Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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v ' The Vnluo of Early Maturity in Rals-
I \J \ luff Oattlo For Market
[ ; Cows Should llnvn Aocos * to It nt
t All TliilM Winter Cnro r
. , t Ilrccillnr lloicn Knll
* 'f > Cnlvr Hocb
Knrly Mntlirlty
J It rctulros | good tnnnngmotitnt pres
ent prices to r.iiso und fittton cattle /or /
mtu'Kot mid rcnli o itfnlr per cent prollt
Ono Item in tills is early maturity ,
! writes a correspondent of the Western
Agriculturist The small amount of
I p food saved whllo the slock ia making n
j Blow growth is moro than made up by
! the limo required to mature Animals
J l can bo made ready for market at n less
cost if n steady gain Ib Bccurcd
from bhth to maturity It may
requlro a little moro food to
s maintain a steady growth than to
] only kcop them allvo , hut by
1 pushing they pan bo made ready for
market when past two years old , while
' otherwise It w 11 often requlro thrco , If
not four The longer an animal must
bo fed the greater the risks , whllo all
the time that they are ted and no gain
- is secured is adding that muuh to the
' cost without a corresponding gain It
' > is , of course , nn Item to secure their
gain at as low a cost as possfblo Good
eholtor , regular feeding and watering
are neooiBiiy The kind of material
that should ho used will vary in differ
ent locnlltlcs , and what may bo the
I most economical in ono locality will
j not provo so in another , and the farmer
m list bo ublo to determine this for him
| A certain amount of food is necessary
| . with each animal to maintain llfo and
hout ; these will como from the feed llrst
and the gain iu growth or weight after
i ward , so that u , sulllciont amount of feed
* " more than is necessary to maintain anl-
> , mill llfo must bo supplied if ti good gain
is secured , andifwoll fed a rapid growth
. ' ' may bo roali/od. There is , of course ,
fi considerable in the bleed , but as yet wo
i hnvo no breed that will mnko a vigor
oushealthy growth unless pionty of feed
' is supplied , and If an early maturity is
eoeurud good breed , good food and irood
caio must all bo glvou and in proportion
tion as these are supplied will bo the
growth of the animals
With cattle at the presoat time the
cost must bo lessened or it will be difll-
' eultto realize a fair profit , ana securing
nij early maturity when it can bo done
without too much incrcaso in the cost is
an important Item with cuttlo
Y • Salt tor D.ury Ntnofc
BIh Wo have never had auy doubt of the
Hi importance of free access to salt by
IJjt ibiiry stock But wo now and then moot
Hj | with people who think salt an injury to
H- ; both animals and mon , and some have
Hj | gone so far as to deprive their animals
HJ | of salt altogether , except what they do-
Hf rive from the food they oat , every kind
Hjr of which contains at least n trace of
HJ , ' rommou salt , writes a correspondent to
HJf iho .Nolir.iska Farmer Lack of Bait for
Kit cows used to bo considered a cause for
HJ } hard churning and is uowoo considered
HJ j by'many good judges , who at once nd-
Ha [ minister salt to their cows as a remedy
HK > i . lor Iho ovll But in oarliery days dalry-
A , men had not yet reached the point of
HM | ' ' keeping 6alt constantly within reach of
if their cows so they could tit will help
HJ : ' themselves All these early no-
Hjl tions wore founded on tradition
HI- and loose observation , but it is
HJv interesting to note how close
HJ ly they agree with modern scicntilic
Hjt conclusions The experiments of Euro
Hlf poan nations notably of the French
HJ ; Bcctns to huvodulinitcly determined the
Hit value of suit for ail kinds of stock
HJ > Modoru obsorvol's have reached the
HJf conclusion that salt is necessary to the
HJ * best health and porformnnco of a cow
HJI Prof , Robertson of the Guclpli oxperi-
HJi mcn\nl \ station , Ontario , Canada , bays a
HJ - Borics of experiments convinced him
HE thut to deny cows suit for cvon ono
HJ % woe It reduces their How of milk 115 to
HJP 17i per cent in qunntity and lowers ' the
HJ ; quality Milk given when the cows nro
HJ | aoprived of Milt , ho suys will sour
HJf twentj-four hours sooner than that
HJ ; givop when they liavo a full supply of
HJ' , > it It is greatly relished hv all animals ,
HJ $ which is strong presumptive evidence
HJ iu its favo < ' . and there cannot be a ron
HJm eonuhlo doubt , ut this into day , that suit
f is bouoQclal to them
H | | * ItroedliiiT hews tn Winter
Hf ? , It Is not ndvisnblo to attempt to win
f- l tor top many hogs Tn fact , when It
HJS < I ciui'ba doun , it will provo moro econom-
HJ | ! leal to luivo only the brooding stock
Hif' the bows and boars to winter , says the
HJ- ! Western Agriculturist Whether the
HJg pigs are to como in February , March or
Mfi ! • April , It is quito nocossiiry to keep the
HJ < k , eo\ys'ln ' good condition They will do
HJf ; bottoi and bring hotter pigs If they are
t r ( hyikopt } In n vigorous , healthy contli-
_ „ , I tion than if fat Neither the sow or
boar will bo as good a breeding animal
§ if kept too fat
_ , It is quite an item in wlntoring to
Hk | lesson the cost as much as possible , and
HJ | ono very important item in doing this
HJjSJi is to provide a warm , dry shelter Un-
HJt loss a much larger number than the
HJ avorngo is kept , during the greater
HJl part of tljo winter they can bo kept to-
HJf * gothor and will do hotter than If sop
HJS a ' rutud They should have bedding
HJk Bupplicd thorn , and this should bo
HJv | ohungod every week or ton days in
HBj ordur to keep thorn free from lice
HJfl A woqk or ton Aaya bofnro f.irrowing
HJ | , tlo.v | should have a Bopunito pen bo that
HJK , ench sow can havoaplaco to horsolf.and
HJK she should bo placed in her pen so that
HJ fcjio will become acauhtoinod to it before
HJE furrowing A sulllciont amount of bad
HJK * ding to make her comfortable should bo
HJKt , provided , and a gradual chantro of feed
HJP bo made , Cbpooially if they have boon
HJS fed largely on corn It Is never a good
HJp plan wllti stock of any kind to make a
HJP ' ohang'o ' of food suddenly , mid especially
HKillat this time But corn is inclined to
HKf malco the sows constinatedand feverish ,
B.T and other materials that will loosen the
HJf bowels and secure a hotter condition
HJv , w 11 provo moro satlstuctnry ,
HJf One of the host materials to use is
HJk wheat bran , ground oata and barley
HlF Commence with a email feed at first ,
HJl decreasing the amount of corn and in-
HJf creasing , dally , the amount of this mix
HJjl turu until they aroglven all they will eat
HJfT up clcuu Wutorrogularly and lotulouo
HJS the rest of the time An ear of corn
HJk and a bucket of bran slop should bo
HJR given as Boon as she feels Uko getting
HJff up and eating it Bo careful about
HJK feeding until her milk comes , and then
HJII crowd her as much us po-.slble. That
HJ | | is , give her all she will oat up clean ,
HJK making up u good variety rather than
HJp depending upon any ono material '
| ft' : ; Knit calvew
K . The cow that culvos iu the full hliould
HJfl rive ns muuh milk us the one which
HJH ' comes in" in tno spring , und the milk
HJP must be of more value , Butter is ul-
HJft ways high during the winter months
HJK To mnke fall calving protitablo , liow-
HJK ever , there must bo good uaro und warm
HH ) | quarters If not well cared for by
HHJ priug the cow will be nearly dried up
HP bo nearly that grass will uot bring
HJT her out o * the kluks " The full call
may nlso bo mndo as profltablo m the
spring calf , but It nlso roqulros better
The most critical period in the llfo of
acnlf is the first six months , says the
Nebraska Fnrmor The spring calf has
the ndvantngo hero of warm weather ,
sunshine mid good pasture , aud what
the fall calves lack in this direction wo
must maito tip for thorn by better care
Olvo them full milk until they are a
week old ; you can thou gradually
change it to skim milk Skim milk fed
in connection with oil monl boiled to a
thin jolly ia , as good for calves thrco
weeks old ntul upwards as is now milk ,
only the oil meal must bo used with
care , it is easy to use too much
Get the calf to'eating solid food as
soon ns possible The calf will quickly
imitate older cattle in outing hay , otc ,
it placed whoio it can team Sliugo or
green feed is excellent and ttjttiickly
goes ftoni these to dried food Clover
liny it good aud for grain a mixture of
oats , corn and wheat bran may bo fed
Corn and oats should be giouudory
coarse Tor Iho llrst six weeks glvo
the calf all It will cat , and do not forcot
to water it , for milk ulono is not sulllc
iont to quench thirst t
Whiter 0 r ol' lt o- .
There Is hu\ \ little opportunity during
winter to give bcei attention , and the
proper time to put them in shape is
during the autumn months Fcodiug
Hliould all bo done before cold weather
sots iiij and they should bo settled in
their winter qunrteis bofoto real winter
is at hand It often occurs that winter
overtakes us with colonies that lack
food In such c.isos wo cannot possibly
use Bvrnp for food , as the weather is too
cold for the hoes to seal It over , aud un
sealed stores will not serve properly for
winter , says the American Agricul
turist The molsturo which always
arises from the bees in cold weather
enters the unhealed honuv and dilutes
it , making it very unwholosoino Our
only resort , thurefoie , for feeding iu
colli weather is to make candy and use
it This Is vary good and hc .ilthful If
properly made aud administered is
made from granulated sugar by molting
It , adding alittlo water no moio than
will thoroughly ipelt the sugar when
Itis boiled for i few minutesandpourod
out into cakes or slates of three or four
pounds ench When cool thib becomes
very hard , almost like rock candy In
feeding this it is placed on frainus just
ever tlio cltibUr of boos where they
can have access to It at all timei
When in this position it receives the
heat arising from the boos , and they re
main on it all the time It is bo hard
that it will last thorn a long whllo
This candy may bo given bees at inter
vals during the winter , and colonics
may bo brought through in good Bhnpo
that would have othorwlso perished
This , or any other work that is neces
sary to do with bees in winter , should
bo done on warm days It will not dote
to molest them on a cold diy , but it
should always bo'done on days when the
bees are Hying
the MUkoni'l Antlrrut Ijaw
There is juit now a very great inter
est in all parts of the west over thoont-
como of the enforcement of the anti
trust law o Missouri Under the pro
visions of Hid act the secretary of st.ito
has boon orapqwercd to require sworn
statements from the olllcers of all cor
porations , whether homo or foreign ,
that they wore in no trust , pool or com
bination which had for its object the
artilicial enhancement of the price of
those products Some nine hundred
corporations have failed to furnish the
allldavits , and the secretary has accord
ingly revoked their charters , and they
are now deprived of the use of the
courts to collect any debt in the stuto
It Is uot to bo expected that the law will
bo enforced without a severe struggle ,
says the Iowa Homestead Wo notice
that Congressman Noidringhaus of the
St LouIb stamping company will head
the rosibtanco to the law In refusing
to make the required allldavit , the nt-
tornoys of the stamping company make
the following claims :
That they ure operating under patents
crunted t > y the United Stales ; thut some of
their stockholders are living in other states ,
nnd that the Missouri law contemplates an
abrogation ot the hitorst.ito commerce rights
granted bv the constitution of the United
btates For these and other roasona they
propose , assneedily as possible , to carry the
secretary before the United States court ,
whcio the power of the auto in the piemiaes
will bo doQuiluly determined
Nearly every kind of rascality tries
to hide under a patent Notice has been
served oa all foreign corporations that
at the end of thirty days proceedings
will bo instituted agaiust thcin in the
courts Wo hope that the farmers of
Missouri will stand by the sccrotary in
his efforts to enforce the law The Mis
souri law is not a toothless babe , like so
many of the antitrust laws It hits a
full sot of tooth , and can take hold Wo
would like to see such laws in every
state In fact , the states will bo com
pelled , for the protection of the people ,
to enact and enforce them
Sunday on the Farm
Wo shall never forgot how clearly
the sun shone and how still the winds
were on these Sunday mornings of our
childhood , muses the editor of the Iowa
Homestead The horses scorned to behalf
half aslocp as they stretched their necks
la/.ily ever the fences , and the sleek
oxen wandered leisurely ever the hills
George Eliot has a vivid description of
a farmyard on Sunday morning , She
says : You might have known it was
Sunday if you had only waked up in the
farmyard , The cocks and hens scorned
to know it , and made only crooning ,
subdued noises The very bulldog
looked loss savage as.lf ho would have
been satisllod with a smaller bite than
usual The sunshine seemed to call all
things to rest and not to labor ; it was
asleep itself on the moss-grown cow
Bhod ; on the group of white ducks nest
ling together with tholr bills lucked
under their wings ; on the old black
sow strotoued languidly on the straw ,
whllo her largest young ono found au
excellent spring bed on her mothers
fa' , side ; on Aliclr , the shepherd , in his
now smock-frock , , taking an uneasy
siesta , half sitting , half standing , on
the grauary stop
The most ro ' marknble cures of sciof ulu
on record have boon accomplished by
Hoods Surcaparillu Try it Sold by
all druggists
With your name and address , mailed to
the Swift Specific Co , Atlanta , Go , is
necessary to obtain an interesting treatise -
iso on tko blood and the diseases incident
toil , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Skin Eruption Cured
One olxaj cnttomen , & hlfibly respected * ni
Influential citUcn , but who U uovr absent from
the city , ha n cd Bwllt'a BpcdOo w fth excellent
rveult , Ue * * ) • It pimd htm of a tfclu erupdoa
that he had been tormented With for thirty yean ,
nd bad remitted the curative tjualtUu of mtay
other medicines ,
, Bourn Cum , X > n > < 2it , Folia C.ty , Knit ,
m fTlm CElcHHiNGfWeekly Ifcj foNtnil
A National Family Paper Two Millions of Readers
The Full Announcement of Authors and Articles for the oltuno foi 1890 will bo sent on application
Tn Illustrated Serial Stories
by fiivorllo AVrltcrs , and among tbo most attractho cur published , Mill bo glien lu tlio coming ( olnmc
100 Short Storloa-ThrllUng Adventures-Sketches of Travel-Health nnd Hyrjlcno-1,000
' Short Articles-Popular Sclonco-Natural History Outdoor Sports
Anecdotes-Etlquotto-Wit and Humor-Poetry.
$5,000 Prise Stories
Nearly SI * Thousand Stories lia\o been examined Tlio successful ones wilt bo published dining the coming jcar
I 1)1 ) 3l ' ' MAP OF CIRCULATION " 1889' ' A V | | f
B JontcoMiDWraV / j bda&u \ " V Wd , T& > J W\ " ' i I
ll M 4909 V6II ytwYOMmCTHll a5. ' ? \ . iI 8 \ ) rOC nViku"T4f (1/ ( /
laKen i w i / I " " " " " * KEaa
j p \ > 8 oa V-r fl FmrM a
, / ' i I I J n \l MUN0IS .ftU OHIO JfwI tjflS 3/ /
35,000 I \ % \rs ! / T M 5 5lS J ' 430,00 °
tosioucjs r } k / 297 / ; w m LiJ Sii § mm
I Jl I „ rVr"Yron'800 ' ' nV /"v\7l5\ /JliS F % \ -35000 | .
j 5BSVSSS. IU' ! \ U > \ \ PosTOrncEfl | .
I ll 'H r uS 1 W SHOWlHGTHEHUHBDtOr ftlM6\ % I
, I J I / t r.ellleSltwieTeft , . . . . S. % ! SUD3CniOCR3 lit ' * U If . /
K.i cnatnlet ro IJi e. run IS I' ' 1
atcuiiilcV EACH STAT t
U , I loin J30ZH0 | g tJW f ; |
in 1 " " " sir ClRaM0Mjy2 iIESZEaa- ! - - - -M \
Eminent Contributors
Articles of great \aluo and interest will bo ghen In the \olmuo for 1800 1)7
Rt Hon W. E. Gladstone , Justin McCarthy , ( VI P. , Dr Wm A. Hammond ,
Conoral Lord Wolsoloy , Senator Coo F. Hoar , Lt Fred Schwatkn ,
Sir Wloroll WlacUonzIo , C. A. Stephens , Prof John Tyndall ,
And'Ono Hundred other well-known and favorlto writers
I Double Holiday Numbers Illustrated Supplements I
fliki ! lillli tlio piciAlSrorl of our f\i\orilc wrllirs , were ghen with nculj' eviry Issue during the last
ami profusely Illustrated , are tn pnparillon for jcar , and will be continued
Christmas Now Years Easter Thanbgiting ' No < > tiicr imj > cr attempts to ei c uch a iarRa
T1iobrour Souif-ntr Niimliirs will 1)0 jrlicn Increi o of nntter and llluslrations without tin reuse
nirny to Hiich Sulixcrllicr of prlro or the pnpi < r.
Tlio Kdltorlaln of Tur Comi'\mon will gbo eleir and comprchcn he iowa of important current cicnt" ,
Houbcliolil Aitlclcs will ba published frequently , guing useful Information in Art Worl , Taney 'Woik , Decoration
of Hoouis , CooUing , and Hints on llousclvccpin .
The Children's 1'ugo contains cluiming Storie3 , Pictures and Anecdotes , adapted to tlio youngest readers
Now SulincrlbfTS who sends s 81.7C at once Ill rccolxo Tlio Coinimnloii rrtlH ! from
F | 00 the time Iho KUliscriptlnn U received to Jnnunnr 1.181)0 , and for a. full ycnrlrom Hint dnto [ j jj | * | |
lUU l& Specimen Copiti and Colored .innounccnent free , l'lrinc mention Ihit paper AJJrett , HU t ? til til
I Bend Check , Atoiiby-Ordor o ItrsUtoreil Letter at our risk
'jiniiANn : ok
LUN&SSou on GaWlfl
• Send for circuljr , ( iMt3 ! raa-
6 moj.J'S • TN5 k the o NLy- ,
f3 [ ' by oyu ywrpsy cuKe t-oh.
For sale by Goodman Drug Co
, Tim Pmunix Niaeii Dud "
ONE NIGHT ONLY-Monday , Dec . 23.
'Xlioflront Popular I'avorlfei ,
9111/rON A\l > I > OIir
With the assistnneco of their own Suneru Sup
porting Company , who will nppear In
everyhorty'H favorite play ,
Ana tlio Villnlii Still I'lirsued ' iter "
ltegulnr prleei fceats go gn sale vturday
• A Perfect Art Album conUlntn ; 24
"KEC Beautiful PMogr phi representing
M M Tm tni Mt „ Mur | ( ( wlm „ „ nt
on receipt of your tddresti
CHASE & , SANBORN ) 130 Broad St Btiton
Wtjtern Dept 80 Foaklln St , Chicago , ljt |
Silk Umbrellas
Silk Underwear
Silk Mufflers
Silk and Linen Han'Jkerchhfs
Neck Wear
Night Shirts
Smoking Jackets
In facteyerythiig inMen's ' Fur
nishings can botound ai
'I'liu Well Kiiimvii Spcrltillst ,
§ * n aUced t.perraa-
li ' * > ? vl llcsa ubAuluiiilr
I L _ 1 A ) II cured , hind for
I J&jfy fjll booki Tliollfo
lutaifeiTft / or Wo ' iun , each
tJb Hij * LS lUcnntiiHtaiiiiH ( | ) .
V \ j f ' \ quickly and per
09 H ? r _ _ M k spouilcnce onri
G B B JlT PBfSpfc tamps for reply ,
W m Diseases
S.E , Cor ilthBJksonStsl Omaha
State Line
To Glasgow , llclfitst , Diiltllnnml Liverpool
Cabinpui.igeCB to t'Oacconlliu to loeatlun of tat
rouui recursion Iu5 to tU
Fleerago to and from Kuropo at Lowest Itutes
AUSTIN 11ALUWIN Si Co , ( icn'l At'i'nts ,
M liruad irar , Nuw Vork
Jonn Bleoex , Ocu'l We.tern A tent
M lluoilolpb St , Clilcaito ,
Agenta atOraaba
lines ot UooU and Shoes , manufactur
ed byu M. lienderion Co , of t'lilcairo-Kae.
torlei atChlcttifO DIzou Hit.and Ion Ou Lao ,
Wt . - Uould write HAM N. WATSON , rest
dtiico , l'UKMONT , NKll Truvellng gent
. ,
1191 PAKrMU ST111-F.T. OUAnA , NEB
( Opposite Pnitoa HoUU
Orece hour , B a. m , to S p. m. Bnadayi , 10 a. m , to
Speclalut la Cbronlo.NerTOu.Skla and tllood Dip
rzrComnltatlon at offlce or by mail free Medi
cines scut t > r mull or urpreM , securely packed , free
rrom observation Quarantees to euro quickly , sato
ty and ponnanently
lions i'livfllcnlUot.tiy , urisinn from lnUlscr tlon ox *
ccsior JmlulRoncB produclnjf eloepleinoss doipon *
Ot'ucy , plinnleuon tUe fBro.uvwrnlon tOftOLlut/ , easily
discouraged , Inokof con tide net ) dull unfit lot study
or butlims , nnd Mnd Ufu a burden , fafoly perman
ently Hint prtvfttoly euro J. Consult DrBUettiUeus
ltuj Varuftin Btreut Omaha , Not ) .
Blood and SHn Diseasss SSiSfcW.Tn 'S ' !
result , oomplitely emllcntoi without tbo aid of
mercury Ekrufula erysipelas , fever sores , Dlotclios ,
ulct'is pain , tn the bead and tons , syplillltle ser
tbrodt , iiioutlniid tonKue catarrb , lc , permaaeutly
cured wlieieotliers bave failed
Kidney Urinarv vlXc riD
qui-nt burnliiB or bliSoJy urine , urine hUli eoiorod or
wltb nillkyndluientou tttnJinu weak bsi < kKonorr
lHt > . leelcyitUU , etc I'rouiully aad safely eured
rbarito reaonable
anp'PTf'g'BTP V I Guaranteed -
ia X X61XV/ U JOiJu I manout CuroTre-
iuutuI complete without cutllu , raasila ordination
Cures elTocle 1 at borne by without a laomentt
palu or aunuyange
To Young Men and Midjlo-Ased Men ,
Print ! 'rh awful effects ot eartr
ACITDD uUfltJ Vice , wlilcli lirlnua ort-aulo
weakuos.d .troyiuir both mind aud body , wltb aU
ltdreadedlil , puriuanoiilly cured ,
T1DSJ TJPTITS Address those who have lm
LIflU DullU paired ibemaelrcs by Improper
Inilnlncncei and and .olllsry bnblta , wlilcb ruin both
body and uiiod , uuultluv tbeui for business , study or
marriage . , . . . .
MAIUtlEI ) MBV , or tboso entcrlnir oa tbat liaupy
lift , aware c pliyslclsJ debtilty , quickly atlsted
I. band upon fact , Brit-practical experience , eo-
oud-'s * ry case Is uips.lally studlel , Ibu starting
arl Uttlilrl raoJIclne an prepared Id our own la-
bai.iry eiactly Ui suit eacu case , tbu altclluu cures
* l > vrd cents po.taee for oelebrated work 00
chronlCf narrou nuddtlieatedlesses 'Ibou.andi
• Mired ; rA friendly letter or tall m y saruyou fu
tura suiferlnir and sliame aud add golden yesrs to Ufa
t # No letters anawvreu uolos acionipauled by <
eeuUUltaiups Adtre.aorcall on
. . DBS ISliTTti Sc HBTTS ,
" U0)rarasJBlJUe t,0aiabW k.
v •
- i
! $ SSb $5.00
' A ? ult setof Tcelh on rubbsr for tl auaranlceJto
beak welt made a. plates sent out from anytlental
uttii-ptn tills iountry , and lor wlilcU you would ba
lHi rued orertwlce as inuob
• ItietU extracted wltbout pain or danacr an ! with
out the u.o iliolofirni vai , either or electricity
UOldandllTerlUllnE at balf rate .
HotlHlHOtlciu Ouurantoeil
Pnxtpn lt | pV 1 Otli and l'limum Slrouls
Take Elevator on tutu Street
oyM ] ; irV NU < 08 until oclock '
-IN [ H
Boys and Children's V
Dent ' spend a dollar for Boys ' Clothing until - ;
til yon have examined our prices ffl
Men's Overcoats ! I
The balance of our fine goods are being m
closed out The best values of the season m
have been reserved for this week .
Special Sale of Men's ' Suits I
. Unequalled for quality and price The great H
sab of Men's $10 $ Business Suits will be conII
tinued this wesk • | H
Grand Holiday Displayin our Furnishing Goods M
Department m
Tuesday will b.e Souvenir W
Day for Children
Cor Douglas and 15th St > |
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing M
House West of the Mississippi B