THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , FEBKUA11Y , 5 , 1890. ft I THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS - r "Wheat Business Opens Boarlsb , But a Reaction Sots la Later. C ) RN TEMPORARILY ACTIVE. OntB Show No Kiflnntlnl Chun no nnd tlulo Hnihnr Quint Provision Trading Biilrltloss Hc > a Hliow an Improvement. CIIC/VUO I'KonUOR MAUKRT3. CntCAflo , Feb. 4.- | Special Tologrnm to THE Ur.E.l The "crowd" started in bear ish tMa morning , opening business on a basis nf 78c for Muy and Belling the laur- kot oil to TSJ c. Heavy nnd continuous buy- " 1 /Jit / ? by Stnltli & CO. absorbed all the offer- ' inp.4 for n Rood whllo nnd chocked Inn do- cUlvo fashion the downward tendency of VRlucs. The prlco went tq 7S @ * 8K08I"1 hung for u whllo around 78J c , when early sellers cntno in nnd boueht. This served to carry the rally still further nnd the prlco Rot to 70c. From this point n reaction oc curred , the market soiling back to 79o and closing nt 79c. February rested nt "S'j'c ' , March nt 70Jic aud July nt 77K" . Tboso closings record n slight Improvement , where tbero was any change , which wns a victory for the bulls , considering the disadvantages labored under after the opening. Several things conspired to chtingo tno tone of the trmrltot from weak to steady k"jf ? and then strong. The first was a letter ' from Cuptain Philips , written from Mem phis , picturing the dangerously forward con dition of the winter wheat plant in that'latl. tudo On the heels of this came tldlncs that 800,000 bushels ot wheat bad been worked for export from Ualtlmorc. This acted ns an ex- cltnnt end stimulant , Towards tholastn dispatch wat received that Baltimore's big t , vsusluoss could not bo confirmed , although it TX was admitted that auo.OOObUBliolmnlehtuavo been worked since lust Friday. The tonlo had produced its effect boforn Imlf a con tradiction came In , however. but the market "gigged back" } o ou late dispatches Just the same. The weather was as balmy as a JVJayduy , but late dispatches from Minneapolis chronicled n drop of 40 degree * in the temperature there In an hour ana predicted zero weather by sundown. This also hud Its cffect.borc , em phasizing and accentuating the nervousness previously felt on account of weather ad vices. Considerable speculative ) business was done In the pit. T.ho concentrated buy ing early was supposed to bo for account of local parties'who arc closing up open trades preparatory to taking a trip to Europe. The late buying was for local , New York and northwestern account. Tbcro was moderate activltyln the corn tilt ul the opening , prices immedi ately at the start being a shade bet ter than nt the close on the day before. The weakness shown In the wheat market , however , appeared to turn specula tive sentiment In corn In a similar direction , and the resulting decline inado a fresh rec ord for May , which sold nt Jlt'/fc / , which Is the lowest prlco yet recorded. A subse quent advance In wheat was again a guiding factor with corn speculators and caused a . . ' sympathetic Improvement tn the latter coin s' jJodity , making the closing prices to bo at Vlibout the best llgurcs of the day. The clos- ' Jf Ing prices Lve'ragcd fractionally bettor than m * * ft Monday and are as follows : March. t 29Xoi MOV. 3ls@31Jite ; July , 3S@33c. Oats were not essentially changed , being rather quiet within tbo recent range , J iay nas again relatively firmer than other futures nnd received the most attention at the hands of traders , tending to easiness early bnt later Improv ing to the former outside point , of 22 ° c , with light business. Juno was fully JH'C dis count , us there was no .demand of consequence quence , and cash oats wcro dull , with 20 } a puid for No. 3 regular. No. 3 whlto for Muy sold at 23X"- Provisions opened a trlflo hlghor'on a light run of bogs and a firmer hog market , bat the trading was rather spiritless and not much of nny.ronsequoneo was done except In pork , which advanced under buying by Hutcblu- Bon , but later the advunco was lost und the closing prices show n loss of ubout 2 > $ a from yesterday's closo. . Lard was a trillo firmer , though not muclrnctivltv wns noted. Short ribs were fairly active and the close shows o small advance ever yesterday's prices. CHICAGO iaVE 8TOOK. ' CHICAGO , Fob. 4. [ Spoolal Telegram to THE HBE.I CATTUt Business opened slow 1 and prices ruled barely steady at the start , ' S. but later on the demand Improved some what , but there was no essential changeIn values , prices continuing aboo9 lOc lower than lust week on the ordinary run of natlvo steers. Tlio export demand wus light and a few lots that suited the exporters sold about the sumo ns yester day and last week. There wcro ono or two consignments of good corn-fed Tuxans that sold for fair prices. Cow stock showed no particular change and thostocker and feeder trade Is moving ulong about the same as last week. Choicoto extra beeves , fl.bOQ.-j.OO ; modlum to good steers. ! . : ) to lfiJi ( Ibs , jatsO@-l.50i 1.200 to lJ501bs : , M.404.20 ! 050 to 1.1:00 : Ibs , 1.0003.75. Stackers and feed ers , S2.i5@3.f : > 0 ; cows , bulls und mixed , $1.50 013.0(1 ( ; hulk , S3.1U ( < ? :2.45. : Texas corn-fed ulcers. $3.SOtf3.50. ( Hoes Ibo weather was springlike and r&thor against the market , yet on account of the big falling off in the run salesmen wcro enabled to rnovo up prices good 5c , making an udvanco of lOo for the week so fur. Pack ers paid rMUQI.OO , largely J3.U5 , und shippers - pors | 3.0 ! > ® 4.05. largely * 1.00. bight sorts , _ . .sold at * 3.fc5@3. 5. FINANCIAL. NEW YOHK , Fob. 4 , ( Special Telegram to Tna UEE.I STOCKS Thcro was a general looking about to sec what had happened in stocks after the close yesterday , The break in Rock Island was so unoxpcotod and ap parently unwarranted that the street felt in clined to rail at the olUcIals of the company nnd chaign them with being in sympathy with thu Camnmck-Jones boar party. There was talk ot a now Issue of stock , of the pass ing o/ the next dividend und soiling of the stock by Insiders. .All tbeso were ofllclally denied before tbo market opened this morn ing. Fresh gossip was about Headingwhich , it Is claimed , has practically passed Into now bands by the purchase of u controlling inter est by a Philadelphia syndicate backed by Kuroocan houses. Tno early rumor that now plans for the presidents' association hod boon submitted and rojcctnd was exploded by u contradiction from Chair man Walker , who says the now agreement will not bo considered until February 11 , > T „ Tbo market opened with a feverish und i irregular tone , accompanied by considerable animation. Although lee fluctuations In nctlvo stocks got fur uway from these of the opening , Hock Island , St. Paul , Coal stocks and two trusts continued to monopolize the attention of the traders , but oven some of these fluctuations were unimportant. The opening prices as a rule were from , 'f ' to ? g per cent lower than last night's prioos , and except in Sugar und Jersey Central , which developed inamed weakness immediately , the market moved up In tbo first few nilnutci. Hock Island ruing \ } ( and Head- inir % per cent to 40 ? ; , These two stocks were the only ones which failed to fall below tbo opening prices In the succeed ing decline. Jersey Central dropped from 110 to 117J6 and Sugar from 01 to GO if , und though the latter afterward recovered this lots with something in addition , a subsequent docllco y carried It down to GO. During the hour there S was little material change in the list. Sugar * ogaln moved up to 01 , Hock Island to 03 , tit. . Paul to 00 ami AtchUon to 3JV. Loulsrillo was off to MJj aud Nuw England back toit ) , Tennessee Coal broke away down to 81 from b5 at tbo opening , Tbd bears continued to j > re Grangers w t .out causing uioro than tllgkt louses. The complete turn la the stock market after 13 o'clock was duo to ttio la * llucnco ot Hurllngton , which took a strong uoturn on the announcement of'an increase of tbo dividend , Prom 107 nt tno opening the stock moved up to tOSIf nt the closo. Hock Island recovered qulto as much , clos ing at 94 , or over 1 per vent gain for the day. St. Paul , Union PuclQo and Missouri Pnclflo made gains alto. Tonnosico Coal reacted 3 points to 84 , followed by gains In Laolca- wanna and Itcmllng. Sugar closed at the bottom nt 00 , and Chicago Om , nttcr touch- Inc 45f , cloird nt 4ttf ? , There was good oov erlng m many shares. The total sales were 233.0JO shores. The following-were the closing quotation i II.B.ta rosuHr. ISl'i'.Xortliorn ' ' I'aclQo. . 82JJ U.H.4coupons . . .I' l'i ' do nreferrod J5VJ II.C.4UsrestUI r..iaii ! O. ft .N. XV l\9H \ V.H. K * coupon ! . 1'JUi ' dopreterred Itflli I'ttlllcaiot * * ) . . . .118 N.y.Contrnl. . , . M < B\i \ CfntralJnciao 3.Tt I1. II.AK , . . . W OikajtoAAlton . . .130 Hocklslaad UV < Chlcairo , llurllnifton U. , M. ft Stl1 , " > 4'Julncv | ( ifiJ ? ili > Dr ferr . . . . . . " ' ' ' " " ' ' ' lliinolsCaatraill ! ! iiopreforroa. . . . . IU I. , 1I.&W U.ilon IMcino Ofi Kiumste iWu. . . . DV.8t. ! . L. & V 13i ! I.nkeShora 10 * < iopr forr d..n Uj ? Michigan Oatrat. . ! ' { Western Union. . . . 8l > i MUsourU'AOino. . , . 74'i MONET Easy nt 8 ( < ? 4 per cent ; closed at 3 percent , I'IIIMK MEHOXNTILE P-irsn 4)4 jj K P ° r cent. STRHI.IMO EXCIUXOB Stoaly ; sixty-day bills , ? I.S. ] j demand , CIIICAOO. Fob. 4. 1:15 o. ra. oloio Wheat Firmer ; February , 75'fc : May , 79 i. i.Corn Corn Firm ; February. 23j ! c ; Muy. nUtfc. Oats Firm : Foburary , Ulo ; May , 22 > { c. Ilyo May , iljfc. Uarloy.Notlilni ? iloln . Prime Timothy $1.18U9. Flax-Cash. $1.33. \Vhisky-tl.U2. Pork Steady ; February , J9.83 ; Mny , { 10.15. Lard Steady ; February , 5.SDK ; Mny , t Flour Steady without special change ; inter wheat , ? 200@l.35 ; Bpnng wheat , f .10@l.7J ! rye , i3.5u < < 83.S5 ; buck wheat , , ! ! 5$1.80 ( per cwt. Provisions Shoulders , tl.S5il.37Ki ( short ear. Jo.OjQS.lO ; short ribs , Febuary , llutter Quiet ; creamery , 10203 ; dairy , < 320c. Uhoeso Quiet ; full cream Cheddars and ats. 9@ < j ; > { c ; Young Americas , 10 Eggs Weak ; fresh , lagiSJifc. Hides Steady ; heavy ; nnd llcht green > < c ; ry ca , o ) eacon * , eac , o. Tallow Steady ; No. 1 , solid packed , le ; No. 3 , 3 , < igyXc ( ; cake , 4o. Itccelnts. Shlptn'U. . 'lour 15.000 15,000 .Vh'nat 1UKW ( 15,000 ( 3orn 115,000 837,000 ( ots 182.00J 18'J.OOO N-w YorK , Feb. 4. Wheat Receipts , 8,760 bushels ; exports , 52,500 bushels ; spot iti-onpor ; No. 2 rod , S324@&WO ln elevator , j. ' ' afloat. & % ( iSitv * f. o.b. ; options j > Ho In elevator , % ( ! $ ? $ niloai ; un- rudea mixed , 3S@38ijc ; options lower , , ead.v ; February closing at 3titfc. Oats Hecclpts , 110,000 bushels ; exports , 1.100 bushels ; spot , easy ; options , Urm ; 'ebrunry closing at 23e ; spot No. 3 white , J' @ - > OJfc ; mixed western , 37Ji@30j4c ; hue , T" " " Coffee Options closed barely steady at points doxvn to 5 points up ; Bales , : Wr > Oi ) ags ; February , $1505 ® 10.00 ; May , 815.80 @ 15.yo ; spot Hio , Uruier ; fair cargoes , S10.75. Sugar--Hnw , steady ; rotlnod , easy. Petroleum Steady : United closed for larch at $1 OS f. Eircs Steady ; western , 18@Ul o. ' Pork Quiet , llrm ; new moss$10.75D11.Q5. { Lard Steady ; western steam , ( (3.30 ( bid ; lay , gO.37. Butter Quiet ; fancy llrm ; Klgin , 3SJ @ Ic ; tvostorn dairy , S@lta ! ; creamery , 1 Cheese Strong and unchanged ; wcstorn , ® 10c , . Vimnonpolix. Fob. 4. Wheat Sample rm , without advance ; receipts , ICO cars ; hlpmcnts , 21 cars. Closing : No. 1 bard , Tobruary , 7So ; May , 80 > ' c ; on track , 78(2 ( 8 } o ; No. 1 nortborn , February , 75 > Ju ; iloy , 78 , ' c ; on traclc , 77c ; No. 3 northern , ebruary , 73o ; May , 70o ; on track , 73(5 ( Iilvorponl , Fdli. 4. Wheat Firm ; do- nand poor ; holders oflnr sparingly ; Call- ornla No. 1,7s 3) d per cental ; rod western prmg , 7s 3K ; rod western winter , 6 } lid. Corn Easy ; demand poor ; now mixed vcstorn , 3s lid per contul. St. Louis. Fob. 4. Wheat Higher cash. 70c ; May , 7J c. Corn Easier ; cash , S6c ; May , 27J c. Outs Firm ; cash , 203 < cj May , 3J@3J o. Pork Firm nt (10.25. Lard Steady at S3.U5'35.70. ' Whisky-$1.03. Uuttor Easy ; creamery , 205$1 > 3 ; dairy , . Mllwuukoi ? , Feb. 4. Firm ; -'n. 3 spring , on track , cash , 73@73o ; May , \.orn-Steady ; No. 2 on track , SSQJSJ c. Outs Steady ; No. 2 wblte. on truck 2Jfc. Hyo Quiet ; No. 1 , in stocMo. . Hurley Quiet ; No. 3 tn store , 43e. Provisions Firm ; porK , ? 'J.85. ' KnnsfiH Cltv. Fob. 4. Wheat Easy ; No. 3 hard , cosh , 033 c ; February , Ul.tfu bid : No. 2 red , cash , G3 < { u bid. Corn Qulot ; No. 3. cash , 31J o bid ; - February ruary , 3io ; No. 2 white , cash , 33u bid. Outs No , 2 , cash , 18o bid ; February , 18c. Clnclntintl. Feb. 4.Ybeat Dull ; No 3 red , 70@T7c. Corn ticarco ; No. 3 mixed , 3lu. Oats Easy ; No. 2 mixed , Whisky * 1.03. LIVE Sl'OCK. Chloncn , Feb. 4 , The Orovors' Journa reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; market slow , shad lower ; beeves , $480(35.00 ( ; steers , { 3.0X % 4.50 ; slockors and feeders , JJ.3.3&0 ; Toxa corn-fed steers , $3.603.50. Hogs -Heuelpts , 31,000 ; market strong ; higher : mixed , $3.802)4.00 ) ; heavy , $3.t 405 ; light , $3.704.00j ( skips , fJ.30@U.70. Shnop Houolpts , 2,500 ; natives , $3.00(3 ( C.UO ; wcatorn corn-fod , $ l.50 ( < $5.50 ; Texani $3.50@5.5.00. The Drovers' Journal's special cablegram from London quotes light supplies of cattle demand brisk und prices lo higher ; fair to cholco American cattle , lt } @ 13 } < o per lb , estimated dead weight. Knnaai City. Fob. 4. Cattle Rocolpts , 11,500 ; shipments , 3,000 ; marliot stronu for good , others weak ; steers , $3.25@4.73 ; cows , * 1.7SulJ ( ! 70 ; slockers und feeders , i'l.'JJ (43.20. Hogs Hocolpts , 7f > 00 ; shipments , none ; market strong ; all grades , $ J.70@3.b3 ; bulk , National Htoclc Yar.l * . Kait St. Louis , Fob. 4. Cattle Hocolpts , 1,030 ; shipments , 300 ; market steady ; fair to choice native steers. 13.4035.00 ; stookord and feed ers. $ aoo@3.40. Hogg Uocelpts , 4,500 ; shipment * . 3,400 ; market higher ; heavy , (9.00 4.00 ; pa c Id us , $3.SO ; (3l)5j ) light , $3.75fiaOO. t-loux Oily , Fob. 4. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , 4SO ; market active ; oan- nere , 7. ic ( fl.2.v , cows , $1.00 135 ; stockers - ers , JI.SOii3.2S ( ; feeders , fj.'jai d.OJ : veal calves , tltw@U5. : Hogs Hcculpls , 2.500 ; shipments , none ; market higher ; light , $3.07 03.75 ; heavy , OJ1/VUA 1IVK O'iOCK. Uatlln. Tuesday- Fob , 4. The heavy receipts , 2,50J , oittle. today madq the buyers cautious and tbo sellers nervous on the oponlug of the uiaricot tbU morning. Among tUu largo receipts werj several bunches of good , haudy stee that sold at steady prloos , reacnine fl.OO and up wards. Tbo steady demand for the host quality of beeves ruther buoyed up the other grade * after the market opened , and sales wore uiado on everything desirable at yes. terday's prices. No txvn seemed to vluw tno market allko. Tbo extremes rnndo every * thing except the choicest steers a shade abovu or below yesterday's quotation ; , but the bunching of opinions of the best Informed - formed made- the inurket flrin on all fancy steers , steady on all deilrable grade * and oak , stow and saeglng , with n shale off on most all undesirable stuff. A largo imbor of very line bulls were mar led , a number ot them selling for ,00 and $ .1.05. Cow stuff , of which there wcro iall receipts considering the big run , wcro ondy and sold as readily as anything , ex * pt thu best steers. Feeders and stockurs , which there wcro a few in , were taken at oady prices , but a difference of views bo- vccn buyers and sellers nmdo the sales ow. Only a fair run of hogs wns in today , but oy were of u good quality. Tbo market encil acllvo at an advance ot 0 cents Ex- ptlnu ft few loads ot rough hoes all were Id curly steady itt ttio advance. Buyers cuicd determined to shove off Iho price nt closo. but sellers were qulto firm and thn ese wns slow and weak with a few sales t up to the best prices ot the day. Sheep. Tha largest receipts of sheep during sov- al weeks were In tlio yards today. Some TV line 04-pound native spring lambs sold $5.00. Fair to good corn-fed westerns Id at $ o.lO. The sheep market was strong. HIlclicHt niid IjowuHt Union ot fln i. odny. Ycstnrday. Ighest $3.S2) ) f Highest , $3.75 owcat 3.70 Lowest 3.0:5 : filook Itcootitt * . Onielal Saturday. Estimated today , ntt'.o 87 cars. . . . 17M Catt lo , 120 curs. , .2350 ogs , 23 curs..1501 Hogs , . ' Scars..4500 beep , Scars. . . . 107 Sheep. 14 cars..2000 Prcvnlllii ; I'rlca * . The following is a tobloot prices paid In Us market for the gr.iJo ot stock men- oncil : rime steers , 1300 to 1033 It ) 3. . $1,89 04.40 Oed steers , li.Y ) to 115'J His. . . 3.40 W4.00 oed steers. 11)50 ) to 18 K ) flis. . . 3.00 nfcl.OO ommon 1000 to 1150 lb stooM. 3 00 @ 3.20 ornmon cunners 1.15 0(1.00 rdltmryto fair cows 1.00 alrtogood cows 1.00 W2.25 oed to.cholco cows 2.20 ( 2.75 liolco to fancy cows 2.73 ( 3.00 air to good bulls 1.5'J M3.5U holco to fancy bulls 2.5'J ( $3.00 Ightslocker.1 and fpodors. . . . 2.0 ! ) coders , 053 to 1100 K > 3 2.30 air to cholco light boss 3.70 Mr to cholco heavy hogs. . . . . 3.77K1S3.S2 ! air to cholco mixed hogs 3.70 (5),80 ) ) Hcires , > nin.iiVD STKBIIS. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. . 075 g.1 00 17 . 1232 153 45 875 3 03 13 . .1310 ! ) 50 . .1095 310 10 . T12.V ! 350 5.t . 833 310 15 . 13'O 350 5 . 022 3 10 8 . 12SO 350 0 . 1072 ! 1 12)i ) 20 . 1187 350 1077 3 12H 40 . 1208 850 .8 . . 10U 315 40 . 1181 II 5J 3 . 1004 320 19 . 1120 3 63 . 1107 32 8 12JO 355 7 . 1188 325 415 1233 355 DOO 325 28 1245 300 8 . 1013 3 I'M 1 1300 800 . : . 1110 330 20 1225 3 CO 0 . 1112 380 12 . 1314 300 1117 380 13 . 12S4 375 7 . 1120 380 34 . 13IU 375 8 . 1183 3 85 8'J . 1303 3 85 1875 385 17 . 137'J 385 . 1217 335 3 . 1397 3 IK ) 9 . 1178 340 2 . 1513 400 1144 340 20 1315 415 8 . 113G 3 40 cows. 1054 1 90 10 . 1000 222 } 8 1144 1 00 23 . 1001 225 2 000 1 00 1 . 114' 225 3 807 1 00 1 . 11SO 225 833 1 00 3 . i'57 225 3 030 1 05 1 . 1000 225 , 1004 2 00 10 . % : l 225 , . . . .1043 3 00 4 . 1075 1:35 1 1140 3 00 3 . 1250 225 1 1100 3 Ot ) 2 . K'50 225 1 1100 2 03 7 . 1U70 235 1 1170 2 00 2 . 113J 340 7 1070 3 0 ! ) 1 . 1080 240 0 034 3 00 1 . 1110 240 3 090 3 00 3 . 1357 240 0 877 3 03 20 . 1093 240 3 1020 2 03 2 . DUO 240 1019 2 10 2 . 911) 3 40 _ 3 1037 3 10 8 . . . .1150 245 0 899 2 10 11 . 1074 250 4 977 3 10 2 . 750 250 5 1143 2 15 11 . 1153 250 7 1039 3 15 4 . 1257 250 0 003 2 IS 11 . 1034 350 0 054 2 15 1 . 1070 250 3 1031 2 15 1 . 1450 260 .7 1103 2 30 5 . 1052 2 GO 3 10SO 3 30 2 . 11SO 300 0 1011 320 2 . 1140 370 .7 1070 2 20 1 . U5J 275 0 1000 2 20 5 . 1310 275 * IIUI.I.S. 1 1110 S 00 1 .1000 2 35 1 OJU 2 00 1 1000 340 1 IB50 2 00 0 1680 250 1 3040 2 00 3 1407fi2 50 1 13IW 2 00 2 17 0 250 1 020 2 00 3 1753 2 IB 1 1(5.10 ( 200 1 2U10 2 75 1 1300 2 10 1 1310 2 75 2 1370 2 15 1 1040 3 T5 1 15UO 2 15 1 17002 00 1 1520 230 1 1500 300 1 10UO 320 1 11110 300 1 1010 .2 20 1 2T,0 300 1 KJ50 2 25 FEEDERS. 703 3 70 3 , .1150 3 10 700 2 75 21 8J4 ( 3 12 } 5 8J8 3 00 34 1114 3 15 S 851 3 OJ I'0 ' 000 3 15 1 1150 3 10 STAGS. 1 13SO 300 8 1501 305 1 1830 300 1 1300 312" IlUimiS. 0 S9J 240 19 000 275 L2 btio 3 75 75C.VJJXKKS. C.VJJXKKS. 4 013 1 40 1.- SCO 1 75 1 1110 1 50 50CALVES. CALVES. 4 173 403 11 180 400 STOCKBUS. 2 045 205 44 523 373 OXEN. 1 1700 3 50 S3 I1O09. I1O09.No. AV. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sb. Pr. . .UtJ .f3 . 05 72. . .214 2JO $3 75 . 250 gO 870 45. . .874 100 375 . . 231 - 8 70 53. . .2IM 80 875 . .237 210 370 5 $ . . .270 100 875 , .838 3 70 CO . . .230 80 375 . .2 < H 100 3 7J T1. . . .247 40 375 . .200 ICO 8 TJ } ? 58. . . ,893 820 375 , .855 120 3 72 } * < H. . . .25J ( 820 375 . 233 120 3 TtH C8. . . .845 40 375 . . SIX ) 120 8 72K 49. . . .831 2SO 8 75 , .202 10 8 72Jf ( ill . .894 200 875 , .2rO 3JO 3 72X 05. . . .273 1110 8 7iK b0. . . .220 80 3 75 . . 341) ) 120 8 Tl % 10. . . .200 .3 75 2a'J 40 3 72H 50. . , .204 120 ! l 77 , . .278 120 87 : % 03. . . .277 240 3 77 } . .3U2 200 3 7iH 59. . . .300 3 771 . . 207 40 3 KK 53 . .337 130 3 77 } . .2 0 80 3 WJi" 54. . . ,200 8 77 . .278 80 375 OS. . , .2SO 40 3 77 . .277 40 875 , .1OJ ! 103 3 T ! . . .201 100 378 . .2S5 100 3 77i . .SW 120 375 . 333 2SO 3 7.1 . .805 40 375 . ,307 120 3771 . .217 40 375 . .800 3 bU . .241 8 75 , ,8 0 3 80 . .303 40 370 . .893 3 80 . .2S5 WO 373 , .2u4 80 3 80 . .830 375 . .401 SO B 80 . .80S 120 875 . , ! te3 40 3 80 . .323 CM 375 . ,27J 40 3 80 . , 250 240 3 75 . .420 3 83 AVI til Oatllc. On the market with cattln : James llai mend , Davf.y ; First National Hunk , Cruse C. E. Turuey , Cresco ; Hodoa & S , Mlssoii Valley ; A. J. Mo.Martln , Woo J blue ; Hodi & /.ouner. Woodbine ; O. H. Uutrow , Cro coat : H. M. Hamnsvllle , Iterlln ; li. Ore ory , Tulmago ; J , Hustle , Douglas ; Harris II. , Haucock ; llruon & U , . Oakland : True , Avoca ; H. Hammer , Mincolu ; B. Dow & Son , Dow City ; Hurney & H. , 6tra touJ ; , H. Dlcksou , Hsnnott ; John War Ulysses ; W , J. Jones , Atlantic ; Churl Moon , Button ; S. Kawyer ; Fairmont ; F. Jouulok , Crete ; C. H , Paunlco , Cedar Creek ; W , J. Orotiud. Exeter ; Hurtman & t ) . , Htanlehurst ; H. C. Mayland , Slaulchum ; P. E. McDonald , Herman : P. lOjidrloksou , licnmngtou , IVuli linn * . On the market with boast J , O. t'reiton , Oakland : Newell A ; H. , Herman ; P. Daid- rlckson , Hennlngtoo , N.V. . M , Co. , Nlcuer- sou ; W. D , Waruk , Verdure ; John Erlck- son , Sxvcdcburfr ; SwedobiiV , Ktv. Co. , Kwcdcburit ; First Nations ! Hink , Corcsco ; W. tj , Uauiflmn , Harlan. la Nrcuagri ft Co. , Dcnlson , la. ! F. A , Albrooi rtrnpahoe ; , T. Jorgcnson. Mlndon ; C. It. Pornioloo , Oilar Haplds ; II , Guild & Co. , Canjpbell ! T. Cock- run , Wilbor ; C. Funk , KotftrAf T. Harris , Central City ; Fuller , H. ffV , , Leigh i H. reii .v il. . > vi ncr ; . , , itarrmgion , Tokomoh ; E. U. Gould , Fullcrton ; Dryer & Shaw , Havcnnn ; Tailor it Ulatr. Hrokon Bow ; F. Tiornoy , Urokori Uoiv ; W. C , Shelton , Central City ; Colo. Copeland & Co. , Palmer ; .1. W. Nicholson , Murquotto ; N. Jaquot , Morna ; L. Gurcy , Hnvonna ; SlmtnB & Hull , Portsmouth { K. A. Packard , Manllln. . , H With Sheep. UOn the market with shconi A. McQueen. Silver Creek ; F. J. Coil , Lyons ; J. O. Mntbcson , IMlger. AvrrnKo Prlco or llni ; * . Showing the nvcrago price paid for loads of hogs on the days indicated In 1337. 1SSS nnd 18S9 : Jan. . 1 Jan. , 1 4 T4 Feb. 1RS8. Peb. H67. 607 4 78 Sunday. 6 IB 4 x | ) cat 4 til 4 W Chilli From MIC Market. Hogs higher. CuUlo unchanged. W. N. llabcock , general manager of the illon stockyards company , who had a re- apse , was considered in a very critical con lltlon yesterday. This morning his condi- ion wns pronounced more hopeful. Southwlght Urolhors of Atlantic , In. , P. C. McDonald of Herman , C. Moon of Button , . J. Cnuchen of North IJond marketed cat- lo. 1) . E. Slevors of C. H. 1'urmclo Si Co. . edar Creek , was here with a car each of : attlo and hoi ? * , nni' E. O. Gould had a car f hogs from Fullerton. F. J. Cell , the extensive and successful .coder and breeder of Lyons , had n car of lambs on ttio market. Tlicy wcro of the "ihropsbire Downs variety and had been fed ibout live months. They averaged ' 95 liounds and brought So.fiO. the highest price iimbi have brought on this market for a eng time. OMAHA WliOljHSAtiE MA.UKBTS. I'lOituCo. Kriili.s , ICto. Hoes Strictly fresh , 13@lle ; colil storage , @lOc. lliuns , PEI.TS , TAI.T.OW , ETC. Oreon salted ide3.4J.fc ; No. 8 , g. s. hides , 2fij ; ary Hint Ides , 5a.'Gc ( ; calf hides , 4 ( S4'ie ; damaged ildcs , 2u less ; sheep pelts , green , each , 25c@ 1.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per lb , 7@l3)ifc ; tul- ow , No. 1 , 3Xc ; No. 2 , 8c ; grease , white , @ 4fc ! ; yellow , 3K@3. UUTTRit Creamery , fancy , 20 ( < J22o ; cholco , 0@l7c. Dairy , fancy , 14@18o ; choice , 11 ® 2c. Country , fancy , il@r-'c ; L'ood to choice , @llc ; fair , 7 ( 3c ; Inferior , 4@3c. I'lCKLKs Medium , per bbl , (475 ; small , 3.75 : gnerltins , $ J73 ; C & U chow chow , its , } 5,85 ; pts. t385. 1'oui.Tiiv Dressed , per lb Chickens , 0@ e ; ducks , 9@10c ; goose , lOC'pllu ; turkeys , Sllc. POTATOES 30@.15c for choice ; common , I035o. ' ' ' SwriET POTATOES 70@75c. ' O.NIOXS 5li@70c. S.VUKK ICiiAfT Ubls , $1.75 ; half bbls , $2.75 GAME Mallard ducks. * I.OO@3 50 ; mixed licks , * l.5'@J.OO ) ; teal , ' * 1.3o l.50 ; luck nipes , 81.00(351.33 ( ; ] nclt rabbits , $3.50 4.00 ; mall rabbits , Jl.oojZl.20 ; squirrels , ? 1.00@ .10 ; plover , 7B@1,00. Cincn libls. * 5.50 ; hlf bbls , J3.25. MATI.E SUQAK 12 @ 132 per lb. Funs UoAver , pir'lb , i.5U@1.00 ; otter , ch , f.01@7.00 ! ! ; wolf , eauli. fl.5U@2.00 ; ; : eon , each , 2.7.r c ; inlnlri. each , IS COu ; muskrat , fall , 5@llc ; skuVik , ' rat , 25J03c ; "ladger , rat , 25@Sa ( ) ; doer , skins , fall , per lb , 8@27u ; winter , 205t30c. . " ' ' ' llEAXs Choice hand 'picked navy. 81.75 ® l.OO ; choice hand picked modlum , Jl 05@1.70 ; choloo hand picked country , $1.50291.75 ; clean country , $1.3331,60 : inferior country , * 1.00@1.S6. ' * * PKOVIHIOSS Hains..No.1 , 10 lb ovoraac , } fe ; 20 to 23 Ibs. 8tfc.12 tVf 14 IbS , 9 0 ; houlders , 4 c ; breakfustbaconNo. 1. Bo : ham siiuanpo , SJ c ; dried , , beef hams , 7c ; beef tongues , $0.00 per dozen ; dry salt meats , " @ 3j c per ibr'ham roulette. OJ c ; add la per lb for small lots. i'LES Per bbl. common , S2.00@2.25 ; choice , $2.50(33.00 ( ! ; fancy , S4.00@5.00. MINCC MBAT So per lb. Ho.xuv 13@llic per lb for choice. PiiRSEiivES 8@10o ner lb. JULI.IES l@4 } c per lb. UKESWAX No. 1. lfi < < J19c. Pies FEET Piculod , kits , 70e ; spiced pigs : onguos , kits , $2.85 ; pickled tripe , hits , C5c ; i > lcklcd H. C. tripe , kits , 85c ; spiced pigs liocks , kits. (1.15. FLOUU State , 83.00@i.CO : fancy , $4.0- ! ® X ) . HAY Cholco upland , $0.00 ; midland , (4.50 ; lowland , S3 30 CHOIFEBHS12.50. . IJlCAN J10.50. LEMONS Fancy , J3.003S.03 ; choice , J3.50 ® 5.00. CEI.CHY Per doz , 30o. CXLU-OHNIA GIIAPES $3.03 ; Doara , $3.75 , Miis3 I'OKK - * ubl ' l-or , S'J,73aiO,75. UANANAS According to. sTzo , per bunch , $2.00@3.00. HtiTTEiiiNE Tubs , 13c ; roll , lie. COCOANUTS I'er 100 , KM. AlTLK 11UTTEII 00. CUAXIIEUIIIES J10.03@ll.50. OIIANOES Florida , per box , $3.003.0 , ' ) . IlucKwniiAT li'LOim Per bbl , $4.75 ( 3.50. WOOL Fine , nvorago. 22@23c ; medium , average , 21rt 22c ! quarter blood , average , It Qifaa ; coarse , average. I5@7c | ; cotts und rough , average , 14@ll5c. ' CoiiN-18c. OATS ICc. VIM : . Choice , medium ftlzo , G@3o ; cholco , heavy , 4@0c. LIVE PIGEONS Per doz , tl.50. Grounrlts. DIIIBD FIIDIT Currantsnow,5 c ; prunes casks 1,800 Ibs , 5o ; prunes , bbls or hags 5)fe ) ; citron pool , drums , 20 Ibs , 33c ; lemot peel , drums , 10 Ibs , ISc ; ford dates , boxes 1- Ibs , 10o ; apricots , choice evaporated , 14o aorlcots , Jelly , cured. 25 lb boxes , IGu ; npri cots , fancy , Mount Hamilton , 25 lb boxes Itio ; apricots , choice , bags , 80 Ibs , Hj o ; up pics , evaporated , Alden , 50 lb boxes , ii ) : apples , star , 8 } c ; apples , fancy , Alden , Mb 10a ; apples , fancy , Aluun , 3 lb , lOXc ; Sal Lake , ! > % bluckborr'es \ ' , evaporated , 50 lb boxes , S aQOKo ; cherries , pitted , dry cured 13c ; uears , California fancy , } s boxes , 23 lb l-o : poaches , Cat No.l , fancy , j a , unp bags 80 lb , 15o ; nectarines , red , 14e ; nectarines silver boxes , 15o ; pitted plums , Cal 85 lb boxes , 8 > io ; raspberries , evao , N. Y. , new 83 > $ 'c ; prunes , Cal. IL C. , 90-100boxc8,331bs 7c ; prunes , II. C. 00-70. Do ; orange pool , ISc raisins , California London-'crop 1889 , (2.25 Cal. loose , muscatels , crop , 1SS9 , 12.00 ; Val onclas , 1B3S , Oot Vulonclus , .new . , 8 cj Cal needless , sks , 7 ? c. CANNED GOODS FruiM , California Cunne Goods , Standard Ilrand , > 2 > lbs , per doz Apricots , C1.70@.S5 | ; Mprlcots , plo fruit 91.55 ; gallons , (4.C5 : blaokhorries , (285 cherries , black. f-iOO@-J.2i-.cherries ; , white (3.35 2.50 ; crapes , f 1.05)31.80 ) ; pears. Hurt with pitts in , SI.On ; currants , (2.30 ; goose berries , ? 2.3fl ; noctanpes- , (2,03 ; quinces 12,10 ; raspbarries , $3.90j8UAWborries , 3.75 peaches , 8 lb eastern sjnudurds , (1,85 : 3 lb rles , 90s ; 3 tti slrawtcr les , 00@05o ; 3 lb raspberries , (1.00 ; 2 tt .blueberries , SOfit'JOu 3 lh blackberries , 05@75 ; t3 tt strawberries preserved , $1.80:2 lb raspberries , preserved (1,80 ; 2 11) blackberries , preserved , ( l.2 ( nincapplci , Uahama chopped , $2.00 ; 3 ! liahuma grotod , I'J.75 ; 'J lb Bahama sllcet (3,50 ; 2 lb Standard bliced. ( l.85@l.0i cbc rics , 2 U > red , Haltimoro , S5@'J5c- CANNED Fisu-Hrook trout , 81b , (2.40 ; sal mon trout , 3 lb , i.21 ; clam * , 1 lb , (1.23 clums , 2 lb , (3.03 ; clam chowder , 3 lb , (1.75 deviled cruos , 1 lb , (3.25 ; deviled crabs 2 lb tt.50 ; codUsh balls , 2 lb , 11.75 ; caviar , , l ( lb ( J.25 ; eels , 1 ) b , (8.40 ; lobnors , 1 lb , (1.03 lobsters. ,3 lb. (2.9.1 j lobsters , deviled , % lb (2.25 ; mackerel , 1 lb , tl.5 ; maukorel , uiu tard BUUCO , 3 lb , t3.JO ; mackerel , toroa sauuo , 8 lb , (3.W ; oystors.l lbl,10 ; oyster 3 lb , (1.85 ; sultnon , C. It. , 1 lb. (1.90 ; tm mou , C. H. , 2 lb , ti.SO ; salmon , Alaska , 11 ( I.GO ; salmon , Alaska , 2 lb , (2.05 ; shrimp lib , (3.53. Conrieli Extra Georges , new.S'fo ; Gram Uanu , DOW , 4Hc : Turkey cod , largo middle Ha ; silver 3 lb olocks , Oa ; snow white , a bricks , 7 } < o ; snow white , crates 13-5 boxes , 7jc ; ledland halibut , lie ; medlu alod herring. S5aj No. 1 sralod hcrrlnc , o ; domostlc Holland herring , 55c ; llnm- urg splcod herring , $1..X ) | Kusslnn .irdlnpn. ssi KusMan sardines , plain. too ; imported olland herring. Crown brand , SOc ; do , , ncy mllKers , 90c. FISH Mackerel , No. 1 shore , half bbls , 3.00 ; bloaters , half bbls , JlSUOs whlto Ilih , alt bbls , S7.00 ; trout , Half bbls , $5.50 ; fam- y whlto fish. $3.00 ! salmon , $ S. " > 0 ; I lb tnnck- rcl ( herring ) $ I.OU < tfl.lO ; 1 II. tlnanhadillo.-i. .75 ; 3 11. lobsters , $2.1Kc ) < f3.00 : I Hi lobsters. .00(33.00 ( ; 1 lb Alaska salmon , Aleut , SI 00 ; tli oysters , 10 or. , Unltlmoro Peerless , 31.S3 ; ll > oysters , 6 o ? , llaltlmoro Poet-less , ? MO ; ID select , 13 cr , Peerless , 53.33 ; lib clams , Ulo neiiks , $1 25 ; 3 lb clams , llttlo necks , 2.10 : U lb sardines , Imported , uorcasc , lOOt , ll.OOO ia.OO ; X lb sardines , Imparted , par iso 100s. JIMXiCii''O.OO ; X lb Imtiortod boiio- ss sardines , SOc ; l { lb sardines , American , or 100s , French style , * 4 50(33.00 ( ; > $ lb sur- ncs , American per casu lOJs , French style , ' rOcJS.Xj ( ( ) \ lb sardines , mustard , per cnso Os , $4.00(31.23 ( ; Imported key sardines , 3.00. VIIOETAIILEI Tomatoes 3 lb extra , $1.0x1 ; lb Standard , Wcuorn brands , 00@fl5c ; alloiis , strictly standard , $ JH ! ) , Corn Preferred stock sugar corn , llnest rown , 81.00 ; Rlltcduo sugar corn , very ne. $1.60 ; McMurray's 3 lb sugar corn , 1.20 : 2 lb extra , Western brands , B5e < ! ll 00 | lb standard. Western brands , 70SOo. % luabroons 1 lb French oxtrn iluc,2'25o ( ; lb French , flue , 1822c ; 1 lb French , ordl- ary , lOffllSo. Peas Trcs line , per can , 2'x ! ; onii linn , per can , lite ; 2 lb < ixtra. sifted , 2.00 ; 2 lb Early Juno. $1 25@l.35j 2 lb Mar- ow , standard brand , $1 10 ; 2 lb soaked , 59e. trlntf Hoans 3 lb Inch gratia refugee , OOc ; lb Golden Wax beans , 75c ; 2 lb string cans , lOo. Lima lieins2 III soaked , 7. > c ; ostou Uakcd Heans H lb Lewis , $1 03 ; rown brand , $1,59. Sweet Potatoes H lb "ow Jersey , $1.00 ! Daisy , $1,35. Pumpkin lb ncxv pumpkin , 03c. COCOA V lb tin , -I0c per lb. CIIOCOUTI : 22 ( < f35o Per lb ; Gorman chick- ry , rod , so , Oii.s-Kcrosone-P. W. , We ; W. W. . VJ c : BadllRht , 13c ; gasoline , 12c ; salad oil , $1.33 [ 0.00 per dozon. SufUiis Cut loaf , 8c ; cut loaf , cubes , 7 } < o ; undiird , powdered , 7tfc ; XXXX , powdered , //c ; granulated , standard , 7J7" < o ; confcc- onora" A , lljffe ; white extra C , O.Vo ; extra Neb , Oc ; amber 5Jfb. SOAPS Castile , mottled , per lb , 8@lOo ; o. white , per tb , 1315c. CANNED MEATS I lb lunch touguo , $2.CO ; Hi lunch toniruo , $1.75 ; 1 lb corned beef , i 20 ; 2 tb corned beet , $205 ; 0 11) corned oof , * i.50 ; 14 ib corned beef , $14.00 , 2 tb onelcss pigs fcot , $225 ; I 1t > English brawn , 1.20 ; 3 It. English brawn , S2.00 ; 0 lb En- llsh brawn , $0.50 ; 1 Ib compressed bum , 1.75 ; 2 Ib compressed bam , $3.75 ; 1 lb hipped bonf , $2.00. LYi-$ GINOEII Jamaica , * ( pints , $3.00 pcrioz. CHEESE Younp Americas full croum , Xc : factory twins , He ; off crndes. 7 ( < 3c ; an Hosscn Edam , $11 50 per doz ; sap sago , Ic : brick , 12J o ; llmburRor , lie ; domostlc wiss , 13@14c ; imp. Swiss , SOc. WiiApriNo PAPEII Straw , per tb , 1X@ o ; rag , a ; manllla , U , f ( SO.yo ; No. 1 , BAGS Union square , 33 per cent off list. bAl.T-Dairy , HO lb In bbl. bulk , $3.10 ; est grade , 00 , 5s , $2.30 ; bast grudo , 100 , 3s , 2.40 ; best grade , 28 , 10s , $3.20 ; rock salt , rushed , Sl.SO ; rtalry salt , Ashton , 5(1 ( lb baps , 3c : bulk , 344 lt > bags , $3.35 ; common , In bis , $1.25. FAIIINACEOUS GOODS Harley , 3fr < Jlc ; fa- na , 4)C ; peas , 3c ; oatmeal , 2Jf@ , " > c ; inaua- enl , lOc ; vermioslli , lOo ; rico , 4ijil ( > o ; SUB-O nd tapioca , 0@7c ; lunu beans , ( le. COFFEC Hoisted Arbuckle's Arlosn , .IXc : McLiughlin'sXXXX , 24fu ; Ot-rmpn , 45ic ; Dilivorih,34J < ; Al.iromo.3l > Yc ; bulk , 1 4 C. HEMP Twixc Heavy , 14c ; modlum , lOc ; Bht , 17c ; 18 H. C. , 20c ; 34 , 2Cc ; 30 , lOtf 48 , 7u : broom twines , colored , 30c. RlATTiiEfci TWISK Very line , 40c ; flno , 38c ; jieJIuui , 35c ; binders , 13c. SAII , TWINC Very line HJX , .T3c ; line flax , 9c ; line cotton. Sic ; Calcutta hemu , 14c. SAlstiiA ? < 3lfu per lb. STAKUII IJJfifiSi : per lb. STOVE POMBII $3.00@5.87 per gross. UHOOMS 4 tie , $3fl'J : 3 tie. $ J.20 : stable ? , 3 83 ; common , 81.50(31.73. HAOS Am. , per 100 , $17.00 ; Lewiston , per 00 , $17.00. NUTS Almonds , 15o ; Hruzils , 14c ; filberts , ! Jii pecans , liewalnuts : , IS o ; pennul OCKS , 8 : roastod. lie ; Tcnnossuo peanuts , " : . SriCEs Whole , perlb Allspice , lOo ; Cas io , China , Occloves ; , Ponang , 24u ; nutiuccs ; , Jo. 1 , 75c ; popper , 18@lUo ; shot pepper , 23c. Ditt'os ' ( Grocers ) Per lb Uorax , He ; copperas , 2J c ; Hay leaves , 14c ; slue , l ( ' c ; cpKoin suits , 4c ; glaubcr salts , 3c ; sulphur , Xc ; blue vitrol , 9o.alum , 4c ; tartaric acid , Sc ; rosin , 2c ; saltpeter , absolutely pure , lOc ; jum camphor. 2 Ibs In box , 1 oz cakes , 33c ; lops , } i and Jlb J packages , 20u ; sago , \ ± nnd -lb packages , 15c : madder , l.'lc ; saltpnter , .Oc ; iudigo , 3-lb and 5-lb boxes , S F , C5@70c ; ndipro , 3-lb and 5-lb boxos. Madris. 75c : seal- ng wax , 35-lb boxes , red , 3) ) 0 ; scaling wax , 33'lb boxes , white , 4c. COPFEE Green Fancy old golden llio , 23c ; fancy old poaoerry , 23Xo ; Hio , cholca to fancy , 32c ; Hio , prltno , ale ; Hio , good , 20u ; Mocha , 29c ; Java , fancy Ma'naehllng , 23o ; Java , good interior , S4o ; African , 3lo HOPE Manilla rene , 15u basis ; sital rope , .2o ; cotton rope , lOo ; now process , SKo. COTTO.V TWINK Hibb. very line , 8 or 4 ply , 22s ; fine , 20u ; Dalsj18c. . OUVES Quarts , per doz. , $3 7B ; pints , per doz. , $ i.25 ; bulk , per gul. , Olc. r . ViXEaAii 30gr. cldor , 8c ; good , 12c ; flno , lOc. MOI.ASSHS Ubls , N. O. , choice , per pal , 45c ; bakers , 28c : black strap , 20c. Dry GiiiuN. : WAUi'-Uibb , whlto , ISJ/e ; colored , 81 * ; . ! 'ATTS Standard , So ; com , 10s ; beauty , - , * o' boone , I4o ; peerless , cased , $0.50. COIISET JBAXS Boston , 7Wo ; Androscog' Bin , 7J c ; Keursarge , 7 ? c ; Hookport , 0a ; Concstogu , 0c. . TICKS Oakland. ASfo ; Iiitornational Y Y 80 ; Shetucket , S. 8 \Vurron ; , No. 870 , Ifla Hertvieir , HA , 18c ; Acme , 13c ; York , 0-lnch , ISkTo ; York , 33-inch , 13 0 ; Swift Hivor. 80 , Thorndiko , OO , 8 0 ; Tnorudlke , EF. 6) ) ts ; Tborndlko , 120 , Btfo ; Tborndlkc , XX , 14o Cordls o. 5 , 0 > ic ; CordisNo. 4 , 10 > fc. KKNTUCKV JEANS > loraorlal , 15s ; Glen , wood , 30c ; Ky. Star , 33o ; Hercules , 18o ; Empire piro , 23c ; Oottswold , 27Ko ; Mellvlllo , 33u ; Hang-up. 2 < > c. CilAsn Stovons' 13 , 5) ) 0 ; Stevens' A , 7c ; bleached , 8e ; Stovonn' P. 7Jfc ; b'oached , tie Stovens' ' N , 8Kc ; bleached , 'JVo ; Slovens sur , iijtfo. MlscEtLANBOUs Table oil cloth , $2.30) ) table oil ilotli , marble , $2.50 ; plain Holland OUo : dado Holland , 13 0. FI-ANNEF.S Plaid Haftsmen , 20o ; Clcai Lake , 33 > fo ; fron Mountain , HOJtfe ; Whlli GH , No. 2 , Jf , 33Kc ; GH No. 1. X , 26Cfo UH No. 3 Jj , 22K i Oil No. 1 , % , 30o ; Quo boo No. 1 , | f. 4'Jo. PHINTS bolld Colors Atlantic , Go : Slater tor , Oo ; llerlln oil. O.'ic ; Garner oil , 7@7X ° Pink and Hobcs lilchmond , OJjO ; Allen , Uo , Hivorpolnt , .VXu ; Stool Hlvor , uo ; Pacific O c ; Indigo Blue St. Leper , 5 } c ; Wash Ington , Bo ; American , ( % c : Arnold , U c Arnold Century , do ; Arnand , 13o ; S'lefol A , 12n ; Windsor gold tk't , 10J < o Arnold U loka ; Arnold A , 12o ; Arnold Gold Seal lOXo ; Yellow Seal , 10J < c. CAM nines Slater , 5u ; Woods , 5c ; Stand ard , Bo ; Peacock , Co. FLANNEL Whlto Quooi-ho No. 2 , 9f Inch Inch , 85o. Siiil' Lu' No. 1 plain , 8 and IS tn , $17.09 fio. 2 plain , 8 and 10 In , (15.50 ; No. 1 , O. G $17.00. DBNIMS Amoskeag.Tcz ; ' 0 | ) 1 Everett Ooz , We ; York , 9 oz , lllc : Haymaker , Juffrey XX , lie : Juffroy XXX , Heaver Creek , AA.llKo ; BeavorCreek UU He ; Beaver Creek CJ ( , Jlo. ) GiNniuii Plunkot checks , CJ/c : Whltten ton , 0iC ; York , Cf c ; Normandi dress , H' Calcutta dress , < | D'C ; Renfrew dress , @ 12)fc ) , PIIINTS Dress ntiartcr Oak , 5 o ; Ha mupo. 4K ; .Lodl , 5 ! e ; Allen , Oc ; Uiclnnoiu Oo ; Windsor , 0jfe ; Edijystone , 0 0 ; O c. . J'on. AH LUMIIEII Clear poplar box bds , , ' in , 2 s , ? 'i5.00 ; clear poplar , In pane J.iO.00 ; clear popmr , % in panel , 125.00 ; cleu .loplar , K in panel , stock wldo , s 8 a , ' clour poplar corrugated ceiling , ) In , f.'O.&t POSTS White cedar , 0 m halve * , 13 < whlto uodur , 5K in halves and 8 In quarter lie ; wblto cedar , 4 In round , lUtf ; Tenncsse red cedar , split , lOu ; split oak , white , 8u sawed oak , 17c. I1ATTKX8 , WEU. TUIIINO , PICKETS O. ( balls , Btf Inch , 6 > o ; O. G. balls. 3 > 4'3 r. 35o ; 3 inch'well tublug , D. & M. and be $21.1)0 ) ; pickets , D & I ) , flat , $31.00 ; picket D & H , square , $18.00. CEIUNO AND PAIITITION 1st com whlto plno partition. $33.00 ; 3d com n wlillo jiino partlon , (27,00 ; clear % la ycilo ne celling , (30.00 : cWnrV In Norway , 4.00 ; 8.1 com -V In Norway , (19.00. LiMB-Hest , $00. I'KMBNT $1.33. Pl.AOTEIl $3.30. ijiunlier nn I llullillinr Mnlorlnl. 13 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 21 ft 4.,15 00 1500 1500 1000 10(10 ( 1IH ) 17 ( X ) < ! . . . .ir.K ) 15 ( X ) 13UU 1000 10X ( ) 1700 ITIK ) S..1500 1500 150(1 ( 10 ( X ) 1000 17 IK ) 17 ( K ) 10. . .16 00 1300 15 00 1(1 ( ( H ) 111 ( HI 17 ( K ) 1700 X13..15IO 15IX ) 15M HUM lliK ) IS00 IS ( H ) 48x3.1000 1000 1000 17 OJ 1700 11)1)0 ) ) 1(100 ( FKSCI.NO No. I , 4 rind 0 In , li and 14 ft , ugh , ? IO.OJ@U1.50 ; No. 1 , 4 mid 0 in , 10 ft , 7.W@17.50 ; No , 2 , 4 and 0 In , 13 and 10 ft , 3.0Jf14.W ) ; No. 8 , 4 mid 0 In , 10 ft , $11.50. FiNlsiltMd1st nml 2J clear , 1JInrb , s 3 s , 49.00 # 51 IX ) ; l t and 3d clear , \ \ ( and 3 fnch , 3 s. l7.l 0.VJ.aO ! : 3d clear , Hf Inch , s 2 , 3.00M4VCK ( ) ; H select , lf.X ! unil 2 inch , s s. $37.tiOiC ( 38.00 ; 1st mid 3d clear , I Inch , s 2 $15.00 ; 3d clear , 1 Inch , s3s , $ T ( UH ) ; A loct. 1 Inch. s8s , MI.OO ; H seleov , 1 Inch , s s , $23,50. STOCK Hrunns A , 13 men , s I s , II and 1C et , $40.00 ; 11 , 18 Inch , s 1 B , 12 , 14 and 1C ot , $11.00 ; C , 12 inch , s 1 s , 12 nml 10 feet , M.llOj D , 12 Inch , sis , 13 , 14 hnd 10 foot , 23.00 ; No. I com 13 inch , s Is , 18 fpotflS.Xl ( ; o. 3 com 13 Inch , s 1 a , 1 1 and 1C feet , $17 5 J 18.50 ; No. 1 com I2inch. s 1 * , 10 , IS.nnd 8J et , $18.51 ; No. 3 com 12 Inch , s 1 s , 14 and C foot , (17 50. Fi.oomxn 1st com 0 Inch , white pine 14.00 ; 2d com Cinch , while plno. $ .10.00 ; 31 om C Inch white pine , $3t.UO ) ; D com It Inch , hlto nliip , $20.00 ; com -I and 0 Inch , yellow no , (15.00 ; Stur 4 Inch , yellow pine. S17.00 ; st ana 3d clear yellow pine , 4 mid 0 inch , 8.50. SniNoi.ns Per M XX clear , J3.20 ; extra V * . $3 SO ; standard A , { 2.-IO ! 5 Inch clear , .00@t.70 ; 0 Inch clear. 51.7rtfil.iO ; No. 1 , I.IOM 1. 15 ; ck-ar red cedar , mixed widths , rom Washington territory , $3.40 ; California cd wood , dimension widths , M.5'j ) cypress , oar heart , dimension widths , f3i'5 ; laths , 2.40. Bornx , lie ; citric ncid , 4C ( < r : > U ! ; tnrturic rid , 4lf44e ( ; carbolic iicld , 8LJ41o ( ; castor 1 , $1,21 1. & ) ; balsum tolu , yiiftfSDc ; tonka onus , (1.53 ( < ? 1.0Jt cubehherriesl..i5 ; culo- el , UJo ; c.unphnr , 4C@)9c ) ; c.inthnrldes , ,851.30 ; ensslabuds , 17ffl30o ( ; ehlororonn , 'tCtia : ergot , 4r.50c ; glj corlno , S0$33c ( ! ; urn arable , 00V ( U.-.o ; lycopodium. 40i < t4.'iu ; orcurySUo ; innrphlno-sulph , { 3.00 ( 3.15 ; ilum , fl.75 ; quinine , 8 * > @ 5Ja ; turpentlno , 4c ; linseed , row , 5Ju ; boiled , Ulc. M-ln P. BLOCK Tix Small pig , 28c per lb ; bar , 'c ' per lb. X. . J7.50. SIIBBT litON No. 2tf , $3.73 : No. 27 , * 3.S5. SOI.DEII 14ltiiS. TIN PIATF. I. C. , 10x14. 245 , $7.50 ; 1. X . 0x14 , 335 , $9.33. TIN PLATE Coke I. C. , 10x14 , 225 , (0.50. STEEL NAII.S Base , $3.00. STEEL WIUE NAII.S llusc , $3,50. Wine Jap. barb , $3.00 ; galv. , $1.20. SCHROEOER & DEAN , GRAIN , P Irct National Bank , IO5 South Itttli Struct , - Oiniiliit. NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OUAHA , NEB. Capital.- $400,000 "iiirpliisJan. 1st , 1SS ! ) ' . 52,000 Ot'KlCiUlS AND DIUECTOU3 lENnrW. VATBS , Projldont. LEWIS 8 , HKKI > . Vice President , A. K. TOU/.AI.IN , M. V. MOIUK. JOHNS , COLLINS. It. C. CIISIIINO , J. N. II. I'ArniCK , W. H. & ! . HudliE . Cashier THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th and Knrimm SU. A General Hanking Itnslness Transacted. COMMERCIAL i apltal , - $4OOOOO , Surplus , - 4O.OOO Oillcers and M. Morsoma1. ! . (1 ( il. Hitchcock. Jos. Gurncau. Jr. , A. Henry. K. M Anderson , Win. ( i. .Maul. v. prna.s r , . . \Vlil- am , A. r. Hopkins , pres. ; A. Millard , cashier ; ' . 11. llryant , assistant cashier. WANTED ISSUED BY CITIES COUNTIESSCHOOl DISTRICTS , WATER Correspondence solicited. COMPANIES. ETC N.W. HARRIS COMPANY . . & , Bankers , 103-ies Dearborn Street. CHICAGO 7O State Strnot. BOSTON. Boots and Sh o KIRKENDALL , JOXES A CO. , BucceMori to llced , Jones , \ Co. Ilarntr Btre t , Omaba Browora. BIORZ A ILER , TOITPP PPPP RPPWPPC Ld ul Duul uluWuio , Ull North KUkleamta Stntt , Omnno , Nebraska. Cornice. EAOLE CORNICE WORKS , MMmiMwM Iron Coniice proprietor. IDS nod 110 Soutli iuto ilreel. Btoam Fl ttng , P u m pa , Etc. CLAHK S fKAU HRATItHJ C0 PQIDBS , Pipes and Unto Steam , w : er , rillway nd mining luppllei , SB ) , i ua Kit V rnam itre < t , Ouiub * . U , S. WIND ENdlNE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , DHOW K ELL & CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Sb oHron worli. ileam punpt. Iron Works. PAXTOK * VIBRLIKU IRON WORKS , Wrought and Cast iron Bntldin'g Wort Knglnuilr iwork , itrneral ioualrl.mauiiinf.Bui Llackiaillti work , limcu ona worka , U. t1. Uj OMAHA WIRE A IHOX WORKS , HanufactareR of Wire and Iron HiIHnes Deik r llf , wlnilnir iiunrtfi. MowBr Xandi , * lr i n oc. JZI North 1Mb Uriel , Uiualia. OMAHA 8AFK A IRON WORKS , Maaf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Prcof Safes. Vaulii. Jail wort , lion ibutlurn and nra vfc.ipit. a. ADdraoa , p > up r. Cor , tub and Jation fci > . Sash. Doors , Eto. M. A. DJSnilOW J : CO. , Wbalciilt manutacturer : Cf M , Boon , Blinds and Mouldings , Ilrancb omc , 12ta ana U rU Ireoti , Unitba , Nub. OMAHA. UNION STOCK YARD co. , Of South Offlaba , Limited , METCALl' CO. , iErlcnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carrlaaa UOLIXE , jr/f.m/fiVl-.STOM/M/D / / CO. Mnnufiirturerii iiniUol. ! > < > r In Wa , Bnggies , lite , Plows , Eta Cvr.Ctti ami l'aclllertiel > , Omalin. Artlsta' MntorlnlB. 1. llOSl'K , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , tloota and Shoos. ir. r. MOUSE , t c'o. , Jolte of Baals and Shoo ? , Con ) , Coke , Etc. . ; } l.-HOi'ltl .M L.N It LU , MiwanilSMwiers fllardaiiwnoa lonirtt NMICnnl IlnDk MulMltif , Oumlin. Neb. OMAHA COAL , COKBAL131K C'O. , Jote of Hard aafl Soft Coal. OU Booth lllh stro.lU Oranlm. Nchrmkn. KK1SHASKA FVXL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Coke , 111 South I.Uli sired , Oranlm. Nobruku Blon end RWDRI.L A HIDVKM , Storage and Commission Msrcliants , itolillloi llintjr. ti iti , cliorin. I'nultrr , gar 1112 llOBMd street , onmlm , Nol > . glgora. DEAlf , AliM'STllONQ A CO. , Wholesale Cigars , 40North Cth Street , Umnha , Neb. "Hello" HOT. Dry pooda anil fjotlons. M. E. SMlfll AGO. , Dry Goods , FDrnisliinE Goods and Notions UWnnil 1101 Douglm.cor. lltli street , Orantin. Net ) . KILPATRICKKUCIl DIU' OOODi1 CO. , Importers & JoliliersiD Dry Good ? , Notions FurnHuro DK\rEY \ & kTOtfE , Wbolesale Dealers in Fnmfe Farnam itreut , Omatia , .Nobralt Omaha , Itetitaik Groceries. MoCOniJ , BllADYA CO. , Whn'psiilfi flrnpprt nlUb ! : Qlu UlUbtlai ul I , aronwcrth ttr.'ots , Omaha. Nebraska Hardwar _ w. j. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel rnwnr , ! . itreot , On II1MEBA.UQ1I & TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair ShOD Mecbinlcs Tools Lumbar , Eto. JOHN A. WAKRFIELD , il IIUIULUIU jjuiuuuii uiut . and American I'orllnn.l Cement. 81U t ( or Ullurnukea llyilMullo ComeulV anil ( 'uli oy Whit > l.ltno. * C11A.S. It. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier , Wood c rp U and pnrquot ttoir.a-j. Btb aaJ IJjiul irecti , Oni&tia , NcDrsska. OMAHA LVMliflR CO. , All Kinds of Building Material al Wholesale LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , lime , Sastt r 10th and Uuunlm. FRED. W.QJtAY , Laralier Lime Cemiiit. Etc Etc , , . , , , Coraii Uli ami Uoujlnt itrvct" . Omatia. C. N. UIBTZ Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber , Itlti ami California itreoti , Oai&ha , Xobrnika. MJMIriory and H otlono. I. OnERFELDERA CO. . Imprters & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions 303 , J10 and JI2 Sauth lltli sl.wot. Notions. J * . T. ROniNSOK NOTION CO. , mi llnrney i.reut , Omnlia Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Paper. CAKPEN1ER PAPER CO. , Safes to. A. L. DEANS A CO. . Ounoral Agents for Hall's ' Safes , mi and 32.1 South 10th St. , Omaha. „ Toys , Eto. H. HARDY A CO. , Jobber , of Toys. Dolls , Albums , Fane ? Goods , HO" Kurolihlng Ooodi , Chlldri - CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THIS Chicago , Milwaukee St , Paul R'y ' , TU liCBt Itouto front Omnlia and Council Dluffs to = = = THE Chlcngo , AND Milwaukee , Bt. I'aul , MluneftjiolU , Cedar BanIdS | Rock Island. Fiveport , Kockford , Clinton , Dnbiique , Davenport ) Elgin , Maillsun , JanoKTllle , Hell It , Wlnoim , Li Crosse , Xnd all otbtr Important rolnl Kail , Norllmit ant tiui ( b'-iii. rorlbrouuh llcketi call on the Hikeaccat at IM ] jrarnaiu trcotlu Uarkur Illuck , or al Unlua I'aciBt ruilmnn til in r * an-1 Iho Hunt Dlnlna Can In th | wnrldacu run on tb * mainline ol tun l.blcauo , Mil. waukea A Bt. I'aul llallwar , and ovurr attenlloa II paid lo painx r > HI courluoui ru loj l ut Ibl companr ll.Vll.LRIt. * floneril Munaor. , ) . r.TUCmCH. Ailitti > tU < oeral Uaaager. A , V. H. CAUFUNTKIt , U u l TMitnttr B4 Ticket A Dt. OKO. 15. IIIIAFKOBI ) . Aiilxial ( iiDiral fui a M tO'lllcketAfiint. T. J , Ol AluL ygnart ) eai > iitnliaimt. l ol ToutUul Imprudence. C.MJ.IMIT I'runnlure * ! , Kcrvou. IVblllly , lx i Mtnliuoil. At. kavlnililuiilnTiiliorer ; known runt- < lrli .dv-oriTc < l lui.liJin [ < - n rl. lf rur , rtlcU | l t > Lll , nJ < * .l.imtir.lohUfi-ll' ; > w.ur.teri. ( /dOrtu , t. U. lltEVla. I'.U. Ika uM.Ktw Vwk tlln