Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The roinnlns of Mrs Ililt , tlio smcitlo ,
nront Uroxol & Miuil's iitidortnklnc es-
tnbllnlimont They will bo bunod liy
the sportliiR women ol tlto town
Ernstus A. Benson of this city hns
bought out the Chlcnco jihonoyrnph
comtrany of Chlcnfro lie nlso owns
phonoirrnph right In this city
* G. W. Mfttthmvs , the young bnkor
\w ] wns chnvfrcd with selling tv mori-
Kngecl tenin , guvo bond In the sum of
ft'ioUnnd wns hold to the district court
Ills sister secured the bond
Clinrlcs Moore , a haclc driver , win
fined * 15 in the police court for disturb
Inp the police bv lighting Ho appealed
the cnto to the district court mid jjnvo
bonds In the sum of $100 for his appour-
Joseph Murphy will appear In the
following favorite plays at the Now
Brand opera house next week : Thurs
day , The Kerry Gow ; " Friday , The
Doiuigh ; " Saturday inutinco uud even
iug , Shaun Uhuo "
I'orMonnl Iarauinpbs
T . p. I-oo of Sidney u tit ttio Merchant ? .
Lo rnii Clnrk of Albion Ii at tlio Murray
I ) , llay of Grand Inland It at the Millard
C. l > . Katon of lIe wlck is at the Murray
T. II Quitm ot Fro'iiont is nt tlio Muri-ar.
J. C. UlKby , sr , ot Hcutrlco Is nt the Mur-
. ray
William Kobinson of Lincoln is nt the lax
ton J. L. Itohin of Ilrstlnct l a RUC9t at the
I Casey , * ss
1 K. J. Iloll of Tlldou Is registered at the
h. II Hromwoll of Wymoro is at the
\ Cusoy
E. I , Ilccd of WccpliiR Water is nt the
, Pavton
A. K. Graham of WUnor is at the Mer
A. H. Urown of Fremont Is a guest at the
, Tom M. Cooke of Lincoln is n Ructt at the
t > E. D. Gould of rullerton Is registered ai
the 1'uxton.
A. Ii , Loudon of Mason City is registered
at the Cnsoy
Thomas Mitchell ot Hubbard It stopping
at the Cnioy
O. Horctrom of Gothenburg is registered
at the Millunl
J. E. Kelley and N. 12. Mullen of McCook
nro nt the Murray
IMwurd lllowett anil wife of Fremont nro
guests nt tlio 1'uxton. ,
William S. Skinner of Kcarnoy is regis
tered nt the Iaxton
Mr I. Do Turk of Santa Uosa , Cala , a
. producer of the celebrated Zlu Tundol
clnrut it In the city Last evening ho mndo
a tour of Tun Hiij : building
Bishop O'Connor It spending the winter nt
the Mexican Gull hotel at Puss Christian ,
Miss , near Now Orleans , ou the gulf of
Mexico Ho is trying the effect of nu oyster
and fish diet for his dyspepsia , with good re
To Mr and Mrs L. M. Flnkolstoln , a
, Boliil Kllvor Thimble Sale 25o Kaflli
P Friday.Saturday mid Monday nt Ed-
bolni & Akin ' s.
P P H Thlovra Abroad
H It wet reported to tlio pollco that a number
H of Indict cloaks wcro stolen from the cloak
H room nt Washington hall during the progress
J tticio of the ball given by the locomotive
H firemen lust night
H Want.Ml Nuts
H Fred Sly nnd Willie Klmmerling stele
P P H illreo pounds of nuts from a dago mid wcro
P P H convicted Sly wns lined 81L5U nnd nn effort
H will bu mndo to send young Kimmuiiing to
H tlio reform school
P P H Eolltl Silver 1 lilintilo Sain 2 , o Knell
H ' Fridny , Saturday and Monday at Ed-
H liulm A : Altins
P P H lncriiKcd an Old RcKlilnnt
P P H Mrs lir.uly , a woman who lint been a
P P H tnunttcr for twenty-two yuars on Eighth
P P H street near Capitol avenue , was arrested for
P P H throwing a brick at some graders who wcro
P P H shoveling dirt down onto her sliuiity Tim
' bearing will take place tomorrow
P P H Want tn Coiniironilsf
P P H The council couimlttoo on strcots and nl-
P P H leys will meet the property owners of Tivcti-
P P H ty-uinthstreot , fromIIamllton strcot to In-
P P PJ dlnna avenue , at Twenty-sixth and Lake
P P PJ streets Monduv night for the ptirposo of
P P PJ compromising if postihlo , the objections
P P PJ made by the uropei-ty owner * to the tax lov-
P P PJ led by tlio city for tlio opening of Twenty
H ninth street
H Solid Silver Tlilinblo Halo 25o ICnob
H Fridny , Saturday nnd Monday nt Ed-
' helm & Akins
H Sovpiily Dollar * ) on Hand
H The Ninth ward republican club hold a
H meeting at Twenty-ninth and Farnam last
H Diglit for the purpose of auditing bills In-
H currcd during the cmnpnlga and sottllug ox-
H pouscs When everything hud oeeti cbccKctt
H up it was found that there was a balauco of
H 970 on nand with which to outer the next
, campaign
B' Solid Kilvor Tlilinblo Sale 25c Knob
H Friday Saturday and Monday at Ed-
H helm & Akins
H UogiiM HuportcrH
H It is icportcd that three or four very fly
Hr young mon are working the doorkeepers
H at the various balls and parties now taking
H ' place for admission on the grouau that they
are reportert The only claim they have to
H that distinction is that they ouce-lu awhile
H rcutt n newspupor ,
H v All gonuluo reporters nro lirovldod wlh
H badges l sued by tholr respective olUcos
B > , Boliil Silver Tlilinblo Halo 25o Knoli
Hr Friday , Saturday uud Monday at Ed-
H helm & AUlna
H- WnniH HIh Hear Iloll leu
H The replevin suit in which the mayor ,
Hi1 pollco Judge , chlof of pollco and ono of his
H captains nro made dofeuditnts , Is being tried
H before a Jury iu Justlco Shaw's court this
H afternoon Gotloih.Immcrman is the plain
H tiff Ho seeks to recover hour bottles which
H were taken from women of the town by the
1 pollco on n Bearcli warrant
H llio Hospital liiilwhoil
B Dennis Ctinnluglinm says that the county
H hospital will bo completed in a few days
H Thu plasterers will bo through tholr work
H early next week Steam was admitted to
H the pipes yestortlny Notwithstanding nil
1 that has been said about the poor workman
H ship on the building Mr , Cunningham says
H tlio beauty of the structure will surprlso
H people
H Solid Hllvnr'llilinbln Hnlo 2.1o Hneli
H Friday , Saturday and Monday at Ed-
H liolm & Akins
B Dentil ol Jpnu t.rawfl , Jr
H Death , for the second tluio within a month ,
H' bos doprivoJ the household of John Groves
H of a youthful prtdo Yesterday the oldest eon
H of tlio deputy comity treasurer , John Emmet ,
H died after a short illness of laryngitis
H Death wns painless , the llttlo follow srenuug
H v to dream into that sleep which knows no
H wnklng , The agony of the stricken parents
H is lumentoU hyinuuy syinptithotle friends
H Thofunorul will take pluco todav nt Up in ,
H from the parouta' residence , tJMJ Chicago
H street , to Holy Sepulchro ccmotery ,
H An AbHoime Cure
B Is only put up In largo two nucca tin boxes ,
H and Is an absolute cure for old ser s , burns ,
H wounds , cluppod bands , and all skin erup
H lions Will positively cure all kinds of pilov
B Ask fortbo OlllQINA'L AlUKriNB OINt'-
H MEN1' , Bold by Goodman Drujoaoipiay at
H 13 cents per box bv m U UU ceuts
The Cotuuiittco to Attend tlio Hnlt-
rnnd Onnlciciioo nt Vnnklon
The real estate exchange lias a new scheme
on tap every day nnd Is keeping the local
business men engaged in following trnck of
now improvement projects
President llartman Introduced Mr Camp
bell who it representing a symllcato of Pitts
burg capitalists who conlcmplato the estab
lishment In this city ot a plant , for the man
ufacture of nn nmmonia cnslno of which
Mr Campbell Is the patentee Ho ex
plained his patent at length claiming that
fully 50 per cent of the prlco of fuel Is
Mr Campbell Is stopping at the Paxton
and will meet citizens desiring to lrnd on-
couragrment to such an industry
Picsidoat llartman unuounced the follow
ing goutlcnion nt members ot the commlttuo
to attend the railway conforuueo to bo hold
in Mitchell next lucsday , December 17i
E. Hlnll , It S. Hcrlln , A. S. Potter , Joseph
Darker , Euclid Martin , J. S. Urady Jonas
P. Johnson , II H. Mmlny , \ \ . .1. Uroatcli ,
Thomas J. Kllnatrlclc , U. II Dewey Joseph
Gnriiciiu , D. II Wheeler , A. 11 Dufreno ,
Thomas Swobe , (5. ( W. Llnlngcr , G. M.
Illtcncock , J. A. Wakellcld , J. V. Coots , J.
O. Wilcox
C. A. Atkinson , socrotnry ot the Lincoln
board of trade , unit V. P. Ernst , genernl
superintendent of Lincoln's ' strcot rntlwnv ,
wore present , 'luo.v want an ovchnngc at
Lincoln and were seeking pointers on the
manner tn which the Omaha exchange dis
patches business
The coinmittco of the exchange who went
to Lynn and lloston in search of manufactur
ing enterprises have returned feeling greatly
encouraged They nro to meet In Chicago
ft ion some eastern linns who want to estab
lish branches m the west Thov ulso have a
proposition fiom a big manufacturing estab
lishment engaged in the production of Unit
ted gooils , hosiery , ote , , ngicolng to Invest n ,
5J00.U00 plant hoie , employing hands , If
the clti7cns will subscribe SIOO.OW of the
capital stock
Eaiy oxpectoratlon.incroased power of the
lungs uud the enjoyment of rest , mo the ro-
wurds upon tnklug Dr Hulls Cough Syrup ,
to nil consumptives
Cut , burns and all sorts of wounds , can
be cured In a snort tltno by the use ot Salva
tion Oil , the greatest cure ou earth for pain
Price 23 cents
Solid Hllvrr Tliiinlilo Knln Uffo Hnoli
Friday * , Saturday and Monday at Ed-
helm & Alans
What a Small Hutubcr SayR About It ,
Tlio Interview of President Hoscn of the
Huthers' union , published In Thu lice has
culled forth the following from Lavm & Co i
The Hutehers' association Is llko nil
others that liavo ever been organized to ad
vance monopoly It Is a corporation com
bined to Jill the pockets of its members at the
expense of the laboring man
"I am a small butcher , but an honest ono
The shoe pinches because wo do not try like
some others do to pull every ceut out of vour
pocket I keep a meat market on South
Thirteenth street uud if any customer ever
had any rotten meat or diseased meat out
of this store wo would like to know about
it I am a small dealer 1 have worked on
the streets but lam a mini , not trying to
tnUo every cent out of sour pocket "
Solid Silver Tlilinblo Sale 250 ISaob
Friday , Saturday nnd Monday at Ed-
holin & Akins
TnlK ortlio Mlotoitri I'nuillo ItulldliiK
to tlm Corn Palao - .
ft Is now rumoied that , the Missouri Pa
cific propose } to build an extension of its Ne
braska mam line from the Junction near Pa-
pllllon to SIou < c City , though none of the
company's oftlclals here seem to know any
thing very dellulto about it
So far ns can bo ascertained the rumor
started at Sioux City , went to St Louis and
then enmo back to Omaha
"I would not bo much surprised , " said ono
gnutlomuii , "If some such move has been de
cided on , because it is well known that Mr
Gould , long ago , 'fustoncd his mind on the
Jim river valley In South Dakota nnd
planned to build his roud to It "
What makes you think there Is founda
tion for the rumor of a proposed extension to •
"I dent sny there it , but the ngltatlon at
Yankton , Mitchell and ether points iu Da
kota has , and I have good reasons far saying
it , spurred the Missouri Pacific olllclalt up
and you can rest assured they are not going
to bo left out in the cold "
What would bo tlio object of branching
off at Paplllion , cutting across-country and
leaving Omaha on a switch for a stub line ) "
"Oh , I dent imngiuo there Is any truth in
that part of the report Omaha would bo
tlio natural tormlnus , as well ns division
point for any road to the north , oven an ex
tension ot the Missouri Pacific I dent believe -
liovo Sioux City would bo touched nt all be
cause a direct line to Yankton would bo at
least llf ty miles shorter than by way ot Sioux
"Do you 'ooliovo the road will bo builti"
Well , the best miswor I can glvoyou Is
that I have seen scml-oulclnl statements to
the effect that it will , and expect to eoo work
commoDced early next spring "
Assistant General Freight Agent Warraclc
of the Union Pacific returned from Chicago
tliis morning and says that the Alton road
has given notlca of nn 18 cent rate on Ilvo
stock from Kansas City to Cluoago which
will bu considered at amcotlngof the frelgnt
association next Monday Ho thinks the
cut will not have any effect on Omaha rates
Car-Accountant Buckingham of tbo Union
Pacific has goao to Do aver where the toin-
pnny is prepiiiing to build a now round
house ana repair shop
Solid Slivnr Tlimib o Snip 25c Knell
Friday , Snturday and Monday at Ed-
helm cc Akins
lllundcri ii Twlcf
A quantity of whisky shipped from the
wholesale liquor house of Hosenfeldt & Com
pany of Minneapolis to an Oiniibu firm has
been seized by tbo ofllccis of the internal
revenue because thu whisky wns not of tlio
brand on the bnrrrel Hoth purchaser and
scllor disclaim any knowledge nf tlio fraud
To recover goods it Is nocotsary to make aill-
davits of the Innocence of the parties con
cerned This is then forwnrded to Washing
ton by tbo rnvonuo collector or his deputy ,
who recommend at their discretion that a
nominal fine of * . " > or $10 bo Imposed and the
liquor returned
Kosotifoldt was apprised of this modus
operandi by General Dennis , whereupon ha
went before Justice Morrison and either ignorantly -
norantly or maliciously swore that Dennis
had agreed to hush the mutter up fur ( S , a
thing which Is an Impossibility after it bus
become u matter of record ,
Tbo gonornl Is consequently greatly In
censed nnd it is hardly probublo that bo will
trouble himself to recommend any leniency
on the part of the government In the punish
ment of Hosenfeldt
Fits , spasms , St Vitus dance , nervousness
and hysteria nro soon cured by Dr Miles
Nervine Free samples at Kuha & Co 's
15lh and Douglas
Holld Silver Tliimblo Sale 25o Enoh
Friday , Saturday and Monday at Ed-
helm & Akins
Netted 9 < il.1.O0. ;
1 ho not income from tlio fair of tile Swed
ish ladies relief society at Washington hall ,
for the bei.cilt ot tlio poor wus $03.1. Ttio
members of tbo society feel very grateful
and desira to thank the publio for its generous -
ous support had the press for favors ex
tended Especial mention Is mndo of four
leading wholotulo clothing firms iu Chicago ,
Calm , Wampold & Company , L. I'awenstuln
Si Company , Hart Hrothers uud Keith
Hrotbcrs , each ot which romlttod oash for
twenty tickets , through Mr Sam J. Uurg-
strom _
Tlio Hnzaiir hull Open
The ladles of the Nowuian Methodist
church have mot with excellent success in
their btuaur uud lunch given at tbo Young
Men's Christina association building The
chicuun dluuor today was well patronized
uud tbo Udioa decided to coollAUO the ba
zaar nod lunch on Saturday There are still
a great many beautiful nnd usofu . 1 articles
there to bo sold Do not fall to visit the
baraar before It closes nnd take your lunch
there this evening nnd tomorrow
Hunting n Fortune
Mr Frank Mooros , cleric of the district
court , received the following lottcr yester
day :
riiEXTOwx , Ind , Dec 0,1359. I doslro to
say to the man Into whoso band this may
fall that I have learned that my fnlho r
( Charles Nugent ) has loft to mo a fortune ot
nbout $ " 3,000. The particulars In the enso
nro these : About forty-eight years ngo my
futhor loft Ills fainity nnd wont west Wo
learned slnco that ho Bottled la or near
Omaha , Neb , where ho accumulated a for
tune And us the report Is ho died nbout fif
teen years ngo Before bo died ho loft a
will bequeathing to mo all or nearly all of
his wliolo citato If this report bo true then
the money must bo in the courts , and if so
thoprosont Judge of the court of the county
in which ho died must know nil about it I
therefore send this letter for the purpose of
learning the facts Iu the case I send stamp
for the expenses of nu nnswor to tint loiter
* I am told that the said cstnta Is in charge of
a lawyer , but I forgot his naino Will you
plcnto Investigate thu matter , and utter you
have learned the facts In the case than
write me nt Freetown , Juckson county , Ind
Yours truly , • Avbiit WiilsOv
P. S. If you do not find the partlos I In
quire nfter then have tills lottcr published In
your paper
in packages of colToo Lady it ) Wymoro
wins the i2Q. \ \ \ A. PAiuiSoAi' Co
Illuh Holiuol Gymnasium
Henry ICammurow , the professor of cales-
themes at the high school , has received the
gymnastic nppaintus which was purchased
tor that sruetuio ' Ho will have it put In
position by Monday , when classes for both
young men and ladles will bo opened , The
apparatus , with that which hat already boon
la the gymnasium , makes the ptneo ono of
the most complete iu this section of the
country t _ _ _ _
IS a blood disease Until tno poison h
1 expelled from thosjsteni , there can
bo no euro for this loatlisomo mid
dangerous malady Therefore , the only
effective trcntiiient is n thorough course
ot Aycr's Sarsaparlllit the best of all
blood purifiers The sooner you begin
the better ; delay is dangerous
" I was troubled with catarrh for over
two years I tried various remedies ,
and was treated by a number of physi
cians , but received no benefit jintil I
began to take Ajcr's Sarsaparilla A
few bottles of this medicine cuicd ine of
this troublesome complaint nnd com
pletely restored my health " Jcsso M.
liojfgs , lloliuan's Mills , N. C.
" When Ajcr's Sarsapuilla was rec
ommended to mo for catarrh , I was in
clined to doubt its efficacy ILning
tried so many remedies , with llttlo ben
efit , I bad no faith that anything would
cure me I became emaciated from loss
of appetite and impaired digestion I
had ncaily Inst the sense of Hindi , and
my system wns badly deranged I was
about discouiagcil , when a friend urged
mo to try Ajcr's Sarsaparilla , and re
ferred mo to poisons whom itlind cured
of catarrh After taking half a ilo7en
bottles of this medicine , I am coinlnced
that the only sure way of treating tills
obstinate disease is through the blood "
Charles II Maloney , 113 llivcr St ,
Lowell , Mass
Hyer's ' Sarsaparilla ,
Dr J. C. Ayer & Co , Lowell , Mass
Trlco $1 ; six tottlcs 4S. Worth SJabottlo
. Wo give you good value In our Overcoats
at JSiKl , , * 1J.0 , MBnu JIK.Ui , fcjjno
and * a. > .oa ; Our Suits at J10.0J , J13.0U , tlSW
til ) Oil , JiMI I aud JK.0J.
VoiireratvuOno Dollars worth of goods
for Ono Dollar and that Is nil any ono
gives •
Tlio Well Known Special ! * ! ,
F y $5 urc , ucura Kiiar-
f/iy tPx& TO rf AmtHiJon U-rtl 1 -
/ / XiiMulutcljcurwl \
| . A < * u ntYmurrll
f MBJ y'i i qW uienl l y corr -
ymBJE f'2&'Wh i Lu.vgui.TA nov '
Tuesday morning we will commence one of the greatest clearance sales on I
record , lit is not very often'that we have occasion to mark down our goods * ' | J
No competition ever compelled us to reduce our prices for the simple reason m | |
that our prices are always away below others , but something stronger than i 31
competition The continued warm weather forces us this time to putthe knife • | |
deep intoour goods The season is fast closing and we have yet a very large -JM
stock to dispose of "In order to do it we must give you inducements that will III
make you buy clothing in spite of any kind of weather , and we will do it We ; | | 1
have neverdissapointed you yet J/JI /
Beginning Tuesday morning you can have your choice of thousands of $16 , pjl
$15 , $ I3.5Q and $12. "I
_ _ _ _ _ .
" - " iiiimiiiiwi , S . r T i H
The Overcoats come in Kerseys , Wide Wale , Worsteds , Beavers and fine ill
Chinchillas , many of them lined throughout with silk and satin , also Ulsters of , H > B
Irish Frieze , c , I
The suits are in Cutaways and Sacks and consist of very fine Cassimeres , 'I
Worsteds , Corkscrews and Cheviots , elegantly made up andall formerly sell . M
ing at $12 , $13.50 , $15 and $16.50 all go for $9.75. I
YotJ can see them in our window They talk for themselves ' '
We cannot send samples of goods from this sale , but will fill mail orders promptly and to the ! H
best of ounability , when the selection is left to us All orders for goods from this sale must be . H
accompanied by cash H
at Low Price !
Listen I
.Carr's Melton & Chinchilla fjW
( any shade )
For made to order overcoat \
n\\ \ \ (
ONLY $35. ill If ? )
You dent know Carr's ? / 3 sAsk
Ask your friend ; ask the next fn '
man you meet i
They'll say Carr's Melton Ml J
& Chinchilla , and fifty dollars | WlffF
in the same breath \ | | [ | '
Fifty Dollars is our price ' J1Viiiiif | |
( usually ) M
" * ' ;
It'll be $35 for a little while , > ?
till the bolts dwindle
Dent wait
Fine overcoat wearers wont
Feom Max Meyer &c Bro
The auction sale which is now in progress at our
store lias caused so many inquiries that we talce .
this method to answer the inquiries and inform the public at
the same time The object of the saleis not , as some have
asserted , toiget rid of our old stock for the best of reasons ,
we have none Nor is it a holiday scheme to get the
trade is .as advertised , to close the retail depart
ment of our jewelry business which we have been desirous
of doing for many months , and having failed to find a cus
tomer to purchase the stock entire , and to put the stock in
to our wholesale department not being feasible , we have
determined upon an auction sale of our entire stock of diamonds
mends , fancy goods , art goods , and all Without limit or
reserve of one single article We invite all to attend these
sales , which will be held daily for the next thirty days ( if not
disposed of before ) and see if this statement is not a fact
etchings , & * fflk & & HSt temirson ,
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska
The laruCBtia8te i unit IliicSi In thovforll
U I'asscrgcr acconiniwlHtlons unexcelled
tfew York to Qla.go'V via Lsnioadcrrj
AnoUnrln , Dm1st | rnrncssia.fnn 4th
l"uine < MB , UooJ8tli I Clrcnssla , Jan , . . .11th
Now York to Azores , Gibraltar ani Italy
Assyria Dec 18 | Victoiia Jnn 1
Samion , PEcoMCrv sni > STBKiivnH rutes
on low cut terms , llxcurslou Tlckdts romieen
maaeaMill.iblo toieturn byolthor the Pictur
esque Clyilo and North of Irolanil or ltlver
Mcrsoy iiml South ot Ireland , or Nnnles and
Tfimm on lownit terms ' 1'ravelorH' Circular
I.rtterHot Oiedlt nnd Dnifts for any amount at
Ion est current rates Apply to any of our local
audits or to
He taon Brotte , Chicago , 111 ? ,
H. S. lUr.r , . '
II , \ . Mnimns
C. 11. Maiies , U. P. Depot
( wholesale prigeO
MEN'S ' WESCOTT ss _ fl
xeaiulriit vnrai . / tuJ fl S
SIZES 5 TO 12 , - - - - $2.55 §
Willi ) for nur rnialoaue Flioen tout lis ox-m
lircB , O. (1.1) ( . If Wcenti l kpiiI with uKltir
45 to 49 Randolph St , CHICAGO , ILLINOIS I
Weiefer to Armour ACe , Chicago , by permission ,
. JeHelery/'fiogerj" Silver
Plated Flat Ware , Cutlery , Notions ,
Fancy GoodsAlbumi Toy Walches
: oat-Collar Springs and nil tlio
fWalchct for the hon
our largo and fully Illustrated
cataloeuo mailed to dealers only
All mall urUers rocclva our
prompt and bent uttcntlon
Addicss 417-11 ! ) N. Fourth St . fct Louis , Mo-
A full > et of ToolU on rubber for t' , Buarnnteod to
be us well umdon * platas aunt out from any dental
oniiula tlilt louniry , and lor which you nould lit
tharuu.l . inor tnleuai much . , , ,
'Jeullieiiractwl without pain or ilsdifer , an I with
out the uin c huluform , fan , eltlier or uioUrldiy ,
uold and tllvirillihiiin ut lialf rate .
Kutlhlactlim ( Jiiarnntiod
l'a\on ( Tllock , Kllli mill rnriinm Streets
Tuku Cl&rator on liitli Btteet
Tenmhlw mmdA from An writing , Atrenbf ontel
OIIFLL TVl'LW It Ill : It IO , , lUvKt-rj , tlili s <
cbiated llnei ot Hoots und Shoos , liisuufactur *
td by CM Henderson A ; to , , of Chlcairo Fac
toilcs at Chicago , Dixon , UU and lon lu
Wls.-shouid write BAM \VA'lr.ON. . resi
dence , ntHMUNT , Nllll Travellni : scent ,
llendauaitera tor lubU ( ,
XKTSpJJCa : SCtTJ"'aCE3. v- I
N. WCOR l3fH& DoccE MS , OMAHA , NEBi ? | > M
Treatment of v rT forra of D' < taa requlrlajt i SSSSSsl
BordAttendance Beit A om odation lnW il ' 1 H
_ CCTW5IIErOR OIRCrjr.AP.BonDcformllltiBBd 1 1
BraetiTruiHcOlubFeetOurviturMofSliieliltS I. bsssh
Tumori , OiBj r,0 tarLhBronchjtli , Inh Iatlii l'i ' LB
Bleetrleltr , Paralyim , BFilepiy , Kidiey HJiddiiV I , L H
By , Ear , Bldn ana Blcod nnd nil Burjlol Operatlonf { ' H
woiu BCM > acuIlrl l E T. CSTRICTIT fHiyATf * M
PBiyATBBISBASES Bjrjtlniui'olios II i l
rnoTtdlronlbijmmwIlhoalnitriry fcUnlnU . 1 H
UoutooOJoll KdlltiotlilMm l. > . .lbyi .llM.i , * 1 H
fr , i t.urtlrpit ( . , I SSSsS
. .
Il > riourintcrilf . . ,
( prfrirr < d. C.ll [ „ rmi H
ki'2wZir " ! i"r > d w. lll Itod In eUId . . | , , r , oij 1 H
BnflKTnMFH FBBH 0 ? Hrt l . I'sssssl '
111. : OUit u1 Vrl . ' , | , , | , u qoe.tlon llt AtSrt ; ' . I. H
18th and Sodga SUaaU , OTSAUA , KEB ' H
HFisJealC I
Dll H. \VK-T'H NKIlVf AM ) MIAin ! " Tri : vt I H
imst : , it ( 'uariiiiteudHiiiitlll fnr lly.-tcilu , HU1. f H
nu-is , ( . 'onvulsloiH , I'iti , Nervous Neumlula 'j ' H
lloeadarlie , Kenoui rroatiiitlon ranked hy the Issssssb
iiho of nlcoliol tolmcco Wakefiilneas , Mental I H
Dciiresclon , SoftenliiBof tlio llraln , rewihliiH in L H
I iihimity uud loiullnj 'to mlM'ry.Mc'ny and ili atli , F ssssl
I'remiitui'oOld ' Aire , ll.irreiiins.s , I , isi of Tower t B
In either hn.v , liiyidiinlnry I aies and rinerinnt f' ' H
toi hii'n i nilKoil bv ovei nxerllon of the bruin , s ! f 1 H
aliueo or ovirlndiilirence , Iliuh box loulalns l m
one mniith'Htroatineut , Diuln hox.orhU umcea isssssW
firt\i ' , i.eitby ] mall piejiiild on receipt nCurlci/ . H
To t uro imy raso With each order received bv j B
us fornix lionoa , ttCCompniiled ltli < . ' i. < 'H ' hbxvIII ' B
foiiiI thepiirtliaserourwrliteiiKiiarnntrii to re- J l
fund tlio money If tlio trontiiieiit douauiiteircct B
a iurn ( Juantnteiu isaueil only uy lloiiiliniirl MB )
llruuCo , llriiKirlitx , Kolo AK'Htv , lIl'J ' 1'iirniiui
Htteet , Oniahu KohruBia 'iVAI
Willi Ji.tdoriiufcsi nofaiilnarDipilred , Bendio
fliy { , lWrr"JlL ' . " ' • ky bmllli fcHCl | l-
. . .
l.l.7 .
OIIireiHt Liiuli ilo , l inui ! " > iu > bloiit- > ; ' "didj H
ii.ntuliiUiir lull lurllculius fur borne iuiv , l | < o f <
CliKriri Addl.w * , _ f H
PBOF P. C. FOWLEH , Moodus Conn _
ftmilBIB-Morphlno Habit Curat ) , (
B IU I 11 Hil AT " "UK iViTiniiir iain 1'ay. , nBl
Iflr Dllltfl iiuuls ea'.y , uud coits less limn IVBf
Ut III J I to continue the Imbtt I < B
Sit JAHES lIUILIHNU , iiMii 18 Oil V , 510. I H ,
Bf lr * * M B , NE08CUi7EDkircck'.iur 1 j B1
rila MA ! • l ll.lHl.kH-UtAR ( AH CUtHIORl PJ
JT7T.ul l Lcr uliiii < ft . .ii- kH * | * n H'
m2rAd4ru iH iraifl00X , i imi iiW.Vs v j m
_ , _ „ , * . * w,2i , Bi