Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Wheat Starts In at an Improve
tucmt but Fulls to Hold
_ _
Oats Dull anil NckIocIciI Provisions
Stand About the Bnmo as on Bnt-
nrrtnjr Cnttlo blow Hoc * Com *
parntlvcly Active
Chicago , Dee 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tub Dee.I Wheat started U | > today and
mndo a Kiln of He , but tlia market did not
hold at ttio Improvement On the other con
trary , it got decidedly wo.ik during the Inst
linlf of the session und the bulls wcro dis
heartened at the end of the day Mny
started In at 8'ic , sold oft to 8iVo ! and ad
vanced to SJJffc , soiling off , bowovcr , to 82 1/
® 92a and closlnjr heavy nt S2fSVi } ° -
December opened at 7i > fc , ranged down to
TTo and closed at the bottom January
opened at T8J c , rnnced at 7b6' } J % " } { 0 and
closed nt 77 0. The wltloning of the difference -
enco between cash and May wheat , which
was a minor featsro of the days trading ,
was duo In a great part to the circulation of
n revamped version of the story of a com
blno among the elevators for the purpose of
raising storngo rates on grain from % c to lo
for first storaqo nud from Ho to Jtfo for sub1
| scquont ton-day cycles Thcro Is nothing
H now In this report , but It would seem
| that there has been renewed ac-
| tlvlty In the negotiations between
H warehouse proprietors recently But
H forono ort\vi > free Inn cos a bettor under
H standing between warchouso men would
H have been arrived at lonp ago As It is , the
H frco lances appear to bo as untaranblo notv
H as over , nnd until all parties are brought into
H accord the proposed deal stands a poor show
H of going through The way the tcnttcr now
H stands , there is no sottlcd or uniform rate ,
Trading was largely local in its character
H Kow Vorlc and the northwest wore good
buyers early , but the local talent , domlu-
ntetl The nggrciratovolumo of business was
rather below the average
Dccambor delivery in corn wns strong and
H advanced from 32c at the opening to S'iHo
H and remained firm for a considerable period
nt : Wc , at which prlco also the bulk of the
] cnb offerings of the day changed hnnds
] There were liberal offers nt and over 83o ana
Hj later at 32j c and oven lower by an operator
H } who Is credited with having control of stocks
H } of contract corn in store The May delivery
HI was inactlvo and easier , and oven Jan
HI tinry was but slightly affected by
Hj the early strength of the present
HI month The general feeling nt the close of
I the market wus easy , and December closed
I with sellers at 32c , January 01 < @ 3l c ,
and May B.33hc which wus about 1-lUc
Hj lower all around tnnn Saturday The damp
Hj weather was a stimulus to the buying of Do-
H cembcr , and increased receipts hero And the
j very nenvv arrivals , amountihg to 641,000
Bl bushels at St Louis , pulled in the other di-
Hj rcctlon The decrease of 447,000 bushels in
j the vlsiblo supply was not influential on
HJ cither sldo
HJ Oats wcro dull and neglected on specu-
HI lativonccount , with light trading in Muv at
HI 2)i@ % ? < indicating u steady tone The
HJ ncur months were unchanged , with C0c
Hj l'ald for December 'I here wns some effort
Hj to change January to February at about *
HI difference The receipts exceeded the csli-
HJ mate by 03 earn , ana trading in cash oats was
H ] confined to samples , with No 3 regular at
Hj about 20J < c A small decrease in the vlsiblo
H ] supply of 41,884 bushels oxortcd no lufluonco
H ] on the market
H ] In provisions the situation was pretty
HI much the same as It stood on Saturday
H ] . Some disposition was shown to bear pork
H ] * * and of May short ribs there was rather f reo
Hj soiling by Hutchinson nna Cuaiihy The
H ] days trading , however was not regarded as
H ] possessing any marked Bigniflcanco , though
H ] from the start the market exhibited a tend
H ] enoJ" to seek a little lower lovei Still the
H ] actual changes in prices were confined to
H _ comparatively small limits For the active
M deliveries , January and May , pork closed
last night 5c , lard 35o and short rips 3 > c
under Saturdays lust quotations
H CHICAGO live ; stock
1 Cnioxao , Doc 10. [ Special Telegram to
B The Beb.1-Ca.tti.k-Business was slow and
H prices about the same as on Friday and Sat
B urday Amonc- the arrivals were about 10,000
B Texans , the property of Swift & Morris ,
H hence but few are on the market Natlvo
H butchers stock , especially good cows and
H heifers , sold from steady to a sbado
Hf stronger There wcro but light arrivals
H of stockcrs and feeders , hence but a limited
Hj business was done Cholco to extra beeves
H brought , (4 50(35 ( SIS ; medium to good steers ,
B 1R50 to 1500 lbs , * 3.40@4.30 ; 1S00 to 1850 lbs ,
M - | 3.00@3.00 ; 950 to 1300 lbs { 3.75 § 3.50 ;
Hl stockcrs and fcedors , $2.00(32 ( 95 ; cows
H ) * tiulls and mixed , (1.20 ( < ia.OO ; bulk tl.90 ( 2.30.
HI Texas cattle steadystoors ; , | 2.20@2.S0 ; cows ,
H ] fl.50@2.10.
Hj Hoas The market was active and steady
H ] ps compared with Saturday The bulk of
HI tuo mixed and packing stock sold at } 3.55@ j
Hj s CO shipping grade at $3.00 ( < $3.C5 and light ;
H ] sorts from tU.G'J ' to S.I.U5. A few fancy houvy
HI BOld at ? 3-U7 < S-70 , and a few single pigs at t
B Mlnliifr Stocks
H Nbw Yonic , Dee 10. rSpoelal Telegram
H toTiiR Ubb.I The follj' .vtaj arcs the mln-
M ing Btook quotations i
HI Best & llelcher 2(0 Mexican 230
HI Caledonia . H..l 0 North Ilelle Isls . . 103
K Con Cal&Ya UO Ontario ! 1" > M
m DeidwoodT ino Plymouth WJ3
M l' .lfrlsto 13) isavsgs 150
H lisle & MorcrossVjO ! filerra Nevada 0O
H Homestaxa .WO UnlouCou Wi
Hj Horn 811 ver . . . . . .
H New Voiik Doc 18 , | Spoclal Telegram to '
H Tns Uee | Stocks Tbcro was less than
H the usual amount of lntorcst shown on the
H street and in stook clrclos over Saturday
H night and Sunday , and the brisk opening of
H the stock market this morning was , there
M fore , a plouslng surprise At first the tend '
H ency of the market was shown at the open
B ing , when most of the leading active stocks
H wcro small fractions higher Now England I ,
M Missouri Pacific , Ilock Island and Manitoba
H were up toi \ to % per cent each
B Curing the lirst few minutes all ac-
B tlvo stocks moved up furtucr small ;
m fractions The first hour brought
1 very few features and only Missouri Pacific ,
M Lackawanna and Sugar Henneries were at
B all active In tbo early advance Sugar und
M Missouri Pacific were each remarkably firm i ,
B the former rising i } { percent to C3J { and tbo
M latter to 1 to O0J ) ( . A weakness In coal
B stocks , howorer , had tbo effect of stopping
m the upward movement and Reading became
B active , joining Lackawanna la a material deB -
B dine , while many stocks of the general list
H were brought down below tbo opening fig
V uros Lackawanna declined 1 % and Head
H log and Kansas 1 per coat each
B from the best prloes of the
BB : aarly dealings , whllo Missouri PacWo lost
BBjj all of the Improvement noted , dropping back
H at 11 o'clock to tns oponlng figures , 05 > f.
BBji During the hour to noon Sugar Trusts were
BBj conspicuous with a sharp dccllno of nearly
B four points to 69 } . Chicago Qas was quiet
BBji at 41 early and 40 at a oclock Trans
BBj | continental and Louisville and n few others
B Improved slightly on light trading , whllo I
BB Western Union last X from the opening to
BH B5 > , Tbo weakness of coal stocks and Sugar
BBj Trusts was counteracted after noon by
B food buying of Louisville , St Paul and
M other standard railroad shares , principally
M for foreign account Louisville was ad-
B vanced to 87 , closing at 67 . St Paul ,
i closed at the best point of the dsy , 69 % .
m There was a slight upturn all around at the
BBB . w)1akJfidfo . . . . .
.mA ) * > ! > rf j.t rf4 - A *
close on buying by shorts to cover The
total sales were but 151,357 shares
TSu The following were tbo closing quotations t
0.8. s regular . 12 * Northern lsclfla . ! a\l \
U.H.41 coupons . . .IZT dopreferred ; af
lI.H.4lsregulsrIOIl ( O. He to , W Ill
U.V.4V ( s coupons ,10 < V doprer rred HQ'i
Paclntfisof * Sl Il N.Y.L'entrsl 107V
o ntrsl Pscltle . . . xt'i P. l . * K ( . , is
CblcsBokAlton . . .112 llocklsland U7' <
ChlcsKOllurllngton O..M.8t.P. . H1H
AQiilncy , 10154 doprsrerr d..m'i
n..ij.w )37H8t.i ) , uiAOmsh . . na
IlllnolsOntral 117 doproferroa , . . . W'i
! . . . & W. , l < ITnlon Paeino 09(4 (
KansssftTsxa UH W..8t. L. P 15
J.skeShors 10s doirotorred . . . „ nri'i
Michigan Central . B'U Western Union , . . . 65H
UlsBourlPacltlo . . . 69
MetEr On call , ranging from 4 to 7 , last
loan ] , 4.
PniMB Mercantile PAran 03" . ! $ per
Sterlino ExcmxoE Quiet but steady ;
sixty-day bills , 14 80)4' ) ; demand , f4.84j4 .
. CniCAno Dee 10 1:15 : p. m. close
Wheat Lower ; December , 77c ; January ,
uKe" Jlny 82) ) o.
Corn Lower ; December , 32)fu ; Janu
ary 31o ; May , SSJs c
Oats Steady ; Uccomber , SO o ; Janu
ary , 20ifo ; May , 23Vc. ,
Ilyo Oecembor , 45)4'c.
Barley Nothing dome
Prime Timothy ll.20ffll.23.
FInx Seed Cash , ? 1.30) ) < ; May , $1.43.
Whisky 1.03.
Pork Steadj ; Jnounry , $9.2 > ; May , S9 0" .
Lard Steady ; Dccomber , 15.90 ; January ,
f5.90O5.92K' ,
Flour Dull and neglected : winter wheat ,
$2.00@.35i spring wheat , fj 5' < } 4.90 ; ryn ,
12.50 2.85 ; buckwheat , 81.50(3 ( .00 porowt
Provisions Shoulders , fl,12 > jfi$4.S3 ; short
clear , $5.05@n.t0 ; short ribs , $4.70.
Butter btoadycreamory,17(32 ; * } < 'e ; dairy ,
, Uhooso Firm ; full cream cheddars und
dots , yf(3nVo ) ( ; Voung Americas 10 < c.
Eggs Busier ; fresh , 2022o.
Hides Steady ; light groan salted , Co ;
dry calf , 5(31c ( ; deacons , each , 20c.
Tallow Steady : No 1 solid packed , 4c ;
No 8 , 8tf/@J / > 43 ; cake , 4 c.
Ketelpts Shlpmts
Flour j 17,000 17,000
Wheat \ 57,01)0 ) 24.000
Corn C 212,000 217,000
Oats 150,000 101,000
, Ni w Vorlc , Doc 10 , Wheat Uocoipts
99,000 ; exports , 103,87) ) ; spot firmer nnd dull ;
No j 2 rod , 81) ) @ 3IJfb in elevator , SOc alloat ,
85 f > @S7o f. o. b ; ungraded red , 77@91c.
OptloiiB ( dull and higher ; No 3 rod , Decem
ber { closing at 84Jfc.
Corn Receipts , G3.000 ; exports , 07,100 ;
spot dull and steady ; No a , 41&-U c In
elevator , 43 'f@lUJio afloat ; ungruded mixed ,
39g4'ljfcOptions ; ( dull and steady ; Dccom
ber [ , 42Jfo.
Oats Uocoipts , 73,000 ; exports , none ; spot ,
firm j ; options atoady ; Dccomber , 25a , : spot
No ] 2 white 31Kci mixed western , 37@J0c ;
white western U0@35c.
Coffee Options closed steady at 2J@30
points , down Sales : 03,750 , bags ; Decem
ber | , | 10.10@10.15 ; May , $ I0.15@IG.45 ; spot
HIo j , easy and quiet ; fair cargoes , $19.87i .
Sugar Haw , dull and nominal ; refined ,
lower nnd wealc
Petroleum Steady ; United closed at
$1.05 for January
Eggs Firm ; western , 24c.
Pork Firm ; mess , Inspected , 511.00 ®
Lard Easier ; moro nctlvo export ; West
crn steam , $0.20 < gt5 22J , closing at $3.S2 > .
• Buttar Dull and weak ; Elgin , 29c ; western -
orn dairy , 9@19o ; creamery , 14@29c.
Cheese Quiet ; western , 8@Uc. )
St Ijimis Dec lC Wnoat Higher ;
cash , 77 } < a ; Slay , 81c.
Corn Lower ; cash 27 0 : May , 9 c.
Oats Dull ; cash , 20o ; May , 32 ; c.
Pork Quiet at $10.00.
Lard Steady at J5.70.
Whisky 31.02.
, Butter Quiet ; creamery , 22@21c : dairy ,
18@2. c
Si.UtnrioapnlK , Doc 10. Sample ivhoat
Active and higher early , later became easy ;
receipts j , 401 cars ; shipments , 05 cirs
Closing : No t hardt December , 78o ; May ,
83c ' ; on track , 79c ; No 1 northern , December
comber ' , 75c ; May , 80.o ; on track , 77Hc ;
No 2 northern , December , 73o ; Mny , 77 0 ;
on ' track , 72@75c.
Ciiiclnnnti , Dec 10. Wheat Weak ,
lower 1 ; No,2 rod , 77lJ78c. (
Corn Dull , weak ; No 3 mixed , D7c ; now
34 c.
Oats Easier ; No 3 mixed , 24 ® JoUc
Whisky $1.02. ,
Kansas Cltv ' , Dec 10 Wheat Qulot ;
No 3 hard cas 'h and December , GOjifcbld ;
No 2 red , cash , 07c.
Corn Quiet ; No 2 , cash , 23 , % c asked
Oats Notbiug doing ,
Ldvrrnnol , Dec 10. Wheat Steady ,
demand poor ; holders offer sparingly ,
Corn Firm , demand falrncw ; mixed west
ern , 4s 2d per cental
Ulilcaco , Dec 10. The Drovors'-Journal
reports as follows :
Cattle Iioceipts , 13,000 shipments , 8,800 ; >
market steady ; beeves , $4.5Ug5.35 ( ; steers , '
$2.U0@l.2O ; stoekurs and feeders , $2.00@ '
2.25 ; Texas cattle , $1.50@3.S0.
Hogs Receipts , 21,000 : market strong ;
mixed , $34.B@3.05 ; heavy , $3.45(33.70 ( ; light
$3.50023.70 ; skips , $3.00@3 40.
Sheep Uocoipts , 7,800 ; market steady i
natives , $3 00Jc5.50 ; western , corn fed ,
$3.00@5.40'lexuns ; , $3 00@4.20.
Tbo Drovers Journal special cablegram 1
quotoo best American emtio lo higher than
last week Tbo general marKet is well sup
cliod with all kinds , except American cattle
Medium to cholco steers , U@V1. }
Kansas City , Dee 10. Cattle Receipts ;
3E50shipmcnts,3,400 ; good , higher ; ethers
steady ; natives , fJ.00 4.00 ; cows , $ l,50@ i
3.30 ; stockcrs and feeders , $2.00 ( 3.00.
llogs Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , none ;
market higher ; extreme range , * 3 5003.00 ;
bulk , $3,52'4-3.55.
Slonx City , Dee 10. Cattle Rocolpts , 1
375 bead ; market steady ; canncrs , 75c ( I
$1.20 ; oows , $ l.00g'J 15 ; stockcrs and feed
ers , $1.50@3.90 ; veal calves , $3,00@3.15.
llogs Uocoipts , 1,500 ; market closed
steady and higher : light , $3.47X@3 50 ;
heavy , $3 47 @ 3.53 ; mixed , $3.4503.50.
National Stoolc Vurdi , linn St
Ijou' , Dec 10. Cattle Receipts , 1,300 ;
shipments , GOO ; market steady ; fair to fancy
nutivo steers , $ J.25r < i5,20 ; stockers and feed
ers $1.50@3.15.
Hogs Receipts , 2,900 : shipments , 2,300 ;
market higher ; heavy , $3 50@3.00 ; packing ,
$3.4.0 3.55 ; light , fl.40@3.55.
Cat tin
Monday , Dee , 10.
There was not much change in the cattle
market today , values remaining about steady
at Saturdays close , but btlll there were
those who called the market strong One
thing Is certain , bowevor , that shippers must
not place much confidence In the stability of
the present prices , as a heavy run would bo
certain to send the market down to the
lowest point again There were some of tbo
best cattle hero today over seen in the
yards and as high as $3.10 was paid for some
two-year-old grade Herefords and 14.90 lor
the holfers out of the same lot Thogenoral
run of the steers sold at $2.80 ( 3.70. There
wore only a tow stockers ami feeders bore ,
but the demand was light and tbo number of
cattle sold for that purpose small A few
natlvo feeders sold at $2.40@2.55 and some
stopkors at % i. 15@3.30. Native cows sold at
$1.15@3.35 and bullu at $1.50(31.05. (
The market was a sbado to Bo higher and
active at the advance The demand was
good and the market active , tbo bogs being
picked up In good season In the morning
The receipts were about tbo same as on last
Monday , but tbo market was Bardly so
strong as at the oponlng of last wcok ,
although tbo range of prices was the same
There ware plenty of sheep here but
notbiug doing on the market
Cattle , , , , 1,200
Hogs 8,000
Sheep ' . , ( . , 1,071
Prevailing Irloas
The following Is a table of prlcos paid In
this market for the gradoi of stock men
Christinas beeves , , , $ ( .00 (35.10 (
Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 lbs , 3.90 @ 4 CO
Good Steers , 1350 to 1450 lbs , , . 3 60 Sa.90
Good steers , 1050 to 13J0 tts , , , 8 01 ( 3.80
Common 10J3 to 1150 Q > steers 2.75 (33.00 (
Western steers , 3.40 (73 ( 00
Common canners lOU ( 1.50
Ordinary to fair cows 1,50 rail SO
Fair to good cows , 1,80 & 3.00
Oood to cholco cows 2 00 W2.50
Falrto good bulls , . . , 1.50 W2.8'
Light stockers and feeders . . . 2 00 ( J.CO
Feeders,950to 1100 lbs 220 ( $3.00
Fair to cholco light hogs 3.5S W3.00
Fair to cholco heavy hogs 8 47 > { GW 5.T
Fair to cholco mlxod hogs 3.15 ( g > 3.55
Iteprosontntlvo Sales
No Ar Pr No Av Pr
23 . 1187 $ 10 23 U90 $5 10
40 1173 2 80 22 1037 0 40
14 101C 2 90 20 1151 8 40
43 907 3 00 20 12.11 8 50
40 1057 3 IS 84 1302 3 70
m 1189 3 25 82 1307 8 70
20 1130 3 30 B 1330 4 00
87 1231 3 30
cows ,
10 ' 781 1 IB 111 1153 2 10
0 563 100 19 100(1 ( i1S !
14 1050 170 11 8Y > 3 15
3 1187 185 24 1017 U 80
20 905 2 00 B k 000 8 25
3 1150 2 00 1 1000 2 33
3 1070 2 10
1IUM.3 ,
1 1210 160 1 1510 1 C5
1 800 100 1 1430 170
1 1310 100 1 1270 175
1 1310 100 8 1703 193
28 s 701 2 40 23 1110 3-55
37 473 2 IB 25 701 2 30
25 ! 1107 4 90 24 1181 4 90
1 950 2 25
si-AiEi ) nrircns
87 ! 1071 8 00
Owner , and No Av Pr
45stocrs , cornfedTex . 1)00 ) 3 10
No J Av Sk Pr No Av Sir Pr
0..2S7 8 40 CO.292 40 8 CO
60..159 ' 120 3 45 57..332 120 .150
25..230 I 3 45 50..310 80 3 CO
59..391 I 200 3 47W 05..240 80 3 50
50..23-1 I 120 3 47 > 72. . . 232 241) ) 8 50
B7..301 J 230 8 47 > 4 67..334 40 3 B0
71..233 120 8 4K 64..270 80 8 00
72..273 : 4S0 3 50 S3,314 120 0 60
* 50..823 12) 3 50 65. . . 307 200 8 60
03251SO 3 60 43..403 40 8 ti2U
01..213 32J 3 50 70..241 1110 3 52tf }
59. . . 311 40 3 50 77..225 820 0 62 } $
0J..803 100 0 50 53..331 3 6JJ <
51..320 ' 80 8 50 04..2s0 180 3 B2)tf
47..333 3 50 47..410 80 8 B2H
B3..330 j 200 3 50 C0..2HL 120 1111 %
01. . . 201 109 3 50 79..190 80 3 53
01..278 200 3 60 03..253 40 3 52K
03 . . .233 40 3 50 00..327 200 II 62K
G3..273 300 3 53 03. . . .207 129 3 G2J4
511..303 | 80 3 50 1)4..272 ) 40 8 65
53..817 ' 200 3 60 44 . . .370 120 3 65
05..2S5 3 50 77..212 160 0 55
67. . . 320200 8 50 04..259 3 65
61. . . .007 120 3 50 40..279 40 3 55
70..303 240 3 59 73..329 3 55
63..290 ' 109 3 50 04..251 8 55
53..231 40 3 50 71..220 40 3 57K
72 . . .833 2b0 3 50 0 < T..229 3 09
55..315 240 3 50
Live Stock Note ? .
Mahonov , Ferrall & Company Is the style
of n no iv commission Arm , or rather of an
old firm that has resumed business at the
yards From the fact that the firm was
once in business hero , the members do not
need any introduction to the public
Chicago Drovers Journal : If there were
no cattle nt tnurkot except those in marketa
ble condition the run would bo very light
J. C. Welch had three cars of hog * over
today from Clarinda , la , ouo load of sorts
bringing $3 00. •
The Sioux City llvo stock exchnngo has
voted to join tbo national excudngo
Ono of the finest bunches of cattle seen
at these yards was broucht in from Blair by
C. ll and J. G. Blakesho Forty-eight head
of heifers averaging a little over 1,100
pounds , brought $4.00 , and forty-fivo head of
steers averaging a little less than 1,200
pounds , brought $3.10. They wcro out of
high crado shorthorn cows by thoroughbred
Hereford bulls , and are as pretty as pictures
Tbo cattle wcru started 90 oil cake and
ground oats , were put on erass the middle of
April , nnd Unlshed off with oil cake , ground
oats and shelled corn
With Hogs
On tbo market with bogs : J. W.
Stocker , Logan , ia ; G. S. Dye , Carson , la ;
P. DIodrlchsen , Bunnington ; G. L. Dcmmo ,
Burr ; W. C. Swnrtz , Silver City , la : Mon
augh & Company , Dcnison , la ; Gcargo
Vaincs , Missouri Valley , la ; John Llmko ,
Millard ; II A. Nolto , Elkhorn ; Rolscb
Brothers & Company , Benton ; George
Mclsuor , Sbelton ; O. N , Olllnger , Kearney ;
H. McCubblns , Gibbon ; George Thrush ,
Rogers ; Bliss & Bliss , Schuylor : M. tl
Joffvcy Duncan ; Thomas Harris , Central
City ; RIppS , Humphreys ; C. F. Way ,
Ord.r M. F. Nichols , Crooks ; N. W. M. Co ,
Stanton ; D. Henderson , Hastings ; M. Hut
ton , Sidney ; Woodaato & Co , Utica ;
C. W. Saltzglnor , Upland ; F. Tiornoy ,
Broken Bow ; Todd & Co , MIlfordtNIo
Nellson , Stanford ; H. O. Barber & Co.Wil-
souvilto ; R. A. Morton , Henderson ; J. M.
Emorino , PaclOo Junction ; J. C. Welch ,
Clarinda : Howard " & M , , Nortbborough ; F.
M. Marshall , Wooluut ; State Bai-k
of Curtis , way wood ; C , D. Morer
Harvard ; II O. Brown , Falmount ; ,
F. .Alldritt , Friend ; Fisher & S. , Prague ;
Delaney & Dunn , Saronvlllo ; U. E , Roberts ,
Arlington ; James Powers & Company , Hen
derson ; Webster & II , Harvard ; Buckley & '
Ross , Stromsburg ; Clark , II & Company ,
AVeston ; G. Welch & Son , Rising ; Buckley
& Ross , Stromsburg ; Bower & Company ,
Blnncbard , la ; J. Bower , Blancbard , la , ;
E. W. Black , Plattsmouth
With Cattle
On the market with Icattlo : P.
Diodnchscn , Bennington : F.olincr , ,
Missouri Valley ; W. T. Rodon , Missouri
Valley ; O. H. Blakeslce , Blair ; \V. M.
tVUklns , Blair ; C.V. . Newell , Lyons ; Swan 1
Olson , Bancroft ; MclCcogan & McM , Ban •
croft ; B. McDouough , Bancroft ; M. Will
lams , Bancroft ; H , A. Nolto , Elkhorn ; '
WollsN Schuylor ; George KeokCo , '
Carnov ; George Thrush , Rogers ; Wells &
W „ Schuyler ; s. II Smith , Stoux City , la ;
Parsons & W , , Sioux City , la ; Van Hoven 1
& Co , Sioux City , la ; Paxton &z Hushoy ,
O. FbIIowb ; D. & R. G. , Denver ,
Col , ; Culp Sa Loueks , Falls
City ; Cbarlos Royal , Palmyra ; J.
Chambers , Ucemer ; J. Palmer Surprise 5
A. S. Chapman , Surprise G. D. Tollmer ,
Oak ; W. Lomloy , Risings ; E. Pettoy 1
Sboloy ; 7. Krappe , Kortland
With Snoop
On the market with , sheep : George
Molsuer , Shclton ,
Crooeries , Produce , Fruits , Etc *
Eaas Strictly fresh , 21@23o ; cold storage ' ,
Hides , Pelts , Tailok Etc Green salted
hides , 4&o : No 8 , G. S. hides , 8tfc ; dtv flint
hides , 5i$7o ( ; calf hides , 4J/ ( ? 4 } o ; damaged
hldos , 2u less ; sheep pelts , green , each , 25c@
$1.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per lb , 7@13 > 4'ui tallow -
low , No 1 , 4o : No 3 , 8@3Vo ; grease , while ,
4@4 > o ; yellow , 2KC3o.
Butter Creamery , fanov.23@33o5 oholce 1 ,
20Q31C Dairy , fancy , 15Q17o ; choice , 14 ® j !
15c Country , fancy , 14il0c ( ; good to cholco ,
12 ( < 013o ; fair , 10 ( < illo ; Inferior , 6iI9c ( Medium , per bbl , $3.00 ; small ,
$0.00 : gherkins , $ r.0J ; O & B chow chow ,
qts , $5.85 ; ptsJ35 ,
Potatoes 23@30o fdr choice ,
Onioss 40 j00c
Sauer KRAUT-Bbls , $4.75 ; h'f bbls , $2 85. I
Sugars Cut loaf , bo : cut loaf , cubes , 6 0 ;
standard , powdered , 8c : X.KXX , powdered 1 ,
9o ; granulated , standard , 7J a ; confec-
tioners' A , 7tfe ; white extra C , 0) c ; extra
O Neb , 0 01 amber , OvV'c ; California golden
Heec Tosot'is Salt , bbls , $20.00.
lUr-n 00@ti 00.
Cuop Fkeu $12.00. .
Hha < j-$10.00.
Cons 19c.
Oats 17c
Vbal Choice , medium size , i6 ® k > ; choice
heavy , 8 4c
Lte $1.75 ® 1.60 per case
Live Pioeons Per doz , $1.60.
Game Prairie chlokens , $4.00 ; mallard
iducks , $3 00(33.50 ( ; mlxod ducks , $1.50@3.00 ;
teal $1.23@1.60 ; lacksnlpo , $1.00@1. ' 25 ; quail 1 ,
$1.23(31.75 ( : jaclc rabbits , $4.00@4.GO ; small
rabbits , $ l.0O@i.2O ; squirrels , $1.09 ( 1.10 ,
plover , 75c ( < ttl.00 ; veaUon saddles , lUftlUo , ;
carcasses , CuUOc
Leuoas-Fancy , $5.50(27.50 ( ; choice , $3.50 g
B.00. , 80c.i I I
C i.ironxii OiiArR Ifofci ;
Bosom I'lt 'so per lb
St 4 ncil 4 1 ' ( rJo per ll .
Stovk Polish -$3.00 ( < W 87 per gross
Broom < i-4 tie , $2.C0 ( /l$3.20 / ; stable ,
$3,80 ; common , $1.B0@1.73..C.
Lard Tierces Itciliidd , ttVc ; pure loaf ,
0 > cj kettle rondcrod , 7c Add J o to J c for
smaller quantities
Farisackous Goons TJarley , ili ttfo ; fa
rina , 4tfc ; peas , 3c : oat meal , 2a. < . < 4Hj ; mac
aroni , llo ; vcrmicolll , ' lie ; rfco , 3 < @ 5c ;
saso and tapioca Cn ( > 7c ; I iimi beans , uVc
. Corrp ) : Ronstcd ArbUL-klo's Ariosa ,
24 < o : McLaughlin's XXXX.UIfos German
; Vo ; Dlhvorth , 24Ko ; JVlnrom * , 2IJc ( [
Corrrr Green Fnndy" old golden HIo ,
23o ; fancy old poaberryllKlvjo : Rio , cholco to
fancy i , 22a ; Rio , prime , Slo ; Rio , good , 19c ;
Mocha SOc ; Java , fancy Mandenllncr , 27u :
Java , good Interior , 24o ; African , 20' c
Canned Fish Brook trout , 3 lb , $2.40 ! snl-
mon trout , 2 IN , $3.33 ; clams , 1 IN , $1,25 ;
clams , 3 R > , $2.00 ; clam chowder , 3 lb , $1.25 ;
deviled crabs , 1 lb , $3.23 ; deviled crabs , a lb ,
$ .150 ; codlish balls , 2 lb , $1.70 ; caviar , H lb ,
$2.23 ; eels , 1 lb , $3 t ( ) ; lobsters , 1 H > , $1.90 ;
lobstor9 1 , * 3 lb , $2.93 : lobsters , deviled , M lb ,
$2.23 ; muckcrol 1 lb , $ U75 ; mackerel must
ard sauce , 3 lb , $2.09 ; uiackorcl tomato
suuee , 3 lb , $3 00 ; oysters , 1 lb$1.00o.\stcrs , ; ,
2 lb , $1.80 ; salmon , C. R. , 11b , $1.90 ; salmon ,
C. < R.,3 lb , $2.80 ; salmon , Alaska 1 lb , $1.G5 ;
salmon , Alaska 3 lb , $2.05 : shrimps , 1 lb ,
$2.00. i
Dried Fruit Currants , new 0c ; prunes ,
easksH300 lbs , 4t/o ; prunes , bbls or bags ,
4c ; citron peel , drums , 20 lbs , 21clomon ;
peel , drums , 20 lbs , 20c : fnrd dates , boxes 12
lbs i , 9c ; apricots , cholco evaporated , 14c ;
apricots ' , Jeilv , cured 23 lb boxes , 15c ; opn-
cots ' , fancy , Mount Hamilton , 25 lb boxes ,
10c : apricots , cholco , bags , 80 lbs , 1 lUc ;
apples | , ovnporatcd , Alden , 60 lb boxes , 9jc { ;
auplos i , star , 8Jo ; apples , fancy , Alden , 6 lb ,
lOo ] ; apples , fancy , Alden , 2 lb , lOJ o ; Salt
{ Lake , 9J c ; blackborrics , evaporated , 50 lb
boxes , 5) ) < 3flc ; cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
14c ] ; pears , California fancy , } ( n boxes , 251b ,
i2c | ; peaches , Cnl No , 1 , fancy , Ksunpbags ,
SO lus , 15c ; nectarines , red , 14c ; nectarines ,
silver i boxes , 15c : nittcd plums , Cnl 25 lbs ,
J boxes , 8J o ; raspberries , ovap N. V. now ,
25 ; > o ; prunes , Cal , It C , 90-100 boxes , 25 lbs ,
flJ/c • ; prunes , Cnl , It C , 00-70,0a ; ornngo peel ,
15c ; raisins , California Londons , crop 1S89 ,
$2.25 ; raisins , Cal loose muscatelscrop 18S9 ,
$3.10 j : Gnlencias 1SSS. SKc : Vnleuclas , old ,
7c ' ; Cnl seedless sits , 7/X.c. /
Canned Mevts Corned bcof , 1 lb square
cans < , $1.20 ; corned beef , 2 lb square cans ,
$2,05 ' ; corned bcof , 01b square cans , $0 50 ;
corned < beef 14 lb square cans , $14.00. Lunch
tongues < , 1 lb round cans , $2 00 ; lunch
tongues I , 3 lb round cms , S4.75. Brawn , 1 lb
square " cans , $1,20 ; brawn , " 2 lb square cans ,
$2.00 * ; brawn , 01b square cans , $9.50 ; brawn
14 lb square cans , $14.00. Ox tongues , ljf lb
round ' cans , $5.(10 ( , ox tongues , 2 lb round
cans ' , $0 00 ; ox tongues , 2 > $ lb round cans ,
$7.)0oxtongucs,81brouudcans$3.00. ' ( ) ; Chipped
bcof ' , 1 lb round enns , $2.00 ; chipped bcof , 2
lb ! round cans , $4.00. Roast beef , 1 lb round
cans < , $1.20 ; roast beef , 2 lb round cans , $2.00.
Potted ham , } { lb round cans , C3o ; potted
ham ' , 14 lb round cans , $1,20. Deviled ham ,
} { lb round cans , 0" > c ; deviled hnm , J lb
round cans , $1.20. Potted ox touguo , h lb
round cans , C5o ; potted ox tongue , K lb
round caus , $1.20. Compressed ham , 1 lb
squuro ' cans , $1.75 ; compressed ham , 3 lb
square ' cans , $2.75. Tripe , 3 lb round cane ,
$1.80. Mlncod coltops , 2 lb round cans , $2.20.
Boneless pigs feet , 2 lb square cans , $2.23.
Ono pound cans are packed two dozen and
four dozen to the case Two pound cans nro
packed ono dozen and two dozen to case
Half pouud cans packed two dozen to case
Quarter pound cans packed four dozen to
case All nrices per dozen , not
Nuts Almonds , 1531Cor Brazils , 12J c :
filberts , 12Jjo ; pecans , lie ; walnuts 13J c ;
peanut cocks , 8Xoi roasted , lie ; Tcnncseo
peanuts , 7c. 0
Sausage Bologna 4Cm4Ko ; Frankfort , 7c ;
tongue , 8c ; summer , lSCj'neadclieeso ' , Cc
Poultry Chiclcens , per doz , live hens ,
$2.23 ; spring , $2.50@2.75 ; dressed , per lb , 5@
8c ; turkeys , live , 8l0c'dressed. 8@10o ;
ducks , llvo , per doz , $2 50f > $3 00 ; dressed , per
lb , 9@llc ; gceso , llvo , per doz , $3.00@9.00 ;
dressed , portbl , 8'rt9o. ; • 8 Per bbl , dotamon , $2.00@2.23 ;
choice , $2.50@4.00. > " '
Mince Meat 20 lb cans , 7fc.
Honev 10c per lb for choice
Preservi's 9K@l0c per lb
Jellies 44 } < c per lb "
Beeswax No 1 , 10@19c. '
Piiovisions- Hams , No 'l10-lb | average ,
lOo ; 20 to 22 lbs , 9 } c : 12 ttf 14 lbs , 10 'fcr
shoulders , CJc ; breakfast bacon , No 1 , bic ;
ham sausage , 8fo ; dried beef hams , 7) ) c ;
beef tongues , $0.00 per dozen ; dry salt meats ,
6&5Vcper lb ; ham roulette OJfc ; add lo
porlb for small lots
Mess Pork Per bbl , $10.50.
Bananas According to size , per bunch
$2.00@3 00.
Butterise Tubs , 13c ; rolls , 14c.
Cocoanuts Per 100 , $5.00.
Apple Butter 5fc. }
Cider Bbls , $5.50 ; hf-bbls , $3.00.
MArLE Suoau 12) ( * 15c per lb
Candv 9 © 22c per lb
Ciiocoiate and Cocoa 21@37c per lb ;
Gorman chiokorv , rod , 8c
Pies Feet Picltled , kits , 75c ; spiced pigs
tongues , kits , $2.35 ; pickled tripe , kits , 05u ;
pickled II C tripe , kits , S5c ; spiced pigs
hocks , kits , $1.15.
Spice3 Whole , per lb Alsplco , 9o ; Cas
sia , China , 9c ; cloves , PenangSo ; nutmegs ,
No 1 , 73c ; pepper , 18@l9c
Gixar.ii Jamaica , } i pints , $3.00 per doz
Cheese Yountr Americas full cream , 12Kc ;
factory twins , ll@12VJc : off grades , 7@8o ;
Van Rosscn Edom , $11.50 per doz ; sap sago ,
23c ; brick , ViiaUmburger \ \ , llo ; domestic
Swiss , 13@l4e.
Cranberries Capo Cod , $9.00@10 00.
Oranqes Floiida , per box , $3.0U@5 00.
BuckvHE4.T Flour Per bbl , $5 50(80.00. (
Wool Fine , average , 22@23c ; medium ,
average , 21@22c ; quarter blood , average , 20 1
@ 21o ; coarse , average , 15@17c ; cotts and
rough , average , 14 ® 10c.
Funs Beaver , per lb , $3.50@4.00 ; otter ,
each , $3.00@7.00 ; wolf each 50c$1.25 ( ;
coon , each , 25@75cj mink , each , 15(3C0u ( ; j
muskrat , fall , 5@9o : skunk , rat , 25S00o ; I
badger , rat , 25@80c ; deer skins , fall , per lb ,
ief327o ; winter , 1222c.
Beans Choice handpicked navy , $1.75 ® : .
1.80 ; choice handpicked medium , $ l.G5 ( < §
1.70 ; cholco handpicked country , $150@l.O5 ;
clean country , $ l,50@1.00 ; inferior country , I
Wkapi'ino Paper Straw , , per Tb , 1K@ j
2Xo ; rag , 2' < To ; monllla , B , 5aS'/o ; No
1 , 7c.
Baos Union Square , 35 per cent off list
Salt Dairy 230 lbs in bbl , bulk , $3.10 ;
best grade , 00 , 5s , $2.30 ; best grade , 100 , 3s ,
$2.40 ; best trrado , 23 , 10s , $2.20 ; rock salt ,
crushed , $1.80 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 50-lb J
bags , 85o ; bulk,234-lb bags , $3,25 ; common ,
In bbls , $1.25.
Flour State $1.00@5 00 ; fancy , $5 00 ® B
Fish Dried codfish , 4J @ 8o ; sealed her
ring , 24o per box : hoi herring , dom 55a ;
Hamburg , spiced herring , $1.60 ; hot herring
imp , 8O0 ; mackerel , No , 1 shore , $11.60 ;
fancy mess , $13.60 per 100 lbs ; white fish
No 1 , $7.00 ; family , $2.75 ; trout , $5.25 ; sal
mon , $3.50 ; anchovies , 85c
Oim-Kcroseno P. W. OJ o ; W. WU o ;
hoadligbt , 12 ; gasoline , 74o , 12c ; lard , No 1 ,
44s ; No 2 , 40c ; salad Oil , fl.25&9.0U per
dozen , * ?
Soaps Castile , mottlod/ucr pound , 6@10o ;
Castile white , per pound , 13@15c.
Urusk and < Chmnioal * .
Acid Sulphuric , per pound , tyccitric \ i ,
per pound , Slo ; oxalic , per pound , 140 : tar
taric powdered , par polmdjiS2c ; carbolic , 87
(244c. ( > i < )
Alum per pound , S o ,
Ammonia Carbonnw poundf lie
Aiirowiioot Per poundil0c
Balsau Copaiba , per pound , C3o ; tolu , 53 ,
< g55c , ,
Borax Refined , per pound 10c
Blue Vitriol 8c ' '
Camphor 42c < l
Cream Tartar 34c ) 11 vj > .
Cuttle Fish 27o , , < , . . .
' * al
Dbxthise 12c
Gltcehisu-SIC ) . ' h * < e"
Hors S7o. ' < • >
iNiuao 75c
Insect Powder 43c .
Moui'iiine-$2.85. '
Opium $3.C0. - ,
Quinine-47c v
Rock Salts-27c. < •
Saituon Am 3Jc -
Saitron Span , $1.07. w
Saltpetre Sc 2
SULPuint Flower 4a S
Soda , BiCahu 4c a
BlLVER-NlTHATB-l.:8. ! .
White Wax 52c
Yellow Wax 33c *
Linseed Oil 00c.
Linseed Raw , 57c
Castor Oil No 1 , $1,24.
SpekuOil-.10. |
Turpentine 53c
NBATsrooT Oil No 1 , 5T ,
Twines nnil Itope
Hinders TwiNE-Sisal , 13c : Hf Jfc Hf ,
14r 1 > ; mnnllln , 15c. Cotton.50 ft , $1.20 ; collon ,
CO ft , $1.40 ; into , so ft , ujc ; jute 00 ft , $1.00.
, Cotton Txmvk Fine , 200 ; medium , 19c ;
heavy j hemp , 14c ; light hemp , 17c
Sui , TniNE-B , sail , SOc ; Calcutta , 14o ;
manllla rope , 14c ; sisal rope , lljfc ; nexv
process , Sic ; Jute , 9)ic ) : cotton , 10c ; hldo
rope , 17c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Lumber nnd llulltllnc MatorlnV
Stock Hoards a , 13 Inch , s 11 , 14 and 1ft
feet f , $15 00 ; 11 , 13 lncb , s 1 s. 13 , 14 and 10
tcr-U f $41,001 C , 13 inch , s 1 s , 13 14 nnd lOfoct ,
$38.00 ; D , 13 inch , s 1 , 13 , 14 and 10 foct ,
$23 I 00 ; No 1 com 12 In , sis , 12 fret , $18 00 ;
Mo 1 S com 13 in , s I s , 14 mid tfl feet , $17.30C ii
I8 1 60 ; No 1 com 12 In , s 1 s , 10 18 nnd 20
feet I , $18.60 ; No 2 com 13 in , s 1 s , 14 and 10
feet j , $17.00. Lumber Clear poplar box bds Jf
In I , s 2 s , $33.00 ; clear poplar , % panel , $30.00 ;
clear poplar , "a in panel , $35.uu ; clear poplar ,
K m panel stocK wide , s 2 s , $23.00 ; clear
poplar corrugated celling , J , $29.00.
Posts White cedar , Oln halves , t2cwhlto ;
cedar , 5) ) < In halves and 9 111 quarters , lie ;
white \ ceiiar , 4 In round , 10c ; Tonnessco led
cedar 1 , split , 10c ; split oak , white , 8c ; sawed
oak < , 18c
Ship Lvr No 1 plain , 8 hnd 18 In , $17.50 ;
No 1 3 plain , 8 and 10 in , $15.60 ; No 1 , O G ,
$18.00 | ,
13 ft 14 ft 1(1 ( ft 19 ft 20 tl 23 ft , 21 ft
2x1..15 ; 00 lfiOd 1609 1000 1000 18 00 13 1)0 )
2X0..16 ; 00 15 00 ir.00 . 10 00 1000 18 00 18 00
2xS..lS)0150O s ) 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 18 00
2xl0..15 00 1BOO 1B00 10 00 10 00 18 00 1S00
2x12..1500 ; 15 00 1500 1000 10 00 18 00 13 00
4\48x8.10 0010 0O 10 00 17 00 17 00 19 00 10 00
Fencino Nol 4 nnd 0 In , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough 1 $ tG00n ( > l0.60No. ; 1,4and Oln , 11) ) ft ,
$17,00 j 17.50 ; No 2 , 4 and0 In 13 and 10 ft ,
$13.50cI4.00 j ( ; No 2 , 4 and 0 In , 10 ft , $15.00
( ( < ? . 10 00.
FiNisiiiNd 1st nnd 2d clear , 1' Inch , s 2 s.
$49.00(351.00 | ( ; 1st und 2d clear , 1H and 2 inch ,
s2s 1 , $47.flO(30.OO ( ? ; 3d clonr , l'/lnch , s 3 8 ,
$13.00(340 j ( 00 ; I ) select \ } ( . V { nnd 3 Inch , s
2 ! > , $37.00(333.00 ( ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 inch , s 2
s 1 , $45.00 ; 3d clear , 1 Inch , s 2 s , $10 00 ; A select -
lect 1 , 1 inch , s 8 s , $34 00 ; B select , 1 inch , s S
s 1 , $ .10.00
Battens , Wn.L TuniNO , Pickets 0. G.
Batts ] , 2 < inch , 00a : O. CI Batts , 2tf@3. bs ,
35c ; ; 3.111 well tubing , D. & M. nnd bov ,
$22 1 00 : pickets , D. & II , lint , $30.00 ; pickets ,
D. & It , square , $19.00.
Fi.Oohino 1st com 0 Inch white plno ,
$3100 I ; 2d com 0 In white pine , $31.00 ; 3d
com 1 C-in wlnto pine , $30 00 ; D com Oln white
plno , $29.00 ; torn 4 and U In yellow pine ,
$15.00 ! ; Stur4-ln yellow plno , $17.00 ; 1st and
2d clear yellow plno , 4 nnd 0-ln , $19.00.
Siiinoles Per M X.v clear , $3.20 ; extra
* ( A * . $2.80 ; standard A , $2.40 ; 5 inch clear ,
$ 1 l.lWjM.70j ( 0 inch clear , $1.75@1.80 ; No 1 ,
$1,1001.15 ' ; clear red cedar , mixed widths ,
from Wnshlugton territory , $3 40 ; California
red wood , dimension widths , $1 50 ; cypress ,
clear < heart , dlmonslon widths , $323 ; laths ,
$2 50.
Boards No 1 com , sis , 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$18.00 : ; No 8 , do , $15 00 : No 8 , do , $14 00 ;
No 4 , do , ( ships cull ) , $11.00. Add 50c per
Mjt for rough
Ceiltnu and Partition 1st com J/-in
white pine partition , $32.00 ; 2d comm
white plno partition , $27 00 ; clearln yellow
plno ] ceiling , $20.00 : clear jln j Norway ,
$13.50 : 2d com i-in Norway , $12.50.
Lime Best , SOc
Cement -$1.25.
Plaster $2 20.
Hair 20c
Buildino Brick Common , $ O.OJ@7.50 per
M ; selected , $7.59@9.09 perM : sewer brioir ,
$9.00@10.00 per M.
Snsn 00 per cent discount
Doors , Blinds and Mouldings 50 and
10 per cent off
Tarred Felt $2.00 per cwt
Straw Board $1.40 per cwt
How MonkejH tir ) Caught
Almost all monkeys which ono sees
in the United States como from Gor-
gona , a little village which is situntod
a short distance from the Panama rail
rend , The inhabitants of this district
are mostly native negroes , for no white
man could bear the climate without
drinking plenty of whisky nnd almost
constantly swallowing quinine The
whole region is marshy nnd covered '
with extremely profuse tropical vogcta-
tion At night there arises a thick
vapor , laden wth } fever , which hangs
over the woods like a cloud
This region of wood is the paradise of
the monkeys , writes a correspondent
They ravel in troops around the woods ,
led by an older monkey When the
people recelvo the information that the
traveling monkey troops are near the
village they repair to the woods in
crowds in chase of them Their plan is
very simple They cut a hole in the
cocoanut l\rgo enough for a mon
keys paw The nut is then hollowed
out and a picco of sugar is placed in
it A piece of string , is then fnstoned
to it , and it is placed in the road of the
approaching monkoye It is known
that monkeys are very inquisitive ani
mals Soon enough they see the lone
some cocoanut in the grass and hurry
to examine it thoroughly It is a curi
ous sight to sco how they climb from
the trees , chattering , to talto a good
view of the concern
It does not take them long to And out
that the inner part contains a picco of
sugar Ono of the boldest and greediest
sticks a paw into the nut to got the
sugar and grasps it as tightly as ho can
But his list is so largo that ho c ' annot
draw it out of the hole again with the
sugar , which tie holds fast to , cost what
it may The negroes now pull the
string until nut and monkey arrive in
the vicinity of their ambuscade In the
meantime the other monkeys wonder
what is the matter with their comrade
They hurry to see where ho is being
pulled to with his paw in the cocoanut
They crowd around him , chattering and
gesticulating to their hearts content
Now the great moment has como
The negroes have a largo not ready ,
and they spread it out ever the unsus I
pecting monkeys and before they know
it they are prisoners They are sold to
the otnploycs of the Panama railroad :
and roach the North American raar-
kets through commercial dealers
Wo nro flu People
Buslnoss mon from Nebraska for Chicago
cage , Milwaukee and till oaBtern cities ;
will please uoto that by the now time I
schedule ( in effect from find after November -
vomber 17 , 1889) ) , they can urrivo at t
Omaha about 4 p. m. , can do business or
visit with Omaha merchants and friends
for nearly two hours and cun thui take !
the through Pullman stooping car of
the Chicago , Milwaukco & St Paul :
railway short line fast train at Omuha
depot of the Union Paclllo railway at 6 1
p. in ( supper served on dining car leav
ing Council Bluffs at 0:20 : p , m.j , and
arrlvo at Chicago at 0:80 : a. m. ( breal-
fast also served on dining car ) , in nraplo
time to make connections with the fast
morning trains from Chicago on the
principal oustorn and southeastern
lines ; or if desired , passengers for the
cast can remain ever in Chicago a few
hours for business or pleasure nnd ro-
Bumo their lournoy by tbo afternoon
fust and limited trains of nil the east \
ern roads
In addition to the foregoing , another
through short-lino train leaves Omaha
daily atOilGn in and Council Bluffs at
0:40 : 0. in , arriving in Chicago at 0:50 :
a. m. , making close connection with the
express trains of all eastern roads
For tickets and further particulars
applv to the nearest tiskot agent , or to
F. A. Nash , general agent , 1601 Farnara
street , Omaha , Neb
Lofoten , in Norway , is the principal
fishing district of that country Lost
year the llshorraon took 20.000,000 cod I
worth $1,000,000 ,
Ituboor I'Voin Guatemala ,
Consul General Hosmor reports that ,
the export of rubber from the ropublio
of Guatemala to tbo United Stutes dur
ing the year ended Juno 80 , 1880 t
amounted to 904,170.69 , and ttio average
price was 60 cents per pound This
quantity is likely to bo iucroased in the
future , owlne to the slrlngont law en-
noted nnd being moro strictly onforcotl
by \ the government for the protection of
the rubber tree from a bleeding prouoss
to which it hnd boon subjected by care
less natives , nnd the probability of
nlantingon the part of intended colon1
ists Inasmuch , however , as from flf-
teen to twenty yours nro required to ob-
tnin a profitable result from planting
the rubber tree , it would not bold out a
favorable J inducement to the agricul
turalists , unless plnntcd in connection
with the banana tree , the fruit of which
could bo disposed of on a paying basts
until the rubber reached the point of
profitable production
Change of llfo , backncko , monthly Irregu
larities , t , hot flashns , are cured by Dr , Miles
Nervlno Frco samples at Kuhn & Co 's 15th
and Douglas
The Pluto Frttlior-ln-Iitw.
Among the I'lulos , " savs the Vir
ginia City ( Nov ) Kntorprlso , "it is
nlways the fathot-ln-lnw that makes the
trouble Kvory married Pluto is a'- '
ways glnd of a visit from his inothor-ln-
law Ho welcomes lior with his
blondest J grin The arrival of the
mother-in-law gives him a double tonin
where before ho had only 0110 animal
Ho 1 hails her nppcar.tnco with delight
and filing a jackass-load of wood upon
her 1 willing old bade sends her into
town with liis wife , similarly packed , to
peddle I out the fuel and bring back to
him a supply of money for his favorlto
game of poker * Tlio Plulo father-in-
law 1 is of no use as a wood packer , nor
will ho gather grass seeds nor pine
nuts On the contrary , when ho is
around ho himself goes for till the poker
money that reaches the shebang "
Mrs Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup reduces -
ducos inflammation while children nro
teething t U5 cunts a bottle
Mould Kllsyit It III a Week
Chicago Intor-Oconn : Cleopatra's
ncedlo in Central Park complains of
the Now York climnto and if something
is not done to protect the obelisk it will
crumble to pieces A climnto that will
destroy in a few years a monument thnt
has 1 endured for ages is no place for a
worlds 1 fair
Pears soap secures n beautiful complexion
What's tlio Size ot * \iir lint
. Atchison Globe : If your heart is
larger ' than your head you injure your
self ! , and if your head is lnrgor than
your heart you in juro your neighbors
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank
305 S011II1 Street , - Ouialia ;
Capital , - $400,000
Surplus , - 40,000
Onicersand Directors E. M. Norseman , O
M. Hitchcock , Jos Garneau Jr , A. Henry K
M , Anderson , Wa O.Maui , v nrei ; I , . II Will
alms A. P. Hopkins , prcs ; A. Millard , casnlcr ;
l' . 11. Ilryant , assistant cashier
Capital $400,0110
Surplus Jan 1st , 1889 52,000
IIesiiv IV Yates , lrcslilont
Lewis 8. Iticnn , Vlco l'rc3ldcnt.
A. 15 Tolv tr.iN ,
W. V. Monsn ,
John 8. Collins
11. C. Cusiuno ,
W. II B.llDOUKS , Cashier
Cor 12th and Farnam Bts
A General Hanking Buslnoss Transacted
n n 11 n n r issued by states
UIIEUIb J counties , cities ,
Dent In Gov't Limit Warrant * d Scrip
Itecclt 0 Account , and Kitend all the Facilities of
a General iliinkitm UuiIucm
Correspondence Solicited
S. A. KEAN S CO . Bankers
Boots and Shoes
Successors to Hood , Jonoi A , Co ,
Wholesale Manufacturers of Mil Sboei
Agent ! forUnston Itubber Shoa CoIlB ( HWandllOJ i
Harney Btreet.Omaus , Nebraska
_ _ Browora '
swn z AILVU ,
Lager Beer Brewers
1531 North Eighteenth Street Ornana , Nebrms ,
Manufacturers of Galvanize ! Iran Cornice I
Wlndow-capi and metallic ukrllRhti John Kpenctor ,
proprietor llBnnaiUSuuib Mtn street
' "
ytoam Fitting , Pumps , Etp
Pumps , Eioes and Engines ,
ftoatn , water , rsllwar and mlnlnr auppllei , etc
tw , ta and VH Varnam street , Omaha
Steam and Water Supplies
Ilallldar | nl mllli , 013 and to Jones it , Omaha ,
U. y , Hun , Acting Manager ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheal-lron work , item pumpi sairmilli 151HJ16
I.eatenwortU tlruct , Oaaha
Iron Vyorke ;
Wrought and Cast iron Building Wort
Kaglocv , Iran worr , general fouudrT , machine , and
blacksmith work , omcu and norki U , 1' . l\J \
and ltlU atreet , Omaha
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Deik rallinlndnwsuardi , flower itandi , wire uicm , ,
tic North 16th > trc t , ( JiuaUiu
ManPrs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes
Vault ! , Jail work Iron shutters and Pre etcapsa
• , Audreeu , prop r. Cor llth and Jakoa bti
! . . . ' , I. ,1 , . , . : I
aaah Doors , Eto ,
VTboleialf raauufaoturerf ot
Sah : , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings
Granchonce , lfth and liardstreeti , OmahaNeb
: . - . . . . -i l.i . . . . _ - *
Of South Omaha , Limited
. ABrloulturnl Implomonta H
l/.vi.wilM MKTOALFCa , * ]
Agricnli'l 1 ' Iniplemciits I
J , Wagons , Carriages
BuBUlcietc Whole-tin , OmahaNebraita | J
Manufacturers and Jobbers In | | H
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes Plows , Etc
Ccr.Pih and l'Aciae ttiects , Omalia I | H
. ArtlatB7 Wntorlnla ill '
A. IWSPE , Jr , t [ IB
Artists ' Materials , Pianos and Organs II
. 1M1 Douiila stroetOmahs Nebraslia
BootBtind siioob7
w. v. mor ' si : T cd , II
Mttm of'Bols ] and Shoe , II 1 llOiUougMs itwet , Omalit Mmntactorr , III
. Bummer try * ! , lo lim , llsV
• Cool , Coke , Etc II
james w. rffAVDwTn ' cnA n i , co , ,11
Miners ] and Supers of Coal and Cote II
ncorn 21 U. s. National Hank llulMlnj , Omaha "CI
Mm of Hard aad Soft Coal II
an Poulh 13th Hreet , Omalm Nchn V . II
. SnipDcrs of Coal and Coke f I
- 311 South IUi alrcelOmaha , Nehrxka ill
CqrnmlBalon nnd Sioroso 111
RIDD1CU. , t RWlWLr , ' •
Storage and Ciniiiiis ion Merchants , ill
Bpccl&ltlOA nutter , eir . , ctieeAO lmultrr , ffarae
Hi ; Howard atreet Omaha , Neb H
Efeyi . . !
DEAN , ARMtfrRONa & 1F5. , WM
. Wholesale Cigars H
. 40JNorth Cth Street.Umiha , Neb Hello 1(37 , t H
Dry Coo da nnd Notions , _ _ Mm
" / >
MESMrillACO , ill
Dry Gcods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 11
lltBnnd 1101 Domini , cor , llth .truet , Onmha , Neli ill
Importers & JoMersin Dry Good ] , Notions • 11
Gents * Furnishing ( loot * . Comjr llth and Uirner III
atroct * . Umiha , Ncbrnsln ilsl
: Furnlluro ifjl
DE WE Y A STONE , ' \ j j I
Wholesale Dealers m Furniture . jl
Farnnm street , Omaha , Kebraaka lil
Furniture 11
Omaha , nbraka jlfl
: S1-0 ? ! ! ] ? ? " v . , . . , . , - - , til
MeCOIlD , Bit A VV & 00 „ ill
Wholesale Grocers , ' .II
> . 13th nnd tiOavenwcrth ) , Omaha , Nobtaika , i | | |
Hordvvjro _ _ I j I
; Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ill
Gprluxa , vrogntj atozk , iMrirarj lumbjr , etc 1X3 Sftll
I Ull Harney treitOMaha sl ) |
Builders1 Hardware and Scale Repair Shop ' ifl
Mechanics Tool , and IlurTnlo Fralcs 1105 Dougla < .mI
, atreet Omalm > cb . * HE
lumber , Etc , - , . . - , „ (
Wholesale Lumher , Etc • :
Imported anil American Portland Cumrnt But * " 1
aecntforMliwaiikM IIrilrnullo Cement j .
andtjulio ? White Llnio 11
Dealer in Harflwocd Lnmher If
Wood carpal , nn.l parquet tloirng lull nu 1 Douglaa J ,
street * , Omaha , ftcbrnska % I
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale f
IStb Btrejt and Union I'ncltle track , Omaha
Dealcr 'in Lnmher , Lath , Lime , Sash \ \
Doors , otc Yard Corner 7th and Doujai Oflloa f
Corner lutti and luuglaa \
VRED W. OR AY , , 1
Lumher , Lime , Cement , Etc , Etc ' . { ! ,
Corner Cth and llouelns etrerti , Omaha
' i •
C. N. D1ETZ , i
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmher %
13lh and California slrccts , Omaha , Nobrajka .S
Nlllllnory and Notlqna j
Importers & Johhers in Millioery & Notions J :
301,210 and M South lltb atreet Jj ]
NotloriB % j
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , I !
1121 Harnej atreet , Oniaba a" I
377" ° " 8- ' < $
Wholesale Refined and Lnhricatlng Oils : | f
Axle Grease , etc Omaha AII Ulshop , Manager ll
Wholesale Paper Dealers 11
Carrr anlcoatockof nnn'Ingwrapping nnd wrttlnfl 't ' |
paper , bpcclal atlunlloii glten to canl paper -if |
Sofoo tto ] IM
A. l. " deane a co . 2a
Qrneral Agents for H
Halls ' Safes m
821 anil I 3 South 10th St Omaha i lj
H. HARDY A CO , fjj
Jobbcra of JwH ,
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , m
Home Furnishing Good . Chlldreira Carrlagea IMS 3H
t nrnam street , Omaha Neb j JS
tub w
ofthi : , m
Chicago , MilwaukeB _ & . St Paul Ry ' ' |
The Best Route from Oniaba aud Council m
Blutta to H
Chicago , AND MllnauVe , M
Bt I'aul , Mlnucapolti , Cedar Bapidfj 1
Rock Island , Frtoport , Roekford , JM
Clinton , Dubiujue , Dareuport , IfM
Elgin , Madison , Janesrllle , B
Ilelolt , Winona , La Crosse , , |
And all other Important point Ka.t , Northeast an 'rnH
Boutheast 4 sl
Forthroujh tickets collon the tleket ageat atUfll ilH
farnam . street , la Wrier Bloek , or at Ualua facta j Jsfl
Ixpot sH
Fullmsn Hlseper and the rlnsil pining Cats la tki 3M
world are run on the mainline ot the Chicago , Mil , ' ? •
waukees 81. i'aul itallwaf , and erari-atieatlQulii < >
taid to passtagers lr courHiou eaijloies of the 'jlsssl
U.MIM.B11 Sen.r l Manager ; JH
j. If TUCK Kit , Asslttsnt General Manager 9
A. V. ii OAIU'KIUKK . , ( j ue l. 1'uu.ngM aa J |
Ticket UEO Aceat u. IIKAFFOBD AuUtsat General I'au.aiM S sS
DitTtektt Agent B
rJolAiuLMBetalBatiirlattaleBl _ . • 9