Br " " " ' /jflfll H ttttc ( WATta hatt/v Tnirt HiTtrrtiavrn.rrrcivrFnr.i ? in isso 7 H SPECIAL NOTICES fl OMAHA H > t- _ _ , H ho atlvortleomonts will bo tnkon for thoao columns attor 12:30 p. m. 7ormB--Cn8h In ndvnnco 4 Advirtlsements under this head 10 emts per line for tliellrnt Insertion , 7 cent * for each subT flB sequent Insertion , nnd flXOper lln * per tnnntli K Kundvertitcments taken for le thnn Jfi cents V for first Insertion Seven words 111 be counted H to tlie llret they must run consecutively nni ] flH mtiit lie paid In AUVANUK All advertise flB ment * must be handea in before 12:30 : otloctp f B in , nnd tinder no clrcnrantancM will they be1 B taker or rtlicotitlnuod by tolepliono H Parties advertising In tlie ocolumns and liny H Ins tlielr answers addressed In caroof Tiik IIkk B villi plensaaikfbr a chock to enable them togct their letters , ns none will be delivered extent flH on presentation of check All answers to ad- H Tcrtl'cments should be enclosed In envelope * . All advertl'emonts in thee columns are punn H llslieil in both morning and evening rdttlons of 'i'HRHr.K the circulation of vnlcli aggregates fl more tlinu 1VM > papers daily , nnd elves the ad- B vcrtisers the bcnellt not only of the city rlrcuIti flB IntlonofTiinllKR but also ot Council Hinds , fll Lincoln nnd other oliles nnd to ns throughout Hi this section of the country BRANCHJDFFICES flf Advertising for these columns will bo taken fll or the nbovo conditions , at the following busl- V ness liousox , vbo nre nuthoilzefl ngents forTnr fl | Ilur npeclal notices , and will quote the same fll wtes hh con be bad at the main office H JOHN wTTli : " LirbBrmBclst , Kli South Tenth H O Street H f HASr .tr.nnv , Hmtlouersnnd Irlnters 113 VVSouth ICth rHreet B Q II VAIINbWOUTII , Pharmacist 2113 Cumli 1 2iD , | 'btt0K- * K. "W j. HUailKS l'harmnclst , C2 North l th B YV Street flK i * 0- wPA Ml , Pharmacist , 1718 LeavenV. H VJ Yioith street , H " rfliaiins ' l'ltAUMAOV , 'jaOJ rnrnnm Street flfll J-j- _ _ H SITUATIONS WANTED flflj QllUA'FlON wnnieil to wnrkliTa laimilryby B rn strong , experienced gill , Apply to Mi N. IVtlist AC lHrt > on - " "Ul ? " V "X HKSIMXTAUIiK > ounn fcYotsmnn , nj-o SI HK | a.X\tnntH situation ai coaclimnn for a prlvato I TamllV Address Win Mnrtlli , Bottthirn hotel , AT cor Uth andl/OHVenvtorthsts. OJH ait WJ "lirANTKI ) Situation by o. coed cook nnd j T > tnnndtosi | Apply 781N ISta Mtf-W Vfl WTANTIin Situation by registered phnrninT i * ' till l'"lvo years oxpet lum e , best of l oferJ f cuccs Address box K38 , lies Moines , la B rii-19 ? BB " "IJAUTIlWrenuirlnBtho services of a pnictl- SB J. calnurso ullldo clt to cull cm or luldross BB Jlrs X. iAIay llrnlnatd fl lt y. : llhat 5811 IhJ BM fJIlniSTKUIlDUruKRUt wlslim situation : It BB AV\m11 puy you to lnveiUgute Address Ka lleo BB 440 13 ] BBT W7 ANTED-Situation by a flrst-clnsacustom BBI * ' cutter Address John J. Urbnnlc Owosso , BBJ Mich , . lloxKW filStUlti H WAHTED-MAt-E HELP BVJ "WTANTDIl-A briulit , honest boy to work In B TV news stand nt Wubstur St depot Guilty ! \\7ANTUI ) Mnu tobolnstiucted nnd toke BBl ' ' chut iio ot set double entry books J a nunry B 4th. J. It Smith , m N. I Mil CiO I8t H VANTHD-lloy In store nnd ono to tnk * , BBH * ' euro ot hoi su aud cow 1. UJones B ( i18 i Hi"VMA1IA Slilrt Fnctiiry , J314 Varnam younc BBb v/ninn for outside ; references Pu ) SU BBM "MTANTnn Two or three lirst-class can BBB " ' % assers to Introduce In principal cities In BBB Nebraska nn nrticlom Kenernl demand : piollt lorgo , Addrosslt3.lthls olllco ( XU'Jlt \ATANTLDr-A barkooner , 713 N ldth st m _ VV | u7Q-ij H "ISTANT11D Ladles and gents to repro ont BBb Tr national corporation Kxcellent position BBl twenty years Applicants must send tenceutfc BBl posture M133 llnttio ilnrks box 004 , Sioux B City , la Ml MJ BBBrANTiD : AReuts Fomethlugnew Three BBl tt hundred per cent prollt livery rami uses BBb ItApents wanted ovoryvtbore Send 10 cents BBi fornninplo nud lnstmntlon * . BmltU A : McCorA BBl mlck M l.onc it , tileveland O. fiCW 1 J H / lUOKS Wanted A llrst and second cook for - BBl VAvork In one ot the state institutions ; those BBb bavins had experience In Institution work pre BBl ' IcnviL Address lloxCdfi , Lincoln , Neb , giving BBb ! references as to character , quallllcatlons BBJ u IB BBl ! WTANTIII ) 20 more carpenters for Cheyenne BB | V f'Albrlirht's Labor Agency , 113J 1'aiuamst. H fllllB Denver State Lottery Co want agents - BBiL Tickets GO cents Audruss A. C. ltoss .V Co.K BB | Denver , Cole , 42i-2 v m. "VlfANTBIl-Sollcitors. address with refcr- - BV ' < encea Uunkera'Llfolns , Co Lincoln Nub ' L , K15 • - ' 3 BBJXi ANTKI ) A llrst-clnsa coatmakcr to go to IBV V > Dunlap Jn r. J. Jlurao m llj BBM7 ANTii-Oood : Uvo canvassers for tome BBI * ' of the best selling articles in the world I BBB C. IT J ordan , Cozzeus nouse , Dtb and Harney Bm Bts'a ' * ' - a'ii B "V\7 ANTEIi At once ono boiler maker for - BBH TV heavy sheet iron work , ilust bo iiblu to BBH , ar out work , i'crraancut Job la rlsht man BBB Varney Heating Mrg Co , Leatenwortb Kans BhI aio ' BBS * V(7ANTKO-2Uinen ( for Tenuessoe and the BBH * ' south , cheap rates Albright Labor BBH . Agency , ll-il I'arnam St 11U BH ? A OKNTS1 Wrlto for terms J Bnmplo corset BBB B XVfreo Hcliiolo & Co , 310 Ilroadway.New Voik BBHI AN1MD Salesmen nt $75 per month salary BH ' and expenses to sell aline of sllvci-plated HH ware , watches , etc , by sample only : and BHHJ team fuinlshcil free Write at oucu tor full pai- BBb rlcnlars and sumplo case or ( roods free Stand BBb ard Silverware Co , Uoston , Mass , T21 Bb TYTr'N to tiavel for the Konthtll nurseries of BBB JjLCanada Wo pay t'i to KIUU a laontn and BBb expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown BB | stock Add , btono Sc Wellington , JladlsonWls BBBX7ANTIil ) ltallroad laborers vnd tleinaiters BBT ' ' fov t's ' south ; reduced rates 1'racklnyers BBB for lown : alioC > U men for city work ; $1.75 per BBl "aJr or * • ' - l10r month Fllley , Kramer & Co , BB | cor * "ll1 uul l''arnam st5 > 817 - B " \\TANTED Canvassers at Singer 8ewlng BBl ' ' Machine olllca 1118 Douglas street B IKI il20 H WANTEP-FEMALE HELP = BBbbH TATANIBU A good girl for general house B TT work In a small restaurant , 2804 Iarnam > H cil lot "WrANTfiD-Oood Lhambermnld lor314 Hall " BH road an South Omaha ivci lot BbbB miM' wanted,2024 Davenport ; small family - ; HHH ] vJwlU pay tJ per week 03110 H " 1A7ANTDD Olrl tor gcnorul housework - , BBBi ' ' lterommondutluus roqulred J , A. Ualzell , HHB 1428 N. 10thSt. U)8 ) 18 BbbbV"J DOD , Btrong girl for general housework 403 HHB V3N. 23(1 t , m w BHH7ANTKD A competent girl for general fl > v housework ; small family ) good wages ; B g10 ! Uhln at - COi 20 BBB "IXTANTBD-Olrl for housework , only two In B V > family Cull at 4QIU Hamilton at 013 jjj BBBf ANTED Ulrl for general liouseworktmust BBb ! be good cook W _ N 10th. 011 ID _ BHBT XVANTED-A nurse girt Apply at 404 N 23d. J T W8 1 J _ Hi 4C1UOD girl for general housework , 1010 Call B yitoralaat Ml-18t BbVJ WANTED-S good cooks for nrlaate board „ B " ' lnghouses , * 3 ; girl for family of31ncoun- B try , 5.1 per week ; 10 girls In suburbs , 120 ; wait BBl rcss for Kearney , US ; girl for Missouri , 2 In BBl family ; woman to take careof child ; 2d girl ; BBl cook In prlvato family Jo : 3 laundry girls ; ri BBl torgeneral nousoworkMni Urega , 3I4U 8 1Mb. HHH Kiaiej Hb "WrANTUD Opod steady girl for general HHH > V housework , OJU B2 th at 6WT 21 Hi \\7ANTED ( lood plrl for general house HHBV * ' work , apply 2415Jonesbetweon St Mary's Hftf 5 ] [ * nU(1 LOATCUwortU , 67010 HBwl "WTANTBD Girl for general housework at HHH VV ataeitbt , Mory'a ave D70 10 H * \\fANTBD-aoodglrl. 81T8. HHhst " * ' HHH JJ 673 I8f H W ANII'.D-Ulrl for bouse work BOB & 18th at HHH 22. 6"81M HbVI TV'NTKnPoml > etl > To nt8lrlf < > rBe"eral house HHH T V work , 600 a 26th ave 681 loj 1 HbVJrA H ? T . , , JV" ? A lrl fur general housework - ] , 11 II2QN ICth 641 H WANTKD-A girl for gener4l Uousoworkj H T T call at IMP North 18th st 40118t _ BHH WANTED A few more ladies to Warn dress > HHH VV cutting Call at Mrs IL U. Muses dros * BHH making parlor for particulars , 1T1S Cass at HHH 260 J 8) BBBTANT1' .D A good kitchen girL lieferenca B , TV rqulred , 611 Harney st 854 - 1 DRESSMAKIhO , B " fVf IS3 C Walsh iiuTeapltol ave , dresaicioaK 1 AU-maker ; plush coataremted.rellnedsteametl B lifid-iot MftS \ ] SCOn r.t.D has movedto T03 8. 10th at j will bo glad to have nil mr old customers cM nnd ninny new ones I'or theholldny trade mi make dresses at unusually low prices ; fit and ' flnluli gunratitecd _ _ 648 18 , MIPM \ ODONOIIOB dress making nt l5.i ! ' Douglas at Plush cloaks steamed , rcltned , and refitted 12J dlt LOI'lS W1NKIIUIIO. dress nnd clonk maker , J-i plush cloaks toorder and Mourned ) fenlsRin clonks repaired : nil kinds fur trimmings rur- Dished , 142U Cnpitol ave < npnlrlng of nil Jynds IriNOAOliMKNTS \ to tlodressmaking In fam - Allies solicited Miss Sturdy , 519 S. 23th st 1M.10 ZZH r ZW * ? rVEDpTO RENT ; \\7AN11' .I > lourunfurnlslMt ronmsor cot v tnge situated In good locality nnd not mere thnn r > blocks from 1Mb n-id California ; nddrcss l V1510 Cnllfornln Btreet , city 65T I8J WANTKD Two furnlMiert rooms and table J > board for gentleman nnd wife : permanent Iti Batlslled : everything must bu Drst-class. Address - dress (161 lleo olllce 6.W = BOARDI NO f OAItD and roomsTl822 Chicago ht 001 22J = FOR RENT HOUSES fpiSN-room modern hotisoT furnished or uunl J [ X furulthod , good location , 028 8 11th. iK0 2n T710K HUNT 4-room Hut wllh city wntor nnd X water clo ot , elose to business center flO Kobeits , IU-J N , 10th St li-ii 2U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 IJi Oil MINT ft-room house S. 1' . C < ir 11th and . Vlnton.t 12 per month , on electric motor 018 - JjsKlllTrootn Huts 707 S Kith st „ all mortera Imptmemeuts , Including ateatn heat TI103. V. Hull 811 Vitxtunbllc 60:1 : rr rpil D loner atorvnf bouse No 2)7 ) South 21th X st.i 6 rooms aud closet , nlr boat , mantel aim grate , gas , hot nnd cold nnd cistern wnter.bath rootti , good cellar , nice nuduod yard , nt JJ0 month 0I > LAllfli I : house tor rent Inquire 1PZI Hedge A 630 23 _ IriO U HI' .NT-4-roora cottage 1121 N llltli st J 4WMQJ 7t 9 room Hat In excellent locntlnn house and furniture for rent very reasonable ; furni ture all new ; rooms all full : a bargain Co1 Oporntlvo Lnnd and Lot Co , 2J. . " i N Kith St 693-10 TilOIt UliNT-llats and Stores in tno now J ! building on the south cast cornorcf lotnand Jones ( streets , tour blocks south of 1'iirnani. The ; Hats nre as counlently arranged and completely . onulpped us nuy In the city Call and thorn thp middle see Apulvnt store , from Htlll 13 and till4 , L 8 tloorgo Clouser 62021 initST-cJnss 12-room brick lint in excellent i location : rent Wi per month ; all modern conveniences ! ; prlco of furniture il ' 'Ml ; In ' come SL' per inontn ; prollt , IJ ( i ptr month Co-opvratlvo Land and Lot Co , 205 N. litth st 661 18 _ -i HUNT The handsomest IilOU 7-room modern . Hat in Omaha , private hall , electricity , etc , nt 2119 rarnnm bu S. A hlonian , 1301 Farnamst 3'HI TflOll HUNT 2-roora cottiga , 2111 Harney st , J ? u. S. A. Sloman 1311 Farnamst US)0 ) ITIOU Itr.NT Nethorton Hall , room 1 Union ' J . block N. W. cor 16th and Faruam sts & & .60 , a pretty ' i-room house , 2221 CallforJ nla st $00,10-room modern brick house , Cnpitol ave 1 near lBlh St S38 , 0-rooin modern brick house , all conven- lences < , I'Jtti st , 814,6-robm cottage , Davenport st 88 , il-room cottage , 2Cth nna Davenport , 433 20 - . IJIOU I ltnNT 1-room Hat near postotllco : J10. J ! ltobeits , 402 N. I6II1. 350 18t IJ10II 1 HUNT A4-room house , 822 S. 16th st , JU 377 18J TTlOIt ItENT Eight-room house , with nmplo X1 grounds , corner Irf < avonnorth and 21st sts : bath room , hot and cold water Apply to Lewis S. Heed be Co . room 13 , board ot trade building asii j ' TJiOH ] HUNT New R-room house 2'Jd nnd CallI X1 fornln streets , all conveniences , 850 ; 6-room cottuge.2517 Hamilton , MS A. C. 605 N. V. Life building 023 TJtOlt KENT 4-room cottage , with closets , X ; pantry , etc 601H. 20th st 2H8 - FOli ItENT Houses and stores Property cared for , 1 axes paid Mld'and ' Guarantee & Trust Co , 1G14 I'arnam St Abstracts 670 FOH KENT New S-roora , house 22d & Callfor- - nia streets , all conveniences , 860 ; also C-room cottage , 22d and California , PJi ) ; 0-room cottage ' , 2517 llnmllton , 818 ; otoro on Hamilton street and Lowe are , wltn rooms behind SW0. A. C. Wnkeley \ , room 605 N. Y. Life building 023 _ TjlOIt HENT House 310 North 22d. Inquire N. XJ w. cor 22d nnd Davenport KM TTOH ItENT 7-room Hat Inquire at the Fair , X ; Tlilrtecnth and Howard 003 XfOK HUNT Cottage , tour rooms with four X' acres of land , on Stat * street between Fort and ' Florence , til ) per month Apply 317 SI 1th st 030 TTIfllt HUNT House , 11 rooms 310 N. 22d st r ' X : Enquire , Mrs , M. A. Detwller , nw cor 22d and liavenport - 135 Z TFyou wish to rent a House or store see II K. Xcole , Continental block ; olllco open evenings 751 " FOR RENT-ROOM ? FURNISHED ; NICE rooms , steam heat , 1710 , Davenport 0JP31t st j * rnoil MINT A nicely furnished double front XT room suitable for three or four gentlemen Apply at 220 N. 10th at , cor Davenport st „ rooml U24 21 , TJOOMBand board 103 So 25thSt. . 1XV 675-JlO ] _ ROOMS for gentlemen : tew table boarders wanted 1715 Davenport St 6S0 22 * 17UHST ' class room and bonrd at 421S 11th nt , X' rsstaurnnt 677-19J [ 71011 HUNT Furnished rooms In now house X ; ; t blocks from P. O. with all modern con vonlencs Including heat , gas , bath , etc No 210 No Hill St C03-18J _ TOOM and board wltb prlvllego of home XVcomforta ; charges very reasonable 1511 Cal , lfornla at , uxs l'JJ _ TjtUHNISIIDD rooms , stenm beat , gas anil li1 X ; bath , gentlemen only ; refereuce required 700 8. mill 6t- DIP 22 _ FOH HUNT Very pleasant room suitable for two gentlemen , furniture new , on best car line , 820 per month oncb for board und 100m , Address P St , caru lleo olllco , 331 _ A II N , 10thOneextra large front room ; one trimll room Hath room floor Also table board Mrs Churchill 488-21 OOOMS wltb or without board , for three XVgentlemen ; private family : references 1813 Dodge street 733 Foil UENT Suit of rooms over stove store , 1B21 Howard Btreet 820 per month 734 EOlt HENT Handsomely furnished rooms for gentlemen ; bath , gas , foroaca beat , 2U3 Dodge at 892 IriOH HUNT Well furnished room , r with . hoard ; best location in city Call at 221& Dodge st 008 QT OLATH European bntoL cor 13th and ODodge Special rate by week or month 731 JQOUTII front , tumlsbed room , 2413 Dodge at O S222U * "VriCKIA' furnished room , 2105 Douglas , S 443 20t TJIOIt HENT Elegantly newly furnished rooms X' with or without board , one block from post olllco all modern conveniences , best location In the city ; also take day boarders Call at 107 s 17th mi J9J _ rpwo nice front rooms , sow Davenport r al171011 HRNT-Nicely furnished rooms.8 * to820 X per month , at220N. lllth , cor Davenport ot Apply Koom 1. 125 J it 1 T7IOU KENT Nicely furnished rooms , 85 to 820 A ! per moutli , at 220 N , ltstb , cor Davenport fcj" Apply Jtoom 1. 126 J 4 * TT1UU HUNT Nicely furnished rooms , lto 820 X ? per month , at 220 N. 10th , cor Davenport Apply , ltoom 1. 125 J 4t T71UKN18IIE1)rooms at 409 N. 19th al X ! 433 20J CJUNNV Uootus Use of bath , new building , OturnUbttd or uufurulshed 202J Farnnta , llatll . „ . - _ . . m . . . 473 21t _ Ti Olt HUNT Large frontroom.well furnished , X' 2611 bt , Mary's ave 664 18 I A HOE well furnished and heated-room , all XJconvenlencet , brat class board,2205 Kamata 405 19,1 • IJIOH HKNT-Furnlsbed rooms.1701 Canttol av JU IW7W - TjIOK UI5NT Furnished front room , suitable JU fortwo : modern conveniences , 1915 Capitol ave ; 4081W IriOKHHM-rTo gentleman und wife or two . ' or mora gentloineu a aulto ot rooina on pars lor Uoor , new bouse and uew furniture , all Jo - ommodntions the bet , on best car line In city Address 1 * K2 Ilea f caru ofllc * . SS3 ITMiKOANTrooms In modern brick rosldence , J- 14 piano and telephone ; board If desired , 1821 Cast , 34017JT , TJlOlt HUNT Two rooms , furnished or iinturti Jj nlshed 1720Capitolhtb. 7iS - KOOMS I wltb or without board , 028 8 17171. J _ 030 SOt NKIKI.V fnrnlshearooms forgoutlemcnonly , X 1700 Dwlge SU ) ITIOU HKNTl'urnlshod rooms , also front . nnd back parlor \M \ > Douglas , rot FOIt HENT A pleasant room for gentlemen X All modern conveniences Corner SOth and St Slarys avenue , or 020S. 2Uth , brick residence 841 = _ " MISCELLANEOUS WANTS = / HKSPECTAHLE party wishes to adopt a x llttlM girl from 1 toil years old ; enno needX' Ing gratuitous nurses need apply Address It 27 lice . ulllee • 674 lb * FOR RENT-ROOMS iTnFUR ISHEpT r = I ) IlOOMSfor lightnousckoeplug fill S. inth , ± i 699 24 * FOJl 1 MINT 2 unfurnished rooms ; 7-room ± Hat over 1WI Howard st 40,1 , IjlOlt HUNT 4-room suite , unfurnished , suit X1 able for housekeeping , gas , water , etc , , to fninllv without children ; nortliw est cor 17th nnd Webster St 737 TJ1LAT3 and unfurnished rooms for houseT X'keeping , conveniently located In suits of from2to 4. modern conveniences Dutts KentH lngagoncy 15U0 iarnam 152 J 6 * B FOR . RENT-STORES AND OFFICES , 7 : } s TOI1U3 nt 705 , 707.7018 ICth , 22x00 each , largo sliOw windows , steam heat furnished Thos I' . Hall 311 Paxtou blk 601 = IjlOll HENT rine basement on 8 E comer ot : 10th mid Jones st , well auitod for n barber shop ' , plumbers ofllce and many other things Innulront ] middle store of the building Uiorga Clotisor 642 IilOH MINT Stores and corner Hat over drug . store , n o oor 10th and Jones Just the plneo for a dentist or doctor who wnnts hlsolllcnon ssmnlloor ' of living room Apply at the build ing , No .03 S luth st OcoigoCiouser 6I3 - ( FFICE9 for rent cheap In Withnell buildingt steam heat , eleiator and all modern lm- proroments , ithnnd llarnoy bt 370 .111 ] " 1 710't 1U' .NT-Half stoio 1510 Douglas st , J ) - 167 - IJIOK ItUNT-Store , 1111 larnnm St 20x123 J . feet , 2 storlos nnd cellar Nathnn Slioltou , 1011 Foinam st 741 ; J3011 HENT The 4-story brick building , with or wltnout power , formerly occupied by the J lleo Publishing Co , 910 Farnam st Tne build Ing has a ilre.proot cement basement , complete ateam-heatlng fixtures , water on nil the lloors , gas , etc Apply at the olllce of The llee 915 : MISCELLANEOUS rilllli miction fnloottoys and Xtuas goods of X nil kinds nt 1210 Fat nam at will continue etory ntternoon and ovonlnguntil tliost ck is all close ( lout Dent miss tills sale 682 10 TT K. COLK , notary publio and conveyancer SENI)10ceut3 J ; in stamps for map of Omnba.r C. 1' . Harrison N. Y. Llfo 197 ; QUIISCHIIIH j for shares in the Security Hulld- J jlng and Ionn association , authorized cap Hal J 810,0110,000. N. H. Apple Agt , and Local lYeas . Hoom 10 , Ware block CI8J17t AUCTION sales every Tuesday and Friday ; mornlngat llUDouglasstreet Omaha Auc- tlon & 8tornge Co 263 : HE COLE , reliable Are insurance , * Ens : 1 RENTAL ACENCY _ HE Cole , rental agent ; Olllce open evenings . , 751 1 J , WllKlnson , room C18 Paxton block 1 J. 327 EDUCATIONAL rPHE I banjo taught as nn art by Gee F. Gnlleu- I X beck , room 213 Douglas block 050 = LOST QTKAYEDor Stolcu--A female foxhound , 4 I Omo old , long-eared , plaster pasted between 1 eyes Reward If returned to 2804 Farnam St 0J5 lot " ( PS > reward paid for return of pearl ring lost t * PMonday oveuine ; no questions asked Lee narrower , 1410 Howard t. 023 18t < 1 I0 HEWAHD 3 water spaniels , male and fe- 'Pmale , 1 year old , liver-colored , answer to the names of Daisy aud Sport " Hetnrn to 814 Harney 612 20J PERSONALS X ADIESnndgentlomon deilrlng-correapond- XJ ents address Corresponding Club Kansas 1 Clty..encloae htitmp P'i tl ipUKSONAL Ollva llrajich is a positive euro X for nil female weaknesses Also have Ollva Ilrnnch Pile Homcdy , sure euro tor piles 8am- pics free Lady agents wanted Address Miss /.ouM. Firby , 1020 Clark St , Oraalm ( leu Agt for Nebrasks 81 for 1 mo treatment EB3-rit WANTEP-TO BUY " \X7ANT a stock of merchandise or hard | VV ware , nbout $1,030 or 83,000 , will put In 81,000 cash , balance good property Address It 37 , lleo 0-T20 WTANTED a stock of general merchandise TT from 84,000 to 810,000 for cash and prop erty Address It 35 lleo oflice 027-20 , YSrANTED Oood commorclal paper No- TT brnska Mortgage Loan Co , 610 Paxton blk , 640 WANTED-100 lots In Woodlawn olid II , i M. park or a few acres to plat near the city 417 Bhcely block 40922 "ISTANTED-3 stocks hardware 3 stocks gro- tt cerles 6 stocks general merchandise , 1 stock clothing 1 stock milllnory , 3 Houilng mills 1 manufacturing business in tbo city , 2 hotels , 1 cigar nnd tobacco 1 jewelry ttock , 1 creamery , 1 drug stock 417 Sheely block 2. 3j1 M0 Z IABU paid for secondhand books at the An- v-/tlquarinu book store , 1413 Farnam 357J10J e1TANTED Furniture , carpets household T T goods , for cash Wells Auction ic Storage Co , 317 8.13th at 159 _ Ti11'T Wanted In llemis Park , betwaon X'nd X/and Pleasant and Hamilton nnd Cuming Bts Applyto the Uerais Park Co , Rooms 15 * and 10 , Continental blk , 15th and Douglas st inASII for all kinds of household goods at Ml VVDouglas street Omaha Auction 4 Storage Co 200 1I EU1C'AN. ! > 1SK for our customers who bare UJ-caxli.socurecl paper nnd real estate to trade Hoom 16 , Chamber Commerce 611 STORAGE fllHACKAUB storage at lowest rates W. M. XHushmap , 1311 Leavonwortll 745 milK Hotel dept ot the " Union Pad do Kall- X way system Hollctts storage of all kinds at their warehouse In the Aaios building Ninth , nud Jones Trackage and ample facilities tor handling , etc Iteasonnble rates 620 J 14 rPK B cleanest and best storage In the city at Xlow rates nt 1111 Douglas street Omaha Auction 1 : Storage Co 4 204 s CLAIRVOYANT FOHTUNR Teller Mrs .Lenorman can oa consulted on all affairs ot llfo Satisfaction guaranteed No 310 N. 16th st 4'4JI1 HS ECCLES the famous fortune teller and Vlairovvant , business , loyo , marrlago and itcbatiges. . 007 8. Utli , next to Barker hotel 200 got Til'NANNIE V. WAHKENclalrvoyantmed JUMcnl and business medium Female dlseasa a specialty i HON iota st , rooms 2and 3. 747 _ - : SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINO _ WHITTLESEY'S8tiortaftnd and Typewrit TT ihgSchool , Darker block Day and even ing classes Terms six dollars , OlOdSIf FJ SUTCLIIfFE , • Stenographer and Notary , 31t First National llaut Ilulldlng , Telephone 1212 ; 00 > LKAHN shorthand ana typewriting under Prof , Omaha Commercial college , corner 15th and Dodge , btudenta write from 00 to 100 words per minute In threemontas ; olllce drill ono month free ; only reporting style . taught ; no text books needed ; students put In positions ; grammar , letter writing , spelling , penmanship , freetypeMntersforrent ; nd sup Dlltw for sale Shorthand taught by mall Write | us for circular * . JiohrbougU llro . Omaha , cat * d 20 . , , , , , , QTANDAHD Hliortlianrtscliool.rooni 311 , Wore kJblkaucccssor ( to Valentines ) the largest , ex- elusive shorthand school In the west Teachers are verbatim reporters Particular utteutlon paid to typewriting Mechanical construction ot machine taught by factory expert Circulars , FOR 8ALE-MI3CELLANEOUS * 7 I7 01l BALE furniture ot 10-room modern ty.X" house , or will rent furntshod ; location the btst Alex Moore , aui Sheely blk ( W 19J IpOll SAI.HTlioroiiElibred Newfoundland L pups Address It 2i lg\ ] 639 22 * -T AUCTION sals ot tnrjKnn carpota etc , at -ti 2117 Izard st , Thursday , 10 a. m. Cottage , 0 rooms , Tory convemr3lor rent chenpj { 7 Kli-181 ITIOHSAI.E First clats restaurant and bar : chesp Must bo Bold by Dec 20 ; long lease , cheaprent Object , going outotbuslness Adkn dress It 15. lice onice 486-21 TT rHNfTsadly In need of funds I will sell my JZ stallion for tlM only 165 cash Positively worth 8V ' . Address It 21 , llee oflice , 6,10 10 nbll SALK-2 smnlL < fnfe . Inqulro Jnoob Jj lltrnitellQiriS lath , , 659 22J WILL sellmy fine driving horse for 81 0 : ' small cash pnyment , 1 Address It 22 , lleo omcc Ml 19 _ _ TJIOH SALE At a bargain On account of reft X' ? moral from the city , will sacrifice fine porA celnln , glnssw are and household ware , nil stiltIt able for Christmas gifts Enquire , 4 1 Convent , CSI 19J "liVHlPALK Fancy delivery wagon for one X ; hnlr what It cost , must be sold Addresail 31. this olllce 01718t IjtOH SALE A Xi-horsdpower Porter onglno X. in good condition , weight 6.101 poundscy tin der 11x16 ; for particulars apply to Tno llee olllce _ , 798 FOR SALE A quantity ot building stone ; X. apply to the superintendent lleo building _ _ ITHNEcarrlnRotonmsand single drivers and x fresh milch cows for sale at W. II Mlllnrd's Hillside stock farm Horses wlntored nt reasonable enable rates TJ FlemingmgrCalhouitNeb 4)0-FoU21 ) ITIOIl SALE or Exchange Four full-blooded . Jersey cows , tine drh Ing team as there Is In thocltv.onedoublu carriage.ono double cutter , one ' phaolon iSnyder iunkeinnd one road wagon ( Snjder make ) ; nil nearly new : will trade for good property nnd will assume light inetimb- lance , ltoom 210 , First National bank building , 750 , ' _ ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TA mLANircTu ranteiTc Trust Co . S. Y , Life * < bldg.completo abstracts furnished and titles torcalestatoexaminedperfccted& guaranteed 751 A COMPETE set of chattel mortgage nb- -t struct books , cheap 1502 Farnum st , room 2. 4.9 T. rilllESecurity Abstracts ot Title Co , furnish Xcompleto abstracts of title to nil real esiata lnOinahannd Douglas Co , First Hour Now York Llfo bldg 030 J2 - MONEY TO LOAN _ MONEY to loan ou first mortgages or would I z. buy first mortgage paper , llallou llros , ' room 1. Continental block 691-19 MONEY I to loan nn Improved property : can plnce from 81.000 to 850,001 Immediately Hurrlaroom j ] 4111st Nat llaim oldg 7110 PHILADELPHIA Moitgago & Trust Co furt nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers , purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans 1 at their western olllce Gooigo W. P. Coates , ' room 7 , Hoard of Trade 701 . ONE hundred dollars private money to loan 1 J or will buy short tlmo mortgage or good I note room 13 Hoard of Trade 703 rilO LOAN A special fund of 8100,000 In sums Xot 110.000 and upwnrds nt very low rates The Mead Imostment Co .311 3.15th at 704 = MONEY I to loan on horses , wagons , mules , ; * household goods , pianos , organsdlamonds lowest ' rates The llrst qrganlaod loan olllce In therity Mnkoslonns from thirty to throe hundred - drod ' nud nlxly-flvo oays which can bo paid in partor whole at nnv time , thus lowering the principal ] nnd Interest , 1 Call and see us when you want money We can usslst you promptly and ' to your ndvnntnge without ' remo\nl of proncrty or publicity Mouov always on hand No delay In making loans , . C. I' . Heed tc Co , 319 : f S. 13th st over Ulnglram & Sons 7uj EKSIDENCrLoans-8' J { to7 per cent : no nd- dltlonul charges for commissions or attor- lioysfees W. U. Melkle.First Nat bank bldg : 707 : irrLDING loans D. 'V , Eholes 210 First National bank.i' ' ' 751 ; "WTANTED First class Inside loans Lowest it rates Call nnd seat us Mutual Invest mentCo , IKUFarnam , tr 76 ! ) MONEY to loan on any.socurity J for short time at low rates lx > w < 03t rates . on personal property The 1 Hendorson Mortgage Investment com psny room 400. Paxton block 771 : "IVTONEYto loan on Improved city property J-'i at a low rate of interest It will pay you to see us before you make your loau ( IlobB Loan 1 and Trust Compny successor to ( late City Land Company , 307 South 16th St . opposite - site Hoard of Trade 29IJ9 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . X WANT a few gilt edged 7 per cent loans C ! Xr Harrison N. Y. Life bid 444 19 KEYSTONE Mortgage Co Loans ot 810 to H.00O ; get ourratcs before borrowing and fcnve ' money : loan on horses , furniture or any approved ' socprlty , without publicity ; notes bought , for new luan , renewal of old and low est rates , call ItSOe.Bliooly blk,15tb&Iloard st 772 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T OANSmade on real estat * nnd mortgages XJbought , Louis S. Heed &o.r 13 , board trade . . 773 . MONEY to loan O P. Davis Co , real estate and loan agents , IMS I'arnam st 770 TJIIHST mortgage loans at low rates and no X ) delay D. V. Sholes , 210 First National bank " , 7M _ MONEY to loan : cash on hand , no delay , .1 W. Bqutro 1219 Farnam St , First National bank building 773 _ MONEY to loan on city or farm property Ueo J. Paul , 1009 Farnamst 770 _ TT E. COLE , loan agent Open evenings ' . _ flll.OOO Private money to loan or will buy good < • Pmortgago W. L. belby , r 13 , Hoard of Trade , , T OANS City nnd farm loans , mortgage pa- XJper bought McCague Investment ; Co , 760 ( 20,000 to loan in amounts from 81,000 to 810,000 , • Don 6 years tlmo on good improved real stat J ; In city Must bo loaned by Dec 16. Henderson [ Morlgago nnd Investment Co..Koom400Paxton ; block , Omaha , Neb 852 d 29 _ TVTONEY Loans negotiated at low rntea with • -LVlour delay , and purchase good commorclal paper and mortgage notas S. A. Sloman , cor 13th and Farnam 777 : U E. COLE , loan agent Open evenings XX 144 MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and TZ wagons , rates lesonabla City Loan Co , 118 S IJlb at , opposite Millard hotel 762 _ TVTONEY to loan on real estate aecurlty at Ill-lowest rate * . HoMre negotiating loans see Wallace , it 310 Urown bldg , loth aud Douglas 763 EE Sliolcs room 210 llrst National bank ; before making your loans 754 DO YO U w ant money Loans m ado on f 11 rn ll- ture , pianos , horses , etc , without delay , publicity or removal Persons wishing a loan of this kind will do well by calling at this olllca before dealing elsewhere A. IS Oreenwood A Co . room (1) ( ) 620 South Thirteenth strest , 34 MATTEL loans at . lowest confidential J , U. Emlnger , 1417 Frnam st flTONEY-30 , GO or Sundays • on furniture , J.U.planos , horses , houses , etc J. J , Wilkinson , 618Paxton blk J r 831 SHOUT loans at reaioilablo rates on good se- T * cunty , over 1601 Howard at , 478 ' > ill _ " "I 0AN8 ntlowest rates buab always on band ; -Unotes bought : money advanced on any available security The-People's Financial Ifx- change , room 67. Harkernbloctc 828 "pitIVA Tlfrooney to buy small notes or mart X gages Houm 1J. Hoard ot Trade 841 _ TTVOYOir want monesfc It so , dent borrow XJbeton getting my mtes , which are the low est on any turn from 8 ( to 8I0ax ) . I make loans on housttnold goods , pianos , organs - gans , horses , mules , iwagons , warehouse re- celnts , bouses , leases , ( eta In any amount at tne lowest possible rates jvltbout publicity or removal of piopertr , W- Loans can bo made tor one to six months and you can pay part at any tlmo , reducing both principal and Interest ' 'It you owe a balance ou your furniture or horses or have a loan on tbem.J will tuko It up and carrv it for you us long as you desire If you need money yoii will find it to your ail , vantage to see me before borrowing 11. K. Masters , room 4 , Withnell building.Kth and Harney , 709 "TVTONBY to loan on furniture , organs , pianos , J-Uhoraea , aud wagons , liuweeye investment Co , Hoom 33 , Douglas blk , 16th and Dodite sts mo . . . . . = BUSINE83 CHANCES " = T * ' 5f ° " bave small amount of ready money , Xanil wl U to engage In the botal bualneas see Alex Mooie , 301 bfnely block BIO 19J 1 _ T09'5 ' BALE-My UtU & Lake St grocery store , X' doing a strictly cash buslnesaoft05to876per day Half cash or good paper , balance time or trade Ed NDrowns 0.0.D710and712N.lUib. l . 475-23" _ CJUI1SCR1IIB for shares in the American Z Othe largest building and loan association in the world . A. Upton , special agent , 16th and Farnam " % a IF YOU have 84,000 or 8.7,000 to Invest In the X best paying bnslness rend this : Hour mill for sale In the best wheat country , Oooil and steady water power Tbo mill was built this spring It Is n M bbl roller milt , has six rnnns rollers and ono lever for grinding corn nnd rye It Is in perfect order nud Is the best complete mill No othsr mill around In 30 miles Oood res- son tor selling If you want a good mill far haltprlce come Immediately { , V , Cladck , Dunlap , DawesCo.i Nob.l 020-18 * "I7K111 SALE A drug and Jewelry stock in a X r : ; thriving county seat In norteastern No- brnska : will bo sold cheap as prc ont owner must leave to inko ebargo ot other Interests , Addiess It 28 llee oflice Umaha , Ntb 68J 19 rpo ] LKA8K Tlia Arcade hotel nt Valparaiso , * Neb A brick building , contnlnlug2 > i rooms , furnished complete , city water , no competition , A line opening for the right kind of a tenant , Hcnt reasonable Party applying must bo well recommended A personal Interview preferred Apply this week to It , 1C. Johnson , Valparaiso , Keu 693-1U - ON account of slcknoss wo oiler the best V small business lnthoctty for sale , Mitchell's , 1519Fntnam. 62 Cl e = DOCTOHS- I nnle , complete nnd now • * homeopathic apothecary , 421 Con cnt st , 587 inj I710H 8ALE-or Exchnnge-12 shnres of 8100 , , each ipald up nnd non assessable ) llattle of { Uottj-aburg } Block for good improiod farm or lnsldo city property Full lot w-Ithin3-mle ! limit ot postolllce , clear of encumbrHtico Una trackage lot , Paddock Place CI feet trackngo lwi ncros noarScotlo , Oreeloy Co , clear ot en- citmbrnnco IG11 ncres near Chadron , well liriprovod nnd routed Block of clothing for good lot or farm ; limit bo clear _ 8. A. Sloman , 1101 Farnnrn st 390 J neil SALE Well established commission J business : good reasons lor selling Only 5300 ! to 8I.UU ) required Address 1' 4. Ilea 8.W "IilOH SA LK-or Trade , n well established boot X and stationery store llox 618 City 780 - PAKT1ES desirous of disposing of their busl- J ness in anv Una will do well to call on or adH dress W. H. E. & M , E. , Hoom 15 , Chamber of Cominorco 779 - I7/IOH / PAlE Cheap , or rent reasonable 1 Ice : house 100xl'0x30 feet , capacity I l.uiK ) tons ; front on H. It tiack Inquire Omaha Ice Co , 310 S. 15th st 4KI20 " I FOR EXCHANCE IilOH 1 EXCUANcTk Morclmndlso for cattle or horses Lock box 20 , btuart , N cb C21-27 * _ _ \\7 HO has something to trade for8I,2i cnul- TT tyinatarm In Holt county , Nebraska ? Address H3I , Hoe omce 602 : ' 1IIOK KXCHANO E Splendid 82,500 grocery in XI choice location : cheap rent and excellent trade : Tor a clear farm in Iowa or Nebraska J , II Corse , 417 Sheely block 660 31 ; "CMltST class Nebraska farm 380 ucrcs , VX > ' X'under cultivation ; this years crop ou tno place ; well stocked : clear , want good lm- proved Omaha property , C. E. Meagher 723 N. Y.Lite bldg 43.120 ? . T IIAVE 87001st mortgage pnpor nnd land In . - Iowa , Kansas or Nebraska to trade for uidso 11130101- 1 . Shenandoah , ra , 401 2IJ : FOH SALE or oxchnngo Stock dry goods - nnd boots and shoos for good Improved farmnnrtrash 1 Give full description Address box 203. York Neb 627 18-- : \A7HAT have yon to offer tor 8W.O00 In sliver * . T mining stock that will bear Investigation J Mine favorably located in Colorado , near smelters , on railroad ; 417 Sheely block 373 21 : T\7" , L.8iLIlY'S add to S. Omaha 0110 lot . > . 8500 to excliango.for horses , ltoom 13 , Hoard ] ot Trade 300 IMPHOVED farm and cltr property for inorc • chandlse Address , ltoom 15 , Clumbo.- Com merce 1 779 ITIOU EXCHANGE BO acres clear of encum- X1 brnnce In strips of 10 acres , lu Mercer coun- ty I Illinois , for stock ot goods or city property , Apply room 310 First National bank oulldlng 783 • TJIOH E.CCKANOE A business yielding a i X profit of from fJt Xl to SO.OW per annum to > exchange 1 for good city property Am willing ! to 1 assume light Imcumbrauca Apply room 216 First National bank building 782 /TJOODoqultlos In Omaha property and No- sJThrasko land to trade for aecond mortgage j on Omana property \V. R. E. * M. K. , room 15 , Chamber 1 of Commerce Tel 1443. 824 ; STOCK BOARDED : WANTED Horses to winter at 80 n month per head on farm near lrvlngton Plenty of grain nnd hay to feed , geed shelter and good 1 care given them : horses called for aud uellv- ered W. It 1 Ionian , room 8. Fronzor blk 743 . ' - FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE A 9-room house on Dodge st.cablo ' , Xinll modern conveniences Fred J. Hortli- wick , 21J 8.14th. 33 24 TflOH SALE or trade A claim 100 acres in one XI ot be t farming sections of Neb Well ' adapted to stock rnislng Magnificent range ' Call on or address Woodbrldgo llros 019-24 ? TflOIt SALE-Cheap. Walnut bill , new 2-story X" 8-ronm house , barn nnd out-bulldinga. Full lot , high nnd sightly , fences , south front , on ear Hue Terms easy , or will trade for clear lot in good location , a. 1'hllpott , 1011 California sL 6J2-24t 07E have some good property , farm and vil l li logo , title nxiiulrod undi r mortgage We haven't much Invested in it but dent want to carry it Will sell or exchange for Omaha prop ' erts- . Money in it for some one Hoom 308 , First National bank building 572 19 \A7HlTr > for information concerning Omaha YV business property C. F , Hariison N. Y. Life bldg 420 18 I" 1ST your property with II E. Cole „ ITtOH BADE Very cheap , no trades , farm XJ 54170 acres , aec.6. IS N 0 W Hamilton conn- ty Neb , 2 miles from Marquette small house stable.tacres ! ) pasture feuced , living water , price ouly 810 per acre , 85.417.00 , one-third 1834 \ crop included Terms 8. ,200 cash , balunco 8 per cent interest F. K. Atkins , owner , rail road building , Denver , Cole 788 - flJlOOOO business corner C. F. Harrison N. Y. Pwfe bldg 42013 . _ - . IN VESTMENTSln real estate , bought nt prcs- ent low prices , will pay a handsome prollt In a very abort time Aero property near city on lleit line will perhaps pay the largest profits • on money Invested It will pay better than deposits - posits in sav Ing banks , in fact your lot Is your bnvings bank at high interest See the follow ing bargains : small house and lot 60x165 In West Cumming , BU fenced , cash8J50 , at tlU6i | . Seven room house on North 20th st lot 30x140 , cash , 8500. 81.600 , Ten-room house ICountz Place , 83,600 , , terms cash or good lot (1.090 , In South Omaha ; Lots 11 and 12. block 01,120x160 feet , 82,200. Lot 4 , In block 13 , 00x150 , SI.00. . I t 4. tn block in , 00x150 , 81,2X1. Lots and 4 , in block 4,00x160 , each 8860 , Aero properly : > 2 acres In SprlngA'alley , 81.000 , 5 ncres In Bprlng Valley , 82,0 W. 10 ncres In Spring Valley , 84 , . Those are really worth 8500 per acre All on very easy terms Sea mo Otto LoLocK room 18 , Chamber-of Commerce 470-18 1. TTIOH BALE The Platte Valley ranch three J X' lullss west ot Valley on the rj P. lly , Co , containing over 1,10.1 acres with hne lmnrove- ments , for particulars apply to O. F. liais Co „ 1606 Fainam St 15133 - TF YOU have anything to exchange call on or r1Xaddress 11. E.Cole , It 0 , Continental , olllce open e vnlngs 454 - T , OOk at thls-Only 8900 will buy cor lot 60x XJjJO So front on paved Bt If taken aoon J. D. Kittle , 810 N , Y. Llfo bldg 319 - vCOUTH Omaha lots W. L. Selby'a add 8VM , reTpOK SALE O easy terms , the new cottuge - X' erected by me on Oeorga St , corner Lone ave ; property liasloofr froatage on Oeorga st by 150 frontage on Lowe ave For terms npply Hoom 210 , First NatlonaLHanlc building 7SJ _ rnilB prettiest lot in Ambler olaca , on grade , X only 8550 cash Stringer & Penny 33517 _ Ti'you want any lots in Orchard Hill , applyto XUoom Sis , First National bank building , tor > terms and location 783 _ TillVE-ltOOM ' cottages (81.600 ( eactil , 81 > cash X' down , balance 815 per month Thos F , Hall , 311 Paxton block , 83J _ TpiEKHE lots ii miles ot court house MS H. JL B. Coia , 619-17 _ T/tOIt SALE Cheap , brick house , carriage Ji house and a stable ; to be removed Apply to the lioruls Park Co . rooms 16 and 16 , Contl- nental block : 15th and Douglas sts , tus 2 - rroit SALE on easy terms 4 new bouses In X ! popnleton ' park , only 1 block from motor These houses are exceedingly wall built convenient Inside and handsome exteriors , hare ft , t and T rooms , good cellars and base ' mont : prlcos very low aud terms easy String er It Penny , room su Douglas block 23617 , _ WTAVQU 4 WeUerUold.realciUtB.8. Omha , _ V > 789 QPECIAI valuator of Omaha real estate and rr O Nebraska lands ; ten years experience , OU ? 1 Suay , 610 Paxtou block , 199 J It 1 Iroll SALE -IftV ) will buy lot 60x120 In Omaha JL1 view , one block from motor lln , nicely on grada I/ot in this ailAltlon are worth tf.rxu , and the above price Is opan for 11 short time only O , 11. Tzschuck , care Omaha Hoe 701 SOUTTfoinaha "iotsv7rT ! eTbyTnila78VT0 C * > IFtskennt I once 81,000 win buy a 6-rootn cot81 7 ; tage , outbitlldlngs , etc , south of Kountra Place and rlo < eto tno street car lines , fioil cash , bnlanroessv , A bnrgalu Address J. s. John'-on , Schuyler Neb is .ts OPKCIALTiSignln for a7elv ila5s ; iToftulifnil tJ . lot In plalnviewnddttlon prlcel 1,350 , very rasylerms II K. Cole , 6 , Ontlncntal nlocx nnd _ 2V1IN. Sltli 7629 1 $500 , only 8100 cash , balance Nory easy , wilt J buy lot on elect rio motor and paved ntrcet II E. Cole , Continental block or SiOl N 24th t. , 619-17 . O'Vt cash nnd 835 monthly , Including Interest , 'I1 l > buys nkn 0-room house 8111 ! cash and 815 monthly will buy 0 room cottage , II R Cole Continental or avil N.2lth. Jt - 619-17 IjlOHSALE Anew hotisa Just being erected f- on Cuming st , in Sherwood park ; tno house liasaltuiodorn Improvements , hard wood llnlsli througnniitt , also , largo barn , with ISO ft front ngoon ( West t. bv ISti frontniro on Cuming st 1 will sell this to 1110 right p.trtyonrensonublo terms Hoom 216 , First National Hack building IS 1J1KH11K lots 'i nillos ot court house 8iv * > . 11. i liCplo . 619-17 Ij'OltSALE-Strangor In the city and broke ; ± - will sell equities In a Tew quarters Dntuly countv ; lands lightly eneumbered , nothing due , futnlihtng abstract nnd everything complete at , your ow n pi Ice 417 Sheely bl k 378 17 n HE best J lluslness , ltealdence , Vnr-nnt and suburban properties in the marxot sre for sale by "theol l rellnbloM A. Upjon Co..ICth and I'ariiam , 7tsl I'roposaH flip Klrr Hose ITUOtlENCH , NEK , Dec 12. ls < n.Tie | Cityot X ; Florence will recolve bids oti5n ) feet ot3'4c lnclistindiir 1 rnboer or cotton ho < e , gnaran- teed toHtuudiWO lbs pr siun > , and a hand hoio cart of good pattern , up to Jan 1st. , WW , The I right is reserved to reject any or nil bids J.mcl Weiikii d 12-16-18-22-25-Ilm V o CltyClcrk Nollrr of Aimtml IM'-otlng. Notice is hereby given that the aimunl meetU , Ingot the stockholders of tno Union stock Ynrd bank , South Omaha , Nub , as piovlded by ltsby-laws , for the nloctionot directors aud the , transaction of such other business ns mny Rroporly arise , will tnko place nt the llrst N atlonnl bank of Omaha , Nub . On Wcimssday , ' Jsnnary 8,1 I0. at 4 o'clock In the afternoon dBdilut K. 1) . HHANCII , Cashier Notice Notlco is hereby given , that sealed bids will ! bo received a' the olllce ot the City Clerk of t York , Nebraska , until Jan 15tn. 1MJ0 , for the > purchase of fl.U0.tJO ( of the registered funding bonds of the city ot York , In denominations ns ; follows : Eight bonds for 8500.10 nnd ono bond l for fOKJ.W ) . licnrlng 0 percent intciost pavublo aeml-anuuallvntthoilsial ngeuty of the State of Nobrntka , In New York City The horns mature in 20 j-enrs They may be > paid J , at the end of 10 j-enrs , or at the end of any year thereafter , at tbo option of the city ; Tne right is reserved to reject auyoi nil bids AJ > , Major M. M. WILPMA.N- , City Clerk I ) 12 to J 15. - . , Tnko Notice MEHCHANTS 1 nnd Public in ( lenernl : That - on-snd after this date 1 will not pay or bo rc-nons-lble for any bills or debts contracted by > am-one unless ordered by mo pcrvonnlly Dec 10th , 1889 , JOHN E. KMiWi.Tls.l dltsUt - Mile ol'City Ioik The city of Florence will sell nt public auc- tlon 20 lots , Doc , 23. Thu city reserves the right to roser\o2or3of them , J. Weber , City Cli-rfc. • tlI5-lP-23 Sale to take place nt 2 p. tn at Cowan's store Notice There will be a stockholders meeting of the Coliseum Ilulldlng Ahsoclatlon of ( linnha , nt their olllce Hoom 10 Chamber ot Commerce Ilulldlng , Omaha , Nebraska , Saturday January Itth 1890 , ut 2 o'clock p. m. . for the purpose ot electing n Honi-tl ot Directors and the transao1 Hon t of such other business as may tome before said association W. 8. Li > .P8Ar , Stcre' .ory.o , dlb-d-10-t " Notlco to Printers , Ilookbliulcra and ScntionerH ' Sealed Proposals will be received at the office ot County Clerk DoukIos County Nebraska , uu- til 1 2 p. to , baturdny Dee ssth A. D. ! bM ! For furnishing said county with blank books all , kinds ot station iry , lithographing , book binding , district court oar dockets and nil other printed work which may be required by said county for the year of 18W ) . Samples of said worknnd stationary can bo seen at said clerks ofllco , also , estimated quantity Of each required maybe 1 n ertnlned A reititled check for a 1 ( U mu-itnccompauy ] earn old The Board reserves the right to reject any or" all , bids Witness my hand and Seal ot DougIa3 County this | 0th day of Dec 1U39. M. D. Hocn K , D tl d to 27. County Clerk Notlco to Contractors Sealed Proposals will ba received at the oflico ot , County Clerk Douglas County , until 2 p. ni , Saturday ; , December Sotlt , 1S8 , for erecting ono Pllo : Ilrldge near thocenler Sec B8 , T. 15. It 13. oyer the Little Pnplo Plans and speclllcatlons on illoin County Clerks olllce . lllds to be accompanied by certified check for , 860. ' 860.The Hoard reserves tha right to reject nny or all ! bids MD Kociik , D 0 to 27 , County Clerk * . PROPOSALS FOU FIELD SBEDS.-U. S. IN- XT dlan Service , Hoiobnd Agency S. Dakota , December 4th 18811. Senlecl pioposals , ludorsud Proposals for Flold Seeds ' and nddro&sed to the undersigned at Ho-iebud Agonoy , S. Dskota , will be received ut this agency uutll ono o'clock : otDecoinher 28th 18S9 , for furnishing for the Uonebud Agency , 8. Dakota , unci delivering ut Valentine , Nebraska , or Hosebud Agency , nt such time ns may bo required , about 1,010 bushels Seed Oats , ] 201 bushels Seed Potatoes and 600 bushels seed Corn Each bid der must state apeclflcally in his bid the propo- aed prlco oteach urtlcle to bo olfered for dollv- cry " "der a contract , AH seeds must bo of good ' qualltj- . suitable for seed purposes in the local ' ity where required The right Is reserved to re- aect anv or all bids or any pait of any bid lj deemed to bo forthcbestlnteristsotthuservlca CKHTiriKD C11KCKS. Ench bid mustbn accom panied by a certtilcd cho < ; k or draft upon some UnitedStatej Depository , madepuynblo to the ! order of the undersigned for at least live per ccntof the amount of thoproposal which chotk or dratt w 111 be forfeltod to the United States In ! case any bidder or bidders receiving an awnrd shall fall to promptly execute a contract with good and suuielentsurltios otherwise to be re- turned to the bidder , For further information nriplvto the undersigned J. OEO , WltlQHT II 8. Indian Agent dJd'lt. . = Altl IIBfl Morphlno Habit Cured , I I U I II ! ! AT nour WITHOUT PAIN Pay 111 I 11 III mentsensy , and costs leas than Ul I UIII tocoiitlnuo the habit DR O. P. COATS SU James Duti.oiM3 , ICamsah Cuv , Mo * Those having Bound Properties for sale or development , contiguous to Towns or Cities , or laud that Is located on soma Proposed Hall road , now under construction , can Und a , pur- chaser by addressing 11. M. SPIVEY Kansas City , Mo _ _ A. CurioiiH bnnrruu- , Macon , Ga , has a queer ironic , in an English sparrow Every morning this • sparrow tlios into the olllco of the city clerk through the window , tarrieB a uwbilo.on top of the inner blind , chirps a morr.v good morning , nnd then malcoa itself at homo It does not ecom at nil frightened at the people coming in and going out , but IlltBiibout the room from window to window , from the top of the bookcases to the maps on tbo walls , as unconcerned as it sporting amid the branches of a tree The chill of the morning causes the flies to remain dor- > munt for Bomo timn , and it lias boon noticed thai the bird makes 11 meal on those fllos After gathering thorn in and making a hearty meal the spnrrow porches upon the window through which ) it came , chirps its profound thanks , nnd then skips out to join its less Jortunnto companions , It happened sovornl days ago.whon tbo morning was chillier than usual , that the po'itor at the city hall did not lower the wUiduw nt the top ns usual That day the bird waa scon to fly against the window pane and kick | up consldorablo fuss at not boinsr allow ed to corao in And it was not until the window was lowered that it 6comod to be satlsUcd An Absolute Cure 'aTho ORIGINAL , AHIBTJNE OINTMENT > Is only put up in lurge two ounoo tin boxes , nud is an nbtolnto cure for old aoroa , burns ' , wounds , chapped bands and all skin nruji- ' tlona Will positively cure all klnda of pllos Ask for the OIUQ INAIj AHIETINB OINT MKNT Bold by Qoodman Drup ; comtnany at 25 cents per bo * by mall 80 cents SPAIN'S SWEET STUDENTS J A Illnok-ICyoil Slcnorltas IVI10 Dress * H lillto Our Own Vnnkoo tllrls ! H Voting women's names figure with the i H young , mun's among the bocarloa You ' H see , for instnnco , that of the Donn- < H Angolti ; j So-aiid-So. She Is credited to j H the J Colegio do las noncollas ( rollcgo of , H the dninsclsl , and is pursuing lior j H studies nt tlint fomnto normal sehool , I H 8 t 'iys n writer in Sorlbuor's , tolling j H about , the students of cSiilamnncti This H Is in a court nt the loft of the Colegio I H Vlojo , ami oppositothomosbplcUirosnuu j H fililo i of tbo cathedral All Spanish I H sotiorltns ( arc not draped in coiiuotllsh j H mnutlllas or pcrpolually dancing to j H ensteuots I doubt if anyone , looking nt f H a graduating class of this school , would j H know , without baitig told , oxuctly whnt J H country they bolongcd to j H Just before L linil found Hint Africa H was not so very African , and now there J H wore a irood many things ih Spain not | H particularly Spanish Stilamaucii hits l M not been unmindful of female Interests [ H from the beginning An early qucon H coliforrud upo.i tbo damsels ot sonic H eight of its principal fnmilics the right H to , ennoble with thomsehes whuinsoovor j H they should marry The unlvorslly j H itsoil 1 used to endow deserving damsels j H with wedding portions , H Tlioro were women of extraordinary H intellect and note , like LfimtriGallndo j l and Louisa tlo Madrano , who rno tx > the j | rank of profeswrs in the univoraity H Tbo , former bcciimo governess of Iftt- ' | bolln the patron of Columbus It is not j | Mated whether these professors covered ' H their faces during the lectures ou ac- i H count of their beauty , but they did thoit' H part toward settling the ve.\ed ( iiiostioti H of the equality ot tlio sexes at a very i H early tluto j l The great festival is on October I , the M opuning ot the school year which closes , ' M 011 Juno y. This , it will bo soon , is n M genuliio cnmmoiiconietit , for tlioro is j H none t , as with Us , at the oiul of the year j | Kach fuculty bus its own color Phllos- l M ophy . and letters , light blue : sciences y M dark blue ; law , crimson ; medicine , yd- * M low j , shown upon the culfs , crown of cap \ M and the muccta , or a velvet eio | ) worn X M over the gown , < | The beiiutios and ether servitors nro , | also very much gotten up and there are | H two heralds , buch as still btand in the | H Spanish sctiato and chamber of deputies , jH as liuoas In the middle tigos ( H ltlnclnc NuIrcs ' M In the curs , sometimes a roar ing buz- | H zing sound are caused by cata rrh that jH exceedingly disasrt'cenblo and very com'H mon disease Loss of smell or hearing 'H also result from catarrh Hoods Sai'H ; saparllla , the great blood purilier , is a ! H peculiarly \ successful remedy for this 'H ' disease \ , which It euros by purifying tbo H blood 1 It you sullor from catarrh , try ' H Hoods ] Sur snparilla , the peculiar modi- H cine * H * M Now York Hclnrc tlio Anr > lii > . < | • . Now York Sun : Notwithstanding all | that ' has boon said aud printed nbout IH the I ' Angelus , " visitors are surprised | H to I And on seeing the picture that it is IH not what they imagined For 0110 IH thing I , it is small , : iiul many persons nro jH overheard ( to exclaim : Why , It isn't jH nearly ] ns big as I thought " jH Asa matter of fact , the dimensions JH are 1 tili inches by 2J ipchtis lnsldo " of H the 1 frame It has an entire side of the -H room to itself , and for a bacitground it * , S ] luiH silk velvet drapery of old red color . H There is always a crowd in front of tbo S picture A good many spectators Iodic # Sat at it with an oxpresBion of deep r6- H spect ' Little is said , but when any | -H ithing is said ovcryono within ear H shot , listens Hero nro some of tlia comments ' miulo by persons of all sorts H and 1 conditions and ovoi hoard yestor- H , Slillott depicts the working neoplo in the JH most interesting nets in their lives H How atrango It Is that whether you stnnd very close to the picture or look ut It from 'H r"across the gallery It is But la Tying from any H point of view * H How much do 5'ou suoposo the picture Is 1H worth a Kcuaro | inch , remembering that it 'IH ' cost the American nrt ussociution ? 110,00JI < ; H That fork stall stioking up in the fore . jfl ground looks ns if you might grab hold of It 9 How characteristic are the attitudes of the - U < peasants , tha man bowing only his head anil > l tbo woman graeofully bonding her whole 'fl body as tlic.v stand In stlontjnai-orl . , Tlioro is a good deal of gushing over jl the picture , most by people who dent moan a word they say , but for the most , M part it is n quiet nnd thoughtful group S that is ever changing , but is never nb- ' sent from hoforo tno Angelus " , l > ilnsl ' ' I'llt-sl I'llr-st Dr Wllliarrs' Indian Pllo Ointment will euro blind , bleeding and Itching piles when other olmtmunts huvo failed It ubsorb ? the j tumors , allays the ilchmg nt once , nets as 11 J doultlco , gives instant rollof De Williams 7 Indian 1'ilo Ointtnont Is prepared onlv for * piles and itching of the private parts , and \ notnlng else , livery box [ a warranted Sold l vby druggists or sent by mail on receipt of \ price , 25cand SI per Iio * . ' WILLIAMS MfcG CO , Props , ; Clovclaud , O. i • " j A Nuw Itoiitu to the Axorr . It is worthy the nolica of winter tour . 3 Ists who require to lcavo the harsher ' 4 olimivto of tlio northern states of Amor"T ica during the cold season , that there is i a now way of roachiug the Azores J Steamers of the Anchor line leave Now , , lYork for the Mediteranoan by | ; the southern route almost every two weeks , j nnd as their course takes thorn within . ' sight of the "Wcstorn islands , " aB the ? Portugeso term thorn , the agents have 3 wisely determined to mnlco a stop at ouo | or two of the principal islands to land s passengers If oncogrugod by suflloiont i patronage this ia likely to bo mndo a regular feature of the now bouthcru \h route Hitherto the only way of roach -I * lling the Azores has been by sailing j irbarks from eastern ports The climate 'i of the Azores 1b notably the flnost in the 4 world , Doing similar to tbntof Madolra , j aud reputed to bo moro salubrious than k Hormuda i Tor Throat DIhrbhi's and Couclis use , - > Browns Bronchial troches LlUn all really , good things , they nro imitated The gonulna ' , ? nro sold only In boxes , 7 ' ] The following story from the Poll . { j Mall Gnzotto provides for a souson of f true Now England weather : The mayor "i ot a small continental town , who do- \ cidca the fate of tha lira brlgndo fctos , 5 Is anxious to make the annual parade IE ' of that useful body as successful as nos- ! l slblo , and in order to bo aafo against 1 rtho vvilos of the weather , ho publishes j in the local organ the bngo command m that "If it rains on Tuesday morning M tbo parade will he held in the after ; f noon If , however , it rains in the after * % inoon , the parade will bo hold earlier In # the forenoon " ffl Pears'Is the best und purest soap over made , M The year 1818 has boon very fruitful -4 of Massachusetts governors , six ot tbo M mon who have hold that olllco within % forty years having boon born in that % yot"1 1 . , J Children Cry for Pitchers ' Castoria % I m ij vThan Uaby was sick , we gave her Castoria * V/henthewasaChlld , h crliJforC * k > rU , % TWhen she became Ml * * , aha cluaf to Castoria , J Wl'jnalieha < JCUldr ih i/ K TetbcinCastorU , J