m 8 TP1E OMAHA DAITA7 BEE : SUITMY , FEBRUARY * 16 , 1890. SIXTEEN * PAGES . T • THE BOSTON STORE H Buys a Stook of Johuson , Boyd & H Co , of Baltimore , Md H { SJontlny Wo Will Jlnko Thlna * Hits H tin l - OITcrliiK llits Stock i B nttlrl02 Never lie * B iJ fore Drrnmcd of H Johnson , Boyd tt Co ; of Baltimore IjH were ono the lnrgcst wholesale dry IjH goods , notion mid furnlMilnp goods IjH houses in tlio country nnd curried notli- IjH intf but tlio bettor grndo ot goods As IjH the stock is so linmoiisoly Inrgo wo liavo IjH put the prices away down , as you will IjH see by porusine the following list : IjH 14,000 dozen lndius' nnd tnlssos' lm- IjH ported fust black seamless lioso in plain IjH luul ribbed at lOo and 2oc , worth from ijll GOc to 7oo. ijll 60 dozen ladles fancy silk llslo hose , JjH 41)c. ) ronl valcio $1.25. ijll ] 40 dozen ladies all silk hose , black IjH and colored , fie , worth fully $2. ijll Ladies black cashmorotto gloves , Oo ijH pnlr , worth Joe JjIBi Ladies flno black and colored llslo iiH | gloves , lCc , worth Hoc HI Ladles flno all silk gloves , 25c , worth iiH uptoT5o. j SPECIAL LOTS PROM THE BALTI- j MOKB STOCK , - Host quality largo spools ombrotUory iiiBl silk , two for lo 1 Very best ladies dress shields Oo per iiiW iiiW Best quality dress stays So dozen illB Flno imported infnnts' cashmere un- iJlB dcrshirla 25c. j Ladies silk trimmed llslo thread illB' ' vests 35c. iJllT Flno embroideries le , 2c , 8c , 5 , 8c , illB , 10c , 16c und i5o ! , worth four times the illB iiH Linen and torchon laces at 5c , worth . | jjB SPKCIAL DRESS GOODS VALUES illB Splendid spring suitings go at 5c per H < yard , worth 25c. H 40-inch plaids , no west things , go at B B IGc , worth HOc B B 30-inch lionrlotta , latest shades , 15c ; B B big bargains B B' ' 40-inch mlxturos at 25c , worth 40c. B B 40-inch all wool imported Henriettas B B 55c , regular prlco 85c. B B 40-lnch black silk warp Ilcnriotta go BJB at SOc regular $1.60 quality BH , SHE THESE WASH GOODS B Bj Now spring ctiullics3c , worth 10c. B B All short lougths whlto goods ; nnin- BJB seeks , checks and stripes , finest goods , 10c. worth 25c. B B Flnoatquality American satoons 7c , B B worth 15c. B H Toile du NordBnnd French ginghams HHJl go at 8c , worth 18c. BjB Whlto Persian dr.aporics at 8c , worth 25c. B Bl Outing flannels and Sicilian dress iiiW goods go at 8c. ( GREAT PURCHASES OF FINE iiH LINEN TABLE DAMASKS , ALL | jV HIGH GRADE GOODS H Other houses have had linen sales ; H now wo have ono ; come nnd see the iJlB | " dilToroncc 1 1,000 yards short lengths ( from 1 } to H 10 yards length ) real linen imported H table damnsks goat3Uc , actual vnluo 75c. H 600 yards very line pure linen dam M asks go at 59c. If bought in the regular i way would soil for $1.25. iiHi 800 yards lilghcst grades Burncsly damasks at 70c , worth $1.60. ! Remnants of bleached pure Irish i linen very choup M WE DO THE BUSINESS ON CUR ] TAIN SCRIM ill ! Flno curtain scrim , not thobest , at3c. H Fancy colored lace curtain scrim nt 9c. BB Novelty stripe lace curtain scrim lie , BB worth 2oc. THE BOSTON STORE , BB 114 S. 10th St | BnwwiRON unua , HH Givnt Cut I'rico Sale Moiilav HH 1 case figured shirting prints : ilc par H yard 1 enso largo figured comforter BB calico , 21c per yard 100 pieces line pat Bfl torus toile du nerds lUc per yard 60 BB pieces llgured percale for boys waists , Bfl lOo per yard 100 Ui-lb feather pillows Bfl Monday , 59o each 150 pieces line now Bfl dress ginghams , regular 121c goods HH Monday ; they go 12 yards for Si.00. H Monday wo place on sale 100 do on H bleached ana unbleached largo size H Turkish towels at 20c and 25c onch , worth Hoc aad 40c. Monday 100 uo/.on HH cheap towels , 3Jo each 50 do/.on } Hfl bleached napkins Moudny , $1.85 per HH dozen , worth $2.00. Ladles fancy bor- Bfl dored hnndkorchiofs , only 21o ouch Bfl Gents full si/.o whlto handkerchiefs,5c flfl each Our black honroittas at H COc , C5c , 75a and 05o per yard H nro at least 85 per cent under Bfl regular value ; if you over expect to buy H u black dress now is the time to get a H bargain Infants long cashmere cloaks H In cream and tan , with orabroiderod H ' collar , lit $1.98 , worth $ X The same H kind of cloak , with ombroldorod collar H nnd ombroldorod all around bottom at M $2.98 ouch , worth $4.00. Infants short H embroidered llannol skirts only 98c each , H worth $1.50. Infants ombroldorod H i 'llannol shawls at 75o and $1.10 , M , worth $1,25 and $2. Infants om- H . broidered llannol sacques only $1.25 H ' each , worth $2 , Laaics all wool bluuk H i jaekots only $3 each , worth $4.60. La- H dlos , dent ' forgot wo nro still selling H | tlio genuine imported I , C. corset , No H 205 , in blaok white and ecru nt $1.01) ) H * each , worth $3.50. Ladies jersey rlbbod H vests at 121c each Ladies fancy pin H stripe iorsoy ribbed vest at 18c , sold H Ovorywhcro at 25c. All of our colored H gros grain silks formerly sold at $1 and H $1.2) Monday at 75o a yard Got our H prices on carpets , curtains , shades , eta H , • Ono of the largest stocks of carpotsln 1 the west west.BENNISON BROTHERS B * H Ijatost AluRto M McBride & Co , , successors to Alfred H MelnborgCo , 161Uodgo. ] H • M The Great Ilnolc IhIsikI ltoutn M In changing time on Sunday , Nov , M , 17 , the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific H Ry have conaidoroa every point ot ln- H • torost to tbo Omaha traveling public B i If you are going to Dos Moines , Chicago m , ] or any point east , our solid vostlbulo 1 limited train is lust what you want B Leave Omaha at 4.25 p. tn arrive iu Dos B Moines 9:30 : p. in , and Chicago 8:30 : a. m. . BB dining car for supper leaving Council BB i BlutTs and for breaKfust before reaching BB • Chicago , This train is also equipped BB with the finest sleepers nnd chair cars BB' ' made by tno Pullman Co , which leave BB from the U , P , depot , Omaha.ovory day BB nt 4:25 : p. m. , making oloso connections BB at Chicago with all trains for custom BB points In addition to this magnltloont BB train wo have two other daily trains to BB Chicago , leaving Omnha nt 0:15 : a. in , BB nnd 5:16 : p. m. For information as to BH routes , rates , time , etc , call nt ticket BH olllco , 1305 Faruam street ; telephone BBT 782. S. S , Stbykns , BB' ' General Western Agent BH ; Alfrnl Mflttibern Co * Musio Htoro BHj has boon purchased by McBride & Co , BHJ and all contracts for piano tuning will BH bo filled by Mr A. Weber , Jr , who hus BBT boon with the house for the past year BBl Now orders for tuning nnd inuslo will BB rocotvo careful nnd prompt uttontiou , m 1510Dodgo. 1 Chair cars on the Northwcatorn and a BBl sleeper every day for the exclusive use BBf of Omnha passengers BVJ THE BOSTON STORE , Buy Your Jaokot or Wrap at the Boston Store Tomorrow Tomorrow Wo Closn Out tlio Itoinnln- dcrof Our Custotn llouqo I'ur * cliaso or ladles Jackets nuil Headed Wraps , Our sale of beaded wraps and jncljots last week wns something wonderful , over 500 gnrmonts bolng sold Hardly n lady who saw thom fnllud to tnako n purchnso or deposit to secure ono But wo still have about 700 elegant jackets and wraps which are to bo disposed of tomorrow Remember you can save * from $3 to $10 on every purchase , nsyou will see by a tow of the prices which wo give You will bo able to buy an ele gant beaded wrap for $1.31 that If bought in the ordinary way would cost you all of $3.60. For $1.08 wo will sell you a bonded wrap that cannot bo du plicated for less than So For $2.41 wo will offer you u beaded wrap that you will not bo able to buy elsewhere for loss than $0. At $3.50 wo will sell you n beaded wrap that wo guarantee worth $7.50. At $1.50 wo will soil you n beaded wrap that is positively worth $10. SPRING WALKING JACKETS Wo will soil you an elegant all wool cloth jacket for $1.49 that is fully worth $4. For $2.75 wo will soil you a flno tailor made jersey jacket that catinot bo duplicated for loss than $0. For $5 wo will sell you an Imported jacket that would bo cheap at $12.50. For S7.50 wo will show you some of the tlncst jackets ever Imported Any of those gnrmonts can bo secured by making n small deposit on thom now and wo will lay thom asldo for you until you want thom Although there are 700 wraps and jackets loftln this lot , wo would ndviso you to como tomorrow if voif expect to got ono of them LADIES JERSEYS In this purchnso ' were also a small lot of jerseys , which wo have divided in three lots , as follows : Lot 1 Is an all-wool black jersey which wo will soil at SOc ; worth $1.25. Lot 2 Is ono of the finest imported all-wool tailor-mado jerseys , which wo can soil you at $1.25 ; worth $2.50. Lot 3 Are samples ot the newest and most elegant styles of jerseys for the coining season Our price $1.75 ; worth $3.50. EXTRA Our great ribbon sale which we ad vertised for yesterday drew such a crowd that many ladles could not get to the counter Wo therefore continue it tomorrow Wide silk ribbons , not the best , go at lc per yard Nos 3 and 5 , fiuost all silk ribbon , plain satin and crown edge go at 3c. No 7 , flno silk and satin , all tiow col ors , go nt 5d , actually worth 18c. High grndo ribbons in No 9 , nil now spring shades , go al Be > Heavy gros grain and satin ribbon in Nos 9 rind 12 , go nt 10c , actually worth 25 and 30c. 30c.THE THE BOSTON STORE , 114 South 10th st • Tilttlo Annie Roonev" At Meinborg's old stand , ISlODodgo McBride & Co , successors I offer for thirty days lot 4 , block 108 , corntr Eighteenth und Dodge , three houses and barn , $40,0C0. One-half lot 5 , block 10 , Bovd's addition , now house , oity water , $1,200. Lot 7 , block 1 , Plainviow , $1,250. Lot 12 , C , Saunders & Hlmobaugh , $800.SAM'L SAM'L BURNS , 1318 Faruam Ijiqiilil Urual : Ono of the strongest arguments ngainst prohibition is found in the fact that physicians generully udvocnto the raodornto use of tlio nutritious lager beer in cases of debility , particularly to ladles , the revivifying und strengthen ing qualities of good boor having gained for it the namoof Liquid Broad , " from the nourishment contained therein The excellent export b < ser brewed bv Storz & Uor of Omnha has recently nehioved great renown among the med ical fraternity and with the best judges of boor , as possessing in a preeminent dogrco all the meritorious qualities which have gained for lngor bcor its present immense consumption in every civilised country in the world , as boor is now drank everywhere except - copt among the honthons The wholesome bevoraga furnished by Storz & Her , is mude of the choicest pickings ot the world fumed hops im ported from Suutz , Bohemia , and ot the best barley produced on the American continent It is a drink to make your mouth water Clour and spark ling , with n delicious llavor , rovoallng at once its purity and the strength given by ago exhilarating without intoxicating This magniflcont product of ono of Omaha's great Industries is found in the llrsi-class bars of Omaha's hotels , saloops und restaurants , and is deliv ered ( free of charge for delivery ) to familioB in quart and pint bottles Or ders for bottled boor may ba loft with Katin Bros , nottlors , 312 South 15th St , bet Farnam and Harnoy Tel 1200. Going to .Sinv York , in order to reduce my stock to make room for now spring millinery , I will soil all trimmed hats regardless of cost I go to Now York city iu a low days to make spring purchases MISS ALICE ISAACS In store with Hoymiin & Dolchos , 1618 and 1620 Farnam at California ISicurslniiH Pullman tourist sleeping enr excur sions to California and Pticlfio coast points leave Clucns'O every Thursday , Kansas City every Friday via the Santa Fo route Ticket rate from Chicago $47,60 , froln Kansas City $35 , sleeping car rata from Chlcugo per double berth , from Kansas City $3 per double berth Everything furnished except meals These excursions nro person ally conduoted by experienced excursion managers who accompany partloa to destination For excursion folder con taining full particulars uud inup folder and time table of the Santa Fo route nnd rosorviug of sleeping car berths , nddross S. M , Osgood , goiiornl ngont , E. L. Pulmer , traveling agent , A , T. & S. F. railroad , 1303 Faruam street , Omahn , Nebraska Coal Best qualities , lowest prices Coutnnt & Squires , 1308 Farnam st Old gold and silver bought Carson & Banks , uianf , jewelers , 47 Barker block , Upforo UuylnK A piano examine the now scale Kim ball pluno A. Hojpo , 1613 Dougltu HAY DBS 11 It OS 1 IicttlnK Down tlio Irlccs Very bet country butter in rolls , 10c , 12Jc , 16c ; very good cronmory butter 17c ; very best creamery buttor-19c ; flour , 59c per 60 pound sack ; good flour ftic ; Snow Flnko $1.00 ; supcrlntlvo Hour $1.85 ; very host Minneapolis suporlatlvo Hour $1.60. If you need Hour knond the host , nnd when you knond Dnvls No , 10 you need nothing bettor Prunes oo ; ovnporntcd raspberries 25c ; pitted , plums 15c ; ovapnrnted upplcs 10c ; ovnporntcd blnckborrlos 7lcj ovnporntcd Salt Luke penchos . lUc ; currants 7lc ; good rolled | onts 3c ; very host kiln drlod rolled oats 6c ; Aunt Jemima's pun cuke , ( lour , 6c ; ' 3 pound pall rollncu lard , 19c ; Star lard , 3 pound pail , 2oc ; imported brick choose , 121c ; 30 pound pail best jelly , 95c , Sapollo , 71c ; borax Boap , 8 bars , 25c ; 1 gal can pure maple syrup , 95c ; good maple syrup , per gal , 76c ; 21 gals best honey drips 05c per pall ; buck who.it Hour , 3c ; quart bottle blueing , 5c ; mustard sardines , 9o per can ; oil sardines , 5c ; crackers , tic ; California 3-lb can apricots , 171c : California 3-lb can peaches , 19o } ; California 8-lb can plums , 17ic. Those nro the best fruit packed by tbo hand oi man , and if you will try thom you will bo convinced that you ought not to pay 40c and 60o for goods not as good Wrlngors 1st. The Superior wring or all white Boston cur spring rubber rolls vulcanized to the shaft The resistance of the shaft springs is 700 pounds All parts are malnblo iron , and are galvan ized so they cant rust This wringer for $1.05 , worth $5.00. Next comes the Novelty No 2 , un nil wood wringer , B. C. S. rubber rolls , conttr thumb screw , half round double screw clamps for $2.79 , worth $0.25. Then wo have the Novelty No 10 , B. C. S. ruubor rolls , all wood , double cog wheels , two thumb screws ' nnd mnlablo iron clumps for$2. 'l)0 ) , worth $7.50. Ill on wo have the Blue Rubber nnd the Economy nil wood wringers , B. C. S. rubber rolls , Adams patent wood screw , clamp , double cog wheels nnd double center spring for f3.49 , worth $8.00. Then wo have the Domestic wringer and wash bench combined , made by the Koyt > lone wringer com pany This is the finest bench and wringer in the world , Tnoy are sold everywhere for $9.00 or moro Tomor row wo will sell thom for $1.95 , The bench without the wrlngor for $1.95 , worth $3.00. Tomorrow murning will also put on sale tea koltlos for 19c , copper bottom wash boilers 59c , copper bottom colToo und tea pots 17c , largo dippers 3c , a genuine all copper wash boiler for $2.60 , worth $ -1.60 , Wash tubs 45c. Patent folding Ironing tables $1.25. Wash boards 16c. Clothes baskets , oost willow , 53c. Cloth burs 79c , 5 foot 0 dilloront styles of decor ated lamp chimneys for 16c cuuh 1 set of knives and forks 2oc. Scrub brush 5c. A 112 piece decorated Imported dinner sot $8.95 , worth $15.00. A 5(1 ( piece decorated tea sot , imported , $4.35 , worth S10.00. A few moro of those solid niekol silver and silver plated spoons loft at 5c , 10c , 19c , 20c , 25c , 35c , 53c , 70c and $1.10 per set ; it will pay you to buy these spoons whether you need thom or not 0-loot stop ladders 59e. Stove polish lc per box Fine tumblers 15c per Bet A largo cut glass fruit and berry dish 75c , worth $2.00. Decorated cups and saucers 05c per sot Decorated dinner platqs 50c per sot A 310.95 hanging lnmp for $8.50. A 37.60 lamp for $3.50. A $15.00 Rochester lamp $5.90. Those lumps nil have automatic extensions and you can have thom either in antique - tiquo brass or in ' oxidized silver A library lamp with bisque bowl und shade to match , with Duplex burner , for $2.35. worth $5. M. Milk crooks 8c per i gallon , 6o per gallon Wall paper HAYDlON-BROSy - Crockery and Groceries 61MCCIAL , NOTICE 1 ho Nation il HiiIIiI.iik Loan ni.tl Protective U'llon Snllrt Minneapolis , February 10,1890 Wo wish to state to our agents , our members - bors , and to the public generally , that the recent stutomonts sent broadcast ever the country by the Associated press and published in all the loading papers concerning the American Building and Loan asso ciation of this city have nothing abso lutely to do with the Nationul Building Loan nnd Protective union The union is the oldest and strongeet national co operative society in the United States Wo have at this time about twelve thousand shareholders with uboul ninety thousand shares in good stand ing Our loun fund exceeds three quarters of a million dollars , and Is rap idly increasing Our income now exceeds - ceods $85,000 per month See our fourth nnnual report As the Associated press agents nnd newspaper mon , generally , have mls- understood Examiner Kenyon's report , und as the public have , as a result , boon lead to believe that an attack has been made upon all national , buildi ug und loan Boclotics.thoolflcors of this union doom it advisable to state that our books and se curities have boon examined sovernl times by the banic oxuminor nnd his deputies , who h ve informed us time nnd ngatn that everything was sntissac- torv torv.Do not confound the Nationnl Build ing Loan and Protective union with any of these derogntory reports The union is absolutely solvent nnd will cer tainly moot all its obligations as fast as they fall duo O. C.KN1UL15 , Secretary L. C. WAUNUit & Co , State Agents 209 N. Y. LifoBldg , Omaha Ij ltrnt Millie McBride & Co . successors to Alfred Moluborg Co , 1510 Dodge Omaha Steve RapilrWorks , 810 N. 10th St , Tel 900. Rooairs for Monitor , Van Pacific , Muggio , Lilly nnd Purls Ranees , Charter Oak , Garland , Ponlu- sula , Acorn , BlsmarkRlversldo , 'Tladiant • Homo , & 12,000othnrcook stovesranges & boating BtovcBhot water attachments I'lano Tunlnj ; , Kctluishtiii ; and Ito lialrint : nt 1510 Dodge McBride & Co , succes sors to Alfred Moln berg Co , An Important Item The Chicago & Northwestern Rail way lu order to more thoroughly moot the needs of its Omuha patrons , has placed a third sleeper on its nitornonn limited express for Chicago This car is for the exclusive use of Omahn people It is Blaced in u convicnont position nt the 'nion Pncjfio depot , and leaves Omahn dully in train No 8 ut 4.20 p. m. , ur- rlving nt Chlcugo nt 7:30 : the tioxtmorn- ing , faster time thun any other line makes This latest move , in addition to the fact that the Northwestern after noon tmin runs dlroct from the Unlo.i Pacific depot , Omnha , dispensing with the vexatious change of cars at Council Bluffs for all classes of passougers , de monstrates that the Northwestern is the roost progressive eastern line from Omaha RR Ricutie , General Atrent City ofllco 1401 Farnam street Alltcd Melnberg Co 'h Slunlo Store has been purchased by McBride & Co , nnd all contracts tor piano tuning will bo flllod by Mr A. Weber , jr , who has boon with the house for the past year Now orders for tuning and inuslo will receive careful and prompt attention 1610 Dodge JUYVllKN nnos Hnt-cnlmlln Drcsn OooiW On Monday ypu will save money by buying blnck nnd colored dress goods nnd silks froint ns Below wo glvo you n few quotations of our mnny bargains Flno honvy twilled suiting , very ser viccablo , l2o. } 'nll colors cheap nt 18c. Beautiful French dobolgos in greys , tans nnd brown ? worth 25c , for this sale 15c , something ovory'lady should have for house wear , also school dresses lor girls Ilunriorttas , nil colors , upwards of 5,000 piecesJ select from at 121c , ' 15c , 221.nnd 28c , worth double Brllllnntino nil colors , worth 60c , tomorrows prlco 26c. Bargains in line French llnnnol for spring wear 51-Inch llannol , nil now colors , sold nt 87lc , our prlco tomorrow 05c , novelty combltityiion nfid side bund suits , pure wool , siuc ombroidLi'v , nt $4.25 , $5.25 , $0.60 , $7.25. Thcso goods nro worth from $0 to $12. SILKS SILKS SILKS Burnh silks , all colors , 60c , (15c ( , OSc ; China silks , all colors , at SOc , 09c , 75c ; all our colored dress silks nt75o , reduced from $1.25c ; colored fulllo silk , soft nnd heavy , worth $1.50 , sale price $1.00 ; black gros grain black fulllo fr6m 09c , 75o , 78c , 85o , $1.00 , $1.15. A great many short lengths of silks to close eh on p. BLACK DRKSS GOODS Special value In Henriettas , brll- llnutincs and novelties An extra heavy , all-wool Henrietta sold at 09c ; sale price , SOc Our importation of brilliuntines just received , arc show ing great value ; 60 plocos extra heavv flno silk finish , 25c , 28 , worth 60c ; 100 pieces line rich mohair nt 35c , 37c , 45c , 50c , actually worth from 60c to 75c. BRY GOODS AND CARPETS Special bargains in satincs , challics , and white goodB On Monday wo will put on salca full line of domestic butinos nt 7c , 10c , 12c ] nnd lSoyard Imported satoons at 25c ynid , worth 33c. Plain black sateen , 121c , 15c , 20o nnd 30o yard Bo sure and nsk to see our now cashmere ombres , they nro going very fast Chullies 5c , 0c and 8o yard Pa cific De Mous oline , lOo per yard , worth 15c ; white checked nainsook reduced to 3o per yard : lace stripe white goods , 8c , worth 121c. Full line of plain , crocked and plnid whlto goods at 10c , 12Jc , 15c und 18c. Outing llannol , 7ic. 10c , 125c and 15o per yard Navy blue twilled llaunci , nil wool , reduced to 19c yard , worth 35c. English and French shirting llannol 35c yard Largo assortment of cottonades at 23c yard , Turkey red damask 19c yard Red boVdorod damask 18o yard , worth 25c. Cream damask 35c , worth 50o. Cream damask 43c , worth OSc Wo have a few of those fancy turkish towels loft at 50c oich Frlngod white bed spreads 31 each 11-4 Marsoilloa spreads $2.50 , worth $3.60. Dress ging hams 6c , Cilcumd 74c , worth double Heavy German blue prints 10c yard Our prices on muslins and shootings are the lowest , CORSETS Our hosiery-Bale will bo continued on Monday Romumbor our corset sale on Monday Children's Hosiery only 10c per pair , warranted fast blnck Black silk tatTcttn gloves only 15o per pair , worth 40c. 100 pounds Gormnntown zephyr 6c per skein Bargains in wall paper Headquarters for wall paper HAYDEN BROS Remember Dr Duryoa will lecture at the First Congregational church Thurs day evening February 20 , on "An Evening witluOu > . .Aunt3. " Admission 23 cents ' Going to New York this weoic to make spring purchases , i. . . MISS ALICE ISAACS "lililli" Annlii Jtooticy" At Mclnberg's old stand , 1510 Dodge McBride ic Co , successors o Tim Ou.y Om > . The Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul Railway is the only line running solid vestibuled , electric lighted and steam heated trains between Chicago , Coun cil BlulTsund Omaha The berth reading lamp feature in the Pullman sleeping cars run on these lines is patented and cannot bo used by any other railway company It is the great improvement of the ago Try it and be convinced Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , ntfl p. m. dally , arriving at Chicnco at 9:30 : a. m. Passengers taking this train are not compelled to got out of the curs nt Council BlutTs and wait for the train to bo cleaned Got tickets and sloopingcarborths at Union ticket olllco , 1601 Farnam st F. A. Nash , Gen Agt J. E , Phuston Pass Agt Mnoro & Co , Cnvli Grocers , Are headquarters for the finest teas and colfces Try them and got the best , value for your money Alfrrd IUoinb : rj Co 'u Music Store has been purchased by MoBrldo & Co , nnd nil contracts for piano tuning will be filled by Mr , A. Weber , jr , who has boon witli the house for the past year Now orders lor tuning and music will receive careful and prompt attention 1510 Dodge _ Exoept'onnl Opportunity Twonty-ono lots , incluulng six cor ners , size 60x125 feet , with 20-foot alloys , in North Omaha addition , for ' $9,710. Only $3,000 cash , balunco 1,2 , 3 , 4 nnd 5 years , on or before , at 8 per cent Gee M. Cooper , 819 N. Y. Llfo building , Emhroldory and underwear sale con tinues on Monday _ N. B. Falconer IjiiK-st Music MoBrldo & Co . successors to Alfred Mo in bo rg Co , 1510 Dodge Piano lunlnm Kelln stilni ; anil Ile- rnirlni ; nt 151(1 ( Dooga McBride & Co , , succes sors to Alfrcd MolnbPt'g Co , Notice To the residents of Boil ford Plnco Druid Hill , [ Monmouth uud Central Parks : A mootlngwill bo hold at Johneon's hall Thirtiothi street and Bolt Line railway Monthly evening , February 11 , to discuss thoieubjoct ot lire protection und other topics of ititorest to nil con cerned Councilmonjol the Sixth ward nro es pecially invited to be present New IMiuuiftoiurint ! Jrwelern Carson & Batiks have opened as man ufacturing jewelers in the Barker block Both members of the firm have had a number of years experience in N. Y. , und for the past four years Mr Banks has had churgo of the manufacturing dopnrtment in C. S. Raymond's jewelry store ; during two years of this time Mr Carson was in Rnymond's employ nlso Diamond setting nnd mountlng vlll bo pno ot the specialties of this firm us well us the manufacturing of nil kinds of jewelry to-ordor. Prompt nttontion will bo given nil kinds of repairs The trade iu the entire west will find Messrs Curson & Banks well fitted to nttond to the work entrusted to them und their prices will bo as reasonable as posslblo with first class workmanship JMooro J Co , Cash Grocers Soil the best flour in the market for $1,40 sack : $2.76 per 100 lbs Try It and it will make jour cook huppy Olcnntlo Sntc Moro bnrgnins to bo olTorcd nt Stone hills tomorrow thnit was ever offered nt u single sale Fine laces at lc , 2c and 8cnydt , worth ton times the money There are hundreds of bankruptcies every day in the United States Just ono week ngo today there occurred n $50,000 bust up" in n lnco nnd om- broldory house , our buyer was on dock , ana made n purchnso of moro laces than were ever sold by us In n slnglo season nt regular prices , but wo intend to g6t rid ot thom in n slnglo day How nro wo going to do this ? Why , wo nro going to knife thom Luces 2 inches wide nt ono hult cent n yd Just think of It , two yds torn cent Laces 0,7 and 8 inches wide at 2o per yd Laces 9 to 12 inches wide nt 3c porya Black Spanish chnntllly lace nt 16c , would bo n bnrgnlu at SOc Warranted nil silk HERE IS THE MOST WONDERFUL BARGAIN WE SHALL OFFER Three thousand yards of chantilly nuil Spanish skirting , 41 inches wide , nt 90c and $1,25 it yd None of this is worth loss than $2.00 nnd worth up to $5.00 n yard This is a bargain you may not got again in n lifo time , so dent miss it Also 600 yards 54 lnchdrupory nets at same prices Fifth thousand yards ot ombroldory at lc , 2c , 3c , 5c , 7c , 8c , 10c , 15c , 25c , 49c and 59 cents u yd , worth two or three times the amount wo nro going to plnco thom un sale at , boar this in mind Wo are going to offer just ono bargain in ourcorsot dopartinont , and it will bo n bargain 100 dozen French woven cot-bots nt 49c , worth $1.60. Our untiro line of surah silks will bo placed on sale Monday al39c , guarantee them all silk ; have thom In all the now spring Bhndcs 150 pieces scrim at Sic , worth 15c. Silk volling 9c a yard , worth 25c. Iinmenso line of outing fiannuls , suit able for gents shirts , ludlos' wrappers , blouses at 9c per yard , worth 20c. Another line of outing llannol silk mid wool mixed , nt 25c ; would bo u bar gain at 00c , Wo will line our counters Monday with ribbons , nnd at such prices that wo nro going to ustonish you Ono lot of blnck wutorod ribbon No 5 nt lc a vard what do you think of that ? Lot No 2 consists of a thousand pieces of watered ribbon at 3c a yard ; all colors Lot No 3 10 cartons of ribbon , three to four Inches wide , at Oc Lot No 4 500 pieces of ribbon , 0 inches wide , at 14c a yard : this line wo huvo in both fancy and plain Lot No 5 000 pieces of bash ribbon , 10 inches wide , at 19c a yard Lot No 0 This bargain will astonish you Ribbons worth $1 , 81.25 , $1.50 up to $2 a yard , ut 39o. Dent make a mis take when you re.iu the papers , and got bales mixed The great sale Monday will bo nt STONEHILLS P. S. Since writing the above we have received 2,000pairsof lace curluins bought ut a forced stile Prices are about SOc on the dollar ; will glvo polo und fixtures with every pair This sale will continue Monday and Tuosduy bTONEHlLL Mis A. H. Wilson has opened a Btudio at 1519 Dodge street ever Hoglen & Whltmoro's art btoro , where she wouid bo pleased tc meet these desiring to take lessons In China and oil paint Mng Hours , 9:30 : to 12 n. m. , una 2 to 4:80 : , 0. in Latest Mu-ic- , McBride & Co . successors to Alfred Meinberg Co , 1510 Dodge llHiiutll'ul Cltriiut Hill y March 1 next all full lots in blocks 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , US , 14 , 15 nnd 10 , will bo ad vanced to $1,009. Lots in * blocks 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , ft nnd 7 will ternain at $850. Until March 1 prices will remain ns at present , viz , $800 for north fronts and $850 for bouth fronts Take your choice at these prices Homos com plete on monthly payments to men of limited income A. P. Tukey N. Y. Lifo Building > Kcinovnl Notice The Nebraska Furniture Co ore moving to thuir elegant new wnrcrooms at 520 and 522 N. 10th st The will oc cupy the entire six lloors and will carry u largo line of furniture , earpots draperies and nil houbo furnishings The company will announce their open ing in n few days Their commendable ontorpriso'and delightful nowsto-o will surely bring them a splendid trade O. M. MtitH-H Jt Co Are the leading Cash Grocers Try their goods , all of which nro guaran teed , und save money by buying for cash The sixlh nnnual ball of division 183 Brothorltood of Locomotive engincors to bo given at Washington hall Thurs day evening , February 20. Elaborate preparations nro being made to have n lirst-c'ass supper which will bo gotten up under the supervision of the com mute of arrangements composed of A. L. Johnson , P. F. McNajiaiia , RoiiEiiT Gentleman A sleeper for Omaha passengers ex clusively on the Northwestern limited every uftornoon I'cnnvyi vim limn ( You nro all invited to meet nt the board of trade rooms , 10th and Farnoin st3. , next Monday eve at 7:80 : to arrange for the annual dinner , otc All nro in vited , whether members of the associa tion or not The ladles are espuoiully urged to bo probont Notlco At Boyd's opera house Sun day uftornoon at 3 o'clock Mr Wm B. Cu'lis will lsctui-oon the novel theme , Wanted Young Wornon " Mr Sargent will sing bomeof his beau tlful songs , so delightful to hear Como one and till TIIK MOUMi 1)111' GOODS CO I Special Muslin nnd Untlcrwenr Sale Next Week , Wo shall nlso have a special snlo kid gloves tomorrow , closing out tlio lnclng gloves made by Foster , Paul it Co nt the following prices : The William 5 hook Foster lacing gloves 75o n pair Forator ' s prlco $1. The Fowler 6 hook Foster lacing glove $1.23. Fojtor's price $1.50. The Fowler 7 hook $1.50 , regular prlco $1.75. The "Fostcrlna , " P. , P. & Co 's best quality 5 hook $1.50 , 7 hook-$1.75. These prices are in every case 25 cents per pair loss than they can bo bought elsewhere Wo have a good nssortmont nnd fit all gloves to the hnnu Wo have nn extra good lot ot 7 hook length , better than nny ono else In the city can show UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS 30c. with sot In linen bosom very full sizes regular 75c quality MEN'S KID GDOVES SOc • Embroidered hicks , now spring shades , every pair warranted , SOc , worth $2. Iluck towels 125o , worth 18c. Extra largo towels $2 dozen , worth $3. Satin damask $1 , worth $1.35. Corsets , broken sizes , 39c , worth $ t. I. C. corsets $2 , worth $3.60. Bo3tScotch ginghams 25c. Ladies English hose 39c , worth 05c. Now shirting prints 5c yard DRESS GOODS SOc , 75o. Some all wool dross goods 40 to 44 Inches wide 50c , roduccd from 75c , nnd another lot 75c. reduced from $1.25. Now silks , armuros , surahs Special sale muslin underwear next week MORSE DRY GOODS CO N. It Inlcoucr Monday special sales Special sale of hosiery lind underwear Specinl snlo of muslin underwear Special Bale of curiums und draperies Special sale of embroideries Full particulars of these sales have been advertised N. B. FALCONER a Latest Music McBride & Co , successors to Alfred 'Meinberg Co , 1015 Dodge I'lano Tunint ; , Itedulsliini ; mill Ke- pntrltm at 1510 Dodge McBride & Co , succes sors to Alfred Melnberg Co A local Omaha-Chicago sleeper on the Northwestern Every day 4:20 : p. m. A. P. Tukoy , Llfo building HomcBin Clifton Hill for mon of limited income Going to Now York this week to make spring purchases MISS ALICE ISAACS Notice I have purchased the stock nnd fix tures of the former Hamilton cigar store on 15th and Furniini and conspli- dated the same with my own and now odor cheap bargaiiiH to all purchnsers W. G. Goedecki ; , Barker Block I'lano Tuning , KellnlsliiiiK and Itc- pnli'ine ut 1510 Dodge McBride & Co , , succes sors to Alfred Meinberg Co Going to Now York this week to make spring purchabcs MISS ALICE ISAACS IMPORTANT ! popular Sunday Eve , PRICES i5c to 50c. Feb 16. First Monster GRAND CONCERT OIVKN I1V THE ENTIRE Musical Union . JULIUS MEYER , Manager ' . noNBisTi.Na or n Of Omaha's ' OJ 5 U Greatest Musicians JU- ARTISTS J- Nolo Uio I'opultir Irlccs Secure BPtiti this rooming . nt 10 o'clock Nextbunilny liraugallne FIRE SALE ! Peoples Clothing House 1303 Douglas Street Offers whatever little is lott ever of their stock recently damaged by llro tor nl- west nothing Wo also call your uttuntlon to the oxtroino low prices for which wo tire offering the choicest goods intoly bought tor spot cush Wo glvo prices below on n few nrtlcles , everything ns low or lower in proportion Call ut once und got first choice Peoples ' Clothing House , 1303 Douglas Street Calico Hoys Waists , ouly . . . , . . . . ? .13 each WOO 37 . 8 ttDal , r Hnnnoletto Uo > s\Valsu.oiily 25 each Children * pW-n aico suits , , . . . . .fMO each Hoys good Knee pants , only 25a pair Men's Uuslnent Suit * worm Uoys Plannolelto ShlrtB.otily 20 each 7.60 0.75. ' Men's extra line Worsted pants Men's Drew Suits worth 116.00. . . . 7 50 " ' made bults , worth . Men's custom • 1.60npair Mou's stiriPir custom bottom inado pants worth ' 130.00 , , , , . , , . . , . , , , . . . . , . , , . , . . ,15 00 " Peoples : Clothing * : House , 1303 DOUGLAS STREET , KELLEY , STIGER & GO I Wo Are Rooolvlug Dally Nor 'SBr Sprlnjr Goods / / 1 Novelties in Dress Trlmmlugx , line ' lea nnil Sillies Clinloo Selections I or Iinccs Ilnrcalns In Ileal IB Kit ! Olotca nnd lllbbons jH 'I ' SILKS China silks , 21 inches wide , ' bonutltul styles nt $1. SHIlGIiS Sorgos in now shades , -12 In wide , nt Tou and eec i CIIALLIUS Challlos in spring shades , BJ . now nnd pretty patterns , ut iSo H nnd r > f > c. BJ CASHMKUK OMBRK-A now fabric rare uud choice colorings nnd doH signs - _ Bj DRAPING NETS-Tho lutcst iiovolttosV M in llgurod , dotted t.utl striped tlrap * Bl lug nuts "La Tosca , " Russian and BJ flsli nuts Latest styles , BJ GREAT BARGAINS IN Bj REAL KID GLOVES 4 nnd 0 BUTTON nnd o-HOOIC F03 TER 1'WSTENtNQ. Blnck and deslrablo shades BJ These nro broken lots from our Bj regular lines tliut have sold ut BJ 81.15 nnd $1.25 n ualr , reduced to C0o < • 1 una 5 button dressed und un- BJ dressed real kid gloves that soil B usually ut $1.25 and $1.50 , reduced - B ducod to 750i B 4 button real derby gloves , B plquo stitched , black nnd duJBBl slrablo shades , our regular $2.01) ) BBs quality , reduced to $1.28" J GREAT RIBBON SALE B W0 pieces rich , heavy all H silk failtlo ribbons fsatiu M cdgo.in ) black and alt the IB now , dollcato shades , post B tlvoly worth 123c Ton yard Bj COO pieces rich , heavy nil Bj silk tailllo ribbons ( satin /P4 edge ) In blnck and all the \ BJ now , delicate shades , worth .B 20c 12c n yard 'B ' Do not fall tonttend this snlo ' KELLEY , STIGER & CO , B Cor 15th and Dodge St M The way Stootzol , the Howard street H steve dealer , had the Quick Meals piled BJ up in front of his store Thursday would BJ tnuko ono beltovc that the summer is , BJ hero Ho says ho hud it nil his own fl way in the gasolines steve trade last Bl year , and judging from the wuy ho BJ ships them it is true Bl Pinnn Tuning , ttclliiUhliiK and lto Bfl imlrinc Bl at 1510 Dodge McBride & Co , succcs * bois to Alfred Meinberg Co Bfl 'X'Iid Trainmen's Hall Bfl Success lodge , No 1S5 , of the Brotherhood Bfl of Hailroad Trainmen will glvo its third an * BB nual ball at Washington hall on Monday BJ oveninp , March IS The invitations nro M hunasomo and unlquo , ono of tlio most prom * . ! BJ Inent features being a pieturo in KoldofU'vBJ caboose on which i9 a monogram of the lot " R Ym tore H of H. It H. " The pust sociul nftd , N I of Success IoJro bIiow it to bo desorvlng U/ . ; ! its name , and llio coming event | iromiics tOTO laJBfl bo equal if not superior to any yet given . BMB ' " " EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL KNGAGKMENT BJ SARASATE I DALBERT I TUESDAY EVENING , FEB , 18. M Mcssri llonry n. Abbey and Mnurlra ( irnu l > o vfl respectfully to announce tlio flrst T H appearance of ttio CSHUATKbT LIVING MUSICIANS H PABLO DE SARASATE , Violin JBBbI EUOEN D'ALBERT , PlantvJ H As-Isteu by MMK , IIRKTIIA MA11X. I'iunlsUT Bl Forming tuc greatest combination of lustrul • * inontallsts over In this country IN TIIK 1-OM.OWlNQ i'ltOniUMMK : BJ Sonata , Op .V ) . in O L. van UeethoveD Bl Aliego con brio Introijuzlone o Hondo HlUtlt KUQKN DAWIHUT BB Andante unit Variations , fiom Sonata BB ( leak ated to JCroutzer . . , . L. van llcothove $ BH JlMIi UUKTIIA JI.I1HN1) SlINOll 1'AIII.O DU Bfl Sakaratk a Uerceuse , Opf > 7 Vr O'liopln Bfl ( li Ilnrcurolle A minor . . A Htililniteld B o Valse , - ' lan lobt uur eltimal " Struiss-TauslJ ; IlKitiliulKN : U'Amikut , I.loliesfoo ( l.a Fee d'Amour , Morceau _ Bfl caractorlstlciue ) J. itsff for Violin and Piano , Senoii I'Aiir.o de Sauahatk and JImk llEI'TIIK ' JlAIIX a Norwoglan llrldo 1'rocosslou. Op Bsl { ll . Noi ! . . . . Eil Qrieff Bl b Taraatolta , "Venozeia o Napoll " 1 Bsl Uszl BJ IlEIIItKUOKN IIALUBltT _ I'aiitt Fantoslo Saras&ti T H BEMll 1'AllI.O DE SAU\SA.TK. " ? " " BJ Accompanist Mr.Otto OoldschmldY . „ - Ba I I'rices-JI.OO. H.Mnad II , nailery Wc Se t4 Bl will be put onsalo Monday , Feb 17. H Steluway I'lano used at thcso conccrtx , H mmmmA I " * THREE NIGHTS ONLY , ' T1 , dysatty , I Feb 2 , 0,21,22 I And Special Saturday Matinee | RETURN of the POPULAR FAVORITES I THE ORIGINAL I And World Famous I HAHLOHSI I l'rcaentlng their New , Qraud Fairy end 8peo < BB NEW FANTASMA taculsr , I Introducing New Scenery , Costumes , Musld BJ and Epeiluitlea See the Ilanlon's Latest Marvel { Bl ] THE GREATEXECUTION SCENE I Bco tbo La Fre Drolners In the Bl GREAT GIRAFFE SPECIALTY ! I . Bee the Now Specialties by Mons Iuls BJ Plzznrellu mid Little Tootsey ' Gicator and srander than ever beforlT' H presented , llrluuthe lltt.o fillcs r Bl with ytu , A WORLD OF NEW NOV LTIESi ' Introduced this 6'eason. tiflBBl THE GREATEST AND GRANDEST M Scenic Spectacla ever rrehented In this country BJ Dent miss wltnoshlug tuts MagnlOceut Attract M tlon M Kemeiiiber eventhliiL' Is now this season Bl Nl ht prices Sic , We , ICc and 11.0' ' . Mutlac * ' Bl prices Uk and 15c.