THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 20 , 1890. 3 i 1 im I I I I I I I I f s J , , I I 'I ; } \ . > > i I ' tj I ] rilE SPECULATIVE MARKETS I , * . I SVhoat Starts a Llttlo Honvy and p ; the Trade Kept GuogglriK \ CORN EXPERIENCES TWO BULGES , N lnlr Volume of nuslncni in Onln Hill tlic Ooronl Uimntliril Pro * | vlslona FciUurolcBs Cnttlo , Active Hoes ' CHICAGO PRODUCE MAH11BT9. CniCAflo , Feb , 10. | Spcctal Tcloprntn to Tub Hrn ] Trade \vfp kept guesting In wheal nil tiny The market wns narrow , culofly bccnliso tlio put anil call business has become so exicnslvo that leading speculators \ use every effort to keep the market ultbln L - bounds , ' 1 here was some outside news and I there Is moro disposition to glvo It attention The market started a llttla heavy , with of ferings by small holders gonornlly , who i ivcro tired waiting for the bull movement t I'ho whent bolt had no severe weather ex- : cpt In Nebraska Kiln was falling at Kan- ins City and rnlns conttnuo on the Paclflu coast Lutor In the day thcro was moro conflicting news The reports of a heavy snow fnll at Minneapolis delighted the bears , nnil the rumor that ocean freights were off } o 3 pleased the bulls Ilatloy Urotliern , Poole & \ Sherman , Schwartz St Dupco uud Itutcli- ,9 , itisou wcro the best buyers of the any n , . Ryder & Mllmluo and McCormlck St Co t sold early Pardrldgo tried all day to brnak Vi the market and Jones St Keunett sold frcoly Q atonotimo The action in May was T7c ; , to 77im"Jic to 77 ? < o. to 77K& to "nX ® I 77"c to 77 , ' .fe , to 77 0 at 1 oclock ' June T | sold at 7 ? ; < c nnd 7 } ( c nnd July at ( > < Jtt 6)4c ) I and 70Jifo. There was n Arm feeling in ' wheat nt the close Last tirlccs were about the top for the day and wcro V@Jfo bettor than lost night 1'cbruary. Tnjrfos March , j 7 ! > ? n 'o ; Mnv , < 7 ; Juno , 77 , ° < @ 77c ; July , i < % fO c. J-lnutiloin took ISOU.ODO bushels or y May In a lump at 77Jf@77 > o before the close Thcro wcro two distinct smnll bulges in corn todny , with a dull , heavy parlod be tween The early bulge was on soma brisk covering by local short * . On this March touched 'JSKo nnd May B0)flS30a Then prlcos Utled baok close to the opening llguros Again , Just before the close , there was some tfooil buying on orders from Now York On this there was it ilrm closing , with prices as follows February , 28J < c ; March , 2ilio\ \ May , 30tf@noYc ; Juno , SOJ/c ; July , S\ga \ ; August , MJ c ; September , : c Trading In Soptcmbor was a feature of business Oats were unsettled , but a fair volume of business was transacted Mav was the favorite , out Juno and July also received moro attention The market opened easy , but soon became linn , the 11 strength in wheat and corn holplns It con I' ' slderably There was fair hu ' vlng and prlcos 11 for May and Juno advanced } c On the | | bulge there wcro liberal offerings by ' longs I and a reaction to the opening prices fol- I' ' lowed In the latter part of the session a I llrmcr fueling ngaln developed and prices I advanced } X@ ) C' nul , tnc market closed II steady at about the outsldo prices of the day II and showed a slight guin over yesterday j Car lots of No 2 in store sold moderately nt Pi 4 lfl Cc No , 2 white for May sold slowly nt I' ' ' v j 2Sjo ! and closed at Si c bid I' / This was another almost featureless day In fc- arT , no provision market Thcro was no good P pk'offorlng of products , no good buying and no F outside trade Wright & McFnrluml did Wf llttlo hammering in lurd and got the price o f | May off Su to $3.85. March wns also oft 5c. I Short ribs wcro llttlo oasicr , with no mn- I terhil decline The limit was 2 } u In March I and May In pork trading In May constl- I tutcd the buslnuas nnd 9.05 and $10.00 were m the mttnido pi ices of the day , with the close I nt * 9.059.D7K. I . CHICAGO IjlVB STOCK | Cmo\no , Fob 19. [ Spoolnl Telegram to I Tnc Uee.1 Cattle Uuslnnss was active I nnd prlcos steady at the advance noted yes terday Some salesmen were quoting prime export cattle 0@2oa higher than the close of lastweok , and-other classes of steots at about lrio bighor Prinio fat steers were not plontlful , yet there was a better showing than yesterday , flood , butchers stock Is sharing In the advance , and thcro wcro but I few Toxnns on the market The movement In stockors'and feeders was fair , with prices u shade higher Cboico to extra bcovos , $4.50 ( 4.80 ; medium to good steers 1.330 to 1,503 L , , lbs , 3.80@4.-4O : 1,200 to 1,350 lbs , J3.40 fiC , @L10 ; 050 to 1.200 lbs t3.25@3.7ri. Stockers T | and feeders S2.40@3,50 : cows , bulls and s , mixed , fl.40@iJJ5 : : bulk , tJ.2. " ) @ 2.B0. Texas corn-fod stcora , $2.803.60. lions Tbe demand was nctivo and prices strong to a nicjtel higher , late sales showing up stronger than those innde earlier Pack ers paid * 3.8. @ 3.9j nnd shippers * 3.0. "a4.00. Hutclicr averages and assorted light sold Inrgely at * ; J.1'5 ' and slngo sort at ? 4.W(44.U3. ( F1NANC1AU . New Voiik , Fob 19. | Special Telegram to TuaHub | Stocks The stock murkotmado n good start this morning , and what was lacking in activity was tnauo up 'In strongtb and steady gnlns London was found buy ing a few favorite stocks , and It was thought Chicago parties were attempting to cover ' The belief so frcoly oxorcssod nt tbo Wind I ser and clsowhoro last nltjht that on any I temporary rally fresh short lines will bo put I out , was partly carrlod out before ' noon Along with this prediction thcro was moro than the usual amount ot railing at the big | B < v _ professional operators Tbo domoralizcd Jj- condition of railroads west ot Chicago was I ' * sv.nB0 , rcgardod sn a bar fo any advance An ! old stock man gave It as his opinion that I with tremendous huslnoss being done by all 1 lines the rate trouble will soon bo pitched | up Uossins put the short Interest la leading I slocks ut 400,000 shares When business , _ was resumed this , morning the list gcnorally ' showed advances from ' / to Kl'or cent , while Jcrsoy Central was exceptional with a guin of 1 per cent Sugar Hoflnerles and Itock Island were ' still the loaders In activity , but Luokawan na , St Paul and Louisville & Nashvlllo followed closely , The remainder otthe market was dull and without feature There were further advances In early dealings , but , except In Sugar Hoflnorlea nnd Jcrsoy Central , thoio gains were con fined to small fractions only and wore gen erally oomplotoly wiped out In the succeed ing reaction Jcrsoy Central , aftar opening up 1 percent at 120 , rose to 12l'j' , and Sugar opened X at07.V and advuucod \ } & to lW > i' . The market hero rested for a time , bnt toward the end of the hour the down - y - ward movoinoiit gathered strength ntid / overythlug bxcept Jcrsoy Central was cir rlod below the opening llguros , Oregon Short Line dropping 1 per cent on very ight transactions ; Thn list at noon gave no evidence of a rally , and prlcos were materially lower Sugar was off 1 point from tbo top , Chicago Gas was off to 45 > { , Manhattan lost 1 per cent to 103 > , Hurllugton sold , ex-dlvl- deud , off to 104X but rocovurod slightly , Kook Island fell off from 01 to 89 , SU Paul from 09's' to 68 > i , Missouri Paclrio from Vii \ to 71 and Union PuoiUa from 67 } { to 0 % Coal stocks also woikenoa somewhat , The stock market was even heavier at 19 o'clock and under the load ot Q rangers the doolinos were pretty general The sellingof Itock Island and Durllngton was the surprlso ofc the day , Tnero was good evidence that Boston was selling Uurllngton Chare was , not the usual effect u | > on the profe < slonal . , tir bears to break tbo market by soiling short , yj but liquidation by holders did tno bu Inoss " The tinkering ot trafllo rates among western lines \ \ \ \ suDloIent to causa uneasiness Uurllngton touched 103 , closing at 103Jf , and Hock Island iSK , closing at 60 f St , Paul and AUssourl PaciOo wore pretty firmly held , closing about steady The total sales wcro 243,420 shares Tbofollowln ? were the closing quotations : rtgnlir xa\ NOrthern lAclns . 30i ! O.H.4s coupons , . . .IWi'do ' Drsferred , . . . . . . W\ \ U.4lscajrular.ia ) ' ( tlt.W 101j ? I J. a.4Uscnupoai..lOt'4 doprsr rred 141 I'aclncfl-ior * 5l Ill ) N.V.Uontral lOfl'i Central I'ocine a.1 f I' . ) . * 16' ' } CIiIcrboV Alton . . .l' * J Hock Island , MS ! Cblcscojlurllngton O..M.AStP , MH Ayulnc ? iKl'j dooreterrad Il4i ! I.I.V\V I30U BM'auI AUmsha . ni'i ' UllnolsContral MJIi aoprerorrea f2'i I. . II ftV Union IMclflo M' .i KansssftTexas . . . bl ( W.8t. Xj ft 1 . 13)4 ) t.skoShore 105 ooprofirreil . . . . . CTi ! Michigan Central . 1U ! { Western Union , . . . > ! i MissouriPaclllo . . . * li ! IIonbv Easy nt 2Q4J4 per cent Piiims Meiioantilb PapbTi S iIX per cent SritHUso Excns'nis Qdlet and weaker ; sixty-day bills , $4.S2 } " ; demand , $4.SC > < . MliiI us sioolci New Yoiik , Fob 19. fSpoclal Tolegrnra to The Hrb | The following arj the mln- Ingstock quotation ! : Alice 100 ( lonld.t Curry ITS i\ pen 7H ( ) Hale ftNorcrosi . , -70 Caledonia , It II..175 Homestnke 7 0 Con fal is Vn . . . ,4fi. Horn Hllver Ill iron Silver 2J0 ComstorK.T.scp..3 W ) North llclle Isio..tOU lteailwood T , 140 Ontario . . . 37K ) Kureka Con 30J Slorrn Nevada . . . . " 10 ltl Crlito 150 suttcr Creek HX ) iMtonucj ; . MAiticnTA CniCAiin Fob 111. 1:15 p. ra close Wheat Firmer ; February , 75 'fo ; May , 77 ? c . Corn Firmer ; February , S3 Vc ; May , 30 , ' * c. Oats Steady ; February , 19 0 ; Mny , 21 ' ' ' < * - • llye May , 44 , i c. Harley Nothing doing Prime Timothy $1.13(31.20. ( Flax Cash * 1.39. Whisky-$1.02. Pork-Steady ; Fobur.try , S9.07K ; Mny $10.00. Lard Steady ; Fohrunry J > " > .72)t ) , ' ; May , f5.S7M. Flour Unchanged : winter wheat , * 2.00@ 4.3j ; spring whent , ( l.lll$3.TSi rye , S2.50G3 2,85 ; buck wheat , fl.2. " > ( . < $ l.50 per cwL Provisions Shoulders , f3.15 ( < $5.25 ; short clear , ? 4.95(35.00 ( ; short ribs , for Fobrurny 11.70. Mutter Unchanged ; croaraory , 15@20o ; dairy , I0@2lc Clioeso Unohnncedi full cream chod- dars nnd flats OlftSOVot Young Americas 10i4-10Jc. Eggs unchanged ; fresh , 13@l4o. , Hides Unchanged ; heavy nnd light green salted , ( % c ; sultoj bull , 3 o ; green salted calf , 5J o ; dry Hint ; 0@7c ; dry calf , 5@0o ; deacons , 2c each Tallow Unchanged : No 1 , solid packed , 4c ; No 3. n l4"3 > jfe ; cake , 4c. Receipts Slilpmts Flour 14.1)00 ) 7,000 Wheat 29,000 13,000 Corn ; 255,000 239,000 Oats 255,000 172,000 Now York , Fob 19. Wheat Rocolpts , 32,450 bushels ; exports , none ; spot firmer ; No , 2 rod , S5@S5Ji-c In olovutor , SO QSO c afloat , 8fj % < gS > Ko f. o. b. ; options higher No 2 rod , Fobruarv closing ; at So c. Corn Itocelpts , 125,400 , bushels ; oxnorts , 49,900 bushels ; spot firmer ; No 2 , 85@35)fo ) ( in elevator , 3ij@30c afloat ; options llrmcr ; February , 35J.fc. Oats Kecclpts , 100,000 bushels ; exports , 1,200 bushels ; spot firmer ; options Irregu lar , February closing at 27o ; spot No 3 white , 23 > @ 28c , ; mixed western , 2G@29c ; white western , a3@3lo. Coffee Options closed steady and 5@10 points up ; sales , 21.00Jbags ; March , { 10.30 ( § 10.35 ; May , $1C.25@10.30 ; snot Hio Ilrm ; fair cargoes , $20.00. Sugar--Uaw , steady ; roflned , easy Petroleum United closed for March at * l OSJtf Eggs Firmer ; western , 10)X@17o. 1'orlc Steady Lard Easier : western steam , f0.15 ; Mny closing at t0.19aslcad. Butter Weak except prime ; Elgin , 28@ 2S ! o ; western dairy , 8@10o ; creamery , 1217c. Cneoso Firm ; western , SIOc Mllwnulcoi- . Fob 19. Wheat Firm ; No 2 spring , on track , cash , 72@73o ; May , 72 0. Corn Dull ; No 8 , on track , 27c. Oats Dull ; No 2 white , on track , 22c , ltyo Stoaay ; No 1 in sto-e , 43J c. llarloy Quiet ; No 3 In store , 40J-JC. Provisions Firm ; ponr , JJ9.70. Clnoliinnti , Fob 19. Wheat Firmer ; No 2 red 73c. Corn Quiet ; No 3 mixed , 31J c. Oats Dull ; No 2 mixed , 23 ( )24c. ) Whisky S1.02. Liverpool , Fob 19. Wheat Firm ; demand poor ; holders offer sparingly ; Cali fornia , No 1 , 7s 8d@7 3 > d per cental - Corn Steady ; holders offer sparingly ; now mlxod western , 3s 8' d per contul Mtnnoapolm Fob 19. Wheat Active and steady ; receipts , 158 cars ; shipments , 37 cars Closing : No 1 hard , February , 70c ; May , 78 o ; on track , 77 'i'77yo ; No 1 northern , February , 74J | ' c ; May , 1Ka ; on trnclr , 7 < l@7UKc ; No 2 northern , Febru ary , 72o ; Mny , 74 'i'u ; on track , 72K@74c. ii.ilns in City Feb 10. Wheat Steady ; No 2-hard , cush , C3c ; No 2 red , cash , 08o bid bid.Corn Stronger ; No 2 , cash , 21J.ic bid ; February , 21 c. ' Oats No , 2 , 17Kc L1V13 STOC1C Chlnaco , Fob 19. The Drovers Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 10.0)3 ; mtrkot strong to 10c higher ; beeves , ll.5U@-l.85 ; steers , * 3.25@4.40stoekors ; und feeders , 3.40@3.5J ; Texus corn-fed steers , $2.80 ( < jJ 50 , Hogs -ltecoipts , 23,000 : market strong nnd 5c blither , closing weak ; mlxod una heavy S3.b0@4.00 ; light f3.85@l.03 ; skips , $3.00Lr3.70. ( . Shiiop Receipts , 3,500 ; natives , < 3.50 ( < J 5.25 ; western uorn.fed , f4.80. ' 45.0UO : Texuns , ? 3.50@5.00 ; lambs , $5.00(20.00. ( Nntliuinl Scook Vnril , Kan St Imuix , Feb 19. Cattle Fair to fancy native steers , t3.58ft5.10 ; Blockers and feeders , $2,10 @ 3W ) . Hogs Rocalpls , 5,000 ; shipments , 200 ; choice weak ; heavy , $3.8l3.90 ) ; packing , $3.75513.85 ; light , $3,701(23.85. KutiHjis City Fob 19. Cattle Rooaipts , 3,400 ; shipments , 3,403 ; market higher ; steers , J3.25JJI.bO ; cows , tlSOQi 'JO ; stock ers nnd fcodors , $3.0X43.5) . llogs ltecoipts , 0,703 ; shlDmonts , 1,400 ; market steady ; all grades , $3.05 377K ; bulk , $3.72J < @ 3.85. • Sioux City , Fob 19 , Cattle Receipts , 650 ; shipments , 1,000 ; market active ; canners , 75c < yf$1.25 ; cows , tl.00 1.25 ; stock , ers , $1.50M--25 ; feeders , $2.2532.90 ; veal calves , $3.0J@3.15. Hogs Receipts , 1,125 ; market opened So higher and closed steady at the advance ; * everything Wi55y'J.77 > . OMAHA tilVK STOCK * Cnltlr Wednesday , Fob 10. Rccciptsof cattle estimated at 1,000 , com pared with 2,533 yesterday The receipts for the llrsl throe days of thn week were 5,274 , compared with 5,120 for the corresponding spending days last week , The uiaruotopoucd actlva on steers Trading wai pretty liberal carlv In the day , with several sale ) touching tbo SI.03 mark The receipts of cows were liberal ind the market was strong All of the buyers contoud that tholr cows cost moro than yostordny , while most of tbo com mission men and shippers think the market on cows is only steady with no weak ness Considerable undesirable stuff is quoted weak Stockers und feeders were in KOod ropuest , and about everything desi rable changed hands There wcro , In fact , not enough good feeders to 1111 all the orders The prices paid were about steady with yes terday , Hulls uro actlva at steady prlcos The tone of the market is healthy and most sales uro made strong or at an udtrunce Hogs Receipts of hogs estimated at 3,2V ) , com pared with 3,343 yesterday , Tbo receipts of bogs for the lint throu days of tbe week have been 8,251 , compared with 7,293 for the corresponding period last week , showing a gain of 959. J'uo market opened active und steady at yesterdays prices ou light hogs , at$3.70(33.75. ( Packers were dUposud to shade oft prices on heavy and packing hogs , and owing to thn largo number ot in ferior loads on market the sales would In dicate that the market was a shade lower , The difforonoo iu quotations is rather a dltloronco } n quality than price The pack ers Unally bought , paying steady prices After all but o dozen loads bad been sold soltcrs became firmer nnd for n while the market dragged with few sales All of the hogs Dually cbongod hands nt steady prices Sheep The receipts were not very heavy today , thcro being only n doublodeclc of wostornn and a singlo-deck of Nubrasxans The de mand for sheep has boon good of late nna the pnekors have bought freely when good muttons wcro to bo had Prcvnlllng ; Price * . The following Is n tnblo of prices paid In his market for the grades of stock tnon- lonod : Prlmestocrs 1300to 1000 lb3.$3.80 ( < t4.50 Goodstqprs 1350 to 1150lbs. . . 3.50 C4.15 Ooodsteors , 1050 to 13) ) ) lbs . . 3.20 ( aso Common 1000 to 1150 lb steers 2.90 @ 3.30 Common dinners , 1.00 (41.75 Ordinary to fair cows 1.00 W.TO Fair to good cows 1.90 M2.23 Good to choice cows 2.20 63.00 Choice to fancy cows . . . 2.05 03.25 Falrto good bulls 1.50 0C2.50 Choice to fancy bulls 2.50 @ 3.20 Light stockers and feeders . . . 2.00 < ii > 2.50 Feeders 950 to 1100 lbs 2.20 MXXi Fair to choice light hogs 8.07X&3.7B Fair to choice heavy hogs n.G7 > $ M3.i2J Fair to choice mlxod noes 3.05 0 3.72 Avcrngo Cent ot I loirs The following table gives the average cost of hogs on the dates mentioned , including the cost today , ns Dated upon sales reported : Date Price Date Price Fob.l $3 03tf ! Fob 11 3 75' ' < Foo.3 a 72 Feb 12 3 07 > f Fob 4 3 75 Fob 13 3 73) ? Fob 5 3 75 Fob U 3 73 Fob 0 3 72K Fob 15. 3 77 Fob 7 3 7IK Feb 17. 3 72 Fob 8 3 7JK Fob 18 3 70J ? Feb 10 8 77K Fob 19 8 71 Ilnnd1' of PrlotM tine * . The following tnblo shows the range of prlcos paid fpr hogs : Light nnd medium hogs $1 07J @ 3 75 Good to choice mlxod hogs . . 3 05 ( 3 Til4 Good to choice heavy hogs . . 8 05 M3 72. ' ltnnco of PrluoH licup The following table shows the range of prlcos paid for sheep : Prime fut.sheep $4 HO @ 5 25 Goodfatshoop 3 50 ( ftI 50 Common to medium sboop . . . 2 00 (3:1 ( : 75 Lambs 4 00 © 0 00 Comtinrutivrt Tables m The following tables show the range in prlcos on hogs during this aud last week ; Days This weak Last week Monday 3 05 © 3 80 3 75 ® 3 8) Tuesday 3 05 SW 75 3 0,1 t3 H2- ! { Wednesday hi 03 < 23 75 3 50 3 77 Thursday 3 82J { 63 77 > i Friday 3 55 WBO \ Saturday | 3 70 < &l 05 Avprnno 1'rlcu tl' Hoc * . Showing the nverago price paid for loads of hogs on the days indicated In 1337 , 1333 aud1890 : Day yob 1890 Feb 18iS , Ieb 1SS7. 14 3 73 m K\ \ 15 3 ITi 6 15 6 07 10 Sunday 5 IB 5 17 17 3 7214 5 17 B 1 ! ) 18 3 Wi 5 13 5 17 Jl ) 3 71 Sunday , 5 23 IlielicBt and Lowest Sales ot IloitH Todny Yesterday Highest $3.75 Highest $3.75 Lowest 3.05 Lowest 3.05 9 Stock KeoelDH OOlcIal yesterday Estimated today Cattle , 119 cars..3535Cattle , 90 cars . . . 1900 Hogs 53 cars..3243 Hog9 , 50cnrs..3250 Sheep , 4 cars . . . 405 Sheep , 2 cars . . 300 Dlspodtion oTOutilo Showing the number of cattle bought by the leading buyers on to-day's murKet : Uuyers No Swift & , Co 833 George II Hammond & Co 375 ThoArmour-CudahyPacklngcompany. 878 Leo Rothsebild 80 Renton & Underwood 8 Nets Morris 201 W. K. VanZandt 8 R. Becker 72 Shlppors and feeders ' 830 Hog * . Showlna the number ot hogs bought by the loading buyers on todnv's mar Hot : Arraour-Cudahy Packing company , . . . 1,815 Omaha Packing company 075 Swift & Co 1. . . . " . . 394 , George H. Hammond Co 510 Representation Snloj BTUEI19. No • Av Vr - No Av Pr 1 1180 * 3 00 7 lOOtS $3 40 0 953 3 05 17 1193 3 40. 0 993 3 25 20 1150 3 50 9 1005 3 25 10 1107 3 55 0 1017 3 30 18 1101 3 00 18 1134 3 35 33 1243 3 00 23 1013 3 35 10 1330 3 05 31 1099 3 35 10 1247 3 75 17 1154 3 35 18 1247 3 75 8 1039 3 35 8 1310 8 70 1 700 8 35 1 1330 3 75 1 970 3 35 23 1301 3 75 1 900 3 85 20 130(1 ( 3 90 3 970-3 85 17 1301 3 90 15 1018 3 85 18 1253 8 90 31 1099 3 40 18 1340 3 95 22 1090 3 40 72 1300 4 00 10 1212 3 40 8 1500 4 00 13 1054 3 40 25 1417 4 05 cows 2 1050 175 27 020 2 30 1. 1180 V75 11 075 2 35 9. 914 190 1 800 3 35 14 809 1 CO 4 992 2 35 7 1037 8 00 1 1050 8 35 8 800 8 10 8 1003 3 37K 10 10U3 8 10 ' 3..j..1133 3 37K 4 003 8 10 0 095 2 40 43 871 2 10 5 1100 2 40 1 1150 2 10 9 042 2 40 4 .1115 2 12 # IB 1070 2 42 8 900 2 15 10 1034 2 45 22 092 8 25 7 937 2 50 20 078 2 25 8 1000 2'50 18 1070 2 25 7 1040 2 60 8 1003" 3 35 3 1170 2 155 11. . . . . . . 832 2 21 8 1U95 275 5. . . . " . .lHS 2 21K 14 1071 2 80 11 1121 2 30 HL'I.I.S , 1 1230 2 00 1 1020 2 75 1 1550 2 25 1 1250 2 73 1 1410 2 23 2 1600 3 00 ,1 10IO 2 40 1 2200 3 00 4 1458 2 40 1 , . , 1530 3 00 8 1513 2 U5- 1 1580 3 00 1 , 4.1510 2 03 1 rlSlO 3 10 CALVES 1 270 3 25 1 210 4 25 1 150 3 00 8 133 4 85 3 lbO 3 50 1 120 4 25 P COBHS , 1 850 3 75 25 844 3 20 23 1034 3 00 18 975 8 40 27 037 3 30 30OXCN. OXCN 2 1005 3 23 4 15S8 3 75 CAN.NliUS , 1 780 1 00 8TAOS. 2 1505 2 15 STOCKK119 , 40 COO 8 30 18 , .433 3 50 noos No AV Sh IV No Av Sh Pr 14..344 $3 05 81.223 80 $3 70 19..313 3 05 02.804 40 3 70 50..317 W0 3 05 0).285 40 8 70 7.207 3 CV 83..323 60 3 70 00..251 130 3IITK 83.837 40 3 70 05..231 130 8 07K 55..333 160 3 70 09..255 240 3 07JJ 64.SOii 40 8 70 08.347 80 aO'li US..258 ItJOj 8 70 83 . . .810 200 3 071 88.,229 40 8 70 75..213 40 8 07K 05..283 120 8 72 8..134 3 07 * 65..291 200 8 72 } | oi.,205 iso a am fi8.ao3 40 uij | 15..391 80 8 70 60 , , .234 80 fi Tiii 59.,277 80 3 70 65..891 8 75 113..210 100 3 70 40.224 8 75 65..857 130 3 70 48.813 3 78 68..370 100 8 70 05 , . . .300 160 3 75 54.893 80 3 70 CO.,353 80 8 75 ( W..3i3 80 3 70 t , . , .27l 80 8 75 07..2511 120 3 70 63 , , 244 40 3 75 50..251 80 8 70 61.284 3 75 73 . . 326 40 3 70 78. , ,2uS 8 75 450 , , . ,240 120 8 70 81.200 3 75 53. . . 289 100 3 70 70..201 8 75 71.,27ll 40 3 70 80,318 8 75 04.S0r 200 8 70 00.229 8 76 1'IOS. 8,140 - * 8 25 On Hio Market With flogs J , Hnstle , Talmago ; O. M. Young , Uorliu ; Wilkinson & , G „ Avoca : H. H.Doxtor , Hlnlr ; 4joroll Hrothors , Crolffhtontf iWllliam Os berne , Noola , la.V. ; . B. KlimJlln , Panama , In ; KU Vlckor , Yorkshire , Id ; G , W. Wynnt , Silver CityV. ; . K.McCloud , Re publican City Mclfeo Urothorj Syracuse ; Jones Hrothers , Hastings ; \V \ Houghton & Co , Madrid ; L. F. Frank,4Tearnov : II , Hlutnor , Uhalco ; Dowtlngi& ' P. , North ISomi ; F. . I ) . Gould , Albion ; II Gund & Co , Camoboll ; J. T. MiOeholl , Hond- loy , C. A. 11. nssoclMlon , Cambridge ; D. McPhce , Edison ; G „ M. Jacobs , Suponoc ; Jack Lower , Stromsbnrg ; S. A. Myers , Hencdict ; CF Way , Ord : Frank Hart , Dnnnobrog ; First National bank , Loup City : P. M. Colbj & Co , Urnd show ; J. W. Nicholson , Marqtiotto ; A. E. Charlton , Arcadia ; PorrV So Fromo , Clarke & Clarke , Hazard ; John L. Glade , Ansclinoi Taylor & Ulalr , Hrokon How ; Dryer & Shaw , Ravenna ; II Agor , St Paul ; II Hrothers St Co , Grcsham ; A , E. Tunborg , Hooper : L. Gutru , E. O. Gould Nowmnn's Grovel Hrodhnm St S. , Dodiro ; Shepherd & Co , West Point ; G. Karlon , Hccmer ; F. E. Gillett , Alnsworth ; T. J. Soatcr Randolph , la ; Davis & Nowcomb , Red Oak , In On tlio Mnrkot With Cnttlo D. McPhoe , Edison ; L. C. Maulsby , Wit souvillo ; R. C. Oldbum , Heaver City ; D. Dotrlck , Upland : Jack Lower , Hcuedlct ; J. S. Intnnn , Oscoola ; R. E. McConnaughy , Stromsburg : S. A. Myors , Henodlct ; Res- borough Si Grny , Hluo Springs : First Na tional bank , Frank Hart , Loup City ; C. F. Way , Ord ; E , U. Smith Lexington ; W. A. Vun Alstlno , Arcadia ; Taylor Sz Ulair , Uro- ken How : White Si Co , Hradshaw ; O. A. Kimmol , Unadilla ; J. O. Mllllgan , Dowling Si P. , North UcndV. ; . T. Ricitloy , Colum bus : G. R. Green , H. Newton , Hentrlco ; C. II , Paddock , Trenton ; G. W. Turner , Cnm- bridge ; U. F , Downer , Arnualioo ; E. II Cannon , Holdrego ; E. C , Mlssly , Axtall ; E , J. Ferguson , Friend ; James Cummins , Pan ama ; J. Lapp , II E. Hunt , Hurr ; J. Hnstle , Taltnngo ; J. II Ulcnkiron , Coleridge ; V , Jennings , Arlington ; L. W. Adams , Logan , la ; H. J. Jloore Wood bine ; W. E. Kinsclln , Panama : D.V. . Aus tin , Neola ; G , W. Hryant , Silver City ; E. Hroquot , Norton , Kan ; W. K , McCloud , G. P. Eastman , Rupubllcan ; Jones Hrothers , Hastings ; L. F. Frank , Kearney ; Puxson & D. Geneva : II C. Vunnoy , E. Si Co.Vn - verly ; J. W. Nicholson , Mnrquotto ; J. P. Taylor , Ashton ; Clark &C , T. J. Parish , Hazard ; N. Jncquot , I. Doardorf , Mernn ; J , Doll , St Paul : A , E. Tunberg , John Dern , Hooper ; Sheppard & Co , West Point ; J. Clyrdalo , Stanton ; 11 , A Hills , Atkinson ; J. P. Morden , Toknmah ; D. D. Davis , Stella ; J. Hnstle , Elmwood : A. C. Adnms , Eagle ; J. II Nesslcy , Villisca , In ; J. AV Young Elliott , la On thn Mnrlcel With Slionn F. Ticrney , Hrokon How ; J. S. Fordyco , Central City Market Mention Hogs steady Cattle active and advancing , closing strong Hutns Bros Si Co , regular and frequent shippers from Utesham , had a car of hogs on the market 1. H. Paddock had a car ot oattlo on the marxet , shipped from Trentou W , F. . Klnsella , formerly of D. S. Kin sellaSi \ Son , of the loading stockman of Panama , la , was on the market with thrco cars of cattle and ono of hogs P. Owens ot North Hend wns hero with a car of cattle , and aKo has In charge ncarof hogs shipped by Dowling & Purcell , regular shippers from the same place J. O. Mllligau , North Hond , sent down a car ot cattle , E D. Gould sent in a load of hogs from Albion , and ono from Newman's Grove J. P. Marden , a prominant stockman of Tckumah und ono of South Omaha's best patronb , marketed two curs of cattle T. J. Sealer sent a cur of liogs ever from Randolph , la The lot of cattle shinned on the 7th from this city in Streol's stable cars , arrived in Seattle , Washington , on tb'e'14th. ' Tno run wus made lu four days nnd soventcen hours , nverugipg twenty-five miles an hour H. A. Hill morlcetod cnttlo from Atkinson H. J. Moore of Dunlup , la , was in with some 53.90 cattle " ( OMAHA WHOIiHSAlTll MAUKIOTS Proline- , . Eoos Strictly tresV-HCi c. Cold stor age , pickled , limed , salted , not wanted at any prio Hurrcit Creamery , fancy rolls , prts , 24@ 25c ; creamery , fancy , solid packed , 23@24c ; creamery , fancy , choice , 19@82c ; dairy , fancy , rolls and prts , 13 ( < $20c ; dairy , fancy , solid packed , 17@19c ; dairy , choice , 13iJ15c ( ; country roll , choice , ll@12c ; country roll , good , U@10c ; country roll , fair , 0@7c ; poor stock , 3tg5c. ( Poui.TiiY Turkeys , dressed , fancy dry picked , ll@12c ; turkeys live , per lb , 7@3u ; chickens , fancy , 9u ; chickens , choice , 7aSo ; chickens , live , $3 00@3.50 ; goose , dressed , fancy , 6@10c ; geese , dressed , choice , 8@9c ; geese , live , iio7 , $9.O0@7.OJ ; ducks , dressed , fancy , lie ; ducks , choice , 9@10o : ducks , live , doz , $2.50@3.00 ; pigeons , doz , $1.00. Game 1'rulrio chickens , $2.50@3 03 ; jack snipe , l.C0a ( > 125 : golden plover2 00@1.25 ; mallard ducks , $3.00 ( 3.50 ; canvusback ducks , $5 01 > @B.OO ; reohoad duck , doz , $3.00 ; teal ducks , doz , $ r,50@2.JO ( ; mixed uucks , doz , ? 1 50@-2.O0 ; geese Canada , $5.600@0.p0 ; geese , small , $ -1.00@4 59. Diiessed Veai , Choice medium , 6 } (5Mo ( ; light , 5daa ; heavy , 3SJ4a Ubans Hand picked navy , $1.50@1.0U ; hand picked navy , medium , $ l,40Vjl.50 ( ; baud picked country , $1,30 ( 1.40 ; good clean , $1,20 @ 1.30. Honcv Per lb , Illinois comb , lOo ; Call fornincoinb , 14c ; Nebraska and Iowa comb , 12K@14c. CuisEsr Per lb , full cream Y. A. , 12c ; full cream twins , llj o ; full cream Ohio swiss 15u ; full cream Wisconsin swiss , 13o ; full cream brick swiss , ll$12o ( ; full cream limburger 3WIS. * , 11012. Sweet Potatoes Per bbl , $1,00. Fish , Fresh white , trout , plko aud pick erel , per lb , 7c ; herring , 5Kcj sturgeon , 10c. 10c.Oiiakoer Per box , Florida brights , $3.15 ; russets , $3 50 ; messlnu , $3.25 ; California fancy navels , $5.25 ; choice , $5.00 ; Los An- geIo < navels , " ' $4.50 ; seedlings , Riverside , S3.85@3.50 ; mountain , $3.35 ; Los Angeles , $3. < K ) ; in llvo box lots 33o per nox less Lkmons Per box , mosslnd fancy , $4.00@ 6.00 ; verdelll good , $2 50 Uanavas Per bifnch , $3.03JS3,00. Malaga Giiai-es Fanny per bbl , $7.50 ; choice , per bbl , $0.00@7.00. Cocoanuts Per hundred , $1.75 , Ari'LEs Per bbl , $3.C0@4 00. CiiANiiEUiiiES Per bbl , $10 50@13.50. Ciiieb Per bbl , roilneo , $0.50 ; half bbl , $3.60 ; bard cider pure , per bbl , $5.00. . Skins anij Funs Raccoon , No 1 , largo , 80@90e ; No 1 , medium 60i$70c ; No 1 , small , 40@53c ; No 2 , ilnnd 4,10@10c. Mink , No 1 , large , 00@73o : No 1 , medium , 50@00c ; No 1 , small , 40@50c ; No 2 , 3 4 , $5.40. titter No 1. lureo prune$5.00@9.00 ; No 1 , medium , $4O0@5.00 ; No " 1. smull , $2.53@ 3.50 ; No 2 , 8 and 4 , $0.50@1.6) . Lynx , No 1 , $2.5U@3.50. Wildcat Ndil 40Q50 ; No 3,80o ; Muskrat , winter , 15c ; fall , lu ( < ill Skunk , black , (5Uog75e ( ( : striped , No 1 , 83@40o ; No B , 15@29j ; No 3. 10@16 ; No 4 , SMIOe Cross fox No 1 , $4.00@JP'J ; No , 3 , $2,00a 3.60. Rod fox No 1 , $ LPU@I.25 ; No 2 , 60 ® 00c. Grey fox , No l49c50o ( ; No 2 , 2J@ 25c. Mountain wolf , No ' 1 : $3 59' 3.00 ; No 2 , $1.00 1.85. Prairie wolf , No 1 , 75c6 $ MW : No 8 , 40@30c. Hoavori No 1 , oor lb , $3.00 ® 8.60 ; No 3 , per lb , $3.00@3.40 ; No 8. per lb , 50ta05o ; No 4 , 60c. , No 1 , $15.0) (383.00 ( ; grizzly No 1 , . ? 10.00i ( < 25.00 ; brown , No 1 , $10@30.U0 ; cub , $1.0005.00 ; buckskin Indian dressed , per lb , $ l.oo1.50. Dcer summer , per lb 80o ; full/por / lb , 425a ; winter tor , per lb , 80@3o ; grien salt , porplecs , 75@80o ; antelope , per Ji/'COo ' ; elk , per lb , IOWISo : fisher No , 1 , t3OO05.OO. : Marten , No 1 , 75c$1.60 ; No 3 , ii5(360a ! ( Opossum , No 1 , cased , 10@15cNo. ; ; , 1 , open , 7010c. Hedger , No , 1 , full furred , * 75cj$1.33 ( ; No , 3 , 80 < i 33o ; No 8 , 10@80c ; wolverine , No , 1 , wooaooo Hiked , Pei.ts anb Tallow Green salted bides 4oJdry ; salted hides 60Oo ; dry salted hides , 7o ; calf bides , 6j. Damaged hides 2o less Sheep pelts , green , each , 75o @ $ l.25 ; sheep polls , dry per lb , 0@12o ; tallow , No 1 , 3K@3c ; No , 2 , ms ; era aso white , 3 fo ; yellow , ajfOao Veoetaiiles Now Lntluco , per dor heads , 43c ; radishes , per doz bunches , 50c ; green onions , per doz bunches , 80@10o ; parsley , per doz bunches , 83o ; soupbunches , per doz bunches , 45S50o ; celery , Michigan small , per doz bunches , 83035u ; celery Illi nois , per doz bunches , 45@50os celery , New Orleans , per doz bunches , 75@90o ; spinach , per bbl , $2.00 ; cucumbers , per doz , $1.75 ® 2.85 ; oyster plant , per doz , 45R50o ( : new Deots , per bushel , $1.00(31.25 ( ; new turrets , pordos buuebes , 40@50c ; now turnips , per dot buncbes , 40@50ot plo plant , per lb , C07O ; now.cabbage , Louisiana , per crate , $4.00 ; now pfttatocs , llermudn , per bbl , $10.00 : tomatoes - matoos , Hcrmuda , 10 lb boxes , per box , $1.60 01,75. VEOBTAnLES Old Sweet potatoes , fancy Muscatine , per bbl , $4 00 ; onions , extra fancy , per bbl , $1.50 : onions , fair , per bbl , $2.50 ; rutabagas , per bbl , $2.00 ; carrots , per bbl , $2.00 ; parsnips , per bbl , $2.00 ; boots , per bbl , $3.00 : horse radish roots , per bbl , $4.00 ; horse radish roots , per lb , 7c ; celery roots , . per bbl , $5.00 ; celery roots , per dor , OOo Avi'LEHUTtmi-Pcrlb , 0c , MtscE Mbvt So per lb Honev 15010c ; per lb for choice PiinsKitvus S0lOo per lb Jellies 404) 0 per lb Hekswax No 1.10019c. Pies Feet Pickled , kits , 70o ; spiced pigs tongues , kits , $2.35 ; pickled tripe , kits , t55o ; pi6klod II C. trlpo , kits , S5o ; spiced pigs hocks , kits , $1.13. Mess Pouk per bbl , $9.75010.75. Hcckwmeat Fi.oun per bbl , $1.75. Wool Fine , nvcrngo , 82021c ; medium , nvorngo , 21022c ; quarter blood , average , 13 02Oo ) course , average , 15017c ; cotts und rough nvcrngo , 14010c. Platans Medium , per bbl , $4.85 ; small , $5.75 ; gboruins , ' $0.75 ; C. & U. chow chow , qts , $5.85 ; pU , fsl.a" ) . Potatoes-Per bu , 85c ; common , 25c Maple Suoak Per lb , l 014c Piiovisions Hams , No t , 10 lb nverngo , 0Kc80to22U ; > s , 8 > < o ; 13 to 14 lbs , Va ; shoulders , 5u ; breakfast bacon , No 1 , 8c ; ham sausairo , So ; dried beef hnms , 7o ; boot tongues , $ d.lH ) per dozen ; dry salt meats , 5 " i > 5J c per lb ; ham roulette , 0 > c ; ndd 1 per lb for small lots Hay Choice upland , $ O.U0@fl.25i midland , $4.60 ; lowland , K 50. Citor Feed $12.50. Uiun $10.50. | CO UN 10c. Oats lee Dituos Cltrlo ncld , 40050c ; tnrtarlo , 410 43o : cnrbnllc , 37041c ; castor oil , $1.2001.88 ; balsam toln , 37@40o ; tonka beans , $1,570 1.00 ; cubnb berries , $1.83 ; calomel , 03c ; otmphor , 52057c ; cantharldes , $1.30 ; cassia bdds , 17c ; chloroform , 4Sc ; ergot , 47u ; clycorino , 23c ; gum arable , 70c ; lycopodlum , 4lo : mercury , 80o ; morph sulph $2.05 ; opium , $4.00 ; quinine , 35050a GroccrioH Dihed Fiiuit Currants , now,5J c ; nrunos , casks , 1,800 lbs , 5 > c ; prunes , bbls or bags , 5J c ; citron peel , drums , 20 lbs 32o ; lemon peel , drums , 18c ; fnrd dntes , boxes , 12 lbs , lie ; anrlcots , choice evaporated , 14c ; apri cots , Jolly , cured , 25 lb boxes , 10c ; apricots , fancy , 25 lb boxes , 15onprlcots ; , choice , bags , SO lbs , 14) ) c : npplcs , ovaporntcd , 00 lb boxes 9c ; anplcs , Star , 8 < o ; apples , fancy Alden , 5 lb , 10c ; npplcs , faucy Alden , 3 lb , 10 > < o ; Salt Lake , 5c ; blackberries , ovuporatod , 50 lb boxes 5i"i ! : cherries , tiitlod dr.v cured 13o ; ponrs , California fancy , l4 ° s boxes , 25 lb , 12c : peaches , Cal No 1 fancy , } s , unp bags , SO lb , 15o ; peaches , pared , fancy , 18c : Salt Lnko , 7c ; nectarines , red , 14c ; nectarines , silver , boxes , 15c ; pitted plums , Cal , 25 lb boxes , S > c ; raspberries , cvan , N. Y. , now , 2t5c : prunes , R. C. CO 70 , 9Jf01O" .f ; orungo J peel , 15c ; raisins , California London crop 1889 i , $2 35 ; Cal loose , muscatels , crop 1880 ; $2.00 j ; Valenclas , 1883 , 0c ; A'ulouclas , new , 8 t > c ; Cal aoodless , sk * . , 7J/nOnaura ; layer new , 9) o : nrunellos , 12)fc ) ; dried grapes , 4c. Vehktaiiles Tomatoes 8 lb extra , $1.00 ; 3 lb Standard , Western brands , 110095c ; gaK Ions ' , stnctlv standard , $2.00. Corn Finest crown , $1.60 ; gllt-ndgo sugar corn , very line , $1.50 ; McMurruy's2 B > sugar corn , $1.20 ; 2 lb ' extra , Western brands , 8501.00 ; 8 lb standard , Western brands , 70030c. Mush rooms 1 lb French , extra line , 22@23c ; 1 lb French , line , lS22c ; 1 lb French , ordinary , 10@lSc Peas Tros line , per can , 85c ; doml , fine , per can , 10c ; 8 lb extra , sifted , $3.00 j ; 8 lb early Juno , $1.3501.33 ; 8 lb Mur- row i , standard brand , $1.10 ; 2 tl > soaked , 59c. Stnug I Ueaus 2 lb high grade , Rofucce , 85o ; 3 ; lb Golden Wax beans , 75c ; 3 Mi string beans ' , 70c. Lima Beans 3 lb soaked , 75c. Boston Baked Beans ' ( lb Lewis , $1.05 ; Crown brand , $1.50. ' Sweet Potatoes 3 lb Now Jersey , $1.00 ; Daisy , $1.35. Pumpkin 3 lb now pumpkin , 90c. WitAfi'ixo Paveu Straw , per lb , lJd © 3 } c ; rag , 3 > jC ; innnlla , # 13 , 507 0 ; No 1 , 7 cents Uaos Union square , 35 per cent off Hit SAi.T-Dalry , 230 lb in bbl , bulk , $2.10 ; best grade , CO , 53 , $2.30 : best grade , 100. 3s , $2.40 : best grade , 38 , 10s , $2.20 ; rock salt , crushed $1.80 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 56 lb bags , 85c ; bulk , 224 lb bags , $3.25 ; common , 'in bbl , $1.25. Canned Goods Fruits , California canned goods , stnudara brands , ' 2 | { lb' , per doz Apricots , $1.7001.85 ; apricots , plo fruit , $1.5(1 ; gallons , $4.60 ; blackborrles , $2.25 ; cherries , black $2 0002.25 ; cherries , white , $ • 2.2502.50 ; graces , $1.0501,80 ; Dears , Bartlett - lott , t2.1O02 25 ; poaches , yellow , $2.10@2.25 ; Dcachea , lemon cling , $2.35 ; plums , egg , $1.0501.80 ; plums , goldondrops , S1.S0plums ; , green gages , $1.(5501.80 ( ; poaches , Bay City , ' with pitts in , $1.00 ; currants , $2.30 ; goose berries , $2.85 ; quinces , $2.10 ; raspberries , $2.70 ; struwberries , $2.50 ; poaches , 8 lb east ern standards , $1.65 ; 3 lb Die , $1.10 ; 0 lb pie , $2.00 ; gallon pie , $3.00 ; apples , high stand ards , $2.50 ; 2 lb gooseberries , 90c ; 2 lb straw berries , 90095c : 2 lb raspberries , $1.00 ; 2 lb blueberries 80090c ; 3 lb blackberries , 65(2) ( ) 75o ; 2 lb strawberries , preserved $1.801 , 5 lb raspberries , preserved , $1.80 : 3 lb blackber ries , preserved , $1.20 : pineapples , Bnhama chopped , $2.00 ; 2 1b Bahama grated , $2.75 ; 3 lb Bahama sliced , $2.50 : 3 lb Standard sliced , $1.2501.50 ; cherries , 3 lb rcu , Baltimore , 83 095c ; pears , 8 lb , $1.80. Fish CodHsh extra'Georges , now , 5J.fc ; grand bank , now , 4 } o ; silver , 3 lb blocks , ( io ; snow white , 8 lb bank , now , 4J c ; Turkey cod , Inrgo middles , bricks , • 8l.Cc ; snow white , crutos , 12-5 lb , boxes , 7 > tc ; Iceland halibut , lie : medium scaled herring , 25c ; No 1 scaled herring , 22o ; domestic Holland herring , 5.V- ; Ham burg spiced herring , $1.50 : Russian Sublines , 75c ; Russian sardines , plain , 55c ; impoited Hollund herring , Crown brandSOe ; do.fancy milkers , 90c. Mackerel , Nol shore , half bbls , $13 00 ; bloaters , half bbls , $18.00 ; whitellsh , ImlfbDlB , $7.00 ; trout , half bbls , $5.50 ; fam ily whltelish $3.00s ; lmnn , $3.50 ; 1 lb muck orel ( horrltrg ) . $1.0001.10 ; 1 lb finnan had dies , $1.75 ; 2 lb lobsters $2,0003 00 ; 1 11) lob sters , $1.0002.00 ; 1 lb Alaska salmon , Aleut , $1,0J ; 2 lb oysters , 10 oz , $1.85 ; 1 lb oysters , 5 oz , $1,10 ; 2 lb s"lcct , ! 2 oz , $3.35 : 1 lb clam ? , llttlo necks , $1.25 ; 2 lb clams , llttlo necks , $2.10i ; \ lb sardines , Imported , per case , 100s. $11.00010.00 ; yt tl > sardines , imported , per case , 100a , $15.0U@20 00 ; } 4 lb imported boneless sardines , 20ci ; \ lb sardines , Araericnn , per 100s , Frenuh style , $1,600 5.00 ; V. lb sardines , American , per case , 100s , Frencn style , $7.5003.00 ; . } lb sardines , mustard , per case , 5Us , $4.0004.25 ; Imported key sardines , $18.00. Uiiooms- Parlor , 4 tie , $2.75 : 3 tlo , $2.25 ; stables , $3.85 ; common , $1.5001,75 , Coco i )4 lb tin , 40o per lb . • Ciiocolatk 2202Jo per lb ; Gorman chic ory , red , 8c. Oils Koroseqc P.V. . . 10c ; W.W „ I' 'tfc ; headlight , 13c ; gasoline , 12c ; salad oil , $1,25 0'J.OO per doz Suoaiis Cut loaf , 8a ; cut loaf cubes , 7 o ; standard , powdered , 7 } o ; XXXXpowdered , 7fc ; crnnulateu , standard , 6J o ; confoc- tiouors' A , OXc ; wlutn extra C , 6J o , extra C , Neb , Ca ; amber , 5Jfc. Soaps Castile , mottled , per lb , 8010c ; do white , per lb , 13015c. Canned Meats 1 lb lunch tongue , $2.09 : 3 lb lunch tongue , $4.75 ; 1 lb corned beef , $1,20 ; 2 lb corned beef , $2.05 ; 0 lb corned beef $0.50 ; 14 lb corned boor , $14.00 ; 3 lb boneless pigs feet , $2.20 ; 1 lb English brawn , $1.20 ; 3 lb English brawn , $2.00 ; U lb Eng lish brawn , $0.50 ; 1 lb compressed ham$1.75 ; 3 lb compressed ham , $2.75 ; 1 lb chipped b of , $2.00 , Faiiinaceous Goods Barley , 8) ) 01 ; fa rina , 5c ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal , 2 @ 5u ; maca roni , lOo ; vermicelli , 10c ; rlco , 406 > ; sago and tapioca , 607c ; lima beans , 0c. Cofi'EE Roasted Arbucklo's , Arlosu , 24o ; McLaughlin's XXXX,24 c ; Germnu , 84c ; Dllworth , 24Ko ; Alaroma , Sl o ; bulk , 84 c. HEMf Twine Heavy , 14o ; medium , 18b : light 17c ; 18 II C , 30o ; 34 , 20c ; 30 , I9n ; 48 , 17c : broom twines , colored , 30c. Matthess Twine Very line , 40o ; flno , 33e ; medium , 35c ; binders , 13c Sail Twine Very line Hex , aio ; line ilax , 29o ; line cotton 82o : Calcutta hump , 14c : Salsoda Bbls , ljV ; granulated , lji'o ; kegB , l o ; pkgs , 60 , 5s. 5) ) < o. Staucu 4Jf3u per lb Stove Polish $2.0005.87 per gross Haos Am , ucr 100. $17.00 ; Lewlston , per 100. $17.00. Nuts Almonds 15c ; Brazils , 14o ; filberts , % Pecans , Ho ; walnuts , 12 > c : peanut cocks So ; roasted , lie ; Tonuesseo pea nuts , 7c. Lyk-$1.7804.5O. Diidos ( Grocers ) Per lb Borax , lOo ; copperas , S o ; Hay loaves , 14c ; glue 16o ; opsoin salts 4o ; trlauber salts , 3o ; sulphur iio : Dluo vltrol , Os ; alum , 4c ; tartaric acid 4-c ; rosin , 2c ; saltpeter , absolutely pure , 10c ; gum camphor , 2 lbs in box , 1 oz cakes , 83c ; bops ' , H and J-f-lb packages , 20o ; sago , Ifand'lb packages , 15o ; madder , lbo ; saltpeter 10c ; indigo 3-lb and 6-lb boxes , 8 F , 65070c ; indigo , 8-lb and 6-lb boxes , Madris , 73c ; scaling wax , 231b boxes , red , 3JtC ! sealing wax , 35-lb boxes , white , 4c , CorpKE Green Fancy old golden Rio , 33o ; fnncv old penberry , S3Vc ; Rio , choice to fnncv , 22c ; Rio , prinio , 21c ; Rio , good , 20c ; Alocha , 29o ; Java , gouUIno O. G. , 38c ; Java , good Interior , 81c ; African , 81c. Hors Basis mnnilln rope , 13c ; sisal rope , 12 > fc ; cotton rope loot now process , SijC Cotton Twine Hlbb , very line , 8or 4 plv , 22c ; line , 3do ; Oalsj18c ; cnndlo wick , 82c. Olives Quarts , per dor , $3.75 ; pints , per doz , $2.23 ; bulk , per gal , 91c Vixeoau 30 gr ctdor.Sc ; good , 12o ; white wine , 16c Moi.LASsr.i Bbls , N. 0. , choice , per gal , 43a ; bakers , 23c ; black strap , 80c. Dry ( Joints Bleached Siiebtino * Ellcrton , 7J/c ; lionsskecper , 8Ko : Now Candidate , 8ic ; ; Berkeley cambric No (50 ( , Oo ; Best Yet , 4 4 , 0Vo ; butter cloth OO , 4 > { c : Cnbot , 7J o ; Farwcll half bleached , St < c ; Fruit ot Loom , 8 fc ; Green G , 8fc ! : Hope , 7 < o ; IC'tB ' l'hll- llp cambric , 10c ; Lonsdnlo cambric , 10c ; Lonsdnlo , SKe ; Now York mills , 10fo } ; Pep perell , 42 in , 10c ; Pepperell , 40 In , lie ; Pop porcll , 0-4,14Kot Pepporoll , 8-4 , 20c : Pep perell , 0-4 , 28o ; Pcpporell , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton , 4-4 , tfc ; Canton , 4-4 , OKc ; Triumph , Do ; Wnsmutta , lie ; Volley , 5o ; Barker , K bleached , 8jfc. Biiown Siir.ETiNa Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7'i'c ; Atlantio II , 4 4. 7o ; wVtlantlo D , 4-4 , 0 rc ; Atlantic P , 4-4 , Go ; Aurora LL 4-4 , Co ; Au rora C , 4-4 , fie ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , OJfo ; Iloosler LL , 4-4. 5 fc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , to : Lawrence LL , 4-4 , ftsfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5fc ; Pcpporell R , 4-4 , tl fo ; Pepporoll K , 40 luch , } ( < ix Pcpporell , 8-4 , l iiPepporoll \ , 0 4 , Situ ; Poppcroll , 10-4 , 22c ; Uticn C , 4 4 , 5o ; Wnchusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora B , 4-4 , lljfo ; Atlas , O N B , } 4c\ \ Farmers No 1 , 57-lnch , 4J.c. Piiists Solid Colors Atlantic Go ; Sinter , Do ; Bor.ln oil , OJ c ; Gnmcr oil , 1107c Pink nnd Robes Richmond , 0 } c ; Allen , Oc ; Rlv- crpolnt , Kci Steel Hivor tlo ; Pncillc , OKc Indigo Blue St Logcr ojfc ; Wnslilngton , CVfc ; Aniortcan , 0 } o ; Arnold , 0'4o ; Arnold Century , 0c ; Amund , 18c : Sticfel A , 18c ; Windsor gold t'k't ' , ltlijfc ; Arnold U , lOKo ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Soul , lO oi \ollowScal , 10 } < c. PiuNts Dress Charter oak , 5 , ' c : ram ape , 4Jfo ; Lodl , ftjj" ' " Allen , 0c : Richmond , 0c ; Windsor , O io ; Eddyatonc , (5 ( > tfo ; Pacillc , O c. GinoiiamPlunkott chocks , CJ c ; Whlt- tcnton , OJfo ; York , CJfo ; Nonunndi dross , 8Uc ; Calcutta dress , 7k'c ; Renfrew dross , Sj@12 ; c. CAMimtcs Slater , 6c ; Woods , Go ; Stan dard , Gc ; Peacock , 5c. COMl'OHTEHS $0.00035.00 ; white , $1.0)0 7 r.n < r.nBlankets Blankets Colored , $1.1O0S.CO. Duck West Point , 29-ui „ 3-oz. , 0 > ic ; West ' loint 2)in. , 8 oz . 135 o ; West Point , 29-ln. , 12-oz. , 10Wc ; West Point , 40-m. , 11-oz. 1 , lllo , Flannel White : Quechce No 2f , 37Jio ; Quechce No 'A % , 32kc ; Aunwan , 32 I > < Jc ; Windsor , 88iic. Red C , 84-in. , 1 E 34-ln. SlUc . 24-ln. II A 1514c ; , - , ; G G. - , 20c ; F J , H % 25o ; J R F , f , 27u ; G , ? i , 25c. Plaid Raftsmen , 20o ; Clear Lake , 32j/a 'c ; Iron Mountain J , 20 ; White G II No 2Jf. 22Xc ; G J II No 1 , f , 80jfc ; U II No 2 , • > { . 82Jfo ; H 11 1 No 1 , j30c ; Quechoe , No 1 , ) , 42a. SuntTiNo : Checks Caledonia X , 9Xc ; Cuiedonia ' XX , 10 } < c ; Economy , 9c ; Otis , 9c ; Grnnito < , O fc ; Haw Hivor , 5 > u ; Crawford checks i , 3c. Miscei.hneous Table oil cloth $2.50 ; table ' oil cloth marble , $3.50 ; plain Holland , 9 ' c ; dado Holland , 13 > fo Caiu-et Wit.ii Bibb , white , lSJJe ; col ored ' , 31 c. Batts Standard , Sc : Gem , 10c ; Beauty , 12 } c ; Boone , 14c ; peerless , enso , $0.00. Couset Jeans Boston , 7fc ; Antlroscog- gln , 7Jfc ; Kearsargo , 7 fc ; Uockuort , O fc ; Conestoga , OJ4C. 'Iicks Oakland , A , 7J < fo ; International YY , 8c ; Shotucket , S , S o ; Wurrcn , No 870 , 10c ; Berwick , BA , ISc ; Acnu , 13c ; York , 30 inch , 12) ) c ; York , 32 Inoh , 13' ' t ; Swift River , 8c ; Thorndlko OO , 8 u ; Thorndiko FF , 8Kc ; Thorndlko 120 , 9 > $ e ; Thorndiko XX , 115c ; Cordis , No 5 , 9 > Jo ; Cordis No 4 , 10 ; < fc Dknims Amosneag 0 oz , lG c ; Everett , 7 oz 13c ; York , 7 oz , 13c ; Haymaker , bKo ; JalTrey XX , ll > c ; Jaffroy XXX , 12J c ; Beaver Crook AA , 11 } < c ; Beaver CreekiiJU 10fc ! ; Bcavor Creek CC 9c. Kentucky Jeans Memorial , 15c ; Glen wood , 20c ; Kentucky Star , 35c ; Hercules ISc ; Empire , 25c ; Cottswold , 27) c ; Melville - villo , 25c : Bang-up , 27 } c. CitASit Stovons"B , 5jfc ; Stevens'A , To ; Stevens A , bleached 8c ; Stevens P , 7Jf.u ; Stevens P , bleached , 8c ; Stovens'N , 8fe ; Stevens N , hloached , 9) o ; Stevens SliT , UiJG SCHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , ProvisionsMStocks Bajemeiil Fint Natiojal Bift , : t05 South I'Jtli Street Onutliii Manhood S raunlnir ITemntuio IKMjr lSonoon Pelillilr , Lo Manhood , Ac , hAvtng tiled In vain every known 1 eiin ' - • ly , lias dlfcovcrcil a flmiilo mrana of wlf cure , * Wch lu 111 nil ( • ealcill IUKf , 10 l.l < rrllownJirrlrlll , Addrcst.J.II , HKKVES , l . ( > .Ho aaO.N ) wYilkCltr OMAHA MANMCTfliE B qotaan jd Shoos " KiniCENDALC , JO > : ES A CO , . Succetiors to Deed , Jones A Co Wnotolc Manafactarors ofB'JOts&Siioej ' Afcunti ( or llnaton Hubtjer Shoo To , 1103.1131 ana 11(1 ( ] . IIarnay Btrest , UnmbB , Nsbrsita Brewers SlOIiZ & ILElt , Lager Beer Brewers IMl Worth Elgtitmntli Btrsat , Omana , NeliraiM Cornloe EAQLE VOBNWE WOMCS , Mannfacforers ofGalyanizeilraii Coraice Wlnaoir-capi and matalllo akyllahu John Bpenetar , proprlstor lua anil IU Buuta iota itreet gToam Fitting , Pumpa , Eto CLAHK STEAM HEAVIKU CO Pumps , Pipes and Enginss i Steam , wa' .ar , railway and mining • upbllea , etc tajv aud VH Varnam ilroct , Omaua V. S. WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO , Steam ana Water Supplies , llallldar wnl : nr.llli , (18 and tf Jones itOmana O. r. Itoii , Acting Manaierj BROW NELL & CO , Engines , Boilers ant General Machinery Hiaol-lrun work , ataim puiapi i mlllt 1913-1:11 I arann ortb itreet , Omaha Iron Works _ _ PAX'WX 4 VIEltLlXU WON W0JIK3 , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort Uatlnestrail work , general founJry , machine , and tilacknultti work , ortlca 1 n'l ' ork . U , 1' . Uf and Uth atr tUuiaia ) omaua wmn & UtON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Dolk rail * , window iiuardt , tower ttandi , wlreaifns , • to la Moris , 1Mb a treat , Omaha , OMAHA SAFE & IJION WORKS , HanPrs of Fire and Burglar Prcof Safes Vaults Jail work , Iron ahuttcra and lira eicapaa , ( l.Andrsep.pruyr , Cor Uth and Ja ; on b . gash , boora , Eto if a , Disnnow * co „ Wbolaaal * manufacturer : ASa Sa b , Boon , Blinds and Mouldings Prancb umce , ISth and ltard itreati Omaha , Web SOUTH OMAHA UNION 8T00K YARD CO , Of South Qmabt Limited ' OMAHA JOBBERS ' DIRECTORY . -w- - . srJ0 uiiu rJjLim p' ' ° m ° n' " v hixlsaER METCALF CO ? Agricult'l ' Implements Wagons , , Carriagcj tlu lc , t < l. Vhiilenaln QmaliaNotTMia ' MOL1NE , MIU1URN A STODDARD Co . Jlanuf actiirera and Jotihrf • In Wagons , Buggies , Rite , Plows , Etc Oor 0th nnd PactII0 ultectt , Omntia , Artlsts' " wrotorTol9 , t. iidsvETjr , Artists ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1613 lVunl s atreetOmaha , Nebraska ' 1 Boots nnd Shoofl ir v. Moiifc" & co , Johbcrs of Boots and Shoe ; , 101 , inn 1106 Douitlai atn > t , Omahal alanntarlor/ . Bummer ilrccl , lioiton I Cool , coke , etc $ tiissoumii.i.vw \ vo . Miners and Siiippcrs c ! Hard and Soft Coal fill 11 in I Nail .nnl llnnk Itiillitlnit , Omnhi , Neb OMAHA COAL , COKE LIME CO , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal rqi South 13th treat Omaha , Nebraska NEBRASKA FUEL CO . Shippers of Coal and Cote Ill South 1.1th afreet , Omaha , Nebraska < Com mission find 3 torn gOj rwdell , t niDinu.l' Storage and Commission Merchants , Iptelaltloi lliitter , east , choose nnuHrr , cam * . llUllowatdatreutOiunliaNcH , ClRnra wJJt DEAN , ARMSTRONG A CO , ' Wholesale Cigars , 10JNorth CtliStrootOmtihft , Neb Hello 1180 , Dry Cootjs end Notions , . " " " " " M. E. SMITH A CO , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 111Band 1104 Houglne , cor Uth atrcet Omaha , Neb KILPATRWKKOCH DRV GOODS CO , Importers & Jobbers in Bry Good ? , Notions Oentt'KumlshlnK line Is Corner Uth and Humor streets Omaha , Nobras'ia I Furnlturo ' DEW EV At > TONE , Wholesale Beaters in Fnrnitnre , raraam street , Omaha , Nebraska " CHARLES SIItVERICK , Furniture Omaha , Nebraska f 13 . Crocorlos * MoCORD , BRAbY * CO , Wholesale Grocers , Uth and I avenwcrtli streets , Omaha , Nebraska ' ' . a Hardware ' W. J. B R 0 A TOIL Heavy Hardy are , Iron and Steel - BprluiKi , "WftRon stock , Inmrrare lu rubor , eta 1301 1211 Uaroey atrcat.Oraaha- HIMEDAUaK&TA YLOH Builflers' ' Hardware and Scale Repair ShOD Mschaclcs Tools and Ilultalo Sonlca 1(06 DougW atreet Omaha , Neb Lumber , Eto JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc 1 Imported and American Portland Cement State ) agent lor Milwaukee Hydraulic Cement amlO.uh.or White Lime CHAS R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber : Wood carpets and parquet flooring 9th and DouglM afreets , Omaha , Nebraska , OMAHA LUMBER CO , All Kinds of Bnilfling Material at Wholesale 18th atreet aud Union I'aclflo traok , Omaha LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash Doors , eto Tarda Corner 7th nnd Douglas Offls * Corner 10th and Douglas FRED W. GRAY , Lumher , Lime , Cement , Etc , Etc Coraii Uth and Douslas street . Omaba C. N. DIETZ - Dealer in mi Kmos of Lumber 18th and California streets , Omaha , Nebraska wiilllnory and NotlonB I. OBERFELDER A CO , _ Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions 803.210 and 818 South Uth treat Notions ' " J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1184 Unrner atreetOmaha.- " Oils m CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO , ' Wholesale Refined and Luhricaling Oils AilnGreaseetc Omalia A. II lll.hop , Manager , Paper i j " CA RPENlEirPAPER cO , Wholesale Paner Bealers CarrranlcoatockofnrnMngwrapping nnd writing paper Bpeclal attention given to card paper " Safes tOiu . , ' i u " " " " " " " A. L. DEANE & COT * General Agents tor Halls ' Safes Wl and 32J Oonth 10th Et . Omaha k _ _ Toys , Eto n. HARDY A CO , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goofo , Boost furnishing flood , Children's Carriages , 1M laruaiu streetOaiatia , Nop , t _ ' -a tiii- : CHICAGO SHORT LINE OFTIII5 Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul R'y ' , The lies ! Ilouto From Oiiinlin nutl Council llluir-i leTHE THE EAST = = = TWO THAINH ItAlliV IIKTWKUN OMAUA , ANDUOUNCII IIIl'l'K8. Clilciiiio , AND Miltvniilioe , St l'mil , Jllnnra.iolln , Crikr Hiiplds , Itut'k Islnntl , FrnriKirt , ItockTunl , C'liiitun , DiilHitiiie , Jlitvenpurt , KIkIii , Miidlson , Jniiosvlllc , Uoloil , Vlntmn , I.a t'nmse , And all other Important points Kant Northeast ana . , . rJoiitheatt For through tickets tall on the ticket agent at IMl 1-arimin Street , In llarkcr Jllock , or at Union racllio peptit I'lillinan Dleepers anil the Uno.t IMnlnu Oars In Ilia world uro run < ui the main line of the Clilt-ugii , Mil waukeeAHt 1'aul Hallway , and every iittontlou Is paid to passengers br ( .ojrteous emtilort's of tu onipanr It MII.I.KIt.neneral Manager J. K. TDOXHt , AssllantueneralMansgor A. V. It ( JAltl'KNlKII , Ueneral I'axcngcr and Ticket Agent I1KD. K.llHAKKOItl ) , Assistant General rasseogaf and Ticket jt gent r T , J , CI.AltK , Ueneral ijuperlnteiitleiit A * 2o5oOo | Chicago DrugglBt2totnllod , ,