Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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H ho ndvortlsomonta will bo tnkon for
H these columns nttor 12:30 p. m.
H Torms--Csh In oclvnnco
H Advertlioments under this bend 10 cmts per
1 line for tl t UTRt Insertion 7 cents for each sub
1 sequent Insertion fin 1 ! l. l per llnr > per mnutli
B No advertisements taken for less than 2. , cents
H for first lnsoitlon Seven words will bo miinted
V to tlio lire ) they must run consecutively and
_ _ _ _ > must le pall In AI1VAMK All advertiseB
_ _ _ _ t ment * must bo handec in 1 ororo ] . )0 ) o clock p
_ _ _ _ | m.nnl utiWr no circumstance * will they be
j taken c r discontinued by tele t none
_ _ _ _ l lartleinlvertlslng In these loltimni and 1 ar
_ _ H Inn tliolr answers nildrisM * I in cnreotTiir llrr
_ _ _ _ | till ] leasoaskfor n rhecktoenablethcmtogct
_ _ _ _ | theirletters , ns none will bs delivered oxctnt
_ _ H on presentation of check All answers to ad-
_ _ H Vcttlemonts shotil 1 bo enclosed In envelopes
_ _ _ _ | All a lvertl omonts intli o columns nro oun
H II'lied in both morning mid ev enlng editions of
_ _ _ _ | Tmf Urn the circulation of which aggregates
_ _ _ _ | morn than WW ) papers dally nnd clvis the a 1
_ _ H TertlserH the benefit not only ot the city firmJ
_ _ H JatlonotTur Urn , Hit also ot Council IllulTs
H I Incoln nnl other cities und towns throughout
H thlsscrtlon of the countrv
B Advertising for these columns will bo taken
m en'ho above conditions at the following lmsl
i ness houses who are authorlred ngmts forTnr
H Jlrr si eclnl notices an 1 will quote the same
H rates as can bo 1 _ 1 at the malnotnce
H. TOIINXX lllfILlharmacist 820 South lenth
1 tJBtreet
H MAST V. I DD\ , Stationers and Printers , 113
1 VJSouth ICtli "trtet
H Q II I'AHNbWOHIlI , llmrmaclst Cum
| _ _ W 13. lng Street
EB " \\T 1.11110111 > * IharmaUst 024 North l t _
VY Street
_ _ ,
_ H n10 w I'AllK Flinnnattst 113 Leaven
kfl H \J worth street
_ H jTuOlIl 3 lllItM \C1 2-W lnrnuin Street
H A I IIISrelnastravUInK man di sires a sltua
_ _ _ _ _ Xxtlonlanl cnnsoll
H nnythliiK tuiycirs on the rend nndciii fur
i nlsh very best ot Omahn rtfurences Alditss
_ _ | l Gaorgoll llnle VMS 22nd sUOmahn ti-Jll
H { WAMI I ) Situations for men will mrnlsli
H ( it nny Kind from clerks to 1 aborors without
_ _ Hl charge Mrs llroga ni < a lfth 11511"
H "IXTANTLD Vtoik by apopor hnngir pnlntor
_ _ _ _ _ tt an 1 Interior finisher coinpotunt to take
B charto ot w < rk Address 1MJ flco olllco
B " \\TAN'll'l- ltuntlodH fir Rlris lave any
> r ninnunt of > , oed girls huro , Mrs llro ii
B14' { a 10th J1 JJ
_ _ _ H OH ( I A3 ION Wnntelouni , man 10 jonrs
_ _ Oold a Kraduate of the hlch school wants po
H ! Bttlon in wholeenio lieu o or ofllce w here Ho can
H adrnnco himself , 1 us a good knowledge ot
, book i oili ( . can furnish good references Ad
j dross 1' 5a Dee . „ l.t
_ _ } "VATAN LI 1)-Situation by a first class custom
_ ) ' cutter Aduresa John J Urbnnk Owosso
j Mich Do * HO SlSdiit
_ _ _ h
_ _ B | QXIT MrN wanto 1 at < m.u A low g o i n i u
_ _ _ L | O lo soli my lar o stock of nrnumtnt&I over
K { rrcen shrubbery 1 nclo * - els for snmi le nnd
_ _ _ § ] idso tonus A 11 Cole Jackson Cowlli7 ( ' ) ,
H j Wash , tig-l-j
_ _ Hi \\7 ANTI D An engineer at the City steam
H/ / ' > laundry Jjlis
Ht | "txrAMI II 1 Irst class pantsmnkurorliclper
f II for pants and vests at onct Appl > teA
i Jlergstrn 1 I airmont Neb .cil lit
Bl "WfMI I ) At oncii 3 illst class solicitors
_ _ H' i b ( . t ot terms to right i artles Iuq Urn 800
j K Y Ufobulluliig J.J 17J
H { " \\/'AM'l / I ) \ . maiiufncturhiK ch iinUt man )
_ _ _ fl it years exp rlence want an nitlve or Hllent
H ; partner with tl W to stmt n f ictorj ltiOiniUa
1 Address l'O Ileoolhce A a WJ
_ _ Bl " \ V1 \ D-l Irst clnss plummcis apl \ > 2510
l tt Leavenworth Clrahaml'ark Hu 1J ?
_ _ H | OAI bSVIAN wanti d nt once to soil our goods
_ _ § < : VJ by snmple to whol > > ala nnd retail trade
_ _ _ _ ? Call at J410 Jackson street , from J to II o clock
B ? a in December II J HIT
Bl TSTANIEO V llvo pushing salesman to take
! TT tbo generalnijonoj fortho state rtt No
11 brasii for our recently patent \ \ onderiul
H I gaBbunior It is the lest th it has over boon
1 olfertd to the pul lie lo the right party wo
_ _ H ! will Rive tonus that will lusuto a lure and
_ Hj proiltnlila business Call on or a 1 dress „ Von
_ _ K ! * - dcrtul Durner to 817Hlbertbt lhila S8M1 *
HHP Xl/ANTEO Mm cla s cook for meat nnl
_ H W instry H J Udell 1 Incoln Neb tU10
_ _ BTSTANll / D ( lool ll\o cumassers for some
_ _ _ l | TT of the best sellinf , articles in tin world
j C. II Jordan Cozzons nouso Jth and Harney
1 Sts * - lo _
HH TSJAlvTEIl 10 carpenters for work at Chey-
_ _ _ _ ' V T onno Albright s Labor agency 1U0 1 nrnam
_ _ ( "M7ANT1 J > An cnergotlc , rollablo man to
H t t represent ft largo tastern house Address
H. . I' 54 , ltoo olllce too 11
Ml "tATANlKIi At once ono boiler maker for
_ _ ) T T heavy sheet Iron work Must bo able to
_ ] • lay out work 1 ermanent Job to rlaht man
_ ( Vurnoy Heating Mrg Co Leavenworth Kans
Ht * \VAN'l , ° • * " " " for lLimosseo and the
_ _ ( T T south cheap rates Albright J abor
4 Agency il- 1 nrnam st llu
_ _ _ | l " A "I NISI \V rlto for tonus $3 samnlo corset
i "Lfiuo bclilolo&Co jjo llroadwuy Keork
H -ai
_ _ _ WANIKI ) HalosmonatS ipor mi nth salary
B TT nndexponius to sell a line of silver plated
H ware watches etc by hamplo enl ) horse mid
B tenm furnlshc 1 free \ \ rite at onca tor full par
f rlculars and saniplo case ot goo Is free Stand
B ard Bllverwure < o Uoston Mass T-l
_ _ _ Ei TVf'N to travel for the ionthlll nurseries of
j XTLcanada We pay Jo to * 1W amouthund
_ _ / expenses to agents to sell our Canadian | , rowu
Bj stock Add Stone , * Wolltugtonlallsoi _ Wis
_ _ _ _ H \T7ANU1 I ) Hallroa 1 laboicrs nnd tlomaicera
_ _ _ _ | 3 T T for the south nduced rules rnuklnyers
_ _ | 3 for lown nlso W mon for city work $1 "u per
HI day or ft.- per month Fllloy , Kramer & Co
H • cor 11th nud 1 arnnin sts 8IT
_ _ H , "XSTANll I ) Canvassers at Singer Sewing
_ ! it Muchtuo otilce IjIB Douglas street
i 683 diO
_ _ _ _ ! rilHK Denver State Lottery Co want agents
H JL Uckotti W cents Addiess A C Hess &Co „
M Denver Col
_ _ J _ _ _ JI4 _
H' " \A7AM11) llellablo cnerhotto aient to rep
H TV resent an oil line llto Insuianco tomj any ,
H ] HI erul contruct will lomalowlth party th it
_ _ ' vrlto Inn u anco correspondence conlldentlal
j Address N 07 lice 11-
_ _
_ _ H fJIIItSTcl iss waist anJskirt makers Mn lam
B J3 Muni , lUN , lstiL jib lit _
Ml \S7ANTrD Olrl to dogenernl housework
_ _ _ _ i TT small family Ho MSjth street
t _ Ut !
_ _ | | ' TSJANrnn A girl tor teueial housework ,
VV.I1J Clark st , JJ Igt
MflH WfANTHIl-- vtomenns lioukekeonLrs
_ V T lu the country , no objection to a child
H Mrs llreta.3UKai5th 318 llj
MHlVANTi / D A good girl for general house
_ _ H 1 it work , must bo good cook , Api ly at room
i cia ltoo buiidim , . 330 nj
_ _ _ | ' "IiM HS1 class waist fliilsuera at onto Mrs T
H X'l ) Davls.iail Howardst JST IK
! IXTANrFH Olrl for general housework at
] VV ijK 1 rauklin st vj 11J _
{ \\TAt\TLU A comjiotout girl nt - iHarney
) T T , S31 1-t
I - i ,
" \X7ANrri ) A competent seamstress at once
{ T V Apply nt HS1 Virginia ave UU611
s "IXTANTKU Compotant girl for cenera
| T T housework Wit S. toth ave 300 II *
\ XTN irD-Iminodlatily n girl for general
| tt houseviork Apply ut a. e. cor1st and
Webster JTS 13 ;
f \TAN1151) A few more ladies to learn dress
, TT cutting Call at Airs II O Moses dresu
1 Slaking parlor for partlcul $ 1710 Cass st
, tAJ J 8J
"WaNU'D At once , 6 first class waist hands
_ T > lac N lftth _ Ml s A Desmonl 1H ) 13J
\ \ 7"ANtFiA b o I kitchen girl lleforenco
TT required koltllnrneyst mt
TrfltB.KlunnuuaressrLlMulfDarTor ' 01 sloth
J-TL _ U-dl5t
* 1\TlbS IW alsh Ul cat ltol nve dress A cloak
JJl-muker , plush coats retlttcdrcuned steamed
-'J2 _ _
I * Ti1NiAai ( MFNJ8 to do dressmaking In fam
Jellies solicited Miss Sturdy 619 8 S thst
1MJ hi
T1T183 ODONOIIOlt dressmaking at llkM
JJL Douglai st " 1 lush cloaks steamed reliuod
undrefltte'd JAI dll
T.OUI.SUINI.UI UU ureBs aud eloak maker
JJpliuh cloaks to order and sienmed ; sealskin
cloaks repaired , all kinds fur trlmruluga fur
Slshed 1UJ Capitol at o , repairing ot all kinds
\rANrMI-llfan eMteruffafffirulshe4
T V cottage ot i or 6 rooms , for the winter
Must bo lirst-clas * and ccntrully located , llest
of references given , No children Address 10 ,
Jlee olUco BIT 13
v\VA % < T1' , > iwo furnished rooms and table
T I bourd ( or gentlcmau aud wife , permanent
lfMUUUod everything must ha first-class Ad
ares * O (1 Ilea offlc * . lit
WANTLD-Ily gentlemsn and wife nicety
furnl hcd house ot 5 or Brooms : or lort
rooms for light riouseKccplns Must bo first
claxa and centrally located A ldress I > 04 llee
onicc r nj
WANTI D-nyJaauarj 1 mmlshel rooms
and bnnrd for family , man an 1 wlfo and t
children ot nges 0 to H Ad Iress .415 Do Igo
(17 ( 17
_ _
* "
WANTI I-lly ) 11 gtntloman wife an !
daughter cloven years oln , two veil fur
rushedri ems with first class board In a deslr
able locality Address 1 O Box " Omahv
JU 13 *
THOU III'NT-Tfen room I oTise 11 Dolge en
V I tiilro Samuel llurni UU 1 arunm tJi l- _
TriOK I HKNT 1 lght room cottngn , line loca
X1 Hon ten minutes walk from postomcp good
yard Inquire at Ijil Howarlst Jliiu
IriOlt III NT Von 0-rdrm house bathroom ,
• > 3 las etc T th between I oavenworth and
Jones Will Ilrovsue Jr U 1 headinnrters ,
& v ' '
T OM K new 8 room ho ises on lith an 1 JOtli st
t south of Kotitt7o 1'laco hot an 1 col 1 water
1 nth go * near cable olertrlc moior and horse
earoulj t _ > portno I usk kArchorl2"N \ life
" _ _ 3)9 ) l.J
JMU ) III NT Now 3 room house 30th nnd
1 larkir sts , SO per month Wallace , 31U
Ilruvrn ; bk ck Ml 11
5UOCIM house near Hauicnni 1 ark liO pel
• month O Hnirlsou W \ 1 Ife M 1-
j liiiUM housoTin lUth st
' 10113 <
oiTTtKNT Two lata r rooms each all
: freshly ilttrlup in SlOtlist ueartentor
J W C Ives Co Wit lltnst It UJ
IilOIt HI NT-Klght rocm house with nmplo
. ( rounds corner I ivenworth anllstst *
bath j 11 om li it nn I rolrt water Al plj to I owls
S | Heed i. Co loom 13 boild ot tl ido bull ling
rr j UOOM nousowith barn fi > per month a F
I Ilnrrlson N \ Ilfulilttg 7-7
3 | r UOOM ( now ) houses nil molein eonven
leucesoxcopt furnice nt 110 , half block from
imtor j ruiaxton block 7JJ
ipOKHr-NT NeW-riom lou o- 1 and Call
- : fornlaatreet's nllct nveulences di ) 0 ro im
cottagol" Hamilton $18 A C. Wukeloj loom
ML ! N V. I lfe building _
JHOll HI'Ni-Ilouso of 8 rooms , nil molern
: lnprovoi lents • W corDili an 1 Wool
worth M0 per month , V 1 Harrison NIlfo
1W1 1-
1T10U ItKNT * room honso with 1 ath Cal
Ji lfornla street ta 5) Inquire Nethcrton
Hall room ) Union block luth mi 11 nrnam
JitOIt III Nl 4 room cottate , with clo etfl
pantry etc 601 a Jlth at
3J10U III NT 8-rocm hou c 522 Poutn 30th st
: l'nuutro ot JV Hampton , tU 1 nrnam st
or 71- South - thavenuo DPI ir
FOIt 1 NT Houses nnd stores Property
cared tor tuxes paid Midland Ouarantoa
i. iTust Co lOULarnnmst Abstracts 6 0
171011 HI NT 0 room house 10.1 S 8th st near
8th and Dolge sts price $41 lent to any
one no questlond asked ! r l
JTlOKHbM Some now six loom houses on
: bp il ling street 0110 bl ck fiom motor
line bpotswotd Jj't S 1C h st J1J
171011 m NT New 8-room house ? di Callfor-
. ula streets all conveniences J.)0 alsoO-room
cottage . .ian 1 ( allfornia , SI ) O-rooiu cottage
_ 17 llnmllton , 81K store on Hamilton street
nndlovveuvo witn looms behind tV A C
Wakelcy room uOj N \ life building 028
iTibTt HFNT-Houso 310 North ZA Inquire N
JL ; w cor J d and Davenport bt > J
FOIt HEM -Toomllat Inuuiteat the ta r
ThlrteoiUh and How aid 0"3
FOH HI Nl Cottage four rooms wlthfoir
acres of Ian 1 on State street 1 etwoen I ort
andllorence $10 per month Apply Jl" S 11th st
l ) < 0
FOIt UFNT House , 11 rooms dlO N _ d st
I nnulie Mrs M A Dotwller n vv cor id
and juv onport 1
FOll III Nl Sroom house , splendidly lm
proved with water gas rath etc , newly
papered first class nelghborhoo 1 $ l > per
month C I Harrison N V IlfolUdi 101
ANTI D Smnll family to -cuny for the
wlntor pleasant louse with barn at lioml
nal ron al C 1 HaiTlson N Y Llfo 11 Id g
I * you wish to rent a house or store see II F
Cole , Continental block , olllco open ov enlngs
UIIN1SHBD rooms and board 113 S3th
3U 13 *
IJVX FQAN T rooms lu modern brick residence
U piano nnd telephone board It desired 18-1
Cass 14017J
JriUHNlSIIBD rooms also large room fori
: day boarders , W per week law Davenport
LA KOI' front suitable f two
A room > r gen
tlemen also single room adjoining very
desirable at 40j Nortn 19th st 1 aul block 138
FOIt HINT \ ory pleasant room suitable "or
two gentlemen , furniture new , on best car
line .0 per month each for board and room
Address 1' 61 , euro llee ofllce 333
FOIl HI M la gentleman and wlfo or two
or more gentlemen n sulto ot rooms on par
lor lloor nsvv house and now furniture all ac
commodations the best on best car line In cl y
Adliess I 0. rare lleo olllce J33
NICFI \ furmshe 1 room for two gentlemen
or gentleman and lad ) , .100 Douglas st
FOH 11FM Llegautlynewly furnislied rooms
with or without board ono block frrm post
ofllce all mouorn conv enlonces best location In
thoclty alsotukoday boarders Callatl07Slitli
Jll Jl'J '
TJIOIl KENT 1 urulshed rooms with board In
J t rlvate family " 110California09 11
2NJCFIA furnished front rooms with fur
nace he it bath and gas and one 7 room cot
tage JS.N 1 th at ; - * 71 15J
rp\\ nice front rooms , 4)19 ) Davenport
NICI.IA furnished front parlor with board
heat ( , as , bath 314 N 1 th st 147 llj
411 N tilth st Mcclj firulshel rooms with
board at Mis Churcnlll s Iki 1 %
FOIt H1.N r Nicely furnished rooms ? .i to-0
pernontb atiWN Htb cor Davenport st
Apply Koom I liu J It
IjlOIl lll'NT 1 urnlshod fiont room wilth bay
! window modern conuenlences 810 per
month No.-lalefcvemsorth. 013
IilOlUtFM Nlcolv furnished rooms Uo $
per mouth at ON ICtli cor Davenport st
. liply Itoom 1 ! - J 4t
IpOIl Jll NT 1 urnlshed rooms f _ S 10th st ,
? Hat A- 8 14
SOUTH front , furnished room , -IU Dodge st
ITIOHHI Nl-Nicely fnrnlsbodrooms tttot3) )
\ter \ month ut 0 N. 10th , cor Davenport
Apply Itoom 1 lJ 4t
IIVOIl HKNT-Well furnlshod room , with
. ' nonrd best loeatlon In city Call atMj
Doilgo st 008
" | jVlt IO.NT Nicely furnished room with
X1 bourd lu private family , rot , z.n I arnum
_ 116 llj
S T CIAIlt Furopeau hotel cor 13tn and
Dode bpoctal rate bj week or month
BOOMS with or without board for three
( .entlcineti prlv ate funilly reforeucos 181-
Dodge street 7X
IJiOllllEM Suit of rooms over store store
} 18SI Howard street fJ ) per month 731
I710H ItliN r Han lsc mely furulshel rooms
X1 for gentlemen ) bath gas , furnace heat -it !
Dodke st 3X-
EOIt HFNT Tworooms furnlsliel oruntur
ulshed 1K0 Capitol ave "la
NICl 1 \ furulshearooms forgoutlemenonlv ,
l OJ Uodte WJ
JjlOiritFNT l"urnlshed rooms , ulso front
. aud tack 1 arlor 1W ) Douglas < U
TTlOlt UUN1 A pleasant room for gentlemen
X All mo lorn conveniences Corner JOth and
St Mans avenue or OMS Willbrick lesldenoe
IilUHNISIILD room , lurnaca heat , all mod
. ern cinreulences , for ono ( .entieman only
2314 tarnaiiL * ir
JjlOlt III NT 2 rooms single or en suite with
- board inodorn conveniences ! ul5 HouUms
-01 Ut
171OH 1IFN1 VurnUhed rocm , all modern
< conveniences Si N , luth st M. 1-J
ITlLATi and uarurnlsbed rooms for house
X keeping , conveniently located Insults of
from -to 4 modern couv enleuces Hutu Kent *
lngageucy loOOiaruam Ibi j 6t
1/10H Ill'NT 4-iaomsulte , imfurnlshed , sult-
. ' able for housekeeping gas water , etc , , to
fainlh without chlllron , northwwt cor 17th
and debitor at 737
JilOIin'SNT-Tlireolnlldlngs. One 111 Iv , Kth |
: at near Dodge , fine business locality ; be \
racnnt Jan 1st I
One soil Harney 10rooms , modern Improve I
ments , be vacant " 0 h Inst
One cor Capitol nve an 117thj Just being re
paired See Dr Joseph Neville , 1103 Dvuglas
1 U
I OUHhNl Haltstoie 1510 Douglas st
I.KHI III NT-Vow store with Hat overhead
. line cellar , * l le door on alley No IM" S
lOthst W O IveXo.ims Uthst 110 l-J
IrioTi III Nl-store. llTT TTirnain stjxl.1
: toet , i stories and cellar Nathan hplton ,
1014 Inrnam st * 41
F " oTTllIl Tho4 storj brick bull ling , wither
or v. ltno it power formally occtipic 1 bv the
Dee 1 ubllshlng ( o 9lt I arnamat lno btiild-
Ine has a file proof cement basement ooin | lota
stokin heating llxtiires , uatornn all the lloors
Ras etc.pj ly atthet dice of The llee VIS
" | > 1 \r cstato C ( nvoinnclngpat crt correctly
Xldrawn Hutcnln > ou k V > oad lu"l Douglas st
0.1 1-
M01NTIUR weather strips furnished an 1
put on tor 1 cents n foot , It keeps out all
dust Address L. J Iveone TOM Hamilton st
1011 ° J
TT 1 COM , notary public aud coiivtyanccr
OOMl'I tCTI D books straightened balance
sheet rendere 1 address l.U N Kth st
_ , inn _
SI VDIOccnts In stamps for map of Omnlia
U b Harrison N \ J lte lir
BA UN for rent six stalls and plentj of car
riagoroom loth anl II m ard sts cltj Her
in barn very elimp $1 > psr month llutts
llentlug ngenc ) InOJ 1 a rnani st _ _ _ _ _
AU01ION sales every lueslay anl lillay
morning at 1111 Douglas stioot Omaha Auc
tlon & Storu .0 C > Mi
nL COt I rellab 0 flro lusurauco
• 803
MIDWIIK-Mrs II 8 ( lllck grn luate 1 In
Itussla I iropo his hal Hvearsot \ radi
cal exj erlcnce has located nt lu" * 1 Uh st
t 1)1 t
U1CHINSON v. \ \ I AT ) 1 „ 4 Douglns st
Ml U
STHINOl It t. I'omiy room JO Douglas block
se corn r ltfthanl Dodo List your pro
perty with this llrm „ 3oj 17
I" I" ! your property with II 1 Cole
T.1 I ( ole rental aont „ olllco 01 en evenings
" 1 J Wlklnson room 018 1'aiton block
T\7 AN riD Horses towlnterit $0 n month
. 11 pi head on firm near lrvlngton 1'iontv
of grain nn I hav to feel goedsh Iter nnl good
enra _ lvon them her > es call d for anl lellv
orcl j W It 1 Ionian i < 0111 0 , Irenzor blk " 41
rilllK ' banjo taught as an art b > ( Jeo t Onllcn
X beck room -M Douglas block ijO
SI It VY I 1) - He 1 cow ono horn broken Ho
tnrnSlbfct Mary save and receive rtwnrl
JI8 1J
T (1ST V bag containing liammei mallnt an I
: XJlpiecesof Hteclnul coat Howard of t for
the returns of banie to this ofllce 150 I r
LOST Tues lay nfternoon a red cow with
ono horn broken Will Under plcaso Ieav
same ; with tin owner a ( ooruoman Mrs
Hooch corf th nnl
Harney _ _ _ _ _ _ _
LObT MnstiU" pun answers to tlionameof
I at > J10 row ard for rattuu to Hoston Store
lUSlCtnst Jolll
LOsT 1 rom 63 N 18th st 1 alf grown maltese
cot ie ard l- > 1-
SlilVM D About noon Dec 10 S ! > a small
blown n < se I pug dog liberal reward will
be paid for his return to J II Wood 41" S 14th
331 13J
IrtOUND White aj ron larnamand . .Hth st
? cell at Bee olllce „ "li ;
LADIES nnl gentlemen desiring corre ponl
ents address Corresponding Club Kansas
Cltj enclose stamp 5"0j *
Dll D ORAUAI discovered the hair as
Is wel knotvn grows on the entire surlaco
ot the bo ly and oltnn to such an abun lance on
the fact ) Ian Is arms and moles All Mir will
be removed without Injury to the skin fl4 S
16th st Hat A room 1 1 01JJ
Pi'ItSONAIOllvo llrauch is a positive euro
for all fen ale weaknesses Also have Ollvo
iliancli Pile ltomedy sure euro tor nlles Sara
Tiles free Lady agents wanted Address Miss
Z00M Ulrby , laio Clark st Omaha Uen Agt
for Nebraska } 1 fori mo treatment fSJ lit
LIST your propert ) for Omaha Heal Estate
Lxchunge Hutchlnaoni.Wead l > J4Douglas
MI 1-
WE HA"V I a cash customer for a lot or part
ot lot between bt Mary s ave and Chicago
ana nh nnd Ath streets lmprovel or unira
rev 01. W ants it tor rest lence Co operative
_ unlaudlotCoOANlOthBt SOU-
WANTED 3 stocks hardware T stocks gro
cedes 5 stocks general merchandise 1 l
stock clothing 1 stock milliner } 3 Homing (
mills 1 manufacturing business In the city 2
hotels 1 cigar and tobacco 1 Jenelrv etock 1 j
creamery , 1 drug stock 417 Sneely block
Jul SO
CASH paid for second hand books atThu An
tlnusrlau book store Hill amain " > "Jinj
ITliailThundred 3arts dirt at 29th and Doug
lilas Hutchinson & Wend 1624 Douglas st
.Ml ll
CASH If you desire to sell jour property at l
a sacrifice for cash give full particulars
Address box 58.1 cit > Jll llj
\X7ANTED Tobuj or lease elevator in this
Y > state C 1 Harrison N \ 1 lfo 190 L
WAN1TD lurnlture carpets household
goo Is for cash Wells Auction A. btirufeo
Co 317 S 13th st 15J
rviltT Wanted In llemls 1 ark between And
X/sndl leusant and Hamilton aud Cumins ,
sts Apply to the llemls lark < o Rooms U
and 10 Continental blk 15th and Douelas Bt
WANID TobuylOO acre farm In Douglns
tt co mty , near railroad station , c i liar
rlson N Y Llfo 133 11
ASH for all kinds of household ( , oodiat lilt
Douglas street Omaha tuetlon U btorage
Co .CO
ftffl BKHCAN JISF for our customers who have
Ul-cash secured paper and real estate to trade ,
lloom lu Chamber Commerce Oil
rpitACKAOli storage at lowest rates W M
X llushmar , till I eavennortlu 746
rph K cleanest and best storage In the city at
Xlow rates ut 1111 Douglas -trcet. Om-tia ,
Auction * Storage Co -01
Mlta ECCLKS the famous fortune teller and
clairov vant , business love , murrlage and
changes C07 S Uth next to Ilurker h itel
00 Ut
Dll NA NI8 WAIUU.V clairvoyant mod
leal ami u islness medium J'oinale dlseasu
aeiecialty.lJUN lOthst , rooms-and3 747
IJlOlllUNF lelter Mrs l norman can 00
. consulted on all alfairs ot life Satisfaction
guaranteed No J1QN Uth at lr-dl !
• ni jJsmciiFFE ,
XI • Stenographer and Notary ,
314 first National Hank Ilulldlng
lelephono ISr * * * > _ _
WIIlTriKSEi SSnorthana and Typewrit
lngSchool , Darker bloek Day nnl even
lng cUsses Terras alx dollars tlOdSU
SI ANDAHD snort hand school room H' .vfaro
blk ( successor to V aloutlne s ) the largest , ex-
elusive shorthand school In the west ieachcrs
ure verbatim reporters 1 articular attention
paid to typewriting Mechanical construction
of macnlne taught by factory expert Circulars
LA11N shorthand and tl > ewritlng under
I'rof Moshsr.atOmahaCommerclalrollee
corner 15th nndDodge btu lenlswrttoifrom „ oj
to Vii words per mlnuto In throe mouths , olllce
drill ouo month free , only reporting stvle
taucht , no text books ncolod students putin
positions ! grammar letter writing spedlm ,
lonmaushlp free , typevmters for rent and up >
Biles for sale Shorthand taught by mall Write
us for eirculars KotubougQ Ilros Omaha
OaO d0
$ L-O0wll ) buy "iT6J-horse power ' Atlas en
glne and 70-boron poM er elt l boiler w 1th all
cunsectlons compute , nearlj new , only bevu In
use CO days Just whut la nteded for mill , ele
vator or electric light plant Ashland Mill and
Electric Ll.Ut co , Ashland , Neb , ki ( 10
_ HH _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |
IlOtl SAT R A trliatsipower Torteronglno
! in peed con Utlon , Wel > ht M03poilhdscylln
der 11x10 , tor partletilars apply to The llee
Olllce o 7T3
"lMJIlNITUnK Snap-kfilrnlt ire complete ot
• sKroom llatoiilyli nliock tromi ) < stolllce
wlllsell at great sacrifice anl on riry onsy
terms to good pnty if K Cole , Continental
block 330 13
FOH SMI-A qtiiafllti of building stonoj
apply to the superintendent lleo bull ling
< * 2 _
J neil tI t or l xrlWngo-l our full blooded
Jerse ) c > ws , tine Irtrtug team as there Is In
the city ono noul It car lae ono double cutter
01101 haetouMidernn\c ( > nn 1 one road wagon
t ii ) lermicoi : all nearly new willtrado for
goo 1 property and w III nsstime llxlit lncumli
ranee lloom10 llrstftutlonulbankbtilli lng
SQI'Vlthplauolii M > ol condition cost I.XX1
Hlllsell fir less than halt original rest J
l.lticc 411 lleobiill ling n m
OHIT for cub Una bedroom set , bought
Dovey A. * tone ; Inquire I'riCassst71 llf
OAII t 0\1 > Iioikos for salent brick barn llR
P "th av e. Pricesfr im } | J to tloo each ale
a fen reliable gentle \ onles for chll lren II H
Mini all 1I8 IQJ
rOlT8AIF-OoolsimllhorsojM setdonblo
I (
J harness fli A V lUKej N A 1 Ife bl lg
FN ) carrlai.0 teams nn 1 single drivers anl
fiosli inllcli cohs for sale at XV II Mlllarls
Hills ) 1c stock farm Horses w Inter d at reai
enable rates 13 Homing 111 g r Lalhnuu Neb
4 let.l
IJXOltSUl clisap The furniture of a goo I
pa } lng 10-room house 5u3SIIlhst 1I8 12J.
IjTOIl Al F ItenTor tra "ie LTrgo livery " onT
. ' kuown an Ohcckero 1 llarn , " on So 1 8th
street near Harney Neb MortgagoIioan Co ,
51 Paxtonblk 810
T/'Olt SAfl lrosh milch cows cor O nud
Xan sts Om il a C , M slnnly \ to
MIDI VNDOuaranteo V : Irustlo N - \ rife
bl lg compleleubsti lets tnrnlshcd nnutitles
to real estate oxnnuno 1 pcrfecte 1 i. guaranti ed
rillll ecutltv Abstracts ot Htlo Co furnish
X coini lete nhs tracts ot tltlo to ail real cs.aU
lp Om ilia nnl Douglas Co First HOnr Now
\orkllfebllg iOOJ"
MONFYtoloanon lmprovol property can
1 lace from iOuO \ to $ , iioo ) ) immediately
Hnrrlsroim 4111st Nnt Ilink nidi , " 0J
I1II AD ! 11 III V Mortgit.0 V TiuatCo fur
nlsh cheap eastern inouoj to borrowers
purchases entitles perfect tltlos nccept loans
at tliolr west rn olllce Oeorgo W I * Contis
room Hoard ot Irndo ' 01
Til ONI \ to loan In niiyumounton houbeholl
J-tIrooIs , 1 orsosnnl wagons dlamonl" Inn 1
contract * seco id mort ago * or any avail iblo
socuntj without publielty Nebraska Mortgage
I oan Co room 519 1 a\tou block " 0-
0\1 hundral dollars prlvatomone > to Han
or will b iv short time mortgage or good
uote room 11 Hoar I of node "B3
rilO 1 OAN X si ecinl fund of $100 000 In sums
Xot JJO00J nnd upwards at verv low rates
Too Mead Investment Co 311 8 1 th st " 01
MOM } to loan od horses wagon mules
household go < Is 1 ianos organs dlnmou Is
If westratc lno ilrsc organized loanofllce In
tlorltv Makes 1 > ans from thirty to throe hun
dre 1 an I Bl\t\ live diivs wnlch can bo paid m
part or viholo nt any time , thus lowering tl e
1 rincl ] al nn 1 interest Cnll mi I see us w hen
jo 1 wttiitmouev Wo ban usslst 3o 1 promptly
and to your udvantogo without removal of
pronertv or p il llclty M.onoi always on linn 1
No delay In making lotits C 1 Heed V Co
311S Uth st ov 1 r lllngham A Sons.Ho
Bl SIDI NCF Loans-Joifto7 per c nt no nd-
lltlonal chargM fof commissions or tt > r
nejs fees W II Melkle llrst Sat bank bldg
! _ • _ _
BUI1DINO I ons D V , Sholos10 Tlrat
National bink j "o4
W ANrFD-First ciaYs lnsl lo loans 1 owest
TT rates Cnll and soft'us Mutual Invest
ment Co , loOl 1 arnai 1 ht 70S
MONFV to loin OIrllavIsCo realcstnto
nnd loan monts IWj 1 arnnra st 7 0
IjlIHST m ltgago loil s ut low rates and no
: delay D v. blolos , " 310 Urst National bank
l 7ol
MONL\ low rate . Mortgages bought
Hutchinsoni Weadjl l Douglas Tel 16"9
304 13
MONEY to loan on any security
for short time at low
intes I owest rntes
on personal prope"ty
The Henderson Mcrtgagu Investment com
pany , room 100 I axtan block " 1
MONFV to loan on Improved cltj property
nt a low rate of interest It will pay vou
to see us befi ro v ou make your loan ( llobo
Loan and Trust company , successor to date
Citv Lanl Company , 307 South 18th st oppo
site Hoard of Irudo 94J9
MONK I to loan , secured notes bought C B
Meagher It & N \ Life Hldj98 10J
ElVSTONL Mortgage Co Loans otflOto
El UU0 got ouriatesl eforo borrowing and
save noney loan ou horses furnlturo or any
appnvod security without publicity notes
bought for new laan renewal of ol I and low
est latos call lt-08 Sheoly blk ljth&Honard st
" 78
LOANS made on real estate an 1 mortgages 1
boueht Ixiils Heed io , r 13 board trade
MONF\ loan cash on hand no delay , J [ :
W S nilre 1219 I crnnm Bt , , i irst National
bank building " " 5
IVTOM i to lonu on city or farm property
± TLueo J laul ] 003 Farnamst 7i0
MONI V I Dans negotiated nt low rates with
out delay and purcbaso good commercial 1
paper and mortgage notes S A. Sloman cor
13th and 1 arnnm " 77
T iO'XOU want money ? If so dent borrow
X/bofore gottim , my rates which are the low
est on any turn from (1 to 10 000
I make loans on household goods pianos or
gans , horses mules , wagons warehouse re
celnt" houses leases etc In any amount at t
tno lowest nusslblo ratei without publicity or
removilot ' pioperty ,
I oans can bo made tor one to six months an 1
you can pay part at any time reducing both1
principal i on 1 Interest If you ewe a balance
on 1 your furnlturo or horses or have a loan on
them I I will take It up and carry it for you as
long ' as you desire •
If j ou need money you will find It to your ad
vantnLOto Bee mo before borrowing
II F Mnsters room 4 XVlthnell building loth ,
nnd , Harney O
MON31 lovned on furniture horses nnd
wagons rates reasonable City Loan Co ,
118 B 1 ) th st opposite Millard bo el 7uJ
ONE1 to loan on real estate security at
lowest rates lleforn negotiating louns see
Wallace 11310 llrown bldg Filth and Douglas
SFF Sholes room 310 Urst National bant
before making your loans 7M
DO \ O ( J want money Loans made on furnl
ture pianos horses etc without delay
publicity or removal Persons wishing a loan
of this kind 111 do well by calling at tbU olllco
before dealing elsewhere A V flreenvvool &
10 room (1) ( ) fi-J S mth 1 hlrtoonth street S3I
CHA'1'1131 loans at f lowest rates business
confidential J. U lfmlner _ , 1117 l'rnamst
1)01 )
MONLY 30 , 00 or lO ' days on furniture
pianos , horses houses etc J J Wilkinson ,
OUPaxtonblk , _ 831
rhMOM to loanln amounts from f1 ( Kioto J10 000
( Don 6 years tlmo on good unproved real state
In city Must bo loaned t'5 l > eo IB- Hen lersou
Morttogoond Invohtment Co Itoom400 1 axtou
block , Omaha , Neb a 86J d "J
' '
TT U COLE , loan aton t Open evenings
llj ) ] ,
SHOUT loans at reasaoable rates on good se
cunty , oyer IWl HoAartl st , 478
1 f. .
LOANSntlowestraUffiCusliulways on hand
notes bought money advance 1 on any
av allable security 1 lie l'oople s 1 Inanclal Lx
ehange , room 67 llarkerrulocc V2&
XT E COIK , loan agent Open eTenlns _
, -v _ i .
$1 030 Frlvato money to loan or will buy goo I
mortgage XV L. Seiby , r 13 , Hoard of Trade
I" , OANS-Clty and farm loans mortgage pa
-Iper boygbt , McCague IiiTeatment Co 7 0
MONEt to loau on furniture organs pianos ,
horses and wagons llawkeye Investment
Co , lloom 33 , Doulas blk , 10th and Dodge sts
PIUVATF money to buy small notes or mort lloom Id , Hoard of Trude 841
FOIl SAIT3. excliange or rent Commercial
hotel XVaketield Neb , furnished Address
lock box P3S xvayue Neb 315-l.J
FOH SALK ery cheap , brick ahop building
fronting on busls-t , . splendll location
with extreme low ( round lease for 4 years ,
sptcial inducements otfrrd to stone or marble
cutters luqulro at _ ie Cumlngst , IM llj
IriOlt BALB-Hardwarostock aud bullalngln
. . ' . . u"i6 ) . briisklt0wn Auurewl'O Box
311 , MlCooi Junction N b. UJU L > l I
WANTKD-rarty with J.sooo cashtobiyH
IntMest In paying bank nnd take cashier
ship 1 Address 1 * 1 llee 312 12
IjlOHSAftorTrtvie a.well established book
. and slatloncry store IloxSia city 70
FOIlflAIKchep 1 r trade for real estate or
; good iuort.ftLe paner , a stock of groceries
IV 111 give a good liargitnl' sold nt once ( ems
and 1 see ine Call HC4 Saun lers ST 16 *
GOOD 1 hotel lu live Nelraska towti Tor sale
on easy terms II 1. , Cole , 11 0 , Continental
blk 1 Open evrnlngn k"0fi-ll
IjlOlt SAII Astock ot dni.s lnvoli nl out
X' Hffl ) A good discount given If sol 1 soon
llonson Not Iteglstered Ad lro < s V r , lire
_ SW-I- ' ;
ID A in f I S desirous if liaoosliiTof ( tholr CtiTt"
. iiwwjnany line will d well to call on or ad
dress ' \v 11 L V M L Koom 15 Chamber ot
Commerce ' " 9
BUltTTl It shop mid delivery outllt for JJUO
rent tr per month doing n business ot jxn
per tiny n great bargain Cooperative I an I
and ! I ot CoVi N ICth at SIT 11
SIt FN Dll ) chance lurntttiro nnlluslness
til a Iji anting house of 1) rooms In tluost lo
cation , only sK bl ickh from 1 * 0 I rlca * , 0
easy ; terms II 1 „ Cole It , 0 Continental blk
Open eventngs JiO-U
IJlOll S\II-iiol paylny nnd co > k
- store , good re tsourorsollliiL Xd 1'00 llee
I7IOII s\I -Oool 1 plying luslness ffiOO to
& \ < U require I IletBon for Helling party
wants toleavet urn Inquire 1-10 Nicholas st
betw 1 en the hours of 8 an 10 a 111. 30.1 l-J
SUHSCilliTiTfor shares m the Amencaiu
the laigest bull ling and loan association 111
thoworll M A Upton , special agent , 15th
and Farriuin -l-
Y 01 STLI Steim tlavator with shollcr ,
J1 cleaners , feel mill nil complete nnl lu
aplendid order ( ,001 locvlltv capacity -.10J0
bushels ban lied 4 1,11) ) b isliels ot griin month
otNoveiibor lor terms in I j artlcul irs vl
iress S mniol Coiner care Nebraska Snv lns
bans Omaha Neb 140 I ij „
FOH SXIl XXcll ostablishol commission
buslntss , teed reasons tor sclllni Only
tW to ? l Udj're ( Uttel Adlross 1 4 lleo 8.C
BXHOAIn I ha ; o a llrst clnss pcrmnnnutln
vestment In ( , oed lusldo rental property re
qutiesonlv MWiu cash Will taks trndo for
lalance ot equltv XV M Harris room 30
Irenzor block opposlto postolllco 2.1" 17 *
WANTED lo exchange minufacturlng
business si are ? J10 ou ) for n clt ar farm or
property sickness cause no Incumbrance
salary alttchcd Address t' 40 lloo olllco
-10 lot
Al IM stallion and Kentucky 1 rod driving
horne for good ballad hay 11 L ( ole
.3)0-11 )
Wh 811 U8 Bid to S Omaha , one lot
. JjTO to exchange for horses Koom 13 ,
Hoard or trade M )
ONF acre 111 Hell edere tlear and some cash
for model ate priced house nnd lit luslle
C L Moaghei II " o N. 1 I lte Ild ) ( ,
J > " 10J
SI \ I It Al well Imp orel furms to trade for
. _ Omaha property
Clear 1 ( ts for farms
Itenl estate mortgage for lot In Omnha II
I Cole Continental blk Open evenings
TTIOH \CIIANOF-I I or Omnlia t ropcrts r < 3\ \
X aero lo vn farm $ OiOstocl if gei eralmer
oluindWe 8X1 acres II ijes Co Neb land Itlp
ley 4 Oaburns Onrner la 118 11 *
WANTri ) To tralo hoiso about 1 years
old for young horse must lo sou na nud
fentlo will jay dllfeienco Omaha Move
tepilrworka > ) Ja-810N 16th st JJ7 1U
TMl'HOVLD farm anl city property for mer
chandise Address lloom 15 , Chambe-Com
merco - 779
T7IOU lvVUl VN'OI'-SIOOOD worth 1 apor se
X cured by good real estate foreneral mer
chandlsu an Al Iowa farm with 13 feet
coal under it for merchandise goo I team liar
ness nn l top buggy for clear lot clear farm in
northeast le msas f > r merchandise cleir rental
pioperty 11 Iowa City for merchandise or clear
Nebraska land 417 bhcely block j 14
JJXOIt FXCHANOE bO acres clear ot encura-
- brnnce In strips of 10 acres In Mercer coin
ty Illinois , for stock of goods or city property
Apply room SIS -irst National bank oulldlng
FINEI V improved farm for balled hay II
UColc Continental blk -60 11
TJlOIl FCOHA fOr A business yielding a
X profit ot from KkOOO to Mimiper annum to 1
exchange for good city property Am willing
toossumollgtitlmcumbrrnce Apply room 310
First National bank building " 83
GOOD equities In Omaha property and Ne
braska land to trade for secon 1 mortgage
on Omana property XX It E V M E- room 15
Chamber otOommerce Tel 1441 834
IF 'i OU have anything to exchange call on or
address II E Cole IC 0. Continental , olllce
openovenlnga 464
' .
fTXIIF prettiest lot In Ambler nlace on grade
X only &uU cash Stringer & 1 enny J3j 17
IFHHLlots Star Land & I oan Co
3 = 1315
It you want any lots in Orchard Hill apply to ;
loom-IK tirst National bank building for
terms and location tt
IDlfiltHI lots Only $10 roqulred to seenre 1
warranty deed to a splendid rest tonce lot In l
South Dakota s capital II E Cole Olllce >
open ov tilings 200 11
/"lO' < D close Investment , J"00.1 , for a , few
UTdays O 1 Harrison N 1 Life 136 II
PIFK1IF lots Star I and S. Loan Co
333 15
SOUTH Omaha lots W L Selbyaadd tJM
TfiOIl SALF A new house Just being erected 1
X on Cuming st , in Sherwood park the house
bos all mo lera Improvements hard wood finish
throughout also large barn with 150 ft front
age on West st by 180 fiontab on Cuming st
I will sell this to the right party on reasonable
terms lloom 218 Urst National llankbulldlng
TJIEHItl Property Several special bargains
X Call end Investigate II L. Cole Oren
evenings . .60 He-I -
T OOK nt tnls-Only tJOO will buy cor lot 60x
XJiWbo J front on 1 av ed st If taken soon J-
D little 810 N 1 Lite Dldg J19
THF best
A anant and
suburban properties in the marKet
are for sale by the old reliable M. A Upton
Co lflth and I amain "W
J710II8A LE Improved farm 100 acres in South
' - Dvkota price only $3j0 on easy terms
Co lar county " 10 ncre3 line cie ir land at leper
per acre this is a bargain
Hho building lot In Omaha J'Scush balance
longtime I or monthly payments II E Cole ,
Continental j big Open evenings C6-U
TTIO11 SALE On easy terms the uewcnttae
X eroded by me on George sc , corner I ewe
nve ; property nas I K ) ft frontaee on George st
by j 150 frontato on I owe ave i or terras upj ly
lloom10 First National Hank pulldlng 7Ki
CHOICF Pierre lots not 4 miles out to ' Fast
I Hide add but In the city Now Is tno tlmo
tobuy ' Star Land & loan Co Mi 15
AUGII & Westertlold real estate 8 Omaha
_ _ _ _ _
FII HUB Lots Uuy before the boom il L.
Cole -ffl-U
OH SALU-tasOwllI buy lot 60x130 lniOraaha
\ lew one block from motor line cicely on
1 grade lots lu this aldltlon are worth SI 000
and 1 the above price Is open for n hhort time
only 1 O II 1-scimck eare Omaha lleo 761
, lEIUtF Lots-lluy before the boom TT li
Cole > 66-ll
pIUCIJ IV per acre Must sell my vroll lm
X proved farm of IM acres t\l \ miles from
county seat Mutt have money Terms easy
Address 1 6llee JOO II
WF recently pin chased an inside addition to
I'lerre and olfer ) ou the best on the Omaha
market for the money Call and get terms aud
I rices Mar Land & I eau Co Kt.15
TTI1VF HOOM cottages (11 ( 600 eacn ) HOe cash
X down balance$15 per month Ihos I. Hall
3111 axtou block Ml
I4IOU SALE-I heap brick house carrlaLO
X house and notable ; to lie removed Apply
to the llemls Park Co rooms 15 aud 10 , Coiitl
nental block , IStli end Douglai sts CM
1710II SAI Eon easy terras 1 new houses lu
X 1 oppleton park only 1 i lock from motor
Tnesu are exceedingly well built ,
convenient lnsldo and handsome oxtcrlorf ,
have 6 , 0 und 7 rooms good cellars aud basement
mont , 1 rices very low aud terms easy String
er A Penny , room 30 Douglas block JA > L
T > Vi l'lcrre lots now and sell next spring
JJStar 1 and AI oan Co 03.15
' TjlETtTiE lots Star I and X Loan Co
ITioll SALF Very cheap no trades farm
X Ml'il acres sec 6,1 N 0 XV Hamilton conn
ty Neb , J miles from Marquette , small hoiihe
stable J > 1)acres ) pastuio femod llvint , water ,
price ouly 110 per acre , 15 417 00 one third liWJ
crop Included , Uerms I' , " 00 cosh lalunce 0
per cent interest 1' K Atklm , owner rail
road building Denver , Cole 7b8
> tt casli ' and 1S0O monthly buya nice coty
• nuomo 11 liCole Open eyenlngs „ H1
SOUTH Omaha lots XT L Colby s add I.M , f
g * >
I-ylKMlh Its-Uny bolorothe boom It P
- Cole Jtfl 11
Notloo to Contractors
Seale 1 proposals for furnishing material and
erecting a two story brick court house , with
stone basement at Corning Adams county ,
Iowa will bo receive 1 up to noon , iliurslav ,
Dect mlior l.tli I8 i
llais , sperlnratlms nnl details will boon
lllo for II si ection at nudltoi s oilleo in I ornlng
nudnt theolllceot the architect t 1 Mnxon
Council llhirrs , low a 1 he boanl ot suj ervlsi rs
reserve the right to 1 eject any an 1 nil bids
and will require a bond ornuep > < slt ot lire him
dro 1 dollars to nccompanv each bl 1 ns a for
feltlncBsootiioticimillnnce . . .
I T Moi I L Chair mnti Hoard Supcrt rs
f M 8TANL1.\ , County AUlltor
Dissolution or l'nrtucrslii | ) ,
Slmonsen A lolinson cor Und nnd Cumlugs ,
hnv ithis dnydi olve I partnership ly iiintiial
igiccment Mr Jno Johnson will continue the
business ( nn BiMo.ssrs
Omaha Dec 10 1889 Jko Joiissom
1) ll do3 t.
Volloo oTnnitnl Mrctltiij
Nolico Ishorobj given that the annual meet
lng of the stockhol lera or tne U11I n Stock
i aril ink MtuthOnnhn Nol asprovlledby
lUlylaws fortlionloctlonotdlieciorsnudtho
transaction tif snrh other business ns may
Rroporly arise will take plice at the Hrst
atl > nal bank ot Oinahn Neb on XX rdnesday
lnnnary HW nt4oclock In tl enfterno 11
dedtut L Ik IIHANCH Cashier
Nollor-to Contractors
Scale 11 roposnls will bo roCelvod ut the olllco
of County ( Irk Doii.l is C unity until-p. in
Hiturlay Iecomber- ) l s > foi erectli l one
1 llo llrl lo ( nenrthoe liter Sec J ) 1 V It 1)
ov er the 1 tttlo I ni In 11 ms nnd specifications
on 1II0 lu County Clerks olllco
lllds to bo uccompaule 1 by certified cl eck for
$ j0rho
rho Ilonrd roscrves thorluit to reject any or
nil bids M 1) llociii
Dflo" _ County clerk
Mntter ot uppllcatlon of Oustav itudloll for
11 pier llconso
Notlco Is hercly ilveu Hat ( lu tsv llu lion
did 111 on tbo 11th d iv of Dirt ml or A 1) I8S1 ,
lllo his application to tin Ilonrd of Flro and
1 ollco 1 onimlssloBort of Om ihu for lleonso to
sell 11 alt , spirituous all 1 vinous 11 piers nt No
V1 Cumliih street I Itnth ward Omaha Neb
from the 1st liny ot January 1P90 to the 1st
day ot January , 1811
It there bono objection remnnstrnnro or pro
test tile 1 within two weens fn m December Mth
A D 1 9 the sail Ilcensi will bo grunted
1118 HusTAv Hum on Apillcint
I\otcc. (
Matter of application ot It J Saxo for permit
to sell liquor as a druggist ,
Notlco Is hereby given that it J 8a\o dll
upon the lotn liny of December , A D 18W 1U0
his application to the Uoirdot lira and 1 ollco
Conn ilssloners ot Omuha , for permit to sell
malt , splrltu us and vinous liquors asadrue ,
gist , for medicinal mechanical und chemical
purtiostsonlj ntNo 14-1 lamam street 1 hlrtl
wnrn Omnlia Neb from the 1st diy ot Jnnu-
ary lt * ii to the Urst day of Januiry li-01
If there bo no objection n monstrnncoorpio
test Hied withintwowtoks tioniDeecmberl-th
A D lis' the said potiuttwlll bo giintcl
1118 H J Saxl At 1 llcnni
Notice to Contrnctorn >
Notice Is hcrolyglien that tl * Director of
School Uoaidnt lloruneo Ni b willretolvo bids
until the JOIh day ot December attl m for
tl at lection anl comiletlon ota School 11 ilia
lm , to bo built In accord inco with plans und
spociilcntlons which may bo seen nt the olllce
of F M 1 Ills A Co Olllce llooms 430 and idj
lleo Hullding
111 ldcis will Hie a certified chec-ror8200 as a
guarantos that the suceeusf ill bl Ider will cm
tract an I glv e n satisfactory bond The Hoard
reserves the to reject uuy or all bids
lly order ot Hoard II G CI auk
tl 11 d " t Dlreclor
M itter of Application of Amos llobluson for
liquor license
Notlco Is hereby given tint AmQS Robinson
did upon the llthday of December A II 188 ! " ,
file his application to the Hoard ot I Ire anl Fol
ice Commissioners of Omnha ror leceune to sell
malt , spirituous an 1 vluious liquors at No 1 1
Do Igo street 4th ward Om U1.1 Neb from the
1st day ol January 1M0 to the 1st day of Jan
uury 1891
It there bo no objection lemonstranco or
pro est tiled within two weeks from December
13th A D 1880 the sail license will bo gru ited
1118 Amos HoniMiot Ainllcant
Mattsr of application of Krug Bros for liquor
Notlco Is hereby given that Krug Ilios did
upon the llth day of December , A D I8K9 lllo
their application to the Hoard or 1 ire und l'ollco
Commissioners of Omaha , for license to sell
malt spirituous and vinous liquors ntNoJl
South Uth street 1 Irst ward Omaha , Neb
from the 1st day of January 18J0 to the 1st day
ot January 1891
If therobo no objection , remostranco or pro
test filed wlthlntwoweeksfrom December Uth ,
A D 188J the said llcento will be granted
1118 Mtuo lines Applicants
Matter of Application of Minns 'XVlrth for
liquor license
Notlco is hereby glv on that Minna Wilth did
upon the 10th day ot December A 1) 183' ( Ho
her application to the Hoard otHro and Iollee
Commissioners ot Omaha , for I icense to soil
Mult 8Dlrltuous an 1 Vinous liquors at No 124
bouth loth Street , Ird XX nrd Omaha Nebraska
from the 1st day ot January 1890 to the 1st d ty
of lanuury 18J1
If there bo no objection remonstrance fir pro
test filed within two vvpoks from Doc 1-tbA D
188J the said license will be granted
11 18 MtNt < A XVimu Applicant
Notice to Printers , Bookbinders and
Sealed Proposals will be rocelv ed at the olllco
of County CleikDoulasCounty ( Nebraska , un
til-p ttt Sitlllday lec8th A D 18SJ
tor furnishing said county with blank books )
all kinds ot Stationary lithographing , book
bladlne district court oar dockets and all other
printed work which may bs required by sail
county for the year of 1890 Samples ot said
worknndstationary enn be seen atsal I clerks
olllce , also estimated quantity ot each roqulre 1
may be asortulned A rortlllea chock for J100 i
must accompany each old
1 he lloaid icservea the rlUit to reject any or
all blIs
W ltness my hand and Seal ot Douglas County
this ( llth dny of Dec , 1889 M D ItOClih ,
D0dto.l7. County Clerk
P110F08ALS roil riFIDSEFDS-U 8 IN
dlan Service , lto > ebnd Agency S Dakota ,
December 4th 18 ) Sealed proposals , lu lorseil
1 roposnls for Field Sop Is ' and addressed to
the un lersl.ned ( at Itosehud Agency , S Dakota
w 111 be receive 1 at this ngoncy until ono o clock
of D cember8th IBM ) for furnishing for the 1
ltosebud A&cncy S. Dakota und delivering nt '
Yftlentlne Nebraska oi Itoseb id Agency
at such tlmo ns muy bo required , about
1,0.10 bushels Seed Oats , 1S0J bU3liels Seed 1 i
Potatoes nnd 600 bushels Seed Corn ICach bid
dor must state specifically In his bid the propo
sed i rice of each urtlele to be offered foi dell very
ory undci a contract All seeds must bo i f iood 1 ,
quality suitable for Beed purposes In the local
lty where required J he right Is i oservo 1 to ro
jectanv or all bids or any part of any bid if
deemed to bo fortho best interests of the service
Ceiitiukd Checks Each bid must be accora
panlod by a certified chock or draft upon some
United State-Deposlloiy.m ado oayablo to the
orderof the underfill neI for at least llvo per ;
cent of th * amount ot tlioj roposal which checker [
or draft w 111 be ft rfclti d to the United States lu
case any bidder or Didders receiving an award
shall fall to promptly cxecuto a contract with
good ard sufficient snrltles otherwise to bo re ;
turned to the bid ler lor further information
anply to the ( 1 J ( JKO WKIOliT
U 8 Indian Agent d'd It
A GOODRICH -Atty at-I avr , in Dear
XV * born St Chicago advice free , JI years ex
perlence , business quietly and legally tram
C _ ArjA
" - -
leave r-Arrlvo
Depot 10th & Mason pts Omaha Omaha
Chicago Vestibule l'x Jilx p m 0 50 a ri
Chicago Mai , 9 U u. m 00 p m
Chicago Ixical 040 | uui 8 iJO u in
Denver Vestibule Ex 10 Oi a in 3 00 p in
I incoln & Concordia Lo 1 fiso na 6 15 p m
Colorado Mall , 6 li li m S J3 a m
Chicago Fust Mall via U
1 * . Tianster 4:15 p m
Kansas City Hxpress , . 9 J _ in 0 45 a in
Kansas City Express Bltptn 08-piu
B10UXUITy .l'ACIKIC X are Arrive
Doi > ot 16th iXVoustor sts Omaha Omaha
Bt laul Limited 615 pm 935am
UU A HI i'AUILeavo Arrive
Depot 10th & Marcy sts ( Imalui Omaha
NaA Malk U 16 a m
No 4 Express , 0:00 n in
No 1 Mall " 115 a m '
No 8 hxpress 0 06 p 111 \ -
MI-SOUHll A01F10 Uavo Arrive at
Depot Kth and XVeboter Omaha Omatuv
No 4 St U & IC a Kin 19 30a.m
No J. nt 1 _ 4. K a 1 xp CO n m
No J bt I , & IC O Hxd Uipii
Na J. bt L. & K. D. Kxp | 0 10 a ui
Depotioth I ? I „ r I - . feaT Arrlv * Kfl
Marcy ti | Omaha Omahv M
! Atlantic 3 llxpres „ 9 15 a m tsn p m _ H
\fN ' x , > r' ' " , • * l i
> 9 io
\ , , , , • : ra _
_ ; stlbiileilj : press . IH5 p m 10 00 a rn H
UNION l'AIH-IU Leave Arrive H
. Depot ] loth an 1 Marcy sts Omaha Omaha M
< Orcrland nyer " H
fUpra "HO a m
< ' 1 hulled 1 ast Mali , . 8 V , n m 4 " 0 p nt _ _ _
Jjlran 1 I Island Tit ress 4 4.X p m Is 35 J > nt _
< "Knnsas I lty I xpress 4i a ra lx ll * m
M anllilou I asstngor 550pm 70am
* _
Jjauy H
tilally Kxcept Sun lay H
mJ ? ' 1 W .VSTMIV tc"V8 ArrlT H
1 , . . .
Depot 10th C
Maroy sts Omaha I Omaha M
i ; 8 SI Ti 1 xp Daily 4 15 p ml 3 „ pm WM
n ° . . ? 1 . .LMa ' * nxo Arrlvo WM
Depot Uth j : Webster sts Omaha , Omaha M
; Slonx ( lty Hxi ress - I M n m IDpm _ H
Slonx | City
Aoinmodatn R W n m 4X p m
1 < t I _
aul 1 linlto k
• Mltin n n ra _
• f oronco j assongor lifin oa a m _
• Horenra lassenger 5:11 : % n m 0 00 p ra _
: fooxnty Acundntn 6 IJ p m _
JMouxCItv Aoomilatn 4 ft m
Daily LxctptSun lay _
' _ _ lyJ > xcept Mon lav . _ _
_ O tN W ll It Toave Arrive " * _ H
Depot 10th X. Marcy sts Omaha omana : M
ITjiSW I J Tp r , J'R" > Hi Tm a7p |
last I trailed , m _
Dnlly 4 ( VX p in 10 30 u m _ H
AtlantlcMnll l ) ll > | 7113 ! ml 7 6 _ _ m B
_ rl &M V. R.H lenxo Arrlvo _ H
Depot IMilc XX elister ids Omnha , Omihn H
\ JUack Hills 1 xj ress 8 6. m 5:41 : p m H
Hastings Superior 1.x e , x n in 5MX p ra _
1 Incoln & XVuhoo I nss 6 no p m 10 Jb am _
DavII City & York lass 6 00pm lliJnam _ i
Norfolk I ass a U ) p m 10 a.X a n > H
AXcNtvvnnl U
, Ilunnlng between Council IllulTs nnl Al- _ H
hrlglit , in aldltlon to the stations iieutlonel , _
tralus stop nt 1 vcntloth and Twenty fourth _ _
strtetH ; , an 1 nt IlioM immlt InQtimha J M
liroad-Jraus I Omaha I S o ith I Al- H
way fer d lot Sheely Omaha bright , H
A M A M A M aT AM A M _ H
h 15 6 61 8 OO 0 Oil _ _
0 10 Oil 0 30 B J7 6 60 DU M
111) 0 17 700 70 ID 7-5 _
111 HI 7 < 5 B0) M
7 li 7 62 8 OS 8:1Z : (3 B 10 M
8 35 843 865 U LO M
8 1 863 Oi U 026 0 11 _
0 16 0:42 : V lu 10 00 _
8 45 B tt 10 ( Yt 1011. 10 25 10 RJ M
10 46 10 52 11 03 11:12 II 23 11 30 _
11 45 11 51 * M 1 M I M 1 > M M
V M J ? M 12 06 12:12 : UJ ] 2J3 : M
12 46 1W 1 Of , 1 IJ 1 26 1 30 _
1 15 1 52 2 Oj i 12 .23 S 30 _ |
2..T. 2 43 2 6o 101 _ _
2 4 2 62 3 US 3:13 : J 23 3 3) _ B
1 60 3 67 4 10 4:15 :
3 45 3 62 4 Ui 4 12 4 25 4 U0
4 10 4 67 6:10 : 5:16 : I
4:45 : 4 T2 f 05 6:12 : 5 21 6 0 1
ti i w o a. nu o-s eo 3
8:4u : 052 70a 7 12 7-6 70 1
7 45 7 62 8 OS 8 12 8 26 8 30 *
84 8 62 005 0 1. n5 010 i
0 4o 0 62 10 Oj 10 U 10 23 10 30 i
11 fX 11 IT * ] | Jg | 11 51 12 01 12 OJ J
, 11 f Igjfil U Oi _ J I I , fl
Fast vv nnl
XI PS iutn I Sliee Omsha Trans I broad H
bright Omaha ley Depot fer way
6 45 5 X7 0 0) U
6 5. , e ( JO 0 10 0 16 027 033 _
" 00 7 tti 7 15 -20 7 * . 7 < 5
7 60 7 66 8 07 8 15 8 27 8 33 H
8 0. 8 10 8 . 8130
8 601 8 65 0i)7 ) 0 15 Vlli 0 %
906 0 10 022 930
V 50 65 10 07 10 15 10 fl 10 35
10 ( Jo 10 10 10 2. 10 I )
10 UI 10 o. 11 V 11 15 11 27 11 33
11 W 11 o5 I M 1 M V M l M
r M 1 M 12 07 12 16 12 27 1. JS
1. 60 12 55 1 07 : 15 1 27 1 35
10 I 6j - 07 -15 8 21 2 35
- 50 i tt 107 3 16 3 27 3 35
1J 1 3 JO 3 37 3 46
J H I > 5 4 07 4 15 4 27 4 Jo
4-0 4-1 4 37 4 j .
4o0 4 66 rt)7 5 15 62" 635
620 6- 637 6 45
560 666 6 07 Olf 027 815
0 60 0 65 7 07 7 16 " 27 7 35
760 7 66 " 8 07 H16 B27 835
B50 85o 0 07 1)15 ) 927 0 35
U 50 9 55 10 17 10 15 In 27 10 85
10 o0 10 ft 11 07 ar 11 JO 11 42 Jl nO
12 sol 12 6o 12 24amlv 1-J0 | | _
Siiburbnn Time Card .
Iniave Omnha dally except Sunday for points
betweenXVebstor at und XVost Side 6 51 a in
0 60 u m , 5 16 p ui , 0 Iji p m
1 or l ortal dally excent Sunday " 50 a m
3 o0 p m
lor lortal Sundays only B 3j n , ni , 12 15
p m
Arrlvo dally except Sundny from XX est Bl lo
and points botvreen West bide and XVebster st
0 15 a in 7 46 a m. , 8 00 p in 7 10 p in
1 rom Portal dally except bunday arrlvo 0 10
a. ra a ft , p m
I rom Portal Sundays only arrlvo 13 15 a. in ,
3Op m
counchi uiiurrs
B No 2 Ol&pmlA No 6 0 3) am
A No 4 0 10 a nil I ) No 1 8 40m
A No 0 6 00pmA | No 3 O&ipm
No 2 9 40nmNo6 | 0 27am
No 0 4 5b pin No I 7 1 , am
No 4 8 00amNol | 6 15pm
A No 2 9 WamlA Nol 700am
A No 4 OJJpmlA No 6 6 45pm
A No , 2 10 0" a m.A Ko 3 ,0 10 a m
A No 4 10 25 p mlA No 1 0 0) p m
A No 8 4T5pmA | No 7 12 00 m
A No 4 OHO a. va | A No 3 6 12p ra
ANoO . II 11 [ I m Ia No t 820am.
A No 8 5 00 p in I
A No 10 7 4' . a ml A No I ) fl ' , ani
A No 1- 0 60pmA | No H 0 65pm
A daily II dally excent Saturday O except
Sunday , D except Monday , • faiitliialL
INsniuJtHvra puosa oa rosyra duna _
J r Cluck to T L Cluck , lot 4 In J 10 13 (
* d tl 1,003 I
Omaha Heal I ita'o nn 1 Trust Co to J I
( lloss lots 10 to 4blk t Sunn lers Si
Illmobaiibn s a Id to XX alnut Hill w d 1 400
Mux Meyer etui to ( I 1 Ltkstruud , lot 0 ,
blk 9 Manhuttnnndd vvd 250
J A iXakeilcllanl nlfeto U linger , lot
7 blk44 I rodlt 1'oncu.r qed 160 '
Gertrude F ner and husband to Christ r „ blk44 Credit Fonder wd J030 f
Gertrude linger ard husband to Krust h
XVeUlg n lotsUandll blk 4 , Cleve *
land 1 loco vr d LOW f „ ;
J II Cbapmau and vvlfu to M F Chapman , A
no no sw and n tt nvr so 3 M0 1.1 < i o d 1 400 a
N A ltenbtrom and wife to O XV hcklund , " "
e tt u < , t lot DO blk 4 , Campbell s add ,
vrd llu )
L Schroeder , trustee to J J Biillivan lot y [
17 blk 10 , llrown lark , wd 400 ( )
Tohu Mccreary and wlfo to I 0 llrunir 1
s 5 lots land blk 41. Omaha w d 15 120 ?
M Morrison , trustee to Ida fileokor , lot 0
blk - . Mount Do iglas vv d 260
Jacob Belimitet alto H Cluthard w IS
s tt bprlugplucerei , w.0 d
lwelye trunsfors aggregating 128,637 f
llulldlnK 1'oriiilts \
TUo follovviug' permits xvoro Issued yestor * *
day *
Lewis Nelson , frame dwelling , Spauldlng : ;
and Hlchnrd stri < ets I 1 WW %
Bam Nicholson fruinodn oiling Twenty
seveutli and Grunt streets . , , 900 .
II C. Strehlow dwelling Kountze place 2 600 t
Two mluor i ermlts , . , , 460 ,
Flvapermlts . . . . , . . 10,85d \
Ilia Hon arkablo Vocnbulttry i
A lnd } xvbo has rocontlv como from
tliu west to lociito in Wabhlncton has
found n prize iu a phonotnonul email * >
colored boy He , ia oply about twelve , w
but he uses the most romurliablo 1Zag * i
liah over found outaldo of a onfo , * '
t'Yo' will dlbcovor , " ho told the lady , 7
"dixt my capacilios 1b of a mo8' otror'n J1
nrj ohuiacter Mj Buporfluvious oppor * H
tunitics Is doxotod oxcluslxoly to do .
porfoctlon of mv information , " f
"Wh xvhat have jou done for a 11 v- " >
Iiiki" ' caspod the astonished lady , H
' My rocontostaxocation wuBtf'n ooal
nslioa for u lady on IC atroot , but aha *
couldn't un'orstan * my Itttiguagoa " I
That is vorj Btrant'o " ;
"Yossum , but jo1 couldn't expoo'ran 4
to olrnngo my vocabulary for no iga'ant
whlto trush ' 1 _ i
Pears soap is the most elegant tollot aJJuuoti 'h
_ _ _ _ _ _