' 9 THE OMAHA DAILY BED : : MONDAY , JANUAKY 27 , 1800. i THE CITY 1 1M llcnncssoy wns locked up lust nl | ht , ohnnKcd with Hto.il tnir n pair of ' shocd from 101 South Tenth street j The nnmml election of ollleors of tlio j Pacific Kxtircas company will ho held in I ( this city at H o'slock this afternoon ( I i l'rri > nnnl Inrnurnntm j I11 , Lennox of Kearney in at tUo laxton , II Eltern of Central Citr is nt the Paxton Hyron Ulnrk of Pjnltsmoulh is nt the ' Casey ' 12. I * Kmery of ICoarnoy Is stopping at the * I-axton. \ P. I. Onrrity of Chicneo Is a guest at the Murray 1 J. V. Soxson of Stirlng-leld is stopping at the Cutuv II M. Ilugclns of Norfolk Is a guest at tlm Casey IA , Sliomiut tof Nonpareil Is reglstoroil at thu Casey , t O. .1. Coleman of llrokeu How Is stopping " • > nt the Murray * A.V. . Colt of Missouri Vnlloy ts rogls- * tercd n * the Murray J. M. 'Ihncherot Fort Niobrara Is regis i toroJ nt thu Ioxton $ Dr nirnoy , prnetlco limited to ca- tnrrhnl dincnsc8 of nose and throat Rooms 218 to 250 , llco building " r- WAH IT hUICIIIKV Budiloti ntnl MysttirlojiB Month of Mrs I.ddlc lianc , Ono moro nnmo Iin3 been nUded to the list of suicides In this city Ono moro poor un- fortumtto hns been hurried by her own hnml from this vale of tonrs through the renlin of Sliglan darkness Into the great beyond , < there to appear before her Maker and answer to the charge of self-murder. Mrs Kddlo Kane , wife of James Kane night cook at the Now York chop house No 1 , near Fourteenth and Douglas streets , died r yrstorday morning about 10 o'clock from the effects of u do30 of morphine taken with inlcldnl lutcnt f When Mr Kane returned to his homo , nt , G0rSouih Tlnrtconth Mtroet , nbout 7 o'clock yosierday morning his wife complalnod of ovoro pains In her temples and the back of L her load lie applied camphor and cold water in his onuoavors to irlvo her rollof , , nut this treatment produced no cfTccc \ About otclock she fell nsleop and ho tti6i3ght she had experienced soma tollof In about nn hour , howovcr , ho became sus- , plplous and jnnlcuvorod to aruttso her , but 1 r could not do so Uocomlng blarmod , ho called for nsslstanco and ran for a ' doctor The doctor came at once , but said it , was too late , and shortly uftorwurd she quietly passed away The remains wcr6 romnved to Q rings undertaking establishment , on Famam street near Tenth Mrs Kane was about twonty-thrco years of ago ana was married about a year ago in St Louis to Mr Kane They came to i v Oinnhn und hnvo lived hero over slnco Mr , Kane states that they hnvo lived very hap pily together , ami ho knows of no reason for ( the deed The physician who was called In at the last staled iliut thu woman had undoubtedly , taken morphine , as all the symptoms Indi- catcd'tlio presence of that drug The dose < was not large , or it would uavo produced death sooner , About two months ago Mrs Kane on * 1 dcavorcd to purehuso morphine at n neigh ! boring drug store Buying she was In the habit of taking it The clerk questioned her i ' closely and became convinced that she Know I nothing nbout the use of the drug Herlius- H | • bund learned of this incident and she con H. fosscd to him , upon being questioned , that Mi she hnd Intended to commit -sulcldo. i , Shagnvo us a ronson the fact that she had H | been in ill-health for some time and had ro- ' eelved no bcncllt fiom'tho treatment taken , t and so resolved upon killing herself Wbctbor or not this was tqo reason which ' actuutcd her yestcniny' is unknown Mr ' flBi Kane says that she made no mention of JJ having taken any medicine or anypoison Coroner llarrignn will hold an Inquest nt Gring's ' nt IU o'clock this mornlnt * . The coroner rather questions the ' inornhino theory , and will hold auost-morteiucxamina- tlon to decide this point PJ I.n Grippe Cured H Captain W. A. Abbott , n well known H and much respected citizen of Des H Moines , In . , has fully recovorcd from a H Bo . vcro attack of the Rrhi " Ho took H 4two ( illy cent bottles of Cliniubo rhun's H 4 Cough Remedy und is onthusiastio in PJ his jiraiso of that valuable medicine H It utfordod hm | muuh reliof.ho saysund H brought him through sound as before H bo had the attack ' hroo of his ohild- H rcn have also had the disenso and H boon piloted safely through it to u corn el ploto recovery , by the free use of tills H most excellent roinody II HOl.IUlU.U IF Til UK JH An Aliened Orutnl Assault by n IB • • Couple of Youiiir Toiiclia PJ j About Si o'clock yesterday morning word PJ * -\vns.rcccived at central police station that a Pj woimiu.fu trouhlo had been brought to the PJ < 'Uiotnr power house Bergoant Ornisby , PJ ' ' ' ' 'Ofllcor Cuslek and the patrol wagon wcro PJ 'luirnsdlately ' sent out ihoro They found PJ ' the wouiuu in scanty night clothes , and for H many untnentlonabla reasons a disgusting H , slglit She looked to bo nbout forty yours M old , und.had a very hardened face Indeed , m ) • her , personal nppoaranco was such as ono m might term that of an old hug " Her ro- H ) plies to the queries of Sergeant Ormsby M were thickly interspersed with horrible M | oaths She said her homo was Mrs Kobert- H son ; that she was a washerwoman und lived H in ashautyutTwunty-llrstandPiurcostrocts. M Bho Bald that shortly after midnight B about twepty men came to her place , rapped a t the door and Inquired if a Mrs , somebody , whom she could not rcineiubcr , lived there Bho answered no und than a couple of them forced In the door of the shanty , seized her nnd curried her a block und a half distant to an old stable and assaulted her She said she fluullv escaped , nnd running out to Twonty.fourtu street , three bloclts awav , | balled n motorcar and the mon In charge I took her on nnd carried her to ttio power < liouso und telcphouod for the police When asked whether she know who the two mon were who assaulted her , she ro- 1 , piled yes , and said they were Charles White and Charles Glllen H ' , The edlcors thou visited the woman's sbanly There they found another sonsa- tiou In bed with a little otoven-year-old daughter of the woman was a well known criminal nnd thug uumod Steve Ualloy Ber- gcant Ormsby put him under arrest and asked him whut he was doing Micro Ho re- B plied that ho had heard a racket und had B comoiuto lln down ' 1 ho little girl was B naked to toll what she know of her mothers B being taken away She said , in effect , that B n couple of men hud called at B the house and made an Indecent B proposal to her mother , und that the latter B hnd gone away with them When they had B gouo she said that a couple of mora mon , B whom she could not identify ut all , owing to B tbo house being dark , cnnio in and brutully B assaulted her , but that her crlos had fright B cnod them nwuy , B Scnalng the woman , the little girl and B Dalloy to the station Bergeaut Ormsby went B to the homes of White und fjllleu , found B them and locked thctn up The former is B about sovontcon and the latter twonty-ono B years old They are plumbers by trade and B Loth are of respoctnbla families , They uro B inclined to be tough nnd snid that tl.oy hud H been In the habit or going to Mrs , Hoburt- B sou's place and drinking bear there , eio , for a couple of years , They denied huviug made B auy assault B Juugo Uclsley yosttrday released White H and QIUcu on their furnishing u Uoud of $700 B apiece B Thu police are inclined to place no aepond- B enco on the story told by the woman Tom Carroll was gathered in by tbo police H yesterday on the clmreo of being Implicated H in tbo assault on the little girl M Insure Against luoiiiiinnln H U a Uaker's 1'uroCod Liver Oil or linkers Emulslou , Tuo old reliable brand , All drug SUNDAY NHHSPAICKS Iltv Mnnln'H horiuon nt llin I'lrst Clirlstlnn Ohnrnh Kov Martin of the First Christian eburcli took for his subject Inst evening "Iho Sun day Nowspnpor " Ilosald : The two most powerful agencies in our civilization nnd progress nru the pulpit and the Dross , ono to nrticulntu the religious sen timent and the other thu secular relations of the jicoplo Thcro Is of necessity no clash , hie of Interests between those two creat ngcr.clc * , for ench occupies an undisputed Held , llut us both are public property they uroilablo to the criticism of the other , which they generally rccolvo , nnd then go right on In their missions Both should Ukc the golden rule for their motto , und all criticism should bo In kindness with a ilcsiro for the good of each other und of the people whom they servo 'Iho pulpit can not do well with out the press , nnd thu press is In danger of being lost without thu pulpit The press Is a comparatively modern Inven tion begotten by tbo progressive need of the world ; but the pulpit ts almost as old ns the full of muti nnd Is Gods appointed means of saving ttio world Hut ono or both may sometimes bo in error , nnd may need the kindly criticism und help ol the other It Is In this spirit that this sermon Is preached The SuiuIbv paper is a product of very re cent times , Is it right or wrong ! Is it the outgrowth of commercial and Intellectual progress ? Or Is It the result of worldliness , tbo love of money , unn forget fulness of Godl The old Puritan Sunday wns so strictly kept that none but tbo most necessary nr merciful work was done , no kinds of recreations wcro tolerated , and music , whistling or laughing were con sldcrcd absolutely sinful All was blblo , psalms and catechisms Imagine a Sunday nowspapcr stage to have gene rolling out from Boston to suburban towns ut 3 a. m. ono hundred years ago I The Puritans would turn ever in their graves if they knew their cbildien wcro cuilty of ouch things nnw These old Puritans may bnvo hcen extremists on this subject , but the pcndclum hns swung tbo otbor way now The Continental Sun day Is the popular ono todav Excursions , feasting , racing , rovciry nnd gaming are popular way ? of spending the Lords dav now A foreigner ouea told mo on an Atlantic steamer that ho could not oujoy himself In America beeauso wo had nothing going on Sunduvl Well , if this is true may God save the "ContinentI" Between the two kinds of Sundays mentloued is there uiiy righteous place for our Sunday news papcr ! If they are wrong they are so either legally or morally , or both ! Are they logallv wrongl If they are con trary to our civil laws I believe no effort hns been mudo to suppress them , or to pun ish their publishers ; and yet I dent see why It Is legally wrong to run a barber shop or any other lucratlvo business on Suudav , and legally right to publish u ereat paper on that dny Hut our lawyers and lawmakers maybe bo ublo to explain this Hut Is the Sunday nowsuaper legally wrong according to the filblot I nnswor omphatlcall.v , there is no legislation for us upon that or a kindred sub ject But ore wo not cominunded to "Ho- member the riabb ; th day to kcop it holy I" This command is given , but It is not ad dressed to us , and the Lords day is not this Sabbath The position that the Sunday naper is a violation of the fouitb commandment , is founded upon the belief that the Sabbath has been changed from the seventh to the llrst dav of the week This position is untrue The Sib bnth was never changed It became u part of the law of Moses , Exodus 20S-U : , nnd with this law was abolished 2 Cor 3:0 : 0 ; Eph 2ii-10 : : ; Col 3:18-14. The other nine commanuincnts are nil ro-cnacted in the new testament , but the fourth is not The Lords day is never called a Sabbath , and the com mand to so remember it Is not given Have wo then no Christian Sabbath ! In tbo Jowish'scnso we have uot ; but in the Christian sense wo have The Lords day Is 1 , A day of religious services in memory of our crucified nnd , risen Savior 2. Our keeping itsnered erfmes from Iho principle of love and loynlty to our Savior , and not from the legal forms of Thou shnlt , " or Thou shalt not " * 3. The ' civUlawsof our country make this a day of Sabbath , and as such it should bo obscrvod 'I bo Sunday nowsuaper may bo in violation of tbeso tnrco Items , but let us uot condemn It not condemn it bv quoting the fourtn commnndmant of tbc decalogue . Is the Sunday newspaper morally wrong ) It is morally wrong if it violates physical law without a Just reason Just in the pro portion that men who have already worked six days lu the week are compelled to labor on the the seventh day to Issue - sue it is wrong The physical law of tbo sabbath of rest ouo day In seven per tains to nil mon , and to working animals as well Experiments have conclusively proven that horses and cattle will do mora work and live longer by resting ouo day out of seven than by working all the time ; nnd the satno is true of man Men liuyo the natural God given right of resting ono day nut of the suven and any business that interferes with this right should bo modified or dUcoutlnuod i3ut whlio wo condemn the Sunday paper for infringing upon men's right to rest , what nbout the Monday pupor , that is a sinner above nil others in this rospectl ftl'wo days ago the editor of ono of our city papers told mo that threo-iourtns of the labor required In issuing theSuuday paper is done before Sunday , nnd that three-fourths of the work on the Monday paper Is done on tbo Lords ilayl So that as to the labor on Sunday for the two pnporo the matter stands as tbrcotoone in favor of the Sunday paper I With this knowUdgo ? f would think my min isterial brctbron'would recall their rcquost for tbo religious news to bo published in the Monday paper And , my brethren , the fluid is broader for us than the worldly publish ers of our newspapers What about our street cars nnd railroads ! Would wo not do well to petition these corporations to ston thulr cars on the Lords day I Tbo Sunday newspaper is wrong In its in- lluonco on peoples minds on the Lords day It tills thorn with worldly news nnd thoughts und uullts them for worship And it has u tendency to keep people , home from church , especially if their prouchor Is a little prosy I These are indisputable facts But the Sun day paper is not a sinner above all others bo- causu It does such things What about'tho library books und muguzmesi In England , wbero I usi d to live , they whip the devil uround the stump , nnd dent whip him very hard either , by publishing their large paper on Saturday , ami the people buy It Saturday ulghtnnd road it on Sunday The Sunday paper is published for the sole purpose of gain , Editors may often bo be nevolent mon , but they manifest their philanthropy In some otbor way The publishers nro not BatitUod with six days work , but must have the seventh This is us great u wrong us the pursuit of any other business 'Iho Sunday paper Is not u necessity ; wo could do without It , nnd wo need the time for worship and test Lot the news He ever a auy 1 liundor and light ulug six days in the week are enough Give us the calm and the rest on Sunday What are we going to uo about the Sunday paper ) The Bke says it will go right on , and the World-Herald laughs outright ut the preachers Who oppose It Well , llrst , what should wo not do ! Wo should not rcfawo to read any paper because they ull publish Sunday editions This Is to refuse nil knowledge of the move ments of the euomy because some of It comes to us on tbo Lords day , Wo should not burn our papers This will not stop their issue , nnd will likely cause them to bo favored and read moro exten sively 'Ihoro uro many puaplo who might have a curiosity to read what a proacnor would burn Aud such o course might sub ject us to needless critlelstn Then there might bo something in tbo paper which wo can ill afford to lese What , then , shall wo do with the paper ) I would let the boy leave xho paper Sunday morning , nud theu I would bo charitublo and hospitable and take It iu out of the cold , and carefully * lay It away until the morrow ; then I would gnthor tbo good out of it into baskets nnduhrow the bad away Aud If you are ufrni I it will demoralize your family you inigh lock It up Itpm your curious wife and lmprosslblo cbtldron until you have looked over it If these papers must go out to the world laden with sporting news aud chronicles of crime , lot us uoutruliza ( hose things as much as possible by sendlug religious read ing along too , Tbo more religious matter wu scud the lets worldly news tuoy cau con tain tain.Tho The devil is a wily worker He once came to the bo o of God with the sons of God , and does yet Let us pay him back in bis own cola ; let ui tight him with lire * If ho Is to go out in the Sunday paper td coriupt the world , let us stand right by his stdo uith the gospel Let ns ink our editors to publish our sermons , nceouuts of our mauling * , re ligious news , etc , ns fully nnd ns promi nently ns they do the sporting news und matters of iili e nature , and then let both grow together until the harvest The earth Is the Lord * , and wo should contest the duvll's right to uny part of It I for oho nm unwilling to sunendor the Sunday news nntior to the enemy This world is n great bavtlo ground between truth and error.nnd 1 believe the truth will ultimately prevail The Son of Man shall scud forth his an gels and they shall gather out of his king dom nil things thnt oftond , nnd them which do Iniquity , and shall tiist thntn Into a fur mice of lire ; there shall bo wailing nnd gnashing of tooth Thou shall the righteous slilno forth iu the sun In the kingdom of their Father " I'hit'roly Hoovered iron ills Grip Mr Guorco Tennant of tills city , in conversation with a ropnisonttllho of the Mail and Times , ono ovonlng this wouk , said : Yes , I took tills hrovall- ing uilltion/.a. 1 gave up work and wont to hod , I hnd ti dreadful cough nnd was very side , but I am all right now " ' Wo ventured to ask what rom cdy hnd provun successful in his cas > o. "O , ( Jliuniborlnin's Cough Ucmcdyv I used a whole bottle ; it brought mo out all ripiit ; I fool first rate now Wo tire never without Chamberlain ' smcdiolncs In our family My father is now at Stella ooom , Washington , and took iv supply of these remedies with him Yes 1 Know Chamberlains inudiuines are llrst class " This testimony is only ono of many tlint might ho given to show the value of these preparations Those who are allliutcd with tills malady would do well to use Chamberlains Cough Uomctly If used as directed It will bo found olToctual Des Moines Mail and Times Till : TUltNlJ ZIKIi it Klccts Its Old Olllcrsnnil Oppose J lrolilhttlon Ono of the most successful gatherlngs-of turners ever held In this stnto came to a close yesterday evening It stgnnllzed the foundation on a solid basis of an association of Nebraska turners , which has lone been desired nnd which , for some llmo past , lias boon sought by the turners of this state The n9sociutfon is n successor to the old Missouri Valley turuhozirk , which comprised several of the loading clttos of Nebraska , Kansas und Missouri , which some tlmo ago almost uont to pieces , i'hls disintegration was occasioned by thu phenomenal and re peated successes of the Omaha turners in the sovoralturnfosts , uotably these hold in St Joseph and Kansas City In both of those the Omaha nthlotos secured the llrst gen eral prize besides a number of special ones , when the tumors of tbo more southern cities expected to carry off the honors These successes caused tbo turners of the cities in question to becotno Jealous and give oxnression to leellncs of dislike of again meeting in tournament the victors who had so effectually vanquished them They uccordingly lost Interest In the fosts Nebrasku , however , could not bo discour aged , und Immediately organized the bczlrk , the sessions of which have Just closed At the morning session yostordav there were several long discussions in whien the grand object of the association was thor oughly and amicably settled In the nflernoon the turnbezlrk re-olcctert the ohlcers who have served during the past year These are as follows : Philip Andres , president ; Henry Kummerow , turnwurt ; Ernest Grube , secretary ; llonry Blocdel , treasurer After considerable discussion it was do- elded to hold the next annual bezirk at Lin coln The next special meeting will be hold in Omaha Philip Andres wns chosen dclegato to the national convention to bold in New York city next Juno It was unanimously voted by the bezirlr to make un organized effort to defeat the pro posed prohibition amendment in this state next full After this the members enjoyed a com mors , " or social session Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething produces natural sloop 25 cents a bolt 10. The Grout Book Island Ilouto In changing time on Sunday , Nov 17 , the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific Ry have considered every point ot in terest to the Omaha traveling puolic If you are going to Dos Moines , Chicago or any point enst , our solid vostlbulo limited train is just what you want Leave Omaha at 4.23p. m. urrivo in Des Moltios 00 : ! ! p. m. and Chicago 8:30 : a. in , , dining car for supper lonving Council Bluffs and for hreaxfast before reaching Chicago This train is also equipped with the finest sleepers and chair cars made by tno Pullman Co , which leave from the U. P. depot , Omahaovory day at 4:25 : p. m. , making close connections at Chicago with all trains for custom points In addition to this magnillcoiit train wo have two ether dally trains to Chicago , leaving Omnhn at 11:15 : a. m. and 5:15 : p. m. For information ns to routes , rates time , otc , call at ticket olllco , 1305 Famam street ; telephone 782. S. S , SiUVKNS General Western Agent lliev Will Vlcorously PrntOBr Wamiinotojc , Jan 22. To the Editor of Tun Bin : . Tbo proposition of certain well intentioned religious people ' 'to put God In the constitution ot the Uulted States and the effort made to embody the same in a bill to bo presented to congress , requires the gravest consideration of all thinking people For to the Cathoha element it will moan Catholicity , * and to the various Protestant soots it will mean to each hU own favorite denomination , and to o.iuh uny other than his own form would moan tyranny nnd perse cution if imposed by governmunt.il laws A few of the loaders ot the Woman's Suffrngo association have dotoriniucd to call u con vention to discuss and protest ritialiut any union of church and stnto This convention will bo held in Washington , D. C , February 24 and 35 , 18U0 , in Willurd's Hall , on F street To this convention these tadlos wilt invite dolegatcs from the various suffrage associa tions und other mon and women Interested in the movement ' E , S , L. An Absolute Cure 'IbeOIUGINALABlEHNE OINTMENT Is only put up In larae two-ounee , tn boxes , unu is an ubsuluto euro for all sores , burns , wounds , chapped bauds aud nil skin-erup tions Will positively cure all Kinds of piles Ask for tno OIUUINAL ABIETINU OINT- MENT Sold by Goodman Drug company at 25 coats par box by mall 3J cents She host Her IVny A very attractive little girl , wfio said her name was Ina Hoag , was picked up on Six tounth street last evening Bho said she lived nt 2301 Sherman street , had been to the Baptist church , and could not find her wuy homo She wus turned over to OHIcer Cusick , who took u great nleasuro in taking the pleasant unu pollto little lady to ber parents Miles AervoJntiU I.Ivor Pill * . An Important discovery ! Tboy act on the liver , stomach and bowels through the nerves A duat principle They speedily cure bllllousnoss , bad taste , torpid llvor , piles aud constipation Splendid for mon , women and children . Bmallost , mildest , surest "Wdosos for 25 cents Samples frco at ICuhn & Co 's ' , 15th und Douglas 1)1121) . I1E1NZMANN Mrs Carrie , wife of Will lam Ilelnzmur.n , January 20 , aged twenty three years , of child birth Funeral from 1SO0 Burt strcot , Tuosdny , at 3 p. m. to Prospect Hllf Friends Invited Samples of Dr Miles llcstorativo Ncrvlno at Kuhn Si Co 's , 15th und Douglas , cures bcadacho , nervousness , slocplcssucss , ueu- rulglojflts , eto , > A llorsn AVItli In Orlpno A case of la grippe ilotolopod yostor dav in n horse , savs the Baltlmoro Sun The animal arrirol during the day from Now Yorleynnd was font to Prof Wards 'nllrinary ' In St Paul street The invalid wtujjilacod In an Isolated box stall , and troatinpiitllko that used on humnn being * , similarly aflllctod was begun The * yinjitoms of la urippo in the horse are similar lo these of liumnu beings who hnvo It bogiiinltig with sneezing Thonm hlch fever sot * in , which is the forerunner of pneumonia , anil which sometimes ends fatally Dur ing the epidemic of iulluoiizn which swept ever Kttropo in l"2t ) mid 1730 , horses wuro attacked with a disease having all the symptoms of the human inllueti/.a. In 1872 thuro was a wide spread outbreak among horses in the United States , followed oirly in I87. 'l by a universal provnlonco of the disease among the human beings It was called epizootic Horses were first alTocted nnd dog * next While the dlaenso In the ntiimnls was an opldmuic , the people who took euro of the hnr < es and were much in contuct with thuni , did not suffer more sovoruly tlin.ii . these not so exposed Coughing IS Natures effort to expel foreign suli- stances from the bronchial passages Frequently , thii causes inllamuijUlon nud the need of an anodyne No other expectorant or nuodyno is equal to Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral It assists Nntnro In i-jccting the mucus , allays irritation , induces repose , nud is tbo most popular ot all cough ctucs " Of the many preparations before the public for tbo euro of colds , coughs , bronchitis , nnd kindled diseases , thcro is none , within the rnngo of my experi ence , so reliable as Aj ers Cherry lcc- tornl For i < > irs I wns subject to colds , followed by tonlblo coughs About four years ago , when so nlllicted , I wns ad vised to try Ayur's Cherry Pectoral nnd to lay nil other leinedles asltlo I did an , and within a week was stull of my cold and cough Since then I ha\o always kept this prcpnintion in the house , and fcol comparatively secure " Mrs L. L. lirown , Denmark , JIUs "A few yenrs n o T took a severe cold which nffcetcd my lungs , I bad a terrible - riblo cough , nnd passed night after night without sleep The doctors give ran up I tried Ayers Cherry l'ectoinl , which relieved my lungs , induced sleep , and afforded the rest necessary for tbo recovery of my strength By the con tlnnnl use of the l'cctmnl , a permanent cure was effected " Horace Fuiibrolher , Itoeklughaiu , Vt Iyer's ' Cherry Pectoral , l"KET.nED BY Dr J. C. Ayer & Co , Lowell , Macs Sold by nil Dmggtoi lrlccl ; nix bottlec , A SPECIAL LIMITED KNUAGEMENT or THE WORLDS ' GREATEST TRAGEDIAN , ItUl'UltTOlItE : Mondaj' . Jan 27 . . .A "TIID OUTLAW " Wednesday , Jan S3 SAMbON " Tnebday , Ian S3. . . . , , . Air Alexander Salt Im In "A CHILD OP NAPLES " Sale ot Boats opens Saturday morning , Jon 25 , at 'J oclock DRS BETTS & BETTS 1108 rAIIVAM Stiieut , O I 111 a , Xeo ( Opposlta 1'axton Hotel ) OOlcs hears , u a. m. , to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 s. m „ lc pm Fpecisllsta In Clironlc , Norrous , Skin and Wood Ui- cases IWComultatlon nt oinca or bjr mnll free Modi * clnes sent bf ranlt or expres * , socarely packed , xreo from oknerviitlon Guarantees to euro quickly , buio- ly and permanently NERVOUS I'EBILITY ' SsriSMSftffiSi Blons lliylcal clocuy urlslnv from Indiscretion , ox * rci or InlulJianco ' producing elceplronQM despoil * dency , pimples un tlio fnra , aTcrnlon to society , easily discouraged , lack alconlldoni.i dull until for study or business , and nmls lliu u buitlin barely , perman ently and privately cured Consult Drs , Holts It Holts , HUB Kurnttn Btro't , Omnlia , Noli , , Blood an Skin Discasss f.ffi'&fbfoinrtS ' results , completely eratllcfttoj without tlio Rid of mercury Hcrofula oryBlpolim , fiv r Bori' , i.lotcl.o * . nlccri paint ( n the liciui nnrt tones , syphilitic sere throat , mouth ami toruuo.t atnrru , etc * , permanently ruin ! where otlion have failed Kidney Urinary * stfniWScu tSJ ? . queut bumlnjr or bltialynrtno , urlno hlsrh colored or wltU milky fieiilmenton atamilnjr , weak birk.gonorr tire a , alflel.tyetltls , otc 1'roiDi'lly ' und safuly cured charges re a nun a hie GfipTP TaTfi'lliTlflil1 ' V f Ouarnnteed per moral complete without cutting , tauailo or dlllatlun Cures eireciolHt homo i > y patient without a momuuti pain or annoyance To Youns : MeniM : MliMle-Aieil Men PITM.Te lW"l eirocts of e rlr AQI1DP oUlltl bUllD Vlcr whleli brings orpanio sfeaknoss , ttestruyingiioUi mind and body , nlib all I Isdreudod Ills , purumtuttUtr cured Address tlio wljo have lra * MflpiMia ) palmd.themselves > > y Improper Indul/ences und nnd .ulltnry habits , which ruin both body and mind , unHtUsxUhotu fur business , study or uiarrlnco MAKiiiri Men , oriabose enuring on that bappy Ills , uiare or pbysltlal UnbllUy , quickly uaslstod OUR SUCCESS Is based upon facts , -practlcal experience , er > ond-every ca o Is espe-lally studied , thus slartlnx aright , Ihlrd-inudUlnes are prepared In our owu lo batory eiaclly to suit each case , thus nnVcilni cures wilhuui Injury IJr-Ucndfi tents postaca for celebrated works on chronic , nervous and delicate disease * . Thousands cured , lif A friendly letter or rull may ravoyou fu * lure • uiretlnnaiidshsmo , and add goldun years to lift ItrNo letters answered unlcus accompanied by 1 cents in stamps Address orcall on mis m/rrs < v itivrrg , 1IW farnara struct , Omntia , Nab TO WEAK MEN Buffer inn f mm the etlecu nf joutbful errors , ( arly • decay , % s asiluH weaknekS , lost inauh < * cd.tt < * . .i'AlIl tend a vuluablo triatlso ( wahdl containing full particulars for home cure , fltlr of charge A splendid-nodical work ! should Im read by every ( nan Kim la u.rvnus and delmuted AddiTas , ta ri > r , V , V. l'0\VlI.It.IHooJu , , Couu Mnnhnnrl RESTORED VInlinnnil isnu : r * * > - & - * victim IIIUIIIIUUU ot yuulbful lrnDrudn.ee . , rauilns ; Ireiuatur lifeajr Nervous IHIilHy , Ui Manhood Acts.Ui ii tiled In vain every Lnownrtm- dy , has dlir..vrr u a slmplu means of s > If cme , whicu li llls iuli .U < 1flljEtolil < WU y udeivK . , Addrsa i , U. UUVU fO Iku K..hew J erk Uiy Will be paid to anj competent chemist who will find , on snalrsls , u pr.rtlclo of Mercnrr , 1'otasU , or other polrom In Swifts Specific (8.8. ( 8. ) . AN EATING SORE Hctidctson , Tct , , Ang rj , ia . Tot clgh teen raontliB I had an eating sere en my toncao I was treated bjtho beet local phyalclans , but obtained no relief , the sere gradually growing -vrcreo. I conclailcd finally to trySB 8tnd wis entirely cored nftcr ntlns a few buttles Tou tmo my cheerful permlfjlon to pahllth the tboiottatnncntforlhebencfitof thOK ) similarly Sffllctcd " C. 11. McLsuons , IlcndcreonTcs Trcatlto on Blood and Skin Dlscnscraraallcd free TI1K HW-jFT aPKCIKIO CO . Atlanta fit , tliis ObstrepDrons Mantj I * j Positively refuses any longer to wear baby dresses Kilts arc what he lonsrs for and must have MOTHERS or like minded children would do well to rnoke the desired change at this time In our large line or Kilt Suits Which we are selling at Greatly Roduccd Prices We ore sure you will rind something to your liking OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN Is our line or Jersey Mmh \ , Formerly sold at $7 , $8 , and $9 , now selling at Dr.J.E.McGREW > Th Well Biiiowii fcpuul allsl , All forini of I'm- Gleet ' nnd atrlct * . iintoed r-pennil * tnrrlKui lnipo- loney , Loss of .Minihood and Ambition Ster- llty or ll 'irren- tlsunsuronssodln boom , The 1 Ifo lUcents ( tamiA ) . nm1ol sen csCn torrah ant hktn qiiftkfyiini | ( ptir mem licorro - snondoneo send , slnrniM for reply co.\sv9/i' . % 'niOi 'v F it : . Office SE Cor lath & Jackson Sts Omaha , Neb , State Line To Glasgow , llclfiist Dtiljllnnin ] Llvorpoi ) ! FKOM NEW YOUIC EVKUVT1IUU3UAV. Cabin passaged to fJO , according to location of sltb room Excursion > 5 to fJJ , Eteerogo to nnd from Kurope at I-owost Ultoi AL'hTl.s liAI.nn ik i. Co , Uen'l Agents , to Uroadmiy , Now Yor * JOHN Bli.ccn , Gen'l Western Ageut let Itundolph St , CUIcajo HAltltV B. MOOItES , TUOS MCCANNE MCCANNE.Agents Agents at Oinalin S JAVA MOCHA iP CBHIPsP • 'cr'ect ' Art Album containing 24 UlC ! ? Beautiful Photographs representing n Bn Bu Tm , nJ ( Cofe0 ( cuure | ( w , | | bo „ nt on recolpt of your address CHASE & SANBORN , 13C Broad St , Boston Western . Dept 80 Franklin St , Chicago , III SHOE DEALERS ggg obrnttid linen of I'oou ani fclioes , manufuctnr * etl liy t ) . M. Ilenderain A : Co , of Clilcura-Kac- loiloant CliUar-o , Llxon Ills , and Ken llu luc , Wit slioulil wnta BAM , N. WATbON , real denes , fit EM O NT NKiiTravelluif nitout lleadquarterii for Itnliberi , Dr JOHN C. JONES , rilAtTICK l.lMin.llTO nmiMsr ; < ivo nv ODlco , 8. ll.Cor , 11th unJ lK > uilas bti , Oaiatia No'j IjflilPHGJLLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSITION JS39 , Nos 303-404-170-604. > I THE UOSy PERFECT OF PENS TravoHnjj Men Sinoko nnel Recointnonel Special Closing Out Sale ! j Fine Spectacles , Eye Glasses , Thermometers , and All Olhjr I / Optical Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices I / hi : wiii 41:1,14 : roit o\r wiiK : ; | .s4U.il ) < ; oi , si'iur.'iii. . < , an uonii * r . I ri\ivr : < oi si > ir'i'\ciii : > , si nmi $ . % • m i i mmIhmo 1 lioiil • * lo JIO M iti.vr srrii ; , Si'iu'Taci.i' .s , unit purcHi niiiti- ci'-.iui 8 tlMtsf" , ? . * > o , fsl und s.l , . " i ; -i-iltrlll stiiulilc I . ' ' ' ' ' : , ' , ' . . " . 9 ki.si' sro'ix'u t'lasitiii : m'ictvi'Iis : , uiy s'i. .i > ; worlli • " . U All l.jo < liiv ' < at iiitu < rttlttelion V.yv Io I mI 1 > j our t oillcliiii | , iiihI a | ) : i-rc 'l lit -iiaraitluv l In f\ > rjtitac , All | ilxual luiacrroi'llonit vorrcc'i'il , Oculist * * ari-iorlptlont f llllotl at louusi po lblu pikoo E l.OOOTIir.K'flO.mvrCKS IVoiii ti * > rutu'li up t Hit ! very H liiKlK'st crude a ' r Only a Cuu * moro slujs lo bur IIJWSXHV IHA.WIMJS' [ ; YVT < llis : aiul SIlVMitWAUl at your own nilio MAX MEYER & BRO , ' ! JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS • • COj'J- 6 "jRNAM5s 1 A COMPI.ETE STOCK OP TOP fTV"VsVi cs HIMEBAUGH &i TAYLOR , 1405 Dougias St ' Sunil for ctittiloftuo W - . . . . : ' I J ENGitJvyi Gs , . < a iLSI 1 m w * WMKyHALmr & ' Avia I MOULDINGS , ' JB WM M M bTm B B rarPIAWs&ORGANS I 1513 Douglas Street , . Omaha , Nebraska " Medical & Surgical Dispensary , Nos 101 to 113 So J3th St j O ICooimlor Paticutti ICccoplion Itoonin ; t ! > anil SO , Oniuliucl > M 'VfATT ATT TVulferliia from Nervous Dobllltr , I * Manhood , Knlllnu Mctnorr , Kaimuatlna I JJ JVXjLj iUJil > Drains , Tonlblo Dreams , Uoatl nnd lluck Actio , nnj nil the o1 cts leudnw to H onrly rtrciiy ami | > orUnp Consumption or Insunltjr , treito I nclontltlciillr , hy now mellioJs Consultaiu-i no * . Cntnrrb Iilisuiiiatlaiii . , l'olsonotii I.licJiRrjiemllkjr urloo , palntttl stTolllnna i-ulckly rellovoil iiiii rnlloaliy . cuml lllu'.trai i'ii boos : . "I.llo's Secret Krrora'l cents , son 1 for Question 1,1st on any Oliroolo Dlsca'.u ' k i cB T iI1Y ( ITVTI'P1T < H ; ltiarcs mni Truism Iloit lacllltlen , nppirntm mut romo'llua ' for suo.o-slul 1H J'-aJi Vlil'J . J 1 J iJO treatmintof every form of dlsia-oroqulrlne Mtullral or bumlcal tiuatuifnt M \Nf make a siioclulty of Unices , . Iruaics.eiub Feet , Curvnt ires of Nplno Illes Tumors Caner 'iront-bltn < t B lnlialatton Kloitrlclty I'anily.ls , Mulct-ay , Kidney , Bladder , Kar , bkla and lllood and all ar lcail • Jer4 M llims , llnoki and question blanks f rcn | H DIRRASKS ( "ill1VOMl ? " rV ASI-KCIAI.TV. nooa , Circulars and Qu.atlou lift on Norr M Jr't . , H"0Vi3L . . " VliiN outness L'onstliallon | , Neuralitla I/ucnrrliTa , l'aln lu tha S , , ' . , ' . . S Hack 1'relnpsua Uteri l'.Ics Kciinlo Weakness , DyspepsiaSkIn I'lmplasandall ll.u d Diseases S ) iiIiiIIh , Horufulo , Und llloud , Skin , Urlnniy Ui oaaca nail Gloct Cured ftipJLiifo | t H CM PEARSON Si c . * BALTIMORE.Mq SYPHILIS Can lie cured In 20 to 00 ( lays Dy thu use of tlio Map Rumedy For sale only liy the Cook Kcmody Co , of Omaha , Ncbiaska wrlto tous fortho nntuus anduddrcss of patients who liavo Lien iiiri-d und from whum wo Iiavu nenutasion to refer bi'htta ' | Is ii dlseuso that lias ill ways baitlo 1 the skill ot the most omlnent physl chins , und until UiollscnTcry ufiliuf'Quk lteiun.tr Cu'i" AUK ) 11KMKM , " not ono In llfly tyor lia lint Iho disease has Uon turod Uo puuniuloo to euro any case that cun be prulucod 'I'liosu who lutvo taken mercury , potash , * * * . I * , sutusultoruasor other advertised rotuodles with only teropurjry heiiellla can now im liurinuuently cured by thu use of the • • MAUIU IIKMIilil "of thu Cook lteiuedy lo , Omaha , Nell Mcwaro or Inlliiltntlous It Is ubsolulely Im * oosilblo for for uny other person or tompniiy lo hnvo our lonuuln or any remedy like It In ellvit and results 'IhoCouk Itumody Cu , JUas been treatlnx potleuts for four yiars and have alwuys ulven perfect satisfact ion Thoruro Hnunclnlly ri-spon > l'jle ' , harliu ; nvupl * tnlofovirfJJJUHluuklnxthilmuaranteeKood \ solicit the most obstluato rasu < those who hard tried every known remedy and lot ull hopoof rucor cry Corn spend with us and let us pat you In posi esidon nf evidence that coiivlnci a the most skeptkal Mark what what wo sayi Inlhoiind you muht u > our • 'IIAUIU ltKMI'.M"bnforeyouiau be purintu * ently cured It Is Iho most benne Wool purlhcrnror known , Writ for particulars AH letters conltden * OA111101.1 "e uro j on are ( tettlnB the Cook LAUI lUM lltnucclr , ? UbIo Itcinoilr None others are uenulnn I'arlles ilalmlnr to be' aircntslor ui are luipotlors nolrrnujj tullpartlo * ulsts free Address ull toiuuiuuli.ato is to The Cook Remedy Go , 509 South 12th Street . W Lsquor Habit MAUiweivertio metis JSBifroftea/BE KHMtfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC It UAn bo ulven la urup ( . | 'ronij or Itu or In nn UIm uf f-jJ , without ibe knowlodxo of tboptilent If n0o * i rr It li absolutely htrmleif fcnd wulofTM aptrmueataadapeAkl7 oure wh the * th pat teat 1 a modtrau drinker or ao aloobollo rrrecau IV UZEU rAI 1H. It operate * to quietly and with lueh cer < * taiQtx that the patient UDderaoee co lnooovii&lcno t and are he la aware , ble oompltta reformation 1 etfeoted , 9 page txwk of partleutara free 4ulIJH < kCOl6taAIou lNiftiidlHlkXCuMUffHU Mliik fUiJti \ ULAUrl-UUL'CiCXCO. OiuaLft * * H.H.Goa , l3tH&D0Di ( Sis , OMAHA , NEB , H 70U THE TBRJ.TM11ST Or ALL J M mmniw&mum I APPLIAKCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES ' H BectracllitlesAppaTatusaBdU medI sfarBueecsifa ! H Treatment of very form ef IlUaas rsquirlnr H NINETY FtOOrflS FOH PATIENT8.I M 2oarl4Attndante , Best AocomaxoiJsUons In Wist , M _ 0TWRITB I0R 0IEOTJLARB oa Deformities and H Briees , Trusses , Olob Fist , Ourvatores of fplie , I'lles , I H Tuniors , OaBcar.Oat&rrh.Broachtis ( , InbslstUn < H SlectricltTj Paisljsis , Epilepsy , Kldaey , Bladder T M Sre , liar , oklnaalBlood aadU18ursiialoperatlons. H DISEASES OF WOMEN ilV L'l\'iq ' H wonan dvbuu oosnsasmrr ( JTIICTlf JUiyATf.l , * H Only Rellabl HelluJ Institute maaia j a Hpeelalty 01 s H PRIVATE DISEASES m All mood DIiisiii saiciMfsllr tr U4. Hypbllllle s-olisd aaH vtreoTedrroiaU iriWM-tihostM re-r. attr H'ttonllti v H Tr l > Mt n. * Lois of VIT1I. fOWIE rsillls sous to rlill > * i B aims/tstrctudslhonsby eorrviDODdsaci , AllsoDimssl s > H HoissosSdsollalldUlciorlnilrainrDtiltaltyiiisllores. . H r * srsl/psiksd.as-asrkiielbdlCBlacootflCtieriisder. bH pmpcoiLririllUwprltird ( / t.ll ni toiltmonsisfc - S Ualorroryoarsui.Biid • lll send la pltln ripr ' . T" " tjB BOOK TO Mt-N , mSS SSXX t M Ul l UlMl sal V.tl.oi.lc-.lltiou Uonilil Illmi H OJCAII&MEDIOAIJC'tlUBaiaAI.IrfBTItUXJs , M ltth anil Dodgs 8Us U , 0KAUA , NEB M INFLUENZA IS VrilV tONTAOIOL'8 TO FBOPI.B SUKntlllSO ritOM IIIIIITATIO.V Ol' TUB TllltOAT IIV UlINO ( Tin : cr.i.EiiitATi.ii SOIMlK MINI It A Ij 1'A.h'i'li.hKS , this u.srAii.iNQ liEMruv rou f/ ' KOIti : TllllOAT , COL'dllH , CATAItltll , ANII IIOAII8U jjL M:8h. : YOU CAN PIIOTECT 10U1I8EI.M.8 AnAlNBV X this iiiiiudui ) iiisbasi : . iviiiinoiv : : biioui.u kkki- iiox ni > hODKN MIMJUAI PAH * TIIjIiI.BIN Tin : IIOUBE • 8 O Ll ) 11 r At.I , 1IIIUUU1ST8 AT iZO ANI ) 50c , rex rniiipliltU sunt ( , 'nttls on nitpltcutloii by tlio Soilen Mineral Springs Co , Limited , 15 CI3DAH ST , NGW YOUIC l SCIUFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURES p Instantlyrellaoith moat luloutattack Nam L waltlnts for results Ill action Is lannedLfM t U.rlirccl ndoertulnsiid , cuml tu rr ultB , ' to all curable ca oi , A ainal trial cfimtac4 > .H % . I tumw > lak.aptleal.IrleaAOr > anlSI ( < KlofM " > - _ , I dru Utsorbyinall Trlslparlui./rntoasy Scl I addrn Ur.ll.al-lliri'HANN.It. raid , UltiM mmiimarmiiwmr < m mmmmwimmtM * J _ r n S -v . NKUVOVH IIKDHITY Young aud mid A Artie aitf.1 itien , sutlrrluit frtuu Kuiuii a oi * t \ _ . Iluirrii.l'.ntuauoiijiaisiOuieLuarau - vAfltfol. . TrtatlsetsialcElcoiilaliilugrulliar- MX > , } | tUulara for l.ouia cure , racK ok cuituu Was ! I'Jten' . u. v , Jiusi.iit , VUSa7 Lock Uoa lj6. Detroit , Mlttu