Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    I 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEl ® FlUDAY , JANTJAKY 24 , 1800.
r II Whlto , rom Ictol of solllne Hijuor
to the Indian , unitukon to Lincoln jos-
I flnj to bo otit ni.cU by Jutlgo Dundy
Mnry A. I'Jholin Mod a chattel tnort-
RnuojCitordiw in 'uxor of HnUtoUiln
fi Points on iv tirrltitfo beam uni ) two
covni 'lho uniountof the mortgnjio was
lho rciiwil nicotines at the litst
Unrtlst climth uro tfrowlnp In intorcst
niid n-o well iittotitlctl cion o\onintr.
A blblo urts held mtotliiR jcstciday
nftcrnoon lit < l oclock
.1. V Gitirottj , formcrlj connected
with the pn ss of this city , has located
in Ofidoti , Utah , uhorp , u few days tint ) ,
ho una almost unanimously clcoUd sec
rotnij of the ihnmuor of commerce
On next IVidnj onltitr the Snratopa
ijcoum will trho acrand ball in its hall
on North 1 ent } fourth stioot near the
Belt line ' 1 ho mannpomont Intends to
malto it one of the prcat bucccss.s ( of
the sonson
Milto Minor , charpod with steallnp
$17 from a follow bo irtlor at a lmuso out
near the licit line , h id an oxamlnatlon
jCBlordny bofoto Judge Ilclsoloj and
Wllllo McGrovr , the old Paxton oell
bo > chtirgcd with fctciiluifr ft gold watch
more than 11 juu ape , was yestoiday
bound our to the district court in the
Bum of MOO " Ho wan tnlton up to board
with JooMilloi
The chief cloik of the railway mail
bohIlo roiolvrt institutions jostorday
to bend all < nlifoi ntn mall down bv way
of ICiinasns City and the southern route
until furthei ordois , In reason of the
snow blockades '
Mr I T Huston of this city received
the end intelligence ) bj telepinm last
moiling thnt Ins father the Kov Tohn
Huston of Atkinson , Neb , had died , the
cause of his death bcinp an attneic of la
prippe and bronchitis The deceased
wassoventj foiu jcaisof njo and has
many ft lends in Omaha who will mourn
his lo ° s.
Personal l'arnarinlit
L U U ° nson of Norfolk Is ut the Cnsey
A U Yoaton of tt Is at the Cusoy
I . C P Adams or Supcrtoi Is at the Pnxtoii
C M Dunsinoro of Stun ton Is at the Mil
Casey AV U Conoi cr of'a. . \ no is a gu st at the
. A J Vonnnn of Pnllsado is stopping at the
Murrnj J It Webster of Lincoln Is stopping at the
C S Miller of Palrmout Is a guest at the
, . Paxton
John L Harris of Ord Is a guest at the
George E Low is of Lincoln is stooping at
the Paxton
( lonrv E Lewis of Lincoln is registered at
the Murrnj
r W Hi Idle of Plattsmouth is stopping
at the Casoj *
J J Torcuson 0 1 Ginnd Island Is a guest
at the Losey
John A Lbsrhardtof Stanton is stopping
at thu Millaid
CI111les ICIose of Grand Island Is a guest
at the Miirra\
Charles D Smith of Lincoln -ogistorod
at the Millnrtl
W 0 Strohtn and wife of Hcatriconroreg
Istorcd at the Pnxtoii
A V Andrews and \V Evans of Chadron
are registered at the Casey
I ) Prnnk Purkcr of Ued Cloud is among
the nrriUs at the Muriny
Captnln W V libbits the gcnlul tra\cling
passongtr URont of the Denver & Uio Grantlo
railway , is in the city
Mr J IJ McCoj rci enuo apont for Iowa
Missouri una Kansas is at the oflioo of ttio
internal rc\unue collector of this city on
oOlcial duties
C A Mast , president of the Citizens Si
tional bank Norfblk and wife and W H
• Mnst president ot the Fnrinois' State bank
of Plain\iow , wcro visitors to Inn Ueb
building J estcrday
ljoese u llioory
Messrs T L Kimball nnd E Dickinson
1\oro questioned regarding the telegram from
Now \ork printed in Ucdncsdny's I3le to the
effLtt that Attornov General Loose was preparing
paring a letter to Attorney Gonorul Mlllor or
ire United States claiming viol ition of la v
on the part of the Union Pacific lallroad and
protesting against the extension of the gov
ornuient Ionn
Mi Kimball 6nld this was the first ho had
heart of the mittoriind was of the opinion
that this w is merely the prhino opinion of
Attorney ( Lceso and would not have
un\ effect upon the passage of the funding
Mr Ibcklmon said ho hid not hoard of the
niattor and did not regard it us ut nil serious
or lllcely to lnuro ] the road lu anj wiy
Ulio Pakii Dlspr user
'Saj , ' 1 Hur did
jpu mun , you see that
, paragraph ia the Herald World about the
extras gotten out with news of the Holt line
wrecul" said a retired newspaper man of
forty cars ' experience
lho Dniagraph was looked up
Now , my opinion Is that the less the
Ilciald World sa\s nt this particular junc
ture about nuortli o editions the bettor 1 ho
rceord it has mndo for fake extras the past
year tins thrown It Into ridicule and dlsgraco i
among oil newspaper uion In these parts
• You remember their fake extra on the
SulllMin light whcrelu they grabbed at an
Irresponsible rumot for want of news and
represented bullUan knocked out In the i
eighth round
then vou romoniber the Herald Worlds
Cronin \ordlct extra In whieli Kunzo
OSullivan , CoutJillii and Hurlco were all ;
condomnou to douth tno whole atoiy wit
ten in the Omaha onlro to gull the public
"I hen jou remember the pltiablo exhlbl
, tiou the Herald Uord ) niudo of itself when
it Ibsuodnn oxtri about "V p m to break to i
an ex | octant public news of the murdorof
C. V Pulslfor at Crowoll , Neb Your paper ,
'lliu Ueb , printed full pnrticulura of that
murder iwolio houis before Ihls ulntlo i
, plcco of woudertul ontororiso made the i
Herild World the laughing stock of the i
• No paior publlshod in Omnlia but the I
Herald-Woila bus imposed upon the public i
With bogus nowa extras , and I am told that ;
their strcot sales hao const juently fallen to i
\ cry low ebb "
Wnnt I'rolpotlon from I Ire
Omaha , Jnn 23 To the Editor of Tub
JJbe WhiloroadlngTui Hee last evening
I could not , nor could auy propnrty owner
' help remarking the increased los3 by tire j
during the voar lbSO o\or that of 16bS and
the question arose , Are the proper facilities
given to our efllclont flro chlof to contend } I
with and protect the eltlzous of Omaha
against Arol
bovoral Instanecs of losses by flro in
Low o's a iditton hao oecurrod Just because
there Is no moans of eommunlcutlon with the i
Tire department , lhoro uio thlrtoon hj-
tdrauts in the addition nnd ? 7 0 palujoarly
- for their uao but not a lira alarm box is
% \ithln miles Consequently when a tire oo
curs the department knows nothing about it
uutll It reads of it in the dully pupars
' 1 ho same remark is applleublo to Orchard
hill , Wa'nul ' hill , Proipecl plaeo and the sur .
rounding additions with possibly the fact
that souio of the udditious uatuel kavo a few ,
II ro ularm boxes t
'f ho city taxes nao Increased in the pro
portion of W IK ) to t\i \ UO , sineo 18S7 , and tax
| , tn think they should tot some
lenefit from this increase
Let lho lira department have small sta ,
tlons on tliooutjlilrlsof the suburbsay with :
llireo men and auMetont lioso and wo will 1
not huvo so much loss on the report of the
tire chief in lb.H )
I urn Itku many other citizens of Omaha I
feel proud of our Uro department , but wo
must tivo them proper futilities to 11lit the
wreekerofoui homes Lot the uounoil take
action and the man that starts it will bo ap >
preciated by the people Wo eau do without
baths , but let us ha\o pleutj of vator for
flro purpose * . I ax j a > cu
It is Forolb y Arrnlirnod by Council
man Johnston
ilir > MrthoiU ( if llin Old OrgnnUntlon
Churnot rl(1 ( hIlli galltf , lteek-
le SIl fl nn 1 Diarcunrtl ol
the Peoples \ \ Ishcs
A tilvi Iv AVrnnalr
In tha ab onca of Mnjor Slonno at the
counell , meeting Wclnosday tilkht , Mi
MeMlllan presided
lho rcgulnr order of business was dis
pensed with Thoelnlmof I rink Plvonki
for $1 , < W0 for dnuinia to his brick block on
N street was read , after whleh the eounell
went into committee of the whole to consider
the elnlmi ! of Mr Plvonka and of Contractor
C M O'lono\ for 1,011 extras on the
sewer contract , nn 1 the Injunction proceed
lugs of I It II Doud to restrain the council
from pnjlng the King Bridge and Iron com
panj tOlKX ) for the chnngo mndo on the Q
street vl iduct After hoanlng Mr O Donovan
van nnd cc-Couueiluicn Bin less and Smith
the council , bj n flooto refused to pay Mr
O Donovans claim These \otlrg jes
wcro Messrs Molchcr , Uurko and
Johnston , nnd Messrs fowl , llojd ,
McMillanotlng 'no" Each member ex
pi lined his vote nnd Mr Johnson Intimated
Unit the general Irregularities and crooked
nc9s of the lust council put the presumption
in favor of Mr O Donovai
The claim of 1 r ink Pl\onka for $1 000was
rtfened to the city nttornoy for a written
opinion to bo furnished nt the next meeting
Mr Johnston asked consent to innko boiho
remarks , und stirre I up a breeze Taking
the Injunetlan matter llrst , Mr Johnston
Ibis Is a suit brou.htbyMr Doud , cx-
clty attorney enjoining the council from pav
lug ? 0 000 for ehunges made la the Q strcot
viaduct llioso clnnies w ould have been on
tlrclv unnecessary had the old council con
suited Swift X Compnny and submitted
plans of the \laduct to thorn before the eon
tract was let Swift < < L Companv own the
entho frontage on Q street south of the via
duct , und , having \ery oxtcnsmopaciirig
plant and ono that will bo enlarged from
joir to venr , tbo eitv should ha\a submitted
plans and consulted them as to the
character of tbo viaduct to bo erected
Aftorthovlnduct was under way Swift & ,
Co discovered thitin frontottlteir property
a grout part of the street would be taken up
and obstructed by the piling rhoy notified
lho city that if the structure was continued
as per contract , they would enjoin the clt\
Ucliovlngthnt Swift &Co could ind would
prevent Uio completion of the viaduct and
that a great irijuiy would bu douo them if it
was erected us contracted for , the city en
tered Into n contract for sp ins instead of pil
ing in front of Swifts , but before doing so
the city attornov s oolulon wns retolvod , and
ho was present wheu the arrangements were
beirg made and nctunlly drew the contrnct ,
or a draft of it , for the changes Why does
ho now enjoin the tlty for piymg for it
paving or a couti ict drawn by himself 1
Now , as ho has commenced ono suit against
the city on n contract made while ho was
city attornoj , and maj wanttokeop his bund
in in the sniiio kind of suits I will post him
how ho e in find plenty of cases , and all arls
lag wtiilo ho wasciU nttoracj
In treating the matter la the manner I
shall feel ] crfcctl\ justified because of this
action of Mi Doud's nnd because of tbo
mum and continued unfuir , unjust and un
called for attacks in the newspapersboth by
the reporters und correspondents on the
prcsont city council
Most pf these writers wore present nt
nearly every mooting of tro old council and
not ouo word of censure on thnt council
In Anrll lbSS a now citj fo\ernmout was
elected I our eouncibnou held ever who
having filled the position'ono year , would bo
presumed to bo familiar with tbo
laws governing the city and their
actions us councilman The major
appointed u now city nttornov , now
encineot and othei minor officers The eitj
debt was ( Pi000 lho assessed valuation
wus $1 S12100 The lew was limited by law
to 10 mills , which gave { 18 120 to run the eity
ono year lho laws required the passage of
an auuunl impropriation ordinance before the
second Monday in August It wis passed m
the time provided , but i"3 MO were appro-
prlitcdand discovering the mistaue on December
comber 17 nnothci appropriation bill was
passed for the correct amount but this wis
mouths after tro lnvv says it shall bo passed
bj vvh ch time they had not only expended
tbo * 7J 000 but m iny thousand more result
ing in the Impairment of the credit of the
eity to that extent thnt bouth Omaha paper
w is hawked around tno streets of Omaha
and South Oman i nnd Hold at from .0 to 40
per cent discount Bonds nmouuting to
$ H7,000 vveio voted for viaducts , pivinir and
sowciao ovoi 10 uor emit of the valuation ,
and the L strcot vinduit was lot utfllMO
not to the lowest bidder the lowest being
$37,41,1 a difference of ovoi SI 000 nnd per
hups was placed where it would do tbo most
I ho present coin ell opens Its bids at tbo
council meeting in the presence ot the bi 1
dcis and public und so fur twery contract ex
coptlng ono tins boon le t to tbo lowest bidder
When did the last council open tko L street
vluduet bids and other bids , and why ) lho
committee on sheets und ulluvs reported
favorably on thu 11 tiOObid nnd , after n long
and bitter light on the motion to adopt lho
report the HUit against It being led by
Councllmen McMillan and Hurko the vote
resulted In a tie , and the major voting in the
nfilrnintlvo , the rcptrt was adopted
On the Q street viaduct another attempt
was made to let it to the highest bidder , and
the combine would have curried it through
had it not been for throats of an injunction
bj McMillan lhovork wus roidveitisod
nnd the city saved S' 000 to $ J 000 The
bonds were then sold atpir and a premium
of So30 ever which there wis greut rejoicing
because they broiirnt | pui and about % of 1
I or ecnt premium but thu public was not in
formed that the bujors were not to paj for
the bonds until thu city needed the money ,
but the bonds were to draw interest duiing
this tlmo nnd ( ho city lost ? 5,000 in that
manner ltio bonds actually netted 07
cents riio anauol interest is $11 , . 0 and the
council sot apart out of the proceeds $ i 200 to
pay the llrst j cats intorcst , and the result
was the eity had to borrow $9 000 at 8 per
coot for oielit months to pay Interest duo
October 1 , Inst , and will bo compelled to do
so oath vcar until the bonds inaturo and
most of thoin run twenty jeais this will
cost the cltj i early $70,000
Gcnoial sewer bonds were Issued for $03-
000 , and 810,800 11 were expended , J 0 9J5 19
for inula sovvor , and $10 31J 93 for sanitary
purposes J'ho proceeds of bonds could bo
legally used for inutu scwor , but not for the 1
others , because tbo law requires special taxes
assessed for construction ot sowurs lu sewer
districts On the grading douo not pno ,
logul move wus made , and it will yet oost tno i
city a gront man f thousand dollurs Legally ,
the llrst slop In grading Is establishing the
grade ot the street to bo graded Next ,
the pussago of an ordlnauco or
doring the stroat graded , next
un estimate submiltod to the council from !
the engineer of the cost , next un advertise
ment for bids which must bo for twenty duvs ,
and must contain the estimated cost of tbo
work , noxtcomphtion ot the workund at
euptancoof It bv the eity , next four weeks
notleo in newspaper to property own era that
the council wilt sit as a board ut equalization
and , lastlj , the puss igo ot an ordinance ns
sesslug ono half the cost to the property
owners Now , what are the facts as tukcu
from the records of the city rclatlvo to the
trading done in 18S81 1 hey show that 404 095
jards wcro removed at a cost ot 100,1JJV9 j
at an avomgo cost of 21 } cents per yard
One half the cost was assessed ugaiost the i
property on the respective streets on January -
ary U , 18S9 Compared with the legal steps !
necessary to do this v/orlr , as before stated ,
what do wo 11 ud from the records of thn cuj I I
No Lrudo was over established on Thirtieth !
street and that part oi' tbo street between ,
I Jin and Holtmau streets was not even dodl-
cated to the vity , and is not today No grada i
was ever established on Twenty-sixth street
between Q and W'jmao streets Grades '
( Vera not established until ( iftor the contract
was let and work commenced on Tvventj
llftb , Twenty sixth , J , Q and M streets
Only part of the work was advertised und l
thut but for ten dajs , while tbo law
requires twenty days , und there were no
estimates o f test In any of the advertisement *
four weeks'uotiee la paper toowneis that
! council would sit ns a board of cquntlzttton ;
and ; the tact is the council sat ns a bonrd o f
equalization on January i $ 1S < J nlno day *
after thov had pisscltho ordlnlncs lovjlng
thu tax lho running expenses of the city
vvnro over 110 000 , while the law allowed but
MS l'O
Mr Bnjless interrui ting Mr Tohnslnn It
was agreed to discuss these matters nt the
next meeting
Bids for building ntdownlks were opened
ns follows I N Snjdcr , four foot walk ,
50 cents , six foot vvtilk , ' _ < cents , S foot walk ,
H9 cents , twelve-foot walk , To cents , six
teen foot walk , 72'jc ' nndtwcntj foot walk ,
00 cents
Urcnl7or A , Co Pour foot 34 cents ; six
foot , Jo cents , eight foot , 43 cents , ten foot ,
CO cents , twelve foot , 72 cents , fourteen
fool 84 cents , sixteen foot , 90 ceints , eigh
teen foot , $1 d\ and twenty foot , * l M
It Ulco 1 our foot , n I cents ; six foot , n
cents , elklit-toot , 49cents , ten footfilcouts ,
twelve foot , 70 cent * , fourteen foot , k0 cents j
sixteen foot 10 cents , eighteen foot , fl 15
and twenty foot , Jl i >
II D Pitch 4 foot 2(19 ( 10 cents 0 foot
03 U-10 cents Sfoot 44l „ ' cents 10 foot > 4'f '
cents U foot IVi cents , 14 foot 72 tents pi
foot b3 9 10 cents IS foot 9a cents and 20 foot
51 lo
1 J Uradham 4 foot 20 cents 0 foot 2T
cents Sfoot 17 i cuts 10 foot lief cents 12
foot TO cents , 14 foot 04lf cents , 10 foot 74
cents , IS foot bi cents and .lofoot 91 tents
lho following resolution was adopted
That nil bids presontcu to the cltj council
muHtbonctompanlol with nn order from the
chairman of the llnanco committee , ether
wisu thej will not bo allowed , any cits of
ficial nrd iring goods or eeuttols for the city
without an order wll' ' bo hold porsoiiallj lia
lho followlhg approved bills Were rend
nnd ordered Hied Marshal Ininos P Mn
honey , ? lo , Nobriska tolcphouo compuij ,
JI4 75 , Gibson Mlllor & Klchardson 540 , I
J O'Nell t2)20 , American waterworks
compatn , * 1 711 0J , liurutss X Pnrlts , $ . > S ,
N Lrgllsh f > lJ J Urndhnm $74 , Holmes
& . Smith , 8JS 85 Total ? J OiT t > 2
A warrant for J SsJ OJ war ordered to C
D Woodwuid LItlity live per cent of lho
amount duo C II Prltshott wus ordered
drawn Also the amount duo Daniel Lush
on the grading fund i ho clerk will pay C
M ODonovin the amount duo hi in J I
Btoadluuu w is nwurdod the cantract for
building sldowalks
lho sum of JUj wns transfcricd from the
gralingto the gonorul fund
The petition of the Missouri Pacific rail
road companv showed that the assessment of
its tracks In the eitv vv is S10 0a7 , with a tux
of 8'71 31 , whereas thonctual numuar of foot
of line was less than rooortel should uo re
duced to 10 021 with SIS 1S7 ta\cs The snmo
rate of reduction was uskod bv the Pullman
eai company
L J Sojkota& Co 's potlthn for drug
gists iloenso wis referred EiilnoorMot |
rls' ostunato of the cost of grading the alloy
between Twenty fourth nnd UvuiH llftli
slroots from AI to O was referred Marsh il
Maloney s December report was read and
referred The mnndimus obtaiucd by C II
Prlchott was rend nn I referred The offer
ot Persons t Horry of the first and second
floor , seven rooms in the Urundes block N
aud Ivvonty fourth streets at $73 per mouth ,
was refused
An ordinance living the curb line along
Hailrond nvonuo was pnssod ind an ordi
nance governing the uao of the viaduct wus
read and referred
Tbo doctors are \ery much displeased ever
a competitor who is gradually atctliug their
best prnetlco , wo moan Dr Bulls Cough
To Manufacturers Accldonts are con
stantly occurring among your men entailing
1033 of tin o und suffcriug Keep bnlv itlou
Oil handj Price j ets
Announcement *
Scats for the Grnu opera companv were
put on silo jostcrdav morning at the box
oftlcoof thu Hovel Thoengugcmont will open
this evening with the beautiful opera of
'lho Brigands " vvlileh has boon ono of" the
great successes ot the east during the past
souson lho Grau Compnnj comes well
equipped witti artists and stage auxiliaries
and n splendid pet formnnce is assured The
Urlgands" will bo sung Friday evening ind
Suturdaj afternoon and Siturday evening
'Amorita" will bo the opera
Italy's most famous tragedian , Salvia ) will
appear at the Bo' , d on next Monday and
Wednesday ovonlugs supported bj a com
pany ospoclallj selected for the tour by Mr
A M . Palmer On Monday ovnniug both
Salvini and his son will appear in the pluy
"lho Outlaws 'tund on Wednesday evening
Samson will bo the bill On Tutsday
evening Alexan ler Salvlnl will appear in ' A
Child of Naples
N vtnrc in Convulsion
is terrific Voleinic eruptions , cjclones
cutthquakos are awf lilj and tieincndnuslj
pictuitsquo , but scarcely dcslrablo to emu
late in action and effect by the ndminlstra
Hon of remedies which produce convulsion
nnd ncony in the abnormaliportion of lho
humnn fratno Such 13 tha olfoet of the old
fashioned violent purgatives happily filling
more and more Into dlsuso , and of which
Hostel'crs Stoinneh Hitters is the more
wholesome , ploisnnt and far more effective
succodancum Ihiy weaken the intostlnus
thoHltteis mviL.orntos them Ihoj taft
the bowels iuuetivo because ini apaeitatel
bv onsimig feebleness lho Hitters on the
contrary und hocmso it en lbles , not forces
them to act a vast and fortuuuto difference
perpetuates their activity and rceulniltv
riio liver is bent ticlally stimulated , as tno
kidneys also are by this medicine which
easily conquers also , malaria , norvousuoss
and rheum illsm
Itocliii mill tint CoiniuiRslnncrn
Cx Countj Cleric Itocho's complaint nbout
the condition hi which no loft the road fund
Is not accepted by the county officials as
absolute ! ! correct Said ono of tnom
' lho county convontious have enst ao ro-
iloctlou whatever on ox ( ountyClerk Koche ,
as ho asserts according to inp Hue para
graph Ho had uinplc tlmo to mnko up
the road account and sottlu with his sue
cossor , aud ought to have dnno so prior to
the 9th Inst Ills too report for the Inst
quurtor dulj audttel shows $1100 cxpundl
turo In cxeiss of foes collected , which the
statutes will not allow lhorois i warrant
for Sllfflying with the present county cleik
drawn to the order of a party name I Woisso
to which Mr liocho has att ichod a mcinor
anda to the effect that the said warrant is
assigned to him I his Is on outsldo matter
altogether Mr Hot ho should settle up his
couutv businossfalrlv and squarely and nnuso
only hiiusolf foi vvhut is uneonconlal "
Ladles who vnluo a roil nod complexion
must use Pozzonl Powder It producesu
soft nnd boautlful skin
IS Natures effort to expel foreign sub
stances from the bronchial passages
Frcquentlj , this causes iiillammntiou
nnd lho need ot nn anodjno No other
expectornnt or unodjno Is equal to
Ayers Cherry I'cctoiul , It assUts
Nature in ejecting the mucus , ullaj i
irritation , induces repose , aud is the
most popular ot all cough cures
"Of the man ) prcpnratlons before the
v publlo for the euro of col Is , coughs ,
bronchitis , and kindred diseases , there
is none , within the rnnca , of iny oxpoil-
once , so rcliuhla ns Aytr's Cherry Pec
toral For j ears I was subject to colds ,
followed by terrible coughs About four
jears ago , when so atllicted , I vyas nd-
v ised to try A j er Cherry Pectoral and
to lay nil ether remedies aside I did
so , and within a wiuk wns well of my
cold and cough Slnco then I hi\o
always kept this preparation In the
house , nnd feel comparatively secure "
Mrs L L Drown , Denmark , Miss
"A few j ears ago I took n sov ere cold
which affected my lungs I ha I j tor-
rlhlo couth , und passed uliJit after
nl ht without sleep Thq doctors gave
ma up I tried Aj cr s Ohoiry I'ectotnl ,
\vhlch relieved mj lungs , induced sloop ,
and afforded the rest tiecossnry for the
rtcov ory of iny strength ly the con
. tlnual use of the Pectoral , n permanent
rurowasuffqetod " Horace Pulrbrothcr ,
Itocklnghuui , Vt
Ayers ' Cherry Pectoral ,
Dr J. C. Jtyer tt Co , Lowell , Mass
Boldty UlrugLUU 1'tlcetL UtottU , A
> Paris
vlwmmg ! Exposi
X CcirS obtained the only gold medal
awarded solely for toilet SOAP in competi
tion with all the world Highest possible
distinction ?
Oporntcd under n twpi ly ycai s cm trnct liy tbo
Mctltnn Intern itlui 1 Iii | rovimint
Omni lh nthljr flritli b fell In the M lennuo
1 nlll n litlio al ncdnlurk ( .It ) IMeilci n a
I ullrlyc lucidly e rem ei I Itclilsi 11 lit
ol rortt o | uriosobrtliofcueritarj ot lho Interior
and the licnn ry
nlll bo lcldln tlo Clll Ol MIAICO
PEBBTJABY 0 , 1800.
8OtlO0 Tickets nt • tl , $ ! 1J0 OOO
l'rlreof llckcts Amerlcin Money
11ST Ol t KI7B
1 CAIITAIiPltl/KUI J.0UU3H . $ (00M
1 LAPUALi 1111/51 Ot JOOoais AM13J
1 CAlirVI Pltl/l.OL lltKHls 100J0
] ( iltANIllIZI ) ( Ol .UOOis .000
T 1 lll/l SOI ) OJU uro T.U03
0 I'ltl/l S 01 rM uro UX
. " 0) ) I'HI/1 SOr SOU are 4 00)
100 PHI/1 b 01 100 are . 10U03
! I0 lMlI/KSOF CO are 17 003
iH 1411/tb 01 JO are 11031) )
IKOPrbesnf KiOapp to VAOai ) 1'rlzo 3 00M
lAJIrlze ot OOapp to 0 0OIrlzo "GU )
1 * ) Prizes ot 4U npp to 10 00J Pnzo 0 00J
WJ Terminals of i&XL
decided b } SCO 000 Prize 15H30
! 2"0 Prizes Vmountlng to 1178,500
All I > rl7es Hold In the United S tatos full paid In
U S Currency
t3 > l oil Ciun HATI4 or uny fuitlicr Inform
ntlon desire 1 ilte locibly to ttio tindorslgneil
elenrlj ntitlnt jourreaUenco wltlisUto coun
ty street an 1 number Moio rapid return mall
deliver } wllltij asinrol b/ jour enclosing an
en\ elope bearing your lull nudrosa
Address U IISM TO
Cm ot Mixico Mkxiod
fly ordlnarj letter , contatultig Mosi- Om > "ii
lssuen by nil 1 press ( ompanlea Neiv \ ork Bx
cbungo Draft or lostal Note
Spi ci il 1 unturoi
Hy terms of contiAct tlio t/ompinv must deposit
posit tbo turn ut all t rlzss Included In tbo
scheme before BoUlnpslnUe tlcl "t and re
ceive the following otnclal peimlt
CHI lllOAII l herdi certlfu that U\t \
Jfnnknf lAindm diul 1/e.rtu ) has a tptclal de-
r * tc theiitc uira funis ttr0tnrrtntee ltu > iwii/
ment of all bruet uj a urn bij the LnttrUi tic la Hem
ftctnei 11 Hi l/ i
Alois AAll ( ASriLLO Inlcrvntir
InrtLer Uio tompau ) Is required to distrib
ute llftj six per cunt of tlio \ atuo of all the
tickets in puzes a larger proportion than ts
given by any other Lottery
linallr thn numbnr ol tcxets la limited to
fOuoOitKHlossthinaiesold by other lotteries
using the same scheme * .
1111 I AND Qb
_ _
ana > D'S ' /lSES'fTHKPA / < r
Senior urcuhr l Hrt Hlt3 r j ) . a-
• lAjjE rl NC MED co emma cal
if 6 M0j/Y- --N3&k thc O NLY-
0l-OIi4hi ! ! , P ) > 'CUtXE T0I\
i sw t * cuanAiC . 0-x A TA R R M
WBlOlEWatfgvnnnvii 5 r '
For Snlo by Goodman Drug Co
v * LsofsoR Habit
H eitn h slv's l * np ufralTee or ! ? . or ! up
title , of f oJ wllbaattbs knowledaro ol IbanallenL
iraoo i > iry Itiiahjolutelrh nnlo adwfllciW
a permanant and tp iT cure vrhBInw Inejpfllent la
outoderato drinker or aualcoholiottrpok ITIH > HC
KAIIS It operaeaaiao quIeOy and wllh ceoh cer
tainty that tb paUanl undercoea no Inoonvcnlenee
and ore bo la aware bla oo nplela rcformsllou la
eiremad 49 paao boon ot partlcularo free
I'llN.VCII l&IU/tllhiuaU.iiiidlmliA I'un ItcSla
> UJ > iupillnllirllLiU > rtUICPJ 0 ( ImaUa talk
Arrests discharges from tno urinary oroanj
la cither tei in 43 lioure
It is superior to Copaiba , Cubch , or Injce-
m tlons , anJ tree frou ell Lad tucli cr other
UiconTuuentCJ . .
SANTAI llDYffi , , ' / iD\ } \
ciptalci vli.rUiu lii Usa HlUy
li nknnrl BESTTORED
IVIf4nnnilll llEucDrVmE.-Ailc-Uui
lllUllllUUU o ( TouUituI Inprudenco
c u.Iiib Ireinatura H-car , > cr > oui Dfbll ty U > fi
Manliood o. batlngtriollnvalneverykiiounre o-
Uy I aa dl orcr d a rln 11 11 fal of wlr pi re wUcb
J i will send ( UMledl r IIFK tel llfellow-auiriTtra.
Addrcu.J II IH.i.VLS.1 O ' < iM htwluiclir
Travollne Men Smolto nnd KocouiidoiiiI
l I'ASllLllil S , THIS LSI UI ISO ItIMCI\ toll
T1J18 1)111 lULII PIS ! V9I l.M'l 11101)1 SllOLI U
klli A iioor bODI3MIMJiAli VA&-
lllilll S in nn not SI
i oil ) ui aU imuaatsTS at 2u0 ind "We n
I'niiiiiliktsscnl gintis on apnllcntiuu In Uio
Soden Mineral Springs Co , Limited ,
Perfect Art Album containing 24
iSlaBf * Beautiful Photographs representing
Tea and Coffee calturei will be sent
oi receipt of your address
CHASE & SANBORN , 136 Broad St , Boston
Western Dept 80 Franklin St , Chicago , III
C.H .F > EARSON & cV
State Line
loGInsirow , IJelfiisi , Dublin nnd LItci oo1
Cablnpn9ngefL > tof.r0 nccordlns to location ot i X'
room Fxcur lon Sjj to KIJ
Eleeraiio to and from l'uropo at I/j Ilatos
Austin IIai nwiv &eo ( .en 1 Agcntj
WUroiliTay Noir Vori
Jens Di eoev Cen 1 IVoslcm Agent
leiltindolibSt tllcizo
LlAiniv 1 ! MooiinsTuo3.Mct.ANM
Accnts at Omaha
The Weill Knoun Siieclullil ,
ffifraB aajfua launsurpaisedtn
JgP paaBNtx mlnv II o treatment of
A" " " 'SMiW afc VA1K DI8CAHKJ
I liitSri OUet and Htrlct-
/ i I rTLtri B cur0 K111'
/ t\ ! flji nnteeil tiperma
I "J C\\ \ ' * * ' l > aolntel
JkfhJ hi II curu 1 • tn' ' " '
jTlisZ il I took IhuHio
* } Mihi v * ! J H l forJIan
' "SaS'l ' X or Wo nan tall
" / * fifej fclLccntatt ( rai )
: t / e v UHicatre
/ \ 11 ile ll u en.t a
\ - . /I tiirrati and fcfclu
* IilMnaea euruil
AwojawaTn / I
r aWMl& j Li " saWJUW . me ) t 11 corre-
. . aOa Hrt lBflaVa * ! endcueo aen 1
I UBKBSfiiu.DCi JU.jHaBSSka.'laiui" for reply
cov&uuyiA noriaii : .
Office S E. Cor mm & Jackson Sta
Qjnaha , Neb ,
elirated lines ot I oots and blioon m iimtiictiir-
ed by O M Hon lersan a , Uo , nt ( lUcaeo-Fsc-
torles at Chicago Lixonllla , and Ion JIu ( ac
Wl sliould write BOI N WAibON rcsl
dence H1EMOM" Mill Truxllnff aneat
Headquarters for Uuuber *
fflfewanUrretloiee lie meat YWonUlUtk No
waiting for reaults lt action Ulmmedt
ate dlreclandoertOlriaandacurelalharoauU
in all curable ceaea _ A ainitia irialconTlnua
tbAmuatUeptlcaL.rricaAOc andejl 00 , of
tlniuiaUorbrmall Trial packaae/rrcto any
iddrJu llr Ii htlllrTMAMN fce ImClUc
r \ a
JV v5& / r 5p < % fr Mucin percent , of the tntmnlltt tut fie
iL t-I/ j Kjlmfrtyjffl into the nutiut/rtctttic of • 'thctltl'/ , ' * i\f
/ / C vr ll'Vvif l\\ \ \ nfcl' cheap tctulu imulc ctotlilnif inun-
( vjj\\ \ \ ' ll\llli\ \ \ 'Jt" , * • • ' , / / ' 1 < n > i > nuitlo up into ttio
\ r e- j- tfw\\\\\v/ | | , \ \ \ \ \ I'l lfli test ttmt tt'xittliepillti / ) Wi ( tint
\ I VV II lUHillr cnn only hi toUl from moot 6tlie ; 11pert *
\ Il , M l\\\\\u \ \ \ \ \ | | H One "Sioirimill located at Ant
W A l\\\\ \ \ \ \ J /m y > r. , tunii oat UO,000 lounthof
j ] vUaItIjuU "StiotUtn pir month
• / / wllVfiUvf/ "Jslioddy is Jitiij" s y the Hoolinun
I / \ * M.W \ W I 'S pretty well-known " "
I / \ jJ jlj ] that Nicoll's Tailoring fa-
1 / - brics are made from IiONCf
r " -II CLEAN WOOL , by the best
I /W / foreign and home makers
jg Wij ) V No bagging at the knees ,
"IJjl ) k L- - nor turning back to their
V > . native company rags in 3
weeks wear
T n cr o 0 * n
ToOner S5. S6 & $8.
This skm
, „ seleoting
/ ° ° ° fabrics is the
- \ reason why we
/ \ make more trousers than any six
I establishments in the world
/ It isn't alone our better fabrics
/ and designs its our prices as
/ / wel1- • V
/ J Trousers , $5 , $6 , and $8.
I I Worth considerable more Suits
I I and Overcoats , $20 and $25.
I I as extraordinary value
Profits a mere cipher , but we
I do a large business
Several Tteandljlcs una nnilfilAS -
Best Fairies ,
1 Fine Spectacles , Eye Glasses , Thermometais , and All Oilier ! H
j • Optical Goods at Greatly Reduced Prices | j
I SO.ID COI-1) SI'KCTACIillS , 81 uorlli S I
I FIM.JJT OOIil ) SPKCTACL-ESs , SI nnd $5 ; solil cieijulicic B >
B Iroiu gfl lo 610. I H
li KlISTWilLI SI-rc'JrACI.I : > , mIIIi pmest wliKo crjNtal
1 lenses , 75c , < * il and l 60 ; Moitli duublo .
I EtKSl &CUTCII VUUUtiK SI'l CTACIrS onlj Si , " > ! ) ;
I w ortli @ 5 |
I All CcOliK4u ut suine rcductlun Ejes leslcil bj out M
| optUInn , mid a poilcct ill guaranteed in c\cij case All M
Ilslonal iiniierrcLtloiis coircceil OculHt's iircicrliitinas M
I tilled at po < tJtle pil c M
I 1,000 TJIEatllOIIETEK's ' rioin 185ceach up to flits \ui >
I IiIkIicmI Kiadc I M
1 Ouli nfctvimiic ( Inj * to bu } JEHEEK.1. J > I llMWDb 1
I WATLULfi and • • IKVEaeWAECE al j our own pi Uo H
Medical-iSc Surgical Dispensary Nos 101 to 113 So 13ti | St
O Ifoiiiiix lor Patients Kcccptlon IIoohih HO anil lo , Onmlinct > B
rvrATT "M"T\r" < iro'lnc from Ncrvoia Debility I < est Mnnliood ralll nt Memorj Ftliamtlna ; H
L\J JVljJLl i > lJZ/J. > IlriUna.l rrlblo Iircami llend nnd Mack AcUe on.1 oil tl o oflTecli lei II ix tj M
enrly clocnc and 1 orliapi Loniuminlon < r Insanity trunteJuclintlllcullr by new cnctlindi Co nullntUn frna i H
Latarrli Ktiotiiaatlsni 1 olionoui I l > chirxe > n llkjr urine painful sncllliiBi iiulckly rollovoil n i rnllcoll/ ajH
r rrd IlluslrniKlliook I ire a Bocrtt Krron I cents Homl f > rQtto tl n 1 tston my I lirnlo DIslbiii > B
lltriiYIDTVl" Ifl'lli'O Unicesnnl Irmsie Heat In llltlta uppsralua nn 1 ivniu.llm for su otaful H
i Jll/1 : W-LvllX 1 1 1 liO ! trialinrntof ereiy forniorillscasarfi lrln MoUlcnl or Si wlcnl trutijrnt f B
Weimkoa.s [ > < claltyot Ilracos Iruascs Club l'cet Cirvot ir < a of "j 110 I llos , InnioH Can or Uro icllllla f M
Intitlntl n llcclrlclty lor lysis I i llopsy Kldnoy Jllaldor Kar Bkln an I iilouj ami all urKloili er H
* tl ns UnokSHi 1 question , blanks free . faffl
T 1CIACIC ' ' A8PKCIAITV Hook Circulars I illon llrt 0 Nanr H
? ? /1T A riAr'Ti'AT an Qu
JJJolllAoI'jO KJi : \ \ UililiJ > ousntsa toiallintl n. Nouralirla I/jui rrli lu I lln lu lb * H
llnrk lrolnpsue Lterl l'llci Itnalo Wosknesa Dyspepsia bklu I lni | les an J all 11 ol 1) lousoa fH
SjpliiliHi Hororuln , XJaU liloml , SUtn , Uilnary Viiouncu unil Gloat Cured rorliif *
, rJajS j
Vor Sulo by M II Bliss , Omalin , Nobiueka
watciifh SILVERSMITH ? A"u"l * f
WAacut" . olLVCnoivll I nt diamond ? . ,
WArOH13 . , . " 77. , ii i-i.i • DIAMONDS ,
i I
HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , 1405 Dougias St I
Send ioi cutalo uo H
, . v . |
ETCHINGS ) 19 tfk # % H % Mi H5TEMKRSON , Vdfl
AKTISrsUPl'LIESaai M | # 1 K TKIMiiALL , " " " r
frames , * mWmjywm ersiiELr MUaio
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska I