man who were a union button "
Senator Fryo of Maine responded to The
Ueptlblican Party "
Thu Kpickardsvlllo Crusaders in
Ilrnvn Arriu
Kansas Citx , Mo , Feb 21. A Trcntou ,
Mo , special says : A train load of Spick
ardsville tompcranco crusaders and their
sympathizers arrived this morning to attoud
the trial of the ladles arrested for demolish
ing the saloon of Thomas Brady At the
station a crowd of 300 crusaders were
drawn up to rocolvo the martyrs The Trenton -
ton crusaders were headed by a brass band
nnd scattered throughout the ranks were
numeious standnra bearers who cainod
aloft banners und transparencies bearing
mottos with appropriate ceremonies The
processioo formed and with sixteen Spick
ardsville crusaders In tha place of honor ,
marched to the opera bouso ,
where arrangements bad been made
for a public meeting Addresses
were made by Hov , J. P. Davis and Hov B.
.Lookurt of the Christian church , Hov Hob
bins of tbo Methodist Episcopal church of
SpicKnrdsvlllo nnd by C. J. Hinge of this
city Kev Cox announced that thu Trenton
ladies bad prepared a collation for the vis
itors nnd the meeting adjourned for lunch
At 1:30 : Justice Shanklin , before whom tbo
case was tried , called the court to order
Tnnmas Brady , the owner of the domollshod
saloon , was tno first witness Ho told how .
his building had been wrecked During the
cross-oxamlnation the defense questioned
him withtho purposp of showing that his saloon - :
loon was a public nuisance nnd ought to have
been abandoned Th * prosecution objected
to that line of'cross-examination and pending
the justices decision ' on the point the court
Commissioner Groff Decides an Im
port nut Ijiiud Suit
Washington , Fob 21. Commissioner
Groff of the general land ofllco has rendered
a decision in the celebrated Pcaralta grant
case in Arizona , in which ho holds that no
grant of the cbaractor claimed wns ever
made Ho decided against the claimant on
every point und eiders the cose striclton
from the surveyor generals docket The
claim has been many years before the de
partment and embraces ubout four million
acres In Arizona
The Eight-Hour Question
CnicAoo , Feb 21. I Special Telegram to
Tub Bee ] With reference to the meetings
of labor organizations to bo held In Chicago
and olsowboro tom.rrbw Joseph Gruenhut , a
local labor leader , says : "Washington's
birthday the labor organizations of the
United States will oyorywhero hold mass
meetings to discuss the pending issues between -
tweon capltul and laboi , and especially tbo
introduction of the eight-hour work day
Chicago is the center of transportation aud
wbolosalo trade , aud It Is perhaps Impracti
cable to reduce tha work day of railroad men
and of clerks In wholesale stores from ten
hours at once to eight hours The twenty
four railroads centering hero employ ubout
twnnty-flvo thousand men , the three street
railways about six thousand men , the wbolo
sale trade in all its branches perhaps ono
hundred und twenty-tlvo thousand persons
' 1 ho telegraph nud telephone companies em
ploy ubout two thousand persons hero All
these wugo workers would prefer a Satur
day half holiday to n reduced number of
hours on each work day "
lUiHINiDii 'B licHHiiror Short
Jigkson , Miss , Feb 21. A sensation wns
created this afternoon by a rumor that the
outgoing state treasurer , Hemingway , had
not settled with the new state treasurer
Attoation was called to the mutter on lho
floor ot tha Benuta und a statement made thut
what bo had not paid over amounted to
3250.000. A committee was appointed to in
vestigate , Houijngway bus been treasurer
for fourteen yours
The Joint commltteo investigating tbo
Hamlugwuy shortage hud the ox-treusuror
before it this afternoon A member ot tbo
committco said tills oveniug that Hemlng-
wuy will probably bo able to satisfactorily
explain tbo deficit
Thn WoadiiT Force ist
For Omaha and vicinity : Light snow or
rain , followed by fair woatbor '
Nebraska ; t.ocul snows , warmer , south
erly winds
South Dakota : Fair , warmer , southerly
winds ,
Iowa : Fair In northern portion , local
snows southwest portion , warmer , soutborly
A Talnl Epldniuio In Trxno
New Oiilcans , Ala , Feb , 31. An Aurora ,
Tex , , special says ; A fatal epidomls Is rag
ing hero The disease has been pronounced
spinal meningitis , or spotted fever , and several -
oral persons have ulcd of it within the last
two days The people are terror stricken
uud are fleeing from thu place An appeal
was mude to Fort Worth for physicians uud
nurses , which wns ut once responded to by
tbe mayor
m >
Gran I id n Divorce
Kansas CiTr , Mo , Feb 21 , A divorce was
granted today iu the ca u of Captain Thomas
Pholan against his wife , Alice Phelan Do-
sertlon is the charge ullegod anil It was
shown that Mrs Puolaa > loft tbo captain Sup
tomber 2 , 1S88 , never returning , The marriage -
riago occurred lu IbOU
n o
An Operation on Young IjIiiooIii ,
London , Feb 21. A successful operation
was performed ou young Abraham Lincoln ,
the non of tbo American minister , by open
ing tbe abscess und discharging Us conlunti ,
It is now thought there Is excellent promise
of bis recovery ,
Gladstone III
London , Feb , 21. Gladstone is 111 of
The Ktusn.9 Oily Suapoot Botrnyq' ' H
HlmaolfntEvory Stop |
Tito Punmitmhlp Wlttf H
That or the 111II ot Sain Tor H
tha Jones Stnok A. Trunk * H
Incontrovertible Kvidcnne H
Kansas Citv , Mo , Fab 21. [ Special Tote |
pram to TiiK lira.I : The man "Ncal" who H
sold the Piiuioy stock lu South Omaha baa H
boon found , nud In him it is boltovcd has B
also been discovered the brutal murJorcr ol H
Mr , uud Mrs , Allan JonoB , ' 1 his fact was H
cstnblisiicd today by Tits Bees special cor- H
respondent Tlio villain Is uow in Jail nnd H
uwalts only the requisition with which Chlet H
Sonvoy of Omaha is speeding to this vl- B
lho correspondent arrived this morning in fHHl
ndvanco of the chief , who bad go no by way HHHJ
ot Lincoln and Topokn to nttend to the matHHHJ
tors of requisition Ho may arrive tonlghi HHHJ
and mnv bo delayed till tomorrow , H
An curly call nt the pel Ice hoiulquartera H
found that Chief Spcers bad not rot mndo HHVJ
bis nppearnnco mul that "Ncal" hnu been H
and placed in the custody of SheriiT Bowl H
ing , to whom nlso lind bcuu transferred nil H
the effects found upon his person Tha H
Wyandotte county jail was vlsitod It was 1
filled with ns motley a gang of cutthroats as | |
the writer over saw "Ncal" occupied a BBbJ
distant cell , but tha correspondent wns roHHVJ
fused permission to talk to bun without an |
order from the sheriff The latter was |
about to bo called upon nt his ofllco H ,
in the court house when the correspondent , HHH
who had a fnc slmilo ot "Ncal's" penman H
ship , asked permission to write the latter u , HHHJ
note nnd get an nnswer so as if possibly to HH B
identify the follow by means of his writing H
The jailor consented und the correspondent , H
who hud previously called ut tbo house at H
which Ncal had lodged for a week , wrote HHH
this I'oi.t.otwMi dixov : H
"Ulid House , S10 Broadway There ara HHHJ
friends of yours Hero und want to help you If H
they can doit. . What do you want ! Tha H
man who brings this to tha Jail will bring no H
answerback Bo in n hurry A Fiur.Ni > . " H
Tlio jailer was gene five minutes and returned - H
turned with the statement that Neal was H
writing n letter and would * be through boHHH
fore long At length the jailer tnudo his np- H
penranco On the lower half of the shout on HHH
which tha corresnondent had written tha |
decoy wns found a reply H
Tin : 'Ultima was tiii : B\\irc HJ
as appeared in the bill of sale which Neal HHH
gave to E. G. Davis of South Omaha , |
but tbo signature comprised tha HHH
initials J D. K. " instead of B. D. HHH
tseal , with which readers of Tin : Bca H
are familiar from the fact of the facsimile ) HHH
which appeared lb its columns shortly aftc ' r HHH
the murder |
Tbo bond writing was , , com pared with the HHB
fao slmilo m tha presence aft Mr llassford of |
the Times of this place , and sdveral officials HHH
The only distinction noticed was the initial * H
were not in/olvod lu flourishes The murderer - H
doror had seemingly lost bis caution , fell |
into the trap and HHH
WllOTB the roi.LOWiNo : |
County Jail Many thanks , but there Is H
nothing Thanking you for vour kindness , HHfl
my dear unknown fiiond , I remain yours , H
With this conclusive evidence Sheriff H
Bowling was called upon nt his ofllco m the H
court house lie uud several ot his deputies HHb
wcro shown the fuo simllo of "Ncal's" writ H
ing und that which ho had just penned The HHfl
sheriff said tbat bo bad not entertained very H
much doubt from the outset that they had HHb
but now bo wus perfectly satisfied that H
the man under arrest was I ho South Omaha H
murderer HHb
Ho was then asked to show ivhat corrob HHl
oratlvo evidence ho had in tbo premises and HHl
produced almost everything that has been H
described In these colums except the horns HHl
and shirt which were bought by "Ncal" in HHb
South Omaha H
The first which was shown was the dark HHl
brown morocco pocketbook with tbo light H
brown lining and seven pockets , which ho HHl
bad bought from Pete Melchor On the inHHl
side was found the salcmark "H 75 , " which H
.Melchor told tbo writer tbo wallet ton H
There was also the Uttlo rod glazed cover H
memorandum marked "HK- " From this HHl
one page had been torn out On another H
were written tbo following names : H. A. HH |
Smith , J. B. Wilson and N. .Allgard , 813
Park u venue " No such person could be found HHl
at tbo latter address in this city , neither U
could the owners of the other names bq HH
found , They are probably friends in Omaha H
On the Insldo of the front cover was written HHl
lu pencil , "J , 1) . Livingston , " lho band being HH
unmlstiikiiblc , tno initials oven moro or nto H
and involved than In uny slgunturo thus far HH
Sheriff Bowling also produced the receipts M
of tha Central loan olUoo showing thut Ncul M
had M
one on tbo'lQth for $3 50 , two on the 14tb for |
f 15 , a plain gold ring on the 11 tU for t\ \ , and |
the lady's ' gold watch und chain , whch | |
ho hud bought at Kolbert's In South H
Omaha To this chain was attached HH
a Knight Tomplur charm , which he told the H
pawnbroker bad been given bun For the HH
last three articles ho received (20. Tbo HH
number of tbe ludy's ' watoh movement Is H
S8,2iO Nn reference 1ms thus far been HH
made to tbu private mark of Jowclcr Kolbcrt H
of South Omaha , that having been ovorr H
looked by the police und sheriff Tha corHH
respondent , however , buj noted the same , H
und after soma difficulty induced thu pawn H
brokers to submit the lady's ' watch for his H
examination , On the inside of the bevel HH
edga of tbo case were found , us H
had been anticipated , "iC 11 200. . " which
meant Kolbcrt , February 2 , lbOO , tbo initials HH
of the jeweler and the uuta on which bo had HH
sold the watch to Neal This universal idonHH
tlllcatlon loaves H
NO nooM FOII uouiit Hi
tbat the man who has hero bocn urrestod as H
Kuton , and who bus recoutly beeu known a * HJ
Livingston , is the same man who secured H
bis llt-goiton wealth through the murder of Hi
Mr , and Mrs Allan Jones , H
The attempt of newspaper men last night H
to ascertain what Neal knew about tbo H
South Omaha trugody having proved futile , HJ
It was decided to notl ' fy him that Davis , " ' M
Blum , Mel oh or , Mutt and Dee would bo H
down tonight and that be might as M
will toll all be knew about tha South Oraahs , H
mutter Accordingly Sheriff Bowling told HI
the jailor to bring Neal or IC-itou , us be Is Hjl
here called , to bis office , cautioning that aid
to sue that there was no knife concealed M
about bis person The follow wus HJ