I The Omaha ' Daily Bee I i NINETEENTH YEAS OMAHA , MONDAY MORNESFG3 PEOEMBEK 30 , 1880. NUMBER 102 ; i -if 1 I ABLOW ATT1IE WIlISLiYTRUST H | It In Struck by the Corporation of j E Nobrnaka Olty H WEST POINTS PROSPERITY K Peculiar Mr-tliods or a I'rascautltiR K Attorney A Fnrniors Good For M tunc Gossip 1'Yom Fort B llihinsuti H Wnr nil the Trust , j B Nejiiiapkx Cut , Neb , Dee 29. [ Special B to Tjm Hp.b.1 The papers In the proposed m suit ngnlnst the Nebrnsku distilling coin , B pany to ho brought under the nnti-trust law H passed by the lust logistaturo have boon pro B pared by Hon J. C. Watson nnd forwnrdod B to Attorney Qonornl Loose to bo illed in the BB auprcmo court , and n strong effort will bo HB made to bring thoenso to an Immcdluto trial J The suit la brought ostensibly to test the B9J now law , but practically Is Instituted In the B9J direct interest o ( Nebraska City by Mr BB WnUou upon the request of the citizens to BB sco whether the large ptlo of useless brtelc BB In Nebraska City , owned by the distillery BB trust , can not bo made of sorao use to the BB city BB The papers in tlio1 suit nro of great longtli BB mil cover every point In the case It nllogos BB that the Nebraska distilling company of BB Nebraska City Is a corporation duly organ BM lzcd under the laws of the state for the uur- BB pose of carrying on the business of inanufnc- BB turlng nnd sale of alcohol spirits and other BJ liquors ; Hint for the purpose of establishing BJ and maintaining a monopoly of the business , BJ the defendant on or about the day of July , Bl 1SSS , combined , confederated and agreed Bl with the Willow Springs distill Bh lne company of Omaha , and with other com Bl pouIcb In otbor states , and organized what is Bfl conimonlv called tlio wlilsky trusc , under Bl control of a board of trustees , who can rcgu- Bl late at will the production and prices of ul- Hh cohol and other spirits in Nebraska una in B | the United States , and has mid docs urbi- Bl trnrlly limit and tliminish said production Bl and incrcaso said price , and that by entering Bl lute said agreement the dofeuduut violated BH too law and abused its cowers , and so has HM forfeited tbe charter und bccoino liable to be Bl dissolved B From the second to the ninth count in the Bl causa of action the paper uvors that by the B | nfoicsald agrncmnnt the defendant com B | mlttcd an act ultra vires and transcended its Hh charter powers and usurped und exercised Bl a privllogo not conferred upon it by law ; B , tbatdorondant ugrced to divide prollts , but Bl oJ' uniting with other distilleries suspended B | business , but is still sharing in the losses Bl xnd prollts , and is controlled by said board B > of trusteed contrary to provisions of section Bl 8 of the nut uador which it was created a B | corporation ; that for past year defendant Bl has failed to niako , llle , nnd publish a report Bl required by the laws of Nebraska , and since Hi Julv , ISjS , not ninnnfacturod or sold any Bl alcohol , etc , and still falls * o do any busl- Bl ncss ; that the pooling of the distilleries Hf was for the purpo o of establishing Hf ana maintaining u monopoly of tlio manu BE facture and sale of alcohol , and of controlling Bk the iunrkot nnd diminishing the production Hf and enhancing the price of.alcohol , etc , nnd Hb- - " " sold defondaut has continued in such uu- HE lawful pool slnco July , 168S. Wherefore , Hh plain tilt prays Judgment that the defendant , Hi the Nebraska Distilling company , bo dis- Hf ; solved , Its charter vacated and its corporate Hf existence annulled , that it bo onjoiucu from Hp * * acting as a coruorution and that a receiver of Hi its property be appointed and the property of Hi said defendant bo sold as under a mortgage He foreclosure by the receiver according to law HE and practice of this couit , and the proceeds HI of sale bo brought into court by such re- HB coivcr nnd paid Into the common school fund Hi of Nebraska City or Otoo county or the state Hi of Nebraska , as tbo court shall direct , and Hi ) for such other or different relief as equity Hi may require ' Hi Tuq suit will bo entered by the nttornoy Hi ] general , who will bo assisted in lho prose Hj cution b.v Watson k Scofleld of this city in Hf ) behalf of Nebraska City Hi It is said that the dofunao will assert that HJj the institution hero was operated at a loss , HM which wus the reason for shutting down , but Hfj this wilt bo denied by posltivo proof to the HJJ contrary , and it is also clalmod that a number HJj of iocal capitalists stand ready to nurchaso HM the distillery and run It In tbo event of a HM favorable decision on the suit M Flourishing West Point M West Point , Neb , Dee 33. [ Special to B Tub 13ee. ] West Point is the county seat B of Cuming county and Is situated on the Elk BV born river In the mldstof a very fertile agri- BK cultural region The successful growth of BB the city may ba attributed inoro to this fact Bl than to any particular boom that the place BB lias over received BB An impetus was given to its growth on tbe Bm7 coming of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri BK Valley railroad , which has resolved itself M ; Into a steady forward movement No town H In the state can boast of inoro substantial B internal improvements The past year has BB soon many now buslnoss blocks built , while H tbo whole city Is dotted with now and liund- H sorao dwelling houses , varying in cost from B $500 to ? 2u,000. Especial credit is duo to the H enterprise and taste displayed by Fred Son H nonscholu.and D. C , Giffort In the erection BK of their commodious nnd elogaut prlvato BB rosldcncos HMj Alt classes of business are well ropro- H lonted , the business mon of tbo plaeo being B noted for their ouergy , ontcrpriso and firm B financial standing Among the leading gen B oral merchandise doalcrs wo may mention H the names of It Uoldsmlth , Stloren , Klein & m Jormau , C. Itosonthal and ICahn & Knhn B The flnaucial basmoss of tbo city Is rcpre- B sonted by the First National bank , with 11. K K. Valentino at tbo head ; the West Point 1 Natlonnt bank , prcsldod over by William H ( Btuefor , and the Nebraska State bank , roM - M ccntly organized and managed by K. M. ft Kloko , Dr T. D. Thompson uudJ L. Uakor , M all sound tlnuucial buslnoss mon , Mi As uu ludox of the buslnoss bore the fol- MJJ lowing record of shlpaionts speaus for itself i ft Corn , 1,000 cars ; wheat , SO cars ; hogs , 400 H cars ; butter , ' . ' 75,000 pounds ; eggs , 1-00 Hf cases ; homo manufactured paper , 1,000 tons Hf This is cxoluslvo nf the amounts shipped " . by the farmeis which In soma cases exceed HI tbo amount shippou by the dealers thein- I selves , I Tlio small stiipmenU of bogs may bono I counted for by the fact tbut the swine dUI - I case swept off inoro than half of the hogs Hf which should have boun marketed this jcar f The citizans of this pluco uro Justly proud Hf of ttielr busy , thrifty little city , at tholr mcr- I chants , their druggists , their representatives I of the art prcsarvativo , their churches aud I tholr professional mon ; especially are they | proud of their manufacturing facilities | 'lho West I'tlat creamery company is one f of tbe most extcnsivu ostablishmonU of Its I Uiutl in the world About tlfty men uro | furnished employment by this company ; H 2,000 acres of laud are necpssary to sustain the 1.500 head of storU owned by this mam- j moth establishment ; -toj cows uro kept , in j milk and these , together with outside cream bandied , turulsh au output of 207,000 pounds of gllt-cdgo butter The company puys for materials , hay grain , etc not produced on the furin , over W,000. (3S,000 of which goes | to the furmors In tbo vicinity ; a.ooo tons of coarsa feed , t > 00 tons of ensilage and bO car loads of grain are consumed on the place All this for an entorprlso yet lu its infancy speaks well for ibo push aud vluck of its j managers j The W st Point water power and land improvement - > provement company Is another of the enter prises of which our citizens ore justly proud ' 1'uoKlkhoru at this place furnishes 1,200 korso-power , of which only a small partitas ' thus far been utillrod Klovcn water wheels are in place , furnishing power for a paper mill with a capacity of 1,200 tons of paper annually ; n brick kiln , turning out 0,000,000 brlcK anuunlly , equal to any made In the state ; a planing mill , equipped with all the modern machinery : an elevator with n capacity of 10,0X1 Bushels , nnd a grist mill with n present capacity of fifty barrels per dny.Work Work will soon bo commenced upon n new flvo.roller mill , 40x00 foot , with a capacity of 100 barrels dully Material Is now on the ground for two residences , destined to cclipso anything so far constructed A steady , healthy growth Is the motto Tno town Is far enough away from the future third city of the United States not to bo nb- sorbed b.v its far reaching tcntaclna nnd with n rapidly developing manufacturing interest , nn etitornrlsing class of business men , a rich agricultural country , an ucconimodatnig rail road working for the Interests of the whole community , nothing can prevent this plaeo from ranking among the tlrst cities of the state An KrutluItiorndv. . Dakota Cur , Neb , Oca 29. [ Spcclol to Tug Ur.rj.l In the case of the State vs William Ammerman , who is charged with highway robhory , County Attomoy K. W. Frnzer refused to prosucuto Ammerman , nnd tbo nttornoy for the dofeuso tried to throw tlio case out of court After hearing the evidence Judge Wilber bound tbo prisoner over to court nnd openly told the county attorney that ho ( the Judge ) hoard the county attorney say in the presence of a dozen persons that ho would not prnsecuta William Ammnrmnn , as ho knew nothing of the eiisoTind did not want to know anything about it It is only about two weeks ago that the county attorney refused to lssuo wnrrntits for Mayor John Peyson n ul Clcorgo Cassell of Covington , and Sheriff Hrasllold wont to District Judge Harris , who appointed Gcorga Fair to Issue the warrants Why Mr.-Frazer rofuscd to prosecute Ammonium remains n mystery to nil except the county attorney , The evidence was exactly the same as that given against ouo of tbo prisoners who is in our Jail now , ho being Ammcrmnn's asso ciate in the crime charged , nnd the county attorney prosecuted sini nnd succeeded in getting him bound over to the district court Kerr Itolilnson Notes Fokt Komksox , Neb , Dec 29. [ Special to The 13ei.1 Mr U. S. Paddock was pre sented with agold-hcadodsnakowoodcanoou Christmas morning b.v bis clerks Lieutenant C. W. Taylor was presented with n handsoino watch and chnin by the employes of the quartermasters department on Christmas A short time ago Corporal Willtnmlhomas of F tronp Ninth cnvalry , whllo fooling with a revolver in the compnuy quarters , uccl- dentally sshot ouo of bis comrades in the head , nearly killing him Thomas was tried by court-martial aud today commonccd on Ills seuteneoof ono year in the guard house and to forfeit to the United States $10 of his monthly pay for that period Mrs Alary I'arris , wlfo of Sergeant Parrls company C , Eighth infantry , is dangerously ill with brain fever , and Is not expected to llvo Units Fertility Atkinsojt , Neb , Doe 29. | Spaclal to The Uhe | John A. Slaymakor , a fariuor near this city , this week received $275 in cash from two of the largest scod firms in the cast as first premiums on vegetables raised bj him this year from scod purchased of them Last year Mr Slaymakcr took in MO In premiums , nnd tbo year before $25. When it is remembered that competition for tbeso premiums was open to the whole United States and Canada , the Importunco of west ern llolt'county and the fertility of its soil come at once to the front PoHtofllnu Uiii'ulnriz-'d. Giiibon , Neb , Dee 29. [ Special Tele gram to Tue Uuc ] The safe in the Gibbon postoflleo was blown last night and about $123 taken WOUKIXG rolt A JU11Y. Slow Work in the Uolyolco White * Cnt ) Oaio Holyoke , Col , Dec 29. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tim Bee I No progress was made yesterday in the evidence in the White Cap case Tbo court took additional evidence last night as to the corruption of Juror Peterson , and on the convening of court this morning discharged , the Juror from further service and ordered tlio eleven remaining Jurors already sworn to try the case to ro- muin as they wcro in the Jury box , and said that the defendants should be entitled to ox- erclso challenges upon them aguln , and further said that each sldo would bo placed In tbo original position as to challenges , eleven Jurors being already in the box to begin with At this point tbo defendants counsel filed a motion for dismissal upon the ground of tbo Jeopardy of claiming that a jury bad boon sworn to try the case and evidence taken a whole day , and that there for o the defendants had been placed la Jeopardy , and tbut all the court could do after It bad dismissed Juror Peterson waste to dismiss the case After extended argument the court overruled the motion , holding that tbo defendants had not boon in Jeopardy , that the otbor jurors had not boon discharged from tbo case and that the oiso was still on trial Defendants counsel thou Hied a motion for a chungo of vonua based jon the grounds of premdlco of tboinliabit- u us of the county of Phillips against thorn and tluil they could not have a fair trial This motion was overruled by the court because - cause it was not Illed in the appelated time and becuuso it did not state facts suoiciont to warrant the court to outer a chungo of venue The court then ordered unopon veil ire of thirteen Jurors returnabla Monday morning and ordered the parties to proceed to examine tlio olevoii Jurors already in the boxforcauso 'lho jurors all stated that tboy could try the case and render a verdict the same as if they bad not hoard tbo testi mony the day previous , The defendants counsel moved to dismiss the eluveu Jurors for causa because tboy were already in the tury box and tholr names wore nut drawn ono at a time by chance , The court bold that this had boon done when they were originally drawn into the box and overruled tbo cnultango for cause Tbo court ad journed to 0 u. m , Monday Tipnon • fib * Treuchery /UNZinut , Doc 29-The consular court has heard tbo evidence of Stanley and Uonny In the Emln relief committees action against Tlppoo Tib Tboy testified tbut Tippoo Tib broke his contract with the view of obtaining nil tbo stores and ammunition belonging to the oxpoJitiou , and that Tippoo Tib's nephew executed sorao natives who wcro trying to ic-vlctualtha oxpoJitiou , thus causing a high rate of mortality among Stan ley's followers , They also accuse Tippoo Tib of Drovlding 430 manyomas in Juno , 1683 , with the ulterior object of deserting Stuuloy The court ordered Tippoo Tib's agent to retain the 10,000 damages cluiuied by the relief committee round J < iznn Lawkexck , Mass , Doc , 29. Today the body of Miss Sarah Nichols was found frozen in the ice of the Morrlmaa river Miss Nicuols disappeared from Lowell Christmas eve She resided in llelvldero nnd was recently swindled out nf $1,000 by Charles Metcalf , to whom she had u long time been engaged This caused dospondoacy und led to her suicide • Iteaav for Business New Youk , Dee 29. Two special senate committees arrived hero tonight and will begin hearings this week Ono has becu-np- pointed to look Into our trade with Canada The otbor will examine witnesses reijardiug the exportation and consumption of beef , ' ii Tim cLiiiAno.Ncn : iiiicoiti ) , Flnnnclnl Transaction * or the Coun try For tlio I'ant Wcok Boston , Dec 29. | Special Tolcgram to The Ure.I The following table , compiled from special dispatches to the Boston Post from the masngors of loading clotrlng bouses of the United States nnd Canada , shows the gross exchanges for the week ending December23 , with the porcontngcof incrcaso and decrcaso , as compared with the corresponding spending week in IbSS _ _ CITIES CtEAIUNaS 3 R New York fcrtrtwc.iij'j 1.5 Hoston sjksiii : ! : 8.8 l'hlladolpnln CJtM " > .07S IdJ ClllcagO . ' . , ID.tKKI.UJO , ) , ; Kt Luuis lll IUI 'l/J 4,2 Sin Irunclsco 1VHO.II2 13.1 Now Orleans lUMI.tr , P.O llaltlmoio l.MMV-lH " . < Pittsburg 12,51I0 ) 15u Cincinnati t > ,7iwo > n 0.8 IvMisasL'lty 7,7W.2. : ' > 7 1.0 Louisville KinS It.8 lroldcnoo 6,12INJ ) 1S.1 .Mlnuealiolls 4(7. > , ' . H U.2 Milwaukee 4 , 7i' , ( uO 7.0 Detroit 4O.I7. < llll 13.5 M. Paul au JU.K 1.8 Omaha 3,889,745 25.6 Denver , ) , TOM-U 23.1 CIovcImhI 4,21:1.511 : ill.n Momphls : uwtMI ! • r > Columbus 2,1174,2(11)3.0 ( Indianapolis lrl8.U ( ) 2.7 Klrhmond ] , BJ7lU7 11.4 ( iahestnn 1,4'iVlU Ji.4 i'ort Worth l/DMiSS OT.5 IVorln ] , ir , f > J7 2.8 Diiluth l.rai.Otlu 22,4 Hartford ] , fXH,2il 0.8 • StJosopn Jl lUff ! Portland , Me UJJ.OJO 7.8 Norrolt l.tni.i.211 S.2 Now Haven IUW 'JIS 7.7 Sprlngtleld liliKtt Wilmington 6-W.vn 6.1 Worcester H1\W 1B.S Syracuse 7U' .iJ0J 15.1 Lowell S3. . .4T5 1B.1 Des Moines 62-\7IH 12.0 llrand ItaDlds MI.I9I 3.2 Wichita mK 10H I.os Angelas tA\'lli 1U.2 TonoKa 3Sn.U7 13.2 • llfliralo i KM/ril • Portland Ore 1,622,001 • Nushvllle 1,58(1.757 ( Sioux City 0.I5.27U • Illrnilnglmm 717,542 • Seattle 7iBh : > • Tncoma tt3Ta • Mnntieal 8,877,017 Halifax 1.152,857 Total i'ai7.P58,249 2.1 Outside New York , 311IW5,2)0 ) 0.4 Not Included In totuls ; no clearing house t this time last year MOIU3 IiOMJUN SCANDALS Society Circles About to Receive An other Die Shook ( Copwrfoht 18891 > | / Jiitnu Oontoii IlcniutM Lojdo > j , Dec 29. | Now York Herald Cable Special to Tub Bee I Another sen sation , ( mother great scandal , will bo publio talk in London in a few days , perhaps to morrow , because coming out after months of quiet gossip in the clubs Tbo subject of the ecand 1 is a.woll known Journalist and so ciety man Ho writes well , has made faino , attends big bauquots , furnishes the princi pal society gossip for the London World , aud is author of a column ontitlcd Celebrities at Home " .Ho Is also the right hand man of Augustus Harris of the Drury Lane thcator , and urrauges his social func tions and his artistic meetings , as bo is known to tbo leading literary , aftistio and dramatic people of London The Bcandal will coma to the publio Uko a thunderbolt from a clear sky On Deccmbor 14 his portrait appeared on the tlrst page of Vanity Fair , the place of honor devoted to distincutshcd personages The subject of the scandal has left for Paris , and Vanity Fair apologizes for publishing his portrait Sympathy is expressed In tbo clubs for Ed mund Ynton , who , of course , know nothing of his assistants former career It is said that the scaadal concerns bis record years ugo whllo in the Bengal service The present outburst was preceded by the questions ; Wby was ho forced to lcavo tbo Bengal service ) Wby was tbo Investigation hushed I Tbo reports as to the nature of the charge vary Itovoltlng inferences of an oriental nature arc alleged , and society circles will be shocked UN IN KAIINK3T. The Great Northwestern Passenger Unto Wnr St Paul , Minn , Doe 29. [ Spoclal Tele gram to The Bee ] The great northwestern - orn passenger rate war begun yesterday by tbo Burlington & Northern is on in earnest The Chicago , St Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha line announced today that It would begin selling first olass tlckoto to Chicago for $9 and second class for $7. The Omaha line printed and posted its notices today in order to bo ready to meet the cut on January 1. Leading railroad mon predict that all the Chicago lines will bo in tlio light in a week and that first class tickets can soon bo bought for loss thun $5. Into tlio Frny Kansas Cxtt , Mo , Dec 29. ISpcciat Telegram - gram to The Bee.1 Tlio general agent of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul hero bns re ceived notice to make a reduction of $2,50 in the first class rate to Chicago and i'i.OO in the second class rate to that city This is done to offset the reported Burlington & Northern cut on northwestern ratna Of course the announcement of this cut In the southwest will bring all other roads into the fray and a general reduction is imminent The MllwauUeoofllcials assort that tionorth | western rouds have stirred uu the muddle , caused u general demoralization , broicaup the Western States association and that it Is now time for the retaliation There Is no telling what will como of the trouble as re gards western and southwestern rates TO FURNISH 1.MW1IMA.TION. The Great W ork or tbo Civil Service llnrorm Com 111 ttrr BorrAi.o , N. Y. , Dec 29. SUorman S. Hogers , tbo local member of the commlttoo of llvo appointed recently by the national civil service reform lenguo to examine into tbo management of the federal ulvil service , today says : "It was hardly contemplated that any im portant action would bo taken by the com mittee until the first part of the coming-year. The general schuine of the movement , " ho continued , "Is for the purpose of furnishing information of every kind tending to show the people the boncllclal character of civil service reform Wo will certataly find some things which need correction , und expect to find much to ( .ttest tno fact that civil ser vice reform highly beneficial in its nature to the publio at largo As soon as tbe people understand this It is our expectation tboy will not allow the movement to ba crippled for means to sustain its stutlon Tboy will provide for It tbo sinews of war " StciwnWiln Arrivals At New York Arrived on the 23. Tbo Aller , from Bremen and Southampton ; tbo Wisconsin , from Liverpool and Quecslown ; tbo State of Alabama , from dlasgow ; tbo Etruria , from Liverpool The Venuam , from Rotterdam , arrlvod' without the ( Jiubrla , from Now York , at Quecnstowu ; the City of Borlln , from Now York , at Quecnstowu ; the Persian Monarch , from Now York Off the Lizard ; The Pennsylvania , from New York , at Antwerp Sailed from foreign parts i Tbo Norman die , from Havro , for New York ; the Hugiu , from Havre , for New York , r THE TARIFF A LOCAL ISSUE , Hancook's Maxim Improsslng the Wuys find Means Oommlttoo TELLING THE OLD STORIES Advocntcs or llljh , Protection Bring 1111 New Knots to Llfjht lfrnuilu- lent Kniry Patent Western Ciiiigresainoii Wasihsqtos Buiinuj Tan Omaha Hen , ) 813 FouirrnENTit Stkbbt , > Wasiiixotov D. C , Dec 29. J The commtttco on ways nnd moans Is hear ing again the same old stories it has heard so ultcn concerning lho necessity of protec tion for the industries of this country , but in its hearings so far bus not learned ouo now ' fact or obtained n single now idea The result is only to demonstrate how decidedly right General Hancock was in defining the tnrlft to bo a local Issue The same mon have abpoarod and have made the same speeches they made two and four und eight und twelve yours ago nud the com mlttco will report tlio aamo bill that was reported by thu republican minority at the Inst session of congress , keeping up the si stem of protection on all articles but sugar nnd reducing the revenues from 140 , 000,000 to $50,0JOOOJ by taltltig the duty off that and removing tlio internal revenue taxes from tobacco , fruit , brandies and nlcu- hoi used In the nrts An attempt will bo made to pass what is known as the Hewitt administrative bill , " a reorganization of the custom servlco , aud the Aldrich bill to prevent undervaluation- the appraisement of merchnndiso , neither of them being polit ical measures another ANAnciniST petition ; I hear that a monster potltion Is coming into congress signed by people in all parts of the country usklng fortho , passage of a law prohibiting the organization of social , politi cal or military organizations that uro intended to bo a monaco to the peace and well being of communities und ulso prohibiting the use or possession by such organizations of fircurms or ammunltiun This means anarchists and socialists The petition assorts that there uro in tbo city of New York not loss than twenty-llvo thousand and in Chicago not less than tliroo thousand mon Wbo are organized , cquippod and in military trnimngfor tbo pur pose of forcibly resisting tba laws and de stroying property , und that they are spread ing pernicious and dangerous doctrines utnong the foreign born population cf the country I have not hcatd of any such petitions from Chicago or the west being received , iius mimisox Mrs Harrison made nor first nppoaranco In publio slnco tbo doathlof.hor sister at the dinner given to tbo poorchiluren of Wash ington by thu Christmas ; club on Saturday afternoon , and with her iduuqhtor remained a spectator during the concert by tbo Marino band and the Punch and Judy show that followed Mrs Harrison-was not in mourn ing but were u gown una ibonnot , of lustro- loss Dluck silk Mrs MclCco , her daughter , wus in colors Baby MclCeo would have on- jojed tbo festivities , for about two thousand hungry and ragged , . youngsters swept like a cyclone through sfacVs of sandwiches , turkey , sweet potatoea apple pie and ginger bread and groaned wh/h / tha stomachache < for hours after , but it was thought wisa to follow Dr Gardeners advice and keen the presidential pot from exposure to cnickun- pox scarlet fever and possible contagion ' 1 ho president returned ut 10 o'clock last night rrom his voyage down the river He Baw where his ancestors u < ted to live , heard Senator Edmunds und General Huwley toil a lot of stories , but did not kill any ducks WESTEltN C0KOIIE9SIONAL ASSOCIATION Within the last few days tbo glass panel In the front door of tbo old mansion of Ad miral Sands , which lias boon a fusblonublo boarding house for sov&rul years and adjoins the Shoroham hotel oa the north , has boon ornamented with a legend in gilt letters winch roods : Western Congressional As sociation " This appears to be the result of the enterprise of Cougrcssman Carter of Montana , wbo has already gained hero tbo reputation ho has long had In his own country of being a rustler He concelvod tbo idea of forming anorganization of north western congressmen , tot the purpose of concerted action for the benefit of that sec tion , and upon consultation it was dooidod to enlarge Its scope and mako'lt ' wide enough to take lu the senators , members aud delegates of all the states und territories west of the Mississippi , regardless of ago , politics or previous condition of servitude So tbo coin mitteo quietly secured ItB present quarters in a three-story bouse with fourtcon largo rooms The ofllceisaro : President , Sen ator Stewart of Nevada ) vlco president , Hepresontativo II O. Hansnorougb of North Dakota ; secrotury , Hepresentutivo Thoinus H. Carter of Montana ; treasurer , Deloguto Caiey of Wyoming Our objects in inaugurating this associa tion , " said Hepresontativo Carter , are manifold Wo have no desire to use it for Influencing sectional legislation , but wo waut to promote a general social and commercial intercourse between tbo people of the west It looks towards a dcVcloumont of tbe natural resources of thrtt vast section Wo are now rules which will admit of the ex- Preparing lbitlon of the choicest collection of the min eral productions of the west , us well as far us possible of the agricultural products All of these must of course ba in the most com pact and attractive forms Wo will have reading and writing rooms , The association will bo supported by the voluntary contribu tions of Its members , nnd wo desire to have on lllo every periodical publication west of the Mississippi Wo look to the enterprise and publio spirit of the pub.ishors to furnish us with their publications gratis We want to make this tboopon headquarters of trans Mississippi , who can have their mall ad dressed here , can wrlto their letters and mcot their friends here and who will bo expected to leave their addresses lu our registers , The vurlous western delegations will have the use of the roomsfor ] meetings uud caucuses j Congressmen can make appointments hero far mnro conveniently tbau in hotel lobbies , or lu their own rooms or houses The many advantages of sucn a bouso as this make it all the moro struDgo that nuch u place has not been Inaugurated oars ago We are happy to state tbat the pjeject is already a success , and that Irrespective of party , tbo representative of tbo trans-Missiaslpplau section are coming Intoitho association " rBAUDUI.3.NT . IWTlir TATENT The ' commissioner of the general land office expects a report tomorrow or tbo next day from the committee that has been inves tigating the recent frauduleut patent for the entry in the Duluth district , The testimony shows that the issue of.tho patent was di rectly solicited and its expedition onglnoorod b.v Luther Harrison , ono.af the Washington attorneys of the ring that lias been running affairs in the Duluth landcftlco during the recent administration This tostlmouy was given under oath by tbo recorder of the gen eral land oulco a recent nppolntoo and tbereforo necessarily entirely un connected with the old ring by the young woman who handed the cbbcs nut for patent , and tbe woman wbo compared the patent after it was writ ten Those.witnesscs all testified ' hat tbo patent was expedited at the Instance of Harrison risen upon some spurious pretense made to the recorder It fuithcr appears that the patent was discovered In the local land office after Its transmission from Washing ton , by tbe resident attorney of Hartman & Mallett T , 11. Chew , und was immed iately taken out , recorded and the various conveyances thereunder also put on record for the purpose or complicating the title and if possible puttlug it beyond the reach of future reclamation Indeed it appears that several of the conveyances wore recorded two days after Hartman & Mallett bad un dertaken nnd promised upon tbo Indigmant demand of the corutnlstloaor of tbo general land office to return the patent Tbo at tempt to break the crushing force of the ' tostloiony only liclpod to rlvot moro securely the chain of proof which made their complicity In these nofanous transactions absolutely conclusive This consisted in the production of , as gomilne , n mutilated Hit and 11 tolcgram , the tatter be ing subsequently shown to have had noth ing whatever to do with the expedition ol the patent nnd It was In fact received sev eral davs after the case had been made special and was nlroady In the bauds of the patent wrltor As rornrds the methods In vogue among the employes of the general land ofllco It was qulto a significant fuct that nlthougti orders existed reiterated by successive com missioners , tlmos without number peromplor- lly forbidding the borrowing of money by thorn from ultornoys practicing before the ofllco , the local banks are fullof notes drawn by divers of such employes and oudorscd by complaisant attorneys , whoso confiding friendship for thu nuthors frequently lend them to endure without particularly loud complaint the catastrophe of a protest A CANVAS DtOK SIMlOSIUJI Colonot Tom Ochlttrco , Judge Beverly Tucker and John Cliamborlalu termed n trio Inst evening in the roar room of Chamberlains lain's hotel Colonel Ochiltrco hud lu front of him n lnrgo chafing dish umlor which three alcohol lumps burned brightly and from whoso lop cama the stonin of stowing oysters Ochiltree is uno of the gourmands of the capital , nud knows as well as any liv ing man the proper way to cook terrapin , prepare ovsturs or baste u canvas back duck ' • John Wlso , " said Chamberlain , sent 1110 a clipping thu other day written by Sandy Oriswoldof The Omuia Beu In which ho criticises very sharply mv statement that the true canvas back is not found at nny great distauco from the Chesapeake I wiib perfectly well aware that canvas back ducks are Bnnt lu Illinois , 111 the celery beds of Min nesota nnd also on the Platte lu Nebraska 1 have hundreds of so-called western canvas backs expressed to mo for comparison with those of the Chesapeake I luivo cooked thoin for senators and representatives , preparing - paring them with ull the care that I give to those found m our waters , but the fact of the matter is that so far as the delicacy of the llavor Is concerned , there is no compari son netwoon the birds Today tbo Havro do Uraco canvas back Is selling for $14 11 pair Otbors go begging in this tnarkot Why is this ? It Is only because no other so-called canvas back possesses the peculiar quality of tusto that is found in the canvas back of Havro do Grace The climate , the surroundings , the feed , nil unite to give to our eastern canvas back duck a subtle something which cannot bo found elsewhere The proof of the pudding is in the eating and the proof of the duck is found by the taste " "I remember well , " said Judge Bovorlv Tucker , when I was a boy that the Potomac mac , ns well as all the Inlets of the Chesa peake bay , were covered with flocks of can vas back ducks I have muny a time , as a boy , bought them tor 25 cents apiece , and ro- moinbor that on my fathers plantation there was a rule that a negro should not , in quar ters , oat canvas back duck moro than twice a week Later , I have time and time again gone to the markets and bought for 81.25 u brace of canvas backs woighlng as high ns seven and a half or eight pounds During thu war , when tbo l'otomao was patrolled and no bateaux wcro allowed on the river , the canvas backs multiplied with astonish ing rapidity , but now they are , season by season , growing scarcer I am an old man , but 1 expect to llvo to see the dny when they will bo practically extinct on the Chesa peake , und ono of the greatest of all delica cies will bo no moro obtainable1" Next to the ennvas back , " said Colonel Tom Ochiltree , as ho threw a pinch of pepper and a dash of salt Into his Lynn Haven Bay oysters , "u good terrapin stow Is in my Judg ment tno grentost of table delicacies Of' the four styles of cooking terrapin I de cidedly prefer the Maryland style , where cream is used in tbo stew , and the dish Is afterwards flavored by 11 wino-glassful of Madeira " Justice Miller of the supreme court , who Is ono of the best Judges of terrapin , prefers to any that cooked at a place on the avenue here Chamberlain , who is sitting opposite us , can , if bo will , put on the apron himself and superintend the Job There is only ono place in Now York City , where torrnpin can bo secured that is Ut to cat , and that is at tbo Munhattun club None of the hotels sco in to uudorstund the manner of making this delicious morsel A five-inch terrapin is about tbo right szo It is more economical than a larger or suialler ono The main thing in tbo preparation of torrnpin Is to sco that tbo meat is wall cooked ; that there Is no tlngo of scorch about the preparation , and that the seasoning is in the proper proper tions " Peiiiit S. Heath NOT CONFISCATED Do 111 Pedro Still Holds His Brazilian Property WASinsiaTOJT , Dee 29. The Brazilian minister today received a cablegram from Barboza , minister of finance , regarding a statement repeatedly made that the pro visional government of Brazil had confis cated the property belonging to tbo em peror It says : The property belonging to the imperial family has not been confiscated On the contrary , a decree has guaranteed to allow the Imperial family the term of two years within which to disposa of its prop orty " The Brazilian minister and Captain Maurity , dolcgato to the maritime congress , who was present when the Associate press preoortor called to sco tbo mlnistor , declared it their firm belief tbut tbo republio wus assured boyoad a question , Itcports of trouble , they said , were all batched up In Lisbon by enemies of thu republic With regard to the reports that Gorman und other colonists had petitioned their govern ments for protection against tba decico of the pinvislouiul government , Valonte and Captain Mauilty said this was a mistaken understanding of the intention of the governments ernment's decree issued , which dcclurod all roroignors resident within tbo cquntry at tbo time tbo ro- publio was proclaimed to bo citizens of Brazil unless tboy should prefer to contlnuo their altogiunco to tboir native country , There was nothing compulsory ubout it There seems to be a growing feel ing here among Brazilians In support of the republio and of opposition to the monarchy This feeling apparently is duo to a consider able cxteat to the supposed attempts ut inter ference on tbe part of Uuropoan governments with Brazils national affairs Even these Brazilians who were formerly devoted to Do in Pedro and for sonio , time wore not friendly to the now government arc uow strong adherents of the republic Cheers for the Queen Bounty , Dee 29. Tbo native congress at the final meeting confirmed the resolutions previously adopted and appointed a committee - mitteo to press its views upou the English people , The Mohammedan delegates asked time to consult their coreligionists on cer tain questions It was decided to hold tbe next congress In Beugul in lSJO The dele gutes separated with cheers for tbo queen , Bradlaugh , who has attended the sessions , promised to bring up tbo Indian matters iu parliament at thu earliest possible moment , A FpnrtMimn Terribly Irjurr-d. HimoN , 8. D. , Dee 29. [ Special Telegram 'to The Bee.I Peter Hassmlssen , living near Iroquois , In tbo castorn part of the county , whllo hunting yesterday was terri bly injured by the accidental discharge of a gun The load entered his mouth , cutting away a portion of tbo tongue , breaking the Jaw and cheelc bone , nnd tearing uut the teeth , making a wound that may prove fatal Itohcrt Garreti'h Illness Baltimoue , Dee 29. Mr Itobert Garrett Is in very poor health At times ho Is very much depressed , aud occasionally becomes very excited Ho is still at bis country home Uplands , " near Cutonsyillo His frlendB have not been eucouraged by the reports from physicians , especially us bo has been unwell off und on lor two years TUG PACK THAT KILLS A 1'roinMntr Young Chlunuonn Uiilnod By Winnnml Women Ciiic.um , Dec 29. A sonsatlou was caused at the Palmer bouio last evening by the nr- rest of ono of the guests , Prank Audrows , the proprietor of the C. II , Strong company , 1S5 Madison street Andrews is now in the Insane department of the detention hospital nwaillng Ills examination tomorrow before the tnsano court His sister swore out tlio wnrianlon which ho was arrested Audrows Is ono of the best known about town mon In the city , nnd when Homily Sheriff Glo.ison nnd Uotcctlvo Hynn walked blm through the Palmer rotunda last even ing the place was buzzing with oxcltoinont 'lho unlortumita owns the company which makes all kinds of tooth powders , tooth pa to , fancy soaps , otc , nt the corner or Madison Btrcot und Fifth avenue The con com Is an old uuu wealthy ono , unit It Is said that from ono tooth soap alone Audrows gets * 10,000 it year Hu is comparatively a young man , has hosts of friends , enjoys all kinds of sport , Is generous to c fault , but for some time bo has been hntullcappcd by traveling at the pace which ultimntelv kills A story was told about him ut the Palmer lastovonlng which rotated bow bo visited n number of saloons iu the city not long ngo Ho would enter the barroom , call for a bet tloof champagne and ono glass After uu- corking the bottle ho poured Its contents Into the small glass , Soon the little cup was filled to ovorilowlng , but Audrows did not mind that Hu kept , pouring tbo sparkling fluid Into the glass , covering tbo veneered counter and Uoor with the costly stuff When the bottle was empty ho drink the bit in the glass , paid the bill , and loft for another saloon , where the same trlcic was repeated Similar stories regarding him reached the oara of the man agement of the Palmer house und when ho begun to not strangely a few days ngo a watch was put ever him Yesterday morn ing the Bound of a violent debate was heard in his room , 314 , and It was thought that An drews had u visitor nnd was arguing with him Presently hoc tine from his room un- rccauipanlod His room was searched , but no ono was there Andrews hnd been shout ing to himself At noon bo entered his room , and iiuothor apparently heated discussion was heard Then Clerk Hil ton sout for James IUmagc , Andrews bookkeeper , and told him that his employer act d ns though ho was demented By this time Andrews was so wild that ho was called from his room nnd the door was locked It was thought ho would do himself bodily barm if left alone Ho would have nothing to say to his book-ltooper and the latter nt once wont to Andrews sister , who procured a warrant for lho unfortunate mans arrest Andrews wus calm when the officers enmo for him What do you want me fori" bo asked "To take you to tlio dotontlon hospital " "Do they say I'm insauol" Yes > ' All right ; I dent believe it " Upon arriving ut the hospital ho would not touch nny of his personal effects When nslcod for his valuables ho did not move Hero I am , " ho Slid "If you want any thing on my body you will have to get it " Ho remained like a bronze statue whllo the attendants looked through his clothing Lust evening Miss Andrews said her brother wns placed in an inobnato asylum In St Louis a year or so ugo , but ho wns soon discharged , and seamed perfectly cured Last summer Audrows figured in Judge Horton's divorce court It sonms thnt whllo traveling in Switzerland a few years ago bo met the flnunco of n foreign nobleman und fell in love His uttontions were rcclproeatod nnd ho finally married the womnn uud brought her to Chicngo After a few mouths she became tired of blm and sued for u dlvoico It was at the time ho was In the asylum , und she won bor case and $10,000 besides INFLUU ZA'S VlOlIMS An Illinois Doctor JIns a Violent Attack Ciiicaco , Dee 29. | SpecIal Telegram to The Bcn.l The Russian Influenza scorns to bo settling down In several of the towns In tbe vicinity of Chicago It is reported to bo very mild , however , at all poiats except Uockford , where a number of patients nro seriously UL Dr Clinton Helm , a promi nent physician , has the most pronounced case In that city and his tcoudition is bucIi thnt two of his brother practitioners are 111 constant attendance upon blm Last night u morphine injection had to bo used to subdue - duo the violent muscular spasms consequent upon the fits of sneezing una the coughing from which ho suffered The Grin on Cleveland Ci.evfmnd , O. , Doe 29. Kusslan influ enza is qulto provalcnt in Cleveland All classes of people scorn to bo affected , and some are compelled to talteto tholr beds No serious results apprehended No Slirns of Improvement London , Dec 29. 'lho opldomio of In fluenza continues in Purls and there are no signs of improvement In Munich the dis ease is Increasing In Berlin it is accom panied by dengue fever attended by rheuma tism and a rlso of temperature Many of tbo officers of the Berlin garrison aroaflectod , and about one-tblrd of the military workmen at Spanduu uro ill with the dlsoase , It Benches Spnln MADnin , Dee 29 Influenza continues to Bpread and has appeared in most of the largo towuB of Spain APPROACH OF TUB oTOiUI KING Hcports of Blizznidy Wcntner from nil Over St Padx , Doc 9. Wlntor weather is re ported us Laving sot in generally throughout the northwest Heavy snow has fulloo ever a wldo area , and trains are delayed at many points The gentle snow fall wlilcli ruuehod the Twin cities yesterday evening strength ened into a gale of theblfzzird porsuaslon later and ruged furiously until morning Loss nt * lilfo Fonrcil H01.VOKB , Cole , Doc 29. [ Special Tclo- gram to Tiid Bee ] Atorrlfio snow storm commenced hero today at 2 p. ro , , and now , at (1 ( p. in . It has turned Into u blizzard of the most dangerous form Tbo wind Is driving It from the northwest at a great rate of spend , while the air Is filled with line particles of snow that drift into buildings through the smallest of crevices Much suffering of stock Is anticipated during the night , and the Erobablo loss of human life * , as many farniors ave boon in town toduy attending court und have attempted to go long distances to their homes _ _ _ _ _ In 'loxif" . San Antonio , Tex , Dee 29. The first genuine norther of the season made itself felt this morning nnd thu mercury has fallen 27 degrees in twenty-four hours A ncnulno Blizzard , HunoN , S. D. , Dec , 29. [ Spoclal Telegram to Tub Hee ] A terrible snow nnd wind storm prevailed hero lust night , tbo worst slnco tbo memorable storm of January 12 , 1637 , Rain toll from early morning until 8 la the afternoon , when It began snowing and the wind changed to tbo north The storm extended over a greater part of tbo stute , and wus u genuine blizzard No trains were sent out last night or today , m The Weather Forooast For Omaha and Vicinity Fulr weather For Nebrasku Fair , warmer by Monday night ; variable winds For South Dakota Fair and colder Mon day morning ; warmer Tuesday morning ; winds shifting to kouthorly For Iowa Fair una colder In castorn portion tion ; polder iu western portion Monday morning ; followed bv warmer Tuesday morning ; northwesterly winds , < * A WHOLE FAMILY CREMATED , 1 The Pnronta nnd Bight Ohlldron 1 Burned AHvo j ,1 \ $ > HORRIBLE MICHIGAN TRAGEDY I Humors That the Carelessness of - if lntn\lonteil Pnronta Mny Have J ri Boon the CutiHo Only flj3 Two Ksuniic 1J | IJInvon Victims lif DnnioiT Mich , Dec 29. A calamity not | surpassed In tbo ununls of the country cc- ' IVL cur red at a o'clock this morning nt Huron fiu ! town f W A family nnmed Gross , consisting of the * ; parents nnd eight children , with n visitor J : were consumed lu n burning dwotling , j ; ' 1 beodoro Gross nml wlfo returned from a aiij dance near by at 13 oclock At 2:30 : am | 'j | n sou , Theodore , Jr , returned from , - jJ the Huron stamp mills , where 3f | ho is employed Ho wont Into JK tlio house nud went to bed Shortly utter ho ffl was nualiened by his brother Nicholas , who Fifl heard screams coming from an ndjolnlupl wH room , occupied by three sisters and thrcd vH litllo brothers , They ran to the door nnd ft I found the room n muss or flames Smoke - * M nnd 11 ro were ascending the stairway and 'iJ the boys escaped by jumping through a win -i dow They reached the ground seriously cut ,1 by glass and but scantily clothed 3 Ono attempted to enter the house ou * - the giound floor , where the father , mother % and two children slept , but wcro driven 'J back by the flames that enveloped the build i\ inf SI It was impossible for the spectators who < jj quickly gathered to save the iu mutes They 4fl | were compelled to stand by mid huur their -fi | | ngonlzing cries In the course of tliroo 111 hours a searching party wont over the rooms Mil nud discovered the charred remains ol eleven j B bodies distinguishable only by the size of the | 'B bones "jfj They were gathered In a sleigh box and N deposited iu a public bull The victims wild ' | wcro killed wcro : sRI THKODOKU GROSS , aged flfty-soven. a ll Ills wlfo , aged forty-sovcu. a CATIIEUINr2 , JOHN , XS TONEY , M MARY , fi LIZZIE , J JOSEPH , . 1ji MICHAEL , Mil LENIEullehlldrcnof Mr andMrs Gross , $ m LENA ERBST of Lake Liudon , a cucsb jfl The ages of the young people ranco from 31 two to twentytwoyearB. . There is no ro- ia liable Information as to bow the fire started J If Theodore Gross , jr , says It might have 31 ! originated from a lamp that bo supposed ho > ri | extinguished before ho wont to bed , 11' ' There ure rumors that the dreadful nccl- ma doutoccurred thiough the carelessness of the - I parents , who uro alleged to have returned -fa homo Intoxlcatod from the dance I ALAS UUA/.1I/ , BKA/.lli ! % The Last WordH or the DeaJ Em- S press -a . ) OroiiTo , Dec 29. Dom Pedro hns rccelvod * many lulegrams of condoleuco on the death of his wife ' Among them was ono from J Queen Victoria When It became , ovldcat "H that tlio end wus rapidly approaching the 5 ' ex-empress was udvised to summon her con % fessor Although in great agony she replied : "v % Yes , but wo must await tbo emperor Ha § will give Instructions " Her last words "j were : "I regret that my children and s grandchildren uro not around mo , that , ! 3 might bless them for the last time Alaa * Brazil Brazil , that beautiful country I I 'A cannot return there 1" j ; Doin Pedro rose early this morning and > ! ; attended mass Ho wns greatly dejected 3 | and so weak that his doctors were obliged to a support him Much axioty is loll for his condition s When Dom Pedro w arrived beside his dead % wife ho knelt and kissed her forehead Ho | appealed unable to move and did not speak * . for twenty minutes Then ho said , "I have experienced the most bitter trial r Gad could inflict upon mo Her faith ful and uffcctlonuto companionship < has sustained mo for 'fortj-stx years j Gods will be done " A Then noticing his wifo's eyes worn still open he lost command of himself and ex- / cluimed : "Is it possible these deur , kind eyes will novcr agulu brighten when they „ boo me " s • ! Having closed the e/ollds ho reverently c , kissed thorn Ho then asked lo bo alone and ) so rcmuined for a long time , after 4 which ho became calm and usked tbut ull ba ' 4 kept quiet unlil the Lisbon fetes were oudod A The news hud , however , already been sent 2 everywhere -a Later in the evening Dom Pedro sent dls'a patches announcing the death of bl * * 5 wife to various mnuarchs The Brazilian ' = § miulstor has notified the provisional govern % ment In Brazil of tbo death of tbo ex-em- t press 4 Today the body was cmbalmod and trans , Ji ferred to the Cbapelle Ardcnto , l'bo in- i terment will bo la the Pantheon rf A Heartbroken Dnuglilor 'S Madiiid , Dee 29. When the Count and J. Countess O'En arrived hero this mornlug % they were ignorant of the death of the ox- / ; express of Brazil , and there was a heart A rending scouo at tbo hotel when tbo news of f * the death of her mother was broken to the i countess - \ Queen Christiana came to the hotel to offer ' < H bor condolences 'Jl Pursued hy Spirits , 'jf San Mati.o , Cala , Doc 29 , James Flgort , % a woll-drossod and apparently wealthy man , "ft supposed to bo from San Francisco , created | nn excitement In n Catholio church tonight , 1 1 by cointnitlng suicldo Ho arrived this after " j l noon , und rushing to Father Cullaghan , fM throw himself op his knoss crying "Sava I' ' l mo , suvo me I'm going to die Evil spirits y m are after mo " The prlost calmed blm and f l directed bim to a hotel , Figurt appeared 9 1 again at tbo ovcnlng servlco and wub very J l devoted At tbo clnso ho calmly rose , drew fiH a pen knlfo , und cut bis throat before any -M l ono could interfere He died within flva isB minutes without Breaking a word It U JsH thought bis mliia was utfectod , H l Mnriloroil in 'I holr Sleep , ' 'III Boscoiiel , Wis , Dec 29. Betwceu 3 and 4 H o'clock this morning Jerry O'Noil and wlfo f > sl were shot in bed by au uukuown assassin at 1 1 Mt Sterliog Two duughtors In an udjoin- | | ing room were awakened by tbo shots , but .liH when they reached the bedside thu parents H l wore dead There is no clue to thu perpd- , ' H trulois of the crime , us the O'Nella , whp fliH were well-to-do furmui s , are uot known to 9 1 have bud au enemy TO I * Glailhtono'H Four Kcora Years MsB London , Dee 29. Tlio olghttotb miniver- D l sary of Gladstone's birth absorbed 60 uiuolj * i ! | attention us to make of this quiet Sabbutba ill day of national remembrance Telegrams 1 1 end letters of congratulations and admira'lsH tlon poured Into Hawnrdon from not only all l H quarters of England , but literally from all 4iH purls of the world All the members of tba J1H Gladstone family branches were gatnored at 3 l Hawarden to meet and greet their eminent i H kinsinuu ' tf H Wurllkii Arabs J H Kanziiiar , * Dee , 29 , Mujor Wisiman with " : H a force nf men and several steamers baa - | gene to meet the attack of 0,000 Arabs on ' IH Pangaul The Arabs , who ire led by Be- ' . H uiauehor ] , attaokod a German detachment 'J H two days ago , wounding ouo officer sua lull > ; H ing several meu , H