Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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B ho tKlvortlsomonts will bo taken for
m thoao columns oftor 12:30 p. m.
B Torms-Cash In ndvnnco
H Advertisements under tills head 10 cinti per
H line for Hit III nt Insertion , 7 centa tor each sub
H Beouent Insertion , onil HIO per line \ < tt month
H tvondrertitemcntsiaknn for less thnu S.1 cents
H for first Insertion , Seven words w 111 bo counted
H to Die lire ! they must rim coiuecutlt sly nnd
H must lie pnld In A1)VAM. 'I All advortlsa-
H ments must Iks liatidrt m before UtM o'clock p.
B m.nnd under no ctrcutnstnnceH will they be
H taken nr discontinued by telephone
L Tartlet ) advertising In tlieso columns neil liav-
H lnc their answers addressed In cnrnofTllK IIKR
H xvlll please uslc torn check to cnnble them to get
H their lot ter * . ns none Mill be delivered excent
onbrosentatlonof chetk All nnsVters to r.d-
vcttltemenM should be enclosed tn envelope * .
All ndvnrtlementB in these columns ore duo
llslied in both morninc ; and evenlna editions of
IiikIIf.k the ( Irculntlon of xvblch ngKreRntes
more limn ls.lTt ) papers daily , nnd elves the ml-
H vrrtlser thahenellt not only of the city clrcii-
Intlouof Tlir Hie hut nlso of Council lllulTs
Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
f this section of the country
B AdvcrtlslnR for tboM ! columns xviil bo taken
en the nbovo rondhlotn nt the followlnc bust
HK not * holism , Xvho nro nuthcrlzed agents forTriE
E IltR special notices , and will quote the eam *
H | Wes ns ciin be had at themalii qfljce _ _ _
TOIIN XV HKUj , l'hnrmncist , KOSouth Tenth
I O Street
7tlArilF&-Km ! > V , Stationers nnd l'RIutars , Hi
_ B Vvsoiith lnth Street
Q ir "AHNMVOU'lll , 1'harmnclst , S115 Cum
B DlURiStreet ,
_ H \\r .l.llir lir.8. l'hnrmnust , Gl ! North l th
TV Mrect
_ fSlX > - w IAllll lhnrmncist 1718 leaven
_ H vJ " _ , votth street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H l.IUOilUSTuiAHJlAOt' , Wja laruntn blrcot
_ _ K TCrOTTIUr-TSy T Ciirn ] iterr lie ha ' s had
H tViIim-ko of hiilldin construction In the
B cast for Homo yeais a position with n building
B firm m Omaha Address Tnul lllack , Hellovllle
H M. J. . l o- . 4IB lit .
H \A/ANTii-Aihertlslnir : f-ullcltors. Apply
H T > Saturday lQ'o I , at Olobahotel , ( > li 1.1a-
M cohx ! 4-t 1J ! |
_ _ _ _ ,
H A rtiMl'lJlIJNT lincllsh rouple , Just from
HQChlcaco , Mould like sUiuUIouh as jnultor , or
K any poiitlonot trust ; thorouchly undcmtnnd
B steam heaters Auunt , clnim Chlnuinan Mould
B like a place In private family ; wages $15 : Iim
H ll\ed It ) yra ulthuhitu fulks llavo 1 No I
H women cooks ; nlsosomo c'rls ' for ijouoral house
H work Mrs llrega , ai41' plinth ! 5 < T l.W _
H 'iTlT'ANTinJ-Asitimtlnn by iTyounij married
B V ? man to do any kind otw ore , Address r 7- ,
B llceolllce LmJ''J '
| "XA/ANTUl ) lly a youuir married mnnvho Is
m II ilrst-clasa stenographer and upeintor on
H either the Hammond or UemlnRiou typewrit-
B crs.n position micro steady uniploynient cun bo
m ussurml nnd wnero ability nud Kood hcrxlco
_ will bo recognized kIvou
_ Atldrosg llemlnirlon boyf > 7l ) . IfH-l'H
H A l'lltS'l cTnss travellnK man desires a slum
B xxtlou .lanl ; am at present employed : can sell
B anytliliu ; ten years on the road and ennfur-
B ntsh very best of Omaha references Address
H Ceorco I ) . Hale , JJjhl KJ-lrnl st , Omaha.jr.i Jl 1 _
B A\7'ANTKI ) rt'oik by a paper JiauRer painter
BBm > > and interior llnlsnor competent to take
BB _ charge of work Address 1' 4.1. fleoolllco
H ks ru
BBS t X\J ANTUD-bltuntioiibv n tlrst-class custom
BBH VV cutter Aduress John J. Urunnk , Ownsso
H Mich , lloxinn 518dlit
B mild DenverBt > to I/ittory Co want agents
BB X Tickets l cents Address A. U. ltoss .V Co ,
B Denver Cole 4-U- . ' < *
K A ( FUN ' TS Wanted I immodlatoly tor the book ;
BBM.History of the Clan-na-Gnol uml the mtir-
B der of Dr Cronln A lull and Impartial ac-
H count _ liosensation of the co-tury. A liar
H vest for agents , fend for circulars and 30 cents
B forcnnviissmgoutllt Liberal terms , llorlaud
K & _ Co . 101 btato St , Chicago , III 42M4 *
BIB ' 'VKTAN- -"d baker , ilVboii- and loom ;
BBB VV meat and pastry cook , $ j0. Mrs Hirga ,
B nujjHirith , 4-3 Hi
BIB XV ANTillJ VounKinun to Instruct and take 1
B TV phiirgoot set double-entry booksonJan-
K uary KJ 11. Smith , 4B ( N. lOtli 417 143 _
_ H "VarANTHD-Hcnerat agent to " nlro and triiln
BIB • > agents und nianagn olllce for state of No-
BB _ lirasku Must Invest some nionoy Address I'
H 71. Ilea olllca 3i > ! '
_ _ _ _ * VUANTii : > At Hastings , Neb , a young man
H TV qulcknt llgurcsand harlng a Knowledge i
H , nf bookkeeping ; honesty bond required Ad-
H ilre > s I'm lluoolHco • sni ] '
B XXTANTKD A man who has made an A 1 rcc-
BIB VV ordnsad ortlalugor Insurnnco solicitor
BIB Salary to begin 175 a month Addres3 It r , line
H ae-iw ,
B WJANTl' .D At onca II llrst class solicitors ,
BIB VV best of terms to right parties Innulm&OO ,
H N. Y. Ufobullolng ; i.V ) 17j .
BBM 'Ta/aNTI' .D A. manufacturing chemist , many I
Bfl _ VV years experience , want nn active or silent
BIB partner with IMWU to start a factory in Omaha
BMW Addreso 1" IIS , Ilea olllce 3'jD 13J
_ _ WTANTED First-class cook for meat nnd i
H VV pastry B. .1. Udell Lincoln , Neb , -85-11) )
_ _ B " \7 ANTKD ( iood llvo canvassers for soma
BBM VV of the best selling articles in the world
BBM C. II J ordan , Cozzons nouse.Uth and Hnrney
H 'VVANTED 10 carpenters for work at Chey- -
B V V unno.Albright's Labor agency , 11D0 I'nrnam
B r\\l ANTKD At once ono boiler maker for
BBB _ VV heavy sheet iron work Must bo ublo to
BB _ B lay out work , rcrniunont Job to right man J
1 Varney Heating Mfg Co , Lomcnuortli , ICntis '
B -40 _
F VyANTKD-awmon for Tennessee n ' ud the
B VV soiitlL , cheap ralos Albright Labor
H Agency , lla ) r'nrnam st 111) )
B A (1HNT81 Write for terms $ J sample corset
B free Schiola & Co , VM Urondvray.Now York
B - _ - _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7-i )
_ _ H W AN'J KD Salesmen at $75 per month salary
B VV andexpenses to sell a line of silver-plated
B waie , watches , etc , by sample only : horse and
H team furnished free Write at once tor full par
B rlculars and sample case of goods free Stand
H crd Bllvemaro Co , Ilostou Mass 7-1
_ _ _ l 1\Tf'N | to tiavel for the Fonthlll nurseries of
H IVLCanada We to tila moutn and
B expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown
BMM stock Add , blono A Wellington , MadlsonAVls
WANTiSD ltaliroad laborers nd tlemaKers
for the south ; reduced rates Trackmsers
BBM for Iowa : nlso ro men for city work : 41.75 per
BBm day or $ . ' - per month Kllley , Kramer & Co ,
B B cor , llth and I'nrnam sts yj
BBB WfANTKD Canvassers at Singer Sewing
B VV Machine olllco 151b Douglas street
H cs3 am
B Milln Denver State Ixilterj' Co , want agents
BB _ - * Tickets 50conts. Address A. C Hess , t Co ,
B Den\er. Col . aJ ( lilt
bbbI V/antep-fewale help
WANTHD Ladles or gentlemen to Intro
iluco our gloves , balary Klula month and
H exponseH Kxperionca not necessary Address
H With stamp , ltoyal Olovo Co , Cincinnati O.
_ _ _ 4-j-mt
WAN'lHII-Ulrl for generul house work 1J4
S. Must 411 Hit
_ _ _ _ WT'ANl'RllUlrl for gouoial liouse worriiil7
M TV Cnss st 4OT11J
STKNOailAVIIlilt forH U. office , lndy or
_ _ _ _ gentloiiuiu , aiut H lith < - - . lij
H \ \ [ ANTKDVomun to wash dishes nnd loom
H VV home , t3 ; nnrso to tulcu cam of slek
H rroman and do housework , lcook ; for family ,
H no washing , ( ti laundry girls , dlshnashers ,
H dining room girls and -5 for general house
B work Mrs Ilrciru , 311X B. lBth 4. 3 HJ
WANTKD Stenographer and typewriter
olllce correspondence Must uo accuiato
B nnd quick Address , 11. % Uee olllce , MU8 11
BIBxrANTED A girl for gonerll housework : ;
H V > call at 15W North 16th st 4 T 18t
_ _ _ l IV ANTKD A competent girl for general
B V V housework Must be a good cook , llufer-
BBM rreucu required 1814 Dodge btreat ara u
H I\rANTiD-UirI : to help in small jamtly Can
BV V V sleep home 817 s. iVth su U 8 1it
B \\/ANTKD / A good girl for general house
BBM VV woik in family of two , references re-
BBM quired Call 0 o'clock morning or 7 evening at
B iui North 3 < lh st ! MU15 >
BK \f > ANTKD-A good glil for general liouso-
BBV V V wort , must bu good cook Apply at room
H Sin Dee building icu HJ
_ _ \ArANTID luiinedlately , u girl for general
B VV housework Apply ut n. a. cor S 1st and
B Webster 273 13t
WANTISD A few more ladies to | ern dresi
_ _ _ cuttlne Call at Mrs 11. 0. Moses drew
B juaklug xiarlor tor put tlcularj , 1718 Cass st
an j 8j
WANTHD-A good kitchen girt Ileforonco
i quired a5li Harney at 851
WANTKD-KngaKements to do dlelslnttking
_ _ _ lnfauillles Call or address , II , U , tbj N.
B S3'1 st- - _ SBJ 1J
MISS li Walsh MM Capitol aVe dre Aclot
maker ; plush ioatsrellitedrellued.steamed
| : K i _
IrtNtlAUKMKNTS to do dressmaking in fam-
. illiles solicited Miss Sturdy 619 B. suthst
HISS O'DONDIIOl ! . dressmaking , at 15-
Douglas st , i'lush cloaks steamed , rellned
M. * * j"T IIS K. rurmauTS' essiuakiug parlor 7018.10 th
Jli S13-U15 *
B YouB , VVlNKIlKlta dress nud cloak maker ;
B JJplush cloak * to order nud sleiuned ; seaUkm
H , ' cloaks iepalred : all kinds fur trimmings fur
K < bUu J , IUU Capitol are , lepalrlug of all kinds
Wanted-to rent :
\\J ANTKYi Two turnIsnea rooms aud table
VV board for gantleman and ifet permanent
If satlstl.Hl ! everything must bo arst-class. Ad
dress i o 51 lieejnfnce , rJI _
"VVAfiUKD Dy ctntToman and wife nicely
V V furnWiert house ot 5 or 0 rooms ; or 3 or t
rooms Tor light housekeeplns Must bo llrst
class ' and centrnlly located Address I * til , Dec
oflice 327 HJ
W ANTl' .D lly January 1. rurnlshed rooms
and board for family , man and wlto and 4
children of ages 0 to II Address ' - ' 110 Dodge
ANTKD to Ilenr- room homo with imSd * -
cm conveniences , sewer connections , cis
tern | , city water Address 11 • , lice , ( ouncll
lllulls t ih ' _ _
WTAN'IKD-lly n genlleniun , wire , and
VV daughter elaoncars old two well fur
nished | rooms with flrst-clasj board In a desir
able , locality Address 1 * . O. Ilex 7 , Omaha
311 11 *
" 1TOH IIKNT-Small hrlc- home , 1113 Cnsj stl
IriOinn : > T-llousn ; of 3 rooms on the corrIcr
ot Martha nnd 11' .hft. . , newly pipercil , good
cellar , well and cistern , paved St , stieet < ur on
11th st l.iiiUlroorlolin | Hamlin , IM7S. 13th st ,
Llntoli lilnck ItenttlOperinontli HK > ID
"IilOlt HUNT The handsomest 7-room modern
X' flat in HmaliB , privatu hall , electricity , cto ,
ntSIIlirarnnuist , S. A. hlomau , 131)1 ) l' urnaiust
IPOK HUNT S-rnom cottage 2111 llarnoyst ,
• * l < - s' A' SIoiiimi l'lU raniam st Ifttt
1 riOIt IIKNT l-room Hat near postolllco ; ? 10.
! lloherfa , 40J N. ICtli 3--S ISt
tpoil UKNT Ad-room liouso b „ S. IBth st
J ? 37718J
JilOK HUNT Eight room cotta , line loca-
- Hon , ten iiilnntei' alk from postolllce , good
yard Inquire at 152. ) Howard st ill It ) _
IjVUH HUNT Now 8 room house , liithroom
- gns , etc : i7th between Leavenworth nud
Jones Will Drowue , Jr , U. 1' . headquarters
Room house iui s i&t _ st "
mm *
IJlOIt UKNT 7-rnoin hnttse nnd barn H18
X ? Seventh ao , 4 blocks South ot Union depot
TJTUIt ltCNT-r-ltlght-rooin house , with ample
V grounds , corner Leivcnnorth nnd 21st sts :
bath room , hot and cold Water Apply to Lewis
8. Heed 4 : Co , loom 13 , board ot tiade building
' . > 5-ltOOM ( nowi houses , nil modern conien-
Olemosoxcopt furnace , nt $10 , halt block from
motor 51H 1'nxtou block 7.1) )
I poll HUNT Now 8-1 oem 7iouso' 'Id and Call
. fornln streets , nil conveniences , * 5 i ( l-rooni
cottuge.2' .l" Hnmiltou , J18. A. C. WnKeloy.ioom
5di N. Y. Life building
" _ _ _ _ _ _
IJlOiniKNT 7 room house , with bath , Cal
JJ lfornla stieet , 3" .5'l. Inquire Ncthcrlou
Unit , room I , Union block , 15th nnd 1'arnam.
li'i 11
IpOU HUNT 4-room cottage , with closets ,
pantry , etc GUI S. SOth at 208
Fllll ItKNT 8-room house 522 Soutn SOth st ,
r.ntiulre of .1. W. Hampton , 1522 rarnnm st
or 712 South SMunronue WWB *
FOlt lfilNT Houses nnd Btnros Pronerty
cared for , taxes paid Mld'and ' Ouarantoo
& . Trust Co , 1811 I'arnam st Abstracts 570
T7IOH HEN r u-room house , Irtt S. Bth St , near
-LBth and Dodge sts : price Jij ; rent to any
one , no questions nskod tc'l
J710K HhNT Soma now sir-ioom houses on
Spauldlng street ono block : from motor
line , bpotswood 3)5j ) ; . S lC' hst U13
I poll UKNT Now 8-room. house 22d .fe Callfor-
• nla streets , nil conveniences , J50 ; nlsoC-room
cottuge , 22d nnd California , $ K ) ; ll-room cottage ,
_ jl Hnmiltou , 81S ; store on Hamilton street
nnd Lowe a\o. , witn looms behind ? i0. A. C.
Wakeley , room 505 N. V. Llfo building 328
"JpOlt UKNT House310 North 22d. Inquire N.
-L VV cor , - 'd nnd Davenport KJ
IpOlt ItKNT 7-room Mat Tnqulro nt the Fair ,
! 'Ihlrtoenth and Howard faUI
IpOIt UKNT Cottage , tour rooms with four
ocrcsot lamL on Stata street between Port
and Florence $10 per month Apply 317 811th st
| a-ia
FOH HENT-Ifousa. 11 rooms 310 N. 22d st
Knoulre Mrs M. A. Dotwller , n w cor aid
nnd Daenport. . 155
IF you wish to rent a house or store sra H. E ,
Cole , Continental block ; olllco open ev lugs
"IIlUltNlSHfiD rokms for light housekeeping ,
4M S. 15th St , Hat 7. 411) ) 14 *
I7VU1INLSURD front rooms , en sutto or single ,
JU 402 N. 10th St - 41J 16 *
' Altai ! weil furnished and heated room , all
com enlencen , llrst class board , ' . ' 2ur < Iarnam
405 19J
IPOH KENT Furnished rooms 1701 Canllol nr
TTIOIt UKNT-'l'urnlshod front room , suitable
JU fortwo ; modern conveniences , lKl' Capitol '
ave 4081W
T7 > UHN1SHED rooms nnd board , HIS 20th.
X1 310 13 *
TTUihUANT rooms In modern brick rebldence ,
_ _ piano and telephone ; board If desired 1821
Cnss 340-17J I
TTIUItNlSHKD rooms : nlso large room fori [
-L1 day boarders , S3 per week , 1820 Davenport
A I.AKGE front room sultnule for two gen
xxtlemen ; also single room adjoining , very
desirable nt 4(15 North l'Jth st , l'nul block ; e(3 ( j
IT'OH ' KENT Very pleasant room suitable for
JL' two gentlemen , furniture new , on best enr
Hue , 520 per month each for board aud room ,
Address 1' 01. cant Hon olllce ittl
I poll HUNT To gentleman and wife or two
or more gentlemen a suite or rooms on par
lor door , D3W house and new furnlturo nil ac
commodations the best , on best cur Una In city
Address I'(12rare Uee olllce 33,1
"VI1CELY furnished room for two gentlemen
LN or goutleman and lndy , 2103 Douglas st
FOIl ItKNT Klegantlyttewlyfurnlshedrooms
with or without bonrd one block from post
olllce , all modern conveniences , best location in
the city : also take day boarders Call ut 107 S 17th
311 J'JJ !
2N1CKLY furnlslicd front rooms , with fur
nace heat , bath and gas and ono 7-room cot
tnge 322 N , 15th St • 271 15J
rpWO nice front rooms , WHO Davenport _
IPOU HRNT Nicely furnished rooms.J.7 to420
per month at0 N , loth , cor Uavanport st
Apply Doom 1. 127 J It
IpOK ItKNT l'lirnlshod trout room wllth bay
window , modern conuenlences , 81(1 ( per
month No 2218 Leavenworth 012
TpOIl KENT Nicely furnished rooms , M to * 2U
-JL' per mouth , at 220 N. 18th , cor Davenport st
Apply .HoomL 125 J 4t
ITIOlTnKNT I"uruished rooms 522 S IBth St " ,
X' Hut A. 8-14 *
SOUTH front , furnished room , 2112 Dodge Bt
822 lit
3pOlt ItKNT Nicely furnished rooms , ti to t20
- per month , at 220 N. 10th , cor , Davenport
Apply , Hooin 1. 123 J
ITlOlt KENT Well furnished loom , with
J- board ; best locution in city Call nt 2215
Dodge St 803
ST ULAIH European hotel cor 13th and
Dodge Special ratu by weak or month
ROOM8 with or without board , tor three
gentlemen ; private family ; references 1812
Dodge Btrcet 73 }
IpOH HINT Suit of rooms over stove store '
: 1821 Howard street S20 per month 731
FOlt HUNT Handsomely furnished rooms
for gentlemen ; bath , gas , furnace boat , 2tj
Dodge st 81H
1 pOlt ItKNT Tno rooms , furnished or unfur-
} Dished , 1720 Capitol ave 7V6
NICEIiV furnished rooms for gentlemen ouly-
J70J Dodga , 8U3
IpOH HKNT rurnlshed rooms , also front
. ' uml back parlor ICOM Douglas C'Ji
IpOH ItKNT A pleasant room for gentleman
- All modern conveniences Corner 20th und
St Mar } 8 avenue , or 02U B. TUth , brick residence
IpOH HUNT 2 rooms , single or en suite , with
X' boarduiodorn ; cuutentnucos 2U15 Douglass
IpLATrf uml unfurnuThed rooms for house =
- keeping , conveniently located In suits ot
from Slo 4. modern comenlences Hutts lient-
lngagency lfXl Iarnam m J fit
_ _ * _ ? iy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
OFFICES for rent cheapln Wlthnellbuilding ,
steam heat , elevator and all modern Im
provements 15th and Harney st 37V J11J
"IpOH HUNT 4-room suite , unfurnished , sult-
X' able tor Housekeeping , gas water , etc , , to
family without children ; northwest cor I'tu
and Webster at 737
IpOHHKNT- buildings One Ill N. 18th T
. at , near Dodge ; Qua buiinei locality ; b
\acantJati. 1st.
One , 2011 Harney , 10 rooms , modern Improve ,
ments , be vncaut 20th lust
One cor Cupltolave , uud 17th ; just being re
paired , Sea Dr Joseph Neville , 11U2 Douglas
• w _ _ _ _
jjio'l UKNT- Halt store , lilO Douglas st
IPOH ItENT-StoTe. 1111 TnTnam st EOxIH [
: feet 2 stories nna cellar Nathan Shelton ,
IBHFnrnamst i 711
JPOR HRNT-rlio 4-story brick building , with
• or without power , formerly occupied by the
lleo Ihibllshlng Co , I8 Farnnm st The buildfi
Hig 1 has a flre.proot cement basement , completa
steam-heating tlxturos water on nil the floors ,
gas J , etc Apply nt the olllco of'Ilia Dee Ill '
"T.r 15. COLU notary public aud comeyanccr
OMI'LICATKD books straightened , balance
sheet rendered ; address 1212 N 10th st
IJI' .Nl ) 10cents lu stamps for map of Omaha
iTJc I' . Harrison , N. Y. Llfo 1 7
ANY person sending me thirty-live cents In
i-llviTl will send nreceipt by return mall of
j a certain cure for hemes In horses , and n cer-
tain help nnd speedy cure ( If bursts nro not lee
j fargomi ) tordlstomper : nnd nlso a remedy to
kill and ilrlto nwnv rats Address A. J. Wnsh
lngtoo Salem , Iowa , 1' . O. box 110 , 403 HJ
At'CTION sales every Tuesday nnd 1'ilday
lnornlngnt 1114 Douglas straot , Omaha Aucli
tlon - Storage Co - 2W
HK COM , rollablo llio Insurance , W
MlDAVll'K-Mrs. II 8. Ollck , grnduateirin
llussla , Uurope , Iim had H years ot practtI
cal experience , has located at li)7 ) S. Mth t.
_ _ _ J or unr
i . , ' ' '
STIIINHKIti Penny , room 20 Douglas block ,
s-c. torner Htlinnd Dodge , LUt your pro <
peity wlththls Iltm 335 17
TJ K. Cole , rental agent ; olllca open ove2ilngs.
J J. Wlkluson , room 619 1'axton blocR
• 22"
WANTED Horses to winter at M a mouth
per head on farm near Irvlugton Pionty
of grain nnd hav to feed , good shoitor nnd good
enro given them : horses called for and dellv-
cred , W , It , lloiunn , l-oomC. Frenger hlk 711
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;
rilllU banjo taught as an nrt by ( leo F. tielleu1
X beck , room 21.1 Douglas block Mil
OST On H2d st.between riankllu nud Call .
fornla , n blue chinchilla overcoat trimmed
with fur on collar nud cult ; Under will be re
warded by returning to W. It , Dennett * Co ,
1508 Capitol nve 305 13 *
LOST Lady's gold watch with chain : suit
able reward tor its return to tills olllce
370 Hi
LOST One medium sized rod setter dog
whlto breast , bushy tall , had on fair leather
collar with my name on It , also tag No : r5- .
Suitable reward will bo paid for his return to
me nt 1111 Hnrney Z. T. Lindsay 38114
GJTH AY ED-lied _ white spotted hoi n
tj broken Itoturu 2115 St Mary'H ave nnd
receive reward 318 1 >
I.OST Tuesday afternoon : a red cow with
Jono horn brokeu Will tinder please leat a
same with the owner , n poor woman Mrs
llonch cor 5th and lintney 353-I1J
STHAYKD About noou Dec , 10. 'M > , u small
biown-nosod pug dog Liberal reward will
bupald forhisiuturnto J. HWood UTS lull
3JI1 13J
I" ADIESnnd gentlemen doslrlng coriespond-
-i ents address Corresponding Club Kansas
Cltyuncio e btnmp 070 J2k
It 11. OUADXt discovered the hair , as
Is well known , grows on the entire surraco
ot the body uud often to sucli an abundance on
the face , hands , arms and moles All hnlrwlll
be tomoved without Injury to the skin : 514 S
ICthst Hat A. room 1. 17U 1 ) J
PKHSONAL-OUve llrancujs a posltivo cure
for all female weaknesses Also have Olive
Uianch Flto Hcmcdy , sure cure tor rdles Sam
ples frco Lady ngouts wanted , Address Miss
Zoo M. Klrby , 1020 Clark St , Omaha Gen Agt
for Nebraska ? 1 tor 1 mo treatment b&Klli
\\TANTKD to Duy 0 to 8 horsepower upright
VV boiler , adnressbox 70" > postolllca 4i0 15
WANThD Small prlutlngpross nnd outtlt :
room 4,3d iloor Ostholl block , cor , lOth and
California bts 30411J
NEAT cottaeo nnd Vt lot , or H lot well located
and convenient to business ; liberal cash
payment Hutchinson & Wend , 1524 Douglas
3t2 * 15 Ba
WANTRlJ to Huy Your business If it will
V V bear investigation Call at 417 Sheelv blk
373 17 •
WANTKD-100 lots in Woodlawn nnd II &
M. park or n few acres to pint near the
city 417 Sheely block 40022
WANTED 3 stocks hardware 3 stocks gio-
cellos , 5 stacks general merchandise 1
stock clothing , 1 stock millinery , 3 Homing
mills 1 manufacturing business in the city , 2
hotels , 1 cigar and tobacco , 1 Jewelry Mock , 1
creamery , 1 drug stock 417 Sheoly block
351 20
CASH paid Tor secondhand books at the An
tiquarian book store , 14M Farnatu : 357J10J
OAS1I If you desire to sell jour property at
u sacrifice for cash , glvo full pariiculars
Address box 585 city 311-14 ]
TAT ANTKD Furniture , enrpets , household 1
V V goods , for cash Wells Auction & Storage 1
Co , . 317 S. 13th st 159
TAinT.Wanted In llemls 1'ark , between ir nd
X/and Pleasant and Hamilton and Cuming
sts ApDlytotho ilemia PnrkLo , Rooms lu r
and 10 , Continental blk , 15th aud Douglas st
/ 1 ASH for all kinds of household goods at 1111 7
V Douglas street Omaha Auction & Storage
Co 2G0
n * EltHC'AN USE for our customers who hare
ul.cashsecured paper and real estate to trade
Room 15 , Chamber Commerce 611
fTUlACKAOE storage at lowest rates VV M.
Xllushmar , 1311 Leavenworth 745
rPI 'E cleanest and host storage In the city nt
X low rates nt 1114 Douglas street Omaha
Auction & Storage Co 281
TVTHS ECCLKS the famous fortune teller and
-J-'Xilairovvaut , business , loyo , mnrrlago nnd
cnaugos 007 S. 13th , next to Ilaiker hotel
2UJ lit .
DH NANNIE V. WAHHnN.clairvoynntmad-
leal and business medium , Female disease
specialty ; HON 18th st rooms Band 3. 717
FOHTIINK Tel'er Mrs Lenorman can Da
consulted on all alfairs of Ufa , Satisfaction
guaranteed No 310 N. 15th at 172dl I"
LEA UN short nand and , typewriting tinder
Prof Omaha Commercial college , ,
corner 15th and Dodge students write irom ou
to luo words per minute In throomonths ; olllca
drill one mouth free ; only reporting fatyle
taught ; no text books ueedod : students put In
positions ; grammar , letter writing , spedlng ,
penmanship , freetype ; ritersforrentana sup '
piles forsafe Shorthand taught by mall Wtlte
us for circulate Itohrbough Ijros . Omaha ' ,
CO d 28
XA/UllTLESKY'aShorthand aud Tjfewrlt T
VV lng School , Barker block Day and even 1
lng classes Terms six dollars ( ilOdSlt
X' . Stenograptier and Notary ,
311 First National Ilauk lltlliaing ,
Telephone 12U. 830
CJTANDAHD Shorthand schoolroom 315 , Ware
kJblksuccessor ( to Valentines ) the largest , ex-i ,
cluslvo shorthand school in the west Teachers
are verbatim reporters Particular attention '
paid to typewriting Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory expert Circulars j ,
TP011 BAliTj Cash or time , two saddle horses
J. < one ( arilagoteainandtwoelngladrlvers.all l |
young , sound aud well broken Address Hil Dee 1
414 15 |
TpOUSALK-lhorouKlibred bull pups It 8.
X1 Flngg N W cor 6th and Pine Bt Uu3 17
tCISO ) will buy aavhorsa power • lAtlas" en-
pglne und 70-hoi-sn power fctealbotler , with all
connections complete ; nearly new , only been in
use CO days ; Just what ta needed for mill , elevator 7
vator or eleetrlo light plant , Ashland Mill and
Electric Light Co , Ashland , Nab SI t 15
35-horsapower Porteronglna
uX in goodcoudltlon , weight 6.100 puundscylln- ?
der 11x18 ; for particulars apply to The Hoe
olllce J 7 3 _
"nvUKNlTUHU Snap Furniture completa ot
X' six room Hat ouly two bloiks from poitolllre
will sell at great sacrltlce and on very eusy , J
terms to good party , II E. Cole , Continental
block itw 13
TT'OU BALE A quauTlty of building stone ;
Jl appl ) to the superintendent ilea building
• - .
i '
TplNKcarriaco teams nnd single drivers and
X' fresh milch cows for sale atV. . D. Millard's
Hillside stock farm Horses wintered nt reasonable
enable rates T.J , FlemingluarCalbouiiNeb
IpOH SALE or Exehatuij-t'onr full-blooded 1
J J Jersey cows , flno drlybig team as there Is In
the double cortjjihe ono double cutter ,
onephaotouSnydermaJrolandone ( road wagon
fSnderinacel | all nedrlyinew ; will trade for
good property and will , nfisurae light InrumbV
rnnce ltoom 218 , Flrsfilntlonal bank building ,
: . 750
OA It LOAD horses foTVitle at brick barn , 1105
\ S.7thnvo. Prices frnin JIO to flOOrnrh ; alfo
a few-reliable gentle poiUM for children
, "e II It ,
Kimball."e 2ii8 lej
IroFl SALE-aood smallhorso J51 | set double
_ ! harness J15. A , P. Xykey , N. Y. I.lfo bldg
, - , > !
IpOH SAI.E-llent or Md Inrgo livery arn ,
! known ns Checkered Darn ' ' on Ho 1 dth
street near Harney NVU Mortgage Loan Co ,
GlOPaxtunblk '
MIDLAND fluarante * * Trust Co . N. Y. Ufo
J blilit.completunbstrnctsfurnlshcd nuiititles
torealestateoxamined.pcrfectud- , guaranteed ,
- _ ! _ _
rilflK Security Abstracts ot Title Co i furntsli
Xcomnletc nbstract f tltlo to nil real csinte
In Omahaiinil DouglasCo First llonr Now
York l.lfu Mdg lKtt , J2
MONEY I to loan on Improved property ; can
r place from * 1.0 < 0 to f.vo.aii iinmedlntely ,
Hnrrlsroom 4111st Nat Hang bldg 7CU
] llll.ADRLPHlA Mortgage „ TYu-t Co fur1
nlsh cheap castorn money to borrower ? ,
purchnso seturltles perfect titles , accept loans
nt thelrwcstcru olllce George W. P. Coates ,
room 7. Iloaul ot Trade 701
TAIONEYToToiiu ] lu tinj amount on household
-IVlgoods , horsosnnd wagons , illnmonds , laud
roptracts , second mortgagor , or nny uvallablo
security , without publicity Nebraska Mortgage
Ioan Co , roam 510 , Paxton block 702
ONE hundred dollars private money to loan
or will huv shoit time mortgage or good
note , room 11 Hoard ot Itado 7"J
rpo ' LOAN A spoclnl fund of 1100,000 In sums
Lot } 10.000 anil upwards nt very low rutos
The Mead itnestment Co , 314 S. 15tti sf 781
MONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
household goods , pianos , organsdlnmonds ,
J lowest rates The llrst organized loan omen in
the < city Muxes tonus from thirty to three liunl
dred and slxty-llvo tinvs , which enn bo pnld in
partorwholo 1 at any tiino , thus lowering the
principal 1 and Interest Call und see us when
you want money We can usslst you promptly
nnd to your udrnntngo without removal ot
property j or publicity Mnnov nlways on hand
No delay lu making loans , O. P. Hood A Co , ,
3IIIS. ; Utltst , . over Hlngliain A : Sons 705
EI'.SlDKNcirLonns-O'J to7 nor cent : no ad-
illtlonal charges for commls lnns or nttor-
neys' l foes W. D. Melklc , First Nat bank bldg
. _ I _
BUILDINO loans D. X , Eholos , 210 Tirst
National bank 754
WrANTKD-Klrst class inside loans Lowest
> V rates Call nnd see us Mutual invostJ
meat Co , 1501 Iarnam 768
MONEY to loan O. V. Davis Co , real estate
and loan agents , 1505 1'arnam st TiO
TpIHST mortgage loans at low rates and no
X delay 1) . Y. Sholes , 210 1'list National bank ,
ATONE Y to loan on any security
-1.VJ- for short tlmo at low
intes Low 1 at rates
on personal property
The Henderson Mortgage Investment com
pany , room 400 , Paxton block 771
MONEY to loan on improved city property
at a low rate of interest It will pay vou
to sco us before you make your loan , tllobe
Loan and Trust Comptnv , successor to ( late
City Laud Company , MOSouth 16th st onpo-
BltoHontd of Trade - . tSIji )
MONEY toloan socurtdnotes bought C. E ,
Meagher , It 725 , Hjt Life Dldg 230 18J
KEYSTONE Mortgaito' ' Co Loans of SlOto
11,000 ; get ourrates before borrowing nnd
sa > o money : loan on horses , furniture or any
nppro\ud security , without publicity ; notes
bought , tor new Ijon , " ( ehewalof old and low
est rates , call HSOS.Shoeiy Tlk,15thcHo > vard st
t ] " 3
LOANS made on renl'estate nnd mortgages
bought , LouisS llDoa'A-o.r 13 , board trade
MONEY to loan : ensh on hand , no delay , J
W. Sipilre 1210 Farnnm St , First National
bank building jw ( 775
"ATONEY to loauon.iclry or farm property
-LVXueo. J. Paul , 103J I'arnam st 770
, MONEY Loam * negbttlrtea nt low rates with
out delay , and purchnso good commoiclal
paper and mortgage notes S. A. Slomnn cor
13th nud Faruara 777
XT E. COLE , loan agent Open evenings
SHOUT loans nt reasonable rates on good se-
cunty over 1601 Howard st
LOANS ntlowest rates ; cash always on handl
notes bought ; money advanced on any
available security The Peoples Financial Ex
change , room 57. Darker blocK 838
TJ E , COLE , loan agent Open evenings
$1,000 Private money to loan or will buy good
mortgage W. I _ Scihy , r 13 , Hoard of Trade ,
I' OANS Dty nnd form loans , mortgage pa-
Jpor bought McCaguo Investment Co , 760
DO YOU want money ? If so , dent borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est on any turn from 31 to Jin.OOO ,
I make loans on household goods , pianos , or-
gans , horses , mules , wagons , waiehouso re
ceipts , houses , leases , etc , in any amount at
tno lowest possible rates , without publicity or
removal otpioperty
Louns can bo made for ono to six months and
you can pay part at any time , reducing both
principal and interest If you ewe a balance
on your furniture or horses or have n ionu on
thorn , I will take It up and carrv tt for you as
long as you desire
If you need money you will And It to your ad-
vontngo to see mo before borrowing
II v. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell buildlnKL > th
and Harney , • 7B'J
MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and
wagons , rates roasnuable City Loan Co ,
118 B 13th St , opposite Millard hotel 752
TViTONEY to loan on real estate security at ,
IVJLlowest rates Ilefore negotiating loans sea
Wallace , It 310 Hrown bldg , iuh and Douglas
SEE Sholos , room 210 First National bank ,
before making your loans 754 .
DO YO U waut money 1,0111a made on furni
ture , pianos , horses , eta , without delay ,
publicity or removal Persons wishing a loan
of this kind will do wall by calling at this olllca
betoro dealing elsewhere A. E. Oreonwood 1c
Co , , loom (1) ( ) 520 South Thirteenth street ; 231
CHATTEL loans at lowest ratos.businoss
V/'conlldentlal ' , J. U. Emlnger , 1117 Fruamst
n/TUNRY / 30 , CO or 10 days on furnlturo '
1LV planes , horses , houses , etc J , J. Wilkinson ,
018 Paxton blk 831
rh'20,000 to loan In amounts from Jl.OJOto $10,000.
( Don 5 years tlmo 011 good unproved rani estate ;
In dty Must bo loaned by Dec 15. Henderson
Mortgage and Investment C0..U00111400,1'axtoa
block Omaha , Neb 853 d 20
TIArONKir to loan on furnlturo , organs , pianos ,
JV-horees , and wagons Huvrxeyu Investment
Co , Hooin 33 , Douglas blk , 16th aud Dodge sts
_ '
TJHIVATE money to wiy small notes or inert
-L gages Houm IJ HoJuIlot Trade 611
u r
IpOH8ALI5or trade-A1'completa set of ab
stracts and n good taim nud chattel loan
business In n good couirty seat In Nebrasknto-
gother with olllco flxtuntkiitc : good reason for
selling ; no fancy price asusd ana It pays well
417 bheely block 37417
rjy .
WrANTKD A young ina'n who is n thorough
VI bookkeeper wants a position January 1st ;
woulu prefer a posltlon.whurathero will bo an
opportunity to trade real astato for unlnteiest
lu the business , Address"pca liee 1168 14J
I AM dcilrous ot enlfii'lng into partnership i
with a young man urabout 27 years of age ' ,
who must have good btxmuus qualities and so-
clal position , also soma eftnerlenro us traveling
salesman , llespouslble parties only should
communicate , Addroa If 1 , Uee , Kill
" \/"OtINO man to run cigar staud , t5 ; required 1 ,
X address HT , lleo olllce , 421 J5J
TitOH SALB-Very cheap , brick shop building
X ? fronting on business st splendid location
with extreme low ground lease tor * years ;
epscial Inducements olTercd to stona or inarbla
cutter * . Inquire at 18 Cuming at 183 1IJ
TpOlt ' HALK-or lixcbanga-lS shares of $100
X' each ipald up and non assessable ) llnttle of
aottyjburg stock for good Improved tarm or ,
Inside city property
Full lot within 3-mllo limit ot postoOlce , clear
of encumbraiioa
Fina truckage lot , I'AddocV l'laca 00 tcet
loo1 acres nenrScotia , Qroaley Co , clear of encumbrance -
cumbrance ,
lee acres near Chadron wall Improved nud
lrented. .
Block of clothing for good lot or tarm ; must
be clear ,
B , A. Sloinan , 1301 Farnam st 808
IpOH , BALK-Hardware stoot and bullalnitin
. , . ; live-Nebraska town Address V. O. flex
311. McCool Junction Neb mi 151
TTVOH SALK-Well established commission -
rLb U8l' ! < ! ? ? 1 8 ° 0 . d * ons tor solllug Only
I80O to 1U > J roiiulrtd , Addres * X' I , Hoe 8J2
IpORSAf.K or Trade , a well established book
Jl : nnd stationery store _ Hox518 City 7W
1 I DATtTI r.S de sTrous oTru pos " ing of their tittslg'
J . ness in nny line will ilo well to call on or nd-
dress } W. H. K. A M. K. , ltoom IS , Cnnmber ot
Commcrco _ 779
SUHSCHlllli for shares lu the American , "
k the largest building nnd loan nisoclatlon In
the world , M. A. Upton , special agent , 18th
nnd Farnam 213
fpoif SAIall Stmtui elevator with shollcr ,
clcanors , feed mlH , all complete and In
splendid _ order , good locality , capacity 20)0 )
bushels , handled 45,0 bushels ot grain month
ot November For terms aud particulars ad-
rtross Hamticl Coiner , onto Nebraska Savings
ban ir , Omaha , Neb IIP 15J
a M ) TTrADE-WoTTcres oT Ilnpioviiil littid In
ti Nebraska for stock of dry goods nnd tie
tions or gents'furnishing goods nnd clothing ,
Adaruss ( Heun A Moiroo , ilushvllle , Sheridan
county , Ncn 4iu 1:1 : J
ntO THADIi lienvrr Morrison City Sterling ,
, XColo , lots , 1 Improxed farm In Nobtnsko ,
for-mdso. or Omahii property Add It2 , lleo
_ 4U2 I' .t
TllAA'Kirooist mortgage pnperond land In
Iowa , Kansas or Nebraska to Undo lorindse ,
lllscloy \ Bhcnahdoah la , 4114 2IJ
aM ) ilXCll ANtTlVllurdwarostock Intho ( It ) ' ,
. Si,000 ; will trade for city property nud pnrt
cash : ; doing good business ; rent Ml , Co-Opera-
the Land aud Lot Co , 2J5N. 18th St its ! 14
WHAT haveyoti to olTer tor (0,0 ( Win sliver
VI mining stock that will bear Investigation
Minn favornblv locnttd In Colorado , near
srccltcn , on rullroud417Slicely ; block 373 21
1 bit V.XCt I AND sectlonTien7Nobraska
J land tu u choice location nnd some good
chnttol properly for Om.tlm real estate Will
assume liiciiinhrauce ; 417Slieely block 375 18
BAIUiAth 1 haven llrst class permnnontin"l
vestment In good Inside rental property 1 e-
quires only $ V > oi ensh Will takj trndo for
bnlance or pqultv XV M. Hnrrls , room 20 ,
Fronrer block , opposite pouolllco 2.17-17 *
; i SELIIY's " ndit to s76iimli . ono lot
• KiKi to exchange for horses Itoom 13 ,
Hoard , ot Trndo 2W )
ONE ( ntre ill Hclvedere , donr , and some cash
/ for lnnderato priced house uud lot , inside
O. E. Moaghor , ItTJJ N. Y. Llfo llldg.t)7
-t)7 ) 16J
IMPHOX'ED form nnd city property for mor-
chandlso Address , ltoom 15 , Chambe ' Com
merce 770
' KXCIIAN(1E-$1I(10) ( ) ( ) worth paper , secured -
cured by good real estate , for general merrr
chandlsf ; uu "A 1" Iowa farm with 13 feet
coal under it for merchnndlso ; good team , liar
noas aud top buggy for clear lot ; clear farm In
northeast Kansas for merchnn Use ; clear rental
property In Iowa City for merchandise or clear
] Nebraska laud 417 Shealy block i'22 14
KlOll KXCDANOK SOncros clenr of oncum-
X' brance in strips of 10 acres In Mercer couuu
ty , Illinois , for stock of goods or city property
Apply loom 216 First National bank oullding
J7IOH HXC1IANOE A business yioldlng a
profit ot from St,000 to J8uio per annum to
J exchange for good city property Am willing
to assume light imcumbrance Apply room 218
First National bank .
j building 783
. . . .
GOOD equities in Omaha property nnd No-
hraskn land to trade for second mortgage
on Omaha property XV It E. & 51. 15. , room 15 ,
Chamber of Commerce Tel 144) . 821
IF YOU hax-e anything to exchange call on or
address II , E. Cole , It 0 , Continental , olllca
opeuevanlugs J 454
WHITE for Information concerning Omaha
business property C. F. Harrison N. Y.
Llfo , bldg 420 18
3VEHY ; line cast front lots , only a short dN-
tanco from l'aifc n\o. motor 1 block south
of Leavcnwnith , 81.800 ; oasv terms
, 33M40 on ! Sd ! , south of Grace , with cottage ,
J2.550 ; $500 cash , balance easy -
, llanscom place , now 9-ioom house , 31st st „
. b0 sere Improved farm near enough to see
Omahahhh school , $1,400. a
u acres 11 miles Omaha , improved , $7,000.
0 ncrosjust outside corporation , $1,500.
Hutchinson i Wead , 1524 Douglas bt Tel.1529.
383 15
LIST your properly xvlth II E. Cole
IIIOH SALE Stranger in the city and broke ;
. willflcll equities in a few qnaiters Duudy
countv lnnds lightly encumbered , nothing duo ,
furnishing nbstract and everything complete
at > our own price 417 Sheely blc 37817
UY l'ierro lots now nnd sell next spring
Star Laud A-Loan Co 33215
lEltltE lots Star Land It Loan Co
833 15
IT10H SALE X'ery cheap , no trades , farm
X 541.70 acres , sec 6,13 N XV Hamilton coun
ty Neb . 2 miles from Marquette , small house ,
stable , 3iK ) acres ' pasture fenced , living xvater ,
price only $10 per acre , (1,417.00 , one-third 18S9
crop Included , Terms (2,200 cash , balance 0
per cent interest I' . K. Atkins , owner , rail
roadbulldlng , Denver , Cole 783
40,000 , business corner C. F. llaulson , N. Y.
Life bldg 420 18
FOIl SAIjK Cheat ) . 3 store buildings on 10th
St , near depot Apply 807 S. 10th st /
OOUTHOmanalots VT L. Salby's add jm
I poll SALE A new house jhst being erected
. on Cuming st in Sherwood park ; tne house
has nil modern Improvements , hard wood llnlsh
tliroucnout ; also , largo barn , witn 150 ft front
ngo on XX'est st by 180 frontngo on Cuming st
I xv 111 sell this to the right party out easonablo
terms , ltoom 210 , First National Hank building
LOOK at thls-Only WOO will buy cor lot DOx
1 So front on paved St it taken soon J *
D. y.lttle , 810 N. Y. Life bldg 310
THE host Huslncss ,
ltesldonco ,
Vacant nnd
suburban Droportlos lu the marxot
nro for sale by the old rellablo" M. A. Upton
Co , , ICth and Farnam 7bU
TpOIl BALE On easy terms , the new cottage
X erected by me on George St , corner Law 0
axe ; property tins 100 ft frontage onUoorge st
by 1511 frontage on Lowe ave For terms upply
Itoom 210 , First National Hank DUlldlng 783
mill ! prettiest lot in Ambler place , on grudo ,
X _ only * 55U caih Stringer & Penny 335 17
P IEHHUIots StarLandltLouirCo :
Ir you want any lots inOrchard Hill , apply to
Hooin 2li > , First National bank building , for
terms and locution 782
PIEUHETots Star Lauil _ Loan Co
333 15
WE rocoutly purchased an inside nddttlon to
Pierre and oiler you the belt on the Omaha
market for the money Calt and get terms and :
prices Star Land & Loan Co 3.13 15
17I1VR-KOOM cottages ( ! 1,500 oacli ) . 8100 cash
X down , balance 115 per month , alios F. Hall ,
311 Paxton block 833
TP0" SALE Cheap , brick house , carrlago
X' house and a stable ; to bo removed Apply I
to the llemls Park Co , rooms 16 and 18 , Contl-
uental block , 16th and Douglas Bts 0J8
Jpblt SALE on easy terms 4 now houses in L
- Poppleton park , only 1 block from motor
These houses nro exceedingly xvoll built , :
convenient Inside nnd handsome exteriors , '
have 6 , 8 nnd 7 rooms , good collars and base
'inont : prices very low aud terms easy , string
er ti I'enny , loom 20 Douglas block 33517
CHOICE Pierre lots , not 4mllos out tn East
Side udd " but In the city Now Is the time
to buy Star Land & Loan Co , 832 15
TXfAUail & WestcrHeldrealcstiiteS Omaha
TfH 8ALK-Keo will buy lot 00x120 ln'Omnhn '
X' X'lgw , one block from motor line , nicely on I
grade Lots lu this addition are worth $ ] ,00J ,
mid the nboro price is opeu for a short time
only , O , II Tzscliuck , care u in alia Uee 761 [
OOUTII Omaha lots XV , L. BelTTy saddTTvobr"
Notlca Is hereby given , that sealed bids xvlll I
ba received at the ortlce ot the City Cleik of
York , Nebraska , umtil Jan , 15tn , wfi , for the
purchase of H1.C03.0J ot the registered funding
bonds ot the city ot York , In denominations as
. follows : Eight bonds tor * 500.iU uml one bond I
for WUOn bearing U percent Intomst payable
semi-nunuallyat the ilHial agency ot the Stats
of Nebraska , In New York City ,
Thebocasmaturoin 20 years They may bi
paid at the end of 10 years , or at the end of
any year thereafter , ut the option ot the city ,
Ttie right is rcsen ed to reject any or all bids
A. J , Nlmuak , Mayor
j | , M , XVilbhav , City Clerk
D 13 to J 15.
Notloo to I'rliitors , IlnoUtiiiiderx and T
Sealed Proposals xvlll be lecelved at the olllce
of County Clerk , Douglas County , Nebraska , uu-
til 2p. m „ hatuiday Doe 28th A. D. 183.1.
For furnishing said county with blank book * [ 1
all kinds ot Stationary , lithographing , book
blmllug , district court oar dockets uud all other
printed work which may be required by said
county tor the year of If30. Samples ut said
xrnrkand stationary can be seen at salu clerks ,
olllce also , estimated quantity ot each required
may be nsertatced A rertlUea check for ( luo
mustaccompauy each old . ,
The Hoard reserves the right to reject any or
all bids
Witness ray nand and Seal ot Douglas County
thUUthdoyof Dec , 1883 M. D. Hoohk ,
Dtldtostr County CUrk
Notloo to Contmotor * .
Sealed Proposals will be received at the olllco
g' ' County l lcrk , Douglas County , until 2p , in ,
Saturday ' December2fth , 1881 , for erecting one
I'ilo llridge near thocenter , Sec ,1t , T. 11. It H.
over the Little VAplo Plans nnd spocltlcntlous
on tile lu County Clerks olllco
_ lllds to bo accompanied by cortlfled check for
llio Hoard roscrxes the right tn reject nny or
nil bids M. D. ltociir ,
_ _ D to27 , County Clerk
NiituafirTlittTi ( Siilr " " "
. Notice Is harr-by git en that bids xvlll be reiolI.
xednt . , my olllce , until Friday , Dec 27 , 18 < , at
slxn'cliicfcp . . , in , fortho sale ot Sewer Honda ,
of the City ot Hentrlce Neb , In the sum ot
t8,5wi , to boar Interest nt the rata of d per cent
per nnmim pnsnbiu annually And Internee1
tlon Paving lloiids ot snld City ot Hentrlce In
thesumotJI2XKtobo.irluti-rcst ) at thorateot
apertentperuniuim , pnxiihto seiiil-nnnunlly.
Allotsiild bonds nie of the denomination ot
Moi.tXI each , nnd to bo dated on the d y nf Ihelr
( Icllxery , , nnd paynblo tweuljxeurs nlterthn
; lata ' thticof , and redcemablo at thu ojitlnuof
snld city ot llontrlco nt nny time niter llvo
yoxrs from their dnlo , principal and Interest
piyabloattho iHcal ngcucy otNehr.xska , nttho
cltv ot Noxr Vorx ,
The mayor and council tcscrvc the right to
tcjoi t anv or all bids
dl4a ) _ _ WS ItoimM' , CltyCleik _
DISHiiliitlon or rnrtncrcliip ,
Rlmot ) . on& Johnson , cor 22nd nmtCutiilngs
havn this day dlsolved partnership bv iiiiltual
ngrecmont MrJuu Johnson xvlll continue the
business run Hi.movsp.n.v
Omnhn , Dec 10,1 5) ) . J.v > , Johnson
u ll d t.
Notlco oFAlitMtnl niCtliili
Notlco is hoiobv-given that the annual moot
ing of the stockholders ot tno Union stock
Ynrd bank South Omahn Neb , as provided by
itsby-laws , mr thonlectlluot dliectorsnudtho
transaction ot such other business ns may
properly arise , xvlll take place nt thu First
Nntlounl bank ot Omaha , Neb , on XXcdussdny
Januarys , IMjo , at 4 o'clock lu the nftvnuiou
d8dtit _ tt JI 1 mA _ ( ! IL Cashier
• Notice to CinitrncKitK
Notice Is hereby glx'ou that tie Dnoctor ot
School Iloaul nt I loit-nce Neb , xvlll recolvo bids
tint 11 the : wih day of December , nt' ' P. 111. for
the i , erection nud completion otn School ILiildI
lng ! tobo built In accordance with plans unit
Hpocitlcatlons J , , xvhlch niny bo seen nt the olllca
of F. M. Kills & Co , Olllco ltooms U ) and 4 _
ilea , Hullding
Hlddors xxlll flic n cortldcd chocK ror $2nJ ns n
guninnlesthat the successful bidder will cm-
tract and gix-o a satlstnctory bond , 'llio Hoard
roserv cs the right to reject nuv or nil bids
IIy order ot Hoard II U. Ci.xiuc ,
d 11 d 71. Dlrootor
> ottcc
Tin : PACifioExritKs8CoviPANy , OIIIcb of the
PreRldent Omaha , Neb , Decmnber Ath , 18fl > .
. Notlca is hereby given thut the uniiunl meet
ingot the stockholders of the company forth
election of dlroitors and the triinsactlon ot
such other business as may properly come bt-
fore It , w 111 ba held at the ollke of the company
No 1216 Inrnnm street , Oinnha , Neb , ohIhurs-
day , January 2,18 ) , at 11 o'clock n. 111.
lly order ot the Hoard ot Director * .
Attest : E. M. Moiiskvian ,
XVvi F. IlcCiiEU l'ltsldent
Scci etnry D 0 13 : i0 27 J 2.
X dlan SerTlce , Ho < ebud Agency , S. Dakota ,
DoceinbeiMth 1 1881. Sealed piuposaK Indorsed
"PiopoiUls for Field Seeds , and addressed to
the undersigned at llosclitld Agency , H. Dakota ,
xxlll bo received nt this ngcucy until one o'clock
otDscombor 28th lbwi , for ftirulshlng for the
Ho 1 ebud Agency , S Dakota , und delivering nt
Valentine Nournska , nr Hosebud Agency ,
nt such tlmo us may bo required , ubout
1(10 ' . ( bushels Seed Oat , 1,20) ) bushels Seed
Potatoes nnd 500 bushels Seed Corn lUrh bid
der mnst state spccillc.illy in his bid , the propo
sed price of cnih article to bo olfeted for dellv1
cry under a contract All seeds must bo , of good
quality , suitable for seed purposes in the local
lty xvhero required , 'ilie right Isieservodto 10-
Jcct nuv or nil bids or nny part of nny bid If
deemed ' to bo for the best Interests of thoservlco
UEitTinuD Ciifoks Each bid must be nccom-
p uiled bva certillcd chock or draft upon some
I United Stales Depository , made paynblo to the
order of the undoislgned for ut least llvo per
cent ot th * amount of the proposal , which chock
ordratt will bo torreltodto tuo United Suites In
ciisp any bidder or bidders receiving nn nvvnrd
shall full to piomptly uxicuto a contract with
goodnr.dKUlllcIcntBiirltto-i I , otlierxvNo to bo returned -
turned 1 to the bidder For further information
nuplv to the undersigned J. GKO WH1QHT.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ GO ! _ NG-l& COw _ _
m * * • „ " cutlery fim
fV.fl Ancl Ruoler 0 , Balloom , Jfwelryi ; A.fit5j
_ _ : NoUosi , . Norpjtiff , * c. , &c , ttt/KtJCftl /
rns lowest pricei , Oood faxjBtreetmenEslf K-J
_ J Aurtioneer and AgnU Cane E ck ! gj v mri
H an8K-ife8l nd aSpcri > lty _ [ W _ il
V ii.i.tarp.iiKU uTiMiuii ruts , w nxjl
ESa 71S WAtHIHOTON Ave St tows , Mo By
14S8 Farm am Stiiekt , OitAnA , Ni * .
( Opposite Paxton HoteL )
Office hours , 9 a. m , to 8 pm Sundays , 10 a. m , to
I pm
Spedallits In Chronic , No ous,8 > ln and Clood D ! > -
IsrConjallstlon at oDce or by rorvll frco Medi
cines sent by mall or express , securely packed , free
from observation Guarantees to euro quickly , safe
ly and permanently
ilona rbysicol decoy , nrialnfffroni indiscretion , ex *
ccssor lnuulgonce proilucluKlocplosoosi. . despou *
doner , pirapleB on tliofftcovore > lon topoclcty.ciiillf
dlicourused , luck of contideuco dull untlL for etudf
or btulnoss , nnd tlndsHftt a burden , bufelr , perman
ently and prtvBtelr cured Consult Drs lUiu & lletu , <
) .Utj FftniMin atroetOmaha , Neb ,
Blood an ! Skin Diseases ss fiiSiss '
reiults , compl-tuly ora-dlcatud wit lion t the aid of
mercury Bcrufulanryfllpelu , fever &or i ulotclios ,
ulcpri pains In the lioua nnd bones , vyphllltto sera ,
tliroAt , rooutb MidtoiiKiiD.caLarrh , olc p rmaauutly
cured when * others Uavo fatlod ,
ITirlnQV ITpinarir Rnd Bladder Complaints ,
RlQIlGy , Ulllldiy Painful Uimcult , fn .re-
queotburnliiKOrbloodr urine , urine hlMh colored or
wtlhinllkT sedlmtjntOQ NanJditr.wertk baok.ftonorr
bttagleeicymiietc Prompt/nod ) infely cured
cUnrttus reasonable *
moral complrto without cutting , caustlo or dlllatlon
Cures ff0cted at hotne by patlwnt without a momenta
pain or auuoyanoo
To Young Men and UiJUle-AseH Men ,
PIIDD Tb0 "xvful effects ot early
ACIIDP uUiUj Vice , which brines ortraula \
weakueM , deatrujiug boln mind ami bouir , with all > i
lu dreaded lilt , permanently cured
nno DIJipTC Address th03a who have lm-
JJuOi Dm 10 valrod themselves by Improper
iiidulsencoi and and Holttnrr hHblls.whlih ruin belli
bodr and lud , uuOtUnv them for bunuuu , , tudy or
susrrlsue ,
UAiutiri ) Mxv , or tboio cnterlnp on that happy
Ufa , snore ( * pliyslctal debility , quickly aikUted
I > bated upon faoti , flrit practical experience , ieo
end uvarr cava Is ettjaclally studied , Ihui startlnx
arlilit , third medicines at * prepared In our own Iv
buKirr unotly U ) suit etca cue , thus Hlltctlug cures
vrltbout Injury
IkTHeDdil cunt , po t eo for relcbrated works on
chronic , nurrou , nndUellcatvdlisttix Thousands
eurtd | jfA frlndl letter or call may vo you to"
tura ( uaurlnir and Imrne audadd volutin jean to Ufa
urtio letter ! aatweri-d unlcn accempsulud by 5
seat * In sttmpi Address orcall on
una , 11 litis at iietts ,
lids Varaaia Htrct , O alio , Heb
Jts Smiles and Tears Such isthn course of
life , inuilu liiotuuablux und gluuni , glad
mm and sorrow , riches and poverty , health
HiiddUease , We imiyiliipel the gloom , ban
Ith the kurrnw anil _ ulii richest but ulchnvu
will overtake us , sooner or later Vut , hup-
jilly , that enemy can lie vauquisliedi ihiIiis
and ache , can be relieved 1 there Is a uuliu
for m cry w ouud , autl science lias placed it
within the reach of nil There It no dl cov-
try tliatliasprovensojhreutnblrMluensUri
Tult't I.Irer 1'lllt. Ji > malarial rcglont ,
where riivornnd Ague , IlllloutDUeaniuiid
nllmentslucldcnttunderunceil liter prevail
they liate proven on Inestimable boon , u
It hundred thoumud livluif wllucKtei testify
Tutt's Liver Pills
f rice , 25o. Office 89 & 41 Park Place , N. Y *
U11W ft I'rltilcr'u Mtor.xry KtT.irt Co t
II11 * Illi lob ,
A CliloflRoprnitot'tvit buitty onjjnRoil
in \ \ liuntlnir work , says llio Tln ' ios of that
city " 1 had it peed job , " J10 snld , "in
ft Monroe at"ctt llctlon foutidfy--ono of
Umbo print 8boi xvhci'o tlioy publish
fllortcs of the Skeleton Iltintor's Last
UurtTlinir On ji" oritur by the cottl It
is the taiikost kind of rot , nnd Is liulilo
to } , ' ffivo 11 printer blood-polsioniiip if lie
hunillca much of it Ono day 1 pot n
vxmlolcopy thatxxna poslttvoly slckou-
iiiT J { It wns about tt lovely jrifl xvbo hnd
boon ciipturcd and torn from hot * homo
by | j 11 heartless xvlilto dospnrmlo and his
bund of oloodthtrsty Apitihos t
That night they camped in n rookv
Rorjo .HH ) miles froin tiowiiero , anil
iMiitnd the tmfortunnto muldon t-o n tfeu
with tiio usual liucitBkin thons „ , which
cut . dcop into hot tender xvi-Nls. Thou
they all laid tloxvti and wont to Bleep
In the meantime Old Zolto , the hairy
si-out , xvlio wits on the trail , mienkcd up
just j ut daylight , xvlion tiooplo sloop th <
roundest Zoko sailed in and killed
tweuly-llvo or thirty Indians , and then
released the girl nud 01 her something H
to cut out of tils nadillo bags Tins ixaa HH
where I got In my xvoi'K , n
The llrst thing /.oka took out of the HI
, bdgH was several thiol : siloes of Vlouiiu 'H
bread with honey on liioni Next eamo HI
cold boiled ham , cut thin , an upplo pie HI
• , with a short , crispy upper emit , nnd HI
lnstn 1 tender spring chlekon roastud a H _ _
dclicatu ] brown Mind , you , ho had all H
his stull in a pair of saddlebags in the H
wilds ot the lloeky mountains , HOD mlloB H
from civlb.nliou , In the year 18 ; > U. It H
made I mo sick , but I resolved that the HJ _
poor ! girl should have one good food If H _ |
1 died for it So I shoved In another HJ |
paragragh 1 like thiscompleting Uio bill HJ |
of fare ; j H
After getting the girl started Zoko HJ |
readied into the baddlu-bag and pulled HJS
out a bowl of steaming hot consomme H | ,
nnd a boiled fresh mackerel , some j H
deviled crabs , cold slaw , potato salad , HJ _
a lialf fry , veal cutlets breaded with HJ
tomato t sauce green corn on the cob , ( HI
some clam chowder , stewed turkey , HI
a portion of rice pudding , two ctis ) of B
chocolnto . , pork icudorloin , Hochoford HJ |
cIiocbo ; and a bottle of Bass ale , Sat'n- H
togn I chips , a plato of vittill' ' > • ice cream H
a ; Chinese paper napkin , sliced cuctim- 9
bors , ' , some California grapes and a f _
nickol-platod I nutcracker ' " | 1
" 13id It got ' asked an interested . | |
ltstoncr | JJi
"Noit didn't , " said the printoi' sadly , | b
but I did , The boss eamo to mo next IE
morning with a proof slip and wnntod _ /
to ' know xvho xvas xvriting that story I ft
said the author xvas making a stagger < B
in that direction , but wasu'i giving the I
girl f a fair sboxv 9r
" That may be , ' said the boss , but if " I
ho 1 wants to run a cafe in connection ffl ,
with the story we 'll hire a' cook and _ |
tunko I it easier for you ' H
Then ho told mo that I was too I
smart to bo a printer and had better go I
out ( vvhoro the air xvould slrilo mo I H
went " IH
Colli XX'avra jH
are 1 predicted xvith reliable accuracy , H
und pcoplo liable to the pains and " HI
aches ' of rheumatism drend every M _ |
change 1 to damp or stormy weather Al- _ H
thouglt Hoods Sarsaparllla is not H
claimed to be a positive stiocilio for HJ
rheumatism , tiio remarkable curcB it "H
has olloctcd show that it may bo tukon H _ |
for this complaint with reasonable cer- jHJ
tainty of bcncllt Its action in neutral H
i'/.ing the acidity of the blood , which is < H _ |
the cause of rhcumatism.constitutcs the 'jHJ
secret of the success of Hoods Sarsap- HJ
arilht If you sutTo rfrom rheumatism , jHJ
give 'Tlood's Sarsaparllla a fair trial ; It flj
will do you good HJ
nnrnotrio's Stnrt jHJ
Clovcland Leader : Thirty-sovon HJ
years ago thcro was a big Hood In thu HJ
Ohio rlvor The binoke-stacks of a HJ
steamboat caught the telegraph xvites HJ
xvhlch crossed the rivornt Steuben ville , | HJ
O. , and swept them nway The tolo- 'HJ
gvaph company sent a bright young op- M
erntor , not yet sixteen years old , to that M
point to take care of the messages there |
until the lines could bo repaired Thu HJ
youth xvas ambitious nud as that xvas his HJ
iii'bt opportunity to dislingush himself , M
ho did his xvork xvoll Uo would rccoivo ' ' M
and write out the mossagoB and then |
every fovv hours xvould htro a man to * _ !
take them In a benton the higli xvator HJ
toWhoollng The young operator xvas M
commended for his work and promoted M
His name was Andrew Cnrnogiu , the | H
great iron nnrt 6tool manufucturo ' r. HJ
His exploit of a generation ago was jH
recalled by his visiting Stoubonvillo on jH
Inst wednesday to moot the Pan-Amor- | H
ican visitors and escort them to Pitts- M
burg M
AVe nro tlm Iooplo H
Business men from Nebraska for Chi . jH
cage , Miixrnukee and all eastern cities IH
will plcabo note that by the now tlmo HJ
scliedulo ( in olTect from nnd after Np- IH
vombor 17 , 188U ) , they can arrix'o iit 'HJ
Omaha about 4 p. m. , can do buslnoes ot | H
visit xvith Omaha morcliants and friends , ! H
for nearly two hours and can tittn take S
the through Pullman slcoping car of HJ
the Cliicago * Milwaukee & St Paul , HJ
nwlxvny short line fast train at Omaha HJ
depot of the Unlou l'aclflo railway at 0 , HJ
fi in ( supper served on dining car leav- HJ
ng Council BlulTs at 0:30 : p. 111. ) , and ; .HJ
arrive nt Chicago at 0i0 : ! a , in ( break -H !
fust also served on dining car ) , in ninplo HJ
time to make connections xvitli the fast ' H
morning traintt from Chicago on the , | H
principal eastern und soutlicastorii H
lines ; or if dositcd , pnssongors for the jH
oust can roinain over in Chicago a fovv H
hours for business or plonsuro and ro- H
sumo their lournoy by the afternoon . , iH
fast nnd liinltod trains of all the east < ; H
am roads ' 'iH
In addition to the foregoing , another , 'H ]
through short-lino train leaves Omaha ; . < HJ
daily at 0:15 : n. m. and Council lllulTs at vH
0:10 : a. m. , arriving in Chicago nt 0r : 0 HJ
a. m. , making eloso connection with the H
express trains of nil castorn ronda jH
For tiokols and further particulars {
npplv to the nonrcsl ticket ngont or to '
i'A ' , NaBh , general ngont , 16011 urnam " ,
street , Omuha , Neb 'II
IIIntH to IloiiHoIconpeis " " nil
Air the Iioubo thoroughly every day ijH
even though the rain comes down in H
torrents or the snow boats 111 in drifts Ml
Use a silver spoon xvlion cooking 4H
mushrooms , The silver xvill bo black . jl
enod if any Injurious quality is presoiit | H
Bo ushumed to Iron a limp shirt iH
bosom , Mon do not so much euro for a fH
polished shirt front as they do for u stlt | | Hone
ono , fH
Do not bo docelvotl by agents xvho | H
have "supurlor furniture polish for < > H
sale ; use Unseed oil ; thorn is nothing H
better % H
It is a good idea for a tall woman to .1
have licr kltchon tabic nnd Ironing _
board it little hlghor than ordinary , It HJ
xvill save many a backache , IH
Use great care in serving food for the JH
table , us thosmullcst splatter of grease / > Her
or gravy chnnp0B the uppoaranoo and IH
spoils an othorwlso pretty dish , - jH
Glasses and dishes vyipo to porfcctlort > | H
xvlion washed in very hot xvator Uao WM
a dish mop , soap shaker and iron dish 'HJ
washer These also oxpodlto the labor , ' ,1
as very hot wntor can bo used , ) ]
A foxv years ago n fashionublo table > l
was so piled with high dishes that it 41
was impossible to boo ones vls-a'vls , ;
without pooping under the houvlly = _ |
laden silyor and glassware Now a : l
table is considered vulgar whoti not ; l
laid in a low , blmplo rauunor , ' ; l