Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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Ho fldvortlBomontn will bo tnkon for
those columns odor I2:3O p. m.
Tbrma-'Cnsh In ndvnnooi
Advertliments under this head 10 cents pnr
lint for thn llrst In'-cHlnn. T cents for etch sub *
imiiienl insertion , nnd H.oii per line per month.
No advertisements taken for less than ! ! 1 cents
\ for first Insertion. Savon wordswlll becounted
to the line , they must run consecutively and
must rm paid In ADYANC1. All advertise-
. tnents wiuitbe bunded In before UT : > o'clock ,
1 m. . and under no circumstance * will they ba
taken or dlMontlnuod by telephone.
. I'artles advertising In tlietecolumns and hnv *
Ine their answers adduced In care < if THE 1) ) KM
will plnnso ask fora cbei K to enixbln them to get
their letters , as none will b delivered except
on present niton ot check. All answers to ad-
> etimcnu-i should be enclosed In envelopes.
All nd\nrtlnlnentsln thi'ne ( olumns are pub
lished lu both morning and nvehlng editions ot
Tnr. HK thn rlrculatlon of which sgKregatds
more than 18,000 papers dally , and ghcstho ad
vpr1lsrrsthobpnenlnot only of the city rlrril-
litldn of TUB Urn , hut also of Council llluffs ,
Lincoln nnd other cities and towns throughout
this apctlon ot the country.
AilM-rtlslCB for tlu-se columni will be taken
ou ton aboto condition * , at the following busl-
nnnouses wh are nmliorlred agents for Tlie
HUE Special notices , nnd will iiuoto the name
rates as can ue had at the main ofllco.
J ' '
* Street !
OHAHK & KDDV , Stationers and Printers , 113
South ICth Street.
H. KAHNHWOllTII , IMinriiuTclst. 2ll5 Cum-
. Ing Street.
\\T J , inToilK ? . Phariunclst , CSt North 16th
> T . Street.
G HO. W. PA lilt. Pharmacist. 1718 I.cavcn-
worth Street.
rUOIIES'PHAHMACY. SS > 8 1'arnam Sticet.
QTlIDKNTwlBhos to learn telegraphy In city.
jj Add n ss J.V. . II. . SlU Shirley > . _ _ _ J iAil _
WANTUI ) Position by experienced htonop- ;
raphnr aud bookkeupcr. City icfeieuces.
Address U ill , llco. ! lii7 t *
\VANTr.D-Bltimtlon by n young man capa-
i blcof doing any kind of work , city refer
ences ; Address ITllcoolllce. ! . ! HIC *
SITtTATION wanted by n Herman lady. EJ
} earn ot age , tn assist In houskeeplnu or to
teach children ( < erman , mnslc. etc. llest of
reference given and leqnlrcd. Andres * Max
Ulohlen , 'Uldon. Antelope Co. , Neb. WVj-7
? llottou busi
ness house , cither ou salary or commission ,
In Introducing one of the greatest sull 1 ng arti
cles of the ago ; Bells Itself ; unnrmoUH profits.
iAddress , the Collins-Campbell Co. . W Federal
nt. , lloston , Mabg. 4tXll > t
ipU'ANIC7 < innov of Mlalr , Neb. , wants a llrst-
J3 class barber. Emiiilro ot Jlcilcholr liroa. ,
Omaha. AIT-B *
I , ANTii : > A young man , must Invest $1.1 ,
> salary iW. . Address ! KiU N. Y. Life bunding.
\ Tl * AN wanted To sell line of clean ; salary
1V1 nud expenses paid. Addrusa with stump ,
Jlorlua Cigar C ( ) . M. Louis. .Mo. H 4t
WANTi : ! ) auomim for Utah. nonrColllimton
and Mllford , J'J to fZ.liO perrtay. orWi pnr
iiuimtli aud board , rilloy * Krnmcr , cor. 11th
nnd 1'iirimm eta. t > .8
WANTKD-Salosmen nt * 75 per month salary
nud expenses to soil n line of stlvur-plateil
' "ware , watrhcs , etc. . bv Hamplp only : liorso nnd
Team furnished fren. Wrlto at oncu for full par-
'tlcnlnrs and snmplo case of goods free. Maud-
- ' "rdSllverwnro Co. . llostoii. Mass. 1K !
" \\7"ANTUt ) 400rockuun , loumstursnudgrad-
* -irs ) for Utah audNovadu ; cheap rates.
. vlotlght'a Uibor agency , llai I'aiuam st.
\\rANTKU 1 at once I.adlas and gentlemen to
T T lutroduco our high grndo perrumef. toilet
goods.-etc. . to the trade ; liberal salary ; steady
employment at home or traveling ; money nd-
ranted for oxpcnsfa. Send stamp , Itoyul
Mfg.Co Clnclunutl. O. 31.- _
MEN to travel for the I'ontlilH nurseries of
Cannilx Wo pay I'll to tlOJ a mouth and
expensen to netnts to sell our Canadian grown
stock. Add. Stona i , 'Velllugtoii. Madison. U'ls.
WANTllD-Oood. reliable mec for detectives
tin everv community ; paying positions.
Kansas Detective liureuu , lock box -JH. Wichita ,
Kan. Va j
"IXrANTHD-Glrl to wash nnd iron and help
Vriiniiiitchon. 2015 Dougios. : $ y !
ilHt T. ' mnker. Omaba shirt factory. 1114
Fttrnum utteel. , 3IO 0
\\rANTED-Kxperienced nnrsn for three-
' V ytar-old child ; must bo retlnod and have
flrst-cjun * references , also nursb nud i-onm-
rANTKl--A'ouugplrl to come by the day
as nurse at aim L'upllol ave. HU fi *
T\rANTBI-A llrst-class woman cook i.nd
Tf second girl ; gooo , wages to competent
partleH. Cull between the hours of S'nud 4'i. m.
IMi Capitol nve. USi 6
GlUL-\antcd for general housework , small
family , llrjt-class wages to competent girl.
Apply utter U p , in. to ail'5 Dodge street.
" \\rANTED Oirl to do general housework In a
. T T small family , Apply -M Capitol ao. .
388 8t
\\7ANTED-Agoodcook to do house work.
T uuu cock tor four people In small cottage ;
no children. 1)14 ) Chicago nt. MH tit
WANTIID A nurse plrl from 12 to 14 years
old ; 5iil So. aithst. 341)
ANTKI ) Two glria. one for general housework -
. . work and one nurse girl. Call 2.U7 Cali
fornia st. 201) )
NUIlbEdnnd otherslut < * reftddln mmlngnro
respectfully invited to attend free lecture
ou medical and surgical nursing by Dr. Lous-
dale. Wlthnoll block , 31' ' ) s. irtn at , Wetinesday-
I'OD. 1'Z. Lecture commences 3 o'clock uharp.
- W
WANlED-Iady or centleman to solicit and
employ agents Call or address witn
Stamp. I , K Pay , 1)14 ) N. nth. 2IU 4t
* ! / ANTED All looting for worker help to
TV call at C.R. Kelth'NompIoyment cjllfeiKij | ; |
SIStliRt. Hatlsractlou guaranteed , & mtt
ENUAGEMENl-S to do dressmaking In fan
Hloasolicited. Miss tturdy , D1UH. &th BU
8HOOM home with all modern Improvements
In HauKcoin place ; lot 3Jxloo ; price i. > , uo
I.OUO cuih balance to suit. C. I' . Harrison. Ul
N , Y. Llto. Dttj B
TpOlt HUNT The choice ilat In the Her block ,
JL. cor loth aud Jackson sts , nil newly papered
aiulliaiall comeulunces. Call at Ilia Hariiey ,
0-IIOOM Hat , central , rent m furniture. ljO
ou time. Also an elegant I--room In Ick. houiu
now full of tlrst-cluss roomeis and bounleis ;
furniture on time. Cooperative Lund i ; Lot
Co. . ajf. N. Ulh tt. _ _ _ imi-5
OU8 Churles street , f.-room house to" rent , hi-
-'iulreutyi4 ' | | Charles street , . Xtf-M
"IjlOK HUNT 'IVanlcaO-room cottages ; reut
JU tlGeach. 11. 1' , Wllllamu , s e. cor. I Jtu and
Arbor st 31 6
8KOOM house with modern Improvements ex
cept lurnuie on Cumlng ut , opposite llcmls
park : [ ot 40xlM ; mice tttv ( , 1 1,0 U cast ) balauco
to suit. C. K HurrUon , ll N , Y Life. ! W &
TTUH llKNT- One ifat on" the SilliooMn tlie"
JU new building H. e. cor 18th and Jonei fit. , lu.
Apply at itot , No. W.BlUtu. Uuorge Clouser ,
'filOU UUNT Ncw S-room house. 'JSd end Call-
JL1 fornla ts. , all conemeurei , til. A , IXWuco.
let , rooni WB N. Y. Life bldg , ISr
rillli : lower utoryot hoiike No an 8. Slth at. ,
JL5 room * and closet , air heat , mantel and
grate , gas. liot and cold and cistern wuter.bath
l-oom.gycKl cillar.ulca nodded yanl.nt m inonlti
JU re , .
Chicago ; most inodern attractive and cheap ,
W.-J. Paul , 1U"J 1 arnam. ija
Q-IIOOM Hat' with steam neat. Ictii tt. , near
Ojones. Tbo . F.llall.'lll Paiton block. BTJ
'tjAOU lIliNT-Anlt-roum iletaohed Uouae.'fur"-
JP u c . b tli. etc. . 20th and LeftTanworth. * 10.
David Jumleton. Una bldg. TW
J-Wthnud Jackson tU. Inquire of Dr. Cod-
mku , til H , llthn , over Conrad's drug tore.
JTOUBG-8-rooms , lit 10 Wore block.SCO
SCO 4 ]
IDHNI8H Bit rooms , modern conveniences ,
day board If desired. 113 South Uth st.
- ! nt
K1U11NISI1KD looms n2jlJllarnsy. _
T > OOM. tearu heat , tc , 61fl 8 10th st.
NlCKhY furnished roomssreferenco < 'XphaiiB
fit. 1017Capitol ave. "fli lit
BO A III ) and rooms , ! , , HO , $12,1017 Chicago
st. itio-15 ;
rooms nuifboard , rsrTchTcagZ
TTIUHNISHKU rooms to rent , with or without
-U board. Itefcrences rejjuired. 1911 Daven
port st , KIM *
THOU KENT Suite of front rooms , modern
J : conveniences , with or without board , 231S
l.eiuenworth sU "Mt
CTIOIl HfcNT In private family , nicely slid-
Jc at d , two bright and cheerful rooms with
board. 2130 llarncyst. !
- SOth-iultot handiiomo fur-
J-nlshcd parloi-s ; other rooms ; boardnoxtdoor ,
- > -
NICELY furnished room forgontlomen ; llrst-
class board , plca-saul location. 201i > Douglas
241-5 $
TTIOIl HENT Furnished and
Jw 1 rooms , 1304 81,1th st.
QT. CLAIIl Europenn hotel , cor. 13th and
ODodge. Special rates by week or month.
NHJI'.LY furnished rooms for gentlemen nuly ,
ITU'.i Dodge , 142
T71OH HttNT rmnlshod rooms , also front nnd
JU back panor , IW.i Douglus. HI
JAltUi : front room , with or without board ;
also.smullurroouiprlvato ; fnmlly1812 ; Dodge
.11 °
ROOM and board for flrst-class families , also
single loom for gentleman. 110 N-6th at.
"If OR HKNT 1'lensant furnlshod room and
JL1 peed table boanl for two gentlemen or two
Inilloa ; JJlnor month ; on bc > t motor line In
city. 1CW ; Part avo. Sot
EUItNllEn ! room nnd board ; all con\oul
oncos. rue Capitol uvenuu. W )
I OIl HUNT rurnlsliBd rooms on llrst lloor ,
-13 stoara heat , sris. Twenty-fourth st. OU
WANIIID Onennntlemanorlady to bbiird
and room at 'MM Davenport st : rates tt"
per month ; references required. J-11 Corbett.
| ; i7oci
"l\ ANTKDHoard nnd room forncnly mar
rled conplemoilurnconveniences. ; Address
U St. nee Olllce. afij fi
\ \ ; ANTKD To rent by June 1 to 15 , a smtil
T cottage with nil modern conveniences
> ltistbocoii\c nk-nt to business. Will make
tlmo lease wItli party wlio will build liouso to
suit. Addrojs , Htatlng particulars , U 3S. lice.
If OK HKNT A butcher shop.cor. . lltti and
JL' Chicago bts. Inqulio at 318 a. Uth St.
TOO 10J 1
Il Iir.NT Nlco store building with 1la
above , corner VlBta and Cumlng st , jus
outslue city limits : good location for grocery
meat market , etc. , tu. ! Hicks , N. V. Lifu bldff
T7\UKNACIJ \ heated rooms , ull modern con
- 1vcnleiicns. . wlthboaid , 1707 Dodge St. , two
blocks e t of postotllce. aW-S
TTIOH HUNT The 4 story brlrk bulldiug. wht
Jc or without power , formerly occupied br the
llco publishing Co. , Ulii Karnam st. Thu build
Ing has a flre-proot cement basement , complete
steam-heating fixtures , water on nil the Hoers
gas , etc. Apply nt tnn odlro ot Thu tlee. U15
DO YOU want a nice frontolllcv.grouml 11 oor
low rent eteam heat , gaa and janitor ? He
BIO 11 KENT-Part ot double ofllco or desk
room.1C 6. ISth St. , room u , second tloor
293-1 3
FOU KENT Store. 1111 Farnam St. . SOilSS
feet. 2 stories and cellar. Nathan bhelton
1BU rarnam st. U >
lt UENT-Klegant banking room first lloo
New York Lite bldtr. Including heat , elec
tric light and Janlior BfrvJco. Will put In bank
ing fixtures If desired. 1'or terms , etc. , see ( lee
N. Hicks , agent. 3i7 9
rOU HUNT Half store , Ulft Douglas st.
s ITOUttS : at 707. 70P. 711 & lath.SJxfl ) oach.larg
show windows.steam teat furnished. Thos
K. Hall , 311 Paston blk. 1J7
T71OII HUNT Il- tory brick building. 1110Dci .
,1 ? lus t. , aultiiblo for wholesale orwurehous
? urposns. Alsu brick store , IIP" 8.13th at , li
Ultra of CliBS. Kaufman. Utt Douglas st. lai
FOlt Itr.NT A desirable now : retail store. !
U ) feet , on loth st. . corner of Jackson
iteam liefit , eluctric light and complete vute
iorvlcu without expense to tenant ; can furnish
ioiue uciditlnnal storage room If desired. Apply
: o Hector ft Wllhenny Co. , corner loth and
Jackson sis. , city. ; rri ; 8
KENT Desirable store and Hals cheap.
Kllkenney If ilray , Contlacutul block.
KM V 21
> OOM 80x43 with power , ut Model Steam
lLaundry , 1HO nna 1112 Uofe. . KMC3J
_ _
JTOUE for rent , 014 8.10th st. Inquire 1623
5jatkson- 574
ITOlt KENT The undersigned being thn
JL' on nor of of the following vacant stores and
dwellings , will rent the same at special lo < r
rates to sncuio desirable tenants for the win
ter : ,
Two new brlct stores. 24th nnd Grace , each
20xW , with cellars.
Three new brick 7-room Hats. 24th and draco ,
w Uh mantels , bath rooms and modem con-
bix naw biick ll-room houses , with every
modern convenience , tor rent at less tnan hal f
rates , Wth and llurdettn ,
One new brick lu-ronm house with every con <
venlunce , iCtliund Marcy.
One store building anu large collar , 10th and
Win , with meat market tools and tlxtures ,
very chenp.
Six small houses atA nnd (3 per month each.
I'orpartlcularacallat olllce , mom 1 , llarkor
olock. U T.Baylor.
- rner basement in the new
building ou s. e. corner loth and Jones its. ;
etoreiann basement IW , corner basement 913.
Apply at thu store 705 8 ICth st. George Clousqr ,
5 unfurnished chambers for housekeeping
for man and wife , no chlldieu , 31'J N. 17th.
345 16 ]
UK.NT 4-room suite , unfurnlstied , uult-
able for housekeeping , gas , water , etc , , to
family w Ithout cnllatun ; northweat comer l"th
nd Webster his. 14U
SPiorAL : to thoPubllo-I w tnt everybody to
know tlmt mysiieclfln remeKlloi arunota
fraud , liim here to stay aud can furnish the-
public with the bust city reference , /oe M.
Flrby. ( lllk e : 1019 Clark ot , nth nd i-hurman
ave. inotoi line. hul-1 4
rpKIIKlTOltY given to handle the Jewel
JMoUterer. . fastest process for toppylog
corresjiondeiice known , Olllce Device Co. . tstu
40 btate nt. . Detroit , Mil li. UH-lt
A UOTJONesleHeveryTue day.Tliursday and
Vtsaturday morning at 1114 Douglas btreet.
Omaha Auction & Htorage Co. ] 53
GUO. F. OKLI.BNUKOK. teacher of tha banjo ,
lioom ' 'lit , Douglas block , or Ilee Olllce.
H.U. . COLK , rellablo lire Insurance.
. 150
IF you have the prevailing trouble , La Grippe
or lulluenzu. which leads to bronchitis , PUOIK
monia undcousumptlou. consult at oneOr. . J.
W liter bmlth. uhyilctan and turgeon. late of
New York city. OtUcaruoin llmmnian blk. ,
corner ICth end Douglas. 653 p jj
OTATji of Nebraska Hecrct Serrlca of Omalia * ,
N U. will f urnlib detectlvBU at rsasouablo
Olllco 813 and SIS Nevr York Life build-
Imalia. 110 4
_ _
H. COLB , nottiy public nnd conveyancer ,
Gr.ltMAN-Atucrican eiuploymrat olllco fur-
ulsti ttrat-clasii m l or rmmalo help on short
nolle * . No feu ch nr d employe * * . 310 N. loth.
VVANTP.O Ladles during their confinement :
T ? best care given. Hr , Mrs. KttntteJ82l H.Kta
LOST Bomowhero IntlieTlclnltyof St. Mary's
and 17th. a lady's purse , lleturn to lie * of-
ica and receive reward. ! M > '
I OST Ijost evening between postofhce and
JJN 19Hi st. an envelope marked "Ml. Calvary
ommamlery , " containing papers. Kinder
Uleaso leave at V. O. , or Wjrman's , near V. O.
LOST An alligator stln pocket-book contain
ing money and papers of no value to anyone
xcept owner liberal reward. lleturn to F. O.
iUirrlfon. K\ \ Leanworth t , S18 I )
3K you wantyonrliouses rnntod , list with Kx-
elusive Kent * ! Agency , Parrotte , Iflth ami
Dodge. 'a tnl *
Hll. COL1X rental agent ; olllce open even *
Ings. ISO
Edit HKNT Houses and mores. Property
cared for , taxes paid. Midland Ouarantoo
V Trustee. , 1614 Pamamst. Abstracts. 1BJ
IK you wish to rent a house or store gee It. IS.
Cole , Continental blockolllco ; open evenings.
PKKSONAL-Wanted children to board.
Comfortable and pleasant country homo.
Host of reference * ) given. Address Mrs. M , J.
Clrer. rapllllon. Neb. S76-4 *
PnitSONAL-Tbo MetroDolltnu hall. cor. Uth
and Dodge , can bo secured with or without
supper rooms for balls , parties , weddlntrv con
ventions , for the season of 18'ju. Apply to
Ucorgo Ileyn.315 8. 15th St. iMi
\ , Aniis : and gentlemen cau rent masquerade
JJatilts nt l , N loth su 111 f
rtmilAroOIST parlors , Wltlmell Mock. 131U
VJandllarney. DK-flW
Sl'ECIAlj-ro Invallas. Jl.OOUforanycasoof
piles , or any e ie of temaio n caknws. which
my Bpecltle Itomody Mil not cure. 8af nnd
aura aud pleasant. JI.OO for ons month's treat
ment , sent to any nddress on receipt of price.
Address Miss Zoo M. nrby.cen ral apent for Ne
braska AIowa , onice 101SClark st.OnialinNob
710 FJ8
IF you liavothe prevailing trouble. In grippe ,
> r Influenza , which leads to bronchitis , pneu
monia and consumption , consult Ur. J. U alter
SmlthPhyslclan and eurgoou.late ofJNew Vork
cltr. OlDee , room 10 , llushmau blk , cor. 16th
and Douglas sc. HMfU
niHE cleanest and best storage In the city at
-Mow rates at 1114 Douglas street. Omaha
Auction & ftornKo Co. 1W
UlACkAOn storage at lowest rates. W. M.
Duahman. 1311 l.cavon\\orth. 157
MADAMK Df.ANOIl , thu greatest mind
render and counsellor , has sulto of
imrlorsat ; C N. IBthsreet , southwest cornoi
Chicago and 16th streets. This lady hns
a remarkable Rift ot eccona sight , tells
past and fiituro correctly ; business contlilun-
tlal. AV111 only remain a snort tlnio. 347
DH. NANNIB V. WAIM'.KN. clairvoyant , mod-
icnl and business medium , remain diseases
n specialty , lilt M. l th Rt. , rooms a nndy. 158
DH. U UOUX'suro cure My famousremedlr > s
for female diseases , tumor , catarrh , cancer ,
pile , kidney and blood purltlor ; and tells your
full life , past , uresent andfuture. Consultation
tree. WJN 113th St. room I. aMJ
M IIS , KCCI/ES. the famous fortunn teller and
clairvoyant , business , love , marriage and
1H4 4j
M IW. nil. LONSDALE-Women's disease a
specialty. ; Wltlmell blockcor. 15th & Hnrnuy
r.v > .fi- > +
IK you bavetne prevailing trouble , la grippe
or influenza , which laeds in bronchitis , pnci
monia and consumption , consult at once lr , J
Walter Smith , physician and surgeon , late of
New York city. Ofllce. room 10 , Bushman , blk. ,
cor. ICth and Douglaa st. ub'ifli
i all alTnlrs ot life , Satisfaction
suarantced. No. alO N. 15th st. tK f 18
lA/ANTED-Tobuy small safe.IiiqulreilSJ :
YV Cummgst. . -hWBJ
W ANTKD Furniture , caipets , household
goods , for cash. Wells' Auction & Storage
Co. HIT 8. 18th at. 160
W ANTED Good commercial paper. Ne
braska Mortgage Loan Co , OlOX'axtonblk
CASH for all klndn ot household uoode at 111
Douglas street , Omana Auction & Storage Co
r ANTED A stocKot drugs.
' trade , Ilex 618Omaha , Neb.
WANTED At Brady bland. Neb. , a news
paper and a roller mill. Address U. D.
Matthowson. o -
71OII SALH-Qood family liorse , or will trade
. for gentleman's driver , ' HOJ3 Leaveuworth ,
334 Of
ITIirHNJTUIin auction every Wednesday am
J Saturday. 317 South 13th. Wells.J75
FOIl SALE Six bullalo. two full blooded
bulls , four part bloodca two cows nnd two
calves. Correspondence desired. Wm. Lamb
Deatrlce , Neb. WO 5'
En1 , It 8ALK HandsoMe new rurnlture of a
71011 SALE or trade Span horses for lot o
J mules. 17.XI H. 8th st. 3I610J
HAVING built n vault , we offer for Hale at a
bargain our largo and handsome tlreprno
safe , with burglar-proof chest and time lock ,
nil m perfect order. The Dank of Arapahoe
Arapahoe , Neb. 1107-8
IjUHl BALE Complete set ot bank fixtures ,
JU quarter j-auea oak counters , bronzed atee
railing , Dlebold burglar proof safe , with Yol
time lock , nil tno very latest In style and In
provements , Frank llarnard , 318 S , 16th. : u
Kft SALE A quantity ot building
Apply to the superintendent of Ueo building !
FOU SALE A avhornti power Porterengln
In good condition , wt-lsht M09 pounds.cyliu
der llxl'l ' ; for particulnrii apply to 'llie Ilee o
lice. 70S
CTYL1SH buggy horse. U , 13. Hoard ot Trade
TJIOH SALB-Dentist outtlt all in good shape.
Jw Cash or time , au Paxton block. - via
glelghsl Sleighs I
Omaha's largest .lety.
W. T. Beaman.
13J1-33-35 N , 10th fit.
171OK HALK or trade-One Hat top desk
JL' one eight-foot standing desk , one lease o
section of echoo ! lands , 4HJ acres of improve !
western land and six sect Ions of U. P. rullroai
land , H. II , Henderson. 400 Paxton block , 664
New YorkCIty. Office" room 10'lJuslimari'bli
corner 10th and Douglas st , 063 f 13
'TOOK SALK-Sorao good watch e and din
JU1 mends cheap. H , V. Masters , roe
Mne close carriages
at Seaman's.
Omaha's largest variety.
Landau * , coupes , rockaways.
311 SALB-A well furnlihed nrst-clasa
hoarding house , S/W Kaniain st , 3i8
* I711NK carriage teams and alngla drivers anc
JU fresh milch cow < for sab at W. II. Mlllard
IlllUlde stock farm. Horses wintered at reas
enable rates , TJ , Flaming , m'g'r.Calhoun.Neb
WIiriTLKHKY shorthand school. 21 Uarkt
blk ; the cheapest in city ; day andevenln
classes , bW-f-'i ;
pEMOVED-Standard Shorthand sclinol r
Jl\ moved to large and elegant rooms In tb
New York Ufa Insurance building , to accou
uodata our classes. New tudats eurollet
every day. Toe demand upon u for cum
peteut itenographers is constantly Increa
ing. Stbuographerti furnlihed business me
Students placed In good i > o | tlou aa soon as
competent to nil them. Call and set us In pu
iiew Quarters. Frank H. Lull , manager. | 5
SUOUTHAND and typewriting Uuirht a
Ouiabtt Commercial college , corner l.'itu an
Dudgoita. Initructlon tno In giammer , ape
lug. writing and letur wrltlue. Pitman an
Giabamiystduiii plenty ut t > pewrltrr for
eut ; com Iiur done ; Urcuiari Itourhuuuh llro :
Stflm i-ha
tUBUALloanitnftdeby W. M. lUrrU. Itoom
JA1'renzor block , Opp. p , u. uj _
HI.T edge securltlei.VAntM
Illy Phlla. MortRsrf\f. \ Trust Company.
Ueo. W.fW. l/ " < * " " .
LUo ra"Tr ile. SKK
BlMLDlNtl Loani-Wi to 7 per cent ; no ad
dltlonM rharRM fMrrommhMons or attor
ney's fees. \ \ . II. MeiUA , first Nat bank bltlg.
BIIILIHNO loats. H.-V , Sholes Co.,210 I'lrst
National bank buildup. ll !
1/"iVsf6Nif lortgago Co. J.oann of $10 to
XV 11,00(1 ( ; gctournUoibcfore borrowing and
saxe money t loan on horses , furniture or nny
approved security , without publicity ; notes
bought , for new loan , Uhewal of old audlowest
rates. Call K'-XM , Sneelriilk , 15th & Howard sts.
tlmet oansoncollatteral. Cnshou hand to buy
notes and mortgages , Selby & Itocd , room 1J ,
Hoard Trade. 013
IXIONlJYtd Loan-iivn.F. Wasters. In any
ill-amount from 110 to JICWUO , and tor any time
from ono to six mouths.
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses , mules , nagou * . lenses , etc. . In any
amount at the low est possible rates without re
moval ot property or publicity.
My loans are so arranged that you can mnko
a payment at anytime and reduce your Inter
est pro rata , Von pay Interest only fnr the tlmo
you keep the monev. It you on on balance on
your property I will take It up and carry It for
Money always on hand. Nodolay. No pub
licity. Lowest rales. H. F. Masters , room 4 ,
Wlthnoll block , 1Mb nnd Harnoy sts , 1IM
MONT.Y loaned on furniture , homes ai
wagons : rates reasonable. City Loan ( ' <
18 S 13th St. opposite Mil lard hotel. I'd '
'KlCSliolns , room " 10 Writ National hank , bo-
"fore maklngyour loam. 164
1HATTKL Imns nt lowest ralest business
VAonlldcntlal , J. " . Emlngcr , 1417 Vnrnam st.
VIONllV to loan on heroes , wagons , mules
' --household K'ooils , pianos , organs diamonds ,
t low est rate * . The llrst organized loan otllca
n the city. Makes loans trom thirty to thti'O
mndrod nnd sixty-live days , which can ba paid
11 part or v bole nt any t tin A , thus lower'ng ' the
principal and Intelest. Call nnd SOB us when
on w ant money , \\'e cau assist you promptly
and to your advantage without removal ot
ire [ > erty or publicity. Moneyalnays on liaud ,
lo delay In making loans , ( J. P. Hoed * Co. ,
ID S , Uth st , oor jllngham & Sons. 1G9
f PUU CENT losldonro loans JO.OOO to U .OCW
ltHluiliiK loans at special rates.
The Mead Investment Co , IHe building. 171
1'lrst class Inside loans , lowest
ratas. Call and M > e us Jlutual Imcst-
mont Co. , UiOl Karnoui. 172
LOANS at lowest rates ; cnshnlways on liund ;
notes bought ; money advanced on auv
available Bocurity. The People's Financial Ex
change , room 67 , llarkcr block , 175
TV TONE V to loan on any security
LU. for hhort tllne at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal property.
The Henderson Mortgage 1m est ment company ,
room 400 , Paxton block. 170
M 'ONKV to loan. O. V. Davis Co , , real estate
and loan agents , IMS Faruani st. 1"
T71IHST mortgage'loails at lowratea and node-
JJ lay. D. Y. bholes Co. , 210 lltit National bank
, let
IONllYtoloanon fiunlturo , organs , pianos ,
! hordes nnd wagons. ' Hav nejro liivehtinent
. , ) , Tak. , 16th and Dodge sts
ir , , , m
MONEY to loan ; ciUliton hand , no delay , J.
\V. Bquire. 12ia Furnnni at. . First National
bank building. 180
T OANS City and flittn loans , mortgage pa-
JJper bought. McCaffle Investment Co. 115
MONEY 30 , 60 orDO dayi on furniture ,
pianos. ho es , , etc. J , J , Wilkinson.
018 1'axton blk.
TVfONEY TO LOAN'lS'huantlties froui 500 to
Iti 5,009 , No delay. " 46t and "nd mortgages
bought. Vrivato moiiey at lowest rates and
best privileges. Real leotate for sale or ex
change. 11. jl Kendall , room 300 JUrown building
, < , ( nr. ' . , 376 , F7 *
and real estate loans.
0 i rates. V. 1' . Cox , JOS N. Y. Life Bldg.
MUNKYtolona id large silms. Central In
vestment Co , Itoom ! ij. Chamber of Com
merco. . , . ! '
BUILU1NO loans made at lowest rates of In
terest. AUo , loans on unimproved city
property. We nave some private funds to loan
on brick residence or business blocks upon very
favorable terms , ( lood mortgage notes bought
Kluiball , Champ 3c Ilyan , IMS Farnam at.
H.K. . COLE , loan agent. Open erenlucs.
EASTKKN Money Philadelphia mortgage
Trust Co. want mortgages from direct brewers <
rowers ; make saving and call on Goo. W.
Coates , 7 Hoard of Trade. Oil
PIUYATE Money , lowest rates , no delay
Morfc bought. JK J. Kendall , ,105 Drown blk.
LLOMI'I.UTE hot of chattel mortgage ab
stract books , cheap7 1MB rnrnain st. , room 3
$750 will buy a good , confectionery and cigar
buRlnoaa. soda fountain , Ice cream parlor ;
rent Kr > . Hit ) N. l < Hh st. 383 IK
FIFTY cents on the dollar In cash will buy a
ntco cleanstocKof dry eoods. Address for
5 days "AIOS Cumlng street , Omahu. Neb ,
NICE cigar etore in A fine location for sale
also a IIrat class restaurant. Co-operatlv
LandKLotCo. , i&JN.'ICthst. ' , / - &
GOOD hotel for salciortiade ; will trade fo
btcex of general merchandise , liox SOT
Arapahoe , Neb. ' I1T > 4 4J
O ACKET store for sale , nice rlean goodH.good
-1 llocation. for cash ajiil baukable paper enl
L.'ll. WebbBon. Columbus , Neb. Mllf
DltUn stock nnd store ; established 13 years
best location. Owner has moved on fan
nnd will take standard bred horsas.
Hotel anil furnishing , 1 block from depot , i
good Iowa town ; clear for groceries , llutchli
aon A : Wead , 1UI Dougts. ) | ! t' Iephoue IK * . ' . 1UU
iriOH KENT One llrdt-class Hotel , size L'4x44
X1 with ell 16x34 ; also , one livery barn. Ko
further information apply to i : , Eneroldseu
6t. Paul , Neb. -aa 7 *
8AI.E Stock ol drugs , books , station
-L1 ary. palots , oils and wall paper. All now
clean aud fresh. Located lu thu best room an
IMHTinS wi6hlng..tu.sell bankrupt gtock
general luerclunulwi , for cash , write V , J
Penney , Wood Uher. tfBb.
chance Tor'a'general '
AOOOD merchandise
store , twelve miue from any other store-
and In a we' ! BettlaUlUtiumg community , ad'
dress H , I' , llhodea , iWancleraon , Valley co.
N t an * > > (
It SALK Tlie controlling Interest In a well
tabilshad state bank In u live county seat
TTOHB ALE Or trade for Nebraska land , lura
J1 ber and COM yard at Ulllor , Neb. Addre i
A. 11. r-olmau , Dlller , Neb , 943 t
QVrooni hotel. furuUnod. in South Omaha
-jrent f7& : furniture to exchange for lior a
and Vi eont will take all in homes , corrlaicaa
or part , or will trade for tiirm laud , Co-opara
tlvo Lund anil Lot Co. , 8i M ICth nt. UJV-4
A CLRAK lot In Windsor place for * stock o
KTOctrle * . AddreMT W ll w.
Fill KXntANOR-I tiavn lUttXl worth ot
real estate , farm nd city property , and
some cash tor merchandise. Address P. O. box
B , Mound Valley , Labettti Co. , Kaimns. ilfieuiat
\fANTKO loerchnnirua U room house on
CumliiRstieet , In 1'oppleton 1'Hrk , with
ell , cl tern. Btablo , coal bousv , etc. , for clear
tlnsldethe llelt line and north of LeaA u >
orth street , Itoom 4U7 , Slieelej block , nu-4
neil i\'ll : ANlK-U\i ) sliver mining stock
-L1 Nebraska , Kansar , Iowa farms , teams ,
erse and hiiRiry , rental iiroticrtv slightly en-
imlwren. nu > rciinndlsn of all kinds nnd mnrt.
ape paper , J. II. Canx > , Bheely block. 7W f5
KYOU have anrthtngto otibanco call on or
address H. H. Cole It tl. Continental block ,
) CD co open even IURS. 174
" "
T1OII KXCIIANOK-moJO worth"niirerr"i > tock
- at w holesale prices for land In southern
fcbragka. J. H. Carle , Sheely block , Ul H
i OH tiXCHANaU-CholFe insldo rental
JL ? property slightly encumbered for encum
bered lots inside nelt Hue. Here's n cliaura to
unload. J , H.Cai no , Pheely block. ] , O IS
TllltST mortffBcnn , clear lands and Omaha
- li u es and lots to xchaiiRo tor brick and
thcr bulldlnc niatorlal , Star Land & Loan Co
Five acres Just outside cll5' lim
its. U.O.V ) : only tUJ canh. Hicks , N. Y.
, lfu building. r.'JC-7
.OTtlxl.Uwlth cottaK , three blocks xvest
and one noith of lilKh school , J.ttHW. 0. F.
larrliou , nil N. Y. Llfo. C9J 't
if taken KOOII 3 lots in Hertford 1'Iato-
, Harris , room SO 1'renzor block , oppo
lie P. 0. ; ttf.-7t )
"J.OOD lota In Orchard hill tl.10 to $ IKO on cnuv
J terms this weeic.i Colseth , Johnsou \ 1 ov-
rcn , room 9 , Chamber of Commerco. .191 8
CTO11 5AlE-l i story frame resldonco with
U cellar. tc. , rloss to motor line ; quite now
nd well furnished , corner lot , prlco I2,7W > .
'erms ? ; r > 0ca h aud balance lo suit , or will
rado for good clear lot. Btrlujrer & Penny ,
Jouglns block , ! ! 60 7
ATTHACTIVl' Locality-
Cheap Prices
I'.asy Terms
City Water
all conibtno to make Antes place the cheapest
nd best property In Omaha for the money.
> ts soiling at 1700 to S1 , < U > on easy terms and
lymonts. Now is the tlmo to tiiKu advnntaRn
thcs * tavorablo conditions. It you want to
euro for yourself nnd family n permanent
ime , nnd > ou cannot judge ottho desliablllty
! this property unless you look it over.
See Amos' Place
nnd you will recognize its rnlue nnd will buy It
TOU w-nnt to save inouer and make money nt
lie Baiiio tlmo.
Men of Moncrate Moans
> n buy In Amos' Place , where title. Is perfect ,
lyniontH oa v , terms low nnd location unsur-
.assed and most desirable in oery respect ,
llemombcr , real estate is the
n Hasls of Wealth ,
and unlcssyou take advantage of such chances
-.s . now olfered you , you simply are not only
unking a mistake , but actually losing money ,
Haunders Street Motors
o and from Ame < 1'laeo. Property will be
hewn you nny day free of cost , l\cry : facility
or closest Inspection as to all statements made.
60 foot Lots
inly $7 0 , KOO , fDOo , fl.OJO. ou sm .ll cash pay-
nonls and any reasonable time ou balance.
1507 rarnam St ,
BAHGA1N Heautlfill rcsldcuco lot , fi'J ' foot
castrront on Ihlrty-tlrst street FiKH ) .
[ licks , llrst lloor N , Y. Life building. iMii-7
/-CHOICE lleaidence property-Will sell 8(1. ( CO.
\J KO or 180 feet frontn o on aist or L"'d sts ,
between St. Mary's avenue and Howard t.
Very choice lor flats. Wm. Preston , Slat and
Ilownrusts. Ull-IJt
EAST front lot. on Georgia ave , . next lo
Drexel proporty. Siioclal terms ou this lot.
C. F. Harrison. Ull N. Y. i.lfe. IKK-T ,
SPECIAL Ilaritaln Now 3-story b-roiim house ,
porch on i sides , cellar undci entire house ,
city water , barn aOxSI , ] J ft. posts , 4 block *
from motor , located on Wulnut Illll ; price ,
J-,500 ; small paymentdown , luciulro of owner ,
E. G. Jlerrill , 41tU and Pewardsts , Walnut Illll.
101 I' '
THE best llusmess ,
Vacant and
Suburban properties In the market
are for sale by "tno old it-liable" M. A. Dpton
CCL , 10th and rarnam , 181
SLOTS east and wonth cor/ior / atiSthonTi
Wooiworth , IflOxirjO , Una residence Bltn for
two tauilll s , IK.OOO , C. I * . Harrlsou , Oil N. Y.
Lifo. are -
TTIOlt SAl.E Very cheap , no trades , farm of
JU r > 41.'O acres. BBC ! > , 12. N 0 Vf , Hamilton coun
ty , Neb. ; 2 miles trom Mnrquette , Hinall house ,
stable , ! IJO acres ot pasture fenced , living water ,
price only 10 per ucre. J3.4J7.tM. one-third 1B8
crop Included. Terms J .av ) cash , balance li per
cent Interest. F. 1C Atkins , owner , railroad
building. Denver. Colo. Iff
ll 8ALU J7 U will buy lot 60\la ) In Omah
View , one block from motor line , nicely on
grade. Lots In this addition are worth tl.OtX ) ,
and the aboio price IB open torn short tlmo
only. G. H. Tzschuck. care Omaha Hoe701
IOU SALU-Wllt Fell a Rood 0-room house
and barn on S. 10th nt , No. 17K ( , In excellent ;
rupair and take $1,080 in cash , balance In good
real estate if desired. Ames , 1WT Farnam ,
10 D
BARGAIN Nlco ie-dcnce lot in Hantcom.
Place. - . ' , 50. Hicks , llr t floor N. Y. Life
bullalug. J gut -
SPEClALIlargaln rine , now ll-room , 2-story
house , porch on front , side and bacx , cltj
water , collar under entire House , barn 0x20.1.
ft. post , only 4 blocKs from motor , one block
froni .Wi.lnut Illll school. Price SJOCO , wll
trade for lots , Intiuli oof owner , E. O. Merrill ,
44th ana Seward sta. Walnut Hill. 19118 >
r'OT KlxlKi cast and south co irner near tin
U Mil ton llogcrd place. West 1'a .rnam : street.
87.000. O. K. Harrison , till N , Y. Lite. JK
O f Heal Estate Agents ,
Have for gain or trade.
Desirable lots , blocks and acreage property
In Omaha and vicinity. Correspondence so
3 , IS. corner 10th nnd Dodge , Omaha.
SPECIAL Ilargnln Full lot 50x150 In Jlaker
Pace. on grade , near Military road , price
tl'O. cashfr4 balance easy , inquire otownei
K. 0. Merrill , 14th audBeward sts. Walnut nil
Wl 1W
for lots. W. L. Selby's add to S. Omaha.
$500 . , tat
UO A1 N' Ton ncros close to lie It Ling rail
loud , West Omaha , $0,000. lltcks. llrs
HoorN. Y. Lite building. iKM-7
llargaln 5-room house undlot40x
127 feet , water In kitchen , located on Charleu
fit , 4 blocks trom Saunders Bt. motor line , cast
price J-yWO , small payment down , balauco very
easy. ' inquire of owner , IS. U , Merrill , 4Uh and
BewardBl.Wianutlllll. 101 I'lt
"IJIOII " t > AI < K-HOJi1.B feet corner of JJaam
JD Farnain sts. $125 p r foot for Farnam st.
front. C. if. Harrison , nil N. Y. Life. Wi-f ,
WILL sell tha very desirable resldeuce o
Itobert KaHdon. e.-iij. , on Howard < t. , Wtis
Omana , near 37th Bt. This property comprises
a well built house ot 11 rooms and attic tha
will give n more rooms if needed. First lloor is
Eulihed in oak and second lu Georgia hart
pina. Collar and laundry , f urnaco and furnace
room complete , sewer , gau and city water con
ncctlons nil made. Darn f or 5 horses unil amp )
carriage room and room for coachman. lx >
has nil it. frontage by 170 deptn to a ' 'O-foo
prlVRte'alley. Premises front south on itrue
with established grade and are In the best r s !
Ounce- location In the city of Omaha , gatlnfuo
lory reasons Riven for selling ,
Ames , Pole Agent ,
1W7 Farnam St.
BAltOAIN-Elegant resident tot In Hauscoi
Place JI.OOO. Hicks , tlrat lloor N. Y. Lit
building. SiH-7
WJ for Jots. W. L. Hvlby'u udd toS. Omaha
$ Ml
TTlonTV-IXtlJIt feet on 10th St. , near Farnum
-L' witn line now business block ; rents tori tW
a year ; must have 118,01) ) casa. Hv'tt at a pe
cent , long time ; great offer. Address S A5. liuo.
TjlOK SALE or Kxcnange letclmi imlncun
Jbered Kansas farmn for city or Douglaa co.
proporty. If you wish to buy or sell real estate
or borrow money In any quantities bo uuru t
call on II. J. Kendall , room UOJ llrown building
373 FI
cblorUeld.reftlejtate , H.Omaha.
VVT L. Suiby'4 add to 8. Omaha. .Lots Ci
S1 000 for lots. W , L. Bel by's add to 8. Omaha , |
WL. Belby's add to B. Omaha , Lou $500.
TVIBT four property with II. K. Cola ,
Y L-Selby't add to8. Omuha. lotsUOiX
. KINK little home , felli st-near Wobl ortU W
V A. SIKNCKII , IUI Dougla * street.
I'or Ralo A 33-room hotul , South Omaha , well
ocated and uccuiila.1 , cheap , and ou easy
rm * .
A ft 1-foot lot on null , bet wpcn Cast und Dar *
nimrt , at II.WM. 1'iCOcasli.
1'our new houses In orchard Illll for sale or
xclisutje ,
A comer on I'leas'xnt and Oitliard 8ts.Ubc130 ,
gouth front. K5X' ( ' . sjj.4
J1IY1J room cottaues , $ | , vx cncn , llfljonsa
J down , baiaure Mft penuonth Thos , r. Hall ,
I 1'axton block , IM
Not loo.
alter of Application ot C. 8 , Torlitlt tor
IVrmlt tu nell llnuor us n Dru i'ist ,
Notice 1 heri'hy th-cn tlmt C. K Tdrbltt
d , upoh thu ffith day uf .lammrv , A. I ) .
Xii. Ilia his application lo the llonrd of 1'Iru
nd rol1coCinitnI % ionprm > f Omaha , for perm It
o Kcll malt , rplrltnous and vinous llimnrx , i s
Drnctflst , for iue < llciilal. mechanical , and
lemUal nurjioso only , at No.UH raruntii
reel. Fourth wardOmaha , Neb. , from ttio 1st
ny of January. 1RHX to the 1st dayof January ,
II t hero bo no objection.u mou lranc or prot
est Mind nithm two weeks friiiu January SMh ,
, II. IN'.m ' , the saUl permit will bu Krantitd.
23-4 C. S. TotimiT , Applicant.
alter of application of Mjlos K. Welsh nud
John 1 lizputilrk fur llimortlcetisu.
Notion Is herotiy ( riven that MylrnK Wclsli
ud John I'ltMiatrlct , dolnit buslutiss under thn
rm name of \ \ i-lsh ft I'ltrpntrlck , did upon the
rilduyof Kebruary A. 1) . IBM. lUathelritppUcn-
on tii the Hoard of Tire und 1'ollui Cum.
ilsMoners of Umaha , fnr licence to dell malt ,
plrlluoua and vinous liquors at No. < Y.4 c. lllh
ireet , Tlilrdwnrd , Omnlia , Nob. from the 11
ay ot Januarv , WW to the 1st day of January.
Hal.U them bn no objection , icmonstrauce or pro
test tiled within two weeks fnim t'olirttary 4th ,
A. 1 > . I81W. the said llcttisa will l > crnntvd ,
4-11 Applicants.
Notlci *
lattcrof Application of Asmus 1're I llohllt for
liquor Ltcfiisp.
rotlcolslicreuj lven thatAstnus Fred llohlff
I upon the m day ot January. A. I ) , l' 1 , HIM
i application to thn Hoard of I ho ami I'ollco
uinmisslonors of Omahu , lor llcetue In soil
I alt. pliltuous and \lninis LlciiuitK at Nu.
U03 llnmlHonStrc-t. Nlntli ward.Omaha. Neb. .
rora the Idt dixy of January. 1S1W , to the lot day
f January , Ib'Jl.
If there be un objection , remonstrance ori > rr -
est filed within two weeks from January - < tU
1) . 181O , said license will bo irranted.
21-4 Aswus 1'IIKK Hoiii.rf , Applicant.
A MKnTINflof thoslockhoUlertiof the ills- ,
-V sourl Valley Sand nml Oiavel Co. will be .
eld at Itooni 4. Granite lllnck. In Omahu. Neb. .
13 o'clock p. m. March 8th. inn. Hyonlerot
lie President.V. \ . 11 Ai.iix.ixiir.ii , Sec.
Omiihn , I'eb. 2,18W. f rlr
, iiri'\io7nunu.s'nTO > rs"tri A'rnfof
Doi.nt lOlliiiu.l ill-oil i-lri'on | Omnlin.
9 45 it i
CIO p i . . . .
I 15 p ! Clilcagu lasl.MHll tlaU I'.Trnni
] . Denver Vestlbulu Kipress. . .
. . . .Mnioln ACtinorillaLoc ( I. . . .
C.Oi p m
* ) mm
10 S n m
U.-l' . depot. lUta nml MareyBt . | Omnlin
nntlo Kxpn
llbulu ] .lui
ClllCAOO. MII . A HT. HAUL. Arrives
U. I * , depot , IQIti ami MarcyJHa Onmlia.
005 p n
I IS p m | St.1oul Cannon mil | U3U p :
Omahv | | J. I'.ilepul. 10th nnt Mnrcy 8tn. | OjnKlin. _
7.16 a m illnux Cltr 1'imsunuor ibtri n m p m St. Paul Kiproij 1U05 K m
Depot mil Mid Watator a Li. | unmha
6.45 p m | HU l'iul I.lnillml | yx , n n
yuo n m
1)00 ) n m Kip. ( Ii. bandar ) . . .
t.10 p m
. . .HI. . Cltr Accommodation .
Cltjr Kxproia. , i I W ) i
6 5 p m . . .Oaklanii Accommodation. . . . ! t < 5 a
Depot l..lh ana tVclistcr Sll.
10511 n tnl..St. tauln ft K.0. Itxn |
V 15 p rn.Ht. | l lll lit K. < ; . l { pn
pn P m.
WebilcrSt. . . . Jil ! 1J.45
Oak Chatham.
Dm Id Hill . . .
Lake Street. . .
Walnut Illll. .
Dumlco I'laco.
Wsit Bide
\Vt t Blda.
Dundee 1'lnco.
Wtlnat Hill. . .
Hike tUrflot. , , .
Druid Hill
Oak Cliatlii
Thne trains nlso flop at 13th , 17th , 20Ui niul 2Uli
itruot. , HuTiiiult and Hurldeo Cruiiloi. Worklnu-
niea'i train ) ao not run Hunduy ,
81i p m H40 a m
840 a m 6-Up ni
too p m 30 m
Union Depot , Council Illuc
. .Chicago Kiprcii. ,
.Vvitltiule IJmltci ) ,
OMAHA ft HT , l.dtllH.
. . . . . . .81.1/iuU Canon iTauT.
Union l ) i t , < 3uunrJI Ulun . tier
SM m , , , . CMctga Kivttiit 615 p m
en p m Chicago Expre i B i a m
too p m Chicago > ' it Mall , . . . . H31 am
Le T i I BIOUX CUT * I'AClrilT Artiiiiir
Many Itnituto. Npiio Equal
Tills li to rortlfy < h * ' tin Nebraska P-'iitr l
lUllway company drslrus an tncreime of Its au *
thrlrrd capltol stock from oil" million dollar *
to four millions nf hundredlhousanii dollars ,
and ttmt mich Increiuo and the lilkkiti { and
publlsnlliiof this ( rtinritt . and the filing
lh ref with the secretary of si ate of the statn
of Nohranca. has been duly authorized by tnn
holdersnf the majority ot thftcnpttal stock ot
the NotiraskaCrutrnl Itallviay company.
\\ltnesRwhrrcot , xvahaxo hereunto IgnM
our naiiips at ( imahn. In Hie munly ot Douglni
Mid statoot Nebraska , ou the loth day of Au-
lioUiC ! ; ( : ItAltSUM. rreMdent.
I Corporate I
I boal , | Directors :
Wll.l.lAM L. ADA MR
Btatu of .Nebraska , Domains county , KJ ;
llefore me. K notary public in nnd for salit
Douglas county , personally tatne thn nbova
named .tolin A , McShane , ( ivorgo C Itarnum.
John H , Dnmont , William l > , Adams and linn-
iaiuln .1 , Morris , knonn toniolo bo the Idniit-
ical personn who t-lRiied tn foronolug Imtrii-
me-tu , nnd F.nvorolly hcknoHledgml the snld In
strument to bo their \inimtnry tut imd dooo.
for tlionsoMnnii purposostherelnset fottn.
InwItnensAvhereor , I hart * hrreunln slitnoil
my name and atllxed my nfllclal sealat Omnha ,
Diiuglas county , Nebraska this luth daof Au-
BU t.lsil. ! W. IHVIW.
I Notarial I Notary I'ubllo.
1 Seal , f 1'ob S d qi ) Uiuor
htroklioltlcrV Moot I ne.
Not ( to Is hereby glvitt Ilial the tegular annual -
nual meeting of tun stockholders ot tlie South
Plaito Laud ( YMUpnny will bo heal at theofllco
nf saldtompany In Lincoln , Nob. , nu thn tint
\\ednesdayin Match , 18MI , being thu Jth day ot
said ninmli
lly ordorol the board of director * .
It. o. Pun.i.IP * Secretary.
_ Uncolti , Neb. , rob. ,1 , lino. l'4-.l.mimr
1 7iT ( > pi3AT.s ( Toil FiiiTTraKiSW-uT a "fiT
dlan Sen Ire , Pine Illilgu Agency. S , Ila
kotn. Sealed proposals , Indorsed "proposal !
for Held Seeds. " and addie < sed to th un-
derMKiud at Plue. Ulduo Agency , Shannon
Co. , 8. Dakota , will bu reeelMM t tills ngenrr
until dim o'clock of FobruarvMlth. 1R.W , forfnr-
nlihluc for this aurncy and dellvorliiB ut Hush.
Mllp. Neb. , at mich tlinu nsnmy 1m required ,
about l\iMJ ) pounds preil wheat .110 bushels
ot seed ivrn , HM bushels peed potatoes , av >
liuslmli Rcwl oats , nnd SO bushels timothy
sipd. liiich Didder must state specifically 1u
his bid the proposed prlcoot oachartlclo to bs
offered for dollvery under his contract AU
seeds imist bo < it good lutnlltv. Miltuble for
seed purposes in the locality whcni renulrod.
Tuo right IH n eneil to inject nny or nil bids
ornuv ] mrt of nny bUl. If doomed to be for
Hip bist Interests ot the service , Certlllpil
Checks Kach liltl must bo nrroinpitnlvd by a
certified check or ill aft upon BDIIHI United
States Depository , tnadu payable to the order ot
thu uuilvrnlKiiml tor ut least KIM : per cent ot
the amount of thn proposal , which chuck or
draft will bo fotfelted to the United States In
I casn any bidder or bidders receiving an award
shall fall tii promptly uxocule a contract wltli
Kood midMilllclcnt miivtli' ' , otlit > n\l8elo bn re
turned to llie bidder. 1'or further luforinatlou
npplv to thn undersigned. HHOH D. OAL- , U. S. Indian Agent. J 4dm
lllds w III be recehed by the.board ot printing
at the olllco of secretary of Mate af anv tlmo
lieroroFi'bnmry 15th , IhIK ) . at 10 n'rlocc'n. in ,
for fmiilbhtng ri.tiili copies of tlie report or
State Hoard of Agrlcultuio for the year 188.1. of
tour hundred panes each , mora or less , tmmplo
of worfemay be seen at tlie olllce ot secretary
of mate. Itlghtiescrved to reject any or ull
bids , lly tnehtuto Printing llonrit ,
HIN. : II. COWDIUIY , Sccretaiy.
_ _ Llncoln.Nb _ , . Feb. 1.1 BK ) . 1'eh.g , 1) Ult
Ucrtilloau' for I'uiiliuuiioii.
Olllco Auditor of Public Accounts , I
Statoof NubriiBKii. }
Lincoln. I'oli. l , 18W. I
It I ft liereliv corttlltd that the Farmers' 'anil
Mure hunts' Insnranco rompany or Lincoln , in
the stiito uf Nebraska , has tompllcd with tbo
insurance law of this stale ami Is authorised to
transact thuhUblness of tire aud other casualty
Insur.uico In thlsstato fur the current year.
\ ItnesH my hand ana the seal ut the
IJ-KM , ] Auditor of public Accounts tlio day
and year sbo\ written.
T. II. IIUNTON , Auditor P. A.
thTiuiiiXATiKHitr rnn.
7 1 5 WttiimcTOHAyj. ST. Louis. Ho.
IV. & 0.'S
MUM Cocoa
No Chemicals
in owit In IU rrcptntlon. It ! iti part
( i > lHr. < Hmu f HrnaHi of Cocut
u > l il ilh KUrrli , Arh > nnl ur'Sujir ,
tcMliif Ita ( Ian me trut a cuj > . U U
lellcloii , tiourlihln , trcngthrtitnie , Ul-
CILV DiutsritD , and Jdiulralily , l rrd !
for InyillJl > l trcUu pttMnl In liro.lh.
bold bj flroreri cverjnhcre ,
& CO. . iinrchester. WRUR
' * ° '
I nnd Tor rruulndiia < li prrloillo raurso.
I None ircnnlua imlonn rlcnn 1 "IIUHrAiin , n rno
9Uonimrtcl-iiriB. " HOT.Iinv ALL IlItUUttlHlH
| B.riiimrrit.vro..N.Y. Xariilnlorllio IJj.
Eutrerlnx from the cn ; tj < if loathful errora , roily
decay , wiu.tliu wc&knui , lost manhood , tic . 1 will' '
tcnU a valuable treatlw iwalnl ) conuliiinff full
I > artlciilara fnr home cure. FltlCK of charge. A.
uplendlilaiedlcalworkiHlioulii lie read by every
bimn who li nerrnuH ami ilvlillltaU-il. X.lilivsit . ,
ar f. I'.C. iro\VMir.ITIoo ttiaConii. '
_ placal un roj rj aurme
X yobterdav.
South Omaha Land rompany to W N
Nanoii. lot v , blk 1 V > , South Omnlia , w d 775
South Omaha Laud company to W 11
tt Hour , lot' ' , blk21. bi > itti Omaha , w d 1KB
b'outn Omaha Liuul company to A A
Irvln , lot li. blk a.1. South Omnlia , wd. . 709
Klla Pcimey aud husband to John Dom-
iua , Tf .i so anil s /i s ) 1 no IIMO-lo.
w d . . . , , , , ' . . . . . . . - . . , , 3,000
.lainei'lCi'iuiiiuiidwlt'o to I B Carlson ,
lot 111 , Kensington add. wd A , . ' ' , . . ,1X19
Paul Nelscuauu wlfo to M Anderson.
lota , blk * . West bldo add , d 400
Houth Omaha Land i-ommiy to S O
Siience , lot 11 , blk l'.W , South Omalm ,
I'PKirkendull ct ul to V H Tlirany.
WJxlffi ft lot 4 , blk IS , West Omaha , w d 4,030
I'II'1111 any and wlfo to 1' A Leaven-
wortli , Wxl6i ft lot 4 , bllr IV. Wnst
Omahn , wd 7,000
\V Jl IllBbconnd wife to li A Liaven-
wortb , a bO ft of n Stt Jt lot 4 , hit 18 , West
Omuha , n cd 1
SO Wilghtotnl to John Condon , lot V ,
blk 24. Houth Omnlia. w d 1,000
South Omaha Lund company to Nell
Ward , lot 4 , blk m. South Omaha , wd. . TOO
J M bwetuam und wlfo to Neltlu Kuan ,
lot 2. blk4 , Hartford Place , w d 40) )
JJO'llourku and wife to Charles Fox.
lot U , bik I , llurr Place , w d \nn
John Hexerapo aud wlfo to J P Davis , lot
, blk M , lleukon , lot V , ulk 40. South
Omuha , aud lot 4 , blk U , Crclghtou
Helghts.wd , 2,001) )
J P Duvis to Jojb Fawiotl , lot 4 , blk U ,
Crolghtou Heights , w d. CO )
JPDaus < to O lleverage. lot B. blk M ,
Jlenuon , una lot U , blk 4U , Houth Oi'ialia ,
J atob Faw cVt t und'wi'f0 to li at tie I i I'M y e'r , "
Xl'i tt In lot I , Coburn'u nubdlr. W d. . . , 40).t
C ! K jsllllerto II ti htukter , lot U , LudwiLK - -
Pla < c , wd KK )
\V 1 Kler teadand wlfu t < > D J O'Donahoo
t ul , lotH , bUU , Summit Place , wd. . . O.&M
II L U i" rll < us to John Iflley. lot 10. blk 5. .
iiibdlv.1 I HedlcK'8 add , wd. , ' 900
Otto 1 obeck and wlfo n > William Wpiter-
laud , lot'Sprlnu Valley , wd / . . t'.CO )
Otto Ixjlieck and wife to L B Cook , w Y
lottl. hprlut' Yalley , wd 7M
J AMcgtutliet aitotbe PuhUc , plat ot
eituiisloii oiiThlrty-Bcrond uvimue. . . .
DC Patterson to Margaret liefer , lots ,
blk III. Patterson park , wd . . . . ' . .t
Albright Mud and 1-ot l Company II 1 *
lots II und IS , blk 4 , Matthew * '
sul ) . wd . . * . . , . J.OOQ
K L Hrllt to ( leorgo liundrlckion. lot 5 ,
blk iil , Mnri > u & . llrmiDr'H add , w d , 9) )
POHImubuiijttiiitalto H D Hotchkiiu.
lotH tfTiaiidal , blk II , Omaha Heights ,
w d NI )
> l F. HoiiklnsandliunbAUd to T F Hall , *
lot0. bUU , Omaha , nd , . , Run )
Twenty-nine transfers . . , , , , , , tooTil
lliiihlliii : I'urinlta ,
Thu foUowiiiK'bulldtiib'lHJrrults were hiucd
ycstonlay ;
i'otorVyinan. . ona and nue-tialf story
framudwulllag , Huutn blxtuouth Mud
I'lurk KtreetH . , , . > i. . . I fN )
S. Johiisou , two-ntory frame addition to
mill. Mueleeuta and CliarloKi.tietil . , . 400
I ) . Mirluger. one-story tramo dwelling ,
rear of uli North MuvteunthMrevt , . . 209
TUrotipenults , agKrefntlnt' , . . . ! l HXf