Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    _ 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 3 flATUBD AY , JANUAKY 25. 3890.
H Tlio Cniindiaii-Ainprioati club of
H Omahni < ! trying to rent suitable roomier
B /or headquarters
H C. A. Kaltli of Lincoln was .veatordny
| nppoinlcil railway mail dork , to run
H lie two on Lincoln mid Alma , succeeding
B S. W. Ferguson
H Kx-Policcmnu Pulaski , qunilflcd yes
B tcrdny , mid was duly installed us city
B pounumnitor , vice Corey , whoso term of
m olllco lnul expired
M Out of eighteen cases before JiuIro
P PJ Hclslov onlv one person was convletod
PJ Tlio victim ' urns Charles Kirby , w ho was
P PJ committed for ten day * .
B An elTort is being mndo by the mom
AVJ bcrsof the partially defunct I'onnsylvn-
H nla society to ruvlvo A cull for a mcot-
H itijr will bo issued in n few days
H Tlio iufunt v liich wiis loft at the con
PAVJ vent , on the corner of Fifteenth and
PKpJ Cnstcllnr straols , sovornl uoolcs tigo ,
PJ • died at i ! o'clock j cstorday nftornuon
B Articles of Incorporation of Grace
M Presbyterian church wuro filed yester
ilav The dlrtietors of the church uro
_ 1 H S. W. Scott , U. E. Copson and J. M.
P PJ Wotsdn
H ' The Cnstollnr nlpht school 1ms boon
P PJ running for two weeks , but has not nt-
P PJ ' tulncd the number of pupils required to
P PJ f wnrrnnl its mnlutcnnnco , and closed last
H '
M Mr FrnnU W. Boukal of this city reP -
P PJ ceived the sad nous uf the death of his
P PJ sister , Fnincisca Iliftmnn of West
AVJ Point She hud ninny friends in Omahii
P PJ , mid West Point who will mourn her
M Two lots of shoot tin pinto have been
P PJ rocived by the collector of customs
pjj Ono weighs 10,800 pounds , and is for
PAS ' Rector Wtlhclmy Co . and the other
P PJ ; weighing 23,000 for the Lco-
W. Clark & Andrchon linrdwaro company
Hj ' Owing to the sickness of Mr Kior-
Hi stead with la grlppo , and the absoneoof
Hj Major Fui ay from tlio city , there was
P PJI no session of the board of public works
P PJj yesterday , ns advortlsod , far lot
P PJ ting contracts on the Twenty-seventh
P PJ street snwer and the grading on Sovcn-
P PJ tocnth street
H I was persuaded by a friend to try "Snlva-
P PJ tlon Oil ' ' for nourtilgln and headache , I fouutl
P PJ it a great relief after n few applications I
P PJ cbccrfully recounuend it tu nil who likewise
P PJ- sufTcr G. II McUii : : .
J To unforturmtc chronic couphnri worccom-
P PJ mend tlio timely use of Dr Bulls Coupu
P Pj Syrup Price 25 cents
H Martin Duftv , n jounj ; laborlnc man of
P PJ twentvfour died yesterday morning at St
P PJ Joseph's hospital
H Viaduct ApprnlsorR
H -At tlio last meeting of tlio city council
P Pji Major T , S. Clarlison , V. VV Birkhauser and
P PJ T , A. Croigh were uppaintcd appraisers of
P PJ the damage sustiiiucd bv property holders on
P PJ I Tenth Bticot btcuuso of the erection of the
P PJ viaduct
P PJ .Messrs Clarkson and Creigh lmvo qualified
P PJ but Mr , JJirkhauscr has not because of ub-
P PJ sonco from the city
P PJ Itismoio than likely that tlio appraisers
P PJt will Do compelled to bold several public
P PJ mcotiugs of interested parties before long
P PJl An Absolute Cure
P PJ Js only put up in lurao two-ounce tin boxes ,
P PJ and Is an absolute euro for all sores , burns ,
P PJ wounds , chupped hands and all skin orup-
1 P1 tlons Will positively euro all Kinds of piles ' ,
P PJ MKNT Qold by Goodman Drug company
P PJ at 23 cents tai \ box by mail SJ coats
B PJ Mr Balcombo'H Correction
H Major Balcombo saj'B that awing to some
H typographical * uror.tho ; papers failed tocor-
H rcctly cxprcsef the sentiment of the board of
H ' jiubbpAvdnts in regard to brick pavements
H , , Tbe paragraph in question is as follows i
H f "Wo reiterate that the policy of buy
H icg the lowest priced urticlo for
H . - use in perpetuity is no morn com .
H t uicnilnblo in the case of paving strcots
H ? than lu tlio affairs of domestic and business
H , life , and wo do not intend to commend any
H ' ' cheap pAvement , but to commend ono cheap
H nrllclo in prefcrenco to another , hence wo
H f ay etioose brick instead of wood if dctcr-
H , mined to have ono of the lowest in first cost
P Mr U. L. Smith , a merchant at Dun
H das , Mo , says : Chamberlains cough
P " remedy gives tlio sbcst of satisfaction
B The trouble is that people wako mo up
P at all times during the night , wanting
H it for croup " _
U Aniioiincciuoiits
x )
P The Now York Times , In speaking of Sab
H H vinl's ' reappearance , says sixteen years lmvo
m not effaced the memory of the huircls.whieh
H the famous Italian tragedian won in bis
H strong apd effecting Impersonations It is
H , ( hard tb imagine n great actorwhoso niasslvo
H form , collosul proportions.tremcndous thews
H - and sinews and impressive inoln who could
H - otherwise bo anything but the grand Samson
H ho does a character which i" of itself sub
H limo Samson will bo Played during tbo
P coming engacemont at the Boyd
M • Miss Emma R. Steiner ; musical directress
P -i. of the Grau opera company , is u rccognircd
P authority in the musical world She is the
P , composer of the Stooping Beauty , " which
B is nn adaptation 'of Tennj sons Cay
B Dream , " and , also , of "La Fleurctto , " a
P charming operetto , and In the Brigands , "
P that pleasing musical phantasy , the Kiss
P Duct " is u product of liar facile pen ,
P Custom Houro Ktntlsttcs
P show that -,451,501 , cases of clmmpapno were
H imported during tlio last decudo , of which
H over ono.fourth was G II Mumm's ' Sxtra
H ' Dry " Their Importation during that period
P was ever 1200,000 cases moro than any other
H bland , indicating its popularity
m Dosertcd Iln-Babe.
H Mrs Athorton , wlio lives , at 1347 North
H , Fifteenth street , repotted to the police that
m , she bad nn infant only a few weeks old whom
1 ' th < 9 mother had deserted , and whom she do-
i t sired to have taken away
H ; 1 ho mother is Koto Abbott , a dining room
K girlwbb has worked in numerous restaur-
K ants in Omuha Until last ueolc the mother
l paid Mrs Athorton $3.50 per week
1 to take care of the child
H Finally she wrote a. letter asking
' Mrs Atlierton to send the bnbo to some
H charitable Institution as she could no longer
H afford to support-it. Mrs , Atlierton is also a
H poor woman and is anxious to bo relieved of
H her burden Uho futhcr of the child has
H flown
1 X For Itlllousnosq
H Use IIorBford's Acid Phosphate
i Dr W. B. Gillies , Winnipeg , Manitoba ,
H savs : "I huvo used it In atypical case of In-
H digestion with biliousness and found it to
B be , without oxcoptlon , the best thing I ever
m used in such cases "
H Willlnm Boyle BuiioiJ
H The furioral of Wlllluuf Boyle took place
H yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at Forest
H • Lawn cemetery ,
H Tlio services at the grave were performed
H by the Rev Mr Laird of the ICnox Prcsby
1 terlau church The pallbearers were Messrs
H James Doty , William Doty , U. Gibson , s , IS
H , Luke , Hoslenlloy and Mtsscboir , all personal
H friends ofitlic deceased ,
H The Lercmony was very tad and Inipres-
H • sivc The grief ot Mrs Boyle was very
j , touching She was accompanied to the
j grave by her fatherMr Hale , and ber sitter
W Messrs Drexel anil Maul ware very kind to
j the widow In her hour of grief and huvo as-
j turned the expense of the funeral
H ] Mtlen' Aervojniul Liver IMlls
Hi An important discovery , Tboy net on the
; liver , ttoumch And bowels ihrougli the
j nerves A now principle They speedily
1 euro billloutness , bad taste , torpKl liver ,
j piles and couttlpation Spicudld for men ,
K women nnd otiildren Smallust , mildest ,
H , surest 80 doses for 33 cents Samples free
H at Ku ) > n" & Co 's , 15th and Douglas
Diohop O'Connor Expcota Never to
Sco Omaha Again
The l'rolnte'fl Disease Astmnes n Most
Bcrimit Turn nnit IIU l'hyslclnu
Jlns no 1Ioch | ot His
A Bislmp IHInt ; .
It is very snd news which Tnr Ur.B has
this morning for the frlonds of lit Rev
James O'Connor ' , Catholic bishop of Omnhi
About two months ago the bishop was ad
vised by his physicians to go south for his
health , which nt that time , though fcoblo ,
was not considered in any sense danger
ous , as ho was never closely • con
fined to his house , but , on the
other hand , was out among his
parishioners nearly every day , nnd fre
quently nppearcd in public When his
phjslcians first intimated their desito In his
behair the bishop put them olt with the in
timation that ho considered their advice
rather in the line of over-anxlutv in behalf
of their patient Finally , however , ho came
to sco the need of following their advlco
nnd wont to St Louis , thinking
that It was merely a rhango of
surroundings that was required It needed
but a short tlmo , though , to bIiow him how
much hotter his skilled advisers were uc-
qualnted With his phvsleal condition than was
he.and ho Journeyed onto Springfield college ,
n classical resort outside of Mobile , Ala
But oven this did not sunioo It was a still
moro genial , softer air that Ins system
seemed to demnnd
Ho went to St Augustine , Fla , wliero ho
has now been for some time
Within the past foity-cight hours priv.ito
advices have been received in this city which
contain intelligence thoroughly nl.irmlng
concerning the bishop Tnoy say that
Bishop O'Connor is failing rapidly , nnd
liotilmself says that ho docs not think he
shall over sco Omaha , Ins old home , again "
It was further explained that the tiouhlo
consists in a general relapsing of the entire
system , nnd although but some sixty , years
old , the bishdp seems entirely worn out
Catarrh.originates in scrofulous taint
Hoods Sarsupuiilln ptirilies the blood ,
and thus permanently curres eutarli
Xiicy Are to Assemble Hero in Iinrf o
Number * Tr Iny
The first nnnunl ( urn bezirk or convention
of the Turners of Nebraska will bo held in
Omaha today , Sunday and Monday
Representatives from the following turner
soclotios will bo piesent : Omaha , South
Omaha , Plattsmoutn , Hastings , West Point ,
Lincoln , Nebraska City imd Sioux City
A committeu of Omaha turners will re
ceive the visiting delogatloas today as
thpy arrive on the various tmlnsand will see
thatthoyareproDerlyqartored Iiitheovening
a reception and supper will bo held at Ger-
inania hall , to which all the city and county
officials havo.noen invited
On Sunday at 9 a. m. the delegates will
hold their first business session The reports
of the various committees will bo road
Phihp"Andr s , the piosldent , will mike a
report on the growth ot the organization and
Henry ICummorow will speak on physical
culture General routine busiuess will then
bo attended to
At S p. in and 7 D. m. Sunday , and 0 a m.
Monday , other sessions'will bo held , at which
new business will bo transacted , oftlcors will
be elected for the ensuing year and delegates
chosen to the national convention to be held
at Now.York in Juno
The organization of the Nebraska associa
tion of Turnois is duo to tbo efforts of Philip
Andres and Henry Kummerow Thoao two
gcntlomon generally paid out of their own
pockets the expenses of the organization and
are rewarded by seeing every Tumor society
in the stuto in this union
The organizing convention wis held at
Plattsmouth lust a year ago and the follow
ing officers were elected :
Phillip Andres , president ; Henry ICum
morow , turuorw.irt : E. G. Grube , see
rotary ; William II Blaodol , troisuror These
gentlemen are the present ofilccis and
it is piobablo that they will bo ro-eleotod for
the coming J ear Messrs Andres mid Kum
merow ai o making an offoi t to organize tiew
turner associations in every city and large
town in the state ,
Six weeks ago the Slou * City Turners
asked for admission to tlio Nebraska asso
ciation and by the consent of the nation il
committee the louuest was granted At
present Yankton' is knocking for admis
Piles ! IMes ! ( Host
Dr Williams Indian Pile Ointment will
cure blind , bleeding and itching piles wben
other oimtments huvo failed , It absorbs the
tumors , allays the itching at once , acts as a
doultice , gives instant relief Dr Williams *
Indian Pile Ointment is proparad only for
piles and Itching of the private parts , and
notning else 12vory boIs warranted Sold
by druggists or sent by mail on receipt of
price , 25onnd ? l per box
WILLIAMS ! MFG CO , Prop . . ,
Clovelaud , O.
A Lonely Bast lie
George L. Cat roll , who has boenlallor at
Cuming street lock up ever slnco it was
opened , is the only prisoner there
The old man is lying on a jail bed suffer
ing from u sovcro case of la grlppo His
attendants uro two little sons ucd City
Physician Capon ,
ills recovery is doubtful ,
Some months ago Carroll and his wife sep
arated Slnco that time ho bus had no to-
maluattendant The jail is in the basement ,
Is dark , cheerless and cold a greater portion
of the time
The plucojs seldom used , by the police and
will no doubt soon cither be rciltted or
Carroll has a largo acquaintance and
would , no doubt , bo better cured for If bis
friends knew of his present condition
Our druggists would not recommend
Chamberlains cough remedy if they
did not know it to bo perfectly rollablo
It is mudo especially for coughs , colds
and croup and is the most prompt and
most elTeotuul remedy known for these
diseases •
A Stolen Morse
A young man , sober and well dressed ,
appeared at Browns livery barn on Ejaun-
dors street Tuesuay morning and askedfor a
horse and buggy Ho suld that ho wanted It
only todrhooutas far as Hanscom park
The charge was $ tD0 and the fellow paid in
Nothing was hoard of the customer or
the horse until yesterday.when Chief Soavoy
received a telegram from the sheriff ot
Pacific Junction stuting that the liorsu wus
there No further details were given Mr
Brown loft at once for the junction ana will
endeavor to captuie the thief
A peculiar incident to the affair is thut just
ono year prior to the day the sumo borso
was stolen and was captured within a few
miles of Pacific Junction
No Safer llcinoili can bo had for coughs
and colds , or any trouble of the throat , than
Browns BronuhlulTrocucs " 1'rlco 25 cts
Sold only In boxes
Children Cry for Pitchers ' Castoria
When Baby was sltl , wo g TO ber Ceatorta
V bcu kbe wu a Child , she crird for Cwtoria , she became hiln , the dune to Castoria ,
W > 5n itue uatf Children , utie gav them CastorU
jjiji.NQUt2NT ( ItmcitAsnits
They llo Not Vet I'nlil fiir the
Poor Farm Iiotn
County Audltur Kvuns has completed his
stntcmont of the condition of the county
hospital fund to January t ) of the present
year There were 233 lots sold , realising
5330-lSO. Of this amount tliil751. > has
been collected There Is yet duo on the lots
$162,053.13. There has been paitl from the
fundSlflJ JOOOI Of this expendituio Hy.m
& Walsh have leccived S. 'O.bsO.Ti for grad
ing , $101,241.-10 for work on hospital , nnd
Sl.17-I.tl7 for extras , a total of JI2J.2M U3.
This le.ncs a balance In the fund of Sl y
The amount nt present duo on the lots Is
about Jil2,000 : and the rcimlnlng tJiMriO
with something like * 1UP00 in Interest will
bo duo in May Tills , with the cash on hand
makes n total ot about JIS'J,000 that will soon
bu nvallablo In the fund T hero Is duo the
contractors on the work some if20.000 , and
they have a claim of $ MX)0 ) ( ) for extras If
these nto allowed It will leave about $120,000
In the iund , which may bo used for furnish
ing the hctpltil , n rontracl that is esti
mated at M0.000 , Ieu\ing some J.HI.DOO , which
will probably bo transferred to the general
fund by the commissioners
Tim hospital has been practically com
pleted , but Ihero is no fund , and no mat nod
under the Btnlu'cs of securing money
for tti * initlntaiuanco of a hospital Tlio In
stitution is , so far as the commissioners uro
concerned , a poor bouse , and any operation
of the hospital will have to bo paid for out of
tlio poor fund The commissioners lmvo no
power to mike a low for the opor.itlon of a
hospital , nnd cannot make anv such levy un
til authorized by the legislature
At present , tlio eomiulssioners nro confin
ing their work to the employment of an
engineer at ? 10J a month who is burniuir live
tons of coal n day heating the vacant struct
feTOIltU ON thi : HAIL
Men Working in tlio Snowdrift * nntl
I rei r. nir Cars
llcpoits transmitted to Union Pacific offi
cials from points throughout the
mduntaln regions indicate that there is no
change in the weather , osoeelally for thu better
ter , beyon Ogden "I'hero has boon no
such stoun , " snd Vleo-Prcsldent Holcolmb ,
• Mr that country , slnco lSbl , when trilns
were snowbound for the period of thirty
davs "Scmoofour mlviees refer to this
bllzzaid as bomg the equal in lextent and su
verity to that , nnd thu indications now are
that it will last as long However , the road
ts better prepared now with its Improved
plows to light snow than it was eight years
aso , and will very quickly clear tbo track
when the beautiful quits lalliugund the wind
stops blowing "
The Central Pacific people nro
not giving out much information as to their
real condition , owing , doubtle3 , to the fact
that Colonel Crocker , general man-D-cr of
the road is himself cut oil front nil communi
cation half way belweon Sacramento and
Poi tland , Ore Ho loft the latter place ono
day last week nnd has not been hoard from
siuco It Is" knowu , nevertheless , that his
train was caught nnd held in heavy snow
drifts near some small station , and is still
Itufernng to the Union PaoifioHystom , Mr
Ilolcomb said all passenger trains on the
Oregon bhort Line auiccodcd in getting
through both wavs Thursday , and unless the
snow mut wind qf lust night filled up the
cuts again the track Is now open The com
pany Is not attempting to hnnalo
mutu freight north of Green Hivor
Two rotary and two auger plows
are kept in active operation and
it is said they are doing good work This
very unfortunate calamity for the greit
tianscontinental route is doing its southern
contemporaries much good in the wav of
business jT'hov are reaping quite a harvest ,
as nearly all the through passengers nnd
freight have been turned into their chaimol
The meeting ot rrans Mtsaouri freight
men nt Kansas City Thursday failed to re
sult in any solution of the cattle-rate prob
lem An adjournment was falcon to , Chicago
cage next Mondny . Munroo , Miller and
Mooreliodsc will bd there to represent
the Union Pa ' cilic , Huilmgton and Elk
horn Valley ro ids At that tune
they hope to agree updn a live stock
rata for Omaha anu Nobr.isk i that will cor
respond to the rate ' now in effect between
Kansas City and Chicago 'J ho Iowa lines
realize that they eau no longer glvo the South
Omaha shippers good excuse for keeping a
2) cent rate in operation here while Kansas
City , Leavonworth , Atrlnson nnd St , Joe
dealers have to pay but 12- ! cents
The promotion of George S. Crosby to sue
ceed Thomas Millar as general freight ugont
o the B. & M. abolishes two official positions
in the stall of that company first and second
assistant general freight agents The former
was held by Mr Crosby at Denvoi and the
latter by A. B. Smith hero Mr
Smith now becomes ussistunt gen
eral iroight agent and the pluco nt
Denver , which Mr Swarts , who was assist
ant to Crosby out there , will undoubtoJly
get , is to be known us genpral
Kcarr.ey people have como to the conclu
sion that the town is much moio important
from a railroad standpoint than Buda or
Odessa , consequently they want the Union
Pacillo to build them an A 1 depot and stop
all trains theio Applications lor these Im
provements have been made to Vice President
The Nickel Plate road has declaed to estab
lish an office in Omaha , und Thomas Jack
son , chief clerk lu thu genual freight
dopai tiuont at Cleveland , bus been appointed
to take charge as general ngent Ho is ex
pected to arrive hero about February 1 ,
The appointment of General Traveling
Passenger Agent Vail to sucjeed Harry
Hall as city ticket agent for the Burlington
elevates Russell Griffiths , a" very bright1
young man , to the place thus made vacant
The local Missouri Pao.flc olllcl il3 report
that all the people injuio.l In Tuesdays Bolt
line wreck are getting along very nicely aud
will recover ,
M. J. Groovv , traveling passenger airont of
the Union Fui-llln , had his jurisdiction ex
tended this week so thut no qow takoi in the
bt Joe & Grand Island territory
L. It Holies , contracting agent for the
Northwestern road , is able , after n h > ng
slogo of siekii03s together with prostration
over the death of ins wife , to bo out again
ami will shortly icsumo work in his old
place Mr Hellos is a popular young man
nnd has the sympathy of a largo circle of
frieuds for his misfortunes
General MnnagorTfoldrogo declares that
there is no trutli in the cliurges made against
bis road with ruferouco to its using uuduo
influence towards getting the stuto fair lo
cated at Lincoln All the sumo stories cm
bo heard in Union Pacific clrcjes
about , how the B. & M. had every
thing cut and dried : how delegates to the
mooting were supplied with passes , and
various otner matters connected with the
little scheme , Mr Holdrogo , however , de
nies , It , and says ho i ofmed either to give
out passes or have anything to do with lo
cating the fair ,
Wbilo these who are not pleasnd nt the ro * l
suit , put confidence in what Mr Holdrogo >
says , they also contend that Ins general land
agent , located at Lincoln worked the affair
for him ,
Do not be imposed on by any of the numerous
imitations , ( ubitltutm , etc , which are flooding
the world There Is only one Bwld'a Specific ,
and there is nothing like It Oar remedy con
labia no Mercury , Potub , ArWnlc , or any pois
onous substance whatever It buldt ] up the gen
1 health from the flut dose , snd has never
failed to eradicate contagions blood poiion and
its effects from the ayrtcm lie sure to get the
genuine Bend your addicts for our Treatise on
Wood aud Bkin Dlaeases , which will be mailed
tnx BWIPT BPECISTO CO . Atlanta Qa
IS Natures nfforti looxpcl foreign siiIm
stances froiallie hiotiihlal passages
Frequently , this ennsrs liillatimintion
nnd tlio need of mi anodyne No other
expectorant or nnodytio Is equal to
Aycr's Cliorry'lltct oniL It assists
Nnluro In ejecting tlio mucus , allays
Irritation , Induces ripose , nnd is the
most popular of All cough cufes
"Of tbo nntiyiirrpiratlons before the
Cubllt' for thn imro ot colds , coughs ,
lOiicliitM , ami kmdied diseases , there
is none , within the range of my experi-
euci' , so lelhble as Ajer's Cherry Vec-
toral Fur yoirs I was subject to colds ,
followed by terriblocoughs About four
jears ago , when so nflhW'd , I wns nil
\lseil to try A.yei's Cherry IV < toral mnl
to lav all other remedies aside I did
so , and within a week was well of my
cold and rough Slnco then I hn\o
nlwn > s kept this preparation In tbo
house , and feel totnpniitthrrv setuio "
Mrs Ii L. lliown , Denmark , Miss
"A few years ago I took n se\ ere cold
* which affected mv lungs I had a tei-
llbln ooiigb , nmf passeil night nfter
night without sleep The doctors g.vo
me up I tiled Ajer's ' Clieiiy Pectoral ,
tthich'rnllovcd my iungs , IndiiLcd sleep ,
and nlfonleil the rest necessary for thu
rrco\eiy of mv streiiglh Uy the con
tinual use of the IVrtoral , n permanent
euro was effected , ' Hoincu Falrbrothcr ,
Itockliighntn , Vt
Oyer's ' Cherry Pectoral ,
vntrAnm nt
Dr J. C. Aycr & Co , Lowell , Mass
Bold liy nil Druggists Vrlco $1 ; atx ! > ottlcr , . 5.
H03 I'ahnvm Sutnr.T , Omaha , Neu
( Oppcs'to ' Vaxtou Hotel )
Office hours , u a. m. tt > 8p ra Sundiys 10a. m. , If
p. m. .
Specialists tn Chronlo * Xorroii9 , Bkln and Utootl 1)1 *
pfConiultntlon ftt ofllce or by mnll free Modi
clnesstntbjMnnU or express , securely im < _ kcl free
from ob ervatloi ( Junruntccs to euro quickly , oate-
] y nntl perumncutly
lniis 1'hyMcal Oceav , ftrislim from InJlacrctlon , ex
cess or lntiulMJin.0. iimduclnj ? sleepIc nc-ss Uespon
dency pimples on tli XrtctM.\crtlnn to oclety , easily
dlnrouraffeil , Inck of crmtldenio dull unlit for study
pr tmMiHM' ' , nuJ Und * life a burden , bafely , perman
ently und prlvntely curo-1. consult Drs , UeUsA Betts
lltfrtnrrftiuStrt'pt , Omaha , Neb
Blood and SMulicasa SJS'SrrR.srniK '
result , compleUHy cml aUU vlthont the M < 1 of
mercury Scrofula eryslpolav fever son , ntotcha * ,
uleLrs pntn < s tn the bean nnd bones , Byphl'ltlc sore
ihroit , ronuth And toncuo catarrh , etc , permanently
cured where others ba\e fnl od
Kiilney Urinary ? . namf ftuLu cJr.iiot . ? 0 ' . '
quent burulnorblooJy ur tie , urliio I1UI1 co orcd or
with ruMky sediment on stan lint ? , weak buck , K < > norr
biea , Klpet.cyMKU , etc Promptly nnd safely cured
charses rensonihle
S X SjiGS U SSB 1 m-inont euro ro *
Diovat copjpletu without cut'liij : , caustic or dilution
Cures etTcciRil nt homo bypatlentwltboutamoments
pain or annoyance
To YcuirMen and Mtddle-Aicl Men
AQHDP PflDP ' 'ho ' awful ollecta ot early
BUllD uUtllJ Vice , wlilch brlnm orpanlo
woilcniH.dostroyintcbolh mind auj beds , vrltb all
tsdrended Ills P1 nnnncntlr curuJ
TIDP PpipTs ! Adilre s. th03o whj have Ira
JJtlOi iJDllu pntrail iliemitlvcs lj1niproior ]
llulillirpiice nnrt ana rollUry lialiUs , irlilch rulii lioth
body un 1 mind , untitling Ihom lor buslnos , ttudf or
MAiiuirn Mkv , or llioao cntcrlnc on that happr
11(8 , n-ynro of pujrslclal debl Uy.yul1.Ml7 as lstuJ
Is based upon fact * , first practical expcrlenco , sec *
ond-t\ory cno ts esperlil.y fitudlod thus stnrtliu
0 tin tit , third meJUlnes are prepuretl in our own la
bainry exactly to suit vara case , thus auWinj ; euro *
without injury
ClTXlid cents postajro for celebrated woris 01
chronic , nervous rind tlHlcntcMlHe.iaes Thousnn ! e
cured Vff"A friendly letter or call may ra eyou fu
lure unerincnndshntne nntladlRO'Uen jears to life
f " o letters nnsTr red unless accompanied by 4
cents In stamus , AddrossorcuU on
1413 rarniin&t tct , Omatm Neb
D iitr tlIltieiAppu tiiimaB mtaieiforButc iiu
Traitmcnt of tvixrv torn ox litiai requirls
BnardAtteaaittaj Beit Aceomroodataona in W t
( CrWHITE rOBOTROVLAUUoa Deformitin aal
Bracoi , Trutiti.aabFeit , Our tu aof Spin , . Jfilei ,
Tumon 0 noir < J Urrli , Bronchltii , Inhalltloo
glcotnolty . Paialrua , EpUepir Kldnajr , BUdd.r ,
Bje , Bar , rfkfa aaSitUwd aad ill 8urical duraUona !
DISEASES Of WOMEN ir , ' . : . c . ' .v . .vis
wv nin unit aaaiD a itm-ii unriBiBBM rou
5 ? . " , ? B u " " * t liKr CSTBICTLV FR1VATF.1
ill mood nil Mi u fii ( > iir tmud e tiiuio roiioo
riiuovodfr mk , ok.Bi vllbsKtntrforr ITtw BfiUroll , .
linluitl.rUi , . > -ortl
XTIT1L roMtK.ortl vmblo to tun
Bo > u rl.olrolodath a tT orrripeDdoB . JMIcommiDlct ,
UouinoOlniui U lj liorip.lriineiimtnlbjni ilorii
f'MH , . r.ljpMk a. i.fl , .oloolt.tttoonol.orMta.r ,
pa.irfoutlM < rMa pTtford CoIloodioo.allaiorMiid
CfHUi'L' " • . • o will lood la Blila wr pr r.i
ROritf Tfl ttSW FREE ! Opoo Prlrilt , Bucl.l •
UUl UIhI ul Vortm > lo.wlll > qaallODll.u AOlreu
OilAHA MHuiaaa ; A buboioal ikbtituih
Ulh and Bawg BtntiU , OBtAJLA , KKD
• M tl > Imnrpred vrttb , o u or"n cklc , poToa ,
b aad ttutttn > econUt to I to noU'at p ea Una
Idapud wqvillt > .JI tu roui.n C3 intrr " fin *
% ti'ori oVlU T.i i B at aotlalnotlon
Pairs of MEN'S PANTS will be our drawing card for this week They are mostly odl/ (
suit pants and remnants .of our pant stock , all of good quality , splendid patterns , which will
match well with most any coat and vest To strmulate business in this dull season we offer \
them at
$1.90 , $2.25 , $2.50 and $2.90.
Regularly these pants would cost more than double , and the prices wo offer them at make them
* - the cream of all bargains
. 1890.
lL is rather early to talk about Spring Goods , especially in this kind of weather , but wc
have our New Spring Hats in , and wo want to let you know il We were obliged to get our " " * " * "
stock in ahead of time Owing to the mild weather in the early season , we sold a great many
more Hats than we anticipated , so much that about the holidays our stock was entirely cleaned
out , and hundreds of customers were disappointed , so we telegraphed to the manufacturers !
with whom the orders for spring were placed to hurry our goods , and here we arc now with an
entirely new and fresh stock and what a stock ! Much larger and finer than ever It is need
less to say much about prices everybody knows that we arc selling Hats at about one-half what
regular hat stores charge , and that is the reason wc are selling them out so fast
W * * * " * " jf5 T ° r tuc ' < mtl ° f weather we arc having now , we recom " '
SW * ! ! H S3 l0 * * E mend our genuine Cork-sole Shoes They are the mos
S B _ _ B j h _ jS comfortable and keep your feet dry and warm Wo
mr * " = sS w r offer them in fine calf for $2.75 ; every shoe store jjj
charges $4.00 or $4.50 for the same quality f ' *
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets
During Januavy and February our store closes at 7 p. m. Saturday at 10.
.If you want Pure Gum Sandals , get Jerseys
If you want High Button Gaitcis , Sea Fly , get Jerseys
, If you want Fine Jersey Cloth Arctics , get Jerseys - '
If you want Back Buckle Fine Arcties get Jerseys
If you want Fine Jersey Cloth Alaskas , get Jerseys
If you want Two Buckle Fine Excluders.get Jerseys . ,
If you want the NeatesC Overshoes , get Jerseys ' . t&
If you want Fine Self-acting Sandals , get Ierseys
If you want Narrow Widths , NO HEEL , get Jerseys
If you want wide widths , get Jerseys ,
• If you want Rubber Boots , Arctics , Excluders or Lumbermen 's
Overs , get Jerseys - . - . \ , , * l
I The New Jersey Co put HEEL PLATES ON FREE Ask for I
Jerseys I
I am Western Agent for the New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co , and sell at whole I
sale only I also job Felt Boots and German * Sox j I
Prices the Lowest , Goods the Best I
ZT LINDSEY , Ml Harney St , Omaha Nebraska |
Medical & Surgical Dispensary , Nos 101 to 113 So 13th St
O Kooiiulor Putlunli , Krccpllon Itoointt 0 mul 40 , Otimliii , IVcU
mn ATT TVT'P'YT lutrurlnK from Nerrom noWlllr , Lost Munboo.1 . , K llln Memory Kli iutlng
l ( ) AJjLiWLHilN Drulm , T.irrlblo Uranini , llewt nnd H c * Aiho , and all tlio effect ! le.UInK to
earljdciiy aifd l-crUoT" Con uript oil or lAVnlty treat ! .clentiricallr.bT new luetlioH Conmltatlar Ir ? ? .
tatarFh.ltlieu natl.m.I'ol.onoui IHcharne . tulliy iirlno , palnfu > ellnf ! | nulcklr rullewod in 1 radically
curiU lllu.tratul liook , "I.lfu aStciet Krrori ' i conn Hend for Oueitlon flat on any ( hruolo ll ca o
tIll / - .11 TIT iMinifJ mateandTruaeea lleit laOlltlea.appiiratm and rcmodleaor .ucuuful
IjKl OKJVlLl Jllib . Wurulcai tniatineiit or
w * . makaVaMclaitr Vllraoe " rVisoi , tlub Ve 't , Curvaturea ot Bplno 1'ilei. Tumvn , Cao-er. Mronthltl *
tnhffa\m.&i\lty.l \ Kidney , Illadder , Bar , S.ln andillooa ana all uwlcal-Vera -
' CtoVcwF " ' A8PKCIAWV. Book , Circular , and Qa . Ion . llrtonNerr
i ni.l ni\rTXT
IJlSliAbrjb Ul' WUJVlliJM ousnesa Lei itlpatlou , Keuralala , I qcorrhiea , l'ftln In tlo
Hack , I'roUpau" L'torl , rilei , Keuale Woaknaea , I fipcpJlaSkla , I'lmpiaa and all Ulood llliomei
BjpUlll , Bcrofuln , llart UlooU , SUtn , Urinary UUoo.ob anil Gloot Curort forl/U'e
Ice Tools
HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , 1405 Dougias St
Send for coUIokuo ,
ETCHINGS , • | A if % M " g.WifWft % n a vm
MOULDINGS , J V * ( dl t JA $ ? , irpANB
frames je 0 mm WM tsheit : mus jo
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska
Dr.J.E.McGREW , _
Tlio Well Kuuwa SpoviulUI , * " * J
. latinsiirnassodin
k llio titnttnentnf _ , _
| P . All forms ot UmT- *
/ f\\ \ > > ei ubaolulelr
I - - JJ NervnusneS'i , Kp
V l , / \ * Inrruli and kln
jk.V _ _ . / 1 Jjleeaie * ourod
jlrSI ( 5rW . / I qnltkly iind per
/ luanontly Trent *
f -sNaa * ' m
rSallBia kib'i lG3BS Jb > l nii' ' lorVepiy
voft&u./riiTio.v ri.Bi : : .
Office SE Cor lUtn & Jackson Sta
Omaha , Neb ,
Furnishing Goods f
ebratwl lines ot Hoots and Hlioea ui'diafiictiiN
eil by u. ii ilenderuon * Co , of nuciini Kac-
torlea at Chkairo , Llion Ilia , anU Fen Ju iuo
\M Bhould write HA U H. WAIBON reil5
denu l'lli : > IONl Nail Trayellpu agtai
' ' " .
Iloadnuurtersfor ilubbera , s.
A OOOORICH itt'r 13J Daar W
XV * bom si , cliilaBo ; advl6a frees 31 yairstjgL ,
perlento ; bus.luu a iiuietly ana leirally tr iMr-- * * *
acted _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
_ _ Sink I kl n ktua dUlLutli Wilirl-U *
e.rfoi ti r .u < inft . .iu Juu.u Kjiiv.i' ; " '