t M r' ' • THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ' SUNDAY , FEBRUARY . . . i 16 , 1890. . . SIXTEEN . PAGES ' < I i ih ! ST VALENTINES ' VISIT w How Ho Was Rocolvod by Omaha's Upper Ton A FLOWER COVERED LOVE FEAST 7,1 * ) ' Ilcntitlful Kntcnrtnr Knrnlvnl llrorptloiiH nnd lcnntt Mar rlncL'R here nnd 'ninowhcro Gossip In OciiL-rnl. St Ynlcntlnc , Another milestone In the progress of tbe year added to the social variety of the week In the celebration of St Valentines day , A cuMom that originated in pagan rites and ceremonies has grown nmong us nine teenth century foils a nowor-covorcd ninnnor * Of love feast A day when damsels and - * swains for the nonce lay bare the heart nr.d its tender sentiment , veiling thorn only In the manner of exchanging affoctlon , Among the supcrstltous there exists a belief that nil birds ehooso their mates on the morn ing of February 34. From this no doubt or iginated another which taught that -If a maidens first glance after day dawn foil upon one of the oppoBlto sex younger than herself , the coming year will know her a brick , the following verso addrosscd to the good saint who Is patron of this day Is sup posed to cxpcdlto matters On the llrst look abroad the dumsol must repent : "Oood Saint Valentine show unto mo , Who will my future husband bo " There are almost ns many ways of com + m polling the secrets of fate on this ovcnlng as HHPh * on that night of the witches , Hullowcen , and * auy number of oar belles and beaux tonic oc casion on Friday ovonlng to liinUo merry with this object In vlow , The postman's bngs during the day were ( awning with written tenderness and the foot of the rosy-chookad , brnss.buttonofl mossonccr boys were known to forgot their cunning owing to the fatlguo of dolivorlug so many boxes of sweets and tiosios as u val online greotlng of some civalior T v All the world sooaicd love mad and even a tlmo-houorod Bplnstor from the contagion Wns hoard to exclaim with my lady In the "Tulooftho , Tubl" This frosty morning wo will take the air About the Holds for 1 do mean to bo Somebody's valentine , in my velvet gown , This morning , though it bo but a beggcr- t mans " The "Knlonilar Karnlvnl" on Tuesday nnd Wednesday evenings lent the nid of its post -olllco in the ice paluco presldod over by charming maidens in cosiumo a la ltusse to utterly undo the young men about town by their gcntiral flattering and navcrso person alities Happily , the so-called comic valentine with its rldicnlo and ribald jest is a. thiugof the past and oven among the Ignorunt and coarse minded they are no longer made the medium of abuse I think It wlsoto say that mnnv of the Bccrets dlsclosod on Friday through courage born of the day will glvn bachelors and maidens food for happy thought nnd'tnako 11 feast rather than a fast of the coming forty days "Hnlciidnr Karnlvnl " Always as a forerunner of Christmas and I y following close on its hcols the birth of a f' Vow Year , wo have endless calendars to , /thooso from Mtft < Calendars which are to keep us in pulse H P with Hying tinio during the coming 303 days , r This primary object , nowuvor Is almost lost g sight of in many of them so highly artistic m and vastly Intellectual are they grown to bo B Jf selection from sonio author Tor ouch B dnv with all the ornamentation that fancy ft and a fucila pen and brush can suggest , \Vo B have Gorman calendnrs quaint in design and B coloring which are essentially artistic , among V , them the Hcrzun record of time , all dainty Ji blno and wlnto like a Dresden plate R Then tnero are exquisite French affairs f with nrnttv maids nna ardent youths fash- ft ior.ed attor the manner of a valentine with something wlso or witty attached for each ft day in the year k AJl of ttteso are to bo had in the shops but X raroly.in a lifo time does ono for a brlof sca- V son Becuro a beauty calendar such as made B u showing on Tuesday and Wednesday in the B armory at the Kalendnr Karnlvnl Bj This bazaar is worthy of special observ es nncp , for it is a atrido toward artistic and In- BL tollcctual worthiness , and domonBtrates bo- | Vf yond question that our buds and blossoms IB are capable of planning and executing some } U thing besides a dance or a dinner [ * Far wcolm the pretty heads of any num- tAvi ber of social leaders have HP' < JS | been busy falhloning in fancy and fact the T. various bdoths nnd making them so alluring j ! > x that thu sterner sex to a man , would bo un- ! j nblo to resist , with a result so happy that on I the appointed evenings the most utterly i blnso and town-tirod of our young men i about town were studying with . IIvolv Interest , The Second Infantry band ! discoursed tbo sweetest poBgibio music in the gallery above stairs and the moving panorama rama of people dlvidod tbo iutorcst with the - booths January was represented by a cot tage with a Norwoglan exterior The quaint sloping roof was dcoply covered with Imlta- > . tlou snow , while quantities of glass icicles retloctlng tbo electric light added to the bril liant effect The women in odd Norwegian 1 costumes , light colored petticoats , white c • waists and velvet bodices were extremely [ picturesque Mrs , S. D , Harkalow had this I booth in charge and alio was assisted in sell I ing the duiiity bits of needlework with no prettier name than aprons , by Mrs Nye , Mrs , Stubbs , Mrs Cnrtor , Mrs U. 13. Wood , Mrs Muir , * Miss Julia Clnrkson and Miss Viola Carter The February booth was a well painted ice palace with Hrussian color * of rod , black and L , . yellow iloatlng from the highest point Tbo i - Interior as wliito as the Uussian steppes K- _ with cotton hung walls and fur covered - / /v40 } ° rs made nn admirable background for the | pretty paper affairs for sale In addition to this tliero was a poitoftlce with valeutinos for the bachelors and maids , some pertinent nnd some Impertinent , nnd all with a suspi cion of sentiment Miss MoIConna , Miss , Dewey , Miss Iloaglaud , Miss Laura Iloag- land , Miss Yost mid Miss Bessie Yutos as sisted hero and were simply ravishing in their artistic Hutslan costumes and little patent leather boots March represented a wind mill that re volved occasionally and Invited a nearer ex amination of the toothsome sweets for sale by MrsJ10iuont ( Chase , Mrs D. Wheeler , Mrs , Uaum , Miss Duttcrllold and Miss Urownto Uaum The fair ladles were charming In Spanish costumes with Iaoa muntlllus gracefully thrown over their heads and draped ubout their shoulders , ' The April booth was as dainty and splngI I like as the month itself , pale primrose yel low and ylolot were the colors used in dee orations und the draping was aono most ar tistically Mrs HartsufT , Mrs Dempsey Mrs Kay Mrs Sarsen , Miss Waring and Miss McOlintock , gowned alike In violet and white All muuunr of baskets and bags were for sale , „ May was represented by a May pole with ifc.i jiarti colored cambrlo ribbons , the women [ I gowned in white eiupiro gowns with sashes W of liuo rhyming with the colors of their 1 booth I Hero Mrs Metcalf , Mrs , Page , Mr Tabor , I Mrs Derrow , Mrs , Hobinson , Mrs Adams , I Miss Motcalf , Miss Smith and Miss Parker ] assisted In the sale ot all manner of fancy 1 work urtlclos June was a wledorncss of flowers with little > tlo maids dressed us chrysantbenums , sun { flower * marguorltes and various other bios some quite as sweet in their childish graoo as tbo real posies Palms and rubber plants made uu offcctlve bacuground while fairy lamp * cast a becoming glow and added to the witchery of tbo soeno Mrs Gardner was in charge of this booth , assisted by Miss Grace Williams , Miss Gertie Yates , Miss Loola Carter , Miss Maud Her , Miss Lucy ' Btrobbart , Miss Blanch Parker bud Miss Minnie Tnyler , I July was represented by a tent with J tno national colors floating from , every available place 1 , Within , a mysterious fish pond presided over - - * r by Mrs Hrooke , Mrs Hill , Mrs Benbam , BbBt Miss KlcharUson , Miss Halcoinbo Miss Gil * w bert , Miss Ilanis , Miss Charlotte Uenham and r T MUs Fanule Gilbert A fully appointed yacht was the happy Idea that svmbollied August Mrs Fran it Join on , Miss Williams , Miss Dixon , Ml&s John son and Miss Alice Chambers in fetching yachting costumes dispensed August smiles 1 nnd froien cream * , whllo small boys In cun ning little sailor suits nerved sherbet nnd lemonade September was a homely Mother Hubbard cupboard filled With an autumn store ot good things Cakes , pie * , prcsorvos , plcklos nnd nil manner of appetizing dainties that Joy the heurt of a frugal hoUBOWifo , Mrs Smytho , Mrs Hobinson , Mrs Mulfarfl , Mrs Urock , Miss Campbell and Miss Kittle Lowe were tbo good fairies October wns nn exceedingly nttractivo booth with Its heaps nf golden oranges and bananas , the rosy checked wlntornpplos , the naskets of dates and figs and bunch after bunch of translucent green grapes , A little fruit cart smartened with trimmings of yellow nnd black was pushed about by a young woman in a pretty Italian costume , and unwary young men bought on sight , so carried out of thomsclvos were they by the vHlon of beauty Mrs Cotton , Mrs , Mueller , Mrs Gould , Mrs Parks , Mrs McEwIng , Miss Pratt , Mt < s Clara Clarkson , Miss Eaton , Miss Andrews nnd Miss Coons had this booth in charge , and Mrs Cotton and Archie Pratt sung some charming Italian fruit songs Novorabor represented the interior of a Dutch kitchen , a brick IIro place with andirons nnd crane , a high mantel shelf adorned with blue and white Delft plates , a Turkey rod screed , rows of shining tins and some old-tlmo cups nnd snucorB The in scription of "Kalendnr Knrnival Hooks Are We , Koffoo , Kakes , Komo in and aoo , " was so enticing that the women in charge were kept constantly busy Coffco , pretzels , brown broad , chcoso nnd little Gorman sausages were on sula with Mrs , J , P , Williams , Mrs Thomas , Mrs Parker , Mrs Curtis , Mrs Fonda and Mrs Johnson to cater to the wants of the visitors Decembar was ono of the prettiest booths of the Kalomlar , a high art mantelpiece , fur rugB , nnd pictures decorated with holly and grcons A Christmas tree hung with toys , n row of stockings across the chimney place and topping all a snow covered orod roof with Santa Cl.ius nnd his pack nboutto try thochlmnoy In the soft light shed from , fairy lumps nnd rose cotorcd can dles the women looked charming Miss Florence Yutcs and Miss Luln Shears were pictures in white gowns with powdorcd hair , patchc * and any quantity of brilliants This was Mrs Yutos' and Mrs Hichardson's ' booth and they uoronsslstad by Mrs Pritchett , Mrs Guy Uarton , Mrs Lauder , Miss Yates and Miss Luln Shears Infants wear , toys and candy were for sale here Thus were the twelve months strung on the thread ot a common endeavor to incrcaso the organ fund with a result that was grati fying to a degree The women interested may congratulate thomsclvos on the financial and artistic success ol their Beauty Kalon- dnr ' 1 TliiusdnyM Cotillion , On Thursday ovonlng at Washington hall In a small whirlwind of pretty girls , smart gowns , dainty favors enchanting music nnd a capital supper , the lights were put out nnd the curtain rung down on the lust cotillion of the season In the retrospcctlvo what n delightful club 1) has bcon , yquth , beauty nnd high spirits goiug hand in nand through the rythmic steps of the waltz or polka Sweet young things bnvo denned their finest feathers and smiled their kindest smiles In rocogmtion of the manly charms of their partners during the wlntor 'iho roBUlt has been in several instances a sparkling ring with its accompanying dreams of n church , u veil and a gown all marvellous tulle und orange blossoms When tbo bells ring out the wedding peal there will bo a little tender thought and sigh for the cotillion where special favors were shown in an cxtrtt dance und the intcrchanga of vows to bo lender and true On Thursdny evening nt 11 o'clock supper was served in the balcony byUatdult and immediately after the german proper began Five figures were danced , with llvo sets of ribbon favors , dainty slips of lemon , polo Iliac , pink , wbito und dellcuo green lot to red with Souvenir Cotillion and Valentine tine , " in honor of the trospasslng m the woo sum hours on tl.o good saints day , The gowns were smart nnd pretty and the women were , as vsiial , bowitchlng The lady patronesses ronesses" were there in full force and gave marked tone and dignity to the affair Among the guests were : Mrs Brooke , Mrs Barton , Mrs MoKonnn , Mrs Yates , Mrs Dundy , Mrs Catlin , Mrs Pritchett , Mrs Patrick , Mrs Baum , Mrs G. Knight White , Miss Funks ot Lincoln , Miss Mo- Kenna , Miss Williams , Miss Hobinson , MIsb Yost , Miss Clara Brown , Miss Dixon , Miss Nusb , Miss Ludington , Miss Dundy , Miss Nichols , Miss Wilson , Miss Wadlcigh , Miss Maud Wadlaigh , Miss Shears , Miss Metcalf , Miss Yates , Miss Bessie Yates , Miss Ida Sharp , Miss Laura Iloagland , Miss Hall , Miss Dewey , Miss Gilbert Messrs Kocnlg , Lieutenant Bookmillor , Coughlin , Will Wakoloy , Kantoul , Sblverick , A. li Smith , Wlnslow , McMillan , P. Gar noaii , Hull , McCann , DWilkinson , Ander son , Garllsh , Endicotl , Loomis , Hill , Arthur Tuttle , Isaac Coins , Will Douno , Ed Shor- wood , Clarke , Gates , Paul Horhach , Jordan , John P&trictc , Bnum , Hall Aothorton , Stewart - wart , Berlin , Robert Car , Sherrlll , Charles Wilson , Saunders , Gulou , Haas , , A IlnmlBomo huppor Party General and Miss Cowln gave a handsome supper on Friday evening at the Paxton hotel , with covers laid for forty-one" guests , The long tublo was a djeam of beauty , A Jnrdluioro ot dollcato maiden hair ferns , with n handful of great la Franco roses put care IcsbI.v through them constituted tbo center piece Low baskets of roses , hyacinths and ferns were scattered about on the snowy linen , lending exquisite color and fragrance The china which at the Paxton is charm ingly pretty , made a bravo showing with the glass and silver The gowns and jewels of the women car ried color and light about the table , and tbo scene was fascinating and brilliant to u do- grco Tbo menu was exceptionally delicious , champagne shnrponcd the nlroady quick wit and added to the material delights a feast of badinage and repartee , After supper tbo party proceeded to Mrs Richardson's very spacious sulto ot rooms , which were flowor-brlghtonod for the occa sion Hero card tables were arraagod and high-five was the chosen game It was progressive nnd tbo prizes moved the guests to pluy earnestly und with a pur pose As a result Mrs Wakoloy rocolvod the royal prize , u Japanese basket of bronze wire Mrs Patrick the second , a tortoise shell plate Mr , Drake secured the royal prize for the mon , a handsome bronze paper cutter Mr Hanscomtho second , a bronze ash re ceiver Mrs Brooke rcceivod a consolation prize in an owl that moved Its eyes aud screeched Mr , Prltcholt was likewise favored with a toy rooster fitted to crow , but without the occasion , A novel feature of tbe altogether delight ful cntortainmont.was the selection of part ners according to quotations from various authors , from Mother Goose to ShuKes- poore These were cut In half and the correspond ing bits were plecod together to form the partnership No end of merriment was the result of a prominent banker receiving a slip with "My name is Shylock in cold black aud white n'ha guests were ; Mr aud Mrs J. N , H. Patrick , Mr , and MrB Hanscom , Mr , and Mrs Pritchett , Mr and Mrs Kountze , Mr and Mrs To war , Mr and Mrs Richardson , Colonel and Mrs Shorldan , Mr and Mrs Yates , Mr and Mrs Sblverick , Judge and Mrs Wakoloy , Mrs Wheaten , Mrs Brooke , Mr and Mrs , Wallace , Mr und Mrs Yost , Mr and Mrs Morseman , Mr and Mrs W , V , Mbrso Mrs Barton , Mr and Mrs J. Barker , MUs Lynch , Miss Hanscom , Mr Drake , Mr Barlow and Mr Robert Pat rick The KIIcr Suolul The Elks ball and banquet on Friday night added a now leaf to the laurel wreath Justly won long since by this club for their royal entertaining , Fully three hundred guests were in at tendance , end after a charming programme of vocal and instrumental music the dancing began to the irresistible strains of Boyd's opera house orchestra Miss Maud Pennook , Miss Qoorgio Boul ter , Mr Jules Lumbard.-Mr. Joseph Barton , Mr C , E. Abbott and the mandolin olub took part in the musical programme , Mr , Abbott's flute solo was a gem While the dancing was lo progress supper and palatable punch were served in the din ing room Among these present were no- tlcei Mr , and Mrs , U. 8. Potter , Mr , and Mrs E. M. Uarlett Mr and Mrs J. E. Win nie of Albany , N. Y. ; Mr and Mrs E. O. Mogclton , Mr and Mrs W. P. Williams , C. C. llulett , Mrs W. C Hnlott and Miss Bcsslo llulett , Mrs Strangdaril ot St Too , Mr nnd Mrs U. L. Itogcrs , Mr , and Mrs it D. Shull and MIsb Shull , Mr and Mrs V. J. Snckett , Mr and Mrs Joicph F. Burton , Mr and Mrs W. E. Hamilton , Mr and Mrs T. A. Megcnth Mr and Mrs , J. T. Baxter , Mr and Mrs 8. A. McWhorter , Mr and Mrs J. J , Boulter , Mr nnd Mrs C S , Whitney , Mr nnd Mrs John Grant , Mr nnd Mrs T. T. Tuttle , Mr nnd Mrs W. E. Clark , Mr nnd Mrs Edger Leonard , Mr nnd Mrs William Gygor , Mr nnd Mrs J. E. Preston , Mr nnd Mrs C. K. Ford , Mr and Mrs M. A. Upton , Mr , and Mrs E. A. Houghton , Mr , and Mrs , A , H. Hudson , Mr nnd Mrs C. D. Sutphon , Mr end Mrs W. S. Shoemaker , Mr and Mrs Charles Grico , Dr nnd Mrs W. II Hnnchott , Judge and Mrs Gcorga W. Shields , Mr and Mrs 1. W. Miner , Mr nnd Mrs F. Morrlssuy , Mr , and Mrs John W. Stewart , Mr and Mrs J , K. Hamilton , Mr and Mrs A. M. Pinto , Dr and Mrs W. Hyde , the Mlssos Jennie Delouo , Mollie Nelson , Dolllo Bailey , Annlo Fitch , Alice Pnrkor , T. C. Kennedy , Edna Kom- mcll , Hcllon Smith , MnyDuryoa , Uoorgio Boulter , Moggio Boulter , Fannie Bishop , Lauja Fisher , Grace Goodso , Grace Hud son , Llz7lo Cnnflold , Lottlo Clough Miss Klggs , Miss Dcnsmooro , Miss Colladay , Magglo Latherwolto , Mrs J , W. Vallo , Airs K. H. Hltcblo , Mrs M. E. Brown , Mrs C. A. Dean , Mrs B. B , Young , Mrs Gamble , Messrs B. C. MoCluro , Charles Collins , A. J. Van Kuren , Al Molnburg , A. H. Com Btock , Grant Beobo Henry Potter , Cbitrles Potter , 11. P. Stoddard , Dr Wilcox , F. P. Hanlon , II D. Rood , O. W. Stockton , E H. Merrick , William Koonle , C. B. Schmidt , W. S. Hobinson , W. J , Hughes , C. J. Loomis , F. P. Gridloy , Hvron Smith , W. H , Will iams and many others An Alloiiuioii deception Mrs , A. P. Tukoy gave n charming reception - tion on Frldny afternoon About thrco hun dred invitations were issued und her friends rcspondoa In fluttering numbers The house was made gay with flowers , the refreshment room especially being profusely decorated with roses and smilax Bnlduff did the ca tering and received now laurels Miss Llllio Tukey , asslstoa by the Misses Duryoa nnd Miss Alex.uidor , served sherbet Mrs Tukoy was assisted m rocelving by Mrs Burnham , Mis Allen , Mrs Duryea , Mrs Alison , Mrs , James , Mr . Koynor , Mrs , Novlllo , Mrs Richards and Miss Davis tV Homo Wcitittn ; * . A very pretty woddlng was eolobrated at the residence ot the bndo's sister , Mrs W. G. Richardson , Thirty-seventh street and Amos uvonuo , on Tuesday afternoon , the contracting parties bolng Mrs Alvarez del Castillo and Colonel liobort Sloan of Keo kuk , la The parlor was boautirully decor ntod with smllax and roses , the arch between that room and the dining-room bolng fes tooned with the delicate green vine and bride roses Al 2 o'clock ' , to the strains of Mcndotl- sohn's woddlng march , the bride entered on the nrm of the groom nnd the marriage serv ice of the Episcopal church was road by the ltnv William Osgoodo Pear on of St Johns church , The bride wns attlrod In a gown of old rose Bilk , with diamond ornaments , the gift of the groom After the ceremony the fovv intlroato friends proBont repaired to the din ing-room , which was a perfect bower ot flowora and plants , to enjoy a dainty wed ding breakfast Mr and Mrs Sloan loft the same evening on a woddlng journey , during which they will visit St Louis nnd several Iowa cities und will bo at homo to thcii friends at 415 High street , Keokuk , after Match 1. Colonel Sloan , who at ono time made his homo In Omaha , is the agent of the Ameri can Express company and is well known nnd very popular among railroad and oxpres3- luen Ho is the sccrotary of the Express mens' Mutual Benefit association Mttlellolit-Imkr. On Thursday evonlngut the homo of Mr nnd Mrs Konshuw on Saunders strest ' * ' near Spauldlng were inarrjod Miss Ethel Belle Lake to Mr Louis Llttleflcld Bishop Newman - man preformed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate relatives Directly after the newly wedded couple wore driven'to the Saratoga Lyceum ball wboru a " reception was bold , quite 200 friends extending their congratulations The hall was beautifully decorated with palms ana flowers and the Metropolitan orchestra discoursed sweetest music • There were a number of presents among them were a lot in Stnlthfield from the parents of the bridegroom and an ex quisite silver toj set from the Sixth ward republican club Soolnl Gnsrtip Mr Newton Barkalow was in town during tbo week ' • Mrs . Warren Rogers loft on Tuesday for Baltimore Mrs J , R. Buchanan returned from Wis consin on Sunday Mr Paul Horbach returned from Salt Lnko on Wednesday Mr Al Patrick will give a luncheon at the Union club on Mondnv Mrs FroJ McConaall has gene to Colorado rado for a few weeks stay Mr and Mrs Ernest Rial loft on Satur day for a months stay In old Mexico Mr and Mrs | Hallor will celcbrato their wooden woddlng by a curd party Monday evening Miss Wilson , who has been visiting at Happy Hollow , returned to Lo avonworih on Friday - Mrs , Joseph Borkor gave a charming luncheon oil Saturday afternoon In honor of Ml > a McCormlck Mrs , Ranney and Miss McCord , who wore visiting Mrs McCord , returned to St Joseph on Thursday Mrs J , R. RIngwalt antertalnod a few friends yesterday afternoon in honor of her visitor MUs Robinson , Th's ' evening nt 0 o'clock Mlss Eva Brant , sisior of Mrs J. Nowraan , will bo married to Mr , Nathan Goldberg , Cards are out for a reception to bo given by Mrs llawlov and the Misses Hawley on Monday , from S until 0. Owing to illness In the family Mr and Mrs It C. Cushing have recalled their in vitations for cards Monday evening Miss Porsu Hunt and Mr Warren Lan torman were murriod at the bri jo's homo , 813 South Twenty-seventh stroct , Tuesday evenlne , the Rev John Williams performing the ceremony , - Mr , and Mrs , J. H. Griflln und son , accom panied by Mr E. P , Grifllu of Alexandria , > leb , loft on Friday to attend tbo sixtieth anniversary ot Mr Grlflin's parents , who reside near Burling top , la The next roc ltal of thu Ladles Musicale society has been postponed from Wednes day , February 19 , to Thursday , February 20. The programme Is very attractive , num bering Mrs Mason , ( nee Calderwood ) among the artists . The Clio Dramatio club will give their second end dramatic entertainment at Washington hall on Wednesday evening , February 10. "Ici on Parle Francals" will bo presented t with a cast that iasuros success The play will bo followed by a hop The Rev J. PD Llwyd , who bns attached lilmsoif very firmly to tbo heartstrings of bis parishoners in Kountzo Place , was glvon a delightful surprise by them lost evening In the way of a pound party , " Musio , con versation and games served to while uwny tbo evening pleasantly , adding a , new charm to the congenial intercourse between the shepherd and his flock Miss Gussle Korty gave a reception to about fifty of her friends on FeDruary 8 , tbo occasion being the tenth birthdav of the young lady She was assisted by Miss Lydla Itheora and Mr Frankie Brown Miss Dot tie King captured the button and Master Hbooin the dime which were concealed ) n the birthday cake , and which are supposed to foretell certain ovenVs iu the future of the Anders , At Newton , la , , on Wednesday evening a pretty douolo woddlng was eolobrated , the contracting parties being Mitt Ette lo Buchanan , only daughter of Dr A. II Buchanau , to Mr George Hunter of Omaha , and Miss Carrie Hunter to Mr , C. E. Stubbs , son of Hon , D. P. Stubbs ot Fairfield , la Mr , and Mrs Hunter are at homo to their friends in Omaha Mr aud Mrs J. N , II Patrick gave a box party at the Grand on Saturday evening to enjoy "Ihe Rivals " Their guests were : Mr and Mrs Meday , Mr , and Mrs Kountze , Mrs Caldwell MrK Hamilton , Mrs Cuming , Miss WadlolgtUMlis Yntos , MUs Bcsslo Yates , Mrs , O. Knight White , Miss Wilson , Mr Smith Mr Rnbcrt Pntriok , Mr John Patrick , Mr nnd Mrs C. Will Hnmll- ton , Mr Frank Hamilton , Mr Murphy , Mr Berlin and Mr CaldwclljHnmllton MlssMills gave a delightfulhlgh-llvoparty , on Frldny evening Too g mo was progressive - sivo and the prizes worcwon by Miss Parker nnd Mr Carroll Carter , MUs Sarpont nnd Mr Frank Schnoldor , uuo'formor two secur ing the royal and tbo latter the consolation The guests were : Miss'Shorwood , Miss Burns , Miss McKcll fMiss Sargont , MUs Parker , MUs Marshall , , iM.1sj Stone , Miss Barker , Miss Van Kurafi , 1 Mr Ludington , Mr Rogers , Mr StigorMr. . Fred Schneider , Mr , Frank Scbneldor Mr Carroll Carter , Mr Sargent , Mr Arthur Custer , Mr Charles Rosewater and Mr , Kralga SALT LAKEcll'Y NOTES Xho lbcrnl4tylotory Is n Great Thine For Itenl Bstntc Salt Lake Cm , Utah , Fob , 10. JSpocial to Tun Bbe.J The building soa9on hns com menced Mon with teams and ploughs have been at work all week oxcavatlug the foun dation for the new court house The work on the now chnmbor of commerce building is progressing , and many other buildings are either having their foundations laid or are about to have tli3 upper stories put on or fin ished Among the important sains of rcnl estoto Messrs Jark and Spafford report twoaty-tlvo acres near the tbo Driving pnrk for $10,000. This property has fully doubled In vnluo in the last thrco months The Her ald company coi.vo.vcd to Henry Dlnwoody and others 100 by 60 feet , of lot 1 , block 77 , plat A , for 5.10.000. Dally sales average from 1100,000 to $150,000 per day On Friday Feb ruary 8 , the recorded transfers were SIS , - 641.00. Investors are coming m nil the time , and every state east of us as well as Cali fornia , Is represented The extension of the Union Pacific south ward is nn assured fnct It w ill find thnt way tbo desired direct route to Los Angelas and San Francisco The road will traverse some of the richest mining dis tricts in the world , nnd open up a lorttlc and productive region which will bo tributary to Salt Luke City , 'i ho outlook for a lareo increase of population is excellent , and many tenement houses are plnnnod , and some are already building , to moot tbo in creasing demand It U singular , though nntural , that the now comers are mostly mnlus The native population presents the right proportion of muls nnd femnle.but It is not so with the outsiders This is cupeciallv apparent in the Gentile churches Ono sees live men to ono woman iu the churches , while In the taberuaclo women rutnor pre dominate I venture to predict that this whole vexed question of local politics will And its natural solution by the Gontllo carpetbaggers petbaggers" marrying the Mormon girls The latter are pretty , ns a rule , though a little proud , and make the best wives As the telegraph has loag since informed your readers of the success of the libornl ticket , I will only say in reference to the election Itsolf.lhat It was as orderly as possi ble 'Ihoro were some arrests for illegal voting , but the dofootcd party accepted its fate with a good grace The effect on the real estate market when it became probable at noon that thu libarals0yould win , was to create n good demand A great deal uf property orty changed hands undilicfcos were raised on nearly over thing in tljp real estate line Every one predicts thpfithis city will out strip Denver in n few year ? . There can , al least , be no doubt , that it will double its population in a very short time jC A. Egokht KKUliEMEl ) H 1' jAK3. ! Curious Incidents U'li oh Attended thu Dclcnt of thCjuMormons Salt Lake Citv , Fob Special ! [ to Tub Bee J The election Is over ? but the enthusiasm - asm ever the result stil uns high with lit tie prospect of Its abattng/6r months Many amusing little incidents o l/election day are gradually coming to liclit - Iho Mormons claim that the prJiie 'ipal-Aap'd'was . commit ted by the registrars refusing to " register their people , yet the registrars bnly complied strictly with tbo law which the Mormons themselves passcd'years.ttKO. . Two Mormon cldors wore consoling tliomsolves with Never mind , brother Wo will come out all right yet ; the Lord is on our side , " when a little Gontllo newsboy standing near by chimed in'Yes , that may bo so , but ho ain't ' registered " " Another ca30 was where a Mormon chnl- Icnired another Mormons vote through mistake - take nnd the ono voting got angry , tore up the Mormon tioKet and put a straight Gen tile ticket m the box A Mormon bishop of ono ot the wards challenged the vote of aJornlor pol.vgamist upon the ground that he was a polygnmist yet The challenged party claimed that his lirst wile was dead und that ho was now liv ing with his second wife AGoutile uonr by who noticed that ho was going to vote the liberal ticket , took him by the arm aud usked him to go with him , They went aud ere curcd a liceubo , also n ininistor , took the voter to his second wifp , remnrrled thorn , and iu less than two hours time uppeared at the polls with n marriage Certificate , winch the voter shook in the bishops face and told him to go and do likewise , and he , too , could cust a legal vote The city Is crowded with people and hotel accommodations nro hard to obtain , yet newcomers comers are arriving in large numbers on every train Mr Benson of Omaha is push ing the work In the new hotel with all tno force ho can employ and contemplates hav ing it ready for occupancy in a years time This will bo a magnliicont house of 250 Bleeping rooms , all modern conveniences , In splendid location right in the business portion tion of the city From present indications this hotel will bo conducted by Major George Erb , now proprietor of the Walker house ' 1 his will at once put It In the load of any nnd ail houes between San Francisco nnd Omaha as she is known far and near as ono of tbe most experienced uad popular hotelmen mon in the United htatos • Lllco ihi ) K n OrerhmJ 3ttmtMy. I would bo like tbo sen , that wide expands , And grows more inflnlto , as ugus do , Clasp Iu my arms tbo utmost length of lands , And I would love her depths , and bo as true , To men , asjs the sea unto thu sands I would bo like tbo rocks along her sides My queen the palo wan moon , that bending low Dips olenusmgly tbelr bows in the rising tides , And lodges pearls with them , and even so The salt pf truth that within the sea abides I would bo like the crag1 above her piled , And find the depth of'ieiguUh ' , ankle-deep , Wake with the mornlnKiqnU the shepherds , child 7 ft That o'er their foreheads whistles to his sheep , i Lashed night and day , aiiuftiways reconciled , m i ft I Morphine the Czur Lmos The czar of UubbIq hU& become auoh a confirmed slave to tha habit of lnjoctiiif ; morphia that ho is iilw ( suit ! to inject dully from twelve to flHoon praiiis of this soduotivo drucr , says the Loudon Figaro Whan It ia'tiomoicborod ' that the dose of morphlasntfbally adminis tered by a doctor to tstyationt is from a hull to ono grain , it t Wl bo soon how the craving lius incroE od in the caxo of the Emperor AloxtfhUor The czar has made manv ellorttfttt break himself of a , habit which must'tiqd ' disastrously if persevered in , buflho result of totul abstention from the use ot the injection even for forty-eight hours has been such a terrible state of nervous debility nnd depression that he has not been able to persist in his1 resolve One of the most recent decrees issued by the czurjias been to order the erection of a monument on a most imposing scale of grandeur to the Emperor Nicholas The site fixed u on is the * spot at which the Russian army crossed the Danube in 1B2G. Kansas City Journal i A New York Her ald reporter endeavored to interview Chaun cey M. Depew on the worlds fair bill , pend ing in the Now York legislature and la re sponse to each of ten questions received the same answer , T have notblug to say " We make note ot this us the only occasion on record when Cbauncey Depew had uothing to say , " DIME-EDEN-MUSEE WILL , LA.WL.ER , - - MANAGER H CORNER 11TH AND FARNAM STREETS Week Commencing Monday , February 17. H LOWANDA I The Modern Sanison Mighty Man of Muscle I THE MIGHTIEST MAN OP ANY AGE SINCE OLD SAMSON'S TIME This wonderful man possesses the strength of six ordinary men , and has earned the title , IRON M JAWED MAN by defeating all competitors in the Challenge Tournament or the Royal Aquarium , Lon H don , England , in 1883. No one as yet has been found able to deprive him of his laurels LOWANDA H will at each performance lift a barrel filled with water and three of the heaviest men in the audienca H sitting astrlaoofthe barrel SCHOOL CHILDREN'S MATINEE , - SATURDAY , FEBRUARY 22. I Special Engagement For Ono Week or llic TAMOUS TAYLOR SISTERS lEolliiCfl IHtiMicnl Artist * ami l > lic- iioinunnl VoiuliMs THE LABORER AND HIS AIRE How the Brlokmakors Live Through the Winter A TALK TO UNORGANIZED LABOR Who Suffars in Case of n Strike The 3he Ciunrmnkers Liitllo Dlfll ; cuity Work of tlic Horse blioorj Tlio Drlckmnkers' Winter What do wo do In the wlntor I" Well , that's ' uu awful hard question to an swer " Tbo query wns put to a man known m Omnba as one of the swiftest and boat off bear * brlcitvard mon in the country Ho was a stalwart fellow , face bronzed , roughly but warmly dressed and had an hon est-looking eye lie was conversing with a group of acquaintances on n cold corner , nnd stared at the reporter as though some Bpy was endeavoring to win bis confidence Mut ters were explained in a second , nnd thu two repaired to shelter Now that I know that you nro a reporter , I dent care If wo do have a chat , " said the brickyard man , and , In fact , I am glad to be placed In a position where I pan sot rigut certain criticisms and other street remarks which have been made from time to time about the boys who do similar labor to initio " After making a bootjack In a plug of to bacco the brick artist continued ; "We are not such a bad lot as some people imagine 'Ino most of us , especially tbo tnoldors and off-bear men , are married Wo have our families to support and the most of us do It properly It Is true there are a few bums in the gang who float from town to town , but that cuts no figure with the Btoady ole ment Then there is another class of brick yard laborers who iujuro our respectability , who aspire to be politicians , but tbo hoys are onto them , and next season some of them will be looliiuK for a job Workmen in every trade , however , have their backsots , and ours is po exception to the rule What do wo do In the winter ) Well , that depends altogether upon bow much a fellow saves during his summer harvest , bopio of the boys are more economical than ethers Hut tbo average moulder and off bearer who has followed tbe work for sever al seasons nnd who understands hit work , lays away enough sbockels during tno work ing season to.tide him over through the win ter Hut we are a strong , lusty lot and if it comes to a sbow down wo can work at al most any common labor Some of the boys , In fact a large number of them , work on the river cutting ice -Tbo pay is good and it doesn't take anything but muscle and health to do tbe work "Jd'the summer wo make It and 15 a day Most of us llvo cheaply , and if our wives are good , savors and most of thorn are we have a nice little nest-egg laid away by tbe time tbe yard season is over Other common labor such as hod carrying , mortar mixing , helping tbe carpenters and stone masons on big buildings Is indulged la by tbo bonost brickyard laborer , Tbe good ones are not afraid of work of any sort ho far as that is concerned Then there are boys among our craft who can run a sta tionary engine Some of them get inside work at small pay At any rata tbe sober fellows never want ( or same sort of a Job , T0UBQFTE3EWSU Pi lift Will present llio Celebrated Dioramic View Collection , And will Introduce Iiis illumin ated lour ol' the World , anil It will cost you out Oi\E a > BJiE ! althougti the winter pay is loss tnan balf what we make ut ourrogulnr trade But wait till tbo spring time comes and well all uo Hush " Unorfrnmzoil Lmbor Omaha , Feb 13. To the Editor of Tub Bee : I have no means of knowing the exact nuinbor of worktngmon employed by corpor ations , syndicates , railroad companies , man ufacturers , contractors and builders , sur veyors , planters , farmers , merchants , house boldors , coal dealers , landlords , eto ; but they constitute the major portion of our pop ulation Are they organized as a body for aotive and efficient work In theirown behalf 1 By no means I A federation of agriculturalists nnd work lngmon representing the most skillful trades has been effected but so far it may bo re garded as nn experiment of doubtful utility And why ? Because the skilled mechanics appear to forgot that they are part and par cel of the great mass ot toilers engaged in tbo struggle for a Hvollhood ; because they hold the laborer la supreme con tempt and look with lofty disdain on the under paid carpoutcrs and woodworkers ; because the wants of the laborer nro not considered when a Btriko Is contemplated and are totally ig nored whan the strike is on , while the better paid but spendthrift artisans are well pro vided for , In the case of railroad einployos tbo tlckot agents , baggage masters , conduc tors , engineers , llretnen and brauemen receive - coivo wages that will tide thorn ever a long strlko , but tha poor section men who hoop tbe roads In rouuir for the paltry sum of $1,10 per day are obliged to resort to the alternative of runnlng'hopclessly in debt or denying themselves the common necessities of life In many cases the latter method is compulsory anu if the strike Is continued for an indefinite period the poor mon are re duced to absolute penury Lot no ono suppose tnnt the strlko has no bearing on the aoction men , because tha roadH must bo keptln repair , The company boos the noccsslty of reducing expenses una in nearly every case lay off all but the fore roan and ono assistant There Is a largo number of worklngmen employed on and around the new buildings of our cities and towns that ought to bo a unit In their efforts to iuprovo their condi tion , but tbe reverse Is the rule Bach clubs or trade has a separate or distinct organiza tion that has nothing In common with its brother unions and when a strike is ordered by one its members take no thought about the effect it will have on tlio ethers This course is not only suicidal to the welfare of all those Interested in the construction of the buildings , which includes owners , con tractors , architects , plumbers , gas litters , tinners , painters , stone cutters , briok layers , carpenters , hod carriers and roustabouts , but has a direct bearing on lumbormeD , wood workers , brlckmatcers and all other workmen - mon engaged in the manufacture and baud ling of tbo materlul besides all common la borers who owe their subsistence to the building boom It retards the building boom and to that extent affects the general prosperity of the whole community , It is alleged that Omaha loses annually upwards of 1100,000 through tbo discord created by the brick masons union , but mora of that hereafter < It is to be hoped that the worklngmen and agriculturalists of America will eventually form a union that means strength , A feder ation that represents the brawn and sinew of tbo great body of workers-ongagod In the building and tbe upbuilding of this great re public God speed the time WALTCtt WOUKIKOKAN Iloramhoer ' Ufllunr * . At tbo last meetlnc of the horseshoers' union nominations for ofllcers for the ensu lag year wore made The names mentioned were as follows ! W , K. Barnett , presldont ; Bteva Carmody , corresponding secretary JOHN BERTHA I 1,000 , Wonders of Earth , Sea and Air I A Colony of Monkeys A Happy Family I ALL THE ANCIENT STATUARY I ggiaiisBB Open Daily from I to 10 octnkp m , Continuous Performances in 2 Theatres by 2 Companies " . - - GREAT EXHIBITION DEPARTMENTS - - 7 I Kma uJLmmeir % I X ? ' f * * Chairs 5 and IO Cents , * * THE LAWLER HAT MARK HAVE YOU SEEN IT ? I BE SURE AND READ THIS On Frfday afternoon and evening each lady gentleman attend ing the Musee will be presented with a HANDSOME , ELEGANT APPROPRIATE SOUVENIR RE MEMBER , each lady and gentleman will receive the latest and most unique useful article they could desire , "ihis is The Lawler Hat Mark , " and it combines beauty with usefulness It is a hat mark with a complete and correct list of OMAHA FIRE ALARM BOXES and treasurer ; Edward Burt , financial sec retary ; Edward Burnett , rooording secre tary ; M. M. Wilkinson , sergo.int-at-arms ; sick committee , Thomas Tobb , J. M. Lewis and M. M. Wilkinson , Tno bnllottlng will take nlaoo nt the next regular inoetinir , which will be hold on Wednesday night A number of uamos have been added to the union During the last month Cl nrmnlclrs , DiHHulty The bosses and members of the Cigarmak- crs' union are hnvlng a little strife about a technical point in their work The dlsccrd nroso over a very trifling matter , but will no doubt bo settled up without a strike or walkout Kearly every boss is a practical clgarraak cr and thoroughly understands tbo detallB of cigar rolling Consequently all differences between the bosses nnd tbo men can bo Intelligently and us a rule satisfac torily sottlcd in a hurry The troublu arose over the manner of stripping the leaf Roucduii ; Tailors Tbe tailors are still having a Bquabbla among themselves So far the trouble has not interfered materially witb tbe turulog out of work It is not a question of pay or price , but of officers and constitution in tlio tailors union There are two factions Ono soctlon wanted certain officers and failed to got them They thou branched out nnd nro'now ' attempting to orgnnl7o unotticr union , but so far huvo not succeeded in completing tha organization The original union is in a prosperous con dition • Noich During the week a force of laborers has been given empioymont cleaning the > treots Their pav will average $1.60 per day , The night gang guts 11.75. Tlio printers are joyful over the success of their ball which uettod thorn a snug sum for the hospital fund , .7oilu Howard's Itual Work On tha 20th of January * 1700. John Howard , the philanthropist , dlod at Chcrson , in Russia , wbila unirtigod in visiting prison a and laiarrottos At this interval of 101) ) youra a tribute may justly bo paid to the great prison ro- formur , snvs the London Times With nil Howard's reputation und his name is household word among1 his eountry- mon his precise title to honor has boon ganorally misundoratood , Ho la loosely spoken of as a philunthroplat who wont from prison to prison Ana from hospital to hospital of Kuropo tnliilstorlnp to tlio wants ot prisoners and stole parsons Howard was without doubt a good and oharitnblo man , Due the errand upon which ho traversed Europe ever and ever aaln ; was not an errand of mercy in that uonso Ho bad a far doapor conception of the philanthropists thropist's function than to soattor doles Nor web ho ono oi these friends of humanity manity" whose friendship to their fol low creatures consisted in evolving grand theories out of a so-called natu ral law ' ' Howard really did for im prisonment what Beccarlannd Dontham did for criminal legislation placed il upon a humane and logical basis To his credit , be applied to phllanthropny , almost for the first time , a patient pro cess of resonrch and inductive reason ing , Howurd was a Culvinlst , a soveru disciplinarian , and , liuo these Scotch missionaries whom Stanley bus cole * bra ted , he was impelled by an over * mustering sense of duty