Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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    a rflwi ? cy\1 A "FT A T.ATT/V "R17VRV WxTTTR.Q'n A V T A-VTTT A17V 11ftof \ v
Hv oniCK NO ia t'KAUIi STimiST
H ; Kellvcrcil by cnuier In nny part of the City ,
| , ncuwroROrncz No.43.
B Muni-llnnoii. M-I.
N. V. P. Co
1 Glcason coal
Council Muffs Lumber Co , coal
B Thatcher coal , 114 Main street
M Heat conl and wood at C. 13. Fuel Co
1. Carbon Conl Co wholesale rotall.lOVearl
B The It V. V , club will bo cntortalncd fcVl-
1 day overling by Mrs , O. M. Drown ,
| George l'lumb will bo trlod this af tornoon
B by Justice Hcndrlclct on n cliargo of vaw
B grnncy
fl Jacob Uartcl * of Carson lins filed an In * '
m formation with tbo county clerk charging
1 bis wife with Insanity The c.iso will bo ox-
H nmlncd by tbo commissioners
fl The Ladles Auxiliary camp , No 1 , Modern
B ' Woodmou of America , have their regular
mooting this afternoon nt Ji 'iO oclock All
fl members nrn requested to attend
M The kennel of the Council UlulTs coursing
m club Is soon to receive an addition in the
B shiipo of a brace of thoroughbred dogs from
B the celebrated Winnipeg kennel ,
H The members of the Women's ' Uoliof
H Corps nro carnostly requested to mcot this
H nltornoon at 2:110 : at the (1. A. H. hall IlusI-
H iiessof importance Uy order of the prcsl-
H dent ,
M Tonight Harmony cliaptor No 2 , " , Order
: of EaBtdrn Star , hold their regular monthly
m , meeting Installation of ofliccrs niul other
B business A coed uttondauco is delrcd Uy
H. ' order W. M.
M It Is stated thnt Bland Itoshton will bo the
< democratio nouunea for uldorman from the
B Fifth ward Mr Aeltor Is metitloucd by the
BBt rcpubllcuus as the probable opposing candlI
Bi * date
H. The Council Muffs boating clubs nro male
S Inp- arrangements to glvo a grand bill on
. the night of tbo 23th inst , the nrocced3 to
t po towards defraying the expense Incurred
' In building the bent bouso last summur
M * The trustees of the Council fluffs and
} Omalin Clinutauiiua assonibly will meet tonight -
- night at the bourd of trade rooms in Mor-
< ' riain block utTiBO A full nttonuunco is re-
. , quested
K Mnggio , wife of J.V. . Stephenson , died
' yesterday morning at U:4U of consumption ,
uged twonty-cight years , Funeral will occur
I , tomorrow nt 10 n. m. from the residence ,
' No lift Vine street Interment at Crescent
. City
fl The remains of Frank P. Young , who died
H' < ( at St Joseph , Mo , January l. 'l , arrived fa
t this city last night accompanied by his wife
H , and child Funorul services will bo hold
B'1 today at 2 p. m. from the resldcnco of Charles >
H Walker , No 601 Avcnuo F.
B Julia P. , wife of D. S. ICcrr of Kerr &
H Gray , died yesterday afternoon at 3:30 : of
H , pneumonia , aged tlilrty-olgtit yours The
; | deceased lias been a resident or this city
j about ona year , in which ttmo she has made
H a number of warm friends who will mourn
H , | her dcpise The funeral will occur Friday
1 at 2 p. m. from tbo rosldenco No 718 Myn-
H , stor street
M I Miss Lcnoro IC Murray , the talented I
H I young dramutlo reader and costume im-
M. porsonator , will give a reading at Dohnny's
' Tuesday ovonlng , the 21st Inst , under the
. auspices of the Ancient Order of United [
; Worltmon , for the benellt or the Homo For
B the Friendless , She will bo assisted by
sumo of the best local talent Miss Murray
' is a graduate of the 13oston school of oratory
nnd comes highly rccommonded Kho is an ,
: Iowa lady , and as such she made a national j
. reputation that rnllects credit not only upon ,
Ml . herself , but upon her native state as well
j , Bbo will undoubtedly bo greeted by a largo \
My audience
[ 1 Drs Woodbury bavoromoved their doutal [
M\ 'i \ oQlcoto 101 Pearl street • , upstairs
i S. M. Williamson noils tbo Standard and
h Domestic sewing machines 100 Main street
| y J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 13 roadway
K ] Dush & Gert's pianos , S3S Broadway
H | | Alls Moll That Hilda Well
R The cloud that bung lilco a funeral cloud I
W over the happiness of Frunlc Peterson and [
Bf Sella r > unn has been removed and they were
V wedded today Frank took out a license I
K Tuesday and made all preparations for the
K ceremony , which was oxpeated to take place
V at a o'clock that nvoning at the rosldenco ot
W Iiov 13. P. McMenomy , on Firth avenue , but
W when the time came the bride was missing
W her futhor having taKen her to South
M\ \ Omaha The groomsman , John Moran , aud [
V the bridesmaid , Miss Carrlngton of South
W Omaha , were sorely disappointed , and
{ the prospective groom was fairly frantic
V Ho procured a gun and tora nround town
HR looklnc for the man who hnd come between
j him and his iutcuded Yesterday was spent
' in negotiations anil last evening a settlement
B was reached It was rejiorted during the
] evening that John Dunn , the father of the
- girl , had shot Petersen nnd Mike Kildnre ,
Hf but investigation proved it unfounded , as a
III truce has been declared , and the wedding
will como off today as above stated It Is
! simply nnother cxcuipllllcation of the uneven
I course of true love , with the usual termina '
Cold feet bring Itilluonza , Go to the
| Bankrupt Hoot mid Shoo Store and see their
i warm winter footwear 27 Main street
| IJelter , tailor , 810 Hroadwoy
County InoUlmitnlH
The following is the rcport.of County Clerk
Chambers of the receipts nnd expenditures
of his oftlco from Juuo 0 , 18S0 , to January 1 ,
[ 1690 :
• Filing now enses and costs lii samo.S S43 00
Marriage licenses , . ; H13 00
Mechanics liens ym SO
Fines collected jits 00
Costs In old cases 410 00
Importers fees 48 00 [
Transcripts 33 75
Naturalization papurs 7 75
t Total receipts $1,031 30 >
! Postage $ 49 55
Exomssairo 5 00
Telephone sorvlco . . , , . . . , 00
Ilubbor stamp 2 10
Printing notices , - , . 2 50
J. P , Organ , 10 per cent on Hues col
lected 13 50
Total expenditures 73 55
Paid county treasurer 1,857 75
tl.931 30
Mrs C. Ij Gillette will occupy a part of
Mrs Pfolffcr's millinery store , U Pearl
street , with a full line of ilulr Goods
Tim LomlcrH
of flno watches ana Jewelry In the city , and
j tbo place to buy the best goods at the lowest
I prices is the establishment without rivals ,
I the most reliable ilrm of
1 O. 13. Jacqi'kmis it Co
| Politics In the Kl.xth Wnrd
| The canvass of the now Sixth ward has
* boon completed , with the following result :
Hopubllcaus 144 ; democruts , 121 ; independent -
pendent , 10 , This gives a total vote of 2S1 ,
i Who expressed tholr prefcronco as follows ' :
llurdlng ' ( rep ) , 89 ; Mlkosoll ( dom ) , 13 ;
Pay no ( deiu ) , 10 ; Graves ( dom ) , 4 ; Dudley
( rep ) , 8 ; WJdpplo ( rep ) . 0 ; Uoblnson ( rep )
U : Shubert ( rep ) 2 ; no choice , 147. Of the
olghty-nino in favor of Harding , twenty-one
were democrats Of those who oxprcssed
no choice , lltty-foui'urorepubllcans . „
, seveuty-
ono democrats and six iitdopomlonts It is |
firmly predicted that A. O. Harding will bo
the first ulderinuu from the Sixth ward ,
Dent suffer from cold and dauio foot
Save your health and save money by going
to the iiankrupt Uootaod Shoo Store
I Dr , II S. West , guarautood dentistry No
12 Pear st , over line ofllco
' The water runs when Uixby plumbs
The Manhattan suortlug heudq'rs 413 U w if
The Political Pot Warms Up In a
Very Llvoly Fashion
Dropped Demi or llonrt DUcnno
True liovo niKl Its Tcrmlnntloti
Tlio GunrilH Prepare Tor a
Hummer Jnunt
Polltlcnl Hubliloi
Judge Aylcsworth Is probably montloncd
as candidate for moro ofllcos than nny other
man In the city , if all accounts nro to bo
I believed , the ofllcos of mayor , pollco and
superior Judge , district Judge nnd city nttorst
] noy are nil yawning to recolvo him ; yet ho
moves . quietly nbout and transacts his ovcryhi
day business affairs as unconcernedly as ho
did before ho was brought into such unusual
prominence 1 When Informed last ovuning
of the situation nnd asked regarding his
personal preference In tbo mutter , ho stated
that ] ho hnd made no move whalovor , and
was , not posing ns a candidate for any ofllco
Said he : " 1 nm not oven In the hnnds of my
friends . , ns ouo of the aspirants for my pres
cut position declares himself to be l want
n , llltlo something to say nbout It myself "
"Whlcli Is the best of the four offices
named I"
"It seems to mo that the city attorneys '
oftlco should pay moro than nnv onoof the
others It Is n very responsible position and
It | Is ono thnt the city ought to consider in its
proper light At present , 1 think thnt the
city is paying for all the advlcothoy take ad-
vantage of fron that sonrce Mr Holmes is
placed l In u peculiar position , nnd could keep
the city out of a great many dllllnulltcs if it
was not for the lad that there
ore so many members of the city council
} Who fancy that they are pretty food lawyers
themselves , and do not thing It necessary to
seek legal advice , It they consulted the city
attorney oftoncr they would make fewer
mistakes "
"Is there any truth in the report that the
council j ; will increase the salary of the city
attorney I"
"I have heard that report , nnd I nm in
clined to believe that there Is something in
it . I understand that the salary will bo raised
from S1.800 to $2,000. "
" 13ut you hnvo not stated your preferj.
enco "
"No , for I nm not making nny choice I
nm not out as a candidate , and 1 dent care
to liguro us an aspirant "
Another candidnto for ofllcial honors is
Dr ] D. Macrae , who Is mentioned In connec-
tlou with the mayoralty Ito has many
warm supporters und they nre booming his
enndicacy in the most vigorous manner
"I loll you ho is a winner " said ono of
them t enthusiastically yesterday afternoon ,
and ho would make a rattling good mayor ,
Ho 1 has lived In the city many years , and is
known 1 In bis profession all over the country
There Isn't a citizen who Is better known
througli t Iowa and Nebraska , and ho would
represent the city most creditnbly I know
that 1 some follts claim that ho would bo what
wo ] cell bullheaded , but that
is j Just what is needed There
is ' hardly a man in the city , certainly
not a heavy property owner , who will not
Bay | that it would have , been a blessing if wo
bad only had a bullheaded mayor for the
llrst two years "
Another candidate ) for the ofllco of chlof
oxocuilvo of the city is S. 13. Wadsworth ,
who ' Is at present ono of the park commls-
sloners Ho has
• many advocates ind the
Indications ' are that he will go into the con
vention with a strong following It Is urged
against ' him that bo has not resided in the
city ' very long , and Is not as well known ns
Botno of the ether candidates , but he is not
wanting In strength on this account
It is understood that Aldormun P. Lacy ,
prcsldontof I the council , is nnother ono who
is seated on tlic garden paling , looking ever
tbo situation , nnd it is prodictcd by some
thnt ho muy possibly gobble up the prize
As to his chuucea a politician remarked
yesterday : "Ho Is too heavily handicapped
Ho has made a good aldcrmnu , but that is
not enough to elect him mayor Ho could
got votes for the llrst ofllco that he could not
get for the second The best men of his own
party would not consent to having him repr
resent the city as mayor , and ho will know
better than to enter the race Ho may hold
off as a dark horse , but ho never could bo
elected oven If he secured tbo nomination "
Martin Keatiug's boom for tbo mayoralty
has again arrived und is assuming very ret
spectablo proportions Ho has quito a felt 1
lowing of staunch friends who arc warmly
supporting him and express the most sanr
guino expectations as to his success in cap
turing the nomination , In which case bis ]
election Is regarded as a foregone conclusion
Keating was popular as nn uldcrman , and it
is argued that his conservative ideas would I
bo of untold boneflt to the city Why , " '
said ono of his adimrors yesterday , all you
need to do is to look up his record
while in the city council to see what !
kind of a mayor bo would muko
Ono thiug ho did Is worthy or mention , '
The city was paying a royalty of f5 on every
burner used on the street lamps , and ho
wrote to Washington and found out who the
inventor was aud then arraugod with him
regarding tbo matter so that the city paid |
$100 for whut hud been costing ton tlmos thnt |
sum There are dozens of places now where
jUBt such oxtravngant expenditures are being
mnac , but it is overlooked and the taxpayers \
nro footing the bills ( Coating would sit
down on anything of that kind , and for this
reason ho will recolvo strong support "
J. W. Peregoy's mushroom Doom was
promptly called in bythut gentleman hini-
salf , who refused point blank to entertain
any idea of running for the olllce , and
Btutcd that bo would not accept the
nomination If It was tendered him
Ho would undoubtedly bo a very popular •
candidnto , but ho refuses to listen to nay
such proposition
Aylesworth's boom Is taking a rest for the
presoat , nothing having been heard of It for
several days , and the judges ulleged c-andl-
daoy is regarded ns a well developed might \
have-been. The latest development in this
direction is a baby boom in the interest of
D. A. Furrell , who was recently mentlonod
as u possible aspirant for the /iftioo of city
marshal Personally , Parboil rofralns from
discussing the matter , and is not In the field ,
but several friends of his were yesterday
feeling tbe public pulse with regard to him ,
and thought they discovered an inviting
In the now Sixth ward a mooting was hold
Tuesday ovonlng at tbo ofllco of W. W.
Cones , having for Its object tbo advancement
of the Interests of the ward After fully
canvassing the situation , it was decided that
A. C. Harding would bo tno proper ono to
represent the ward this year In the city
council , and ho will undoubtedly bo noml-
uuted on n citizens ticket It is regarded as
a cortnlnty that the new ward will bo repub-
llcan , which will insure at least two repub
lican aldermen in thocouncil It is a settled
fact that plenty of timber tor the various
olllccs will bo urosonted at the conventions tt
so much that the nominations will not bo
captured without a struggle
Finest line confectionery , fruits , nuts and
holiday groceries in the city S. T. Mc-
Save SO per cout on tombstones and menu '
ments Design shoot and pricolist free L.
Kelley , 503 Hroadway , Council Bluffs ,
The Guards Hummer Jaunt
leThe Dodge light guards , othortvlso Coin
pnny A , Fifth regiment , Iowa National J
Guards , are planning a trip for next sutumor
that will bo of unusual Interest for the mora
bers , provided they can carry out tholr present -
ent intentions The national encampment
of the regular army and mllltla will bo hold
In Yellowstone pork In August , and ucco'rd -
lng to the orders ton companies of Iowa
militia will bo provided for The list Is com
pleto with ouo exception , the choice for that
lying botweou Council Hluffs andShonandoah
As ouo of the members of company A stated
last evening , The company which does the
liveliest liustllug will got It " Company A
bus already begun to hustle , and arrangements -
monts are now being completed for the hold
ing ot a bazaar from the 16'.b to the 22d V
February , the proceeds to bu devoted to this
cud ] n order to attend the encampment it ?
is necessary that the compiuy shall bo fully
equipped , similar in every respect to tbo rog-
| ular army It will cost , cost about (500 to
make all necessary purchases to tret the unltl
forms nnd nil accoutrements in proper shape
I3ach company will consist of thirty onhstod
men , three commissioned officers , twojmusl-
clans nnd two cooks , n toUl of thirty-seven
mon The boys are very anxious to go , and
will ] worlt hard to get themselves fully
equipped They desire the friends of the
company to assist thorn In the way ot making
the bazaar n success In which event they
nre certain that they will bo able to attend
the encampment and represent the Hluffs
with , credit
C. 11. steauidye works , 1013 Hroadway
The acknowledged lcndlnc photographer
in Council UlufTs is Schmidt , 220 Main street
Dr a It Hewer , 520 First nvo Tel 229.
Died or llonrt Ulnonse
About 7:30 : yesterday morning Hobert N.
Martin , a tinner in the employ of Odoll &
Urynnt , No 501 South Main street , foil dead
of heart disease soon nfter arriving nt the
store Ho oppoarcd to bo ns well as usual
nnd was ready to bogln his days work when
hi was noticed to stnggor and would have
fallen had not a follow-worUmun caught
him and placed him In ' a chair The county
physician was summoned , but his sorvlcc9
were not needed , as Martin died In a very
few minutes Ho was unconscious from tbo
time ho was first stricken
, Tno remains were removed to the under
taking : rooms ot I.unkley & Porter and the
funeral will nrobably take plaeo from there
tomorrow Martin was forty-eight yenrs of
ago and unmarried Ho was a skilled work
nian and was drawing very good pay Ho
was generally liked , bolng his own worst
enemy \ , his habits being somewhat Intonipor-
nto , but not sulllciontly to prevent his at-
tending to his work The deceased was an
intelligent , cducnted man nnd itis | stated that
ho ' wa9 highly connected in the cast Ho
was a member of Council Hluffs lodeo No.c
49 , Independent Order of Oddrollows under
whoso } nusploos the funeral will bo hold , it
Is reported that Martins mother resides at
West Point , la
F. Jnnsson teaches zither music Terms
roasonnblo 9J7 3d nvo
The Hess Investment aud Trust company
Pornonnl Iarngrapln
Lucius Wells has returned from an eastern
City Clerk Farrell has returned from Des
Moines :
John N. Unldwln was a passenger on the
eastbound Hock Island tram yesterday morn
M. M. Marshall returned from Chicago
Tuesday evening
Ofilcer Fowler hns been off duty slnco
last Thursday on account of sickness in the
A. Hrueggor of Chicago , represontlncr the
Halttmoro chemical onglnc , is at the Hotel
Jameson -
A. E. DoNormandio has resigned bis po-
sitiou ns organist In the Congregational
church *
Miss Martha Pierson of • RUIne , Neb , is
visiting Mr and Mrs Hurry Hall on North
First street
M. S. Stout of Denton , Tex , ono of the
owners of the Ogdcn house , is in the city on
Miss Mabel Oliver returned Tuesday evenp
ing ' ironi Sioux City , where she has bcou
visiting friends ,
Dent Blip or loose your grip , but go to the
Dan Irrupt Hoot and Shoo Store and got a
pair of snfc , warm reliable overshoes while
they are selling so cheaply
Details of the Storm the Ijittlo Cruiser
A Lisbon dispatch says of the York
town : She litis just weathered : i heavy
gnlo , in which her songointr qualities
were put to a suvero test Shobohnved
, For two days and two nights Commnn-
dor Ghadwick and his mon were compelled -
polled to display their Boamauship , ,
says the New York Times ,
When the gale was at its height the >
stool steering quadrant broke in two
places , and the little cruiser , fulling oil
rapidly { j , was ropoiitodly swept by the
heavy seas that tumbled ever her
The J heavy drags rigged overboard at
the early auproueh of the storm had
their oiTect Except the breaking of
the quadrant the only accident which
happened ] was the loss of a whnleboat ,
The cruiser stopped at Ptiyal two days
She . recovered lost time by running
} from Fay-il to this port , a distance of f
950 miles , in three days The averngo i
dally i run was 31(1 ( miles
Upon leaving Boston sailing orders
were issued by Admiral Walker rcquir- ,
ing the four cruisers to keep togothcr
The formation adopted was that of a i
i cross , the Chicago leading , with the
ltoston on her starboard quarter , the >
the I Atlanta on her port and the York
town I last , 4U0 yards behind At sunset t
the | formation was changed , the Yorki
town moving up to within double disti
nnco of the Atlanta's port quarter For
the ' first flvo days beautiful weather
wus oxporlonced , light easterly winds
prevailing I uutll the latter part of the
fifth I daywhon the wind suddenly shift
ing j to the southward devoloned gradu-
ally into a iiorco gnlo The heavier
displacements of the Chicago , Atlanta
nnd ' Boston enabled thorn to keep posl-
tious in the cross regardless of the
heavy seas
The Yorktown gradually began to
full behind , and soon lost sight of the
rest of the ileet Commander Chad wick
wisely decided to heave to The collision -
sion ' mat ' vas rigged , and the cruiser
rode stern to the son The waves mot
and I parted ever the sharp stern us
readily us if it had been the bow It t
was while riding in this fashion i
that the accident to the quadrant
of five-inch stool occurred As a counter -
tor drag , awhaloboat with plug drawn ,
was loword As it llllod with water it
wus paid avrny on a Bix-inoh hawser
The hawser snapped , nnd tiway wont tno
boat A big sea cdught the cruiser and
swept away ohosts and ladders , but do-
ing no ether damage The cruiser car
ricd herself splendidly during this ox-
citing period
The storm lasted throughout Thurs
lday and Friday , but moderated
Butllciontly on Saturday to allow
the Yorktown to resume her cotirso ,
temporary repairs , in thoj meantime ,
having boon made to her Btooring np-
puratus Westerly gales contiuued to
follow her for the next four days On
Wednesday Fayal wus sighted nnd the ,
cruiser unchorod at Horta Pormauont
repairs were made ' to the steering gour ,
onnd coal was tukon ahounl Two days
later she galled for this port , favored
once moro with pleasant woatlior and
smooth sailing A now quadrant whnlo- )
boat will -ho furnished her ut seine
one of the Kuropean ports
No spuciul olTort was made by the
squtidron on the run ever to economize :
fuel The n vara go dally consumption
by the Chicago for all purposes wus
thirty-live tons ; of the Boston and At-
lanta , thirty tons , nnd of the Yorktown ,
while running 1200 knots per day , nine
teen ton . 8. On the run from Fayal 3to
Lisbon the Yorktown burned thirty tons
Jdally. . It has boon demonstrated to the
satisfaction of ovcry body thut the elght-
knot speed is not oconoinicnl for the
"Vorktown , fdr the prosauro of the triple
expansion engines gets too low in the
Until cylludor The Yorktown's boil
on , engines und all the fittings worked
perfectly She could go to sou nguin nt
oonco but for the condition of the steer
inggcar Her entire trip was practically
made under throe-fourths boiler jxiwor
Ono-hulf boiler power would have boon
ample but for the need of udditianal
power for the olootrlo lighting nnd heat
ing Fresh water wh maintained In I
the bollors throughout the trip , losses
bolng made good by distilling
_ The crow of the Yorktown desorvns
credit f' for their Eoapinnslilu and train
ing The health of olliccrs und mon is
excellent :
A UrlgRiIo'n First lixpnrlonco Atoiintod
During ttib I.ntn War
In Bcccmbor , 18G2 , just before Rosen
crnns ' planned to sthrt for Murfroosboro
from Nnshvillo , John orgtltl broke in-
tf Kentucky on ono of his numerous
raids , says the Now York Ledger
Some ono had to ho sent nfter him
Our division the fourth in the four
tconth nrmy corps wns assigned to the
duty Our brigade hud boon stationed
at Mumfordsvlllo , on the Green rlvor ,
from nbout October " 0 until the latter
part of Novetnbor , and wo hnd not boon
awny from tlioro for thirty dnys Q'his
trip sent us back to within three miles
of J the same place , to turn nround again
after three or four days , and march ,
buck to Nnshvillo and then on to Mur-
frcosboro j ( , thus passing substantially
ever the sumo route three tnnos in less
than ] forty days ; but , in consequence ,
wo rninsod the heavy bnttlo of Stone
When the order to pursue Morgan
was rcoolved wo were in camp tit or
, near Bledsoo'a crook , Wo moved rap
idly und came so close to Morgnn thut
ho wnsboglnning to shy off , and was
heading , evidently , for n return to Ton
nossco When near Cnvo City , In Ken
tucky , ono evening soon after wo blvou-
ticked , wo received orders to send
a certain number of mules from
each regiment train to a
certain point on the plko
within our lines by 9 oclock The
stratigonnss of the order caused a good
deal of curiosity ; but upon Inquiry , wo
soon . found that Col Wilder , of an In-
dlana regiment and commanding the
First brigade of ourdivision.had become
poswssod of the idea that if ho could got
his ' ' command to a certain point that
night , ho could hurt Morgan sorlously ,
ttnd porhups enpturo him Ho was so
full f of enthusiasm ever the project , and
had so much faith in it , that ho finally
prevailed upon our division commander
to issue the order for the mules lo bo
furnished frdm the teams
Wo had no cavalry of any amount
with us , and there wus no wny to got
Wildor's mon to the point ho wanted to
go to , except to use the mules
When it was known what was to ho
done the toumators notified some of tholr
friends that if they wanted to sec ti good
deal of fun in a short time they had
better , bo at the place where the mules
were to bo taken
Accordingly quito a little party of us
wont ' It was a bright moonlight night
It should , rjurhaps , bo said that of the
teams used in the nrmy ono mule wns
ridden by the driver , and the ether flvo
may have boon thoroughly broken to
harness , tractable and serviceable , but
quito probably hltd ncvor boon ridden ,
and to attempt to mount them was very
much like uttomptiug to mount so many
untamed mules '
The mon had no saddles , and nil they
. could do was to jump right on the bare
backs [ of the animals , or simply put
their blankets on , with nothing to keep
them in place
When wo arrived there were several
hundred j mules on hand , and the mon
to mount soon arrived The pike was
so full that thcror was soon an overflow
into j a plowed lleld'along its side.and in
a short time all took to the Hold for obvious -
vious reasons
As soon as the command to mount
came tlji'ngs became very active In
loss 1 than live minutes a good many mon
had 1 been thrown on to the stony pike
with such force ana violence that they
were disabled from duty that nightnn d
quito a number were seriously injured ,
Itsoonbocnme j evident that the soft
plowed j field was much the safer place ,
and all withdraw to that There the
mounting was going on on a largo scnlo
If ] a man was thrown oil ho was not ;
generally ( hurt much , as the ground 1
was soft , ft is not very wide of the i
mark i to say that for some time the air
was full of mules heels , blankets and
mon i Considerable moro than half the i
mon I were thrown off Some wont offon i
the t end , over the mules head , some on i
the 1 rear end Some never firmly
gained | a sent , but were i
pitched i about , and nntilly thrown i
off before getting entirely on
The most common thing was for a l
man i to jump on , think ho was all right ,
but 1 before ho wns fully satisfied ho i
would ' find his mule pricking up its cars
getting | under pretty lively motion , and I
the I next thing ho would knoiV ho would
find i himself suddenly going ever the
mules i head The mule would run a \
short i distance , and balk or jump stiff
logged suddenly nnd como to a dead I
halt The man always wont off over
the mules head Some of the mutes i
would , some kick Most ot them i
would glvo a kind of squeal as they
started i They ran in any and every '
direction ' , ran iuto each ether , and such
a general mix-up no man ever saw before -
fore or slnco It was * so light that wo
could see distinctly Talk about sport
at a circus ; ut socing ono or even two
trick mules perform ! Hero were sev-
oral hundred , all performing at once
it was a circus complete
The man were plucky , though , and if
thrown once , and not injured , tried It
again They labored under still greater ! f
disadvantage , because they were loaded
down with tholr guns and accountro-
merits All the mules that had been
ridden before were quiet nnd orderly i
and after a time the mon were vietorl-
ous Their olliccrs were hurrying thorn
up , and they llnallv ' started off , but it
was a motley ca valcado Had John
Morgan known of it nnd dispatched a
company or two of cavalry after them i
1and they got near enough to have
caused d stampede , it would have hcon
lust ns apt to churgo iuto the onomv's
lines us any whoY/j. / ;
The affair lastbdi holf or thrbo-quar"
tors of an hour , aild wo went back to
our quarters ratlidb expecting that wo
might not see our mules again They
returned somollino the next day ,
though , but John Morgan was not
brought in as aprisoner , nor any of his
command , Hejprobably never know
the danger ho " was in For all that , it
was an uttompt to do somothiiig , nnd
some things wore'learned , oven if no
result followed /
Our brigade was afterward mounted ,
armed with the Spencer repeating rillo ,
and did effective work , but this wus
their llrst oxporlonced mounted Their
commander has bcon ongnged , slnco
the close of the war , dovcloplng the
mineral resources ; of the country In
the vicinity of Chattanooga , Tonn ,
but both ho and the surviving men will
tromombor ns long as they live their
first mount by moonlight in Kentucky
• *
Cliomitnl Kucnr
It is pretty generally known that
chemists can produce in tholr Inborn
ttory from rags a substance very similar
to sugar , and having the sumo swootou-
lng properties , sav the St Louis Ropub-
He The Gorman ' s nro , however , hard
ut work trying to produce urtilioinl
sugar on a largo scale , und although its
production for practicul purposes has
rnot yet been realized considerable nd-
vaucemont has boon made and many
stops taken towurd ultlmnto bucccbu ,
Herr Kmli Fisher has succeeded in
obtaining true sugar , which will un-
tdorgo alcohol io formontntion when
youst ia applied , just like ordinary
sugar There is only ono thing wnnt-
ing in this now chemical productother
wise it docs not differ from the natural
product , and that is that It is optically
Innctlvo It will not rotate a sluglo
beam of polarized light olthor to the
right or the loft
Glycorlno , that swcot anchor ol so
mnny rncont Investigations , is the start
ing j point In the preparation of "ncroso , "
ns . the now product is culled , nnd which
must not bo confounded with sneohn-
rlno | , which Is not a sugar nnd can never
take : the plnco of sugar as an nrtlclo of
diet The dlscovorors of ncroso nro san
gulno of making a perfect sugar at no
distant day , nnd their work is bolng
watched with interest not only by the
scientific world , but by the industrial
and commercial world as well
Ono j Mntliml Thuy Hnvo of Dlscournc-
hie Undesirable Cub outers
. There nro tricks in all trades , nnd
barbers J , acting , as they bellovo for
their own wclfaro , have developed a
peculiarly unpleasant trait , says the
Now York Times
A well-drossod man , evidently a re
cent comer to the city , entered a hnnd-
somolyappointed J ! barbershop , in ono of
the leading uptown hotels una recent
morning , took a scat in a chair nnd
asked to bo shaved Ho was accommo
dated and tortured at the same time
His board was exceedingly heavy and
stiff . , but the harbor paid no attention to
that fnct , nor did ho oxntnino the customers
tomer's ' fnoo to hqo how Ills board grow
Instead hu used his razor as though ho
were going ever a sixtoon-yonr-old boy !
went down ono side and up the other ,
and drew blood frequently
When brushing the strangers hair ,
however ' the artist was very attentive ,
and ho suggested the purchase of several
oral nrticlos , chiolly a preventive for
baldness Ho was unsuccessful ns a
salesman , and the stranger loft the chair
with a look in his eye which showed
that bo was thoroughly nugry
Approaching the proprietor of the
establishment he haudud him u check
and some money nnd said :
Can you tell mo why the best bar
bers seoin to avoid Now York'I have
been shaved in ti dozen places since my
arrival hero , and ntivo boon nearly
butchered upon every occasion Is it
possible I : that in such a splendidly tlttcd
up pluco as yours you employ mon who
have not learned their trade properly r"
The proprietor scarcely vouchsafed
his inquirer u look , and only muttered
that if a roun wns not satisfied with the
way his place wus conducted ho was at
liberty ' to be shaved elsewhere
TJio provincial promptly realized that
ho • was to rcccivo no satisfaction , and
left I the plnco , followed by a shabby man
who had boon in the shop offorlng ' shoe
laccs for sale On the sidewalk the hitter -
tor said to the still angry man : Give
mo the price of a drink and Ill tell you
something about barbers that will surprise -
priso I you "
A dime changed possession and then
the shabby shoelace merchant doliv-
crod himself as folluws : That man who
had 1 you in charge is ono of the best bar
bers in the state Had ho bcou so in
clined ho could hnvo turnedyou out of
his chair with a face as smooth and soft
as to make a baby's rough and cross
grained by comparison
How do I know ? Because I am an
old-timo barber myself and would bo
one yet if I had boon content to stick to
bay rum nnd leave Now England's
famous product alouo Why didn't ho
ao it , then ? Ill toll you It wasn't to
his ' benefit to suit you If ho had
shaved you nicely you probably * would
have 1 como to him again and ho doosn't
want your trade
Yes , your money is exactly as good
as another's , but your board "isn't ; dent
you see ? No ? You are obtuse this
morning , I will explain Barbers in
Now ] York work on commission In this
shop a man receives half of every dollar -
lar 1 that results from hii work The
more i mon he shaves the greater will bo
his 1 reward on Saturday night Your
beard I has many eliaractoristscs of the
blacking 1 brush , and had the proper
time 1 been given you your barber might
have ] missed his customers His object
is i simply to empty his chair as quickly
as i possible , and as Now York's tloating
population 1 is so largo the fnct that you
will never patronize him again bothers
neither l him nor the proprietor How
can < you got a decent shave then '
WollJ Igueas the one way is to tip the
man who operates upon you "
"By this commission system harbors
earn < largo wages Mnny of thorn make
S18 or $20 a week , and I know a foreman
in a certain hotel who for years has av-
ornged i $10 weekly Ho is a smooth
talker ' , however , nnd soils a world of
hair restoratives and such things He
owns ' three houses in Now York nnd a
beautiful place on Jersey City heights
In another year or two ho will retire
from business and live on his money
What I told you about the way of doing
business in the loading Now York shops
is absolutely true , and my ndvico to a
man with a board llko yours is , Loam
to shave yourself '
Thanks Now I enn got a cigar after
I have had my drink "
HlllloiiH ofAncestors
Did you ever think , says the St
Louis Hopublic , how many male and fo-
male ancestors were required to bring
you into the worldl First , it was necos-
Biiry that you should have a fnthor and
mo thor that makes two human beings
Each ot them must have had a father
and mother thnt makes four human
beings Each ono of thorn must have
had a father nnd mother making eight
moro human beings
So wo go back to the time of Jesus
Christ fifty-six generations The cnl-
culntion thus resulting shows that 131)- )
235,017,489,581,070 births must have ta-
ken place in order to bringyou into this
world you , who road those lines All
this slnco the birth of Christ not biiicc
the beginning of time According to
Proctor , if from a single pair , for 5,000"
year ? , each husband and wife hud married -
riod nt twonty-ono years of ago und
there had boon no deaths , the popula-
tion of the earth would bo 2,109,015 fol-
lowed by 141 ciphers It would requlro
to hold this population a number of
worlds the size of this , equal to 8,100-
f ' > 7 followed bv 125 chillers The hu
man mind shrinks in contemplating
such numbers ,
Drnatnlta anil I'owdor Trust
The dynanuto nnd powder mills of
Germany have just lormod a trust The
ngreomunt will bo binding to all parties
till 1925. Any mill owner who violates
it will bo liable to heavy lines ; in ag
gravated cases as high as $300,000. All
the profits of all the members of the
trust will bo pooled , Sixty per cent of
tliem will go to the dynamite manufac
turers and the rest to the powder mon
Children Cry for Pitchers ' Castoria
When Daby u sick , wo g re tier CwtorU
Wbeu she u a Child , sCs crinl for CastorU ,
When she bo me iUm , the dung to OutorU ,
Wb ifceW Children , ah * gave thorn CWtcria
The Best in the Land -
First Class Mortised Knee HBob-Sled. Long
Solid ' Bend Runners , Concave Steel Shoes , Hind
Bolster Rocks
Next to the Best * -
A . Strong , Well Built Sled , far superior to short
runner I bobs , and only a trifle more expensive yj g
HRI QM ] \ Dl M C Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer Plans , Estimntoa
' i DlnlvlnDlnL Specifications Supervision of Public Work Brown
, Uullding , Cuucil UlutTs , Iowa
NCPM i I I D7 Justice of the Peace Ofllco over American Express , No 41
| . OL M U IXlL Broadway , Council Bluffs , lown
OTniVIC ( P. CI A/1 / Q Attornovs-at Law Practice in the State and fed
O ' I UIML ( X OllVlO oral Courts , llooins 7 and 8 Shugart-Bono Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa '
Moiljeslin's ] Mantle Artistic Gowns
JitpaupHR Klowcrs
There is a ditToronco in the stage
wardrobes ' of today and these of oven
twenty ] years ago , says the Now York
Commercial Advertiser Paper muslin
served for gowiiB then and white canton
llannol ' spotted with ink made the
ormiuo ' mantles The mantle thnt Mm
Modjesitn were as Lady Mncboth was
not of this sort It cost $400 for the
embroidery ' alone
Japanese tea gowns nro popular with
certain ' women I would not advise
these who weigh ever one hundred and
sixtv ' ' pounds to wear thorn , however
A pretty girl from Philadelphia were
ono ' of the most successful toilets seen
at i the Patriarchs ball , white tissue
beautifully worked with sheaves of corn
in gold ever a Greek toilet of English
rose crepe do chino , a pnlo , beautiful
tint seen for the first time iitho ball
gowns of tnis winter
It was impossible to keep pace with
, the now gowns as with their wearers
Some of the richest gowns which have
yet ] nppcarod are for dinner dances , and
uro ' of m ' agnificont broendod satins on
pale cream grounds , with damask buds ,
violet sprays , silver tobos of natural
size , orchid blooniB nnd hawthorn flow
ers displayed upon them , made upas
short , dresses with round skirts , half
high round bodices and short sleeves
open down the top to show the arms
I wonder that the fashionable world
has not discovered that Japanese arti
ficial flowers are much moro beautiful
than French artificial flowers The
former riro the only flowers not real that
nny ono of taste could tolerate in vases
for decorative purposes , or for the toi
Waistcoats for women are aga'nin
the fashion Whether ono likes tmho
or not , their convenience in the waofy
poekots must he admitted by all ,
The whlto petticoat must go except
for special occasions It is not the in
expensive and old-fnshioncd "balmornl"
that has tukon its plnco , but the very
oxoonsivo watered silk and satin skirt ,
which mav bo Worth a fortune in lnco , if
ono can nfrord it , and often is where ono
cannot afford it
81m Thmmlit Dloro of Money
There lives on Washington place ,
nonr Broadway , n young woman who
was the first love of Bobort Browning's
boh , says the Now York Sun There
wns a strong attachment between the
couple , but the mother ropulbod the
young artist and brought her attractive
daughter back to America in great
haste , in order to prevent the young
man from laying successful Biogo to the
maidens heart nnd fuiioy When re
monstrated with and told thnt the
poets son was a suitable match for any
woman , the maternal guardian rophod
that money was worth more than
' TKADK-160 acres of clear Kansas land
partly improved.will trade for a W.0M
etocfc of dry goods and groceries , or will trnrto
HJ acres for t3lX > stock of crocerlea Address
t J Avemi" C. Council lllulfg la
- first-class roolt : also chamber
maids waxes * > per week , None liut com
petent uoed HlPy ' J" Hroadway , Council
TX7ANTKD A llrst class suit of rooms fur
V > nlshed ; references , C. J. , Hub olllce , Council -
cil lllulta
MIN wanted Immediately to help handle
16 Ice Hood w kos mid lonu Job Apply I1U
North loth St , Uinulia , or U. 11 , Dexter , 28
leartet , Council llluiri
JjWIt 8A1.H Oil TltADK-Stock of stationery ,
invoice about JJ < XK > , one-third cash , J. 11.
l iuib , Masonlo temple , Council UlulfH
If you have real estate or cnattels
you want to dispose of quick , list tliem with
Kerr * Qtr , Council Hlulfs , la
FOU KENT The business house lately occu-
pied by H. T. McAUe Apply at GJ7 I'ifth
ItliNT Kleht acre tract of choice
! garden land ndjolnlni : city ; also oue of
lcrKost vlneyurds near city Married man of
experience wltU crapes wanted , flood refer
ences required Address A , lleaollleu
D KsniAilM2 rooms to rent Suite of rooms
with hall adjacent , outside entrauc . IH
Kalrvlow avc House uew , rooms newly furn
ished ; ulsu a separatosloepltiB room Appoint
ments the vi-ry best In the city Come and
see ,
I7lOItKXCIf/.NlB-ilor4 stocks ot general
! merchandise to exchange for good farm
lands and cash i Invoice from IVM ) lo I2,0JJ.
Address Kerr & Uray , Council limits , In
ITtOlt (3,001 to H.oou you can buy a nlcti , new ,
cleun stock of burdnare , stove and tlushop
in one ot the best locations In Western Iowa
Ifynuwuut u hardware buBlne-is would be
pleased to refer you to reliable parlies that
know all about ourbiislnens Very satisfactory
reasons for selling It will pay you U > lnvtttf-
I gate this Address JJ & fie * olBco , Council
, . -
FOH BXCHANO K A good new 6-room house
to exchange for an improved B0 airs fariQ
in western or central low * . Kerr A Gray
Council lllulfs luvltes the attention of men
working on salaries nnd other persona of inounr
Ate means tothoirco-operntlveplan for securing
homes in this city It Is believed that bettet
terms of purchase and credit can bo effected
under this plan than by Individual acttou , and
that a better site , nehthboiliood and surround
ings can bo secured thun by purchasing and lm >
piovlns independently aud in separate districts
fu the cily The undersigned will furnish In
formation and show the property to all Inquir
ers Olllce open from 7 to 8 on week day even
ings C. M. ftoss , room 'Mi Morrlnm block
LOTS ror sale In Oak Orovo and Greenwood ad
dition , ICasy terms Houses and lots on
monthly payments TL Doble , cor Cross and 7 r
Hazel ste
l\r ANTED At aonco , stock of groceries oi B
' general mdsn-tlmt will luvolce nbout H
Jf.Oflo , in exchange " > r tsffl In Rood lmprovej tM
property near this place ; bal in cash AddW-i * ' " • " ' <
Kerr Atlray Council muffs
WANTED A girl for general housework
Mrs 11. J. Evans 108 South Sixth at
EOltSAI.Kor fixcango The furniture and
lease of aid room hotel doing a big business
In eastern Neb I'ncc.snu ; $ lrO0 case bal on
easy term * , or will take ' , < , in good real * stat j.
Address Kerr.V- Gray , Council lllulfs
NEW Improved real estate to traae for unlm
proven Omnlia or Council UlutTs property
C. 11. Judd , 0M Hroadway
RfiAI , KSTATB-nougtit and sold ant ex-
chanjted Special attention given to exam
ination ot titles W. C. James \ . > U > > earl st
Ij iOII BALK or Kent Garden land with houses ,
: by J. It ttlce m Main st , Council UlulTs
AND 8UP131tlNXHN I3Nl'S.
Itoom 2 , Opera liouso Ulock , Council Bluffs , t tf |
V j
Tnos Orricsn W. II M. Pusit *
Corner Main and Broadway ,
Dealers In fnrelini and domestic exchange
Collections made and Interest paid on time do-
posits -
J. D. EPMUNOSON , E. Ij Blltia.lKT ,
l'n > s. Vice lrss
Ciiab It Hannak , Cashier
orcouNCii murps
Pnld up Capital Sifio.OOO.OO
Surplus 33,000.00
Liability to Depositors..335,000.00
Diiiectoiis I. A. Miller , l'O. ' . Glessou It f *
Shugart , II K. Hart , J. D. IMuiidsou Chas It
Haiinan Transact general baiiklnir buslncsi . ,
Largest capital aud surplus of any bank In , , •
Northwestern Iowa Interest on time deposits 'm - " 1
F. M , ELLIS & CO ,
ltoomsf'Wand tJ ) Hee lliiildiui ; . Omatiii Neb ,
nnd Itooms- andsta Merrlam lllock Oouncll
lllulls Iowa Corrrspoudeiico Bollclted
Cheaper Than Kver
riverythlnglnthe hardware line nt Butigsrt
ACe s Hoys , the prices in skates have been cut
In two , and the finest i.nd largest line In the
city to select from While the skating is n < )
good coma ill and got a bargain Itocollect that
every ti purchase entitles the person to a
rhancs In ttio grand drawing to take place
January 15 , _
Architc t and Superintendnl . j
Room 2B1 , Merrlam Block ,
in if iiAMiinKM.\ . i > „
Heft'vilro v'l.lon niul Untrue-Urn Troubles a Specialty
Fnoclul utteiitlon vlren lo rlirunlu ncuraliiUs , -
lieadacties , and oilier nervous nlToctluns , u lariro ma *
Jontrot which are mused liy ocular duiects , and are
uutlraly curablu by iiropcr treutiuent of lUu ores ,
tlei' .rf • laiuii for pamphlet , best of references given
on npiillcailoii ,
Calurrli . Heated with succesi by mall after first con
suluilun ,
urriCE Coil niionwAv .viMAir < 8Tiii'BT1 ,
Over Council Ululfs Harlifts limit , Council llluJi , fa ,
J. . A. . Murphy Manufacturing Co
1st Avenue nnd 21st Street
Hand and Scroll Sawlmr He-Rawing and . t 'f
llanlng BswiugofallKluds Huron Hrackets "
Kindling wood U.W per load delivered Clean
sawdust by the barrel 2jc. All work to b
first-class. Telephone ZSa
Your Patronage Bolloltod "