Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THljjj3DAY ) DECEMBER 11) ) . 1880 3 H
B "Whont Hardoua and tbo L03S of
HB Tuosdiiy RoRalnod
H T.-nilltiii in rriivlhloni Rlntv nntl
B IMrnry of itoinii Tup liniiruvetiictit
m Oalllo Duinniiil About K < | tiU
B to tlio Supply
B CiutMno , Doc 18. fSiiocliil Toloijrara to
H O'iib Ur.B.I Tlio wlioat mnrhot hardened
M today ami the Ions sustiiliied ymtaritay was
H rccovoroil in tlio llrst hour Tlio tone ot the
H market ubsc < iuontly wai steady at u slight
M ulirinkngo ( rein tlio host prices , but the rally
M nhout 1 oVlock mmie a strong closing , May
P op ncd utSS c , ndvnnccd to , 82 ? k , sold oil
H to 82c , rallied to S2J i" 332 a c , rccodod 'o
B 6'J < @S2Vc , mid until nuurly the close clung
1 closely to b2.Vo nuil 8'2 c. Tlio close was
H U2 , ia ' (2S2Vc. ( Uoecuiber rnnecd lit 77J 3T7 a 'o
H nr.d closed at IUo January
1 opened at 7S | c , ranged at 77j > a
H < &uc ana closed nt 77 c. The volume of
Ht business was Just about up to tlio recent
B average Thcro wcro periods or activity ,
BhK notably just before the close , when It spurted
BVM a little The charactar of notva was goner
H ally bullish , bill not unanimously so Cables
H continue to rcllcct steady and improved for
BbM clgn markets , and tlio latest telegraph ad-
H vices from Kusslu tell of a sharp fulling off
BhV In shipmotits from that country , The north
Bh9 went movement continue * to drop off sharply ,
BhV and northwestern markets are _ nov rota-
H lively too high to admit of ' the stiiiiment of
BHBj wheat to the east The supply that Chicago
BhV has boon cutting from Mluneup-
BBBj oils nnd tlio trloutiiry country is
H accordingly drying up Minneapolis is do-
BbbJ cidedly lee high to permit the shipment of
whunt to Chicago Kcceipts at winter wlioat
points nro not quite coming up to oxoccta-
J tlons , but this may bo on account of bad
roads The whole westora and BOUthwost-
orn country is now a vast sua of mud Tbo
BbV rail morcliandlso trafllc keeps ui > astonish
BbV Ingly , however Locally , the situation is
not clinngod to any important dcgrco.Tho bear
] leaders show uo signs ot trepidation , though
j a good many of the followers took flight on
BBBj the udvanco and ran to cover this forenoon
BbV The boars worltcd too hard yesterday and
) left the murliot in ail oversold state It was
BBS easy for tlio bull traders to rush up their
BBBj side this morning on good cables , a , light
BbBj northwestern movement and export gossip
J The tone at the close scorned qulto strong
j nnd the bulls woroonco moro discussing the
Bbbj situation iu a hopeful vein
BBBj Tlioro was mora activity intho
BbBk corn pit tqday and conslacrublo irrogu-
BBBb Inriiv and tiorvousncss in the bear
BBBB deliveries , inoro especially In Decern-
BBBB bcr Tlio market favored the bears for
BbBB the llrst hour , but after that it wontdc-
BBBB cidedly In the other direction and December
V shorts bceanio ijulto anxious , advancing the
BbBI price upon themselves from 32'ifo to which
it had declined at llrst to 33 > < fc later Thcro
BbBb apacurcd to bo a number of small holders of
BbBI short contracts covering , Judging from the
BBBjI aizo of the lets which were being bought ,
BBBV Towards the close the price was helped up
BbBB still further nnd under heavy covering of
BbBI larger lines than nt lirst an oxcitcd advuuco
BbBj to oic " took plnco and the market stood ut the
BbBI close at tf-IJfe sellers The foreign markets
BbBJ were again quoted from llrm'to strong and a
BBBJ good demand for export was conllrmatory , of
BbBJ this , although the cloamnccs from
BbBJ Atlantic ports yesterday wcro rather
BbBJ uudor the recent average The
Bbbj demand for January corn was fairly active ,
BBBj and it was linn enough when December was
BBBj dull and weak near the opening , it started
J- --ntil ; c , declined to tile , advanced again , soil
M Ing up to aij e , and kept bctwooa 'Jl } a and
H 3\So \ for the remainder of tiio day , closing at
H Mtic May was firm but in active and closed
H at ia } c
H Oats were moro nctlvo than during the
B early days of the week , and May sold clilelly
H at 'H12&c , tocethor with ono operalor
H taking about SOO.WJO bushels at that range
1 .luumiry also received increased attention ,
H selling at 20ji@2UJ ! c , with December offered
j nt He discount Receipts were smaller aud
H | out-iiispectlon wat unimportant No 3 to go
H to store was snlcablo.ut 20 > < Tc , with trading
B ronlliicd to samples No 2 white oats for
H Alay delivery were offered at 24a <
B The provision trade is still slow In the
1 general maiket , a little moro interest was
H shown today , but thcro was plenty of room
H left for Improvement Trading dragged and
H the business transacted was much smaller
H than might bo expected at this season The
H feeling , however , was qulto strong , and
H prices ruled steady , fluctuations being con
B lined to a limited range Compared with
H yesterday the closings wcro unchanged for
m January lard and 2 ] o hlghor for
B May lard and January and May
BSl pork and short ribs The Dcccinoor
H product was held at about former
H prices For cash ilelivory lard sold at
B t.r.S5 < Ji .S7 and for January shipment at
J r.U0. Today's cash purchases mcludod 10-
pound green luwus at SJj 'c , lO-jiound green
J hams ut7J4@7 , clear pork at $11.50 and
J partly curou short ribs at $1.85. Speculation
J waB ugam conllncd almost wholly to January
J and May , with the last named month loading
J In now iransncllons , For May pork sold at
J (9.U7K@9-T0. lard at W.W ( ) C'4:1.05 : , short ribs
J nlft Jiicarlyandlalcratjl ' ; 'Jj@-l,07 } Pork
J for the same delivery closed at 'Jti7 > ,
H lard at $ ( ] U > and short ribs at $1. 'J5 ( < $4 'J7 i
H The January closing stood at J' , l.2X lor
B pork , fj.S7f3.0d for lard uml 1.72ji for
BBB short ribs .
H CniCAoo , Doc 13. [ Special Telegram to
H Tub IIke.1 Cattle The demand was about
1 cquul to the supply and prices rather on the
| upturn than otherwise , especially on light ,
H fully finished fat aud stylish and handy
B steers The demand seems to bo about over
H for big Christmas steers , and exporters
B seem sallsllcd with a lower grade of stock
BBV than they heretofore bought The steady
BBV Uccreaso in the run so far this wcok bad
H moro to do with keeping prices steady than
oiiythiug llko an Imprevomout in the do-
BBBB maud , as thcro was uo increase In that dl-
BKT rcctiou ; in fact , from now on until after the
J first week in January thcro is liable to bo a
BBJ limited demand fur bcof ( Jama and poultry
BBJ will commund the nttention of the con
BBJ Humcr for a weale or two Tlioro nro only
BBBJ twcut.V'Oiio louds of Texans on tbo market ,
BBBJ all of which sold at steady prices Native
BBBJ butchers stouk was Btcady to a
BBB shade stronger Stockers - and feed
BBBJ cr % wcro soarca with a slight
BBB upturn on host Choice to extra beeves
BBB sold at HM'i'i" ( medium \ to good steers ,
BBB ic ; > oto ir > oo lbs , m.ol'@i. ; 120010 iuo : lbs ,
BBB $ l.XI@'i.2u ( ; USU to 12U0 lbs , * 2.SJrt ; ! . 'J3 ;
BBB stockeis aud fenders , $2.20(33011 ( ; cows ,
J bulls uud mtxcd , l.U0@U.0O ; bulk , - } 2.10 ( < $ > .30.
BBW Texas steers , ? 2.25(32.75 ( ; cows , ? 1.50@J.0J.
BBB iloas lluslness was active aau prices
BBB steady to strong and about all sold , with tno
BBB market closing steady , l'uckcrs nald fl.tlO ®
BBB U.liS for good stock and (3.50(33.55 ( for odus
BBB and ends Shippers paid M.G3fe 3 70 and
BBB light sorts sold largely ut &I.U5 , a fovv ut
H 13 OiJ
H Mew YoitK Doc IS ISpoclal Telograiu to
H Tub Hue | Stocks The stock ' market
H opened dull and the conditions did not lm-
H prove Many traders will bo absent much
BBB of the tlmo till after the 2otb and the trade
H expects nothing better than a scalping mar
, ket Operations have dwindled to board
BBBH room busluoss and best bouses are still
H bullish , lioston houses are bacjt 'of Now
H Knglaud and Uulou Pacific , Inside talk is ot
H a renewal of a dividend lu Sugar and a ro-
H turn to 75 for trusts in the near future
H Tlioro are prospects of a sharp contest lu
H souiQ of the coal stocks Cammaok continues
BJBB to talk very bearish and to depress tbo mar
H hot Those who know that LuoKawanua has
! earned 17 per cent talk significantly about
Bl bringing aborts with u turn Bu Paul
H Bgaiu comes in for a big slaro
H ; of street gossip It u stated that
H | Armour has been buying at lower
figures and there is talk of n return of a
dividend on common stuck All influences ,
however , resulted In but little animation
The most yctlvo slocks early wcro St Paul ,
Union Pacific , Missouri Pacific Oregon
Short Una and Suirar Hcflncrlos first
prices generally were slightly lower than
lost , evenings closing figures and Jersey
Central was off J/ per cent The tone of
early dealings win llrm and Iheso opening
decline ? wcro recovered , w.lth . something in
addition , Missouri P.ieiflo r ese l { per cent
and Oregon Short Line , which opened up X
per cent at 5ii > , rose to ( ( ) . Hcflncr
los were nguin weak and declined
from 69 to 67 , scltlntf ox-divldonds
of UJi , ' per cent , with cash sales of ( X01. )
This decline seemed to have some Influence
upon stocks of the regular lUt , anil thousli
tlieio was a rally In Sugar , tbo
list nfterwnrd slowly sagged oft nnd prices
ncnin wore brought down below the level ot
the opening figures Ho fore noon Sucnr
trusts went off to 5. ' , with n rally to 50. Chicago
cage CSas dropped to 43. Heading touched
.1 ! ) and Lucknwannn lost nearly a point to
137/tf. / In western stocks St Paul went oft
to CD/ , Missouri Pacillo to OO and Union
Paciflo to (19. Tlio market was heavy at the
bottom prices ot midday , The stock market
was even mora depressed after 12 oclock
Oregon Short T.tno dropped back to 53. Now
England went down toMX , ' 'Ht closed ut
• I3JJ. Atchison dropped to 33jf , closing ut
SH } ( , Nearly nil western railroads stocks
touched lower prices Coal stocks continued
the weakest , I.ncKnwannD selling at 13i ( > f ,
closing nt mc ; , and Heading wont to 3SJf
and recovered to 39. Chicago Gas closed at
42f and Sugar at ! / . Money wns loaned
nt 8 per cent , 1 lie totul sales of slocks were
1S0.S95 shares
The following wore the closing quotations :
tl , 8.4s regular 128 Northern LticMa . : I3
U.S.lseoupons . . .K doproferrod * D ?
lT.B.4' ' .4sregular..imi i i M. W I10 > ;
VH l'i ( coupons , . 1C4" do preferred HIHt
I'adilt'lsot ' Mi llll Ny.Central..l07i
Central faelllo sp ; imuii , , , , 18
Ulilcaso.t.Vltoa . . .J3S Itocklsland ! 7 , ' 4 '
Chlraeo.llurllnston I ! . . M. Ic 8tl . . 9y
Atjulnov ] C6 ! > doproferrod..Ita
! > . . ! < . &W IWl 'i St-PaulAOmaha , . 3314
MWolsCnntrat 118 doproforrcrt f > 7
I. , II & \Vt o ; { tliilou IMetflo R
KnusBsitTexas . . . JO'X WSt U * 1 * 15
l.nkoSliore 107i doproforred ! WJI
Michigan Central . ' . ! < Western Union . . . 83
MlasoiuUaclllc , . . Oail
Moxn-r On cull , easy , ranging from 4 Co
S per cent
Phimb Mrhovntilb Paveh O per
StkuUng KxriuNOE Quiet but steady ;
Bixty-day bills , ? -t.8 < ljtf ; demand , H.SIJ .
v "
Milium sioolcs
Nr.w York , Djo 19. fSnoclal Telegram
toTan Umt.1 The following ara the min
ing stook quotations !
Caledonia II It..115 lllorn Stiver 1M )
Con Oil , VVs 4I Mexlrnn 20 ]
DeailwoodT HO North IJello tile..KM
it ; rlsto in Ontario UI50
Hale & Nor cross . . ' .HO |
Itoiid on'erinirs. .
\Vasuinoto.v , Dec 18. I Special Telegram
to Tun llni : . ] tlonds offcrod : $100,309 at
$1.27 ; $3,053 at * i.0l
Ciiicaoo Djo is il5 p. m. close
Wheat Higher ; December 77'/o bldjJan-
uarv77tfcbld ; May 621 ( 82X0 bid
Corn Higher ; 'liJCc asked for December ;
31s 'c January ; SoJ e May -
O.Us Steady ; December , 20 c bid ;
January , 20K20 ( ; o bidMay ; , SS/tfo.
Hye Steady
Uarloy Nominal
Prime Timothy * 1.20@1.22.
FJaxSeed Jl.ij'/ : ' .
Whisky $1.02.
Pork Firmer ; January , ? 3.27 } j March ,
J9.47M ; May 9.tl7 (39.70. (
Lard Weaker ; January , $5.S7-f@5.90 } ;
March , $3.03 ; May fO.05.
Short ribs Firmer ; January , $ I.72W ;
March , S4.S2-i ! bid ; May , 81.U7@1.07 > .
llutter and Kags Steady
Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat ,
$2O0i di.S5 ; spring wheat , S2.05@-l.90 ; rye ,
$2.50m2.S , ' > ; buckwheat , ? l.r < 0@2.H0 parewt
Provisions Shoulders , H.12 ( ; 54.25i short
clear sides , s. hOOQ UO
Uuttor Weak ; fancy creamery , 27j@28c ! ;
flno , lSiJiSlc
Uggs-Stoady ; 20fi)21c. )
Tallow Steady ; No 1 solid packed , iU ®
Hides Unchanged ; light grooa salted , 0a ;
dry culf,3@'iu ' ; deacons , each , 20c.
Uhecso Firm ; fuir local demand : full
cream ehcJdars and flats , 9 , ' @ 9 c ; Young
Americas , lO ' c.
Receipts Shlpmts
Flour 21,003 20,000
Wheat S7.003 10.000
Corn 303.003 273,000
Oats ; v 172,003 141,000
Now York , Dae IS Wheat Hecopts ,
85,030 ; exports , ; spot Armor ; No 2
red , 845 < < ? S. > lf"o In olovntor , 8t@S0 . ! .fo
afloat , S5 , ' 4@s7 I8 'c f , 0. b. ; ungraded rod , 77
@ 73ifc. Options dull but higher ; December
closing at SlJ c.
Corn--Ueccipts. 37,000 : exports , SO ; spot
steady ; No 2. 42K(342tfa ( ; in elevator , 43Jo
afloat ; ungraded nuxed , JA ) ® VAisoptions \ \
Btrongor ; December , Alia
Oats Hecelpts , OO.O0J : exports , ;
spot , firmer ; options , moderately active but
Armor ; December , 29o : spot No 2 white
31Hoi mlxod western , 2730c ; white west
ern 30@33o.
Cotleo Options steady at unchanged to
1 point down Sales : 40,750 bass ; Uecou.-
bor , $15.0i315.9D ; Mav , ? 15.y5@l0.20 ; spot
Uio , easy ; fair cargoes , StU.50.
Sugar Haw , dull and nominal ; relluod ,
quiet aud lower
Petroleum Steady ; Uuitod closed at
ll.O.Uf for January
Eggs Weak ; woitern , 23J3Xo. (
Pork Firm and quiet ; moss , inspoctcd ,
Lard More active but steady ; sales , west
ern steam , $0,200.25 , closing at $ . ) . 0.
Huttsr Weak ; Rlgin , 29o ; western -
orn dairy , 9@18c ; creamery , l 327o.
Cheese IVcak ; western , 8@10c
Mluneiipolif , Doc.18. Wheat Hecoipts ,
210 cars ; shipments , 3-Jcars ; good demand
for wheat by local millers ; market steady ,
Closing : No 1 hard December , 78o ; May ,
Rl'/e : on track , 7ii'80o ( ) ; No 1 northern
December , TG c ; Muy , M ) , J < o ; on track , 77 > f ( §
7Ho ; No 2 northern , December , 72o ; Muy ,
77 50 ; on track , 72@foc.
U.uisim Oav , Dec 18. Wheat Dull
and quiet ; No 2 red , nominal ; No 2 bard ,
December , OOo bid ; No 3 hard , cash , COo
bid.Corn Dull and nominal ; No 2 , cash nnd
Docoinber , 'Htfe bid
Oats Uucnaugod ; No , 3 , cash , lT'fo bid
St Iimilx Dee 18. Wneat illu'hor ;
cash , 7 ko ; May , 8J0 ,
Corn Lower ; cash 27c ; May , 29VQ
29 o.
Uats Quiet ; cash , 10 ; ; May22/o.
' Jerk Dull nt $10.0J.
iiuttor Unchanged ; creamery , 22@2c :
dairy , 16@2' . * c
Milwiukno , Dec 18. Wheat-Firm ;
ca9li No 2 spring , on track , 72@7Jo ; No I
northern , 7tJjfi\ )
Com Firm ; No 3on track , 29) ) 0.
Provisions ICasy ; pork , $ j.00.
liivRi'niiol , Dee , 18. Wheat Quiet but
steady ; holders offer moderately
Corn Firm , demand poor ; uew mlxod west
ern , 4s 2tfd per cental
tiivt ; Miuoic
Cliloico , Dee 18. The Drovers Journal
reports us follows :
Cattle Hoceipts , 11,003 ; market steady to
strong ; hooves , $2.S5Si5.25 ; stockora und
feeders $2.20(33.00 ( ; cows , bulls and mixes ,
$1.00 ( 3.00.
Hogs - Hecoipts , 27,000 ; market strong ;
mixed , 13.60 3.70 ; heavy , $3.50r ! 3.70 ; light ,
$3.45if3.75 ; skips , $3.00 ( .1.33.
Sheep Hecelpts , 7,000 ; market steady ;
natives , $3.0On0O0 ; ; western , corn fed ,
$4.50@5 40.
hiloux Olty , Dee , 18. Cattlo-Hecoipts ,
200 head ; shipments , 4G5 head ; market
steady und unchanged ; cuuuers , 75i' < a
f 1.20 : cows , $1.0uji 15 ; stockers and feed
.urs , $1.50 ( 2.00 ; veal calves , $ J.00@J.15.
Hogs Hecoipts , 5,300 ; market closed
steady and weak ; tight , $3.41@3.S0 : heavy ,
$3 45 52X5 mixed , $3.33 3.47i < f.
.NiiilniKil Kiout Yurdi , Hut St ,
Imui > , Dec 18 , Cattle Heeeipts , 1,100 ;
shiuroeiits , 1 market strong ; fair to fancy
nailvo stcors , $1.30 5.10 ; slocuert aud food
crs t2HX33.25.
Uog Hoceipts , 7,300 J ibipmcntt , }
market higher ; heavy , $1.W > @ 3.70 ; packing ,
$3.1303.00 ; light , $3,4003.55.
Knnnat City , Dec IS Oittlo Hoodpls ,
4,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ; ( teed cattle strong ,
others weak ; natives , $3.00 4.40 ; cows , $1.50
( cJ2..TO ; stockers and feeder * , I2.00 ( < ? 3.00.
Hogs Hoceipts , 18,000 ; shipments ,
market hlghor ; ovcrythlug , $ loU $ l.3.
omaiia mvu srooic
Cm tip
Wednesday , Doc 18.
The general trade In cattle was slow and
dull , still qulto a good many head changed
hands before the close The dressed beef
operators were indifferent nnd npparontly
careless whether they bought much or little
If a bunch of cattle wns dcsirablo nnd hap
pened to strike their fancy they would take
thom nt stendy prices When it canio to the
half fat und rough cattle it was hard work to
get even a bid The buyers did not appear
to want thom at nil , und when they would
mBko a bid it was only to offer lower prices
Soma contracted cattle were weighed up nt
f Ml ! , but the bulk of the beeves sold nt $3.00
( 3.55. There were moro stockers and feed
ers liorothau for the past few days , es
pecially lleht stockers , but the demand was
not especially heavy nnd the movement
slow The sates of native feeders were at
$2.40(32.00 ( , and the stockers at $2.03@2.23.
Some western feeders sold at $2.W5. Thcro
was n fair showlni ; of cow stuff In the yards
Anytblngdcslrablo ; sold nuito readily at about
the old1 prices The bulk of the oows
brought $1.80 ( 120.
lif > .
Tlio general trade In hogs was n shade to
fie higher , and the market was active nt the
advance The buyers evidently almod at
paying steady prices this morning , and the
early bids were largely nt $3.45 , a price that
bought halt ot all the hogs bore yesterday
Sellers , however , were bent on getting moro
mono.v for tholr holdings und they brought
tlio buyers to their tonus Very soon utter
the market opened S3.47K and $3.50 were the
popular bids , and at these prices the hogs
changed hands rapidly The demand for
hogs Is very good , the buyers apparently
wanting a good many to till orders uud there
is no danger of too many arriving Even
with today's ' run the demand was such as to
improve prices , and the offerings were picked
, up in short ordon -
SIioop ,
Tlioro were a few sheep hero and all were
Cattle 1,100
Hogs 0,000
Shcop 230
Prevailing Iriceij
The followinir is a tabloof prices paid lu
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned :
Christmas beeves $1.00 ( 0-10
Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 lbs . 3.90 Mt.GO
Good steers , 1250 to 1I3J lhs . . 3.00 (3)3.90 ( )
Good steers 103U to 13J0 lbs . . 3.0J © 3.80
Common 1000 to 1150 lb steers 2-75 02.9J
Western steers 2.40 @ 2.9U
Common cauners , 1.00 Ml.50
Ordinary to fair cows 1.50 ( i01 SO
Fair to good cows 1.80 ( $2,00
Good to choice cows 2.00 ( 2.50
Cholco to fancy cows 2.50 ( < j3.IO (
Fair to good bulls 1.50 @ 2.8
Light stockers and feeders , . . . 2.00 ( gii.OO
Feeders , 950 to 1100 lbs 2.20 @ 3.0J
Fair to cholco light bogs 3.59 M3.53
Fair to cholco heavy bogs 3.45 @ : l.52 }
Fair to choice mixed hogs 3.40 ( if3.50
llcprcscntntivc Sales
No Av Pr No A v. Pr
20 1103 $2 SO 11 1200 $3 25
20 1113 3 0(1 ( 23 1088 3 23
8 1054 2 00 9 1320 3 23
20 1002 2 03 40 1310 3 25
0 1075 3 00 19 1210 3 37 }
18 1355 3 00 IS 1203 3 40
20 1094 3 05 70 1270 1140
24 1113 3 10 19 117d 3 40
12 11S2 8 10 01 13'XJ 3 40
21 1221 3 10 18 1203.3 40
I ) 1075.3 10 21 1217 3 40
7. . . , . - . . .120' .l 3 10 39 12S3 3 55
10 1104 3 30 14 1390 3 75
19 12SO 3 23 6 1150 4 13
0 1307 3 25 38 1330 4 15
1 10B9 125 3 700 2 00
8 110(5 ( 100 2 1070 2 00
20 013 100 7 1200 2 10
5 103J 100 3 1073 2 10
23 U00 175 10 841 2 15
8 1110 1 S3 1 1100 2 15
20 097 ISO 19 034 2 20
14 1179 1 S5 " 0 043 2 20
1 1150 2 00 3 1323 2 25
10 1042 2 00 13 1123 2"4J
3 1110 2 00
51 701 240 42 079 2 75
31 807 2 4022 001 2 80
3 1140 2 50. 74 1230 2 85
0 000 2 05 20 1034 2 90
52 820 2 07i
1 8S0 150 1 1310 2 15
1 1000 190 2 1715 2 15
1 1010 2 00 1 1700 2 25
1. 1000 2 10
37 4S8 2 05 43 530 2 25
30 073 2 20 1 740 3 40
1 320 3 75 1 110 4 00
1 120 1 00
10 707 2 03
Owner and No Av Pr
15 feeders 1215 $2 53
12 feeders 1072 2 53
Ofeedors 1082 2 55
2 feeders 1373 2 53
22.canncra 857 123
No Av Sk Pr No , Av Sic Pr •
01..183 120 $3 40 03..277 320 * 3 47J4
57..331 200 3 45 CO.293 210 3 50
00..233 100 3 45- 00.,333 80 3 60
0..200 3 45 47. . . 303 ,200 3 50
53..217 100 3 45 70..244 100 3 50
50..307 400 3 45 71..211 120 , 3 50
05. . . .301 100 3 45 83,213 120 3 50
03..2.0 . 80 3 45 113.,313 120 3 50
00..2J9 120 3 45 03..317 100 3 50
O0..3J5 200 3 45 51.314 40 3 51
73..310 100 3 45 47..373 210 3 50
53..259 500 8 43 70 , , . . 197 30 3 50
50..310 8 45 03..274 120 3 59
51.298 80 3 47 } 00..240 200 3 50
44..323 210 3 47 } < 07..2JI 120 3 50
03..343 230 3 47 ! < f 40..303 3 50
09. . .293 COO 8 47 } | 59..203 80 3 50
53.,330 40 8 47 } < f 65..304 80 3 50
58..331 200 3 47 } 53..295 .3 50
55 , , . .821 120 3 47 } < 01..201 1 J 3 50
53..379 80 3 47tf 07..207 120 3 50
07..271 120 3 47tf } 57..317 80 8 50
83..187 120 3 47H 611. . . 2S8 200 8 50
54..310 300 3 47.K 57..351 200 3 50
63.277 80 3 47K 53. . . 303 320 3 50
0J . . Sill 3 47 ! 70..233 120 3 50
fill..295 120 3 47K 53..U20 80 8 50
65..241 40 8 47f 09. . . . .102 100 3 50
03..318 120 3 47K 08.,259 120 3 59
53..315 80 3 47J < 53..317 SO 3 50
57.,290 200 3 47.j } ; 117.207 350 3 50
57..250 40 3 47 } , ' 03 . . .277 120 8 50
40..303 200 3 47JUJ 60.318 120 8 50
53..323 , 440 3 47 tf 71. . . .277 240 3 50
50..272 80 3 47K- 71..255 120 8 50
68..814 520 3 47J < f 01. . . .203 8 60
51..238 40 3 47 ! < f 03.259 200 8 50
09..248 80 3 47K 03,325 300 8 50
02..3.19 SCO 3 4714 54 .278 120 3 60
61..318 80 3 47i 68..334 100 8 60
53..810 480 3 47 > f 53.233 80 3 50
69. . . ,200 240 3 47JJ 49.375 120 8 60
00..221 200 8 47 > f 44..353 8 60
70..355 100 3 47 > 05..190 40 3 60
51.311 120 .1 47 } 01. . . .305 230 3 50
81..104 SO 3 47J 77..22.1 200 8 50
61..235 240 3 47 i 67..343 200 8 50
73. . . 213 100 3 47 ! $ 67..35J 40 8 50
60..313 209 3 47 > i 53. . . ,313 8 62W
00..271 200 8 47i 53,343 120 8 631 $
37..323 120 8 47J $ 63..ISO 40 3 65
C3..310 100 3 47 ! $
40..105 2 85 23..140 3 25
207..143 200 3 20
a 111 ; El' .
llOnatives , 63 4 00
I.Jvo Stouk Notes ,
Common cattle lower
JHalrablo cattle steady ,
Hogs shade to 5s higher ,
A good many stockeis on sale
A meeting of the LiveStock Shippers as
sociation will bo held some tlmo next month ,
so says tbo secretary , John Wiggins of
Willi CJatie
On the market with cattle ; A. A.
Dorrt , Neoln ; J. Pnnioll , UtirT. { . McAllen ,
Herlln ; Mattorson Brothers Concord ) John
L. Pratt , Panntno , In , ; W. L. Henderson ,
Hlcovlllo , In , ; M Hutton , Silver ' City , la ;
Nebraska Farmers stock company , lMxton ;
William Smith , Hlumood ; J. Hogcrs , Syra
cuse ; J. H. Lownci , LlnenTns J , II Cloo
Hlnkomant T. C. Wild , ( Irnftun ; Alex
Wcllson Crete ; William Fogarty , Gretna ;
Oskampi II , , Clarks ; J. Ij Payni ; , Kmor-
nld ; B. G. Nelson , Tecumseh ; J , J. Ilarnls ,
Firth ; II F. Stllloy fc Colnpany , Tobias :
Gould & Hakor , Cednr Hnplds ; II H.
Northrop , Mm Creek : J. Ai Hobb , Lexing
ton ; Dennett & H. , Wnyno ) O. W. Pcrloy ,
Lluwood ; Hucklov & It , btronisburg ;
William Frnzio , Wlnsido ; E. , T. Naglo ,
Wanyej Han Frazler , Wnyno ,
With Hotts
On the market with hogs : J. Wig
gins , Columbus ; Ij W. ICcnton , Waterloo ;
O. M. Jacobs , Suporlor ; John Ward , Ulys
ses ; It , J. Morris , Western ; Woodhoad
brothers , Ong ; Mills St Hoberts , Kdgarf L.
Hoobcl fc Company , Hildrcth ; G , A , Mom
bcry , Nelson ; .1 , H. Heck & Company *
Petersburg ; W. W. llaker , Loretto ;
F. J Kieno , Albion ; L , Gurtln , New
man Grove ; Joe Urodham , Dodga ;
Guernsey & J. , AvoeajL W. AdnmsLoiran , ;
L. H. Shcpnnrd , West Point ; John Nellor ,
lleomor ; II L. Hnrris , Wisner ; Emory
Uros , Wisner ; N , W. & M. Company , Stan
ton : Kenyan Brothers , Hockvlllu ; ( J. Hudnt ,
Norfolk ; H , Lotnmor , Humphrey ; J.
Parnoll , Hurr ; O. Hollluuulst , Oak
land ; H. Dlaco , Konnnrd , Neb ;
Unthanlc Si S. , Arlington ; Swedcnburg E.
W. company , Swedenburg ! W. T. Hobb , Has
sett ; A. S. Warner , Alncsworth ; Davison &
MastloK , Alncsworth ; Sheppnrd Si U , ,
Crolghton ; T. S. Cnmboll , Ncola , bu ; Men
ngh & Company , Dcnison , la ; 11. llorguns ,
Dcnison , la ; C. Sprcechcr , Dcnison , lu ; C.
F. Huss , Dow City , la : 13. A. Pack
ard , Manilla , la , ; S. K. Acker , Pau-
mna , la ; J , M. Uarrott , Malvern , In )
Dawnloy & Pool , Aurora ; J. P. Taylor ,
Ashton ; S. Ciroy Hnvonna ; Tnylor & U , ,
Hrokcn How ; William Walsh , Mornn ;
Isaac Doardori , IMcrnu ; Titus & L. , Litch-
field ; J. L. Mitchell , Hcndloy ; O. A. U.
association , Cambridge ; James Miller Ax-
tell ; J. Jcrgeiiscn , Mindcu ; H. Gund
& Company , Ayr ; D. Jackman ,
Wallace ; J. Gcobon , Gretna ; Fuller ,
Sz Good , Cowles ; N. It , Hcdlon , Nonh
Loup ; E. P. Muxon , Wood Hiver ; A. W.
Olllngor , Kearney ; Ed Landcas'er , Holmes
vlllo ; John lCnvanaugh , Shclton ; Uuckloy &
It , Stromsburf
With Sheep
On the market with shcop : C. W.
Luintn , Henderson
Crnccrlon , Produce Frtiltn , Ktc
Egos Strictly fresh , 21(3230 ( ; coldstorngo ,
18c.HiiiEs , Pelts , Tai.t.ow , Etc Green salted
hides , 4 > " 4c : No 2 , G. S. hides , 3 > fu ; dry flint
hides , 5i7c ( ; calf hides , 444Jo ( ; damaged
hides , 2o less ; sheen pelts , grooa , each , 23o@
$1.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per lb , 7@l3)fc ) : tal
low , No 1 , 4c : No , 2. :5@3) : c ; grease , whlto ,
4@4.c ! ; yellow , 2K3o.
Uijttkii Creamery , fancv , 2ljt25aj : ( choice ,
20 210. Dairy , fancy , 15@17o ; choice , 14@
15c Country , fancy , 14J15c ( ; good to choice ,
12i$13o ( ; ' fair , 10. < § llo ; Inferior , fi ( 9c
Picki.m Medium , per bbl , $5.00 ; small ,
$0.00 : gherkins , $7.00 ; G & U chow chow ,
qts , $5.85 ; pts , $3.33.
Potatoes 25j ( 30d for choice
Onions lOBOOc .
S\uih ICiiaut UbK $4.75 : h'f bbls3.85. .
Suoahs Cut loaf , Oc ; cut loaf , cubes , 8J o ;
standard , powdered , SwoiXXXX , powdered ,
9c ; granulated , standard , - 7 ? o ; confectioners
tioners' A. 7'4'c ; white extra C , 0'Jc ' ; extra
C Neb , 0Yo : amber , Gfc ( ; California golden
C , O c.
Biiei ? Tonoi'b ? Salt , bbls , $20.00.
Hav ? 5.00@0.00.
CnoiFcr.n $12.00.
Hn in-$10.00.
Cons lOo
Oats 17c.
Veal Choice , modlum sizt' , | ,5@'lc ; choice
heavy 3W4a (
Lye--S1.75@1.50 per case . •
Live Piukons Per doz , $ L60.
Gamu Pralrio chlokons , $1.00 ; mallard
ducks , $3.00@3.50 ; mixoi ducks , 51.50@3.00 ;
teal $1.25@l,50acksuipd ; ] , $1.00@1.23 ; quail ,
$1.23(31.73 ( ; Jaclr rabbits , $1.00 ( 4.50 ; Bmull
rabbits , $1.00@1.20 ; s < iulrrels , $1.0J@1.10 ,
plover , 73c(3$1.00 ( : venison-saddles , lli ( < ; i3o ;
carcasses , 0(5 ? 10c.
Lemons Fancy , $5.50@7.50 ; choice , $3.50@
C 1:1.1:11 : Y Per doz , 30c.
CAi.iroiiNiA Gkait.s $2.00.
Stlsom ? @ 4 > $ c per lb
STAncii 4 % ( ! oc per lb
Stove Polish $2.0U@5.87 per gross
IJkooms 1 tie , $2.00 ; 3 tie , $2,30 ; stable ,
$3.80 ; common , $ l.5t1.75. )
Laud Tierces Heliucd 55/04 I'uro leaf ,
CJc ; kettle rendered , 7c. Add ] 4a to J o for
smaller quantities
Fahinaceocs Goons Uarlo.v , 3@3Jifc ; fa
rina , 4XC > peas , 3c : oatmeal , 2$3o ( ; mac
aroni , lie ; vermicelli , lie ; nco , 3 > @ 3c ;
saso nsd tapioca , G@7c ; Lima beans , 2 c.
CoFi'r.E Hoastcd Arbueklo's Arioso ,
21y < o : McLaughlin's XXXX.215iTo : German
2l'ijo ' ; Dilworth , 24 > fc ; Alarouia , 2455c
Corri' .H Grccu Fancy old golden Rio ,
21c ; fancy old peabcrry , 23 > $ o ; Rio , choicoto
fancy , 2"c ; Rio , prime , 21c ; Hio , good , 19c ;
Mooha 29o ; Java ; fancy Mandenllng , 27c :
Java , good interior , 24c ; African , 20c.
Canneii F1311 Hrook trout , 3 lb , $2.40 ; sal
mon trout , 2 lb , $3.35 ; clums , 1 lb , $1.35 ;
clams , 3 Dj , $2.00 ; clam chowder , 3 1I , $1.23 ;
dovilnd crabs , 1 lb , $3.35 ; dovllnd crabs , 2 lb ,
$3 50 ; codlish balls , 2 lb , $1.75 ; caviar , U 1I > ,
$2.23 ; cols , 1 lb $3 10 ; lobsters , , 1 15 , ll.OO ;
lobsters , 3 lb , $3.93 : lobsters , deviled , % lb ,
$2.25 ; mackerel I lb $1.75 ; inackorel must
ard sauce , 3 lb , $ i.0J ; mackerel tomato
sauce , 3 lb , $2.00 : oysters , I lb , $1.00 ; oysters ,
3 lb , $1.80 ; salmon , C. II , 1 lb , $1.J0 ! ; salmon , -
C. It , 2 lb , $3.80 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 lb , $1.05 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 lb , I2.G5 ; shrimps , 1 lb ,
Diiied Fiiuit Currants , now Cc ; prunes ,
casks 1300 lbs , 4 , 4'e ; prunes , bids or bags ,
4Jo ; citron pool , drums , 20 lbs , 2io ; lemon
peel , drums , 20 lbs , 20c ; fard dates , boxes 12
lbs , Oo ; apricots , choice ovuporated , 14u ;
apricots , Jelly , cured 23 lb boxes , 15o ; apri
cots , fancy , Mount Hamilton , 23 lb boxes ,
10c : apricots , choice , bags , 80 lbs , I4 } c ;
apples , ovuporated , Aldan , 50 lb boxes , 0Jo ;
apples , star , SJ c ; apples , fancy , Alden , 51b ,
10c ; apples , fancy , Aldcn , 2 lb , 10'o ; Salt
Lake , \\\ic\ \ \ \ blackberries , evaporated , 50 lb
boxes , 5)(3llKc ( ; cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
14c ; pears , California fancy , Lf > boxes , 251b ,
12c ; peaches , Cul No 1 , fancy , } $ suupbags ,
SOlus , 15o-necturlnos ; , red , 14c ; nectarines ,
sliver boxes , 15c ; pitted plums , Cal 23 lbs ,
boxes , % raspberries \ , ovap N , Y , now ,
25J 0 ; prunes , Cal , H C , 90-100 boxes , 25 Ids ,
0Jo ; prunes , Cul , H C , 00-70,0c ; orange peel ,
15c ; raisins , California Londous , crop 1839 ,
$2.25 ; raisins , Cal , loose muscatels , crop 1869 ,
$2.10 : Galcnclas 1883. SKc : Valouclas , old ,
7c ; Cul , socdicss ska , 7'ic.
Cakneo Mbats Corned beef , 1 lb square
cans , $1.20 ; corned beef , 2 lb square cans ,
$2.05 ; corned beef , 0 lb square cans , $0.50 ;
corned beef 14 lb square cans , $14.00. Lunch
tongues , 1 lb round cans , $3 00 ; lunch
tongues , 2 lb round cans , # 1,75. Drawn , 1 lb
square cans , $1.20 ; brawn , -2 lb square cans ,
$3.00 ; brawn , 0 lb square cans , $0.50 ; brawn ,
11 lb square cam , $14.00. Ox tor.guos , 1J $ lb
round cans , $5.U0 , ox 'tdnguos , 3 lb round
cans , $0.00 ; ox tongues , 2 lb round cans ,
$7,00oxtongues,31brounU ; uans$3.00. Chipped
bcof , 1 lb round cans , $2.00 ; chipped beuf , 2
lb round cans , $1.00. Uoa | beef , 1 lb round
cans , $1.20 ; roast bcof , 2b , | round cans , $2.00.
Potted ham , } f lb round , cans , 05o ; potted
ham , } $ lb round cans , $1.20. Deviled ham ,
} i lb round cans , 05 < s ; deviled ham , } $ lb
round cans , $1.20. Potted ox tongue , Jf lb
round cans , (15o ; pottodirox tongue , K lb
round cans , $1.20. CQinpressoa hum , 1 lb
square cans , $1.75 ; compressed ham , 3 lb
bquaro cans , $2.75. Tripe , 3 lb round cans ,
$1.60. Minced collops , 3 lb round cans , $3.20.
Uoncless pigs feet , 2 lb' snuaio cans , $2.25.
Ono pouud cans ara packed two dozen und
four down to ( he case Two pound cans ara
packed ono do/en and two dozen to case
Half pound cans packed two dozen to case ,
Quarter pound cans packed four dozen to
case All nrlccs per dozen , net
Nuts Almonds , il5210o , Hrazlls , 12Jo :
filberts , 13J o ; pecans , no ; walnuts 12JaUj
peanut cocks , so ; roasted , lie ; Tenuesee
peanuts , 7c
MAU3AOE Hologna , i ( < Ho } ; Frankfort 7c ;
tongue , Bo ; summer , 18o ; headcheese , Oo ,
PoLl.Tiirhickciis , per doz , llvo hens ,
$3.25 ; spring , $2.50@3.75 ; dressed , per lb , 5@
8o ; turkeys , live , SftrlOc ; dressed 8@10o ;
ducks , live , per doz , $2.50(33.00 ( ; drcssod , jier
lb , 0@llo ; gees o , live , per doz , $ ;
dressed , , S' ! 9c.
An-LEj-Per bbl , common , $2.00@2.25 ;
choice < i.50(34.00. (
Mincb Meat 20 lb cans , Vte
Honey 15o per lb for choice
PitE8EivEs 9X@10o per lb
Jeli.ies-4@4c ! per lb
Ueeswax No 1 , ltkSiOc
PBOVI9IOXS- Hams , No 1 , 10-lb uvorago , -
10o ; ZOwaJlbn , > < o ; 13 to 14 lbs , 10 , 'icj
shontdors , 5Jcbroakfn ; t baconNo 1 , So ;
hnm snusago , SKc ? dried boot hams , 7lfc ;
hoof tongues $0.00 per dozen ; dry salt meats ,
6) ) { < jtr.Jfcp ; < ! r lb ; ham roulette , 6j < cj add leper
per lb for small lota
Mr.M Pohk Per bbl , $10.50.
Hasanas Aecordlng to alro , per bunch
$2.003.0i ) .
HUTTKiusn Tub 13c ; rolls , lie
CorcHXUTS Per UK ) , $3.00.
Ari'LB llltTTER5 , iC
ClKElt-Hbls , $5.60 ; hf.bbls , $1.00.
MATLt : SmtAit 13 , ' 4 ( < tl5o per lb
Uanhy O. ' .idiv o per lb
CnocoLATR ami Cocoa 2l@.17c per lb ;
German chlckor.V , rod , 8c.
Pins Feet PicHlcd , kits , 73c ; spiced pigs
tongues , kits , $2.33 ; pickled tripe , kits 05c ;
pickled II C tripe , kits , S3c ; spiced pigs
hocks , kits , $1.15.
Spices Whole , per lb Alsplce , Po ; Cns
sla , China , Oc ; cloves , Pennng , 2SC ; nutmegs ,
Nn 1 , 75c ; popper , lsgl0c. (
GlNomi Jamnlea , if pints , $3.00 per doz
Cheese Young Americas fuUcrcam , 12W0 ;
factory twins , ll(312Ko ( : off grades , 7(380 ;
Van Hosscn Edom , $11.50 per doz , ; sap sago ,
23c ; brick , I2Vc ! ; llmburger , lie ; domestic
Swiss , 13@14l\
CliANnEUilir.s Capo Cod , $9.00 10.00.
OnANOES Florida , per box , $3.0lV5,00. ) (
Huckwiieat Flouh Per bbl $5 500.00.
Wool Fine , average , 22@23o ; medium ,
average , 2l@22c ; quarter blood , average , 20
@ 21c ; coarBo , average , 15(3il7c ( ; cotts and
rough , average , Mili ( > e.
Funs Hoavcr , per lb , $2.50@4.OO ; otter ,
each , $3.00@7.00 ; wolf , each , 50c ( < tl , ' l5 ;
coon , each , 25@75o : mink , each , lfi ( ' < 00ej
muskrnt , fall , 5@0o ; skunk , rat , 25C > 00c ;
badger , rat , 25j)80c ( ! ) ; deer skins , fall , per lb ,
18f't27o ; winter , 13'(22c.
lJEANs Choice hand-ptckod navy , $1,753
1.S0 ; cholco handpicked medium , $1.05(1 ( $
1.70choice ; handpicked country , $1 50U1.05 ( ;
clean country , $ l.50@1.00 ; Inferior country ,
Wiuim'ino Pait.h Straw , per 15 , 1W@
2) 0 ; rag , 2 } < fo ; manllla , H , oyiWc ; No
1 , 7c.
Uaos Untou Squnro , 35 uor cent off list
Salt Dairy 2S0 lbs iu bbl , bulk , $2.10 ;
best grade , 00 , 5s , $2.30 ; best grade , 100 , 3s ,
$2.40 ; best crude , 23 , 10s , $2.20 ; rock snlt ,
crushed , SI.SO ; dairy salt , Ashton , 5(5-lb (
bags , 85c ; hulk,221-lb bags , $3.25 ; common ,
in bbls , $1.25.
Fi.oun State , $1.00@5 00 ; fancy , $5.00 ®
Fisii Dried codlish , 4)8c ) ; sealed her
ring , 2lo per box : hoi herring , dom , 53c ;
Hamburg , spiced herring , $1.50 ; hoi horrlng
imp , 80c ; mackerel , No 1 shore $11.50 ;
fancy mess , $13.50 per 100 lbs ; whlto llsh
No 1 , $7.00 ; family , $2.73 ; trout , $3.25 : sal
mon , $3.50 ; anchovies , 85o.
On.s-Korosetie P. W. 9Kc ; W. W.Uc ! ;
headlight , 12 ; gasoline , 74o , 12c ; lard , No 1 ,
44c ; No 2 , 40c ; salad oil , $1.23i9.00 ( per
Soaps Castile , mottled , per pound , S@10o ;
castllc white , per pound , 13 ( < i'15e. '
Ilruss and Cliniiiicnln
Amu Sulphuric per pound , 2tfe ; citric ,
per pound , 51c ; oxalic , per pound , 14c ; tar
taric powdered , per pouud , 42c ; carbolic , 37
@ 44c. per pound , 2Jfc.
Asimonia Carbonate , per pound , lie
AimownooT Per pound , 10c.
Dallam Copaiba , per pound , 03c ; tolu , 52
@ 55c.
HoitAX Reflncd , per pound , lOo
Hlue Vitmiol 8c.
Cawiiou 12c.
Cueam Tartmi 31o.
CUTILE Fish 27c.
Gl.YCEltlNB 21c.
Hor3-i7c. :
Insect Powdeh 13c.
Molll'HINK $2.85.
Opium $3.(10 ( ,
Quinine 17c. • . '
Hock Salts 27c.
- - . .
Sai-i-hon Am 33c.
SArruoN Span $1.07.
Salti'i.tue 8c.
SULPllUH Floweii 4c
Soija , Hi-Caud. ic ?
' Silveu-Nithate $1.28.
White Wax 52c.
Yellow Wax 32c.
Linseed Oil 00c.
Linseed Raw , 57c
Castoii Oil No 1 , $1.24.
Srr.HH Oil $1.10.
Tuupentinb 53a
NcA-rsrooT Oil No 1 , 57 .
Twines und Hope
HiNUKi.s' ' Twine Sisal , 13c : Hf & Hf „
14c ; mauilln 15c.
Clotheslines Cotton , 50 ft , $1.20 ; cotton ,
60 ft , $1.40 ; jute , 50 ft , 09c ; Jute 00 ft , $1.00.
Cotton Twine Fine , 20c ; medium , 10c ;
heavy hemp , 14o- : light hemp , 17c.
Sail Twine 11 , sail , 20c ; Calcutta , 14o ;
mnuilla rope , 14c ; sisal rope , HKu ; new
process , 8)io ) ; Jute , 0 } c : cotton , 10c ; liido
rope , 17c.
Lumbar null Building Materia' .
Stock Boaiids A , 12 inch , s 1 s , 14 and 10
foot , $45.00 ; 1 $ , 12 inch , s 1 8 , 12 , 14 and 10
font , $41.00 : C , 12 inch , si s , 12 14 and lflfcet ,
$30.00 ; D , 12 inch , s 1 " s , 12 , 14 und 10 foot
$28.00 ; No 1 com 12 in , sis , 12 foot , $18.00 ;
No 2 com 12 in , s 1 s , 14 aud 10 feet , $17..VJM (
18.50 ; No 1 com 12 in , s 1 s , 10 18 and 20
feet , $18.50 ; No 2 com 12 in , s I s , 14 and 10
feet , $17,00.
Porun HtjMHEK Clear poplar box bils , li
in , a 2 s , $35.00 ; clear poplar , % pahol , $30.00 ;
clear poplar , % 111 panel , $23.00 ; clear poplar ,
} $ in panel stocic wide , s 2 s , $23.00 ; clear
poplar corrugated ceiling , J , ? 29.00.
Posts Whlto cedar , 0 In halves , l2cwhito
codur , 5H in halves and 8 in quarters , llo ;
white cedar , 4 lu round , lCu ; Tennessee rod
coaar split , 10c ; split oak , whlto , So ; sawed
oak , 18c *
Ship Lvr No 1 plain , 8 nud IS In , $17.50 ;
No 2 plain , 8 and 10 in , $15.50 ; No 1 , O G ,
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4..15 00 1500 15 00 1000 1000 18 00 18 00
2x0..15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 18 00
2x8. . .15 00 1500 15 00 10 00 10 00 13 00 18 00
2x10..15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 1800
2x12..1500 1500 15 00 1000 10 00 18 00 18 IK )
4x13x8.10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 19 00 19 00
Fencinii Nol , 4 and 0 In , 12 nnd 11 ft ,
rough , $10.00@ 10.50-No. ; 1,4 nnd Oln , 10 ft ,
$17,00 17.50 ; No 2 , 4 andd in , 13 aud 10 ft ,
$ $13,50@I4.U0j- . 2 , 4 aud 0 in , 10 ft , $15.00
(310.0U. (
FiNisiusn 1st and 2d clear , ljf llcn' , s 2 s.
$49.00051.00 ; 1st iind 2d clour , 1 % and 2 inch ,
8 3 8. $17.00 50.00 ; 3dcloar , 14 ! inch , s 3 s ,
$43.00(340.0(1 ( ( ; H select lj.f , IK nnd 2 inch , s
2 s. $37,00(338.00 ( ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 Inch , s 2
s , $15.00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $30.00 ; A se
lect , 1 inch , s 2 s , $31.00 ; B select , 1 Inch , s 3
s , $30.00
Battens , Well Tujiivo , Pickets O. G.
Butts , 2) ) $ inch , OOo ; O , G. Halts , 2K03 , ss ,
35a ; 3-iu well tubing , D. & M , und bov ,
$22.00 ; pickets , D. & II , tint , $ J0.00 ; pickets ,
D. & H. , square , $19.00.
Floouino 1st com 0-inch whlto plno ,
$3100 ; 2d com 0 in white plno , $31.00 ; 3d
com 0-in white plno , $20.00 ; D com 0-in whlto
plno , $20.00 ; com 4 una B-ln yellow plno ,
$15.00 ; Star 4-in yellow plno , $17.00 ; 1st and
2d clenr ynllow plno , 4 nnd 0-in , $10.00.
Suinolbs Per M Xa clear , $3.20 ; extra
* A * . $2.80 ; standurd A , HA0 ; 5Lluch clear ,
$ l.O0@l,7O ; 0 inch clear , $1.73@1.S0 ; No 1 ,
$1.10 ( < $ l. 15 ; clear red cedar , mixed width * ,
from Washington-territory , $3.40 ; California
red wood , dimension widths , $1.50 ; cypress ,
clear beiirt , dimension widths , $3.25 ; laths ,
liOAiuis No I com , sis , 12,14 and 10 ft ,
$18.00 ; No 3 , do , $15.09 ; No 3 , do , $14.00 ;
No 4 , do , ( shins cull ) , $11.00. Add 50a per
Mjt for rough ,
Ceili.mi and Pahtition 1st com Jf-ln
white piuo partition , $32.00 ; 2d com Ji-111
white plno partition , $27 00 ; clear % -ln yellow
plno ceiling , $20.00 ; cleur * < flu Norway ,
$18.50 : 2d com j'h'in ' Norwuy , $13.50.
IjlME Uost , 80c.
Cement -$1.25.
Plasteh $3.20.
Building Biiicic Common , $ iJ00@7.60 par
M ; solcctcd , $7.50@9.00 perM ; sewer brieir ,
$9.00@10,00 per M.
Sasu CO per cent discount
Dooks , Hi.iniis and Moui.ntNds 50 and
10 pur cent off ,
TAuneu Felt $2.00 per cwt
Sriuw Boaiiu $1,40 per cwt
An Iiuu-onsc Ovnr tlio Corresponding
Period lmnt Year
Cincinnati , O. , Dec 18. fSpodal Telegram
gram to Tun Bee.1 The Price Current to
morrow will Bay : The weeks packing nt
thirty-eight western points has been 425,000
hogs , about tlio same number as the preced
ing wertc and only 25,000 in excess of the cor
responding period lust year , These places
rcpreiuut a total ot 2,035,000 bogs since No
vember 1 , against 2,215,000 a year ago , an iu-
crenso of 420,000. From all other packing
points In tbo western states there Is a total
for nil the points this season of 2S3.\O00 ,
ngalnst 2,473,000 last year and rutO.OOO two
year * ago The undermentioned places com
pare as follows 1
IUro - j i5 . _ | litsv
* * " "
ciiTcniro eaywi
Kansas City . . . i < S,0tf ) 342,010
Omaha < , HSVii ( ) mM
ft.touts I UHU l' .UOK )
IndlnnanolU lr : < , n. 122,10)
Cincinnati IM.IHJ ini.OW
MIlwauRee 13 , i\J ) WUkX )
Sioux City 1I.VKK ) 10I.9O )
Cedar Itapids Kfl.OM KVnno
Cleveland IS.O.O : ri.OX )
Louisville V , lTO 10\U )
Ottutnwa 4 .l i0 43(101 (
Keokuk in.OiM I9.i 0
Nebraska City 2lM n 40,0nl
' ' . ' .
SUJo'eph .VKH ) S\OM
Allothcrs 4TO.000 4 'U.OOO
Nervous dcbllltj' , poor memory , dlftldcnco ,
sexual wealincss.pimplcs.curcd by Dr Miles
Nervine Samples free at Ktihn tc Co 's ,
16th nnd Douglas
Provisions s Stocks
Dasemsnt First National Bank
305 South lillh Street , - Onmlta ;
CaplUtl , - $ -.00,000
Surplus , - 40,000
omcorsaml nirajtor K. M. Morseman , U
M , HltrlicocK , los , ORrneauJr , A , lldnry IJ
AI Anderson , Wm ( . Maul , v tires , ; li II Will
Rims A. r. Hopkins , pros ; A. Millard , cnsnler ;
I' ' . 1) , ilrynut , aislstunt cashier
Capital $100,000
SurplusTun 1st , 1880 52,000
IlKSitr W. Vatkp , President
Jiwis S. Hkuii , Vlco President
A. II Toiizat.i.v ,
W. V. AfOHSR ,
John s. Coi.mss ,
it C. ( JlflllN < ) ,
J. N. II 1'ATllICK ,
W. II S. IIUinr ( = , raihlor
Cor 12lliivml FntnamSts ,
A General flanking lluslness Transacted
liOiidoii , ICu ' aiiil
Amsterdam , IIoIIiumI ,
Tran srt a general banklnu bti5tiic . Securities
bought anil sot l uu coiihiiIhsIoii , 1'orclgn cxctianec.i
Commorclnl nnd truvolcr'sloltjr'i of credit
Orders forbomli nnd sto ki executed on comm
Bloni In I.ondonuml on nil Coutlneiitnl lloiusos 0
NeKOtalatlon of Itallnnr , Stole , City and Corpor
RtlOU 1/OIUH n BI > CCl.1II7
IB n t ) ( , SSUED BV STATES ,
Deal In Oov't r.uml TVnrr n < > nml Scrip
ncccho AccntiiiUnmlKxtcmt all tlio l'acilltlcs o ;
a Uencral llunklnir Jlii lne n.
Correspondence Solicited
5. A. KEANS CO , Barkers
BootB and Shoos
euccensors to Heed , Jones , t Co
Wholesale Manufacturers orBDoH&Skoes
Aeents Sir Untton llubber Klioo Co , 1KB. 1101 und 110J
llarnoY street , Omalm , Nebui9k .
B _ royvors _ i _
sronz jTiucn ,
Lager Beer Brewers
1M1 Norlh Klglitcontti Street , Oiuauii , Xebmtks
Manufacturers ofGalvanizeilwn Cornice
\Ylndowcapi nnd m tuinoHLyllphtii John Kiienetcr ,
proprlttor , lew and luaoutu luth meet
steam Flttlng JPuiTipa Eto
CIAltK krHAM ; / .U7iVtf CO ,
Pumps , Pipes and Eugines ,
Steam , valer , rullwur nnd mining eupplles , etc
UM.USand ( til Varnaiu llrufl , Ouialia .
Steam and Water Snralies ,
llnllli'ar ' wnl ; rail li , g find IfJO Jonui it.Ouiaba ,
U , V. llo , Acting tlatmiier j
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery
ttngt-lron work , steam pnmpt , atr m' lli Ul'iVlli
Learentrortb alreel , Ouialia ,
Iron Worka
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work
Ea lnu"lrnn work , general foundry , mnihine nnd
blacktiulth nurk ( mien and wurka U. 1" , lly
and IHb itiaet , Uraabn ,
omaua wmii aTuon womrs ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
He it rallf , window nuard ) , Ituwer ttandt , wlro mint
• to 1JJ North It'tli ' street , Oiuabn ,
omaua Tape & ihon women ,
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vault . Jail work , Iron almttcri und fin cscapji
6. Andiaen , prop r. Cor , lltli and Ja kiou tit ,
' jSaph , Deere , Eto '
,1A. . DlSlSllOWJ ; CO , ,
Wholesale manufacturers ot
Sa'li , Doors , Blinds and Monlfllngs
Urancb oBlcj , U\b end ItardilreeHiOaiabaWeb
Of South Ornate Limited ; •
ABrlotilturnl ImplomontR H
Agricnlt'l ' Implements Wagons , Carriages H
nugmea , etc Wholesale Omalia , Ncti.isaiu |
' '
Mannra-ttireraiKt.tohtiPMln H
Wagons , Buggies , Mm , Plows , Eta H
Cur.Sth andlaclllojtieitsOmatia H
Artlata' MntorinlB H
A.llOSI'E , Jr , H
Artists ' Materials , Pianos and Organs H
IM3 l ) uinl ' tiietlnialn , Nebmsli H
OootB jincl Shooa H
II * . V. MOliSK ACO. . , H
Jobosrs of Boots and Shoe ; . H
101.11KUlU IMiitlm atroet , cimnlin Maniiractons H
.Sunmmr street , isoMun H
° ? ' ° eke , Eto H
Miners aud Shippers of Coal and Coke * .
llooni il U. S. Xallonal llnna llulMIng , Omaha , H
Jolihers of Hard and Soft Coal
aw Scmlhl3th streetOmaha XcUrasVa H
Shippers of Coal and Coke
811 goutli lf.tli . itreet.Omaha , Nebraska H
CommlBBlon nntTstqroBo H
1UDDELL A hibDEU , , H
Storage and Ciinnsion ] ! ; Merchants M
Specialties llutter resc , rheese ptmUrr , cini , H
' lIHIIoria ClaliCFl.Oiiialia , Nfli . ' H
lKJ ? . r ? ' . " ' " |
EEAN , ARMM'ttOXa a c5' H
Wholesale Cigars , H
( OSKorth Cth StreetOmalm.Nol ) . ' • Hello H3 , ' |
Dry Cootlo nntl NotlonoT H
M. E. SMITH A CO , j H
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions H
1103and 1101 Doiulas , cor lltli atri'iil , Omaha , Neb H
IFuAAuuclcicTicinmrQooDsco , H
Importers & Jokers in Dit Good ; , Notions
Gents Furnishing ( loots , t'urnjr llth mid Uirnoy H
atretit Ouiaha , Nubniikn H
1 a H
Furniture M
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , H
Karnam street , Omaha , Nehrnsca H
Furniture H
Omaha , NobnnWn |
Crocerlos B
MoCORD , "ilHAiYACo7 ' H
Wholesale Grocers , H
13th and I.oavcuwcrth rtr.ets , Oaiaha , Nebraska M
• H
Hardware H
irr nnoA'ivH , H
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel
Eprinita , yeAgnz sLock , liar.iwiiro , lumber , etu 1209 |
1211 Harney atreatOiualia . H
Builders ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop H
Mechanics Tools and HulTala Senlca 1105 Douglal H
ttreet , Omaha , Nib H
Lu rribor , , Etp M
Wholesale Lumher , Etc
l'onland . * * H
Imported and Amerlran Cement Stats
ascnt for Milwaukee llydriullc Cement H
and Qulr.ey White Ilmo H
Dealer in Hardwocd Lnniher '
Wood carpets and parquet ttonrliiir Uth and 1) Jtiglaa ' |
street , Omaha , Nebraska , H
All Kinds of Building Material at WholesaleH
IStli street nnd Union Tacltle track , Omaha H
Dealer in Lmiitcr , Lath , Lime , Sash • H
Ooors , etc Yards Corner Vtli nhd Douai Ofllot |
Corner 10th and Douglas H
FRED IK 011 AY , i H
Lunto , Lime , Cement , Etc , Etc * H
Corner Hh nnd lloUKlas stieet , Omaha JsHIH
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumher H
IStli and California streets , O.naha , Xobiaska . H
Nillllnory and Motlona " 1
Importers & Johhers in Millinery & Notions
a , 210 and 3 Pouth lltli street J t
" " wotlons H
Wholesale Notions and Fnrnishiug Goods
1131 llurnoy street Omnha > H
Oll8r - . , - „ , > |
Wholesale Rchned and Luhricating Oils
Alio Graaso , etc Omaha AH lllshop , .Miinacer , ' !
v . I ' sibbbbb
Papon . _ . ' H
Wholesale Paper Dealers
Carry a nlco slock nf pr'n'ln * , wiapidnK and writing H
paper , t-peclal nttention Iven to card paper M
Snfea _ to ; „ -www _ _ ; a La
A. L. DEANE A CO . ' M
( Jcncrul Agents ( or . H
Halls ' Safes ,
821 anil 3aj South lOtli St , Omatin ' . : H
1 , - ' = = > bIbbbbI
Toys Dolls , Alhuins , Fancy Qoolji , ;
House Furnlshlnu ( leeds , Children's Catrlancs 1201 ' t > H
larnaiusticel , Omaha Neb v a H
= =
OFT&tt 11 1
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul Ry '
'Ibe licst Kouto from Oiimha nml Council < 11H
ItlufTs to !
- = = THE EAST E-
AN1 > COU.NC11. IILUffH faH
Chlcnio , AND Mllwnnkce , | H
HI I'aul , Mliiiioniuill.C'etlnr Ilnplds , i |
Rock Islniul ' ltix-kfoi-d
, FieI'poif , , * |
Cllntou , JIuliiHiup , llavniiiort , ' ' |
Elglu , MndlsDii , JaucsTllle , |
Jlilolt , Winona , Li Crosse , liH
And all other Important points l'astNorth stan4 ' * ? H
buuthenst 'Sti H
ror tbrouth tickets rail on Ihu iltkot aii-at at l n MbbH
Tarnam street , In Darker at Unless I'acitU ' sbbbbI
Pullman 8l l ) rs and thnr.nast llntn Cars loth * bbbbB
world are run on the roaUi line ot thu Ihlniiin , Mil < H
waukeo A Ht i'aul lull ui , und emir atUutlon ll - i bbI
paid to pa.Kimeri Pjr courteous euiploj > oX tta * Ssbbbbb !
" lU lu'l.Klt.Seueral Manauar ' ' bbH
J. K.TUCKBK , asslstsniUanoralManairer vbbbbbI
A. V , It CAItPBNTint , Umsral I'assengtr a& : ' H
Ticket Atf ent M
OltO K. llEAKKOBD.AlslsiiataeDSlall'UHiaM ' ' H
* K Jaiili'i ? ! ! i l Haiiilat n4 iiV _ 1 l |