I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : &HUHSDAY , DECEMBER lfl 1889. 5 I MILLER GETS HIS DAUGHTER H A Long Contlnuod LlUprcitlon in the 9 Fodornl Court Bntlocl B A PATHETIC SCENE ENACTED B. llio Iiltllo Girl Cllnjri Fondly < o B Hrr UrniulpnrontH , tt'lio Are m I'urccd to Olvu Hrr Up H | Other Court Nous H Tlic United Htntcn Court B The lonR continued lttl atloti In the Unlteil HE States district court lor the possession of H ilttlo Kvclyn Milter wns concluded ycitcr- H tiny , ncd Inst nlglit tlio Uttto brotvn-cjed H child was lulled to sleep by liorgraiulpjienU B for perhaps the last tlmu on earth 'J'o-dny H her father , Lowls 13. Miller , of Oxford , O. , B will lulcu her to his homo in tna Uuckoya PllV The history of the case , which U very fa- P > H miliar , will , however , lienr leiicutiiitf About piH eight io.ir.i i\go Miller , nmrrlod the only pilj dnughtcr of lJurrus Ditto livolyn was the piH result , of the union When she wns about PllJ seven months old her mother dlod and she P > H wax | * ivcn In chnrgo of her grandparents , P > B who huvo itept her uvcr since As the baby Pllj | fuco developed the Jfcaluros of the nngol PiIBl mother grew more distinct nnd the hearts of PllK the old pcopla prow Hotter ns they ilally frazod iiion | the uilnlatuie of the daughter PlH w ho wns dead With a care sclilom equalled BBBJ nnd never excelled they watched over the piB little tot , who in a snort tltna becntno the Plllj queen of the household and the Idol of the neighborhood lhcu came tlio father with a demand for BB-B his child , Ho had married again nnd wanted BBH his little girl , 'i ho old folks objected , They BBBf hnd become so attached to tholr durling that BBBJ they could not civo her up , J Miller invoked the nld of the law Prom 9 the district court the enso came to the United BBBk States court Every known process of law BBBJ was resorted to by the attorney who con BBBJ | due ton thacafto for the grandparents , but to BBBJ no purpose The case wns decided In favor BBB | of the father , and yesterday afternoon Judge BBBJ Dundy decided that Miller should bnvo bis pillj ho man waB cvor inoro heartily condemned BBBj by an nuulcnce than was Miller ycstord.iv BBBj afternoon by the throne that ( lacked the BBBF court room AU the parties Interested , In- BBBJ ; eluding the child , were present , The littta BBBJ ono sat in her grandmothers lapcr.vlnir BBBJ pltoously , wlnlo thu old lady's tears niiuKlcd I with hers While apparently struggling to I control his amotion the old man was uunulo BBBf to do t-o and down his furrowed checks thu I pearly drops trickled like rain Thu sccno V was puthc' .ic in the extreme , nnd but few BBBJ } eves in tbo court , room were free from mois- BBBK turc Murmurs of disapprobation went BBBJ | around the room nnd many were the indtg- • limit ( 'lauccs cast at Miller BBBJK rinally Mr Latnbortsun , the attorney for BBBJ | Mr Hurrus , arose to inuko a last aupcal , lie BBBB wished , ho said , to submit the proposition to thu court 1'hocasowns yet in the courts hands nnd would bo until the ilnul order was signed , llo had ono favor to ask In bc- BBBB half of tbo bereaved grandparents For BBBB years they had watched with jealous c.iro BBBB over thu little girl Their heartstrings wcro BBBB twined around her She was their idol , their BBBB joy , their hope , and to totally resign her BBBB would cast a shadow over their lives which BBBB time could ncvor affacu In little Kvclyn they recalled ono who in days gene by had gladdened their homo Her fuco awakened BBBJ | inomoricn , sad but ever pleasant , of the BBBJ | dnughtor who was called from earth to the BBBB fairer land beyond the shining battlements , BBBJJ mid who had loft her picture in the person of BBBB the little one Thororcre ho had ono boon to BBBI nsk Would tbo court , in thu order for the BBBI child's release to her father , make ono pro vision , tu-wit , Unit the child bo allowed to i BBBI visit her grandparents each year for thrco or BBBM four weeks t It , was a small favor to ask The i BBBB attorney for Milter did.not object MmwM ' Judgu Dundy decided that ho had no power BBBB to make such an order In rendering the do- \ J clslon the court stated that throughout the [ BBBJ | trial of the case ho hnd been interested in behalf of the grandparents , and that ho i deeply sympathbod with them in their nt- tlictiou 'lhat ns a court he was willing to ! BBBJ | take any uution to lighten their burden of sorrow , but that in this case ho could not BBBB uukc the order requested PllH , Ho argued , however , that ns a proviso the i BBBJH grandpurcnts should bo allowed to sco the j child at all times , uud the case was cou- Miller tvantod to take the child and lcavo i BBBB on the 4 o'clock train , but his attorney oh- BBBB lectcd The little one hud been up the night BBBB ] beforewas coinplotelv worn out , uud needed \ aleep Ho must wait until today 'J'licn the old couple led her uway She , shrank from her father as she passed him In i the hallway Last night she slept for the last time ou earth , perhaps , with the aged 1 pair who have so tenderly cured for ' her I Today she leaves for a straugo land to mingle among strange faces with a father she never knew , and thus the matter ends The strict letter of the law nas been ad- hercd to , but tonight thcro are several aching - ing hearts iu Nebraska , and at least ono home in the pralrlo state is uusolato PlIlH the o pillH Salesman Johnson of the Polaelt Clothing company was on the stand yesterday nfter- noon in the United States court The aitor- ney for the insurance company submitted B him to a rlL-ld cross-oxainlnatloD. nnd nc hud him considerably worked up Johnson denied everything stated by Wit ness tfislicr a low davs ago , which was pub lished In The Uhii Ho said the check given him by Polaelt for $73 was not hush money , " but salary duo The witness else assorted that ho never mada any demand ou 1'oluclc for money for keening still , and as sorted that when such u thlug wns proposed ho merely supposed that it was a srhemo to gut f5 or 810 out of Poluck for a good tlmu The witness domed making uny damaging admissions to A. M. Kitchen or other insur- . unco audits , but admitted that ho had asked ono man it there was fJ.OOXl "in it " Said ho never said that ho know enough to send • Polack to the ponitontlary and denied say ing that he know more about the dre than l'lslior or Jenkins Court thou adjourned until today Klttlitlnc lor u Hey The habeas corpus case of William Giles vs Mary A. Giles , bis divorced wife , came up • for hearing before Judge Clarksou Giles seeks possession of bis nlno-year-old son Last July Mrs Giles was divorced from her husband , but there was no provision roado for tlio custody of the lad , then nearly mao years old The parents separated and the boy has boon with the father a part of the tlino and with the mother u pa # rt of the time since , Mr Giles is a traveling man uud Mrs Giles nas moved to Omaha Tues day Mr Giles came to the city and took out parcrs for thu possession of the boy Ho states In the petition that the mother , Mrs Giles , has gained tbo custody of the child surreptitiously itlmos lias for ten days been depriving the boy of his liberty When the deputy sliurltf went after the lad , Mrs , Giles was thrown into u grout state of agitation The Ilttlo follow cried bitterly over the prospect of being snatched from his mother , and the lat ter declared that she would not give him up ; that the futher had not supported cither her or the child , and had no moral right to his custody The evldenco was all submitted uud the arguments postponed until Monday , K. W , Hooves , Cornollus Christian and John Taylor have brought action against the vlllueeuf riorcuco ror the rcteutlou of cor- luln lots fenced in by thorn , us well as cer tain streets and alloys , was dcuidod In Judge Wnkoley's court On the villages attempt Inaao oust them they sot up the plea that by the statute of limitation they are outltled to rotaln possession of these lands The court rendered a Judguiout iu lnvor of the vlllugo , holding that the enclosed lots had not bceu improved by either the erection of buildings or the planting of trees or shrubbery Also that the streets feuco in had la ihd original . plat bcoa dedicated to the vlllago and hud been accepted una that no permission had been granted to any ono to enclose those lots , The city hod allowed these parties to occupy these lots temporarily only , und thcreluro the statute of limitations did not apply to the cuse In the case of the state against Tow Lucey , charged with highway robbery , the original information had becu lust , and Judge Hope ' welt nllowed the prosecnliou until today to produce a cortlflod copy of the sumo The demurrer In the case of J. ,1. O'Con nor , administrator , vs U. A. Smithwa9 over ruled Judge Donni ) Is engaged In honrlng tbo case of William II , Spoor vs Morris Morri son nnd Isi nc llascnl , a suit for recovering from securities on n bond , 'lhurnsoof hidings vs IlarbatlRh , for the recovery of the title to curtain lands In Hnr- baugh's first addition is in progress William II Htttey has applied for a di vorce from Ills wife , Jnno L , llattcy , on the ground of desertion The parties wcro married November IS , 1633 , at Thompson , Conn , W. W. McDonald tins brought suit against tires ltoii7cntnlh to recover ttM.8,1 on n note secured by mortgage tVninly Co in Langfold Hrothors & Company of i'hlla- nolphia have brought suit against W. K. Km U to recover J710 07 on account of godds sold nnd delivered nnd n note Octavo Huuscareti has commenced suit ngaliist Xonnnn II Hrnwu and Gustavo U. Hciigen to let over till ) alleged Ui bo due ns rent on the piomiscs known as the Omaha stables U. r , Thomas was npimlntcd adinliilsira- torof the ( . • stale or Jane LowU Wont buy trasny iniitntintia Got the Ronulno Ued Cross Cough Drops SOU 111 OMAHA NI2WS. Noriti Ftnr Sonntlinnvlnii I' lcillon North Star Scandinavian society hnsctectod olllccrs as follows : President , Alfred An derson ; vice president , P. J. Hanson ; recording secretary , J. G. Jacobson ; finan cial secretary , Charles ICnrlquest ; treasurer , John A. Nelson : sick committee , M , A. Martin ; llrst watchman , Joseph Anderson ; second ivatclimuti , Uus I.nrson , Tlio IIol\cdcro ILiitcc Miss Colla Madden gave a Ilttlo dnnco Tuosduy night at the HolvoJero restaurant to her patrons nnd friends , Good music , u splendid lunch nicely served and a pleasant party all joined to make all happy , null gave each a pleasant social evening Notes Admit < lin City The overcoat supposed to have neon stolen from John Lcene.v nt the Grand Union hotel , was found to have oecn taken by ono of the woikmcn The South Omaha uthletio club will gtvo an entertainment in the club room Prldnv evening Several interesting sparring matches have been arranged for the evening A dnughtor has been born to Mr and Mrs Ihomns Horry The members of stock yards oiiL'inc , No 0. nro congratulating hlui on his last good fortune Mrs Frank Pivouka is listed among the sick , Henry Graves is sick About lVoiilp Daniel I-cohan of Aurora , on his way to Aurora , 111. , slopned off to visit his old friend , James H. Fleming Miss Kuto Condon , who has boon visiting friends in Columbus , Valparaiso ami other places , has returned home Tno Rev Kobert T. Wlioeler lias gene to Wakefield to perform the marriage cure mouy of old parishouors Mrs C. H. Nichols of Randolph is visiting her daughter and sou-in-law , Mr und Mrs Daniel K. Mollus Mrs Mary Goodrich of Uurlington , Vt , is visiting Mr and Mrs E , L. Lane We are the Pcoj > lr > . Business men from Nebraska for Chi enpo , Milwaukee nnd till eastern cities will plcuso note that by the now time schedule ( iu olTect from and after No vember 1" , 1880) ) , they can arrive at Omaha about 4 p. m. , can do business or visit with Omaha merchants and friends for nearly two hours and can then tuUo the tliroiitjh Pullman sleeping car of the Chicago Milwnukco & St Paul nulwuy short line fast train at Omaha depot of the Union Pucillo railway at 0 p. m. ( supper served on dining car leav- ln r Council Blutfa ut 0:110 : p. m. ) , and arrive at Chicago at OtoO a. in ( breal- fust nUa served on dining car ) , in ample time to make connections with the fast morning traiiiH from Chicago on the principal eastern nnd southeastern lines ; or if desited , passengers for the east can remain over in Chicago a few hours for business or plcaBuro nnd resume - sumo their journey by the afternoon fast nnd limited trains of all the east era roads Tn addition to /orocoipg , another through short-lino trainleaves Omaha daily ut 0:15 : a. in and Council BlulTs at 0:40 : a. m. , arriving in Chicago at (1:50 ( : a. ra , making close connection with the express trains of all custom roads For tickets and further particulars , applv to the nearest ticket agent , or to P. A. Nash , general agent , 1501 Furuam street , Omaha , Neb Lofotou , in Norway , is the principal fishing district of that country . Last year the ( ishormon took 20.000,000 cod , i worth $1,000,000. A Shrewu Ti-rrler. A small Scotch terrier belonging to a , man who lives near ono of tlio Scranton i hotels got in the notion early in the I Buminor oi following tno notoi ointu uus to tlio railroad stations , Ho came near being run over ono morning , and af tor that the driver scared tlio dog back whenever lie started to tag along nftor tlio vehicle There was a good hiding place under tlio iiotol veranda , uud in it tlio dog kept shady until tlio driver had mounted his seat Then ho stole out , and before the omnibus had got fairly undur way hopped upon the rear stop nnd hung like a nailor as the omnibus jolted and rushed ever tha rough wooden pavement down to the station , Before the driver had tlmo to got down the dog was mingling with the crowd , wlioro ho stayed until the driver was rondy to start back , when ho sougtit his puich again , The cunning animal had done this a number of times before the driver found it cut from a goutloman who had boon watching the dog , and it pleased tlio driver go much that ho lot the dog have his own way • uftor that , and the interesting brute continues to ride back nnd forth on the stop As a dellcato flavor , delicious and refresh ing , Cooks 1 inporial clmmpagno takes the load Millions of bottles are sold annually l'onpln Who M\o In a Crntor , It was late in the afternoon when we reached the viUngo below Wo had Iieard that Manool Travnssos , if ho could bo found , might bo induced to put us up for tlio night ; his bouso , consid ering it was in a crater.was a mo st sub stantial looking placeof entortainniont While ono of our men searched for him for it was obvious that the visits of Mnnool'tj guests wore like those of an gola wo explored tlio Ilttlo village The place seemed wretchedly ' poor , many of tlio udobo huts were in ruins , and the rest were liardly weather tight The bound of the quern within , the crackling of the bushwootl fires , und tlio thick wlilto smoke coming from the doorways , showed that tlio people were busy with preparations for the ovonlng meal Many of the older houses nro actually In the lake , nnd granorios stand in places which must bo covered with wutor duriug the winter ruins The dwollursin the Soto Cidadea huvo evidently - dontly n hard struggle for existence , says u writer describing life iu the Azores During a considerable part of the day the sun does not sliitia Into the basin , und consequently tliott- fruits uud nnd corn are seldom properly ripened Much of tlio laud Is worthless for culti vation ; ferns which love tlio shade lux- uriulo there but then people can not live on lorn * . ACTIVE ON THE EXCHANGE Renewed Interest In the Snlo of Real Estnto HOW IT IS DONE IN NEW YORK A Proposition ( o Alit tlio D.nkotn HufTorcT * SIeve for an VAo- rntor A llonvy Iilst of Saleable Ijots On the Kveliaiicp Prosldent Ilartumn tapped nn unust.ally lurgo attendance to order nt the real cstato chnngo 'ihoii the secretary road nn unusmlly long list of proparty which the members of the cxchiiugu tnuy now sell ns soon as , ti bidder tomes along The president then announced that O. M. * Hitchcock hurt Just { returned from Now York , where ho hnd attended a meeting of the real estate exchange , nnd rcuoitod ; that the gentleman make a few remarks to what ho witnessed on the hotnd JjTho New York exchange , Ho said , occupied a room about twice the slzo of the homo or ganization It was sltuuted on Liberty stiect a few feel oat of Hrpadwny It was surrounded bv olllccs occupied almost ex clusively by real estate men Interest in the exchange centered in the noon hour Promptly nt noon the sales began ' As many as six men told , tluco on ono and three on the other side Around onch of tljcsQ inuu little knota gathered nnd listened as each auctioneer unnounced the property bo had for sale ' 1 hero was a constant clnmor but this In no way seemed to Interfere with the progrcssof tins sales Ono men , ho remembered , sold property aw.iy up near Ono Hundred nnd Kighty fourth street which commanded n price which struck the speaker uud Air Itced iib being indicative of a relatively smaller value than obtained In Omaha The spoakur noted that many of the mon who stood around had a look of shrewdness as if they were looking for bargains Thcro was an air about them us If they went there daily for the purpose There were sales made daily and some had been made on the day of the speakers visit Sometimes the sales reached a value of many thousands There was no Inconvenience experienced by the parties on the floor , notwithstanding thntmanvof them were yelling at the topi of their lungs Another man made a specialty of selling notes , another Judgments The speaker had seen a whole batch of notes sold for a dollar Ho had seen nnothor bundle of judgments sold for SI also There was nothing else to do with thorn ex cept to sell them and get them out of the way way.Wniio not like tbo stock ccchaago nor yet like the grain the real - oxchunge , estate ox-- chaugo did a great business , uud while they did not make so much money , they felt that they were deuling iu something mat had u rock value Tlio thanks of the exchange were tondorcd the speaker A letter was road from a gentleman who desired to have his naino withheld , offering to net ns ono of 1.0UU or 600 men who would contribute 1.0'K ) or 50\ > barrels of Hour or hams or bushels of potatoes to the Dakota sufferers Mossrs , S. S. Curtis , A. S. Potter and A. M. Kitchen were appointed a committee to visit the east and ondonvor to induce eleva tor men to locate in this city The following property wns listed : Lot 10 block 0 , Hanscoiu plaeo , 50x150 , 13.000 , Xcash Lot la block 3 , O'Nolll's sub , of Lowe's second addition , 43 47-100x150. $2,500 , % cash Lot 0 blocu 0. Mcycrs.mchurds& Tilden's , 50x123 , $ , MOO cash Lot 4 block 1 , Harbach's ' second addition , OJxUO , brick block , i ! stores , f 14,000 , { 0,000 cash cash.Lot 23 block 10 , Hanscoiu place , 50x150 , 52,600 , $1,000 cash Lot 12 , block 17 , Lincoln place , 50x101 , $350 , one-third cash Lot 1 , bloclc 11 , South Omaha , four-room house , $3,000 , * " > 00 cash Lot 1 , block 11 , Patrick's second addltioo , 40.\120 , ten-room house , $1,500 , $700 cash Lot 5 , sec 22-15-13 , Preston & Williams , 332xl 5 , 0-room housel,000 , ono-fourth cash Lot 1 , Preston & Willluins , 00x140 , seven roora cottage , $0,000 , $ o,000 cash Lot 24 , block , Hanscom place , 50x150 , $00 per front foot , one-third cash Lot 0 , block 3 , Creightou holghts , 50x120 , S-l. iO , $250 cash South hall lot4 , blocks , Armstrong's flrst addition 00) x145 , $70 per foot , one-third cash East half lot It and all 12 , Keye's sub , 75x132 , $20,000 , one-fourth cash Lots 8 aud 4. Nelsons , 100x01 , fcur houses , $20,000 , one-fourth cash Part of lots 17 and 11' , Gates & Heeds ad- ' dltion , 100x120 , $2,000 , cash $1,200. Kast thlrty-soven feet lot 12. block , Reeds flrst , nine-room house , $3,500. cash $ . ' 1,000. North sixty foot of lot 13 , block 4 , Redlck's sub , 60x1-10 , $13,50J , one-third cash Lots 15 nnd 10 , Swotman's sub of blks 03 and 90 , South Omaha , b0xl50 , flno shade $3,000 , $1,400 cash Lots 10 und 11 , Swotman's sub blks 'OS und 09 , S0X15O , $3,500 , 2,200 cash , Lots 15 and 10 , blk 3 , Thornburg , 05x130. $1,500. cash $000. STRANGE DELICACIES People Who Km Itnta , Foxes , Dogs nnd Hats and lUepliauts' Foot A species of bat is considered good eating by the natives of the islands of the Indian Archipelago , Malabar , ote ; it is called by naturalists tlio edible bat , und is said to lie white , tender and dell cato , but for nil that it is a hideous beast like u weasel , with a • ton-inch body , covered with close nnd shining black hair , and with Xour-feot wings , when stretched to tholr full cxtont In bomo countries oven the fox is con sidered a delicacy ; in the Arctic regions , where fresh meat is seiirco , when judiciously made Into pie , it is considered equal to any rabbit , uiidor • the same conditions , ever bred on the Sussex downs But , strange to say , the Esquimaux dogs , which will devour almost anything olse.will not touch fox Cats and dogs readily find purchasers nnd consumers In Chinawhoro they are hung up in tlio butchers shopstogether with badgers tasting like wild boar - and other oddities of food In the Soutli Sens , too , it dog is a favorlto dish and tv puppy stow is a roynl feast in Zanzibar ; but is only fair to sav that where dog is oaten It is especially fattoncd for the table , and fed only on milk nnd such like cleanly diet The Australian nntlvo dog , or dingo , is oaten by the blacks , but by no ono else ; nnd u South Africmu will give a cow for a good-sized mnstifT The American pantlior and the wild cat of Louisinna nro said to bo excellent eat ing : so is the puma , which is so like veal in Jluvor that ono hardly knows the dlfforonco , Lions flesh , too , is al most identical with veal lu ilavor , tnsto and texture Dears paws were long a German dollcaoy ; nnd the flesh lb hold equal or Buporior to pork , the fat being us white as snow The tongue nnd hums are ourod , but the head is accounted \\orthloss and thrown away The badger tastes Hko wildboar ; the Australian kangaroo Is not much in ferior to venibon , and kiingVroo tail soup is bettor than half the messes which pass in London under the name of oxtail soup Unshod wallaby is a dish no ono need disdain , and tiiero is a small species of kanguroo as good as any hare ever cooked An Australian tiativo bauquot is an odd mlxturo Kangaroo and wullublcs , opossums und Hying squirrels , kanga roo-rats , wombats and bandicoots repre sent tlio pieces do resistance ; write rata , mice , snakes , snails , lurgo white maggots gets , worms und grubs form the little dishes and most favored entrees A nice fnt marmot la a treat nnd why not ? They nro pure iccdors The tnuskrnt of Murtlnlquo is cnton , though indescribably lonthsom'o to a Utiropcnn ; but the ' sleek nils of the sugar cane plnntrtttOns make ono of the most delicate fricassees imnginablo ; so tender , plump , cleanly and luscious nro they The Chinese nro in a rat para dlio in California , where the rats are enormously lnrgo , hlglily-Il.ivored and very abundniit , rittsoup bolng consid ered by all right-minded * colostinls lo boat ox-tull or grjvvy soup hollow The Indians ont the bcavor , which is said lo bo like pork , and porcupitio is a line la- vorito with Hid Dutch nnd Hottotttons of tlio Capo and with the Hudson Bn .y trappers , nnd , indeed , with the inhabi tants of nil the countries where the creature is found , the llesli boiug good and dollijalo , and , moreover , accounted exceedingly nutritious r.iephiiuUi' foot , pickled in strong toddy vinegar nnd cayenne popper , are eonbidorod in Ceylon mi Apiclnn luxury The trunk is said to resemble n bulTalo's hump ; uud tlio fnt is so highly prized by tlio bushmnu that they will gq al most any dlslanco for it Hippopotamus fut is nlso considered a treat ; wlicu suited it is thought suportor to our best broukfust bacon ; nnd the flush is both palatable und nutritious , tliu fnt being used for all tlio ordinary tisos of butter * , A STATUE SEIZES A THIEF Tlio Queer Itcoord on tlio Parish Hen Imors of Cracow In Cracow , ns in Prague , the most prominent object is the castle , standing on a Mil above the broad river Hat the Hradschiii of Prague , though it has always boon used as n palace , looks Hko tv barrack ; whllo the Knmek of ( Jracow , though it has boon tomertod by tlio Austrlnus inton barrack , still looks like u castle And I'rnguo has no such monument of patriotic dovotlon to tlio tnomory of its grout men as tlio slmplo iiiouik ] , surmounted by u granite slab bearing the name of Kosclus'/ko , which was erected in 1824 , ou a hill opposite the Zamok , by the pious hands of Poles of all classes with earth from the horo's battlefields iu America nnd Poland The mound is 120 foot high , and from it tiiero is a-viow lull of grandeur and interest : the tumuli of ICrakus , the founder of the city l , 'JO0 years ago , and of Vundn , Ills daughter , who drowned horsclf out of grief at the Bufferings of her country , devastated by the troops of a Gorman prince becaubo she had ref - f used his oiler of marriugo ; the uuciont castle , with churches and houses clus tering round it ; the winding Vistuln ; thu Polish mountain frontier , the Carpathians ; and the rich Gulician plains , ostonding in gentle undula tions to the fur horizon In the church of St Prancls of Assisi there is a statute of Christ us to which thcro is a singular record In the parish rcgibtors of the year 1735. Ono night a thiol entered the church to stcnl the of ferings of gold and silver which hnd boon placed ou the altar by persons who , nftortnpponling to' the intercessions of the wiiiit , hud recovered from vurlous diseases suppofcod tor bo iucuriiblo As the thief wasslrotchingout his liand to take ono of these objects , the stutuo seized him by th6 Krm ; ho oxortcd all his strength to fro ' o himself from its grasp , but in vain , and ho was found by the vergers nest morning almost para lyzed with terror und exhausted by his gruesome night vigil , The matter was at once reported to the magistrates who met in council and condemned the marl to death for sacri lege But when the hangman came lo conduct the man to the plnco 6l execu tion ; he found it impossible to releases him from the grasp of the statue ; the magistrates were again called up and after much consultation they decided to cancel the sentence , ns human justice had no right to mterforo in a matter which God had so evidently tnkon into His own hands , and Christ in his mercy not having inflicted any further punishment - mont , it was not for thorn to do so They accordingly signed a decree par doning the criminal , upon which the hand of the statue opened and the man was sot at liberty The hand is still open , as if it had grasped something nnd then let it go Liquor In Prance Franco is going to put an increased tax upon strong liquors as a moans of checking their sales as much as possi ble The present ministry is very much in earnest In the matter , nnd means to carry through the reform while the country is in good humor ever the suc cess of the exhibition The Germans will bo sulTerors by the taxation , if it becomes prohibitive , for they manufac ture most of the villainously impure li quor which is drunk by the Belgians and the poorer elassos in northern France Clininpauiin Will bo High The price which will have to bo paid for 1889 ohampagno will far exceed any thing yet experienced nt any rate , it is good vvlno , "if there Is little of it Two or thrco of the leading shippers acting independently of the rest of the trade , have purchased as much as they could possibly secure of this years vintage , giving prices equivalent to $11 to $ ia per dozen for the raw juice the high est over paid Ip the history of cham pagne and tholraction hus irrevocably established the price i Mi-icnrio Iron A roraarkithly flno specimen of raoto- erie iron has lust been received at the North Carolina state museum from Rooklngham county Its greatest length is Vz inohos , with nn average brodth of 8 inches and it is about 2 thick Its gonornl shape is flat , though somewhat concavd on ono side nnd con vex on the ether , ( vs if broken off on tlio outer surfueo of a rounded and larger mass Tlio specimen is coated with a thick crust of dark brown rust uud weighs 25 } pounds . THE R aALTY MARKET IN3TUtr.MH.Vr3 liUooi oa raoort during yesterdtiv I Jdnt M Si John ana husband to W T Bea- man , lots 1 to'Jdln l'lrsi add , to ( Jruld lllll wcl $1,1030 Win Krugto Carl Atulfmen part of lot 10. blk 1. Campbell's add wit COO J T Denny aud wlfu tu Samuel Denny , lot 3 , fclemisea place , i\mt lot II , blk U , Ilrlggs place , neil . , , 1 Daniel Clifton and ulft to II Iteuther , Main wvj lie0-H-lUj wd < 00 Albright fnndand liOtCo to tfred Krug , . lot li bllcM Albrlgbrkcliolce . . . 175 A 'ITojbal uud lf to , John SlinuucW , * part of lot H , Hurler * allotment , w d. . . I'M O II May et nl to ( I V. Clarke , lots 18 to H , blk t , Iako View , wd 100 Herman Kmint/.o und wlfo to Asa Learu , lotn bllcci , ICoiintze place , wd f 2,260 M l : Itoiimf and hatband to James Coyle , lot U , blk a. Fowler place , wu 300 ltlchnrd .SUbbln * and wife to A A lilt lings , lotsl and B , bile 3. lots 2 , : iaud 4 , ( ilk ( V , lots J , 2,4,15 , HU II and II , blKB , llltchcoc&'slst add , wd , 0WO J II l'arxerand wlfo to II M Hunt , und it out lotU-A and all out lot -iu , Florence , ( J c il , i Olof llamnn and wife to II M Hunt , lot 3 , bile to , Florence , ci e d I J 1' Itansom to II 31 Hunt , lots 1 and SO , blk 1W , Florence , iii d 1 Watson 'lyson nnd wife to II M Hunt , lots lit imisu , bile 10't , Florence , qed . 1 Omaha and Florence J , and T Co to II M Hunt , lots I' ) nnd ai , bit 109 , lloreuce , q c d l O o Mlchaeuon uud wife to J II Flulay trustee , lota 1 to 4. bile 1 , lota'JO to ) . bile 2. Valley place , wd . , . . . . , J.WO AUI isher und vrlrs to J II Flnlay , trus tee , lot V , bit S , Hillside add fto S. w d. 3,000 Serenteea tranifer * . , . , tJO.OJO "er Bilious and Nenroui Disorders , such as Wind am ) Pain In Pit Stomach , SIcV Hesdacho Giddinsss , Fnt < nets , and Swelling atler Meals , Olzxlness and Drowtlnoi , Cold Chills , Hushing ] of Heat Lou ol Appetite , Shortness ol Breath Ccitltenoil , Scum , Blotches on the SVIn Disturbed Sleep , Frightful Dreams , and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations , ac THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF 114 TWENTY MINUTES This l no nctlnn Every snrfercr Is earnestly Invited to try ono Uotot those Pills , aud Itiojr will bo ncknoirlfwlppd to bo n Wnmlrrf\ll KTntiflnr IiEKCUAlt'a PlLld , taken as directed , will quickly rafore female * to complete health For a WEAK STOMACH ; IMPAIRED DIGESTION ; DISORDERED LIVER ; they ACT LIKE MAGICS n frtr ilo . m will work Tendons upon the Vital Organs t Strengthening Ihn muscular Srilem : restoring Imig.lost Complexion : brliinlng back the keen edge ol appetite , aud ( rousing mill tlio ROSCDUL ) OF HEALTH Dm iWinrpsilipilnilrnrrw/ot tholiiininnfrnnio Thcxi nro facts " ndmlttrd by thousand ! " . In nUclnwoiofawlelri mnloneot tlio best guatanleealn tlm > erTous nnd Debilitated Is that BEECHJMS PiLLS HAVE THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY PATENf MEDICINE IN THE WORLD , full directions with each Box Propnrort - > . ' . . . . . , . onlf lj-THO 4. ni'.I.CllAtl , Sf Ilclcn I.nncnkliirc iitclnnrt : > M tit Dnigiilslt firnernllif B. F. ALLEN ft CO , 365 and 307 Canal St , New York , nolo Agouta tor the United Stntcs , tc/io ( It t/vir druggist does not fcoop them ) jy L H J11 11,5 RECEIPT OF PRICE 25JJNTSJV BOX Of the Method of Conducting the Auction Sale of Max Meyer & Bros' ' Jewelry Stock You can ask for and examine any article be fore you , have it offered , and then have it put up at once , thus enabling you to get it with very little delay REMEMBER , the QUALITY of every article is GUARANTEED as represented Sales Daily , 10:30 : A. M. , 2:30 : P. M.7:30 : P. M. The store is for rent and fixtures for sale J. H. FRENCH , Auctioneer A. Large Assortment of BOYS ' AND MI'S ' TOOL CHESTS , aHardwareiiScales ICE TOOLS AT ISOITOW PBSICE9. XSTSriND lOIt CATAIOOUU 1405 Douglas Street , - Omaha ARTIST SUPPLIES ! MB M I . MMF m& fICIMBALL , 1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska GENUINE WILD WESTERN KICKER I > nratrnpli9 from a Nowsp.iper in tlio New Stuto of Washington Kent Advertiser : Mrs Mtiplchuo ( sweet little creature ) informs us that we made a misdeal lost wee k when wo used the plirnso , from text to doxol- , ogy " She says that in every preaeh- ory where a lly dominie runs the bank the lnlobt Imni'ovomonts in worship nro worked and the doxology precedes - cedes the text The fact is wo rely upon our wife for pointers in these matters and she admits that Mrs Mnplohuo made a winning on that bet , and that the doxology - elegy is always ! dealt out before tlio text is turned The mistnko wns ono for which our wife was to blnmo , as she should have taken pride in giving us the straight tip Ilor neglect looks too much like ringing a cold dock on a sucker ; but as wo are the editor wo cheerfully forfeit our chips and do not squeal Wo admit that wo are to blaine When wo used to keep caics ut a gospel joint the game wasn't played that wny ; but wo will never drop any more boodle on that card Wo have Uopn in town only ten days , and already our warm friend Splog Mugln , the veteran mixer of tho-holo- in-the-dark saloon , intimntcs that it is time for us to whack up and give our score on his books n blight Wo would like to iuqulro if this is the usual prac tice of the community ? Wo have done tho-whole-in-tbc-dnrk honor to imbibe at his bar the greater portion of the eloxir that wo have absorbed since our arrival It requires inspiration to ( It ono to ilhiminato and enlighten a com munity ; if Splog Magin hositutcsto sup ply the inspiring elexir wo shnll either transfer our patronage and satur ate our system clsowhoro , or we shall decline to illuminnto and enlighten the community Wo will certainly not sub mit to bo bulldozed by Mr Splog Ma- gln's duns , or even annoyed by his hints Wo are destitute of wealth ; hut wo will maintain our ulguity of untar nished Mr Van do Vantur , puter , pnsass the hat at church with such patriarchal dignity , such porautislvo , powerful , solemn , silent smile that you > * un your arm down among your duds and dig up a quarter nvlien you intended.to donate a (11 mo : and as il drops from your flngsor you rolloct : There gees throe good comforlablo smokes ! " Milium Circular Saws The smallest circular saw in practical use Is a tiny disic about the slzo of a shilling , which is employed for cutting the slits in.gold pens These snws nro about as thick as ordinary panor , and revolve some 4,000 times per miuuto Tholr high velocity makes thom rigid , notwithstanding their extreme thin ness , SURE Jillll CURE A PERFECT HEALER OP CUTS and WOUNDS Sevurcly Cut yt Jlutllo Cure , Fndcrlckkbua' Tvz , Aug 20.188 . I waihCNcrelycut islih uytlto aud knife In hancla unci feet ami a yt Loltloof fat Jacobs Oil completely cured inc . aTAVHAUWAIDJr Set Vhtcttont vsiih < acl > lloltlt AT PnconisiTa ani > Dkiiiiu THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO , Ualtlmore Ml CALIFORNIA TIIK IANI ) Or DISCOVERIES _ * , LuNG-6 r-S.if # fiGtf\Wi 'Scnrffor circu ! . r. | . > > trtoHlt3tiir9. - • * 6 woj.r\ * trkaA the o nly- Jteirntm-Jf > - qUAHAfJlEED Hi2 | By iu ' . LtcuKe ron s cnwLAC-Mx ATARRH . MirTNFWnK | on.MM r- ' • • SANTA : AQIE : AND : CAT : R : CURE For sale by Goodman Dfug Co 1 SCOTT'S EMULSION DOES CURE 1 CONSUMPTION ln Its First Stages ! Jt0 ture yon get tin yenulne IJOSEPHGILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MBPAL PARIS XP0SITION 13t3 , Neb 303-404-170-604. • [ THE MOST PERFECT OF PENS THE nUiME TABLES , I OMAI1A. H Depot lotli fc > lBaoii ta Omaha OmBlia M ( • blcaKoVcMlbuloKx . . . 8ilJ p m 0j n in | Chlenifi ) Mall , V : 1 n m 6:00 : p ta H riilravo lAcnl . . . . , , : W p m 8W : m B llonver Vcntlbiilo lx . . , 10:0.1 : h m .1:00 : p ta H Lincoln .V ConconUn I.o'I 6.i0 a id oils p m H Colorado Mail , . , , . , . , oni p m : J8 a a H CMraco l'a < l Mali , vU U. H . P. TraiMtcr 4:11 : p m m M Ki\n"niCltr llKiiroic , , . . n : u m iii" , a w H KnusmClty KMircn . . . lll ti 111 0J3 ! T > m J B SlOI'XCITVAl'ACiriO Ubt * ArrlT * Dopol lltliXWoUitcrBti Omaba Umaha St.l'aul Mmitoil llIH : p m ti.T3 a m H C. M. ' VST VAIH trars Arrive H Dfpot lotli .t.Maroy sts Omaha , Omaha No 2. Mall . 0la m ' M Mi 4. i\prass : 6:00 : p in No 1. Mail 7:1. : " > R m Noi : lcxpro < . CQj : p m JlltfSOl'lll PACU1U. Lravo Arrlro at H Hcpot lMlinml AVob tor , Oiunlin Omaha So I , St I < . V If O , I'.m 10.1UB.ia. ' H No Z fit I , . \ If ( . ' . Hip bW : p. in No : i , St I , . , V K. 1' . Ixp ! rX ; , p. m. Nolyt UV K. I ) . l\p. { QUO a. ill H JJii1- ' • * ' ' • r.oa a Arrive 1 n Perot 10th .V Mnrrjr sm Omaha Omaha ' vS ! ! , , ! , i ? Kvl""osa * ' : r. a m 0:10 : p m H vIM ! ' x , , tL ; , SHSim Mini ; | . , . . , ioitlbuleil i : pros3 iis p m 10.0J m j H n UNION 1'ACiriU I.oavo Arrive U Depot tilth aiidiUrcyata Omaha Omaha • Overland Kljor . . . 7X1 : p m 7iI0-a m H • . l.lmltodliutMnlU 0:11 : p m 4:9) : i > in 1 4u 'Ei1lIixpr i cV lwisiam 4:03 : pm f Island Jilrnua Kxpreu . lu : p m KsTS n mflll l > n , , nil , , tr liprcasv ! 4 : i a m 12:3) : a m • li ll • " Kor 8M : p m' 7'a : a ra 9VJ TDaily llxcopt Suiulav VAa 7jVAHASnVis : TnnN ; Eeavo Arrive 1 Qopot lOtli A Marcy en Omaha Omaha BJ No 8 St L. lixp , Dally . 4H5 pm 2aQ : p m H n ° , -X-1\ \a . ' * > arrive , M Depot loth A ' Woustor at . Omaha Omaha MnX ? * ixP'r"j : 1:00 : p m 1:00 : p in SVJ C0V. ! . cltX Ar'niiiiodnt'n 8.00 a iu 9\V \ > D m M. l'atii Clmltecl mil ii n g.a K m • lorwuie IaMonKnr . . fl : : i a m UW : a m • Blnuz ' ' ' City Ac'um'dat'a 6:48 : b m JMoiixCitT AtfomMnfa 4:15 : a tu Dally DxcrptSunday tDally Hxcent Mnndar . 0. A N.V. . " \V. . II tl , 7avo j\rrlrn fBH Depot 10th.V Marcy ts OmhS oman * ! H Chic igo Kipresi Dally . ( > :1G : a m fl (15 ( d hi lllH rust iTliiiIted Dnlly , . " 4 05 n m lu-S ] a in H Atlantic Mall Dally . : : 7-15 S m 7:50 S m KKMV 11.11. I..avo . Arrive 1 Depot Hth& Webster bts Omaha Omaha H lllnclc Mills KTprps Bv : > a 111 r > :4" : p m H Hastings & Superior Ys 8:55 a m 5:45 : p in H Lincoln it iralmo 1'ass. . . 5:00 : p in I0'J5 : a m H Dai Id CXty & Voik l'aaa , 5:00 : p in 10S : > a iu H Norfols lass . . sup p iu 10:85 n m H SUBUUI1AN TJlAINb M AVcntivard H Itunnlng between Council Itluffs and M- H brlKht In addition to the stations ineiitloucd H trains atop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourth H MtreetH and at the Summit In Umnhn 1 Iiroad-1 rails Omuha foutti | Al " | way fer depot Sheely Omaha bright H A. M. AM A. iT A.m7 A. m7 A. M. H t > :41 5:51 : 8:00 : 0:05 : M 6:10 : 0:17 : 0M ! a : , ! ? 8:50 : 0:55 : H 0:40 : 0:17 : 7:00 7:07 : 70 : 7:25 : M 7M5 7:42 : 7M : 8:00 : m H 7:45 : 7:53 : H:05 8:12 : 825 ; 8:30 : M 8.35 8:42 : 8:55 : 0:00 : H 8:45 : 8:52 : 0.05 0:12 : 0:25 : 0:31 M 0il5 : SI2 : : M 10:00 H 0:45 : 9fi2 10:05 : 10:12 : 10:25 : 10:30 : M 10ii : 10:52 : 11:05 11:12 11:2 : } 11:30 M 11115 11:52 PM P. 51. PM PM M V. M. P. M. 12:05 12:12 : 12:25 : 12:33 : M 12:45 : 12:52 : 1:05 : 1:12 : 1:25 1:80 M 1:45 : 1:52 2:05 3:12 : 2:25 : 2:30 M = :35 2:42 : 2:55 : 1OJ : i H 2:45 : 2:52 ,7:05 : 3:12 : U.25 3:87 M 3:50 3:57 : 4:10 : 4:15 : vj H 3:15 : 3:52 : 1:05 4:12 : 4:25 4D0 > H 4:50 4:57 5:10 : 11:15 : , H 4:45 : 4r : > 2 5:05 : 5:12 : 5:21 : fisro . ' B 5:45 : 5:52 0:05 0:12 : 0:25 : 0:10 : .tVM (1:45 ( : 0:62 7:05 7:12 : 7:25 : 7:1a M 7:45 : 7:52 : 8:05 : 8:12 8:25 : 8:30 : iH 8:45 : 8:52 : S.03 0:12 0:25 : 0:00 - M 9:45 : 9:52 : 10.U5 10:12 10:25 : 10:30 : i H 11.03 11:07 ] { : ; ! ? } 11:51 .12.01 12.05 _ _ n:55 : | 12KJ5I 12:01 . 1 1 , 1 „ fl KnRlwanl Vt l Sl | "Boutn I Sheo Omaha Trnus-lllroao- . H bright Omaha ley Depot , fer way H AM AM AM A. M. AM AM ' | S 5:45 : 5:57 : 0:00 : ' H 6:55 : 0:00 0:10 : : I5 0:27 : 0:30 B 7.00 7:05 7:15 7:20 7:32 : 7:45 > B 7:50 : 7:55 8:07 8:15 : 8.27 8:33 : - M 8.05 8:10 8:22 : 8:30 : B 8:504 8:55 : 9:07 9:15 : 0:2T : 0:3S M 9:05 : 9:10 0:2 : ! 9.30 • 0:50 : 9:55 10:07 10:15 : 10:27 : 10:35 - 10:05 10:10 : 10:12 10.3) ) 10:50 : 10:55 : 11:07 11:15 : 11:27 : 11:33 : , 11:50 11:5,5 , PM PM PM PM > ' , . PM PM 12:07 12:16 12:27 12:23 12-50 12:55 1:07 : :15 : 1.27 1:35 V. 'ti 1:55 2:57 2:15 : 2:27 : 2:35 : B 2:50 : 2:55 3:07 3:15 : 3:27 3:03 : 3 2J 3:20 3:37 3:44 : . . . . a'f : ) 3:55 : 4:07 : 4:15 : 4:27 : 4:35 : "H 4:20 : 4:25 : 4J7 4:15 : H 4:50 : 4:55 : 0:07 5:15 6:27 : 6:55 : . < 6:20 : 6:25 : G:17 5:45 : Sj h.ro 6:65 : 8:07 : 0:15 : 0:27 6:35 : H fliDO 6:55 : 7:07 7H5 7.T 7B5 > > B | 7:50 : 7:65 : 8:07 : 8:16 : 8:27 : 8:35 : 8:50 : 8:55 : 9:07 : 0:16 : 9:27 : 9:34 : flj 9:50 : 9:55 : 10:117 10:15 : ln:27 10:35 : H 10:50 : 10:55 : 11:07 nr 11 : W 11:42 : 11:50 . 9J 12:50 : 12:55 : 12:24 : amlv 12J0 : " - Kulinrlinn Time Onrd > > BELT UND MIBSOUUI PACIKIOllAHiWAY ' .M Lenvo tlmnha dally except rluuday for points J , botwean Webster at und West aide 5:31 : a. m. , 0M : a.m „ 5:15p. : 111 , 0:15 p. m. , * l'or J'ortal dally except Sunday 7:50 : a , m. , - B | 3:50p.m. : . • for Portal Sundays only 8:35 : a. m „ 12:45 : ja ' Arrive dally except Sunday from West Side il and points between West Sldo and Webster st 4 & 6:16 : a. in , 7:45 a. in-U ; ( > 0 p. m.,7:10 : p. m. il | l''rom Portal dally except Sunday arrive 9:10 : ' a. m. , 5:05 : p. in ) Krom Portal Sundays only arrive 10:15 : a. ta , \HJ 2:20 : pm ? - = mm ' \m CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND & PACIFIC 'sM D No 3 0:15 pmA | No 6 9:1) : ) a in . ; A No 4 VMIIuinU No , 1 8:40am * A No 0 6:0JpmA : | No il 5:55pm : ' .M ClIICAOO & NOHTHWCSTHKN , ' No 2 .40amNo.6 | 9:27 : am . No.a 4:55 : pin No.i : 7:15am : / ; No.4 ; , , , .8II0 : iiiNo | 1 5:45pm : , i-M CHICAGO , MILWAUKKH A ST PAUL * jM A No.2 „ 0:40ainA | No 1 7:00am : 4M A No 4 8MpinA : ; | No.6 5:15pm : Kansas cirr , f > r josepii x coUNciii • ! IILUIKS JB A No.2 10:07 : a m A No 3 0:10 am \i \ | A No 4 10:25 pmlA No 1 0:03pm KM OMAHA & HT LOUIS , f A No 8 ; , . . .4:3'jpmA : | No 7 13:0Um ! CHICAGO , IIUHLINGTON k QU1NCV. AM A No 4 9:10 a. mlANo 3 5:12 : p. tn &U ANo.fi llsnuii in A No , 5 8:20a.m. : ! A No 8 6:00 : p. m.l H | | sioux oiTir & PACinn dm A No 10 7:45amA : | No D Ih.r.am IB A No.12 U:50pmA : | No 11 9.55pm " | B A dailys II dally , oxcent Saturday : O except 'JB | Sunday ; D except Monday ; * fuit mail MM | ) F-CoLLaF\ | \ AMUBKMENTH 1 'i'llltl'.it PKUlOilMANCKa ONLY f Fililny and Snliuilny Erenlngg nnd Saturday - } % day Matinee , Dec 20 nud 81. j | tV Villi BVBNT OK'i'HHBUASOtr , _ l jj Appemsute of Mr 'Wj Stuabt Robson , I And Miiiiiianr , under Ike maimrement of Mr , WM • # ! II , UAvllllN.prctt'iiiiiia thuK'fat lumit , 51 by Uruuvin llun rdcalle < i ' THE HENRIETTA 1 > Ut HUDSON - AS UKICTIK , THE IAMU I Prices I'arqurt and parquet circle , f I 59 : b > tuiir n Si mllvrv.v5c. MaUneu pricaa , 'M aod II fcala ot j siatiopeaiTburidty , - . * J