W0 \ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , JANUARY 26 , SIXTEEN PAGES , Tl I" THE OMAHA BEE M I COUNCIL BLUFFS H OJ'KIOli NO 113 I'KAItli STItlinT _ H IMUtrol by cairltr In nny part of the City II.W.IlWON MANAOKIt TKI.KIMIONHSl H tlusiNFcMlrric * No tX < M frigm Kiiitoii Mo , 21. H MI.NUIl MUNTIOV H N. V. V. Go H 01ts on coal H Council fluffs Lumber Co , coal H Thatcher coal , 114 Mnln street , H Carb onConl Cowholcsalo retail 10 Pearl H Paul Honuct li the happy father of a H bouncing boy H A marriaso llccnso was Issued yesterday H tol.afajctto Howell nnd Kin Tlmmons , both H of Florence , Neb , H It isroportcd that four largo tiBricultur.il H Implement warehouses will bo erected in the B western partof the city early in the spring H L. A. Caspar was the lucky holder of tlcltot H No 37 , that won the two sooted family sleigh H that was rnfllod at tno Manhattan last even M ing H Mrs Mnry KuyUondall and Mrs Mogglo H V. . Gray hnvo boon granted divorces In the H district court from their respective bus H bands , 1'olor Kuylccndall and James K. H Gray H Harmony chapter No 25 , O. 12. S. , will H hold a special meeting Monday night atW : ! 1 All members nro requested to bo prcsont as H there Is business of importance to bo transI H acted ly order of W. M. H Alf J. Allen , manager of the Council Bluffs M bureau of the Itepubllcin , was the happiest M I man in the city last evening The arrival of 1 nn nclr was the only oxplanntion ho had to H offer for his unwonted exuberance M Sovorol of the friends of ex-1'ollcomun D. H \V. Ihotnas mo the thankful recipients of n H liberal consignment of quail from Monona M county , whore bo is finding sport nnd rccroa- B tfon In the Held Tub IIeh ncltnowlcdgcs H the receipt of aovernl brnco , B Pauline , the infnnt daughter of Mr nnd H Mis L. Senbert , dlod yesterday morning at H lli : ) ( ) of-moinbranous croup The funeral H will take place tomorrow morning nt U3U ; H from the residence nt the Trcmout house , M corner of Ninth and Uroodway M It H. Wcstcott , who sued for a ttlvorco H from his wife , Florence E. Wcstcott , at this H term of court , on the ground of adultery , H bns taken n default , the defendant failing to H Ilia an answer to his notltlnn , and an ubso- { ' lute decrco will shortly bo forthcoming H Mrs Uctsoy T. Holding , ngod olghty-nlno H ' years mid six months , died Friday afternoon H of old ago at the residence of lier daughter , B Mrs C. W. liannoy , No , lilt ! Fifth avenue H Funeral service * will bo hold at the refudenco H this afternoon at 3 o'clock , and the remains H I will bo taken to Glonwood tomorrow mornI H | lug for interrmont H I Mrs If C. Hubbard has a finely executed B oil painting , The Hull Fight , " on exhibition j lu Elscroau's window , which rcliects great I credit upon the nrtlst Even m the most minute details the picture Is marvclously ' true to llfo , und Mrs Hubbard is to bo con HHH grntulatod for the great success sue has H scored in this direetioa H John Murphy , n well-known bootblack , is H In trouble over the auiointmcnt of a guar H ilmn Murphy is cighteon years old The H fnmllv estate Murphy says , is valued at ? SuOO H nnd his shnro of it is $2,000. Mrs Murphy 1 wants her attorney , Jacob Sims , nppointcd 1 guardian of the boy , but the latlor objects , j has engaged a lawyer and will wave a guar B diun after his own heart H Secretary Zovoly of the board of trade Is 1 doing odltorial work for the Omoha Kopub- 1 llcnn Ills efforts thus far have boon so mo- 1 what mixed in that ho finds it necessary 1 nfter writing an article to como out with a 1 second , explaining the moaning of the first 1 It is respectfully BUggestod that it would bo H well to supply bis raadors with a key and lot 1 thorn do their own translating | The case of Kilpatrick va Yodor was still H on in the district court yesterday During H the day the contempt case against Sheriff H O'NoIll ' was resurrected by Attorney lloul- H ton and a brief postmortem bold The sheriff ' is charged with refusing to serve a writ of B abatement , but the defense holds that it waste to Indeflnlto to admit of service Dlvorcos were granted in the cases of R. O. Tames vs I" . A. JameB aud Maria Dickey vs George B W Oickoy | Packed houses greeted the Aronson opera company yesterday afternoon in "Krminio , " aud last evening in the great oporatio success - cess , "Nudjy , " Elegant costumes , rich stage settings and oxccllont muslo combined to make the presentation attractive as could ba desired Owing to illness the prima 1 donna , Miss Helen Lament , was unable to H appear Inst evening , and the part of Ktclka H was taken very creditably by Miss Laura H Thomas Boyle and James Collins , two of the nuiills at the state Institution for the deaf and dumb , met with a severe accident J Friday ovonlng Tlioy were coasting ana In J the dnrkness ran Into a horse which was J stuudingnoar the foot of the bill The aol J nial fall upon them , bruising them senouBly , J but no bones were broken One of the J horses foot struck Uoylo on the head , caus- nip a severe contusion , but fortunately the Bkull wns not fractured Both will bo about again in a few days H Justtco Barnett dlschargod William Bothers - ors , who wus accused of larceny The ovi- j dance showed that Larson , the Drosocuting J witness , was indebted to Bothers undo , J and the latter sent his nephew to the store J for some groccrios Supposing that the { grocer understood the situation and that the J order had been filled , Bothers picliod up the goods and walked out whllo Larson was in j the roar end of the store The court failed JH to discover any criminal intent and ordered j the release of the dofendunt IHH As an indication of the amount of build J Ing thut bus boon Uono In Council Bluffs j during tno past year ono retail hardwuro j firm on Broudway gave thosa llguros to Tun j 13ce : Nails sold since March , 16b9 , 100,000 j pounds , or fifty tons ; sash weights , 8,000 , or j ( H.000 pounds : sash cord , flftocn miles , and J door locks and hinges in proportion That J the Iioubcs for which this material wns pur- j chased were furnished and occupied the sulo J of 100 stoves-by the same llrmslnoo October J Is pretty good evidence 1 Linens and housefurnishing goods are • J always usofu ) , ospcciallv when you can buy J thorn at importers cost , like Klson'an's soil J them this week , HHHJ J Silks and dross goods will have to go at J Lisemau's during this wcok's sale , | Attend Kisoman's great sacraflco sale this j week 1 Drs Woodbury haVe removed their donta j ofllco to 101 Pearl street , up stairs HHHJ * • HHHJ Full line of Curtis Bros' , canned goods HHHJ all best grades , Kelley & Youukermau , HHHJ HHHJ Keen your eyes on Kisomun's store for HHHJ special bargains this week , HHHJ * HHHJ After the tJniiiblors H The grand jury has bean quietly invest ! H gating the cas s against the gamblers nnd H gambling houses during the past week , and fl it Is stated that they have soeurcd a great H deal of strong ovldonco Itlscortain that a P great many witnesses have boon examined , B and it will occasion llttlo surpijso If several P ludlctmonts are returned The body will ba H la session ut least another wcok There is P little doubt that the ramblers will shortly HHHJ reform their evil ways temporarily , and HHHJ It is very likely that the tactics of two years HHHJ ago will bo repeated , and all of the bouses HHHJ closed until after the grand Jury adjourns HHHJ ' aim possibly until after the adjournment of HHHJ this term of court , HHHJ . HHHJ Attend Elsoman'H ' special sale B Great sluughtor sale of dry goods at EUo- HHHJ muu's ' this week , | I-ow prices and lots of business win bo HHHJ the rule at Elseman's this week HHHJ i H The acknowledged leading photographer HHHJ in Council Bluffs Is Schmidt , 220Main strcot | The water runs when Bixby plumbs , HHHJ < m HHH J. O. Tipton , real estate , 537 Broadway HHHJ . HHH We desire to return our sincere thanks to HHHJ our friends and nalghbors for the asslst&uco HHHJ and sympathy shown us lu our late bereave HHHJ inouu Mr andilra , FredMerrltt HHHJ • HHH Uush & Gert's pianos , 633 Broadway , THE NEWS \fm \ BLUFFS _ _ _ _ _ The Local Po' .lticlanB Got Down to Work In Barnoat CONDITION OF THE LEVEE Tlpton'd ltoiini for Assessor The Mncrno Itcoorjtlon Tlio Graml Jury nnd the Gamblers News mi 'ChnnRf , Pixiim the Slntps A select cllcjuo of democracy mot In n quiet corner Friduy ovonlng , nnd prepared a municipal slate to bo offered for the consid eration of the domocratio city convention , It ] was in ado up ns follows : Mayor P. Lacy or M. Keating Marshal Thomps Moloney Solicitor G. A. Holmes Engineer J , C. Bradbock Auditor C. A. Hammer Treasurer Fred Spolman Sf j Alderman At large , Josiah Dan forth ; First ] wardVlco Jennings ; Second ward , F. P. Bollinger Pollco Judge E. E. Aylesworth Assessor . G. Tipton Few of these whoso nntnes appear on the ticket I wcro urcsont at this informal caucus , and i it is understood that some of them , notably l Alderman Lacy , are not desirous of a i nomination For this reason the cholco lor I mayor was not made It is stated thut an independent or citl- 7cn's ticket will certainly bo placed In the Hold ' , and several names have been presented to ' head itTho name of John Schoontgon was Bprung yesterday , and several republi cans are working to secure his nomination Bis candidacy ii regarded with disfavor by some ' of the democrats who cxprors the opin ion that ho would bo opposed to public im provements , und cite his notion as member of the school board on the now school houio question : , in suppot t of tholr position : Many of the democrats and a number of republicans nro booming Hon Lucias Wells , of j Deere , Wells & Co , for tbo position of chlof municipal executive , and his name is received , witli general satisfaction , although much ; doubt is oxprcsscd as to whether bo would accept the nomination , as bo resigned his ] position in alio council owing to lack of tlmo , to attend to the duties of tbo ofllco The republican choice for mayor Is E. L. Shugart , and ho appears to bo the only can didate i in the field Tlia goncrally expressed opinion < is that tbo republicans will endoiso many i if not all of the nominees of a citizens ticket I in case such a ticket is placed in tbo field I , and this is what is worrying the dom ocratio wheel horses , and causing the mem bers of the old tlmo ring to shako in their boots A. C. Graham Is mentioned as n posslbio caudldato to head an indopondentticket , and Captain ' J. T. Anderson nnd J. L. Tompioton are ' spoken of in connection with the ofllco of marshal : L. Brcdcnstoin is booming up very lorgoly as candldato for nlderman-at > - large in the same connection , and tbo bal ance ' of the citizens ticket has boon sug gested ' as follows : Solicitor Walter 1. Smith Auditor Samuel Kohrcr Treasurer E. H. Odcll Engineer Thomas Tostovln Aidermon First ward , Alex Woods ; Second end ward , Josiah Danforth ; Fifth ward , W. A. Hlgbsmith ; Sixth wnrd , A. C. Harding Superintendent of Markets John Oliver , jr.Thcro Thcro will bo quite a fight for alderman from the First ward , and if Alder man Waterman secures tbo nomination for ro-electlon bo will get it in tbo face of strong opposition Jcsso Walters has de veloped as the latest candidate for the posi tion and his friends were at work yosterdny setting fortli his claims for recognition The election , will bo hold five weeks from tomor row which will give tbo aspirants ample time to lay their lines to capture tbo nomi nations : Much interest is manifested in the situation and political matters will be very lively from this time on The Boston Store Sale Thin Wcok The llrst annual gigantic clearing solo at the Boston Store will continuo this week All our goods uro now , dcslrabla and sea sonable Thosa tbat have heretofore at tended our special sales well know wbat wc moan when we unnoiinco the above and usually find wo do better than wo advertise These who desire to get some of the best bargains in dry goods ever offered to them wont ' fail to attend this great sale Wo mention a few of tbo hundrcdsof extraordi nary offerings that will bo made during this sale Numerous others added dully Hero are a few samples of dross goods and prices : Double fold cashtnoro , all wool filling , lie , worth 10o. S/a / inch tricots , mixtures only , lfiu , worth 25c. A lipo of 30 inch all wool ilannels.-mixturcs and silk stripes , and a full line of cashmeres , 2oc , worth 33a and SOc 51 inch broadcloth suitings , full range of colors 42c , regular 58c goods In linens and wash goods : Just Imported 3,000 yards Scotch zephyr glnghnms , worth 33c , during this sale for 19a ; 101 pieces French ' ginghams , in plains , plaids und fancies , at ViUa ; otbor houses ask 10c fo r same goods Dutch blues , during this sale for 100 a yard ; prints at 2c , 4c , 5c , ( ic und5c ; yard wide muslin 4c , worth Oo ; 1,500 Canton llannel remnants 3 } c , worth 6c ; ask to see other bargains in Cantons at 5c , 0o , 8c , 10a andl2 > c ; 100 pieces wire twist cheviots So , worth 8o ; wool shirtings In stripes , chocks and mixtures , all at 10c , worth 33c ; shooting muslins , unbleached , 9-1 , at 10c ; shooting muslins , unbleached , 10-4. at SOc ; pillow case muslins , 45 inches , at lie : shcoting muslin , bleached , 10-4 , at 23c ; 25 pieces heavy twilled scarlet flannels 17c , worth 5c ; now lot Smyrna tidies , examine bargains inarkod 10c , 15c , 25o and ! )3o ) ; Turkey rod damask , 22c. 25c , 30c , 39o , 45o and 50c , colors gunrantocd fust ; loom dice table linen , 10c , 18c , 22c and 25c ; in damask table linens wo offer special bargains at 25c , 29c , 37 > < a and 50u ; 11-4 crocbot bed spreads at $1 , our reg ular $1.45 spread Look at these coats : Ladies jorscy coats , fl.50 , $5.00 and $5.50 , nil to go duriag this sale at (3.50. 150 ladies short Jackets and English walk ing Jackets , $0.50 , $7.50 and 13.50 , all to go at $5 50. Ladles Nowmarkot at (3.75 , 19.00 , $10.00 and f 11.00 , all to go at 17.00. Ladles Newmarkets , our $12 00 , $13.50 , $14,50 and $10.00 , all to go at $9.75. All our better garments , including beavers , cloths and plushes , 50 per cent oil regular prices during this sale Fotticringhftm , Whltolaw & Co , leaders and promoters of low prices , Council Bluffs , Iowa _ , No Coiiho For Alarm The council has decided that the levee along the river bank is badly in need of repairs , and the clty nginccr has been Instructed * structed to submit a report regarding the matttcr , stating what work Is necessary und the probable cost of making tbo repairs The mayor states that the levee is In good condition in many places , theliank being fully as high as when llrst made and per fectly solid , but that In others It has been cut by cow paths , aud la some places It has been cut down two and three feet by wagon roads It Is tbo intention to put it In first class repair from the Northwestern railway embankment to the Union Paclllo bridge , thus proventiug any possibility of tbo river ovorliowlng the low land in the western part of tbo city The cnginoer has also been instructed to ex amine tno Northwestern embankment and sea that it is in good repair In pausing the resolution the council ex pressed tbo opinion that ttrcro was no danger - gor of a spring overflow , but deemed it best to take this step as a precautionary measure , Alderman Waterman stating tbat the snow was unusually deep la the mountains ana tbat the spring rise would therefore be a big one Alderman Laoy was not present at the mcotloir , and yesterday expressed tuc- opinion that the tnovo was an unnecessary ono , bald bo : There is no use In creating alarm , and this action oa the part of tbo council can scarcely help doing that There Is no more snow In the vicinity of the head waters than is usual at this time of year , and even If there was there Is no reason for any such sudden outburst The snow never goes out until June , giving us what we call the June rise , and tbero is time to build half a dozen levees before thai time This idea of coming out iu midwiutnr witb the startling aunouncomcut tbat the I lerco Is ricfcctlvo Is llttlo less than rldlcu1 ] lous 1-urtnor than thu , I know that the levee Is In good condition Any material damngo that has been done bns occurred within the past three months , as I drove over < the ontlro length of It Into In the fall , and at that time there wers no cuts in it , such , as the mayor speaks of I don'tbcllovo ho 1i 1 knows what ho is talking nbout , nnd I dent i think ho has been over the line slnco ho J visited the slto * of the govern ment rlprapplng with mo last fall The property on what l known as the bet toras is all right , nnd this hue nnd cry about the levee will only tend to make residents in that quarter dlssatlsbod without cause I dent approve of any such action on the part of , the council , nnd I wlJh Tub Beb would Just state In the morning the true condition of affairs Unless the people fully under stand tbo situation , the panlckv reports will ciuso a deal of needless apprehension " I A special sale at E iscmans I m Dissolution Notice The partnership hcrotoforo existing bo- twocn T. VVoolsy and J. B. Long under the firm name of Woolsy & Long , hns boon dis solved Mr , Long will continuo the business nnd scttlonll accounts of the llrm 11a has opened up a line stock of now wall papers und decorations next to tbo old etand , 29 Main street , and will satisfy patrons ns to quality and price of work m Ladles , recollect thut Mrs C. L. Glllctto is at Mrs Pfelffor's , 14 Main , closing out tier stock of hair goods , to quit business It is tbo finest stock of switches , waves , frizzes , ornaments , curling irons , etc , in tbo west , all made up in latest styles , She will offer these at less than half former prices for ono month About the AHsesor The mention of the name of J. G. Tipton , the well known real estate agent , as a candi date for the office of assessor , meets with goncrnl approval Said a member of the council yesterday : The citizens dent ' seem to rcallza that tbo assessors ' ofllco is an Important ono , and that it makes a great deal of difference whether the real estate and personal prouorty of the city is nssossod or not Do you know that the assessed valu ation of personal property in this city is $120,000 less for this year than it was for last year ! Do you know that 20 per cent of the real cstato of this city is not nsscsscd at nil ! Do you know that other property owners nro exorbitantly assessed to muko up for it ! Do you suppose that the citizens generally Know this to bo the ease ? Just drop Into the county , treasurers or auditors ofllco and find out about this I kndw what I am talking about and I know that this is the case I want to see a chnngo , but wo cant have it uuless the voters will say so at the polls I am glad to see J. G. Tioton's name mentioned , and I hope ho will bo nominated and elected As a real cstato man ho has a correct idea of real cstato values In nil parts of the city , and ho is a man of undoubted honesty nnd Integrity I would support bun for the ofllco on any ticket , nnd there arc hundreds of ethers who would do the same " For this week wc offer 100 ladles jersey suits , all sizes , from 32 to 40 , bust measure , nt $2.50 a suit These suits are of the very latest designs , nnd nro especially suitabla for house and street wear Sec thorn exhib ited In our show windows this week Henry Eiseman & Co ? The Ileal Kstato Kxclinnge The real estate exebango hold a short ses sion yesterday forenoon with a good number of the members present The mayors refusal to sign the city hall resolution took that very important element out of tbo dis cussion that wns to take place in the ex change , aud it left the session somewhat tamer than It would otberwiso have been The only important business transacted was the election of the permanent secretary The cholco was made by the executive com mittee and was made by ballot , Eut two ballots were taken . On the llrst Grover Cleveland got one , H. E. Grimm one and Bartram Zovely four On the second ballot Mr Zovoly received all the votes of tbo com mitteemen present and was declared elected unanimously His compensation was fixed at 50 cents a month for each member of the exchange until the membership exceeds fifty , then tbero Is to bo a reduction per capita Several valuable bargulns-wero posted on the big board but no Bales were made pub licly.About About the time the board got ready to ad journ it was rumored that John Ahlcs was to address thp mootiag in opposition to the city hall scheme , and quite a crowd gathered to hear ono of his characteristic speeches Ho was present , loaded up to tbo chin with nntl- taxation thunder , and ready to oc fired upon the least pretext , but no allusion was made > to the big bond scheme , and tno oppoitunlty was lost m Domestic dry goods at retail for loss than wholesale prices during this weeks special sale at Elsemans See the elegant English Batccn , honrietta finished , that Eiseman soils for 15c per yard The lnrecst , if not the only , direct Impor tation of teas over received in Council Bluffs was consigned to "Iho Fnmous , " 200 Broad way , and wus delivered thcro yesterday ! The too is a now brand of uncolored Japan , called "Tryphonn , " and is put up in originnl pound packages It is last summer 's growth and is declared by those who have tested it to bo the finest over received in tbo city The Mncrno Itvcoptlon v One of the most dollghtful events that has contributed to the pleasure of the society people of the Bluffs this season was the reception - coption given Friday ovcnlng by Dr nnd Mrs D. Macrao at their elegant now borne on Fifth , nvenue A largo number of invita tions were isauod , and vnry few of the favored ones were compelled to send regrets The rooms were tastefully decorated with * smilax , potted plants and roses , and a beau tiful center piece of lilies , buds and blos soms , was an object of general admiration Airs , Macrao was assisted In receiving by Miss Millar of Omaha , nnd Miss Davenport of this olty Mrs Macrao were blaik velvet and diamonds , Miss Miller green and pink crepe with pearl ornaments , Miss Daven port black lace ever black silk Dalboy's ' orchestra furnished sweet music , adding much to the pleasure of the occasion The supper tables were most artistically decorated , and wax candles shod a tubduod but pleasing light ever the polished brasses and tempting array ot delicacies Mrs B , Zovoly and Mrs Dr Brewer presided at the ton and coffee tables , nnd Mrs J , L. Stewart and Mrs Jos Lyman attended to those who desired more substantial refreshments Mrs , E. E. Aylosworth presided over u huge bowl of delicious punch In the library which she dispensed most gracefully , The guests were grandly entertained by tbo doctor and bis charming wife and the oc casion will not soon bo forgotten The ginghams tbat Eiseman sells for 5a a yard this week was never sold ror less than 8a and lOo a yard by any house in America Elsoman's slaughter sale of dry goods will make it interesting for ladies thlB week If tbero ever was a tlmo wnon low prices will make large sales Elseman's propose to make it this week Lots of now spring goods will bo Included in the ulaughter sale ut Elsemans m Muslin underwear , embroideries and wblto goods ut special sale this week at Else mans Among the Cliurohcu Broadway M. E. Hov E. Tomanoalan , a native of Antlocfa , Syria , will speak at 10:30 : a. m. The pastor will preach at 7:30 : p. m. ; subject , The Delectable Mountains " Sun day school at 12 in Epworlh league and class meetings at 6:80 : p. m. A cordial invi tation to all Congregational Services morning and ovonlng Preaching by the pastor Morn ing subjscl , The Holy Spirit " Evening , What Can I Del Y. P , S. C. E. at 0:10. : Subject , Bow to Become Strong Chris * tians " A cordial invitation Is extended Pilgrim Sunday school at 3 p. m. , corner of Ninth street and Avenue A. Trinity Methodist South Mala street , op posite Eighth avouuo Preaching by pastor ot 7:30 : p. in Young peoples meeting , 7:00 : p. in buoday school , 2:3U p. m. Social re ligious 1 meeting , 1030 ! a. m. Prayer moating , Wednesday \ , 7:3Jp. : m. Fourth Avenue Methbdlst Near Seven teenth t Btrcot , Preaching by pastor nt 10:30 : a. tn Sunday schoofilrilX : ) p. m. Prayer meeting , Tuesday , ? :3oy. : in Epworth Methodist Corner Twenty-fifth street And Avenue Encroaching at 7:80 : p. m. , Sundny school , 2J50 p. m. Chalk talk , " by , A. A. Hart , 3:30 : p > ' m. Prayer mooting , Wednesday , 7:8J : p. ihj f First Baptist The pallor will preach nt 10:30 : a. m. At 7:30 : ncY , E. Toraar.oslan , n nntlvo | of Antloch , Syria * where the disciples were first called Christians , will lecture on Syria and the Syrians " Sunday school at 18 m. ; Christian Endonvor nt 0:30 : pm Strangers ; nnd ethers c"l > rdlally welcomed Frst Prcsbytorinn-T-Proachlngby the pas tor nt 10:30 : n. m. and V:30 : p. tn The theme in the evening will t > o'"Luko ' , the Beloved Physician " The sermon will bo addrcssca pnrtlcularlyto the medical profession Whllo nil nro cordially Invited , physicians are spe cially and respectfully oskod to bo present Sabbath school ut 12 m. ; young peoples meeting nt 0.30 p. m Hcrcnn Baptist Dlvlno servlco conducted by tbo pastor nt 10:30 : and 7:30 : p. in , Themes for thought , "lho Sohg of the Angels nnd The Gospel and its llejoctors " Sunday school moots at 11:45 : n. m. Meetings every ovonlng this week St Paul's Dlvlno servlco today nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. in ; Sunday school , 12:15. : Hov Henry Mackny of Fort Scott , Knn , will prencti inornlnc nnd ovcnlng Young mon and strnngcrs always cordially wol- coined to these services T. J. Muckay , pastor Christian Science Service today nt 3:30 : p. m. in Press club room , entrance No 10 Pearl strcot The Council Bluffs Garnet Co has nbout completed Its annual Invoice Housekeepers , snvojour money for a big special sale of carpets , curtains and fixtures • * - Elseman's are roceiviuir now spring goods every day The Boss Investment and Trust company C. U. stcntmiyo works , 1013 Broadway Travelers , Hotel Jameson is flrst class _ . Snvo 60 per cout on tombstones nnd menu ments Design sheet and price list frao L. Kelley , 203 Broadway , Council Bluffs m The handsomest and cleanest market , best meats and lowest prices , .1. M. Scaulans < 1'crsoiinl Pnrnurnplm Thomas Motcalf has gone east on a busi ness trip Julius Schneider of Nebraska City is visit ing in the Bluffs Deputy Sheriff W. P. Campbell of Mills county was in the city yesterday W. A. Mnurer lias gone cast for a few dnys to look uftcr business Interests City Clerk D. A. Farrcll rotorncd yestor- ny morning from n trip to Colorado Hon Vnughan Divis.ouo of the promlnont farmers of Montgomery county was in the city yesterdny ' J. M. Center of St Joe , Iwho wns the su perintendent in charge of the construction of the county court house , is in the city greet ing old friends Miss Ellis , a sister ot Mrs M. H. Judd , nus been appointed organist at the Congre gational church , in pluco of A. E. Do Nor inandio resigned Henry A. Lyman of Omaha , general agent for western Iowa and Nebraska for the Pennsylvania Mutual Life Insurance com pany , has purchased J. I Lutz's rosldonccon l'errin avenue and will make his homo hero Mr P. L. Ferris of Sioux City , general agent of the Union Mutual Accident associa tion of Chicago , has decided to locate In Council Bluffs , and \yill move his family to this city in tbo spring , Charles P. Brastnn of Minneapolis is looking after his real cstato interests in this city , and will remain two1 or thrco days Ho reports tbo seed buslncss'as ' in a flourishing condition , and states that the indications are that this venr's sales will greatly exceed that of any former year Mrs W. B. Tanner of Bryan , Wyo , is vls- Itiug her brother , MrM C. • Stewart and wife ut 1312 avenue A. , Shn expresses a ilo- cided preference for ' ilowa weather as com pared with that ot tudftlorthwcst _ * . THE GKEA'JE'i' SPECIAL SALE Of Merchandise Ever Inaugurated In tbo West lloirins Tomorrow at Henry Elsmnan & Ou 's , Council Bluir-i. We are overstocked and are bound to un load Our ontlro stock thrown into the mar ket nt such prices that will make them go quick Wo quote a few of the thousands of bar gains wo uro offering during this sale : DOSUST10 DEPAIITMENT Yard wide muslin nt SJjfo worth 8c. Canton flannels at 3c a yard , worth 8c. Canton flannels at 5c , tic , 7c , 0c , 10c , nnd 12Vc , worth one-half nioro Yard wide bleached muslin , soft finish , nt 4C a yard , worth 8c. Boat Lonsdale und Fruit of the Loom mus lins at 0 > c per yard Good ctiovlot shirting at 4c a yard , sold olsowhereat be Best staple ginghams , Manchester brand in apron and dross style , at Ac a yard , ether houses ask lUc for the same goods Best satcous , spring styles , at 15o a yard , worth 23c. * Now spring styles of outlug flannels nt 12Uc a yard , sold elsewhere at 25c. All our 8-1 , 9 4 , 10 4 , 11-4 and 12-4 sheotlngs In brown and bleached at manufacturers cost cost.All of our best standard printB at 5a a yard Best indigo Dutch blue prints at Ga a yard LINEN DEPARTMENT Twocasos Reafrew 00-inch wide table linen at 20c a yard , other bouses ask 45c and 50a for same goods All of our tabic linen at importers cost All of our towels and toweling at 25 per cent loss than nny ether house in the city ; ask for snmo goods Crashes nt 2 > c , 3c , 4c. Cc and upwards One case crochet 11-4 bed spreads at 75c , would bo good value at $1.50. Five cases of the very best Crochet and Marseilles bed spreads at manufacturers cost COMFOKTnnS and maxkets Wo have over 100 bales of comforters leftover ever , and go tlioy must , so como and get a supply whllo you can Got thorn at 50c , 65a , 75c , $1.00 and upwards , just one-half early seasons prices All of our blankets at cost Hosiery , underwear , corsets and gloves at eastern cost CI.01KS AMD SUITS Now Is the time to buy cloaks ot prices out In two Wo must sell them and are bound to do it Ladies will find It to their interest to at tend this great sale which lasts nil this week nt Henry Elsoman & Co 's , council Bluffs , la Mail orders carefully filled Home rcstaurant.G.R.iDavls , Prop.337 B-y. Toilet soap Kelloyi&jYounkcrman'a 102 B-way , p , , - | | , < Dr II , S , West , guaranteed dentistry , No 12 Pear st , over Bbb office Iowa lump coal , spot cash , $3.50 per ton , Council Bluffs Fuel Co -n Dr C It Bower , 620 First nvo , Tel 229. T * I F. JanBson tencheszither , muslo Terms reasonable , V27 3d avunue Thu Manhattan sportjhg , Hoadq'rs 413 B-way , lho LcJudorH of fine watches and jswelry In the city , and tbo place to buy the best goods ut the lowest prices is the establishment without-rivals , the most reliable firm of C , 13. jACQt'EMIN Si CO Tbo Council Bluffs Insurance company's average annual income slnco organization has been $120,000.00. , Disbursements slnco organization for losses aud ether ex penditures now uxceeds $1,000,000.00. Risks written slnco organization , $42,770,545.00 Every property owut * should patronize tbjs homo institution , uud in tbat way eacourago and build up our city J , B. Allen is tbo city agent of this company , aud a more honor oblo , reliable and trustworthy man can not bo found Tno directors of tbo company are Hon VV F , Sapp , E. L. Shugart , F. M. Gault , John Uonners , M , C. Hramerd and J. Q. And < " on AN HEIRESS IN DISGUISE . Now York Morning Journal : A city thtU ' is eot upon a hill c.tnnot bo hid Neither wns the form of tt tall , fall young mnn standing on the olovntoil railway platform at Thirty-fourth strcot station ' , hulilon from my view ns I roauiiod i the slilowalk bonontli It , hav ing | wnlkod ever from Fifth nvonuo , in tent , ' on going down as far as Fourteenth street ! to do a little shopping previous to the ( Chrlstmn.9 holidays in 1833. It wns ono ' of tnv many oddities to travel In this 1 way Instead of taking my carrlago Something about the licruro instinct ively nttrnctod mo , and anxious ( or a nearer i tnspoetlon I hurried up the steps nt twice my U9tml pneo , fearing lost n train should roll along and carry him olt < before I arrived Hurriedly buying my ticket I passed out on the ulattorm , Ho whoso mngnotlsm bnd drawn mo there was standing , tall , fair and list loss A tool bag ot coarse tioklug was slung across ono shoulder Ho were n rough , hull-worn suit of working clothes and heavy bIioos which , however , could not dotrnctfrom his goncrnl noble nppenr- anco I gazed for n moment at the fair classic profile , the dreamy blue eyes , then down at tbo hard , work-worn hands only a workman , a mcchaulc , and yet In that moment I roall/.oct that at last the grand passion love rthat which I bud io long boarchod , which had always evaded mo so that nt times I almost doubted its e.xlstonco , had como at lost Laugh if you will Sentimentalist , do you say ? Ay , and proud of it What is life worth living without love love such us Paul felt for Virginia , love that made the onrth a wilderness , drear and void at her death , and caused him to pine away and soon follow her to the shadow littuiy 1 fool that love like that , so pure , so true , so utterly free from all worldliness , would bo worth a thousand deaths Am I but a foolish dreamer of idle fancies , but a romancer who constantly longs for lho ideal and unreal , instead of'Contcntedly jogging along with the real ? livery one has a ruling passion Ono may choose money , drink , gambling , study , ambition , politics mine.is love ; and have I not a right to it ? Yes indeed - deed , for I nin rich , and in this Now York of ours I find that money covers a multitude of sins I am short and swarthy , with * dark eyes and black hair , somowhiit stout ; "a nice plump little figure , " my dress maker says : money again Were I poor and had to make my own garments I would bo simply stumpy Yes , lam decidedly - cidodly plain looking Bolng a millionaires lionaire's daughter is not synonymous with being a beauty My nose has al ways boon a cause of mortification , for it is flat , almost without bridge and broad at the nostrils , and I could not help observing tbat every Chinaman I mot as I traveled about the city had just such a citndol mounting gmard ever his face If it bo a national feature , I am unable to judge , my knowledge of Chinese being strictly limited to the knights of the laundry in our own city To proceed still further in describing my most lnsignilicant-looking self , lot mo say that while my hero , my demi god , as I already doomed him , stood with the cold December winds swoop ing past him , none too well protected from the blast by his old working jaeKot I was mullled to the chinin , a rich seal skin coat My head , which did not nn- volop brains clever enough to devise for mo tbo happiness that ordinary mor tals enjoy , wnscovorod witb a sealskin cap , and my white bands , which had never done a , stroke of work , wore hidden in a muff of the same Furs on a tall person give a certain stateliness , but Buroly with my llttlo dark face peering out of these I might easily pass for an Esquimaux In a few * minutes the train glided along I watched to see which car my Adonis made for , then moved toward the same Wo neared the gate toirotbor , nnd he stopped baclc to allow mo to pass in Had ho pushed rudely in first i fancy my airy dremns would have boon crushed perhaps my newborn love for him would have received a death blow Surely I , a millionaires daughter , should bo allowed a little license with out being called rude , oleo my money is of little use Allowable or not , I took a seat opposite and gazed attentively at his face IIo seemed to bo thinking deeply , and never so much as glanced across at the romantic llttlo bundle of sealskin I have ono fnoulty painfully acute , and that is the ability to road people by their faces ; and as plainly as I could road honesty and goodness stamped on thnt countenance , so had I often de ciphered falsity on the smiling faces of my adralrors Although pluin , . I wus not without suitors , but nccordtng to my reading there was not ono true love among thorn Tholr eyes all shone greedy for • gain ; I wns but the means to attain it , and would afterward bo counted an incumbrance Wo had now reached Fourteenth street ; but as ho did not stir , neither did I , firm in the deter mination to discover , if it lay in my power , where ho was goiner Further than that , I was unable to nlan at pres ont Ninth Houston Grand ; Here ho rose , and with graceful , swinging stop loft the car , I , with my nono-too-graceful walk , followed him , and dogged closely behind - hind until ho entered ono of the largo dry goods.stores with which that street abounds , The hoiso of hammers and buxz of saws soon Informed mo that part of the place was undergoing alter ations , and I saw him my unknown ndorod ono throw off his coat and Hat , and aftop a few moments conversation with a man who Boomed to be overlook ing the work , sot to with hammer and nulls , I turned to the nearest counter , bought a few trifling urtlcles and wont homo Most surely it was little less than idiocy for a woman In my position ono who with but a yes could have a flno , gentleman for a husband , a splendid - did establishment end everything sooin- ingly that the heart could desire to go raoing around after a enrpontor nn utior stranger In my own room I argued , reasoned and wrestled with myself for a time With what rosultr Thatoyoninp my father was seated alone in his library , half-dozing in nn easy chair , when I walked softly in , clad in a dark red plush gown that really suited mo better than anything else I stood before him nnd would have knelt , but had never yet brought myself to knaol to God or man With downcast eyes and low vobo I recited the llttlo speech I had learned by rote before entering , fearing lost nervous : ness should rob mo of the power of ex pressing myself oloarly , • Father , in store on Grand street there are some carpenters at work , Among them is ono , tall , fair , with a blonde mustaoho , regular tooth , blue eyes and a small scar on the third linger of his right hand I want you to send there , find out nil you can about him , and also employ him to como here to do some work for you " The look of amazement molted into ono of resignation , as it had bo often done at ono of my straugo requests How well I remember the llrst tlmo I , astonished my father and gained for myself the name ot bolng an ooontrlo bolng I was but a child and had ro- colvod a tiny gold watch and small diamond ring as birthday gifts The ring chafed iny flfigoi' and the watch , according to my childish reasoning , was usolcss in a house where there were so many clocks So 1 walked one attor- noon until I ramo to a secondhand store , whore 1 sold thorn both for a small sum of money , which I distributed among the poor children I uhanccil to meet , und wont homo , elated at having gladdened their hearts and rollovcd myself of a burden My father drew mo down on a chair nenr him , smoothed my hair reflec tively a few moments , then said , grave ly ! " 'My duar Lntirn , must this bo done ? Dent you think the fancy will wear olT In a few days ? " "It must bo done , " 1 replied , with all the deter mination I could muster ; "my happi ness depends upon it " That settles the question , " nn- sworod ho , ' out what work is ho to do ? Wo need nothing " Have some now cupboards built in the kitchen " was my ready response "Ah yes , " with a smile ot rollof , down in the kitchen ; very good " The dear old man thought that this would preclude the chatico ot lutor- course between us 1 know that his re lief was fated to bo short-llvod , but said nothing A faithful messenger performed his task , and the young enrpontor , whoso name proved to bo Mr John Britten , was engaged to como the following week During the interval I did not even mention the matter , but wont my usual round and surprised my friends with an amount ot gaiety they thought mo Incapable ot I foil lively , for a hope of something better , at any rate of somothlng now , dawned upon my horizon I hud still ono disagreeable task which loft until the evening before fore Mr Hritton unB to begin wont My parents were about to start for the theater , when I bogged them to wait a minute , us 1 had something Important to say I then informed thorn , ns brlofly us possible , that , beginning to morrow , for some short time I meant to dlsguiso myself and act us tholr waitress ; that after 5 o'clock ench even ing I would resume my own clothing and take my accustomed place In so ciety They appeared olectriflod at this latest and wildest project ot tholr ugly duckling My mother gave way to hysterics , but soon calniod horsoli , as she did not wish to ruin her appear ance for the evening Father uttered some few romonstrancos in a faint henrted , hopeless tone , ns though pre viously certain of their iruitlcssncss Well , I enjoyed the novelty of wearing a plain dress and dabbling in the kitchen , helping cook to the host of my ability , but often , I fear , more hin drance than help The young man looked upon mo us an equal aud chatted pleasantly as ho worked Often , when I had linishod my work , I would sit quietly playing with some piece of fancy won ; , listening to the cheery music of his tools ; at least their sound was music to mo Ho told mo how his boyhood had been full of hardship Ho had bold newspapers - pors , morning and evening , for a low yours , at the same time attending school ; had then entered n carpenters shop to learn the trade , and that now ho could earn a very fair living ; also that ho had a little saved enough to buy furniture , should ho marry This was said rather pointedly , and I 6miled inwardly but happily , as I thought of his savings , probably altogether not as much as my pin money for a week Op- posttos attract , it is said , and surely no two beings could bo moro dilforont than wo ; yet , unless nppoaranccs were deceitful - ceitful , ho wns growing fond of mo whereas my state of affections Is already known In return for his confldonco I. told him that my name was Mary Evart , at least that was the name given mo at the orphan asylum from which our em ployer , Mr Sutley , had taken me I gave him to understand that I had no relations and no friends , oxcent my em ployer , determining that if ho ever cared for mo.it should bo for myself alone , without a thought of money or inmily So the days sped by nil too quickly for mo For tbo first time in my llfo the discontented cbuflng against fate gave way to a peaceful happiness , and while ho was in the room the atmospheric , without personal , contact wiib enough to throw mo into a blissful calm Ono evening ho left a llttlo later than usual And when ho was gene I sped upstairs happy at last Ho had asked mo the ono important question uud I had said yes " Singing blithely I cangod my C iiidorolla costume for my princosa's robes , ran down to the parlor and seated myself at my piano well pleased to touch its ivory keys , after the short exile at washing dishes I rattled oft a few lively pieces , then took up ray favorite , Wobor's Storm " I loved that ploco and throw nil my heart into it as I played , Sweet and clear the Shepherd Song rang above the llrst muttorlngs of the thunder , then as the storm raged florcor my lingers fairly flow und thoplauo seemed bewitched , for never hud I boon able to draw from it such wonderful vol umes of sound , The Uro bolls rang out sharp nnd clear , nnd Anally , as lho storm subsides , the rumbling thunder grows fainter nnd the song gradually dies away With the last low notes I was startled by hearing a long-drawn sigh . Hastily swinging nround I saw him standing , hat in hand , lips parted , and a.loolc of intor.so emo tion on his face Pardon my intru sion , madam , " ho said "I met Mr Sutloy outside and ho uskod mo to como baclc to the library Wo had a little business to settle , but ho was called away and uskod mo to wait till ho re turned Then I hoard the storm brewing ing and could not understand , as the sky is eloar I was drawn toward It , nnd Oh , madam , I had no idea there was such music " "It is , indeed , a grand piece , " I re plied At the sound of my volco ho started forward , The lights were turned low , so I bad not much fonr but what I could balllo him , for I would not have hlra know yet No ono should bo able to suy my husband wed me for gold "Mury , " ho said In a hesitating , questioning way For whom do you take mo , my good man ? " I asked with all the coldness I could assume , although my heart throbbed , Are you not Mary , Mary Evart ? " ho said , advancing another step Happily at this moment my father ap peared in the doorway With a forced laugh I oxclalmod : Father , tils gentleman tloman has mistaken mo for our llttlo waitress 1 declare , it is too bad that the rcsomblanco is so great as to make these errors of such frequent oc currence " With this I turned and pussod out at another door , Next morning John told mo of his adventure , nnd wo Jaughod heartily ever if , but Mary , dour , " ho Bald , when wo are married wo muBt have u piano Well bo able to got ono on the installment plan , and you shall learn to piny like Mies Sutley , upstairs " I ussontod ohoorfully , well pleased that my John showed a taste for music Nor had ho the small vices and rough ness so many attribute to workmen I boiran to think thut perhaps there were as muny true gontloincn in poor garb as ' broadcloth , It must not bo suppoo& I that it wns all smooth sailing Whou I 'I announced that 1 was to bo married very 1 quietly to Mr John Hritton , naturally _ _ _ _ ' 1 enough my parents objected strcnu * I otisly ; but when I asked in a vnlm voice ) A " 1 if they preferred a suicldo to mccullt- vikl _ _ _ _ mice , their opposition molted uwa\f dHl " " - - like thin clouds before a Biscay gale , _ . " and they gave no curses , but blessings / • Wo were married , und are htippy My / husband discovered my real ntmio nnd , station only on my wcildingdny WhnJ more can mortal desire ? My husband is educating himself to bo , ns ho says , a gentleman Nor will ho hello vo my oft * repeated ns ortioti that , ho wns always ono of natuio'j gentlemen With every $ . " > imrchaso at lhsomaii's yea nro entitled to crayon portrait of yourself oc friend , l'rlco of oleg.uit frnmo.50. ! . v ] SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS w > l | FOR SALE AMP B-NT. \ FOR TIIAlir IIM seres of ctenr Kansas laud ! \ pnrtlv lmprou'dwtl ; tnido for a fl.ooo ' stock ot dry goo Is unrtgrcKorlM , or will trndd Si acres for t-U sUvfc of urocerlo * . Addrois HO Avenun O , Council HIiut * , Is ( FOIl HKNT-NowB-room hou e , with 2. ) acres of ground , nn I'pper llroauwuy 1' . J. Day , ITlOlt ItllNT X-rooin house with modern con Jvenlencesou Oth an- bet "th aud Mil sts ) > T. J. Day " 1 7 OII HKNT Tw o , " tlirse foiii\ live and si * 3 room houses 1 < , J. Day J710U IMiNT-Btoieroom in good location P.J , . Day "niOIt SAIiH-lloautiful homo at n bargain , 1' , • 3JlOItl,0 < X > orl.0uJ youoan buy n nKinoyf _ n _ . „ clean stnckof linntwuro , sto > o una tlnshon Tf _ Bhi iuouoot the host -alloiiH in uesttnn lown < tt _ _ BF If you wnut-a Unrd nro business would bo W" pleased to refer you to rcllsblu partus tlue J knowuUsliout our business Very satisfactory 1 reasons for selling It will pay you to Invest ! * f gate this AUdross II tt Ilea olllco Council lllnlTs ' OT1CK If you have real ustate or ciistlols1 you want to dispose of quick , list tbom w ltU , Kerr A Gray , Council MutTa , la rpnu west hidij nuiMMNu socuTfv ' o ? t _ _ X Council iitntTs Invites tlio attention ot men V _ working on snl&rlos nnd other pprsons of moaer ate means totbeirco-opcisttro plan fort-Hcurliuj homes In this city It is believed thnt batter terms of purchase and credit can be elTecteit uuder this plan thnu l > v Individual action , ami thnt a better site lielgliboilionU and surround ings can bo secured than by purchasing and im proving luilepemleutlyaud lu separnto districts in the city The undctslgned will furnish In formation and show tlio property to all lnipilft ors Olllce open from 7 to 8 on week Uay e\oo , Jugs C. M. ftoss , room-IX ! Merrlnm block , , 1J1011 KXCIIANG K A good new d-room house ? to exchnngo for nn Improved 80 aero faiia In western or central lena , Kerr A : Gray C1AH11 foi aecouu-liand furniture , moves und carpets ' , A. J. Maude ) , Xio llrondnay , | 7HK SAI.K nt leas than cash value on month A } ly payments or terras to suit , or trailo for Omnha or Council lllulfs unimproved prop erty : New 11-room house , lot 57x130 , with nil mod ern Improvements , on Sixth avenue , between Tenth and lihnenth stioets , one block from electric motor line and one block from Mmiavrj motor line , New 8-room house adjoining the above v Three now 8-room houses on Lincoln nenue , two blocks from electric motor line Two now4-room liouaos four blocks from cloctrlc motor line , on North Seventh street Ono new E-rooni liouse four blocks front electric motor line onNorth Seventh street , - Throe now 0 and tl-room nouses , ono bloca . from electric motor line , corner M enue A ana . II Twelfth street \ 7 I llculdes the nbovo 1 have houses and lots m vjV W all p.irts of the city The abe property Is all Tfiv , . _ _ J my o\\nand 1 will sell on terms to suit for lesd LoeJA than you can buy as good property nnd Imrrovd H _ _ r it yourself for cash O. It Judd , 000 Ilronilwny _ BT Council muffs In FOH BAliE Sewingmachlno , almost new , 4 H great bargain for cash Cost (47. Can bo _ seen In Omaha Address J. S. lurch , postolllcoi _ Council Dlulls Ti rANTKD Competent girl forgenornl house K V > workutllBBoutliTthst Mrs 8. 11. Cocb > _ B WANTKD-Competent girl , family , ot two , H Highest wnges paid , Mrs J. J' . Kimball , B 807 4th ave jW BIOIISAI.K On easy terms , one ot the best | _ H restaurants In Council ItlntTs ; good busl AV ness , well estabUsnoU Host ot reasons torf • _ selling Address It 20 , Dee olllco , Council _ muffs H FOlt IU' .NT The business house latelv occur H plod by B , T. McAtee Apply ut 5.171'lttU _ avenue H OitKXCII . .NOBior4 Htocks of general B merchandise to nschauge for good fnrrn H ends and cash : Invoice from IM.00) to Jl-I.uwi H Address Kerr ii Dray , Council Hlnirs In B LOTS for sale In Oak Q rove and Greenwood nd * B illtlon Easy terms Houses and lots oa K . monthly payments T. L. liable , cor Cross ana _ Hb ANTUD At aonco stock ot groceries oif"r' general milso tbat will Invoice about ! _ tfl.OOO , , In exchange for j ; , r > 03 lu good Improved pioperty near tnis place ; bal In cash Address _ Kerr Uray Council muffs m FOilBAf/TCor Bxcnnge The furniture and _ H lease of nfl room hotel doing a big buslnesa _ H In eastern Neb Price $8,0Wj $1,500 case bal , oa _ B easy terms , or will take Si In good real estate * . _ B Address Kerr & Gray , Council lllulls H NRW Improved real estate to trade for mil in _ B proved Omaha or Council lllulls property H C. B. Judd 008 llroadway B RIIAI , KSTATE flougat and nold ant ex' B changed Special attention glraa to exam * H Instlon of titles \y. O. James , Jn 11) ) I'oarl sc T/iOIl SAI.n or Kent Garden land with houses ' _ H X ? by J. It ltlee ICO Main St , Council IltuuM J. D. KllMUNDSON , E. Ii SlIUOAIlT , M lros Vice lrai _ Ciias It Hannah , Cashier H CITIZENS STATE BANK , I orcouNCir HtiUFrs Wf Paid up Capital Sino.ooo.oo _ j | Surplus 35 , 'OOO.OQ ' • ' r B Liability to Depositors.-333,000.00 V DlliEOTOlis 1. A. Miller , I' . O. Glesson , K. ii , M Shugart , K. K. Hart , J. D. Kdundson , Chas It . _ & ' T Hnnnan , Transact general banking business * I Largest capital aud surplus of any bank Id I orthnestern Iowa Interest on time deposits \W F. M. EltIS & CO , jl ARCHITECTS A AND JiniMlINU BUPUHINTENDKNTS i Itooms 4 W and 4t ! lleo liulldlnir , Oinnhu Neb . I nnd Itooms U\ and 210 Mcrrlam Mock Council ' lllulfs Iowa Correspondence Solicited , DIKUCE Ac ItEYNOLDS < * Fashionable Confectioners I lhe very latest novelties for bouquets an | private parties Choice fruits , bon tons , choca r > lutes , buttercups , and old fashioned molasses , I candy a specialty Orders for parties aud matt i 1 orders promptly filled , Itfl ) Headway , Council f lllulfsia [ I . No 27 Main St , Over Jacque- ' J | mln's Jewelry Store , - _ 3 BELL & BERUNGHOF , . 4 ARCHITECTS \ I AND BUPttiMNTKNDtiNTti ' Iloom 2 , Opera House UlocU , Council Bluffs , Iowa S. E. MAXON , \ Archilei and Superintend mbU m Room 281 , Mcrrlam Bloo't , T COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWAv ' t