Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 16, 1890, Image 1

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    I The Omaha Daily Bee
1f\ pHt ttctcnth ytcatc omaiia thuksday MOENING , January 10. isoo NiTMirrcTt 200.
rillbuatorlDB ttao Order of the Day
In the Iowa Houao
S ficvtrnl or the ltopublloin Members
. Seriously III A Short Session
* . , . ol the honnto Otlior
limn New *
1 tin Di nillock Unbroken
Des Moines , laJan 15 The senate held
a short session this morning A number of
resolution * were Introduced , ono providing
lor tlio oipolntroent | of a committee on mlle
ago The senuto ndjourncd until J o'clock
tblB nftoruoon
In tlio house filibustering was in order
The number of sick republicans increased
during ihu nlcht , and this morning three
were almost dl nblcd 1 hey were Gardner
of Washington Yorgy of Montgomery nnd
bmlthof Mitchell After filibustering for
. . hilf an hour the first roll call for temporary
j BfeL . clerk tool place , which resulted in the usual
P1 * tioAftor
After tuklng nnother ballot It ivas nppar
ctit that nothing could bo done A rcsolti-
Hon wus ndo | ted for pairing , which will do
away with sicK men bdng broURht in hereafter
after Adjourned till 10 o'clock tomorrow
A ( Iron ? Scln mo
Des Moines , In , Jan 15 [ bpeclal Tolo
, Kram to i nr Hi.r 1 Sixty sovc i nicn , claim
y Ing to bo a mass conventton ' of the 1 ftfmors'
ntllnnco of lawn met this afternoon mil
evening nnd domunded the nomln alon of
Governor Larrabco for United btates sonn
tor , Ihu whole thing wns engineered by
tlcmocrits and mugwunqs The prime
mover In the meeting wus N U Ashby , the
renegade who tried to sellout theullianco to
the domocrnts in the campaign so us [
to defeat Hutchinson rhocommltto witted ;
on Governor Larrubco tonlcht and informe 1
bim of their demand As the majority of
the committee that prepared tlio resolutions 1
were domocrnts and ns all the republicans
on the couiinlltco voted n alnst it , the ro
publlean icgisluturo will pay very lutlu at
tcntiou to it
M Mi y 111 c nk the Dcmllock
H Ceiiaii Rai m * la Jan 15 [ Special Tot
M ogrnm to Ihe Hi.r J A special says that '
m rrank Morrison son of Dr Morn
H son of Tracr , a deu ocratlc member of r
| H the legislature is very ill of la grippe
H nnd thu latter h is Dccn sent for Ibis inaj
H break the deadlock
m Nonrly Itrolcu ( Ji In n Kovv
H CriiAii Uaiids la , Jan 15 [ Special Tolo
B / gram to lnu Ble J There was a ' monkov
B > * / aud pai rot'timo t.t , the tbirtoouth mooting '
M w\ yr of the American I'olan 1 China record usso
( iSTii elation lioro to 1 ly lho question which '
Bg/ caused the imbroglio aud kept the nssocla-
> Von for three hours In astute of perfect t
V chaos was the admission of proxies Post
B master Charleswho yours ago was a brnodor
B nnd hclncd form the association and who
has tuKcn a lively interest in every meeting I
slnco had uipturod 141 proxies and pro
posed to vote thorn Ihcro were personal
BB charges of fraud und several of the mom
B bars occupied the floor at once , and
B adjournment only saved the meeting from
B breaking up in a row I ho executive com
uiittco wis uuthoiizod to consult legal au
H thorlty , to report at the o\onlng session
1 1 his committee roportea against proxies , to
which Mr Charles ontorcd his protest , and
M the election of oflicers followed President
H P W Lrucsdull , Lyons , Kan , sccrctury ,
M John Gilman , Vinton , la treasurer W A
H McClurg , Wutorloo Mr Charles will con
m test bis point In the courts
H lomorrovv there will bo a meeting of the
B swlno breeders convent on with a pro i
H gramme on topics of interest to broolors
Mayor Mullulv Will ( , ivo thejaddreau of wol [ '
H come
H A Convention of Millers
Bb Dps Moines , la , Jan 15 | bpccial Tele >
B BB gram to Tin UeiThe Iowa Millers as
\ , soclition mot hero today , quito a number of
Bf millers from all parts of the stuto being in
H attendance The ofllcurs elected for the on
Bj suing yeur uro C A Conslguy of Avoca l ,
H president , J 11 Jones Algonn vice prcsi I
dent , J 1 Sharp Des Moines , secretary and
treasurer lho members had a general dls i
cusslon in regard to raising wheat and
milllni J the dllTcrcnt varlotlts of '
wheat now raised in the state , and
a committco consisting of E A Conslgny of
Avoca J 1) Jones of Alcona and b D >
Nichols of Panorai was appointed to prepare
an address to the farmers on the subject
and have the same published in the various
• papers of the state
The members of the Mill Owners Mutual
riro Insurance company mot in the com i
' pntiy's ' ofUco this afternoon to consider the
business of the past i oar , and to elect otll 1
cers urd directors riio following were
elected Abnor Groves , Dow City , uresl-
dent , II C Murphy , Des Moines , vice presl
dent , J G bhurp Des Molnos , secretary ,
OB Worthlngton , Dos Moines , treasurer
Heports were all retolvod and reported
p- • • * Chester litruoy runlonocl
f Des Motses , la , , Jan 15 | Spoclul lelo-
K js- gram to Tun Hfu ] Gotoroor Lurruboo
H surprlsod everybody by pardoning Chester >
H Turnoy on Monday and kooplng the fact a
Bj secret until today lurnoy Is the voung
I man who was on the loth of December , 16S5 ,
counulttod to the pcnltentnrj nt Anamosa
for u term of sovunteen und a half years for
the crime of burglury aud larceny on twelve
indictments from Jackson county It was
chareedthu hls-trul ! was irregular , his '
conviction unjust and his soatencu ex
< cessl\e A treat elTort wus made to bavo
him pardoned by Governor Lurrabeo lho
boys mother interested [
the churches und
the press aud many prominent people in his
bt half , and out of this enso grew the governors
ernor's arrest und trial for libel last I ob
i-nan Ho published a pamphlet to show
why ho didn't pardon the young man , and
inuda it up of letters an 1 newspaper articles
about tlio case some of which rutloctod U | > on
lurnoy Ho was tried and ucqulttod , and
ho di terminod to wait then until public l
clamor hud ceased before ho granted a par
don Tlili is the
most famous pardon case
r in Iowa
, * A rnrnir-r * ' Itmtltuto
( CitEbTON , la , Jan 15 | Spoclal Telegram
tn'liiE Bn : ] lho farmers instltuto opanod ,
a two d is' session hero this morning , show
lug a fair uttondnnco from surrounding : '
points , notwithstanding the storm 1 ho day
was occupied by an address of welcome by
Mujor 1'attorson , aud u tonoril discussion
on profltablu firming GcoitoVun Houston
of Lenox lectured to the convention this
A Union Dopnl l'rnj > ar
DesMoints la , Jan 15 [ Spoclal Telo-
lram to 'Ihe Hle ] it U announced today
Unit all the railroads cntoiing this city have
agreed to unite and build u union depot It
is understood that it will bo located south of
llio court house and extend from Tilth to
Sixth btrtou rourtcon rutlroads will tun
trains Into this union depot
Only Uiiu llmno Ij-Ii ,
Jin son , Mies' , Jan 15 The business
v' portioii of rioru , Miss , with the exception of
jT one small store , was burned lust nlUit ' 1 ho
> town is on a branch of the Illinois Central
i * ' railroad and has about a thousand inhabl
bT I ouis Jnn 15 The lurta drj goods
storuofD Ciawfora wus dumaeour to the
extent of til 000 by ilro this morning It
was caused by eleotrlo Htht wires
Interested Much AVmit lineal Itntes to
Itcmnln Untllntnrliotl
CitlCAno , Janr A mooting of the
southwestern division of the Western
1 rclfjit , association was held today to con
sldor what notion was nccossio In cense
quoncoof tbo big cut tn cnttlo rates Inaug-
urntcd by the Chicago & Alton rend
lho Interested lines were anxious to restrict
the implication of the roduccd rnto to
through businuss from points beyond the
Missouri ] river , nnd so leuvo local rates un
disturbed Various propositions were mada
to the Alton people which the latter declined
to consider , and the mooting Anally ad
Journcd until tomorrow , when n conference
feronco will bo had with the irans
Missouri lines on the subject Great efforts
will bo ma io to protect the local rates east
ol the Misslsslpnl river , and to prevent the
cut ' rnto from spreading to other Missouri
river points than ICunsis city
Iust ltoimit 1)1 ( Ten ntlnln
Chicago , Jnn 15 , The general pnssongor
ngents of the western roads mot todnj to
consider the request of * the wos'crn lines
that cast bourn ! differentials bo Inserted in
the rate sheets uf the western roads After
n good ileal of discussion It was agreed thnt
the differential furcs named by the roads
leading \ eastward from bt Louib l'corla ,
Uloomlntton } un 1 Chic tgo should bo adopted
for and that
basing purposes a supplement
to thu various rate sheets bo Issued , to ttko
cITect ; 1 cbruury 1 , ombodvlngthoso dlfforon *
tlal rates
The Gentli men h iVsHoulntlon
Ciiicaoo Jan 15 [ bDeclal Telogrtm to
1 up IIle J lho board of m lungers of the
Interstate ] Cummerco Railway association
met today , but the onlj Import tnt action
taken ! was to grant the nppllcitlon of the
Chicago Mllwaultc" X bt I'uul tn matco n
rnto of 131 on s on live ho s from bioux City ,
In to bav uinah 111 , on ouslnoss destlnod
to eastern points this being tbo rate that
applies from Omaha
Illinois Count ) hiinrrvlsori
Dloominoton , III , Jan 15 The conven
Hon : of county supervisors ndjournod today
It adopted resolutions recommending that '
mortgigos bo taxol whether owned in the
county or not that money bo taxed on the
Bnmo bails is other personnl protorty , tint
the state nko euro of nil the lnsino whether
curaOlo or incur iblo , that the question of
township euro of p lupers instead of counties
be submitted to thu people und that the >
world s fuir bo hold in Chicago
Prussia's | Pinancos in a Pavornblo
liriiuv , Jan 15 The emperor , in his 1
speech opening the Prussian diet today , ox
pressed uiofound sorrow for the death
of the dowager empress Augusta lho
finances ( of Prussia , the emooror said ,
weio in u favor iblo condition Although the 1
revenue for tbo next few flscxl years Is not
cxi ectca to c pial the expenses , they will not i
bo j decreased The matriculur contributions i
for j 16JI will ba largely Increased
A hill providing for a reform In taxation
will oo submitted A bill will also bosubi
J mlttcd providing for thooxtonslonof the state j
riilway now work rho harvostof 1839 was i
deficient , , but ou Ing to the imperial customs I
arrangements , , rcgardurg agriculture it is i
. honed tbo elTects of the shortage will bo i
overcome without permanent prejudice
i ho recent strikes tbo emperor Bald had I
clouded the prospects of tiade out he was i
rejoiced thut the omploiors had removed the i
working , men s grlovances and hoped the i
Rtrlkes would not recur The emperor ex
pressed ! the oelief that the artisan class
would constantly become nioio satisQed
with ItB position
l'roonoillty That tlio Iiitllo Gorman
\ \ ill Ho Set Trco
Chicago , Jan 15 | Snocht Telo ram to
Tiir 13tE 1 lho states attorney is thinking
seriously , of abandoning tbo prosecution of
John Kunzo , the Cronin defendant , who was
accorded a now trial ' I shall see in a few
days " said ho , whether ' the now evidnnco
I have is of particular value If so I will do [
nothing and unless ho can Let ball ho will
stay ' in Jail until tried again If I find the
evidence ' I have of not much worth I will rco
ommond bis discharge "
Will the Cronin jury bribers bo bought i
to trial soon I '
Yes next vvook"
How long \ 111 It tuko to try the casol"
Not long A wcok will bo sufllciont after
the Jury is secured First , of course the
motion for a separate trial will bo argued
When that Is decided upon the getting of a
Jury will begin .
Who will bo tried ! "
Graham , O Donnoll and Ivavanaugh The
otliors Smith bolomon Hanks and Koonoa
will bo used as vvitnosses "
lb Is is the first positive { [ formation that
the foui last named defendants will seek
immunity by confessing and becoming wit t
nesses for the state
Three Sonntors , and Several Depu-
tinn Arrested
Lisbon Jau 15 Advices from Brazil are
disquieting It Is said a brother of tbo
present minister of agriculture , four
ox mlnlstors three senators and bo\-
oral deputies have been nrrestod
as implicated in the atloroptod revolution on
December 18 lho provisional government ,
has ordered that the use of the calendar
with a saints nnmo for each doy
bo dlsi outlnued and that the Comtos
Positivist cnlendar bo substituted ,
thorcfor This calendar substutcs
the name of some eminent man for the
saints nnmo for each day , divides the joar
into thirteen months and dedicates the
mouths to Moses Homer , bhukespcaro ,
Dauf , etc , substituting these for the mtines
now in use
Murderer KhoeU lias a Ilchonrini ;
nnd Goes tn ! til
Kansas Cm , Mo , Jna 15 | Special
Telegram to Tun UtE 1 At Libert ) , Mo ,
today tbo case of J L Shootz who mur-
doted the joung husband of fifteen year old
Mrs Lewtou , whom ha hal botrnyel was
hivon u rohoarlng Immediately ufter the [
murder ho was arrested aud taken boforon
eountv Just lec , who released him on the out
ragcously low bond of tt,500 'lhopublic
outcry aja lust such a procecuiug was so grout
that bheetz wns agulu ovreste I and taken
before Justice Groy lho testimony nas
heard and nt the cuncluslon of the hearing
Shcctz was denied bill in any sum an 1 sent
topilson The unusual spectacle of un im-
mense uudtenco e'locring suuh a Judicial do-
cision was then wituosuol Justice dray
wns apnlaudod to the echo when he said thu
ox prosoouting attoruoy would have to b < > to ;
Jail ,
Trombllui : lot Monnroliy
London , Jau 17 It is reported that sev
eralLurojcau statesmen friendly to Kng
lnud have oxprossol to ballsburi fears that
bis action iu the Portuguese dispute will [ }
afford a pretext for republicau ucttvity In
btmin and Portugal thut will endanger the
uouarehy's there
Mlshourl htooKinon'rt Convention
bcUAHA , Mo , Jau 15 At the convention
of tbo Missouri stockmen this morning a lot ,
ter from United btates bonator Vest ou the
subject of the dressed beef comblno was
read and au address on ' Conspirators >
Acainst l urmers" was made by ex Sccrctury
of Agriculture Coleman bpueches were
mude bv several prominent men present
Colonel N J , Colouiuu was made peruiuueut
Boginnlng ( of the right for the Pay
master Qonornlshlp
A 1 icrco Ktrugglo Expeotoil In Oon-
eress An Unjust Charge ARnliiMt
n Urnvo Soldier Ulnlno Ilovved
Down with Grief
WisniNOToy HuiicAti Tnr Oxtini Huh , 1
Washington D. C. Ian 15. I
The contest for the paymaster coneralshto
has oponoil with vigor 1 wo ctndidatos are
In , the Held pushing tholr claims for tbo
place , which will become vacant next month
Lvery senatorial nnd congressional button Is
bolng ' twisted from its moorings by friends
of ; the candidates endorsements and records
by ; the bushel are piling into the war depart
ment to bo oxnminod by the president at his
tolsuro or to accumulate dust in the lilts
Grand strategy is bolng shown , which if ap
plied to the field of actual w irfaro ought to 1
mnko the ovorlastlng military reputation of
. ,
the warilors engaged Colonels Hodnoy
Smith Gibson Torroll nnd Majors Caroj and ,
Stanton are the loiding cindldutos Colonels 1
Smith aud Gibson base tholr claims i
on sonlorlty as shown by the pub
llsbed j | recordj Colonel Terroll upon actlvo ,
service under a slnglo commission and rank
claimed . but denied , MajorCaroychloIly upon f
his wife s relationship to tbo secretary of
war Major Caroj Is doing shrewd work
through armv social circles nnd is malting ;
claims th it the pn o is ulroady won if f
Colonel Hodnoy Smith the senior coionol on
the resistor , Is passed ever Major Stnnton 1
is J ! in the race onlj to prevent loss of rank by
being jumped by Carey lho situation at
present . is favorable to Coionol Charlus M
lerrell in case Colonel Smith is not chosen
His j claim for rank under his commission of
lStiJ wnleh is u just ono gives him n strong
case on the ground nf actual sonlorlty His
endorsements como from every seotiou of
the country ibis morning Senator Piddock :
culled on President Hariison nnd presented 1
Coionol lerrell s papers , m ikinga vicorous
plea for the nnpofntment on grounds of pub
lie I polici Ho urgud thit the west had 1
heretofore 1 bean unrecognized in promotions
of this character and coinmonto 1 upon the
fuel that Coionol Terrell a service bad been
continuous west of the Allegbanics He
called attention briefly to his spli ndid record
as u disbursing olllcor and his sorviccs in
capturing hundreds of thousands of dollars
of stolen ovoinmont funds On behalf of
the Nebraska delegation ho urged his f ivoi
ublo consideration Ihu president intimated 1
that t Terrell s claims wore not unfamiliar
and promised to | , ivo attention to his papers
Walker Blaine's sudden death this oven
ing I is a terrible blow to his distinguished
father i Nothing more bewlldorlngly sud
could hnvo befallen the secrotury of state ,
Mr 1 Ulainonnd his son Walker have boon
inoro like two loving brothers during the
past ten or twelve years than like father and
son lhoj were very much alike in their
tastes t , and were almost constantly together
for J many J oars Mr lilaiuo has seldom
traveled 1 any considerable distance w'thout '
his 1 son Walker There were three of the
lilaiuo 1 boys All of then had many of the
facial 1 characteristics of their father , and
each had many of his trults of character but
neither of the other two hal bo many of the
fathers 1 characteristics as Walker Emmons i ,
the I second son , is n railroad man , and lives
at Baltimore Ho thinks of business and at
tends I to It , and is not often in Ms
fathers society James G , ] r , is learning
the ' trade of railroad machinist and a
though j ho looks like bis futhor , bo has as
little of his literary and political tnsto as
Emmons WnUor was a lawyer , a reader
of j books a student of literature and above
all i a statesman und a politician Ho was
with his futher bo much and had so muny of
his fathers characteristics that he could
mulntain bis father s policies on ail occu
810H9 , He wns given the position ho occu i
pied in the dopartmot of state that ho mleht
be with and act as his father s counsulloi
I he father , in the discharge of bis ofllclul
duties i , leaned heavily aud depended much L
upon i Walker , who was a cbugonlal com L
pamon truthful and faithful The death
of I Walker Hlu'no is something mora
than i r. family loss It is a loss to
tbo codntry His fathers aim was to
make him his worthy successor He hoped
tnat when bo laid down tbo cares of public
llfo Walker could take them up and carry
bis work forward Now the hope of his lifo
seems i to be ut an and I hero are these of
Mr Ulaino s friends tonight who believe
that ho will fool like rotirlng from publio
llfo , but that cannot bo , for the country ,
needs his services as long as bo has physical
strength to serve ,
At the reception of the president and Mrs
Harrison Mr limine was greatly troubled
about the condition of bis son Walker , al
though ho had no approhonslon that the HI
ness would prove fatal These who saw Mr
lilalno holding a levee In the parlor adjoin ;
ing tbo ono whuro the president recelvod
and noted tbo homage piidbunbyallp'osant
regarded his cup of happiness as brimful I ,
but ho was not happy for be frequently ro J
ferretl to Walkers Illness and said that it
troubled nlin so much thut ho should not
have como to the reception , except that ho
felt a soi ial obligation , especially In view \t \
tlio fact tnat the reception was given to the
diplomatic corps Mrs lilnino nnd her
daughtois roinuinod at Walkers bodslda
during the reception The fumll , has the
unbounded sympathy of oveiy ono tu Wush
Ton question of canteens bud post
traders was brought up in the war
depirtmont today by Senator Mandorson '
who called on tbo secretary of war und al
jutant general , in company with J M
1 butcher post trudcr at Port Niobrara
Mr I hatcher complains that the post can '
teen is doing a general business with all the
country In competition to hii store , while all
thu expenseo of conducting the sumo are
paid by the government Senator Mandcr-
sin urgol upon the department that tbo
business of tbo canteen bo confined to the
garrison as ho did not believe congress
rwould endorse ibenoral store keeping under
such clrcumstaucos Ho added that ho bo-
lieved the cuntoou should ba conducted bv
the commissary department Ho cored
grnvo scandals would arlso from tbo system
as now organized While in favor of the
abolition of the post trader , ho did not bo
lievo Iu making post traders of jouugarmy
officers or in funds passing through tbo
hands of unbonded ouleora
Thcro is going to bo another ( lcrco fight la
icongress over the adulterated food problem
tn connection with the adulterated food
It will bo recalled that during the second
session of the Inst confess there was a vary i"
interesting investlLntian made by tbo senate
and 1 ouso committees on agriculture in
yolving tl o entire question of food ndultcra
tlon which rosultc t in * an acrimonious clash 1
of the pork packing and adulterated lard j
Interests proving somewhat disastrous to
both 1 his v oar the quest Ion comes up again
under the gulso of a bill prohibiting the sulo
or Interstate shipment of any article of feud
which Is uot lubolled so as to describa nist
vvhut it Is and sold with that understanding ,
also prohibiting the manufacture or sale
of auv adulterated article of food
that is injurious tp health lho object of
the bill is to deal a death blow to tbo adul
torated lurd business , but it also menus a
serious set back to the allspice factories ,
brewers of udulterited articles of malt aud
canners Tin ? pork packers nnd grangers
are determined iu their warfara on the
adulterated lard manufacturers as was
shown when Secretary Littler of the Ainer
lean Butter and Cheese association made its
attuck iu a circular the other day upon Hep : *
rcsentntivo Illtt of Illinois , charging him
with acting in the interest of compound
butter and lard manufacturers Mr Illtt
today nroso in the house'sntt denounced the
chnrgo from beginning to end Tboro prom
ises to bo some warm onromiteis in the room
of the house committco on agriculture before
a report Is made on tbo adulterated food bill
Senator Wllsoit of Iown hns introduced a
bill to remove the charge of dosortlon ng vltlst
the ; military record of Gcorgo W. Hnnlwick
ol ltod Oak , In , which is backed up bv a
story ' , and when the facts are known there Is
no doubt that the bill Will bo rivsod through
congress Hnrdwlck wns but sixteen yoirs
old 1 nuil live I with bis parents nt Hod ford ,
Ind , whou the war began Ho dropped his
school ( books nnd wont to war At the end
of ! two years siclt from wounds nnd disouso
Incurred on the field , bo wont homo to ro
cupornto lhero ho married tbo ciil ho
loved when ho enlisted lho exulting opci
nitons ' around Richmond so thrilled him that
ho rushed from the bosom of his family
nnd nppearod at the front again
A j ear olnpscd when ho learned that
his ) , wile wis about to beeomo it mother
After manv persuasions ho got n verbal
leuvoof flvo days nbsenco that ho tnltht bo
at the bedside of bis wlfo at tbo titno of the
birth Just before the latter ocrurrotico and
while ho wns sitting nt his witossidoonc
night a provost marshal on the lookout for
deserters entered his house and took him
away , charging him with dosortlon lho
child , which was born within a few hours
has boon an invalid , terribly rntkod with
nervousness from the shuck which tlio mother
received on the night when lho father was
taken away by the soldiers Hardwlok was
not brought to trial as a deserter , for ho
soon proved thnt ho had n right to ba away
on Icavo It w is onlv recently , when ho ap
plied ( for a pension , that bo learned of the ,
churgo of dosortlon standing against him
Many of Hnrdwick's frloads In Indiana mid
low a are bohlnd Senntoi Wilson In his olTort
to secure u correction of his mlllturv record
This oven lug s Star has this oditorlal ,
which expresses very filrly the opinion held
hero 1 as to bonator Allison s ro election
' bonator Allison will have a close pull In
the Iowa legislature but his election is nl-
most a foregone conclusion The deadlock
Is | scarcely iu the nature of nn opposition to
him 1 and vvhutcver position certain republl8
cans miy take regarding him there N no 1
J republican competitor who can roaliza upon 1
the douiocrntic vote ns can Allison Wncn
the oxlsting legislative dllllculties are settled I |
Mr j Allisou's election will almost ccrtulnly
Changes have been ordered In star mall 1
schedules on routes lu Nebraska as follows
Hcminttord 1 to Nonpareil Luavo Homing
ford 1 dailv , except Sunday , at 8 a m , arrive i
nt Nonpireil by 0 JO a nl Leave Nonpareil
dally except bunday , at 4 JO n. ni , arrive j
at Hemingford bvOp m
I , iwn to Mnrsl ind Lenvo Lawn Tues
days , lliur.sdajs and Saturdays ut 10 n m , i
arrive as Mnrsl ind by 1340 | p m Leave i
Marsland Tuesdays , Thursdays and Situr
davs nt 8 a m , arrive at Lawn by 10 10 I
u m
Kimball to Gerlngs Leave Kimball daily ,
except burd iv , at 12 m arrive nt Harris
burg 1 bv 0 p m Leave Harrlsburg dally , ox
ccpt Sunday , at 0 a. m - , arrive at Kimball by
12 1 m
, Whitney f to Coxvillo Leave Whitney
Tuesdays and Saturdays at 10 a m Arrive
at ' Coxvillo bv 12 45 p m Leave Coxvillo !
Tuesdays and Saturday sat U 13 a m Ar
rlvont ' Whitney bv 9 a. m
, Harrlsburg to Clydt Leave Harrlsburg ;
luesdays and Saturdays at 10 15 i nt
Arrive nt Clyde by , li m ldtava Clyde
Tuesdays and SatUrdlvs at 7 31) ) u m Ar
l ' Ivo at Harrlsburg by 9 i 15 a. in
By diroctlon at the secretary of war Sam
uel i b Beul , Company B Twenty first Infan
try , now in the bauds of the civil nuthori
ties 1 , having en lb ted Mqder false pretenses
will be discharged frrtto the service of the
United States to date jfteconibor 3 18S9 , by
the I commanding oilleoi of lort Douglas ,
Utnh 1
Corporal Edward Thompson Company B .
Sixth i iuf intrv , now with his company , will
bo j discharged
lho following named hospital stewards ,
appointed i January 8 1S90 , are assigned to
duty i Mnthias Wnlorlus riowatPort D A
Ku'soll ] , W T , to tojiporary duly at thut
position \ , Herman Erponbock now at Fort
Omaha I , to duty at tint post , Francis W
Dumoulin , now ut Fort Robinson , to duty at
that I post John Cnhortv from Tort Mo
brara I to Fort Washakie , W T
, The president sent the following nomlna
tlonB to the senate Postmasters John R
Hurlow bt Louis , Mo , Ole Oloson 03b
kosh j Wis , Bonjamln F , Heath , bhoboygan
Palls , Wis . S D Lines , Braid vvood III ,
Jnmes Gash MalcomD , III , James Nelson
Martin , Burlington , la , and Smith M
Child ; Dunlap la !
Nebraska bholby , polk county , W B
Kinney vice D A Bnrott removed
South Dakota Greenwood Chirles Mix
county ' , J B Bally , Vice J. H Bally , deceased -
ceased j PEunr H Huatu
Nohrnskn , Iowa nnd Dakota Pensions
Wasuinotov , Jan 5 [ bpoelal Tologrnm
to Tub Bee J Pensions granted Nebraskans
Original Invalid Charles Schultz Wood
River , George W Hiirvoy , York , John F 1
Becker , Republican City , George Strobe ) I ,
Nebraska City , William Buck , Davenport t
\ \ iliiam C Mutton , Alda Inciease Alex
Bolton Kearney
Pensions bavo boon granted ns follows to
Iowuns Original invalid Lztxv W Rood i ,
Decoruh Navy John Cullston , Burlington t
Augustus Bittner , Inaependenoo , James C ,
Drake , Council BlhlTs , Norns Leroy ,
Leon , Simeon Bartloy , Maishulltown ,
William , II Phorrin , bpringylllo ,
Kelnhart Bicklo Loando Restoration and
increase Dinlol Crauthor , Mason City In 1
en aso Daniel O boott , Webster City i
William H Bucbnnatr , Monroa , Inmcs M
Randall , Ottumwa , Charles H Hitchcock ci
Decoruh Charles D Uphum , Colfax Re '
issue William M Parish lioucvillo
Pensions for North Dakota Reissue and
Increase Isaao N Glandon , Crook ton
Pensions for bo ith Dakotans Oriinal '
invalid L B Wilcox , Plankinton , James
Long , Paruton
Our N vV Nnvy
Wasiiinoton Jun 15 * The naval board of
policy appointed to forjnuluto a plan fui the
building of a navy cdnjmonsurute with the
rdignity nnd power of the nation , in its report
to the secretary of the navy will recommend '
the construction of na0ty [ two vessels of
different tvpos find sl ca These will bo
built , according to tlio1 plans of the board , "j P
3fourteen years , and v it | cost , together with
their mnintenanco during fourteen vears ,
t'SO 000 000 lho board says the cost of the '
maintenance of ulloutof vessels suuh as '
they propose would bq pnly one quarter that
of keeping up tbo samonumber of old style
llio West Vlrirlpla * Ijcesltture '
Chaiileston , W. VJnn | IS 1 ha logls
Inturo convene 1 nt noon to decldo the guber
natorlal contest , lhrea ieiubllcan | senators
are absent on account of sickness , ns is also
ono member of thu" house nnd two ueino-
cratlo members have uot vet nrrivcd Ihis '
leaves a demooratib majority of three on
Joint ballot lho governors ' messnto was
presented and road , ufter which both houses
adjourned till tomorrow , when It Is expected
the contested oleollon case will be taken up '
lho governors iucssh q is long und reconi
mends considerable railroad legislation
1 ho I'nld t > arc
Chicago , Jnn 15 I ho local signal service
bureau gives notice of an approaching cold
wave from the northivest , which it is said ,
will reach hero tomorrow , or ut the latest
Friday morning Tlio thermometer will
full to twelve degrees above zero
Brlco'H Election I ormally Deolarrd ,
Coiumuus , O , fan , 15 The Joint session
of the legislature today formally dcclarod
Calvin S Urlco elected to thu United btates
senate uinid much enthusiasm Brlco made
a brlnf speech In knowlolgmont uad was
presented to thu members
Senator Tdrplo Ohnmplona the Mor"t
can Monsuro
Tlio fllijorltj Hr-port llelinliiirsln
the Momlinrs Tor Tliolr Lo t 8nl-
nrlos DcTcntod Httt null
. . Washinoton , Jan 15 After some pollm
tlons were presented Mr Sherman intro
duced a bill D provide for porniaiunt un-
tlonal bank circulation Referred
Mr Chnullor offorcd n resolution which
wik reforrcd to the committco on contl lgent
expenses , for an Investigation committee on
Immigration to investlgito vurious laws of
the United btates nnd of the several states
relating . . , to Immigration , nlso to investigate
the ' working of contracts made with the
secretary ' of the troi ury The sonuto then
took . up Mr Morgan's resolution rocognlJne
tbo United States of Hnml
J- as n free indo
} pendeut uud fovoroljn state , and Mr lurpio
proceeded to make n spocch in support of lt
Mr lurpio said ho had voted against the
reference of the resolution becnuso ho
thought the delay occasioned by the refer
once wholly unuecessary Ho favored the
lmmcdUto recognition of the republic of
Brazil Ho was uot ono of these who enter
tamed { ' the opinion tnat congress vvts boun 1
bj the action or non-action of the oxucutlvo
or of the state department ubout such n mat
ter as thu recognition of a now nationality
especially u new republic Congress might
co operate with tho30 authorities lho post
tlon , ha said , of the administration toward
the now republic of Brazil wus ono of
strict neutrality and suplno Indifference
lhoro was not in the message
of the president a worl of
sympathy or cncouruiomont to thorevolu
tionary movement As to the presidents
suggestion of aw litmg the popular assent to
the chuiito of government iu Brazil Mr
Turplo j suld a revolution was not the first
stop , but the last stop Inoro was always
popular asseut before a revolution became
fiagtnnt and successful Tbo assumption In
the presidents message that the revolution
ary * government of Brazil Ind been ostnb
lished 1 without or against the assent of the
people disclosed the ical nttttudo of the ad
ministration tovvaid the now govoriimont lt
approached very nearly a condition of
covert hostility It expressed a partly
conceded but vorv apparent assertion , oven
J sneer at the sovoremnty of tbo republic of
Brazil The time had come when the ox
istoni ' o and uuthority of the rcpublio of Bra
zilcould bo no longer cou'rovortod iu words
It could bo controverted only by wui lho
chairman of the committco on forclrn rcla1J
tiotis Mr Sherman , had told the senate it
should watt and inspect thu new constitution
of Brazil The United St itcs , howovoi , was
not concerned to know what were the i ur
ticulur provisions of that constitution ibo
president of the United States had
oecn long known as n republic in ,
using \ the word In its larcor and
better 1 sense but luipio feared in this in
stance ! the niesldont wns a very much belated
republican In the case of Brazil oven Mr
Blaine scomel to limp and linger iu the ro ir
of opportunity Ho contrasted the delay
with ' the recognition of the rcpublio of
j Franco in 1870 by Mr Wnshburno under
instructions . from President Grant 'Ho i
trusted the delay in recognition had not nl
ready led to a very serious misconstruction i
of , the ulterior motives and Intentions of the i
United | States government
j The resolution went ever without further
action , The senate then took up the calendar
and ' passed the following scnnto bills
Rotating to homestead entries In Indian i
Territory , to authonre the construction of n i
bridge j across the Missouri river within ono i
. mile of tbo mouth of tbo Kansas river , up-
proprlatlngtlOJ I 000 for the purchase of a site i
und the erection of a building at Washington i
for a ball of records
. The Russian extradition tienty was rocom
mltted to the committee on foreign relations
. There was considerable disc ission on the i
clause . specific illy setting forth that thumur
dor or nn attempt to mur Icr the cur or any
member , of his family shall bo considered u
I | olitlc U offense Without this speci il dellni
tion i the text of the treaty it was ur ued by
some : of tbo senators , placed tbo czar and the
peasant I ; on the same level and afforded them '
the I same protection It was no' necessary or
just ; they said , to hamper the couits in nd
vance by deciding for them that uny attempt ;
upon tbo llfo of a member of the Russian i
family was not a political crime It is the
impression ! that vv ith the clause relating to
the i czar nnd family eliminated the treaty
will bo rutillod bv the senate
lho consideration of the nomination of
Thomas ' Morgan to bo Indian commissioner
was postponed until next week
After an executive session the senate ad
, _
Washington , Jan 15 In the house this
morning Mr Hitt of Illinois rising to n ques i
tion < of privilege read a circular Issued by
the National Butter , Chocs ? and Egg assocla
tion , charging htm with bavin ir introduced a
bill for the abolition of the tax on oleomur
garino Ho said ho had boon ono of these
who had been most interested in the passage 1
of , what was known as tbo oloomarga-ino >
Ho had Introduced no such bill as was ro i
forred to in the circular and could concolvo
of no reason why sucri a circulai should bo
sent throughout the northwest The churgo
was without foundation
lho Iiouso then resumed considerition of
the report of thu Bpeoial committco to in 1
vostigato the bilcott defalcation
Mr Stewart or Vermont argued in favor
of the majority report for an appropriation
torelmburso the members for tboir lost sal [
Mr Oatcs of Alabama Mr Catching of
Mississippi und Mr I'uysonof Illinois also
supported the majority report
Mr Herbert fuvorod Mr Hemphill's prop
ositlon to refer the mutlor to the court of
Mr McRno did not believe the bouse
should dlsgruco itself by making tbo uppro-
prlutioi )
MrVIcko of Illinois favored the refer
encoot the whole mutlor to the Judiciary
committee for judicial examination
A vote was then taken on Mr Homplnll's
bill as substitute for the mnjorlty bill , per
mltting the membeis to sue iu the court of >
claims It was defeated by a vote of 18d )
yeas to 1S8 navs and a motion to reconsider
by Mr Blond entered , v ho hnd voted in the
negative in order to enable him to make the
motion lho motion was promptly tabled 1
however , and the vote recurred on ordering
the majority bill , appropriating $75 000 to ro
Imburso lho members for their lost salary ,
to bo engrossed and road n third time this
having been doue , Mr Bland do
mundud the reading of the engrossed
bill but the speaker hold that under general
parliamentary law this was not necessary ,
A vote was then taken on the bill and It was
defeated yeas 120 , nays H3 , us follows ,
Veas Adams Andersen of Mississippi i ,
Aruolu , Banks , Bartlne , liayno , Bockwitb ,
iiolknup , Btgis , Blount , Hoatncr Boothmaii ' ,
Boutollo , Broslus Buchanan of Now Jersey ,
Bullock , orth , Chaudlor of Georgia ,
Chandler of Massachusetts , Cannon , Catch \
liis ( Cheatham Clarke of Alabama Clark
of Wisconsin , Cogtw ill , Comstock , Conger ,
Conn ell , Cochran , Cram , Culboitson of
Pennsylvania , Cutclieon , Dilzoll , Darling
tou , Davidson , Dkhavnn , Diuuley , Dorsoy ,
Bunnell , Pitrqubar , rinluy , i lood , Prank ,
Punston , Guar , ( Jest , Gilford , Greeuhulge ,
Grout , Hull , Huusbroui.b , Htugcn , Hayes ,
Hay uos , Header ion of Illinois Herman , Hill ,
Hltt , lloo.tor , Hopkins , Kelley , Kennedy ,
Kerr of Iowa , Kinney , Luldiaw , Lanier ,
Laws , Lohlbich , Lewis , Lodko , Mason , Mo
Card , McKenua , Miles Mllllkon , Moftltt ,
Moore of Now Hampshire , Moroy , Morfcuo ,
Merrill , Morse , Mulchler , Neidrlnthuus ,
Nute , Oulos , O'Neill of Mussachu-
I soils , O'Neill of Pennsylvania Owi'
g of Ohio Pay no , Pnison ,
Pendlotou ' , Peiri , Ploklor , Prlco Rnndall of
Massachusetts , Heel or Iowa Rife Robert
son , Row , Russell , bawver , bcrantnn , bkln
not , Smith , btivsor , buy dor , bpoonor ,
buringor , btepbenson Stewart of Vermont ,
btockdnK Tnvlorof Illinois Josopli D lay
lo , lliotf " i , lhompson , lownscnd of Cole
in , To send of Pciinsylv tnia , lurpln ,
Aiindovo- Van bcha'ck ' Walker of Massa
ehtlsetts : Vhcolcrof Michigan Wlckhnm ,
\ \ illlninE f Ohio , \ \ right , \ o lor-li5
Nays-Vbbott , Allen Of Mlchlgtn , An-
dcrson Ci Knns is , Andrew , Atkinson , Ha lor ,
HankhCHi Bcldcn Bl inchard Bland , Bliss ,
Hrccktrrldgo of Aiknnsis , Urocklnridgo of
Kuntuc v , Brovver , BrooKshlro Brunncr ,
, lluchaii of Virginia , Hunii , Burrows , Bur
ton , It tun , Cumuboll , Carlton Canith
C ate ; C ullo , Chlpmnii , Clancy , Clements ,
Clunlo v olomnn Cooper of Indl inn , Cowlos ,
Crnlg , crisp Culberson of lexns Cum
mlngs , Uirgm , Dlbb'o Dockorv Dolllvor ,
Duuhv | , rdiuuuds Elliott , 1 Ills Pnlno
Evans , Pitch , 1 lthlan , 1 lick , Flower Pore
man , Porncy , Powlor , Gclssenhoimer ,
Goolnight , Grimes , Grosvonor , Ituio
Hitch , Heard llomphill , Hcndornni ,
ol Iown llerbort Hoi man Houk , Jackson ,
Kerr of Pontisylv nln Kotchum Mlgoro ,
Ktiupp LiCLy , 1 nfollotto Line Lauiiam ,
Lester of dcorgla Lester of Virginia Lin I ,
Mntistir , M ntin of Indiana Martin of lexas ,
McCurthy , McClnmuij , McClcllan , Mo
Comas MeCoruilck McMillan , McCrcary
McKlnloy , McR io MonUomory Moore of
Toxns , Norton O Dnnnoll , O Pirrvll Os
borne Owen of Indliun , Pnnott , Povnter ,
Peel , Ponnlugton , Potois Pierce , Qulnn ,
Raines , Riy , llolllv , Richardson bay
crs bcull bhormnn , bluvcly bpinoln
btahlncckcr btownrt of OeorKla , btcw
nrtof lexas Stlvors Stockbrldo ( Stonoof
Kentucky , btonoof Missourl.Stutnp Svveenoy
Tarsney Taj lor of Tennessee llllniiin
Truoy , lucker Turner of Goorgin , lurncr
ol New ork , Vcnublo W ado Wallior of
Missouri Washington , \ \ hooter of Alibnnia ,
White , Wilev , Williams of Illinois Wilspnot
Kcnlucliy , Wilson of Missouri Wilsou of
Wishlnton ( Wilson of West Virginia and
Yurdlov 143
A motion to rccousl Icr nnd n motion to Inv
that motion on the Ublo were entered aud
thou tno house a Mourned
Ho Succumbs to Vcuto Pnoitiuouin
itCHiiltlnic Croiu Un ( .rliipi
Wasiiinoton , Tan 15 Walker Ulaino
oximlnei of claims in the sttto department
and the oldest son of James G Blaine , died
at the family rcsidonco nt 8 20 o'clock this
ovcnlngof ucuto pneumonia superinduced by
an attack of la grippe Ho had boon ill only
a few days and his death is n sudden and
severu shock to his lurgo clrclo of frlauds
vvho wcto not aware that bo wis danger
ously 111 until this morning , while his family
are prostrate 1 with M'iof , Ho was not feel
ing well nil lust weak uud Prldny ho bcfiuio 1
much vvorso and was compelled to tuko to
his bed Secretary Blaine gave a dinner ]
party Monday niht ( to a number of people ,
prominent in olllcial society nnd Walker
Blaine was then feeling so much hotter th it '
ho sat up for some titno chatting with the
guests and aftcrwaids walked about the
house Ho contracted nn additional cold
which quickly settle I on his lungs and da
velopcd into ncuto pnonmonii last night
This mornlug all tbo Imme Unto relatives of
tlio family were hastllv summoned homo bv
tolcgrith Ho wis delirious most of the
day with an oxeoodlngly 1i1k.1i temperature ,
and painfullv Ubured rcspirition
Walker Blaine graduated from Yuloiol
lego In 1879 ind study In , ? law received bis 1
d plomn from Columbia colloo , is o v York ,
I11I818 In 1831 , while Garleld ( was on his [
deith bed , hi sent ror Walitcr Blaine and I
appointed bim third-nsslstnnt secrotury of
state , saving bo appreciated bis ability
and desired to Bbow it After serving in 1
this capacity verv acceptably for nearly a
joar , ho wns appointed on the Alabama |
clalmB commission y/hero bo served with i
greit credit from 18S3 to 1SS5 On the nd
vent of the present administration ho wus 1
appointed solicitor of the state department
a position vv bich he has also filled with ( , re it t
credit and ability
lho picsldentiind Mrs Harrison cnlled 1
very soon after Walker Blaine s death , and i
Vice President and Mrs Morton cntno soon i
after Justices Harlan und Gray of the
supicmo court most of the Muiuo dolega
tlnn Representative Hitt and mnuy others
well known in ofllciul and social lifo also
culled lho nirantomonts foi the funeral I
will bo made tomorrow
initnoits or uik beep
The btcnmshiii Uuglii's Perilous
Voj n tr
New Yokk , Jan 15 The steamshln Rueia
arrived fiom Humburg last nUht , seven
days over duo Chief Olllcer Solorboft said
today "Wo did not have tvvelvo hours
pleasant { weather on the entire voyage I
have ' been an officer on trans Atlantic ves i
sols ellit ) j oars and this wus the most sc !
voro voy ago I ever hud As soon as wo got
out of Havro the storm commenced and 1
the ) wind howled like a demon On
J the 10th and 11th the mercury registered [ j
ltdogrces bolovv zero A gnlo from the
west \ hold us almost stationary in a heavy \
sea , and ice formed on the ringing faster
than ' wo could chop it away t or two days
J tbo onliro crow wus kept busy chopping |
away ice which fell on the deck by the ton
A , half-inch rope would bo six inches
In I diameter and positively useless lho
waves were higher thuu I have ever
seen ' and ou the lOih a cannon wo used to fire
salutes with was wnsned ov orboard Sevoial
of j thu Bailers vvcru thrown abnut'so violontlv
that i they were disubled und consequently
wo ' became shorthanded I he coal then l an
short ' and wo hud to put into Halifax , This
consumed J two days , and two days more
were completely tikon up by n standstill in
the i ocean , when it became simply out of the
question , to proceed further with the ice
clinging , to tbo ship It could not have boon
less | than ono hundred tons and as the sail i
ors , chopped it awiy It foil ou tbo duck like
heavy ; bouldeis"
. * •
\\iint4 Tolmcco I ix Kopoalod
Wasiiinoton , Jan lr Before the wavs
and ' moans committco this morning , Bern i
bard I Baron , n cifar m inufacturer of Bnltl 1
more i advocated the outlro abolition of the
Intermit | revenue tax so fur us It appertains
to I cigars und tobacco in nil Its forms
lho committee has decided to have no
moro : publio hearings after tomoTow al l
though Interested parties mny llio vvritton
statomouts i concerning Industries which have
not been heard from A favorable ro | ort
has ] been ordered on nrcckinrldco s resolu i-
tion i calling upon the socroturv of the trc is
ury < for u statement on Gorman tariff duties
with un iimendment including I roucb , Aus-
tr an and other Europouu tariffs
Wliiiloiu'H Hllvi r Mfosuro
Wabiiinoton , Jan 15 The Iiouso com
mittoo on coinage , weights und measures
called upon Secretary Wlndoin this morning
and discussed informally the question of nil
vnrcolnago lho secretary informed the
committee that ho was preparing a bill on ,
that subject , embodying the features of the
plan outlined in his nnnual report , which ho
expected to have ready for submission to
congress by next Monday It is understool
that Conger of Iowa will introduce the bill
iu the Iiouso
Tlio Wontlior PireoiNt
Tor Omaha nnd vicinity Pair , colder
For Nebraska Pair lluht variable winds ,
slight rise in teinperaturo , colder
For low a Pair , clearing In thu oxtrcmo
western portion , northerly winds , colder JJ
ccpt in thu extreme western portion , nt ition
ary temporuturo
Foi boutli 1) ikota Pair , sllc.Lt rise In
touiporaturo , variable winds
flooinein Itoiuly to Grnl >
Piniiit S D , Jan 15 lho announcement
mont that the president will issue n procla
motion opening the bioux reservation this
week caused considerable excitement uud
boomers uro holding themselves in readiness
to cross the river at u uiomeul's notice
Dlsftntlofnotlon Exproaaod Over the
nusalan Budget Auuouuoomont
Uniln I'nilin Suffers a florlnui ItnlnpiO
and Ginvo r.uirs Hiitortiiln * d
Hint He Will Not
An Unrrtvnrnlilo Hiidcef
1 Co i/iinht / Why / ( Jnmrs u int < a Jlmnrif I
Sr PhTriisiitna , Jnn 15 ow Yorit
Herald Cubic Special to Tun Bmt ] lha
budot , | uunouncoment has made uveryuu
fnvornbin : Imprcsiloii lho finance minister
has • hlmsolf udmlltod how roil nnd wide
sproid is the ngricitlturil distress jet bo
bus calmly nucmoiitol tbo expenditures b\
no less than 00 000 000 roublos Probably the
minister could not help himself nmtlnst lho
pressure of the vv nr party It Is skulllcaiit that
most of the Increase Is duo to the dem inds
of the vvnr olllce lho political iitinnsphoio
Is , heavy with rumors of fresh plots and now
discoveries It is known that numerous in-
rests have been undo recently It Is no
secret , despite the enforced sllunco of tlio
press J thnt several officers of the gairlson
hero hni o committed suiculo , uotably Coionol
VofoitolT of the luii oilul czar s guards , who
shot ! hlmsolf with n revolver bun
. .
diy It is believe 1 that this dis
tinguished , ofllcor nnd several other
uufortunntos weio Implicate I In the
plot nculnst the czars lifo recently disc > v
orcd but no one dares lo discuss the matter
In public It is reported Hint ono of the
czir's : brothers Is about to bo b unshod for
ever from the caplt tl , together with his fam
ily It is not suggested thut his imperial
highness had uny share in lho recent l lots
but ho is accused of mixing hlmsolf up iu
politics , by which is meant liberal politics
riio Great Aiunrlcin Dritnitist tfc
Work Upon n Now Tiny
ICnii/rfpfttU'Wb/ / i ( , ) rl ) i flmi l
Lonhon , Jan 15 fNovv Yoi it Horal 1
Ciblo bpeclal to Iiie Bei 1 lhoro Is n
plcturcsquo little house on Llm Trco rend ,
St John s wood callel Sandy Hook It Is
the London homo of u populm American
dramatist , who has not how ever , occupied it
for ' three years , during which timohe'iis
been doing successful work for the Amcri-
cinstni.0 His Inst work Shuiuudouh , ' Is
suld to bo ono of the best plays
of its rl lis which has been produced
for many years Wo have seen In London
how a locnl story c m interest the publio
when It is a good one Hold bvthoBnoiny"
was purely unAmuiicnn pluy , but it dealt
with the com men passions of our r ice and
npponlod to universal sympatnios So docs
• Shenandoah " by Bronsnn Howard who
has arrived in London to tike up quutters nt
Sandy Hoolt for some time to come ,
and ' wo aid likely to see ' Sbcuati
donh" nt a West Lnd Iiouso cutly
next season Mrs Howard , 1 regret to say ,
was somewhat inhospitably received on her
arrivil in London by an attack of uifiuonza
She is hovvovor , rapidly recovering Mr
und M-s Howard will go to Lorquay , whore
the author of 'lho Old Love und the Now , "
Young Mrs Winthiop'and Brighton will
finish a farclal comedy which is to be pro
duced almost at once in New York
Itov Tnlnngp Siok In Purls
( Cm j/rftfht JH 0 lnj rtmri Ooi J > i [ lea * ' 1
Lomion Jan 15 [ Now York Herald
Cable ' bpeclal to 1m III i 1 Rev Tnlmago
of the Brooklyn inborn iclo telraphs fiom
Paris 1 that ho Is prostrated with influenza
nnd ' will bo unable to preach in London Sun
day ' next und otlior towns as arranged
riilin Pm > liii hulti < h a lteln ] (
I Cm i/rfo / I KiOliu lauui rim In i lit i ictt 1
/anzihau , Jan 15 [ Novv York Hoi Ud
Cable i Special to lin Ilitif I Latin Pasha
has i had niolnpso nnd his condition is once
mora , so serious us to cause grave fears for
bis ] recovery
Evldcnoo In tlio Ldbul Suit Atrnlnst
I ditor Pnrk
Londov , Tan 15 lho case of the Earl of
Custon 1 against EJItor Park of tbo North
London Press tyr criminal libel In charging
that , the earl was Implicated in the West Hnd
sc ! indal , cime up fur trial today blr Charles
Russell , counsel for Enrl Euston , said ho
would prove that Park hud published a libel
Lockwood i , counsel for the defense ,
in reply censured Sir Charles
for wlthi elding Farl Buston from
cross ' cximinntion ot the preliminary hear
ing until the evidence for the defense hud
been ( Jven After several witnesses bad
testified that they bud soon the carl enter
Hammond's house on dllTcrcnt occasions ,
John Saul testified that in Mny , 1SS7 bo mot
the carl in Plcudllly and drove with him to
Hammond's house , where thev committed
crimlii il ucts
Larl Ltiston testified with the oxcoptlon
of the time , thnt in consequence of receiving
the Pose Plustiquo card in Piccadilly ho
visited Hammon l s Iiouso nnd loft It Indig
naut upon lenmlng Its true character Ho
was never in Cleveland street In Us llfo Ho
did not know Witness baul an 1 denied that
ha had made any of the visits testified to by
thu preceding witnesses
( ntlinllcH nnd tlie finite
Rome Inn 15 The | opo has issued an
encyclical which BOts forth the prinrlples
which shall fculdo Catholics in their rolatlouH
toward the state It suys tl oy must obey
iwhon such a course does not cntuil disobedi-
eiico to divine laws In a country where the
stuto opposes Catholicism , Catholics must
icombat the enemy , but must not tlo the
church to uny political | arty
I IsIiIiik Hulionnor I nit Mass , Jau 15 A lolegrain
from the United States consul at Burring
ton , N S | reports the schooner Bon Hur of
ilthis city vvreckod at Blanche Point , N S
Nine of her couiploinont uro missing inelud-
ing Captain Ihornburn lho vessel wus
encased in the hullbut fUhory
A later dls I atch Buys tbo captain und crow
of the wroclicd schooner Hen llm ure anfo
I xlonslvo Itnlilii ry llauovirn < l
Loniion , Jnn 15 An extensive robbery
of I urkish priority bonds and Mexican tm
tlonal bank shares has boon disiovorod lha
securities wore stolen while iu truuslt row
I'm is to London
Itipiievid By tlio I'roslilont
1 our Smith , Ark , Jan 15 George Tob
lor und Charles llullard , two of the eight
luuiderera sentenced to bo banned tomor-
row were rupriovod by the president today
until January 00
I'uiiio ( niisod liy nn l.iirtluiuiike ,
Yiinna , Jan 15 Sovora earthquake
shocks were felt iu Coilnthla last iiltht
During a performance utu theater In Mugen
fort ut thu time of the shock , u fulso alarm
of Ilro was raised und thu audience becuma
I anlo sinckuu uud lied Nobody was hurt