Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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jti Strong Undertone to Wheat Caueod
• H W. By Big Short Sollora Oovorlnpt
" B. A Ijnr o Ilusinrss In Slay Ontn ICnrly
AH ! in the Dny Provisions Quiet
K Cnttlo Active IIuri
H < In Fnir Doinnntl
Mli Ciiicaqo , Feb , 13. | Sicclnl | Tclceram to
HRi 3" E IIee ] There was a strong undertone
HI ? in wheat today , which was partly duo to
Hj bo mo covering by tha big short seller * , good
Hji buying by Hutchinson and general buying
Tl on the prospect of colder weather Liver
] - " I'ool wns simply steady The weather helped
Hl prices some It was below zero nt Mlnnc-
Ml npolis nnd freezing hard In the southwest ,
Hji * wlioro it hud boon rolntng Cnlifornm ref
f J ported that rtvBecdltip was stopped by gen
HjP cra' ' rains Out-lnspcctlon ot wheat hero
Wm wns also significant , Including 35,000 bushels
Sy of No 3 rod winter nnd 122,000 bushels of
I No 8 spring The mnrUot opened weak ,
ft but the early buying was of a character to
HI cause the trndo to hcsltato about shorting
1 the market Hutchinson was n free buyer
T W. T. linker wus n buyer Pardndgo cov-
w crcd some wheat very quietly ,
lit although ho filled the crowd by selling
If ) on the bulge Still later Cudahy was
! * credited with covering There was consider
HHHfe nblo long wheat sold early and McCormlok
: " * & Co led the selling May sold hero nt 77c ,
7777 c , to TOJffc , to 77 0 at 10 oclock
Juno sold at 77 @ 77tfc nnd July nt 7r > Jf@llo
nt the same tune There was very fair
fto In wheat late in the dnv March
touched 7r04@7r > } fc , closing at 75&o ; May
"i'lio , closing nt TiMv , Juno " "Kc , closing at
77 > $ oj July 1C > % ( < KXi closing at 7lM' ) @ " < V3s ° .
Corn was not much changed In price until
i near the close , when a few brokers from the
' i " -1 ? ' provision pit went ever and bought cou-
i siaorablo July It was credited to
Cudahy and others Thcro was a good
demand for cash corn to load , old No 2
stock , and it wns thought that some vessel
i room was taken March sold at 28@28 > fc ,
j May at 2JJfftKc ( ) , July nt S0K@3U tfc , closing
at the best prices for the day
i In oats thcro was it largo business in May
early , but only a moderate trade in ether de
liveries Later qulotncss prevailed The
opening was rather stronger , lirst sales for
May being the same as yesterdays close
21c. A fractional advance was recorded , but
it only lasted a short tlmo , as a broker ropro-
! scntlng a Inrgo long began soiling hoavlly
A weak fooling developed and prices
receded H@6c There was liberal
buying on the decline , mostly to
cover shorts , " nuu prices reacted
nnd closed at the saino prices ns yesterday
March and Juno were a trillo lower early
July remained steady No 3 in store and
to go to store was slow at 19 > vB10o. ( No 2
white for Mnv sold slowly at 23 , , ( g.3 : ! } & .
The provision trade spent another quiet
day The price of Moy pork holds , close
around $10 00. There was a llttlo heaviness
curly , when May uork touched { 0.92 } , Juno
J9.05 and July SlO.OiX1 . The recovery was to
$10.00 for May and to $10.10 for July Ulbs
I . and lara early showed slight declines May
- 4 ribs sold ut $4.75 and May lnrd at $5.00.
'j ' • There was a slight locovory later
Cnimtio , Fob 13. [ Spaolal Tolo ran to
Tub Hee.1 A light run , showing
T/\ a decrcuso of 2,000 against last Tuesday and
no increase for the corresponding period of
last week , would seum to tndicato only a
moderate run for-tho rcmainderof the week ,
but hundreds ot telogrntns went out quoting
. a substantial nd anco and ordering in caltlo
Husinoss was nctivo , with exporters looking
j sharply uftor what they wanted and taking
j2' about nil the good steers Some salesmen
js ? . quoted an advance equal to lOo on best steers ,
while ordinary and medium sold only ashudo
E' higher * All classes ot butchers stock
jr . sold from strong to a slight
mk ndvanco There was a fair demand
X for stoukcrs and feeders , with prices about
jU the same as heretofore Cholco bcoves , $1 30
WM @ 4.05 ; medium to good steers 1.850 to 1,500
* M lbs , W.00@1.-I0 : 1.200 to l.i50 ! lbs $3.o0
M C20 : 050 to 1.200 lbs $3.00(33 ( 80. Stockers
T nnd feeders , ? 2.40@3.40 : cows , bulls and
T mixed $ l.4l3.10j ) bulk $2.25@2.50. Texas
'I corn-fod steers , $2.7503.45.
_ ask Hoas-TOo demand was fair and price
about the same as at the close yesterday , but
\ 10@15o lower than Saturday The bulk of
mixed sold within a range of $3.85(33.90 ( and
selected heavy at $3.00(33.05. ( Light sorts
jgj told at $3,90(33 ( 95.
Hi New Vouk , Fob 18. ISpooIal Tologramto
' & The Hke I Stocks Trust stocks took see
, si ' ondary place at the opening of the market to
day The start was made on active traning ,
' In which all the active stooks of yestor-
, r flay , except trusts , were prominent Hoolc
, j. * ' Island led In the regular list Missouri Pa-
v < _ clflc , Union Paciiio and Atchison wcro uota-
< * bio for animation , but the majority of the
' ' • * list wore dull and without feature First
prices were rather irregular , but generally
higher , and among leading stocks f urthor ad
vances extending to % per cent were estab-
• llshod during the first half hour of business
1 Rock Island , Missouri Pacific and Sugar Ho-
Oncrles rose JS per cent each and Atchison
I % per cent , but while stocks of the regular
MMMk list were uf torward well maintained at about
" " " " *
F l " 10 'ov ' ° l ot the best prices , Sugar developed
TiTiwm " " " V mnr'eil ' weakness on largely increased busl-
* ncssuand lost all of the early Improvement
with something In addition The general
market again displayed considerable strength
ilg ' . toward the end of the hour and at 11 o'clock
% } > it was fairly active nnd firm at boat prices
| vj ! The character of business did not change
$ & during the hour to 12 oclock Sugar again
pjfo lost X to 07JfT and was held close around 09.
{ • New England lost \i t o 45Jf , but was still
S-V " higher than the close lust night Nearly all
Vt the Coal stocks were Unn and reoeived no
i w- . setback from the host prices Lon
f ? ' don was buying nioderatoly during the
% * ' morning and shorts bought Hook Island
K > M - Chicago houses were generally boorish It
is claimed the old pool is in existouco in St
r7 ! Paul , the same that put the price to 75
: ; -f many months aeo The attitude of insiders
< " • , in Northwestern cuusos a very hopeful feel
l ' lng In that stock Talk last night was do-
' ; , cldedly bearish and tuq bears not only claim
, , , to bo masters of the situation , but It is hlntod
that they have au understanding with Mr
Gould , Clood buying In stocks continued to
Wjjpl sf r the close , but the last pr cos were not at thaT
\T , ) best llguros Sugar trusts countered the
* i , ' 4 railroad list and closed ljf lower The
j , J gains In western stocks were partly duo to
' covering aud partly to the improved tone
I % caused by excellent reports of earnings
; B lSurlington gained } & per cent , ijock IslandS
Sm , i } ( } Missouri Paclllo Ji and others smeller
> fractions Tbo total sales were 104,000
1 | 1' . shares t
5 The following were the closing quotations :
; f I ) . 8 , regular , liay Notthern lsclQo . 30
r > , UtJ < coupon ! . . r 'ii doDrcforreJ , , * 3li
$ ' i UB.llUreiUlariaisI o. & N. W 10 s
' v U.B.4KS coupons , ,10iv { doprererred 141
fkclde&ior'ii ) tit ) N.V.t'entral 1M
J Central IMlBo , , . . 33IMUB . . , 1 ! J
' - ClilcaeoAlton . . .IX ) Itocklaland WIS
i CblcaBOUurllnitun | U.ll.&SU' ( W1
aj AOulno ? , ,107 do prof erred . . . . . IIS
I P..L.XW I35S Uul'aul &Om h „ 3\U \
v lllDoUCaatral.IUU ) aoprsferrea W ) ,
I.IJ.W „ Uulon l'acltlo , 67
KansasisTexas . , . b'X' . , . . , . , mi
' Iko Shore 1W' > aopreforrod , , , . ViH
, \ ' Michigan Central , W14 Western Culoa . . , SIS
sjf MUsourlfacino . . . 7IH
( Br ( Monet on Call Easy at 3 @ 5 per cent
' " \ r P im MsKOiNTiLB I'Afait 538 > f per
} \ ' cent ,
Sterunq Exouinoe Quiet and steady )
1 sixty-day bills , $4.b3 | demand , Rb7.
Mining Stocks
Nf.w Voiik , Fob 18. [ Special Telegram
toTnnllRit.l The folio win t nrj the mla
Ingstock quotations :
Alice 100 HoraeMnke 'M
Caledonia , II II..ISO Morn Silver 23" >
Con cal AVa , , .4M Mexican , 309
Ileadwood T. . . . .l.V ) Ontario nS
HurekaCon ! )00 ) Sierra Nevada . . . .aw
Kl Crlsto U0 SmnllHupes IfS
( I011UKV Curry Wi SutterCreek 150
HaleiNorcroja , . V. * }
Itond OfTcrlnzs
Washisoton , Fob 18. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Uee | Uonds oiTcred : $570,000 at
$1.24 ; $90,500 at $ l.0 , ' 8 ' .
P KOI ) JciTjlXTtK KTi
CniCAno Fob IS 1:15 : p. m. close
Wheat Firmer ; February , 74 0 ? May ,
77Ja c
Corn Firmer ; February , S'Mci'fAnv , 30c.
Oats Firmer ! February , 19io ; May , 21c
Hyo May , 44'fo.
llarlev- Nothing doing .
Prime Timothy $1.18@1.20.
Flax-Cash. $1.3&
Whisky $1.02.
Pork-Hlghor ; Foburary , $9.70 ; May ,
Lard Steady ; February $5.57Jj'i May ,
Flour Quotably unchanged ; winter
wheat $2,00 4. : ; spring wheat , $1.10@4.73 :
rye , $2.50a.5 ( ! ; buck wheat , $1.2501.50 per
cwU Provisions Shoulders , $5.15j5.25 ( ; short
olenr , $4.95g5.00 ( ; short ribs , for February
Butter Unchanged ; creamery , 15@20o ;
dairy , 10Q21c , ,
Checso Unchanged ; full crenm Ched
dars and Hats 9'4"95fo ' ; Young Americas
10 410if < s.
Lggs unchanged ; fresh , 13@14c.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light green
salted , 0 > ic ; suited bull , 3 c ; green salted
calf , 5J udry ; Hint , 0@7c ; dry calf , 5@Co ;
doacona , 2c each
Tallow Unchanged : No 1 , solid packed ,
4c ; No 2 , : iVj(33)a ( ) ; cuko , 4c
Hecoipts Shlprats
Flour 18.000 8.000
Whont 10,000 24,000
Corn 311,000 100,000
Oats 281,000 181,000
Now Yorlc , Fob 18. Wheat Ilocolpts ,
27,500 bushels ; experts , 0,000 bushels ; spot
opened weaker , closed steadier ; No 2 rod ,
84H@S4 } o In olovutor , B5Jtf@St5c ulloat , 85 %
(5b0io ( f. 0. b. ; options closed barely steady ;
No , 2 red , February 84 } c.
Corn Krcolpts , 313,2J0 , bushels , experts ,
205.S00 bushels ; spot weaker ; No 2 , 84J @
34Jfo ( in elevator , 8jJi@30c alloat ; ungrauod
mixed , 3435 o ; options lirm ; Fobrunry ,
85c Oats Receipts , 12,000 bushels ; experts ,
012 bushels ; spot weaker ; options lower ,
February closing at 27c : spot No 2 white ,
2K@23e ; mixed western , 2G@29o ; white
western , a'Jrtl31o. (
Cofloo Options closed barely Btendy and
unchanged to 5 points up ; salesB5.250 bags ;
February , $10.30 ; May , $1015@10.25 ; spot
Klo Urm ; fair cargoes , $20.00.
Sugar.-Haw , steady ; rellued , easy
Petroleum United closed for March at
$1.05 .
Eggs Flrmor ; woatorn , 15X@10c
Pork Steady
Lard Closed steady ; spot quiet ; western
steam , $0.17 } $ ; May closing nt W.24 nsltod
Uuttor Quiet ; Elgin , 28(328tfo ( ! ; western
dairy , S@l7c ; creamery , 12@27c
Cneoso Firm ; western , bMlOc
St lnMiis Fob 18. Wnoat Higher ;
ensh , 75 5-10c ; May , 7C > ( ct7 < 13 c.
- Corn Higher ; cash , 24fc ; ! ; May , 20 , ' .
Oats Higher ; cash , 20Wc
Pork Dull ut $10.00.
Lard Nominal at $5.00.
Whisky Steady-ut$1.0J.
Milwaukee Fob 18. Wheat Firm ;
No 2 spring , on track , cash , 72@r3c ; Muy ,
uorn Steady ; No 3 , on track , 20 } < f@J7a
Oats Quiet ; No 2 white , ou track , -J ! > > e.
Kyo Firm ; No 1 in stce , 43@43'fc.
Barley Easy ; No 2 in store , 400.
Provisions Unchanged ; pone , Urm ;
oish , $9.70.
AXtnnoanniio Fob 18. Wheat Active ;
receipts , 135 cars ; shipments , 31 cars Clos
ing : No 1 hard , Februury nnd March ,
70c ; May , 78c ; on track , 77o ; No 1 north
ern , Fabrunrv , 74 } c ; May 70 @ 70 > fc ;
on track , 75 > @r0o ; No I northern , Fobru
nry , TZ } e\ \ May , 74 0 ; on track , 72 > i@74c
KaiiBtis City Fob 18. Wheat Steady :
No 2 hard , cash , 63e ; No 2 red , cash and
Fobrunry , 08o bid
Corn U3Wor ; No 2 , cash , 20o bid ; Feb
ruary , 20JJ c ,
Oats No , 2 , cash , 17o ; February , lCJfo
Cincinnati Fob 18. Wheat Steady ;
Nn.2red. 77@77 c *
Corn Firm ; Mo 2 mixed , 31c.
• Oats Lower ; No 2 mixed , 23c
Whisky $1.02.
Liverpool , Fob 18. Wheat Steady :
demand fair ; noldors offer sparingly ; red
western winter , 0s llj d per cental
Corn Steady ; demand good ; new mlxod
western , 3s 8J d per cental
Cliloairo , Fob 18. The Drovers Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 4.500 ; market strong
to a shade higher ; bcoves , $4.30 ® 1.05 ; steers ,
f3.00@l.40stockorsatid ; feeders , $2.40@A49 ;
Texas corn-fed steers $2.733 ( ( 45.
Hogs Receipts , 23,0(10 ( : market fairly ac
tivo fie lower ; mixed , $3.75@3 95 ; heavy
$3.75g3.95 ( ; light , $3.80@4 03 ; skips , $3.50 ®
3.70.Sheep Receipts , 5,000 ; market slow and
5c lower ; natives , $3 7515,3(1 ( : western corn
fed , $4 > 0@5.00 ; Texans , $ J.50@5.00 ; lambs ,
$5.00(30.30. (
Kansas City Fob 13. Cattle Rocelpts ,
4,400 ; shipments , 900 ; market stroiic ;
steers , $3.15 1.75 ; cows , $ l,75@i.80 ; Block
ers aud feeders $ J.50 ( > g 1.50.
Hogs Rocolpts , 8,100 ; shipments , none ;
market Btoady ; closed weak ; ull grades ,
$3.72 @ 80 ; bulk , $3.75.
National Stock VarIs Knit Rt
Louih , Feb 18. Cattle Rocolpts , 2,000 ;
market higher ; fair to fancy native steers
$3 40 ( < $5 00 ; stockers and feeders , J2.00Q
Hogs Rocolpts 4,500 ; market lower ;
heavy , $3.80(33.90 ( ; packing , $3.70@3.85 ;
light $3.80 ( 3.95.
Sioux City , Fob 18 , Cattle Receipts ,
1,200 ; shipments , 500 j market nctivo ;
canners , 75cu$1.2o ( ; cows , $1.0031.25 ; Block
ers , $1.5002.25 ; feeders , $ J.25@2.90 ; veal
calves , $3.00(33.15. (
Hogs Receipts , 2,200 ; market wonk
Everything $3(55 ( 3.72 .
Cal tin
Tuesday , Fob 18.
Receipts of cattle estlmutod ut 2,300. com
pared with 889. yesterday The quality is
fairly good The market opened active and
strong on almost overytbinir A large num *
berof fair steers made trafficking active in
the steer line Steers ara active with a
strong tendency Conservative men nro of
the opinion that prices have not advanced ,
while the majority quote them up a shade
with a few who thini : prices have
gene up nearly 10c Tbo bulk of the steers
sold at $3.35g3.67t ( , There was nothing in
good enough to bring $4,00. Cows are active
at an advance Soma very fine cows , such
a bunch has not been on the market for
months before sold at $3.03. The quality of
the cow stuff was fuirlv good , there being
quito a number o [ good stock 011 the market ,
A few report thu cow market steady with
yesterdays prices , while the majority quote
It up 5010c The sbulk of the
cows sold at $3.2J@2ilO. The market is active
and strong , with many sales Indicating an ad
vance The prices on cows have advanced
during the last six days from 10 * to
20c Feeders and stockers are uctlvo'and
firm , with liberal receipts The inquiry
after feeders and stockers is fuW ) up to re
coipts Bulls are active at stcady priccs
Tbo tone of tbo market is hoaltby , and < -iuost
sales nro made strong or ut an advance
Receipts of hogs estimated at 3,300 , com
puren with 1,651 yesterday The quality
was fairly good The market opened with
light butchers hogs not in demand , buyers
offering 5c lower than yesterday AU other
grades sold ut steady prices with yesterday
Tureo-flfihs sold at $3.20. The average
price paid was $ J.70 % compared with fl.7. ! > i
Sheep 1
Receipts of sheep estlmatod at 1,000 , com
Sared with 2,083 yesterday The sheep mar
et coutinues active at steady prices
Among the receipts were twosinglo decks of
ewe , one of wether * and one of lambs , all
Nebraska * .
Prevailing Prices
The following Is n table of prlcos paid In
his market for the grades ot stock men
Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 lbs$3.30 m 50
Goodstcers 1250 toUWHM , . , 8 60 W4.15
Good steers 1050 to 130J lbs , , 3.20 ff3.Bl (
Common 1000 to 1150 lb steers 2.90 © 3.30
Common dinners , , , . , l.Oi Ml.75
Ordlnury to fair cows 1.00 fgl.OO
Fair to good cows , 1.90 fii2.25
Good to cholco cows 2.20 ( < i3.00
Cholco to fancy cows , 2.05 ( $3.23
Falrto good bulls 1.50 ( d2.50
Cholco to fancy bulls 2.50 ( & 3.15
Light stockers and feeders . . . 2.00 W2.50
Feeders , 050 to 1100 lbs 2.20 W3 35
Fair to cholco light hogs 3.07X 3.72 > tf
Fair to choice heavy hogs 3.70 M3,7fl
Fair to choice mixed hoes . , . , . 3.05 ( j 3.72 > j
Averngo Colt nl Boss
The following table gives the average cost
of hogs on the dates mentioned , including
the cost today , as nased upon sales reported :
Onto Price Date Price
Feb.l $3 KM Fob 11 3 75J *
Fco.3 3 T2 Fob 12 3 < ? ? } {
Feb 4 3 75 Fob 13 3 72X
Fob 5 3 75 Fob H 3 72
Fob 0 3 72K Fob 15 3 77Vs
Feb 7 3 71K Fob 17 3 72J <
Feb 8 3 78tf } Feb 18 3 7of
Feb 10 3 77K
UnnKn of Prlcos HogM
1 ho following table shows tbo range of
prices paid for hogs :
Light and medium hogs$3 07 } < ( < ? 3 72K
Good to cholco mixed hogif . . 3 Ci (43 72 , '
Good to cholco heavy hogs . . 3 05 M3 75
Ilnnco or Pricus Slicou
The following table shows the range of
nricos pnid for sheep :
Prime fut sheep $4 50 @ 5 25
Good fnt sheep 3 5a Wl 50
Common to medium shocp . . . 2 00 ( $3 75
Lambs 4. 00 ( SO 00
, Coinpnrallve Tallies
The following tnblcs show the range in
prices on hogs during this and last week :
Bays This week Last week
Monday t 05 Ji-1 80 ' 175 O.I 80
Tuesday 3 Co J 75 J Ci W3 K24 !
Wednesday 150 3 77H
Tlunsdny ) IKJMW 77 > 4
Vriday ' 155 uM W )
Eatunlay J 70 ttJ 115
Avcrnuo Price of lint ; * .
Showing the nverago price paid for loads
of hogs on the days mdicatod In 1337 , 1833
oud 1800 : •
UayT Feb 18'KJ lob lBSt ) . Feb 1SS7.
V ) a 1ZH 5 2J Sunday
It 3 72 5 25 5 0.1
15 3 771 5 15 & 07
16 Sunday 6 10 6 17
17 U 72S4 5 17 5 10
is | a 701 I c 1J 5 17
Highest and Lowest Bales ut Hogs
Today Yesterday
Highest $3.75 Highest $3 80
Lowest 3.05 Lowest . 3.03
Stock llocoluts
Ofllclal Saturday Estimated today
Cattle , 40 cars . . 889 Cattle ? 114 cars..2300
Hogs , 28 cars . . . 1853 Hogs , 52cars.,3300
Sheep , 14 cars..2082 Sheep , 4 cars . . 1000
Disposition or Cattle
Showing the number of cattle bought by
the loading buyers on to-day's maruet :
Buyers No
Swift & Co 003
George II Hnmmond &Co 839
The Armour-Cudahy Packingcompany 143
Omaha Packing Co 30
Leo Rothschild 95
Benton & Underwood 22
Ncls Morris 223
W. R. Vnn Zaudt 17
R.Becker 62
Shippers and feeders _ 180
( logs
Showing the number of hogs bought by
the loading buyers on todav's market :
Armour-Cudahy Packing company..1,056
Omaha Packing company COO
Swift & Co 803
George H. Hammond Co 550
Kcprcsuntuttvn Salej
No Av Pr No Av Pr
3 050 $ .1 00 13 1102 $3 60
1 1350 0 00 18 1425 3 50
1 900 3 00 33 1201 3 50
31 1097 8 20 18 1197 3 50
22 1090 3 23 18 1194 3 50
21 1099 3 25 27 1158 3 55
15 1055 3 25 6 1273 3 55
84 1032 3 30 7 1219 3 GO
4 1095 3 30 20 1080 3 00
19 1119 3 30 14 1290 3 00
13 1093 3 35 0 1033 3 05
10 1072 3 85 C 1200 5 65
9 1213 3 35 18 1321 8 05
1 1040 3 35 33 1203 8 05
11 1147 3 35 24 1230 3 05
1 1170 8 35 18 1297 8 65
7 1087 3 35 114 1210 3 07 }
5 1174 3 35 17 1155 8 07 } *
40 1090 3 35 8 H91 3 C7H
7 1230 3 35 18 1273 3 70
34 1130 3 40 17 1200 8 70
11 10.14 3 37K 19 1308 3 75
0 1087 3 37 > . 137 1312 3 75
12 103't 3 37 > f 50 1255 3 75
10 109J 3 40 30 13.11 3 82tf
10 1240 3 40 39 1343 3 85
35 1257 3 45 33 10J1 8 93
20 133J 3 50
1 1010 175 27 997 2 30
5 1000 175 10 940 2 35
0 1U77 190 13 952 2 30
23 933 190 10 1101 2 35
24 870 195 13 1115 2 35
1 940 2 00 12 1107 2 35
1 1060 2 00 0 10(18 ( 2 35
1 U' .O 2 00 3 1277 2 40
1 1020 2 00 3 1090 2 40
3 KteO 2 00 1 1050 2 40
2 1290 2 00 0 1018 2 40
2 1075 2 00 3 1007 2 40
10 10o5 3 05 2 1225 2 45
9 030 2 10 11 1141 2 45
2 140 ( | 2 10 20 1083 2 45
17 1104 2 12Vf 14 1119 2 43
5 \U0 \ 2 15 12 1075 2 40
13 1070 2 15 15 1101 2 45
1 1090 2 20 1 1140 2 50
3 1007 2 23 2 1275 2 50
1 920 2 25 2 1240 2 60
12T. 10)3 ) 2 25 1 1100 3 60
1 1030 2 25 20 1081 3 55
2 1175 2 25 20.ft ? . . 1235 3 00
19 1010 2 30 2..1160 3 60 .
14 1075 2 30 1 1120 2 75
18 991 3 80 13 1173 8 05
10 1103 2 30 18 1354 8 05
0 1091 2 80
1 1310 ISO 1 1350 3 35
2 1190 175 1 1520 2 35
1 1200 1 b5 1 1070 3 50
1 1280 3 00 1 1270 2 50
3 1355 3 00 1 1410 3 50
1 15b0 2 05 1 1230 2 60
1 1270 2 10 1 1560 2 05
1 1310 3"15 . 2 1075 3 70
1 1470 2 15 1 1000 3 75
1 1130 2 25 1 1830 2 75
1 1090 2 25 1 1510 2 75
1 1500 2 25 1 1800 2 75
1 1200 2 30 1 1020 2 85
1 1290 3 80 1 1180 3 00
3 1435 2 30 1 1800 8 00
1 1540 3 35
rcEDBns ,
7 853 3 35 7 871 8 10
13 731 3 90 3 1115 U 15
4 077 3 90. 45 883 8 22W
1 1010 3 90 4 1040 3 23
12 7G9 3 00 20 1030 8 25
3 10117 3 00 22 907 8 25
8 743 8 00 20 1079 8 23
15 049 3 10 1 1120 8 25
1 850 3 10 1 , . , 1180 8 25
4 525 3 10 3 620 2 85
39 019 8 70 1 030 8 10
2 810 3 45 8 8S5 S 751 }
4 1093 2 75
4 1290 2 50 1 1500 3 50
1 1100 2 65
1 780 1 50
& 1792 3 00
1 820 8 00
Owner No Ar , Pr
Standard Cattle Company
87 atccrs , corn-fed 1320 $3 SO
No Av Sh Pr No Ar Sb Pr ,
70.227 100 $3 65 55.225 $3 70
18..375 40 8 C5 M..294 SO 3 70
K8..23S 80 1105 62. . ' . m 200 3 70
83. . . 327 3 05 73.Jf ! l 280 3 70
24..CC2 3 05 C3. , . J .27fl 80 3 70
67. . . 289 200 3 05 60..3.M 3 70
72..247 120 3 07' C3.rT2t 3 70
01..277 200 8 67K 63.,024 240 3 70
61..290 120 3 70MJ&21 . .340 SO 8 70
00..844 8 70 na . , . .S59 800 3 70
45.293 100 8 70 R3..iy70 40 3 70
47..357 100 8 70 f > . . . ! ) 80 3 7tU !
6(1.300 ( 40 3 70 54..319 120 8 78t4
42.307 40 3 70 03.,253 80 3 72Jtf
59 . . .340 SS0 3 70 7d.r : .339 100 3 72 ; *
63..830 180 3 70 00. . . . ' 260 40 8 72k
74 . . .253 40 3 70 103..lki8l : ! 100 8 72 } *
63..874 10J 3 70 29 . , ,207 408 75
00..208 120 3 70 82..937 3 73 J
C0..80S 3S0 3 70 CO..218 SO 8 75
62..250 SO 8 70 6(243 ( ) ( 3 75
69..245 SO 8 70 67..223 3 75
49..254 3 70 64..277 8 75
05..240 1C0 3 70 67..239 8 75
G1..270 120 8 70 61. . , ,401 8 75
70..837 60 8 70
On the Mnrknt With Hoes
M. Button , Sidney , la ; Dtvorak , Verdl-
gro ; H. C. Lcflor , Sprlnellold ; II Rix , Cal
houn ; Kcsslcr & Co , , Craig ; F. C. Adams ,
Logan , la ; JS Dee , Shelby , laP Ehlors ,
Minden , la ; J. Ellis , DoWitt ; C. II Par
tnolco & Co , Cedar Crook ; II J. Morris ,
Western ; Zabol & U. , Wabash ; II Hammer -
mor , Miucola , la ' , M. S. Stevens , Vail ,
la ; II Ruhlo Aspinwall , In ; I. II Buda ,
Portsmouth , In ; K. 11. Helm , AVnhoo : J.
Wiggins , Columbus ; T. Harris , Central
City ; F. Co-opcrativo association , North
Bend ; T. Van Alst , Klkhorn : Armshurgor
& Co , Vnn Busklrk Oxford ; C. A. Powell ,
Koncsaw ; L. & II , Bclvidoro ; J. D. Boylcs ,
Crete ; C. Rudat , Norfolk ; A. Cash , Risings ;
Fr Sudn , Milltgnn ; L , Anderson & Co ,
Mend ; L. W. Oonton , Waterloo ; Well &
Ostcrhout , Surprise ; Phillips & I. , Inland ;
J. F. McCartnoy Goncva ; J. F. Tiodgon ,
Battle Creek ; V. Cruo , Tildun ; P. II Judson -
son , Loich ; John Noli , Clnrkson ; V. Rocka-
follow Shonnndoah , la ; L. F. Stltt , Coin ,
la ; F. E Rogers , Maryvlllo Mo ; C. W.
Parks , Burwell ; Downey AToof , Aurora ;
F. Ttirnoy , Broken Bow ; L. C.iry , Ravenna ;
A. J. Adams , Bradshaw ; 1) . U. Robb , En-
On the Market With Cattle
M. Hutton , Randolph , la : N. W. Knorp ,
Cedar Hlulls ; William Buckloman , Pierce ;
J. P. Murphy , Calhoun ; George P. Smith ,
Herman ; Perry BrotUors , Wayne ; Perry &
Warner Concoid ; G. W. Banks , Council
Bluffs In ; JS Potter , Shelby , la ; J. T.
Goodoll & Co , Western ; A. Lavorty , Ash
land ; L. K. Goodoll , B. J. Morris , Western ;
Abe Cox , DoWitt ; John Chrysler ,
Jr , Wilbor ; J , P. Hlgelns , Lincoln ;
J. Wiggins , Columbus ; Ed Qulgloy ,
Ira Black , D. Elkonborry , Rosers ;
Standard Cattle company , Amos , C. T.
Brewer , Sloan , In ; W. C. Hudson Si Co ,
Sioux City Iu ; W. A. Tibbott , Eustis ; J. J.
Harmos , Firth ; D. B. Palmer , Blue Hill ;
S. II & M. Coffuian , Ayr ; Thomas Lana
han , Harvard ; J. W. W. Swallow , Sutton ,
L. & U. , J. W. Price , Bolvldoro ; J. A. Cop
perthwaite , Friend MoTagart , Crete ; J.
M. Botz , Syracuse ; Stanton B , F. Co ,
Madison ; Perry & Frush , Wohoo ; A. Cash
Risings ; A. J. Adams , Stromsburg : L. W.
Denton , Waterloo ; w. J. Turner , Har
vard : Phillips & I. , Inland ; H. C.
Hohlt , Ulvin & Gordon , Goohnor ;
O. Hnlsey , Davenoort ; D. W. Mont
gomery , Oak ; ri Warner , Hooper ;
Reno Brothers Oakdale ; Ed Sohleltzor ,
Snyder ; W. S. Andersen , Wakollold ; Bennett
nett Brothers , First National bank , Kan
Frazier , Wayne ; Hansford & J. , E. I. Day ,
Dovoro & J „ Eacle ; George Dixon , Malvern ,
la ; Thomas Zimmerman , Donison , Ia.t F.
McNauhton , George Runnels , Panama ;
Loonaro Small , M. Hammers , Portsmouth ,
la ; H. L. Oldham Union ; , J. G. Oldham ,
Plattsmouth ; E. P. Blalsdoll , Hamburg , la ;
Paul Brothers , McPaul , Jo ; W. C. Swarts
Silver City , la ; J. J. Hensloy , Exarla , la ;
William McCombs , S. ' E : ' Hanna , Merna ;
W. Z. Tilson , Ravenna ; Miller & Co , Brad
shaw ; John Ward , Ulysses ; John Klostor-
mau , David City •
On the Market With Sheep
O. S. Wolcott Archer , Neb
Market Mention
Light hogs 5c lower than yesterday and
25a below Saturdaystop ' ' *
L. P. Stitt of Wallace , ATStitt , Coin , la ,
was dver with fourc ' ars ofhogs a
D. W. Montgomerywas in from Oak with
a car of cattle of his own feeding
Bennett Ewing , tho1 well known feeder
and shipper of Exeter , was looking over the
yards for feeders
' Dr JX Goodoll , the oxtansivo and suc
cessful feeder of Western , had six cars of
cattle on tbo market
James Dovoro and R. Ransford , extensive
stockmen ot Eagle , brought in a train of ten
cars of cattle of their own feeding
Steers strong and cows advancing
Eoos Strlotly fresh , ll12c. Cold storage -
ago , pickled , limed , salted , not wanted at
any price
Buttbh Creamery , fancy rolls , prts 21@
25c ; creamfcry , fancy , solid packed , 23@24o ;
creamery , fancy , choice , 19@22c ; dairy , "
fanoy , rolls and prts , lS$20c ( ; dairy , fancy ,
solid packed , 17@19u ; dairy , choice , 13@15o ;
country roll , choice , ll@l2o ; country roll ,
good , 9@10is ; country roll , fair , C@7c ; poor
stock , 3@5c.
Poui.tuv Turkeys , dressed , fancy , dry
picked , lli$12o ( ; turkeys , live , per lb , 7@Sc ;
chickens , fancy , 9u ; chickens , choice , 7@8c ;
chickens , live , $ J 00@3.50 ; geese , dressed ,
fnncy , 6@l0o ; geese , dressed , choice , 8@9c ;
gcoso , live , do/ . , $9.00@7.00 ; ducks , dressed ,
fancy Ho ; ducks , cholco , 9 < vgl0o : ducks , live ,
doz , $3.50@3.O0 ; pigeons , doz , $1.00. •
Game Prairie chickens , $2.50@3.00 ; Jack
snlpo , 1,00 ( 125 : golden plover $2 00@l,25 ;
mallard ducks , $3.00(33.50 ( ; canvusback
ducks , $ . " > 00@6.00 ; reahnad ducks , doz , $3.00 ;
teal ducks , doz , $1.5U@2.00 ; mixed ducks ,
doz , $1.5U@J.OO ; geese Canada , $5.600@0.00 ;
geese , small , $4 00@4 50.
DiiEssp.D Veal Choice medium , 6' @ 7c ;
light , 5@0c ; heavy , 3$4c
Beans Hand picked navy , $ l.50@1.60 :
hand picked navy , medium , $1.40 ( 1.50 ; hand
picked country , $1.30 ( < S1.40 ; good clean , $1720
Honey Per lb , Illinois comb , ICe ; Call
forniacomb , 14a ; Nebraska and Iowa comb ,
12K@14c . .
Cheese Per lb , full cream Y. A. , 12a ;
full cream twins , llKo : full cream Ohio
swlss 15c ; full uroara Wisconsin swiss , 13a ;
full cream brick swiss , 11 ® 12c ; full cream
limburger swiss , 11@12.
S ket Potatoes Per bbl , $4.00.
Fish , Fresh white , trout , plko and piok-
orol , per lb , 7c ; herring , SWo ; sturgeon ,
OitANQES Per box , Florida brights , $3.15 ;
russets , $3.50 ; messina , $3.25 ; California
fancy navels , $5.25 ; cholco , $5 00 ; Los An
geles navels , $4 50 ; socdlings Riverside ,
$ J.85@3.50 ; mountain , $3.25 ; Los Angeles ,
$3.00 ; in flvo box lots 25p per box less
Lemons Per box , messina fancy , $4.00 ®
6.00 ; vordolli good , $2 50 * ,
Bananas Per bunch $3 0033.00.
Malaoa Guapes Fane per bbl , $7.50 ;
choice , per bbl , $0.00@7.00.
Cocoanuts Per hundred , $4.78. Per bbl , $3.50@i 00.
CliANliEintlES Per bid , $10 50@12.60.
Ciper Per bbl , roflnpo , $ ( I.5U ; half bbl ,
$3.60 ; hard cider , pure 'ner.bbl , $5.00.
Shinb and Funs Radcoon , No 1 , largo ,
80@90o ; No 1 , medlim' . ' 00@70o ; No 1 ,
small , 40@50o ; No 2 , 8 and 4,19@10c Mink ,
No 1 , large , 00@75o : Noj 1,1 medium , 60@60c ;
No 1 , small , 40@50c ; No 2 , 3 4 , $540.
Otter , No 1 , largo prime , $5.00@9.00 ; No 1 ,
medium , $100@5.00 ; No 1 , small , $2.5'J@
3.50 ; No 2 , 3 and 4. $0.5d@1.50. Lynx , No 1 ,
$8.60@3 50. Wildcat Nolt 40@50 ; No 3,8O0 ;
Aluskrat , winter , 15c ; fall ; 10ll. Skunk ,
black , 60@75o ; stripediNo 1. 35@40o ; No
2 , 15@20o ; No 3. 10@15a ; No 4 , 5Q10c
Cross fox No , 1 , $ I.O0@5iO0 ; No 2 , $2,00 ®
8.60. Red fox , No 1 , $ l.0U@1.25 ; No , 2 , 50@
60c. Urcy fox No 1 , 49 ( < 50o ; No 2 , 20 ( < j
25c Mountain wolf , No 1 , $2.5003.00 ; No
2 , $1.00(31.25. ( Prairie wolf , No 1 , 7Sc@l.O0 ;
No 2 , 40@50c Beaver , No 1 , per ft , $3.00 ®
3.50 ; No 2 , per lb , $3.0032.40 ; No 8 , per lb
60C 4O5o ; No 4 , 60c Hoar 'blauk , No 1 , $15.00
025.00 ; grizzly No 1 , $10.00@25.00 ; brown
No 1 , $10@30.U0 ; cub , $1,00$5.00 ; buckskin ,
Indian dressed , per lb , $1.0001.50. Deer ,
summer , per lb 80c ; fall , per lb , 25a ; win
ter , per lb , 20@25c ; green salt , per piece ,
75@S0c ; antelope , per ft 20c ; elk , per lb
IOMI80 ; flsber No 1 , $3 00@5.00. Martoo ,
No 1 , 76cftl.50 ( ; No 2 , 2550c Opossum ,
No 1 , cased , I0@15o ; No 1 , open , 7(310c (
Hadger , No , 1 , full furred 76c@.25 | ; No , 3 ,
80&35o ; No 8 , lu@20o : ' wolverine No 1 '
$4.00(20 ( 00. *
Hides , Pelts akp Tallow Green salted
hides 4oJf ; dry salted bides , 6G6oj dry
salted bides , 7o ; calf bides , be Damaged
hides 2o less Sheep pelts , grqen each , 75o
@ $1.25 ; sheep pelts , dry , per lb , 9Q18c ;
tillow , No 1 , 85@3Wct } No 2 , 3c ; grease ,
white , S'i 'c ; yellow 8 , i < @ 3c.
VEnKTUiLns Now LctlUco , per doz
heads , 45c ; radishes , per doz bunches ,
GOc ; green onions , per doz bunches , 30@10o ;
parsley , per doz bunches , 85o ; soupbunches ,
per doz bunches , 4550c ; celery , Michigan
small , per doz bunches , 25Ci35ct celery , Illi
nois , per doz bunches , 45@50oi relery , Now
Orleans , per doz bunches , 75QWo ) ; spinach ,
per bbl , $3.00 ; cucumbers , per doz , $1.75 ®
2 25 ; oyster plant , per doz , 4. 500 : now
ccots , porbushol , $1.00@1.23 ( now carrots ,
per doz bunches , 40@50a ; now turnips , per
doz bundles , 40V ( ( . * > Uc ; plo plant , per lb , 0ft7o ( ;
now cabhago , Louisiana , per crate , $4 00 ;
now potatoes , Bermuda , per bbl , $10.00 ; to
matoes , Bermuda , 10 lb boxes , per box , $1,60
® 1.75.
Vr.OETAiu.ES Old Swoct potatoes , fancy
Muscatlno , per bbl , $4 00 ; onions , extra
fancy , per bbl , $1.50 ; onions , fair , per bbl ,
$ J.50 ; rutabagas , per bbl , $3.00 ; carrots , per
bbl , $ J.OO ; parsnips , per bbl , $2.00 ; beets , per
bbl , $2 00 : horse radish roots , per bbl , $4.00 ;
horse radish roots , per lb , 7c ; celery roots ,
per bbl , $5 00 ; celery roots , per doz , 00c
Apple Butteu Per lb , 6c
Mixer Meat 8a per lb
Honet 1510a per lb for choice
PnisititVE9 : S10c per lb
Jellies 40t4Jifo per lb
Beeswax No 1.10@10c
Pius Feet Pickled , kits , 70c ; splc < > d pigs
tongues , kits , (2.Kipickled \ tripe , kits , 05a ;
pickled 11. C. tripe , kits , 85u ; spiced pigs
hocks , kits , $1.13.
Mess Pouk per bbl , S9.75@10.75.
Buckwheat Flouii per bbl , $1.75.
Wool Fine , nverago , 2J(321a ( ; medium ,
average , 21$23c ( ; quarter blood , avcrugo , 13
Q820c ; cnurse , average , 15@lo ; cotts and
rough nverago , 14@l0c.
Pickles Medium , per bbl , $4.85 ; small ,
fo.75 : ghorulns , $0.75 ; C , & B , chow chow ,
qts , $5.85 ; pU , $11 3. > .
PoTATOES-Por bu , 85c ; common , 25c
Maplb Suoah Per lb , 13l4c
Piiovisions Hams , No 1 , 10 lb average ,
9&o ; no to 23 ll.s , 8 > $ o ; 12 to 14 lbs , " "fe ;
shoulders , 5u ; breakfast bacon , No 1 , 8c ;
ham sausugo , 80 ; dried boot hams , 7c ; beat
tongues , $0.00 per dozen ; dry salt moats , BiTj
5 ] c per ft ; bum roulette , 0 } o ; add 1 per lb
for small lots
Hay Choice upland , $0.00(30.25 ( ; midland ,
$4.60 ; lowland , $3 50.
Citor Feed $12.50.
BitAN $10 50. |
CoitN 10c
Oats 15c.
Duied FnuiT Currants , now,5J < fo : prunes ,
casks , 1,300 fts , 5) ) c ; prunes , Dbls or bags ,
5) ) < fe ; citron pcol , drums , 20 fts 22o ; lemon
pcol , drums , 18u ; furd dates , boxes , 12 fts ,
11a ; apricots , cholco evaporated , 14o ; apri
cots , Jelly , cured , 25 ft boxes , 10c ; apricots ,
fancy , 85 ft boxes , 15c ; apricots , cholco , bogs ,
80 fts , 14J ui apples , evaporated , 50 ft boxes
9o ; apples , Star , 8 > c ; apples , fancy Alden ,
5 ft , 10c ; apples , fancy Aloen , 3 ft , 10 > < o ;
Salt Lake , 5c ; bluckborrlos , evaporated ,
50 ft boxes , fij c : cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
13c ; pears , California fancy , } fs boxes , 25 ft ,
12c : peaches , CnL No 1 fancy , # s , unp bags ,
80 lb , 15c ; peaches , pared , fancy , 13c ; Salt
Lake , 7c ; nectarines , red , 14c ; nectarines ,
silver , boxes , 15c ; pitted plums , Cal , 25 lb
boxes , 8 > a ; raspberries , evap . N. Y. , new ,
26c : prunes , R. C. 60 70 , 0ii@10 : orange
pool , 15c ; raisins , California London crop
1889 , $2 35 ; Cal loose , muicatols , crop 1389 ;
$2.00 ; Volouclas , 1888 , Co ; Valenclas , new ,
bjljc ; Cal seedless , sks „ 7JfoOnaura : layer ,
now , 9.Ko : uruncllcs , 12 > c ; drlod grapes , 4c
Veqetaules Tomatoes 3 ft extra , $1.00 ;
3 ft Standard , Western brands , 90 ( < 05c ; gallons
lens , strictly standard , $3.90. Cora Finest
grown , $1.63 ; gllt-edgo sugar corn , very line ,
$1.60 ; MoMurrav's2 lb sugar corn , $1.20 ; 3
lb extra , Western brands 85(31.00 ( ; 3 ft
standard , Western brands , 70@S0c. Mush
rooms 1 ft French , extra fine , 82@53c ; 1 ft
French , fine , 18@22o ; 1 ft French , ordinary ,
16@18c Peas Tres line , per can , 25o ;
dotnl fine , per can , 10c ; 2 lb extra , sifted ,
$3.00 ; 2 ft early Juno , $ l.23@l.35 ; 2 ft Mar
row , standard brand , $1.10 ; 3 ft soaked , 59c
String Beans 2 ft high grade , liofuneo , 85c ;
3 ft Golden Wax beans 75c : 2" lb Btring
beans , 70c. Lima Beans 2 ft soaked , 75c.
Boston Baked Beans 3 ft Lewis , $16 > ;
Crown brand , $1.50. Sweet Potatoes 3 ft
Now Jersey , $1.60 ; Daisy , $1.35. Pumpkin
3 ft new pumpkin , 90c
WitAPrxNo Pavkh Straw , per ft , IK ®
2 > < e ; rag , 2 > n 'o ; man 11a , B , 57 > 4fo ; No 1 ,
7 cunts ,
Baos Union square , 85 per cent off list
Salt Dairy , 230 ft in bbl , bulk , $2.10 ;
best grade , CO , 53 , $2.30 : bast grade , 100 , 3s ,
$2.40 : best graoo , 23 , 10s , $8.30 ; rock salt ,
crushed $1.80 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 50 ft bags ,
85c ; hulk , 224 ft bags , $ J.25 ; common , in
bbl , $1.25.
Canned Goods Fruits , California canned
goods , standard brands , 2X ft , per doz
Apricots , $1.70@1.85 ; apricots , plo fruit ,
$1.50 ; gallons , $4 50 ; blackberries , $2.25 ;
cherries , bluck , $2 00(3(3.25 ( ( ; cherries , white ,
$2.852.60 ; grapes , $ l.051.80 ; pears , Bartlett -
lott , * 3.102 85 ; poanhes , yellow , $2.102.25 ;
peaches , lemon cling , $3.35 ; plums , egg ,
$1.65@1.80 ; plums , goldondrops , $1.80 ; plums ,
green gages , $1.65@1.S0 ; peaches Bay City ,
with pitts in , $1.00 ; currants , $3 30 : goose
berries , $3.25 ; quinces , $3.10 ; raspberries ,
$3.70 ; strawberries , $2 50 ; poaches , 3 ft east
ern standards , $1,85 ; 3 ft pie , $1.10 ; 0 lb pic ,
$2.00 ; gallon plo , $3.00 ; apples , high stand
ards , $8.50 ; 2 ft gooseberries , 90c ; 2 lb straw
berries , 9093i ( : 3 ft raspberries , $1.00 ; 3 ft
blueberries 80@90o ; 2 ft blackberries , 05 ®
75o ; 2 ft Btrawbornes , preserved $1 80 ; 5 ft
raspberries , preserved , $1.80 : 2 ft blackber
ries , preserved , $1.20 : pineapples , Bahama
chopped , $3.00 : 2 lb Bahama grated , $2.75 ; 2
ft Bahama sliced $3.50 : 2 ft Standard sliced ,
$1.25@1.50 ; cherries , 3 ft red , Baltimore , 85
@ 95c ; pears , 2 1b , $1.80.
Fish Codfish , extra Georges , now , 52/0 ;
grand bank , now , 4 c ; silver , 2 lb blocks ,
60 ; snow white , 8 to bank , now , ' 4) 0 ;
Turkey cod , largo mlddlos , bricks ,
8'/c ' ; snow white , crates , 12-6 ft , boxes ,
liia\ \ Iceland halibut , lie : medium
scaled herring , 25c ; No 1 scaled horrlng ,
22a ; domestic Holland herring , 65c ; Ham
burg spiced herring , $1.50 : Russian sardines ,
75c ; Russian sardines , plain , 55c ; imported
Holland horrlng , Crown brand , 8O0 ; do.faucy
milkers , 90c Mackerel , No.lshoro , half bbls ,
$13 00 ; bloaters , half bbls , $18.00 ; wlilteilsb ,
half bols , $7.00 ; trout , half bbls , $5.50 ; fam
ily wbitefish $3.00 ; salmon , $3 5'J ; 1 ft mackerel
erol ( horrlng ) , $1.00@1.10 ; 1 lb finnan had
dlcs , $1.75 : 3 ft lobsters , $3.903 00 ; 1 ft lob
sters , $1.90(32.00 ( ; 1 ft Alnska salmon , Aleut ,
$1.00 ; 2 ft oysters 10 oz , $1.85 ; 1 ft oysters ,
5 oz , $1.10 ; 2 ft snlsct , 13 oz , $ J.35 ; 1 ft clams ,
llttlo necks $1.25 ; 2 ft clams , little nocks ,
$2.10 ; H ft sardines Imported , per case ,
100s , $11.0016 00H ; 1 > > Bardines , imported ,
per case , 100s , $15.00@20 00 ; X ft Imported
bonolesB sardines , 2Uc ; tf ft sardines ,
American , per 100s , French style , $4.50 ®
5.00 ; } 4 ft sardines , American , per case , 100s ,
French style , $7,50@8.00 : K ft sardines ,
mustard , per case , 50s , $4.004,25 ; imported
key sardines , $13.00.
BnooMs Parlor , 4 tlo , $3.75 : 3 tie , $2.25 ;
stables , $3.85 ; common , $1.50@1.75 ,
Cocoa } i ft tin , 40o per ft
Chocolate 22@23o per ft ; Gorman chlo-
ory , red , 8c.
OiLS-lCeroseno P. W „ 10c ; WW , VJi c ;
headlight , 18o ; gasoline , 12c ; salad oil , $1.25
@ 9.00 per doz
Suoaiis Cut loaf , 80 ; out loaf cubes , 7Ko ;
standard , powdered , 7Hc [ ; XXXX.powdored ,
7Wc ; granulated , standard , % ; confectioners
tioners' A , 6X0 ; white extra C , 0J c , extra
C , Neb , Oo : amber , 5Jfc.
Soaps Castile , mottled , per ft , 8@10o ;
do , white , per ft , 1315o.
Canned Meats 1 ft lunch tongue , $3.60 :
3 ft lunch tongue , $4.75 ; 1 ft corned beef ,
$1.80 ; 8 ft corned beef , $2.05 ; 0 lb corned
beef $0.50 ; 14 ft corned beef , $14.00 ; 3 lb
boneless pigs feat , $3.20 ; 1 ft English brawn ,
$1,80 ; 3 ft English brawn , $2 00 ; 0 ft Eng
lish brawn , $0 60 ; 1 ft compressed ham.$1,75 ;
2 ft compressed ham , $2.75 ; 1 ft chipped
beef , $3.00 ,
Fahinaceous Goons Barley , 3)f@ ) 1 ; fa
rina , 5c ; peas , 8c ; oatmeal , 25o ; maca
roni , lOo ; vermicelli , lOo ; rice , 40 < ; sago
and tapioca , 0@7c ; lima beans , 6c
Coffee Roasted Arbuckle's , Arlosa ,
34J < o ; McLaughlin's XXXX , 24o ; German ,
84J o ; Dllwortb , * 24Ko ; Alaroma , 84o ;
bulk , 84 c.
Hemp Twine Heavy , 14o ; medium , 18c ;
light 17o ; 18 U. O. , 80o ; 24 , 20o ; 80 , 19o ; 48 ,
17c ; brooiri twines , colored , 80c
Matthkbs Twise Very fine , 40o ; fine ,
83c ; medium , 85s ; blud.erB , 13c
Sail Twine Very fine flax , 83o ; fine flax ,
29o ; fine cotton 23q ; Calcutta hemp , 14c
Salsoua Bbls , V ) \ granulated , lo ; '
kegs , l u ; pugs , 60 , fia 6Kc
Stahch 4J8 < ] per ft
Stove Polish $3.005 87 per gross
Baos Am , , per 100 , $17.00 ; Lewiston , per
100. $17.00.
Nuts Almonds , lfio ; Brazils , 14o ; filberts ,
12 > o ; pecans , lie ; walnuts , l'JKo ; pouuut
cocks , 8a ; roasted , lie : Tcnuosjoa pea
nuts , 7c
Ltk-$1.75@4 60.
Dnuafl ( Grocers ) Per lb Borax , lOo ;
copperas , SKo ; Bay leaves , 14o ! glue lOo ;
epsom salts , 4o | elauber salts , So ; sulphur
4'toi blue vitrei , 9c ; slum , 4o ; tartnrlc ncld ,
43c | rosin , 2c : saltpeter , absolutely pure ,
10c ; gum camphor 2 Ihs in box , 1 oz cakes ,
Ulc ; hops , ' ( and if-lb packages , 80o ; sage ,
Wnod xlb packages , 15c ; madder , l c ;
saltpeter , 10c ; indgo | 3 lb nnd fi-lb boxes , S
F , " . ( ji7lc ) ; indigo , 8 lb nnd fi-lb boxes ,
Madris , 7. > e ; scaling wax , 2J lb boxes , red ,
8) ) < c ; soallng wax , 25-lb boxes , white , 4c
Coffke Green Fancy old golden Rio ,
23o ; fancy old pcabcrr.y , 23Ko ; Rio , choice
to fancy , 23c ; Rio , prime , 2lc ; Rio , good ,
80c ; Mocha , C9c ; Java , genuine O. G. , 2So ;
Java , good Interior , Sic ; African , 21c
Rope Basis mantlln rope , 15c ; sisol rope ,
12 } c ; cotton rope 16c ; now process , SXc
Cotton Twinr Bibb , very fine , 3or4 plv ,
22o ; line , 30a ; Daisy , ISa ; candle wick , 22c
Oliver Quarts , per dor , $3.75 ; pints , per
doz , $2.85 ; bulk , per gal , 9 c
ViNKOAii 30 gr elder , Sc ; good , 12c ; white
wine , 10c
Moliasses Bbls , N. O. , choice , per gal ,
45o ; bakers , 83c ; black strap , 20c
Dry Goods
Bleached Sheet 'isos ' Ullerton , 7Jfc ;
Housekeeper , 8) 0 ; Now Candidate , b'Jc ;
Berkeley cambpio No.W * a ; Best Yet , 4-4 ,
OVo ; butler cloth OOr1 IJ o ; Cabot , 7 o ;
rarwell half bloschcd , 8Koi Fruit of Loom ,
BJ/o : Green G , 8 , 1 ; Hope 7K ; King Phil
lip cambric , 10c ; Lonsdalo cambric , 10o ;
Lousdulo , 8tfe ; Now Yorlt mills , lifc ( } ; Pcp
pcrcll , 42 in , llc ) ; Popperoll , 40 in , 11a ; Pop
porell , 0-4,14io , } ; Pcpporcll , 8-4 , 20o ; Pep
poroll , 0 4 , 23o ; Pcppcroll , 10 1 , 24o ; Canton ,
4-4 , Stfc ; Canton , 4-4 , 9Wc ; Triumph , ( to ;
Wnsmutta , llo ; Valley , 5c ; Barker , j
bleached , 8)fc.
Biiowx SiiEETiNO Atlantic A , 4-1 , "ifo ;
Atlnntlo II , 4 4. 7o ; Atlantla D , 4-4 , G'ro ;
Atlantic P , 4:4 : , Oo ; Aurora LL 4-4 , 0c ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 5c ; Crown XXX 4-4 , OJfc ;
Hoosler LL , 4-4. ha ; Indian Huad , 4 4 , ic ;
Lawrence LL 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5fo ; Penporcll R.4-4 , ( IJ/e ; Pepporoll K , 40
Inch 7 > f 0 : Pepporoll , 8 4 , 17 ; o ; Pepporoll ,
9 4 , 20o ; Pepporoll , 10-1 , 23c ; Utica C , 4 4 ,
5o ; Wachusott , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora R , 4-4 , 7o ;
Aurora B , 4-4 , ( ! > { c ; Atlas , O N B , 7 'fc ;
Farmers No , 1 , 27-lnch , 4Ji"c
Piunts Solid Colors Atluptlc , 0a ; Sinter ,
Oo ; Hor.In oil , 0'ic ' ; Gnrnor oil , C@7c. Pink
and Robes Richmond , GJ c ; Allen , Cc ; Rlv-
erpolnt , 5 } c ; Steel River Cu ; Pacific , OJtfc
Indigo Blue St Leger 0)40 ) ; Wnslilngton
OVjo ; American , 0 > o ; Arnold , 6Wu ; Arnold
Century , 9o ; Amaiid , 12o ; Stiofol A , 18c ;
Windsor t'k't lo ' Arnold B
gold , e' , lOJtfc ;
Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10 > c ;
Yellow Seal , 10 > c
.Puints Dross Clmrtor oak , BJ/o ; ram
npo , 45 e ; Lodl , 5t/o : Allun , 6c : Richmond ,
0c ; Windsor , 0 > tfo ; Eddystono , C u ; Pacific ,
0 > ic
GinohamPlunkett chocks , CJ4 'o ; Whit
tcnton , GJ o ; York , ( IJ/05 Normnndi dross ,
8L/0 ; Calcutta dress , 7Kc ; Ronfiow dress ,
8 > i@12Kc
Camiuiics Slater 5o ; Woods , 5c ; Stan
dard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c.
CoMFonTEns $0.6C@35.00 ; white , $1.00 ®
Blankets Colored , $1.10@S.OO.
Duck West Point , 29-ln. S-o ? . , 9J40 ;
West Point , 80-ln „ 8 oz , 12 c ; West Point ,
29-ln. , 12 oz , 10 > o ; West Point , 40-in. ,
11-or , , 10c
Funnel White : Quechce No 2J ,
37J o ; Quechco No 3J32Kc ; Anawnu ,
33 > c ; Windsor , 22)Jc. ) Red C , 24-in. ,
15 ; < rc ; E , 24-ln. , 21Kc ; U G. 24-ln „ 20c ; H A
F , } { , 25j ; J R F , { . 27c ; G , f , 35e. Plaid
Raftsmen , 30c ; Clear Lake , 32 } < fc ; Iron
Mountain , 20 ; White G H No * } { , 22 c ;
G H No 1 , ' . , 201 0 ; B H No 2 , , 83Ko ; B
II No 1 , f , 30o ; Quechce , No 1 , , 42.\
SiniiTiNo : Checks Caledonia X" , 9KC !
Caledonia XX , 10 } < o ; Economy , 9c ; Otis , uo ;
Granite , 0'fc ; Huw River , 5ic ; Crawford
chocks , 8c.
Miscellaneous Table oil cloth $2 50 ;
table oil cloth marble , $2 50 ; plain Holland ,
OJio ; dado Holland 12Xc
Gaupet WitAr Bibb , white , 18) ) c ; col
ored , 21 % c.
Batts Standard , 80 : Gem , 10o ; Beauty ,
12Ko ; Boone , 14o ; poorl ss , case , * 0 00.
Cokslt Jkaks Boston , 73/c ; Androscog
gin , 7c ; Kearsargo , 7icRockport , ti $ c\ \
Conestoga , 0J c
Ticks Oakland , A , 7Kc ; Intornntlonnl
YY , 8c ; Shotucket , S , tic ; Warren , Nc\
870 , 10c ; Berwick BA 13o ; Auino , 13j ;
York , 30 inch , 12 c ; York , 32 inch , 13) ) < fi ;
Swift River 8c ; Thomdlko OO , 8J < u ;
Thorndlko FF , 8X0 ; Thomdlko 120 , 9 > $ e ;
Thorndiko XX , | l5c ; Cordis , No 5 , O&c ;
Cordis No 4. 10 c
Denims Amosneag , 9 oz , 10J < Jo ; Everett ,
7oz , 13o ; York , 7oz , 13c ; Haymaker , b ic ;
Jaffroy XX HKo ; Jaffrey XXX , 12' c ;
BeaverCreok'AA , HXo : Beaver Creek BB
lOWe ; Beaver Creek CC 9c
KENTticitr Jeans Memorial , 15c ; Glen
wood , 20c ; Kentucky Star , 35c ; Hercules ,
ISc ; Empire , 25o ; Cottswold , 27Jfc ; Mel
ville , 25c : Bung-up , 27Ke-
CitASii Stevens B , 5&e ; Stovens'A , 7o ;
Stevens A , bleached , 80 ; Stevens ' P , "J o ;
Slovens' P , bleached , 8c ; Stevens N , 8)Jc ;
Stevens N , bleached , 9Wc ; Stevens SKT ,
ll c.
BasiiBjt Firil Halinii1 But ,
305 South 13111 Slrvol , . Oimilia
Boots and Shoos
Successor ! to Heed , Jones H Co
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes
AxenU for Iimton Ilubber Bboe Co . I1U2.IUM sod 1100
uarasr Btrest Omshs Nebraska
_ . Browora
J „ 1JU.
aionz & iler ,
Leger Beer Brewers
1U1 Worth KUuUtnth Stmt , Omana , Ksbmts
Manufacturer : ofGalyanlzefUron Cornice
TVtodow-cspi anil meulllo ikjlinhu John Kpsnutsr ,
proprlstor 100 and llu Bontli lOtb meet
• '
Bioam Fitting , Pumps , Etc
Pudids , Pipes and Enginss
Steam , walar , railway and ulnlnv auppllei , etc
W. vaand VU Varnam itreot , Omaha
Steam anil Water Supplies ,
llallldar mills , 919 and 9M Jonet • t.OmM > a.
cl r. Itoat , Acting Manager
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery
BbaeMron work , iitsm pimpa , nw tullU U13-13U
l avcnwarth strest , Ooaha
Iron Works
WrongntM Cast Iron Building Wort
Kaglnea.brasi work , general Jountrr , machine , and
blacktmltb wpV" < . omceind works , U. r. Uf
atffiJa atrttt , Omaha
Manufaclurcrs of Wire aid Iron Railings
Desk ralli , window suardi , flower > land > , wlrs aigns ,
\e. Vtt worlk ltitli atreet , Omaha
Hanf re of Tire and Bnrglar Frcof Safes ,
Vaulta Jail work Iron ahuttcrt and Dr < i eicapu
aAndrseapropr Ccr Iltli and Ja : on Bu
flash Doors , Eto
Wboluals manufacturerr ct
Sal Doors Blinds and
, , Monldings
Branch office , it and Itard tttaeU , Omaha , Web
Of Soutb Omatia Limitei
> ! * j H
Agrloulturol Implomonta H
Agricnlt'llmplenicnls ' , Wagons , Carriages
BnaKleiele 'Nho'c < ala Omaha Ncbta ka M
llanuracturersand JohhoMln |
Wagons Rate Plows Etc
, Buggies , , , .
Cor.Dth andraclflcMreeUOinatia M
Artists MntorlnlB H
-rl. llVSVi : . Jr , M
Artists ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , H
IJ13 loii l alreolOmaha , Nehraika H
' H
. . Poota nncl Slioofl H
rr 11' . V.MORSE\i CO , M
Jobbers of Boots and Stioc ; ,
U1101108 Douglaa alroet , Omaha Maniiractarr L H
Hummer ilreet Dotun B
Coal , Coke , Etc H
* y.isbUL'Rt "Cn.tno cu . |
Miners and Shippers [ f Hard aid * Soft Coal
rir.Mr ) < t'NMl rial Cant nnlMlnr , Ouinln , Neb H
Jotioers of Bard and Soft Coal
500 Bouth 11th Ureal Omaha Nebraska - H
Shippers of Coal and Coe ) ; ,
lit South 13th atreot , Omahn Nebraska H
1 1 • * H
Commla9lon end atoroBQ H
Storage and Commission Merchants
IpeclalUci llutter , > • , chee o pnnltrr , gams H
1113 Howard ilreot , Omaha , Neb H
' 1 H
Clgora H
Wholesale Cigars ,
Kl North CthStrootOm < thn , Neb Hello 1139. H
i -1 H
Dry QoorJa1 ontl NpUona H
Dry Goods , Famishing Goods and Notions
1103 and Hot Douglas , cor 11th alroet , Oinah a , Nub H
Importers & Johtcrs in Bry Good ; , Notions
Qenta'Vurnlshlnir Oooli Comir llth and Uimor H
atrcota , Omiha , Nubrastn H
I = 3 H
Furnllurq H
Wholesale Dealers in Fnrnitnra
Karnam street , Omaha , Nebraska H
Omaha , Nebraska H
I . I H
OrooorloB H
Wholesale Grocers ,
Uth and T.eavenwcrth streets Omaha " , Nebraska H
1 H
_ Hardvvaro _ H
WJ IilioATCH , M
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel
Spnnga , wagnri stock , hirnwaro lumbar , oto 1X39 H
1SI1 llnrner street , Omulm M
Bnilders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop .
Mechanics Tools und lliillnlo 8cnlo . IIW Uuuglas b H
street , Omaha , htb M
Uumlior , Eto H
Wholesale Lnmher , Etc
Imported and American Portland Cenunt Btat0 H
ascnt for filllwaukee Urdrnullo Cement H
and gnlro } Wbltollmo B
Dealer in Hardwocd Luinher
Wood carpets and parquet Hoer wr 9th anJ Djuglas M
streets , Omaha , Nebraaka H
AHElnds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale
18tb atreet and Union Paclflo traok , Omaha M
Dealer in Lnmher , Lath , Lime , Sash
Doors , eta Tarda Corner 7th and Douglas Offle * M
Corner 10th nnd Douglas M
' FRED W. OR AY , fl
Lnmher , Lime , Cement , Etc , Etc ,
Cornel t'th and Douglas str-rts , Omaha M
C. N. 'blBTZ M
Dealer in AH Kinos of Lnmher
13th and California streets , Omaha , Nebraska M
Millinery nnd Notions ' H
Importers & Johhers in Millinery & Notions
S0S.510 and JU South Uth atreoU H
> " ' H
Not I on a. H
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
1121 Uarnef street , Omaha M
Olla H
Wholesale ReQned ani Lubricating Oils
Axle Grsisoetc Omaha A. II lllshop , Mnnauor |
- * M
Paper M
Wholesale Paner Dealers
Carrr a nice stock of iirln'lnc , wrapping and wrltlna H
paper Bpeclal attontloo given to card paper * H
aafcato. . M
Ocnernl Aa-ents tor H
Halls ' Safes ,
BU nd 823 Bouth 10th Bt , Omaha M
Toys , Eto M
Jobbers of H
Toys , Dolli , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
BO'tseturnlshlng Ooods Children's Carriages 1MI H
amum street , Omaha , Neb H
or Tin : H
Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul Ry '
The Host Itoutii l'rom Onialm nnd Council | B
JIIiiITh lo
Clileafo , AND Milvraukco , H
St Paul , MIiuua.iol.8j Cedar ltaiilils ,
Jtock iMlnnd , Frcenort , HockfonJ ,
CI hi tun , lliiliuque , Ditvenporl , H
Elrtln MikIIhoii , .Taipsvlllo , H
liclolt , Wlnoiiu , LuCrosM' , H
And all other Important points Cast , Northeast and k H
rJoulheast H
torthrouvh tliketaiall on the ticket atenl at ItOl L H
huniamSirnjt , in Darker lllock , ur ut Union 1'at.lna aH
Depot k H
1'ullinanSleeporsand the lluest Dlnlui ! Cars til tha B
world am run ou the main llnu of the Uhltaiio , Mil
wankeeAtrll l'uul llallnur and eterr attentl'in la M
paid to pasacngera bjr courteous oiuplocs uf the kaaal
oiupany H
It MIl.f.HItCentral llona er H
J. r" . 'riO.Chll\i.l.laiaoeiiural ; Manaecr M
A. V. 11 , OAHI-KNIKll , General I'uasoncer and H
Ticket Client •
UKO K.lltCAKFOaD , Assistant acncral l'a sene M
anJTIikot akhiI - M
T. J. t'l.AUK.Umeral Superintendent M
fCHICHtBTCrVB . LaJlM , ask H
UraiUtrarDlaM adUrau ar 4aiaUull B
l iu , HM Ub bias rlUb * . Take ji otlieH H
n < ua 4 . ( ! ) rw i.iu.aiui u. "it li r r < > l H
iiiir attarVaaavC * . aUaWata.rkUa-Ss' H