H 10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDA17 , FEBRUARY 10 , l SIXTEEN PAGES f | A. H. MAYNE & CO , I 231 Main Street , Si Lake City , Utah I AGENTS FOR WEST DRIVE SUBDIVISION I Only SH blocks from Postoffice I Lots $350 to $500. I Also have large list of property in all parts of the city I CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED MMiiMi ! ! mnmnrnTiniini ii imiihi mi umiiumii mi miii n ! I T. A. DAVIS J. T. STRINGER I Real Estate and Loans 23 W. SECOND STREET SHOUT , SALT LAKE CITY Wo have a Inrgc list of roslilouco , business nnd acreage property , which wo nro always pleased to show to visitors rind wo will furnish maps and lists of our property ( subject to previous solo ) , to our correspondents We have associated with us Mr ALFRED E. DUNCAN , formerly of Omaha , who will be pleased to hear from his friends , and endea vor to give them any information they want I A.J.UVNNELU r.r.auNNni.K | \ . I The SYNDICATE INVESTMENT CO p K Choice City , Acreage & Addition Properties ' INVESTMENTS CAREFULLY WADE FOR NONRESIDENTS , Sole Agents for "Rosedale" The fending addition , only one and one-half blocks south of Liberty Park Lots $250 to $350 until Eebrunry 20th. giving you 10 days after election WE INVITE CORRESPONDENCE I PO Box 1148. ,279'South Main St.s . , HARVEY HARDY , Manager J , H. HINMAN , Treasurar F. M. BISHOP , Secretary S II ITT MI-A-IIST STRJiSET , S.AXjT X-r-AJKIE OX-OrST , TJT KI Sk SB | BUYS and SELLS BEAL ESTATE in and adjoining SALT LAKE CITY on Commission Mf Jlf I We-have handled over $2,000,000.00 worth of property in the past 12 months , a large portion of which has been for nonresidents The members of the firm have had 10 years ' residence in pjfjf W _ W the city , and large experience in handling realty , and are thoroughly posted on values CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED _ _ r W r Jmk AMERICAN District Telegraph 1 COMPANY OFFICE UNDEtt DESKUI5T NA.T'r , DANK , 70 South Ultiiit Street ! Messengers Farnislierl Day or Night Circulars Invitation , Packages , fltc , ilollver ' ed promptly Special attention paid to the . escortlUL'of strangers to tno clliroreat lnstltu- ' tlons and places of lntorostttiroughouttlio city A. W. Gallacher , - Manager ' . Telephone 150. l Alexander L. 1'OM.ocrc. E. W. Wilsox POLLOCK & WILSON , LEADING Heal Estate Agents lO East Second South St , SALT LAKK CITV , . - UTAH Wo have a hundred of the cholcost lota within nlno blocks of the postolllce , ill feet front , and I sell them at from 11X ) to $ .175 each : besides busi ness property , acreage , and lots without num ber Information promply given Commercial National Bank , Salt Lake City , Utah IIKNHT 0. DAMII Vrosldant QE3HUE M. DOWNIir , Vice President JOIUfV. . DOVNKtiLAN Cashier Collections PiMjtirAttento'i To Tunds deposited with our correspondents In New Vork , CMcubo and Omaha , avalluble In Bait Lake without charge for exchange COItltKSPONDENOH SOLICITED THE WALKER HOUSE ' SALT LAKE CITY , t Thl * , is the Largest , I'lnoat and Doit Con ducted Hotel tatween Omaha and San Fran clsco It Is drat class In nil Its appointments , i Hcadquarteri for tourists , military and com mercial man Rates , $3 to $4 Pep Day , GEO S. ERB , - PROPRIETOR ! • THE METROPOLITAN HOTEL , i SALT LAO ran , 1 This Is the most beautifully located notel i la Salt Lake City Largo , line and elegantly ; furnished rooms , Kipclally ndaptod to fmnt- , lies Tublo unsurpassed Rates Only $2 Par Day GEO S. ERB , Prop WILL ERB , Manager * REAL ESTATE P IiSfi H 111 odll LdhC Ulj K 3 Pa ( % R BIn T ' " * ' In my letter published in Tin : Deb of t' i' ' ' - : * " ' " " ' ? & ' ; M. ' ' * • ' ' " " " iPSllllSlP February 2 , I said : tsPttSEpRj J irff i i _ , % * ' . . , - , , ; . , - > & & & * , * S < - . - 'Z-j M 3& & Property has grcittly appreciated in fflg i . - - - fJ ; - - . . _ - . ? > - - " - JES ? . , , - f- - . . t > r - * S viluo and continues to appreciate , alPsSsRflM&s ! ' fel frS3 - * sc' - a ' - ' - - " ' - ff f k : \i , * ? ? * . fiWi iSpSs • though many inon say it is already \ & & &i § i k % , - . * - ' . " - - ; ' - , /j r . * 'w * > ; & fe higher than in Donvof , Minneapolis or 3BP | * ? re rf : -i , * ' - Z - - - z'S L L . : i. fiA gf- strLouis " s S W' fe- - * - - - rr a'jy * # ss s ® v , - • * - # S % i If the context didn't correct the im- M OS&ri' &y lJ - ' " • li " ' " * "MiS ? , : - ' " " ' - . ' t MW prossion this bold statement was cnlcu- 3 - ' ' f ' * ' " T & ' - - lijf'5 aSj > j - lr * 3Qbll- * ' ' fhSi& Hffi ? S&S3 Th8 Ne Hotel , Salt Lake City , Mendelssohn , Fisher & Lowfie , Architects , OmaTa , Neb B injr of Wichita and Southern California Lot mo toll you what ttieao purchases I and the advance in price was based on : Goutilo sucooss at the Ogden city oloc- I tion of last February Tho.divot ion of Boar river on the northeastern shore of j Great Salt Lake at a coat of $2,09'J)3U ( , doubltnsr the irrl < jatinsr resources of Salt Luke valley Consolidation of the intormountloi lino9 of the Union Pacific , with headquarters at Salt Lake Broad-gnujjlnff substantially rebuilding the Uio Granuo Western , furnisliing trackage forthn entrance of three or four Enstern railways into this valley and city Commencement of construction bythe Pacific • Short Line Organization of the vVyoming Salt Luke & California , from Evans ton , Wyo , to Deep Crook , Nov Securing a site and filling n subscription of $50,000 to put up n Chnmbor Commerce building The introduction of oloc- as the motive power of our street car lines The putting under ground of eleven and ono-half miles of sewer pipes in Salt Lake Gentile success at the legislative election of August , in which Gentiles carried the Mormon capitalby forty-ono majoritv , with a thousaud uncast votes to spare The order of the Union Pao lllo tooxtond'itsUtah division from Milford to , Piooho , nnd to broadgauge the Utah div slon from Ogden to McCammon Junction Building of John \V. Young's Fort Douglas anu Park City road over the Wasatch to Park City and out to Great Salt Lake The purchase at $85,000 of a lot on First East and Third • South , and its donation to Omaha men to build a 800-room hotel upon A rival project for another 300-room hotel on West Temple , between Soeond and Third I South , carried through to the point of certainty The rapid growth of Ogden under the now regime , and the stirring of new lifo in all the towns up and down the valley Work done on public institutions Capitol Grounds , Industrial Homo , Reform School , Agricultural College , Deaf Mute Institute , Fair Buildings Resolution of City Council nnd County Commissioners to build a joint Court House and City Hall to cost 8100,000. Building of thirty stores , mills and factories , cost ing $750,000. Building to twelve school houses , churches and churitios , costinor $158,000. Building ot 407 residences , costing 705,01)0 ) : Projection of the Utah , Nevada & Calitorna , another through line to the coast Promised oxtoii < ioh of thoSanpoto road down into the Sovior country Such are some of the Improvements upon which the realty movoraont of the past year wasbasod Carried out , they will make a now world of Utah , and anew now world needs a capitol Most of them are still under way What do wo pro pjso for this year ? Business blocks and public buildings are now in contempla tion that will cost $2,000,000 , , some of thorn begun Prlcos of real estate are now approximately as follows : First class business , corners , $1,800 per front foot , depth 105 feet ; inside , $1,400 ; soeond class business , corners , $1,000 ; insldo , $700 ; third class business , corners , $300 ; Inside , $400 ; first class rosldonco , corners , $150 ; inside , $100 ; second class rosldonco-cornors , $00 ; insldo , * 40 ; third class residence , corners , $25 ; iusldo , $10 to $20. Lota in first class additions within nnd contiguous to the city , two miles from business center 25x140 fout , 810 to$20 per foot ; soeond class , $ $ to $12 ; warehouse and lumber yard sites $100 to $150 per foot , varying in depth from 103 to 330 foot Tno city auc tioned olT about300 lots in December for $300,000 ; lots half a milo to 3 miles from the business center and as yet without water The rear 1B90 opened with real estate relatively quint Yet sales for January ' were $ 3,611,221. The following building is In contemplation for early spring , some of ltbogun City nail and Court House , $100,000 , wing of Territorial Capitol , $100,000 , two 800 room hotels , $350,000. each , thrco busiuess blocks to cost $100,000 each , three ditto to cost $150,000 each , ton or uvolvo ditto to cost from $50,000 to76,000 , and a number of single buildings to cost $15,000 to $25,000 _ _ _ _ _ In the Central Pacific changing its line from the north to the south of great Salt I Lake A considorble milongo would thereby bo savea , and a mileage expensive I to operate on account of high erodes The ofl'ect of this change would bo to oauso everything in Salt Lake valley to gravitateto Salt Lake City railroading , manufactures , money , markets , trade , population Every traiu entering the vnlley would find its destination only at Snlt Lake City , nnd cvory train leaving the vnlley would bo made uo at Sfalt Lake City This railroad out into Nevada is going to bo built The Union Pacific would.undoubtedly do it if it could have five or ten years to gotrcady ; but , it wont wnit Arrangements nro already made for the construction ot the road tills year Eust from Evanston , the way is easy to South Pass nnd down Sweotwntor to con nection with some great Chicago system waiting tether ' side of the mountains What , then , is there in the cry sometimes hoard that ronlty in Salt Lake is too high As I have said , some men have stood by saying it was higher than in B some other pluco these two jears , while it has gone up'400 per cent If it is true 1 • now , it wn&n 't twoyenrs ago ; and if it is true now , it is because it is worth more You can build a own anywhere on the Missouri , or the Mississippi , or the Ohio , or the great lakes , nnd competition between them is necessarily close and bitter Out in this country , thcro is no such possibility There is Denver and Salt Lake , and thatjs all Property may bo said by these who haven't caught on to bo high , but it continues to advance and to sell No ono haB 6eon the day within three years when he could have bought back any piece of land in or abput the city for the price ho.Eold it for Nor will the day dawn upon the citj for . a generation when property will not bo worth more than it was tno previous day , To Europe the entire United States is the coming , the growing world In 1880 the entire wenllh of the Union was loss thnn fifty thousand millions Now it exceeds sixty thousand millions.By the consusof 1900 It will bo Bovonty-Iivo ' thousnnd millions The West is the young and fast growing part of the United States By common consent ' The West is now thnt great park-like , depression in the top of the mountains bolween the Wasatch and the Sierra Nevadu , wjioro nature has her own mineral laboratory , and lins hidden the results of her niystorious'pro- cehbcs in every hillside It is the mineral storehouse of the United Slates All the great mines of our history , with just enough exceptions to provo the rule the Comstock , the Raymond and Ely the Ontario , the Horn Silver , the Eureka Consolidated , the Richmond Consolidated , the FlugstatT , Northern Boll , Emma , Stnndard nro in this basin The Talloya and the water are limited ; so much the bettor for'tho owners of what thcro is , nnd there is enough The climate , asldo from itB aridity , is conducive to vigorous health and sturdy and long life The sun isaver hhining The outward slopes of the enclosing mountains , cast and west.clear to both Eonbonrds are relatively to this basin hoary with ngo.nnd hold opportunity corre spondingly close Salt Lake City is of this last und ultimnto West , " the rarest , choicest spot It is the only-site from the mountains to the fur western sea , whore . . a great city is to be The ground under the city will increase in value for generations - | orations unices * the mountains rcn.ovo out of their places or earthquake mumhlo I their jaws over it I And wo Salt Lakers are going to build it , as withiu throe or fourycars you I Omahns have built Omaha Wo are willing to ' bo helped , nnd wo need help , but B if it doesn't come nnd with Its sloovcs rolled up , wo will endeavor to do without it I Wo lack neither Itiith in the great future of our city , nor the pluck nnd means to I rculi/.o it All the enmo "Coino over find help us 1' I O. J. IIALLLST1- . Secretary Suit Lake Chamber of Commerce I I B , Al MIILEV OSCAliailOSIUil.I- | SIULBP , GROSDBLL CO , ! iU jjffllo , • UNDER THE - - POSTOFFICE SALT LAKE CITY Solo Agents for Muscatine Piase 1 Tho'leading subdivision In the city Lots MX ) _ \ to $ i00 each Slzu ; kxl5 ) < ! slid 40x150 , being H lnrgcrthan any other lots now on tho-murke ; H This wubdlvislon Is but live minutes wait from H the depots , nnd but 15 minutes drlvo from the H postoltlce H BUY NOWI DON'T WAITI Maps and plats furnished on application I H Let Us Hear From You Quick ! 1 "k Si 1 w AMGELL 6 PERKES , " * W Real Estate Investments . I Ilesidencos , UtilMlnir Lots Iluslnoss Proper H ties nnd Farm Lands Twenty years residence _ _ . In Salt Lake City B , COmtESl'OXnENCE SOLICITED | P. 0. Box 1213 , • Salt Lake City , Uiah H AJ VA11NKV. II J. MATTHEWS B VARNEY & MATTHEWS , Real Estate Agents I 239 Main Street , Opp Walker House , SALT LAKE CITV uiiJ M-Q Make a Specialty of Investments f mW for NonResidents 7 * H HavlnR given special attention to Insldo prop _ { ertles wo are thoroughly prepared with ciioho H bareatus In business properties that Insured H huirdsome prollt to the purchaser H COllKESl'ONDENCK SQLICITUD B C. L. HANNAIAN , I REAL ESTATE I COItKESrONDICNCIC SOLICITED • B RolinDlo information glvon to inquiries 0 W. Second South St , SALT LAKE CITY , - UTAH B " WEBB & PALMER , / W1- Real Estate and I Investment Agensy I Cliolce Cltv and Suburban Property for Halo _ at prices and terms to suit buyers H COUIIKSrONVENCE SOLICITED M Wh n visiting Salt Lake City , M call ate up office IS I C E. WANTLAND , REAL ESTATE , R. R. LANDS AND UTAH INVESTMENTS I 201 MAIN STREET , SALT LAKE CITY I H - ' • K ' * LINCOLN ' PARK-Tke Leading East ' Side Addition Lots , $175 to $400. y V BEUNA VIST A Tite Leading West Side Addition Lots $75 to $150 I I The Salt Lake Abstract , Title , Guaranty & Trust Co I . . . I ( rorcaerly Hasvey , WefECc , ) 265 SOUTH : M .I1T STBBBT 1 I CAPITAL $100,000. Incorporated Under the Laws of Utah Territory I [ Makes Correct Abstracts ot Title Showing all Errors H Titles to Real Estate and Mortgages Thoroughly Examined and InsuredT Rents Safe Deposit H Boxes and does an Escrow Business , Acts as Executor , Administrator , Guardian , Assignee , H Receiver , etc , etc and Executes Trusts of every kind , M Iwmmwmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmommmmrza each There ought to bo 12,000 rositlenI cos built this year , and there will bo if tnc material can bo had Averaging these at 81,000 each , the total would bo $3,000,000. It nmj * boa physical im possibility to do this amount of building this year , bocnuso wo are not prepared for It There will at least bo a mighty ollort made to do it Kvory Salt-Laker has become convinced that ho can put his money in nothing safer or bettor than residence and business property in Salt Lake Later in the season wo count on the erection of n federal government build ing to cost 510,000 , of n Union Passen ger Station costing $200,000 , possibly the erection of Union Pacific Car Shops , of a mammoth packing establishment , of an extensive sugar making plant Wo count on increased production in estab lished business , and on production in now lines consequent upon extensive buildingon the commencement of street paving ; on the founding of now manu facturing industries ; on the construc tion of a railroad from this city out into the mines of Middle and Southern No- vada Such a road , the Wyoming , Salt Lake Si California , wus organized here last year It has found a feasible line di rectly ovoi the Wasatch from Evanston to this city , passing almost all the way through coal , clays , sands and stones all materials required in city building Fron here out to the Nevada border , the route is like the route un the Platte Valley There is a good deal of bus siness on the way , mines , iron ore , salt &c , at-tho line the road will outer nnd make tributary to this city an Imperial scone of the best mining country in the United States It will iissnrcdly cause our snio' ting planttobo doubled and re doubled in capacity.lt will make a mar ket forour coal and for nil the things wo grow or manufacture It will make Salt Lake the commercial and industrial can , ital ofthogroatniiningStatoof Nevada , in which the.hum of industry has censed only from lacic of railroad facilities , as italrcadyis of Utah and adjacent re gions Without much doubt it will rebult B Holding Trust Funds Separate From All Other Assets of the Company , and retaining as counsel the attorney through whom the business comes Collects interest ° n income and transact all other business authorized by its V charter Wills receipted for and safely kept , without charge _ _ \ urn JOSEPH H. SMITH , President , Denver , Col WILLIAM J. HARVEY , Vice President and Manager K B J JOHN W. NEFF , Treasurer and Assistant Manager EDWARD W. CENTER , Secretary and Abstract Officer 3 ' THE ONLY THUST COMPANY IN UTAH TERRITORY " " " - - " - Hi MM im 1 1111 wii ! ! imiiTnTirnrnip- T