I 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 22 , • lSSO.-TWENTY 1JAGES. | I 11AYDEN BROS , H Grund Wlndlng-Up Bnlo of Holiday B Goods B > MitRnlflccnt Stock to Sclrct I'rom H TriucH Cut to ilia Core Not nn Hj Art loin Will llo Oar H | rlcil Otor B Our toys nnd holidtiy prcsonts must B go , only two inoro tlnje Prices are V boiiifi reduced to clear uvot-ythlng ; 78 B eiilcBlndlcs to wait on you In this do- nartinont Although it iu gutting late HB in tlio season nnd holiday tnido is BB nearly over , you will Btlll llnd tlio lnrg- BB est and bust nssortod Btock at Ilaydun s. BB A sit any of your neighbors w ho have BB linen around and seen the dllTereut dls- BB plnys nnd BO-uallcd headquarters nnd BB examined flio price1) ) and they will lull BB you that Ilnydun's ia the plnco where BB they carry tlio stock and at the snmo BB tlmg you will biuo money by buying BB your tny at lliiydcn's , and thou why BB titlcoiidvtiiittiuoof still further ro- BB dilution on Monday Plush toilet sets BB , that were $1 out down to $1.M ! n sot , BB" plush toilet sets lb.it were $1.87 rcdueod BB tbUOaaHQt , and ho on Extra bargains BB in flno sntH o-xldlpod trimming , nmtior BB or cuniillliiin ttimmlngs , all now stylus BBi nnd designs at prices running from Sl.ilo BB to $2.1 u set In this lot you will Jlnd n BB/ great ninny novelties , and only one set BB of it kind On plush albums wo lead BB tlium alias for style nnd prices Plush BB inaiileiuo sots , smoking sets , shtivini : BB euts at prices never olTurcd in Omnhn BB " Boys printing presses , complete outtlt , B" 81.H ! ) , $ h7o uo to $1.75 each BB Building blocks 5c , 10c , 1jo ! , GOc nnd 93c ' ' n box A 15 0 picture blocks 12c , 5 , lUc B8' nnd up Picture books Go , 10c and lee Bb Christmas cards at Ino , Jlc , Go and up- Bli wards to 'Jo.Ou oncli Uhristmns tivo holdorstind tree ornninonts woithlOc Bb nnd Ifiu cut down to 5o each Fancy • cups and saucers 10c and lee Fancy vases , children's china tun sots and Bb dishes of every style and description i fromlQca sot up to $3.00. Games of ' ' every kind , domlnos , poker euts , gilt Bb' edged playing cards , dice , etc , fancy ; , perfumery sets from tioctiBotup to $ .3.00 , Bb/ jliltch safes and pockets at 10c and 2"u Bb each Maleablo iron tovs , the largest Bb Eolcct'cn ' in this city and the Bfl lowest prlcos $1,000 worth of fancy Bb : , glove nnd bnndkorchlof sachols at Bb prices to suit ovcryouo Iron tislo ox- Bb press , \vngon , lnrgo siyo , Glo worth 81. Bb jjirgo size Ooll sofas , worth $1 , cut Ha down to GOc Everything must go BJ Pianos at 7Co , $1 , $1,125 and $1.75 each BJ Largo size kitchens 50a and 05c , com BJ nlcto Ladies sewing tables $1. Boys BJ' tool chests , all sizes nnd prices Boys Bb , and girls slqighs from 25c up Wo BJ • have purebnse 'd from ono of the largest Bfl manufacturers his onttro line of cigar Bfl ; cases , ranging in price from $1 up to $3. Bfl * Your choice of all on Monday at 7Go Bat each This is a big bargain and you Bfl' will do well to look them ever and take A your choice at 75c ooch ' ; DOLLS , DOLLS Bfl " ' ' Wo are overstocked on dolls ; 'wo B ' bought too many dolls It will bo almost - ; ; most imrosaiblc to soil tliom all , but wo Bt ehall tnako the lowest prices on thorn , Hi , eo that every ono who visits our store on Monday and Tuesday will bo tempted , fljl to buy ono or inoro of thorn , either for flj bis Own children or forsomaplhor little I lib pirl , for ut-our uribos ovofy\\littlo girl flJE Bliould have a doll Every flj ono intanding to visit bis aunt flj f : cousin or anyone else during the hell flj , . * days will plcaso boar in mind that wo flj , carry a big stock and good assortment fljl of band satchels , valises , clubbagsetc , flj * and which wo are retailing at wliole- fljf , Bale prices Wo shall expect to see you flflft early Monday morning ft IIAYDEN BROS . # Hendnunrtorsfor toys and lanoy goods Bl Buy your wife a wrought stool range Hf or a carving vet for a Christmas pros fljl' cnt at Stout'/ol'a steve store 1021 How IHi nrd Bflv Mandolins Max Meyer & Bro f Don'tforgot our largo stock of Christ mus goods * MRS J. BENSON BbC * ' flj' Si for Cent Dlneoiint Kr ON HOLIDAY GOODS % at tl KUIIN & COS DRUG STORE Hwi To all who mention seeing this ad- fljf vcrtlcomont in Tiik Buu Bfl % ( , , . Come on Monday and save 25c to $10 Bfl : * on each BJ > i , „ , TOILET SET , Bfl f ' > l or Bflf - < ' > 'i 10o to $15 on anv of those BJ ! V ' ' , PANS , PANS B l ' ' " " ' ' | Comb'early to got choice of IB | , ELV.GANT PERPUMES Hfll „ In at-t bottles , basiots or cases „ HIS v Pocket books , cbltar and cuff sets BJ % Cigar cases , broom holders BflijI ' ' Mention Tun Bun and save your • . I • Itoonoy KUBN , lflth and Douglas , Bfltt % v Buy yourself a Round Onk heating Htfi I / Btovo and keep from Iruo/.lng when the BJS . , bi/znrcls ) sot in for a Christmas present Bb / at Stoot/ol's steve store 1021 Howard Bbv i v ' Dent forget our largo stock of Christ BK1' : mas goods MRS J. BENSON BfljK > BK Guitars Max Meyer & Bro , Up Apalrof line slippers makes an ole IB # fjant prosout , LnrgosUissortmont at § , A. D. MORSE , 14th and Parnain HE fn < ln h l < ir Ircscnln E ' See Kdholm & Akln's dollar counter HflM | ' * ' llolulnv I'rt-stMim on Crnrtlf BfljK | Pine center tables , easels , book cases , HttV writing ciibiuols , plcturos , lace cur BBHt tains , Eultnblo for holiday presents , BBRT V'eold on easy weekly and monthly pny- BflK' mciits , Pcoplo's Mammoth Installment IBB houses , Ola , 015 and 017 N. 10th Bt Bflfg It Oil 11 O I ItulOfl * The Missouri Paolflo Railway Co on HE December 21st , 22d and lid ! will sell # ' , round trip tickets at greatly roiiuood Bflflk' rates to Chattanooga , Touiu , Atlanta , HBR Augusta Macon and Savannah , Ga , HHJfr Birmingham and Montgomurv , Ala , Hfllf JnckbODvillo , Pla . and all points in the Bflw' ' Btutos of Mississippi , Tonuossoo , Louis ! UK ai > i > i Goorcriu , North and South Carolina BbK and Plorldu Tickets uro good for U0 Bfl I days from date of snlo Per further Bfll information apply to Thos P. Godfrey , Bill " ' H-iB3 tiger and ticket agent , N. E. cor flit QtlUthnud Parnum sts , or depot , 15th > and Webster sts HE • Nonls it Wilcox for Christmas slip BBE" pors Spoulul prices for Monday and BHEj * Tuesday BflJEj . BR Fine perfumes fancy packagos.Slier- M man & McConnell , druggists , second HflflT dpor west postollleu ' Bb > Pianos tuuod at A. Hospaa K. * Instrumental music Mux Moor & VbI' ' Br0 , t PBW Dent forgot our largo stock of Chrlst- BflK mas goods MRS , J. BENSON BBeJ m' ' BflJ | : : ' * Holiday I'restintH on Credit BHj | Elcgnnt plush rockers , rood and rat Bfl ' tan rookors , children's rookors , ohll- BBb ; ? . dreii's high chairs , leather rockers , nil BJ' Buttablo ( or holiday presonU , sold by BBf Peoplo'a Mammoth Installment housus , BK , 6ia , 015 mid 017 N. lUtb eU HHBWWiW > l W * * * < * * * ii T M Ma > li-lHil < i ii JBUfci iHWHUKl t BENN1S0N BROS , Only Two Moro Dnya to Buy Ohrlst- nws ProBontq Oct Thrm or Us Hurlj Monday as iiveriUilim In Cut Down to Hoelc nottoni Well Have n ltusli Bonnlsnn Bros Only two dnys moro Got your Christinas presents onrly Mon day Everything is cut down to rode bottom NeVer were toys sold eo cheap Wo have car loads jot of holiday goods They milst go Monday and Tuesday Got jour bojs and girls n sleigh , a. good ono forJoe llabyhigh chairs still go at 10c each , worth 81.25. 201) ) plush al bums at COc each , anl'co ono at 75c , a beauty at OSc , a darling at $1.50 , the gemot the season at $1.08. Pine mani cure sets , toilet cafics , work boxes , odor cases , collar and cuff boxes , etc All are sltiughtored Our handkerchief dop.irtmont is jammed crowded every day with customers , and they all buy because they are at tlio right prlcos Got your silk and cashmere - moro mufllors before stock is broken The Postur 6 and 7-hooic kid glovo3 still on sale at 50c pair , all perfect , m none soiled , worth fully $1.50 pair ; all colors , all sizes ; none taken back or exchanged Gouts flno silk suspenders , flno neckwear wear , all at cut prices Pur rugs nro going fast , only oaoh't.00 ; , worth $0.00. Buy your wife a nice rug for Christmas TERRIFIC CLOAK SLAUnTER YOUR LST CHANCE For two days , Monday and Tuesday , ivo will -ollor the greatest values in plush sacquos , jackets and cloth now mtirkots ever shown in this city Now is your time to got a great bargain in cloaks 08 ladioi'soal plush sacqucs,42 inches long , quilted and satin lined , sale prlco $10.b0 , was $23.00. All our $05.00 seal plush sacqucs during this sale only $2d.00. All our $15.00 llnost seal plush sacqucs during this sale $2S.OO. Dent miss these bargains Ladies seal plush jackets , satin lined , only $3.00 , worth $15.00. All missos'and children's cloaks at cost and I cost Beaver shawls Mon day and Tuesday at i cost Beaver shawls at $ ! ! .50 , was $0.50. Boa\er shawls at $4.50 , was $3.00. All our $15,00 , $18.01) ) nnd $20.00 llnost beaver shawls during this sale $10.00 for your choice Ladies'nnd children's fans at i prlco Como in Monday and save money by trading with us BENNISON BROS lteiut Pngn 17. You will llnd ' soiiiethhig . now on page 17. , i * What present will give moro satisfac tion for tlio money than a pair ot fine slippers Largest assortment at A ; D. MORSE , 11th and Piunnm Now photograph frames at Hospo's lmilioi'fiir PiuspiitR ; See Edholm & Akln's dollar counter I Homos In Clilton Hill Wo nro now • building ten houses , cost ing from $1,200 ( o $1,500 , that wo will finish to suit customers and soil on the most iavornblo terms , till completewith full lot , ' fences , well , cistern , &c , from $2,000 to $2,500. , Go nnd see the prop erty A. P. TUKKY , N. Y. Life Building Men's embrblderod slippers 75c , 00c , $1.25 , $1.50 and all other qualities Nonius & Wilcox , 1517 Douglas st Fine /vri. You must see the paintings now on sale at Hospo's gallery , from the cole brntcd collection of James M. Burt of Now York ; a splendid vnricty and very low in price This is the best opportu nity to sccuro the finest A. HOSPE , 1513 Douglas St I'ltistorers Attention ! All moraqors of Omaha union No 4 are hereby notified to attend a special mooting at their hall on Friday , Decem ber 27at7:30 : pm Business of Im portance , John T. Sum.ivan , President John May , Secretary Almond camphor ice Sherman & McConnell , druggists , scconu door west postollice Dr Pursell , ollico R. 405 Paxton blk Vocal music Max Meyer & Bro m . Cull and boo Mrs McDonalds nice display of faucy Christmas goods at 1522 Douglas st Wanted Four smart salesladies and two cash boys Apply Mondav morn ing N. U. FALCNER Dent forgot our largo stock of Christ mas goods MRS J. BENSON KInuVrgart u Art i ; locator Tlio newest and best holiday present Win D.irr's is the ouly store in Amor- icu where it can bo purchased during this year year.i . i > -I The display of the Kindergarten Art Educator tit Barr's should bo scon by every ono in Hoarch of holiday prasonta it is a nornv.nont bohellt in n homo No otlior house in the United Stutes can soil you ono this your Fresh Ohvlstmas nuts , figs and raisins at C. J3. MooitK & Co , Grocers Buy your son a pair of these hardoncd bottom skates , or a coustor for a Christ mas present ait Stoouel's steve store 1021 Howard , Uuy Your Wife A nice holiday present and eulcct that present from pur $100,000 stock 910 worth 61 goods $1 down and $1 per ivook , nud larger bills in proiwrtion at The Poopla's Mammoth Installment houses , 013 , 016 and 017 ft 10th st Accordoons , OOo to $30. Max Meyer & Bro _ Farmor'a llomo hotel , Webster st.bo- twon lStii nud 10th. Boarding from $1 to $5 per wcok Everything ice Turkish potpourri largo packngo frqo with 256 caku Balsam Plr soup , Sher man ii McConnell lirtdirs for IrfBcuts Sco Edholm & Aklu's dollar counter Buy your husband tf coal hod for a chribtmua present at Sloot/el's steve * i i Madarao Wullaco hasii few imported > drcssos for snlo at very icnsonablo prices Call und tco thorn , 1510 Howard Strings ( or all instruments Mux Meyer & Bro - i * i For flno orackors go to to"MOOIIB'S , " I.ndxa | for l'ro cutn Sco Edholm & Aklu's dollar counter tfmmtnimMmmaummmvmimi ilijrir - | [ NCUUASICA'S PINGSX1 IHSISr An Omnhn IlntoliorM IJntrrprlno Ho cure * n IllifTront , It Is Boldom that n meat nmrkot , no matter whether it bb In the onst or west , contains as line beef as docs tlio meat market ot Adam bnydoV , on Fn' - nam street , at the present writlilg A Hii ! roprcscntntlvo was Inst evening admiring Mr Snydor's ' largo Block pf beef , mutton , lamb , poultry , etc , whou Mr Snyder roiuarkod1 to liliri : "I'vo boon in business for over thirty yonrs and I'vo never scon Biich n , largo lot of flno beef before These are shorthorn 8 nnd Herefords , nil undoc two years old , raised by Richard Daniels of Sarpy county and O. E. Blakely In Wnslilng- ton county ; they nil weigh ever 1.000 pounds , dressed ; such beef I'vo never before socn ; just look how little fat there is tmd what an amount of meat ; why , the grain is simply beautiful I tell you wo can boat the world for raising line hoof right in this vicinity You couldn't Hud a nicer steak or roust than off any ono of these quarters , " nnd ho glanced tit his slock as it hung Upon the racks In tin admiring m an nor , well satisfied that he has tlio cream of the laud in line meats Mr Snvdor can also show something wondortlil in Southdown mutton , having Bhuop drcssod that weigh 150 pounds cuoh and they are bounties In poultry , lamb , etc , ho takes second place to none and has a full supply or calves , suckling pigs , in fact anything and ovorvthitig n first class meat market could or should handle He is prepar ing an olognnt Christmas uMsplny for his customers tomorrow and ono that will bo appreciated by nil levers ot the best meats the market affords , Win Barr has the exclusive sale of Kindergarten Art Educator , see it be fore the holidays are ever The only chance to buy ouo Is at Barrs As fast as thov can bo put together they ore sold at Barrs If jou want to send away something now , novel and good , which cannot bo bought in anv otlior city go to THE WM BARR D. G. CO 10th and Douglas St Ladies What proscnt is moro Bug gostho of comfoij to a gentleman than a p.itr of line slippers ? Largest assort ment at A. D. MORSE , 14th and Farniim < For your Christmas plum pudding go to Mooucs " if Piano tuning Max Mcyor Bro BAT COST i .No lliiinlitii ; ! 11 READ II i . Wo are dotcrminoJ to reduce our largo stock of seal caps , gloves , beaver goods and everything in the fur line at actual cost of manufacture until Janu ary 1st , FOR CASH ONLY Fkidikicic : & Co , 120 S. 15th Street , South of Postofnco * Dent forgot our largo stock of Christ mas goods MRS J. BENSON Wanted Four smart salcsmdlcs and two cash boys Apply Monday morn ing N. B. FALCONER Gaynoro dancing school , Open , every • Monday and Thursday eve I ir begin ners Private lessens given 1515 Dodge Solid oak plush rockers $2,5P atCham- borlain , Anderson & OConnolUs Try our R. R. plum pudding They are line Got ono for Christmas O. B. Mooiu : & Co , Grocers Dinner sots , $9.50 to $18. Tea sots , $4 to $8. Chamber sets , $1.60 o $8. Lamp9 , till kinds , prices greatly ro- duccd Special prices on china and fancy goods of all kinds v Perkins Gntch & Lam an , 1514 Furnam st , now Ptixton Building Select your plush rockers for Xmas presents now ; $2.50 and up.atChnmbor- htin , Andoison & OConnolls Wo return you 10 cents on every dollar you spend with us before Christ mas Nonius & Wilcox , 1517 Douglas st Banjos Max Meyer & Bro Dent forgot our largo stock of Christ mas goods MRS J. BENSON IjimIIi-h lor CroscntB See Edholm & Akln's dollar counter Tabo tlio Clilcniio , Mllwnulcco' & St Pnul Hallway Omaha and Chicago fast Oxprees for Chicago and all points cast Vostibuled sleepers leave the Union Pacilla depot , Omaha , at Op m duily , renoning Chicago cage at 0:30 : a. m. the following day , in ample time for all eastern connootious Supper and breakfast served iu dining cars Passengers for Proeport , Rock ford , Elgin , and all points iu Wisconsin , can by taking this train roach their destination twalvo hours in advance of all ether lines Baggajro chocked through from your residence to destina tion Per tickets and further informa tion apply to C. S. OAIUUKlt , Tktr Agt , J. E. PnisSTOK , Pass , Agt F. A. Nash , Gen Agt 1601 Parnam Autohnrp3. Max Meyer & Bro Dent forgot our largo stock of Christ mas goods MRS J. BENSON I.iuIIps Inr l-rcmciits. Sco Edholm & Akln's dollar counter A grand literary ontartulnraopt and ball in connection with public installa tion of of olllcurs will bo given by Ne braska Ledge 854 I. O. B. B. , at Wash ington hall Sunday ovonlng , December 22 , at 7:30 : sharp Tickets Jor adpiisslon can bo obtaiuod of Adler & Holler , 1114 Parnam street m Bethesda mineral water , Sherman & McConnell , druggists , second door west postollice Zithers Max Meyer & Bro Ilolidty Irc8i < itl8 on CrrdJ | , Handsome chcffotios , hall racks , sideboards , ladles1 writingdoskfl , cheyal mirrors , suitable for holiday presents , at Peoples Mammoth Installment houses , 013 , 015 and 017 N , 10th t , Buy your wife a homemade teft'kottlo for a Christmas present at Stootzel's etovo Btoro 1021 Howard ' , Hpforo Htiyins A piano examine the now scale Klin ball piano A , Hoapo , 1513 Douglas i • Now stylus moulding at Hospos Buy your wife a sot of these linproyod kitchen utensils they will imprpvo your copklng for a christians present n t Stoatol'a Btovo store 1021 Howard , toro 1021 Howard B . , Musto cuhlnots Max Mayor & Bro Ladles Tor I'resoni' ' . See Edholm ds AUiu'fl dollar coupjer llnrrthn llro . ThounsoasonnTJlb weather left us with largo lot of uneold goods , and Monday morning wo boffin ft clonrlng nt prices to close CLOAKS , JACKETS , SHAWLS • Our immonsofctbek of these goods must bo sold nnd our low prices will bo mndo still lower Ribbons , meltings , toilet , articles our low prices for llno oods in this line go Btill lower Noidttort will bo loft un tried to reduce stock , WATCHES , JEWELRY , PLATED WARE Wopolntwlth prldo to this depart ment It shows tfint people npproclato rollablo goods at rcnsonnblo prlcos When wo s.ty ralinblo goods wo mean the best goods ot the kind that are mndo GROCURtES AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Our Rtock of these goods Is complete in every particular and at prices that cannot bo equaled equaled.IIAYD'BN BROS llotldrv Pri'flciitH on Credit Beautiful plush couches , parlor suits , Innuy rockers , divans , easy onairs , Pier extension tables , ingrain art squares , dining and tea sots , suitable for holiday presents , eold on easy monthly and weekly payiuonts Peoples Mammoth Installment houses , 013 , 015 and 017 N. 10th at Ijiillcs fur Irosonts Sco Edholm & Akln's do 'ltar counter Christmas perfumes Shormnii & Mc Connell , druggists , second door west postolllco For prayer books R. beads and scapu lars go to Ilcafoy &Hoafoy's,218 S.14th. See C. L. ErlcltBon & Co , jewelers , 212 N. 10th. Mnsonlo block , for flno Christmas goods Round tnusio books Max Mcyor & Bro _ Dent forgot our largo stock of Christ mas goods MRS J. BENSON Holiday Presents on Credit Artistic stand lamps , hanging lamp ' s , ninno lumps , library lnmps , decorated hanging lamps , dfcor.itod s < and lamps , all suitable for holiday presents , Wo ( carry the largest stock of lamps in the city All Bold on easy weekly or monthly payments Peoples Mammoth Installment Houses , 013 , 015 , 017 North Sixteenth street Pine Art You must sco the paintings now on sale at Hospo's gallery , from the celebrated - bratod collection of lames M. Burt of Now Y.orlc ; a splendid variety and very four in price This 1b the host opportu nity to secure the finest " A HOSBE , 1513 Douglas St Christmasslippors ntNorris & Wilcox at all prices , 10 per cent olT the plain marked price 1 m Sco C. L. Eitickson & Co , jewelers * 212 N. 10th , Masonic block , for fin , Christinas goods Now ctehlngsirecolvod at Hospos Sam'l , Burns continues his dessert plato and lamp sale until Monday nnlliday Prosotiln Per All A white ? ' raa6hlno with white wood work or a whitatmachino wlth antiq ' uo wood , now olcgahtM designs in attach ments , would bet a most apprupriato cift to a loviffgiwifo a kind sister or the dear old mother for Chribtmas always a moraonto of the donor Sold for cash or long and easy payments Call on us or write us where to deliver the machine WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO , 121 N. 15th St Telephone No 420. Dent forgot our largo Btock of Christ mas goods MRS J. BENSON ' I.ndiCH lor Presents See Edholm & Akln's dollar counter AVImtl Dent Von tlinow ? Santa Claus loft his whole stock of Christinas trees with Julius Wngnor , Casino Garden , cor 14th and Howard Xiiiuh Presents A picture nt Hospos An album at Hospos A toilet ease at Hospos A banjo at nospoa A guitar at Hospos A ranndotin at Hospo's , A Kimball organ at Hospos A now scale Kimball piano at A. HOSPE'S , 1513 Douglas St Excursion South Via the Wnbnsh bine Now on sale round trip tickets to Jack sonville , Fla , Now Orleans , La , Gal veston , Tex , the UotSprlngsof Arkau- ' sns and all the winter resorts of the south The Wabash is the quickest route to Indianapolis , Cincinnati and the southeast Only 47 hours to Now YorK with corresponding fast time to all points cast Elegant rocliniug chair and Pullman buffet Blooplng cars on all trains Pnssongors tiokotod to and from nil parts of Europe via ull lines at lowest rates Baggage chocked from hotels and private residences to destination For tickets and full in formation In regard to time and routes cast or south call on or write GlIO N. CliAYTOX , 1502 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb Fresh crystallized fruits at "Moonu's , " Comio operas Max Meyer Si Bro Buy your rangea with wntor fronts and your Kltehani furnlturo und your hardware and your cutlery and your tlnwnro work and your zino work nnd your galvnulzod iron worlc ana your chlinnoy tops and your ash boxes and your Quick Meal ignsoltno stoves nnd your washing machines for a Christmas Stootsol's Btovo Btoro 1021 , Sesontat qwuid i • Christmns slippers 10 nor cent off the plain marked price , nt Norris & Wilcox 1517 Douglas st Dent forgot ourdargo stook of Christ inas goods MRS J. BENSON Sure Thing corn euro , Sliormnn & McConnell , druggists bocond door west pbstolllco l < olim ( Tor 1'roRoiitn. Sco Edholm & Akln's dollar counter Finn Art You must see the paintings now on sale nt Hospo's gallery , from the cole bruted collection of Jumos Mt Burt of Now York ; a splendid variety and very low in prlco This is the best opportur ulty tosoouro the fluost yt A. HOSPE , 1513 Douglus St Violins Max Meyer & Bro m - Try Moore the Grocers flour at $1,50 a sack , the host in the mnrkot Decorntod cilnncr sotB of 112 piccos for $9. Pmor sots of 100 pieces for $11 $13. Any ono of these would innko a nice Christmas prc6ont for uifu or mother See those bargains at Moody's , 802 North 10th eU Herman & Delolirw Useful Christinas presents within everybody's roach Ladies fltio beaver cloaks in nil sizes $7.60 , $7.05 , $8.00. $8.50. , , Cost to Manufacture ! $12 , $13.50 , $15 , $17. , QliHtlran's and misses cloaks in sizes from 4 to 10 years $2.05 , $3.751.75. . Cost to Manufacture : $0 , $8 , $10. Wo ncod the room and tire willing to make a Biionflco HEYMAN & DEICIIES , i 1518-1525 Farnam st Atiti phnvious 'umb smtPAssni ) On tlio Chicago & Northwestern Hall wnv Oh and aftcl * Sunday , November 17 , the Chicago & Northwestern trains east bound will bo scheduled as follows : North wostot n No 2 leaves Omaha , 0:15 : n. m. ; arrivesChlcngo , 0:50 : n. m. Northwestern No 0 leaves Omaha , 4:05 : p. m. ; arrives Chiongo,7:00 : a. m. Tli 'is is a solid vestihulod train , run ning direct from the Union Pncllio depot lit Omaha , equipped with frco chair cats , siioerb sleepers and North western dining cars The fnstost sellodtilo ever made between the Mis souri river and Chicago Northwestern No 4 loaves Omaha , 7:15 : pm ; arrives Ohicngo , 2:15 : pm The latest train on nny line out of Omaha Arriving at Chicago In amnio tlirio for connection with the limltod trains on all eastern lines All jiatrons of the Chicago & North western can have their b.iergago checked direct from their hotel or residence to nnj'pbint east R. R. Ri'iciui : . General Agent City offibo , 1401 Farnnin street Wanted Two young mon and flvo salesladies Monday morning ut 00o Btor6. v JIir Itntro The Missouri Pacific railway will on December 24 , 25 , 31 and January 1,1800 , sell tickets to all points on their line within 200 miles oi Omaha at ono faro for the round trip , good to return up to Janunry l For turlhor Information call on Thomas F. Godfroy , pass , and ticket agent , northeast corner of 13th and Farnam sts or depot , 15th and Wobstcrsts Now music just rocelvod at Hospo's WHiitl3 IS THE 1VIIISU.X ? The Question nt Present Puzzling the Heirs of Dr Hen It has developed that Dr Emanual H. Don , the well known pnvslol.ni who lived In Omaha for c number of years , was a nmrricd man Ho was always supposed by Omaha people who were acquainted with him to be an old bachelor , and the contrary was dis covered'by accident 1 So ' ale time atro John A. Crcighton filed an application for the appointment of James II McSlmno as administrator of thoostato of Dr Den , In order to have a claim of about $1,400 duo Crcicliton , settled Shortly after this ' application was mtido a romonstracco was filed in the name of Mrs Cathorlno Den , sottinp fprth that sbo was the widow of Emanuel H , Den and the lawful administra tor , oI his estate Papers were filed Bhow- lng that Emunuol II Den nud Cathorlno Doneliy wore married In St Thomas church Ann'Arbor , Mich , on October 21. Ib57 , by Futher Cullen , 'Iho priest has sluco died , but the ollldavits of tbo witnesses of the ceremony and the original marriage license wore Submitted as evUcnco The value of Dr Oeu's cstato is a matter of ( Ideation ' His possessions in Omaha were confined to a pold watch , a few dollars , some clothes , and a few remnants of his profos- slon The widow sets up the claim , uow- that Grants administration ovcr , along during tion , during the tlavs of illicit whiskey , Dr Don was rivou lao barrels of illicit whisky in payment or a debt ol S10.0U0. This whisky WdsYonceuloant that time somewhere in the nolRhborliond Of St Louis , but Ur Den of- torwards removed it and concealed It in an- otlior Dluce 'llio tnun who assisted him in makini : : the removal disappeared Immedi ately afterwards and has not been seen or hour J of since ' 1 ho ' widow of Dr Den is supposed to pos sess a key to the solution of the mystery of the concealment Good judges place the value of tbo whisky la the neighborhood of tjoouon Mrs Den filed an application for the ap pointment of Allen Root as administrator of tbo cstato An order for Mr Hoots appoint ment was issued , the amount of bis bond bohiB lixed at $100,000. Messrs CreiRhton and McShano did not appear , DlHtrlot Courr JudRO Wakolov heard arguments for an injunction to retrain Johanna Sweeney from preventing Sam Hosford from crossing nor propetty to get to the street The parties live near Charles nnd Dightconth streets Hosford rents Mrs Sweonoy's house on an alley und wants to pass through the front part of the lot to too street Doclsioa was reserved until next week JudgoCIarkson hoard argumontsln the habeas corpus case ot W. II Martin , who wa * bound over to the next term of court by tbo pollco Judge of South Omaha on tbo charge of grand larceny The mittlmuspro- vldod'that the man bo imprisoned until the next term of court and it was arcuod that this amounted to a sentence of ouuisbmcnt on a ciso which is not within the Jurisdic tion b'f ' the police court , The case was con tinued until Tuesday morning for further argument and the nroduotion of authorities Oarrlo Tigho ot nf has brought suit against Fred W. Gray ot al to have certain mort gages and deeds corrected Mescbendorf & Wblto have brouphtsuit against C , S. Higglns to recover $ lajt,4Jon , ) sovorardrafts Edwin Davis has commenced suit against Belinda Page ot al to quiet tillo George KlolTnor has begun suit airainst Ida M. Uocltmiin ot al for un oquitabla divi sion of.tho property of George Koffacr , Sr , Louis Ujudford has commenced suit in foreclosure against Charles D. Warner et al Louisa G. Walltor has commenced suit in ojectment against Martin Quick The suit of Kocolia Donnolly against the Union Puclllo railway company for 15,000 damages , by reason ot the killing of her hus band , who was abrakoman on tbo road was compromised by tbo payment of $300. W. * | \Vttior | has brought suit in equity against Ifoscph W. Uarusdall otal , CbarlqV. . Osgood has brought suit In cquity'nRidnst Joseph \V. lluruadull otal , nNi\v VOIIK PASI1IO.VS. Holiday Onwim HvohIiib Dresses Hroonilei nnd Combinations Evening gowns for young ladies are al most exclusively of light material , and if brotfaacs are employed , it is exceptional end they jaro comparatively unobti uslvo In do- Blgnaudt'exiuroand largely united with , or subordinate to , plain fabrics Pretty fancy silks , e ' tfiinontly suitable for evening dresses , nro ndw sold In the shops at moderato prices less than 81 per yard and show attructlvo vine patterns running in stripes of moderato width nnd of umrso in the now colors Per pendicular patterns in silks have , ia truth , distanced all others , and this because every thing is mada un in straight falling lines , the littlu boufMnoy which appears now and then , being composed of ere no do cliluo , China silk or sooio other light fabric us an occojsory , The men biiocudks ot today which have never been so superb in quality and prnato in design ( a rellex of the Purls exposition ) are relegated to young inatrons'or dowagers , and are made up in combination with plain materials of equal elegance , though pot to the exclusion nf light fabrics wldoh como In as accessories , 'i'oo unltinps of color and fwbrlo nro very ro- tnarkablo , four uud dvo different oues boliig put togotber at times , with still farther va riety In garniture of lace , ribbon , paiiomcn- torio or embroidery Tlio lntttr stvlo of ndornment is In great Vtvno among these Who can afford It , nnd sonlo of the most ex pensive toilets of the season are rendered so by the flno handwork which nrnnmonts plain material of rich quality Trains nro moro worn than they have boon , nnd nro usually round , though a minority wear the squnro or court train In Iho shnpo of ueoks there Is every variety , and they nro often cut low nnd then filled In with lnco , tulle or not Sleeves nro nlso of every length and shnpo , nudr not Infrequently composed of some alaphnnous fabric which drapes the corsage of a grand costume made In ho.wy silk , vol vet , etc tovjso pr.ortx of course , do not enro to bo burdened with brains or nnvtlitng else too cumbrous They wear omplro or clastic gowns of gnuzo , tulle or thin silk and often depoud for sliowlnosn , ioton : the tlrosi ltsolf , but the wide bonut- ! fill snsh which cucircloi the coriugo softly nud sometimes In Us cntb-o width Corsage draperies , both for old nnd young , become moro elaborate than over and n classic nr * raiigomcnt ot drapery Is now hotlceablo nt time , which nlmo9t conceals the outlines of tlio figure Many sheer fabric * nro prettily ndorneil hvpoirllngs or sp.oiplo * nnd com posed front or sldo bie.idths with tbo back plann Hhick materials thus brightened up uro qulto cfTectivo nud worn by ladies of all ages Evening gluve * nro cxcluM\cly nf un- Ires sed kid In shades of inn , uray or wlnto , but most frequently the former , with slippers - pors of undreiscd kid to mutch : hosiery nUo iu keeping Sllppars may match the costume In undressed kid or material , } .OTr.S jind ANswnin Elln O. Uraldlng is extremely fashion nblo nud very pretty afternoon or ovcnlne at homo drestcs here are mndo In palo cashmere - moro bruldcd , Some gowns are braided nil over , but this is excessive Mrs T. You can uurclmso Mr trimmings to match sample nt Lard & Taylor's , as you are rlgnt In supposing that they have nn c\- tonslvo fur department , nnd the se.ison being advanced , goods nro marked down , You nro nlso correct In your surmlso that they have a Londou house The htdr Is worn high for evening nnd in moro fanciful stvlo than formerly , but never in excess as to quantity Velvet bodices nro much worn for ovonlng with thin skirts Plaids made up with plain , round skirts on the bins nro very atyhsh nnd some show a seam directly down the front Hrooches have entirely replaced lnco nlns in Jou dry Vhitox i Ci uikc Oinnlia Pr's * Club There will bo a meotlng of the Omaha Press club at 3 o'clock thisaftornoon nnd it Is very important that ovetv motnber should attend Husiucss of the most prcslng char acter requires Immeuiato attention of crll tbo members ANOTHfiU THANSCONlIVnNmb The Sioux City ib Pacific to llo the Connectni ! ; Ijink For two years railroad officials horc nnd in Chicago have manifested gient nnxioty ever an unsolved problem rolatlvo to the Sioux City & Pncllio cntorprlso , which seemed to annoy them very much When some news paper firstmado public the Information Unit a new transcontinental line would bo built , they pronounced it another wild cat scheme But their nttitudo , and the statement can not successfully bo denied , has recntlv been changed to foiobodings of sciious results Thii cbango is brought about through what Is thought to bo n discovery of the real spcrot , und It means business A Sioux Cltv man who was In Omnha vestcrdny gnvo the whole thing away , not oxpacthig , of course , that it would got out However , there is no longer good excuse for suppressing what must become known sooner or later , there fore those who fool tnoio directly interested can tnlto up the pointers and do as they please with them 1 his gontlomnn said that while in Chicago qulto recently bo talked with an official of the Iowa lines who had Just roturnea from Now York , and who had gathered In Gotham rollablo information to the effect that the Sioux City &Paciflo road is actually being built by the Southern Pacific , and that C. S. Huntlnctou is the leading Bpinti behind the ontcrpriso It scorns that his corporation became sus picious long ngo of the Union Pacific con structing a line of its own to San Fianclsco and at once commenced quietly to guard against bolng loft out In the Cold on trans continental traffic 'Iho move , furthermore , is brought about as ono means of establish ing nn cffoctlvo contcmporaiy to the Union Pacific-Northwostorn deul Until now it has been eoncrnlly conceded that whaluvcr stability there was to this now road came from the Illinois Central , but that appears to have been a blind worked solely for the purpose of keeping the real ownership under cover What effect will nnothcr line across the continent , in such close proximity , have upon tbo future prosperity of Omaha ? That is the question most to bo considered It it comes to pass that the Southern Pa cific people are engineering and furnishing the money to thus connect thorn with two or tbrco Chicago roads at the Missouri river and brcaic the alllanco between them and the Union Pacific at Ogdcn , there is certainly moro in the schcnio than appears on the surface It has already been pro dieted tbnt tbo Illinois Central , tbo Mil waukee nnd tbo Manitoba are heavily inter ested in the deal Thov are oxnectod to enter Into an agreement that will obligate thorn to turn all their through business ever to the now concern nt Sioux City Slnco the Hock Island , Alton and Santa Po are tied up Ja ono combination against tbo Union Paciflo and Northwestern la another the Milwnukco Is loft in a pocKet from which it cannot ex tricate itself unless the Southern Pacific does bre ik nwny from the Union Pacific and como to Its relief ' " 2 ' -L- ' " 1 H niKD j H GUAY Suddenly nt 1911 Cuming street , H Alexander K. Gray , M years ot ngo H Puncnil from hlslatorosidcncont 2 o'clock m M Sunday nftornouu Prlonds are Invited to H attend M Now perfumes In neat pnoKngcsShor * H man & McConnell JfH Mndamo Wallace has n few Imported T H drcsies for snlo at very reasoniiblrt j H prices Call ami see thoni , ' 1510 J toward H Rogers knives or fork * , S. 't.2. " per H do/on , ut oporn jewelry store , 130 South ] M 12th St , Lincoln , Neb l H Sco O. Tu P.rickson kCo > jowotors H 212 N. KUh , Mnsouiu block , for line - M Christmns goods H The Orent Hock Islnml Hmiln H In changing time on Sunday , Nov , ' ] | 17 , thu Chicago , Rock island , t Pncllio ( Ry have consldorod every point of Interest - | torest to the Omaha traveling puiillo 'i M It you are going to Dos Moines , Chicago ( Her or any point east , our solid vestibule i | limited train is lust what you want ' ! | Leave Omaha at l. Jjp m. arrive In Dcs ' M Moines P)0 : ; ) p. in and Chicago SI0 : ! u. in . "fl dining car for supper leaving Council | H BlulTs and for breakfast before reaching LH Cliicugo Tills train is nlso equipped jH with the finest slcopors and chair enra IH mndo by tuo Pullman Co , which leave | H from the U. P. depot , Omahaovory day flH at 1:25 : p. m. , mnUlng close connccUoui | nt Chicago with nil trains for onhtorn V | points In addition to this inngnillcont 1 | train wo have two ether daily trains to ( H Chleairo , leaving Omaha at 0:15 : a. m. I H and 5:15 : p. m. Per information us to ll M routes , rates , time , etc , call nt ticket i .t H ollico , 11105 Parnam street ; telephone } ' M 782. S. S. SrrVKNH [ | H General Western Agent g , M VICrflKYI VICTORY ! VICTUHYI f M i iiiH THE WHITE IS KING ! fU 1889 H TriiiiiQliiiit Willi tlic Higlicst Honors | l VT tub I , H Exposition , Paris , France , • M , . .In the AViard of the Gold Mcilul . , H ron tub 'siih BcST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE ! | H 1888 | l Hoiiorcil AIjoyc All CouiDotilors | l AT TIIK _ ? | CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION , CINCINNATI , \ WIn In the Award or the Silver Medal ii' ' l ton tub fli H BEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE ! | | Tin ; ixi'iins : : or Eirnoi'n and amkiiica A M l'ltONOU.SCU IT H H THE BEST IN THE WORLD I 9 - 1 Wo plcaso dealers by satisfying the pco- , i H plo Good terms to good salesmen ana ro- [ ll H liable Uoulers U H The Wblto Mnohlno in made for faintly n H use ami beats the world for that purpose ' H Wo have sold 50lKX , ) Wlilto Sowing Ma- i M chines in the state nf Nobraskn , and the < i , H trano is incioasluu with the iuiproycnicuts ( it H of our goods M H 0 Address for particulars , stating your busl- lii H ness and jour desires , if there is no dealer lii H In your town wo will soil direct to users at l. ' M retail prices I H WHITE SEWING MAORINECO , | ! | Omaha , Neb IH ; @l EVENING SKITS ! 1 \ DRESS SUIT making jfl /f / H / / V1 \ 1 / / \ Business is measuring us fH /J / / / I \ a full portion jH V / • Irf0\S\/ ! \ I A \ You cant draw the line ! ' l YfX l\ \ lto ° snarlD'y ' " m Placing your ' \ZaI WThe FITTERS and SEW H HrA \ ERS must be in ACTIVE IH \ \ \l PRACTICE | B \ \ \LJ The UNIQUE BRAIDS { \ \ uTJancJ SILKS ( that come only ! > A \ W from abroad ) must not be ! / ' \ \ I lacking , wm \ i TheUFABRICS must be fM fresh M \ You'll find Nicoll's first in . taste and quality ! Their price wont stand in ! H jrfea your way $30 for a proper fjM S'dresssuit , full of style $60. H " THE FINEST MADE tof Prince Albert and H Cutaway Suitings . $25 to $45.t and very large choice of materials H Lots of Trouserings , the right sort , H at easy prices . H OMcS I TJULOR 1409 Douglas Jj j H