Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 23, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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1LcounoilTbluefs !
| OIIRI , . NO 12 I'KAKIi STItl CT
K Tflhmil ty carrlei In nny i art of the nty
if 11 ur rinov mw.wi'ii
I Till t I ilOfttSI
U lit MSF < ! < ) I1HKlUlJ
1 Nhiiit i niTfiii h i n
MI Glcnson roil
B ] Council lllnTi ( lumber Co coal
H I lhatchcrcoal see auvcrtUcment ,
M riio iiostou store for holklaj good *
H Ucstcoal nnJ woo UtC H Juol Co
. Carl on Coal Co wholesale retail lOt'carl
M Mnvorltohror ha nccoptetl the resignation
1 of I'ollcoOMcerlbourns , to talto ctTccUan-
l unrj 1
H J The publlo scl eels have close I ( or the lioll
M dnj soison an I will not , roe | en uulllJauu
H i unry ( l two weeks from today
The last motor to Ouialm Saturday night
mot vv 1th nn nccl lent In the machltiuv and
wns dolnyeil i\t the car house nearly an hoiu
Hoblnsmi Brothers received on Saturday n
I now Invoice of diunotils Ret In cnnlnRS
Into ( Ins studs and llnprcr rlni/s which tlioy
will aUlnt JO per ( cut loss than actual vnluo
Ilobluson Brothers ara solllncr solid polil
wntihcs for > and solid sterling silver
_ ! i spoons an 1 forhs of the celebrated Oorlnm
m A , Wliitlri , and ether reliable manufacturers
H at jl Cj pel ounce
M The Council Muffs polo club will visit the
1 Omaha t oliscuni tonlcjit to win tl oil third
j came rhoo | poslnc torn will be the On ) ilu
H ltnmulers who I ivo already succumbed to
B the invincible lllunitcs
BB It is reportel that I'nt Swccnov susplri
tlons for n Hcit inthocitv council luivo Lrown
dicing the J our Ju t closing and lie will
H DRnln como before the pee | lo as a candidate ,
B thru tlmo aR a woull bo nlluiuiau from thom
m 1 ifth ward
H On Saturday nftcinoon nt4 o clock Alfonso
H r Wool die 1 at the family resilience I-I
H Iiroadway , after n lotif Illness from con
H sumption Ho was twenty debt joara of
H orb The funeral will occui from the rcsl
H dcuco at 2 o clock this uucrnoon
H I ho coroner a Jury fo ind that Gcorcjo
| Gulll wns acting lu self dctctiso when h
m uriisrcl the skull of his no Rubor md broth
B er In luu Holinnn ifter the lntmr htl shot
him twice It is now thought that Guilt will
H recover unlosn blood poisoning sets in
H Miss Mnuglo Glcason , wl o has long boon
H I a HUfTerer frmu heart trouble , died at 7
H | o clocl yesterday morning nt the family
H l residence fc > ho was a bright lovable youtiR
H | lady , need seventeen and throughout her
1 long Illness sliu was a patient sufferer The
H [ funeral will occur from the Catholic church
HE at 9 o clock toinorrv inornintr
H | "Vestonlw wns u vcrj qulot day in police
g circles Travel was ijulto heavy over the
Bfj motor but pedestrians were not out lu largo
Hlt numbers and the strcols did not picsoutn
HB very iinimatod appearaiuo It was very d ill
H ] even for Sunday mid us the weather was
W ! unusually pleasant the uevr approach of
1 Cunsttras must In seine mj have been re
H j ipoDslblo for It
H | O D Woolcott got full again nnd frac
tj tuicl the ordinance which unices it a mlsdc
Hjs mcanor to ct drunk anil raise u tacliot , an I
H { was compelled to piss the night in the police
W ] Etutiou O II Nash nisi took on board
H | more than ho could conveniently handle , amt
1 foil by tbo vvaysldo 1 ho police cathered
1 hi in in and this moiuiiiK ho will h iv ) to foot
f tbo bill for his stay at the c ty s 10 a day
f hotel
Hf The lira dcpaitmcnt was called out jester
H day uftoriioon about J o c louk by nn al irni
j frombov-3 bomc ono bad sot fire to one
H of the city's tar liottlos , which are store ! on
HL tlio vacant lot at the comer of Olcnavcuuo
H nnd Plorco stieet The tire caused a douse
H smoke t'ving ' rise to the belief that a dis
B nstrous ( ire was In pioiross but the ( lames
B were cxti lhulshcd before any m it rial dam
B ace had been done
B A largo force of men w as busy all day yes
L torday completing the new switches nnd
T curves In the motor tnckat the corner of
K Pearl street nnd Iiroadw i > Ihovvonc was
J finished last evenluc that is the track ltyinp ;
J was completed and tno Mam street trains
I cm now pass olthcr up Iiroadway or west to
Hj | Omaha J'hopavlni ; will be rclald today
Hi and tbo necessary chauses and switches in
the overhead who will bo mndo us soon na
& ' " possible I ho now track is veiy Binoothly
Hi laid but notwithstanding this fact there are
HH | now so many switches and trncks on this
Hj coinci that the spo will bo prolific of aeel
I dents and dis istors to buci.y wheels unless
HHP the utmost caic is exercised by drivers
B „ . The Jubilee quartette will plaj and sing on
HHYMonilaj and luesdav nftornoons nnd even
Hj lnts at Lund Uros J.1 Main st 1 hese solen
Hj did concerts are fico to the public
HHj *
Hj Thcro is nothltig hotter thiu a Standard
Hj ; 01 Dotnoatlo sewing machine 'or a Clirlst-
HHJp' mas present Lor sale ut-lOi ] Main strcot
H * U lint Is to Illudei
1 Aud what Is nlcor than a line piano or or
Hi Ran foi a Christmas present I ilia Mueller
Hi Music company 10J Main sheet line the
Hi llnest and nest stock on tlio Mlssoui 1 slope
. Tbo Koss Investment and 1 rust company
HH | Christmas tree decoi atlons costume mot
HH | tos , etc , at Palmer s 13 south Muiu
HHj 1 * < rsomil 1'iia > ; r iplis
M Mrs C r Moxloy , who hns been visltintr
Hj In Kansas City lor soma tlmo roturncd homo
HHJ j esterday morning
Hj Ofllcui lames Mullen and wife loft last
HH | evenniL , for Ottawa 111 , where they will
Ht visit with tolativcs for the next month
' rino plush Roods at Lund Uros at almost
h4 hnlfprlco
Bj , Miss Mai v ( Jleaaon has removed her dress
Hj maklni , parlors to the rooms lately usol by
HW the pucllo library No 14 Pearl street , whera
HHjH the will bo ( , ! ad to see her old friends
HHj t •
{ 9 Drs oodbuiy have removed their dental
HHjlS oftlcu to 101 Pcail street upstairs
i Btf Dompsoy's t indj Is homo undo nnd pure
HHW 10S Main street
HHV * •
Hl Money loaned at L H Craft K , Co 's loan
HHf oftlca on furniture puino9. homes wagons ,
HlH personal t roncrty of all kinds , mid all otlu r
HL articles of value without removal All bus
Lr Incss strictly confidential
Kv Anot her liiotMKliiiry Tire
K , An alarm frim box 37 , corner of Sixtconth
H Rvenuo and I ightli street , called the tire do
HW * partmontto the southern part of the city
HnKk1 about S o clock last evening lho blaio was
P < in nn unoccupied dwollii g house , and was
Hr * " " undoubtedly the work of afliobug ThoR
R' flames vvoio cxtlngi isbed without dlfllculty ,
HHJb ami tbo dauium will i ot amount to mora
HHj | | than $ lJi This is the second fire of this
HHHL kind that has occurred within the past few
HUT iluys , both being started duiing the evening
HJk in vacant dwelling bouses It is evident
HHJf that the incendiaries are still in the city and
HHJ | & dctormiuod to call tbo lire department lute
HjHRi service
HHHg *
HW * Don t fail to see the oletantdlsplaj of boll
HHJk * ' day s ( , nods ut Lund liros , .3 Main street
K .
HI' Sinoltcrs' presents at Moors A. Dovvman e
H4 •
HHJp Shoes lerry Shoes
Bi Will sell gouts line shoos nt less than cost
HjH until January 1 Corner Iiroadway and
Hj Main , undoi tlio baulc
Vfl ' J O Tipton real estate , 627 Iiroadway
| HHb „ i o Miller , best paper hanging and dos
Hi Drat lug i'lio best Is tbo cheapest
Hj ' ' '
Hjp Kelley Youukcnnun do not try to palm oft
HjE shoddy Xuias goods on their customers bub
HK their stocic is strictly first class , and it ul-
HHJI ways pays to buy the best
IPJpji DlanU books , all Muds , lodgers and Jour
HHJi nuls , 1 to U quires , at loss than cost , bend
HHJf for prices Masoula book store , Couuoil
HTHi utat" -
jpjL Mixed csndj 10a per pouud , a full line of
HI : hand made creams , put up In 1 to 5 peund
jHV ; . boxes , cheap Palmer s , 1J South Main
IPjHf' ' rtaest line confectionery , fruits , nuts ami
HJkholiday groceries lu.tuo city H 1. Mc-
HK Attee ,
& 2P m * '
HHJJin Lund Uros are uot sleeping and have one
HHJr of the finest displays of holiday Roods In tbo
HJF city , Everybody welcome Como and sceus
A OtiBO of Bool Kussian lufluonzn
Dovolopa In the Olty
A Sermon I or the HoliilAys The Jury
liots Peters Down Knsy Gen
vinl Hat peiilns' of a
Qulot l ny *
ltinl Itiiosinii Intluonra
bay , Mr llr man , " said nn anxious
vlsatcd Individual to a reporter for I in 13i b
last evening 'do you think the board of
health will enforce the quarantine law
agunst this now fancied snoozing malady
fioai Uusslal I dent Waut to bo quaran
tined but 1 11 bo sneezed If I don t believe
Pvo cot , It the real old Kussian article "
flio newsKathercrcaiefully kept the strong
south w Ind from blowing any of the microbes
lu his direction , vvlillo ho listened to the
sneo/lnt , tnla of woo that came fiom this on
tciprlslilg liuportei of the latest fad In
fashionable dlscoiufoits Ihe young man Is
connectol with ono of the binks and
Imittlucs that ho contracted the disease from
h uidllng pa | ci money I oai a that the board
of hcilth woull quarantine him causes him
to shrink from publicity nnd pity makes 1 up
Hi L withhold his nnmo vvlnlo ho suffers In si
lence It a nicking sneeze every tliiitecu
minutes can be cillcd slloiico
Tree conrort every afternoon inlovonlng
by the lubllco sliifors Also free chance to
loa I y out selves with the llnest holiday Koods
in the city nt I und Hios
Flno stocl of watches nnd jowoiry foi the
boll lays nt Woilman s 5JS Llroadway
liuocinlv fruits nuts Christmas basl ots
etc , ut Palinei s , 12 South Mulu
1 ountaln cigar , a strictly lOo eliar for oo
at tlio I ouut tin Trt one
Neunicycr hotel first class reasohablo rates
Hush , Gcit s pianos Broadway
Gu l y of i lie Her Crime
riie Jurv in the state vs Hans Peters ro-
turncl n veidict about fl o'clock lestordvy
aftoinoon after being out Just twenty four
hours Ihey found the defendant guilty of
icccivlm , stolen i ropcrtv , as charged in the
Indictment but llxed the value of tbo goods
atll I 40. about half the amount fixed in the
indictment , and which will prevent a sentence
tenco to tlin l enituntl try This is the list
Jurv i iso of this term the remainder of the
tcrui to bo devoted to the trial of equity
cases on si cci il assignments and the near
ingaf arguments on mentions aud demur
Dempsey h is the | lace for flno boxes of
candy 10 > Main stieet
lhu Manhattan si ortlnf hci Iq'rs IIS H way
A line lii o of Jniporto t Trench iruits ut
Uruce V Key Holds , J J Uioadvvuy
SallloRock restaurant 403 Iiroadway
open day und night 1 irst class J h
\aucj , prop
\ I ) leli urniitt Co
All poisons lu tlio city who have tclo
phones cm cill up telephone 179 for mos
scngci boys cabs and oxpipss wagons etc
Prompt attention Luai an toed c O Kobln
son , manager , > < o 11 North Main stieet
Keltor , tailoi,310 Ilroadwav
b M \ \ llllamson soils the Stand aril aud
Domestii sewing machines 106 Main st
The finest line of 1 omo mudo candles 'n '
the city at Druoo & , Reynolds , J29 lir'dvvay
Ghco fruit at Druco & , Koyuolds' 3"9
Solid iold watches cheap nt \ \ ollnnn s
A ( liristmis Sermon
SpecialChrlstmis services weio held nt
the I frst Picsby tc-ian church yesterday
both morning und evening The church
was handsomely decorated witli-flowers and
foliueo On either side of the iltar were
laigo vases of cut floweis , on the loft a
great brush of flagrant blossoms through
which arosau number of stately ralla IiIr * )
On the right wns a lnrgo uin filled with
while mid led rose buds hanging from
long slender stems and surmounted
by a ( , roup of white and purple
lilies The mualo was an especial
feature of the servieo and was well iipprccl
uted by the 1jilb , audlcnco It consisted ot
i solo by Miss Ivato Pusoj duet by Mrs
Shenuan and Mrs Lv ans , duet by Mrs
St ennnn and Miss Palmei und a Christmas
nnthoni by the chorus choir
lho pastor , the Kcv Dr Phelps , based his
arguments t > show that the birth of Christ
was a historic fact upon the tenth verse of
the second ch uitoi of Luktiini the nnuol ,
said unto thorn fear not for boholl I bung
you goo I ti lings of great Jov , which shall bo
to all people '
riiooveningdiscourso was upon the same
thoma and was founded upon Luke 21 .17
And beginning at Moses and the prophets
lie expounded uuio them In all the scriptures
the things concerning Himself "
this morning I tiled to make the birth of
Tesus Clulst thaSon of God into this world
seem a real nlstoiio f let and to catch some
of the instructive thoughts thut start from
the bible story of His birth that wo iintht
eherlftli thcin nt this Chi istmas time I do
slio this ovcnlng tospea < c o 'f the promises
that were made beforehand of Ills coming
nnd the won lurful preparations for it May
the Lord Himself do for us as the text
tells us Ho did foi those two disciples
on their way to 1 mmnus May also the Holy
S | Irit under whoso Inspiration the bible was
written make it clear to us , as wo study It
Xhoro is a golden tin cad running through
tlio old tostainout , on which , If wo grasp it ,
wo will 11ml its important truths are giouped ,
and by the aid of vvhich the meaning of the
whole book unravels to our view That
golden thread I wou'd slezo and use , Just
It has been nlinost two thousand years
since Cluistwas born , yet His coming was a
theme of prophet y moro than twice as long
as it has been ot history lho predictions
were of d life rent kinds Soma of thorn were
by ty pes and some by prop locics A typo
was a .irediullon by meaiiH ot something seen
or done , a | rophecy was by something wiit
ton or spoken
lho types ot Christ were of two kinds ,
personal and impersonal lho parsons weiu
Adam , Abe ) , Ivoah , Molchlzedok , Isaac
Joseph , Moses , David , Solomon Jonah und
perhaps others lho Impersonal types were
the ark , the in an nn , the smitten /ock , the
brazen serpent , the paschal lamb und other
Riirlllccs und perhaps tbeSliekiunh , und yet
ether things Hie typos aud prophecies
assisted each ether to give aud preserve1 tlio
Mcsslunlu idea mid to teach thriugh those
Inni , and dark ages , of Ills eotuiuL , kingdom ,
character , and work
lho Mcsiianlo predictions were not 0,11
given at once Lift the lid of y our bible and
you will Und tl cm sc ittered all along , from
Cenesls to Muluchi hern ono , thee another ,
and vender a troup lho speaker thou Hist
rapidly sketched what was predicted ot the
Messiah He then took upBavoral of the
prcd etlons in particular , to show how dis
tinct ard definite thsy were , aud hovvjuar-
vellously thov h id been fulfilled , as o g , the
line of Ills decent , the time of Ills coming
tbo place of His birth und work , and the
character Ho was to bear , and the nature of
bis ministry
He then , secondly , developed the propara
tlons for His coming The Creator took
millions of yotrs In preparing the earth to bo
the abode ot mau , so Ho took a loatr period ,
yol nothing like as long to prepare the
wprld for the coming of Its Hedeoinor ,
uarji iiy , four tt ousnnd years Ho epoko of
the gradual unfolding ot the plan of ro
detnptlon all through tuo old testament ,
then of the Intellectual and moral condition
of both the Jewish and gentile worlds lu
preparation for tbo now dispensation of tha
divine rollglou , the necessities of mankind
calllutr louuly for it , aud vet such as to put
it to the very severest possible tests , to show
whether It was ot God aud whether He bad
prepared a uluea for it on the earth Us
TTTfflBiTili hIiiImi . - | - n ' * mim-mmmmmitStM
spoke of tlio spreading abroad , both by culture
turo and Lonqucst , of the Greek lnrguaito ,
so eminently flttc 1 to bo the receptacle ot
the now revelations , of the unify ingdt the
world In the Great Komnn empire , the Inter
course thus established between them , the
universal peace from vvnr wnloh provallcl ,
the scattering nbrnad of lho lows Into all
the chief business centers of the dny with
their knowledge of the true Gel nnd with
their expectation of the coming Of their
great Messianic prince All Hits nnd much
more wus the won lerful prcpiiullon of the
world in the hauls of Its Creator for the
coming of Its Kodecmor
At length * in the fullness of tlmo " Ho
cams , lho virgins sou tha st ir of Tncob the
shepnerd of Isritd the Mctslali of God tha
desire ot all nations the Siviour of man
Santa Clans hns arrived and taken up tils
bend juartcrs at Lund Hros , 3 Main street
A granl boll lay display In diamonds
watches clocks and Jewelry Lvervboly
should see the clegmt array of Clnistman
gifts nnl as our long established reputation
for hoi est dealing lomoves nil doubt of high
prices wo cm suit them till at C , U. lac iuo-
mln A , Co 27 Main strcot
I Ina perfumes snehot powders and toilet
bottles for the hull lays ut Dell Ci Morgan &
Co 's , " 42 Broadway
The licchtclo has boon rome loloil nn I refitted
fitted nn \ numo changed to Hotel Tamrson
C 11 steam d\o works 1013 Urcvlway
Try these opera etoauis nt Druco Jc Key
uolds' , J'JUroadwuy
Alvvnjn mi Tim
If you wish to purchase a good aud reltablo
watch 23 | cr cent less than club rates and
on ensy terms thou call ut once and make
your own selection at C U Jaciuemin &
Co , 87 Main street
Holiday goods an I t ooks as low ns the
lowest it Doll ( j Morgans i3 llriadwaj
Her latter the dining room of the Now Pa
cific will bo run on semi 1' uropo in plan All
meals served at .o cents each
laivo Is Loyal I veil Anuiiir tlio Kfil-
Stcianioiito Puss and "lho Ocdnis"
bee t no famous minj v o trs ago its the
scone ol ono ot the most s tiiguninry b it-
tlcs ovei fought by whites anil rods
ntnong' the inountains It la yet the
hoist of tlio whites tint thoto vvoic u
gi cnt many good Indians ' mailo that
di > , savs u fenlt L iko City lcttor to the
Now York Post
As a lesult of that missacio in ptrt ,
and hi p.n t us the losult of the contin
ual inflow of whites to the gold Holds ,
the tribes that Were thtn stiong in the
inomtiiiis of Novuli and Ctlifouiia
long igo hroko up into hinds md roni
natits , most ot vvhich 1 oeo up tlioir
tt tdlttonol c\clusivoucssus to customs ,
oven while they mingle as people lot
inst i ice , they will not many into thou
own binds , but in the old b tvajo w ly
they btlll Keep ilivo the i ustoin of
"captuio" that is , whoa ono of the
men wants a wtro oi squ uv ho steals her
fiom some othci band between which
aud himself thoio is no blood lolatiou-
Bhip lho followmj bI etch glows out
ot nn ohsoivations among people who
practiced that old fashioned and haz
ardous method of wooing a worn m who
was oi who might bo the wife of some
othci man
A gient placoi mine near Osceola ,
Nov becnnio well Known yeatsago a9
one of the most Milu iblo sin face mines
in lho wet Id It bus never beonthot-
oughly woilccd , foi lick of siillleiont
watot powci to tear the hills into swim
ming band , but at the present time its
owtiois are completing a sUtoon nnlo
flume that , with what vvalci tlioy have
bcon using , will enable thorn almost to
wash Novnda into lho Paoifio My
fathoi bomg largely iutoiestod in the
mine ltwusnatuuil that I nhould want
to visit it , cspociallj aftct listening to
the stones that cume fiom time to time
of tlio wonderful gold nuggets found
there , ono of which weighed five
pounds My sislor b husband , a mining
ongineoi of good loputo in this land of
mineral wealth was engaged ct the
initio foi some time Ho sent foi his
family , and my opportunity came I
wont , 1 sivv , but I did not want to con
quot It was enough for mo to make
nij self useful , as slbtors m law do where
there is tt glowing family Uosidos I
am natuinlly modostand indilToiont to
the nlti tctions of the world III should
become a despised old maid , it would
not wouy mo foi a moment lho fict
is theio is not mucliintlo mountain
country that is wortli conqueiing
I shall never fotgot out aiuval in the
city ot Osceola It was in tlio aftoinoon
of a hot Inly Sunday , and the sun uhono
ns it can shlno onlv through th it dry
mountain air Wo had boon thieo days
ciossing tlio great Amoilcan desert
Ovoi a huiidtcd miles wo bad traveled
thiouglisago inusli caetusos , and diy ,
hot , plat lug sand Not a drop of water
on the level waste , not a cloud lu tlio
sky , not ti biidoi a beast , not oven a
homely , hopping jack labhltacioss out
lonely way It was thoiefoio n joyful
sight to us , and ospooially to tbo chil-
dion when at last wodrow noai enough
to the mountains to distinguish ttecs
fiom rocks , to sea the gicat vvido-
winged eagles wheeling la/ily In the
nil , und to catch the outlines of the
tall and sleudot ttccs of smoke that
giew btuiight fiom the vlllnjo chim
neys into the motionless sky , until it
Boomed as it their foliage lost iUolf in
some upper world
Our house ( wo called it house in nn
attempt to convince ouisolvos that wo
yvoio ( till among civilised scenes ) lay
at the end of ' main sticot lnoio
was not tlio slightest need of designat
ing the stioot as Main , " because there
was no ether street in the ' cltv , " but
the Oscoola people vvoio qulto Amoil-
can nnd thoioughly wostoru , and hoiico
thov must enjoy tlio satisfaction ot
having a gtontcitv on pipoi vvliotliet
there should ovoi bo ono thoio in fact
oi not lor a wonder ovou though
it was Sunday , the men were not
ut vvoik when wo auivod , and as out
catavnn lattlod through the stieet the
whole town was out of dooia to see us
\Vo \ had the honoi of bolng the first
white vvunion they had bcou foi yoais ,
nnd the boys stared nt ns as if indeed
they never lioforo hud seen a white
woman , although 1 will not vouch that ,
at the end ot such a join uov , oui coin
plosions were not poi haps as much sug-
gosMvo of led asot white people
There were groups of mon squatted
on the ground till down the street plov-
iug cards , gambling Ugly'fcatuiod
mon were cunvingdilutes among them
and collecting theii share of tbo games
Hogs , joung und old , vvoto nosing about
the gumbloiH , rubbing tlioii diijy sides
against human backs that vvoio pioba-
bh no cleaner than their own band
wfchod among the wnito minus woto
numeious Scrub Indiuns , whpso d ( nd-
blaok hair , dirty fucoa , pudgy bodies
and fudod , old , worn out and castoff
white folks clothing nmdo thorn , as a
whole , uu unntttuctlvo feuti'io of the
wild and bilstly scone Woweioecmcoly
in our ' 'lioubo' ' before the tods
began to visit us , bogging
for clothes , bcods , tobacco , and
in a very tow instances asking foi
woilc , As wo had not undergone the
huidslnpof a jouinoy to Oscoohi to
labor while out friends and tolutivcs
WW * Wi tniB WJWPWW w MWWwmmw
4 bo od thlngB , " 'Rvo were ptoparcd to
make ueo of all the holji wo could got
If gold nugget would only procure
help in Osccolnjatvo were dotoi mined
to have it Wo boon learned tiint all
wo could got was Jui , lho noor Indian ,
but wo soloetod tbo best of him and got
on very well , Frdminont anions these
i oils who bi.cnmo familiar about our
homo " " "Iudinn "
were Spot , Ooorgo
"Hossio , " "Injln Charlov , " and
"ChrlBt " Spot was like most of his
brethren , \nvj \ followand otcocdlnglv
vain Cicorgo Win | nn aitlst Si < feet
three inches in ltoight stinlght hb u
Norway piuohrond shouldered as Atlns ,
clean faced , smooth skiniiodwtUi , nhlny
black hair , low-crow nod , widc-rlmtnod
lint neatly tiimmed with boautlful
bcad-branl mndo bj himself , always
spoiling a spotlcbs white llnon sblit ,
moccasins dccointcd with dyed quills of
the fiotful poicupiue leggings to match
and ever all a long linen dustoi , also
sciupulously olcitn , rolled well down to
show tuo shirt front , but si curolv but
toned from waist to knees ho was a
veiltablo List of tlio Mohicans in his
mnnlj homing md as food uaUiicd as a
fit bov Uossio was a complete counter
] ) itrtof Geoigo , and she was a squaw
whom Geoigo had stolen from n , mail In
nn other band Hcssio was ovidontlv
glad thut she had been stolen She was
youtig nnd as piotty nsavoiy fat , inund-
Incod , black-haiicd , laigooyud , daik-
BUinucd squaw could bo , and she was
like Geoigo , a child in most of what
outers into life foi mon nnd woman who
have tcachod matuilty within lho con
fines of civ Hiition
Wo oltcn employ oil Besstn in the
house , and had ample op ) ortunity to
study hoi What amused us was the
lovciltko relationship that always
seemed to o\ist between these two
BOini s.iv igos When Bessie came to
the house , Gooigo nUvavs accompanied
her Ho would wait at the ( loot , ns
still und dignified as i queen s footman ,
until Bcsslo should i omo lo him If she
remained to vvoik , lid would snuulot
olT , tin ning to w live i good bv ns gt ice
fully as any tiained bean JNolthoi of
them could tend t vvoid , and yet both of
them enjoyed looking ut pietuies as
heartily is ovoi white child did Wo
dlscovcicd this one dav on seeing
Bessid examining llttlo Claias block
nlph ibot Ono block bad a picture of
an In linn I hiding Hint lies&lo r m
with it to Geoi ge full of childish delight
light 'lhoj studied that pietuto for a
eng time ns if tiying to understand
how th it Indian could hive boon put
into the block Wo hnd a numbot ot
old pictoil il papcis , tad Geoigo mid
I'osio spent horns and whole nfloi-
noons sitting upon tlio oaith bank that
wus piled mound the house to keep out
the cold in wiutoi , looiting at these
pietuies Now they would bo nudging
e ieh othoi with elbows ntuin , they
would bo kicking tlioit tinkles tcgothot
sideways laughing and k k k ing"
just like two loving , hnnpy children
without icaioot cloud in oi ovei then
lives t ,
C larley wns lCheai moan Injin , " ns
the sequel will show 'Olnist" was a
little , old , uiliiklcd gi ly bended fel
low whoso cioppodibaii stood stiil and
straight fiom itb loots m eveiy dnec
tion , giving luui the appeal nice of in
unto hedgehog In Alio piobcnco of m
enemy Hut ho vv is uu honest Injiu'
Wo hnd not boon long in Obceohi ho
foio Spot mudo up Ins mind to ste il a
bqunw fiom i sick Indi in of a band some
sovpnty miles away Ho talked lo us
fieely of the piojcct , und said lie would
show us how Injin git 'im wife " Ho
shot an cajlo , decoiated himself with
itsfeuthois and came to show us bow
handbomo ho wns in his wooing cos
tume Wo told linn that pet hups the
othoi Indian might object to having his
wife stolen Spot smiled His vnnity
would not permit a suspicion of failuio
He was almost white in this respect
Alluding to the othn Indi in , ho would
6iy "Iliin sick Injin Him heap sick
Injin M o no tiubblu got him squaw
Mo show jou nox' week
how Injin biing him wife home "
Hoboirowod a pony and started , the
boys oheeiing linn away In a few
days ho loturnod without the squav ,
iinrt a moio foolish looking bedi igglod ,
shnmefaced man novel was seen His
oa le feathois vvoio biokon , ho hid
boon in nrivoi oi pond somewhere , his
face wus scintchodand cut , and nlto
gotiiot ho wns the foi Host specimen of
unsuccessful lever I had ovei soon Ho
would novoi toll us why ho did not got
the squaw , and whenever a question
wa asked about it ho would go aw ay
But wo never Incl ed foi amusing ill
ustrations of Indian love making as
long as Geoigo and Bcssio were thoio
It was geuuino , too Gfoigo had
stolen nnothoi m iii'b wife , but ueithoi
the thiol uoi the stolen propoity saw
any thing w mug in that It was thoii
way ot doing things , had boon prac
ticed foi ages by thoii ancestois ,
and was right to them Ulicso twain
weio alwnys in then honeymoon
But ono day a "tiadci" that is some
follow diawing whisky , guii3 md un-
liiunitinn about the couutty , lobbing
and dogrvding the ignorant Indians
came to the vill igo and in a few bonis
the reds wet a all diunk , men and
women alike , with the cccoptiou of
"Chiist , "lf wo can tiust his word Wo
could lieai the leds y oiling outside the
village all ttuough the ovonii g , but us
they never hnd shonn nny disposition
to bo ugly with tlio whites , wo felt no
a i arm 1 roth id early , hut mv BiBtor
and hoi husband sat up talking until
near midnight Soon nftot they had
lotucd , and bcfoie Mr Rivers hnd
fallen nsloop , ho ho nd some poison
treading hcavilv aoioss the Hoot of tlio
outot room 1 bought of the Indiana
was first In his mind , and ho sprang
out of bed to fasten the door , but ns ho
reached it tbo door was pushed open
and an Indian wotfrin , ns ho could see
by the dim light , f staggered into the
loom nnd up to the bed wlioio my Bistor
lay haif-usloop , buf..lonfusodly thinking
that I was ill and hnd lison to got some
thing Calling m\ name , she touched
up hoi hand nnd liiil | it as she thought ,
on iny head , but itdiopped in loaf right
ful wound tiom wljch ( the warm blood
was flowlngso fast ijiat it tan down her
arm and into the bed She soiearned , of
course , nnd Mi HlvbrH.unuble to strlko
alight , toro nwayvttlio window curtain
and a flood of moonlight pouted in , 10-
ycaling poor Brissio almost fainting
from loss nt blood ) and stained and
soaked in it fiom head to foot To ill
oui inquiries us to what had happened
to hoi , she could noly loplv "Geoigo
did urn Gcorgo v\ant kill mo George
did um George did um " The wounded
crcaluio Kept lopnating that as if the
thought were mote painful than the
tortihlo gashes upon her head Wo
cave hoi niniciand watoi to driukand ,
bathed her bond , and tlid all in our
power to make hoi comfoitnblo I wns
ariangln a shakedown foi hoi on the
llooi when a noiglibor huiiicd in to toll
us that the Indians weio moving and
thoio was bomothlug wiong nmong
thorn When ho learned about Besslo ,
lin biiid at once that wo must hutrv her
out of lho house , bciaubn they were
evidently so itching foi hoi , nnd would
tnumoiuslf they found that wo were
tiying to hula her Mj slstoi nro-
tcstod ngniiibt the ciuolty of
turning the lmll-bieod squaw
out of doors , but hoi husband
deflated his iivoiolou toloalng his scalp ,
and said that she must go ' 1 ho yolliug
ot the druukon Indians came uoaroi
and nonior.nndslstei finnlly told Ilcssio
that she would have to go bhe refused
"Mo not go ! " The mon hnd to lead
her out of the house , and , when she
aw bIio could not lomniii , sliu turned
upon Mr Hlvors with a scowl of unut
terable hate , flung tbo cup of arnica in
his face , and , without a vvoi I. moved
nvvay boon the Indi ma came liu vling
for Uossio Wo convinced Uiom that
alio was not thoio , und they left , much
to oui satisfaction Next morning
George came up , f > pi uco and jaunty as
Morning , mi8 cc Mo rome git
Bessie "
Bessie is not hoio , Geoigo "
Yes , inissco , ilossio yotit house Mo
know Bessie como hoio Christ ho toll
mo Bcsslo como bote Mo will have
Bessie "
George , " said my sister , in her most
improsslvo Ituliaii-1 nglisli , "Geoigo ,
nn ) vou not much heap sIhuikmI youisolt
hurt Bossioi What foi you cut poor
Bcsslor1 She como last night She sny
Gcorgo try kill hoi She gowny , wo
dent knowwhcio Goorjo , you inucli
bad Injin You must novcr eomo this
Iioumj moro "
While sister was doliveiing this ad
dress , iu vvhich I thought she was
blowing oft the Indignation she still
felt I ccause she had boon obliged to
turn the wounded squaw aw iy , Gi oigo's
faeo wns a study when she finished ho
o\clnimed will ) undisguised but digni
lied wondotmoiil
Me hurt Bcssiol Me cut Bossiol Mo
try kill Hcsslul Mo no hint ono llttlo
ban that gill Mo love Bessie Mo
come now take Be sio to big mcdiciuo
m in "
In his druukon stupot ho hud not
known of Bessio'a iaudition , and only
learned of it iu the mot ning fiom
' Olnist , " who told him that she hud
como to oui house When ho tealt/cd
that she wus not tlieio , ho turned iwny
ns if his hoatt was bie ikingand if over
stoical Indi in waB known to bob Geoigo
eoitaiuly did so is ho lold tu ho would
"go find pool Bessie '
IIo did find hoi , utteily exhausted
md at tlio point of death hidden in a
clump of tiecs , whitliQt she had u iwled
to cscnpo the Indians und to die
Geoigo caiiiod bis pom Bcssio" to
his wicktip uuiscd lior until she was
able to ride and then he took
hoi iu his urms on a pony and lode a
bundled mlloB with her to the bijmcd
iciuo man Christ c imo to toll us they
wojo gene , and fiom hnn wo learned
that when the Indians got drunk , Injiu
Cliailoy , " who had long been jealous of
Gooigo nnd wanted Bessie himselfdicw
uu ins rillo to shoot hnn , and Bcssio
lushed forwaid iu time to tlnow up the
weapon and save Georges lifo Injin
Ch nlov then clubbed his gun nnd bo it
tlio pool girl over the head until she
sank unconscious It seems ns if , from
having h id Geoigo in lioi mmd when
she foil , when confused consciousness
returned to her she connected him with
hoi wounded condition , nnd so thought
ho had tilt d to Kill Ik r Chi ist said to
us "Geoigo Bcssio 1 eop you much
big heic , " hiving his hind ovei his
be irt , and thov bout him to tell us they
weio going to Shosliono to big medi
cine and would ' wutolcttei to ClnisL"
ind tell us how Bessie "
But Chust , Ceoigo no write lou
no lead How jou git lettei fiom
' \es , Gcorgo wnto 'im leltei Mo git
lettei soon Mo lend 'Im Mo show you
Gcorf.0 lottoi "
Sure enough , Ion , * before the slow
mall could have biought a lettei fiom
bhobhone , Christ came to us aud md
said Morn ' lnlsso Mo git 'nn ' Geoigo
letter Him say Bebsiobotto "ioucomo
bee lettei "
Wo followed Ch i ist no piloted us
mound tbo house voiy pioudly , as if
conscious that ho w is about to demon
strate a tin th tlint wo had once denied ,
and when wo had re tolled a point vvhoio
the countiy opened wide nnd fat , aud
the snowy peaks of the dist mt mouu-
t linB of southoin Nevada lay like white
silhouettes against the divinobluoof
that matchless sky , ho stopped and
laisod his aim tow aid the mountains
' \ ou see 'im big mountain { \ ou see
'un smoke fiier Hint Geoigo lcttoi
Mo read Mm lottoi Ho say , Bessie
bfttei some moio Beasio git well
Bessie , George come back ' "i ou glad
Mo glad Bes io good souaw Geoigo
Good Injin Injin Ciuuloy hcnpmoiu
dam Injin Chust bcuv good Injin
Him nobbet gitdiuuk , you bet Mom ,
misseo Goo by "
Then stubble hendod old Indian
Christ , Bcssio , Geoigo , and tilloven , the
cduc itod hogs of vviid , hiIstly Osceola ,
with the villngo itself , and its flvo-
pound nuggets of gold , disappented
fiom my yiow , foi I , too , wont beyond
the mountains and homo But never
till tncmoiy flies shall I fngot that I
hayo soon with mv own eyes , nud know
bo von d cavil oi snoot , that love is loyal
and lives for its own oven among led
Headache neuralgia doziness nervous
ness spasms sleeplessness cured by Di
Miles Neivluo bamples frco at Kulcu &
Co s 1Mb and Douglas
a II VV 1 6 or Stolen A white ilohorno 1 cow
tin uteris red had strap on neck with ltrc.e
ring nttachol lintur wfll i turn to stock
Tar Is ( oiincil IliulTe und rucelvo reward
JlrB M btcw irt
Ii10Iir\Clf Nai'-lorl stocts ot goner il
merchandls i to exchange for gnd farm
lun Is unit rash : Invoice fiom $ . OU ) to tl UJJ
Address Kerr ik ( Iraj , Council lllnlla la
WAN1FD Ataonco , sto Lot trocerles oi
general in 1st ) that will lnvolco uhotit
ft 000 la vxchauga f > r t M In i.oo 1 Improve 1
near this plac i I al lu cash V Idres's
Iiroperty , Council HUiIIb
lim IlltOS & CO loan money The most
lltioral terms offered ID ) I earl at
RFAh ItSTATH-llou ut sad itola aal ex
change 1 BperUl nttentloa given to exmu
lnatlon of titles VV 0 James \i tli'eurl st
am aoout io eUKiao In otner business ind
I until c loscd out you will save money lij ext
amtiilng he toro purclmslngelsuwl eie m/Htocic
orriunlture an 1 otovej Vim willIln I many art
teles that will maUo buitanlo und serviceable
holiday presents A J Man tel , Kl mil 15
WANTI D To trails for a lot two goo 1 3 an 1
3 year-ol 1 horses In miru at the I ountntn
cigar store Council mulls
IrtOItl It vnr for stock , goollotln Ilastlnts ,
. eb luquhe t.ta Vv est Iiroadway
1j OH 8 M P or Iteat 0araon land with houses
? by J It Itlco IU Main st , Coanctl IllulTu
InoillCII VNdl a > , eel new0room house
toexcluinief ir nn Improve IW a iu farm
Jn westera or central Iowa , Keirltlray
FOK SAT I Nursery end small fruit farm 13
acres farm IBOacreK Improved adjilnmn
lon < l rnlitoad tovvr lu Net raska will tutepart
ira le 1 II Iamb Council HI nils
1710k HI S r One liv e-room house at W jier
7 month In jiilro at HOJ Uhlru st , M lion
I LHMblll I ) rooms for rent Jli llrst ave
AK rU-A tlrlto wort in kitchen No
washing , ICthave Mrs A It WulHer
FOItbAII or ixcant(0-rhe furniture an I
lease of a ( m roam hotel doluir . big htuluess
in eastern Netn 1 rice 8 JJ | il WW case t at on
eas > terms or will talco ' , lu lee 1 real estate
A I lrtss Kerr A. Uruy , Council lllulfH
Kl M UNSlllI 1' mau wants position as night
watchman Address \ \ , llee otllte Coun
cil lliutrs
WANU Ill Situation hy young mau ofJ
good cducailoa good penmsu Any
bnnoraole position uot nrraid of vroric Ad
dress JJ , 10 Ilea olllce , Couucll UluSa ,
Coal ! Coal T I
A. T. THMCHliR , h. A. COX , H
Chicago , Ills Western Sales Agent B
OFFICE ! 114 Mnln Street , Brown Building Telephone 48. B
Wo will soil to consumers diiect , SLLLOmi ) ANTUIlACITr COAL nt th * H
follow injr loducod pi ices H
- - - $8,25
RANGE AND NUT - - 8.50
CHESTNUT - - 8.50
Ami Um best irrtdcs of Soft Coal Wyoming Lump $7 00 , Walnut Uloili H
8 GO , Jackson $ > , CodnrS 111 ( innol $0 50 , Iowa jNui.Tvlrn Liigo sl/o mil lollor H
eroouod , iT 00 , Gas House Coke 12o per bushel , or $7 00 per ton H
TLUMS Cash with eider All coil frosli mlhod , vvoll scrooucd und liiomptly m
livorcd H
Allogcl bar I coil that Is half crccnhiRi anl nilxi I with slack Is loat at any pilce H
Viurtliopocsoiitni burns poorly aulloivrsa pllo < f etnlers nnl lol aihoi n ailv as H
ri e it in bulk as the cent coimime I It locsn t p > to b itlu i w Ith It t ho U t Is al \ nv H
tlio die i | est Ihavci oclotpeoal but in > lilgl I fresh mine 1 , all rail nuthii Ite ati i B
lachcitrrthnnttiOB mr nllnfolt latll vton rry it All tra iosot soft oal nut md B
lump atlowe t pilcos bto\oau leorl wool H
L. M. SHU BERT - - 2319 West Broadway ' <
The ideal fuel is frn It ives the gicatc l device of lioat , is nhvav < ? under ! | |
contiol and is iibolutcl > without dust ana theio can ho no nccldonts fiomU \ use , H
Sclentillo nivostiRiitions have hhown that food eooltcd bv it totaiua _ ' 0 poi-ccnt I H
mete of its nutiitlvo piopottics than it cooked in lha old wa > Yon nov i a to ft i H
fiood 8toik unless \ou have ti led ono cooked bj e'lib lho Couiu il llltilTs ( jiis nnd | H
Llcctiie Jjipht comimnj have made it dosiiahlo in point ot ceouomv to icjo ( jna ' H
foi cooking and hoatinfj It willp-ii vou to nivestifriito this Jheli new gat M
hoatorsiindeoolvois no tlio jjieitost sueeobsos modoru times Tlioj eomhino H
MLHV III.SIUAICM : < IUAMT1 , H i on iisn , H
viisoiiUii : svi r.Ti , Gin\ iiiiiig : cviuciii , s H
imchcic : i ixtvki s ort c kimk i H
vxtAj wo kvaiijm ; 1 1
No210 Main St , MERRIAM BLOCK , No 211 Peail St jfl
COI'NCIIi m.uirv IOWA l H
HDP/ | | | | \l DI [ \ | C Jlwlinulio and buintinv Uuciuooi Planfl 1 ttimates H
i DlrmmDInL Speeilieation < 5 Miporvision of Public Woik Hrown , l
* Untitling Coueii DlulTs Iowa i B
I ID7 Tlst c of the l' ice Olllco ovoi Ameiican ] 2\pres' ! No11 l H
NQPU . Biotdw ly , C ouneil BlulTs , Iowa f l
QTAMET 8. C\/IQ | | \ / Attoinevs-it Luv Pi u tieo in the State aim led ' . H
O I UlNL < X OlIVIO eiilLnuits Hooiuh 7 and 8 Shugut Uono Uloek , t l
Council 131utfs Iowa * l
R/ir\MTPr\l\/ICDV- / and llomo-pitli Room I ) , Hiown f H
PI . 1VIU1N I VaUIVlLnT buildmc HfiPculSt Olllco houis , J lo 12. | H
n in - to 0 nnd 7 to 8 p m t H
BUST OFi\M > . 101 IEBtOA UA\ . l H
The best Beef nnd Veal in the market Lvei v thinfj of the best qunlilv nnd |
puces light down to the lowest uotih Liid Satis ipe Ovstets , und ovcivthiiitf M
kept m the butchci s hue 1 ice dellveiy to nil p-iits of the otj M
1 I , < . .ltA1'ropiU'tor i H
KKNT Ono seven roomhouaaon j-ourth
FOlt ono oKlitroon lions on bc
end avenue , ana o lo olcht room house on Tenth
street alltlttMl up with all modern conven
icncoi W VV B1Iier 1 earl stioot
Improve 1 real estnto to trnno for unlm
NEW i Omaha or Council BlutT ? i > r ipcrty
r B Juld ( Wfl llroalway
If yoihavsroal estate or ciiattoli
you want to iltspobo of quick list them with
Kerr & Gray Council IllulTs la
D U once tool flrot class
WANTI iu A ) ply olllco S L Va\or. |
archttect room ol Mcirlam block Council
Uluff" '
X\7 ANTm-A man of business expcrlenco
VV and offlro work \ o ltlon of tiust Tall at
or address It 213 llrotdw vy Council llliins
Electric Trusses Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc
Agents vvantea . .
I lt C. B. lUl D ,
COIIlrovyalny Liuncil Itlufff la
RoomS , Opera House Block , Council Bluffs
liios OFFicrit W II 11 I vsry
Corner Main an 1 Ilroaavvay
COUNCIL IlliUI I H , U > \ \ A.
Dealers in fnrcli n nnd ( lomettle exchange
Collections made and Interest paid on time de
posit *
A. A. HART ,
Jeweler anil Itch leprer
Has lrmoved from lit ) Main St to Mfllroal
way line watch w > ik a sp rlalt ) nnl hatls
taction Riiariute d A full line of holiday
tooilrt an 1 uov eltk-s
S. E. MA XON ,
Architect and Superintend nt .
Rrpom 281 , Merrlam Block ,
Apple an 11 lum Uulter Mluro Me ir Bivtet an I
ho ir 1 lcUos Olives In Hulk : , t-nui r Kraut 1 ure
MuplnKjrupanl Honey , II ickwheat Hour and
Jlnmlny oranas Cranberries California
( Iran b Tenons Nuts llalslm anl Celery
llest Couutry lltutpr.lo ptr lb O ir prices al
ways the low est No ju llroalway , oppoilte
chjdca House
imuci 4c KKlOI , | > S
Fashion able CoiiWioncrs
lho very latest novelties fohaiuputs and
rlv ate parties Cholre traltf 'bontous clwco
ates buttercups an I ol 1 fan hion d molasso
tatidy a specialty Or ters for pirtlns mil ma
or lord i ti laitlytlllcl M ) II ntlmn ( oim
F. M. ELLIS & CD ,
ltooms IW and Ui llee Hull Un < , Umalia Neb
nud ltooms il aud ia MerrUm lllook Council
HluiTi Iowa Correspondence Solicited
I nlll tlie I th of January wo will ( .hoatl ket i l
to o\erj f cash purchaser ot Roolnatour t- l
st re \ JI ollct t wfll cutltlo the hoi lit t > u ? B H
chance lu the follow lu prlzoh : l l
1st I lieautiftil Gel l Coin Heater pi 1 e J10 , ' H
2nl 1 1 elf tlowei stand with auhis aud \ l
hauhln basket $10 l H
3rl 1 atror la lies clubsLates v - > . t H
4th Pall of bov s club skates 75c fJ K
Ihisonrlzeswlllbo distributed lmme llately I K.
after the date fclvon BHLUAUi V Ul 1 B
ll _ vi < ln t f l
J l ) Ldmcsdson r I biiinviiT i > H
I ro V lee ires liv H
Cms It IIannAv Cashier s'l ' l
ofcouvcu , nrutt'3 i M
Paid up Capital SISO.OOO OO I H
Surplus 3SO00 OO > H
Liability to Dopoaltora 335,000 OO j H
nmi itoiis-T A Miller I O ( ilo-son ] < T. t l
Bhutart 1 1 Hart J I ) 1 lundion Chat It , j H
Hannan Irtnsnct genci il bauklnc , business vl H
Lurjcst capital and sun his of any lank lu If l
Northwestern low i Interest on time deno-lti U l
P Etnirtd4tfllunuandilntM . i _ Try OltN t L H
Srofitty Improved with imDrtnf BhacUwi onofii . f l
Mia EaleBtrrdln f " terv J TI prln lnitUfc ( M
• a ud liurten accordlnf to tbo walght pal on U tm J H
Idiplod fxiaallF 11 to rouKtt ootintry or lln * I. H
% tx drives Wul l xim bast • atlsmovlon H
Ily a thorough knew lndgu of the naliu al laws X \ H
wulcn Koveru tnoi periuum n of illKistlon und n 'f H
nutrition an 1 by n careful at I Ucailou ot thd i'l H
Una proi erties < f well helecte 11 ocoa Mr HPPV 1 i H
has provided oui brinkfastt 1a 1 with a Ucll- ll H
cately llatored lovorue which may save us Mi H
many heavy doctor s bills It Is I j the juulcloua nfl H
use of Btich articles of diet that n loi.stliutloil llt H
may bo cradiiallyb ult up until stronx i.nounU L' H
to rerflat every tendency to dlsoiuie I Inn I red a i'j ' H
of subtle m uadies are lloatln around uureiuly IV < H
toattack wheierei there Is a weak p tut We 1 fl H
m ly escape many a fatal Bhatt by l > e < i Int outt il H
elves well rorlllled with pure blood an 1 n prop If H
erly nourished frame Civil Herv Ice ( J i/ette Ki H
Made simply with boiling water or milk Hold Ki H
ouly intuit i unltlnstbytriocerH I il ole it ins i H
james EPPS& co , ron -.ri - . ar' ! , km
\yr \ Collar , !
/ Prr - ittciiiieitlT&iiiiriiiseBi f M
KMIN OHLVjSor KirtM > SllsM U.d.fu Dl l
< tfteSiSJ3B'TiNiiiuTnie\tiiiNiKa tiii > n b H
H.c tl 7 A < llr l' t/IJ' ll' l > k | ru , mux H
Isf lttiBVHJM llllk < ITIf oii rest h KfctrlS 1
" .
Carrrsl r" T > BLrin.r4iiTtvor rtrf liis/ioOUeulu 1
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ib.dcq res .dlatli . oc ollit Sc 4i ath tlcUain H
ThoTylor8vatem of Bank Counters H
Unrautlled In Style , Quality or Vriu H
The Tyler Desks 200 New 8tyle , , M
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and Dtik Combined 8 Bljlei , Fine it en Earth M
100 P j Illu.traUo OaUlof u rr e , Po U 7 0la. H
TYURDESK CO , St Louis , Mo „ 6. S. A. H