Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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    _ nfl
M Doaporato Deed of n Protolnont Clt-
| Izon of Buffalo County
_ H
_ i
_ H '
_ H
fl Itcportril iVcilitlttnl oT tlio Indian
H MurdcrcrN oV the Itcnjnmin
B Hey Olhir Noun I 10m
H JyobinNka lowim
_ H "
M Illow llln Hontl OIT
B IUvfnva , Neb , Dec IS tSpocial lelo-
H gram to Tim Bur ] James llcrvcrt , living
H clglit miles souvheast of this city , suicided
H yesterday by blowing the whole tp > of l > is
H hold oft with a Rhdfeuii Hcrvert
H w s nn old resident , anil has
H for a number of years been n very iutluinI
H tint man In tlio Dobcml in colony which ho
H located in this county about eleht , y cars ngo
H tlo was supposed to bo a man of consulonblo
H wealth , section of la nil in ono body
H well stocked with cattle and horses It ha *
H tcccntly boon the BUbJcct of comment how
H over , tint lie was heavily Involved In debt ,
H nnd yesterday Mr Curtis of this place uent
H to Mi farm armed with the nccess iry pipers
H and demmded possession ot nthri3hlnc ma
H Lhlno to liquidate n debt , ltcrvcrt surron-
H ucrcd tlio property without objection passe 1
1 comment Uon [ the state of the weithcr ,
H turned uround uud cntcrid Ills house A few
H uiiuuto * Itihtr Uiortiortof a gun was hoard
B In nn unfrequented room Mrs Her
B vert Iminuli iteiy undo nn Invcstiei
B tlon nnd her agonised shrinks booh brought
H others vvho discovered Hcrverts body lying
H utross n barrel with his lie id blown nlniosl
H entirely oil hU bhouldurs Brains and pieces
H of bono with milled bilr adhering were
H found tn nil parts of tlio room Immcdiutaly
H in front of the body u as nn ordin iry shotgun
H with its butt rostlnir in i birrcl of lirnn
1 maintaining tlio simo nosition as when ills
H eltnrgcd Uithln an hour after \ \ U Hyer ,
H nnnngerof tbo Chicago lumber compinv's '
H ynrd , accompanied by Attorney lohn Mel
H lotto 0 11 Cass , ndltor of the News , nnd V
H \V Haullck , arrived ut ltervorl s house Mr
H Hior intending to sccurou claim of ? oUl ) for
H his compinv , but instead viewed the lnutll
H atod remains of iho unfortunate man tier
H vort was a loaiing member of tlioC S P b
H A llolieinhin lodto of this pinto nnd the
H funeral took place today under tbo direction
H of that order
H Anotlior Cry iVom Cielghlon
H Cm iniiTOV , Neb , Dec lb | b | > ecml to Tnr
H Ilrr j George Jameson of Hay bprings
H has received his commlsslorjiis postmaster ot
H Creighton Tbo aopoiutment of Mr Jnmc
H son , who is not and never has been a citizen
H hero , has uecn accomplished ntjilnst the in-
H dividual and combine 1 efforts of almost all
| of the business men of the eit > lho ro-
H monstranca presented to l'ostmastcr Gen
H crnl Wananiaicer , as mentioned in last bat
H urday morning s 13m : was but ono of uiunv
H similar documents In each cisc , howovcr ,
H ns In this , Congressman Dorscv prompted
H by ono Brooks a noihboriii | farmer has
H succeeded InMixiny the matter up ' to bis
H own , if not to the b itiafiiEtlon of several
H hundred pations of thu olllce
H The latest phase of the case nppcnrs in the
H form of a petition asliing J unosou to resigu
H The paper sets forth as reasons or at least
H ds tncoutlvos for his so doing , that he h is ro
H eolved his commission at the hands of parties
B who uro well known enemies of this city ,
1 that ho is not tlio choice of the patrons of the
1 ofllco or of nnj portion of them andtint ,
H thcro are other aspirants for tbo position
H who are the cholco of at least a part of the
H citizens In a few bouts tbo pa ] or received
B the almost unanimous slgnuturo of the liusi-
1 iioss men Mr Jameson has failed as jet to i
B put in an apitcarance ana It is noi known
B what action If any bo will take The pro
H sentutloti of the petition will ut least serve
H the purpose of placing tbo fauiitlcinan strictly
H uon | ) Ills merits J ho fading is growing that
1 tlio notion of Hcprescntatiyo Dorscj in fore
B lug upon thu city as postmaster an almost on
1 4' tire stranger and non resident is an insult
1 and an outrage
B ISellinHkn City Walltx tlio Roml
H Neiuuska Citt , Neb , Dec IS [ Special
H to Tue Urr I Atn Bpeolal meeting of the
1 board of trade last evening it was dccldod to
B maho a big ofTort toward Inducing tbo Kock
H Island to build its road into Nebraska City
B - A committee of rustlers was appointed to
B present tno matter to the Hock Island pee
H plo , and all financial uld to induca the road
| ' to como iv as practioally guarantcod If
| work nnd moncv will do it Nebraska City
B will sccu o that road
H An effort will itso bo made to have a
H branch of the Missouri PaciQo built from
H this cltvto Talmago to connect with the
H Crete brunch of that road
H The board of trade also put itself on rcc-
H ord lust night In an effort to regulate news
H papers In regard to what matter shall bo
B published One moinbor of the board whoso
1 work in bohnlf of the city could bo summed
1 up in un iota succeeded in getting u motion
H paased by Iho boai d censuring nil news
B papers and thu Omaha papers in partteulai ,
B for publishing sensational news from No
B braslcaCitj , as tt would hurt the good name
H of the town A committco was appointed to
H consult with all tbo correnponucnts and
B imanagcrs of Omaun papers and request the
H suppression of sonsutloual news from No-
H braskuCltj lho truth of news sent from
H this city was not questioned , but its sonaa
B tlonal uaturo might hurt the city A few
H narrow minded members of the board oven
H wont so far as to threaten to'stoptho pa
H pors" If the sensational news items were not
H suppressed
H- ' Ihcy A > .ro VII Doiul
H Noiitii V'UKnc Neb , Dee 18 [ Special to
H am Hit 1 A most pathetto lncidont in con
' nection ivlth the Johnstown disaster reached
B Its climax last weak and was related to your
H correspondent b } a Xriond of the pn ties con
| ' corned , agontlcmaa nnd bis wife vvnolivoon
H r , a homestead a few ratios out of North Plutto
H This gcntloman formerly lnod with his
B father on n farm Just out of Johnstown In
H the fall of 1SS3 ho loft Johnstown and came 1
H to Neoraska for the purpose of looking up a
H homestead that ho might huvo a farm of bis
H own , and finally found his way to North
B t'latto After looking around a few days ho '
H < fllod on the homestead which bonowoccu
H pies , and returned to Johnstown to spoudtha 1
H winter and to make nrrangomunts for his
bft Diarrlago nnd return to Nebraska in the 1
" spring About a wookboforotha grout flood
B BH bo married Miss Lmily lhorat Her homo 1
H was In Johnstown , Jior father bolngaluborer
H in ono of the mills thorn Tboy were ro-
H npcctablu ncoplo but illiterate , r milv uud a 1
H younger slstor bolng the only ones in the 1
H famtl ) of ulna that could read or write An
H hour after the nodding the boarded a train
H bound for their future homo , and four days
B BH thoioafter they reached their homestead ,
B ( taking up tholr quarters atanolghbor's urtil
B BH a liouso could bo builu ' 1 hey were very
H busy and very happy , and nearly three ,
B BH mouths went by before Lunly wrote to ber
B BH parents Iler father had lately married
B BH a second wife aud for that or
B B B somoother reason tborevvui no corros | > end
B BH enco between t ) am , la the tueantlmo not a '
B BH word of lho great calamity hud reached this
B BH young couple who baa llvoit bo many voars ,
B B B InJohubtouu Xboy took no paper tliem
B B B solves and if tholr uelklibors aid they vvcro ,
B B B too illltoruto and lndllteront to earn for the 1
H pows of the day not dreaming of the torrl
B BH bio liiterost it hud for thom Not hearing r
B B B from her parents after two or three months
H waiting , Kmllj wrote again to the joung
BBB B ' sister , asidng tier to write and give her uows
B BH or the family Yet a third loiter was wrlt-
B B BJ ton and , after months of weary waiting , the
H now thoioughly alarmed girl wrote to u lad v
B B BJ friend who wus at | icr wedding fornonsof
B B B ] ber family baturda she came to Iowa mlh
> her butband to ask once aguin and foi the
B B B ] last time the oft repoatodf qncatlon , "anv
B B B letter ) ' At last Her husband handed her
B B Bj the reply so anxiously looked for bbo
B B BJ opened it and found her own loiter , on the
H tack of which her friend had written It
B B BJ wns not long , but It convej eda world of in-
B B BJ > i formation to tbo poor creature who had
B B B ] waitc'nud watched and wondered for so
B B BJ inanv wotry mouths The Utter was uvi i
B B BJ deutl ) wrltteu byonu uuacoustomed to wield I
H the poii but it toldol the aufuljlood , the
H uldosprcad dosoUtion aad tbo dreadful loss
of llfo And In conclusion she ndded You
nslcmo about } our peeplo It brnkos tnv hnrt
to toll jou they nro nil dca "
Hnlr > nn"ti In Convention
Tjttn Cm , Neb , Dec 19 | Special Telegram -
gram to Inr llrn ] Iho second day of the
state dairy convention has been a profitable
nnd Interesting ono The ftttendtneo has
boon greater than nt nuj of the former meet
ings of the association , and the farmers in
this community nro determined to profit by
tlio meeting and nro constant In their at
tendance ,
lho lLoningsession was taken up In the
discussion of grass nnd pasture nnd how to
develop them Ueorgo A Abbott of this
ctli rcidn piper on grasses , which provoked
much protltnblo discussion C L. Uibrlcl-
son of Iowa rend a pauor on pastures and
how ] to make thorn , which wis well received
and contained many valuable hints to lho
dnlrj J mnn
Ihls nftcruoon was taken up In the discus
slon of Iho question of feeding cows nml the
ccotiomvof < dalrvmcn Mr bainuol Llchtv
of this city Id the discussion of the former
subject j nnd J 11 Ilushton of falrmont led
the ( discussion on tno lnttor subject , Mrs
U I A. blayton of Salem rend n piper on the
labor I of in iking butter n l the farm nnd
William button of Table Rock , discussed the
oil ( test
lho evening sosslon was a repetition of
last | nights session A muslcvl nnd litornry
progr | unino had been praparcd bv the locnl
committee ' for the ct torUlnmont of the
dalrvmcn After tno entertainment closed
the association went Into business session
fho following resolutions vvcro adopted
Whereas Holluvlng that the present bjs
tern of nvvaiding premiums on butter nnd
cheese at our state fairs viz | iviug ono first
premium , ono second premium ono third
premium nnl ono fourth premium
on the different classes is unjust
to the renter number of exhibitors and pro
\cnts many fidm competing therefore bo it
Ucsolvcd , lhat wo the Nobrasku ilnltj
men s association , In convention assembled ,
tlo hercov l commend to the Nebraska state
botrd of ncriculturo that In future thov
ndopt Dexter s pro rita si stem in nvv inllng
premiums on dnir.v products to bo exhibited
Kosolutlons of respect to decease 1 mom
beis of the association vvcro adopted 'lho
remainder of the business session was taken
up In discussing some propose I nmondments
to the constitution tomorrow will bo the
last meeting of the association
Ono nftliD PilHoiion Ilricnpturcil
Dakotv Citt , Neb , Dec 18 Ibpocial Tel
egrnm to Tim Hrn.J Nathan Met rill ono of
the prisoners who broke jail hero last night ,
was captured this afternoon bj two bojs
tmmet Jllllman nged eighteen and Albert
Hnsslleld , aged llfteon , went to bimons
Siding to hot a couple of noises loft thcro bv
the sheriff last night , fhey Inquired along
the road foi the prisoners that escaped and
found at ono house vvhero a stranger lid
eaten dinner Ihcy went from there to the
railroad neir thu Blllng und vviitcd to
sco if the man would como along A
freleht ; triln wis coming toward them ,
and is it wis going slow up n'gnlo the
man came out from the side of the ro id nn I
climbed on tlio hkio of a box car Thb bo\s
lode their horses down to n eiosslug aud got
ono on each Bldo of the train and as the 1
train came by hmmot Ilillmin ordered the
man to oct dow n and hiving n gun In his
hands the man got down and was brought
In horothk evening \ory much the vvorso
for his jouruov
Merrill was beutenced to two jcars in the
penitent ! irj about i vvcok ago for stoillng a
mule and h id not jet been taken to Lincoln
bj Shcrifi Hrissilcll No trteo has been
found of the other two that escaped
antcn nnd I'onca lniliniiH
Nionmiu Neb Dec 18 1 Special to Trb
Bee j Major Charles Hill , ngent of the Snn
too and Ionca Indians passed through
Town vestcrdav on liiswav to the Sioux In
diun reservation in NebrasI i TheBef cor
respondent Inton lowed him on the subject
of locating tbo Poacas and some of the un
born Snntces on the reservation before It
was declared open to scttlomont Mo said
that there was un Inclination foi the Indians
to Bcttlo near Svvnt Hear s camp opposite
Chclso-i , north of Holt county In all there
will bo about ono hundred claims selected ,
and under the treat } the Indians must tnko
them in sovnriltv within six months after
the president has deel trcd lho lands open to
settlement Ho has boondiicctod by the
Inaian department to pioceod with the In
diaiiB and select such laads as they may
see fit
Aim muted Jliiliivny Itolibcry
Giia\d I LA\i > t Neb , Doc 18 [ Special
lclcgrnm to lne 13rr I A dastardly at
tempt at highway , robbery was made last
night upon an old Gorman fanner named
Straub , living south of this place A few
rods this side of thu Plutto river bridge ho
was suddenly assaulted by two tramps and
badly boatcn Exasporatcd at linding noth
ingot \aluo about his person the tramps
drove off with the team lenving him in the
load A neighbor Uriviug pas nn hour later
found him and took hi in to his homo , where
his recovery is doubtful The team was
found this morning near Phillips , the tramps
having evidently bearded the 1 ! A. M train
Owing to bis condition Mr btraub is unable
to ( , ivo any description of his assailants , and
they are by ibis timosnfo from pursuit
Rondmnsler Itnnlc on Killed
Camihiipcil , Neb , Dec 18 [ SpecialTolo
gram to Iiie Ubp 1 Andj Uankson , road
master on the 13 & M , while attempting to
bonid the front end of the caboose on the
• 1 10 westbound through freight here this
afternoon , missed his footing and full under
the vvbocls rocolving futil Injuries The
compiny a examining surgeon was on the
trniu aud together with our homo pnjsicinns
lnvo him every pos&iblo 01101111011- but be
died at about 8 0 clocK His romams were
taken lu charge bv the Odd Pollows , of
which he was a member He was twentj-
elht ( years of ago and unmarried
Konrnej'H Court Hound Contract
Kkaunkt , Neb , Dec 18 | Spocal ! Tele
gram to Tub Hex | The contract to complete
ploto the court house nnd grounds was let
this afternoon to 1 V , Scott of this city for
$ I07CS. The work must bo completed by
August 1 of next year , the contractor paying
a forfeit of ? 100 per day for onch dnv ho runs
over ttmo in completing the work This will
rcduco tbo price of the building u > 13,000
Indian Murderers Acquitted
Penpeii , Neb , Dec 16 [ Special to TnB
1lb ! j News has just been received hero
that the Indians , charged with tbo murder of
Jimmle Hcnjamln , have boon aequtttod at
Waj ne , and the oxcitoincnt hero m consequence
quence thereof is Intense and it is believed
that this section would provo a very un
healthy 0110 for the prisoners should they
bBppeu around about now
llentrlco llolleve * in Art
IJeatiucb , Neb , Dee 18 fSpsclal Tele
gram to Tim lltr ] Thoart loan oxhl
bltion will bo opened lu the Elmoro block ,
in thu city tomorrow The projectors of the
outororiso nro lioatrico ladies and from
present Indications the affair promises to
boa brilliant succoas The exhibition is to
bo free and v\ ill continue over the holidays
Street Rnllway Impi ovoiiinnt
Heatiiick , Neb , Doa IS [ Special Tele
gram to Tub Dug 1 Arrangements are about
completed for the formation of a stock com
p iny 10 build a now line of street railway
from tbo center of the oity out Court street
to the cuvtoru limits of the cltj
lle'Hbtlli In.lnll
Dakota Cm , Neb , Dec 18 [ Special
Telegram to Tnr Bee | Murderer Jumes
Toohoy did not break Jail hero as reported ,
although ho hud a good chance None of the
the prisoners who escaped have boon ro-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
A llorso Trainer Injured
Pav > m.bCitt , NobDoc 18 [ bpeeiailol
egrnm to Tub Hub ] G C Claw , a horse
trainer for It L. Scott , was struck on tbo
rltht kuee bv a horse vvbilo hitching tip this
evening uud the cap broken It is a serious
A Union ol Old Hearts
Giiant , ryob , Dee 18. [ Spooiul Telegram
to Tin , llcul Charles Gusllnew and Mrs P ,
Graves were warned hero today The
I broom is pant sevcuty and the Undo fifty six ,
Filth Annual Oonvontlon of the
Strtto Association
A Constitution Adopted nml Olllccm
Klcrlcil lor tlio i.imiilnc
iTcnr A Colored Wife Murderer
derer Sentenced
lho HIierlfT *
Dps Motvrs li , Doc 18 [ Special Tele
gram to Tub Hrr | 'lho tilth annual
convention of the Iowa sheriffs association
was begun hero to Inj Tbo shonfls ndoptcd
n constitution and elected the following
ofllccrs President , Sheriff Jonus of Cass
county , vlco presidents , Sheriff Loomls of
Polk county and fanorlff lirnnn of Grundv
cottnti Rccretnrj , bhorlfl Adams of Webster
stor county
The convention prcpirod n petition to the
legislature requesting tbo statu to provldo a
pension for the dependent families of any
I crson who might lese his llfo or bo norma
nontl.v disabled wliilo assisting a
sheriff In the dlscli irgo of public
duly Tha recent Killing of ono
assistant of this kind occasioned the action
J hero was ti gcneuil discussion of the need
of uniform laks In retard to compensation
of sheriffs some sheriffs reporting that they
had.dllllcult.v tn getting their a counts al
lowed by suporv isors
Tlio city miushals of Iowa are also In
session hure mid tomorrow they will inoBt
iu Joint convention with the sheriffs
An Vvnrlclous Ghost
\ \ r T Umon , In , Dec 18 [ Special Tole
clam to a iu : 13in | Paul Hill , an old rosl
dent of this place nnd over soventj v ears of
ate , was called to Pcnnsylv mm by the spirit
of his former wife through a mcaltim Ink
ing this oirthlv pirtner with Mm thoj wont
to Hope Bottom wherever that miv be , nnd
ho vvas Induced to Icavo Ills wife and ltvo
with his spirit afltnlty The medium got bis
mono } , ; 1,000 , his wife came back and his
eyes uro now opened to the friudHo will
tr > to recover the monov It is said thnt his
vvifes spirit wanted some apples , which ho
purchased nn 1 gave to the medium UX ) bar
rels bilk dresses and other material things
were ofTerod the ghost nnd appropriated bv
thu woman of Ilosn until ho is penniless Mr
Hill has boon un ardent supporter of Chris
tian scloncc until it is believed his mind is
Ileitis Ar my ofliire
DuittquK la , Doc 18 Charles Convay , a
voting man from Uochcstcr , Mlnu , came
hero to-aj to see his cousin and fiance , who
Is near death with consumption This even
ing ho went out Into the jard back of the
house and n few minutes later two shots
were heard Ofllccrs rushed in nnd found
Convay 1ing there w ith two bullet wounds
in bis body Ho claimed that some person
Bhot and robbed him , but ns no ono was seen
running away , nnd ho bad n smoking revolver
volvor 111 hispockot it is believed that ho
attempted suieido on account of the expected
death nf his betrothed Ho Is not likely to
Will \oto lor MIInoii
Des Moines la , Dec 18 [ Special Telegram
gram to Tin Bur J Senator Hanchett of
Bromer countj the Independent republican
whose vote is so important on sovcnl issues , *
was in town toany He intimated that ho
should vote for Senator Allison , notwith
standing the democrats ' report that ho would
not , but on the question of prohibition ho
said plamlj that he would vote for any rei
sonable licnnso law and for the repeal of pro
hlbttlon Hohas boon quoted as favoring no
change In tbo law
An Omnlin Ijhwj pi in Trnublo
DivsMonT , la , Dec 18 [ bpeciul Tele-
grnm to 1 un Bee 1 The cose of John lean
dall formerly of the Davenport bar , and
now a member of the law firm of Miller ,
Dick & Randall of Omaha was disposed of
today Iho defendant was suspended from
practice for Unity days He was charged
with extorting money , with accepting money
from saloonkeepers on condition thnt be 1
would withdraw suits commenced agalust
them under the prohibition law
Miss Loolc Acquitted
Montezuma , la , , Dee 19 Special Telegram
gram to lnr Bee | The cisoof the state ,
against Miss Flora Look , the young lnd ) who '
shot and killc 1 the member of the chariv arl 1
party who was scrcn tdlng her grandfather , ,
was given to a jury at noon today iho jurv
stajed out thirty raluutes and reported not
guilty lho verdict fives amoral satisfac
A Wife Murderer Sentenced
OskaLOOSA la , Dc 18 [ Snecial lelo-
gram to Tnr Bee ] David Martin , the old
colored wife murderer who ploadcd guilty , '
was sentenced today to the ponltentlary for
llfo and was taken to Tort Madison this
evening 'lho crlmn was committed less
than three weeks ago
Fatal ICnnnway Accident
Wateuioo , la , Dec 18 [ Special Tele .
gram to Tub Bee | William Halloday , an
aged and prominent citizen of this citj , nnd
ono of the early Bottlers of this coanty , was
instantly killed this morning His team ran
away and ho was thrown out , striking on his
head and breaking his neck
Killed 1)3 a Cublo Oar
Sioux Citv , Iu , Dec l8 | Special Telegram
gram to Tin Bee [ Jimmy Ciarko the nlno {
year-old sun of C J. Ciarko vvbilo on his
was to school this morn In er was run over nnd
instautly killed by a cable car lho lad was
horribly mangled
Tlio Irottlnir Homo Breeders ,
Cepab Raiips , la , Dos 18 Tbo annual
meeting of lho Iowa association of trotting
horse breodoas was hold hero today H B t
Allen of Waterloo wus elected prosidontand
\V C Blake of Cedar Uaplua secretary and
IturglnrH at Sioux City
Sioux CiTr , la , Dee 18 [ Special Tele
gram to The Bit 1 The bat store of Stuart
„ MacCurdy was burglarized last night to
the extent of $900 worth of deal aud fine fur
Highly I'lonsed
Bxitmce , Neb , Dec 18 , [ Special Telegram
gram to Tnr Bee I The Kansas Cltv oxour
Blonlsts returned homo early tbis morning
and are highly elated over tbo courtesies extended -
tended them en route and at tbo cities they .
visited , vy hich took oxnrcssioa in the form of
ringing resolutions of llmnks to all who con |
tributed to the pleasure of the event
TonrhiK Down Imperial Rinblom
Ni vr Yomc , Dee 18 The steamer Cyril
arrived from Brazilian ports today She re
ports tnat at Coroa business Is going on Just
as before the revolution The citizens are
tearing down all emblems and coats of arms
having auy connection with the Imperial \
party Alt the streets which bore names
allied to royalty were changed to conform
with republican iacas
Jliialunss Troubles
Chicago , Dee 18. Meade , Ynu Bokkolon
& Co , dealers la California fruits 1
fulled today , liabilities , f2o0,000 to 1276,000 1 ,
assets much loss The store was closed on
Judgments aggregating $50,000 'lho com
puny wus weakened a i ear ago by the failure
of Ueorgo W. Meade , the millionaire Cali
fornia fruit and lime man It If said that the ,
business , though large , was very badly man
Red (
llonrl Ilochefort 81 ok
Lovuov , Dee 19 Henri KOckefort U
dangerously Ut in this city ,
In the Maelstrom
CmctstfrUi Dco-18 II u understood that
at the mooting of the distillers and oattlo
feeders trust at Peoria the application of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Frolourg < t Workman of this city , who have
hold aloof frturt ibo trust for two soars , will
bo prcsonlcd Jot membership It is under
stood the dKnilors will continue In opera
Lnbotiohcr yetitllntliii ; hn Bcamlnl
Lotuos , iipo 13 Preliminary to his do-
mnnd In parliatncnt when that body shall
nsscmblo that ' the government tnko
ofllclnl cogntearfco of the West 12nd
club scandfi ' ' Lnbouchero hnt pub
llshoil la I Iruth a scorching rovlow
of the Infamys which is lho most thorough
exhibit of the rottenness of n certain class
of the Kngllsh nristocracy that anj joiirnnl
tins > ot dared to plnco before Its rcalcrs
\ \ hllo ot course nn iinmos nro Inentlonod ,
the renders ciutiot fall to rccognho the per
sons most likely to bo called to account
Ono poor ImplicatedLihnuchcro asserts lias
already tncltlv ndmittcd his guilt by not only
leaving the country , but bv seeking cougon-
inl ussocl itiotis in the service of the suttatt
of lurkoy
Mlnrrn In conicutlon
IsiiiyvAi-otis , Ind , Dor , 18 The convenj
H911 of the miners of hull inn and northern
Illinois , Ohio , western Pcnnsylvnnla nnd
U est Virginia , vv hose coil goes to the west
orn nnd northwestern markets nnd who nro
members of the Progressive Union of Miners
nnd Mlno Laborers sat today The object
of lho convention Is to consider nnd dclor-
nuno the policy by nnd throtiili which the
Interests of minors and mine laborers will bo
better protected nnd vvagos ndwinced during
the coining year
Put on Tlirnc-Qunrtor4 linio
III viitso , Pa , Dec IB fho railroad com
piny todnj posted nolicos thnt the minors
end laborers In nil the collieries throughout
the Schuylkill region ho put on three quar
ters tlmo uftor next Mondnj tn continue In
definitely The wages of SO W0 men and boys
are ofTectodj
rntlctl the Clinrivnrt
PoktTowvbem ) , Dec 18 A few days ngo
Martin Phillips wis married nnd moved with
tits bride to Lopez Island Last night a largo
crowd surrounded his liouso and harrnsscd
the occupauts with n charivari After
repeatedly warning the crowd to desist
Phillips took n double Unrreloil shotgun nnd
fired , fatally wounding two young men
named John Hnll and Tolin Graham
The iientli Record
BEHLif , Doc 18 Wllholm \ on Gowitched ,
the German historian , Is doacl
New Out tans La , , Dca IS Dav Id Bid
ivell ono of the ol lest and best known theat
rical managers In the country , died tonight
Prohibition I'nssci lu North Dtlcotn
BiijuncK , N D Doc 18 fho iron-elad
prohibition mcasuro passed both houses of
the legislature toda
Itiotlu rliond I'luyers nvpelled
Ni vv Yom , Dec 18 lho Hrothorhood
Baseball league tonight expelled Glasscock
Clarkson , Dcnnj Miller , Beckley , McICcan ,
Bo ittlti Buel ley , Clements , Glenson
Schiiicr , Sommris , Mulvcy mid Dochanty
Melville Stone Upturns
NKw\oiik tlec IS Melville E Stone ,
formerly editor of the Chicago News ar
rived from Lurppp today
Minneapolis KulIihcIiIIiIh I all
MissEAroi is ( Minn , Dee 18 The Roths
chllds'clothing house assigned vcBiorday
Liabilities , nbou S10 000 , issots , $20,000
4 t
Pat IIlint llnnced
Paiiis Kj Dec 18 Pat Hunt was
hanged hoi 0 this morning
Killed l > ij I 01 mpr Secrotarj
Pauis , Dec IS Cmll Ilou * 0110 of the dl
rectors of the prefecture of the belno , was
murdorcd today by M Regad , his former
secretarv 1 he'murdoror had a griov anco
and could get rifl t6dress
A Special Ur-cUlature
C11 vklestovV Va , Doc 18. Governor
Wilson calieu a special legislature to convene
vono the thtrd week In Juauarv Among
the matters to bo settled is the Ilommlng
Goff contest for the governorship
The Tire Itccord
St "Lawhescb , Doc 18 Lljht business
houses burned hero last night , loss , $30 000 ,
insurance 9)000 )
Fatal Cartridge Implosion
Bopfai o , Doc 18 Whllo two men were
loading blank cartridges in the arsenal this
afternoon 400 cartridges accidentally ox
plodcd Both men vvcro terribly burned and
may die
Murdered Hj an I v-Convlct
Colfvx , Wash , Doe 18 Ihomas Click , a
young fiiru cr , was murdered this morning
by Blinkton nn ex-con\Ict and jlcsncrado
There is a guard now over Blonkton but > ho
chances aio thut ho will bo lynched
lllielm's Got the Earache
BEni.iv , Dec 18 lho emperors oar is
troublesome acaln It has recently grown
vvorso He is under treatment all tno time
and is in constant pain
loang Peoples Mcctinc
A union meeting of the Young Peoples
societies of the United Prosby lerian societies
ties of the city will bo hold in the First
United Presbyterian church this evening nt ;
8 o'clock
The llso of Coffnp
It is nssoitcd by mon of high profes
sional ability thut when tlio system
needs stimulant nothinp cqutls u oupof
fro3h colToo , e lys the Lpicuro Those
who doslro to rcscuo the drunkiiid fiom
his cups will Hnd no better substitute ,
for spirits ttiitn stionff , tiew-mado cof-
fee , without milk or su ar Two ounces 1
of cofTeo , or ono-oiRhth of a pound , to
ono pint of boiling witter makes 11 llrst-
clltss beverage , but the vvntoi must bo 1
boilitip , not merely hot Bitterness 1
comes from boiling too lonp
If the coffee required for bronkfnst bo
put in a granltol70 kettle ever night
and a pint of cold water poured ovoi it ,
it can bo heated to tbo boiling point
and then sol hack to prevent further
ebullition , when it will bo found that ,
vvhilo its strength is ox true ted , its deli
cute aroinn is p/psorvod. As our coun-
tij consumes noorly ton pounds of colToo '
per capita it is ; 1 a pity not to have it
made lu the bdfit manner
It is asserted thy those who hay r > trlod
it that mularfa nnd opldomics nro 1
avoided by Uiqso , ) vho drink a cup of hot I
colleo before vqutm Ing into the mountain -
tain air Buriieiion hot coals it is u
disinfectant far a'slck room By some 1
ot our host physicians It is-considored a
specific in tj piiolil fever
Iceland l | ' ot a Land of Ire
If the name oh 1 tills island means land ,
of ice , as no doubt is the cuso , tliotptho
name 1b misleading , foi , excepting the
grout ice BtreiiVrAjJn the intorlor of the
lslo called gludlts | ! , there is otherwise
voiy little icoJnjt The harbors uro
open nearly tuiisivvholo j oar , and the
clitnuto is milder than that of Not way
Sometimes tlio northern and eastern 1
coasts aio blocked up with tea which
has drift d before the wind ftoin Green
land , but this huupdns only about once
ovoryton years 'Ihon , perhaps , the
island is an ice land , but in any other
sense the title is nu unfortuuuto blundei
An old farmer couple brought in two
* I,000 OnltedStfttos bonds to an Adrian ,
Mich , banker vhlch they had l > con
Ignorantly hoarnlng slnco the second
yuu nitoi the war , and until the cash
ier told thorn they had been called in
in 1874 tnoy supposed they had boon
bcailng Inlorost all the while Then I
the bank mun cpnsolod thoni with the
statement that the interest on $ J 000 foi ,
llftoon jonrs at 11 per cent would have
amounted to * W U tbo bonds had been
cashed and the money put into the
A Rosolutloa OiTorod Rooognlzlng
the Brnzlllnu Bopubllo
rho House Offers n Hctvnril or$1 OOO
for the Arrest of Slloott More
Thau Uno Thousanil Bills
ASiutiiTos , Dec IS Mr Sherman from
the , committco on foreign relations reported
n ' Joint tosolutton oxtondtng to Mnrch 1 , ISM ,
the tlmo of the International maritime con
ference 1 Paisod
Mr Hlscock from the committee on the
quadro contonnlil colobratlon lommlttco re
ported ] a resolution nutliorl/lng the committee
too t to employ n stcnocraphor and to have
the i hearings before it roiwrtcd and printed
It j stated that the Intention of the committee
wns to glvo hoar'ngs ' to the anvocn'cs of tlio
various locations proposed as sites for lho
exposition 1 Roforrcd
Mr Morgan offered the following resolu
tion , , which was read nnd laid over until to
morrow ;
Resolved by the Ronato and liouso of rep
resentatives 1 of the United btatos of Atner
tea : tn congress nssomblcd , thut the Unltod
States congrntulatcs tlio people of Biall on
their ju t and pcacoful assumption of the
powers , duties nnd responsibilities of self
government based upon the consent of the
governed us expressed In their repudiation of
monarch ! ti rule und in their icccnt ndoptlon
ot a republican 'orm of government nnd that
the United States of Brazil is bj this net rcc
ocnlzcd is n law ful and rightful hnv ernmont ,
and that the sal 1 ropubllo is of Helit , entitled
to exercise nnd enjov International coinltj
and nil the beuoflts of the laws of nations as
n sovereign power and lho benefit of all
rights , privileges and aavnntngos under
the existing treaties thut wore concluded
between the United States of America nml
the Into cmplro of Brtzil , and that this
declaration by thu United btates of America
shall bo notified to the slates of Brazil by
the presldont , and that the president bv his
proclnm itlon shall require the paoplo and
government of the United States nnd of the
sever il states nnd nil persons in nuthonty
therein to recognize the Hag ot the United
States of Brazil as the ling of u free sovereign
eign und lnuopendontstile
Mr Plum offered in amendment similar to
that of tbo last session to the Pacilio rnil
road rotundlng bill Referred Ho nlso Intro
duecd n bill to give Jurisdiction in certain
pension ciscs to the district courts of the
United btntos Referred
Mr Coke offered a resolution calling on
tbo attorney general for information ns to
the attack on fustice Hold in California and
the killing of Divid b lerrj by Deputy
Marshal Nagio Laid ever till tomorrow
After an uxocutlv a session the senate ad
Wasmnotov , Dee 18 Mr McICinleyJ of
Ohio from the committco on way sand moms
reported a concurrent resolution for a hell
day recess from December ii until Jauuarv
0 Agreed to
The speaker having laid before the house
a mess igo from the president recommending
thut the limit of the International marmo
coniorenco bo extended for two months Mr
HItt of Illinois introduced a Joint resolution
extending thnt authorit } until March 1 18 HI ,
which was passed
Un motion of Row ell of Illinois the com
mittco on elections was granted leave to alt ,
during the scssidn of the house
McICinley from the committo on rules re
nortod a resolution lor an immediate roll call
of the states for the introduction and refer
ence of bills Adopted Before this order
was carried out Mr Payro , from the Sllcott
committee , reported a resolution authorizing
the sergeant at arms to offer n reward of
$5 000 for the arrest and dolivcry to the ma r
slrnl of the District of Columbia of C E Sll
cott the absconding cashier , the reivail to
bo paid out of the contingent fund of the
house Adopted
Under the call of the states the following
bills were introduced and referred
lo rcduco the tobacco tax , to rcpulato
immigration and to ammd the naturalization
laws , nlso to prohibit aliens from acquiring
title to lands in the United States , to aoclaro
the forfeiture of all unearned land grants ,
to provide a graduated income tax , to prevent
vent the contraction of the currency , to re
peal all laws requiring the accumulation of
gold for the redemption of treasury notes ,
for the free coinage of silver , to permit the
president to veto scparito items iu general
appropriation bills
By Mr Hitt Topromotocoiimercialunlon
vv ith Canada
By Mr Lnwler To pay Colonel John
George Ryan $100 000 damages ( Ho was
arrested charced with being fohn Surrntt ) ,
also appropriating SSOO 000 to repair tho-post-
ofllco buildingat Chicago , also to place letter
currioiswho have served twenty joirs en
the retired list on half pay , also remov 0 the
tux of - cents a pound 011 olcomirgarino
By Mr , Wiko Declaring it to be the
sense of lho house that the committco on
ways aad means should report at an early
day a plan and rate of taxation by which
5130 000,000 shall bo raised annually on
Incomes nnd salaries in excess of t > 000
By Mr Helm in To preserve the puritv of
the electoral franchise
By Mr Henderson of Iowa To declare 1
unlnwful trusts and combinations in re
straint of trndo and production
By Mr Conger -Dellnlng lurd , aud im
posing a tax on the manufacture , sale , im
pertution or exportation of compound I ml
By Mr Anderson of Kansas ro create a
postal telegraph
Bv Mr Perkins of Kansas lo open to
homestead settlement certain portions of the
Indian territory
By Mr lurncr of Kansas To shorten to !
three years the period required in homo
steiding public lands
By Mr Morse of Massachusetts To 10
peal the Interstate commerce law
By Mr Dockerv of Missouri ro ascertain
the amount of Indebtedness of tbo farmers of
the United btates and the porconJtaio of fur
mcrs who am tenants , also to enlarge the ,
free list and cquall/o taxation
By Mr 1'iank of Missouri ror tbo loca
tion of the world a fair at St Louis
By Mr Splnola her lho retlromont of
lohn C Piomont with the rank of mijor ;
Di Mr Rwartof North Carolina ror the
total repeal of the Intorna' revenue laws
Bj Mr 'Butterworth Per full reciprocity
botwocn the United btates and Canada , also 1
to reeulato the manufacture and sato of
counterfeit or compound lard
Bvtr Grosvonor lo provide for an increase !
crease of the pension to minor children , tlso
to make the minimum rate of the pension f3 j
per month
By Mr E B Taylor To restore the
former rate of duiv on imported wool
By Mr Lnloo ro prohibit gambling con '
tracts in agricultural and other products 1
alio a resolution calling on the secretary of '
the intorlor for information in regard to the
Tanner investigation
By various dologalos ror the admission L
into the union of Idaho , Now Mexico aud
Amoug the bills Introduced for the oreo
tlon of public buildings were tbo following
AtBloommgton , Galosbure , btrrhng and 1
Aurora 111 biour City , Cedar Rapids , '
Burlington , Port Dodco , und D ivonport , la ,
Grand island , Kearney , Norfolk , Beatrlco
nnd Hastings , Neb , Siouv 1 alls , Yankton
uiiil Aberdeen , b D , I au Llulro , Maul
towoc , Green Bay , bhoboygan and Racine , 1
Wis The number of bills introduced under the 1
call was 1,001 Man ) of these uro duplicates ,
if not In lunguago nt least in the subject
matter of tholr provisions
' 1 ho deaths ot Juntos Laird ot Nebraska
S b CoxofNowVork N. W , Nutting of t
New York and R. W. lownshend of Illinois
were announced to the house , which , as u
mark of respect to the memory of the do
ceased , adlourned until 1 riday ,
Mllllaiy Order or America
Wasuincov , Dee 18 Representative
Whcoler of Alubamu today introduced a bill 1
to incorporate the alllitury Order ot Amer-
lea The bill proposes the Incorporation of a
Bocloty which is to bring together in fra
temal aad bcucuceut association , non soda
atM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S3
rinn nnd non political , these who were en
gaged ; in the war of the rebellion The order
Is to have a building In Washington to bo
use 1 as a memorial bulHIng nn 1 n military
nnd iinval museum nnd library wherein will
bodcposltod loplesof all government \ ub-
llcations Provision will be inn lo for the In
terment in the court nt this building of the
mortal remains of the Grunt Cnminnmlor
Gi ml" nnd the erection of n suitable monument
ment to his memory nml toall other Roldlors ,
sailors and marines who served during the
iNnbMMkii I'disliinn
Washivotov , Dee IS tbpocnl Telegram
to Snn Hrr ] Pcnsloni granted Nebras
kins' Orieinnl Invnlll Albert Washburn ,
bholton ; Ihomas N Gosncll , Chapman ,
Charles Davis Inman , Gcorgo Abornolhi ,
llkCreelt Day Id U Bart , Bclolt , Justin *
Dunn Children lucre iso ihomas L
Chambers Nordcn Balden ilmk , Johns
towntNormnu 1) Ihomnsou Table Rock ,
William Hnltemllnghum Omaha , Huuson
Hasnoss Humboldt ; Moso C Dtvls.Hiim
boldt , lohn W Woods , Aurora Reissue
! • irl II btnwson , Denton , Adam Cosner ,
Mute Chop ll < niR < * Crooks
Al Peterson nnd Chillies Roby , two hash
era " nro in J ill at the icnti-il station await
ing trial today for larcnny rho pair are
from Sioux Citj uud were taken out of a
box i ar by the police The two men ijot In
the car at Sioux Cltv on Monday and worn
sculod up by tlio ngcht A\ hen thov rouchod
Omaha they were tired nnd huncrv and
made a big noise , which attracted ntlentlon
* " Tlio llutitici ? Iilccnin
lho butchers who nro opposed to the ordl
nnnco compelling thoni to piy a license of
$100n year met nt Kessler s hull last night
Dennis Poster presided A committee was
appointed tosocurosiuicrs protesting against
n license nnd the mooting adjourned until
110M 1 riuny evening
Llglitli Wind Ui publlenns
A meeting of the I Ighth Ward Republican
club will bo held at Tvvonty fourth and
Cuming tomorrow night for the purpose of
org mbing a social society , nnd lor settling
the expenses Incurred In the recent cam
/Clniniorniiin'H Itiiltlos
Gottlclb Zimmerman , the propnetor of the
Paust bottllug works , 1ms lots of trouble
with his beer Dottles Hohas Just ilnishod
n lit'gition ' rognrdlng the cisos confiscated
by the pohco In the various houses of ill
fame nnd jestoidij hoiauscdtho arrest of
W Richtoi , chirging him with stealing
soy 011 bottles of the v nluo of 7" cents
He l\irei l a Cheek
Thomas Johnson is n young man who rep
resented to Trunk Mead that ho hid money
in the bank , and induced him to cosh n check
for $5. vV hen the document was presented
the c ishict pronounced it worthless Me id
swore out a war-ant for his urrest jcstcrdiy
Darlington Dlsctmmml
Ld Darlington was tried in pollco court
yestcrdaj afternoon charged with robbing
the City hotel of three silver vvutchos to the
value of S'O a diamond pin nf the value of
$1 > ind a gold watch allied it S15 1 ho do
fendaut was discharged for lack of evidence
Postal Promotions
II H Trucsdull of I rcmont vv as } cstcrdaj
appointed a postal clci k nnd will run bo
tvvconSchujler and Plattsmouth
A Million Dollirs to the Sultnn or
llirkoy to Become n Christian
In eouioo of time the world may re-
1U70. says the New York Times , the
scope of that good in in , Colonel Elliott
P Shop 11 a , editor m inipuhitor of
stage comp iny stock , toligicTus ct ustdet
and politic ! tn
The 1 iteht tovoHtlon concerning the
notorious moralist is to the ofToct that lie
once hud the idea of tony citing to the
Christum faith no less a puisou than
tlio Sultan of liukov , and that not by
the svvotd , as the ctusiuleis of old
sought to oiTcct then putposo , but with
the } nglo of good American dollais ,
some of thorn hiving in time gone by
belonged to William IL Vanbctbilt
Ono be uity ibout this incident in the
colonels career is its absolute tiuthful-
ncss , which is moiothntcan ho siidof
some things told of public and histoti-
cil chnnctors like Mr Shop ird
It seems that when the colonel was
nlnotd some four or hvo jo ns ngo he
visited Constantinople , and tnoro ho
was ontei tiincd by the wife of a pasha
The olllciul was 1 Geim in holding high
rank iu the 'lurkishnnnyandoC com so
both ho uud his wife wote chnsti ins
The pious colonel studied the Tuikish
ohm tctot nnd the Moslem ciced ut
length , mil his to ml 0.1 hcni t bled at the
thocjht tii it so many hum in hoiugs
know not the blessings ol his religion
Consequently on ills ictuin to this coun
try ho put in ui ictico a plan that hid
suggested itso.f on the w ty over
Ho wrote to the pashas wife request
ing ber to infnim hismijesty the sultan
do nl\ the colonel loves those words
thut ho , Colonel Shop ird , would ptesent
him , lho sultan , with 31,000,01)0 ) in cash
if ho would oinbrnco Chitstinmty
"J mbr ice was iho woid the colonel
used , and , consitloiin his well ndyoi-
tised idput ition foi moi.illlj and mod
esty , it would scorn that ho might h iv o
employed a tBrm less susceptible ot 11
double significance In his letter Mr
Shepard gives as his loiison for wilting
to the 1 idy lu question the f let th ithei
husband wits cioso to tbo sultnn , uud
consequently could easily Una un op
pottuuity tomnl o the pioposltion
On his return to this couutiy Colonel
Shopird convoked the idea to his
filcuds that while his leception in nil
Luiopu wasonthusiitstiOi it was in Tui-
key nlono that ho m ido what thcatilcnl
term ' bit " Had
pcoplo a this boon
the c iso , how ever , ho would have
known , " said a prominent Turkish trny-
elot jestcidnv , that a Ohiistltin , no
matte 1 how high hl < 3 tank , would novel
ho able to nppionch tbo sultan otv any
thing like intimnto t < irras And the
pishu , to w I100Q wife the colonel'H letter
was written , not or speaks to his lin-
poiial mastoi ONCout in rolntion to tbo
stables , for his duties aio connected
with the sultans hoisds "
When the pashas wife tocoived the
lettei hut amusomoiit was unbounded ,
and she told about it with gicnt glee at
a public reception Not so nor husband ,
the general IIo looked nt the
matter in an entirely dlffoiont '
light What , ask Mohammed's vieo
gerout to forsake ills treed Tlio very
idea caused iv cold perspiration tobionk
out on his ( erotic id and sent lloutlng
through his mind visions nf the how
string , the sack and the cool waters of
the Uosphorus
\estotday a ropoitor of the Times
naked the Turkish trnvolor already ro-
fcrrod to what would haio resulted had
tlio pnuliu tiinsmitlcd iho colonel'smos-
sago to the sultnn Why , " was the
roplj , the thing is absurd on the Into
of it , but for the sal o nt argument stip-
pose that the olTch had bcou made to the
sultan , 'lho pasha would have boon
dismissed Instantly , aud would have
boon woudoifuUv fortunate had that
hoeii the end ot it "
It is not known whether Colonel
Shepard had a tot tided check for
$1,000,000 made out in the event of tlio
impecunious sultun's wllllngnesJ to
4 oiubraco" Christianity ,
Tlio spiked heltnot s showing nbovo 1
the horUon in Luxemburg Hen
Krupp hua just bought llflv acres iu the ,
little country uud is going to set up u 1
foundry thuie Luxemburg will soon
bo a I'tusslan province
OmnhnBuslnosa Mou Strongly Urffo
Ita Pnoatiffo
the Resolutions adopted
steps Taken to Provide ( illiprnlljr for [
the WniKn ot the South Dakota >
X'nriucrs An Itnporiniit 1
lho Itunril of rrnilP
A meeting was held In the board of trula
rooms last night In rcspouso to n call Issued
to business men and cltUcns gcuerallj to dis l
cuss the 1 orrcy bin Krupt bill
Ihonttomlonco was composed principally
of members of the board of trade I
The report ot the ( ommltten appointed to I'
consider the bill nnd report U | on thoudvisn- \
bllity ot ucomnicndirg its passage , was pro H\ \
Runted iho following resolution was real , IJ
\ \ herons \n almost universal domnnd for ? .
U o enactment of n uniform biukrupt law { *
has come rrotu all parts of lho United btates , \
and I
Whorens A national convention of the [
representatives of lho commercial bodies , } '
w Inch hold Its first session In St Louis on 'I
1 obrtiarv Js and March 1 , and the second il
Befsion ut Minneapolis on September J and
4 lbS has unanimously a lopted and rceotn-
mended for piisneo by the congrtssof lho J
United btnti s the bill kuovvn as the lorrey |
buiiktupt bill und 1
W iiorcns It U npp irent tint the b inkruut a
law of Grout Britain which went lute effect Hon
on Janu try 1 , mi , Las through Us wlso mid *
bcnellcletit provisions grown ereatlv in fn- S
vnr with both the creditor aud ilebtor cl issos 1 ,
of tint country , uod the principles umbodlcd %
thorum nro generally the simo as those ft'
embodied in tlo lorruA bill , and Mt |
• Wliorens , Wobclievo a Lxnornl bankrupt 3' '
nvv to bo a mtnsuro Hint would tnvo 0 i
salutary offeel upon business , wo would Mi
rocoinmond the udoptlon of the following ftj
icsolunous lh
Resolved lhat the culj enactment of the Bt/
Torrey bankrupt latv will onuble crcditois f
tocomncl uu unreserved showing nnd sur i.
rendei of assets , and 1 rovout Injurious ' '
prcfertiuxsnnd facilitate Just settlements
of the estates of insolvent debtors us a per
lament fcutuio of our collection lows , that )
it is a mticti needon moisuro nu 1 0110 that I
will boucllt busluoss alilco iu till sections of i
thu country 2.
Resolve d , That the secretarv bo iustruelod I
to forwntdaml eominuuicuto this icllon of P
oururganizitton to the Boerotury of the ox ) h
ocutlvo committee of associated commercial \
bjdles at bl , Louis Mo and to our No * •
brnskn representatives in congress and tlio i
senate f
Mr W akcfield spoke bi icily in favor of the f
resolutions after which they vvcro emricd
without a dissuntitiir vote
Prdsldent Margin thou announced that the
next thing Hint was to enmo before the I
mooting vv is the endorsing of the reeoinmcii *
dutiou of the Now York bunrd of tradn thut jj ,
the into ot lettei postigo bo redueia to 1 J
cent 1 ei ounce |
A resolution was reported favoring the jj
passage of such nn inuetmcnt by congriss ( [ •
reducing the lettei postage to 1 cent , and j
wus idoptcd 9
lho mutter of the destitution prey lihug fl
among the f irmers ot boulh Dakota wa3 uo\t 1
t ilcen up 1
Colonel Chasa of thu committee appointed 1
to iiivcstiguto the nuttor re id letters and l
telegrams irom Gcorgo II Hand conllruilng f
tbo reiHirts of destitution uud stilting that f
aid would be thankfully rcccivod The com j
mltteo recommended thut donations bo col 3
leetcd and forw irdeit nt once consisting of ft
provisions of all kinds , especially those { '
which nro not liable to perish fiom , f
exposure tn the weather , Includ- tj
Ing iiiout , hams , jruin and voota ( ( {
bles flour and Moccry supplies and j
that suveral cars bo loaded aud shipped rho
com mitteo also loeommoiided thnt acorn If
mitteo be iippolnti d to consist of live three i
of whom shall bo citizens of Om ilia and two f
of South Omaha and thnt the committco '
have power to appoint sub committees to aid
them in the collection ,
It was the opinion of the committco that I
tmnspoitutiou could bo obtained free of '
charge from the ruilroid companies '
Mr Gibbon oppressed the opinion thnt {
there should bo no Hesitancy on the partof
Om ilia in this mattei The thing should bo
done on n largo scale , commensurate with
the wealth of Omaha and as a mean a of
showing the generosity of the city A spoj
cial train should be made up consisting of I
potatoes flour , giain , meats etc
Mr Gibbon moved that the committco bo
increased bv the addition of flvo merchants
fiom Omnia nnd three fiom booth Omiha
lho motion pruvuiUd uud the folio a ing I
were nppnlntcd T 11 lavlor II 1 Ciarko , I ,
j1 ; W Gny W L. Parrotto and J S f
Brady of Omahn , and H 11 Mcduy , LA I
Cudnhy und D C 1 osier ot south Omaha jl
lho committco originullv consisted of Cole V
nol C S Chnso , W V L Gibbon and A It 1
Dufrcne f
iho committee on stnto fuir was next
called on nnd reported luvoriblo progress
1 hey asked for further tlmo , which was •
feruitcd t
lho irticles of iucotporationof the Omaha
Agricultural Purlc nssoclution vvcio then
read and nuoptcd The capital stock is to be
JHW0O0 In si arcs or $100 euch Thoobjoct
purpose anil gomral niituro of the business
to bo transacted bv this corporation is to
purchase and nctpjlre title to land , to lonse .
tha same and proviao transportation to and
from the erounds for the use of the No
braskn Btato horticultural society for tholr
annual exhibitions nnd ether states and for (
county , district and ether fniis
lho matter ot the road into Dakota was
acitatoJ , and the udvlsnbility of gotllng Into \
the country uoforo bt Paul und Minneapolis >
let all the Undo \\nn shown '
Mr Dufrcne moved that the roud bo built '
and backed up his motion by saying that ho
would be ono of 100 mun to l.1v 0 (1 0U0 each
towards building tl 0 ro id
Mr J b Gibson endorsed the motion nnd 1
1 elated the incidents connected with the
building of lho Omaha A. Southwestern road
years ago , which was sturti I in a manner
similar to the action no v pen ling
Au udjournmant wns tnkon without any
action being had on the railway question
111'I Vitll H
J. C Pai rlsh of the Omaha IIro do
om tmont 1 attuned from his homo lu
West Vi 1 gin in yesterday IIo vvhh called
homo n few weeks ngo to nttond the
bedside of his dying fntlici , but ho in- j
rived too Into His /nth01 died the day \
before iiis ui rival , wliilo lie found his
molhor and sisloi confined to tholr bed ,
tbo former suIToi ing ftom a fructuiod
and lho lattoi with a spiatnod limb and
othoi iujuiios iccoivccl by a luuiiway
net idont
M. D Carr of 2110 Dccalui btrnot was
thrown ftotn his buggy ut Llghtoonth
and Grace Inst night and Ills shoulder
The body of the baby which was found
inn pool of wntor at the cornoi of Sixth
and llninoy sttoots yostordny will bo in
terred in tlio poltor's Hold bv the superintendent -
intondent ot the pool fin in today
Absolutely Pure
Ilil p < ' > uiloi'novcriarJe A murvelotourltr
fctreiihth an I wtioUsimontvis More ecouoinl 1
culilmu thu or Unary Kind * , und rsnuot ba sold '
In competition with the multitude of loir test
bl ort welt lit l urn urnhojphatsp > wileikoUl <
01 l III Win ItOTAtilHUINU 1'OVrUEIt CO , 1(0 ( 1
WsilBt.H V ,