Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1890, Part II, Page 14, Image 15

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'on ' Pictures of the Unltod Stntoa
Bupromo JiuIros
he litlirary nntl the Utirnry Tnsto *
or the Chief lustier Ilmwcr
nntl Kichl In Asia Miner
lintunr's Health ,
Our lllirlirst Trlliunnl
tronwrtoM MM I'W IVnufc (7. Cnrnenfer.l
Minrrtiic Inline * OIT tlin ltcncli
Washington , Inn 31. Special to Tnu
Ikc ] Ono hundred yearn n o next Tuesday
ho supreme court of the United Stnics held
fa first meeting , and on Monday nox t all of
bo Justice ) lcavo Wnshlncton to celebrate
Is ccntcnnUl ut Now York Tlio supreme
ourt Is now the most dignified body of men
n our Kovcrnment It rnnks with ooncress
nd the president n Its linportnnco nna the
lilcf justiceship , lasting ns It does for life ,
moro dcsirablo thnn the ofllco of chief cx-
cutlvoof the Unltod States The business
f the court shows batter than
nytlilni ; clso the growth of our coun-
ry during the past century For the llrst
hlrty > cars the supreme court had practl-
olly nothing to do , Now It Is 1.C0O cases bo-
undhand , nnd Justlco Miller tolls mo that
ho Judges work nil day and far Into the
light During the first half century of the
ourt's history the record of admissions to
ho court were recorded in n book not much
bicker nor longer thnn n copy of Harpers
laparlno Now 1200 lawyers como before
ho oar nnd kiss the little old blblo upon
vhteh they swear to practice honestly bo-
ere it , every session , and not lufrequcutly a
lozen lawyers arc admitted in u slnglo day
The supreme court of the Unltod States
lolds its meetings in a room not ns largo as
nany n country court room 1 hero nro dm-
ng rooms in many of the houses of Wnsh-
ngton which have moro floor'sinco , nnd the
: lty councils of towns of 10,1)00 ) people de-
nand a bigger hall It Is situated midway
ictwcen the house and the semite , Just off
ho busy corridor which runs between them
\n old negro , as solemn as Erebus , guards
ho door You u U for admission Ho pulls
liu string and the door ( lies noiselessly open
\s it docs so another door opens on the in-
ildc , nnd a moment later you stand in the
ircsonco of the supreme court of the United
Stales ,
'llio whole court wears a comfortable look
ind the majority of the Judges correspond
vitti Shakcsocaro's definition of the justlco :
Whoso fat round belly is with good capon
incd , " warrant you there are no wrinkles
u the stomachs of these men These faces
ililno with good living and upon each you
co the writing that the owner lias not n sln-
rle care and that ho has for Ufa $10,000 a
rear , .luclgo Miller thcro has received
0,000 in salnries front Unoe ! 5am and Jus-
ice Field has carried In bis
nsldo pocket Undo Sam's good
lrafts for $270CO0. Uradloy has
• ccelved 5200,000 from the government ,
ilarian $1311,000 , Gray $00,000 , and Blatch-
'ord's ' ' receipts have amounted to fSO.000 in
sold cash Each will roceiva $10,000 mora
or ench year that ho lives , and ho will get
Ills whether ho remains upon the bench or
lot If ho lenvos it the govcrnmcntwill have
o get n new $10,000 man to taico his place ,
ind Undo Sam will bo out ti0C00 Instead of
tlO.OCO as long ns he lives There Is no doubi
hat nny ono of these men can malto moro
linn this amount nt the law , and onch is
veil worth the salary paid him All have
nado big fees before they cama bore , and
ivery one is a man of reputation
Tin : cmifr justice
Chief Juatico'Fullcrhad nn Income of $30-
)00 ) u year in Chicago wnon President Clove
and asked him to lcavo It for a salary of
510,000 for life Ho Is a rich man outside of
lis salary and through his first wife inhcrlt-
! ; d.a property whluh rents for $20,000 a year ,
[ lis second wifu is wealthy and he has netti
ng to fear from n falling off of the surplus
n the national treasury Chief Justice
duller is the shortest man on the supreme
jcnt' h Ho is not over flro fcot seven inches
iigh and ho docs not weigh over ISO pounds ,
ila has , however , a dignified bearing rod
, vhon bo sits iu his gown upon the
3cncli ho looks as big as
lustlce Gray who is six feet five and kicks
.ho beam at BOO Judge Fuller has a rcmar *
{ ublo line face His forehead is high and
tull , his nose largo and straight , his eyes uro
uluo and his complexion is of u colorless
ivhito He has a great mane of silver white
anir which is combed well up from his clas
sic brow , which half covers his oars , dnd
ivliich falls upon the collar of his gown at
the back Ho will bo flfty-sovcn years old
an the 7th of Feburary , and lileo most of our
; rcut men bo Inherits his most prominent
pjulitv of bialn through his mother She
was the daughter of the Chief Justice of
Maine , Nathan Weston Fuller is a
graduuto of Uowdoln college and
ho Is n. man of culture Ho
itudicd law at the Harvard law
school and after a short practice in Maiuo
removed to Chicago Ho is o. Quo orator us
well as n good lawyer and his oration on
Washington was a surprise ) to many of his
senatorial friends who had rather under
rated him Chief Justice Fuller lives here
in ono of the finest houses of the capital ' it
is the big double brick of Senator Van Wyck
nnd the the way , is much changed
by Justice Fullers furniture The chief
Justice has turned ono of the parlors into a
library and the walls are now lined with a
blc collection of well-thumbed books I noted
thut the German and French classics had a
place beside the best of our Enclish author
ities , and that the works of English nud
American sclenco were many Chief Jus
tico Fuller is a man of broad rending , and
ho has a family of n wife and seven or eight
daughters who are possessed of considerable
literary tastes Two of his daughters nro
now In Germany at school Ho is a fine af
ter dinner talker , and Senator Cockorlll
calls him the Cbaunoy Dopaw
Justice Hrowor is a nephew oi Justice i
Flela , nnd this Is the first time In our his .
tory that on unclekmd nopliew have over boon
on the supreme bench at the same tlmo An
extraordinary vein of legal brain must have
existed among the ancestors of the
Flold family Here is David Dudley
Field , for years ono of the >
greatest lawyers in Now York , Stephen J.
Field , is on the supreme bench , and has been
a Judge for moro than a gouerotion Hrowor ,
the son of Fields sister , makes a reputation
In Kansas as a lawyer and comes to the supreme
promo bench or , his merits
Justice Hrowor was born In Smyrna , and 1
it Is a curious fact that Justice Stephen J ,
Flold spent a part of his boyhood In Smyrna
His sister married a missionary , and at thir '
teen years of ago sbo took her brother with
her to Asia Minor Hrowor did not romuln i
In Asia long enough to have bis skin tnnnod I
by the tropluil suns , and when ho was a i
squawking baby of eleven months ho was i
brought baok to Ainenoa Hoth ho and i
Justice Field studied law with Divld Dudley
Field In New York , und wont west to urao-
The two mon hnvo no features In common , ,
Justice Field is ono of the finest looking mon i
in publia life , and Brewer is also fine look
ing but of n different typo Justice Flold [
might pose for a Venetian doge us ho ho sits
with a Dlaok velvet oap upon his hood upon i
the bench , Ho has a high forehead , a full 1
beard of sable silver , and his face is ono of t
the most classic on the bench Ho Is six :
feat tall and his great frarao Is symmetri
cally deyoloped Ho has , I think , grown i
elder lu nppoarance stneo the late Terry epi
jode In California and it must have boon a
srrlule unnoynnco to blm Judge Field |
Is also a highly cultured man Ho
li well read la almost every branch of f
literature , and ho talkB most entertainingly
He has broad Ideas as to the future of this
country , ncops himself abreast of pubiio
qucstious and Is fond of society His wife Is
one of the noted outertaincrs of Washington ,
and tbo two live together In linn old house
across the park from and facing the capital ,
I dent know much as to Judge Fields
wealth His brothers are millionaires , but
the justice once told mo that bis salary was
not suuiclont to pay bis expenses > ,
and ho referred in this to the
immense cost of the traveling
expenses of n supreme Justice
: Judge Field crosses the continent once or
twlco n yenr , and ho always pays his faro
Justice Hrowor is the youngest in in on the
bench Ho enmo to Smyrna A oauy , after
Field loft as a boy , nnd ho was born nt Just
about the tlmo that Jmtlco graduated nt Co1
lumbla coIIpbo Now Yorli Ho In only for
ty-thrco year * old Ho Is I Judge , about sik
feet high , and has a slight stoop tn his
broad shoulders , nnd his face is dark Ho
has a bruad , full forehead , black hair grow
In ? thin nt the ton , n nose slightly Inclined
to the Itomnn and n mousucbo nud chin
whiskers of gloisy blncK Ho Is a grndnato
of Ynlo and n man or culture Ha Is living
now nt the Arne Hats ,
justice Mlltnn
The oldest justice on the bench In point of
servlco and ono of tbo nblcst Jurists in public
life is Justice Miller Ho is six feet tall ,
weighs at lonst ' "JJ pounds and overv molecule -
culo of his anatomy is backed with good
sonsc , good nature and Judicial ability Ho
thrives on hnrd work and us ho sits with a
velvet cap on hi ? head at the right of Chief
Justice Fuller he forms ono of the classic
features of the court Ho could have re
tired years ago , for ho is over so\entV. He
likes his work , however , and does not in
tend to become n nonontlty Judge Mlllor
was nppointod bv Lincoln in lSOi and when
Salmon lChnso died it was thought thut ho
would bo made chlof Justice Grant , however -
over , appointed Wnlto nnd Justice Miller lms
outlived him nnd seen n new man take his
bluca upon the boiii-h. Justice Mlllor
is said to bo well to-do. Hu is worth
n hundred thousand or so Ho lives
very nicely on Massachusetts avenue , nnd
his brick house Is on a high terrace Just op-
uosltu that of Judge Lamar Judge Miller is
n good talker Ho has as many reminiscences
ns you will Und In Ben : Parley Pooro's books ,
nnd his good sayings frequently go the rounds
of the c mltol Not long ago , In speaking of
ono of the most upright senn'ors , hosiM :
"My dour sir , I like you , nod I want to say
that u are ono of the few politicians who
in my onion stun ) n chance of being saved
Hut the good word ' wont bo crowded with
thorn , " he added ns he shook lib sober old
head ' "It wont bo crowded "
Justice Mlllor was boru In Kentucky sov-
onty-four years nco Ho was educated at an
academy , and ho was especially strong dur
ing his sohooline in mathematics and gram
mar Ho is probably the only man on the
bench who is not a college graduate , but ho
is notwithstanding this a tlno Latin scholar
and he mnstcrcd this lunguaca himself Ho
began life ns a drui : clarli nud studied modi-
clno nud practiced eight years before ho decided -
cided to become a lawyer Ho was thirty
years old before ho was admitted to the bar ,
and when hu was nppointod on the supreme
bench ho was unanimously confirmed by the
seuato without his name being referred to
any committee Ho is n sclf-mado man all
over , and ho ought to bo proud of his Job
Justice Bradley is another self-made man
His father was a poor farmer in the interior
of New York and young Uradloy's earliest
schooling was that of a oountry teacher Ho
worked in the summer and went to Bchool in
the winter until ho was sixteen , nnd after
this bo taught country school and practised
surveying His ambition to bo great sprouted
with his bolng , and a story is
told at Albany how a citizens of that place ,
when young Bradley was doing soma rather
menial work , for him , asked what ho in
tended to do in life The future justice was
then hardly in his teens Ho was backward
with bis answer nnd said ho hadn't quito
mode up his mind whether ho would bo presi
dent of the United State or justice of the
supreme court This Interested his employer
nnd bo talked further with the boy He
found him wonderfully well Informed and ho
urged him by all means to gel it college edu
cation if possible Judge Bradley saved
onoucrh from his cunntry school teaching
to send himself to college and ho
graduated at Hutger tn 1SJ1 nt the
ago of twontythieo Ho practiced law
ut Newark , N. J. , for thirty years before he
wont upon the bench and ho has been serv
ing us a supreme court justice lor twenty
3 car s. His decisions appear in forty vol
umes of the supreme court and ho has a most
wondurful Unowlcdgo of English and Ameri
can decisions Justice Uradloy has a re
markably unalilical mind and , ho is one of
the most skillful mathematicians of the
present day Ho amuses himself in working
out geometric problems for recreation and
ho delights in getting up calendars showing
at what hour the moon will rise on January
dr February 3 , 3030. He likes to figure out
the day of the week on which tbo June 1 , for
instance , will occur for a thousand-odd
years or so , and ho thinks in figures The
origin of his mathematical tastes came from
bis fathers library Though tbo old man was
a poor charcoal buruor on a scanty farm he
had alotof historical and mathematical boohs
and young Uradloy conquered algebra with
out a toacbor In the intervals of charcoal
burning His and mathematical
knowlcdgo comes in excellently well now
It makes hiin especially strong In patent
cases , which constitute about ona-llftb of tbo
supreme court business , and his fifty years
of working at tbo law bad made blm able to
know by Intuition what the law ought to bo
Judrro Urndloy is rich Ho lives auietly at
Washington , and bo has one of the finest
libraries of the capital Ho is a little dried
up anatomy of a man not much over 5 fcot
0 in height Ho has a big nose , sharp bright
Ilttlo eyes , iron gray hair and a pair of
tightly-closed lips His skin hangs in wrin
kles , und all of Ins fat has long since gone to
figures and judicial decisions Ho is seventy
seven years old , but thcro is a fair chance
for his lasting at least twenty-three years
lontrcr Thcro is not much of him to die ,
und when his soul is dlsombodlcd it will not
be much frcor than It is now
It Is different with Justice Gray who is
ever six foot , and who hardly dares to go
into a Washington parlor which is not dou
ble-floored. Gray is broad shouldered , big
boned and rather good loolnng Ho dresses
In good taste und when he weut down the
river the olhor day with President Harrison
he were an English hunting outfit He has
been recently married to a dauirhtor of the
late Justice Matthews and ho looks so good
natured that 1 doubt not bis wife calls
him Horace Judge Gray comes from
ono of the old families of Massa
chusetts and his grandfather was a Lynn
man who dlod the richest man in all Now
England Ono of the sons of this mm , but
whether It was Grays undo or not I do not
know , lofta.OJO rare ongr.wings to Harvurd
college and left $10,000 to keep ttiem la
order Ho loft also $15,030 to found n
zoological museum at Harvard and Grays
hall of Harvard is named after him Gray
graduuted at Harvard at tbo ugo of slxtoou
Ho was appointed after the death of the
late Justice Clifford by President Arthur ,
George Uoutwell was a candidate for the i
place at the same tlmo , but Arthur
Is said to have chosen Gray on the
account of the statement of Senator Hoar ,
who claimed that Garfield intended to have
appointed him George C. Goroham , in com
menting upon the uppointmont , said that "it ,
was made on a forged will of the late James
A. Garfield presented for probate by George i
F. Hoar " Justice Gray lives very nicely
at Washington Ho has a big hnuso with a
cavo-llke entrance on the corner of Slx-
toonth and I streets There Is probably a
good sllco of his grandfathers wealth still I
in the family and this added to the accumu '
lations of his own practice and his $10,000 a 1
year ought to keep tbo wolf from his door
Justice Harlan Is almost ns big a man ns
Gray , He comes of a noted Kentucky family )
and bis father was the attorney generul of ,
that state Harlan was a graduate of a [
Kentucky college , was a colonel In the union ,
army and ha was a member of the Louisiana L
commission that was appointed by Frosidont ;
Hayes Ho succeeded David Davis as a t
justice of the supreme court and his health Is ,
so good that ho promises to bo on the bench ,
for many years to come Ho is ono of the
finest looking mon In pubiio life Oyer six :
feet In height , ho has a great dome of a head , ,
a Webstorian nose and ho walks with the
dignity of a king , His wife is also fine look
ing and the two are marked figures wherever
they appear together , Justice Harlan has a
fine brick villa on the heights above Four
toonth street and from bis windows he can i
overlook the whole of Washington and the i
winding valley of the Potomac
Justice Dlatchford comes of a race of law
yors His father was for years the American
counsel for the Hank of England and later
for the Uank of tbo Unltod States Ha w s
a warm personal friend of Daniel and 1
was una of tbo executors of Webstor's i
will Justice Hlatohford himself was the
private secretary of William II Howard , and I
ho was afterwards one of Seward's law part
nors He had nude a foituno.beforo bo came
here to Washington , and now at seventy bo
is rich and occupies a dignified position with i
a$10,000salary. Hois an cxamplo of tbo
fact that greatness does not go by pounds
and feet He is uader medium height and
wolghs in the neighborhood of 150 pounds
Ho 1 has r.Utipr a lint face , without much
color In It His white whiskers frlngo his
throat I and Inch their way up to his checks
to l n line ending with the base of his chin ,
where i they nro cut short by the rater His
hair 1 Is of frosted silver nnd ho Is on the
whole < u rather flno looking man Ho has a
big I brick house on the corner of Furragut
squire i and K street Just nbovo the big
brown 1 stone of Senator Pnlmor nnd not lur
from Ytnnio Reams nrtlstic homo
Justice Lamar takes to the gown naturally
nnit ( ho has become reconciled to the Immense
piles of work which the court has before it
At first ho gorged himself with case * llko nn
nnacouda gorges Itself with n carcase , but
he has now gotten down to laboring about
ten hours n day and devoting the remainder
of his tlmo to other matters Lamnr Is a
curious Intellectuality Irregularity is the
order with him Ho oats nt all sorts of hours
nnd hti can , I am told , work for twcnt\-four
hours nt a stretch and then go to bed and
sleep for twenty-four hours more with the
Innocent , recuperating slumbers of a baby
Ho thinks ns Irregularly as he cats , and
In the midst of n nntontcaso his mind will
sometimes fly off Into abstruse calculations
upon the llmltatlous of the Intlnlto , "
questions of the Trinity or the
Shukespoaro- Bacon controversy It
comes back , however , all rlht within a few
moments nnd takes up the thrond of the > : aso
so easily that the other judges do not Know
that it has been away Justice Lamar Is a
trreut newspaper roider Ho has the curious
faculty of remembering bits of newspaper
poetry and ho can quote ridiculous little
pieces gathered from the dailies of the last
half -ntury. . He is n man of great scholar
ship and the record of his life Is more that
of u scholar than that of a politician He
wns n professor of law at the university of
Oxford , Miss , in 1S7I , nnd his stock of
clnsslcat learning Is very great Ho is nn
admirer of Pinto uud can quote from Thuv-
cidides , Herodotus nnd Llvy His ruvorlto
poets are Sliolloy and Keats and ho Is very
fond of quoting poetry in private con vorsation
with lovers of the poets Ho was married
ug.iln about throe yours ago and his last
wife was well to-do. Justice Lamar hunsolt
is worth less than $50,000. Ho has a farm In
Mississippi upon which thcro are many fine
Jcrsoy cattle , and up to disappointment as
justice ho liked nothing batter than his
Mississippi homo Now , however , ho finds
it impossible to pay much attention to it ,
and I understand that ho would soil it If ho
could , llo Is already sixty-llvo years of ago
His place upon the bo.inh gives him a resi
dence at Washington for a nuinbar of years
Iiu has a house here on Massachusetts nvo-
nuo , nud tha 310,000 which ho gets from tbo
government moves blm further away from
Mississippi than ho tins cvor been before
When tbo Bun conies out thnso days , the
daughters nro certain to follow
Llltlo Angel ( sunt down to the parlor to
entertain a caller ) O , yes , my sister will bo
down in a minute She Is gottlng over a cry
ing spell because her otbor beau didn't como
Wife John I do think you have the
host memory In town John Why so , dar
ling ? "Uocauso you never forgot to forget
the articles I tell you to bring home from
down town ; never "
Parisian ladles have very odd and dainty
fancies concerning underwear , upon which
they spend fabulous sums of money Ono
lady wears nothing but silk underwear
of the finest quality , trimmed with frills of
delicate lace and always in the most out-of-
tho-wav colors , ljkc willow green , tobolin
blue , vleux rose and ether equally mlhctiu
shndos Another lady recently ordered a
set of niirht dresses made exactly llko a
baby's first slips
Scone A bridal chamber She Now that
wp are married , darling , I must malto a con
fession My teeth nro artificial and I am
obliged to wear a wiy Tell mo it wont malto
any dlffurenco in your loyo , dear He Ho-
assure joursolf , dearest , and watch mo
[ Takes out a glass eye and unscrews his
log ]
Hoferrlng to the return from their honey
moon of a couple living in the vicinity , a
West Grove , Pa , paper says they were given
n serenade that was hilarious If not unbe
coming Much cider was drunk and damage
done "
The Hov Robert Collyer said recently :
Not mauy men know how to behave when
they give a mlnlstor his fee for marrying
them It scorns to embarrass thorn for some
reason I remember once out in Indiana that
a man whom I had Just united in marriage
to a very comely young woman gave mo $10
for the fee As be did so ho biushcd und
stammered Then he said with perfect can
dor , "I would llko to give you moro , doctor ,
and nnd 1 will next time ' His bride over
heard him , and lookoJ at him in a queer way
but he evidently didn't realize what ho hud
said in bis embarrassment "
Pcnolopo All right , Jnek ; you may put
that ring on my finger and well call It engaged -
gaged ; but it must bo definitely understood
that you are to have but ono kiss a day and
one dunce at each hop , for you dance horribly
ribly , nnd I dent like to kiss a man without
a mustache I am to go boating , riding , or
walking with any follow I please , and flirt
with whom I please You are to give up
smoking , card playing and wine , and finally ,
you are not to tag around after mo all the
tlmo , for I am not going to have my enjoy
ment spoiled Just because lam engaged
Jack ( her humble slave ) Well , but tell me
what I can do ? Pouolopo You can read
Tennyson and think of me
What do women love best In men ? " was
asked by a noted gentleman of a well vorscd
lady In whoso family ho was enjoying his
Now Years dinner Sir , " Bald bho , they
llko ferro , Give mo n man with courtesy
and polisb , without force , und ho is a linen
collar without starch The texture may he
firm out it needs stiffening Women tire of
forceless men , and would prefer n hearty ,
vigorous yeoman , to a scented , nervous dude
of the drawing room " Dent you like to
sco u man dance ! " wjs queried "I would
rather see him digging n trench or bowing a
tree or driving a team , " said sbc "To mo a
dancing man , a Hon lapping mill : or an ele
phant playimr a guitar , uro all alike Men ,
lions and elephants were meant'to bo strong
and masterful When they fall of their des
tiny they become caricatures "
Why should the spirit of mortal bo
proud I" souuds like a philosophical , rational
question ; but the man who asked It never
succeeded in holding the baby the first time
bo tried
When all the world has passed from angels
ken ,
And all of earths fair ladles
Have gouo to heaven , the hapless mon
Can " tac" it down the ages
Severe Adorer ( about to enter tbo minis
try ) I trust you find a great deal of comfort
In thiuKlntr of scripture verses Interesting
Invalid Yes , indeed I That text Grin and 1
bear It , " does mo a hoan of good
Little Edith ; Mamma , did you Bay that wo )
should all know each other in heaven ? I
Mamma : Yes my child Little Edith : .
You can play that ynu'ro out , though , cant
you , mamma , whan people call that you
dent want to see )
roaahor Holate an Incident in the llfo of
Moses Tommy Jersey Ono day he Baw an
Egyptian striving with a Hebrew , and ho 1
suid unto the Egyptian , "Hondor unto Ciciar ;
the things that are Cicsar's , " and thereupon I
smotn him and cut off his ear ,
Fashionable Pastor I trust , madam , that
while you are suffering from this influenza
your conscience is at rest ? Fashionable
Pietist Entirely , I have rigorously nor
formed nil my religious duties , and was just t
executing the lust whoa you came Fash-
lonablo Pastor Al What was that ? Fash-
lonablo Pietist I bought a box for tbo Char
ity ball
The Roy , Mr Osgood was some years ago
a eolobrated preacher in Boston , whoso csli-
matlon of himself was fully as high as that
of bis pnrlsblouurs For a time be wus with
out a pastoral charge , and in a social gathcr-
ing at which Mr Haskell , then editor ol tbo
Boston Transcript , was present , tha talk tur-
ncd upon Mr Osgood Various reasons
were BUfigcsted why ho did not accept a call
to any pulpit Mr HuBkoll hoard them all
and then remarked ! You have not found
thoBocrct yet The truth ib that Mr Os-
good is waiting for a vacancy in the Trinity , ' 1
California Cal-H-Cur- .
1 bo only guaranteed euro for catarrh , cold I
In the head , hay fever , rose cold , catarrhal I
deafness andsoroeyes Ucstoro the sense of |
taste and unploasaut breath , resulting from
catarrh Easy and pleusunt to use Follow I
directions and a euro is warranted oy all
druggists Bond for circular to AHIETINE \
MEDICAL COMPANY , Oroville , Cal Six
months treatment for $1 : sent by mall , $1.10 ,
Sold by Goodman Drug Co
salt Ij\icijjoity Norns
Ut.ih'n y Capital Divided Between Ileal
Estate null l.lrctlon ICxcltmiPitt
Sw.t Lake Citt , JnnJS7 , ( Special to The
Unci An unusuallySigorous wlntur , for
this locality , bolls , ci\y and country In Its
frosty j embrace , withtult prcvoutlng nn un
usual nmoiint of oti'tojior ' llfo Snow tins
fallen < from titno to tuna sufficient to furnish
good I sleighing , nnd pvcry ono , moro or less ,
scorns to make use of llio rare opportunity
The thermometer touuhed zero once or twlco ,
and , , there has boon , ti , couple of wcoks bf
frceiing Weather , Yesterday a heavy rain
of several hours duration seemed to iniirk
the t end of the cold period , but It ended
In | n light fall of snow , and again wo look on
wintry streets nnd fields Hut the weather
s no obunclo to the political pxcltomont that
has ] taken possession of the city in nn extra
ordinary i degree Hots run high ns to the
outcome , of the election on February 10 , und
real : ostatu speculation is largely bnsod on
the estimate each one puts on the probability
that this or thnt sldo may win
In spite of the streaming rain an immense
number of the people turned out to Witness
the grand purudo of the peoples party last
night The upper part of Main strcot was
brilliantly illuminated by rod lights nnd candies nnd other firoworhs gave
variety nnd beauty to the vlows I noticed
In the pira.llng hosts many fine Bpeelmons
of Utah * ioutif ' manhood , ti ll , stalwart
men or ndinirublo physique , presenting In
their tofilltv n splendid snraplo of the ca
pacity of the country in the mutter of this ,
Its most liiiiiortnutcrop
The excitement proceeding the election
and the condition of the roads In cousequonco
of the Uiiusual snow fall this senson , nc-
cnunt for u slight falling off of sales of real
estate On Friday , January ! ! ! , the recorded
sales amounted to $5VJC0 : This figure was
considerably exceeded on the other days uf
the week As n sample of the snlcs made I
quote the sale of W. M , Carter to hDlck -
ertof 7.lKlf > 0 ? ( foot In lot 0 , block 10 plat A ,
for $10(100 ( nnd E. Uooly to J. G. Mlcholl of
40j square rods , lots 5 and 0. block 13 , pint
A , for SIS.000. A great deal of buying is
goiurr on , una thb market is firm nnd
slightly in advunco of last week In the matter -
tor of prlcos
A now Jewelry firm is nbout to open tn the
now Daft building on Main street It Is said
to bo n magnificent establishment , with ap
pointments ns complete ns they can bo
made Its show-cues , manufactured In
Cincinnati , nro especially rich und tasteful
Expert workmen from New York City und
Chicago will bo busy in a largo work room
In the rear , nnd all will bo done to make the
establishment worthy of a largo city
The United electric company of this city
is n pushing , promising business enterprise
This company has Just put a valuable elec
trical machine Into the Walker opera house ,
which lichts the gas burners ull through the
house in the neatest , quickest and surest
manuor imaginable
Our seven principal hotels are well filled
with guests from east and west , and , to
Judge from the many inquiries received hero
from parties cast , the intlux of tourists and
others will assume enormous proportions in
the sprinir
The llfo on the streets nnd the activity in
the numerous stores nro tn strong contrast
with the many low and insignificant houses
on the best streets The many magnificent
buildings already erected only make one
realize the more strongly how absolutely
necessary is the bnildlne of many moro , and
that these will bo built this year thcro Is
every reason to bolldve
Dizzenoss , nmisci , drowsinessdistres3
after eating , can bo cured and prevent
ed by taking Dr .7. II MeLoan's Liver
and Kidney Pillctta ( little pills )
It Wasn't AnirofR Ho Ilcnrtt
San Francisco Chronicle : It was a
sad scone The old man lnv on his bed
and by him sat the faithful wife , hold
ing his worn hand in hers and forcing
back the tears to proot his wandering
look with a smllo She spoke words of
comfcrt and hope liut he full the cold
hand falling on him aijd ho turned his ,
weary eyes up to tho"palc , wan face
Jennie , dear wife , I am going ' '
"O no , John ; not yet ; not yet "
Yes , dear wife , ' ' and ho closed his
eyes ; the end is near The world
grows dark about me There is a tnist
around mo garnering thicker and
thicker , and there , as through a cloud ,
I hoar the music of angels swcot and
sad "
"No , no , John , donr ; that isn't '
angels ; that's the brass band on the
corner "
"WnatI" said the dying man ; have
these scoundrels darotl to como around
here when they know I'm dyingV Give
rae my bootjack Ill lot 'om see , "
And in a towering rage the old man
jumped from his bed , and before his
wife could think ho had opened the
window and shied the bootjack at the
"I'vo hit that Dutch leudor , any
way "
And ho wont back to bed and got
An Absolute Cure
is only put up In larjo two-ounce tin boxes ,
und is au nbsoluto euro for all sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands and nil skin erup
tions Will positively euro all kinds of piles
MENT Sold by Goodman Drug company
nt 'Jo cents per box by mall SJ cents
XI > arj3l3C'X C'TJ C,3EJ.
MWCcb I3TH& dodge mb , OMAHA , NEB
ros tux or AU
Bwtr eiUU , App r tull dnunoJI iforBuccei fa '
Xrtilmcnt of mrr fctm of ( > < • > • retiring
BoudAAttandaoct , BestActorcmocUUonjlawt t
Britii , TruuM , Club rut , OuiTtUnicf bfino Filti ,
Tumors Osjiotr Catarrh , Bronchitis , IruHlitlQn
BleotricltT , Pwklriis , K ll p > / , Kidarr , BUddtr ,
Kjt , Sir , EkinuHSleod mdilfBurricilOperations
woisn piuauooiTiiuiMrr ( STflieUY MIVATF.k
OalfEtliibUU lcUXmtituUKikliriiSfiiiUtyol
Ml Blood Dljfttif • vtct'foUtrttlt * . tiff bi Hit a ration
riBwad fr mlbfiT UMvUfc ut ntrfurf H > w CtaUrallvi
rritaBt Ut Ut * f TIT4L fllHII ftrtUl uatblt to ? J U I
bioitrt ! dtt h ra br corrct > f > n4 Dt < * 411 ecmmuetctv
UflBii BHd Btl l. MtdUavMleitraniaiMtaitjUftllortx
trii iarti/r * k * < i.ii n > , rli l Uiiiiit iittBUerito < ltr ,
UQ * roaalirUrtlwpr ltmd C H stt tcmmiiivf ( tad I
Uiior/ rur u , * ad • will mqI la pUIb wr i per , • >
BOOK TO HEM , P F/nV. .r' . 'iV.Vof ' ; . '
CUl 01..I M4 V.l < oc iLVlili | , , , .lleu lilt AUtm "
lS.b tad Dodg * fitntu , OMAHA , M B.
OTIS ° a h a *
SSi.t SPENCER { ? Ba
Do . , Bb .
Mechanical Krwlneer una Draftsman , Complete
1iio Iiik , r-iiiltlcallcn anil fciil'criiiUnuiipcf , lo
Kluvutora Mlilla , buunrles , or hpeilal Machinery I
rae In us < t Illuu 1'ilnts furntihOJ
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Office , H. K.Cor , 13tti and Doujtas Sis , Omaha .Ve
HOS KAniAM Stiieet , Chtuu , Nbu
( Opposlto l'nxton Hotel )
Oaehoursvam , toSpm Rutnl.ijs.10a. ra , tc
Specialists Id Chronic , N'crrous , Silo ancl Blood Dl *
cae .
tifConsultatton at ofllco or t > r mull frco i\eA\- \ \
clncs pent br mall or cipre s , securetf pricked , free
from observation Uaarantccs to euro quickly , safe
ly and permanently ,
Plom I'tiyslcRl deeny , nrtslnjr from Imli crotlon , ox-
ccsf or lndulccncc pm.ucln nlceplcsne s. ilesporv
dpncy.plinrloson the fiict' .nvi'rMnri tnnocletr , e.Mtr
dlseouraftea , lack of confldenru dull until * for rtudr
rr buPlnuiS , nnd finds life a burden Safely , pornmn *
pntlr nrnl . .rtvMoly cured ( "on mi It Irs Utt9 Jt Hulls
jiUriVttrnam btru'H , Omaha , Neb
Blood anil Skin Disease SStSrrTbSifflK
ru uH , compliteljorndlcatol wllhont ( ho aid of
moi-curr. Scrofula err li > oIas , favor norf * . rdotche .
ulcers pMns tn the heua and bone * , syphilitic sore
throat , mouth and toninie.cMnrrli , etc . permanently
cured where otheri hac fated
Kidney Urinary & WnT-nSHS'1" - ' *
qnent burnlm or bloody urine , tirlne hUU colored or
with milky pediment on Btanllntr , weak bick.fronorr
turn , plocltystllli etc l'romptly and safely cured
charges reasonable
STH.ICTUBE i axssWreys
• novacomplete ! without culllna , cau tlo ordlllatton
Cures otTuctod al home Sy patient without a moment !
pain or annoyance
To Yonns Men anfl Mide-A ed Hen ,
A < 3T1DP PITDU The sw"H eltects of early
oUltli uUilD Vice , which brlnas orpnnlo
we knc.s , dpstroyiiia both ruind and body , tmti all
tadrcadod UK permanently cured
MnptpTU Address these who have lm-
Dull ! ) patreil themselves by Improper
Indulgence * anil and solltnrr habits , which ruin both
body and mind , unllttln * them for business , study or
aUimiED Mi * , or these entering on that happy
life , araro ox p'.yslclal debility , quickly assisted
Is based upon facti , first-practical ex port en e , boo
omt-evory cao ia capoclally studied , thus atarfinis
aright , third medicines era prepared In our own la
batory exactly to ault eacn case , thus affecting cures
without Injury
tfc" > end ti cents postage for celebrated works on
chronic , ncrvoui and del.cate disease * . Thousands
cured HfA friendly letter or call may save you fu
ture suffering and shame , and ad J ROtden years to llf
tSHXo letters answered unlcps accompanied by 4
cents So MamDS .AddroM orcall on
1413 KarriHrahtrbet , Omaha Neb
Tliis Obstreperous Infant
i - k\ \
Positively refuses any longer
to wear baby dresses Kilts
are what he longs for and
must have
of like minded children would
do well to malce the desired
change at this time In our
largo line or
Kilt Suits
Which we are selling at .
My Reduced Prices
Wo nro sure you will find
something to your liking
Is our line of
Jersey Kilt Suits ,
Formerly sold at $7 , $8 , and
$0 , now selling at
. .
Tlio Well Known Specialist ,
F SJPS aV Ul et 't ' BlrlcK
62 * f t n AwSjm turrhuia Jni | > u.
K3aT sn9 $ & > _ tA&NftwY tency , J.OIS of
nJ * v3s | iV aS > ' n > o < l and
I ( 1 /lOl " < • ' • absolutt.lT
I J f\J fV ( I cured , end for
ftf $ K&lK X rocrut , M for Man
T aaL [ Wcrvnuinesi , ie
f , * * rlualtiDlsefiscs.Ca
V \ / | larrali anil frklri
SNRJS r / 1 quickly and per
I | pj9 Q FN ffKlfik | . iponiK'nce , ieii4
4o.vsuiYrA'i'i > \ riti-i ; .
Office SE Cor ltith & Jackson Sts
Omaha , Neb ,
" * * mllr.1.trcem. . tr JlMrSJKk
! . • • I'.u 1-pnM IlllUUa IAR C'JHi ; S/SCr' | / fil'
Wlil periC oifrrulloniril tt l fc Mil we 1P77 UX *
n > tutiiie ( > ii.i > . B t > t.r iR "A * Tiia
F.UI3COX , Hiin llrn vrarrorHlfirrrlarli
ctu , . w n < < . , ! ' i tHT't nnt.rtm.mi'.ixct mmt ,
Buffering from the tUccUi.f 3ouUiful error * , inrlr
decay , wwiau vtctkneu , lut manhood , t tc , I will
• end a valuable trcatlta ( wld ) contaluinff full
particulars tor homo care Fit I'IS of charve A.
iplcudia inodical work t thould , b n'd by vrtry
kn&n who U pcrrn.ii and deMlltatrd XddrcM
To wind up our Retail Jewelry Department / m
All Diamonds , Watches , Jewelry , Silver /
Ware , Clocks , etc , rcmuininpf unsold at this date , / fl
must go for what they will bring ,
Wc oJtcr , until store is rt-nted , Every Article at a H
Bargain Look at our Cheap Windows Auction -
tion prices Nowhere No use quoting figures No H
reasonable offer refused on Art Goods , Bric-a- H
brae , < Hc Price , em and take em " Our extreme B
low prices on Optical Goods , still prevail Gold H
Spectacles and Eye Glasses , $ j and upward Eine H
I Steel Spectacles , 75c up , worth double ( Eyes tested H
and fit guaranteed H
N. 13. An extra force of salesmen has been engaged H
for this Special Sale , so all can be waited on i " * fl
promptly I H
Store for Rent , Fixtures for Sale I
. ' jj / \ mmmmmmmmmm a m sfQiPtfr * . tSBSSTM t H
EBa MMBoi aaoN Hm mum MMaWH nf I , yJI Bba BH
For Five Dollars , I
DR R. W. BAILEY , Dentist , I
Faxton Block , 16tli and Farnam Streets
"Wc * AlP TTrOVQ + tU ? ltaT7-and h v'n9 ' within the past two | J
fDLdy months largely increased our
orficeroom , are now better preoared to turn out the best clnss or flj
work , and much more i-apldly than herotorore We make a lVill set I ra laaal
orteeth on rubber for FIVE DOLLARS , guaranteed to be as wel V JHB |
made as plates sent out of any dental orfice in this country Do not H
let others . influence you not to come , but make us a call and sec for YiB BB
yourself H
Teeth extracted WITHOUT PAIN , and without using chloroform HEJ
gas , ether or electricity Filling at lowest rates Remember the lo- \ M
cation DR BAILEY , Dentist , Paxton Block
Open evenings . until 8 o'clock Take elevator on 16th slroot lOtli and rurnani
Cut this out M entlon this paper H
n. j ± - KaI3s Is E ,2 , * , I
uti'iiisiNTiNo : : ciiicaoo okfjci ; #
Brush Electric Company I
Estlmatea anil pinna furnished Correspondence soUclted " H
832-833 N Y. Life Building , - - - - - Omaha 1
Dewey & Stone , I
Furniture Company I
A magnificent display or everything userul and ornamental in the / nH
furniture makers art at reasonable prices 1
Of Every Design and Finish I
HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , 1405 Dougias St
S ? NGSt a 1@ % JP H % | Pi EMERSON ,
? S9"AVI"GSt bSmmKr mmWZ &
- ksthallet&davis
% 8Vh ° lNGS' - & * mmmmm mmr Zpianos&organs
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska
ExeelsioFSpMngsJHo ,
Natures Great Sanitarium
Tlio Stoat Elegant , Itoatful ami IieueQclal
iff llouttU KesortB
TUF CI MQ Ono of tbo Flue Holds of tlio
lilt LLITIOi World Ileplctc with ci cry com
fort , pleasure und convenience , Unappronchablo
lu Itu allracthcut'i , , furnlaUlugiaiidciiiiluo riim-
llarr conilltloria perfect All cliargea reasonable
MR A TU Q Within the hotel , eupcrb , com
OH I nOl pleto snd of gnat meillriual
\Irlue. bnlt-SuIphnr Water , Tub , Turkish , lilcx-
trie , MaiMKe , Marble Ilunce
for Khcumatlsin Uout , Droprr , Kidney , DlaUUer
• nd Liter Troubles , Jiyipcpsfa , ltlood Jlleeacca ,
Alcoholism , Debility and other dcrangenitnls of
tbo tyitciu The moat atloulahlng and rnorxcloui
rciulte apeedlly follow their use The waters | x > s-
bc s propertlca and combinations unknown to any
other known eprlnpj In the world They contain
Iron In that mo t rare and valuable form for rcudy
absorption and rapid medication ; namely , a eulti
Honor llio Protoxide lu Carbonic Acid As a solv
ent and diuretic , they are nuiircmely efllcacloua ,
and us a tonic in upbuilding tlio worn and debili
tated ) bteni , they have no equal , A gain of about
ouo pound a day usually folhma their use They
nam restored thoiiksuds from tlio brink of death
to perfect health Try them They will prolong
your life
Climate ralld and healthful , flunoumllnge beauti
ful Twcut ) five mllca from Kansas City on the
c , r. & bi v. it it '
M Tin : IIUTTI.UU WATCHS ehlnped on or
dcr to all points
For fall Information and illustrated pamphlets ,
addre * ,
Kxcclsior Hprlngs , Mo
ftm I Offer Young Mexican
ilig4 Double-Yellow-Head
f ia SSv "likli nro ldioitu as tlio
wl TBil bcBliulkcrs lu the norld
iF3fe % ' aW und never \xevo sold less
IP * § ? IB tlntii $22. to $25. Tor ;
VQf $ IH.S0cniii. This wolf
° U ] U
417 South 16th St , Oiimlm , Ntffa
cHicHeeTcn'a cnqlibh
§ Ssfr , lurttti * l j rJUIJ . I tJIc * . c l
DrugUt tor DIimoh4 UrMP Mo r 4 na' iik
| wi # , M l 4lib lii ribtwi * . 1 kn no otben
bud 4c.ftti'a ( ' ) ( uf i < * nloulri m1 "llcttcf f l
| Adlc , Mfq N r , bf reluru ualL Xi < * * J'jm
EXPQ5lTlON = r lk
- UliIYER5ELLE. " " 1
PARIS , 1S89 , I
The Highest Poaaibla Premium , W\
The President of the Company ,
185-187 WnbfiAli Ave , , Cliioauo
220 N. Kith Ht , Omn.m , Nt-li.
\y \ collar | v
rmuilnjr prernitur . , * Pecar Ntrrcui DfUhljr Uon
Muibood , , da having tried In Tiiaif try known r m -
dy liu dhcoTervd a ihtinli ineun of icir cure , * . hlch
be " 111 send ( sealeill IIEK to Me frllow-eiiirerers.
, , . . . .
Adarau U. littvta ro Uii KMiie YvrkCU