THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , FEBRUARY 5 , 1890. THE CITY. DlstrlbtClorU Moorcs Is n la grlptio tufTorcr. An overcoat was stolen from Tom McNnmu nt 1-0 South Ninth street lust night. The Dime Siivlnj8 ( bank nioil articles of Incorporation yesterday , with n capi tal stock of e ( )0,00 ) < ) . Fred H. McConnell has brought suit against Walsh ft Hynn nnd Dennis Cun ningham to recover $1207 on : i note. .ImlgdClarkflou 1ms appointed Ilonry Hunt as his unlHu" . The ether juilcca Imvo innclo no changes in the bull I IT forces. Kd Jfoinobtirjr is missing from his home in Florence. Ho U saltl to have wandered away while temporarily in- Bnno after a spell of typhoid fovor. James ( ! allnffhor , a youne man charged with ASbiiulttiig .John E. Km- cry. proprlutor of a Farnnm street lodg ing house , waa dismissed In police court yostordky. 12. Herges , said to bo wnulcd In Coun cil UlulT * for assnultlnp a man thrco miles east of that city Monday night , was arrested .vostordny afternoon in Omaha nnd will bo taken buck today. Six Western Union operators who Bout from Omaha to New Ooinlng , Now Mexico , to help euro for the rush of business during the Union Puclllo and Central PncllTc blookudo , have re turned. About May 1 Mr. W. H. Hondorson , editor of the Central West and pastor of the SaundxM'a street L'roabytorlun church , will rosi n his pastor.ito and devote his tlmo exclusively to the Is- Buanco of his paper. Vesta Clfaptor No. 0 , of the Order of the Eastern Star will glvo its annual Bocial at Washington liall on Tuesday evening , February 11 , instead of Feb ruary 7 , as formerly nnnouncnd In Tin : Bui : . All the Master Masons , tholr families and friends are invited to bo present. I. L. Uornard , Potzer II. Rmibon nnd Mrs. SliibotUnski , who wore arrested on the charge of having assaulted a man named Henry Haehman at a dnnco hold in the lower part of the city on the evening of December 27 , were yester day brought before Judge llplsloy , who , after hearing nil there was in the case , dismissed the defendants. Michael English , a watchman in the Union 1'auilic yards , came forward yes terday afternoon nnd charged Charley Mullun with stealing a small ffuantity of brass. Charles is the lad whoso father had locked up on Monday on the ohargo of incorriglbllity. IVrnnnal I'nrriirrnpnq. P. PuulUnor of Schuylor Is nt the Casoy. C. N. Carpenter of York is at the Pax- ton. Governor Thaycr was in the city yester day. day.C. C. II. Gardiner of O'Neill is at the Mil- lard. lard.W W , A. Jameson of Edgar U n gucal at the Casoy. Byron Clark of Plattsmoutb is t the Mer chants. H. S. Heed of Lincoln ia a guest nt the Millar il. Isaac Rovers of Norfolk is stopping at the Mil lard. H. W. Orr of Lincoln is a guest at the Murray. Fred Scott of DwM City is stopplngat the Murray. J. K. Smith of Uoatrlco Is rcsistqrnd at the Paxton , J. YV. Lemons ot HartinRton is stopping at the Casoy. W. C. Cathorwood of Blulr Is a pueat at the Casoy. K. II. Koblnson of Klmball Is stopping at the Paxton. B. S. llnKerof Fairbury Is roglstorod ut the Mlllnrd. J. F. Parkins of Weeping Wuter is at the Merchants. Charles F. Hnmnlior of Beatrice Is a guest at the Merchants. J. M. Koblnson of Plattsmouth Is regis tered at the Caso.v. J. D. ICHpntrick and daughter ot Beatrice arorcglatciod uttho Paxton. J. A. 'lownaoml an < l wife of Hastings ore among the guests nt the Casey. F. U. Sholcn , E. L.Gaildand James O'Neill ' of Lincoln arc registered ut the Murray. Evcr.vono who has once use Dr. Bull's Cough Kjrup Invariably resorts toll again for colds , etc. "When vlco prevails and Impious men bear sway , " When cuts , spralnj , brulucs torment all the day ; Then ouso from pain from care and hurt are nont By great Salvation Oil.the standard Imimont. DrnsR Thieves. Ofllccr Ellis arrested Fred Wilkinsonwho , Is charccd with stsnlltiK brass from the Union Paefllo shops , There were thrco boys In tlio crowd , but two of them escaped iu-- rest by running. Itnnl Eslalu Evclnncp. The listing of property at the meeting of tbo Heal estate exchange was as follows : McCaguo's addition , lots 5 ana 0 , block 2 , 110 x ISO , 70.UOO. MoCague's addition , lot 1. block ) . 53 x 159. f3,000. Paddock Plaeo , lot 23 , block R , CO x 122. f3H > 0. C. L. Jayncs reported the sale of lot 0 , block S , Sherman uvonuo park , $150 , lot 3. block' , Collage Home , $40 < ) , Aid lor Dnkotnns. Mr. Joseph H. Schmltz of Howard , South Dakota , Is in the city soliciting relief for the sufferers In Ids region. Ho Is provided with credentials from the county ofllccrs of Minor county , which furnish all Information dt > - elrojl. Ho reports grout destitution In the county. Any donations of need grain , pro visions , clothlDR or money may bo left with him at the European hotel , or loft at the GUI- catto & Korthwcstorn freight housu markoil " .Free Donation to A. A. Hcmlon , president of the Joseph H. Schuiitz Relief Club , Vitas , Uuk. " Bo. _ _ Vnliialiln Inibriiintlnn. Coroner Hnrrlgan Is having a book prepared - pared In which will bo entered a complete description of nil the "unknowns'1 on whom nti Inquest Is hold , This book will bo a part of the records of the coroner's oulco and will eorvo as n mouna ot Idnntlfylau ouch unfor tunates as tlio man Cook. Tnero uro spaces for u dcsurlptlou of the height , weight , nee , hnlr , complexion , murk * , uto. , us well as fern n complete list iinU description of all articles on or near tha deceased. The description will bo mnilo on the spot , and will be a very valuable source of information. Annoiuioumunu. This morning at 0 o'clock spats will i bo put on solo for tlio engagement of Maggie Mltcholl at the UcyJ opera house , which commences Thursday oven Ing next , in her now play "Hoy , " which was jiroJucoJ In Omaha last season. On Friday cvemuic and Saturday afternoon "Function" will bo the bill , and Saturday evening "Liltlo llaro- i foot. " These two latter piays are old uo- ccssot of Miss Mitchell's and are always euro to entertain. Tim sale of aoats will com mence tomorrow morning. The Corlnno opera company will nppaar at the Iloyd on Monday , Tuesday and WoJnes- duv of uoxt weak , prcsanting ttio now opera "Arcadia. " The company is vary larce this poason and the opera will bt > inounua In a most gorgeous manner. Saruiato nnd D'Albert , who appear at the lio.vd February IS , will bo the most I en portant inutlcal attraction of the year. llakor's Pure Oort Idrop Oil. ( ICnown over 10 years. ) Also Uakar'x Emulilon for throat anil lung trouliloi. All 1111 AY ANTS HUSH'd SIIOUS. McSlinno'B Trrn urcrslilp Contfst Corner Into Court. The examination of witnesses In the Me- ShanC'liush election case was commoncetl before JuclRO Shlclilti in the county court yesterday. William Anderson , William Alstndt , , lolm F. Page , Joseph Small nnd Charles 1 * . Htrkott , ofllccrs of the city election were witnesses. They were called to show how runny different hinds of tickets nnd how many of each variety were voted ID tbo polling precincts In which the witnesses served as election otllccrs. None of them were nblo to offer nny very dollnlto oviilcnco. They nil staled thnt tlokots under n half doren or moro hcadincs wcri ) voted , but none of them knoxv of thj number of the different kinds east. In the afternoon Arthur Hriggs , W. TJ. MnrdU and Adam Snyder were examined and tcstlllodto the effect that , ut n number of precincts , tickets were cast bearing the ncadliiK "Independent Democrallu Ticket. " with John Rush as cnndidnto for the ufllce of city treasurer , and that In several thcuo tickets were scratched nml McSbuno's nil mo substituted. After t'ao ovidcnco bearing on tha fact thnt n number of tickets , other than thosg known ns the regular tlcitcts , were In n number of the wards , the attorneys for the plaintiff made n motion to crlns lu the ballot boxes nnd Imvo the votes recounted. The arguments on this motion consumed all tbo afternoon and will bo completed this morning. Hood's Sursnparilla uures catarrh by cxpoliltiK impurity from thu bloodwhich Is the cause of thu complaint. Give it n trial. IinAI ) , IlUl1 ! A < 0.\G rilU3ND3. The Itninnliis of Churli-s McCnrinlck Hrotmlit to Oinatia. At 1 o'clock yesterday nftornoon the rctnnms of tbo Into Charles McCoruiIck worn brought to this city from Ills ranch at Cnlhoun , whcro ho died .vesterdny. The body was broiiRht to Drcxol & Maul's ' , where it was laid In n bc.iutlful casket. It \\ns afterwards convcjcd to the rcsldencoof J. S. JlcCormick , 2U.2 Nurth Klghttfenth iv lien ino nu\v ± i ui .ur. niLVJuriiuuu sur- lous Illness reached the city Motuiuy morning John , a.\nungcr brother of tlio de ceased , nnd n sister. Mrs. Woody Snow , loft for his bed side on the I o'clock train in the the evening. These relatives nccompanlcid the remains to this city. Mr. McCormlck wca president ami one of the mam supports of the Omaha athlotio club , which orgnmz llon ha < i called a meet ing for today to adopt resolutions of regret. 'I he Interment will take place in the family lot in Prospect Hill cemetery. America Ij nrts the Worlil in tnsto and the rcllucd customs of civiliza tion. Of 2-l. , i4,50l cases of champagne im ported inlo the United Stntcs during the last ten years , over twenty-five per cent was "G. II. Muuim's Extra Dry , " whose Imports were over 300OJU cases in excess of any other brand Quality will lull. WHAT DOlis IT MB AN ? Hat Miijor Clarkson Gone to Wash ington orto ICulninazo > ? Major T. S. Clarkson loft for the cast Mon day , "dressed In his best suit of clothes. " Ho also were a now silk tile and n Potomac- flat smile , which latter led certain parties to fturmiso that In a day or two the major would bo reported back among the prominent pil- prims who have called at tbo white houso. Meantime Mr. Gallagher c-ccuplos the postmaster's chair and puts In bis spare time In figuring on city contracts nnd lending aid nndcomlort to the men about whom Mr. Pat Ford has said some ugly things. It is whlspored that the mnjor- on-horseback may have at this moment In his insldo pocket documents prepared by Mr. Pat Ford of the Third ward , ia which it is alleged that certain men outside the council absolutely control that body nnd or ganized it to conform with the plan of cam paign. ' Wasn't the United States district attor ney removed on the slightest pretext I" queried a lawyer vt ho n over had a case in court. "What more would the postmaster general nsk than the mere semblance o ( a 'cause' for dropping tlio political head of Omaha's worthy democratic postmaslcri" At any r.vto the movements of Major ClnrkKon in the east at this particular junc ture will excite Unusual interest. tin Grlppn In lies Mollies. DKS MOINKS , In. , Fob. 2. The family of Mrs. Wesley Tonnant of North an < ] Twenty-sixth streets , consisting of nine person's , have till had the Rti&sian inllu- en/.a. Mrs. Tonnant saya "some of us were very seriously allliutod but wo are now all well except myself , and I a1n getting bettor. Wo have all Ink on Chamborlaiti's Cough Remedy. A num ber of bottles were used nnd it proved cIToctual in every case. " The remedy proved its usefulness and value in re storing nine persons in ono family to health. _ JUMPED TUK TUACK. Motor Train No. 8 Niirrowly EioipRs ll.dnir Dllulioil. Motor train No. 8ran , off the track Junt cast of the brldgo about 5 o'clock last oven ing. The forward trucks hung over the em bankment and the drawhcad snapped llko a slate pencil. The Iraln was running very slowly , or thcro would have been a serious smashup , as the grnao is about ton feet , I wtts only a few feet from tnoplaco where the motor was ditched last week. Sovora passengers expressed tholr indignation a the carolnasncas cf the company in not pro vidlng a guard rail at this dangerous curve after last week's warning. Everyone on tha cars gave hia name to the conductor , nl saying they would bo glad to testify that the train was running very slowly. The fac that the motor was stopped within leu fee of whore it left the track proves It. : CHOOK. How Ho Hopes Again to Hsonpo ti I'en. Johnson , tbo Italian who slolo the bolt o silk in Kelley , Stolgcr & Co.'s store , has stalnd that ho will plead guilty to petty larceny cony but not to grand larceny. Ho lives In the hope that the stale cannot provo that the vnluu of the goods will exceed $35. Johnson lias ueon in the penitentiary be foro. Ho is n bold thief and a dcsporat character. His features Indloatn bis dlsposl tlon. The color of Ills fuco Is almost as dar as that of n mulatto. His ores nro small one black and hia low forehead Is covered with malt of black , str.ilght hair. Ho is parhup live foct unit six Inches tall and of a Blende build. The fellow has evidently had conslderaal experience In courts us a defendant , ns h was overheard to glvo his attorney n nuui ber of very Important pointers. Pozzonl's IComploxlon Powder Is unlver sally known and ovciy where esteemed as th only powder that will Improve tlio complex ion , eradicate tan , freckles , and all BUIn dl eases. City Jail Kopnrt. The city jail report was made up yesterday day afternoon and shows that 405 nrreal were made , of which U24 wcro American Rl Germans , 67 Irish , ! U negroes , S3 Swede 10 English ; 11 were arrested for assault am battery , 110 for drunkenness , 0 for hlghwa robbery , 5 for grand larceny , 23 for pot larceny , 10 for larceny , 7 far ussaull , 4 to assault with intent to kill , 3 for assault wit Intent to ratio , 0 for burglary , 7 forobtalnln money under faliio pretenses , 8 for libel , ' varrants , i ! for rape , SO for fighting , 9 fug live * from Justice , Z deserters ; $013,00 wa nkcn from prisoner ! , ten cases Rent to the strict court and 1M convictions , Of tha number nrreUod B20 wcro laborer * , 3 had no occupation , 10 wcro schoolboys , 1'J ' mrbcr * , 0 railroad men , 0 painters. The number nrreitod under npo WM 8. Sloven accidents were reported , 123 ledgers ccommodnlcd , 23 lire alarms , 07 prisoners cut to county jail. The amount ot property cporlcd stolen , ? J,2')1,85. ) An IMlfor'H Opinion. Prom the West Iranch ) ( Ia. ) Record : /o have used Chamberlain's Cough lomcdy in our family in cases of sud- on colds and sore throat and find It all mt is claimed for it , Ono bottle or ess , if taken according to directions , will otfect a euro in any ordinary C'iso ind save the expanse of largo doctor nils , Especially do wo recommend it i families wlicro tlio children are iroatonod with croup , as It will afford mnicdlato relief If taken In tlmo ; hloli can always bo done if Iho mcdi- Ino is kept oil hand , .is wo are con- Incod It should bo. No household in tils variable climate ahould be without reliable romedj for coughs , colds and roup. tind wo know ot none bettor than Ghaiiioorlaln'd. SOU 111 DAKOTA sUi'THIU'MlS. ' V hotter l < > oin tlio I'rcKldent of tha Huron UMIor Society. A gentleman of this city has received a otter from Mrs. A. W. Wilmarth , president f the Dorcas society of Huron , S. I ) . , on the ubjcct of the destitution In that locality. Irn. Wdmnrth says : "Wo have supplied ullv ono thousand persons from our rooms. Our demands are Increasing dully and I nui cry fo.irful . wo can noLsupply the wants vitli our present outlook. Wo need shoes , icddlng , llatinelS'iuut certain kinds of pro- I'jlon. Flour and corn meal wu can gut icro. Canned goods , sugar , tea , coffee , rlco nd this clnss of things wo do not have. ) no hulv said today in our rooms siio ind not oven smelt ten or cofTco In two nonths. Wo need money for running cx- iciises , to purchase shoes , which wo buy in ob lots , comforteri , of which wo should mve fullv thrco hundred , nnd o * shoes fully Ivo hundred pairs. 1 sincerely hope the lo'irts of the people will generously respond hat wo may be able to assist nil those who iced help. An Abnoluto Cure. ThoOUIOINALAUlKriNli OINTMENT s" only put up In larao two-ounea iln boxes , and l an absolute euro for nil soroa , burns , vounds , chuppad hands ami all skin crup- ions. Will positively cure nil Kinds of piles. Ask for the OltlUINAL ABIETINE OIN L'- MENT. Sold oy GonJtnin Uruc company at 25 cents per box by mall UJ cents. Creliht < > ii Coltuuo iOx.inilnatlon. The soml-annunl examinations took placa nst week at Crulghton college. The highest lumber of notes attainable waa 100. All vho received 00 or over were entitled to Irat honors. Second honois wcro conferred on students who merit between bO nnd 00. At least 60 waa required for retention in class or college. The examinations resulted as follows : First Honors Michael O'Connor , 93 ; Tames Klnsler , 00 ; John Uanaby , 03 ; Fred Hull , 01 ; Albert Klnslor , 03 ; Charles VIoriarly , 04 ; Frank Kinney , 90 ; John JouEberty , 03 ; James Kennedy , 01 ; Walter lowers , 92 ; Charles Barry , 00 ; Walter ilouser , 92. Second Honors Patrick McGovern , 87 ; ? billp McMillan , 85 ; William Flvmi. fc3 ; jYaiitt Kennedy , S3 ; James Lahey , 81 ; Clar ence L''ur.iv , SO ; Philip McEvoy , EC ; John Murphy , b'J ; Martin Murray , bS ; Frank . { Hey , bO ; Edward Brown , 83 ; Thouius Jrown , 80 ; John Hellwig , 8J ; Arthur ilonaor , Si ( : Adrian Burkhardt , 84 ; Thomas Fitzgerald , b5 ; James Fox , 85 ; William Gib- jon , 87 ; Kdward Hoffmann , bb : John Kastl , 32 ; Thomas Kollv , 85 ; Daniul Lee , SS ; John Beaten , S3 ; Frank McGinn , Si ; Peter Kop - nedy , 8(5 ( ; Thad Lear.v , S3 ; John Halpin. 82 ; Percy McGcouch. 83 : Moivlllo Mellugh , 81 : rtiomas McShane , 81 ; Wllllani Phclan , 85. Tbo following received between 70 and b'J ) cr cent : Edmund Snydcr , T7 ; Albert Davis , " 8 ; Patrick Dolun , 7S ; Edward Lowrv , 70 ; Francis Stoekdule. 78 ; GoorgoCIemenhs , 7J ; Paul flpenoter , 70 ; Patrick Gannon. 70 ; foseph Ilobrccht , 77 ; Joseph Mclvinuty , 7l ! ; 3swald Unonoy , 7tl ; Anthonv Giantnor , 7U ; Patrick Loary , 77 ; Willlan Van Noy , 7C : Arthur Woodman. 77 ; Jmnoi Uowcs. 78 ; John Carr , 75 ; James Cunningham. 75 ; Fred Hoffman , 75 ; Edward Kenny , < 0 ; Thomus Lynch. 78 ; Hugh .Mullen , 78 ; Fred Nnsb , 7ll ; Louis Osboru , 75 ; Hu 'h Hoilly , ? J ; Fiank FuMy , 7U ; Frank Gatluglier , 71 ; Frank Lovott , 70 ; Patrick Donnavan , 7J ; William Murphy , 7U Enill Hoffmann , 71OtloShous ; , 71 ; Oliver Batdorft. 75 ; William Curry , 72 ; Edward Welsh , TJ ; John Baiter , 73 ; Thomas Uarr.v , 72 ; Daaiol Butler,7. ! ; John Dougherty , 74 ; Lymim Hill , 74 ; John Kulley. 74 ; Robert McAullIIe , 7J ; Charles McCoy , 74 ; Leo Me- 3hnno , 73 ; Wllllani Murphy , 73 ; George Murray , 75 ; John O'Mnlley , 74. The lollowing received between 00 and 70 percent : Eustaco Lovett , 03 ; Gustavo Mctz , OS ; John Gloasnn , 01 ; John Hoban , 0 : ; Henry Ler.ry , 03 ; Honrv Mack , O'J ; Dennis Manor , 03 ; Wllfiam Waddell. 07 ; Herbert Woodman. 04 ; Francis Urlurdy , ISO ; Edward Cannon , 09 ; George .Casey. 02 ; John Eng lish. 0) ) ; Charles Gin vey , < > 9 : < Morri Kopalt , 04 ; James Lvneh , 07 ; Angus McDonald , 04 ; Edward Mlles , Ot ; Andrew Smith , OS ; Fior- once Burko. 07 ; John Byors , OS ; John liyrnc , 08 ; Mark Coaa , 03 ; Albert. Driscol , Of ) ; Thomas Duncan , IH ; William Flunnery , 07 ; CIIITord Forbes , 05 ; George Gleason , 05 ; James Godfrey. ( U ; Oscar Goodsell , 07 ; William Lynn , 05 ; John McDonald. 07 ; Charles Mullen , G3 : Albert Murphy , 05 ; Ed ward Murphy , 01 : Fred Nelson , 00 ; Henry Pony , 0.1 ; Alplionso Beaten , fiJ ! Louts Con- noyer , 02 ; August Holl'viir , 09 ; Ira Kelly , OJ ; John L-ohlclu , 00 ; Harry McHugh , U. ) ; John Mo.ullniber , 01 ; Andrew Mnynlban , OJ ; Thomas O'Connor , 02 : John Pcikius , 02 : Wilfred Smith , 07 ; John Cary , 00. A lilllllltll.l JlollH- . This body of ours has been likened tn a tenement. Ih often has a haunted apart ment the stomach. Scared by the oldrich sprite , dyspepsia , digestion flies and refuses to return. What can break the HUOI ! , what can raise the ban laid upon the unhappy or gans ) Wo answer unhesitatingly , Hostot tor's Stomach Hitters , and wo uro war ranted In the response by the recorded tpsti- monv of myriads , covering n period of over a third of n century , A course of tha Bit ters , begun In any stngo of tbo allhction , und persistently followed , will terminate in cure positive , not partial. The Bitters restores lone to the eplgastrio nerve , renews nnc purities the Juices exuding from tha cellular tlssuo that act upon the food dlgestlvoly , expels bile from the stomach and the blood , and promotes a regular habit of body , Ma laria , kidney complaint , nervousness , rheu matism and neuralgia give way to this inedl- cino. A I'lcrtRiuit Event. Monday night the residence of C. C Hulott , S313 Douclas street , was a scone , o much happiness and social enjoyment , bi that occasion Stuart Hulott , an employe o the waterworks company , celebrated the twenty-first anniversary of bis birth , and a goodly number nf friends ussnmblod to take part In the festivities. The young man ro ceivcd nevoral very handsome presents among them a line gold watch from hi father ; also a handsome scarf pin from friends , and other mementoes from his asso ciates in Iho ofllco. It waa an event that the young man will always remember will pleas uro. _ Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup fo children teething rests the child and comforts the mother , 23c a bottto. Mnrriatra Ijtoriisot. Licenses were issued ycUorday to th following parties by Judge Shields ; Name and Itoildance , Ago ( Charles M. Ivor , Omaha. . , , ' . . . ' . ' ) Jennie Thompson , Omaha. . , , 2 'William ' H. Pliant , Irvlngton 2 ( Harriet L. Noyco , Irvington 80 > Supnflunu ? Ijinnloyos. The council committee to examine Into tb question ot superfluous city employes wl meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock , I consists of Messrs. Olason , Becnel , Lowry Shnvor nud Osthoff. Pears' soap secures a beautiful complexion T1IK VAUhp "JUNK SHOP. " : x-Coniuy Clarify. 1 > . noetic ICntors n 0411 lit. Spcnxlng on tbo condition of tbo records nd other tnnttorslln the county clerk's llco wbon It was rcUnquithud by Mr. M , D. echo , ns published in Monday's IICK , that cntlcmnn said 'Tho Interview Ismich a misrepresentation [ facts that I feel chllad upan to mnko a tntcment of the facts at they really nro. "At the time I-Hook possession of the ountv clerk's onicjlthoro were turned over o mo by my nredecossor the four dnzon chat- o mortgage flics referred lo tn thU Inter- low and 1 have boon the custodian ot those Id record Illos since that tlmo. I have never icon nblo to make use ot thorn from the fact int they are not of sufllclont lenelh to flic way the chatties ns required by law , andre ro of no value whatever to the countv. The end record U , wnlch nppstr * to trouble ihn , U n valuable book und will , In time , bo sed by the county , ThU baolc also or- crod by mv predecessor and was turned ver to ins whec I look Iho olllco , wnlch ho , s u county oflleinl. well knew. There waa Iso conaidernblu stuff such us box on- elopes with string nnd tie. being iJO or CW of them , nnd papots portnlnlng o county nITairs. Thoao Hupplles wore ever ordered by me , nor am I responsible n nny way for their being ordered , but came nto my possession by virtue of my olllco. "Tho atlick made upon mobv thU nlllulnl , i.V these fnUo rcnrosontatlous , is made with desire to prejudice the minds of the people gainst mo and to represent , that the affairs f my onieo were conducted In a loose man- icr. My books , at the limo I lofl Iho ofllcij , vero nil posted nnd signed to ilato wllh the exception of the warrant register. This look was kept n good portion of the tlmo In lie nudltor'o oHlco , and ho notlllod mo and dso my deputy that ho would pjst the sumo , ind that I need not trouble myself with It. \fter this notice I did not consider It my luty to Doat U. "Instead of month's work beincr a , ns tntod by him , there is not moro than hrco days' wont at the least. It might bo veil to state that when I left the ofllco all ho warrants issued to dulo weru icceipted or by mo on the county treasurer's ' warrant )00k. "In relation to the clerk's account with .ho counly treasurer referred to , will siy hat thorn never has been n book ot tivht tlnd Kept In the county , but fiat ho advisability of keeping HUCII u book was icconinionded by the countv coninusslonora ono ycnr ueo. At that time I ordered a book nr thnl purpose , but on consultation with the county Iln incur ho recominjndod that such a book bo not kept for the roiaon hat thu clerk had no sturtlntr point us thn county Iroasuror had not IsjuoJ trlplocata receiiU nor had ho made any ropjrti tn the county clerk. " 1 he principal trouble with this man Is irobribly the fact that the countv commis sioner on last S-Utirtlav settle I with ma In 'all , paying iSfii ( ) which was duo me. It was but a week iiijo that t'lh ' self styled ofllcial reported to the prim that I was in debted to the county In the SUTI of ? liO This statement conforms with the state ments marie in tie ! Interview , all of which aiM absolutely falsa. " Tliey GiveTheir Ucnsnn : . Below are given tun reasons why 3lmiuborhiln's Cough Komedy is the jest. : 1. It will euro a severe cold in less tlmo than any ether treatment. 2. It does not ai pprebs a cough or cold ; but loobuiisnnd relieves It. 3. It relieves the lungs , which is of. great inlt.oi-tiincoiiti treating u cold. 4. It is the only remedy that will cause the expulsion of mucus from , ho alp cells of the lungs. * 5. It renders the mucus less tenacious and easier to expectorate. ( i. If freely used as soon as the first symptoms appear , it will euro ti aovoro cold in a slnglo day. 7. It will provcntccroup and avor-tnll larigiits him anxiety \irisingifroin. that dreaded disease. ! 8. It has cured thousands of cases of croup , and careful inquiry fails to dis cover a single case in whichit/has over ailed. 9. It does not cotiiiiin opium , chloro- ormnor any other injurious substance. There is not the leabt danger in giving t to children. 10. Chamberlain's Cour/h Remedy acts n perfect harmony with nature and aids mturo in relieving the lungs , and free ing the system of morbid matter , accu mulated by cause of the cold. 50 con M per bottle. For sale by all druggists. Tlin Only Ono. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway is the only line running solid vestiimlcd , electric lighted and steam heated trains between Chicago. Coun cil Bluffs und Omaha. The berth reading lamp feature in the Pullman sleeping cars run on these lines if patented and cannot bo used by any other railway company. It is the great Improvement of the ago. Try It and be convinced. Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , at(5 ( p. in. dally , arriving at Chicaco at 9:30 : a. m , Passengers taking this train arc not compelled to got out of the cars at Council BlulTs and wait for the train to bo cleaned. Got tickets nnd Hlocpingear berths ut Union ticket ollico , 1601 Fiirnain st. F. A. NArtli , Gon. Agt. J. U. FKKSTOX. Pass. Act. A Ijaxv Mini MioJ. Thomas U. Oruno , an attorney , has com mcnced suit against the law firm of Cuvnn augh , At well & Blddlo. The petition is very voluminous and alleges that during the tlmo the firm ot Cuvanaugh , Crane & Atwoll was iu existence the dofenJnuts , Cav.muugU und Atwell , collected money to Iho amount of about M.OJO , which fact they conccalo 1 from Mr. Crane , and appropriated the money to Iheir own USB. Mr. Crane also alleges that thn books uro concealed from him. nr.d ho is unable to determine the amount of moncv duo him. It is statin ! also that Iho linn of Cavanaugh , Atwoll & Blddlo nro represent ing that they arc Uio successors In business to the llrm fa which Mr. Crane was n part ner , which report la resulting Injuriously to the plaintiff's business. Ho prays for a re straining onicjr , which has bee.i Issued. Even the most v.lgorous and healthy people have at tltmiHU fouling of weari ness and lassitude. . To dispel this feel ing ttilco Dr. J. HJ McLean's Sarsapa- parilla ; it will impart vigor and vitality. Voter * , Oonr V < iiors , Cmno Home , The following lull-gram was received at Tin : BEE otfleo laatni ht : SAW LMJB , Utah.ll ob. 4. Say to all Oeu- tile registered voUira of Salt Lake that II those who cannot afford to pay faro will como homo and vut , nnd apply ut liberal headquarters , \Vnlknr house , on election day , February 10 , the.committee will refund actual traveling expanses. Voters , dear vo ters , como home. O , W. POWRIIH , Chairman Liberal Com'nitteo. ' Will be paid to any competent ctcmlet who \i\l\ \ \ Hod , onanalytli , a psrtlclo of Hcrcury , PctuU , or other polaong In Bnlft'i Specific (8.8. ( S ) 'AN EATIN3 SORE IIcndctaonTcr.ABg. J3 , liM. "For cleh- tccn months I had an eating aora on my tongue. I wastrcalcilij \ the but local t-hyelclans , but cltilnea no relief , tlio eoro gradaally growlns HOTBC. I concloaed Ccdlr to try S. B. B. , ( ml wu enllrely cured oflcr neliij a few bolllca. You kayo raj cheerful pcrmUIoa to ( labllth Iba ibovo etatemcct for tie benefit cf thceo ttollulf nflUcted. " O. B. MclJtuonB , Hcnderson/Tex. Trentlee on Blood and kin DUeucwniuled ftee. THE RWIKT BPKCIPIO CO. , AtltnU. OB. Rheumatism , BniNCI iluo to tlio presence of uilo add In the blood , It most pfTrctimlly cured by the mo of AJCI'S Bnrsnpn- rllln. Do sure jou get AJCF'H nnd no other , nnd tnfco it till the poisonous acid Is thoroughly expelled from the ) stem. Wo challenge attention to this testimony : "Abf.nt two ycfiri ngo , nfIcr suffering lor nearly two jcars from rlicntimtlo pout , being nlilo \\iilkonly uith great discomfort , nnd having tried various remedies Including mlncinlvntem , without icllef , I saw liy an advertise ment In n Chicago pnpcr that a man hod houn relieved of this dlstioaslng com- plalnt , nfler lone wiffiTliig , by tnUlni ? Ayer's Bnnnpnrllli , 1 then decided to nmlto a trial of this tnedlclnn , nnd took It regularly for olglit mouths , and am pleased to state that It bus effected a umipleto erne. I ! m\osliic ) lmd up re turn of the disease , " Mrs U. Irving Dodge , 110 West lath St. , Now York. "One year ago I was token 111 with Inflammatory rhruniatlim , being con- Ilncd to my house Mix months. I rniuo out of the sickness \or.v much deblll- tnted , with no appetite , nnd mysjstem disordered In rvpry w nv I commenced using Ajcr's Sarsaparllla nnd began to Immovo nt once , gnlniug In strength nnd soon recovering my usual health , I cannot * y too much in pinlscof this well-known incdli-lno. " Mis. L. A. Stark , Nashua , N. H. r's ' Dr. J. C. Ayer I Co. , Lowell , WsfS Price tli tlxboltlci , $5. Worlh * 5 o boUle. CALIFORNIA THN 1.ND 01' DISOOVERIB3. 05- .ABlE/rNFmcl'oRoTilLLfAU. / SANTA : ABIE : AND : CATR : : CURE orSale by GoDdtnan O aj Co. DRS. BETTS S SETTS ? liOS FAUNA M STUKKT , OMAHA , Nun. ( Opposllo I'axton Hotel. ) Offio * boon , V B. to 9 p. m. Eandara. lOa. mM tc p.m. Bprclallita In Cbrontc , Ncrvoui , Skin d niood Dl' IB-Contultatlon at offlco or by mall tree. Medi cines sent by in nil or cxprcfn , iccurely imcked , frea ly and permanently. Bpermatorrha-a , eml Bloni. I'llsteal ilcray.nrlHlnxtrora InclUcietlpn , remits , completely ormlliatoJ wlthonl ilia alii of mercury. Scrofula cryliolu8. | fever son's ' , hlotcho * . nlcrrB. palniln thu hunti ami boncn. ( jphlllilo aura mouth and tonnuo. catnrrti , etc. , uerinanuitlf cureJwhpre others liavofal oil. BlrhlOir FTpinaPV ttn(1 ( madder Tomplnlnta. IVlDHuY. UllUdlY I'alnfnl. Difficult , t o frequent - quent burnlnz or blooJy urlno , urine tiUli enlorcl or nlllunllky no.llmi'iitoii > tan Iln/ . weak back , xonorr biia , Kleet.C7 > llll < i. etc. l'ruuiitlr | and vafelr cured cliaruea reaRonablo. / ' ? OuarantBed per- ejnniKPT/NTpYT'SJ I I S3 JL JCbl\J ± U JttJti 1 manont euro ; re moval complete without outline , rauillu orillllallun. ' .tin or annoyance. To Young Hen and MiiWIc-Aieil Men , The awful effects of enrlr 11 UUllU VUIIU Vlco , which lrln 3 orranlc weakneuilcitroylnu both mm --,3 boly , with all tidreailoil llh , pcrmanentlr cm riDQ mTTQ ? Address ttioiotl3 bftva Ira- lIllOi Dtlllu paired IheniBelvoa liy Imnropar liidulnencei and anil lolltary balilti , which ruin botb boar ami mind , unOltluf them for builuuM , itudy or lUlililtll MKH. or lho a entering on that happy lift , anuruof phytlelal deblllly.quUkly ant teJ. OUR SUCCESS , U ba ed upon facti. fUn-practlcal er ; . rlenee. ice- oml-'Hery ca e It c > r lally tuillB'l. ' ttiui itjtrllnir ' ' ' . ntTecllai curei wllbuullnlurr. . . . . . 1(33 Farnamttr etOmnha. Neb. STEEL PENS COLD ItEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION tMJ , NOB. 3O3-4O4-I7O-6O4. i MOST PERFECT OP PENS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Young and middle - \dle aitd turn , iutltrlnz from > : uioiu : ur ' " -J\ou7iiKxctJ i ; - 1 , ' tlcilllr. fur hem t. rHKK i riior. a. . HESI , 1 Lock Da * 156 , U ( .troll , MlcU. FINAL CLOSING SALE To wind up our Retail Jewelry Department. All Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry. Silver ware , Clocks , etc. , rcnuiimiiK unsold at this date , must go for what they will bring , We oil'cr , until store is rented , Every Article at a Bargain. Look at our Cheap Windows , Auc tion prices Nowhere. No use quoting figures. No reasonable offer refused on Art Goods , Bric-a- brac , etc. "Price , em and take'cm. " Our extreme low prices on Optical Goods , still prevail. Gold Spectacles and Eye Glasses , $3 and upward. Fine Steel Spectacles , 750 up , worth double. ( Eyes tested and fit guaranteed. N. 13. An extra force of salesmen has been engaged for this Special Sale , so all can be waited on promptly. Store for Rent , Fixtures for Sale. MAX MEYER & BRO. , JEWELERS AND OPHCIHE - - COR , 16HUND FARNAM 813 , . Medical & Surgical Dispensary , Nos. 101 to 113 So. JSth St. O ( looms for Ir.fionti. lEcecplioti KOOIIIN ill ) unit ! ( ) , Oinitliacb AJLilj - Uralnv erlnit T'rrt fro , , onrlrdccny ixnit I'lrhipsConsumpllon orln inltr , tronl liClcntmc ! llr. brnuw melli ioli. OomulUlUn freo. Lnlnrrli.lllioiitiiatlrui . , i'olipnoiu IllicliirKm. ml kf urlno , piiliitnl BwcmnKs quickl n-lli-Toil nu I rnJIcnllr ciit.'d lllu iraic I took.-Mlo'i Sitrot Krrori I eonti. Scn'l fop ( JuuMlnn Ustun an > riiroulo IM f aio = _ t 1 } ] < WOliTVri'IMVi Bmc * nnrt Tnnros. Host facllltk-n. mipatatun nnrt n-rauJIca for aovO fut 1'Jj''l -Wl-l I i ' liO , > - - - trentmintof e ry formofill fa < o roiiulrlna Mpillfnl or SiimloM trcHlnirnt Wo mnko a npil ntrof lirncc * . Truuon.tlub Foul , Curvatiirc of Bplno. t'llcs , Tanmrs. Ciin-nr. iirnnehUK 'FmiV ' l0n"'ksnmVi ! KWnoj , Illadiler , linr. Skin ami illooil ami all urateaHVor * | ' ' ' ijsjr AllnirVnA'rT'Nr ASITCIALTV. Hook , rtrcntars and Qu atlon llrl on Ncrr. ' I'l' > > UJHUIN . : . . ' JJlOiyVOj'jO ou nc i. Coimlpatlon ouraluln. lAJiitnirliioa. 1'Mu In tlio llnck , l'rulHV < u > L'terl , 1'llci , Vctialo WoaknoM , U ; > pcpila , 81 In I'lnuifos aud all II o l Dlieiuos. BjplnlN , ticfofula , Ilnd jDlouil , BUtn , Urinary Dhuaaca nail Gloat Cured forLiif * BUILDERS' FIE BRONZE GOODS Of Every Design and Finish. HIM E B AU G H & TAYLOR , 1405 Dougias Str- ETCHINGS. ENGRAVINGS , 5STHALLBT& DAVIS I&TKIMBALL , MOULDINGS , S3-PCANOS& ; ORGANS FRAMES. SHEET MUSIC. 1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska This Obstreperous Maot | Positively refuses any longer to wear baby dresses. Kilts are what he longs for and must have. MOTHERS of like minded children would do well to mnke the desired change at this time. In our large line of KILT SUITS Which we are selling at We are sure you will find something to your liking , ONE SPECIAL BARGAIN Is our line of Jersey Kilt Suits , Formerly sold nt $7 , 58 , nnd $0 , now soiling at ' 6S5. State Line. Tolnsoiv ! ; , llclfast , Dublin ami Lheri > eel rilOJI NESV VOIIK IlVKllYTIIUItSDAV. Etecrago lo and from Kuropo at Lowotl Until. "Stato of California , " building. AVttis 1UUJW1N & Co. , Ucn'l AsenU , U Uruad ray , New Vprk Jon.v Una EN , Ucn'l VVotcrn Aeent. M lUndolpb St. , Clilcaxa lUiiitvE. MooitisTI103. JfuU.NNt : , Axenti at Omaha CHICHEBTCn'S ENGLISH .PENNYROYAL PILLS. > \ PICO CROSS DIAMOND BRAND , fefcKl-j K rr. od ! , I.IUU. LiidlM , C.I * l red u.t.llk lllaa T ( rtf Itriinilltf r - ' S t . . , litM lib Hw ilt-Uio. Tali e B. alb en In Rend 4c.ilpl ( for ttrllOBlirl u4 "Iteller Ivl C.H.PEARSON & C2.-34- -BALTIMOREMQ A Perfect Art Album containing 24 Beautiful Pholograpln rcprosentlng " Tea and Collet cullure , Hill bo tent on receipt of your aiidreii , CHASE & SANBORN , 136 Broad St. , Boiton. Western Depl. 80 Franklin SI , , Chicago , III , DrJ.EMREW Tlio Well Known Specialist , l > iiniurim ie < lln Hie irritmeutot all runua of I'm- ( llcutamlhlrict- , Man tin mi and .Uubltlon. Mter. Illy ur lUrruu. neii ul.olutelf turu.l. H ul lur IxiukiTho I.lfd Hi'iret. " fiirMaa iirWonan. eatb Offlco S.E. Cor. JUtn & Juokson Sts Omaha , Neb , > SHOE DEATERSlll , on III , . , and Foa lu a S-'W ! ' WAWM. ' " TroTcllUfc' "