G THE OMAHA DAILY BEEr VEDNESDAY , JANUAKY 22 1890. I ' I TITE OMAIIA BEE I COUNCIL BLUFFS H OI 1 1C1 M > IU1M Allli Mltl.lX | n.llvnttl by rnrrler In nny part of the City U.W.IinuN MANACIKIl TFI 1 IMIOS1.S ! H ft piNFMOrmr ISn 13. B > KJIIT I iiitoii No si H M1NOII L\no\ . H N V. 1' Co H Gcnson.coal ) H Council lllulTs Lumber Co , coal U Tlntchcr coal , 111 Mnlo street H CnrbonCoalCo wholesale roUll 10 Poi-1 H Charles Qrovoii was fined ? 9 00 yesterday H Jnornlwj for disturbing the t > acc B A nfarrlniro license wan Issued jestordnv H to rrnnk Kndul of Mliulcn and Uorliu I'rultt H of Ncoln H Tliollro cotniilttioyesterday moinlng or H itcrcd the electrical n | pllnnces Tor the now H hose house H Gothntn , the photographer , has opened a H studio In the Verrlam block for exclusive H crnjon portrnlt norlt H Charles McDinlol was hnulcd in jesterday H by Deputy Marshal 11 irhyto on it eh ir a of H assault and biltorj Illscnso was continued H until tomorrow morning H lnformntion has been received hero of the H death ut San I ranclsco ofV U Urn , n H brother of DiuJ C.rij imd son In-luw of J M V Williams , both of this city H The union mooting of the Lhautnun.ua H circles of the city has boon postponed from H the Jttli until the list Inst on ncoount of the H Mntruo reception trlila ) evening H A typographic il error inuduTni- p stito H ycstordiij morning that the verdict In the H Urovuioll Ohnpm in enso uus tit ) for the H plnlntilT It should hive been M10 m Clerk Chambers of the district court ro | fused to npproio the bond offered for the ro fl lensoof 1 rank Suoivdon who is conllncd In | the Harrison county J ill for contempt M iho inuslciuns of the city gmo a ball list H c\enlriK In the lieu Murrus hill It was B well attended , mid excellent musio and i H -ncll nriungrul protnuntno tnudo the c\otiinjj | pus V el y i loiisiiutlj L L\ \ Colonel \\ncncr , and bis jug landed in the M police stttlon jtstciday nftornoon Warner W Lm Is quito a voluminous individual but bis jut ; H was even moro so an I It tot him into H tioublu Both uera stowed away on ano of B the Iron shelves In the nnto room M Iho lociil division of the uniform rank , IC BHJ of 1 > cnvo ii mnsqucrailo ball at I'otorson's BHl hall I ist ovinlne ut which the knights and their fi'icn Is Wwro present in lurgo numbers BBl Soicrul members of ibo order from nolcli , BBl boring elllcs were in attendance Iho BBl I event wis n MCit success , both llniuclallv BBm ' and soei dly BBl A moment irbln70 did nbout $200 djimngo BBl in the p triors of Harry HlrKlnblno s resl BBl denco Alondav evening Some decorations BBl on the chandelier ignited from a frs let and BBl bo torn the lira could bo extinguished the BBl cirp"t and furniture was b-idlv burned and BBJ the pipsrnud curtnlus were almost ruined BBJ The blnzo was cotlcn under control without BBJ turning In an ularm BBl The passneo of nn ordinance dividing the - city into now wards will compel u now regis trntion in the Second fourth riftli and I blxth wnids and every voter will h ivo to cill and sco that his niimo is enrolled If ho b desires to vnto During the present week BBl j the major will call ibo attention of thoebnir BBJ men of the two committees and tliej will ro * BBJ , port names for registrars from which the BBJ council will mnko the selection Ucgtstra BBJ Hon will tnko plicu somu time about the BBJ i middle of next mouth | BJJ A * . 'inculj hour yostorlay morning the BBJ bous-e of I rncsl L.vcrctt at the upper end of BBJ Duck Hollow " was totally destroyed by BBJ fire Jboocciipints baroli o > capcd In their BBJ nlkht clothes and were badly fro/on before BBJ thev renebo 1 the house of u neighbor The BBJ fainll w is poor before the lire , but have BBJ now 1031 the little the J possessed , and nro BBJ p-idh in need of charity Ml that remains BBJ of what vvns their homo is now a barren BBJ spot from which the wind has swept even BBJ the ashes i ho location was outside the BBJ cLv limits auu no alarm reichod the flro do BBl ) parlmont 1' The entertainment at Dobauy's last oven BBJtj lng under the auspices of the A O U W BBJ < for the bcndlt of the homo for the friend BBJ ) : loss was oven moro of n success than was BBJ , anticipate ] The piocrammo consisted of BBJ , readings and costume impersonations hi BBJ [ Miss I-onoro K Murray , the talented Iowa BBJ | olncutlonist and musical numbers by lo al BBJjl artists rue Iioueo was well tilled and the BBJ { j ontcrtntnmenl was thorouhlV ( enjoyed Miss BBJ a Murray mudo many friends hero , who will BBJjl be pleased to heat her whenever she muy BBJj ngal i vi lt the UlulTs A neat sum was BBJ ; clourcd for the bonclit of the chanty above BBJij mentioned jf Prof Morand ivcs a paitv at Uoyal Ar BBl cunum hall J overs of dancing should BBJH attend L Lt The unncim : sclnol closes this ovoninir bj BBJ a party at H A hall given to the pupils BBJ and all others who desire to attend H Uusli .1 Gcrt s pianos MS Hroadway HfJ 'Iraveling men , Hotel Jauicsou is ihst- BBjl i class : | BBJi ] Dr II S est , iuarintood dontistrv No BBl I 1l'car st , ever Jim ollleo fir C II Howcr , 51 ! . rirst nvo Tel 229 The Koss Investment mid Trust company PcrRonal I'araeripliu r W Menary of Mcnau Uiothora has returned turned from a Utah trip J II Kulil and wife of Harlan vvoro guests I of the Jameson jestordaj * Prof Arthur Stov ens has recovered suW tlontb from his recent illness to bo about again Clti Clerk Parrcll left Monday ovonlngfor Colorado to look after his miiilnc , interests Ho will rotuiii the latter part ot the week Mrs Uoll wife of Conductor Boll , is In Columbus , Neb , where she was called by a t telctrnm announcing the serious illness of u BBJ relative H C. 1) ) Van Horn deputj county treasurer BJ 01 Mills county , and secrotnrj of the Glen BBJ wood Ijuilding and Loan association , was in BBJ I the city yesterday J H Miss Clan Puller , who has boon vlsitlne BBJ with the familj of Henry bw an , on SKth BBJ : avenue for some time past , returned yestor BBJ da > morning to her homo at Mount Pleasant H Shci ItT O'Neill wont to Mount Pleasant BBJ jestordny for the purpose of convoking three BBJ of this county's patients from ttio asylum BBJ there to the usj lum foi iucurihlos at Daveu- BBJ H Captain O M Ilrowii received a telegram BBJ jesterday moriimc , announcing the death of BBJ a brother ta lnylorvillo , Mo Mrs Drown BBJ left on the afternoon train to attend the BBJ funeral | BB Charlev Price , chief of the detective scr BBJ vice of thoChkauu Milwaukee A : bt Paul , BBJ formerli of the itluffs but now stationed at BBJ Knnsas Citj , arrived lioro last ovenlug for a BBJ stay of two orthrcudnjs Ho has many BBJ warm friends hero who will Madly avail BJ themselves of thu npportuult- again gaze BJ upon his gonlul phl2. | BJJ The Council lllulTs Iusuriiuco comnanv's ' BBl nvetugo annual lin.imo slaco organization BJ lias been $1.UHX)00 ( Disbursomcnu BBl hIuco organization for losses and otbor ex BJ pendlturcs now exceeds ll.WX ) 000 00 Hlsks BBJ vvilltcn since organization flJ7r0 5t"iOO BBJ l' .veri proiHirtj owner should patronize this BJ homo institution , and In that way encourage BJ and build up our ctt > J Ii Allen Is the cltj BJ agent of this company , and a more bouor- BBJ ublo , rnllable mid trustworthy man cau not BBl bo found I no directors of the company are BBJ Hon W. V , bappU U Shugart , lM Gault , BJ John Uonners , M U Uraiucrd and J , Q. BBl Audcrson BBl F. Jansscn teaches zither uiu la Terms BBl reasonable 027 JJ avenua H Drs Woodbury liavoremoved tbolr dental BBJ oftlco to 101 Pearl street , up stairs BM • BBJ S M Wllllanison sells the Standard and BBJ Domeatlo sewing machines 10d Main street H J. G Tiptou , real estate , 827 Droalway , BJ m H After twclvo successful dancing lessons BBJ given to about titty pupils , Prof Moraud will BBJ ilosotbo term b > a party which Is to bo ; lvou this evening at the Hoval Arcanum f tall A very uoat dancing program-no has BBJ coeu arranged aud those wbo attend nro BBJ assured a piuatant evening ALL ABOUT COUNCIL BLUFFS I Another Iiifo Snorlflsod Under the Throatonlnff Dirt Banks FRUITLESS SEARCH FOR WHISKY The District Court Attain ( Inn tin r A SivIiik Coiitrnot I or Mieilicnl btrvl cs U lint Tlicy hay or OnnttUlatCH Atmllirr Dirt ilink Pntntltr About 10 It ) o clocK yesterdi > tnornlng Charles Harris , a joiingmanln the employ of Pctor Dukilow , a g ading contractor , was at work under n dirt bank on North Llgbtli street , Just south ot Wlckham's brlclt > nrd , when a htieo mass of frozen earth near the top ot the bank became detached and In its fall strucic the unfortunate sliovclcr , knock tug htm down und almost buryli g him His fellow vvoKkmon extricated him as quickly as possible and removed him to the residence of Ddkelou , 1023North I Ihhth street where licboardol Dim Waterman und liullliiger were suiiimnned and It wis found tbnt the poor follivv was torrlbly Injured His right ankle was dislocated , thu loft Ug was fnicturod between the knee and the hip the left hip was terrlblv nnshed mil the flesh of the upper portion of the leg was biulsoa and miinUc I so tint It wis found nocess-vry to amputate the limb nt the hip i ho oporatlon was postponed until afternoon , when the pitlent w is chluroformed , but ho died under the tnllucnco of thu nncstbotic before the op ration was pel formed Ho dlot nt T 10 after sovornl bonis of the most intense suf fering Htinhuis twenty ci ht-jeirs of nc.0 and leives n wifi He wiih an Indus triotih bird womlng man and not inclined to dissipation Iho time of the funeral has not ict been deiilcd on It is not Btitcil who wis to ohme for the dangerous condition of the bank Ihu wormncn ill 1 not tenitrd the bank ns dangerous nml fulod to discover inj tlueut cnitik svniptnms It lias been some time since the list dirt bink fvtnlity occurred , and it w is hope 1 that the startling lessons of thopist had indicod sulllclent caio on the part of eontiartors and the foremen of the batiks to avoH a ropjtltion of thorn llu appointment of an Ins ) octor to look iftii the banks has been urged lima and iiLain , but no action h is bt.cii ta en aud the result Is that the nowsti ip"rs nrc njam called on to ehron iclo thosudlcu takinc off or an unfoitunuto , whom cln must inccs compollcd to seek a livollhoo 1 In the very jaws of ono of those , \ awning death ti ips C U aieamdvo works 1013 Broadway Save Ml pei cent on tombstones nnd monti ments Desii.ii sh > et ana price lis' free L KcllojOdHroudway Council 131u Its The Mint ltunH IJrj Hov V Overton swoio out a search wir- rant in lustieo Harnett's court jostorduy morniiif , ngilnst the Mint alleging that in- toxic itlng I ! piois were there kept for sale contrary to tbo laws of Iowi Constable Covalt w is ilctulol to servo the warrant , but ho was iiuablo to llndoven enoug h of the ardent to molt the Ice off his whiskers al though ho searched the place from one end to the other 1 hero were numerous specta tors but none of thorn could Rive him nny inform itlon ns to where the contraband II iiior wis locate ! and 1 o was forced to iep"rtthat the Mint nnd proprietor were rigidly obeving the prohloitory law at least while he was there V ( .lOAMlO S.IjL , Tha first Annual CIoarlii Mile at the Hnitnn Store Goo.lo Given Away The doors of that most popular establish ment in Council Bluffs the Boston store , Were closed yesterday afternoon , and the cntr-uico barricade by an Immense placard announcing the first annual cloiringsalo to commence this morning and to coutinuo for the next ten daja The closing was noocs sary to enable the clerks to arrange for the great rush todaj and to mark down the goods lo Insure a bargain for ovcri person who comes into the store , no matter what they buv Suecial attention of buyers wilt bo called today to the special coat sale Look at these prices Lot 1 Ladles Jersov Jackets $1 59 | 3 and $ j50 , nil to go at M 10 Lot 2 150 ladles shortjactitts and English walking Jackets otK3 50 , S7 r > 0 and SSoO , all to co nt $ j 2. > Lot U Ladies Nowmarnets at ff3 7j $9 $10 and $11 , nil to go at $7 Lot 4I adies' Nowmaikets Our $13 $13 50 , $11 50 mid HO garments all to go at JJ73 All om butter garinentslncludlngbeavors , plush ana i loths ri0 per cent off regular prices during this sale All our stock of Newmarkets in three lots to clear , wo can save vou full 50 to 100 per cent on any of our garments Why slcop cold these bitter nights when jou cancot aplondld comforts and blankets at those prieos 100 doz quilts to go at this sale ut ruinous prices , every one marited in plain figures 1 ull sbo quilt , 70c , extra nuallty , $1 mid * 1 11 , heavy cr ton quilts , $1 .5 oxtrt hoavv llllod with pttro white cot ton , ? 1 10uudl 75 , thu best ever seen for the pr a , sale price , $2 10 and ' 2 50 , blank ets ut ISc , ! Mc ) , * 1 o ? t 10 , $1 71 , $2 25 , $2 39 and 82 53 up to ( U 1J bucli n en nice to buv blankets and comforters aovor was hoard of in the Bluffs Here are a few of the hundreds of bar gains In other departments Hamilton cashmeres mores , nil wool Ailing , do , vvoith l-i'tjO ' , double fold cashmere , lie , worth lie , all wool lllllng , .iO-iucli tricots m mixtures only 15c , regular .lo goods , at 25o a line of td-luch nil wool llaniiols , mixtures silk stripes , and a beautiful line of cashmeres , worth from 35c to 10o , f > J pieces It inch broadcloth suit ings full range of colors , at 42u , regulai Sia goods , jard vvldo muslin 4o worth ( Jo , y ird wide muslin , 5o , worth 7o , 1 C0J yards Cm- ton flannel remnants , | i o , worth tia As to see other bug tins at 5z O 'e 8o , lOo and 12'ji ' , bhcotlng muslins unbleached 0-4 at Uc Shooting mudins unbleached , 10 4 nt 20c. Pillow ease muslin , 11 inches at tie bhceting muslins bleached , 10-1 at S3o 25 pieces heav > trilled scarlet llaunols at 17o , lobular ( irieo 25c. Lonsdalo Si Berkley cam orle Do a yard 100 dozen buck a buck towels worth 25a for 17u or 3 for 50o Turlfoy rod damask , 22c , 25o , tOo Sic , 45o and 59c Colors in all the above guaranteed fast In damask table linen wu ofler Hpoclal bargains at 23c , S9c , 37'ia mid 50c Scotch zephyr ginghams worth tic , to ( , n during this sale for 10c , Our $1 Louts all wool shirts nnd drawers in crav nnd scarlet , sale price , "lo Other houses got II Jj for same goods Lvcry value quoted is bettor than was ever offered before fore Dent fail to visit tbo Boston btoro's sale ted a j Boston Store Fothoringham , Whitr-law & . Co , Council Bluffs The District Court The case of Wood , Brown & Co vs Iltiucr was on trial in the district court jos- lorduv before Judge lhornell Hio plaintiff seeks to have a transfer of property sotusldo , alleging that It was made for tbo purpose of defrauding creditors fho plulntilTi' at tor noj nro ox Attorney General Smith Mo Phot-sou and Mr Junklii of Hod Oak and Harli McCibo of this city , wnllo HV Beeson nt He i Oak appealed for tbo defend ant The amount of the plaintiffs claim is ft 000 A motion was tiled by the dofendnut in the < Casady Casady divorce case for a continu ance until next term Burke & Hewitt , attorneys for the defend ants filed a motion totiausforthocasojof V. H \ \ illlams vs \ \ illmm W Lovvu et al , AV btroct ot al and vV llliam W. Marsh et al to the United Slates court Those are the cases involving the tltlo to Cut Off island , which was formerly In Iowa , but bv a change In thu chniiuol of the river was transferred to the west sidoof the Missouri It was ro eenlU tried In the Kobrasua courts Boss & \ \ heeler appear for tbo plaintiff No familv can bo happy without one of Kollo } A. Vouukeriuau'a sleds 102 Broad way Clienjiar C.iin Tor Hmutliiox I'atlonla County Comiuisslonor Graham jesterday concluded a contract for the modloal oaro of smallpox uatieuts , should there be any of the unfortunates in the city during the pre cnt yenr The contract was lot to Dr < Macrae A. Thomas who nuree to give their professional attention nnd furnish nil tncdl clncs for $10 for each patient whether they nro treated In the post house or In their homes If nt nny time th" > ro are moro than nvo patients to bo cared torntnnv onn place , the cost to the county will bo but f-5 Ibis will bo u great siting ever the cost ot treating the cases In thncitv Instvoar , when It cost $7 000 for the mcdlcvl care of nlno patients Only the bills presontclbv these plivslclans una properly nttoslod bv the bo ird ot hcnlth will bo paid by the com mlssloners nnd it will bo impossible for any bodv to work the countj und get sixteen suits of clothe ngatn for each cuso besides the other stimulants aud perquisites m When jnu nro In the vicinity drop Into the Council Bluff * Carpet compiiiyB llioro mo some big bargains awaiting jou , es p clilb In remnants . m Cash for second hand furnltnro , stoves and carpets A J Mundol , J2 > Biondwi ) . Iho water runs when Blxb > plumbs The acknowledge ! loullnp photogrnphot lu Council Bluffs is Schmidt , 220 Main street Tin In lulors of fine wutchos and Jowolrv In the cltv , and the place to buy the bust goo Is at the lowest prices is thu establishment without rivals , the most rcliablo fli ui of C II Utqtrvns &Co Homo restaurant , Cioo S Davis , Prop 1.17 Brondw \ \ \ \ lint They Snv 11 can pick out the nldormania nominees for the Pirst wird" rem irked a sldewvlk politician vesterday afternoon ' lhev will bo \ io Jennings for the domocrits unl Alet Woods for the lepubllcatis " "llicnou dent think Aldoi man Water man will bo uoinlnutod for re election ' 'No ho has too much to contend ugllnst He hasn't the sutmort of his follow members bors of the council some of whom Ii ivo il infer for him blggor'n u house Perhaps it is bo c uiso ho has been too honest , but some of thorn tri 'o muico It out the other w ly lhcrc is ono ihmtr about Wnt rmnn ho Is n mm who Is easllj inlluauisl and if ho wis only in u > od eoinp my ho would make n first into nldormnn Ho me ins to do nil rlc.ht but It Is prettj tough work with nis present surroundings In the tlrst , phico W Herman h id no business in the council Of course ho was olcclod but ho wnsnt fairly nomi nated Ocorge Hulio wus the nomlnoo of tbo Pust wild i iulus but ho was fraud ulontlv counted out mil Wutnrman wis declared clared the nomlnoo I or that ro ison 1 snv W atormnn had no business in the council , und " Tell you what 111 do " interrupted n bv stnn lcr , Ill ' hot v on Hv o ho ( , oes In for another term Yio Jennings will como about ns near being n c indianto for th it oflkonslwill Why , lonnlngs is golnc to run against I rod Spatman for the oltlce of city treasurer " What s the matter with Spotman ! " • Uh , nothing , only wo must got Jennings outof Wutormnn's way 'If iou do , It will leave n stronger man to take his place " was the remark that lloatod forth as a third political prophet poked in his oar That would leave the road clear for J It McPborsonand ho vvoula leave Water man out in the cold Another thing it nint settled that Alex Woods will cot the lcpub- liciu nomination J C Bixley is in the Held una stanus n good chance of getting it , but Jennings lint ihcro at all " ' How ahout the Second ward I" "W ell there nro four strong candidates ever there Dr Bollingor the present In cumbent , and losiah Danforta nro demo cratic c mdtdutcs and P Wind and Chris Boson are the republican Dan forth of course wont ' work hard for it but ho will huvoanj quantltj of supporters Bollingor is ( , ° mg to make n big light for ro election , but ho hasn t a sure thing by considerable It is the sumo vvl'b Bellinger ns with Water man there nro ether members of the coun cit who will do ull they cin to down hltn On fie other bnnd there are certain parties who will spend quite a sum of money to bend him back Vou sco be has a better show than Waterman for this roison If nuybody looks cross ojed at Waterman ho is llckod but Bollinger will keep pegging away until it is ever " Do jou know anything about the now Fifth or Sixth wards I ' Nope , can t toll much about 'om Guess thcro s no doubt about the Tilth being demo crntic Have heard that the democrats down there will put up Diana Uishton nnd tbo lepubilcans are figuring on W A High smith 'Iho Sixth ward folks will have a lively llttlo tussle if what they say is trim They tell me it is goin to bo a republican ward and A C Hurling is feolnp to bo Mio next alderman 1 o tell the truth , it does look a llttlo that vvuj , but the democrats will put up J W Mikojoll or Mr Graves and nro counting hoavj on the Strcotsville vote , Having relieved his pent-up fcellncs the Bage departed aud the first speaker re sumed ' Heckon he'd bo considerably surprised to boo the Second ward go republictn , wouldn't hoi inclining bis hcud in the direction taken bj the departing political seer ' Stranger things than that have happened in this veiy city I wouldu t bo surprised to boo the Piist wurd send in n republican nldormnn , nnd it is going to be cioso in the Second " lu various parts ot Iho citv llttlo lm impromptu caucuses similar to the above , are prevailing features and now candidates are being daily mentioned Iho list of can didatcs as it stands at present Is as follows Mayor Democrats Judge W C Inraos , J I' Weaver , S B Wadsworth Dr D Macrao , P Lacv , Judeo EGA ) lesvvorth , Hon Lucius Weils Republicans B L Shugart and J J Stoadinaii Gltj Auditor C A Hammer V II Oua- nella D U Glcason and L Kinnohan Pollco Judge P M Hunter J J Stownrt , W A Mjnstor , Tudgo L E Avlosworth City Marshal Dopi tj Sheriff M O Con nor , Chief of Pollco O H Lucas Deputy Marsh U Charles Whlto , Marshal 1' H Giianolln City Clerk D A. Pnrroll , Captain W A Hayes City Lnginoor J V Biodbock , S Stlm son Citj Assessor Dr Patton , J O Langff , II Shoouuker Superintendent of Markets W S Amy , John Oliver , Jr , nnd N B Wicks Park Commissioner A C Graham , J J , Brown , W II M Pusoy Alderman at Lai go J P Weaver , J A Murphy , Martin Hughes It Is assorted that n vigorous effort will be made to effect a cbanio In the oftlces of city weigh master and city onglnoer , and these who claim to know what is iroing on , on the in side predict that neither of the present in cumbents will bo renominated It is also stated that Auditor Hauimor is dlstisteful to certain members of the council who want to see a chuago there Thu Manhattan sporting heudq'rs 113 B way * Tire limuranop A. Good Showing The following abstract from the sworn statement of the Council Bluffs Insurance Co , mokes a aplondld showing ot the llnnncial condition otour homo company : The total assets , not including stook notes , { S4 8J177 , nil nctuul liabilities ,4J0 , 3J , surplus to policy bolder * $7U JJ ) 13 T his company statu on tha tenth year of its oxlstonco with every Honest loss settled and paid aud with urosoods fur the future brighter thun ever It merits the pitronaga of every nropoity owner in Council Bluffs and the state of Iowa for It is u legitimate enterprise that has como hero to stay Iowa lump coal , spot cash , $ J 50 per ton Council Bluffs 1 uol Co . V Muiip litinatlo Hero is nn runuaingstoiv ; , how lng the nptuosH with which it lunulio will tuin nu niffumont , snja the Washington IlonUl An inspector visiting the asplum ut P. wns luquodtod > iy the mod leal Eupuiliitondont to addrosd it cortuln pitiont us "Vout luiporiul mnjesty , " the pooi mmi Inm 'ining liiasolt to bo Julius CLsor iiml baconiing- furious if ho did not rccolvo what ho considered piopoi tosnoit , The inspector wis cm ofnl to follow Insti uctioud , ituil ull vvontwoil On a subsequent \init ho ugulu tuUltossod the piUuiit by the snmo tltlo "Whutdo jou moan " ' was the ronli , dent talk uonboiiho , lam Plito" "Ohl" suld the inspootor , "I botr > our pardon , hut I thought vou vvoro Julius C'a33or Inst year " Well , jos , " roplioil the patient , "so I was , but thnt was bj another mother " OF INTERESf'TOTllii ' : FARMER Suggoationa o ) Gattlui ? Boatly lbr the feptiug Work VALUE OF HOME-RAISED COWS The I ffcct orienting I'liosplinto to ChlckriiR * Shlto \ Vnnetlos ol Ponllrj Iho Box Urterllujr Cheap Ice llnusc Gcttlnir Bendy Tor SprliiK There 1 nlwuvs moio ot loss woilc that call bo tlono il until , ' the vv intoi thnt will help m itetlnUv toward Rotting the spt iti vvoik ilono in good so ison , baji a writer in the Stocicmtin and Cultivator Grass and oits sowing as well as most ot the woik In the garden and truck patch should bo tlono ns c.rlj in the spring as the condition of the soil will admit These things always mtiko a prossnro of work in the spring , and It what might bo done in wintei toward getting the early crops in Is left until spung It v ill often bo impossible to got early ciops in in good sottbon Ono ot the mo-it impoitant items in saving time in the spiing ta lo have the work well planned Doltrinino what ciops shall bo plnutod in the dilToiont Holds and the kind and quuititv of seed that shall 1 o used Tins will gi\o time to set tire the seed and tc3t it before pi luting time and will bo a point ot good advuiititgo in sccuting a good ciop Iho linger part ot the manure can bo luiulod out during the winter and dis tributed with lofucncc to our crop ni- tangpinont for the nest season Ovoi- huul the tools uid see that thoj , tuo m good lopilr A lost nut oi loose crow can c islli bo loiuediod now and will Biiv e a good de il ot time vvhon the tool is wanted , or live a bie il < jhd con idoi- uhlo evpmiho if not topaned It is bm economy to use toolb th it nt o out of lo- pitt , is they will then woat out much fnMei than if in good order II i now Implement will bo needed in the spring buy it Ion enough boroiohnnd to got it and have time to put It In shape to use before sptinir woik bngins The hat no s can bo ropalt od and oiled , piop irition made tot lopatring fences by albti Ibutlug posts whore they will bo needed , nnd , i multitndo of othoi things which will suggest themselves to tin m- dusti ions man can bo done in w Intel Well directed woik in win tot will enable - able n fnrmoi to keep hlssumtnci woik well in hand dining the whole season , and gonoinll } glvo him bottoi crops with less wony aud rush than he will sulToi if ho loafs in winter 3 hi Nil > rnnkt > i ipcrinicntStntlnn rXporimcnts with potatoes will bo continued during the coming season at tins station Wo would like to gotfrom a numboi of thofuimois of this section a few of whvt aio considered the beit potatoes both early and Into , writes T. G Smith , assistant agiiuiltuiist of the Nobiaska oxpoitmonttil station Pom ot llvo pounds would bo enough of a kind Ihcso will bo plahtod side bv side with the host vanotics of voui own raising and the icsults will bo given in the annual bulletin Wo of the stition would like to huvo moi o co operation fiom the faimere , not only of this sec tion , but all ever thestute It ia for the benefit of Nebraska farmers ns well as foi the benefit of the nation at largo that the government has established these oxpuiimont stations in the diTor- ( en t states " * Plio goyennont provides for the ma- teiml supports and muintunnnco of the stition , hut the mOial support and up prccmtion of woik done must como fiom the people of the state , ot tint woik will in pai t bo a failure Wo should bo glud to rocoi\o sugges tions fiom the farmers of ccoorlments that might be poiformcd in anjllnein which the farmers are interested Bulletins nro published fiom time to time giving results of tno work and can bo sent free to any citi/.on of the state w ho m ly desire them Itniso lour Own Ojwj A half do7on gooti cows are worth a do/on poor ones It takes ns much food and caie to keep a pool cow ns it does a good ono , and while the foimoi barely returns enough at most to "pav her vv ly , ' the latter returns a comfortable ptoiit to her ownoi , says the Amoucan Agiicultuiist lhoso fatmois who nro looking around foi ionlly good cows know how hard it is to buj one , when found , at any price they can afford to pay Yet they frcquentlj keep looking juound"foi sovcial oars , when they might , in the s imo time h ivo l nsou sovoial ehoico cowh thenuoUes Of course It takes time to icini u good sized hoid of profiUhlo cows , but this ex penditure of tune is onlj in lion of the money oxpondituio absolutely neces sary to purchase a desirable animal i\a a farmer can usually sp.irqtho time better than ho can sp ire the cash , it is eusy to sou what is the boat course to Thoio mo butfow fawners who Suisuo nnvo at least ono , two or three cows fairly good , which can bo used as a stilt t in improvement Do not use a scrub bull morelv because your neigh bor happens to have lilrn and chaigos nothing , but lather pay a fail ptiio for a good , puio biea ono Save all the heifer calves and catofully iaiso them Whan they mo about three joars old , and less than four years from the time the improvement Is stnttcd , jou will have tine joung cows Other enhes vvl 1 also bo coming on , from them tis well ns from the original cows , and tn ( Ivo or six j ears there will bo quito a hoid , the common , miprolltablo cows having been worked oil to the butohor Many a faunoi wishe ho had com menced llvo or six yenis ago Ho docs not think thatfjho , will llkoly bay the sumo thing llvo or sit jcais h nco , yet does not commotico now Good , pure bred bulls hnvo'iidw ' become So well dis tributed that thoiuso of ono can usually bo socuiod witliout much dllllaulty , while u good bull calf can be had fiom suoh stock , oligBjIo to otitrj , for a com pui ttlvoly low price Pnough can , ns a i ulo , be counted dn from neighboring farmois' holds tupaj for his keep Plioiphuto lor Poultry The udvlco td 'gjvo ' bones to lions to matfo thorn laj has boon improved by a furmoi who aecldontlj learned that coinmeriinl phosphnto answered the same purpose , Bays the Nebraska Put met Ho spllloa tome with seed wheat Inst Soptouibor , and gathering it up mixed with soil , guvo this to his hens , Rather to his stirpi Iso the ulecos of phospluito vvoro catoir as icndllj ns the grain , and about the Binnu time his lions began laj lng us the > had not done before , Jy'ot all the commercial phos pluito sold now is nmdfl from I ones 'I Ills incident , which a Tribune correspondent pendent furnishes , indicates that the rock phosphuto maj seivo a good pur pose foi nun food , as wo know it docs foi ciop food Whlto Variolic * uf Poultry Wa do not encourage an j one to quit bleeding colored vurlctlosof chickens in hope of nrolHuig by gottlng white WE WERE BURNED OUT ! I But donot propose tOBtay out , nnihoro wo aro.rontly . for buiinoss , nt 03 SOUTH MAIN STREET Our B'nolB ' Al Peerless Soft Nut and Lump Oonl ttikoa the onko Duy It onoo nml you will want it nftorwnrds The qtmllty Wm\\\\\w \ \ \ \ of our II ird Oonl Ij not excelled by nny on the ran kot If you wnnt Kood Hard Wood clump call on us Romciuf bor the plnoo / SAPP & 09TTS , Fuel Merchants , No 33 Main Street * / enc Bnvs a writoi In the National stockmnn It Is a mnttoi ot taste ot speculation to ohoo o whlto Inptefor- once to othoi colors In the whlto tncro Is nothing nrtlstU , no colors , shades or Hues , maiklug , ponclllngsoi lacing1 ? The whole nluniago Is taken in at a glance , but still a white plumngo leaves a pleasing lmpr > sslon on the mind Tor lawns or nicely kept gr tss runs allotIc ot whlto fowls isa beauti ful sight When the plumage is in good condition the > look clean and nent The contrast of a i ich rod comb , fnco and wattles , \ollow 01 llcsh col ored beak and legs with the plumngo anil grcon glass , the shading giass nnd olhnt n at in al surroundings cominutids ndtniiation In the miliar of utility the white birds will be found as valua ble as the coloiod , in muting for bit od- itig they aio much profonod and for market either dressed oi alive , they show to good ndvnutago In diessing thov do not show the dark pin fe ithors which detract much from the valuoof Iho mat kot fowl The I ! < > \ I Ktur ltuir Piof C P Gillette , entomologist of the igrlcultural c\pnrlment station at Aintfl , Ia , unswois thioiigh the Prali lo Parmer the following1 lolloi from n sub set iboi in bouth 1) ikota , Mi A M Nelson , wi Itos him as follow 'I send ioutodii bomo specimens of nn insect that was alarmingly iiumoious in some places last fall In a hov elder grove [ .jjioy wore so numoious thev covered I coinplotolj the tt uuks and tot lis of trees exposed to the sun , also p iti hos on the giotind I never ttw them hcio lioforof" Think they urosti angora and would like to know thoirhabits , and if thoj aio dangerous to unj crops As it turned cold thoi cimo in largo iiumbois at ound the houses andbecumoquite i nuisance There is plontj of them cr iwling about on sunny days The bl ick 01 si ito coloied bug with led bordois mil a led modi in line on the thoiax which you send is the rotorlous box oldorbug ( lep- toeoils tnvittatus ) iho insect wis ilrst described bj Thomas Sij in 18 3 at which time it seemed to he vor > scncQ in the west , but now it hrs become come very abundant in manj places This insect Is a true bug , and like the chinch bug and others of its kind , it takes its food in liquid foim through a shtiip lioak , which is bent unuoi the thorivvhon not in use It feeds piin- cipilly upon the bocldor , but has also been known toattacktho npplo , ash and n few other plants Remedies When the bugs are found congregating in Inigo numbois upon ticos , oi upon the suiinv slues of build ings in the fall , they may bo desttoyed by nn application of korosouo pimilsion , boiling vvatoi , strong so tp suds 01 a stiong tobacco decoction It ivoulu bo useless to apply poisons todestioi this insect as it docs not gnaw the suifuco of the pi ints upon which it subsist Ohonp StoriRof Ice Light j ears since 1 built an icehouse , sajs a vviltor in the Countij Gentle man , dug llvo feet in ground , built the wall of stone ind brick ( old m itorial ) ton feet high , banked up portion above giound , placed ono brick upon another on top of wall to sot i iftors on leaving nn opou space of four inches all around , nnd the iusldo of the rafter lined with straw , leaving an open spnro three inches doc\i fiom foot of rafters to ven tilator at top , dug a wall in center of bottom four to six feet dcop , and filled up with small stone and pieces of buck The house is round and ten feet inside of wall , bo that the body of ice is 10\10 feet No lining of anj kind used , pack ice aganiBt walland cover with sawdust Always have ice until cold woathornnd frequently Imd ice when wo cloai out tno house foi the next crop The blood is the oouico of health Keep it puio by tilting Hoods Siusapa- illla which is pcculliu in its curative powot BUNKO IN LONDON IN 1815 Shrew il hclimno by which Country men "vVt ro Inkon In Yearn ; \ o Monev dioppeis are no other than gnmblorswho contrive that method to begin plnv , 8 iys the London Guide It is in almost obsolete practice , and its twin cheat ring dtopping , not loss tlis used What is this ? " says the dronpoi 'My wiggj I if this is not a lcathor purse vvithmonejl Iln ! hal hal Lots have a look at it WbHo ho unfolds its contents his companion comes up and claims a title to a shaie Not you , in- doecll" the flndoi this leplics , goutlo- man wis next to mo , wis not jou sui1" To which the countryman assoutlng , or poi haps insisting upon his piimity , the Under declines himself no chutl in the business , offers to dlvido it into three parts , and points out a public house at which thej may share the contents and drink ever their good luck , etc The found money is countorfolt oi screens , oi else rioot notes They drink An old friend comes in , whom the Under can early rocogni/o.but remembers him by piocomcul Labagatollothcdiaught- boaid or caul oxhlhlttho means of stak ing the ciisilj ncquirod property so lately found , but which they cannot dlvido just now foi want of change The countiyman bets and if ho loses is called on to pa > , if ho wins it is added to what is coming to him out of the puree If after an expotlmont or two they discover ho has little oi no mono ) thoj i un off and leave him to auswoi foi the reckoning rrequontly accidents ootsur in the housohuld which cau- burns , cuts , spiains aud bruises foi use lu Hitch cases Dr T. II McLean's ' Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many yoais bcon the constant favorite family reined . IiHortlnc Uncle Sum Tha Brooklyn Union sija the olllccrs nt the nav } yaid complain that many of the gunners , uftci receiving a thorough education at Undo Sam's expense lu the scieucos of gunnery and oloctiiclty , loin o the comp iratlv ely ill paid bet v ice of the govomment to enter the employ of local oleetrio light and tologriph companies as olecti tc il oxpoi ts , at n big salni v. The ) say that unlobs nemo mensuro is adoptcif to prevent this , the navy will soon bo without nny gunners The electric light companlos nro glud to obtain their services at the rate of $ .10 to I3j per week , while thov got only $25 per month and thoii board out of the government . Change of life , backache , monthly irreitu- larities , hot ( laches are curedby Dr Miles Nervine Preo samples at Kuliu & . Co . IStli and Douclas Orlcln ol tlii tidiman I < in pi re Ono of the Duke of Snxe-Coburg- Gotha's memorunda in hla now vol ume is of teal importnuco , as it is c ilcu- latod decisively to settle thoquostion as the ougination ot the project foi lostoi- ing the German empire Siuio the donth of the Lmporor Vredorlck It has beuii assarted that ho , and he nlono , suggested in the Ilrst instance the tea IHHHII BHHi GAS FOR COOKING AND HEATING . The ideal fuel is gas It gives the gtoatost dogioo of hent , is nlwnii undo contiol und is abolutolj without dust nun thoio can bo no accidents from its use bciontlllu investigations have shown that food cooked by it retains L0 pei ecu moro of its ntitntivo piopi ttlcs thnu It cooked in the oul vv ij You noiot ate a good steak unless you have tried ono cooked hi gns The Council HlttlTs Gas ami Llcctrie Light compiti\ have made It desliablo in point of economy to use gna foi cooking and hotting It will piy you to investigate this limit now gas lieutors nnd cookers tire the gioatcst success os modo-ti times Thoj combine i\ury : imsiuuhk : < iuali i\ . . , iiu'o iu'o > oiiy , mnii\iss rou un , AusuLUin satktv , nitcviLsr biiv'ii\g : cti A < : irY , \o M.sr in\r : , blictjuc i.nair rixrintr.s or all kimk cm am > i\aiii\h : No 210 Main St , MERRIAM BLOCK , No , 211 Pearl St , corxriL itLurrs , iowa toratton of the Impelinl dignityastilo- inont which li is oxcltcu consltleiablc sin priso , to s iv the lc ist of tt , pav s thu ' London Tiuth The doubts which have boon frooh oxpiosscd nro now shown to { bo justtlled , foi , so fat fiom the Ihnpmut I riodcilck hnvltig oiigin Uod this iden , ! and l'rlneo liism tick having opposed it , us has been nbsiitdlv statid , it ap- jic irs that in October , 1370 , the Duke of taa\o Cobure : Gothn bout ono of his "iiiomoniiidutns" to Piinco lllsmnicU , in which hosttonglulvocitcd tlio em pire iiraugomont Iho chancolloi 10- pllcd that the dultu s idc is wcto pie ciso'y ' nis own In ovoiy pirtlctihu , and that they wetonow in process of 101I1- /atlon It may bo hoped th it this Miluablo coutilbutlon to thoconliovoisy which has boon 1 mging dining the lait si\tion months will dually , dispose of the 1 mnoioi Frederick's propostotous claims to bo constdcicd the otigiuntoi of the Gciinim empire for the Duke of S i\o Coburg Gotha , who was ono of his intimate friends , may sjioly benccopl'd a9 an unoxcoptionabio authorilj Out druggists would not recommend Clnmhorl mi's cough romoily if thej d.d not know it to bo potfoctlv roll iblo It is made ospeci illy for coughs , colds and croup aud Is the most ptompt und most etTectual lomedy known foi these dibcases August i'o II aiitllul StmuHlorrt The I mpiess Augusta vv is famous in hei youngci days for hoi pergonal be utty , and especially foi hoi mngnill cent shoulders , sijs the New \oik bun In the later je us of her life hct benuti of fcatuio had quito disippcaiod , but to the day of hoi dc Uh the woudoiful snoulduis remained the simo Aud court gossip tolls the following stoiv about il The empress had alwajsboou o\ces ivcly iiroud of hoi beauty , and so , vvhon the unkind years began to leave their trace upon her , she devised the most skillful aids fiom ait Ioi her neck and shouldois indeed , foi the en tire upoer body she hau a vvn\on cov en nr made which potfoctlj simulated natuio in coloring texture md outline This nimoiu once assumed she was novel known to remove it , and indeed for many vents the fact of its being the pioductot art was imnttorof suspicion rather than actual knowledge Coi- tainty came about in this waj Ono of the young women of the couitof an o\- porimontal turn of mind slipped sly lj up behind the august presence ono daj and cave lust the tiniest touch of a needle on the smooth white shouldois The omprcss did not stir She pushed a llttlo hui del , still the cmprcbs did not vince , and court specul ition was sl- louccd forever An Absolute Cure The ORIGINAL AUILTINL OINTMLNT Is onlj put up In larae two ounca tin boxes , and is un absolute euro for ull Borea burns , wounds chapped hands and all skin erup tions Will positively cure all Hinds of piles Ask for tno ORIGINAL AUIEI1NB OIN1 MCNT Sold by Goodman DruR company at 2a coats per box by mail Ji cents Pears soap secures a be lutlful complexion Some New 1 heater ItoiinctH The fushlon of wealing evening bon nets to theatei , concert and dpum has boon revived to a great cxtonc and when it is not do riguoro it is a fashion to bo commended , by biightoning the sombioappoarauco of the auulonco thnj contriouto their quota to the goncinl nttractlvoness of the cntortalnmoutand bomg of model ate ptoportion they do not obstmct the view and spoil the pleasuio of the neighbor bohlud them , says the Ladies Homo foui tial Most of evening bonnets mo quito ciownlcss , there is tin open hpaco where the crown should be , through winch the high coifTuro can bo soon , though it is sometimes covoiod with black tulle The Pi Inccs of Wales bonnet has a small coionet of jot on top and a border of jot edging the folds of palo pink velvet - vet siiuouuding it , a bunch of black gardenias forms the front u iininlng A very pretty litllo bonnet in white nnd gold spangled a ulvet has a bordoi and buttorlly wings of gold luco and a mass of whlto orchids in ft out The pansy toque has a wreath ot licli purple velvety pausios around the top , thoio aio folds ot cloth of trold mound the edge covered with Icicle tulle , quill ings of black tulle and a bunch of pauslcs finish the fiout Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup foi chllarenUeothing cut es wind colicdlui- rhepa , oto 1 ! > cents a bottle SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS I-OR SME AH3 RZHT FOlt rilADl1W ) acres ot clear Kansas land partly Improved will trnda for a muni Btock at dry koo Is ami ( .rncerlea or will tiade Hi acres for ti > JJaloc \ ut croccnes Ad Irons tea AveniiB V , Council IllutTj la , AMFD-Compctant girl lnrpihe ut TIT Ilrst uvenuo FOlttlOOUorllOU ) jrouianbu ) a nlro now clean Steele of lianl an stovunnil tlnsliop Inoneottbobist lo Mloiia In west rn Iowa It you want a. bardwaro business would lo pleased to refer ) ou to reU&blo partus that Kilowatt about our business V cry uatisfacti rr reatons fur Helling 14 will nay you io luvustf gate this AUdresi il ( , lieu ollleo , Council IllntfH | NOTICK-If you have real estate or cnattels ) nu want to Ulspnse of quick , list tbeiu w lib Kerr * bray , Oiuncll lllutl , Ia IilOlt I'XCIl A NO K A Rood ue w e room bouse . to exchange for an Improved W * > re farm In wi stern or central Ion a. Kerr A. Ura > rpill' WKS1 HIIll' llPIIiDINO hOCIETV of \ council Ulutfs invites tlie attention ot men vrorklnt , on salaries und other persons of mounr ate means to their co-operatlre plau for securing homes In this city It Is btllerel that better tenuu of purrliase and rrellt can I mi elfected under tills plau iliuu by la llvl lual action and that a better site nclKUb irhood and surround lugs cau bo secure 1 than by purchasing and lm ludepeu lentlj and lrleparute districts nthe city 0lie uaderslcned will furnish la tarmutiou and show the property to all Inciulr era Ulltce open from 7 to s on vveeic day ov en logs C M floss , room Mi Merrlam block WVMl ! ) Ciinpitcnt ( , lrl familv of two , iilKliest wages pul I vtrs J 1 Kimball HIT 1th nv o WVN11D-A Rood ( , ln foi uenoral house il work In small fiinllj St bouth l\llist , fjVOI SI H-OnTaSi tirinH7 ono " "bt the best jjj H X' rcvtiiurnnts In l oim II llluirs need liusU "ssB lien Well iitabllslic 1 llc t of reasons for sillliiK Address It .t ) llio olllci c uncll lllulls ITIOIt 111 NT Tlio biHln is liouio latetv n cti A1 pkil by 8 1 Mc\Uo Applj it 5t llfth nvenue fJIlTlt 1 \ . ( II" NUB-tor-1 stocks of r i rTT X ? nioroliiindlso to o\clm n ? fir no > l firm 1 iu Isnti 1 iasli Invoice from $ vod ) d fl 00J , Adlres3 _ ICerr _ ( lray Cimell Ilium It V , LO 1S for sale In On It (1 rev o nn 1 < 1 reonw o > 1 ad- illtlnu I'nsyterms Houses unl ktson monlblv pu > ments 1 I DobU.cor Ciossnnd llailstw \\/AMI I ) Vtaonpo sto-fcof grocems or ill neral mrtsc tnut w111 Invoice nbout il ( Wi In oxclnuce for $ . , > 0Jln goo I Improved iroptrtj mar tnls place t-al In cash Addiosa Kirr & tlray Council llliilfs FDUSAIKor 1 xcanto-Tlio furniture and lease of a Hi room lu teldolni , a big busliusS liitattninNeb I rice JSi ) l. fl rm case bnb oil easy terms or will talce i , In peed real estate Address Kerr A , Oraj Council lllulTs Ny VV Improved real estate io tra lo for unlia iroveu Omnlia or Council IJluirsprop rtr C 11 Judd oOdllroadway R TAIi KHTATE llougtit an ! Hold ana • * • ctisnged Special attention given to exam ination ot titles VV C Jatn s Ni Itll'oarlsC Itll'oarlsC"r "r IjiOU SALF or Hent ( lardon land with bousss , : by J It Hlce lit Main st Council Uniirs Clionpor I linn hver 1 vcrytblngln tbo hardware line at Shugart VCo s Hoys the prices in skates bave boon cut lutivo on 1 thelluest .ml lnr est linn 111 the cltj to eoloct from While Hie skntinK Is so good come in an I } , ot a bargain ltocollect that every purchase entitles tno person to it ibnure In ttio ( , iand drawing tu take pi ice . Januirj Ij 1 No 27 Main St , Over Jacquo- H mln's Jewelry Store B T r _ _ _ . h H Electric Trussas , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc jMk Agents wauteu I Hkl mi c. n. bJi d , > B Cff llrovudav Council llluirn la H J I ) 1 dmundsov P U Hnnn hit ' H l'r s V Ice Pres H Cims It Hannav Cashier M CITIZENS ' STATE HANK , 1 nrcou.Ncii.muir.s B Paid up Capital sibo.ooo oo m Surplus 35tooo oo H Liability to Dopoaltors 335,000 00 M Diiuctoiis I A Miller I O file-son 1 Ti H Pliugart 1" I Hart J I ) 1 duudson ( li is It H Ilunnan lrnnsact general bn llcliig business - M 1 argest capital and xurplus of any 1 auk la H Northwestern Iowa , Interest on time deposits H " F. M. ELLIS & CO , ARCHITECTS I ANDIIUIUHNOSUl'l KINTI NDI'NJ | Kooms < JUan UI lloo Hull ling Diimini Sol ) , fH luidltoonis.ll nnl-lil Merrlam Illock Council B lllulfs lown Correspondence Bolultcd | H liios Orricen W II M I'usrr . HL OFFICER & PUSEV , ' BANKERS Corner Main and Uroaaway , tXlUNCIli IlliUri H , IOIVA Dealers In forclj n unl domes ! lc om lianas Collections nude and Interest paid on time de posits t iti ii ciiAHitnieiMN , n i > , EYE , EAR AND THROAT SURGEON , Defective V lulon and Hi frucllvo Trouble , a t-m laltr iiiahsm ACcuiiArEi r i iirHciiniEii Hierlul atte itlon ulviri lo elirl nlo ihiuIkIsi , hoa luetics , un 1 otlior nervous lUTecil > nt a Inri * tua * Jonly of wliltli are cnustil by oculurililoiti , u lurd nntlrelr curable bv proi ir trestiuinl f llio i jrcs Hei lilaniiifc r pa pilot Ileal ot references given inai pllrail in ( sturrli treutod with succesi by mnll after tlr.t con sullullon OrilCKlOII I1HOA11WAV ANll MAIN BTIIOT f OverCoancil lllulfsBuvlnm llanlc Council It u fc ! ii m thu J. . A. . Murphy Manufacturing Co J lot Avenue and 21bc Street , SASH DOOBS AND BLINDS Haul and Hcrnll Sawing He Hau lug and I'lanlug Hs\ilntof allKlnls l'orcn llntckets Kludllng wood ii ' < 0 per load delivered Clean Hawdust by the barrel wo All \sork tu b * llrst-class 'Jekpliono .J Your Patronage Sollolted" S. E. MAXON , Archite t and Superintendent . Room 281 , Merrlam BIook , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - IOWA " " BELL & BEnUNGHOF , S , < ARCHITECTS-T AND bUIiHlNTINUKNlH I Koom J , Opera Itouse Illock , Council iUulTt , H loiva H