Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1890, Part II, Page 13, Image 14

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i8F' | Linens ;
Underwear _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > * - .
_ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ BMsFgMl s-Wstf
t MM&y I , fl ( ihS Mil
- .
vlfio Booord Ho " Makon of the Weok'a
Ledge RoomDoings
He porta from Many Lodees with ilio
Action of the Connecticut Grand
Ledge on the Scot
tish ltlto
1THE cclobratlon was hold in Chicago
Thursday night in the Immense Auditorium ,
by the Royal Arcanum The Chicago Ora
torio cluband orchestra , consisting of over
lfivo hundred artists , rendered a choice inui
ical programme
Tlio stage was occupied by the chorus and
several of the principal officers of the order
Among these were Judge L. It Watts of
t'ortsmouth , Va , supreme regent ; Hon
Charles I1 . Loring of Boston , supreme vice
regent ; Hon H. H. C. Miller of Chicago ,
supreme orator ; Jamci vV Fcrnald , grand
regent of Illinois and staff ; George W. Hall ,
grand regent of Indiana and staff ; Thomas
1\ Morse , grand rcgontof All3sourl and staff ;
O. W. Carlson , grand regent of Wisconsin
and stuff ; T. Nelson , grand regent of Ohio
andstnff ; O. W. Trncoy , crand regent of
Michigan and staff , Nebraska was represent
ed by the following onicers : Gcorgo Kor ,
dc | > utv supruino regent , John W. Mnynard ,
P , B. It- Union P aclflo council No 100'J ' , and
J.F.Coykondall regent Union Paciilo council
l Addresses wore made by Supreme Kulor
- * * Watts , VIce liognnt Coring , Supreme Orator
Miller , Grand ltogent Fernald and Judge
Gcorgo Drlggs of Chicago The addresses
I were all of a f rntornnl and social nature , and
I were received with frequent outtmrts of ap
plause A similar demonstration will be
cold in Omaha la the near future , at which
delegates will be prosout from all the coun
ties in the state Some of the best orator *
in the order will be present from eastern
titles , which , with local talent , will Insure a
successful entertainment
Union Pacific council No 1009 gave a rau-
* M i sical ontenainment In the Elks ledge room
' last Monday evening MemDers of the order
and Invited guesvs were present to the num
ber of 150. A most cxcollent programmo
V * as rendered by the Madrigal club , composed
of Mrs J , W. CottonMiss HUzabeth Penned ,
and Mossrs W. 33. Wllklns and Thomas II
Ponnell , with Mme 13. 13. Young as accom
panist The programmo contamod eight
numbers , consisting of solos , % duos and
quartettes , and was rendered la the ex
cellent style which characterizes all the i
work of this quintette of artists This en-
was the finest given by Union i
Pacific council and the result has proved so i
satisfactory that another will bo given in the i
near future The entertainment committee
consisted of Messrs E. 0. Snyder , J. K Preston -
ton , J , U. Sheldon , Sidney Smith and Wil-
Jam Gyger , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ColonelJ , E. Jenkins , the Inspector gen
eral of the Nebraska brigade , Uniform Rank , >
Knights of Pythias , will bo in the city dur
ing the week of February 10 , and will In
spect nil the divisions in the city
The onicers of the Second regiment Uni
form Hank , holu a mooting Friday night for
the purpose of considering regimental busi
ness and the approaching encampment at
. The members of Oriole lodge assembled
ttortaiument for tbepurK | > * a or conferring
the ranks upon the members of North Star
loJgo , the ledge recently organized , but the
initiates failed to appear This Is the second
tuio ! the sauio tblug has happened
Hathbone lodge is being formed rapidly
Kid will probably be instituted lit a few
Past Supreme Representatives Richard
O' .Nolll and II M. Uushuell , grand keeper of
records aud seal , both of Lincoln , were in
the city for a short titno Thursday
A competitive drill Is being arranged to
take place at the Coliseum some tlmo this
month The Coliseum association has offered
to put up prizes Tor the winning divisions It
is reported that OmahaLily and Black Enelo
divisions bavo signified their intontiou of en-
toting the list
The following offlcors were Installed by
Tccumseh lodge No 17. K. of P „ on Thurs
day ovcning : C. C , E. H. Grist ; V. C ,
Lawrence Howorth ; M. of F „ Alf Howorth ;
3J M. 3 of E. , II J. Rosakrans ; M. at A. , John
BattrealjK J of R. and S. , P. A. Urundago ;
Prelate , George Bradley ; Janitor , Hugh Old
Hold 1 ; Trustees , U. M. Wilson , W. A. Campbell -
boll 1 , M. E. Cowan
k. nmi h. or o. it
At tha last regular meeting of Castle
Omaha < , Knights and Ladles of the Golden
Rule , the following officers were Installed
for 1 the ensuing term : Commander , Edwin
F. Tcnnery ; vice commander , Louise Boyd ;
financial J secretary , George Snellen treas
urer , , Jacob Swartzlandor ; master-at-arms ,
Joseph Kraigskow ; herald , TUooJoro Fost-
nor ; prelate , John Whites : warden , J. Hart ;
sontlnol i , Lojlse Taylor ; medical examiner ,
E. E. Womersloy After the coiomony of
installation rofrcshmouts were served by the
ladles of the order , and a very pleasant oven
irif , was snout The ladles of the order are
contemplating giving another of their delightful -
lightful sociables at an ourlv day
DauizhtiTH of llekelciil ) .
The ledge room in Oddfollows' ' hall , cor
ner of Fourteenth and Dodge streets , was
well filled last Saturday evening , the occa
sion being an entertainment glvou by Ruth
ledge No , 1. The exercises were opanod
with an overture by the P. M. orchestra ,
followed by a recitation by Miss Ussle
Bernstein , a little girl ten years old Misses
Nottio and Katie Wood then played a piano 1
duet in good stjlo and Mrs Shorson
read a very witty and amusing essay
on The Men , " George Soozer played a ,
cornet solo and then followed a comedy la
one act , in which Miss Nettle Wood , Mrs
Silas Wright , Messrs Burgess aud Jackson 1
and little Lillie Soozor participated . The
acting was good and the affair loudly ap-
plaudod A piano duet by Misses Nettle
Wood and Nellie Wright concluded the pro
grammo Refreshments were served and ; 1
the entertainment closed with a dance
Ivy lodge No 83 , will give another of their
very enjoyable parties at Goodrich hall on
February 7.
A. O. U. XV '
Representatives of all the lodges in the
city visited bouta Omaha ledge Tuosduy
night A pleasant entertainment had boon
prepared and was given under the good of
the oraor " Speeches were mudo by several 1
of the visiting brethren , those of Master
Workman Ruror of North Omaha lodge No ,
150 and Master Workmun Phillips cf Omaha
No IS being especially good The snocches
were Interspersed with singing and the en-
tortalnmont closed with a supper There
were about fifty visitors prcsont
A relief call has boon issued for flfteon i
cents per capita This Is much smaller than i
the average amount of rellof calls The call I
Is issued for the relief of the Tcunosseo nnd 1
Ohio Jurisdictions , The maximum number r
of assessments have been collected in each
of these two states , but they have not been
suulclent to pay the death loses In Ton
ncssco the highest number of assessments
which may be levied in ono year is thirty
live In Ohio the maximum
; is thirty-one ' ,
The meinbors of the order in Hamilton
county have secured a temporary injunction ;
restraining tbo grand ledge from enjorcing
the law passed ut the last session of tbo su-
promo lodge , dividing Ohio Into two districts
and changing the maximum number of as
sessments In consequence of this action [ T
the maximum tor the state has been fixed at
thirty one pending the suh\ The rate fixed ,
for Hamilton county at the supreme ledge
meeting was fifty-live.
A. U of II
Omaha council No 830 , American Legion
of Honor , has started in with the new year
In a prosperous condition Now members
have been admitted uud sovornl applications
are on fllo The following officers were Installed -
stalled oa the 15th Inst , by I ) . S. 0. C. A.
Thieman ; Commander , George J , Kloffner j
On Monday we shall place on sale the largest and finest assortment of Lace Curtains ever in Omaha * I
These are entirely new designsj direct from Nottingham , England "We import these goods direct and I
shall sell them at 20 per cent less than visual prices We have a few odd pairs of chenille curtains to I
offer you at very low prices We furnish fine window shades , made to order , at CV
the lowest prices , and put up J % a first class fitter CPClJ&P jj Z&t I
_ _
rjsjtE9B ] CMMs s MsenSn BsE R sSaB
j H
We shall continue our Linen sale one week longer A great many of our customers have been unable I
to attend our Linen sale on account of sloppy streets The same low prices will be given as at the beI
ginning of the sale The muslin and sheeting sale will be continued on week longer ( V h M
Hotels , restaurants and boarding houses , this is your chance to get linens at very C Qy&Cd 7l A I
low prices > * 3 1UT- _ _ Ji >
We have ladies and gentlemen's underwear marked down to the lowest notch and we shall continue I
to sell fine goods at 50 per cent off Muslin underwear sale continues one week more I
. _ _ . ( _ _ - [ _ , _ , , , , „ i > .jMr T < ; -T , > _ > Wi _ y _ F aw _ _ wrWrlt B.iMjia mnuisVTH Wmiw t-m i - _ _ .cjmpci , ! - - - -g s
Largest stock of corsets in this city , just received The I. C , Yatisa and C. B. Corsets at $1.25. former I
price ' $2.50. Fine black corset , , $1. A lot of children's waists , small sizes , 25c. Full line of G" B's , C.
Ps and P. D's , Romans , French woven , Dr Warner's Health , 4 4 4 , Caraline Corrv / ?
sets , and all other popular brands at low prices GF iJyCi777 A I
Ladies black silk Jerseys , Monday at $6. Our entire line of French Jersey waists , smocked or plaited , I
Monday at $4.50. I
< 3 42 _ 4 , I
Foster , Jouvin and other standard brands of Kid Gloves , only very slightly soiled at 50c per pair , I
We carry a complete line of fine Gloves for ladies and gentlemen 1fi rrar , rv ft I
HUM II li II _ . . . , . _ , . , . . . . . . _
llHtM | | | p.ii M. Mr wM.1Mi rlnfsp.-i Mpifpis | af si i ' < irm. -r t-rT my-w > - 'T' ' r yvsage-ATaJV JsJ'W
A Fine line of elegantembroidjeries , now on sale Our spring stock of these goods having just arrived I
are for sale on second floor , i * .
• _ _ / '
vice commander , VV II Walker ; treasurer
Albert Nash ; secretary and collector , G B.
IJrako i ; orator , Alex MoKinzio ; chaplain , J.
E. Wigman ; guido , II E. Jonnuon ; warden ,
Charles ' J , Stllley ; sentry , Louis Motz On
the 22d Inst , the council gave Its first annual
ball at Fiemason's hall , which was enjoyed
by about fifty couples The following corn
mittco had the affair in charge : J. C.
Stover , W. II Walker J > E Wigman , Alex
McKinzic , and G. B. Drake Refreshments
were served at midnight
Mntlern Order ol" Trnnps
The tramps scouring about the country
bavo a general understanding with ono another -
other , ana have a ritual of questions and answers -
swors , says the Brooklyn Rovlow Their
uniform appearance , periodical visits , regit-
lar calls at the same houses , where they
have procured food , all point to this The
Itocper of the Jail has found curious era
bleius about them , has studied their oharac-
ter and llstouod to their conversation , uptil
ho can toll a regular initiated tramp from an
honest man
The following amusing and Instructive dia
logue took place between the keeper and ono
of a squad of trumps recently committed to
Prom whence caroo joul"
From utovvn in New York , callooj Jorusai
"Whnt's your buslnoss hero ! " •
"To loaru to suuduo my uppotlte nnd to
BDongo my living from an indulgent public "
" 1 hen you nro a regular tramp , I pro
"I am so Ukun and accoptcd wherever I
go "
How am I to recognize you as a tramp ! "
"Uv the largeness of my feet and general
cnrnlvcrous appearance "
How do you know yourself to bo a
tramp ! "
"By seeking food ; by being of ton denied ,
but willing to try again "
' • Howgaloodyouadmlttanco to this town I"
"By a good inanv long tramps "
How were you receivou ? "
"On the end of a policeman's club , pro
seated at my head " i
How did the policeman dlsposo of you ) "
"Ilo took mo sovcral times around the
town to tbo southeast and west whore bo
found the police captain , Judge and tbo Black
M.irla , where a great many questions were
asked "
What ndvlco did the Judge give ! "
"Ho advised mo to wulK upright , regular
stops nnd denounce trnmpinf I"
Will you bo off or froml"
With your permission Ill ' bo off quicltl"
Which way uro you traveling } "
"Kast , "
"Of wbnt are you In pursultl"
Work which by uiv own endeavors nnd
the assistance of others I liono I shall never
bo able to Uud "
"My friend , you are now In on Institution
where the wicked are olwujs troublesome
and the weary are as bad as the rest You
will bo conducted to the middle chamber by
a iligbt of winding stairs , consisting of five
or mora stops Instead of corn , wtno nnd
oil tbo wages of the ancients youra will
bo bread and water for live days When
vou escape from this place tko u bee line
for Portland or Bangor , whore thev run free
soup houses and you will be pardoned of
your never returning " Pointing to the
turnkey ; Follow your conductor and fear
no danger if you bouavo yourself "
O. H. C ,
The trustees of Clan Gordod , No 03 ,
Order of Scottish Clans , hare leased the A.
O. U , W. ball in the Barker block , corner of
Fifteeulh and Farnam streets , and will hold
regular meetings thcro on the first and third
Tuesdays of each month , commencing with
Tuosduy next When the chief shall
The Fiery cross to circle o'or
Dale , glen and valley , down and moor , "
clansmen will take greater pleasure In an-
suering that dread summons than here
tofore , knowing that the muster place is in
such a comfortable and well adapted moot
roora and making each mooting a full and
reprcsen tatlvo gathering of the clans "
I. L . O. ft
The degrco team of Omaha lodge No 2 1
wont to South Omaha Monday nliflit to con
fer tbo initiatory degree oa four candidates
A number of the members of Nn 2 accom
pamed the team and tno party w.ia very hos-
uitably entertained by the South Omaha
'iho Council Bluffs encampmnnt will visit
Hpsperian encampment uoxt 'Jhursday
SCOiTlSli ItllB
What ' the Grand Ledge Has to Sny
About It
M. W. Grand Master J. H. Swnrtwout of
the grand lodge of Connecticut , ut its 10M
annual I session , held ut Hartford , Conn ,
January IS , in his address , said :
During the past year , edicts have been re
ceived ' from the grand masters of Pennsyl
vania , Nebraska , Florida and South Dakota ,
declaring the so-called "Cerneau rites clan
destine In consequanco of the Masonic in
terests ' involved , the opinion of the commit
tee on Jurlsnrudonco , Luke A. Lockwood of
Norwalk , chairman , was solicited by the
grand master Mr Lockwood , who is u Now
York lawyer , residing in this state , and a
* gentleman of promlnonco In Masory , decides
that "so far as tbo grand ledge is concerned ,
the re is nothing except what pertains to the
lira 1 t three degrees of Masonry ; that it can
no i moro have Masonlu knowledge of the
Scottish . Rite than * it can bavo Masonic
knowledge of the numerous secret societies
which ' exist on oven-hand , " Mr Lockwnod
says j in addition : "Wo cannot afford , nor
have wo the right to do anything whereby n
brother ' , guilty of no moral turpitude and
performing I all his duties ns a good Mason
and ' citizen , shall bo excluded from this
guaranteed brotherhood simply because
some [ other society declares that ho belongs
to ' a schism of that body and is clandestin o. "
; Mr Lockwood can see no reason whv the
Connecticut ' grand ledge should , or indeed
how it can , meddle with either party to the
dissensions arising in tbo independent Scot
tlsh Rlto , The concurrence of Grand Master
Swartwout in this view is full and or iitlc
It settles the question that the ConI7ucut !
grand I ledge of Masons will not become an
ullv • with the grand lodges of Pennsylvania
Nebraska , Florida and South Dakota in tbo
crusade ncainst the Ccrnoau Rite New
York Times
! ? . or st g.
Shakespeare ledge , Sons of St George ,
will give an entertainment and dance at
thoii ledge room , 1111 Douglas street , next
Saturday evening The programme of the
entertainment will contain literary nnd
music il numbers andwljl be a good ono Re
freshments will be served
. ji
lf < 'cl > rnnrv
Laaitt' llomf , Journal
Oh churlish month I vvLoso wild vagaries
Fret and perplex each passing day ,
Till bio a a Decomoer'n'harshness varies
With the soft v ooinVt > f the Muy ;
Thy morns may coma With radiant promise
Thv skies be bright vVlth golden glow ;
But ere tbo day be gone half from us ,
The world is uronn&nn drirta of snow
.e- >
We love thee not , although so human ,
In thy coquettish , wilyward moods ,
Capricious us thoveriilst womaii ,
In thy perveso vicissitudes
And yet wo hail thy nJdctoncomlng ,
Because thou closest Winters state
Glad that thy days ( in honest summing )
Can only number twenty-eight I
At the Itistauraiit
Texas Siftlnps : Guest Say , waiter , 1
tboro are two gray hairs m my soup
Walter I bogs your pardon , boss , ,
bnt Iso afraid do cook am uioultiti , ,
The national Rumanian university at
Bucharest recently celebrated its twenty
fifth anniversary It was established by ;
PriDce Cusa in 1WH , the year so memorublo
in Rumanian history , It began with fewei
than sixty students and now haw moro than (
six hundred The flourishing period of the i
school dates from the accession of tbo pres
ent King Charles , who wisely mada ampla [
provisions also for the inlddlo and prepara
tory schools which serve as feeders for the >
Waifs from the World of Wit and
Couldn't • I'lny on tlio Anttelus Tilly
antl Mr l > o loilil The Modern
Despotism t Anj-els
that Ho Heard
Nontlv Turned
Time : Miss Tilly Mr DoTodd , I
really , novcr know what to do with my
hands ] "
Mr DoToQd ( after a pause ) You
inlg-lil ] nivo one ot them to mo "
Mins Tilly "It is rather euddon , Mr
DcTodd , but here it is "
IIn Gave It Away
Life "Do you think your sister lilcca
to have tno como here , Jainoy' '
You but You take her to the theater -
a-tor and brine : her candles "
"I am glad I can mttko her happy "
Yes , and the young follor whataho's
oiiffagred to dent mlnu it either , for it
saves ' him that much money toward going
ing' to iiousokccpinp ; .
Ilofora iho Ancelui "
Time : Connoisseur Jones You can
almost hoar the bells "
Genie ( suddenly appearing ) "It-r-r-
retch , j'ou complete the round number
of ' 11,000,000 idiots who have made that
remark , and you must die "
Connoisseur Jones Mercy ! Morcyl
I only meant the the chestnut bolls "
- _ _ _ _
After the Iollcy
Life : "Hy hovins ! Ill whang the
knob off yol Ohnrgln' mo $1 yesterday
to insure the old woman against acci
dents , an the fust thing this mornin'
Hho falls down the collar stairs wid a
bucket o' coal , an' now would yo/.look at
her ! "
Grmit Kurnsl ; hr
Te.Mts Siftlngs ; Boss This makes
the third day now that you havon't '
8 hincd my shoes , "
Cuffy Oars no blackin' in do house ,
sah "
Why didn'l you tell tno before ? "
"Hekitso I wasafeerd you mout buy a
box "
A IlillosonliT
Lifo : liortlo Brilliant ( driving homo i
from the elub after having takcu rather
moro champagiio than ho ought ) "I [
say , how much pleiisanter n is to rldo i
in a cab anil think how much pleasanter
it is to ride in a rub than it is to walk ,
than it is to walk and think how much i i
ploasautor it is to ride in a cab than it is i
to walk ! "
Not o Musical Family ,
St Paul Plonoor Press : Chicago >
girl : "Oh pa , please buy The Ang-
oIur * " Papa Porkrib : "Nonsonsel No
ono in the family could play on it if wo '
had it "
Ton Poor for Gout
Chicago Tribune ; May I Inquire
your occupation ? " asked the doctor
"I nm a clerk on a salary of $17 per
month , "
Your uilmont , sir , " baid the doctor
with decision , , 'is not gout It is simply
an aggrivatod case of ingrowing toe ,
mill , "
Heil Tape on tlio itailroads
Indianapolis News : Talk about rod I
tape in railroading ! I gottanglodupin
it while hi New York , " roinarkcd l
States Attorney Mitchell to a reporter
"Wo took a train on a little railroad
to ono of the summer resorts , and , Mrs
Mitchell fooling ill , I naked the brake
man to turn ono of the seats for us He
said that ho would like to accommodate
me , but I would have to speak to the
conductor I spoke to the conductor ,
nnd ho declared that ho would bo de-
lighted I to accommodate me , but I would
have to get an order from the superin
"So I telegraphed to the superintend
ent ' and got un order to turn down the
scat I gave the order to the conductor ,
the conductor passed it over to the
brakeman and the brakeman turned
the scat "
A Popular Ironcrlptlou
Clitcaoo Utraid
Little grains of quinine ,
Little drops of rye
Make la grlppo that got you
Drop its hold and ily
This mav quickly help you
If you'll only try ;
Hut dent ' forget the quinine
When you ukn the rye
AH Is Not Lost
Sail Francisco Chronicle : The mod
ern child is an analyst The small kid
was playing with the scissors and his
kindly old grandmother chlded him :
You mustn't ' play with the scissors ,
dear I know a little child just like
you who was playing with a pair of
scissors just like that pair , and ho put
them in his eye and put his eye outand
ho never could see anything ever
after "
The child listened patiently and said ,
when she got through :
What was the matter with his ether
eye ? "
l'lnln Knoiigli
Youths Companion : Nothing is
made for nothing livery part of oven
the smallest animals structure is , or
has boon of use to him Otherwise it
never would have boon developed
"Caa-jou toll mo , my friend , " said an
elderly goutlomati to the kaoper of a
menagerie , what the hump on the
cnraol's back is for ? "
. "What's It for ? "
Yes Of what vnluo is it ? "
Well , its lots of value De camel
wouldn't bo no good wldout It "
Why not ? "
Why not ? Yor dent suppose people
would pay twonty-llvo cents to see a
camel widout a hump on him , do yor ? "
hllirlitly Mixed ,
Boston Transcript : A story apropos
of the people whose infirmity is to get
other peoples tnlirmitios mixed up :
The other night at the supper table
Mrs Cheoryblo was discoursing pleas
nntly upon tbo pcoplo and things she
jiud seen that afternoon down town
"I met that Dobson boy , " she said ,
and I wa s greatly pleased to see that
ho doesn't squint anywhere near as
much as he used to "
"Ho doesn 't squint , mamma ? " said
Ethel , In apuz/lea sort of way
"No at least scarcely at all "
Why mamma ! the Dobson boy never
Bquiu ted ! "
Mrs Cheoryblo looked lost
"Ho never squlutod ? "
Why , no ; not In the leastt"
Well , Iiq did something What was i
the matter with him ? "
"He is very deaf , mamma "
"Ho ho is , to bo sure I know ho had
an Infirmity of some kind , "
The Modern Despotism
Chicago Tribune : "Mr Haiikinson ,
you will excuse mo if I receive you In [
the dining-room this evening ,
Dent montlou it , Miss Kalonus It
la much moro cosey aud hnmeliko "
"It is not on that account Mr Hank
Inson , but Bridget bus go no into the i
i i. i i
parlor to take a imp on the lounno and
given j orders that she must not be dis
turbed " '
Kino Sage
Youths Companion : Metaphorical
language 1 is something misleading
When ono begins to call names , oven
na i complimentary fashion , there Is a
chance < that some literal person will
wonder what he moans , A gentleman
visiting a li ttlo town , "dbwu east , "
says i :
I called on business at the house of an :
old i lady and entertained myself in look
ing over her library
Wo foil to discussing books , and
thinking of Emerson , I asked her if
she ' know much about the Sago of Coa-
cord "
Concord , where ? " she nskod
Concord , Massachusetts , " ' I an
"Is it any botter'n any other sugo ? ' '
she innncontly rupliod
On tlio Vorgoof n Piinin
Time : Jackson ( whoso financial
credit is gene ) I tell you , WIthorboo , j
wo are on the verge ofa financial panic
WIthorboo-.Pshaw ! Whnt makesypu
think that ?
( Confidentially ) ' , Well , sir , Bagloy
and Roberts used to lend mo small sums i
a year ago , but when I go to them now I
adays for a Hvo or a ten , they tell mo I
frankly that they haven't got it . Bag .
loy and Roberts are two of our best
business men , too I toll you , Blr , wu'ro
going to have a panic "
• [
Hussar blue will bo the loading shade for
cloth walking suits
At home natural flowers are worn on the
too of dark slippers
Eggplant purple Is a shade that ladies of l
soiious tusto incllno to I
The latest fad is a finger ring of blackened !
steel with a small brilllantstonoburlodio It
Silver beads are popular for house dresses
whoa a collar would seem stiff and a fresb
ruche something of an exertion to provide
Many of the handsome coats and Jaciccts
seen on the promenade have the line of the
sleeve and shoulder outlined in glittering
Candio shades for dinner tables huvo ap
parently reached the acme of beauty The
vuriety is endless und new designs seem to
be introduced weekly
Castor gloves , for snopping , a purse
in the palm of the right one The matinee
glace kid glove is provided with a little
pocket to hold a car ticket
The colors of half mourning violet , gray
and black uro tbo favorites of the season for
street and church by rcHncd ladles of fashion
who believe so firmly In the fitness of thing * .
Students of early spring fashions who are
preparing to get out of the city or country
may be Interested to know that the tailor ,
made suits will do smaller and severer aud
moro English than over before
A band of progressive young ladles belonging -
longing to a very aristocratic uthlotlo club
In New York City have found a now use for
the lorgnette The tnodo of action consists
in getting as convenient a position as possi
ble against the door or under a band strap ,
aud , selecting a victim , putting him under
the fire nf the lenses If two girls are oa
board , two men , silting side by side , are se
lected aud scrutinized with all tbo thorough
ness that so close a raogo will afford Few
men can withstand un ordoul of this sort for
any length of tlmo
Tbo Kendal coiffure Is , for the moment , •
popular one When Jennie June recently
entertained tlio actress throe or tour women
advanced for presentation with hair sepa
rated smoothly on the forehead aud gathered
back in broad waves like her own , showing
the tompla instead of covering them up with
bangs For a moment there was formed a
group that might bavo coma out of Godey's '
Lady Hook along In the thirties , with its
round waists , straight Houm-ed skirts , and
smooth , quaintly banded hair , malting tbo
faces Iook serene aud sweet , though little
bunches of cherries or ( lowers put aoovo the
ears were needed to complete in detail the
old tlmo similitude
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