Ii i Hi 1 * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1 , 1800. H CITV riNAXCKS , HJ The assessed valuation nf city property.Iti1 M mill personal , for the puiposc of luxation , for I l-o-ei-'i- ) . l-r &M,7U171l.ii ! ! ( > . Tliinctuiil tnlut < of _ icul property lioslliuated to be not loss iluui I ? IHIOlKI ( l.fXI , llllll Willie till ' ttlXlt'Vy Is flllly- § 4-1 all 1 mills , tlir ( six upon market mines of H pmpcilv would not exceed seven iiiIIIh on IIn' i dollar The totHl tux levy for ( lie ( Weal year i ending July 1st. IHi W $ . i.s.si.l2. | TliWntiuuilit H W estimated lo cover notoiily tlit' running ox- m pctiscstif nil the ilepmlments fur they out but B n | o Includes u llbeuil esllmiitc for grading Mm mill repairs of street * and Uie ninoiiiit set I iihIiIo for sinking fund , a * well us Intcicst on tlio outstanding lioniti'il Imloblediioss Htir- 1 Ingthpslx inoiitlm . 'iiilliiK l > 't > lK-r lit 1H . tlii f public Itiiprmi'tni'lit bonds Issued bv theelty fl weio sold lit premiums uggicgatlngfUPnO EI Till : I'm TIIKASUIIV City Treasurer llnsh furnishes tlio following B sin lenient lit thu collect Inns mndi'liy hlsotllco dining the Join : M lll'Ul'l.lll TAX UlIUCTIIIX * . 1 ( K'ii.tiiI fnnil > 2Vt.lH.C1 uinbiiiu ruml Ir' . .7'i.l VVliter rciitfn ml IIIJIHUI Sencr ftiiKt ' ' " • ' • • .luilgiiii-iit fnnil 7.1MS1 Hi hoot fiinit . iBOimil Library fund ITTIV 2 Police flll ( < l flfUUMt t tirtiing guttering niul rlomiliu fuml . . 4t,4lHS I \ Intuit fund 1874'J Park tutKl 4J.WIU ) scwrrtimtiuViitiutK fuml B. .ltim H 'I'ntil S 8.1J.ll3 , ! H SI'IKIAl.TAXrnt.l.nflnX * , sidewalk fund xi-uv H District irvrlntr ( uniW 27iMI.4i ) H Curbing and KUItorlnit ( unit * T < l.4 < lIT . Hcwcrfiiml h'io.12.12 Oraillnic , ottenilliu , Itc mini 41sttl.2J _ _ lltovcnlli street vlmhift final i' .r.VJI _ _ sixteenth stri'i't rlmtiiPt funit stili.l B Sloping of luniks fiiiul 1,0)4 ) • Hfl Total W(170 ) ( K HH HI..N1.IH1.C1II i.in : I1INS Kniin inlarvllnncniinnurce „ V..IW.Vi HJu SllllMII VIOXKV riltlKmll _ _ Tnx $ I' .I.SiV , 31 l.l < . 'll-i's < ir ill ) kln.ts IIW,7lll.s- line * ( rota | i < illtirutirt IVHKM H Shite ii | > | ii > rtluiiiiiciit li.lim'JI B Kniui mliiii'lt.iinsnii hoiiui'h , . . . . . . . . .IIT.Ki HC TotMli • t Wi.liV ) f > ( lr.in.Unt U ; inilltll.4l ) 1 Tutiil iiiiKiiint of liri'inliiiii riHi'tvi'it from j rales of IkiiiiI f tllXllin.1 H llomleit link'l.le.liioi . or tliu cltv nr Omillin H Jlllttllirjr I , IKK.I fl.K' , lll ll l B OlIV CioVOt-lllltlMtf. H Unnilni Is tliu only city of the iiii'tioiolltnii | m class In Nulirislfn ( ! lty olllccis inn clcitid fin H two > cnrs Tliu followliiic city ollleci-s wcio n I'lccti'd on Deuemlicr : ) lust mill nlllciiti'i'itioii | H llieli duties tliu present nioutli : l Mnyoi II < ! , Cuslilnp H Tie'isiiinr , lolin ltusli , B Coiupti-olliM' Cliiirlestiooili Itll B I'ollco . .IikIkuIihi ( llulslor H IMllllIt ! 1'llt'kH. H : Omalin hits just Iicriiii tolnj out an uxten- m lui system of pnKs nutl binilev.itils , which : within a Cow je.irs will plauutlils ulty on an K ciliial footing In tliu iiuittei of pails \vltli 1 sonio of the largest cltli's on tliu continent m llmisciun paiK cnxeilui ; nil men of eighty K acies , was acnulied liv the city fifteen vcais H UK < > on cnuilltlnn that the cltv expend feWW H for beautifying tlit sniie : i\ltliln the yea is , H and KiUUlenoli year thuicattor Thlspaikls l , now in tlio mmt heart of the city j The piiKs of Oniah.i inn iimlerdlieet eim- j tiol of the p'nk cnniiiilsslon The incmlicis H arc Dr ( icoiKit \ . Mllh'i , ( ieinseV. . l.lulii ei- , H Airietl Millard Augustus 1'i.itt , ( ieoiKi ! It H lalc and ( liiy llouuotccrctaiy H This couiiiiKslon , uieatcd by lc lslatlNO H net in I"1) ) , ciine Into iixlstenco lth an j nvullnliloVi 1.000 to bo derived from tliop.uk H tax and for nxpeudltuio In pnl 1iiiiiom- ] H nuiits This sum or a poitlonof It , has been H > pent on .lotrmson miiiiuo and In llanscoin H puik In tlio latter parka lil.u : Is to lie built H and other lmpiovcmunts matlo after ( lesions H . muparcd by haiulscnpu Aiebltcct CHovulaiul H The pillk cnniiiilsslon has under Its eoutiol M besides Hausuoni nark and .letlcison siiuaie , H small nailc tracts ( u llemls park and Saunders B mid lIlmubaiiKh'H utltlltlous H T'hu promoters of the South Uiuahastoclv- m yaidshavt ) laid out and made beautiful un H tiM-ellent park that lays between Omaha and B South Omiiha ami easily leached by the H Tweaty-foiiith stieet eleetile motoi , Al- H though a piI\ate entuipilsu the paikAvIll be H for public use About * . " .000 lias been spent In H ImpKubiK It Tt Isthu piopoity of tliu Smith 1 Oin.ihii laud sy ndlciito and Is called Syndleato puk Flltl < J AM ) I'OMCi ; . H Tliu Ilio and nollco dopaitiuents of Omalin B mo under the Immediate and absolutu eon B tiol of tliu pollcoand tire commission , who > o H ftmriiiumbersnroiippoliiteil by the coveinor H for a term of three yuan The mayor of tlio I city Isux-ofllnlna mombur of thu pollcoand Aj llro commission mid also Its clialtmnn The Iiresent nunnbum of thu board uiui Ocorstol lllbcit , Hnwaid II , Smith , L. M. llcimutt mill H /Jlirlsthm Hnrtmanii 1' . S. llrownlcu Is thu B coiuinlsslon'M clerk They hold re ular cokly B nieetlnps Thticoniiiitsslou Is also thooxclsu BB lioanl of tins city suitl has exclusl\u authority H toiant ( permits ror tlio h.tloof liquor H l'OI.ICi : DIUARTMKNT M The pnllco forcu compi Ixe.s ninety pion , W. BB Kouvny Is thu chief , The ninety men com BB nrlHlnKtliu force are tllsttlbiitcil as follows : BB 'PhoniasOoiniiiclc and I'atilek Mostyn , cap B tuliHi A. T. Hlgnurt , first MMKcant ; Michael BB 'Whalun , Kucoml seiitiMnt : Thoinns Urmsby , B thlid buigeant ; O. M. 1 > . Grilles , fouith sur- B Kcnnt ; II , 1' . IIii7uchief detective , with four BB J nsslstants' Patrick lUnchoysanitary olllccr ; BB j Albert ICalsor , court olllcer ; there are 4 1 " luouutetl olllcura , ii jailers , 2 patrol eoiulue- BB | tors-drivers and 70 patrolmen The average B | liiontlily pay roll of tliu pollco department Is M s bnniha wnsono of the tlrst cities In thucoitii- B j i trytomlopt the system of pattol boxes hav- BB j ton tuluphonu commuutcatlon with pollcu B < 1 headquai ters H | Kim ; iiii'Autmim' : : . B \ Thu paltl liredepai tiuont of Omalin Is well B < I organized and etiulpped with all thu latest ap- BB i pllauces for puttliu ; dpwn fires , The monthly B ' i payroll of thu men compilslnK the tliu deB - B ; i putnu'iit avorapes $ . ! , ri00. BB 1 J. .I.UalllKan Is the chief of thoilepaitmcnt , BB j with ( Jluules J. Haltoriiiul JoliuJ Haines ns- BB j slstantclilofs OcoikoA t'oulterls tho.snpor- BHJJ J lntendont of the tire and pollcu tulcgrapli sys- Bh j turn H j Oinulia Gum Miuiulhotiirlnc ; Co ; AS The voi ks of the Omaha Gas Maiiufactui- H Ins company , whloh covurtliice-foutths of u BBV i block lit Klevenlh nutl Jones sticuts , have H [ been niatorlallv enlarged tluiluu the past I year mid an entliely new plant , utlctpiatu to BBV 1 meet Iho wants of u city of-IW.etK ) population , BBf | Is now In process of construction at Twun- H I Until and Center ttieots Tliucas holders of H I this plant will have a capacity of half u mll- K I llou cublo/eut. K I The outlay iliiilin : 1km ) for liiiiiioilni ; the H woiks laying now mains and consfruotliiKtht ) i TwenlK tli street holder wusJlKIWW Thucou- i sumption of eo.il uiul coke duiliiK thu past i year exceeded fl.WH ) tons Tim coinpntiy now H lias laid In Omabu forty miles of miilns nutl H Kiisttcut lamps H Thoolllcorsof tliu company inn Trunk Mnr- H phy , piesltleut , Ihiuiii ltattlu , hiipcilutunduiit B IostolllooHtiitlstlcH H Omaha's postolllcu has steadily Incionseil In H liiipmtuncu ami the mannUiiduof Its business , j It has outgrown Its present quarters ; this j need will hoHiipplledwhcii themnvpostolllcels H eomploletl , Foity-llvo carriersaro umiiloyctl , H l'ostiniisturaalliiKhur furnishes the following H IlKules of the oporatlon'H of the olllco for tlio H llscal > car cndliiK'J line UO , IKsU H Jlr.in'jr . orttom anil postal notes lsnuel , , 33,211 , I M.14 . ; l [ 1 Money enlera unit nontiit mitcn imlil , ; , T51 MI.UTi 41 H Sult-mif stiiiniu unit postal lurda 2ijU.trJ7.Dl Kiinttii Imnnferreil lo uiunor enter account 1,641,1,70 U ) H KlllHltroiinlmMs . ' . M2,1UUU ) HI Other iwotal tuud .i , . . , llKl.SllW H ; Total fumln Imilitlml fJ,39 , m 18 m Number of mtuittr order transaction , lll.KW 1 Nmiilicr of carrvrii | , , , . • * • * 45 H NiiinliurofliluriwlianitliHtlijr rnrrltn < 2 ( J7OS4 BBM dumber of plisxis In Luixes ami general tlellv- M ory . . . , . . , 11.821,181 BBf Nuuilierof iilccos Imntllett In Iruiult C4 , rH l4 H Nuiiiln'rof nlt'iTK liiiloiiil Iftltir OIvIhIoh . , , 81,143 H Miuiilicrof reiiliiteriMt lt'tlrm 257,6tKI H I Total number of pieces liumlhst , , . , , . , . . . .118lW , l ) H Tlio Custom lltitiHO H . Oiiuiliiv Is now n poit of Imiucilliiti ) trans H poitatloil GooiIh hhlpped from any forolKti H jiiiit eonio thioiiKh direct to this point , thus uvoldlnj : the delays eoiihciiiiciit upon thu ox- H ; nmliiiitlon of Iniportatlous at sou hoard or H < itherInland eiibtomsolllcus , Aeieut luaruusu H In thu customs huslui'&s ut Oinuhu has fol- B I lowed tills IluniKe W , II Ale\aiitlcr Is thu H colleclorof the port , andJ N , I'hllllps deputy i eollector Thu following conipntiltlvo table H HhiiwstholucriMisu In tlio locehitbof thoollleo H for the llrst eleven iiionths of jho lust thieo H yonrni H ! " MttsTii ' i it * ; , j iss ; issr 1 Jniuiury , . . . . . . . . . ri .09 ! lit I * twi TlMliia M Kubruury , . - . . 4.WI14 2.ITH.1U ll.nilSii m Wurili . ' . x.iwm 6.Kil.i.i ( ; . ; oii.tl M April • < 4. 'i.vu4 2iht/j.i . 5io.mi ; M May S.U5IU 1.W1M 12.M.TI U Julie , • • 2-il 1.1)1 ) a. 'iUlll 3.57l.0'i ) 1 July . , I.IW.II 2 , * . ! HM li.Slll.117 1 Alicillt KKi.K7 2U3U1 ll.tSll.75 1 heirtoiutS'l- . , . . , . , S. 'A-llii , : i 5 ? J.5I5.M fi iktol.cr , 4.0'J4.M SAH13I ll.JH7.SJ Hl Movi'inlicr l.Ml.W ,4 ; .i.l 4tHl.li ) 1 7l * ! lli ' r - ' ! vm "WiMJl tiU.Mt > .HI 1 Iiitoi'iuil llovciiiid Collections Bi Collector of Intomal Kovenuo roterB whoso 1 headtiuttiturs uixi In Omalin controls tlio Hi luiWht Ulatrlct In ami Jn thu country It f coinnrlscM thu status of Nebraska , North Hf linkotu untl Bonth Dalvota Durlnir tssa i.i Ji,3il,4U3ra was I'ollcutcil , an Inerousu of a | > or 1 cent over the colleotlons of ISna , H County IMiiiiucos Bi „ Tliu total lionded liulohtediic.s.s of ] > ouglus g cfiuiity lHHtomborai , m ) , u , eco Mnnty rollecteil for IksO whs JoTi.STtUI on the stnti- iiuilcoilntv Iciy of )4-.x ) mills The county , lely Isillildcd Into six funils-cctifial. ronil , ' brlilitc , liisiine slnklnu mill poor farm The i fund topuj for the eicctlonof the new enmity I hospital ciNtlhKltitSKiO , was derlied fiinn the i Kiileuf poor rnim lots rornenet.il expenses In I'M ) the funtl wiis , Jttiaim toad Mini ftttm brldfre fund 4\Rt l ) . Asiilnst thet'eiieiiil fund warrants linii''Ill/I'll ' iltaxMt iiiiioiiiitlnit to nVKX' ' . fuml fund Mlnot ) , bridge fund mux ) . County eminent . Oiiliilin Is the count V sent of Doutflas county Ilesltles the cities of Oinulia and South Omaha Doiiclns county contains n number of Incor- poruteil i muxes The estimated potiulatloii of the county Ism.nt \ ) . The rnlloivlnit county olllci'i's well chosen lit the election lieltl XoUinlicrnliist They will assume olllco the jiiescut mouth ! Mieiirr John I' . Ilovil Ttcisuici Atlnin Snjiler ldltlsterof Deetls-T. Mi-kpiiIIi. . Cininti Clerk I'efer V. O' Miilley County , lud c-leoiKe ( Shlcltls CotoneiDi. . C. 1 * . Ilurrlftnii Untillot .l 17 Itttttsi . Silpeillitfiident of ( tmlittctloiiV. . T , Matthews , , . . , llo-uil of Comnilsslont'i-s-l. . M. Aiulersnu , William Tinner , Itleluinl O'KeclTe , holdou'i ; Peter T Cniiljfaii and Illchuiil S. Ileillu , new members The court house Is ii iiiasnllleeiit stout and Iron stiuctllieoccupvliiK the liloi'K of emmm bonndctl ClKhtfcnth . Nineteenth I'lirniun and llainevstieets [ See lllusliiitlon , ] Thuio Hie two main lloorscontnlnllnt thu county of fices iind court looms The basement Isoccu- pletl liv a numberot thecltj olllecrs , In tlic iciirof the ctuilt house Is the sheriffs icsl- tlenco and countj- Jail The eon it hoiisti was completed III Iks ) , and with tlimtrouiul Is Mil ucd atsfo itUKX ) , • Thi' Wiitorwiirks It leoiilieslIJliullcsotMiiter mnliistositpply tlio cities of Omiiha ami South Omaha and their Inhabitants with iniuii pun liccessniy lo meet theli wnnts ( tiinnicucliiR at the piiinplnir station of Ploieiico ami unmlnc thniii 'h Omalui uiul South Oiuaha the Amcil- eau uateiwoiks eomp.iny supplies n teultorv whoso iioithein limit Is ten miles lcinoicd fioin the southern evtieinltv It Is a stupendous oiiaiitrltllni lluil liasuc- coinpllslicd Bient thliurs Omaha hud out Blown the small puiiipliiK stutlon on the lit or hunk nt the foot of l7iinl stieet scieial cars tiRO The capacity or the win ks had to bo In- cieasetl toineet the biowIiib ileiiililuls iimile upon the seilcc. . Thu Anicilean wntetWoiks comuuiit sufccedcd the Omalin wutcinoiks conipaiiN , and the hit i oil net Ion of new uiul In cicascd capital and vIkoioiis nutl proBtcsshe men stilted thu pnlbleui of nn ndcquato watei supply fin thecltt , hand wascoutlemiietl at rioicncu and steps at once taken to elect thou ) Iiiiro settllnjr basins and nn Immense puinpliiK station Work was pushed on tliu lmpinveiucuts and September last witnessed their successful completion and opening The new numplnc slntlou [ see lllustiutlon ] Is a miiBiillluunt cut stone stiuctuie Iln- Ishcil with haul wood It contains n pondeious W ) hoiso power Cl.iskcll coiiipouiul euKlne of 1. 0lK1.00)tfaIlon ) capacity fin puinpliiR ttntei Into thu sen Ice main that leads to the icsei- tolrim Walnut lllll The enjilne Usui foi iiilinpliii ; water fitnnthu llierlnlo thcsettllnu basins Is an Alllsof TtMhoi'su powei : a dupli cate os this eiiRlnii will be placed Intliti pump Inif station at once , to be iisetl for tnu sninu puiposc The comp my has now In couisuof construction a new Allls high sei ilcueiiKiue , I.OJt ) horse power , 18(100. ( ( fl trillion capacity tilplo oxpanslon , which will also bo used foi puinplni : Into the mains When It Is In use theiu will be a combined seivleo pumpliiK capacity or.TI.OUO.Ol 10 callous The Impiotcnients made at rioicncu In the constiucilim of scttlliur basins pumpltiK station , liuichlneiy , etc , cost $ l.MW.tHa Of this amount } 7oOono has been expended lu Iks' ' ) . Still fuithei nilditlons to thu suivlce inu In eoursu of construction A suli- mimiiliiK station Is belnir elected at rweutluth stieet and Poppleton avcmii ) on thu lluo of the nia'ii South Omaha set vice pipe The lnilldlnj , ' will cost $ ntKX ) and will bu equipped with $7. .0)0 ( ) woith of piimpliur liuichlneiy There aie now laid lu Omaha and South Oiuulin I'm miles of mains I.eailliiKfiom the niiniiiliiistation to thu leseriolr on Walnut hill theiulsathlity-slx Inch main ; atweuty- folir incli iimln uxtcntls ilnwn CuiuliiRstieet to Sixteenth and fioin Sixteenth and CiiiiiIiik stiects south to Poppleton incline ; fioin Poppleton avenue to South Oiuaha tliuiu Is a slxteeii-lucli main Twiuty miles of nun senlcu mains wcie lnhl in ISs1) ) at a cost of iMOO.OOl ) . Thu Intention Is to luuieasalliusei- vIcubvlajliiK twenty moiu of new mains In lbH ! ) . Tliieoinpanv now lias ( UlODpilMitoctm- siinicrs , < tf whom 1.1)0 ) weiti added iIiiiIiirIHS' ' ) . connect en with the minus am i.n.l me ny- drants , UlstiUnited throughout oieiy settled section of thu city The bulldliiK of the settling basins anil pumping station at rioieuceeusuiestocon- hiimeis of Oin.ihii nutl South Omnlia u puio uiticlu for domestic consumption Tluiwntur of thu Missouri Ispuio mill licnlthy ; thu loca tion of the pumpIiiK house fin aliovo thu scwaiic outlets of the city obi lutes thu possi bility of contamination by iluleteilous sub stances With Its liiimciiso hcttllnc basins tlio company is suio to pump Into Its suivlce mains tliu pmest water to bo hail in tills section Tlio city olllco coinpilses a commodious sultoofiooms on the llrst flooi of The Dee liiiildlmr W. A. Underwood Is the piesldent ; W. II Hall , iniiuiiKUi ; A. It Hunt , supciin- teiident Real Kstntc TrniinlVirs The ic.il cstato sales and tr.insfci-s duilni ; the paht jcaroxliiblt n healthy jut consuna- tli'u tone No fictitious stimulants ha\o been applied tocrcutu u lioOm but prices liuxo been firm with aKiutlunl aiHuncu on fli-st-class lu- sldu propcity Thu Omnlia Ileal Kstnto IX- ehaiiBC , orKunl/etl in Notcmbci , lbS ! ) , holds dally sessions The total consltluiatloiis for i eul cstato sold iluilni ! the llrst cloien months of Iks' ' ) wuro HWM.avi , nisaliist $ ii : ri ( ,7n.l0 : ! In 18SS , a caln ovur last year of tJ.8TlUII.I0. The following coiupntiitltutublo shows the amount of thu tiansfurs by months foi the two years , not in eluding December : MONTH I8.SS 18811 Jiinnnry f II14,0I7.2S f lStW , MIX ) VV-bruurr li > l,0l.l.2l lU7UitOOO Mlirrll , . . , h.l'Jl.tUl.lli 1,28.1,1184 U ) April IM'J.INIKS 1,01,1,417(10 ( May 1,11.1.111122 1(174,7111(10 ( ( JUI10 1II. ' .I , 'W512 l.S.llISS 00 July . . . , 1,2211.31. ) 85 l. .WiUIIIO Alluust , 1,4I.IU2.V ! ) 1.2lil,470uU ( Heptomber ' . ltJ.I,45'J05 1,0.W.I2(1U0 ( October lf.42S.U.llt 1,4S0,700 ( ) November , . . 1,010,404.31 2,7112,181 U0 Total . ) .f li2,7.l'J. ' .10 ll,4 ) I4,0. i4 00 ltcsitlcs thu ri'Rular winranty deeds placed on recoid a Bient ileal of piopoity has been sold on land ctmtiaets It Is Impossible to es timate thu amount of money lupiesentctl by these contracts , Tlio Army Omnlia Is lieadiiuaitcisof the division of the United States in my known us thu Depaitmunt . , f t III tll.lttlk M'll.ll , , tlllll.U 11,11 I ll ( , f till , llllsf- ness center of thu city Is I'oit Omaha , tliu chief post of the depuitiiient , On Twentieth stieetnntl tliu Union Paelllo tmcks thu iiiur- | tcimnstui'sdepot is liicatetl.fiom which isdls- tilbutcd nil thu supplies of elotliliiK , subslst- ence ordnance nnd ammunition used by the troops ut tlio hOM'ral posts lucluileil III tliu de- piiitiueut , Tliu iiriuy lieadiiuaitui-s uro pleas antly located , occupying thu fifth Hour of Tlio Dee building The following are the oflleuis composing the stall of ltrlgiuilor Genuial John A. ltiookc , coininaiiilerof tlio dcpiiitmeiit : Jlajor M. V. Sheildan , adliitant genuial ; Major Ocneral P. 1) , Vidoiii , rnspectorBcneiiili Captain P. II , lnyuetlng ( judgu lulvocutu' Lieutenant Colonel nel W. It , Hughes , chief qunrteniiiiHtor ; Major \ \ " , II Hell , chief commissary of sub sistence ; Major Dallas llucho medical direc tor : Lieutenant Colonel li M. Terrell , chief paymaster ; Mujor D. W. Iteuluiiii , Inspoclorof small tirms praotlcu ; I.lciitonunt O , A. Wor- ilcn acting uiiBlneer otllcur ; Lieutenants F , W. Itou nnd mid O , M. Tiultt , iildu-du-ciiinps ; Captain M. W. Lyon , cliltif tiidnanco oliicur , Ohtiyuiiuu , Wyo.i KJ Davis , chief clink Tliuiu mo twelve posts In thu department , which comprises thu states of low a , Nebniskii , Utah uiul Montana territories Wyoming ter ritory excepting Camp Sheridan , and all of Idaho oust of too tliiity-suvuuth meridian Port Monde In South Dakota Is n post of the department for pay purposes only At the twelve posis theiu uro 181 commissioned olll- cei-sundiiO0enlisted : : men , At Pint Omaha , commanded by Colonel Prank Whcaton , there Hit ) ton conipnnlesof thobecond liifuntry.eom- IiiIhIiii ; twenty-suveii coiuinlsslouud oflicei-a null -I.VI enlisted men During 18sD , Hr > 01ri00 wa illsburseil from Oiuaha In thu payment of thu salaries of otll- eors untl enlisted men of thu department , Aiulrow Ilosowator , A nil row Hosuwater , doubtless thube t known inuulclpul engineer lu thu traus-Missouil countiy , wus for tuutiy yours luentllleil with thoi'arlyoNPloratlons.Huriuys and const ruc tion of the Union Puclllc , thu lluilliigton , and Omaha & Minneapolis railways Ilo has for llfleon > curs past given almost his exeluslio attention to municipal puhllo works The ex tensive publlu works of Omuhn weru prue- llcally inaugurated uiul thu first live mil lion of dollars upon them wus expended under his direction In ls87 , after tun yeurs of public service us city engineer of Omalin , Mr , Kosowliter resigned his posi tion , and received thu unanimous vote of thanks of thu mayor uiul council for his elllclont services , blncu that time Mr ltoso- waters fluid of practice In municipal publlu works has extended over numerous cllles In the west untl south Among thosu may bu mentioned Lincoln , Neb.i Pluttbiunuth , Neb i llvatrlre Nub ; Grand Island , Neb , ; West Point , Neb , Nebraska City , Neb : Hastings , Hvh.t Wichita , lCau.i Atchison Kuu : I.au- lonce Kun , ; Ottawuj Han ; Corslcuua , Texus ; Diiltith , Mlun , etc , , . Mr ltosowuter'a extended uxperlunco tilings his services lu constunt deinund whcnoier u thorough sybtem of Krudeo , sewerage anil other publlo woiks is suilously eontempliited Ho bus large , coimnodloua olllceslu rooms ta and-121. ( Ice building , Oinuha , to vthlch ho bus ruei'iitly removixl , and maintains u corps of The Mutiiitl Iilft * IiiinriiiK'o Oompfiiiy ill Xetv Vork | This complin ) pirsentsii wonderful exhibit Twoliuntlred nnd clghty-llu1 millions paid by the Mutuiil 1,1ft' Insiiiiiiice eotnpiiito Its ' tneuibers Judicious Investments rcall/of'Vt- . OTOiHU pmllt for the benefit of the Insured Slum hiiteexpicssetl sinprlso nt tlie recent exhibits setting forth the hcnellts the tnelii- , hers of the Mutual Life Insuiancc company Imxe received from thill llislltiitlon , Soiti- | ( ' ctlyantlso snimitlilv Is the wnrkof thlseulu- ji'iny ' perfoitnetl that the vast benellcencc of list peratlous may not iilwnys be known or iiudeistiMid by the general public Herewith Is presented u statement of the pavtneiits undo by the Mutual Life Itisuiniice eompiuy to the holders of Its pnllel.is or their bciicllel- uiles fitnii oiitniilfiilloii to October III I8s | ) . eiiibiuclng every funil of claim , and the Grand total of pn > incuts to pollev liolders Is ifjKilir Wrl nciirly * m < Wilimiilu the compuia- tlvcly slimt space of foity-slx yeni-s , lleio niti tlie Items : Paltl forileathelalins . . .Jinn.llsa ii : > Paid for mntiilcd etulowincnts tTi.tKi.M i in Paldforiiiitnilllcs 8I4.INVJ3 Paid for sin renders . . . . T7.4l7.4' ( ' ai Paid fofillvldeiuls ni.ime.MiTsm : Total . i.lir.MKi.ai While ovei one hiindicil nnd twenty-six inllllons were paltl for death claims and en dowments , It will be seen that eight-one mil lions were received by the pollev holders lu tlie shape of dividends nr prollts ; in ollici woiiW this cnoimtmssum wusileiliicted fiom theeost nf the Nearly piemlums Thoniituial qui'stlon following a pettisul of these llguros will be"Wluit did tlioeiunpaii } iccclve fiom Us pollev linltlursV" It liatl iccelvetl Tin pie inliinis fiom organisation until Decemberlll , wss , f (17,11.11,41.1 ss ; up to the same date the Mu tual hntl paid Its pulley holders W\4Sils.74. | : Tor purposes or evuet compatlsou II cannot be calculated bovinul Hint tlate but up to the beginning or the present year the stew ardshlp of tlio Mutual Lift ) can bo accurately Kinigidi It iv'eelved fiom policy holders .HI7.D11,11.1.8s It paid policy holders . . . • - , r. .481us.74 : And should have on hand t u.1,47itn77.11. Instead of which the Mullllll l.lfit liuil accil- inulatetl the vast fund of if I'JtktK ! . 1.1 ito show lug that the Mutuul liruhns iimile roi Us policy htiltleisliy Judicious Investments , JtV ) li.l)7ft.iVl ) since Its iiigiinl7atlon. Ami evciy dollar ut this money Is now lieltl for tlie bcnelltot the members and as secuilty fin the payment of iillMiioperelaltiiH Can iiuyotliei Institution In the world show u stuwaidshlp like this ? W. P. Allen Is thegeneial agent forlhlseom- pimv for Ncbiaskii , the D.ikotus , Coluiudo Wvoiulng untl Huh with unices in Hie Klrst Natlonarbank bulltllng Omalui Nobi'iiHkii'iiiiil lovvu Insurance Co Thu Nebiaska nnd Iowa Insiiiancu I'oni- iianv , which wisiiiganled lu iss.1 , vvltli a cap ital stock of Simoon , is one of the widest know n and most ponuliii Institnnco companies III the gic.it west It wasorgaulsed iintlei the laws of this stale , and Is as staunch ami solid iiHuguinltii wall one or the safe home com panies Slueo tlio oig.iul/atlon or Hie Nu- iiiasku ami Iowa It has paltl III losses over $151111011 , lias had no occasion to question claims , consequently theiu has been but little litigation The company pioposcs to make nogieat hutiiihor oxtiaun'oit fot'lin/o pie mlums , but to be content with the oiillnaiy How of safe cash business , their aim being lo build up a substantial companyunt ) lu which the musses w III leposo confidence , uiul not look upon as u scheme foi the enilehnieiit of the stoekholdei s alone This must Inevitably lead to piolltablu business The nlllcurs of the company aie as follows : S. it Johnson , picsl- ilcnt ; L. 11. Williams , vice piesldent ; P. It Johnson , tiensuiui ami MI Uuinssceiutaiy ai.tl inanagui On May 11 last thu company changed manageincnts , ami since then , under Mr ltm ns' iidiuli.ililo guldaneu and supei v Is- loiit thu Impiovemeutof Inislncssluisbeenvuiy lqnti'ilnl , and It is enjoying a success ami piospuiity that is as llattcrlng as It Is s.itls- factoiy Mr Hums has had twenty years aetlvuexpeilenee In tliu Insuianio business , nnd ii noiil.i'd hntniivement In tlie ( ontlltloti of the company was u foiegono conclusion upon his assumption of chaige Ofthuveiy eoiisldei.iblu udviiiiceinent liiuilc under his iLiisphcs , Hit ) annual statement , which will be issued eailj In .liiiiiiiuy , will be.u ample and concluslvti testimony The company out lines Inisiness lu this state , which Is another lecoinineiiilation to its trustwoithlncss mid deseivlng chaiactei It is notieiiclilng with Iho tliu tentacles of an octopus to all puts of the countiy ror business , but Issatlslled with Hint ut home , with the laudable olilcct of benelltlng those fiinn whom It del Ives Its main support Withal , the Nebiasku and Iowa I nsiii ancu Company Is a meilloi Ions orgnn ba llon , enteipiIslng , llbeial , Hildas sound ns a dolliu _ _ _ _ C. T. Titylor Mi CT Taylor , ror many years tlie popu lar geneial agent of the New York Llfo Insur ance company , has been a icsldunt of Omalui for twenty yours , and although a modest ami unpretentious man isoneot tlioniost success ful nnd well known citizen Per iiinuteen years his otlice lias been at l'ouilccntli and Douglasstieuts , but lecently he leinoved to moiu elegant quiiitors In tliu Darker block At present his time is mostly ransomed In looking after ids piopoity Inteicsts , which consists of dwellings , stores and vacant lots In Omalin nnd Nebinska faun lands Mr Taylor Is one of tlio pioneers IntlioSiithoihind colony In I'loiida , and has largo piopoity Interests theic Dm lug thu Inst six mouths his tlmuhas been almost unt holy consumed in duvuloplng that town On thesitoof the Hotel Suther land , burned In Pebi nury , 18s8 , ho lias uiected a iiiagnlllccut stiuctuii ) called the Hotel San Mailne , inoio tbiin twlcoas laigu us thu onu Inn tied It faces thu Gulf of Muxlco untl com mands u magnificent vluw It Is almost fin ished mid will boopened In u few-weeks. It Is owned by the Suthciluiiil hotel company , of which Sir , Taylor Is piesldent Ho has also built nnothui splumlld hotul , tlio Gulf View , which will buopen the entire j ear It is now completed and ( mulshed , ami will bo opened lu a few days ; Ml Taylor has also built a laigostoro and bank bulltllng In biithuiland Thustoiuls 50\0O fcut ami linn a hanilsninu hull In the second story Thu building is now In tiso Thu Gulf View hotel nnd thu stoiu uru both owned entirely by Mr Taylor and Mr Iloverly , tlie mnnngci at Sutheilantl , Mi Tayloi has some oIcBiinttesldunces and lnisl- ness sites for sale In tills grout health nnd plensuiu resoit • Massachusetts Mutual 1,1 ft ; Ins Co Do you want to buy llfo Insui.inco ? Aie you going to Incieaso your llfo Insurance ? If so , do you think you will get haul up buforo you have paid ten or twenty years ? To protect yourseir against any of thesouncuitalntlos , consult thu Massachusetts Mutual Llfo Insiu- unco Company Undoi thoii font met you cannot lupso your pulley after two years pre miums have been paid Paid-up and cash Hiiriemler values uio Buaiaiitecd uy the law of the statu of Massachusetts , and put lu the policy You usoyoiiriinuuiil dividends to in duce your premium payments The llrst pay ment Is thu largest , and lifter the Hist , pay ments Blow constantly less Under this policy you pay as you go ; stop without loss ; stop with profit ; or continue with gioator piollt ruithur Information given ut tlio Omaha iiBuncy olllcu , looms SOOiind 20J. lieu building Omiilui , Nobinsku O. II JolTiies , Runural agent fur Nubiaska and Western lowu I'oim Slutiiiil Tilli ) IiiBiiranoo Co In JulylSbi ) , the Punn Mutual Llfo lusui- antu company of Phlludulphiii Ill , estab lished a general iibuiicjIn Oiuaha , room tOi thu Die building , appointing as its guuuia agent Hunry A , Lyiuaii founerly counoiitetl with thu Mutual Lift ) of Now York Ktundlug in tlio fiont ranks of thu pioneer companies especially noted for strength , Ilbuiullly untl conservatism , un company Is inoro woithy of universal cnnlldeiico tliitn this old Quukur institution With assets of over * 15,000li ( and surplus of over ri,873,0O0. the Punn Mutual issues all approved forms of policies and grants uvory pilvllegu equity will penult Kuady to iiiiiku limns on the best business or residence property located In western cities , this company Is welcomed by all publlu spir ited liieii , who should not full to show duu ap preciation , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II 13. Piilmor & Sou This firm located , in the Uamgu block , uro general Insurancoiigonts , paying cspeclul at tention to accident and employers piotectlvo Insurance Thuy have been In Omaha since Mayuiulliuvu already donu overi0oooiiipro- mliuiis lu uccldunt Insurance Thuy do a kuii- erul lire , accident , steam bollor , eluviitor and employers protective Insiiiancu business , rep resenting thu following llrst-chibs coiup.ililus : SiirliiBllehl tire untl murine , Continental , Murchunts' , l'liumun's ruml , Hun 1'liu of Lon don ( total assets overW,70JKMund ( ) tliu Kldol- Ity & disunity Wheeler At AVlieoIcr The ngeuoy of Wheeler tc Wheeler , Douglas and Plfteentli streets , is known us thu "ultl iu- lliiblo llru Insurance ugenoy , " luiv lnj ; lieen es tablished tweuty-duiryeai-H nnd rcpiesentliig ten of the largest American uiul foiolgn enm- punleslu thowoild Theylnsuiu plate glass against all kinds of accidents ; huiscs against death ; stuuin hollers against uxploslons and damuge to llfo uiul property : Wsuo life , acci dent , tornudo , rent and giiuruiitcu bond pol icies at lowest current rates , Cuiiuuiiiga .V , Nellsoii , Messi-s.CuinmiiiBs&Nellson , the wholesulu dealers lu paints , gluss and vurnUhes , No 1118 Turnum street , wuro in Uhlcugo for years , lop resenting In Hint city tliu branch of the famed O , T , Itoynold paint manufactory , tliu largest lu Ameilca They cumo to Oinulia thrco years ago , and huvudono u highly suuecssful anillii- cruaslng buHlncss since that tliuii They deal In nil kinds of paints , oils , varnishes , window ; gliibsand painters'supplli'8 , They uru , well acquainted with every launch of the business , untl huvo a lurgu trade from Nobrahka , \ > yoin- liiB , Colorado uiul the Dukotus Thuy muku a bpeelulty of furnishing lingo buildings and business blocks with window glass , DriiKH Thonoodniun Drug Company Is the oldest ustabllshud and bust known wholesale uiul retail drug huuso lu the west They nrp Job bers of physicians bupplles surg cul . and liiaHiemutlcul Instruments , Hue cheuiloals and apparatus , spoelultles eto , Thuy euriy thoIuiKUststouk of physkilun'h , supplies and suiglcul Instruments west of the Mississippi liver , uiul have gic.ntly o.vtiiudeil thu eapuelty their thrift , enterprise , and practice of sound | business principles hull'seciu-ed. Theiilllcers of the eonip.tn ) tut' ! C. P. ( IimmIiuiiii , presi dent ! t ) . P. ( looilmint secictnry Their place of business Isut Hid I'lirimm stieet iU' ) trTi71 TKlitliiK Tlie lecently leor.nil/etl Tliiiinson-lious- loii r.tectile Light eniiipan.v W now engaged I lu theeieclloii of n eoniodloils iiiidsiihstautliil lMiwerlunisenl the Toot of Jones stiret The ' hulltllng Is to be thiee sloilcs lu lielglit of I lulek uiul stone ! supplied wit If eveiy I modein liieehanlcal uiul eleetile convenience ] There will boa battelv of hollers Tin creating steam of n < ninhlncd capacity of 2,4 Kl horse power The hollers will lie supplied with nu- toinalli'stokeis nnilotliet luhoi saving Inven tions Tin ce pondei-ous engines will lie set up t w o of , VX | hoi so pow er each nnd one of an ) horse power , to commence with , with others to fol low I'liurteeu new dynamos foi creating the elect ! Icnl cm rent luiv-e been nitlercd They will ho able to furnish to small manu facturers h.ivlng light machinery to run such us sewing machines , small printing in es es iniiclilno shops , etc Licet I Icnl motive powei has proven u success lu osinbllshmcnts U'liulllug less than twenty-horse powei II Is not mil } n success , but agieiit saving An electiIcnl motor takes up but a small amount of spice In a mnimfactiiilng establishment It dispenses with coal bins nnd licensed engi neers , snves fuel bills and Hie mi in ryot belli necessaiy wheie steam engines me used Omaha's cltv council has euteicil lutnii cun- tl 'ict with The New Oinulia lTiniitsou-llouslnn iaeelile Light company to light theelty by eleeltleltj On l'ebruary 1.1 the contract goes Inloopeiatlon nnd over llUiiie llglitsiuust lie liiopei itlou , The eomp.iny expects to be In leiidlness to coiupl ) with llieli put ut the eontiact hv relniinrj 1 , Tticonstiuet tliticli- culls nil slice ! IIl-IiIIiil' . Kami litis liit'ii i'\ . peiidetl uiul rmtv men have been busily em- plovetl and will be until evcr.vthing Is com pleted uiul lu icntltness to comiily with the coutuit't , Tnentv-sevcii mllcSiit wlie will be used The local Thomson-Houston comtiiinv Is backed by nnnbuiidanceof Onialiu uiul ltoston cnpltnl S. L. Wiley Is piesldent mid general manager of the company , and I'uink Win ion sceietniy and tieusiiiei , A , (1.Collins ( uiechnn- lc.il engineer Thecltvolllee Is at 1(112 ( Capitol avenue , uhoieorders fin lluhtseaii lie placetl II A. Kiiiiii\v. II A. Kinney , the subject nf this sketch , one oroiunhii's llslng young business men eanio to theclt v some font jours ago and engaged with the Midland Llectilc compaiiv and has senctl the company In the capacity of super intendent nut ! foiemiiu Lust spilugMi. . Kinney scveied his connection wit i tlio Mid land foi the puiposc of euteiliig Ii paituei- shlp wltli A. /.einici'iiinlcr the Hi in name of Hie Nebinska I' .lectilo ctnnp.injlu July he sold out lils Intel est to Mi..elincr ami opened nn olllco In Hie Now Yolk Life building lis nn elect ileal engineer and emit I act or , lopicsont- Ing the Chicagoolllee of the lliush Klectilc company of Cleveland , O. With the : ip- niovetl uppiintus and miichiiieij- the Itnish comiiujInclutl | , lug their new alternat ing svstuiu and aiituniutlc eleetile inotois Mi Kinnev Is piep iietl to furnish anything in tlie way of eleetile lighting , ti.ilisinlsslon or power or eleetile i.illwny that intij- lit ) ic- qulicil Mr Kinney will bu pleased to fuinlsh- nlsh estimates and plans ami to open cniies- pontlcnco with any one lu need of electiIcnl appliances He will also take pleasiiie in shnwlug vlsltoisthioilgli the Now Yoik Llru building , which Is lighted by means of the itiusli system and I.IkU Swnn lamps Tlio Onialiu Mortjcaisi' Coinpany The intutgagu icctuds show many excellent Investments made bj tills company In sums fiom * 1.KH ( ) to iSi.0 W. The business of the com pany Is conllned to lentllngof mouoj- upon Im- pimetl real estutu In Hioeity of Omaha with ) he exception of ii few selected loans In Coun cil Uluirs and South Omaha The active man agement of the business is lu the hands of K. L. Squlie ami Thomas Itrciiiitiu , whoso oxpeil- enee icudertlieiu pecillluilj fitted forthesafii Investment of funds in this way Tlieli moit- gages and interest cimponsaru all matin pay able at thu Omaha Nut tonal bank In New Yoik exchange It Is conceded th.it this plan of placing eastern investors In dliect eoi respond once wltli.iin Institution so widely untl fuvor- ablu known as the Omaha National hank is a veiy desiiable one for nil pintles Some of Onuihii's most substantial citizens aie stock holders In tills comp inj- . Tlio AiiLrlo-Amerlcun Mortfjnjje ami Trust Coin puny Located 40.1 Ninth Kltteenth stieet , Is out ) of tliestiougest Investment companies In the eltj" , Under its piesent consurv-utlvu inuii- agemeut it lias gained an uxcellent lepiita- tlon , and its loans uio among the best otreicd In thoe.istcm lnuiket It ulsii husn deserved popiil.iiityiu the west tor fair dealing and piompt business methods Unilctl States litmn & Invest ini'iit Co The United States Loan nnd Investment company is Hie only national building associ ation dulng business all overthoUnltid States In tliocltyof Onialiu This association olicrs better Indyeumoiits for both Investors and boiiowurstfunii nny other ussloclutloii or its kind , Send for Illustrated lltcrntmo ItoonisSift,217untl 218 , I'li-st Nallomil bunk building , Omaha , Tlio Commercial Director Company This companj- was Incorporated in July 1888 , and at piesent lias tlio supptutof ovei thiee hundred letal 1 merchants and bunks in Oma ha alone Tlio object or the company Is to fuinlsh tlio geneial cictllt mid standing of consiliums , in convenient , hook fnim.nud to do foi the retail dealer what the wholesulu agen cies do foi the Jobber Connected with the company Is the Nebinska Statu lluslness Men s association organized to establish sim ilar agencies throughout the state U. II Webster is president , and It V. llodgln sec letmy and mumigui H. Ilarily & Company Lstubllshed for ten yunis at ISJO'I ' Vnumm stieet as the leading wholesale and retail dealers in fancy goods , toys , notions , etc They curry the choicest selectlonsof import tsl nnd domestic goods , which tliulr facilities eiiublo them toolTor at eastern pi Ices : They pay especial attention to Hie wholesale trudo and carry a stockequul In uxteiituml variety to that of any of the eastern houses in their line They huvo an especially strong line nf baby uiirrfuses for the spilug trade , together with other goods suitable lo the toy notion tiade , Speuiul attention to mailorders Send foi spilug catalogue American Iliuul Sowed Hhoc Coinpany Tills 11 rm'lias been In business in Omaha for four years and have a tuttlu that has grown very rapidly fiom the start , almost doubling In volume during tlio past year , They are general Jobhcisof boots and shoes and muku aspeclaltj-of a medium gradoof muu's wear of their own inaiiiifactnio Their stock Is always complete in lines that uro In dully de- muiul , their aim bulng to satisfy tliupvprj-dny wuntsor everybody Their goods are manu factured eMiiessly for tliewustoui trade nnd are sold In uvory st.ito and territory from the Mississippi to the Pacific coast , They uio ox- eluslvo westein agents for tlio goods of thu Woonsoekot Itubber company , tliu largest uiiinufaetuiy of the kind In the world Tlio Him bus liuignlHcuiit quurteis ut 1101) ) lliiruoy stieet Mr A. T , Austin is thu niaiiiigcrof the business Tlio CInlie Steam Hontliitr Coinpany Tills Him are cultural eimtractois for Htcam ii nil hot water heating and power plants , Thuy uru the largest and most pros perous firm In their line in the west Thuy uarry lu stock u full line of engines hollers , steam and hut water hunters , steam pumps , traps , guuges , englno trimmings und uvory vnilety of englnuors' supplies They uro agents for all of thu bust manufactures lu their line , and guarantee first class material and work Thuy uru succusstiisto tlie Strang .t Clnrlc Steam Heating coinpany , nutl am located ut 1020-22 Pallium street , llli-kiiililno Engltipcrliiij ; & Supply Co This company , located In the Plrst National bunk , has made a maiketl success in Omaha repiusuiitlng eastern manufactories As agents they quntu pi Ices uponwlru rope , all Kinds in who unit wiru rope nxiuies , wire tilmmlngs , etc , steam pumping engines , all kinds of rolled or sheet motuls , nutl seamless brass , copper uiul Inn tubing The company Is an enterprising one as shown by thu results of their efforts to liitioiluco Into Omaha and vicinity a rooting material known as thu Undine dine roofing , " which Is adapted to all klnilsof roofs niul Is so easily put on that any onu who can use a hummer can lay It , The company will furnish estimates on till win k or supplies In their line , which Includes all kinds of rutl- 1 oad supplies and wuloi winks consti net Ion Hit I It ) it Itcail Tlilsflniidoesagcnei.il plumbing business , paying especial attention to steam untl hot watui hunting They carry at all times a complete Hue of gus and elect ! iochuiulullors , globes , etc Doth members of the firm inu practical plumbum , and give their personal supervision to woik lu their charge Their woik Is ulwuys Buuraiitcud Ilrst-elass. thu plumbing In many of tlio best business blocks und icsldcncos In the city having been donu by them to tlio perfect satisfaction of the owners , Lslliiiates for work will bo furnished on application , Tliulr location Is ut 1017 ilow- uul street , _ _ _ _ _ Criiiio Klnvutor Company Thu I'mm > Klovntor coinpany established tliulr Oinulia lu audi olllcu in ism with W. C. llodiiiaiiamiiniiDKcr , Hinco then , thuy huvo sold about one bundled clurutors In tills city Among the buildings using Criino oluvutors ii rut The lieu building Murray hotel , Hotel Dulione , Hotel Case v. J. J. ilmwn's building , H. P. Jlorsti A. Co , Puclllu Kxpmss building , rrunk J , Itumge , united States Nutlnnul bunk building , Klrst National bunk , Murchunts National bank , N , II , l'alconei , lliiyileu llios , Slieely building , tliu ltoston stoic , thu lair , Itourtl of Trade , U'llbnell blk untl others Sr A. JHslnovv & Co M. A. PIsbrow A. Co , manufacturers of sash , doors , blinds and Interior HnUh , established their Omuha olllco In thu spring of 1 85 , ThW firm Is located at the euiuer of Izard and Twelfth streets , ami is among the lurgyst iiiuuufuciiiiom lu the west Their Interior ! Iliilsh forolllcesund leshlences Is churaoter- l ei ) , by arlWIIo designs executed in tlio iiWOYTIONAi\ : . [ No city In America nf equal population can ' rank Willi Omnh-i lit the nth milages otroied . Uiejoiithof eltliersex In acqiililug u finished ' and Ihornugh education In the public \ schools the course of study Is piuctleal and I alms to lit the student tor the loitlle of life Tilt : ft'llUC Mlloni.s , . The public school buildings of Omiiha now number .18 , nlToi-tllng iiccommodatlons for about 11UIK1 pupils Tlie total cost of erecting these buildings exceeds J711.W)1) ) ) . The Milueof the grounds upon which Ihoyitie elected Is estimated at * I..VhiKi0 ( , milking the I total value of Omiiha s public school proper ) v liot less I him J2.2.VI.0III ) . v | The high school , Illustrated on llrst page , occupies the most sightly locution ! In the city It Is a tiiagiilllcent structureof twenty-eight totiius , four stoiles high , nutl can accommodate mm pupils , The spire issx ) feel ahoio Hie luw-wateriunik of Hie Mlssouil liv el , n nil from the tower a mag nificent view can be obtiilned of thecotiutiv foi miles It was elected nt a cost n 'f fiV.nut ) ) . The high school ground Isu heaiitlful camiiusor ten ncies , tnklng In four blocks of the original uiul or the city Decent additions to Omaha's Hue public school buildings are the Lake ami .Vinson schools , each a inugnllleent slxtecii-roinu structure , with eictj Impiov ement known to modem tilchltctturc I'liinaiu , Welwlei It.ti- ictoft Castellur , Oiuulin View , Walnut lllll untl Pink schools me nil new lulek stuictuics of from eight to twelve mums The mihlle schools uf Omuhn aieundei the control or iho ho.it < l of ediicutlini of fifteen iiieiuliers the of whom me elect etl at In I go on thctlrst M luj In Juno each vein The bond consists nr thu following members ! Ilcnrv Chirk William Column P. It MeCoiiuell S. N. Peltou m , A. ICellev C. IMloodnuin Huelhl Mm tin , II C. Cinjell , S , It MeCoiiuell J. J. Points W. S. Poppleton , Samuel Kecs , D. Y , Sholcs , Dr I" . K. Sp.mldlng nnd Chillies Wclitoi HsollleersuiuC P. tlotidiiian , piesl dent ; Pied It MeCoiiuell , v Ire piesldentI ; It Plpei sceietniy The city tieasiiicr .lolin Hush , Isex-olllelo treustiierof the liouil The supei v Islun of the school system and teuchei-s Is lusted lu Supeilntenili'iit llcui.v M..lames , The school census fin the vcar issp glies 2l.2nclilldu f school age against tn,2W lu I lsss , no Ini'ieuse of neaily IIMI Them wcie I2.4IW liutnes eutolleil III Hie vuilous public schools In Ihsn against ln.lMI In ism The avei- uge uttenilmice Inlssu was 8.iui. : against 7,1 ti lu lsss Tlie high school now bus nn utteiid- nhcoof4siipupllS with a riicultv or eighteen I teacners l'Ultl.tO HL'IIIIOI , IINAMTJS The funds for meeting the expenses of the schools mo derived tunliily fiom thu levenilu fiom llquoi licenses and pollco com t tines , n wise piovlslon or Nebtnska's excellent high lleenso law A hanilsoinu sum Is leielvetl each j-ear fitnn the state iippoittoument fiiud , de ll veil fiom the sale and leasing of state school lands School expenses , theiefiue uie light ( in the tuxpajeis so farastlliecl laxutloii Is I collect hid , I The expense of maintaining the public schools as show n hj- the societal v's lepint foi the last llseul school year was ns follows : liUMillM , ftTNll lllX'Kll'H , Piotii licenses , tJVI LII 'lt I'lom lliu s 18.2)7.7.1 ) Pioin taxes : i.l.ait.lil Pionistatu appiiitlnnment 8I.M1.M ) Punn oilier soiiices IL.1I.II' ' ) Total iccelpls for j eir • flHi.7U.il ll.illiuceon hand . . . , 28.1112) ) tiWMM.77 ( il' .M.HAI , HIM ) UXl'F.NSI s. Paid for the iiiiiluteimnceof schools mid geneial expenses * jsi.J.4i ( ' ) ( Plans and speelllentloiis 1.4JI..1I llulldlngs 18..Vdil : Impioveiiieiits , , . III.2J2.27 Inteiest 1.1.871,77 lusiiiance . . 2.00.1 vj Kent . . 0UV)7I ) Otbei expendltuies 22H0 ,1 Total SLU17.M' ' ) M ltulunco cash on hand Iiji22 ( ( 1U.VCIIHIS AM > VTTKMIAMT Two liundicd ami slxtj'-nliie tcichei-s uni emplojetliu tlio publlt ! schools of Omaha at thu piesent time This Isu ineic.isuof thlity over the niimhei emploj-ed a jcat ago The amount paid In salailes to supuilntendent , pilnclpals mid teachers was f 101,41 liirt an In cieaso of SI1.Os3.14 oxer the sum p till foi thu samu pm pose in lsss CrolKlitim Colle u. Theic is but one endowed Catholic college In thu Unitid Suites and that institu tion is Ciclgbton college in Omalii It was tliu dying inquest or Kdw.ud Cielghlun , one or Omaha's e.ulv sel- tluis , that ills wife , the late Mis.Mmy Cielgli- ton , sliould endow a fieo college in Omaha for tliu education < > r youth without logmtl to cieed or eoloi Ills wlsli was complied with nnd Ciclgbton college Is the lusult It Is in cliurgtiof the Jesuits und tliu course of stutlj- is complete ov en to graduating students from the classical coursosbouhlu numlici siitllcient to wnriunt a resident piufessoi disliu to take It Tliocoliugu llliiiirv ( • ontuinsil.ioo volumes ot viiliiulilo works Tlio scluutillc iaboiatoiy Is tlioniost complete In the west Dm lug the yeuru new cluck vault has been milled to the obsoivatoiy nt a cost of JlllD The college campus Is commodious , in connection with the college Is St , Johns Catholic chinch , a neat stone cdlllco attended to hj * thorn lusts oft ho college The uttendaneu ut the college ( lining the piesent je.ir has been 1111 , un incieaso of twenty oxer that of lust yen A number of applicants xveio lufused admission for want of loom lti-ovvnoll Hall Tlio oldest and most popular educational In stitution In Omaha Is lliuwiiell hall , a seuilu- my for young ladies , under the auspices of the Kplscopal chinch It wus established ill 180.1 untl has enioyed a steady giowth nnd - since It lsattoniled - niosperltj- over notonlj- by pupils from Neliiask.i , lmt from nil pints ot thu west It Is pleasantly located In a quiet hut pretty pint of the city on South Tenth stieot Tliu biilhlliiB , Illustrated on first piiKe , Is u commodious lniuk strncturo fitted up In the most j > ui feet manner and supplied with all thu essentials necessaiy to a modern Institution of learning The building and grounds cost $17.1.000 and dining the present year $1,000 , woithof new fuiiiltmo and apparatus wcio added Thei-u am uuw 110 young ladles attending llrownell hall , which Is a slight increase over lust year and the largest niiiiihui ovei attend Inu regularly Dm lug the j-6ar a new cliupel was con structed on the oust of the hall proper and is known as Drownull hull chapel Thu building is of Okuto limestone It Is of itomunesquu style of nrchltoctuio , 111x02 feet ami wus uiected at n cost of $40(0) . The funds Tor building this cliupel cumo pilncipiilly fioinof- fcilngsmiido to itlshop Woithlngtoii und fnJin llheinl donations by friends untl members of the Kplscopal church , Omaha Medical College Tills Institution Is lu its ninth yeai uiul is lu u voiy pTOsponms condition Its thoiough teaching niopuily lltH young men for thu most lespoiisiblo culling of life , and Its giaduatcs stand high In tliu medical profession Its location , corner Twelfth and Paulllu Micots , near St , Josepli's hospital , gives lis students u line opportunity for tliu piactlcil study of liii'dlclnountl surgery The faculty of thu Omaha Medical college consists of twenty-foul v-iofossors uach of whom uiiiks us an uinliiunl practltlonoi Tliuiu uio Hilrty Htudeuts now attending tliu college , Omalin Collect ) of Music Tlio Omaha College of Muslo was established In 1S87 and has an average uttuiiduucu of twunty-ilve pupils All of the higher launches or uiiislu , ulomitlou und huiiuonj-mo taught , Thu course ot study includes nil the bianelics of voice culture , biuuthlng , etc , , and tliu sys tem nf musical training is very thoiough , Thu faculty consists or Miss 1,1/zlo Isaacs , directress , piano , singing , violin , cello , liai- mony ; Charles Jlaotons , violin , violo , cello , advanced harmony ; Miss Aluxiiudiliui Kaiu- sey nnd A. Ooidon ltobluow , elocution ; Miss E. M. Walker , model u languages Catlioliu HcIiodIh I'ltlVATK ACAIIKMIKS Tlieie uro tluuu convuiit schools In Omaha , conducted by the Sisters ot tliu Catholic chinch , whuiu a thorough education In all thu lilgliui branches of study can bo hud The Convent of UiuSuuicd Ileal t Isu select ho.iullng school for young ladhs , eondiictod by thu Indies of thu Hauled llciiit It Is u commodious hilck structuio , located Inl'aiU place In tliu noithwestuiii pint of thu city , Only bouidliig sulinlai-s uro iccelvetl Lust yuur'hBriitliiutliiBoIiiss composed ( our j-ouiig Indies , Thu school bus u high lepututlon In thu west for cxcluslveness uud thu thoiougli- uess of its eoursu of study lu thu higiiui launches untl accomplishments Mine Dunn Is tlio motliur supurlnr The eiiiolimuut of scholais for tliu piesent yeur Is 128. St Ciilluirlnu's Academy at Klghteeiith and Cuss st I eels Isu pitvalnilay scliuul.coiitluctetl by thu Sisters of Muiuy Young ludlcs uio giatluateil rixim the iioiidcmy thniouglily versed lu nil tlio lilghei branches and accom plishments There uio enrolled this jcurim pupils Lust j ear two j'oung ladies graduated hum ) < t. Catherine's' . Tlie Indies of tlio Saciod Heart conduct un excellent tiilvuto school for glilsand J tiling ludlcs ut Tweiity-suveiith niul Luuvouwoith streuts It dltremfixuu tliucouveiitscliool ut l'uik place , Inasmuch us thu luttei is a biituil- Ing school , while the other Is u prlvulu duy school , Nine teachers Instinct tlio forty-two pupils in the higher brunuhesund accomplish ments Mmu Dii Mont Is thu mipuiloi The schiMil can guiduiitu implls , but lias not hi in long enough in oxlsteiicutt ) have a graduating class Thu liullillng Is a eomiuoilloiis threu- stoiy brick stiuctuie It Is onu of thu leading pilvute schools nf thu clly l-AUOl. 'fUAI , KCHOfllB St l'hllonieiia's school at Ninth and How aid streets is tliu largest parochial school build ing in the clly The stiuctiiru is three stoiles uud basement ill height and cost t2.1XX ( ) . The third fctoiy contains n lurgu assembly hull with ubiuull stage Thu Bisters of .Moroy uio thu teachurs und thejhuvo un euiollmcnt of JtB puplU PathcrMet'uithy Is tliodlwctoi Tlio Holy I'umlly school is connected with the Holy Validly chinch at Klghtcenth and [ Ill id streets I'at her lllllinan is tliotllicetor with 201 pupils lu iitteniliiitce The Iciiehel-s nro Sisters of Metev St Pntilck's school , Pouitccnth and ( as telhirstieets Is lu charge of Itev John len nette , Theic urn 17.1 pupils In iittenihiui'i' . tnnglit by Sisters of Merev . . St Stuiilslnus school Twentv-seveuth uud , Dts'iiturstreets , bus m pupils , tuuglit liv Sis tersof Jleiij St Wciiocshius seliool etuinccted with HI Wenceshnis llohemhin Cntliolif eliinch Is located ut I'tOrtSoutli Tlillteeutlislieet Vicar ( lener.il t hokii Is the director Thoio niv 1111 pupils In iittcudaiiee The teachers nru SW- tet-Hof Mercy • In connection with the Convent of Metev at Pitteeutli ami Osistollurstreels Is the oiplian- uge w bet o.V ) in plum ehllilieii who aru eumil for theiu meelve Instuictlon St Joseph's school Is at ITsfl South Scxeti- leeuth stieet , cinineeteil with St Joseph's ideiiiiuii Calholle ehiltvh Kev tSeorge .1. i lllaulierlstliiMlliiMtor The to'iehorsme tlie , Slstei-sr the Ptcchms lllood Them Isuti eu . l-tilitiieiit of 2.VH pupils St Mull Magdalene's school Is loentid ut lf.1.1 Douglas stivet , eonneetcd with St Miuv I Miigduleue'stleiiuuil Catliolloehuixli Sisters i of tlie Picclous lllood niv In elmige , wltli Ml pupils enrolled Itev , llcoige J.OIauher Is the illivetilt , St Petei's pnliiehlnl school Is In the base ment of St I'etet'seliuiTli nt Tvvo'itv-suxcntli mid l.enveiiwiiith stivets Itev , P..1. lloile Is theillieetoi The ladles of ( he Snered lleult niTlhe teuclieis , This.veal I'M ' pupils me en- nilh'd , I Tlietotnl iittciiduiiceiit tlieC-ithollep.trocli- lul niul pilvaloschools Is l.mi , un Incieiiseof imiov-ei Hie atlentlnncinif lust vein in nddltloii to Hie icgiihn euuiseof stutlj shot tlitiml typovv l Itlng ami bookkeeping huv e been added ( Ids j ear In the schools conducted bytlitiSlsteisof Meiej Stntc Deal * untl Diinili Iimtitiitt' . Hiiiloiintledliy twenty-tinee iteiesuf benu- tlfnl untl well-keptgioumlson n t ininiidliig eniliience III the.lioithuestoin pint ot Omalin uie the eiiinmoillousbulldliigsof the Nebraska Institute for Hie deaf and dumb The build ings will iiocnhihiotlnlo IV ) pupils ; tlutciimll- meiit forlss'ils ' 121 chlhlis-u. The slutocnics for tlie Inmates nine months of each vear ; the utlentliititsiiiu tequlieilto furnish tlielruwn elolbliig uud tiaiispoilntloii to und fituii their homes The iinnu.il iippiopilatlon for tlie maintenance or the Institute Is Wll.OOt ) . The titeseut .M'iit'lhe bnlltllugs uud grounds Inn e been Impiov ed by the addition of pined walks niul Inside blinds thioughout , Tlio xiiliui or theliiilldlngsand gitniuds Is Jll.l.twi ) . Tlio InstItute - stItute Is heated by steam , lighted liv elec tricity , has Its own sj stem of wateiwtnks mid Is amply provided with Hie escapes It has been In iipeiatlon rot twenty .veals , roi ten or which J. A.OIIlespleluisbeen Its supeilnteud- cut cut.Tlie Tlie pupils aiu given u good guided school education Tlio hoys mo given tliu choice of > win king dally either In the pi lot lug olllco til I em pent ei slum uttaelud to the Institute The I Kit Is uie taught needle woik fancy sewing und painting The Nelu.iska Institute wus the first to liinuguiute the sj stem of ni.il tuiln- Ing ; Ii fact supeiItitemleut Olllesplowiis the oilgbuitoror thu sjsleni About .1)11 ) pupils me receiving Instiuctloii in the svslini now tlnougboiit the countiy It consists in de veloping the latent nnd unknown sense of lieailiigsiitinit the pupil en ii hour und iintiei- st.ind nn nullum } conversation None bu ! iieiunl lesltlonls of Nebinska me iccelvetl ut the Institute The Institute Is muter theeontiiil of the stute bo.iul of public lauds and buildings , MihccllnncoiiM Schools Ilumboldl iie.ideiitj- conducted hv the ( ,1'imiin school association ot Oiuaha ut HI south Twentieth stieet , Oeiinau and Kngllsb und nil common school branches uiutuught The attendance Is 71 pupils Tlie faculty con sists or Max llemnel , pilnelp.il ; Louis Itleh- tudsoit In oluiigeof Kngllsbifepaitmcnt ; Miss St uliendoif , mil Miss Lucke , assist nuts Thu Oeimaii Lutheiiiu school , IlliLI South Twentieth stieet has two teachers untl 120 pu pils PM Hockstidde Is thepilnclpil Spe cial attention Is given lo iiistinctlousIiiOei- man and nil common school buiuches The Omaha klndeigniten , loentid nt 2131 Iluincy stuet , has an attendiuieu or 27ehll- ilieu It Is in u pnispeunis eondltloii and Is ably conducted The teachers am MIssKxe- Ivn Hiitllth.dliectiess : MIssLIna Wallace unit Miss Persis Hunt , touchers hi tiulnlng Omaha has 111 night schools lu which the viuIons Ininches taught in tliu publlo schools and bookkeeping and stenogi.ipbv mo given special attention Thenvuiiigu attendance at thu viu Ions night schools Is Sin mostly young men and gills whose tlmo dining the day Is tlovoted toe.i ruing a living In addition to the above theie me seveial other iiilvute schools mid quite a number wlieieliistiiictlon Is given lu specl.il blanches anil in puinohlal woik connected wltli the churches Thu totnl number of ebllilicn ntlcniling the v.uiniis schools In Omali.i Is about 1 lr > W ) . or which number ll.h.V ) ine tegular attendants " " liiniiAHiKsT * No eltj-In Hie west ot equal population ex cels Oiuaha lu publlu nutl pilvute llbiaiies and no city In thu country lias ninth ) inoio generous piovlslon fur Increasing her public llbiurles in uitio with the giowth of popula tion nn : l'um.ic riiniAuv Omnlia levies a dliect tux forthosuppoit of a fico public 111)1 ) aiy managed by a bo.iul ot diiectois appointed peiiodlcally hv thu mayor and council Cnnncctcd with the II- Inurj- , which now coinpilses 2.1..1I7 volumes , Is a fieo lending mom which issuppllcd wltli tlio bust pei lotllcils Dining lsss tlio books bonowud iiuiiihuied HWr T8 ; In 1880. tliu iiumliui wus In creased to 140,000 , a gain dining thu j car or .itl ) K. Ibu number of books used for lefeienco In JHS.M was10V)0 ) ; lu lSNltho cullsnuinbeied 42.7211. Hook hoimuors' ciiids were Issued ti > : ui7 iipplicunts ; vlsitorsto ref erence mom , 2.1,000 ; visitors to reading loom [ estimated ] , 110,000. Tlio ux pundit urns during the past year were : On book account , $ .1fi.KI.2H ; on building ac count , $ .l.t11.07 : ; on salary account , $ .1,11.1.1) ) ' . ) ; on supply account $ .1.12.04 : inaklug tliu total ex penses of the lllnaiy for tlio year $12,51088. A v-iiluuble donation ciimefioni llyion Heed , who piesentcd the llbiury 21X1 bound vulumos ot the Monthly Ituxlew , lielng an unbmkon series ( uim the year 174' ) to 1841. Miss Jessie Allan Is the publto llhrurlun , as sisted l > y Misses Maggie O'ltrlon , Kiilth Tobltt Illiincli A. Allan and Theodora M. Duistiill rAW IIIIUAHIIK Thoio iiiii 7,000 volumes of lawbooks In thu law llbuuy of the Now Yoik Life Insiii.ince company's bulltllng , Thu inenibeis of Uio Omaha liar have u library of about , ' 1,000 volumes of lopoits , text booksmidotliur woiksuot Bunuially round lu tliopilvatollbruiiesnrattinnej-s. Tills liliraiy Wlocated at looms ,111 and .141 Piixtou block , where It Isconveiilent to the legal fraternity The olllecrs of the association uro : ( i. II , Lake , piesldent ; A , O. Wnkelev , secmtaiy ; C. W. lliiller , trciisuiur ; Miss D. 0. Olliluu llbiu- lluii , MISCKI.t.ANI'.OIlS TIUUAItlliS Cieiglittui college llbuuy , which lias m- ceiitly aequlictl a must viilualilu collection ot uiieuntl choice llleiniy woiks.now coinpilses ( l.r.nu volumes TlioOddfollowsof Omaha havu u library of ahoiil 5(111(1 ( ( volumes which was foimeily a cli- uulatlng llliiary , Thu Swedish soulel les has a llliimyof about onu thousand volumes , consisting of loading Ameiicun woiks uud thu woiks of Iho host uutliois of their own country , Thu Iluhuinliiii O , S , P. S. llliiary Is lu a pros pumus condition Its llliiuriiiu Is J , Mlcliul Tlio Danish association of Oinuhu litis u choice collection of woiks In tlie Danish and Kngllsh languages , CliurolioH , Omaha has iilnuty-four church niganl/u- tloos divided nmoiig almost in cry known de nomination , Homo of the church udlllees am nichltoctuiiil beauties ami cost haiidsumu sums foi their election Tliu churches are till hied among thoduuom- liuitluns us follows : iluptlst 10. Oiitbollo 0 , Ohllstluii 2 , Congleglitlonal 10 , Kplscupill 0 , Jewish II , Latter Day Saints 1 , Luthciuu i.l , Methodist 10. Piesbjteiluu 18 , Atlveuttsts 1 , City Mission I. Uiiltmluii 1. Thu city is tiio humu of thieo bishops John P , Now mini nr the Methodist church , Oeorgu W. Woithlngtoii of the Kplsconul church mid JamesO'Ctuincrof the Cjithollochinch No- tahlo additions toehorch edlllcesiuotlio I'list Melhodlst.chuieh nt the eoinerof Duvoupoit mid Twentieth slioctH [ seu llliistiutluu ] , now lu eoursu or election ut un estliuuted cost of $100K)0 ( ) , uud St MutthliiH Kplscopal cluipul on Smith Tenth stieet ltcsitlcs these two chinches lirtf en oilier houses of religious wor ship wuio elected Y. M. C. A. Tlio Young Men's Christian Association of Oinuhu Is in a piospurous untl llumlshlng condition , The past year wan thu llrst of the association lu its elegant new building on sixteenth nut ) Doug las stiects [ seu illustration , ] Since moving into tliu new liullillng , thu association bus on- teied upon a now life , uud now inunbum over ouu thousand members The past > car bus boon onoof gi eat develop ment In all tliu lines of woik or thu Young .Men's Christian Association Tlio Hun gym nasium which wascoinpleted at the beginning of thu year , Is now open ( i-oiii 10 o'clock III the morning until 10 lu tliu ovenlng In chill go of Piof W , ll.hliuldeii , a competent instiiictor , who lias two classes dullybnsldosii gloat deal of Individual Insti action Thu nveiiiguduliy attendance Is 123. Dm lug the vein 2iUHI : baths were taken by membersutteiiillng the gyinna- sluiii , Alhletlo grounds wcio piovluiid ( or biisubull and other games during thu biiiiuncr ami in Iho winter ii football team Isu fcutiuo ot the association In the educational department , classes am Instructed In Column , elementary ami ad vanced stenography , bookkeeping , penman ship , popular seionco and vocal music The students enrolled lu these classes number lKi A series of concerts uud lectiucs in it given to Hit ) members , and tlio IInest leading loom In the statu Is kept ( or their bene lit The oigunlzatlou has also been a success socially , u laigo number of receptions being given during the year In tliulr icllgioiis woik their meetings uro held weekly , und much good Isuceoiupllshcd , Muny other lines of woik uio also iittended to , such us securing , employment for young men , uud liitioduulng , them Into pleasant homes , I I The utllcem of tliu association are : T. II A tlcnti C. P. Ilnirlsiiu ireiisnn'r ! 0 A ( loss , recnullint sceii'tiirji ( lC Jeiiiier.gi'neriil see retni.v i C. K. Wllllamsou.iissWtniit secretnrj , ' • W. IC Hhelden phj slcnl dlmelor , / * IlTIUjUMMIAItlTIUH jjm The ilipid gitiwth In OiiiiiIki'm population Jf niul Hieconseiinenl increase In tlie deinaiids f niiitlo upon publlt' and private elmrltv have / H'lnleivd liecessmj gieuter necoininoilatlons / rm the eniv of those In sickness ami distress ' A tew miuitlistlhif will wllness tlieopeiijngof two targe , new ho pltnl Uieeoinity hospllui mid liillimniy uiul liniiimiiiel hospital Till ! rnl' .VtV IIOS'lTAt | The enilntv hospital Is n tlioroliuhlv tlie proorsl met lire located Inn coniiimndlng posi tion In tlie western cinl or the city l'hi bulliling , lliustiutetl on the HimI pige will it'titeseiit mioutiav , when completed mid fur nished , or lit least $22.1.01)0 ) , Them lire two wings nt two storlei ench eupii- bleof necoiiiiiiodatlug am put louts The ecu tml building N thiee stories In height , the thlitl stoij containing the ntteiiillng physl- lelnn's sleeping nnd openitlng rooms.n elevator runs ( mm the basement lo Hie ithlul stoij or this building In the iviir of the main building und cuiineeted with It bj a I lung eon Idol Is n two stiii y mill hnsemenl A sli uetilte eoiitulnlng the holler mom , kitchen laiiiidiy bakery , guibago-bilinlng loom , sleeping moms for the mule untl fcniiile help , etc The second Ihxn eunhlor ot the luiitli wing of the tniilii building will hosetnpiit hir tlie iicfoiuiuodiit Ion of the harmless llis'ino cliuigesof Diuigluseounl } . It will liccoinliin- diile llftj patients ST .lllsl'l'll'S IIOSPlTU , . Tills chill itiilili' liistltiltlou Iseoiulneteil by tlieotilei of Piaili'lscaii sisters ut the Calh olle chinch It Is located on the cniiierof Twelfth anil Mason stiects Sister lledwlg Is Hie stinerloross Aliuul P.M Ituhlu pntlents we it * Healed tlntlugtbe jeai ami HKI iiulsltlt > patients nursotl Theslstcrs In climgo ofSLJoseph'shospllal huvo a block of ground on the corner of Tenth and Castellur stiects on which they Intend to creel ii new building next jenr it will bo one of Hie lu.lgest hospital buildings lu tlio eoiuiliv , with ui'commotlntlous ror : lk > piticuts Tim elder benc- fuetoi of SI Joseph hospital Is John A. Ciilghton Omaha's weiilthv plilltnitlimnlst _ lly the will of his lulu wife Mrs Mmy Cielgh- _ • < tun , the hospital iccelvetl licquests nggivgnl- " * tutr $1itK > u. When thopiesent hosjillalslto Is abandoned It Is the Intention of lllshoii O'Connur to conVL'it the old build lug Into a litinio for ) tiling women who come to Oiuaha to seek employ incut lVIVtVMIUt , IIOSPITAt . A tireless workci In elunIt'scause Is Itev fll Kilo A. logelstiom who for ton years was the * W pastor or the Swedish Lutheuin church lu x Ml Omalui , A shiitt time ago bo conceived the " • "Wt Idea of electing u luispltul hiilbllug anil ) ileiiconess Institute for the cam nf the sick Ml without tegiiiil lo eireil or color , lie has _ k succeeded In building the east wing or the eontemplated sttuetine at it cost of $ viooo This sum ho lias collected by vulilntiiiy eon H lilliutlons fioin the chnrllnhly disposed pei- H suns whom helms visited Six tuilneil ninses K of the Onlcr of De.icunessus am now mulct H engiigeiiient to iilteiul In the piitlcnts or the W hospital , twtior wbomuie at present lu Stuck Ml helm , Sweden , fuithei peifectlng themseliesBl foi the win k beftue them The building Is nil K * mlriiblv located on Amesuvenuuln .Muiniiiiiith ' Puik addition , accessible by tlio eleetile M > motor line When both w log i nit ) const iiiclcd - tlio hospital uud gummls will loprcscut an _ t' nut la v nr $100,000. The piesent building ( see Mi lllustiiitlou ) will be toady for ooeiipancj lu H | thcspilng , U iitt : cim.n' .s uoserrvi , . B A cn/v letietit for the sick Is Iho itlshop MM Cliiiksou iiiemoiial hospltnl Iiotlur known us the Child's hospital , at 1711 ! Dodge st met It _ Is a tluci'-stoiy brlek building of twenty MM mums valued ut $ .HIHK ) . It bus been in exist MM enco for seven vetrs There are six pilvute _ looms foi ii < I it It patients and four winds for MM clillilien Tvvuutv-llvo patients can be nc- _ cuinmoditted ; adult patients of eltliersex me M leeched ; they must pay If ( hey uro able MM but chlldron uie tieateil flee About rum M\ \ liiuiiltetl patients liuvo been on led fordinliig H the yeai Tlio piluelpal object of the tnstitii9M \ Htm Is to leeeivo and curt ) tor sick mid Invalid Mtl chiltlicu Thoio ai-o a niimhoruf eutltiwetl , Mm beds , the money foi which tins been conlllb-.iCV Mm uted by wenltliv friendsur the husultal In thf _ _ _ _ | _ C _ _ _ _ _ _ i Tlie Child's hospital Is u charity or tlio _ _ _ _ _ | Kplscopal chinch Itlshop Worthlngtoii Isils Bf ex-otllclo illieclor Mis Illsliop Cluikson Is H the iiiiinuger " 1 L'flSVI r Ol'VlhltCV Oltl'IlANAflii- , . " _ H On the coi-nci of I'lfleenlh and Cuslcllar _ _ stiects oil out ) of tliu highest hills In the clly , MM Is located the oiphan asylum condncteil by MM thu Slsteis or Meicy Plfty oiphun ehlldivn H are uiiilei tliclrcuie , most of whoso keeping 1 Is paid ( or Tlio building Is a magiilllcent stiiiutiirc coiitiiiulug niiilo | ) doi inlloi les play _ r _ | looms , school rooms mid cluipul Its cost was _ $80,000. It Is aNo Iho mother house for Ne- _ biaskuor tlio Meicy Slsteis MM Miscii.tANious : ciiAUiTirs MM The Old Women's liiiinu at271S Hint street Is _ a lcticat ror old women without homes _ Women , young untl old , seeking einphiyiiicul- _ In theelty mill without means , are kept until tliey secure work , t'hllilicn are also cm ed Tor _ It Is under tlio control of the Women's Chi Is- _ H Him association Mrs It A..smith Istlio ma- M Hon Itiilms tube stilctlj'a uharltalilu lnstl- tut ion Tlio Cicclio Isu dnv uurseiy fur the rail of j H thu ehlldien or iiaieiits whoaio at work din H Ing tliu tluv and liiLV-u no inio at htimo to look art or their little ones A. nominal sum Is j H chaigcd for thu caie bestowed Mis J , W. Clink Isthu matron The Civcho Is located tm tbocoinerof Nineteenth ami Harney streets H _ It Is conducted by mi nrgunDiitltiu of chinSM Itably dlsposetl Indies of the city M Tlie Omaha elty mission is mi oiganUutioii - _ _ ! Hint conducts a mission S.ibliath null sowing ' _ _ _ _ _ subool on Tenth stieet , hot ween Dodge ami MHMM Cupltol uv-cmiu. It dispenses L-hmlty among drTwM thu poor ivsitlcntsof tlintseetltm or the city JT w > Mm .Mi-s. JH Jiutlini ) looks after the icllef worly- _ _ _ i li M , Hitchcock is tlio piesldent and Alf < ( . . H Kennedy , secretin J- . V _ _ TiioOpoii Door ut Twenlj-Iirtli uud O.ipltnl mW avenue Is a refuge for fallen wonion who tie M slit ) lo reform und young girls who have gone Mm astiiiy It Is conducted by tliu Women's MmU Christian Tenipcranco union Mrs Clink Is B Hie liuitmn , 1 The Yoiiug Woinuu'H homo at Koventceiilh B B and Dodge sti-eets Is a hoarding hoiiso for ieHH spcctuhlu working girls coiiilucled by tliu _ B Women's Ohristluii ussochitlon The Nebinska eye mill ear liiflrmuiy , 410 _ South Twentieth stieet , is conducted byllrs M Ollloulunil Wilkinson Mis M. K , Kloln Is niatnin und MIssMmgurut Itayiiiond nurse Douglas county nmliitiilns a pooriollet tle- partincut lu tlio liascinent of I ho com t house dining Iho whiter months Coal , lloui , ten , coffee , lieiins and necessaiy clothing urn given to deserving applicants County Agent Miihoiiuy attends to tliu poor rellut woik , as sisted by Prank I' , Zlmmei The county dispensary is located III the couit house basement Pie.scrlplIons are K illletl for poisons unable to purchase theiu at the tli ug stoics I'loscilptlon.s mo Illletl for euy oi coiiiuy ciuuges wiiun wiiuen oj-i oim- ii ty Physleluii Keogh Assistant County Physl- cliiu lliuilgan oi City Pliyslemi itulpli Prunk , , P. Zliillilur Is the county ami nlty iilmiiiinclst _ . Almost ov oiy luligloiis duiiomlmitloii In 1lii > , - ' . city dues mom in less woik In Iho causu lift i cliailtj- . The Swedish Ladles Altl society * lluluuir lleiiuvolcnt ussochitlon , Ht Ylncenl do Paul socio ! ) * , mill otheroiganl/atlons am valuable aids lu aiuelloialing want and suf- ( uilng , Omalui Ali'ilical & Hiii'Klcal Instltiito [ Seollliisliutlon ] This Is tlio luigcst mid most complete estab lishment of the kind In the statu ami indeed In tliu west It is now located at Thirteenth and Dodge , mid the iiuitiugomuut uuduitnko thu ticalmuiitof nil ulutmiu uud siiiglcul dis cuses Tliey mu ulso engaged In the niuiiilfiie- tuiing of suiglcul hi aces nnd appllaneesof all kinds for tlio emu of dcfciinitios Tlio piesent quill tuis , which have bum occupied by the In stltiito for yea is , commudlouH uud convenient us thuy mo , have become too conllned foi the glowing business and lu Iho near futnio tlioy will bu abandoned for thu building at Ninth und llainoy HUecls.now known us tuuCozzcns house This building was lecently piuchuscd by Di.MuMeiuimy for the piupose , and when Inu linpiovomeuts now la progress uio com pleted It will lit ) Uio liUBcst , finest untl most completely equipped Institution of the kind In this pai t of lliu countiy , It will contain 1.KI rooniHsteam heated mid perfectly lighted and ventilated , Thu iniunguineiitof olllcus , con sulting moms , updating moms , rooms for the iniiniifactuio of surgical appliances und hiuces , lliu ding ilepaitiiient uud poinding _ . depaitmcnt for the accoinmoilntluu of guests ' yg will bupuifuut uud thuy will misapplied with uvory moduiii convenience Tins Institute has been the most potent fac tor In giving Omaha thu ouviublo medical loputntloii which she enjoys and is onu of tliu few establishments which mu Indispen sable to the city's leputiiUou untl piospuiity Omaha Is near the centurof thucuiitliiuiiti H Is easy of net ess tu uu Immense section of tiibutury tonltoiy ; lliugieatest iiillioiitl sys tems lu tliu vvoiltl centei hum untl Item of ull places l | Is titling that onoof the four gieut medical Institutions of the coinitiy , with lis costly eqiilpuienls and apparatus , lis exten sive stall nf skilled physicians uud its expen sive facilities for modeln scientific ticnliiicnt should iind it location When tliu now building Is occupied the Insti tution will Juno quaitcis which huvo no peel in Hie west They uio In a quiet part of Iho city und yet easy of access fiom ull railroad and street car lines Thu now building will cost when completed over $100,000 , unit will bo tlio luigcst used exclusively for tlio ti eat nicnt of diseases uud thu boaidlug of patients In thu United states Thunulioiiugeof this Institution has been steadily on tlio loci ease for thu past HvuyeaiH , Ull now Uio list of patients Includes nuincs fiom nearly every stute lu the union Omaha's cciituil loiyitlou uiul tliu fact Unit h _ V Is tlio only medical establishment pf like iiuigN' _ nltiiduln thu west In u ineiisiiro accounts for < jn tlio extensive patronage , though the leputa- /s Hon and experience of the rounder und picsl- < l " " dent , Dr J.V. \ . Mc.Menaiay , am the mainstay and giiaruntee of the ustuhllshmeiit'u pies puiity and good mpute wilh thu publlu Thu Institute pays un countiy doctors for sending patients , publishes no U'Htlpionluls , but icllcs simply on Its past successes uiul the lepututlon It has gained from omos Directed Thu stiiif of tlio instltiito Includes six piue- tlslng physicians , tbicobmco inakei-s , ihrco druggists , uiul a number of assistants ami nurses In ull Ihlily-soveu persons , with the