* THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , DECEMBER 23 1880. 5 flH Baaaaaaa _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _ - , _ i TRECOMMEUCUL TRAVELERS H A Great Vartoty of Topics Dls- H cussed by Thorn till a Morning M PnOHIDITION IN IOWA MMWynt \ \ a Drummer Jinn to Snjr About MM\ \ It CrlllclsiiiK n Lincoln Pro H fcssnr' * Hceklcsi ilssorllcm H I'croonnl Mention H An Indlnn Hymn MM ] Jens 0N Co , Wye , Ioo 20. | To the MM } Editor of Tub Iir.R , ] 1 nm It ) receipt of fl n sample copy of sour paper tinted Novcm- B bcr in While pcrusiiiK its IntcrcstltiR piRcs B Iimwtlio lines of nn Indian li.vmn which H iny mother used to sing to mo whllo rocking B mo to sleep nearly forty joart ngo It was H printed In IS 12by ltcaton & GicsslnRer , St H Clairsvlllu , O. , nnd reuus thus : H In do dnrlc wood , no Indian iiIku , J , Don mo look honuon mid send up cry , J Uinn | my linccs so low ; P PJ Dat Cod on IiIrIi , In slilnv place , P PJ Sco mo In night , wld tenry fmo , P pi Do priest did tell mo so BVM God send his miRol tnkc.mc lin , PHM Ho mm htniBcir ntul hear mo pray , P pf If tusldohcnrt do pray ; P | He see me now , ho no me henr P PJ Ho say poor Indian , nnbor fear , P BB Wo wla you night and dny BBBJ rjCD mo lub God , wld insldn heart , BBBI Ho light for mo , ho took my purt , BBBa Ho save my lifo before , BBBH ( Jed lub poor Indlun in do wood , BBBB - So mo lub God , and ant bo peed , BBBB Mo pralso Dim two times mora BBBM Don Fkwe H An Upi u H Omaih Dec S3 To the Editor of Tub B Cp.n : The writer was present last Wcdncs- B dny evening lit the prohibition convor.tlon B hold tu exposition hall , nnd listened carefully B to the address of Dr U. „ Ilutehlns of Des BmSb Moines , In Either the spouKor wilfully inls- BBMt represented the true facts or ho Is ontircly BwSj Icnorautot tlicm , Does Iho gentleman from BwS Iowa pretend to tell the pcoplo of Nebraska BBB and Dakota that pronlbitlon in oiifhty-livo SwS counties In Iowa Is a success and the law cn- BwS forced I hnow , and so does every lntoill- BMB gent unprejudiced observer who has occasion SvB to travel through Iown , that in these eighty BBMf flvo couutles ho sponks of there is not a town 1 or cfty of 1,000 population or upwards but BSPJ whut thcrs nro led y and have bcou over PSPJ ainco this law was enacted , from onu to a PMBj dozen plncos where liquors of all PSBJ kinds and of the vilest kind , too , can bo PMSf brought for nny purpo30 whatever , and m H many of tbeso towns this trafllc is under the BBBB very cogniranco of the authorities , I know PMSfl whereot 1 speak , mid in thu language of the BBBB distinguished orator I chulleiigo a refutation BBB of tliut statcu cnt 'llio gentleman from Dos BBSC Moines desiring undoubtedly to carry the lm- BVCft prcssiou with his healers that none but BBBB toughs and bums have left Iowa on account ; PMBM of prohibition Ho says , "I am told thut BBBM many have loft our town and are now in BmBB Omaha and Nebraska , and I am glad of it " I BmB Iowans m Nebraska , how do you like thlsl BMSp There uro today nt least 1,0JO people in BBBB Omaha former residents of Dcs Moines and BBBV Marshalltown , la , 00 per cent ut Icust | BBB of whom are the peers of any they EBBBJ loft behind , not exceptlug the gentleman BBBa himself , iu all thut goes to make up BBB * law-aoldlug , temperate , good moral , aye , BBBfl further , Christian citizenship Who uro BBBfl these pconlol Merchants , bmiKcrs , mo- BBBl chanics and hardy sons of toil Why aid BBBfl they leave Iowul Uecauso tlitlr business BBBj wns cripiileJ , their property vuluo deprcci- BBBJ ntcd , work of nil kinds scarce , etc , and all BBBfl on account of this miserable furco of prohi- H 'l ho speaker , with a burst of eloquence , H proclaimed thut today not u store on any do- H sirnblo stroctln Des Moines wnsuuipty Was I B this the ease uiuo mouths agol Is It not a SBBfl fuct that less than one year ago business B houses in Dos Moines , Marsballtown , Cedar BBBB Jlapids , Iowa City and in almost all of fBBB ) Iowa's loading towns , wcro vacant by dozens , iSBBa and rents offered nt ono-hnlf the former BBBj price true , slnco the lust election In Iowa JBfl business men , believing that there was a KwBf strong probability of prohibition in that stuto h9BB | being relegated to the tomb and bcliavina wBBf that under the new state of affairs business nBBBJ would again revive , they nro filling up the BBBfl waste places Now , what the pcoplo of this HJBBft state want are the cold , unvarnished facts IflflflBJ regarding the workings of prohibition m ifl H Iowa and Kansas , and it these facts nro BBBfl told there will bo no danger of a repetition BBBB of this fanatical exhibition of stupid logisla BBBH tlon in the now prosperous btato of No- BBBfl brasita BBB It Is.not the whisky clement that is most BBBB interested in the defeat of this movement , BBBB ] but it is the capitalists , the property own BBBj ors , the honest , hard working mechanics BBBB and laborers The writer is no apologist B BB ] for the saloons For thirty years I have been BBBB a resident of Iowa , and for many years BBBB largely idcntillcd with her manufacturing BBBB Intel ests 1 have seen her towns crow and rBBBB prosper , have beard her pralsos sung In the nBBBff far cast , but she now hits taken n bade scat LHBBfl * I voted for prohibition in Iown , have seen NBBB the folly of it , and llko thousands of othois BBB ] who would gladly sco the trafllo blotted out HB | from the fate of the earth , I am thoroughly HB convinced that the only true solution of tnis BBB problem lies In a good high license law , with BBB its strict enforcement , as seen In Omalia BBB A Tuavliimi Man rBBBJ SooroM n Irurusaor B Wtmoup , Neb , Dee IT To the Editor of vAYJ TuuUkis ; On Sunday last I wont to church | AVB Id Hebron , expecting to attend divine service , i H instead oi which the congregation were ro- BBB gnled with a lecture on ' • Llfo" by a cortnln A B professor from ono of the religious coltegos ! ' H in Lincoln On the whole , I have no fault B to llnd with the lecture , as I think the sun H Jcct wns well taken and ably handled Uut BBBJ X do wish to take a most emphatic uxception H to ono statement uiado by the professor dur- BBBJ Ing the course of his sueoch , which I think H was far-fctched , malicious aud uncalled for H The objectionable statement I refer to is H ono ho made concerning the commercial men RbVmS * f the Unltod States 1 do not recall tils BBBJ flxaet words , buttho substance of what ho BBBJ Bald had rofornnco to the lack of moral tralu- mBBBj ing in the lives of tbo youth of our laud , ilo ImBBB referred to the comincrclal men of tbo coun- BBBB | | try us examples , and hold thorn uo to the IBBBb scorn and contempt of his audience for dis- BBBBJ olutoness , Immorality nnd vulgarity , in this , BBBBc that when nny number of thorn were to- jIBBJ gothor , without the rostrniniug influence of IBflBf tbo prcuonco of hulls ' , their actions and l/BBfl conversation wcro unlit to bo scon or heard , EBB | nnd that they wcro shining ojcainnlos of the H.JBBB basest Immorality mid vulgarity The im- IlilBBfl piesslon ho seemed to wish to convoy to his ) PBB hearers was that Uncommercial men were | BBB | unfit to nssoclato with respectable pcoplo , or I IBBfl bo admitted to their homos IIVBH I have no doslro , nor do I think there Is IBBfl any necessity for mo to pose us a champion BJBBB of my follow traveling men , but I do think BBBB ] that this professor should bu given to under BBBB ] stand that his method of singling out the BBBB1 commercial men of this country au mora im- BBB mornl , mora dissolute , or moro vulgar than BBBBf any other class of mon , is unjust and uu- BBB called for , and Is also uufalr , in this , that bo BBB solecls thu pulpit for his rostrum , and mukos BWBBt bis attack from the shelter of that sacred BUBfl | place , where ho knows he is eufo from lutor- BJBBfl rupllon or a reply I have uo dotlro to bring B BB ] any other profession or class of mon lute BBB ] this ditcnsslou but I would llko to ask the BBBB | professor if ho roads the dally papers , IBBfl nnd if so , In all honesty , I would IBBfl llko to ask him if ho does not find BBBJ n uiauy , or more , accounts published in the BBBB | news of the day , wherein teachers nnd pro BBBfi feasors figure as tbo principal actors in soma BBBBf i scandalous affairs , moro thau thosuppo cd BBBBf to bo immoral traveling men BBBBf Notwithstanding the fuct that there are BBBBf' ' moro commercial men In this country than BBBBf there are male teachers , and the further fact , BBBBf that as a rule the commercial men are away BBBBJ ! frota homo and homo Intluoncos tbo greater BBBBJ part of their time , whllo the class tie ropro- BflflBW nents are continually surrounded by tbeso BBBJ' lotluonccs as well as ttai of ladles and la- BBBBf I dies society ! BBBBf X uo not know whether there wore any BBBJ ! other traveling mon lu the audlenco or not , BBBfl but I do know that a nuuibjr of my friends , Biifliflfti good nnd upright cltlzons of Hebron , spolco of i the matter to mo the following morning and denounced the professors attack In no unccrtnm terms IC hns occurred to mo that porhnp * the pro fessor thought n i Hebron wns not a largo city nnd not largely patronized as n Sunday town by the traveling men there would probnbly bo none of them within hcnrlng of his volco when ho donounccd them , to take cxccntlons to or resent what ho chose lo sny Hut I wlih to say right here that ho will have to seek n far moro secluded spot nnd n fnr moro smaller town than llobron is if ho expects to And an audience , either In the church or elsowheie , that does not contnln ono or moro of tbo numerous tnmily of TlUVEMNQ MBJf Rlirldoti'fl Sweat Until I noticed that nccr.unt of the whirl Jim Hutchinson and Chnrllo West Indulged In nt London Mills , said one of the boys the other night , but It ain't n patching to the trick that West served T. V , Sheldon ono night last summer down nt Rushvillo In rcsponso to numerous Inquiries regarding the chnractor of the Job , the following was unfolded : It wns ono of those beastly hot daj s which fry and try a man for nil ho Is worth and which you can always depend on bolng followed by a night suftlclontlv close nnd opprcsslvo to smother n salamander Such wus the condi tion of things on tills occasion If the day was hot the night was still hotter and West nnd Shcl sat up mid smoked until a Into hour before retiring Thov wcro to occupy ndoublo room and ns soon nsthoycntoredWost made it a point to tnko possession of the bed nearest the window This loft Sliul on the sheltered sldo of the room and ho had begun complnln- Ing of the bed almost us soon as ho lay down West pulled his bed close un to the window whore every breath of air could reach him , and then becan to ' plou Sheldon's dlscom- flturo By the tlmo Shol was nsloep West was ready for business , and as soon as the tlist snore gavoovldonco that ho could carry out bis plan ho set to work Thostovo hud not been Uken down and like most nrtlcles of It kind had served through the summer as a waste basket In which every ono who had occupied the room had thrown moro or less matter West stuffed in all the old papers ho could lay hands on touched a match to the muss , nnd thou after throwing every draft wide open crawled back into bed Pretty soon ho hoard Shcl turning rest lessly Then ho heard him kicking frantically nt Imaginary bed clothes , and a moment after heard him iuquire : Can jou sleep , West , ns hot 03 It is ) " Well , I haven't been asleep vet , Shel , but Its not because 1 felt warm I think Its very comfortnblo hero In fact I'm sleeping with a blunkot over mo I wns Just going to let down the window , butif you're warm enough with it up Ill lot It stand " "Winin ! Gieat God I'm enough , mnn , just sweltering Sav , its tcrrlblo I waked up dreaming of purgatory and I didn't miss It so very far " Nonsouse You must have a fever , Shol Hands hot nnd dry , aren't they ? Throat parched and bead fceliug heavy ! You talk kind of flighty , old boy Dent got delirious , old boy , for heavens sake If you ain't bet tor in the morning you'd better run In " ' Hands hot and dry ! Say , dent talk such rot West As you love me refrain I have onoueh to stnnd ns It is V hy , say , my liead is Just sn burning in a pool of swcit a bore is a stream running down ray buck that would turn a mill wheel and even down the soles of mv feet nro pouring tinv rivulets of honest perspiration Dry ! Why , thunder and Mars ! I'm ' sweating nt the rate of two gallons lens per minute right now " 'J hero was an audible groan from West's bed Its even worse than I thought , " snid that gentleman slowly Its awful to think of it A big kealthy-lotikiiig mnu llko > ou going down that way You'vo got 'cm though got 'em sure Its too bad Too bad , " nnd West again groaned What In thunder are vou groaning about ! What do you suppose 1'vo got that's causing you to feel bad ! " ' Got ! Why man , you'vo got night sweats Its a terrible thing Iliad an undo who had bight Bweuts Had 'em for two weeks andthonhadQfuiieril It was awful ! Ho used to wolgh two hundred pounds and when wo planted him ho only weighed fifty Its the aw " "Oh , shut up I'm too hot to monkey Ill ' bo Just eternally blanked dashed to dash if I was over so dash blaukod hot In all my life You must bo hot You cant make mo swullow your blank dashed He about be ing comfortable I'm so hot I cant lay down , but it dent help matters much to sit up Ill ' bo dash blanked to dash If I can stand it , I'm coming over , West 13y George , I'm so weak I can Hardly got my logs out 1 wns never so totnlly svvol holy and o r-l-g- i-n-n-1 M-os-osI See that steve If she ain't red fiom top to bottom I'm a liar Talk of fever nnd night sweats ! Its the dash blanketest outrage ever perpetrated on u free born citi " Then there was a howl of laughter from Wost'sbod , and in another second there was a sound of struggling as the Joker and his victim grappled Of course , physically , West had no show Ho had to compromise on Shel's terms , and my own notion is thut the victim of the sweat bath was by no moans lenient Of course there was no ill tooling They always have been and are yet the best of friends , but for all that Shol would feel somewhat nervous if asked to take West for a room mate Unci Tnkon Xifrvo Tonic Speaking of traveling men romlnds moot ono I noticed on the train in the southern part of Nebraska a few weeks ago , who made himself and every ono near blm uncomforta- bio I happened to sit In the neighborhood , so I speak from experience In the first place , as wo changed cars at Lincoln this gentleman us I will call him , came in and found a seat and in a few moments two girls , from nppojrancos 1 should judge them to bo working girls and quite tired out , came . in nnd could llnd uo scats When the con ductor asked this gentleman to give up bis chair to the ladies , he curtly replied : "Ipaid for first class fare nnd intend to have it , " and settled hlmsolf moro comfortably in his easy chair In a few moments t o otnor gentlemen gave up their chairs to the ladies Whllo it Is true that he was entitled to first class faro , I would venture to say It these ladles bad been robed in sealskins ho would not have wmtod to have the conductor ask him to give up his seat , but would have of fered it without delay Another thing , the car wns very close and onn of the transoms was opened to give the occupants a brouth of fresh air , but the man who opened it hud hardly turned his baek before this gent wns up and slammed It chut with bis umbrella-Just as if the transom wastoblamol Dent you think everyone in the neighborhood would have felt moro com fortable if this ono man would have kept bis temper a little more to himself I Moliiu Very Quiet The hotel lobbies do not present the same humdrum appearance that they did a low weeks ago between Cheyenne nnd Omaha on the Union Pacific Nearly every commer cial man who has been making this territory for the oust year Is now entitled tn a vaca tion and has ere this departed for a brlof visit either to his relatlvos , his family or friends In the east Wnllo the unmarried cavnllor will visit his sweetheart The hotelmen mon will also have n weeks rest or so , but It will not bo very profitable At Grand Island on Saturday evening 100 drummers usually center for Sunday , but for the next two Sunduys ton or fifteen will eovor the uumber A Noblu Specimen Edgar Leonard , the roluud grocery sales man for McCord , Brady & Co , U a great follow for Jokes , and wbon an occasion do- mauds it ho can always cogitate some schema to have a little tun with a fellow-traveler. Mr Leonard Is prunouuooj by good Judges the most noble specimen of humanity In the commercial arena llio buuilay Quests At the Millard J. A. Burnett , Chicago ; N , S. James , Chicago ; A. Kelts , London , England ; Dion Geraldlue , Chicago ; P. II Lmson , Chicago ; l'O. . Magic , Milwaukee , B. A. Wler , Uolos Clly , Idaho ; J. E. Atwood - wood , Chicago ; Alex L. Metzol , Chicago ; J. S. Williams , St Louis ; W. E. Patterson , Kansas City ; GeOrge M. Ferris St Louts ; C. A. Deamoud , St Joseph ; F , W. Lee , Portland , Oro.t J , V. Parker , Salt Lake ; O. M. Carr , Chicago : H. I ) . Uarber , I'o'o , III ; J. H. Baker , Sodalla , Mo ; Ej , "T , Eldralgo , Hochoster , "N , V.j L. A. Hecht , " Cln- oiuuatl , 0 , ; T , Jj Fuller , Isew York ; O. W , Townsend , Louisville ; Charles Diat , New York : CO , Mason , Sail Lake ; H. J. Prunbly , Chlcngo ; C. D. Crandol , Chicago ; E , D. Simmons , Toledo , O. ; ,1. H. Ely , Kan sas City : N. S. Young , Burlington , la.jV - T. Jacobs , Kansas City ; L. Herrlmnn , New York ; O. S. Uaessor Mllwaukoo ; II B. Heath , Lincoln ; W. K. Uuell , St Paul ; C. Kendall , Toledo , O. 1 , W. A , McGrow , Den ver ; E. Iloldaway , St Louis ; H , P. Mardon , Boston ; T. P. Jones , Chicago ! W. O. Ever ett , Milwaukee II E. Cox , Now York ! W. N. Hunter , St Louts ; D. Levy Now York ; W. J. Uogors , Blnghampton , N. Y. ; A. 0. Stowell , Blnghampton , N. Y. ; F. H. Peck , Cincinnati ; George It Kumsoy , Phil adelphia ; A. O. Gerstol , Peoria : J , P. Crocker , Chicago ; It T. Studncss , Chicago ; F. W. Tnlo Chicago ; G. H. l/ipelt , St Louts ; Hormnn Colin , Now York : A. Brcchnr , Cincinnati ; E. It Paige , Chicago ; E. C. Uutler , Cincinnati j O. Dobrinor , St Joseph ; F. WTaylor Danville , 111. : Julius Cahn , Now York ; J. M. Crawford , Detroit ; Hen Mnx , St Louis , It II Gillett , Chicago ; S. B. Hntliowav , Now York : W. J. Morgan , Minneapolis ; C. Furniss , London , England At tbo Barker : J. E. Lambert , Ypsilantl , Mich ; Thomas J. Blocker , Chicago ; B. F. Pnrkcr St Joseph , Mich ; U. M. Hold , New York : U. 13. Craddoek , Chicago ; Edward J , Hcdcllff London ; Ernest Fullerton , Now York ; W. D. Mead , Jr , Now York ; A , Al ton , Chicago ; F. A. Trlop , Chlciuro ; F. J. Best , Mobllo Ala ; M. A. Sailor , Slaux Falls , S. D ; V. II Uussoll , Oregon ; J. II Hogau , Milwaukee ; Oscar Wolcott , Lincoln ; E. M. McAdnms , Denver ; r. S. Toamloy , Portland , Ore ; F. E. Lyman , Des Molues : F. V. Tumor , Chndron ; Frank Maddock , Brcken Bow ; A. E. Pollard , Hampton , Neb : A , F. Brunch , Chlcairo ; I' . B , Sut ton , Uloveland , O. ; It , C. Morton , Chicago At the CascyilTom Dcnnlson , Denver ; C. P. Hill St Paul , Minn ; II C. McCasiy , Cincinnati : C. J. Slntor , Holyoke , Cole ; E. li Edwards , Chicago ; S. B. llofsos , S A. Hoppar and S. M. Holt , Kansas City ; C. E. Saunders , St Joseph ; C. W. Courtnght ; Kansas City ; John Enoch , Chicago ; S. B. Harlan , Cincinnati : C. It Page , Cleveland ; D. C. Walton Buffalo ; It T. Van Brunt , Chevenno ; . It Snyder , Now York ; Ed McCombs , Dos Moines ; J. M. Hughes Do- cntur , III ; W. JK Bowen , StockwellInd ; L. M. Bennett , Chicago : E. Harris , Now York ; A. H. Dlckev Kansns City ; It S. Tuttle , St Louis ; M. E. Johnston , Canton , 111. ; It It Lovell , St Paul , Minn ; E. J. Culler . Chtcugo ; M. . D. Cnilton , Brockport , N. Y. ; W. J. Kennedy , Des Moines ; W. M. Kelly , St Louis ; E. G. ltust , Grand Island At the Pnxton William Fnrroll , Jackson ville , Fin ; M. Z. Famuli , Pres Prcdrns , N. At : John T. Sullivan , Santa Cr.wz , Cal ; William Ilolton , Hamilton , Out : Frodonck A. Wilson , Chicago ; J. B. Broil , Quantroll ; II B. Ea'tmau , Bolso City ; II II Uonnor , San Francisco ; D. V. Prude , Iduho ; S II Oaorhobor , Norfolk , Va ; George H. Boynton - ton , Diveunort ; T. J. Garrison , Donnlson ; F. Miller , Portland ; H. M. Gabilol , Gid- doon ; E. A. Curtis , Chicago ; J. M. Bain , Cheycnno ; J. II Quigley , Dubuque ; C. S. .CuDther , Dallas : A. T. Blrehard , Mar shalltown ; L. S. Harvey , Blooinington ; Joe S Stirr Decatur ; L. W.Mallory , bloux City ; A. W. Gclst Denver ; It L. ltuddick , Keokuk ; Kenneth Bryan , St Louis ; J. W. Speucer , St Joe ; Hey ward Loavitt , Now York ; E. M. Bowver , Lexington At the Muriuv : 1. H. Uahn , Chicago ; U. P. Hnckedoni , Charles E. Parks , NowYorlt ; W. F. Itcmston , Boston ; Johu W. Ellorson , Boston : W. C. Buell , St Paul ; W. It Daw son , Chicago : J. A. Stafford , Boston ; E. Conklln , ltaclno ; B. It Hall , Milwaukee W. Callott , Chicago ; D. C. Punnev , Now York ; Nat Jncohsen , Philadelphia ; E. Wrongreon , Now York ; E. E. Windorson , Milwaukee ; N. Schloss , Chicngo ; Joe lijman , George 11. Abbott , Boston ; Louis Worrsmor , Chicago cage ; J. II McCormack , Now York ; H. L. Morris , St Louis ; W L. Mason , Chicago Gmhcrcil Irnm n Grip W. Beeber of C. A. Hubo & Co , Council Bluffs , made a few towns on the Union Pa cific road betwen Central City nnd Omaha James Lnngon of Pitson , Pa , was travel ing through Nebraska last week J. M. Kllfoyl sells Hour for It H. Faucctt Mill compiny of St Joe Hois a modern hustler and sold suvoral largo orders previ ous to returning homo for the holidays E. W. Dcapres , who soils jowefry for n Chicago firm , legisterod ut the Thurston hotel , Columbus , last Friday , Ho reports business good nnd prospects fair in his line William Arnold , reprosontlngthoLonibird Investment company of Omaha wnslooltlug after loutis at Columbus last week The gcnlnl Eolo Simmons was hustllnc XXXX coffee at David City last Saturday It is reported UintBolunailedsovcral orders C. H. Jackson finished up his hardware tiadc last week and bade bis customers u kind and nftectlonuto farewell until after Now Years II C. Pearson of the Douver Fuel com pany came as far cast ns Schuyler in quest of business lie did a fair business und left Saturday night for his homo umong the mountains , H. A. Bnllongor of Council Bluffs was ut Platte Center last Thursday selling school supplies J , C. Bradford soils clothing reran Opiiha house , and ho splKcd several fair orders last week notwithstanding the warm weather Brad , old boj , snys the cold wave is surely coming M. D. Thurston of the Capital city was in Columbus last Saturday and was a guest of the Thurston Ed Curtis buys train tor a Chicago house and can do mora talklug than auy other man on the road G. F. Uumnoll , the festive wire man , spent Sunday with his family ut Columbus Charles Martin of Sloan Johnson & Co will remain a week In Columbus with his family Harry Mosgrove of Allen Brothers , Om.ihu , Is n dandy ard always brings In the results Ho will also spend a few da\a with Ids family at Columbus Uuung the holidays Will Enstmon of Omaha sells foot gear Willie hns n tiny , tuto little blonde mus tache and can always wlu a smile lrom the fulr sex E. II Stapp loft for Des Moines Saturday night Ho soils crackers for * the Christy Cracker company O , D. Wright of Lincoln made a trip ever the Albion btunch last ween for bis house J. M. Hill of Omaha wont wc3t and will spend n few days in Wyoming L. Selglomou , the popular Jewelry man of Chicago , sold goods in Kearney and Grand Island last wooic > The Thurston hotel at Columbus is ono of the most popular hotels in the state , and J. G. Pollock , the genial proprietor Is a Jolly good follow The boys all appreciate him W. F. Chisty soils fruits , produce and oysters for Brouch & Co , and he took soy oral sculps for the Wampum belt last week Ho is very successful aud Is u genial gentle man , Ilo soils the MIorsu Shoo brand of oysters J. McKinstry travels for the Hart & Brunor Woolen Co of Racine , Wis Ho has purchased a half interest in n ganoral store at Central City ns un investment Landlord Nichols of no Newton hotel at Central City is giving good Satisfaction and a number of the boys make It a point to cou- tor there on Sunday G. W. West , one of the old pioneers of Berlin , Wis , Is now keeping the only first class hotel at Clarks Ho has been In the business thirty years B Jcsslo White , Jr . travels for MnxJMeyor & Bro of Omalia Ho has been selling pianos for this well known firm foe eleven years At ono tlmo back In the ' 003 ho was the largest - est dealer In agricultural Implements in southern Minnesota Charley Thornbnrg was ns far west as Sid ney last week , but returned homo tor Sun day and the holidays , , E. II , Culver went to St Joe last Tuesday , Hal Williams was rustling trade in York , Sutton , McCool , and other towns ou the Kan sas City Si Omaha road last weak for a St Joe grocery house Hul is ono of the old timers iu Nebraska and commands a good trade C. E. Dan forth , who represents Rector , Wilhelmy & Co , In southern Nebraska , closed up this yours business Saturday night with an Increase la bis sales of several thou sand dollars over that of last year Charlie makes bis headquarters at Uoatrloa and is ouo of tbo Jolllcit boys ou tbo road , Charlie McCoyor.l traveling representa tive of the Buckeye mower and reaper in this state , loft Suaduy far a ten days visit with bis parents iu Canada Hurry E. Hickman is ono of the most pop ular dry goods salosmou in tbo west He travels for Samuel E. Duvls & Co of St Louis and has closed a very successful years busiuess for his house Harry is somewhat of a speculator and corralled several clioico lot * in Grand Island , previous to the sugar beet booai and has consequently realized a handsome return on Ws Invcstmont , Ho has n largo coterie of warm friends through his territory In the west , Ilo will leave for St Louis today to sponff the holidays It Hippoy , the popular lumber mnn of Chicago cage left for homo ydstorday The genial N. S. Jncbbs , who travels for Bulon Brothers of Chicago , Is a handsome and ubiquitous young man and nlwojs gets there lu the most approved " Btylo S. J. Warner of OhitMgo , wns out over his territory in Nebraska lost week C. A. Lnuthfor thonext yonr will look after the Wood MnnuJtacturlng company of St Joe , nnd also tap Brlttlon Smith dry goods company of til8 enmo place Ho will look after all torrltory , perth of the Platte Harry Moycrs who , travels for the well known nnd over popular boot and shoo house of W. V. Morse & Company of Omaha , hns been shaking hands with his customers ou the Elkborn last week James Crow of Lincoln , wont to Broken Bow last week Ho travels for n Lincoln house Miles Norvn nnd Liver Pills An important discovery They net on the liver , stomach nnd bowels through the nerves , A noiv principle They speodlly euro bllliousncss , bad tnsto , torpid liver , piles nnd constipation Spictidld for men , women nnd children Smallest , inlldost , surest ! W dosns for 31 cents , Samples free atKtihn &Co , 's , 15th nnd Douglas lllsinuruk IhoiiournniH Dotnllod reports of the exhibition ot the phonograph before l'rinco Blamurclc nt IModrlchtuniho uro to liatul , und uro interesting The Itarlin correspondent of the London Sltitulnrd says : Mr Edison's ) ltatlln roproscntiitlvc , Mr Wnnjiomniin , nccofnpnnlod by his wlfo nnd the lnochatuoinn , Dovriont , of the firm of Sloinuns itHnlsko , rtrrlvcd at Fricrtriohrnho nbotit 1 p. m. After they had lunched with the prince and his family the chancellor , who looltod very halo and well , expressed a wish to sco the fur-famed instru ment , which hud boon put up moantinio in the drawlngroom Ho honrd first the 'fhidotzks' march , which the muiclcians of the Emperor Francis gronndior * plajed September 11 ; then the Emperor Aloxiindcrniaroh , played the other day by the band of the . At Princo&a Hlsmarck's regiment & request - quest Mr "WmiKomann showed the roll with the voices of the emperors little sons , which jj really delighted the chnnccllor and the princess Then came the cylinder with the amusing Potpourri , ' containing , among ethers the voices of Frau Tetcslna Gessnor and the actors Sommorstort and lloichter The chancellor asked for nn expla nation ot the apparatus and observed that the explanation made it very easy for him to understand it ' Ho tlion heard the all * from Norma , ' as sung hy Frnu Lilli Lohinunn ; an air from Goti- nods ' ' Frauloin Margaret , as sung by Loisinger , and iMussonot's Marin Magdalena - dalona , ' ns sung by Miss Silvina of Philadelphia Then followed a piece by Chopirr , played , on the piano by Rogers Milo1 anil 'Lo Pour do Vnlso , ' sung by the Parisian singer Paulus The chancellor wlt6i expressed his as- tonishmontattholidelity with which the instrument reproduced tbo tones , yielded to his wifo's persuasion and snoko into it First ho deelamed the little American pntion song , 'In Good Old Colony Timds , ' which ho had learned from his p\\i \ \ friend nt Gottin- gen Then ho recited the beginning of Uhland's poonlr1 'Als Knisor Hoth- bart ; next the first ; verso of 'Gaudea mu9 lgitur , ' and finally , 'Allons , En- funts uo la fatwe ' Then followed some words to his son Count Herbert , who is to try whether ho recognise his fathers voice from the instrument The princess , Prhy Councillor Brauwor and the chancellors thrco grandsons , who wpro pro&ont , at oneo rct-ogtiized the voice , which , ot couio , sounded strange to the prince him elf Among other remarks the ehancollnr s.ud the anpurattis beemed to him a re alization of the MunelituibOn story , in which the bound free in the horn and was afterwards heard as the instrument bugan to thaw ; but this boat Mun chausen hollow , for ono could hear the biiino 10,000 times The phonograph performed again for an hour and a half in thoovoning , and the chnncollor re tired at a late hour , thanking Mr Ed ison's roprosentathc most cordially When Mr Wangomaun rotiuustod the prince to say bometling lo the phonograph for the German nation to remember , ho answered : 'No , no ! They will only make criticism upon it ' The words addresbod to Count Herbert Bis marck nro : 'Bo moderate in working mode rate iu eating , and also somowha , in drinking that's a fathers advice to his son ' When Princess Blsmarckhud spoken seine sentences into the instru ment , for thu roll intended for the family , the chnncollor , at Mr Wango- niunn's request , Bpuko in the expression of approval and added : "I would be ware not to cry ' 'lir.wol" when my wife lias spoken ' One of the Bismarck phonograms tnlcon at Friedrlchsruho , is to bo re produced in ononnous numbers in 10,000 copies , if nocebsary Mr Edison will oiTor a copy toovory important Gor man institution in Germany , in order that conturles hence , nil ever Uor- many , wherever the portrait of the chnncollor hangs , his voice may also bo hoard " Most complexion powders bnvo a vulgar lnrc.bnt Pozzonl's Is a true boautlUor , whoso effects uro lasting Woman as n t ilont Partner " - George MeDonnld snys : To have what wo want is rlcbos , but to bo ublo to do without is power " How mnuy women "do without homo comforts , lolsuin , friends , houlth oven ; nnd how far have they shown their power is in the benellt which hns como to ethers through their work How often wo hear the ronuirk , "Tbo establishment is in the iinino of Iiliink & Blank , but it is really his wlfo who carrlos on the bubinoss " I supppso the world would call that "a Hilont parLnor with un ac tive Intorcst , " but I call it power , and the grandest kind'of pnwor , which , like the eloctrio fluld , 'liUikcs ' itself felt with out being soon ' a ' Mrs Winslow'/i Soothing Syrup re duces lnllnminatlon whllo children uro teething 20 centsa bottle < A House PlanWi'it Hy a Woman Miss Margaret Emma Ditto , the au thor of Ono Llttla Injun" and ether popular stories , Uvea lu a homo that she built for herself nt Wellesley , Mass It is out from the village cantor on n retired - tired road near a/ciuinp of trees , aud is n gray cottage one-story high with a , gnblo roof The house wns planned by Miss Ditto and is-fco nrrnngod thnt the rooms downstairs enn bo thrown Into one or separated by sliding doors Miss Ditto is a woman o f unusual height and well-proportioned figure Her brown hair is juBt turning gray and is parted in the middle and combed smoothly back She has a kindly expression and a soft and extremely pleasant voice , A Woman's Ktonograplilo IVnt Ono ot the most romurknblo fonts In modern Journalism was uchioved by Mrs Isibolla B. Birrows ot Boston She wrote a verbatim report ot aapocch mndo in Gorman by Carl Sohurz , which she turned Into English while her pen was flying ucross the pupor instono- grnphlo ehnrnotors To wrjto stone graphically nnd translate from Gorman to Lugllsh simultaneously was a ro- marltablo pleco of shorthand work I I I PRACTICAL PRESENTS 1 Parents who tire desirous of securing for thefr boys.practicril ami appropriate presents - | ents , will find our Boys Department the best place to get them Can you think of | anything that will give your boys more lasting pleasure and comfort than a nice j | suit or overcoat ? We arc showing handsome styles for big and small boys , and j l the tremendous cut we have lately made on our finest goods , places them within l l the reach of all The styles of suits we.arc offering at $3.60 , $4.90 and $5.50 you * H will not find anywhere else , except you pay twice the money for the same nll l goods In Children's ' and Boy ' s Overcoats we oiler extraordinary bargains as we fl l are determined to close them out One small lot of extra fine Children's Over M H coats , of elegant designs and neatly trimmed is marked at less than the value | of the Cloth We have never cut so deep as we did this time They must all go , H before New Year and the prices are made to move them , Hi FURNISHING GOODS I Our Furnishing Goods Department is a regular Bazaar for Holiday Presents . ' fl Nowhere can you find a/incr assortment than we carry , and you will not fin d H anotherplacc that sells them so cheap fll Embroidered Silk Suspenders Silk Umbrellas ; 11 Silk and Cashmere Mufflers Fine Gloves H Silk Handkerchiefs Choice Neckwear nl All these goods we sell as close as the Staple Articles No fancy prices in Bl our store Vou will save about 50 per cent on all purchases made in our Furnish | flf ing Department 'HE ' Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets I ' syphilis Ceil bo cured In 20 to CO ila\ by tbe usoottltc Mafic Remedy Korsn'oonlyliy the Cook RomelrCo of Omaha , iVetru K.nVrUo tuus fortho numot andaddnes of patientwho Imvo been rurert mil from wJmm wn luutM'L-rmUslon UtrctVr svphillsla h dtftott < * o that IiinatwnyUiiHU'J tl * kll * nrtnuino3tomlntntphysl tlmw , unduutll Uu > discovery of Hit * Cook Itcmedy < o n"MAJIO KHMIDY " not ono In fifty tvor li itlnic i tliQtllsii > 0hu9 Lccn curoJ.W Kimrnntea to cure nni * cuso Unit ciiu ho produced Thee who nnvo taken men urriu > ti0lj , s * < 8. j uuitjilteruasor other nlrcrtlMM renimltcs , with only temporary hciietlts can now ho pprranuentlj cured hy too tuo or the • * M AlilC IlhMicm " ttf the Cook Itemed ? Co , Omaha , Neb Uowure or iniiuUutlom It Is u'jcolutcly Ira p05lbJo for for nny other person 01 compuny to hour \ o our Jormuli or > rvuipdy Hka U hi ttfect nnd revolt b Ihu ( ouk Iterncdy Co , nn * been treat ln potlenu for four > HUraaiulhavcmlnuy : nivcn perfect rutlsfact * ton TIiot are financially ro poiulbie , h ivlnc a capi tal of overfJOWXM , muklnKthelrjcuaraiiteouood Wo solicit tlio most oh tlnato mnes-tho o who have tried erory known ruinodj nndlo tall hope of recov ery Correspond with uiund lituput you tn pens esHlon of oTlduncothatiMiiTliicf the most skeptical Mark what what wo wiy : , inthoend you hlht n-o our ' * UAtflCltiMK ; | > l bi'foro joueim ho ponuan- entlj ctind Itlfttlioniou horoiohhtod purlllernvor known Wilt forpaitlcutan Alt letters conildeu- IIhI PAMTinU Ho sure jounro getting the Cook UMUI lUlt Heraedy Co'h T IaKlc ltemotly None others ore penultie Parties clnlmluK to bo lucntsfor us nro laipo-ton and frauds , bull purtlo- ulnrstrcc Addrcsan Icommunleitlons to The Cook Remedy Oo , Rooms 418 anil 419 Paxlon Block H.W.C0R , l3fH&DoooESI . OMAHA NEB , vou Tim tbkatuk.it or jlu CSllIlaa BLIlISlmS ! APPLIANCES FOR DEF0RMITIE8AH0 TRUSSES EMirtclUtiilAi.pir hn dBfm dl ifor8uetei fo' Trtatmont oi • v.ry iota ozu'itai ' * requirUiff MEDICAL of srfKOIOALTBJSiTK/MT. NINETY ROOMS FOH PATIENTS Board & Attuunce Beit Auomtsedatloai ia Weil _ 07-WKITB TOR OIROULAESon Doformltloi ln4 Eracei Trunci , Club Ftit Ourvnturii o(8pIii. tiUt , Tumori , O7uio r.0 > taxrh , .DroachfUi , InhtUtlon VlMtiQtr , JP r lytli , EpUip T , Xldntr , BUdd.r , Mjl , JUr , Bun and Blood and ill 8or ic r0pertllon . DISEASES OF WOMEN l l rlz nil Hill LiTIlT 1DDBD A LTUO.ll DKMBTIEHT Nil Horn bdiiiiiu ooiiriiiia T. ( tTIICTlf fllVATI ) Only Hallablo Uodloal Iutituta aatlaji Ep eiimltTol PRIVATE DISEASES AUIiloo4Dl iitaiii < ff ll7 ItnUd Birbllllllfolxin > tw l Iremtm ijiwm • Uhoal taimrt.w BciUrdln TrulaealarL uaf TITiL I1JWIIK. r.ilUa aaaVIa la tlill baua/batrtalaaat Domaliir i > itd B . Allaaamittalea/ Uaaiioullaatill UaalclitiotlaitramitiUlaalb/iullortl. rieiiiitaialrpMl > ailaanarltilalaillaUu lr > liar > < aiir , lloa rinaullcKn lt pclentd Call an J coa.ill ui or not VOUrr of aoar aaaa , ac4 va III < U klala r.n r , ou I0OK TO Ml-N , SSSSf SS l ! tJtSXfi : UUl UU t ul Varlao < ala , vllb oaaalloa lilt Adlrau OdUBA MBDICAI , & BUEOIOAI ZH8TITUXXL lllh and Sodt * Btrcati , OBAHA , USB , ' AftlMor nhlna Habit Cured I I U I 11 Ml AT " ( > MB WITHOUT vain , lay I 11 Ell Jueots easy , aud costs has tlmo Ul lUIflto rontluua Ilia habit . , DR O. P. COAT3. . 11 Jauss liuiuuMa , KansisOity Mo Of the Method of H' Oonducfang the Unction Sale of - i lax Uliey.er & Bros' ' Jewelry Stock I You can ask for and examine any article be- ' fore your have it offered , and then have it put V up at once , thus enabling you to get it with very ' | H , little delay - Hl REMEMBER , the QUALITY of every article is IB GUARANTEED as represented : H Sales Daily , 10:30 : A. M. , 2:30 : P. M. 7:30 : P. M. \ The store is for rent and fixtures for sale H J. H. FRENCH , Auctioneer > ' Medical & Surgical Dispensary , Nos 101 to 113 So 13th St tH IO Kooni8 for Patients lEcucptlon Itoumi : t ! > und 40. I H rrn A TT 1Vf17'Nrurr1nS. . N" oua neUlltr Imh Manhood , Kalllnir MemoryKiUauitlng * M . . ' , JV.'iJ'xy ' -L 1--Lj1 , ' rains 'JVrrlblo Drcnnu , - - - - - Head and Hack Aclio nnd nil the cirecta loadlnit tu I B rurlr , deciir , , und I'erhapsi , , , Conaumvtlun orlnsimltjr treated sclontlllcnlljr , Ut new melhoila Connullaiioii free H iii55'iii ? ' , . ti ? Vi ? ? . i" ook 'i' ' . VJ" " > c i rBO * . jiillky urtno . painful awolllnua qulcklr rollorod nnd radically . T.l H iiliW ied > 'l.jra SwretKrroraMc : nt . bend lor ( Jucallon Llaton unr Chronlo IUca o. S la H l lllKI .UTVri'l I ll W } • , mlTrnaafa , , llest rarllltii > aappiratna nnd romeUlea for auoca sful B tS h y.t W- - M.3 r.0'lt"1 < ' lt . ! r . 0orir onii of dlaoaao rciiulrlnu Medical or Biindcal IroutmenU il H ff5i ? * . ° " "fcf lfK ' ' " ' 'J , 00'r" so " ' , ' " " < ! ' • Curvaturii of Mplnu , 1'llea , ' 1 umura Cancer , Umnchltla > -a H , . lion * ' iiooVa Huiu t 'lo bl i'fK'll0's | ' K'dnoy Uladder Ear , 8Wn and illuod and nil Hiirtilcal Opera H l r SRASlt VTll ? WOMT\r ASPrCIAITr HooV , Clrculara nnd Question Mat on Nerr 1 1 llaclc VivH'lol , VJ-L , \ / . X , . ' ' V- ' ' -,1'-L' , ouaneaa Cwiatliiallon , , Nonrulula , IxJuourrlura , . Vain In In * ? H rrolapaua Uteri l'lles Iiomalu Weakness DyspepsiaSkin l'lmples aud all lllood Diseases , H Syphilis , Scroruln , BuU Ulooil , Skin , Urlimry IJison.cn mill Gloot Cured Tor lt\tm \ aaH ' ' aaaaaaal For the HolIday Trade 1 Boy ' s Chests of TOOLS , . I Fine Table and Pocket | l S CARVING SETS , IU HIMEBAUGH&TAYLOR I 1405 Douglas-st , Omaha 'll , ' m f | ' ETCHINGS , • > | | 0 % 1 % 1 % | H GTEMERSON , jH ENGUKV1NG3 , J MM f Mj ( trUALLBT ii DAVIS AKT1ST SUPPLIES * M0 i TKIMD ALL , JM MOULDINGS , Baa r _ - * JMl < -PIANOS&QnQANB > : < FRAMES , F Fal MM • 3-SnEK'l' MUSIC rjM 1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska fl Manhnnri restored IVIfillllllllll Ittucor rurK.-A lrtlm IflUIIIIUUU tif Toullifal Imprudent , rauaiUK Ireuialura l > fcay' , Nervous IVbiljtjr , I ial ManluKMl Ac havlnB tried In rain trtry L o n reine dy , tiaadarovvru < la.lnipleiucariar > ta lf curevhlcli he will tend ( aralorf ) V llt K to hla frlloir su > r > rcra _ Addreaa , J , II ilKE ) las , I' .O , llo saw Mew VurkCllr TO WEAK MEN from the elftcti ot youthful mora , ruir OulTtriuu & weakucas , lost uiauhood , etc , 1 will aeud a valuable treatlau ( waled ) contalidnfi full particulars for home cure I'lllSK of charge A splendid medical work i should he rrad Lr ererj tnaa who Is nervous atul dehllluited Addresa , ta'rof , 1 % C. l'OWllilt , inoudu , Couu A. Pocket Mirror Free lo Smokern of fM\ III If laUl • lllM.SsTal aU.u.alU ' bbbs1 IKiUl ) WnUltilnt lullH1 ! ! * " * I.i cbi , IfMof ckaiaa . l : H XUw Vrof , U. V. HtSIEIt ' ! M Lock Itox ijs , Detroit , MIcb | H '