I 2 THE OMAIIA DAILY kEJEfriffHUBBDAY , PEOEMBEB 12 , 1889. I • AN IOWA MAN TO THE FRONT ' H Mr Shurtloff of "Wntorloo Will Sue B coed Slloott H DIPHTHERIA AT FORT DODGE H Xrntnl ET-iitilncrs Report A. Clrcu- H lur Kaw Ocla In IN Work H jMurder In tlin Second lc * H grcc Oilier lovvnNovvs H Sllc ntt'H Successor j Wateiiloo la , Dee 11 [ Special Tolo H gratn to Tur linn ] 1 ho position inndo H vacant bi the dafnlcat'on ol Lishlcr Silcott H was tendered a fewdavs since to W Skurt- H left of this city Ho ncccptcd nhd lctt todnj H | for Washington to enter upon the duties ot H the position | Mr ShurtlofT Is anativo of Illinois and is j nbout thirty years ol ngo Ho came to Hj Waterloo about tcu voarB ago and has been j general aient of Iown for the Northvvcstorn H Iturb wlro com ] nnv of Stcrllni 111 Tor H [ acvoral vcars past ho has beerf chairman of B the republican countv central comuilttca fat B this counti H A. Thrnntcnotl Dlphtlierln Epidemic B I otir Donne , la , lice 11 fSpoclnl Tolo H gram to Inn Hrr ] rliero is much nppro- B" honslon hero over a threatened diphtheria B opulomlc 'In'o deaths mid numerous dun B gcrous cases wcro reported to the hcultli m ofllccrsthU morning iho twelve-iear old H daughter of Mrs Patrick O Hira was the H first ftitnl case , dying lute last night blx m others In the funnly uro suffering from the B same dlscnso Iho clhtienrold ( daughter of Uirtlnv Glkhij dlod todnj aftcra brief strugtlo with the dread disease An lnvcstigitio i by Mnjor Pearsons and Citi Physician Palmer discloses over a dorcn well devclotet cases ol dangerous diphtheria and numerous thro it atToctions resembling it AD possible quarantlno precautions cautions are being taken to prevent the spread of the disease Arrangcraonts have been in ido for rernoing soma of the uITcctod families into the country Iho citj schools V hava not \ot boon closed , but many children are being withdrawn Iloport of Denial Eximlnnrs H Dns Momcs la , Dec 11 [ Special Telo H grain to Iiii 15ir J The seventh annual ru H port of the Iowa stnto board of dental exam H incrs was rccclv cd today by the governor The sccrttiry states that since the last re poit , November 15 1SSS , licenses liuvo been issued to twenty gradu itcs of dental colleges - leges , and during the-year six permanent licenses tun o been granted to non graduntcs B -yv ho passed the required cxntnination before afullboaid The total number of rc lstcied und licensed dentists in the state is ul lhoro nro over ono hundred students at tending lectures in the dental department of the state university at Iowa City Iho sic rotary calls attention to the urgent need of increasing the license fco from Si tojin jcar and a corresponding inereaso for liconscs issued to the holders of valid diplo Bm mas This the secretary thinks would give BBV the boil d lunds for tl o prosecution of their BBV work with ( , i cater cftlcienci thau is now possible with the limited anio int at their BBV command Pka Xho Suvv Wus in Motion m Dcs Moim.s la , Dec 11 [ Spe-nl Tele pkV gram.lolnnUi l | AlbertHenning ajoune M funnel living some six miles southeast of pkV Mechanicsville , mot with an accident result pkV ing in his death Ho was engaged in sawiug PBV wood only a short distinco from his house Bpj using a largo circular saw It became uoccs Bpj Bar for him to reach under the saw to tko j outa largo knot , and in lcachirig under his J arm came In contact with the rapidly re\olv J ingsnw andwasallbutsc\crcdfiomtbobod ) J Mr Henning at once gtai ted for tbo house J Iteachingtheio hlsfumilj bandacod the arm BBpj to stop the blood which uas flowing copi BBpJ ouslj und sent to Mcchanicsvlllo for but BBpJ goons LTpon their arrival the wound was BBpj ' " dressed and all posslhlodono for the comfort PBpjw lot the man but the flow of blood had been Bpj too gi cut and bodied in i short time B G A It l.lcotlnn B Mi souia Valibt , la Dee II [ Special H to The lim ] Belden post No 09 , Grand B Armj of the Kepubllc of this city elected B PJ the following officers for the ensuing year B BJ ut tboir regular meeting J D Brown coin B BJ' . innndcr , C H Tostcr , senior \lco com BBBj inunderJ Q Parks juniorvicecommandor , BBpJ J N Hrouor , adjutant , Will In m H Camp BBBJ bell ( luartcrmaster , M A. Bronson , chap BBpJ lain , Isaac Blunt , O DGC Wallcor O BBBJ G , A 11 Llvingsi.ono , surgeon E A BBpJ , Boles , major , A II Livingstone , delegate to BBpJ Btate cncauipmont , J N Brovver , altcrnato BBpJ dolngate BBV Itunnway GirU B Des Moines , la , Dec 11 [ Special Tolo- M gram to rup Bee ] rwojount girls , Myrtle BJ and l\cy Heywood armed in the city this B * morning on the Wintcrsot train and it was B foundthoy had runaway from home They H were in care of their father nt Wintorsut BBpJ who was divorced and they proferroa the BBM mothers charge , she lit ing in this city bo BBpJ they ran away Iho sheriff teen charge of BBpf them placing them in the care of Jailer BBpJ bpellman until au officer arrives to taltc thorn BBV back BHB Aunnlcd a Itaili oiid Conn net B , . Siouv Cur , la , Dec 11 [ Special Telo- B gram to Tub Bee " | Hevnolds Hrotbors BBBJ were today awarded the contract for grad H ing mid bridging forty tlvo miles of the BBBr Sioux City & . Ofcden railroad Mho section BBBI is la f\ebrusuu between Plalnviow and BBBJ O Neill H round DoaU in tlin Plold H" IlAMncna la , Dee 11 [ Special Telegram H to The Bee J AV IL Dandy , a prominent H farmer residing nlno miles east of Hamburg , BBpj ' wus found dead Id his Hold A postmortem BBBJ examination revealed a rupture of the heart , BBBJ And death is supposed to ha\o been instan taueous BBM Murtlor In tlio Second Ducroe BBV Miusuici.TOi\N , la , Doe 11. [ Special BBV 'Tologrum to Tub Bee ] After being out all H night the Jury in the Ncel murder case nt BHfJ Grund } Ccntor returned a verdict of murder BBBJ in the second ucrco against Nelson White BB ; tbo vrinclpal will not bu tried till the next BBBJi teim of court An nppoal will bo token in BBBJf tu0 Kc'laou case to the supreme court BBB | " tounty TroaHiircr Oone BBb , Sao Cmla , Dec 11 [ Special Telo BhSL gram to TUB Bee | lhomas J , Marks , BBVi treasurer of this county , died here this BBV ; morning Mr Marks had been 111 with BBBJ jileurlsy only four daja Ho bos baou treasurer for four years and was highly ro BBH upootcd ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BBBJ A. I Ire nt btunrt BBB Dcs Moines , la , Dec 11. The opera house BBB block at Stuart w as destroy ed bj fire tonight BBB cxutlng losses amounting to f 13,000. 'Iho business ( Kirtion of the v iUa o w ns threat BBB enod for a time , and aid wns sent from this BB dty BBB An Old Itullroadi-r Giiim BBB Pi si Hi hits , Wyo , Dec 11 Thomas BBBJ Green , ono ot the oldest track men in the BBB Union Pnclflo servlco died this ovouing from BBS hemorrhage ot the lungs ilo will bo buried at Choj enno on Friday BBS Hntlod for the Isthmus BBBJ Pjiuis , Doc lL Tha commission ap BBBj poiutod bj the liquidator ot the Panama BBBJ canal company to examine into the affairs ot BBB ] lU8ompan } ou the isthmus , has sailed for BBJ Aspimvall BBBJ 1 1he Dupartiuoiit Olnscd BBBJ Wasuinotoh , Dec 11 The state , war , BBBJ navy and treasury departments-wore closed BBBJ at 1-3 SO tuls afternoon in honor of the cen BBBJ lennial celebration B BB < i BBBJ Xhe I'rotildeiit In Wasliiustou BBBJ Washington Doc 11 , Piesldout liar * BBBJ risen returned here at B o clock this morning BBBJ' ' , from his trip to Culcago BBr IllllDKN OUIit ONCMtTHMJ Eolith Carolina Trrmnro Seekers ninko n I hid nt PliittRinoutli Piattsmouth , Neb , Doc U [ Special to Thr linn ] A Bin nil fortune in gold dust , which was burled near this city by u man mtned Henri 3 Hopkins In 1800 , was un earthed jestcrdav niter a secret search of many do > s bi two of his surviving heirs , Mossis A It , and P n Tnroi , of Charles ton , S C Xho search for the burled trens- uro was condurto 1 so slyly Hint no onoltncw the business ot tlioso gentlemen In the clt\ until jestorday afternoon after tha gold rind been found W hon Interviewed by Ihf Bi e correspondent Mr A It lorcj told his storv as follows ! In 1811 when the gold fev or of California wus rainv ( , my uncle , llenrv llopltins , a \oung inun about twentv two icnis old , was then living with his father s family on a plantation near Charleston S O Iho fam ilj consisted ot Silas Hopkins und wlfo and thrco children Honrv , Hlehnrd and Mury the latter being my mother Henri cauLlit the fever and , in company with IriGoodoll , u neighbors sou , started for California to Book his fortune 'Aftoi having labored hard for cloven vcars and accumulating a small amount of wealth , carlv in the spring of ISCOthotwo comp mlons started on their homownrd jour noj Hopkins lad been favored with good fortune , while Goodoll who was n recklois follow und been shadowed with misfortune , und hnd s iv cd bnrolv enough nioncj to c irry him to his homo In South Oarollnn Goodoll vvnvcry envious of Hopkins'good luek , ns is slumn by alottor received from Honrv n few months after thov 1 in led hero Wbi the halted In this citi is not known ' Miortly ifter their urrly al Goodoll foil In with sorno tough charictots and drunk freolj mid ouo night while Hopkins was asleep in his tent tittcinpted to rob and murder him Houklns , seeing his danger , determined to hide his treasure until to could cvndo his companion , mid then to return turn and got it and proceed on his Journey He wrote u letter to his father , stating what ho hud done and fearing that ho might bo murdered for his money sent a complete descrii tion of the spot where the cold was buried nlso Buying that if ho should not reach I ouio In a reasonable length of time to send his brother Ulchard nftcr tl o hidden treasure t irlj in 1&01 , bofnro the letter had reached its destination , Silas Hopkins and Kichnrd onltstod in the confederate scr vleo bllus woskillol in the curly pirtof the war and Kichard , though seriously vvoundod recovered Up to the close of the war , nothing moro hid been beard of Henri Supposing his brother to liavo been murderad , Kichard came to this city in lbOOnnd after a scaich of thrco weeks failed to find the hidden treasure Horoturnod homo much discouraged thinking that Good oil hnd murdered nls orothor Henri and lound his gold Goodoll did not continue his Jouinev homeward , but loturned to Cillfor nia and was killed in a drunken flfcht two years later 'At the de ith of Uaclo Kichard , a short time ago the letter vv rittim by Honrv came into my mother s possession and mi brother md I concluded to sec vhat wo could lind out about It Wo cimo to your city last week and liavo worked hard to discoy ei the spot vvnoro the gold was buried W c did "Ct discouraged and wcro Just preparing to stop dlggint , w ncn my spade struck a larco rock ibis gave us now ho | c and unco\crtng tbo rock which yvasabout tyvo feet square wo riiscd it up and \ou can imagine oursurprise * wl on wo beheld a cot per c imp kcttlo con tainitif , Bovcn buckskin Bicks full of gold dust Wo had the told weighed and it is worth about S" COO enough to pay us for our trouble " The gentlemen worked secrotlv until thci had Mimed posacssic n of the lost treasure , which it is supposed cost their uncle his life as ho has never been bcurd of since writing thoabovo montioncd letter 1Ue\ refused to give the location of the llnd any farther than to say that it vy as about two miles south of this city on a high cliff overlooking the Missouri river Xhoi seemed to be In ajrroat hurry to ucl awav from town ind aid not toll of their good luck until a short time before they dopartcd for the cast A f xiistuii i ntc 4 lie Destruction of Salvador s Nation al I'alaco und Its Results tvEvVioniH Doc 11 [ Special Telegram to The Btb ] A letter received today from the city of San Salvador regarding the destruc- lon of the national palace of Salvador bv fire recently , sais Xho destruction of this historic ealQco blots oat many a page in Central American history , as all thonutional and international archives of Salvador were destroyed as well The palnce was unin bu red-and S3U0O0O could not replace it Portanatcly the disaster was unattended with loss of life All business with the gov eminent is practically suspended for the time being It is almost impossible to eon ccivo the treat import inco of this building , but when it is berne In mind that it included the balls of congress the offices of four sec retaries of state , the presidents office , the national treasury , supreme court supei ior court of appeals besides the offices of the liquor , internal and maritime revenue , together with all their ui chives and bistort cal documents and treaties ono is not sur prised that the destruct on of all this valua ble property , apart from the building itself , must bo keenly felt bv tbo people of Salva dor , and in fact of all Ccutial America It is not yet known uoyv the dro origin nted , but many strnuga whispers now uiloat bode no { oed to the nrovalllng peace of Cen- tial America , and if rumors bo true it will not be long before another forcible attempt will bo tnado to effect a union of tbo five rouublics of Central America Guatemala , Honduuis , Salvador , Islcarugua and Costa Kico lhoro Is talk hero that the tire Hand s work vvns duo to an Incondiari who was an ngont of tl o unionists and coupled with the deed Is the story of a very pretty picco ot international Intrlguo which gives the color of truth to tbo rumor of Incendiarism Nebraska , Jowu and Dakota Pensions WABiirvciTov , Dee 11 fbpecial Telegram to The BEn ] Penslons granted TJobras bans Original invalid John Prodcrlck Appuhn , Giconwood , George Thorudyko , Alton Increase Molvln / Barnard , Cedar Kapids , William T Hoatt" . Gibbon ; George E Taylor , ltulo , bbopard Bo I , Llacoln Uelssue Amos Sherman Moline - Ponslons for lowans Original invalid Solomon Jnekloy , Marble Ilock , Joseph Ansoll ( doooasod ) Excelsior , Putnclc Hurri son Gnnnell , John W llouglas , White Oak , Charles W Srockbouse , Onuwu , "ttilliam McClure , Hill Judd Increase Jo3cphE Hamilton , Colfax , Russell lom- linson , Humcstono , Alfred Graison Albla , \luueld b Hnrpor , Kookuk , Joseph H Col- son Ma-ongo , Aaron 1 Ord Port Dodge bamual H. Smith , Wulnut City , Jesse Wro ten Indepondenco.ThoniasUurner , Punora , Samuel Potters Carlisle Uolssue John It Wothoroll Lisbon , George Tl Hughes Bolknnp , l'oter fenbager , Pnlla , John L B Harndon Allerton Pensions allowed Dakotans Original In valid Peter Anderson , Miller Increuso James Doyle , Hope Ijoft the bale hacked Up New York , Dee 11 Martin Alpers , of the firm of Alpou & Swarthout , wholesale coal dealers , vvjio are reported in financial dlfll cultlcs , has not bean seen at the office slnco last Thursday His partner , Charles A. b'varthout , said that on that dnj Alpors went away , presumably to his home in West crlleld , N V As ho alone had tbo combina tion of the sato and as all tbo books and ac counts have been locked up oyer since , there are no means ot knowing nu.y thing about the state of off ulrs m ISvorvthtnu Tranquil in Brazil Lonuov , Doc IL fho manager of the National ilauk ot Brazil , referring to adverse - verso English comments regarding tha sta bllity , ol the republic , tolegrupus tluit tha comments are groundless He says com plete tranquility prevails throughout tbo country and the people have entire conQ donoo in the gov ernmont i-vorj thing progresses grosses well rlho WhlteoapOutraee HoiyoKE , WyoM Doc IL fSpodal Tolo- grnm to The BeeT Ey cry thing is quiet hero today lu the matter of the whltecap outra o of Buuday morning Honeor , business is almost suspended And men stand In small knots oa the street corn or * quietly talking the tnattsr ov er and ore unticipatiug i arrests ot rertnln susoects George Ellis started for Nebraska this afternoon by team and being ono ot the parties that Are being watched b > the officers papers were issued for his arrest ind officers tttorccd In pursuit at G o clock Up to 10 15 p in nothing has bcou hoard from the pursuers A. M5W MOTOJt It In Declared to Ito the Rest lot In vented I or Street Kjllunjs Mivm uoLto , Jllnn , Doe U rSpocial Tolograta to Tits BrcJ-nArtlclcs of lncor poratlon of tbo Cooper pncumatlo motor cominni were filed todni Wllllntn Cooper and George P. Hampton , two practical cn- glneprs , have perfected nn invention which promises to revolutionize all provlous pow crs in street rallyvai traffic Tor many months past ttioir secret h is been carefully guarded undtho working modal has been tested ntnlu nnd ngaln behind locked doors and dravyn blinds After they satisllcd themselves a tloren of the best engineers of Minneapolis wcro Invited lu to see it work Ihey all j renounced it the most wonderful Inventionietdlscovorel for moving street railway trains fho stock Is at present limited to flOO 000 vvhUh is nil taken Iho new motor which is wholli pneumatic in action will bG given a practical test January 1 on thoMlnncbnhanml'lhirti flret street line Among Uiobo who have examined aminod Its ] radical workings is Ucorga W Cooloi , the well known engineer Ilo said * I am fully tnepared to sav that for street ralhvii put ) osos the Cooper motor will beat uni thin ) , I ever Raw lam s | caking with some experience for I huvo examined every motor that tins been Invented in this country in the last ton vcars It is mv opinion that it iv HI suporscdo anything that has been put upon the maikot It Issn simple and vet so practie il U hen ono sees it bo saj a * \ \ by did not some ono think of that before 1' It Is not nn imaginative scheme llko the Kceloy motor It is practical and solid " AI)1 > 1NGHAM'3 W II IS She Obtains n Chloagn Divorce Ka > has City , Mo , Dec 11 | Speclal Telegram gram to fur Bur 1 Mr Wilson W adding ham of this cltv probabli the largos lndivid ual land owner in the United States , has Just learned that his w Ifo rcconilv secured a di vorce from him In Chicago The case of these people Is nn exceedingly strange ono I or sovcrnl years tboi have boou estranged , but nil that time Waddlngham allowed his wife the princely sum cf f25 000 j early , with $10 000 each to the four chillrcn llio di vorce docrco continues the allowance Mr Wnddliihnm ( came to Kansas City just ut the hob.lit of the real estate excitement and made lnrjo investments hero It Is said of him that at ono time ho won a largo ranch in Nuiv Mexico at a tire handed gnmo of poker the loser being a young English lord Mr Waddlngham was n poor man when in 18o0 bo married his wife Ho anne west shortly after that nnd struclclt rich In mining Ho also obtained a largo grant of land in Mexico and made extensive auyl profitable land pur- cl uses in Neyv Mexico He has built at I\ow II ivcu Conn u residence costing $305 000 u hiti represents the profits on ono of his mines during the past ten v ea-s Not V. r Ciiicaoo Dec 11 Judo { Horton of the counti court said today that the story that Mis Waddlngham hud obtained a divorce from her husband , the millionaire cattleman was untrue The case came up before Judge Hoi ton last Saturday and tbo attorneys in formed him thnt Mrs Waddlngham is m Now York ill nnd unable to intend but they offered her deposition ludyo Horton flatly refused to grunt n dlyorco and added Mrs Waddlngham must bo hero If she Is sick , and dies she won t need a divorce If she gets well and lives , hero must she return lhls thing of New York dumping all its divorce eases into Chicago mustbe stopped ' FliUEItAJlON OriilUOtt Preside nt Gonipcrs' Report It Lends in MoinI)3t-fllitp Bostov Dec II At today's ' session of * the rederition of Labor President Gem pera report was read There are affiliated with the American federation 3 800 local unions and a membership larger than in any one organization in the world Efforts to establish fraternal relations with and secure the co operation of otber labor organizations have met with success The isolated policy pursued by the locomo tlvo onttneers has prevented the establish ment ot a federation of the railway men 'Iho conference with the Knights of Labor Is still pending Referring to the farmers organizations tbo report snjs that all propositions received wcro fiomemploving farmers lhe eight hour question Is recommended to the consideration of the committee to bo digested und roporto i In the matter of labor legislation the fed erations should formnlnto the legislation that lvbor demands A more strict enforce ment ot tbo alien contract labor law and the Chinese exclusion act is set forth Special attention is called to the condition of the coal miners bpeoches vvero inndo on the state of the diffcront trades and labor organ izations , various committees were appointed and the convention took a recess Illinois State Grange SpniNQUELn , 111. , Dec 11 The state grange is In session hero The executive committee in its report showed that fifty two new granges with 2 500 members were organized during the past ioar Hesolu tions were ndootod in favor of changing the laws so that United States senators shall be elected by the people in favor of the Aus tralian election law denouncing Governor rifcr for the appointment of a lawyer in stead of a f armcr on the state board of rail road and warehouse commissioners favor ing an inoroaso in the salaries ot fourth class postmasters , 1 avorinc the free coinage of Bilvor , nstdng the legislature to ropeul the laws requiring assessors to take a report of agricultuiul statistics , unu in favor of holding tbo world s fair in Chicago English Capital at IHilntli DutUTii , Minn , Dee 11 [ Special Tele gram to The Bef ] Moses Greenwood of St Louis is hero in the Interest ot Hon T P O'Connor Balfour and oMibr , Spencer prom inent Englishmen and several American cap itnllsts closing up a $1,00J 000 cash transac tion Jn realty , the details of which will bo fully made public toinorrew * lhe Vanderbllt party hero yesterday bought nn extrcmolj valuable quarter sea tljn of suburban laud with extensive water frontage at | l,000 an acre m Business Troubles . Auilink ICan , Doc 11 Careful estimates regardl ng the failure of the First na'iouul bank place the liabilities at (181 U00 , und the assets mostly western land mortgages at (210 000 The KanBas farmers insurance company , of vvnieh Praaldent Bonebrake of' the bank is also president ivlll be suinpwnat affected by tbo failure , but no danger of sus pension Is feared Ioleiio O , Doc 11 11 C Hnsklns & Company , commission merchants have tailed , liabilities fG0Q0U , assets between tl ,000 , and US 000 A PrruiAtu.ro Exp oslou Columbia , S C , Dec 11. Bv tbo pre mature turo explosion of a cannon used In flriug a salutotodayJ E Foucho was badly burued Ha will probably lese his eveslght 11 W Blanton had a hand shattered his arm lacer ated and was othortviso wounded bovoral others were slightly injured The caunon was the one used la firing tbo salute when South Carolina seceded from tbo union It was fished out of tbo rlvor iomo years ago where it had been thrown when bhoiman's army was about to enter Iho city Snow Storm in Germany COLOdNB , Dec 11 There is a great snow storm through all central Germany Atl the 'I hurlnglan railway i , as well as all those in the Itbfno provinces , are so obstruoted that travel U , for the time , at ou end Dead In B 'Jt PonanKEEtsiE , N Y , Doc lJtov \ J It Kendrick was found dead in bed by the sldo ol his wife this morning Kondricfrwas atone ono time presidout ot Vunsar college and was widely known , _ § _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - ' * - . m- i i qu tcsT Glioses * r , i Dlnnn's lVItto ( Itnrso Gets Consider Able Attention Ciiicaoo , DM ' 11 At the opening of the Cronln trial tfils lnornlng Forrest resumed his m dress to iho ] Urj on behalf ot the defendants fondants He uagan with n long argument to show that the horsn which drotv Dr „ Cronln away fd" Ills death was not Dlnan's white horse Forrest cited tuo , probabilities from Cough lln's words nnd notions in favor of the thcori of mnrcnco ' Why should Cough lin harm Cronint' Bald he ' Cronln had never injure 1 hitn.ln any was Dent jou see the whole thing is absurd ! ' Forrest said Martonson , the oxprossmnn who hauled the furnlturo to the Cnrlson cottage would have been suspected of compliclti had ha boon nn Irishman Ho argued that there was no evidence that Uurlto lied to Wlnnipog When questioned bv tbo police ho voluntarily gave his true untno nnd alia * , lhoro nai absolutely no evidence that Burkd was at the Carlson cot tngoon the night of the murder Foriost closed his argument , which had lasted three dajs aud a Imir with nn appeal to the jury for acquittal , nnd the court ndjouincd until Friday THE HOISTING I'KOCEsS • IVIoio About the Operations or the Knnsns Hupriir Ciirnpnii ) Kansas Crrr Dec 11 A special from Asbhnd , Clark counti , b js I urtbor in \ cstlgation into the oporat ons of the sugar oompany shows that tbo frauds were moro ex cnsivu In this countv than at first in tlmatod The company erected n mill nt Mlucnla and asked the six surrounding town ships to each vote fn 000 in bonds for its suptort lhe bonds were voted but not delivered livered when the exposure wns made The president of tbo company , A II Hamilton of Mead Citi ICun , claimed an oxtriordlunry pioduct from what ho dellncd as the ' roasting process " the bo crotof which ho refused to dlvulgo Iho secretary of the state board of aaerlculturo vv 111 make a thorough cxai llnatiou of the operations orations of the compani nnd see what can be uono in tbo way of Instituting legal proceed lngs PECULIAIt S1\LE OP BUKIAL An I ccenirlc Mans Will Provides for a Itemarkablo Puncrnl Baltimoke Md , Dec 11 [ Special Telegram gram to The Brs 1 A very peculiar-will of oyoo eccentric man has been filed in tbo probate court Iho deceased was captain It Smith son of the late Hon Lewis C. Smith , a former prcsidont of theCbcsapeako fc Ohio canal Captain Smith died in Kansas Citi After some b qucsts Captain Smith directs that his funeral expenses shall not exceed $ . 0 und that his remains shall bo conveyed to the burial place in a spring wagon The bodi is directed to bo wrappel in a cloth packed In unsliited lime , and some ono who shAll rerelv o(5 for his services is to pour w. ter into his coffin until tbo bodi is crom itod His wilt directs that if ho dies during the day his bodi shall bo buried nno hour before sun set , and If lip dies at night his burial si all taito place 0004hour ufter sunrise It nlso directs that his numo Bjnll bo pi iced upon the futniti v mlt In Rose Hill cemcteri in Hngcrstow n , but that the ashes shall bo sent to Kansas Cltv | for burial The estnto amounts to about ? . > 0 1)00 ) CHAUGrri WITH "VIUKDCIl A Cowboy Arrested Tor Kit Inn His Companion Thrco Yoirsio Kansas l m. Doc 11 | Special Telegram to lire Bel | John Stravello for two ioars a bartender at Ed Kcllcv s place in this citi , was arrested this afternoon charged with the mnrder o Lee Hamblott in Custer conn tj , Colorado throe i cars ago Stravello and Hamblott we oyoung cowbovs together nnd the latter had t saved something like (1 GOO in cash which ho kept on his person The two cowboy s wetcsuddenly missed from their haunts in Custer counti but nothing w as thought of the matter for a v ear nn d a half when the skeleton ot Hamblott was found in a ravine It was easily identified by tbo boots , spurs and hat , and subsequent investigation proved that the murder bad been committed by shooting Officers nt once took the matter In hand and Stravello's disuppcaram o was looked u | on as a solution of tbo crime Dotecttv os have boon sitting the matter thoroughli and Stravello was finally located hero nnd arrested this after noon Ho tells a wild storv about the roam ing disposition of his fuend Harublett how ho sold him a poni to go to Now Mexico on , and how he uover saw him ngaiu Jho sheriff of Custer oounti , Colorado , says Stray olio will bo convicted THE HOG CHOP Reports from Thirty DlflfViront Points Cincinnati , O , Uec IL Tomorrows Price Current will say Hogs have been marketed In cnlargod numbers the past week , returns from thirty places indicating a total of iOo 000 against 10j 009 tha preced ing week and 810 000 last iear Total from November 1 at these places 2 190 000 against 17B3 000 n year ago Compared with two years ago there is a moderato decrease Compaiisons for the season of the under mentioned places Place I lbM I lws Chicoeo 811.00J -0)00 ! ) iUnma City SJj.003 3J3,0J0 Omaha 111030 10 > 000 Bt Iottls 110 001 HiOK ) Indlauftinlls 31" OW tir O00 Uticluuati 1 r OOJ 18-1 ODD MllwnUKoe 1U7I0) ( 1 i0)0 ) Sioux City 12.1,00 ! ) 81900 ledtir Jtaplda 70 0 ISOOO Uevolard 3 < 0M wonj Jxmtxvllle liOOOU 000 Ottunvwa 4Hft ) liOO ) Keokuk r 030 1 000 Nobiasxa Cltv .1OJO 1,003 bt Joiai h - OOP g ) OOP ( le is an i inbi z/ler Binoiiamiion , N Y.Dcc IL What was at first considered a simple assignment ior the benefit of his creditors by L B Ilom- mmgyvoy , n druggist nnd private banker do ing business at W hltney Point , this county ' is now regarded as a matter of grave impoi t- nnce Yesterday the creditors learning that Hemmlngway hud not been soon since Satur dav Instituted aa inquiry and it was uscer tainod that ho wus an embezzler to tha extent of about ( T5 000 InHueiizi l lclenilo Sprondluc Paris , Dee ll Trno influeuza epidemic In this city is Bpflcftding llio disease has made Its appearance in tbo barracks the mnrknts and tlielEcole Centralo The medical cal report shows ) that there are GT0 cases among , the employes in the great flri goqds store of the Mag islu du Louvre In other largo stores it prevails to an extent equal to that in Louvre l in ' i * Assmnlng Earto Proportions Tacoma WashDeo [ 11 lhe Btrlko on the Cascade division of the Norlhorn Paciflo railroad which beeau lost Sunday and which up to the present time has been considered a local matter threatened to affect the whole road Not a freight tram lias arrived or dp parted from'liCcpma or Seattle for throe days 'Iho freight trnftlo from Helena to incoma Is pruclJcalli suspended . Itlshnp rulcg's Huiinl - > AixoovA.Pa , Dec IL The funeral of the Jit , Kov John Tulgg , bishop of tha Pitts burg diocese or the Itoman Catholic church , took place this morning , the remains being interred in , St John s cemoteri At tha funeral services church notables vvura pros entfrom all parts ot the country , among thu number being Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Hi an Sir Olson's buocoasor MiTCiiEm S D , Dec IL [ Special Tola gramtoTnaBBcJ r J Cory of Itedflold , • member ot tbo board of trustees of the state university , was in Mitchell today Ho said the board had Just extended a unanimous call to the presidency made \ acant by Dr Olson'suhtimoli death to Dr William It Harper of Yale Dr Harper ivai a warm frioud of tbo late president , and If ha no copts will bo well qunltflel to carrv on the work at the university as begun by Dr Olson Nrw Hatfk , Conn , Doc 11 - Prof Hnrpor of ale tins telegraphed the trustees of the South Dakota state university declining the presidenci ol Hint Institution In n llrnlth ) t Innnclnl Condition CiTAViiKittAis , S D , Doc 11 [ Spochl tlologrnm to The tier | Counti Treasurer Lucas lias issued a notice ordering that nil outstanding countv warruuts bo presented for paimont , nnit notifying holders of said warrants that interest on them has conscd lhh is gratifying to the taxpajers.of the counti flicro Is sufficient money in the treasury to take up oil these vyarrants nnd the county will bo entlroli out of debt Prrstdont "Unrd Dead \ankton , S D , Doc 11 [ Special Tolo grim to Iiip Bkf I Kov Tosepb Ward , D D , president of Yankton college , died at C o clock tt Is morning Ho had been hero twenty ono yours and besides belug n loader in nil roltjouB ! and church worl was nctivo in niding all material Intoiosts for the up building of the city nnd state His death causes uuivcrsal sadness Expressing lliolr Siinpntliy Honov , S D.Doc 11 [ Speciat Telegram to Ian Bee | Iho death ot Dr Joseph Ward , prostdent \ankton college creates ddepsorrow here Congregntionalists hold n meeting this evening passed resolutions of condiloncn , uud Hout u telegram of sy mpntny to Mrj Ward and fimllv and the collejo fnculty , and ni pointed a number of persons to represent Union Concrogatlonnllsts nttho funeral 1 ri jaj i h rtrld Eight ut "Mltcholl MtTtitLLi.S D , Dec U rSpeclal Jolo- gram to The Uei 1 rho oloctrio light pi int , tbo frnnchiso for which wns granted some weeks ago , Is in process ot construe tion F J crnm a practical electrician rep rosontlng the Northwestern Llectrlc com 1 aui of bt I'aul Is In cbargo of the vv ork A AVHOEESAEE EWCIIING Elovpn Cattle Ihicvcsrc Hounded Ul > nnd Hanged In Hi online ; CiiETrNNL Wio , Dec 11 | Speelal Tele gram to Iiie Bee 1 ' Eettlo ' Jack and his hustlers , composed cf cattle thloves and cut throats , inndo an issue with the citizens of the Big Horn basin and the fittest bavo survived Eleven ot the bandit chlof s fol lowers wore lynched and half n dozen moro wcro killed in a running ilfcht The story ot Kettle Jack , who got his nnmo from the fact that ha once fought u duel with an Indian using a kettle as a shield reads Hue a ro man co About a ioar ago he and four companions appeared In the bn'in Ibcy established a rendezvous in nn isolated val ioi Belug rciuforcod they began to plunder At first their depredations yvcro confined to the slaughtering of cattle for food Becoui ing bolder the ganfe began to run horses and Btockover Into Utah nnd Southern Montana Fdrmor Benjamin and two sons follow cd the thieves und made a light for a bunch of horses but wcro shot down and left to rot on a lonely mountain trial The band had now becorao strong and confident The basin is ninety miles in length and fifty miles m breadth nad its population Is nbout live hundred souls Iho gam , would run cattle off tbo range in dai 111 , ntnud boldly offer thom for sale ut trading points Not long ago Tack abducted the beautiful daughter of a wealthy rat chman and a priest was captured and forced into marrying her to Jack 1 he fathei hcadod a rescuing parti but was defeated About onomonthago Jacks great strength of character and executive abiliti thiewtbo whole basin into a coivulsion by tbo bold and startling announcement that ho pro posed to Bhortli establish a monarchy pro claiming himself us king I'ho settlers held meetings and determined to resist suuh a prococding to the death Headed by n ot ci * noted scout thpi made a fircod march to the raountuit s and confronted the outlaws An old cannon was unenrthod aud pressed into service Loaded with log chains spikes lead and all sorts of missiles it was fired into the pirateBtronghold The first discharge klllrd four men The outlaiv fled , but eleven were captured and 1 anged in pairs to a cottonw oed tree Peace and order now reign in tne Big Horn WIND AND AVAJEIt Destructive Floods In California Storm in PnniiMylvinla Sasta Cnuz CaL , Dec IL A cloud burst over Perry s mill last nlgbt I ivo houses were washed down stream JosoEaston was droyvn d. There wore several narrow 03 capos Sacuv-Mento CaL , Dec IL Reports from north of this cltv sboyv that much damage was done by the water rising in the S icra mcuto river and its tributaries caused oy tie recent rains lborivor has risen over twenty six feet above low water mark at Co lusa iho levee bioko below that toyvn this morning , Hooding thousands of acres Hun dreds of men are patrolling tbo levees watch Ing for danger bevcral washouts hnvo oo cm red and a number of bridges have been washed uyvay C r Jones at ono time candidate for sheriff in San rrnnclsoo was drowned while attempting to cross a small bridge tbo hicrh wnter having washed ayvuy the approach A man named Jnstlct living near Colusa , is supposed to bo drowned A t't nnnylvanin Tornado PiTTKiinno Pa , Dec IL The most destructive structive wind nnd rain storm taut ever visited the western portion of Wef tmorolun 1 county passed ever the notv citi of Jeannette notto early this morning Houses were bloyvn down und unroofed trees torn ui > bi the roots and carried long distances .Jho lur e three story frame buildings w ore com pleteli demolisbod No liv cs lost OPIUM hMUGCEEKS The Cuptmo of a Notorious Gang nt ' Inromn Tacoma Wash , Dec 11 [ Special Uolo gram toTiic Bel J Billy Eustoa and Jack Powers with a confederate named 1 isher , a conduotcr for the Tsorthcrn Pacific the most notorious frani , of opium smugglers on the coast wore captured by United States ofll cers loduy Opium valued nt tl' 000 was taken from them They tbroyv $1100 worth Into the sound ortlivvcsioru Troctinir Association CiiicaooDec 11 At a meeting of the Northwestern Trotting association today dates were announced for 1890 as lolloyys Kansas City last week la May , lerro Huuto Juno 3 to T , fowa City Juno U to 7 , Janoville June 10 to IB , Cedar Itapids June-7 to UU , Dubuque July 1 to 4 NO Blalto of Cedar Kapids was elected president of the circuit and A D McKlnney of Jnuovlllo seuietari o Mm tloin Pedro sJowels Slolon Lisbon , Dec 11 lhe ex empress of Brazil has received a telegram from Kb Janeiro in forming ber that alt her Jewels bavo been stolen lnis loss will bo a heavy blow to the Imperial family In the collection weio com prised tbo finest diamonds in the world m Humored IriiHt Collapse " Philadelphia , Dec 11 A private dls patch received today asserts that the barb wire trust has collapsed Iherc were several points on which the manufacturers dieu greed ' EcAtlinr tVorLs bliut Down WAiiimv , Mass , Dee 11 All the leather works except ouo are shut doiva and aa'ozea employers and 1,500 men ara discussing differences * Alter MoussftJJoy CoNSTAj.TiNor _ Dec IL liia.Amerlcan legation has decided to demand the trial of Mousbo Bey for tbo murder ot a aiisdonury Stcaiimliip Arrivals At Baltimore The Scotia , from Hamburg At New York The Wyoming , from Liver pooL _ Jlatlibuue'd Hamulus Arrive Utioa , N Y. , Dec IE Iho remains of J II lluthbono , founder of the Knights of Pythias , arrived tonijht Mi Ma MgjjjggBgBHBB ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AMUSEMENTS Mr Conrled has strengthened his oporn company veo materiahy since Its last v Islt to this city Consequent last nights ( cr- fortune co of "llio Kings Fool ' nt the Grand was much the host that has ever been witnessed hero Hiwovcr , there Is null room for improvement , notlcoibli in the part of Archibald Doarnosa now being ( laied bv Elward S Grant It is supposed to bo n character for low comedy buslmss but ono woull not think so after scolng htm handle It The greatest stroke of polio wusslowii bvMr Lonrlol when ho substituted T F McGovcrn a fairly good tenor singer , as King Philip lor tbo big felloyv w ho suitainod that roio last scisou nnd colli I not slug nt nil Miss Delia 1 ox , the clover pctlto \ ronno was a member ot the organlratton but it so happened bi reason of illness that u chorus clrl known ns Pidoiforl reprcotitcd ber In the cast both tinus that tbo opera was given hi Omaha On this occasion Miss Vo\ appoa-ed und created a very fivorublo Im uression Joseph W Herbert , the comodlau installed ns Court Jester wbon Fitrterala wlthdroyv nlso descry oh favorable mention Fltrpcnll became quite n favorite hero nnd has muni friends whoso prtjudlccs doubtless loid thom to ovor-rnto tils ablllti and in comparison w 1thhlin underestimate Herbert , but judge the two from an artistic stand poll t nn l the odds are in fav or Df Mr Her bert Hu lortainli has n stronger mid moro melodious volco tl in the other nud his action is also vcrv good Ho sang a topical song list evening that won blm soy oral encores and his delivery ot the Jostei sspeoch wus well done Miss Helen Bertram and Miss Ada Glasca retain their popularity so much so thnt it is qiicsllonnulo whetlor 'i ho Ki il a Lool without thom woull sooin natural Miss Bcrtnui s splou did volco is nlvv ivs heard to excellent nlynn tace in every ono of her numbers Iheio is no question that she is rapidli advancing to tbo front ns a light opera voc illst In nddl tton to her tiatur il gr ice and line stage prcs- otico she Is tl oroughli artistic In everything nnd easily wins the siuipatlii of an nudl cine Iho chorus Is povvoilul the guards drill pel fectly and the Vlcnua fencers uro a feature of the show A prize fencing match for $200 a side has boon arranged betyyeon IIoIlii 1 nclohardtof tbo Conned opera comp itii nnd W II Al ford n gentleman tiotv residing in Omaha to take place nt tbo Gran I tills ov onlng with Sandy Grisyvold ns referou Mr Alford clniins ho was once u tucmbor of the Susset Koiul artillcri und is therefore an export syyotdsmau KostnaVol esclosedherencagemont which was a successful one , at the Bojd Inst night bhc dellchtcd another laro und lasbionablo audience appc iring in Mi Milliner s Bill ' and My Lord in Liv ori ' RKEA ITIE lhe republican club of-the Thirl precinct of the Sixth wud mot at the corner of lliirti fourth m 1 Decatur strcutslust nitlit 1 hero was onli i buro quoium present und no business tr ms ictcd The milit iri order of the I oi tl Legion commanderi of I chr-aska will hold theh fourth nnnlveisary and banquet nt the Mil lnrd hotel on Monday ey enlng the 11 th u si Several distinguished pnoplo from abroad are expected The commanderi has ex tended the hospitalities or the occasion to quite a numbcrof prominent citizens of the statu and an entertaining and inspiring time will bo had Court tvinrtinl A general court martial has been ordered to convene at Fort Siduey iNeb on lliurs day the lwth inst The following officers of tuo 1 wenty first Infautri will constitute the couit Cap'ains Lbcnczer W Stotio Louis S Tesson Joseph W Duncan Lieutenants Willis Wittich Charles H Bonosteel Prod crick L Palmer Almon L Parmerter nnd Munroo McFarland Lieaton-iut John b Parke jr will bo the Judco advocatoof the court The Eight 1 nntimtlc The first annual ball of the SKtli wart band was hold at Masonic hall last iiljjht Soventl five couplc3 p irticii atod The ladies auxllhari of the luinveielu gave a hop at Gcrmania hall which wus largely attouded The second cotillion affair at Washington ball was a brilliant sucocss Genoiil Sickles J > niiglitoi-Elopes White Plains N x Doc 11 MissAUa Sickles a daughter of General Dinicl Sick les by his second wife , doped to this place todui withThomasDlhhau A bartender nt Isew liochollc nnd thoi wore married by ttie Episcopal minister lhey went first to the pastor of the Catholic chuich but Fatl er Dunphi refused to perform tbo ceiemony on learning who the intended bride yvas I hey did not tell tbo Episcopal clergy man that it was a case of elopement and he asked them no questions The bride had but recently grnduutod lrom a Catholic couvout in Monti cal GoIuk to Sen the Great Father ' Ya icton S D Dec 11 ) Special Tel cgrom to The BrE.J Croyv Laglo , Swift Bird , Charger , Stiaight Head White Swuu , all Sioux chiefs from Cheyenne agency , passed through here this afternoon on their vvav to Washington to boo President II irrlson In dlan Ageut MeChesnoj and Interpreter Nar cello were in charge of tbo party m Coonej Caught Airain Milwaukee , Dec IL Coonoy the Foa ' has been found again A dispatch riom Dodgoville , W is , says a prisoner who has been confined in jailtheroforsovernl months nnd w ho has boon actiuc , verj mi stenously is believed to ba the lout sought for Cromu suspect * He is Sun k Dead Now JAcrsoNVHle FJa , Dec 11 This morn ing Louis W itkoy ski mayor of Starke , was shot and instantly killed by A B 1 brasher , a lawer The supposition is that the deed wus done in defense of a woman s honor Urn JJentli ItecorrL Madison , AVis Doc 11 Goueral David Atwood , accd sovouti lUo editor of tbo State Journal die i this afternoon Aiiuni , IS Y.DcC 11 James A Grey , the oldest piano maker in the United .atutos , is dead Keiiiu Claim * * > i nrlo's Slnutlo Stdnli , Dec 11 Kemp , in a publlshod intervieyv maintains that bo is cntltlod to the championship made vacant by thu death * of Searle Prohibition Convention Des Moinls la , Dee 11 A call has been Issued for the statu prohibition cony eutlon at Des Moines January 0 Itnn on a Heel * Pout Towhskm ) Wash , Dec 11 The steumor Michigan run on Euterpilso reef iosteidui afternoon , but tot off again with out damajo IHiCD MILES At riorcnoo last evening Mrs Hossio L Miles wife of John E Miles , president of tbo Nebraska suvmgs bunk Celestial itoportors North China Herald The Chinese language , us the natives use it , lias t'reut force , lluencv nnd direction It is practiced us the nution is practical , und those who use it are ton Independent to abandon the speech nnd vmtiufjhundod dovyn to tiicra through so long a line of ancostoia Jt will bo mudo tlio medium ' ol instruction in sciouco und 1b very Bultablo lor becoming so They have contractions Jar all their chuiuctera which foreign etudonts do not trouble themselves to learn , but the use of which in fact qualifies the chluoso to become shorthand to porter * ot Bpceclict , in their own language lhey do not pmcUco speech making , but il they did und it the natlvo news papers formofl a stall ot shorthand , reporters - • porters thev would not need to learn uny foreign system lho > can repot t quite fast enough themselves with ulit tle practice , and they write the con _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ trncttons with wonderful qulcknoss > J Their hntttl tnusolos mo plinblo , their " llngors small , nntl the writing brush thoj omploj is nn lnstnnnont sjporlor to the stool pen or tbo qtilll The scrlbo9ntnn iinpotlnl imiltonco proli- ublj writonllor ncarlj nil thnt is said facrllios who nro ptid bi the ploco pot tlitoiiRh n lurgo iimount ot copy ing in a vcrv short time Yet lot no one oxpoot tt tonchor who is paid b > the month to wt ito fust Helms ovotv tenson to bo slow Hut copjlsts pnld so much torn tliousmd clminctcrri try nntunvtly to J trutisciibo us tmvnj tliotiKind inayyook I us they etui Iho rtplil work of such [ copjlsts , nspoclally if thoj are I allowud to use contractions j fay 013 the conclusion thnt , I bi using Chinese chnntotois j specialists could ottsili writonll that n 1 good flpoittorsajs As to whether thoj 1 loultl compote with the quickest E\i- I toupctin stcnoguiporH mnj perhaps j soon bo bt ought to trial lu lapaiij ] where mant thousands nro now lourti- } mg to wiito in the Homiui churactors I llio now school will soon proceed to j ndd shortlinntl to Koninntnitloii , and I thou It will boon bo decided yyhlch Is { ' the best ndtptod tor syvift iitnl tcctii tto / lopoitlii" { . THt STORY OF MCGINTY \ How He Camn lo ] ill to tbo Uottonl ' ofiho sea It Is now gonciiitlj conceded that the mini who cm t sing 'Doyyn wont Mc- Ghity to the bottom of the ca " has no light to live stjs the Noivor \ \ Mull and E\ptcss Eycijono tings it in , from the mnj or to the bootblack The vordnnt youth who nnMvrrs the telephone - < phone gels it on" , and the subscription I lists ni o out .o aid the futniU ot the uu- " fottunato man i Ivo oao linowb who 6ttuck Billy Pat j terson , or vv lint Di loliiisou did with li his otiiugc pcolsor in what numo the j | ' man with the iiou mask chalked up the u diinks It would bo hard luck if MeI I Ointy wcto added to Ih it dismal list I't Iho won is being sunjr ut the Four p tootitb sticot thcatro 1 OMind Conioj doit locplnincd the oiigin ol the song to this w iv It was in Boston , and I was going < home r ithor Into and I enmo upon n big Irishman lo tiling ugitin t a lamp post IIcllo my 1 id " bald he i Hon uiovuu" mi\h I Like i bumble bee on i daisj , " said j ! he * an' me buov como rod huvo u dilnk " WTJio mo vou ? s lid J Tniv , biidhc , "b the gicot gunof Athlone I'm tne hhoj who liv os up to his income ! " so wo had a dhrink , and with out i woid of ti hovc had mete thin j " ouo } , 'bhorr > siid the big Irishman , the 1 day s bicul in , an by thitbimo tokou & 1 in biol c rj ' And vv lints votn name1' &ml I \ ' shore it s McGttitv , " said he * And wheie uro you troiugJ" audi * Down goes McGmty to the bottom of the sc i said ho Jicl Ice took his cue from this wont ' liomrt uud vviotc out the bong Since th it tune it has been hung from ovciy- whcie to the coinci of O Oiadv s Uno in L l Ice lhi&cli 5tc jcra of nineteenth cou- tury literature opniis thus i HAN V OIl \ Soondav mainln Justatnino 1 Dan McOintv dressed so line , Slitood looUlu un apina high stone wvll 1 Whin his yojng fncad Pat McCann it ; Su Ol 11 be a folrer Dan , I Ol ltln cnrr > vcz > o the top v , ithout u falll" # So on his shoulders ho took Dan „ „ , t And to climb tbo lad began , T * Au' 'tuub vcrv noai bo did to radio tbo top , J Whin McGinti thinkin'thin f That the fiiver ho would win I , Let go his houid an' tuk un awful drop I > Chorus Dowu vvint MiGmyto the bottom , of tbo wa 1 , Ana tbo ho won thofoivo i Unas moro dead he was than I tiloive ' Wid ribs an' nose nn' back broke from the fall Drcisel in his best shoot of clotheB I rrom the hospital McGlnty went home , \ \ ben they d fixed acbo brolcon bone lo find he wus the father of a choud So to celebrate It toight Prion is ho wmt out to inv oltc And soon was nriukiu' whisky fast and w odd I As ho wnudered down the strato In his Soonttay shoot so nato Wid head boild up us proud as loan the Great * In tbo sldew al 1c was a hole , , . For to roc iv o a ton av coal j That McGinty never baw till joost too late I Chorus Down wint McGintyl to the bottom of the bole f And the driver av the cai rt Uodnd he g iv o tbo coals a star rt An it tuk us an hour to dig Mo Gluti from the eo il ' Drosscd in his best shoot av clothes ] i After tins Mr McGlnty'a adventures ' take on n romtutlo iluvor Ilo wunts to ' bo n pugilist und BiutishoB n truckniun's head with tv loaded brick , und down gees McGinti tothojall " t Iho denouement is , of course , in Iho ! lust btunza of this touching little song When McGinti , thin nn | ale , t \V uu f oih dui kot out of jail Bo wid love to say bis blioy was neatly woild To his home ho quickly ran An' his wife bis birdi Ann Hut she had skl | ped the ropu uu' tuk the ' , cholld 1 I'hon ho guvo up to despair And plucked all Jus ripest hair I Jbon in Jin boui he stood by the river shore , An1 knowin' wollhu could not bwIui Ilo did foolishli jump In , Although wutui ho had never tuk before Chorus Down vvint McGinty to the bottom ottbe say 1 An' ha must bo very wet , 1 or they hav ont got him yet But his jjhoBt u at the dock ivery maru at break of day Dressed in his best shoot av clothes ' 1 his is McGinti's Bong , and yet some people suv , that America has no pouts ! Wo liavo ! John Chonovix 1 ox , who wrote Dan McGinty , 3' is an Amotlcttu by birth _ . An immense sugar plantation in Moreles , Mexico , with an accompany lag silver initio , has boon i-o'd o u Loudon sj nulcuto foi fj2,0l,000 ) [ ) T POWDER Absolutely Pure TldspcwauriieitriurUs A niaiielof Mirlt/ ttreutli ( and w ioles > u nuntss Moro ecoaoa 1 cal than thu orJIuair Kinds , una cannot 09ol4 in coinpetltlnu with the multltuls of low ttit kt ort weight lUuin or pbojphuti pJ Uora ioU u luttcani ItorAbllAKua i'JHIitu CCx0l Wall St , r , Y , _ ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _