Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    I 8 " THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBER 17 , 1889. | |
B ,71m Mnrslnil , cliarRod with arson ,
B was held to tlio dlstrlctcourt in the sum
H of 91.000.
M Captain 8. It Cowlcs , formerly in
B chni' o of the transfer etonmora of the
1 St Paul fc Omaha botwenn Sioux City
H nnd Covington , has boon appointed
H chief inspector of the now stool bridge
H of that company between the snmo
H points
H ' . "
H Tim Mltolmll Meriting ,
H Joseph Hnrkcr , Kichard Uorlin and Jotcph
H Garncnu left Inst oven In cr to attend the
H railroad meeting ot Mitchell ,
H\ \ Successful Apponls
HT * Tnocnso out of tbrco which have been
K apponlcd from the police court to the district
1 court have resulted in ncqultuls , and the
i police are despdndent over the fact
* Motor to South Oinnhn
H' llils morning the motor company will
H' ' commence regular service between the
> city and South Omaha Tralus will lcavo
H ! Sixteenth streotnndSt , Mary's nvonuooverv
f twenty minutes during the day for South
t Omaha _ _ _ _ _
j Wntch nml Blood
B , A silver watch was picked up at the curb *
H' stone in front of Nolla Kings sporting house
H { last night Tboro was a pool of blood near
H > It and it is supposed thcro was a fight , but
H ; the police have , thus fnr , been unable to ills
- cover the oh nor of the titnoplcco
V linn over
m Mrs S. Lane vros run ever by a grocery
B delUcry wagon at Eleventh and Harney
HB' street yestcrdny The team was running
P- ' away Mis Lane vainly cndeavoicd to avoid
Hm them , The wheels passed over her body and
H one of horses hoofs struck her on the bead ,
H making a very serious wound
B f The police patrol wagon was sent for , but
Kv the woman was unconscious and could not
K " toll where she lived , blio wus then taken to
H ttio station and attended by the city physt-
H clnu
H | "Iinril" Hontli Out In the Cold
Hr Evelyn liooth , bolter known as Lord
H' | Booth , " who has been running a saloon on
H Fourteenth street , Is in trouble Ha came
H hero Borne ttmo ago and purchased of Dennis
H > Cunningham the saloon , giving his note and
H a mortcngo of > ,009 , secured on the stock ,
H lho building ho claimed to have runted at
H t2o0 per month Hut very few payments
m were mndo , and Cunningham was forced to
m put up his money In oruor to save his ilx-
H turcs.nftcr which ho sold the saloon to Hilly
H McCunc
H The young mnii is once moro on his own
H resources ,
H * Omnlin MukLAVIu or lione
H A mass mooting will be hold at the First
H Methodist Episcopal church on Davenport
H street , between Seventeenth and Eighteenth ,
H this evening , to formulota plans to dc-
H feat the attempt by Chicago to take from
H Omnha the Methodist general conference of
H ISO . The reason , for immediate action is
H that in n few weeks the commission
H having power to clnuigo the place of meet
, ing , meets and to that body Cnlcago will
> . present its claims for the sosslon Immo-
H diato action must ho taken and the business
. men of Omaha , the clergy of all denomina-
H lions , city oQlucrs and all Interested in
H maintaining Omaha's rights are requested to
be present
| : Now Sidewalks *
r Sidewalks must bo laid on the following
streets on or before the 23th Inst , otherwise
H | they will bo put down by the city and the
H& cost assessed against the abutting property :
Hi North sldo of Webster street from
: ' Thirtieth to Thirtv-Hrst street , 0 feet wldo
, Koi tli side of Cuming street from Thirty
HbL third street wosc to Lowe avenue , 0 feet
If whk ) .
; Hast side of Twenty-fourth street from
H | v the Hlkhorn & Missouri railroad track south
HM * t0 Commercial , and on'tlic north siaa of
li Commercial street from Twontfoui tli
I' street to Sherman avenue , 0 feet wide
HMf' street between Farnam and
Hi' ' Leavenworth streets , both sides , 0 feat wide ,
HhI n' ' , ° 0Q the west side of Thlrti-ilrst bctweeu
HhL Leavenworth and Farnam strcots , C foot
i wld0- _ .
| , Dcnth or Mr * . rrniilcW Hills
Hl | Mrs Minnie Hllls.wifu of Frank W. Hills ,
HlEt and daughter of Mr Henry Brown , quietly
Hli passed away at 12:45 : p. m. Sunday The
HH burial will take place at 1:30 : p. in tomorrow
Hatf , from her late residence , 2013 California
His street
HJj Airs Hills was Intelligent , accomplished
Hit and devout a beautiful character , a lovely
HJ < [ , ' daughter , a noble wife , a true friend , a kind
Hi ? nclghoor , has gene from earthly relations
Hi i She was a choice spirit In a wldo 30clal cir
HJ | clc , but aside from the family group she
HJI adorned , she will bo missed uud best rctncin-
HJI' bered as the sinllful orgunlst and faithful
HJi worker in the Methodist Episcopal church
HJ % Il" ! ' Frank W. Hills and all the futility tiava
HI > - the tearful sympathy of many friends
I '
Jv Jlcllcloiis Railroad Men
HJ | There was a large meeting of railroad
HJ men from ovcry branch of the service at
HJ ! Hoyd'B opera house Sunday evening to listen
HJj to the \V. C. T. U. railroad evangelist , Mrs
HJ' ' Jenulo Smith of Baltimore , Md Every
HJI scat was tilled by earnest Intelligent , inter
HJ ; . estcd railroad workers '
HJ Miss Smith recounted her victory through
HKSL , the cruclblo of suffering which lasted for
H Kfei over ton years.mid which led her to'dovoto
HJSk' her life to the spiritual uplifting of railroad
HmCF mo" ailL policemen , as they hud been her
Hl& constant benefactors
HJa - l or tho-thurough accomplishment of this
HMe worir she proposes to organize a national
fj' association of railroad men and their faml-
HJI lies
Hllr J'13' ' Spurloch of Plattsmouth , was Intro •
Hj : & duced and read the proposed constitution ,
HJI ' -l'10 ' Hov Mr Savage then asked for the ap
HJil proval of the railro id men present , to bo slg-
HJE ulilcd by raising the hand It was almost
K universal
HBS" The loaders fcol that It will have aa organ
HBt iz tlou pcrfoclod and under way la Omaha
E and fpel much encouraged
HHI' The Omnha TlionsnpliUtfl
HHJ ! The annual meeting of the Omaha bl-auch
HJI ( vrdanto ) of the thoosopntcal society was
HJttg * D0'(1 ' Bt " ' rooms , No Sf > 5 Shooloy block ,
HJIff For the ensuing year the following oDlccrs
HJpf were olectcdi Dr J. M , Horglum , prcsldont ;
Hj | Mr W. S. Wing , vlco president ; Mr , T It ,
HjS' Prater , corresponding secretary ; Mrs , J ,
Hlflr Hurnoss , rccordlug secretary ; Mr , O , H ,
HlK * llendofeldt , troasuiar ; Mr , O , Schirmor ,
HJ , librarian ,
HHC The rottrlng president before relinquish
HlK lug the chair road an address , emphasizing
HK the healthy and harmonious growth of the
Hlv society during the past year The retiring
HlK treasurer iu his annual report showed that
Hlw tbo brauch hud a sound lluu ncial standing
HIk A pleasing feature of the bcadquartors Is
Hl 'ts ' well stoclted library , consisting chiefly of
HlMj norlts on occult Hcioiico In order to give
HlP tlio general inquirer an opportunity to innko
HbK' himself familiar with the scopi of such mat
Hln ler the room is open from 7 o'clock p. ni , , to
HlK ° o'clock pm on Wednesdays , ami from 4
Hb > o'clock p. in to 9 o'clock p , in on Hutu rd ays
Hl& For the benoflt ot earnest ltiquiieis open
Hn meetings ore held every Sunday ut 4 o'clock
HIST 1'mi ° n which essays bearing on the objects
HMH ot theosophlsm are read and discussed
HM The avowed objects of the theosophlsm are
Hjlt2" ns follows ;
HJi 1. 'I'o form the nucleus of an universal
Hflu brotherhood ot humanity without dlstlno
HjlS tlon ° f rale , creed , box , or color
' - • 'I' ° promote the study of Aryan and
HIH other eastern literature , religions uud
Hlff scloucos
HJe ° < To Investigate unexplained laws ot ;
Hit nuluro and the physical powers latent m
His 1atl'bls Is pursued by a portion only of
HHfp tlie membership _
HJB Pleasant to the taste , surprisingly quick Iu i
Hltf' cflect and economical in price no wonder
HHr 1iat , Un bulls Cough Syruu Is the leading
K' preparation of Its lilnd
HF "Oh I Romania thy hour of case , uncor-
Hk Julu c ° 1' iud hard to please " With chlldroa
HV < i uurt long hours sho's spent , Do try Salva-
HK tiou Oil , the lluliucut
The Great Car rnmlrto on Nebraska
JS Cameron , chief construction manager
of the Union Pacific says that there is abso
lutely no troth in the reports that his com
pany proposes to extend its Utah Central
line ' into San Francisco
"I would not condescend to deny the
stories , but they nio giving us some annoyance -
anco and ought to bo stopped The Callfor-
nt newspapers have been sajlng so much
about the Union Pacific's movements that
our connections out thcro , the Southern
Pacific 1 ospcclally , begins to think wo are
lying j to them , Wo have never had any in
tention of building the Utah Central only to
Los j Angeles "
"Is that a peed terminus for youl"
Yes , I think so Thcro Is population
enough ( In southern Uillfornmto make n >
state , , which , coupled with Utah nnd the In-
toivcnlng \ tctritory now without railroad
accommodations , , to gWo us all the business
wo can tnko care of
'Thcro is Just this about the situation t
That great stretch of country is becoming
too j Important to bo overlooltod very much
longer The fact was becoming moro evi
dent ovor.v day that some ono would go In
there , aud build a road through it Wo
thought , that the Union Paclllo
could better afford to take the
lead thaa to let some outfit
which would build mcroly to soil out , got It
It has bcou a difficult mutter for us to mnko
the i Southern Paclllo pconlo understand our
position l , "
Since It has become known that Chief
Engineer lioquo proposes to locnto his fnin-
lly in San Francisco and live there , every
person interested naturally concluded that
the company intended to eventually con
struct ' its line to that city
This mo\c , however , on the part of Mr
Hogua declares Mr Cameron , hus no such
significance i nttachod to It The latter hns
Just returned from Salt Luke city , nnd pre
dicts that the next twclvo months will wit
ness In Utah a repetition of the oxcltomcnt
In railroad building had la Colorado ten
years ago
The Union Pacific is suffering in a busi
ness way for want of frolght cars The
farmers in Nebraska and Kansas are haul
ing their corn to market in such great quan
tities that It is lmposslblo for the railroads to
nccominodato shippers with all the cars they
want As a consequence the grain is being
dumped iti largo piles by the track at neurly
every station
Goncral Manager Dickenson says ho could
easily use 4,000 morq enrs , but every western
road is in nbout the snmo fix It Is , there
fore , uttorlv lmposslblo to got thorn
Car Accountant Buckingham is tearing his
hair and rushing wildly from ono sidetrack
to another all ever the system , pressing
everything on wheels Into service and doing
his very best to rollovo the famishing cry
Some ot the Nebraska railroad managers
are beginning to think that they ougbt to locate -
cato their gonural frolght ugents in Chicago
and lot thorn do nothing but attend associa
tion meetings Miller , Wood and Morchouso
of the 13. & M. , Union Pacific and Elkhorn
Valley , have gene thcro again to wrangle
over live stdck rates for Kansas
John Angler , live stock agent for tbo H. &
M. , Is the proud parent of a son , whom ho
has named after Harry Douol
Gonornl Freight Agent Munroo has re
turned from a long siege over freight matters
at Chicago _
Scats for Stuart Hoblnson in The Hen
rietta' " go on sale Thursduy morning
A llustio'H Unsuccessful Attempt to
Victimize Two Iiiinn Agents
A bold attempt has Just failed to work tbo
Mutual Investment company , as also F. D.
Muir , of Muir & Gaylordof this city , each
of $1,000 by an attempted fraudulent loan on
pioperty near Broivnvlllo , In this state
It seems that W , J. Kussell of this citv ,
vice president of the Mutual , received an ap
plication for a loan on a sixty-acre farm of
Mrs J. Q. A. Smith for S1.000. signed by
herself and as appraisers appeared the names
of J. Llttroll JV Titus J. P. Crothor and
Theodora Hill of Nemaha City It pur
ported to have been sworn to before 13. 15.
Hoadley and had tbo improssioa of his seai
as notary public Mr Kussell called upon
Mrs Smith and asked to see the land on
which she wanted the loan She was much
surprised and said she had made no applica
tion for a loan Ho then htintod up tbo ap
praisers , who said they never had seen the
paper before Then Mr noadloy was called
upon and pronounced the application a for
gery Some person , bo said , had used nis
seal and made a. clover imitation of his sig
Mr Frank Muir niso bad a similar ex
perience , linil the boldness ot the undertak
ing is mndo nil the moro to appear because tno
offices of the Mutual company and Mr Muir
adjoin each other
The application for the blanks was made
some time ago Tbo latter were furnished
duly filled out and returned to Mr Muir
Ttio land was uppraiscd at $4,600 , which Mr
Muir considered excessive , as $ JuOO would
havosuniccd to have secured a loan of the
amount sought
The papers also were made o'lt In an un
satisfactory manner , nnd were returned
with the notification that the application was
About this time Mr Muir received a letter -
tor from a party In that section notifying
him that if he intended to send anybody to
ex ami no the laud to defer the duto until tbo
writer should return , because tbo applica
tion was undoubtedly a fraud ,
It is alleged that the forger Is spotted and
will soon bo placed under irrcst
An Absolute Cure
Is only.put up in lurgo two ounce tin boxes ,
and Is an absolute euro for old sores , buras ,
wounds , chapped hands and all skin nrup-
ttons Will positively cure all kinds of piles
MENT Sold by Goodman Drug commany
at 2S cents per box by mall 30 cents
They Are Anxious to Fill tlio Com
nilssloncc nnd Chairman's Hoar
All the members ot the county board ex
cept Corrlgan are candidates for the chair
manship of that body
Andoison rellos upon Turners voting for
him ; Turner relies upon Anderson aud each
hopes that ho will bo ublo to * ocuro the vote
ot Mr Uorlin The latter , tro , is not op
posed to being placed in Mr , Mounts chair ,
although bo has not as yet been admitted to
membership In the board and Is not sup
posed to be as familiar with the affairs ot tbo
board as tbo presiding ofllcci should bo
Yet none of these gentlemen , all of whom
are republicans , can bo clouted unless ho
should vote for himself or secure a vote
from the democratic members , O'Koeffo and
To secure such a vote Is now the object of
Messrs Anderson and Turner Neither of
them can liopo to bo successful , though It is
pro Paolo Uorlin might ho in the ovout of a
tie-up on the part ot Turner and his con
frere "
O'ICoeftu's chances of again occupying the
choir , his party being iu the minority , nt not
very promising , though it Is thought a combine -
bino might bo made with Corrigan , Turner
and Uorlin O'Koeffo voting for the new
member of the board
It Is gonorolly hold that a great deal de
pends this year in having a good presiding
ofllccr , and Micro is no doubt in the minds of
these who know the mombars of tbo board ,
do not bellovo that all the aspirants to tbo
ofilco are capable of satisfying the require
ments of the place
Cozzens hotel , $1,60 and $2.00 per day
He Arrests Thirteen Unruly Omahnns
on a " 'llnl • . , ,
A party of Omaha young bloods while
passing through town on their way to a
country dance , thought to glvo It a coat of
red paint The peace and order loving cltl-
zons uere much disturbed and arousodato
o'clock Saturday evening by the tiring of re
volvers together with promiscuous yelling
City Marshal M. Dally quickly overtook aud I
arrested the whole party , consisting of r
thirteen young men , accompanied by as many
of the guuilor sex , 1'tig ladliM seouied vary 1
much I frlghtecod , but were assured protec
tion '
The city council , owing to the absence of
Police : Judga L. E. Ilaybargor has declared
that ofilco vacant It W. Cowan was ap
pointed ; to succeed blm
An ordlnanco making It a misdemeanor
for women to enter saloons was passed
, Tbo buildlng-commlttro for the nowolght-
looni school bas decided upon the Smead
system , of ventilating and boating This
Will cost nbout (3,400. ,
Ulds for grading the school slto were
opened , h. • ) . Lemon was awarded the con
tract Uo does tbo work for 8 cents per
cubio , yard
The attendnnco of pupils at the schools is
still i small , but is a gain ever preceding
The young men were taken to the Jail ,
where they put up $10 each for tholr npponr-
anco i at the police court on Monday morning
The following Bro the names glvon by the
parly ] t Messrs Hall Dempster , Faulkner ,
Stuart , Eihooser , Cook.Groon , Aokson , Dcd-
rick , Hill , Smith and Hanks
Cowan & Hall have recently filled a Ion , ?
felt want , namely the putting In of apubllo
telephona la their store
Salt Kliciun
With its intense itchinrr , dry , hot skill ,
often broken into painful cracks , anil
the little wntory pimples , often causes
Indoscrlbahlo sufforinij Hoods Snr
suparllla hns wonderful power ever this
disonsc It purlllcs tlio blood nnd expels -
pols the humor , nnd the skin heals
without n scar Send for book co.ituln-
ini ? many etatomontsot cures , to C. I.
Hood & Co.Apothecaries , Lowoll.MnSs ,
A Denial of the Sensational Ynrn
About HufT.ilo Mill
The Associated Press dispatches Sunday
contained the announcement that a syndi
cate of Now York capitalists were on the
anxious seat regarding the funds they have
invested in Buffalo Hills Wild West show ,
now on exhibition In Purls It is claimed
thatT C. Crawford nnd Mr Cody organized -
izod neyndtcato in Now York city , which put
$150,000 in the enterprise , and that Hill went
across the water without an'agent to tnko
cliargo of the syndicates percentage , which
was to bo 80 per cent of the gross recciptB
aud the return of tbo principal
A reporter last night visited Sherman
Canlleld , who was for a long time Buffalo
Hills prlvnto secretary , and from him ob
tained the details of the cntiro transaction
In the first place , the amount of money in
vested by the syndlcato was trivial , and only
amounted to enough to send the aggregation
across the water and start It going Tbo syn
dicate was organized by Crawtord , who wont
to Paris in the syndicates interest Ho has
cntiro charge of the syndicates interest and
is responsible Mr Caullcld stated that the
article referred to was purely sonsatlonal
and without foundation
Billy McCune , another friend of Buffalo
Bill , confirms Cantiold's statements
Durno's Catarrh SnulT
When suftoring with catarrh , cold in the
head , nervous headache , etc , use Durno's
Snuff , it will relieve you at once Price 25c
nt druggists _
IHCI ) .
ULMEIt Dccembor 15 , Agnes Lane , daugh
ter of Mr and Mrs Albert Ulmer , nged 7
i cars , 2 mouths and 13 duj s.
Funeral today at 2 p m. , from the fam
ily residence , 2029 iyouth Fifteenth street
Interment at Council Bluffs
Tor Throat Disrust-s ami Concha use
Browns Bronchial troches Like all really
good things , they are imitated The gcuutno
are sold only in boxes
Several weeks njzo , while Mrs N. C.
Dcntrich , whojives nour Philadelphia ,
was gathering hickorynuts , a bluck-
snake celled around her ankle She
endeavored to shako it off without
avail , when in her desperation she \xq-j \
rolcally nulled it off her ankle and
threw it from hof , which certainly re
quired much nerve for a woman
Tor 25 years I suffered from bolls , erysipelas
end other blood affections , taking during that
time great quantities of different medicines with
out gh lng mo any pcrccptlblo relief Friends
Induced mo to try S. a. S. It Impro-v cd mo from
tbo Btart , and after taking ec\cral bottles , re
stored my health as far as I could liopo for ot
my age , which Is now seventy fho years
Mrs S. M. Lucas , Bowling Green , Ey
TrcaUsc on Iflnod anil Skin Diseases mailed free
w _ _ SWIFT bl'ECinO CO . Atlanta , Go
In its First Stages
Be § ure you gtl the gtmtlnt
Ani IIBM-Morphlno HabltCured
11 r I 11 HI lucnts easy , aud coats lets than
Ul IUIII to coutlnuu the habit
IN Its first stsscsd can ; bo successfully
checked by tlio prompt use of Ayers
Cherry Pcctoruli Even in the later
periods ot thab dlsc.iso , the cough Is
wonderfully relict ed by this lucdlcino
"I have uscdAjrr's Cherry Pectoral
with the best efrstt In my practice
This wondcrhil'prnparatlon onro saved
my life I had n constant cough , night
sweats , was greatly reduced In flesh ,
nnd given up hv my ph\slclan. Ono
bottle aud n hall of the Pectoral cured
mo " A. J. Kldson , M. V. , Mlddleton ,
" Several years ago I was sovcrcly 111.
The doctors said 1 was in consumption ,
nnd that they could do nothing for mo ,
but advised me , ns a last reiort , to try
Ayers Cherry Pectoral Alter taking
this mcdlcino two or tbrco months I
was cured , nnd lny.hcnith remains good
to the present day " James lllrchard ,
Darlcn , Conn
" Several years ago , on a passage homo
from California , by water , I contracted
so Bc\cro a cold that for some dnjs I
v as confined to my stateroom , and a
on board considered my lifo
n danger Happening to have a bottle
of Ajci's Cluury Pectoral , I used It
freely , and > ny lungs cro soon restored
to a healthy condition Slnco then I
have Invnrinblyn commended tills prep „
arntion " J. li.Uhandlcr , Junction , Va
Ayers ' Cherry Pectoral ,
ritrrAniD nr
Dr J. C. Ayer St Co , Lowell , Mass ,
Bold by all Drunlits l'rlcol ; lxbotllc , $5 :
Tim I.A.NI ) OP
"SencT for circuhr JitrJiKyjor2 | , a-
IA BI FT IN C MUco.flrWilii. \ \ . Chi
\mummiH \
if 6 MOJ./S - r . THE O MLV-
jMTiw4 < - - ywak qoAHAiJTEED
I sw ciwoAiCayx ATARRH
For sale by Goodman Drug C
The Well Known Specialist ,
fftfrc isiv , Isuinurpnaicrtln
fMfcjfcT jMS lMfc tlio treatment ot
AJZvStf ' " WiKvftk H.irorms of I'm-
WF * V&&l\w3&fe \ VATK IJISMSE9
W * ® KJaV Gleet ( ind Strict ,
B JSfel ft tintccd SpprniJ *
/ _ - * ' V QyW torrliiui Jiupo-
I L- \ hStl curtJ , onil lor
I tS * PI II books , • 'Tlio I Uo
wS ft/yrW ir if bticret , " forMim
K ? < * JAjgMyf > / orWomim , encli
f r55ftySI ? l-/ llcentstbtaiiips ) .
" *
k tarruli ninj fckln
V L , / I quickly ami per
/SWn3L' * Tr / I iiinnently Tit'ut-
V iKfSK PC f v atamps for ' repljr
S.E , Cor ifu Ofckson Stsl Omaha
Wo Rive you Rood value In our Overcoats
at J8.IHJ , 910 00 , I1S.0J , $15.00 , (18 00 , f. 'JltU
ana a'l.DO ; Our Suits at iUIM 115 U0 , SJtW ,
-O0Oja. . ' .oiancUM0) . '
Vou receive Ono Hollars worth of goods
for Ono Dollar ana that Is all any one
ttreptly | mDrp o " . U twnjrinj iitcUMpu
• D and uarwn . ccorJlo to lua wtUbt put on thorn
Vt/dH e WUlslnrw bS t ntUfuctlon
1 WBm m
has stirred up the community Never had an advertisement sucHftin effect on Clo- ll
tiling buyers Our stores arc crowded from morning till night what a contrast ffl
to the empty houses who are trying to imitate us in the paper And the way fl
people buy those $9.75 Suits and Overcoats , it looks as if they arc convinced jH
that they are getting a special price on thorn These large crowds of intclli- H
gent buyers are the best proof in the world that we arc doing exactly as we pro B
miscd Many that clo not need the goods and only come to look are tempted in- 1H
to buying and they ought to be The values we are offering in this sale arc not [ H
picked up every day and at every place Even WE , who claim to sell all the I
year around considerably cheaper than other houses can not offer you such bar I
gains very often fl
In connection , witli this great $9.75 Men's Suit and Overcoat Sale - HAve
Ave commence Monday morning a general Clearance Sale in our Boys Dcp- H
artment in which values will likewise be slaughtered Monday morning we offer jJS ,
you a choice of several lots of Knee Pant Suits which heretofore have been selling ' ] H
at $4.50 , $5.00 and $5.75 , all.of them now S3.50 or you can have your pick from M
t 10 different styles of the finest Knee Pant Suits which have sold from $6. to $7.50 i M
they go now for $4.90. These will make excellent Christmas gifts for Boy . fl
Next Thursday , ' weshall begin to distribute our elegant Holiday Souvenirs and M
will also forward one with each out of town order H
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets „ H
///nnYs e&sy ? o use fla ) > plte in
house-cieaningS polio is a.solidc ke I
of scouring sop used for all cleaning '
purposes except Hie l&undryvTry ih 'M
The appearance of a house Is the great toot of the houso-wlfo'a skill Thooo who use | |
SAPOLIO are called skillful because their houses are always clean You , too , can bo skillful j H
A calto of GAPOI.IO I3 all you need SAPOLIO quickly cleans ovorythlns about a house < l |
PARIS , J559 ,
The Highest Possible Premium ,
The President of the Company ,
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