THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SA UBDAY , JANUARY 18. 1890. 3 I THE SPEClMriVE MARKETS - . tTHE "Wlioatror the MoBt Part Oharac- , . torlzod By Dullness \ SCALPERS DESERT THE CORN PIT _ _ _ _ _ i'oitinm or Oits Slitm Kxtrcmrlj IjfRlit rtooolpu nntt Itmlnoss Nor Icotcil I'rovlslotn Utill Hog In Good Doinniiil Chicago I'ltonuon makkkts Cirtwoo Jnn 17 ISpcchl TolcgrHtn to S. . ncHrr | Ulieut mnlo a brnvo start with | Moj nclllng nt 61 0 Tlio prion lmil bid up on tlio curb and the market at the opening * presented an nppenranco of strength Lend lug locnl trndcrs offered wheat frcoly tit 81o and sold the market dowu , first to 81 c then to 81 0 and later to 81c. Cudahy , l'nrdrldjro and Hutchinson were the names most freely mentioned as liberal sellers Noir the ralddb of the session the scalpers Rave It out that a leading ' prlvilejjo trader " who Is also a const luiotis ' short , * wa try Idr to foico the prlco do vn In order to got n big lluo of who it tk ' put to htm and thus till Ills contracts without being obliged to go r Into the o | on market nn 1 buy property 1 his Is a device well understood among specula tors , but un open play has not been ntteinpt- cd before in years owing to the embargo on fcft privilege tradlne Iho action it the annual mooting on Mend iv bccius to have been tnlton bj seine as | crnnssion to resume old nnctlces Such permission may bo [ withheld however but today the feature referred tov is the thing most generally "f , discussed on the floor uo to noon , and , the truth is , not commonly In compll I . nicntnry terms The weakest point of tlio VJT session was tow ird the last Irollng wis f " " actlvooirly and then occurroln lull In opor f ations extending over a perlol of possibly two hours In the last half hour the deal Inps were on ucr \ generous smlo and the ninrHot was pluccel full of wheat lho pneo broke from Sl)4 ) ° to 81c the lowest prlcoct rullnc , for May wheit and the close uus at tlio very bottom The last quo tations were January , 'GKo I ebruarj , 77 > c , May 81c , Tul > , TOfc ' lho closings record a loss of > < fQ5fc as conpircd with yesterday und In Mav a fluctuation of Tfo ( in the duy s prlcos Yes terday aftenoon the point was given out that 1 a pro ) osltion from a I comment operator to form n pool to buj 5 00U 000 bushels und bull the innrkut was held m abeyance only on account of tna illness of ona of the parties said to bo interested thomforencoboing that as Boon as the gcntlen an could over come u mild attack of trip the scheme would bo put In oi cratlon 1 his report may hnvo had something to do with the strong open ing faeemliily ( the pointer was wrong nna lulling from the record mads by the prominent ot orator ' todaj it wis n b ° ar Instead of a bull pool that was pro I oscd 1 ho sick man must nlso have recov orcd his health s The wncat trade was dull for the most ' i pait but thit word does not bcjin to ch ir the condition ot affairs which pre vailed nround the corn pit lhuro was notli Infe in the outlook to foster anv desire to trade the most restless ami indcfatigablo scnll flr deserting the uncor genial nei-hbor " " " " uooil of so uull n market Iho Liverpool market was quoted easy and eastern centers acted in sympathy with foreign advices 'I hue wcro modcrato clearances from the seaboard nnd nt the easier prices piovuilinu there n good dcinaua Whs noted on foreign orders caster ocean freights helping holders of those ordnrs to roach their limits Kocclpts heio were less than yesterdays estimates amounting to only 178 carloads , of which twenty tnreo vvero No 3. rranraetlons vvero few and far between and the weakening tone of the wheat market cause 1 the undertone in corn to lean m the eamo direction and the more decided slump in wheat near trio close ere ntcd mora pronounced weakness in corn also The closing quotutions were Februnry , -SYCa-O'Ic ' ana May 31o bid At no time for many ilnjs past were the fnctcrlzu of oats as llclit , as Indicated by the postings today with only eighty tbrco cars inspected Whilothcra was a fair demand for cash oats , the speculative market was tame and rather neglected With the crowd inclined to soil M ly and little buj Ing sup port developed the fcoling was easy around _ _ o witli near months about steady For i January 20' o was bid und No _ in store sold sparingly atO' c Iinp-oved In quiry at Mew York for export with moro favorable ocean freights was reported witii 70 000 bushels taken last evening No 2 whlto oats for May delivery were dull at \ _ J 02.ijfe bpeculativo trading In hog proluctsvvas i again ' as dead as u door nail todai Un dorwood bought n Jag of May pork on call [ and during the regular session Guides pur chased a little pork and Armour a little lard I ull for Ma v dollvnry osldo from which , business In futures was at almost a comp etc j standstill "Willi referouco to prevailing vailing upathy in speculation a broker remarl od ' Packers would probably ) ag cuiuu jii mm uuy 11 prices should dccllno appreciably but they nro not H gelling the produetnhoud " lho fact is , they B are 1 avlne an excellent cash trade , a trade with which they are well satisfied , both as to volume and profits At present prices there ouht ) to be a pro/It / of COo on every hot , killed The domanl for distribution both liouin and foreign is aetlvo asstatlstics sliow , and western packers are smoking out short ribs as fast us tholr facilities will U admit of Inordinary seasons the demand | B > for smoked meats does not start up until F * " AuiilorMay rhrouj-hout the sessiou Mav w proi crty was pctc 1 around $9 87ltf(79 ( 00 for „ pork Jtl OSGO 07K for lai d and t5 4U@5 42K " " for ribs whieh is about where the market has held stubbornly for a week or moro Muytorksola ati8aG9 < ' 00 mil close J at 10 JO being .Joabovo yestordaj's closing iho sail o future of lard sold nt0 05(70,0 ( K and ribs nt 14 ( Kl _ I tibotu closing at the outside tigureB 0111U.VGO LilVB STOCK Ciiiaxao Jap 17 [ bpoohl Telegram to Tub IJkbI Catti ] ' Business was rather • low aud prices only barely steady at lho recent decline A larfco number was earned ever last nlcht aud good judges placed the number ou snlo equal to 10 000 , a lurgcr * number than is wautod oa Friday Ihoro wcro a few loads of corn fed laxans on sale , Cauuing and old cow stock at present may bo quoted about us low as at any tinio the j past tuclvo months as sales below will show I air to good cows are also down to about low water mark Ihore was nothing new in iho stocker and feeder trade and prlcos vvero about the same as at the open ing of tlio week j Choice to extra beeves were nominal at s % II 600(5 SO , medium to peed steers , 1UI to S. 150U lbs HOOCN T , 1,00 to 1150 IbstlM ® 420 , 950 to 1.00 lis WOt&MbO blockers aud feeders t.MOQSlS , iuus bulls and mixed , J120CI 1.00 , bulk JJISQ- Toxis cattle corn-fed , fJUOGAJO , trass cows MlUMJtt ) Hoiis Iho domaud was again autivn , with prices rather un the upturn than otherwise Packers paid fJ.70648,1 , lureoly f i 75 bhlpjorspald t3 77KWJ85 oud tlclit sorts sold ut JA7Uiaa77K. lureoly nt M 76 The market closed steady with about everything • old 1 rains ou the St Paul road vvero late , jet stock ou the same sold at the morn nit range of prices -NANOIAU r B\T Vohk , Jan 17 ISpoclal Telegram to Tub Uk I SrocKs-HusInoss Instoiksto aay vvas a continuation of the grind , with no distinct features to trudooxcopt that there was n somoubat hotter tone to dealings and I > while Sugar Helluorlcs and lue-avvunna vvero specially active , Unlou Pudllo Mia v oun PaolHo , Uoadlng , PanodaSouthern oud - & Hock Island vvoro In the second rank aud ull ' others vvero dull and fceuerally vvlthoui fea turu or interest lirst prlcos , as compured with the flual figures of last evening , were generally slight fractions higher and Lackawanna wa up } < per ceut , though \ Jersey Central nt 120 was down } { Jcrsoj Central was quickly lifted 1i 1 1 per cent and Canada Southern a like amount i , both on extremely lictit , acallngs , nnd ' though Sugar Hcflnorlcs rose 1 per cent to W } { , 1' was only J4 per cent higher than last I nights figures Changes wcro light and the ! fluctuations for an hour wcro generally ) made within a range of less than M per cent Toward the end however , some vvenkness dovelopcd i In trusts und Cotton Oil drdpped l' per cent to " 9 nnd Sugar lost a ( fraction The hour to 13 o clock was uneventful , but trndo teemed npprehenslvo that another drive llko that mndo during the late hours \cstcrday might occur before the close fhoro was no rail on the list late In the day , but some pretty food Investment luylng and some unnlt ulatlon In favor of higher prices Most of the nctlvo stocks closed nt n net gam for the day lltglourtvas up ever 1 percent > it 7P { nf'cr touching 53 Wisconsin Central was bulged to H' { on o rumor tcgardtm its connection with the Northern Paclilc Coal stoe ts and Grangers showo 1 QK i'cr cent net ialii all around , except Burlington and Hock Island , which vvoro rtoady Chicago Gas closca at 40 again and Sugar at the close was but x4 l or cent higher at 50 Money vvos | easy and railroad oaruliibs vvero re ported good The following wore the closing ifuotatlon s ( I S 4s rcgulir l-fl Noitlmrn I ivclQo 30 > i U H U coupons 1 i ) donreferrot ! ' • IJ f 4 tsregilsr I0MS I 1 N W 10-l'i 1) at ,3 coupons I I t ilo pretorrod 14) ) I acllle < of ii ) 110 V\iontra 1U ) > { Central t acltlo il'Jl DVB . in ( hlcngo.t Alton 1W Hoclclslanl 10 Chlcaao Hurllngton C II A. St I . 081. AJulnev Ifc'i donratirral _ IU'i ' I tw \i\ \ t f aul itOmalm f- UllnolHCoatril III ) uoprere-roa 11 I II A. W , 0V4 II ll a l' _ clllc 0. ' , Kansas * Taxis vnvr St Ii 11 10 lakoHhora 10IM uopiefirrod _ ll'i Michigan Lojtral U ! , Wcateru Union S3' , Missouri Pa Itlc "H\ \ Movi v On c ill easy , 0 ! " per cent PniMB MructVTiLE I'APBii VftJ' pur cent Stpkuso ExcitAVor Dull nud firm , sixtj dal bills ? l b2J doman I * l bO fllmiii ; ritootei NI vr Yoiik Ian 17 fSpo clal Telegram to lup II ! f 1 The follVini uu thj min ) Ingstoek quotations Alice 11(1 ( HomestnKe 811 ( aledonla II It I4 > Mtxlcau " 00 Con Lai * \ a 4 j Opnll Co Commonwcaltli ) > 0 1 Ij mouth .0 toicstoclc 1 scp • 10)0 ) blerru Nevada IK ) llLrlsto 110 Diadvvoodl 1- ) Horn Sllvor * _ li I'UUD.OL VI V It It I/15 tjiiicvfio Tan 1" 1 17 p in close Wheat Eisv Janunrj " 0 c , May , 81c Corn Steady , January , 20c , Muy , Jl'fc Oats Steady , Januarj , 20'sc ' , May , a.c Hye Januari , 44Kc Uarlov No trading Prime Timothi $10 Flax Cash tl 85 Uhiskv ? 1 02 Porl Higher , Janunry , $9 4i , May $9 90 Lard Steady , January , fa 8-K Miiy $0 07' I lour Quiet winters In light supply and firm spriuf patents quot iblo ut 4 r)0rt4 ( (0 ( Provisions Shoulders $ lt2tff@4 _ > short elonr * 4 9 > Oj 00 , short ribs , J inuary $4 70 Huttor Uull , creamery 17'Go dairy 14@,0c < _ hccso Dull full cream Cheddars and flats 9Q9 coung Americas WQ10 < jc Hides Steadv heavj and Hfcht fereen salloi 4J-e , silted bull d c < m silted calf rdrysaltodTe dry fliut bQ7c , dry calf , * QS < * deacons each , -0c 1 allow Steady No 1 solid packed 4o No 3 VlQWiC cake 4e Lgfs Steady , fresh , 14@14 > fc • Kccoipts Shluin'ts ' Hour 11001 18 000 Wheat -01)00 ) 14 000 Com -04 000 271 000 Oats 118 0W 175 000 st IjoiiIh Jan 17 W neat Lower , cash 77fo May , 81 ° sc Corn I Irm , cash , 2 ( > o , May , 23c Oats Higher ; cashl o , May , 21 % @ 21' < o I'orl Firm , c ish S9 87K@10 00 Lard Stcalj ato"0 Whiskj-Steadyat$103 Uutier Quiet , creamery , B0Q22o , dairy , 20Q.1C 1 ivcrponl , Jan 17 Wheat Quiet , holders offer moderately , California No 1 , 7s 4Hd per cental , red western spung 7s 5d , red winter , 7s Corn Not quoted Blllvvttiiltee , Jnn 17 Wheat Weak , No spring on track cash 72Q"3o , Mnj , 7D c corn Quiet , No 3 on track _ 7c. Oats-Qulot No 2 whlto on truck SJi c , Hye Steady , I o 1 in sto-e 45J/c Hurloi Quiet , No 2 in store 4-c Provisions Steady , porir , ? J 45. Cinoinrintl , Jan 17 Wheat Tirm No 2 red 8)o ) < orn Lasy , No 3 mixed "VO" Oats In fair domaud , No _ mixed , 2-lc Whiskv $1 02 jutrinoapiilis , Jan 17 Wheat Good demand for vvhoat receipts 202 cars ship meats U cars Closing ! No 1 hard , Jan uarv 79o , May , 624c ou truck 79Xe , Vo 1 northern Innuary iOJjO , May 80c , ou track 77Ji@77j4C , o i northern January aud Februuij , 71c , May , 77J o , on track 740-Oc , KniiRns City , Jan 17 Wheut Steady No J liar I cash Co ! , No _ rod cash _ 3 } < jC Corn btron er , No J cash una January , 2.c 2.cOats Oats No 2 i ish 18' c N w y rlc Jan 17 \ \ beat Receipts 18 700 bushels spot nominally lower No i red Ml } QbGXo In ulovator , H7Ji'o afloat , op tions quiet und closed weak , No J red , Jau uarv closing ut 80'hC Corn Receipts , m 100 bushels exports 17-30 bushels spot steiuy No J JSo in elevator J9'4Q19tfo afloat ungraded mixed HS'tfc options weaker , January closing at 17J c Oats Receipts 01000 bushels , exports , 1UJ bushels , spot earier options llnnoi , Jinuarv closliif atJu , spot No 2 white 29 Ci-9"fo , mixed western , 2oi8@i0o , white , SOCi u. Lofloo Options closed stoaiy at 5Q10 points up dull Sales 21750 bags Jan uary , I15 90@15 93 , May , 15 .MSjUXJO spot Rio steady , fair careocs fU75 bugar Raw tlrui with rair domaud , ro fiuod fairly active and firm Fotroloum Steady , United closed at $1 05 > jf for I obruary I igFirm , w ostorn lO' ' Qlfi' o Pork Quiet and flrmt now moss , $10 50@ 1100 Lard Quiet nnd steady western steam , tOXOrt > closingutM . ' Hutter Weak , 1 Ifcln , 2t > 0Ko , western dairy , SQlBo creamery , l. @ OJ c Cueoso Hull , western , bjjlOe Liviu sioa < _ Ulilaaeo Jan 17 lho Drovers'Journal reports us follows Cattle Kocupls , 8 000 , market slow , beeves * 4 80(15 .5 , steers W OJttSI 75 , stock crs and feeders , ti 10QJJ 15 loxas cattle n "ocjj so Hoks-Receipts , 10 000 market strong , mixed W WGJ to , heavy , W 00@J 87' , HtUt | J.C0@3b5 bheop Rcoplpts 7 000 , market strong , natives , W50a5 70 vvestoru corn fed , $5 00 a&55oxaas eJ50jlJ5 hioux Citi , Jnn 17 Cattle Reoolpts , _ I0 , shipments 100 , marltet unchanged , canners , 75tQft 20 tows $1 00@J15 , atock- ors and feeders II 50'i. ! 00 Hogs Receipts , 1500 , market opened hlthor and closed ti shade weaker , light , eaSJ'iCJIoo ' , heuvj tJ.00J07itf , mixed , W57HC < 43l'K' Kuiiuiuit > . Jun 17 C-ttlo Receipts , G000 , shipments , J3O0 , market higher , • teors , M lOQti00 cows flbOQJOOt stockers - ors aud feelers f40(4 ( 10 Hogs Keceipts 8 000 , shipments noao , market higher , all grades , 110JW@372 ! " bulk , | J.07 > r@3.70 ; Nuiloiiui mkioIcurd < , I nn Ut Iioum , Jan 17 Cottlo Receipts 700 , shipments 900 , market strong , fair to fancy native steers 8JJ0U40 , stockcra and feeders , f 100 I i 10 ' Hogs Recolpts 5,100 shlpinonts , 1 300 , market strong , heavi , * 300 3 70 , packing , W 50v < Ja 05 , lhht _ , W 450 > J.t)0 OMAJIA Ul\B bTOUU Cattle Friday , Jan 17 The cattle market was a drag all the > morninc and was by no means aetlvo at any tlmo during the daj The market was in about as bad a condition as it has been this week The bujert did not appear to make any effort to buy the cattle unless It hnp poncd to bo something that they especially wanted In the afternoon ad lltlotinl orders wore received and there was moro activity to the tra lo Such cattle os happeno I to strike the fancy of the bujers sold at steady prlcos , but tlin moro undcslrablo cattle vvero un doubtcdly lower Most ovorytblng sold nt JJ 00S3 ( 00 1 ho marKct on cow stuff was nlso slow nnd draggy nnd though some thought they vvoro offered stcaly prlcos others rcgurded the buyers'hi Is as lower The built of the sales vvoro nttJOtya ! riioro worn moro stockcrs and feeders In the jams than for some dais and there vvoron number of country buvers hero looking for th it class of cattle Prices were about stc idv but the buyers vvero a little slow to accept the sellers terms Hoc * The hog market took nn upward turn of To todov nud vvas aetlvo at the advinco The prices pnld ranged from $3 05 to f3 70 , apopu lar prlco being ? 3 07 > Qualltj cut very little figure In the market , nn 1 whllo good packing hogs had to sell nt f3 07' ' , some rough loads brought the same monoj At the most there is only nbout- between a smooth nnd a load ihorp The recoil ts vvero lnrgo and lho market fairly active and higher Kccclpti Cattle . . 1 100 Hoes . 3 400 Sheep . . 80J Pri vallln , I'ricns The following Is a tabic of prices pall In this market fir the grilo3 of stock tnci Honed Prime steers 1300 to 1M0 11 s SI 89 Q4 45 Good steers U > 0 to 14j ) lb3 J4J ( bl 01 Good steers 10 > U to 1IX ) lbs 3 0J rtl M ) Common 1000 to 1150 lb stoori 2 10 ( W1 Common eannors 1 _ .i Cl t > 0 Ordinary to filrcoivs 100 © I JO 1 ilr to goo 1 cows 110 ( il 10 Goqd to choloo cows -10 UJ 40 t lioico to fa icy cows 2 10 KJO ! I uir to goo 1 bulls 1 10 ( aj 5) ) Choice to f mcy bulls 2 5J ( X3 - ° I IkIu stockers nn 1 f o lori 2 00 iji 00 1 odors 0 > 0to 1100 lb3 2. ) rj-J M I ulr to choice light hots 3 071 jfp"3 70 I nlr to choice ho ivy b0La , J H7' ( JJ it ) F ilr to choice mlxod hogs 3 0j ( jH } < 4 Itupresi ntnttvi ) bales STr.cus No Av Pr No Av Pr 1 840 f3 00 0 1107 $1 2o J 1U ) 100 . 11 > 4 J3i 17 1110 J 00 31 1155 II 2 j 13 11 0 J 00 11 11M2 i - ) II 10-7 J 10 3 10i7 J 10 11 10 0 3 10 15 1-11 J 10 -O 1017 3 10 20 1-J7 J 40 10 1004 3 UK0 1 0.1 ) 4o 10 10.1 3 15 IS 1150 I 4j 11 10(0 ( 3 15 -0 12 J 00 34 1128 3 15 44 14 U 3 70 „ ) 1118 I _ 0 18 1-77 1 70 17 111)J ) J JO 11 1UI J SO 18 12o0 30 IJ 13J3 3 5 cows 17 99u 1 90 8 1Q0O 2 J3 1 10o0 2 00 1 _ 1071 _ .0 2.1 Jo2 - 00 2 A0 2 - 0 1027 2 00 8 1100 25 J 993 2 00 1 lOaO 3 3 > IS 10S3 2 05 .J 10j1 - 2 > _ 0 10'7 2 05 l 1100 3o -1 1019 2 05 11 10015 20 10.12 . 07y 1 1050 35 17 Ull 43 10 10 110j _ - 14 102,1 2 10 f 123 2 - > 4J 8H 2 10 1 1017 - TO 31 10 ib 2 12J4 12 1014 2 ir 1 10 0 2 15 5 1000 _ 40 2j ' 0o3 3 lo 7 , HO . 40 2 1130 J lo 4 10J5 2 4o nuns 1 1400 1 7o 1 10dO 2 20 1 1030 1 75 1 It 0 3 25 1 14IK. 2 00 1 1110 3 30 4 1340 2 OO 1 1000 3 30 1 1400 J 00 1 180J 3 30 1 lr20 2 00 1 1710 _ 40 1 1210 2 00 1 1580 - 50 1 1000 2 05 1 1"00 _ 75 2 leO 2 10 1 15 ) J 2 80 1 1400 2 lo FEFDEItS 5 081 3 6T2 73o 2 00 19 704 2 75 10 709 2 Jj 1 740 2 75 27 boO _ "o 0 1000 2 8j 17 882 3 00 14 870 3 90 0 100. J 00 chhneiis 2 113.1 1 00 1 860 1 Im 0 1100 1 05 1 9 0 1 bo STOCKEIIS 30 4J0 2 3o 1 480 2 CO STAOS 3 1550 2 CO 1 1310 3 2o oxef 3 1700 2 9D 9DIll' Ill .IFLKS 18 700 2 00 CALVES I 333 3 00 wureitt ccrrE Owner and No Av P 17 steers corn fed 125 $ .1 10 21 steers , coarse cora fed 14 0 3 15 noos No Av Sk Pr No Av Sk l > r 0 227 - 102 (2 259 40 3 f-J „ 08 24. 1.0 3 Oo 51 2i40 3 tV , 07 270 210 3(5 ( 02 311 100 3 ( I yt 00 12910 3 1/5 40 1 0 40 t Wt 0" .51 1-0 3 ( I ) 74 20J I (1 ( K 57 J > 5 120 I 07 > 4 5.1 J& 40 3 0 if 50 3.58 100 1 C7K ( > • ! JS1 1-J t 08'2 ' 44 408 40 3 07K < > - > " 8J J 0 % 4 217 bO I Oi (1143 ( 3 f7K 0J 2(10 ( 100 J 0 H " ' 219 40 J ( I % 07 283 1-0 J 07K 01 ill 40 3 Oitf (9 ( 277 3l7'i ( > } 218 It J i d'h 51 209 80 J 07 51 U4 bO J 70 70oJ 100 B 07'4 5) ) 378 I * 0 o7 _ 8H 40 J b7i , ( SO -Jo 120 1 70 54SO 100 J 07S IS " 00 3 70 ( II -Ii 3 0"K • • 271 103 1 70 7o 2)7 ) 1(0 ( J 07J4 00 244 * - 170 5o .91 1.0 3 ( l\i 50 J7 40 3 .0 . 5u 208 1.0 J OiX 55 310 J iO lias 14 133 40 3 35 snr.ri No Av Price 203wostorns cornfed HI ) 4 05 89 westerns cornfed 131 4 75 .00 westerns cornfed 117 4 75 201 westerns , coinfod 0J 1 5J Purcliams of Hos Showing the number of liogs bought by the paekors and loading buyers on today s market ! Armour Cudahy Packing company . . . . 730 Omaha Packing Co < .3 Swift It Co 401 George II Hammond & Co . 412 Purch meor Hlioep Swift & Co . . . . 201 Ueorgo II Hammond & Co uj N Morris , mj I'urchases of Cuttle No Swift iCe , , 4Sj ( Jeorgo 'I Hammond & Co . 93 The Armour Cudahy PacKing company 300 Rothschild & . Undoruood , 85 Hamilton Stephen & Co , _ s R. Ileekor . . . . . 74 Nels Morris . . . Ib5 Shijipors and feeders , 03 W ill ) Cattle On the market with cattle R Trazlor , Carroll , C H.tlo > , Schuyler , J R Alter , Grind Island , Creifchton C and D , Water lee , Gcorto Liter , Nebraska Cltv C A Putnam , Logan , la , I Hradj & . Son Lo tun la M M Cunvors , River Sioux la Ire I Kelly River Sioux , la , S S ileauj , Hepburn Charles Smith , Lin wood , Thoaias Price , 1 buyer , J Hustle , Howe , J p Hayno Luton la , Crockett & S , River bloux , la , Uabbitt & . Lvuns , bouth Hond A S Will , Cedar Croou , G Octerloh , Hooper , Al P Miller , Hooper II Lemmer , Lindsay , M II bmlth , Peters bure , 1 C Bliss Howolls , r W & . A J West Wisnor , Chris Isswelr Stanton , W D Whaler Stanton , S C Falrchltd Oalc- dalu , J Payne llluo springs , C btratbern , Long Island , G Richmond , Curtis , T L. Jones Hendley , Fred Kelly , River bloux la With Hoh On the marltot with bogs F. Johnson , lllair , A. Jonklns , Mauley , Farmers Co A , Cedar Hlutfs , A LIkenhauy Union ; J H liutlcr , Crescent , J R. H , Woodbine , A D Soars , Haveus , O , Bailey , Schuyler , J It Y I Alter , Grand Island , R , L Johnson , Orient , Monngh - Co Donnlson , la : Shirtcllft A. Mal ! D S Kinsolla A , Son Panama , Shoch < . . Otis Uluo SI rihes , H J Tlornoy , Ansloy H Agor , St Paul , J T. Good oil & , Co Western , J Grabow , Grctun Thomas Whealon , bacrnmento , Wjc W M company Undsa > , Chtlslss- vvels Stanton , L , H Bftkor , Battle Creek , R Andor onutan , Atutorson Hrothors WilsonvlUti , WHey AJonklns Almn 1 II Blnuko , Venango , J M Harbour , Tabor , b S Head \ , Hepburn , O. bang * Co , Able , A D Rlchov Surprise Ll Bnttoruold _ ork , J A Kehoo PIitto Center Ulth biipcp On the market with sheep T D Fonljeo Central City F W lieknor North Uend , Morse , Rogers & , Co , Morse HlufTs I.lvo Stock Notes Cattle opened slow Hogs sold 5c higher Sheep market hlgt cr The nvorago prlco paid for hogs josteiday vvas3 07"f The market j ostorday was at the hlghost point touched smoo November 10 when the bulk of the hogs ch inge 1 hnnds at $3 70 , 01 about 2Xo hlghor than todny 1 bus far this week there has boon n fall ing off In the recoil ts of 1iols , of over 8 000 ns compared with the sitno tlmo last week The most n | parent lcnson for the decrcaso Is the heavy snow In the country , which has Interfered with the linn illng of hogs OMAHA \MIOIiLS\hC MiUtUET- I'rotliioc , rnilti I tc 1 ros Strictly fresh , 1 tQUo , coldstorngo noiniunl Hurs PrtTS I\wtw I to Groonsaltod hi les 4Wc No 2. f. s hides 1c , dry Hint hides TQ'o rill hides Pfj ( | ' c dnmacel hides -e less sheep pelts irccii each , 2oC@ SI 00 , sheep nolts drj | or lb "Qlt e tnl- loiv No 1 4c No 2 1 l _ o , grease , vhlto , 4Q4e velloiv 2'TTe ( ) ! liUTTLit Creamerj fancv 20G2'o , choice 11Q Oc Daln fancv 14QKc eioico 12Q 14c Country fanuv 1111-c Lood to choice , " ( Jllc fair 70Se inferior rj3c ( I'm _ w Medium 1 cr bbl } > 00 small JO 00 ghcrl Ins $ -00 , C - H chow chow qts ? j bo , pts ? ! Jo POTATO-S GoOc foi choice Omens 0 iiOe Saueh Mhut Ubls ? ( 7. 1 alf buls , * 2 S5 Gami Mall ird ducks M 00(21.0 ( mitcd ducks $ .150(200 teil St2oCloO j lck snipes $1 00@1 25 , jick rnbbtt3 xl 50 4 00 sin 11 rabbits $110t < 1 20 squirrels il 00@ 1 10 Plover 7ocQ > l 00 Lkmons I anei $0 00O.0 00 , c mice f J TO U > 00 Cc niv Per doz , lu CAiiroiiMA Qnvi cs ? > 00 pcais f2 * 5 Mlss Pom Per bbl fc ) 7 f < ! lli ' "O Pasanvs According to sire per bunch IJO0Q1OO Huumtivr Tubs 13c roll 14c Cocoi-IUTS Per 100 m00 Aiii Butthi ( e Cn LU-Hbls $0 0 hlfbbls $3 00 Mai i f Suoau l. ' ri)15c ) per lb CiivMirnillFS Citu Lnd $10 0J@11C0 OnvVdbS 1 lorldi per hex WlKi500 Blcmviieat I iouk Per bbl ? o50it ( 00 Wool t i ic average 22@ c medium averafio1@ c quarter blool averaec .0 ( i-lc coarse average lrGl7c cotts aud rough nveracc 14 10 Funs Beaver | cr lb t2 50(74 ( 00 , otter each * 3 00@ O0 wolf each Jlo 00 ( 0 ( X ) coon each 2o(77 ( 0 mink each 15Tl0c ! muskrnt , fall rQ9L stunk rat _ 5jG0c ( bidger rat , 2 Ub0c | > deer skills full per lb iSCc , wintef 1- 2-c Bi-ans Choice hand | Iclied navy , 51 75 ( 1 bO cboici ban 1 pi ited medium tl 0oG 170 choice hind pit he 1 country $1 rCCSl 0o clean countij $1 50Q1 OJ lufeuor countri SHMQl PuiviMONS Hams No 1 10 lo nvorago 034e -0 to 3'lbs 8V 12 to 14 lbs 10'4c , shouldo'S ro breakla3t baeou No 1 S'fc hum sausage 8' o drie 1 b of bams 7' c beef tongues fO uO per do/en dry salt me its rg5'ic ( per per lb ham roulette , O e , add lo poi lb for small lots Aitlls Per bbl common S2 00J2..5 choict $2 60@4 00 fanc > $4 00 "Jo 00 flliNCF Mpat _ 0 lb cans 7' Honli lee per lb for choice PiiFSLUV E8 IKOHto l'er lb JriLiis IfTil'/ji per lb BBn WANe 1 10@l9e Pies 1 eet Pickled Kits 70e spiced pics tongues kits $2 lo picklodtiipu kits 05 „ pickled II C tripe kits b5 spiced pigs hocks kits Si 15 Fiouu-Stute ? 4 00@5 00 , fancy fo 00 ® r lo loLauii Lauii Tierce Refl led 5'is pur leaf O c kettle rendero bj c Vd 1 'ic to } { o for sm illor qua itities Helf Tonoui a b > alt per bbl * 20 00 Hav * .O0GO0) ) Cuoi Lrii-tl2 00 liitAV * 10 00 Cons lbc OArs 10c Veal Choice medium size , 6Q3e , choice heavy 4Q6u Live PiuruNS-Por doz 5150 ilr tccrio * Dried I nun Currants now Co , prunes , casks 1 300 1 ! 9 4 } c prunes bbls 01 bats 5o cltion peel drums - ) 1bs 22e lemon pool drims 1911 sOo fmd dates boves 12 lis Ju up icon choice evopiratcd , 14 aprieots jellv , cure 1 2. ) lb boxes lee , upri cots fiuiii , Mount Ilamlltou 2. lb boxes lOe , apricots choice baas SOlbs 14 > c ap pies oval orated Allen 501t. boxes J' e , npplos star 8aa apples funey Allen 611 10 , apples t mcy Alden 311 10 } c bait Luke 5 4c bluclJbcrnes evaporated , 60 lb 1 boxee Cj' 'IK4ohorrlos ' pitted dry cured 13c , pears Cillfornia tuuci ' 4s boxes 2oU ) 12e poaches Cil No 1 fancy ' s uupba s 8011 15c nectarines red 14o nectarines silver box s lGc pitte 1 plums Cal 25 lb U0XC3 bX4' raspboni s evup NY 1 ovv -0u , prunes Cal R. C 3)100 boxes 2olbs 7o piunes R C (070 ( Jo , oraiiLo , | eel 15o raisins ( iilifornia Loudons crop 1U8J , $2j , Cal loose muscatels crop 1883 (2 0J V il encias 1BSS 0' < e Valoncias new , b' . o , Cal see Hess site , 7J4O Canslu Goons rruits Cnlifornl 1 Canned Goods St Hilar i Br mds 2K 11 9 pji do ? Apricots $17if3185 ) uprlcots , pie fruit , $1 55 , j , illoiis 4 do blncki orrles S2 .5 , 1 chirrits black + ' 010. .0 cherries white , 1 92 2Ca. ( 50 , ( .iipib * I to@l 80 loirs Part lott S-10Q 2o poaches vellow t2 10 _ .2.o , ' 1 caches lemon cling ? J 35 plums teg , 1 $1 Oifjl bO , plums golldrops { lbO , plums green inLcs , SI C.j _ I bO , peaches Uaj City , with plus in Jl 00 , et rrante , * . W , tooso- 1 borrlcs , J3 ! 0 , ncctirincs $2 0o , quinces 82 10 raspberries , $2 M strawberries $3 0 , pcachCB J 1b eastern standards (185 , 3 lb I eastern seconds SI 3.Q1 50 , 3 11. pic $1 tO , 0 11. plo $2 00 gallon pie , MOJ , Crescent allies hbh standards $2 50 , . lb goosober rics 90c-11 stiawberries 90(2 ( > oc , 2 tb , laspborries ifl 00 , 2 lb bluobornm 80@90o , 211 blaeKborues , 05@75clb strawboiries preserved { 1 80 , 2 1b raspberilos preserved JIS0.2 lb blackberries preserved $10 , pineapples , Bahama chopped ? ' 0l ) , 2 lb Bahama grated (2 75,2 lb Bahitnu sliced , 82 50 , 2 lb fctandarii sliced 81 _ 5 jl 50 , cher ! ries J lb red , Baltimore , S5S9oc ( Vloftai lfs Tonintois Jib extra , 81 00 , 3 lb btandurd Wisteru braudst JOQJoo , Galls , Sterllm , Can Co , strictly standard 82 00 Corn Preferred stock sugar corn , flnost growu 81 ( / ) gilt edge sugar corn , very fln"j 81 50 , McMurrv s 2 lb corn , 81 20 , lb extra Western brands bocfJl ( * 00 , 2 lb stundard Western brands , 70@80c Mushrooms 1 lb French extra line 22Q25e , 1 lb I < roneh line 18ri.2e , 1 lb French ordi I nary 10@18a Foas-rhrros line , pel can 25c , deml line pt cau , j ,0c , 3 lb extra sifted , 82 00. 2 lb Larly June 81 25@l So , 3 lb Mar row , standard brand 18110 , 2 lb soaked 57o ! String Beans 2 lb high grade refugee , 90o , 2 lb Golden Wax beans 75o , J lb string beans , 70c Lima Beaus 3 lb soaked ? 5o , Boston Baked Bcaner 3 lb I owls , 81 65 , Crown braud 81 5a Sweet Potatoes J lb New Jursoy 81 00 | Daisy , 81 Jo Pumiikln - 3 lb now pumunin , 95c Cavnlu Fish Brook trout 1 lb 82 40 , sal I mon tro t , 31o 82 25 , clams , lib 81o , clams 2 lb , 82 00 , clam chowder , 81b , 81 25 , devllod crabs , 1 lb 82.5 , devitod crabs 2 lb i , M 50 , eodllsh balls , 2 lb 81 75 , cavier , H lb 1 , 82 25 , eels , lib 83.40 , lobsters lib 8190 , lobsters 2 lb } 2 95 lobitora deviled , ) , ' lo ) , 82.5 , mackerel lib 8175 , mackerel must 1 ard sauce 3 lb 82 00 , mackerel , tomato sauce J lb , 82 00 , oysters , 1 lb 8110 , ojsters , 3 lb , It 65 , salmon C K. , 1 lb 81 90 , sal mon C It , 3 lo 82 tO , salmon Alaska , 1 lb 1 , 81 bO , salmon Alaska , 3 lb , ti 05 , shuuips , 1 lb 2 00 Courisu Lxtra Georges , new , 640 , Grand Bank ' , uow , 4'tfo ' , lurkey cod , largo mldsdlo 1. B'j'ci Bilvor 3 fl > blocks | | 0Woi snow while , 2 tb bricks 7 } o , snow wbito , crates 13-5 lb boxes , 7 0 , Iceland ballibut , l2 > fo , medium scaled herring , 27o , No 1 scaled herring , 34o , domestic Holland burring , 65o , Ham 1 burg spiced herring , 81 50 , Russian sardines 75c , Rusiluu sardlnei , plain , 55c | imported Holland hcrrlnc , Crown brand , 8O0 , do , fancy milkers POc Ciiocoiatb and Cocoa 21Q37o per lb | Germnn chlckory , red be Fimi Maokcrol , No 1 shore , hit bbls 811 60 , fancy mess , hit bbls 8H50 whlto fish , hlfbbls 87 00 trout hlfbbls 85 25 fam Uy white llsh 82 75 salmon 88 50,1 lb ranck orcl ( horrlng ) , 81 OOC l 10 , 1 lb finnn hnddlc * 81 75 , 3 lb lobsters $2 90 3 00 , I lb lob ters 81 O0M2 00 , 1 lb salmon Cooks Inlet , Arctic brand flue $1 75 , 1 lb Cuttings Cocktail vervfliio $2 00 , 3 lb salmon , Columbia river sn.gJOO 1 lb Alaska salmon Aleut , $1 bO 2 lb ojslors 10 oz Haltlmoro Peerless , $1 v5j 1 lb ovsters 5oz Hnlltmoro Peerless $1 HI ; 2 lb select 12 oz , Peerless $2 lo , 1 lb clams little necks $1 .5 2 lb clam * , little necks 82 10 if lb Rnrdlnes Importo I per case 100s Ill ( < il0u0 ' < lh sardines Importo 1 , per enso 100s 815 00(3.0 ( 00 , ' lb Imported bonolcis snrdlnos 300 , l { lb sardines American , per 100s , French stjle MtJOtioOO > i lb sar dines American , per case 100s Frinch st } lo , 87 roZ8 00) ) X lb sardine * mustard , per case 50s 810004-0 , Imported kcj sirdlucs 813 00 Oils Kerosene P W 9Vi W W lnc , hctdllght , 12'fo , gasoline lOfflll 'o 1 ird No 1 , 44o , No 2 40c salad oil 81 2o ( 9 00 per dozen buoAiis Cut loaf 8ccutlmf cubes 7JAot stin lard , powdered 75 , WW powderol , " " c granulated stnudard 7'4t"LjC ' , confectioners fectioners' A O'ifo , whlto OKlri C C4C extra C Neb OVo , amber 53 o Soais Cislflo mottled pei lb 8Jt0o ( , do white per lb 1X 15c Canni l ) Mlats 1 lb lunch tongue $2 75 ( 2 lb lumn tODUO | , $4 7" , 1 lb corned beef , $1 2o 2 lb corned beef , $2 0 > rtlb corned beef id50 , 11 lb cornel beef 8t4 00 , 2 lb boneless pit s root , S1 J 1 lb Lnglish brnwn 81 10,2 11 Lnglish brawn $2 16 0 11. I ii tlsh bl iwn SO 10 1 11 coiiiurcscl ham 81 " Sit compicssed hum , $ .75 , 1 lb chipped beif $210 Lvr Jl 75Q4 50 bi ici * V\ holt i > cr lb Alsplco 0c Cas sli China 0c cloves Ponaiib .sc nutmegs No 1 7 c.lcpper , lbtil0a Gisni 11 latialci 'i pints $3 00 per dor Citr _ Young _ merlcis full cream Ho fictorv twins ll@12e' ' oil grides 7(28c ( \nn Uossen I 11111 $1150 per doz sipsiio SJc , brick l-LjO llmburtsCr , lie , domestic Swiss liable WitAiriNO Pai 111 btravv per lo V4Q -'ic nige tnnnllla B 6C l'fc ' No 1 7o Baos Union squ ire 3. per cent off list bin-Dilri 3 > 0 1bs in bbl bulk S'10 bestride , 00 5s f2 ll best ( ride 100 Is 8.40 best trade 28 10s S' .O rock salt trushtd 81 bO dairy salt Ashtou o0 It ) bags Sjc bulk . 4 lb b iks SJ 2o common in bbls tl 2o Dians ( Crocors ) Per lb Boru10c copjcris J Jc Bov leaves 15c l,1uc , lee opsoni salts 4claubor silts 3c sulphur 5c blue vltrol 9 limn 4o tartaric acl 1 5 c rosin 2e , saltPLter ubsolutolj pun 10c cum caui | tier 2 lbs 111 box 1 oz cikcs 3Jc bops if and } 4 " ' 1 aeknees 20c sugo ' 4 an I yx lb pacuaues 1 ic inn ldcr 1 Ii , s lit peter ltc , indigo 3 lb and 5 lb boxes SI , b C3"0c indigo 3 lb and 5 lb boxes Midris 75c sealing wax 2o lb boxes red i > o seal iiiL wax 2o lb boxis white 4e 1 uttsACEOtis O001 s Uarlov 31f(34o ( fi nna IJ c | ca < i. 3c < atmciil "aa ) c mac 1 loni i0e VP'-nilcelll 10c rice 4J0lae ( sago and tnploca GJ7c ( lima beans 0c C011 eb Roasted \rbucMe s Ariosa 2-IX < - McLaughlin b WXX 24 0 German 24 c , Dllworth , 24' e , Al iromn 24 e Coffli Green 1 incv old golden Rio , -4c fmci oldieiburiIJ c Rio choice to faucv 2-c RIo prime 2lc R 0 LOOd .0c MochuJc , lava fantv Alandehling 27c Java good interim 24c Afiican , 21c Hoi c Manlll 1 rope 14l cbisis , sisal rope ll' c cotton rope lbe now biocoss bVaC Cotton rvi\c Bibb veri line J or 4 plj 22o tine 2.c D lisj 18c Hpmi Twtsn Hoivi , 14o melium 10c , hLht 17c , 18 B C 20c .4 20c , ) ( Do , 43 17c broom twines coloied 30c Mattufss 1 wine \ cry Hue 40c , fine 3Jo medium Joe bAiL lwiM Vorv line flnx 33c flm flax SJc line cotton S'c Calcutta hemp 14c " mlsoija 1'hC4Xo per lb faTAitcn 4ffftjoe per lb brov 1 Pot isit 12 0055 8" ler gross Buoovis4 tlo 82 OJ i tie $ .0 , stables 8-i Ml common 51 50Q 75 Bags Am lei lot ) $17 00 , Lcvviston , per 100 $1700 Nuts Almonds 15c Brazils 14c filberts 12 fc , pecans lie walnuts l- ' < c , peanut cocks 8 > c , roasted lie , Xonnesseo peanuts 7cOnvfcs Onvfcs Quarts per doz , 83 " 0 , pints per doz S2 25 , bulk pei gal , Ji ll ry Goi.rts CvitrET 'vvAmHlbb white , 18 > .c colored 21 Kc Batts Standard , 80 , gem 10c bonuty 12 > e , boone , 14c , peerless case $7 r0 Coiislt JLAN8 Boston , 7 > cjc , Androscog- tln 7 , Koursargo , 7 0 Ilockport 0J4c Co lies toga bc _ lici s Oakland A 7Ko , International YY , 8c , bhctucliet , b 8& _ , Wurrcn No 80 10c Berwick BA , lbc , Acme He , "Vork JJineh l- ' c York 12 ii ci I1X ° i tawift River , 8c Ihorndikc OO 8K1- . Ihorndiko EF , S' c , Ihorndiko 1- ) ) Sta lhorndikoW 15c , Cordis No 5 0iCor dls No 4 10 > c Demms Am03keai , 9 oz , 10' e niorott , 7oz,13o York 7 013 Hiyi"ikor , 8' c , faftrey AX 12c , Jaffrey XW 12Kc , Beaver Creek AA H c Beaver Creek iill , 10 > Jc Beaver Creek I C 9'jC lvi ntucKv JlvNs Momoiial , 15o Glen wool -Oi , Kj btar J5c Hercules lbe , I m pile 2 e ColtBwold 2 < c , Melville , _ o. , Bang up 27Kc Cnisii Stevens B 5 < s ? Stevens A , 7c I bleached be , Slovens' P , 7aic , bloachcl , | SKc.Stuvciis V , 8Wc , b'eucheu ' JUu , Stevens ens SRI ll&c Miscei 1 vmols Table oil cloth $2 50 , tablooil cloth marble $ > 50 , p alu Holland , 9 > c d ido Holluud U > _ liANNLLS Plaid liiftsmon 20a , Clear Lake 3' > < clron Mountain 2)'jC AVhito : Oil No . < .2'4e ' Gil Vo 1 * iyi0 \ BH No , JfLo , lill No 1 , ? < JJo , Quccheo 1 No 1 % 4 c Prints bolil Colors Atlnntic 6oSlntei Cc Horlinoll < $ . Garnei oil 0 J7c Pji k and Robes Richmond 0lc , Alien Oo Riverpoint 5tfi , btcol Rivoi ( c , IVclllc 0 > c. Indii-o Uluo-St Locr 5J c , Wush- initon OUc American O' c , Arnold , 0'jC , Arnold Centuo 0c Amand l.o , btlofol A , 12c , Windsor cold tk t , 10i2a Ainold B 10'ic Arnold A l.o Arnold Gold Seal l ( ) o , Yellow beal lOJtfo I itiNTo Dioss Charter Oak 5'fc , Ra mu | 0 4 } o Lodi S' c Allen be Richmond Co , Windsor , 0 > o , Lddystouo , C c , Pacific 0 > fc UivaiiAM Plunknt checks 0 > fc , Whit tonton tifia Yoik , ( Jfo Normaudi dress b o Calcutta dress 7Ko , Renfrew dress , 8X@12Ke ivAMitities- Slater , 5c , Woods 5c , Stund nrl 5u , Peacock 5c II isni j White Quoecbo No 3 % Inch 87'fo , Quoecho No 3 K Inch J2 ! o , Aiiuwnn , U2'jO Windsor 22 > < c rod C , .4 inch , IVAn 1 21 inch 21H GG , 21 inch 20o HAP finch 2oo , J UP , % inch , .7o , G % inoh , _ oc Drum Borax 11a , citric add 45 ® Oe tartaric auid 40O140 , carbolic ucld 3tJJllo ( , caitor oil , $1 24J1 ( .3 biUam tolu , 30 ( ) l9u , tenica bcniiB 81 55@1 CO cubeh berries , $1 95 , cvlo- mol Sou , camphor 40O1J. , cantharides , $1 2o@l 80 , cassia buds 17t.0o. ( chloroform , 50G5-O , oriot 45r { Oo , fclvcerinoOGS'ou , turn arable bOii JJo , lyeopodium 40jI5o : mercury 8O0 , morpbino sulth r2 0Ji2 ( 9J 1 opium , $3 50 , quinine , 33@18e turpeutlno i , 51o , linseed , raw , O0o boiled , OJo Iiitnilicr nnd Hiiildliii ; Mntorlal , DIMENSIONS AND TIMHEll 12 ft 14ft 10 ft 18 fto ft 22 ft 34 ft 2x4 15 00 15 00 1) 00 10 00 1(100 ( 17 00 17 00 2x0 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 2x8 15 00 15 00 15 00 111 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 2x10 15 00 15 03 15 00 10 00 1000 17 00 17 00 . -12 15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 171)0 ) 17 00 4x48x8.10 00 1000 10 0J 17 00 17 03 18 50 18 50 FENriHO No 1 , 4 and 0 iu , 12 nud 14 ft 1 rough 810 00O10 50 , No 1,4 nud Oin 10 ft t , $17 00 17 50 , No 2 4 and tl in , 13 and 10 ft , $ n0@1100 , No 2 4 and 0 In 10 ft , 814 SO ; Finjsiiino 1st and 2d clear , l'f inch , s 2 8 , $49 G0$5l ( OO 1st and .d clear , IJaud i inch 8$47 00 ( 50 00 , 3d clear Pinch B 2s $4JO0gtfi00 ( , UBelect.Hi' lKnud3inch , 8 .s , 837 ( W@J8 OO 1st and 2d clear , 1 inch s2u $45 00 , 3d clear , 1 inch , b 3 s , $ .10 00 } , A select 1 Inch 8 3 8 , $ J4 00 , li select , 1 inch J 2s 829 00 Stock Boards A 13 inch , • 1 s , 14 and 10 feet , $15 00 , H , 13 Inch , all 13,14 and 10 i feel $11 ( XI , U , 1- Inch , s 1 12 and 10 feet $30 00 , D 13 Inch , 8 1 e , 12 , 14 and 10 foot $28 00 , No 1 com 13 Inch , s 1 s 12 feet 818 00 , No 3 com 12 inch , a 1 a , 14 and 10 feet $17 50a ( ) 18 50 , No 1 com 12 inch , . I • , 10 18 and 20 feet , (18 50 , No 2 com 12 Inch , • 1 , 14 and 10 feet , (15 50 , Pori-ui Lvmii-r Clear poplar box bd , } h } In I 3 a $ .15001 clear poplar , * 111 panel , $29 ! 00 clear poplar , % In panel , $25 00 clear loplar 1 , v , in patio ] , stock wide , s 2s $ .100 clear 1 poplar corrugated celling In $28 00 Posts Whltoculnr Oin havlos 12o , white cedar ' , tyi In hnlvcs mil 8 in quarters , lie , white cednr , 4 In round 10c. lennosseo ret eclnr ' split , 17o , split oik , whlto c , sawel oak ' , l c bun LAr No 1 plain S nud IS In 817 00 , No 2 plain , 8 and 10 In , $15,50 , No 1 , O. G , $1700 ' Uattb' ! \ \ n 1 Tuiiino , Pickets O G batts 4 Inch OJc O G b itts 2 ( . 4J as Ko tin well tublnc D * \ , M and bov , $21 ( X ) pickets D t. II , flat , $ .1 00 plikcts I ) & , 11 , square 1 $18 oO iKoniNn 1st com 0 Inch , whlto pine $3100 , . l com It inch , wbito pluo 83100 , 31 com ' 0 Inch whlto paie 8-0 00 , 1) com 0 inch , Whlto pine $0 00 , com 4 and 0 1 leb vellow tune $15 00 btni 4 Inch , Vellow t It c $17 00 , 1st nnd 2d clear Jollow line 4 aud 0 Inch , $18 50 Shingles PerM Wcloar $120 , extra * A * , $2 St ) , stiihdar 1 A $2 40 5 inch elc ir , $1 00(31 ( 70s 0 Inch clear $ t 7'Ql V0 ( rso 1 $110(14115 ( clour rod ce lar uilxel vvilths from Wi-hitigton turritorv W 40 , rntifornli rolwood dimension wilths 84 ii ejprcss cleir henrt , dimension widths , $ .12 > laths $2 40 Boaups 'S'o ' 1 torn s 1 s 12 14 and 10 ft , * 18 00 , No 2 , do * 15 00 No 1 do $14 00 No 4 do ( shin s mil ) $10 50 Ad I 0O0 tor M ft for rough Ckilinu and PvtiTtTiov 1st com \ In white plno partition $1 00 , 21 com " * ( In white j Ino pirtltion 827 00 , cle 11 e9 Invellow plno celling $ H)00 clear ( ( In Norwuv , ? 13f0 . < ! coin h iu Norvvaj , 813 0J I IMF Best 8Jc Ckmknt $1 2. Piasti 11 82 20 Hair Oc Pi 11 niNe Bun u Common $ f 00(3" ( ° l' ° M.solocted 8" 5J(29 00 pur M sowirbtlok 9 OOGIO 00 1 cr M Sash 00 | ci cent discount Boons Bl inps ani > Moui uinos 50 un 1 10 per cent off 1 Altitun I 11 t $2 00 1 or cwt Straw Boiitn $1 40 j or cwt \n Misoltito Chip rioORIGlNAt AUILTINBOIN1M1 NT is onlj put up In 1 ire two otineo Uu boxes and Is an nbsoluto euro for nil sores burns , wounds chapped h mds and nil skin cni | > - tlons Will posltivelv cuio nil kinds of piles Ask for tno ORIGINAL AU1L1INLOINI MI N I bold bv Goo Itiian Drug company at 2o cents per boN bv mail SO couts SlROEDER &TMN , GRAIN , Provisions a Stocks Basement First National Bank 10.1 Smilli I till islroct , • Oinulin ; COMMERCIAL HATIOMALBAMK Capital , - $400,000 Surplus , - 40,000 Ofllcers aud Dire ton P M Morsoman CJ M IIlulocH I01 Oaineai ) r n Henry 15 M Anler-.on Wm tl Maul v nroi I u will alms A 1 Hoi-in * pies V Millard caanler V II iryant assistant cas ilor BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN & GO , JLuudoii , Ln ; ; and , ADOLPII BOISSEVAIN & GO , Auist r ! aiuolland. . BANKLRS Tl ir cnl stll Auierl an * cc rlptloi 0 1 comi il sIon n Lun Ion nt on ull tunllnc t-41 1 i-cts Xsi-iittatlons of now loans a s ] cctnlty % B8 fft ( Pp ( ISSUED BY STATES Bg H RM D 8 V J COUNTIES CITIES , li Ell _ i1 1 WATERWORKS COS tIC WBlW W I BOUGHT ANDSOLD Ileal in O01 t I und TVm runla and Scrip Ttccolio Account , ai 11 ltiml all tlia jyclllllcs ( if aGci eial Iliinkl ior Jtutlneni eoncspondcnc bollcltc 1 S. A. EilH _ SCO , Bankers IOO VAt > HINGON STREET CHICAGO , ILL 1IS BROADWAY NEW YORK . NEBRASKA National Bank U. S DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB Capital < ? 100,000 Suiijlits Tim 1st , 188' ) 52,000 01 llfl US A.N1) imiLcions Hf-Kiiv lArFS I roil lent I.BMI8B ItEKP Vice 1 jodlilont A 1 Iou/viin W. \ MOUSP JOI1V S ( OIIINS It C CnsiiiNn , J N II IHTItICK W II B lluaiirs Ca Ulsr THE IRON BANK , Cor 1-tb an 1 larnam St A General llnnUuc , lluslucss Xransacteil " OUHi MMOFACTURERS _ Boots and Shoos KUIKEWALL JOSFS t CO , Succcsion to Ites 1 Jono V Co Wholesale Manufacturer Bjots & Mi I Agouti tor linston Itubber Shoo Co IW , Hot nnd 1100 U" ° y Htrast Umsba , NeUrsilm ! Drowora • stunz A. ILEH , lager Beer Brewers , l-ll Noth KUhteentU treat , Omaaa Kcbtaa- Cornlco EAOLE OOltNWh n OlthS , HanDfactnrer ofttalyanizellron Coraicc Wlndow-cni • aad metul lo kluhl John hpenvtor proprlstur lus and IU tiouili loin ureel , ---r- ? > oan ? , , . ! .Hn ! , 8tupu Pa' - t - 0 - , r- - OLAHKH LAM IIFAUbU CO * Pumps , Pipes an Engines , Etcam wa ar rallvrar nnd intnln ui pile , etc . V. ) V and J 1 t-rnam ureet Omal a , U S WIND EbOWE A PUMP CO , Steam an Water Supplies , Ilallldar wnt roll • 913 and ON Jones it Omaha el * Kom Acting Manager lmOWbELL & GO , Engines , Boilers anil General Machinery blieut Iron won team puraps tan mill 17131211 J.tavenwortli aireut , Omaha Iron Worka : P.l-\iOA & VIEHLll\G IHON ttOHKb ' , Wronglit an Cast Iron Building Work Kfc"inc , Ira.i work ccnoral foundry u amine and blac-iuiltb work Oilicu an 1 work ! U 1 ilj and J tb emaha OMAHA WIIW & MOW WOUKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings l Dolk ralli wtndnwcuaidi newer stand , wire iigni eto in North lutb > treet Omaba omaua have < t moN noma Manf'rs ' of Tire ard Burglar Proof Safes u , \ulii Jail worIrou butters aad on ocapas • Andieea 1 ropr tot lull and J ktoo bis ' ' ' ' - a Soah Doora , Eto „ , ma Disnnow a co , \ \ bolesalt manufacturers nt SaD Door BUnfls Moaldlnes , . , an . ranch unlce mb and Uardstreets Oaiaba heb , _ gOUT-ETOMAHAr „ VNWN S COOK YAnD CO , Of Soutli Omaha , Ltmitei DMH.H JQBBERSrDIRECTORY . I Agrlotilturnl Implomontn J H Agricnll'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriage ] H -n 1 to Hh lo l8 Onaha V brink H | MOLl E , Minimis l SlODl ) IltD VOt M Manufactureran I Jobbcrsln M Wagons , Bnggies , Rikcs , Plows , Eta Cor th an 11 actno it ect < Omaha H Artist Mntorltil8. H A liobl'tlrr * , * H Artists ' Materials , Pianos and Organs till < street On aha Nebraski H Doota oncrshooa | ir r iioiesf C cb , - M Jobbers of Boots and Slice ; , Ul Jia1103 O titlas nlr t u tain M u ifactorr , _ IH Bin mcrstrctt 1 Hi n _ " H Con I , Coke , Etc M J a MEt , ir 111 a 1 c mm co , M Mm and Shippers of Coal and Coo I ltuoaHIU 'C.Natl n l llnnlt Hull lln Ouiah H " OMAHA C0A1 COhE JAM1. COT * H Jobbers of Raid aid Soft Coal aWBoulbl thutrtat O al a Kortw.ka H A hmtAisKA tUlLLO , * H Shippers of Coal and Coke l SoutU th tett Omaha Vebra.ka H > _ _ C TUvHa _ BJoi-i _ ancl 3tqraBp. | niDDLLi \ . nimnLT , H Storage and Cammissiou Merchants Opeclaltloll It t o us rl five I o Itrr game H 1112 Howard ati ct Ouial a N b M j M DLAX , AllMirtho\a I CO , H Wholesale Cigars 40JNorth CtliStieot.Onintia htsh Hello 113 > , M Dry OooclB qntl Hotlono , M M F iMUll i CO * H Dry Goods , Furnisbiiig Goods and Notions Wr1 and llOIIlnslas cor lltli utrcet Omaha Neb J | KiLPAinwh.IzobitHin- co , H Importcis & Jobbers m Dry Good ] , Notions I cuts I urnlahlnir ( lee Is ( o nsr 11 tit aud LT.iru.or H atreota Omabn S brnaita 1 I I H Furnlturo M Wholesale Dea'ers ' in Furniture t arnatu street O uaha Vobrasia H oiiAitt ns binvEiucii * H Furniture I Omahn TsubraskX H - . • . . . , B | jOrocorloo > B rinnjui MeconD Ull WY I CO , H Wholesale Grocers I 13th and I eaventi orth str ets Omaba Nobra.fea * H 1 M r Hardware - . | Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel Springs , wsgn stock luriwaro lumber eta 1X1 H IZI1 Harney street O noha IJ lIlMFUAUQlfs 1 AYLOn H Builders ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop I Atecbanle Tools an I Uiirolo Bcnlca 1Kb Douslas | btreet On at a Mb J fJ Lumber , Eto H JOHN A WAKFFIELD , H Wholesale Liimlcr , Etc Xmportod an t American Tortland Cement Btat * agent for Milwaukee ljrn \ alio Ccmtut 1 d e.1111.0 ; Wl Uo I line C1IAS n Lhh , Dealer in Hatdwocfl Lumber Wood carpets an 1 parquet flooring 9th an 1 I ) jugtaa atreel Omaha Nolirn.ka OMAHA LUMIlFM CO , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale ISth street aud Union J acltlc track Omaha " LOUIS nilADl enD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash Doors eto lanla Corner ? th and Douglas Offlcf Corner 10 b and Douglas FnED w on AY , Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc , Etc Corr et ttb and Uouolat streets Omaba C N Dll 1A ' Dealer In fill Kinds of Lumber 13th and California streets Omaha Nebraska ' Hlllllnory and Hotlona ' " ' f onnnrELnERxd' , Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions 203 810 and 21 * South lltb street Notions , _ / r nomssoNsdiioNfyO , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 1121 Harney atreet Omal a. Olla CONSOLWAlhD lASKLWncO , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils AxleGreaso etc Omaha A II Ulshop Manager 1 * CAnPLNinifpApnRto , Wholesale Paper Dealers Carrr anlco slockof 1 r n Ina wrapping and wrltlnl paper Bpeilal attcntlou given to lard 1 apur f , t Sofea to , . - „ wy A L DEANE & CO General Auonts tor Halls ' Sares Bl anil 131 Bouth 10th bt Omaha Toya , Eto II UAnVY&CO , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , Hose furnishing floods Children a Carriages lift taruam atreet Umalia Neb . . . < -n = * tiik CHICAGO SHORT LINE OP THK Chicago , Milwaukee _ & St Paul Ry ' Tlio Kent Route from Oinnba aud Council j ' UlufiN to - = THE EAST = - TWO TllAINB D\ILY BHTWrEH OMAHA , Chicago , AND Mllnnukce , Bt Paul , Minneapolis , CeJ ir Raplil Rock Itlantli treeuoit , Itoikford , Clinton , Diiljutjuc , lntciiiort | , , Elgin , Madison , Jmicirllle , lleklt , Wlnoua , Li Cruise , And allotbtr Important nohts East Northeast anl boutbeast * for through tickets call on the tleksl s cat atlMO Farnaui street In llarker llluek , or at Ui lea I acili I > ep t. I Fullman Kleepers and the tl . e.t Dlnlni Tars In tht world ere run on tl • man line ot tUo Chicago Ulf waukce X fit I aul ttkllnar and evyrr allentloii ll paid to paurucsrs iif courteous employes ot the • ompanr lU III I Kit Seneral Manager , 3 If TLCKBK , Asil.tsntUeieral Manager A. V it CAIII KNlBIt ueueral J atisniier sal alcket > rnt OKO K liUAVroitU AssUtaatCesarallMlSU * * • nd ticket Agent r.J , UUAlUa OtseieJ 8onilutia4 afc