Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    Bs Bi BV BV BV BV BV Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi MBTBTBTBTBTBTBTB
H How Nobraskn'B Bankora Would
H Ohnngo the Knox Bill
M Cloning Hours iT tlio Session Clinrnc-
M tcrl/cil Itjr BmiAllilo nml Practical
M llosolntlono on n V'nrlrty of
M Blonptnrjr HulJpcti
Bf ] The IlnnkorV Hocnnit Drty- ,
| At 10.15 a. in , the bunkers rccoiivoncil at
M WnMilnKton lmll
fl After prajcr by Dean Undner , Mr
H AVolfo olTcreil a resolution recommending
M that nil i csolutlotu relating to state and nrl-
H vuto banks bo roforrcd to a comralttco , con *
H gtstltiR of ] C. B. Urnnk , C. A , Jfotvmnn It
1 ) ) . Milts C. P. Folds , U. MusselmanCil -
H llnm T. Htarlos , GcorRoDobson , d , U. Uoll
Hi und J. L Hitrttoy Camcd
BBJ J Mr Kowmun of Columbus , oftcrod a rcso *
BBJ lutlon asking that the association causa to bo
BBS ' published and distributed to all members , the
BBS first called report of each year of nil the stnto
Hb banks nml trust companies in Nobraakacom
BBs uiloJ in the most condensed form , slioivinu
BJBJ the liabilities nml resources of each Inslitu-
BJBJ Hon , In'conncctlon with such other reports
HI nnd Information ns might bo doomed of In-
BJBJ tcrest to bankers , Including a list
HI of bank stocKs and properties of-
BBB , fared for nnlo at such tlmo
BBB Ucsolvcd , Tliut all persons ofTonao ; for
BJBJ sale bank Btocks and properties are rctiuosted
BJBJ i to send a condensed description thereof to
BJBJ , . .thu secretary of this association , who shall
BJBJ keep a list thereof for the Inspection and ln-
HJ i formation of the members of this assooia-
BBpJ I Ucsolvcd , That the stnto law Rovcrnln ?
BBpJ I banks bo nmended to limit the rhnrgo of cx-
BJBJ i atnlncrs for all banks of a capital of * ' . ' 3H)0 ,
HH or less to 510 for each examination
BJBJ Hcsolvoil , That ail banks arc requested to ,
HH nt once , make statements to the secretary of
BJBJ this association of all forgeries ana criminal
HJ misdemeanors in the banking business as
HH soon as discovered
BBpJ Kosolvod , That this association urge tbo
HH repeal or modlUcatlon of present state cx-
BJBJi 'emption laws and the improvement of our
HH collection laws
BBpJ ' l Resolved , That wo advise tlio repeal of the
BJBJ ' present usury laws , or material modlllca-
H |
1 The resolutions were rofcrrcd
Hi The committco appointed to consular the
HHJ ' Knox bill , consisting of II W. YateS A. U.
HHJ Wyman , J. N. Eclcinan , G. IS Cheney and
HHJ VA L. Ulark , roportcdas follows :
BBpJ ' Your committco appointed to consldor the
BJBB resolutions and motions offered in connco
HH tion with the resolutions oftcrcdWcdncsday ,
HH ] endorsing the Knox bill for a permanent na-
BJBfl tlonnl bunk circulation , would respectfully
BJBB report for your consideration and adoption
BJBB the following resolutions :
HI I Ucsolvcd , That wo approve the bill pro
BJBB pared by-tho Hon John lay Knox for a per
mnncnt nntionul bank circulation , now pend
ing before congress nnd respectfully urqo
! the passage oi tbo snmo when amended to
reduce the tax upon circulation from per
cent to J nor cent nvery six months
BJBJ | I Hcsolvpd , That this association recommend
BJBI the pnssngo by congress of an net by congress
BJBJ | which shall allow the repealing of
BJBI the present issues of bonds by
BJBI on Issue of bonds bearing is per
BJBI cent interest to bo rcdeomablo at the
BJBH pleasure of the government , the first issued
BJlBj ! to bo the last subject to call , the holder of
H Hj the 4 per cent bonds offered for rafundlag to
H H ! bo allowed in settlement the present worth
BJBH : of the bond calculated on tbo basis of 3 per
H HJ cent per annum for the time unexpired
BBpB Resolved , That the secretary of this eon
BBpBi vnntion is horcby instructed to forward a
BJBH . copy of thesa resolutions to our senators nnd ,
BJBH • representatives in congress
BHBJ This was unanimously udopted
BHBJ Mr TH Saunders , bank examiner of the
BJBH Flrst'dlstrict , made a few pertinent roinurics
HHH about his work
HHH " Komarks were also made by Mr E. B.
HHH Branch of South Omaha mid Mr , Rogers on
HHH private banks
HH | MrCS Miller of Fairmont asked > vhat
H H should lie the basis of ro-discountlug la
H Hj branch banks
Hflf" * " " Mr McNorton , stuto bank examiner , said
H H : that in regard to tbo subject of rc-tllscount-
H Hi ing that no oxnot nrovislon hud boon made
H H by the law , but by tbo cancrul incorporation
H HJ act of the state It should not bo inoro than
H HJ two thirds of the capital stock II said that
H HJ some bankers in starting in business sud-
H HJ posed that it was not good banking to refuse
H HJ every loan asKed But , " ho conlmuqd , "a
H Hj ] man can not successfully ruu a bank on
H HJI half-a dozen farms and twlco us many town
H HJI lots " Ho urged the ro-asscmbllng of the
H HJj banking association befoiotho legislature
H HJs uiet for the purpose of formulating souio
H HH atr.eudmcnts to bo prosoutod
H HJ la reply to question from Mr Yates why
H HJ , privnto banks could not bo governed by the
H HJl ro discounting restrictions , Mr McNorton
H HJ i rcpliod that llioro were no provisions made in
H HJ the law Ho was In favor of compelling
H HJ every bank to incorporate or of prohibiting
H HJ every bank not incorporated from using u
H HJi corpomtcd name
H Hj Mr Crawford made an Interesting speech
H HJ ridiculing the talcing of oaths Ho declared
H HJ" " that u bond was much bettor than an oath ,
H HJ Mr Miller urged that there ought to bo
H HJL some public record kept of tbo stock owned
H HJ ; by tbo stockholders of all banks
H HJ Air Kc.irlcs declared that such a record
H HJ could bo found with every assosior
H HJ Mr Simpson asked what should bo the
H HJj legal reserve of a bank and on what class of
HHf liabilities the 15 per cent bo reckoned
HHMi Mr McNortou was nppoalcd to and replied
H HJll that it was the amount payable on doainnd
HHHJt In reply to another question ho said • that
HHHJj any piece of paper bearing the endorsement
Hi Pf a baukor is a liability of his bank *
H HJil A question was asked of Mr McNorton
H HJli what ho would do in enso a bank had ro-
H HJail discounted to tbo full extent allowed by law
H HJK aQd found his deposits were being drawn
HHHJfi from nnd demands made that ho could not
HHHJi y "In such an amorgancy , " said Mr McNor-
HHHJ > . ton , "I would close my eves to the law und
HHHI ro discount every piece of paper I could get
HHHJ bold or "
HHHJ i This was followed by peals of laughter and
HHJ I applause
HHHJ Mr Cody said that the banking law wns
HH ] ' intended to develop a conscrvatlva system
H HJH ; In reply to the question , Mr McNorton
HHJ should have recommended that the bank
HHHJ should not reach such a precarious condition
HHJ > Mr NoNortun ropllcd that the question
H ' sskod him was not what ho would advlso ,
H ' but what ho woulado in such an emergency
H ' Said he , When a tlmo cortilicato matures It
H ceases to bo a tlmo cortilicato and is a do-
H nana item and suoject to the 13 per cent ro-
H serve
HHHI ' , Mr Bcntlyof Grand Island urged that
, there ought not to bo any restriction upon a
HHf bank In soiling its paper ,
H Mr Uolan declared that not mora than 10
HHi P ° r cent of the capital of the bank should bo
HHHJI loaned at a time
H A resplutlou was presented by Mr Cow
H loy recommend ins that tbo executive coin
H mlttoQ call a meeting of their association for
H the pur | > ese of dlscusslug amendments to
H the state bankung law to bo called prior to
H the convening of the state louislaiuro This
H was referred to the committee on state
HHHI The following resolution was presented by
HHHJ t Mr Thomas Wolfe :
HHHJI ltojolvod , That the Riombors of lha No-
HH | braska bankers association hereby tender
HH | their , erutcful thanks to tbo bankers and
H HH clearing house association of Omaha for the
H HH eeueroui welcome extended , and tlio royal
HH | banquet wo have enjoyed : to the mayor und
HHHJI cltUcus of Omaha for their kind hospitality ;
HH | the press of Omaha for tbo fair reports of
H H I our proceedings , and the different railroad
HHH | < companies for reduced rates was
HHHJI unanimously adopted
HHHJI Mr Yates called the attention of the con
HHJt vootlou to the subject of floating chocks and
H H B urged that chsrpes should bo made for ox-
H H H change on all ohecks
H H B Mr Miller declared that sight drafts were
HHHR a still greater nufsanco Ho was In favor of
HHHJP obargingfor the handling of all drafts and
HHHBvj urged that uniform rates be charged on all
HHHK suchpaiwr ,
HH tllr > Braucli offered the followfu rosolu-
HHHJR' ' tIo"i
§ ! : Resolved , That it Is the view ot this asso-
HHHKl elation that the issuance ot personal , private
HHHJB' ' or firm cneck * or drafts in the payment of :
HHHH' i debts duo outside of the city or town whore
HHHJB . the checks are payable | s unbuslnosslike , an
JH HR injustice to bankers upon whom drawn , as
H H Hf troll a * upon tbe banks compelled to receive
HHHH tbem , and unsafe and injurious to all bust
HHHK no" intcrcits in theory and practice
HHHJB Resolved , ' 1 hat wo record ourselves us oj > -
hWB' '
posed tn the practice and will dlscourngn It
by nil possible , reasonable moans
Resolved , That wo regard n ' charge for exchange -
change on such checks by the paving bank
when received for return as legitimate nnd
proper and recommend that every tnombcrof
the association so charge
Resolved , That such Individual checks
should bo subject to n rcajonnblo discount
wherever received upon deposit or purchase
This was unanimously adopted
Mr Dickinson offered the following :
Resolved , That all sight drafts drawn bo
llablo to the same charges for OTChnngo ns
checks whetbor collected by the recolvlng
bnnk or not
Mr Yates opposed this , saying It was very
different from the resolutions previously pre
sented , nnddcalnred that It would seriously
trammel business in tbo stnto and upon the
facility with which trade Istnado
Mr Dickinson said that it he were an
Omahnbankor.ho woiild tifkotbe samostnnd
But the demand was simply pi\mcnt for ,
work done , nnd thnt the country banks were
being used us collectors tor the wholesale
houses , Mr Yntcs should protect bis coun
try correspondent from wholcsulo drawers
of drafts
The VesoliUlon was put to vote and was
carried by a vote of ( W to S3.
Mr S. C. Smith offered the following ,
whioi wns passed
Whereas , The Nebraska bankers associa
tion , In cunvontiou assembled , has adopted
resolutions favoring the Knox plan for a
permanent nntionnl bank circulation ; nnd ,
Whereas , This association bellovcs that
the adoption of this Plan by the congress of
, the Unltod States will benoflt not only the
banning iutcrosts , but the gcnoral commer
cial interests of this country ; therefore bo It
Resolved , That the Clearing house associa
tion of Omaha bo tnformod ot the notion ot
this body , nnd that it bo requested to Imme
diately coitfor with nil the clearing house
nssncintioiis In the Unltod States , with the
view ot calling a convention composed of
dologatcs appointed by each clonnne house
nssocialion fiom its own morilborshlp or such
other persons from the state at largo where
such clearing bouse exists as may bo deemed
best , to bo held in the city of Washington at
nn carlv dale as practicable , for the purpose
of urging upon congress the imoortanco of
this legislation
The committco on stnto banks reported on
three resolutions First they derlarod that ,
whllo the state banking law was necessarily
imperfect , ns nil now laws are , they rogurded
it in the main as successful , and one that has
exalted the position of state and private
banks and in safety , conservatism and legiti
mate banking had placed thorn along side
the nntionnl banks
Thcv rccommondod thnt the oxecuttvo
council Bhould call thu next mooting of the
association next autumn before the legisla
ture meets for the purpose of looking to the
amendment of stnto banking laws
They requested that the state board pub
lish tbo first statement of all national , state
and priratcbanks
Tbo conventiou then adjourned
, In the Evening
Thobankors returned from South Omaha ,
where they had visited the packing houses
of Swift & Co nnd the Armoux-Cudahy
company nnd inspected the operation of
these immense establishments , nnd had sup
per nt the Paxton In the evening they at
tended Boyd's ' opera house in a body to wit
ness the presentation of Siberia "
A few of the visltnr3 left for homo last
evening and the majority will leave today
Siberia never drew a larger house in
this city than that which , witnessed Its pro
duction at the Boyd last night Tbo theatre
was packed and the audionca was enthusi
astic There is no doubt that , of all tbo
Eieccs of the late lamented Bartlov Camp
ell , "Slboria" was most intended to with
stand tbo wear of time Though long
familiar , it is still most interesting both in
plot and Incident Few of the scenes are
overdrawn The information they ntford of
lifo in Russia and in that far-off hellSiberia ,
the name of which sends a thrill of horror
through the system , is greater than could be
acquired without a great deal of dreary
study The ploco is well mounted and
strongly played
Eleanor MowottI , who plays Sara In
Siberia , " Is the daughter of Katbcrlne
Rogers , nnd in her performance ot this part
last'hfght sno gave strong ovldauco that the
histrionic ability of the mother has boon
conveyed to and will be ably muiutained by
the daughter Miss Mowotti is a beautiful
young woman , bus a flue voice and good
action , and easily captures tbo admiration of
nn audience , The cast was further strength
ened by the presence of Lizzie Miner , an
nctress who u few year4s ago made some
reputation through tbo west in a comedy
called Dads GirL
Gave tlio Old Mnn a Cliinco •
Frank Murphy , a tall , , Btout luborer who
was only a few days ago released from the
county jail , wr.ore ho had been serving forty
days for abusing his family , was before
Judge Holsloy yesterday accused ot bclne
drunk and disorderly .
Murphy admitted that ho bad been drinking
mors or less but did not remember as to the
disorderly charge Ho was Blmply cele
brating his freedom
' "If you'll lot mo go this tlmo , judge , Ill
never drink another drop ns long as I live , "
said Murphy , "I nra ashamed ot mv past
conduct nnd want to reform "
Bis wife nnd daughter were in the court
room to testify against the old man , but
when they aaw his tears and hoard his earnest -
nest promises they also pleaded with tbo
couit to giyothc defendant one more clianco
to reform •
The request was granted and the Murphy
family now hope to live in peace
Stationary ICncineors
Omnha division No 1 of Nebraska of the
National Association of Stationary Engi
neers will bold nn open meeting at Kauf
mans hall , 1314 Douglas street , on Saturday ,
Januaiy 25 , at 8 p. in The steam users ,
Btationury engiuecrs and tbo pi ess of this
city are cordially invited to attend
W. B..AUSTIX , President
C. 15. PAMiEtt , Secretary
A. Cbocicy Hoodlum
Dan Groft Is n young hoodlum who had the
nerve to walk into J. L. Brandois & Sons
shoo store on South Thirteenth street last
evening , put on a pairot , , flno shoes , and
then tried to go - out without paying for
thorn Ho was jailed
• , >
Mr Miller to Ha Banqueted
The Omaha Commercial association will
gtvo a rccoption and banquet at the Omaha
club rooms tomorrow night iu honor of Mr
Thomas Miller , the retiring general froicht
agent ot tbo B. k M. , who gees to Chicuiro
to accept the position with the Chicago , Bur
ilngtoa & Quinoy road lately occupied by
Mr Paul Morton ,
District Court ,
The Pairpoint Manufuotunngcompany has
roplovlnod a part of tbo jewelry store of
Ed helm & Akin from Shorllf Boyd
Samuel R. Johnson has commenced suit
ng.iiiiBt George 1Nllos ot ul to recover $150
on notes mortgage pn lot S , block
a , in Bolvldero
County Court
J , n. Spetmau ban brought suit against
Leon ICopald to iecovor9tiQ.UU on several
notes ,
Joseph A. Walker has commenced suit
against David E. Burqettto rocovor303 ou
a promissory cote •
The S. S. Wuito Dental company of Chicago
cage has sued A. W. Nason for J511 on notes
aud accounts
Judgment for plaintiff In the sum ot (725
was allowed iu the case of Seth F. Winch vs
David M. Bowman ot al
In the case of Seth F. Winch vs ' Mrs
Zolpha Bowman et al , judgment was ren
dered for plaintiff In the sum of $203.00.
Inlhocusoof Allen Brothers vs.Sphtt
judgment was rendered iu the gum ot
* H0.1U.
The County Commissioner * .
Tbo county commissioners met yesterday
ufternooo for ( ha purpose of acting on the
jury list which it published elsewhere
After passing upon this list a number of'
small bills were acted upon and the bonds of
two constables referred to the proper com
The clerk of the board was Instructed to
notify 8. I , Pone & Co , the plumbing con
tractors , thaflt the plumbing work In the
hospital is pot completed iu acoordauoa with
the plans and specifications by February 1
tbo lire * iu the building will bo raked out
- - - " "i
Mro Ellen Foator's Aalioronts Or-
gatiigod and Nnmoi
Tim Quaker Poet Warmly Knilorscs
tlio Bociaty'n Alms The W.
C. T. U. ttclmlccn the Alt
Two Title * In One Day
Cmivp.hnp , O. , Jan 23 Thanonpartisan
Indies who are meotlng In Clovclnnd for the
purpose of organizing a national Woman's
Christian Temperance Union , are " doing " their
work with great deliberation • „
A letter wns rood from the pObt Wluttlcr
In which bo said in p ' nrtl "I huvo alwaja
regretted the action of the Womnd's Chris
tian Tcmpcrahco Union In taking n partisan
position I do not impeach the motive
of the noble unn devoted women of
thnt organization , but I , have soon
no good accomplished by their political
action I hope the nonpartisan temperance
workers will not waste any strength in com
batting the political organization , but go for
ward , which I think Is the best wny and , bo
far ns I can see , the only ono likely to ac
complish the great object ot the tempcranco
effort , "
The session ot the convention this morning
was devoted to the discussion of the pro
posed constitution 'X ho committee on con
stitution reported through the chairman ,
Mrs Ji mien Fester and Uin report was
signed by every member of the committco
The constitution was road by Mrs Wnlkor
ot Minnesota The preamble is as follows :
Viewing with tho.deopest sollcitudo the
nppalling evils of intempornnco , and believ
ing that a nonpartisan , nonsectarian oiean-
izatlon of Christian women devoted solely to
tbocailsoof temperance Is greatly needed ,
wn unite ourselves together for-thisjiurposo
under the following constitution : "
Then follows the constitution , the first sec
tion of which is ns follows :
This organization shall bo known as the
American Woman's Christian Tcmporanco
leuguo "
It is provided that the officers shall be a
president , vlco president , two secretaries
and a treasurer There are to bo five do-
purtmoats ot work evangelistic , educa
tional , legislative and young women's work
Ono Boction of the constitution declnros that
no olllcor shall pledge the support of the or
ganization to any political party or any
religious sect Any tempornnco society cun
become auxiliary by signing the constitu
tion The annual meetings are to be hold In
November and the members of theoxecutivo
cotntnittoo will not bo permitted to vote
thereat ' *
The name caused much discussion , but
was llnally agreed to , and nil the remaining
sections were adopted The section which
provides that the organization shall bo non
partisan and nonsectarian was agreed to by
a standing vote , many of the ladles waving
tlioir halidkorchiofs
At the afternoon sosslon , after some dis
cussion , a pledge was engrafted in the con
stitution , as follows :
"I hereby solemnly promise , God helping
me , to abstain from all distilled , fcrmontcd
nnd malt liquors , Including wine und cider ,
as a beverage , and to discourage the use of
and the tr.iflic in the same "
The nnme , the American Womon's Chris
tenn Tomperatico League , " adopted at the
morning session , was short-lived. The now
Boclcty will march under the name , the National
tional Crusaders "
Shortly after the opening of the afternoon
session Mrs Ellen Foster nroso and moved
that the vote , by which the name of the or
ganization hod been Uxod , be reconsldorcd
Mrs Aldricb of Iowa seconded the motion
and a lengthy discussion followed
Mrs Foster Bald the name crusaders
had been sugcestod It was short and at
tracted attention by its newness
Miss Doty of Cleveland said slio' , was un
willing to bo called a new crusader , for he ,
bad been oho foe fifteen veers
Roconsidcratlon was ordered and Mrs ,
Cowlcs of Ohio ofTored the name , tho'"Na
tional Crusaders "
Mrs Aldricb of Iowa wanted it National
Women's Christian Crusaders " She wanted
to save the words Christian , womoa and
temperance , which had been so long identl-
llod with the movement
Mrs Shortlodgo of Pennsylvania said she
wanted a name entirely distinctive from the
old party , from which they were obliged to
After further discussion Mrs -Aldrlch
moved that the organization bo called the
National Crusade Alliance , " but this was
The nnmo National Crusaders was then
adopted by a viva voce yoto nnd the pream
ble and constitution ruadoptcd . „
Iu reply to the question ns to an cstiinato
ot the expenses for the ensuing year , Mrs
Foster said it would requlro uuout $10,000 to
conduct nlTairs during that tlmo This in
cludes salaries ot $ lli00 each to the president
and general secretary and about tbo
same to the financial secretary , besides
which appropriations are needed for a re
cording seerotary the heads ot departments
and u national organizer
Oil motion of Mrs Shortlodgo tbo conven
tion then proceeded to the nomination and
election ot ofllcers
Mrs Lydia P. Tilton of the District of
Columbia said : "I nominate a woman for
the presidency who has been the general of
this army ; a leader whom God called to en
courage us and to stand for the
principal of nonpartisanship ; to whom
mora than to any ether woman
a grand state owes its constitutional prohi
bition of the liquor truffle ; tbo only woman
who has boon so recognized as a wise leader
that'a senatorial committee ot the United
States congress invited her to advlso thorn
on tempcranco legislation This woman moro
than any ether represented the silent major
ity of workers 1 uominuto Mrs J , Ellen
Foster of Iowa "
Mrs Foster arose and spoke briefly She
said she hud never shirked any duty
She bad always stood whoiethe bullets were
thickest , but could no longer stand out as a
picket , God only knows how IJreJoico in
this day , but I can not bo your priest ' I
want to hold up the tempornnco pledge on
tbo platform and work for the prohibition of
tbo liquor tradlc and I can do moro good ou
tbo platform , if yon love rue do not write
ono ballot out for mo " ( Applauso.1
Mrs Wnlkcrof Minnesota said she wanted
to nomlnato tlio sweetest , gentlest and best
of women , Mrs Ellen G.Pbinney ot Ohio .
Mrs Campbell of Pennsylvania and Mrs
Aldrlch of Iowa seconded the nomination
Mrs Phlonoy tried to speak-but ber re
in artts were drowned by the applauSe
Miss Doty placed the name of Mrs , Aldrlch
ot Iowa in nomination "Wo can not af
ford , " said she , "to spare Mrs Phinnoy ,
from Ohio , und I am afraid Iter "health1 will
not bo nblo to tbo task "
Mrs Vogel ot Illinois secondedttho nomi
nation ot Mrs Aldrlch
An informal ballot reunited : Mrs Phlnney
100 , Mrt Aldricb 97. Mrs Campbell & > .
Mrs Phinnoy oxpr stnd her thanks and
hoped tlio formal ballot would bo for Mrs
Aldrlch On motion of the latter lady , how
ever , the informal ballot was declared
formal and Mrs Phinnoy was elected It is ,
possible she will resign betoro the clpsg of
the convention • j ,
Mrs T. B. Walker of Minnesota , nom
inated for vloo proaldont by Mrs Fester ,
was elected without opposition
It was decided to postpone the elocttDn of
the ether oOlcers uutil tomorrow ! * ) *
The invitation of the nonpartisan Wo
mans Christian Temperance uuion of Clove ,
laud to the National Crusaders to establish
its headquarters in Cleveland was accepted
and the president and general secretary wit 1
pa located here
Not Abstemious Euounh to Suit the
W. O. T. U , ,
Coioaoo , Jan 33. | Special Telegram to !
Tub Biu j Tbo National Women's ' Christian
Temperance union , af tor denouncing the vlco
president of the United States for permitting '
a bar to be maintained in a house which ho' '
had leased and over which be had no control ,
has now directed its attention to the dele '
gates of the All-Amerlcan congress , and in
an address issued today rebukes these guests
of tbo nation for attending to many banquets
at which champagne aud other intoxicating
liquors were served with a lavish hand It'
Is uncortnin thaw this criticism upon the
conduct of otir Sputh American visitor will
bo received fn jothor parts of the United
States , but qurf/Jn It ( s that such Chicago
merchants ns have commercial relations with
tbc o countries regard with surprise , not un
mixed with iViw'oiMiro ' , this discourtesy
whlrh thesel , sljicd , ' - . Mothers ot the Nation
tion" so thotightlcsslvoxtend to these foreign
dlplomnts to whoin all the rest of the Ameri
can people hnv/vbeen / extending a cordial
welcome nnd dclicatq consideration
This rtmarkablo address , which is Issued
under the sifimUuro of President rranccsK
Willnrd , Is in substnncf as follows )
"I'otho ' SohtWAnlerlcnn , Centrnl Ameri
can and Moxttnti Commissioners of the Pan
Amorlcnn CotlgrtAs Honored Brother * ! The
Nntionnl WoihWa Christian ' Temperance
unloa greeted your arrival in our native land
with great good will and has watched your
travels with profound Interest Wo were
glad that the peaceful panorama of this re
publics mntcrinl civilisation was unrolled
before you and sorry that Its htgbor nnd
more enduring forces could not bo cqunlly
displayed Wo rend With regret Of tbo al
most continuous bnnquotlngs In which In
toxicating liquors held it place so promlnont ,
for such customs nro but a rclioot Kuropoan
and not an indlginnus fenturo of our
western civilization , Llfoinsuranee statistics
shbw that the nverngo longevity of the mod
oiato drinkords thlrtyJfiVo yonrs nnd a hnlf ,
whllo that of the total hbstalnor frotn intox
icating liquors Is BMy-four years A nation
thnt has made the sale ot nlooholic3 ft erimo
against constitutional or statutory law In
seven of its forty-two states nnd by locnl cn-
nctmonts overono-half of its populated ares ,
falls to illustrate Its'distitictlvo national fea
tures when it places liquor before Its guests
Will you permit us respectfully to urge
upon your attention the study of our pro
hibitory as compared with our non-prohibi
tory states , for wo bollovo that no ether line
of Investigation qpon to you in the great re
public promlsos so much of blosslng to your
own respective countries "
Snow Falling .Knster Than It Is
Cleared Awny
San rnAXOisco , Jan 23. Each day for the
last eight days during which the blockade on
the Central Pacific and the California and
Oregon line has continued the Southern
Pacltlo ofllclals have felt hopeful that the
following day would see tlio blockade raised
Fresh storms have c6mo , however , nnd'tho
tracks have boon covered with snow almost
as sooU as cleared
No attempt will bo made to move the two
westbound trains at Trucked nor-tho four at
Rcnn , as the comfoit ot the passengers can
bo looked out for bettor nt tboso places than
at any ether points in the mountains The
blockade at Cascade would prevent the passage -
sago of trains at tills point oven if it was de
sired to move them It will bo impossible to
do much work between Cascade nnd Summit
forsomo time , but : as soon as practicable
a rotary plow will Do sot iu motion there
The Oregon work is progressing rapidly
Tlio niookiltlo Raised
Honox , S. D. , Jan SI [ Special Telegram
to TnE Bnn.l The snow blockade on tbo
Dnkotu Central division of the Chicago &
Northwostcrn has been raised and trains are
running on ' schedalo tlmo Assistant Super
intendent Hollonbeck , Chief Engineer Blunt
and other Northwestern otllclnls who were
snow bound at Piolre yesterday passed hero
for Chicago this afternoon The Manitoba
line will be opened ! tonight or tomorrow
Its Mo Go
Poiitiaud , Orov Jan , S3. The Union Pa
cific trains aro'again blockudod It has been
snowing heavily for the past twenty-four
hours nnd the toads are greatly obstructed
everywhere , tf 11
ltlo Grande System Open
Dewek , Cole , , Jan 33. The entire Rio
Grande system ! * i)0w . 0Peiio
Progressive 'Urlion ' Minora and the
Kriiclns Unite
CoLDStiius , Qy Jan r2.i-Tho convention of
Knights ot Labor aifd Progresstvo , . union ,
miners met this morn Ing Roe of the Knights
of Labor was elected temporary president
nnd Johnson McBrlde of the other organiza
tion vice president The balance of the
other temporary oWccrV were divided The
joint committee on the order of business
reported that no resolution on consolidation
will be conaldorecl" adopted unless It receives a
three-fourths majority vote of each organiza
tion The discussion was opened on con
solidation uy John Mcliride , who strongly
favored ono organization Roe , on behalf of
the Knights ot Labor , spoke at length in
favor of ono organization with two branches
There wns such a wide difference of opinion
that at 1U:3U : p. m. the , convention ' adjourned
to 3 o'clock to rgivo the joint committee
farther time to wortfl"
The Joint convention1 reassembled at 3:30. :
The resolution by John Nugent indorsing
the plan ot * amalgamation proponed by the
olllcors of the two organizations was unani
mously adopted The convention then
adopted , section by section , plans of consol
idation , the rules rpqu ' riuc the calling nt the
yeas and nuys being suspended until the
vote on the plan entire was taken When
the roll was called there were 103 votes cast
in favor of the plan *
There were 81 votes cast for and four
against the plan by the Proerossivo Union
T. W. Davis , vice president of the National
Procresslvo Union , voted against the plan
because ho wanted the organization formed
by dissolution and not by tb6 consolidation
of the two organizations When tbo result
was announced there was a burst of en
thusiasm which Indicated tbo practically
unanimous sentiment of the convention
A resolution wus adopted providing for
the appointment of u committee of live from
each organization , including the president
and secretary of the same , to prepare and
report a constitution not later than 8 u. in
Friday A committee was also appointed to
inquirointo questions relating to macbiqo
mining which have recently vexed the
minora and operators of the country
A Package Con 'tainlna Eleven Iliui-
dred Dollars Missing
Oaosx , Utah , Jan ta 1 ( Special Telegram
to The Bub | it leaked out yesterday that
tbo this city had several days
ago been touched to the tune of $11,000.
It occurcd last Saturday , and thoi
officials , hoping to getncluo , confided the >
mutter to detectives , and the newspaper fro '
tornlty were loft in ignornnco of the theft
General Mhity , deputy • postmaster , having
occasion to p lace some monoyMn the safe ,
wus dumbfounded to find a package contain
ing raouoy In ono-pr the drawers missing The
money was In its place uU night during the
morning , and how the robbery could have
occurred in broaa'dayllght , with nil ot the
officials and clcrksln the offices , completely
the offlejals , The druwer contain
nir tbo money wlsJboKoti , and thotblof over
came this difficulty'0y prying the light binges
oft wich some kindVt chisel The other papers
in the safe woroJnoe dlstuibod The quick
manner in which tiiy-robbery was'commiltod
and in daylight wall ; to'the opinion that the
money was taken . In : some ono familiar with
the otllce Genera)1 Kimball Immediately no
tified the postojltacdoiiarlmout of tbo affair
and a special insljifjfcr will arrive at onca to
ferret out tbo mjMeyy
lIolstinirk Destroyed
Deadwoop , U. D ; , , Jan , la [ Special Telegram
gram to Tub OzkA The hoisting works
belonging to tborlrtlti'Illll mining company ,
in Caroonato , were burned about 11 o'clock'
last night The fir a is supposed to have
originated from tbo explosion of a lump , as
there was no ope about at the time , The
loss is estimated at $10,000 , and tup works ,
were Insured for $7,000.
> The Wed Virginia Contest ,
Cuiklestok , W , Va , Jan 2A At the joint
session of the legislature today in the guber
natorial contest Mr Hubbard ot Wheeling ,
counsel forGencral Gaff , charged that the
muip tenor and purpose of Judge JDhnson's
nrgnment'was not so wuoh , directed to the
law and the faols In the case as to the hope
ot keeping the democratic members of the
legislature in ) luo uud with an unbroken
Iloutl OfTorlniiH
Wasuinqtok , Jan 23. [ Sueclal Telegram
to Tua BEE.-T-Bonds | offered ; t370C'J3 at
$ l.01i\
Iowa Bopubltoaus Dls uotod With
Tholr Opponouts * Taotlos
No Moro Business to Bo Transacted In
Either House of tlio legislature
Until the DnndlooK is
Broken ,
The Iowa I.DRlHlntlvo Situation
Des Mulcts , la , Jan 23. ISpoclalTolo-
gram to Tub Beb ] The lines scorn to bo
drawn more tightly around the deadlock In
the legislature , and both parties nre prepar
ing for a slogo , The senate has concluded
thnt it could do no business legally until the
house was organlzod , nnd so will uot try any
moTcn The democratic Intention to unseat
stxteon inombcrs , If glucn tbo opportunity , is
now veryapparout The moro consorvntivo
democrats oppose the scheme , but many of
the loading members favor it , The repub
licans therefore fool that they cannot afford
t6 take any risk , and will never consout to
glvinglhu democrats the speaker with that
opportunity open to him
An effort will bo made tomorrow to have
the democrats agree not to try to Introduce
Brazilian politics into the legislature If
they roluso , the republicans will charge
thorn with planning a rovolt'tlonary proceed
ing.Tho senatorial situation Is unchanged
The opposition scoin to have given up all
hope of boating Allison Ho is at his homo
In Dubuque , and not nt all uneasy over the
deadlock , notwithstanding democratic re
ports His troops can nil bo relied upon to
report for duty whenever ho calls for them
• Forty-Two to forty-Two.
Des Moines , la , Jan , 23. After the nn
nouncomout of pairs In the house the roll
call on cleric wns nt once taken up Both
parties had coma out of caucus with noth
ing In the way ot a special programme , so
roll palls were the only thintr heard from beginning -
ginning to end Interrupted occasionally by
calls for order , Tlio vote this morning for
nlno ballots stood 43 for Wilcox and 4'J for
Lob man Up to adjournment oighty-sovon
ballots in nil were taken
The Senate
Des Moines , la , Jan 23 , The senate this
afternoon passed a resolution instructing the
secretary of state to furnish a fllo for bills
and a Journal to the lllo clerk
Tlio Supreme Courr
Des Moines , la , Jan 23. | Special Telegram -
gram to Tun Dee.TTho / following docls-
ions were rendered by the supreme court
today ; ,
Hnttio A. Miller vs Richard B. Murllold ot
al vappellants ; Jones district ; affirmed
Frederick Rebolsky , appellant , vs the Chicago
cage & Northwestern railroad company , np-
uelleo ; Clinton district ; affirmed
John H. E. Laar vs Thomas Fmkid mtor-
venor and nppollant ; Mills district ; affirmed
O. M. Pearson vs William Qulst and
James Mortln , apDellants ; Page district ;
Sail Fatool'un Insane Wonun
iDenisox , la , Jan 23. [ Special Telegram
to Tnc Bee I On Monday night of this
week Mrs Frank Myers , the wlfo of the
miller at Dcloit , some six miles north of
Donlson , ' while luooring under temporary in
sanity during the night rose from her bed ,
and without dressing left the house nnd
started in the direction of the Dojer river
Her husband had heard her as she lctt the
house Immediately getting up nnd
going to the door , he called her and
hoard her voice from the direction
of the river Ho dressed himself , got help ,
nnd wont in search of , her She was found
by the searching party some two miles down
the river , near the house of Oscar Ains-
worth , frozea to doatli She had been in ill
health for some time , but it was not thought
necessary to keep watch of her movements
Troutwptter Hoard Prom
Keokijk , la , Jan 23. [ Special Telegram
to The Bee ] It has been ascertained that
Theodora Troutwotter , a farmer who lived
a few miles below this city and who disap
peared suddenly and mysteriously a few
days ago , went to St Louis
Ono of the prisoners who escaped from
the Quincy jail a few dais ago was caught
between this city and Warsaw and taken to
Quincy today His feet and one hand were
so severely frozen that they will probably
have to bo amputated In order to save the
prisoners life
Diotl < > r llcurt DlHPnso
Wtomino , In , Jnn 23 , [ Spoclal Tolo-
grom to The Bee , | Miss Auna Bender , an
old lady living in her house alone , was
found dead in bed this morning by a neigh
bor , who , noticing no stir and no smoke ,
wont to see what was the reason , and found
the womuu dead Heart disease-is supposed
to bo the Immediate cause Shu was over
eighty years old
Watorworlrs f'ompluteil nnd Tested
* Miscount Valley , la , Jan 23. [ Special
to The Bee.1 The waterworks , began some
three months since for this city , are complet
ed and yesterday , were tested by City Engi
neer Wattles The plant was built by tbo
city and is found to bo very satisfactory in
every particular and the job will probably bo
accepted ; The works cost $2j,000.
A'Fiiiilttvo I'ioiii Justice
Mason On r , la , Jan 23. I Special Tolo-
cram to Tim Bee.1 Young Henry Blatnor
is a fugitive from justice Ho was indicted
last October for forging a chock on J. L.
Linden of Clear Lake , but was released on
heavy ball given by his mother Today tbo
ball was forfoltod
r , A Victim or Ij Grippe
DunuqVE , la , Jan 23. [ Special Telegram
to The Bee ] Captain John u. Scott , in-
spoctorof steamboats for th s district , died
today Ho had been ill forsomo time with
pneumonia , which was caused from an at
tack ot la grippe
To Bo Made nn Archbishop
DnnuQUB , la , Jan 23. [ Special Telegram
to Tub Bke.J It is currently reported in
this city on good authority that Bishop Hen
ncssy of this diocese is soon to bo made
archbishop of Su Louis
Concluded Iu Session
Des Moines , Ib „ Jan 23 , The horticul
tural society concluded Its sosslon hero to
day A number of papers were read Pro
niiums were awarded tonight for the Pest
collection of fruits
rUsinaroU's Swoct ItcasonnbloiiCHg
Commendrtl.hjr the Times
LctfDOX , Jan 23. The Times says ; The
Samaan treaty bears bandsomo testimony to
Blsmarok's reasonableness , That so com
plete an equilibrium should be established is
much mora than wo could have expected
from lilnv That ho quietly consented to the
prohibition of arms und alcohol , and to the
laud clauses is probably duo to the British in
fluence Their insertion in such a treaty is a
remarkable event in the history of the rela
tions of civilized with semi-civilized races
The Standard saysi While It is good
theoretically it is likely thut difficulties will
arise la any case provision is made for
revision ,
Allotted WlilteOupi Arrested
SusLurviu.E , Iud , Jan 23. Officers yes
terday arrested thirteen inon , mostly sons oi
prominent families , on suspicion of being
White Caps who have beeu committing out
rages in this vicinity recently They all
gav * bonds tor appearance at trial next
Saturday ,
Ohlunnien Coining from Cuba ,
Cur or Mexico , Jan 23. A nuubor nt
Cbinoso have reached Tamploo from Cuba ,
their destination being the United States
Ttio CIiIuako Tribune * I'nmous Iiitdr
Reporter nt the Mtllnrd
Miss Eleanor Stockhouso of the Chicago
Tribune is nt the Millard Miss Stockhouso
Is bettor known to the reading publlo ns
"Norn Marks , " under which nom do plume
she has done soma of the most brilliant
nowspnpor worlt of the day , Her experiences
as a member of the Salvation nrmy were so
unique and orlgtnnl nnd were presented In
such a graphlo Mjla that the Interest in the
articles on the subject survived tholr np-
pcaranco < ln the Tribune , and they have
since enjoyed an oxtuuslva circulation In
book form
Miss Stockhouso did her first regular
nowspnpor work under Mr Rooker , ut onetime
time managing odltor of nn Omaha | > nper
Mr Rooker was thou publishing n piper in
Indianapolis named the Call , and Miss Stock
house wns employed ns n reporter Lieu
tenant Grajdon of the regular army , was at
that tlmo experimenting with u new ex
plosive which rccolvcd thu favorable atten
tion of the military authorities Ho was
grunted n patent on It nnd made nrrango-
inents for n series ot exporlnionts attinndy
Hook Ono morning nbout 10 o'clock Miss i
Stoekliouso learned by nccldont that a girl
in Indianapolis had a severe case of blood
poisoning She bad been employed by a
man who gave his name ns Alexander , to till
cartridges with n material he called dyna
mite , nnd by Inhaling the fumes of the stuff
became very sick
Miss Stockhouso hunted up Mr Alexander
nnd sccurod employment nt filling the cart
ridges herself After it very brief experience
she told htm thut she was sick and loft the
shop.Mr. . Alexander's ' fuco looked familiar
Lieutenant Grnvdon's picture hnd peon o\-
tenslvoly published In the press In connec
tion with his Invention of the now explosive ,
and Miss Stockhouso soon came to the con
clusion that ho and Mr Alexander were ono
A very brief but accurate Investigation
proved the truth ot her suspicions , and the
Cnll that afternoon contained a four column
scoop , " in whlcn the poisonous nature of
Lieutotiant Graydon's oxploslvo was very
clearly nnd forcibly set forth The expose
created a gieat sensation nil over the coun
try , the government dropped the new explosive -
sivo llko n hot potato , and Lieutenant Gray
dons patent was revoked
Mr Rooltor , however , whllo very long on
enterprise was short on cash , and when the
Calls exchequer ran dry some tlmo after
ward nnd the paper Joined the silent majority
of journalistlcmight-hnvo beens , Miss Stock
house was appointed managing editor of n
literary weekly in Peoria , UL She ufter-
wurd accepted a position on the Chicago
Tribune nnd has now boon with that paper
for several years
Miss Stockhouso Is a petite brunette with
a neat Qguro nnd a nrotty face , chiefly notable -
blo for two largo brown eyes and n rotrousso
nose She was sent hero to meet Nelly Bly
and accompany bor back to New York , but
will bo unable to do so now that Miss Bly
has taken the southern route
The Rumored Uutahcry of Russian
- Exllci nt Yalcutok .
Bdetalo , N. Y. , Jan 23. George Kcnnan
of Siberian fame tonight received a letter
from n Siberian exile which had evidently
traveled a clandestine roUte before reaching
this country It comprises eightv-slx pages
of microscopic chlrography ot which Ken turn
deciphered enough to provo to his satisfac
tion that the rumored massacre of exiles by
Russian soldiers ut Yakutsk , which has boon
vigorously denied by the government , is an
indisputable fact
Favor a Nine Hour Day
Kansas Citv , Mo , Jan 23 , The Interna
tional Union of Masons oad Bricklayers will
not consider the oieht hour question , as the
sense of the convention is decidedly opposed
to it und thoroughly in favor ot a nine hour
Toirlbl ) IJollor Explosion
MoitnocttsviLLE , Pa , Jan 23. The boiler
attho Western & Atlantic pipe line station
on Burns farm exploded last night , J. A. ,
liradcn , Engineer Curtis and Mrs Burns
und daugbtor were terribly scalded
Suicided by shooting
Cincinnati , O. , Jan "i John Jarehow ,
aged forty , committed Buiolde this morning
by shooting himself ju the bead For a week
or moro he has been complaining of Pains
over his eves Ho left u widow , but no
Jim July t'UHROi ) In His Chrokft
AitPMOltB , I. T. , Jan 23. Jim July , "
nllas Starr , the husband of the late noted
foniulo outlnw , Bsllo Starr , was fatally
wounded at Caddo crook while resisting ar
rest today
Ilidillcbr-rupr Drlng _
Washington , Jau 2. . Piivuto ddyicosre
ceived tonight nro to the effect that ex-Sona-
tor Iliddloberger of Virginia is not expected
to live until morning
Twenty Dollars Gone
Joseph Anderson and Chi is Johnson were
out drinking aud tailing in the town together
last night At one time , while fecllnir par
ticularly happy and confldtne , Chris says ho
gave his pocket book , containing two ten
dollar bills , to Joseph to koonnwhilo When
the two mon comtnoncod to sober elf , Chris
asked for his purse und Joseph doulod hav
ing it Then the former had tbo latter
arrested and jailed as a thief The • police
locked up Chris on the charge of drunken
ness nnd that he might be on hand to retell
bis story this morning to Judge Holsloy
Mnrringn Licoiib-m.
Liconscs were Issued to the following
parties by Judge Shields yesterday :
Name nnd Residence . Ace ,
t Mike Ross , Omaha . ' 37
( Ida Williamson , Otnuha 4 23
( William F. Noumelstor , Milwaukee 21
\ Johanna Kuhus , Milwaukee , Wis 21
Tlin Turn Bczlrk
The Nebraska , Turn Bezjrk will hold Its
first annual business session al Gcrmnia hall
on Saturday , Sunday nnd Monday , Jununry
20 , 27 nnd 23 , for tbo purpose of com
paring notes and discussing proper means
for tbo advancement of gymnustios in No
The New Plumbum Superintendent
Major George L. Dennis has entered upon
bis duties as superintendent ot plumbing
nnd has appointed C. W. White his secretary ,
Mr Duncan , the retiring superintendent ,
willotnbark In the plumbing business ,
A Little Flri
An Insignificant little blaze in the hallway
of the business college , at Fifteenth nnd
Capitol avenue , was extinguished last alirht
about 10 o'clock before the dooartmont
arrived ,
Absolutely Pure *
This powder never varies A marvel of purity ,
strength and wliolesomsacsa Moreeoonnmlcal
than the ordinal kinds , and cannot bs sold in
( ompetlttou with the multitude ot law test
shore weight alum or phosphate pou dors Hull
< > ! ( /In / tin c < mi Itoi'AL Uakinu rourpEltCo ,
lee Wall st , N. V.
" " I
What It Konlly In H\plnincd ' > y On"
or tlio Boil In Tor moil Men In Anicrlco t
TliovroMitcntof onoortlic lesillnit.Vow Yurk met -Ji tL ,
ciil collcBc.ln ronror > nllon nltli tlio mltrr Ilia J U
otlicrpTrnlnB.Kslit- / K <
MAdrinpr 1 llipHnMlsnlntlnrnrn , ttint linsrnni / B
r < l omurli talkIsn morn'I'TOre nrtlktloii ttisnl'i-iv H
j > l mushy think , ti srlii" inr lcrlini li sml niiKnnr H
tohnxr ll orltiln In the aloimidicrc 1h tnt tlmk
tlintllTl-llcl AliHTlm n.In I- " , nml II rsmr ( lien
ns now , from \i > ln Tim nninn Mntltunrn dims
fremthn iiKK < "tl < in Itiit tlKMimlnilf ns duotii tlia B
'Intlucucr of llichtnTcnly IiihIIc- 1 > ut more tniitcrti H
fcli'iieelin ill ( Hiviri'it Hint Itlsdun to llio OinmtPs K
n thoi'lpctrlinlmniUllnn * . Wluitover mn > lie I tin B
< iui-i\HI Mroiiituinm'.lliMi in tlm Moot ti > < fU B
sua mucous membram * . prtiicltiiillr Inlhe lionil nn I H
Ihrontiiivlnolhliir Inn xironu Mlmnlsnt" will iliork m
tliKruiwc'llimnnil keep tint blond n tlv < Ij invn m
Inllnit I or lliKmrr | > i < > t know of imllihin | .i.rt H
llinn pnn > nhl kprHi t 1 belli to Unar t'tiro Midi ;
to tiothat < t nnd | > i\r < "tnlil > ki < knownt illiewnr il ,
'ormotlr thl * tniliieiuii vui Mil Hi pteo lt > im '
oplttomlo nf the plitino ntnl tlio porfton w Itit unl H
nbniii in tin tnkon wllli tlm Inlttr , lind n n prolMnin * Ml
nrjrii IIKifsiH'etlnx , Now It hroiodos n nr o in | . |
• li'iiila Hi in tlio Wimtir , iinrnclj- . the KrrlMo mini Kl
inonln IMtiOKlntilnil-slliilitliiitlt riiilliiKM < irion
U-rrllilo. rutin In tliollml" , bin k , i In H nttd lioiul > . &
; > 0 tliroiU nmt InrMit i > i > i > f iltrltophMiMllv hntvi" I '
the m c tlie o nro some ot Uin ) in | > t < > m in ihli M
tlri aii1l ! pft o. upon the * ltatitp t nppronrh ilf ftnjrtir . _ - H
die > oi viiii.imi | , Mii > r\ou < [ i''lln < irl Mlnil.\u' > iirt BV
slioutitlio nml to n pint ) wlit < t.or , tillrl4 tlio only H
rrrtnliinionnnnttin'nkliiKHptlilioplilimlctioriirii It
cecum n hulit upon the * r"tPin or ehuk II mIicii II H
hits lieiomn Matted , t'nro should tie tnkon liowovt r H
to "ocurooiilj Mint which Ispuro , si lliunttlcicuuor * M
nnmeJcerlslnljr Is , " MB
1103 1'aii > ai Stiurt , Dm ui i , Neb
( Opposite l'oxton Hotel ) VJ
Office boars , V a , m , to B p , m. EundnjslOn ra , to
Specialist * In Chronic , Ncrrous.Bktn and Dlooa nt *
lyConsultatlon nt orilco or bj- mall free Meat
clues sent br mail or oppress , securely packed , free j
from observation Ouarnntccs to euro qulcklr.BAfo *
lr omt permanently I
bIoiu , i'hyslcal Uocnjr , nrtsiritf Trora tndUcrolloa , r .
rc * or Indulgence , prodticlnir iMeepIesnoM dnpon ;
doncyi > lninl s on the faro , uverMon to society , east If
discounted , Inclc of confluence , dull unlit for mud ? '
or lm lncu , and finds life a hurden , Hitfolr porman- i
enttr und prlrntcly cured Consult Drs.IJttU A UotU , 1
1(08 nirnarabtront , Omaha Nib (
Blood and Skin Diseases ssftSrvMVn' '
results tKiniput ! ir oradlcatoJ without the nttl ot
mercury Scrofula oryslpelns , feter sores , blotches , ,
ulrere.pnlnsln the head Hitil bones , sfpullltlo aora % v
throat , mouth ana tongue catarrh , permanently
Kidney Urinary An&eSgySP&Ki % .
qnentburnhwnrblooily urlno , urine blsh colored or ! ? " • _ IW w
with milky sediment on standing , weak back , ptonorr ? natWJsa ] > al
lurtt , Kleetcstltls , ute Promptly ana safely enrol Br
, "
cbnrKes reasonable " " * " " " * Br
moval compUHo without cutting , tannic ordtllatlo . m
Cures ercctol nt homo bjr patient without a niomt'itts H
pain or annofanco H
To Young Men and MiMle-Awil Men
AIIITPP PfTDP , rht awful effects ot early BB
UUfllJ UUittl Vice , wlildi brings orfmnto
weakness , tlastroylnu both mind nud body , wlfh all H
tsclrcaUod Ills , permanently cared , MM
MpPIJupO Arldross tlioio who lisrs lm- BBj
BDllU pnlreil tbcm clrcH by Improper
IndulKoncesand nndsolltsry bublts , which rufti both H
body anil mind , untitling them for business , study or M
mnrrlaic H
, MAliuirl ) MEN , or tboso entering on that happy H
life , awaraotphyslclal debility , iiulckly assisted M
Is bssed upon tnets , first practical ozpetience ipc- H
end cTery caao Is cHpaclally etudlod thus tar tin k Ibbb
erlBdt , third rocdlciuo3 nro prepared tn our otrn la * H
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