Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1889, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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I THE 031 ATI A BE 13.
I counoiiTbltjefs
; , oi i ici no a i > i\uij bTitin.r
1 1)illvend ) by rnrrltr In i nv I nrt ( f the City at
1 I lUccn Cents Icr IV oek
, II V T1I10N M\NAOrJt
_ ' ri-.t Ul IIOM 3 !
H lh M\nsflOrn < r No 12.
m I lltccu Gcntn ncnk
H rram and nftor Novctnbor 10 fur Daitt
H Iter will bo delivered by carriers lu Countil
M llluffs at tlftccn cents n week
_ _
N Y 1 * CO
_ _ _ _ GlCHSon coal
lllufTsmber Co coil
_ _ Council lllufTs , -
_ H Western Lumber and Supply Co
_ _ Thatcher coal sco ndvcrllsomont
_ _ The JloBton store for liollilnv goods
_ licit coal nnd woo 1 at C 13 L ucl Co
_ Carbon Coal Co wholesale retail , 10 Pearl
m TboAvocnllro department lias Just re
M eclved tbo silver trutnl ct which w is awarded
1 to it as a prlzo ut Mio llromon's ' tournumont
_ held In this city last luno
G C Alhoo p ild * j 10 yesterday mornlnp
1 for totting full mid tinusliiir his family Ho
_ _ was making kindling wood of the furnlturo
_ _ wheu tbo i > ohco Intel fcrcd
m MurrlukQ llcouscs were Issued yesterday to
i Amos Wendell and Uoui Stone both of
M Omaha , and Gcoic ( P Nicholson of Omaha
llolbroolt of Llnroln
_ _ and lilanclio L
fl lho regular mcctlnj , of rxcolslor lo Ige ,
No > i Mill bo hold tomorrow ovonlng lho
_ _ election of ofllccra will t iko pinto and n full
_ _ _ _ nttendunco is desired Natbhcpird rccro-
_ _ tary
m Artcr being out about thirty hours the
) ury in the Haehr U ilk dl inion 1 ciso re
ported th it they coul I not urco and the
court discharged thtin Ihcote stood teu
_ H't to two In favor of the defendant
B lho sociable of the St Paul's church will
Hh bs ontcrtlined on Monday ovonlng Dccom
If tier0 , by Mrs Thomas J Lvnns nnd Mrs
IB ] Meyers nt the homo of Mis 1 J hums , on
L Oakland n\cnnc Lvcrjbody Is Invited
_ _ i ho switchmen are prep irlnp for tbolr
_ _ _ | fourth annual bill to bo Mvon at the
_ _ Musouio tomp'a lutsdav ovoninL , , the lTth
BB iusl Jlusie will bo furnished bv Dnlboy's
_ _ _ L band These events nre ulwavs veri largely
BB ! utten led , and tuo comtnittco of arntijc
BB' incnts will see that the comlui , ball is co n
BB ? plcto in everi detail
M' 1 ho electric motor compiny Is construct
BBH tngti \ ' m the lower end of the Main
BB atrcot line for thopuriose of turning double
BB | trains J here is no neeesslty for it when
BB the trains consist of asliiLlo , motor , but when
BB a trailer is pulled a Hivitch of some kind Is
BB needed unit for this reason u si ur is being
BB built on I iftcanth avenue
_ Hi The 1'hythian Sisterhood will i lvo a
BB * > social ontcrtmnuieut nt Knights of l'ythias
BB& hull Thursday evening to which nil knights
BB and their friends uro cordially Invited
BB b | ceuil invitation is extended to all knights
BB fins b'auch of the Pythian orltoi was but
BB recently organized licro but is rapidly grow
BB ing and is lu a most nourishing condition
_ H Mr and Mrs L > Ufuiiwcro towed In jester
BB du.v foi disturbing the peace lho domestic
BB almoophero wns eonsllcrably rulllcd , and a
BB storm of qulto exiitcritcd [ proportions was
BB ready to break when the blue < oated minions
BB of the luw interposed u restraining hand
BB Both ] > artles were released on their own
BBs rccognizmeo and will uppear for trial to-
BB moriow in oral in , '
_ The Di comber term of the superior court
BBV convenes tomor.ow lho iliBt ciso to bo
BB tried will bo that of Mynstur , Llndt X Sea
BB brook vs George 1 eurhauken to recover
BB uttorncy fees "or defi ndlne 1 curhaukon on
BB , a charbo of roeolving stolen property J ho
BB latter case was tried at the last term of the
BB , district court ami the defendant w as con
BB& , vlctcd nnd sentoneod to two ycais in the
BBr penitentiary
f * Yesterday mormntj Mat Harlo the livery
BBt * man and trainer was throwu from hisbugv (
BH on Vine street , during a runaway , and
BB ( dragged some distance Ho was painfully
BBL " cut , bruised and scratched , nnd will bo laid
BB" up forsovoral diys Tortunatcly no bones
BB [ woiobrokon Itio runaway was caused by
Bflg Ills liorso beconiiuij frightened by a farmoi s
BBf- team backing Into him on Madison aticot
BB | ThobuKi.\ was eomplotcly wrecked
Chlof W alters yesterday lllod nn informi
BB | tion in JudfcO Aylosworth's court charsiui ;
BBt E L Laudsbeih and Trunk Kollcnboolc
BBj with vlolatini , the jlro limit ordinance Tbcy
BBi moved a fremo building across 1 ourth street
BB , coutraiy to the wishes of adjoining property
BBi owners rtnd without obtaining the necessary
BBI permit Chief alters forbade moving the
BB . building and will \ i orously prosecute the
BB' case
H ' Undo Toms Cabin ' will apparently
BB never get out of date judging , from the audi
BB once that assembled at Dohanv s laot ovcti-
BBi- lng Ihoro vas not a vacant seit in the
BB ; house It wis simply Unelo Tom s C ibin , "
BBt and that must account for it The poiform
BB C unco will bo rope ited tonight This will bo
BB * the inauguration of isiindny theatric il pur
BBi fonnnuces in the Ulufts Ihut ilioi will
BBi' prove successful there is little doubt , as
BB hundreds of people fiom this city have made
BBf Omaba an objoctho point slnco the opening
BBi of u Sunday theater there Manu er Do
BBt hany has dotormlned to glyo it a trial , and
BBS tonight will bo a fair test ,
B Charles btrohm a bridgobuildor claiming to
BB [ hall from Cleveland , O , is la dinioultv , and
BBt the prospects uro that it will accumulate
BB Ho recently vislte 1 n Uroudwiy restaurant
BJci and secured four meal tickets by represent
BBt lug that ho had a gang of men for w hem he
BBv wanted them Ho put up the
BB | ticitets for whisky at a saloon near
BB : by and aftciward tried the same
BlL game nt a rcstiurint In the lower part
BBf of the city It fallod to work and ho was run
BB\ , fn Ho told a pitiful story in court , and in
BBS slstod that ho hud to drink whisky for the
BBf' asthma lho court sent him up for thirty
BB duya for \nrrancy una when the time is up
BB , . bo will bo arraigned for obtaining property
BB t under false pretences
4 An a\Lnt to which main of the pleasure
BB I • lookers are oxpectuntly looking forward is
BBf the party to bo Liven uextc lncsday even
BBf Ing at the Masonic tcmplo by Harmony
BBt chapter No S5 , O 11 b 1 his is the second
BBS of a series of parties to bo given this season
BBff by the Order of the Lustcru btar The inl-
BB - tlulona was a most successful affilr , and
BB i there Is oveo Indication that the sueceealnf ,
BBil ones will bo oven mnroenjoiablo if such a
BB t thing is posslblo No pains have been spared
BBI In milking the arrangements lho ladles
BBH will servo a line supper and Dalboy s or
BBY chestra will furnish delightful muslo Cards
BB ju . aRd social games in the nrmory parlors will
BBa bo among the pleasant features An eon
BBSk ia = ot unalloyed pleasure will bo enjojod by
BB' ' & these who uttend
If Tbo Puliman restaurant , S34 Hroadn.ij
flff Mono ) loaned at L 1) Craft & Co's loan
BB r ofllco on furnlturo , pianos , hoisos , w igons
BBM pcrsonul prouorty of all kinds and all other
BBf articles of value without removal All bus
BBf Iness strictly contldontlul
H | . SaddloRock rostauraut10'J Hroadway ,
BBk open day and night J < irstclass J U
BBk Yaucy , prop
BBJf *
BBk Chapman's artdlspl ty will bo kept Intact
BH" during the holiday s Go and sou It
Hi- All fancv Bilks at 7So per yard , this week
BBit culj , ut rrloduiun's
H | Good flour 8So sack ut' The Tamous "
BB { * •
t'orrionnl '
L T Gonunt , of Hastings was in the city
< ; } cstorday
Klouard Thompson , publisher of the Hast
ings ( I\ob ) Iribuno , was In the city jester
day ,
I L. A. Hills of SaltLako City Is the guest
o'J U Atkins , corner of Sixth stroct and
Sixth aionue
Mrs U Wurdof Milwaukee who has boon
\lsltlig in the HlulTs for se > oral weeks ,
leaves for home today
Mrs John Wagner loft Frldaj ovcnlng for
BHiL Cincinnati In rcspouso to a tel0ram ( an
BJi uouuclug the death of her father ,
bbJf '
i P O Miller , best paper hanging ana dee
BBlI orating lho best Is tuochoapesu
Hr Tountaln cigar , a strictly lOo cigar for 5o
BBul at the ruuntalu , 'lr ) touo
BByr *
BBk Kelley & , Youukorman do not try to palm
BJBE- off shoddy Christmas goods on their cus-
Bf tomors , but their stock is strictly llrst class ,
BBT nnd It always pajs to buy the best
Moro Flro Apparatus of Some Kind
Must bo Purchased
Moving for n > eiv County Hond Tlio
let > ot DeleiintM Itotiitn The
I rult t.rowerB ? lmlo a 1 ino
Lxhlliltlun buclciy
A Pronotod Ni w Kontl
A niovo Is now on foot to overcome the
dlnicultici of betting Into the city from the
cast , caused bv the stoop grades through the
Hluffs by locitlug ft now road up the crook
bottom , bogmnitig neir the resldenco of
Peter Wcls , on South Pirst street , and piss
ing the Icftrios tract ind across the land
owned bi Vlo Kollcr uud Theodore Guittnr ,
thence ] ast the Chautnu iua grounds and out
tbrouch Garner township The p irtles own
ing the land are anxious to have the road es
tablished , nud It w 111 prob ibly bo located by
the board of county commissioners before
very long At the last session the board re
fused to npprourlnto ouv money for cutting
down the road through the Canning street
cut , on the ground th it it would bo n viry
expensive Job nnd that there were dozens of
other plices which had just us much right to
the nppiopriation It is miintilno 1 that it
would luno cost fully $ > OOd to have brought
the Cinning lull down to nn onsy trade ant
it is uigucd in favor of the location
of the proposed now road that it
could bo optue 1 with nil outlay of not ox
cccdlngSl U00or l , 00 It would give nn
outraucoto the elly without n slnglo hill or
stcop trade , and would ueeommodnto the
bulk of the trncfeomlns In from the cast
It would elio , o 10 e ess to uuv part of the
cltv , is trivol could como In over McPherson
son avenue , bouth 1 Irst sticot or over Gra
ham avenue , which 1 itterwoull kivo a dl
rci t nutlet to the southern portion of the cltv
The i ow reid would also furnish a moms of
easy communication wlta the Ch lUtnu iua
ground ! and woull make a much shorter
drholhan is now ucccssiry to roach that
Ihc fit at Sunday uinht thcatilcal at
Dohany s tonicht
Stamped linen goods ut cost this week at
Friedman a
Miss Miy Oleason has remove I her dress
mal ing ) ) irlors to the rooms lately used by
the puolio library No 14 Poarlstroet , wheie
slio w ill bo felud to see her old friends
New Tire Apparatus Need d
' There dent anybody seem to know " re
plied Chief Walters yesterday morning
w hen asked what ipp iratus was to be placed
In the now flro house on lower Broadway
The house Is nearly roa ly to bo used , but
no moi o has yet been t ikon toward furnish
lng it with npn iratus Ihcro Is some talk of
getting u chctmcnl online but that would , of
course bo stitioned at the central lire sta
tion The Hollow ly company Is now build
im an engine to be teste 1 hero and the 1' Ire
1 xtiuguisher company has n Clmimilon' at
the factory , all completcu but putting on the
name lho latter company hns just put in anew
now engine in Omaha unit I rathoi expect
they will borrow that to oxhlblt hero as
they nbsolutclj refuse to Bhlp ono hero for a
competitive test
tiut a cueinicnl will equip the new house ,
as u hose icol an 1 ladder truck is what is
needed down In that part of the city The
< luostion is wboro are wo going to get the
rccll Wo cannot take thoono from thoMaln
street house or the ono on upper Hroadwiy ,
for the folks would raise a terrible racket
I know how that tees for I tiled to change
them around n wliilo ngo and the ucoplo will
not bo satisdod with the ono horse reel after
they hnvo had u double ono lno double
reels must stay where they are and that
leaves only Old Pat uud the single icol Is
wouldntdo to send that down tuoro , for
something different is needed to haul np
paratus ever the unpaved streets In thut
locality The only w-iy that I can il uro it
out is that the citv will have to purclnso o
new double reel and about 1 COO feet of hose
The little truck Is just w hut is needed in the
we&teru part of the eitj.andtho big truck
would protect the business poition of the
city If thev got u chomlc il for the contrul
house that would carry ladders to
nnswer all purposes tu outside districts
whore the big truck could not go A now
reel nnd a chemical would put o\ery thing In
excellent shape lho single reel would stay
where It now is and bcsidos auswerinc
alarms in the heart of the city could bo used
by the sewer Inspector for doing his Hushing
work It is about time something was being
done for the now house Ibu t worth a
picayune unless it is equipped '
Reduced prices for Undo loin s Cabin ut
Dohuuy's tonight Only Jjc and & 0u for re
served scats
Silks reduced from $1.23 to 75a per yard at
All goo Is retailed at wholesale prices this
week for cash by the Council HlulTs Carpet
Co Carpels curtains and shades rucs , ,
door mats and oil cloths , blankets comforts
plushes fringes fancy goods pen pens lilts ,
upholstery goods , itc
AlwnyH on lime
If you wish to purchase a jood and reliable
watcti 2o per cent loss thin-club rates and
on easy terms then call nt once and make
jour own selection at C 13 Jacquoiniu &
Co , 37 Main street
The I nuliioei'rt I I Id Notrs
' I want to prcparo n resolution to present
at the next moating of tbo council " an
nounced Alderman Waterman yesterday
morning as ho piosoutod blmsolf at the ofllco
of the city clorit ready for business After
cudgeling bis br-iin for a few moments ha
presented the following ' Ho it resolved
by the city council ot the city of Council
Hluffs that the city ontlnoor bo required to
prepare and Ilia for record with the city
cloik an lnvolco o' all the city property in
his possession , and that bo shall be required
to turn over to the city nil sui h pioperty at
the expiration of his term of ofllco "
' There " said the nldnrinun from the First
ward us be finished reading the rosolu
tlon , ' 1 rather think that will do the bust
' It has got so that tuo city has got to buy
an entire now outilt for every onglneor that
is elected and I propose to put a stop to it
When they go out of ofllco they take tholr
Held notes and all such propoiti , which I
maintain is the propoity of the cltv lho
other day wo hud to t.ut loni Tostovln to
ei\o tbo lines of nu alloy , bceuusa the lipid
notes of the original survey were In his fff > s
session If this thine U kept up , wboro will
the citv bo after a whllot All tbo notes
taken and plats made whllo the engineer is
woiklng for the city uro the city's prouorty ,
and should bo kept They are valuable for
rcfercneo In fact soma of thorn are well
well ulih indispensable I will have this
resolution adopted and then wq will have all
this property invoiced
• The chief ot the flro department Is re
quired to furnish a complete Inventory of
every article in his department belonging to
the city , oven duwn to oal scuttles und
brooms , and the same plan will work wall in
tbo department of city engineer It these
Hold notes belong to the cltv , the city wants
to keep them , and if they do not belong to
the city it Is ttmo that wo kuoiv It , so as to
provide for fcotting some that the ouglneers
cannot claim to own "
Undo Toms Cabin at OofUuy's tonight
Sheet tuusio 10c , 5dS Hroadway *
Tinest niarkot in city J M SoaaUn's
C 11 steam djo works , 1013 Hroadway ,
The Manhattan sporting heodq'rs 413 Q way
Xlio rat-more Hlolc
The farmers are rising in open rebellion i
alalnit the condition ot the roads leading
lute the olty , • You folks hero In the city I
may Imagine wo have to como here to do our
tradiug , but you are badly mistaken , " re
marked a prosperous farmer of Guroer r
township yesterdnv nftornoon "Wo ills
cussed the matter very fully nt the Inst
meeting of our Alliance and wn decided that
unless something Is done wo will do the
greater part of our billing at Weston The
hills are bad onougb , but now thut the elec
tric motor hns built up around the loop it Is
worse than over to got into the city
' Plorca street is so narrow that there Is
not room for two teams to pass on cither
sldo of the truck and It Is a dangerous job
to t-y to get o\or to Hroadway by way of
Oak street The motor track makes n very
sharp curve iround the corner , and It Is very
liable to catch u man right on the nose
What wo want ' n chnnco to get onto
Hroadway a llttlo above thorc A street
coull bo opened across from Pierce to
Hroalway between Siodontopf'B and the
Hagg property and th it would ilx us nil
rl ht It would cut oft u block and would
hurt nobody If wo cant coma In o\or an
open street wo won t como nt nil \ \ o must
ha\o a better road Into the city , "
lo Sea Is to Itcllcvc
And n porsounl test Is positlio proof
Coma and see Henry Llsemau & Co e toy
and holiday department ,
1-ntlro now stook now on solo
Nothingliko It was over shown In this
western country
Lvorv conciivablo style kind nnd mnko of
novelties mtnufactuicd In nil parts of the
world will bo found in the depirtmcnt , at
prlcei much lower thnn they can bo dupli
cate 1 by any house in America
Chll Iron are especially Invited to sco our
Una ot toys an 1 holiday goods Take the
elevator to the third floor
Look out foroui shoyv window display on
Mondnv and this ivceic It will bo better
than Harnum s or rorcpaugh s circus
Twenty noivclerl s to w lit upon the people
at Iceman a new toj douartinont
Look out for the ll\o Santa Claus Ho
will bo with us during this wcok , receiving
oi dors from the children
Special oponlng display of all kinds of hoi
ldny noioltios every ovonlng this wcok
Muslo from muslo boxes Bwcot sounds from
cornets horns drums and all kinds of
musical and mcchuilcal tois will bo the
oi lcr of the evenings
Store open and goo Is sold from 8 n in
until 10 p m during this wcok
Lvorybody Invited 1 vcrvbodv welcome
at Hpnuy Eisemav & , Co s
Hroadway nnd Pearl , Council Ulufts , lu
' *
Cards are out announcing the marriage of
Mi II L Shcphord nud Miss Ruth Maria
Phillips next Wednesday at the residence of
tha bndo s sister Miss Murj O Phillips No
10'J Uluff street Mr bhophord is a member
of the Urm of Lutz Shepherd , real estate
and Insurance nnd Is ono of the sterling and
progressive business men ot the city Ha
has been n rcsidont of the Bluffs for the past
thrco years lho bride elect is the third
daughter of the loto I M Phillips and has
resided in this city all her life and holds an
cnvliblo place in social circles Uoth of the
young people are highly esteemed and ro
si cctcd members of Council Hluffs society
lho wedding will bo a very quiet nffalr , only
a few guests except the rolutives being in
vllod 11 ocoramony will bo performed by
Hov G W Crofts of the Congregational
church Mr and Mrs Shepherd will ut
once commence housekeeping at their Lew
residence No 210 Harrison street
Now Is the time to buy your furniture C
A Uoobo A , Company have too many feoods
for tholr s orago capacity und nro cutting
prices to make goods go Horicoy & , Gay
chamber suits , sideboards and dining tables ,
Windsor Welch and Borkey folding beds
parlor suites , lounges and all kinds of fnnoy
chairs at unheard of ticurcs , These goods
nre all of the finest designs and finish Don t
buy until you learn their prices A cleau
sweep to bo made Como and see for jour
lho Ross Investment and lrust company
V. e Don t Claim the fc.urth ,
But wo do claim that wo make the host lit
ting pants especially for fat mon to bo ob
tained in the twin cities Keltcr , tailor ,
310 Broadway
Chonlllo tassels 25o per dozen at Fried
X I Inn I nut liisplnv
The exhibition by the Fottawattamlo
Gardoncrs' and Fruit Growers association
at the com t house yesterday afternoon was
a most crcditablo display The display of
fruits , etc , wbilo not largo , was all that was
expected Among , the exhibits were these of
Colonel W F bapp , T W Templeton A S
Hon ham D J brallh , Alex Woods Mr
Proutv , T It Macrao John Wilcox Mr
Kuhti Jnmes Rainbow and others The
varieties of apples were numerous and in
eluded almost every kind of this fruit raised
in the county
In Colonel SapD s exhibit , which was the
largest , were the Hon Davis winesap tnl
man sweet , seel : no further Jenett rambo
wagoner northern spy and tolpeho tin va
rioiles There were also two exhibits in
this lot market unknown Tbev were
excellent samples of the fruit of a rare Kind
but no ono present could name them The
other exhibits were all good aad consisted of
almost perfect specimens of thn various va
riotlcs Mr Templeton oxhlbltod several
varieties of corn one kind Having yiolaed
eighty bushels per aero He also displayed
ttireo mammoth vvatermoluns f F Wilcox
made a display of horscradisn parsloA ,
si inach , oyster plant , niushrnpms and
radishes It was a vorv creditublo display
for each oxhibitoi lho articles were boxed
last night and will bo shipped to Glenwood 1
and Dos Moines to bo oxlubltcd nt the meet
in Hoftlio Western Iowa and the btato
Horticultural societies
To tlio badles and Children nfOmiitia
Do you know that Hoary Elseiuan 1 Co ot
Council Hluffs keep a nicer , lurgorand bol
ter line of holiday goo Is than any two houses i
in Council Hluffs or Omaha combines ) And I
do you know that it only costs 10 cents to ,
take the motor to our bbautlful stoiel And
do you know that Hlsoman rofun Is the motor
faro bothwavs to Omaha customers that
como to shop at tholr sterol lho most won
derful display of toys and holiday goods wo
nro showing brings huu lreds of the best
Onialia people to our store
Don t fail to call nnd sua our great stoie 1
wo are sure to p ease \ ou
llLNKV I ISFVUV & . Co ,
Couucll Hluffs la
The Bcchtelb has been remodeled and refitted
fitted and nuuio changed to Hotel Jameson
Union Depot IIolountoH Itntuin
Jude.0 W. C James and Hon GeoigeF
Wright returned homo yesterday morning
from Chicago , where they want to confer
with the railway managers rolatlvo to the
oroctlon of a union depot In this city lho
judf.0 states that the matter was caiefully
aud fully presented and the managers will I
meet in this city within the next two weeks i
to further look into tha matter Soma of tbo
roads are favorably dlsposod , but the ques
tion of getting across the rivrr is what Is
agitating thorn at present lho Northwest
ern is holding out to sco what position the
Union Paclllo will take , and tbo Rock Island I
Is carefully watching a few irons which are
It is the opinion of the committee that the
depot will bo built but there are ether mat .
tois which must bo settled llrst borne ot
the lines hayo ulreadv u recd to tun their
trains into the now depot , und It Is buliovod
that the ethers will follow suit Tbo man
agers ot the roads will call the nuxt meeting
hero , and every road will be represented
Ibauepot comtnittco will moot with them ,
aud the situation will bo fully discussed
Solid gold rings at \ \ oilman's , MS U'woy
J. G Tipton real estate , 627 Hroadway
Neumey or hotel , first classreasoaablo rates
ProbstlVs harness shop 553 opera house
block , headquurters for robes uud blankets
They Otileot to Uniting
The motor company will Boon bo convinced
that tbo attempt to plcaso over ) body Is
bound to result In disappointment Slooo
the opening of the Fifth avenue line passen-
gers have complained of the failure of the '
trains on this and the Main street Una to
make connections , mid this necessitated a
tedious wait at the corner of Filth avenue
and Pearl stroli , The Fifth avenue cars I
run only to Ponfl tltrcot , nn 1 wtshlng to ob
vmto the dltllciilty , bnporlntondcnt Uoinolds
yestcrdny gave orders for the Mum street
cars to wait nt the Junction nnd still there is
kioklng lho Fifth nvonuo pnsiongors are
satisfied but the Main street patrons kick
because they have to wnit on the corner
until the other car arrives 1 hov insl t that
there is no necessity for It , uud demand that
the Fifth nvenuo' i irs bo run up Hroalwny
unl around the loop I his would undoubt-
clly bo a sitlsfnclorv solution of the iiucs
tlon , as It would do nway with any ivaltlug
on either sldo at the corner of 1 if th ay onuo
and Pcnrl In that , ovcut the system would
bo the snmo nt thoothor end ot the line ,
some of the Mnttl street cats going around
the loon and others to the park It is the In
tentlon to make this chaiifco bofoio very
long but it will roqulio the running of two
or throe moro cars The 1 Itth avenue ex
tension Is proving to bo iv paying line nnd It
will bo glvon ti satisfactory son Ice vvlion the
new schedule Is Issued
Tlio Demon Ston ljpndn
Thoio nro few handsomer displays of
Christmas novel tcs to bo found In any city
than can bo soon at the Hoston Store It Is
a v orltablo store Iioubo of banta Claus won
ders and thousands of people have enjoyed
tha free show and carried nwny beautiful
gifts that will make tholr friends nnd chil
dren hnppi lho line of holiday goods Is
lnrgor than over shown before lu the city ,
and the pries are 50 per cent less Thcio
nro many loaders that it w 111 pay you to call
for Ihoy constltulo substantial , beautiful
and useful gifts Ask for our leader In line
papolrlo J4 ouv ole | os und 3 * shoots of paper
for 15c
\ou will not find a slnglo thing this wcok
In any ot our departments that Is not a
splendid bargain Look for birgalns In In
dies underwear and hoslorj Look for bar
gains in dress Leeds , lnka advuntugo of
the bargains In good warm llntinols nnd
ho ivy undorwenr for men , boys mil chll
dron Hrlng your pennies to the HoAton
btoro They count as much as dimes used
to Como to the Hoston btoro this wcok
Flno stock of watches and jewelry for the
liolid lys at Wollinun'u , 53S Uioaawiiy
Drs Woodbury have lemovi'd their dental
ofllco to 101 Pearl street , up stairs
In tlio Pulpits
There will bo rev Iv al sen Ices nt the Ov or
ton mission oioij o\cning this week The
services will bo conducted by Uov A Over
Hroadwaj M E Church Sorv ices nt
10 to u m and 7 33 p m Lvoning topic
lho Palnco Ueuutiful " bunJay school at
12 m Lpyvorth loacuo nnu cl iss meeting nt
0 30 p in Straugors and all others without
a church homo are cordially Invited
First Piosbyterian Church Preaching nt
10 30 n m and 7 30 p m Sabbath school at
li m Young peoples mooting at 0 30 p in
Strangers and others cordially invited
Trinity Methodist Church South Main
street , opposite LtLhtn , nvenuo At 10 30
a m there will oo n converts mooting and
the sacraniotit of baptism Hie revival
mcotlnfs are st'll ' In progress and will be
held tonli'ht nt 7 10 About fifty persons
have united with the church during the past
week Young peoolo's moetlng to bo hold
at 6 30 p m Sunday school at J ,10 p m
S Aloxandoi , pastor
rourth avenue Methoulst church neai
Seventeenth street Preaching at 10 JO a
m Sunday school 3pm
At the now "Lpwoitb" Methodist church ,
corner of Twentv flfth street and nvenuo
U lhcro will bo preaching at 3 30 p m
an 1 7 30 p m Sunday school 2 30 p m
Prayer meeting on Wednesday s , 7 80 p m
Saint Paul s Church Div lno service today
at 10 JO a m and 7 30 p m bunday school ,
12 15 Son Ice at All Saints chapel corner
riiiid avenue and Llghtceiith street at 7 30
p m , conducted by Mi Lrncst Cook
Young mon and strangers cordially wec-
comed to these ucry Ices 1 J Mackay , rcc
Congrocatlonal The Roy C A Towel
will pre ich foi the pastor in the morning
In the evening at 0 30 there will be a general
Christian endeavor meeting Mr Towlo
will speak No pi caching at the First
cnurch in tbo ovuulng Gospel meeting nt
the Pilgrim church , corner Ninth street nnd
avenue A at 8 p m All are cordially In
Christian setsneo service today at3p m
In Press ciub room entrance No 19 Pearl St
Coal oil lOo gallon at' The Famous "
Host country butter 25c lb at The Tarn
ous "
Fancy plushes reduced this week only ,
from $ J 50 to $1 70 yor yard at I ricdmun's
Granulated sugar 13 lbs $100 at ' The 1
Famous "
Bo You Want a I ino Pair of Shoes ?
If you do call and sco our gents and ladles
flno shoes Wo oan give you a bargain in as
goo 1 goods us you can llnd anywhere In
ladies chamois lined shoes we have the best
In tLc market and ut prices that defy com
petitiou Bankrupt Shoo Store , .5 Main st
Will Or anl/o loniorrow Mjlil
lho real estate exchange is several days i
and ono mooting nearer being an established 1
fact than it was last Monday night An
other mooting was hold at tbo board of trade 1
rooms last ovonlng and about a dozen real
cstato mon loyal to the cause , responded to i
the call Notwithstanding the small at
tendance it was quito a successful meeting
and considerable business was transacted A
commltteo was appointed to-prepare a pre
nmblo and the majority of these present •
signed it agreeing to become mombois of
the exchange Messrs Mctcalt and Day
were nppoiuted a commltteo to look up a lo
catlou Messrs Slcdcntopf , Walker and
Saunders will prcpiro a constitution and j
bylaws and Messrs Judd W alitor
nnd Ross will solicit membership
Another moetlng will bo hold tomoirow
night and tbo exchange will bo permanently
oianizcd , rain or shlno Ofllccrs will bo '
elected and a constitution and by lnws
adopted The real estate oxchunge will be a [
go with a capital G und these who desire to ,
hav o their names appear on the roll of honor
must slgnifv their wishes by depositing a t
full grown * 10 bill with the proper party
Now that the preliminary skiimishing is i
over with and the projectors are loady to i
got down to business it is very probabla that ;
matters will to ahead with a rush and I
many who have boon hoi line olt to see how
the matter will terminate will fall into line
and become active and valued members
Children's Week nt Riseninn'w
Every boy and girl is invited to look
through Lisoman'a toy and holiday depart
ment this week
Special illumination every evening
Grand free show In front of our store
Afalorlous time for chlldicn
A live Santa Claus receives lcttors from
the good children
Hrlng j our ordcrsiin the evening between i
0 and S o clock when bantu Claus appears In
front of our Btoro In full costume to rccelvo
orders from tbo children ot Council HlulTs
Chlldicn under Ave ycais should bring
tholr parents or friends with thorn
Keep your ojiy on the show window dis
play this week Henry Liscmau & Co ,
Council Hluffs .
77 *
Pleasures llovotocs
The past w cck has been a lively one for the
society people of thq Hluffs Social oveuts
have boon numcrqu and thoplaasuroseokorfl
have been kept buev Tbo voung people
opened tbo weeks festivities Tuesday evening
ing , when they were entertained at a dancing
party given bv Miss Goortio Hennott , at her
homo , No DOS Willow uvenuo Tlio party
was not u largo one , but It was a very onjoj-
nblo affair Danciug , muslo and refresh i
ments were the features of tbo evening
On i rlduy afternoon , from J to 0 Mrs Dr
O II Pitiuov gave a reception to her many >
Council Hluffs and Omaha friends , at her
elegant homo ou Pearl street
The looms were beautifully decorated and
Illumined , the utmost taste Doing displayed
in tuo lloral arraiikemcnt 1 ho choicest re
freshments were served The lecepllon was
a veiy elaborate affair , and a lar , a number
of guests partookof thocharmlpghospltality
ot the accomplished hostess
On Wednesday afternoon Mrs F A Con
over ontortalnoa a largo compatfv of her lady
friends by a novel ' obsery atlon" party , ,
given at tier residence , No 811 third avenue
Daylight was exoluded from the parlors
which were made brilliant by the chandor
At Snnp & Knotts No 31 South Main St Wo linnillo only nrst-clnVbrnnds of conl Oni lllnck l'ooilos Is Indeed the
peer 1 of iinj soft coal In tlio maikot To It onto nntl von will want It nt\t time Wo nloo Imyo good hard eoid wood and
steve i yvood on linml nt all tlmoa Full monsuio , prompt dcllvorv , mid tiiiofullj ptopiuod fuel gutuatitood
lvomombor the plneo ,
No 11 South Nam bt lolophnno No i.01
Hers i Tbo llornl decorations were numerous
and elaborate Ono of the most unl pie
features In this line ntipoarcd over the man
tel ; where , oxlondlng nbiio the graceful
grouping ! of ferns wisn very largo spldor
web with a big black spldor apparently enjoying -
joying his gauzy surroundings Tlio menu
was tomi tluMv served , consisting otchlckon
salnd brow n and w Into broa Is coffco Ice
cream nud cakes After the refreshments
were served the la lies were .lvon an oppnr
tunltv to satisfy tholr turlosltj ns to the
significance of thn word ' obsery atlon"
which ni | eared on their invitations lhoy
were cscortol Into the dining room and
each allowed nn oiiortuiilti of observing for
a tow minutes n variety of nrticles displayed
on thatihlo As each passed out olio was
handed n slip of ( apor nnd ponoll , with the
rcpicst to no to down , from memory , ns
many of these articles us slio could recall
These slips wore gathered up nnd referred
to n commltteo who examined thorn lho
In ly recalling the largest number was to
win the prlzo 1 x imlnatlou of thostljsro-
cille t the f let that it was n llabctwccii Mrs
I M Irainor und Mrs /ovcly Cuts were
drawn resulting in the foimcr carrying olt
the hnh Isomo cut glass linger bowl All the
la lies were greatly Interested In this test of
tholr powers of ob orvatloii | and much meri
rlnicnt resulted
On thursday ovonlng Mr and Mrs Con
over ontortniiicd another largo company
Carls were the chlof nmusoment feature of
the ovonmg irathoruiL flvo was the
game The llrst prlzo was carried off by
Mrs W H Burns and Mr F II Hill the
sccon 1 by Mrs F M G lult und Major I
Li mail
Mtts i rt's nrcitciTiov
Thursday afternoon thcio was n largo ro-
ccptlon nt the residence of Mrs Key on
bouth Seventh street , lho ladles receiving
with her were Miss Owens of Kentucky
Miss Scirch of Pennsylvania Miss Warren
of Canada and Misses Saoliott nnd Key or
this city The parlors were charmingly
adorned and all the details of the nffalr woio
elegant The table from wh'cli ' the refresh
ments were served wns very tastily arrayed
adorned yvith srailax , w hilo In the center
nppeurel a tall pyramid of macaroons with
tbreidcd sugar gracefully placed oyer It
The hours were from 3 o clock to 0 o clock
All the ladles present were ontnuslastlo In
the oxrcsslouB | of their enjoyment of the
Mr ai d Mrs S E Maxon ontortnlned a
high five paitv Thuisday ovcnlng at their
elegant home on Harrison street Choice
refreshments were served nt 1J Aoiong
the guests wore a number of people from
Omaha The ulTah was vary cnjoyablo
Yesterday afternoon Mrs M E Smith
entortalnod a largo company of lady friends
the invitations bearing the suggestive word
' Ihimbles"
Invitations nro out announcing a rocoptloti
to bo given next luosdny afternoon by Mrs
W A Maurer
Mrs \V \ \ Mynstorcavo a dinner party
lhursdav , in honor of Mr nnd Mrs V Y
Allen on the occasion of their wedding
Boominc Council Hlun ' .
Nothing llko success
succeeus re-
innrkcl Harry C Cooke ot the now nrchl
tect firm of V M Ellis y osterdny Wo
have oulv been lee ted in Council Bluffs a
week and huvo to add another loom to our
suit ot ofUccs in tbo Mer nam blouk and will
have to ask Tut Bee to get us two moro
draughtsmen at once We have contracted
to furnish plans for eleven splendid resi
dences and ono magnificent ousiucss block
that will be finer thnu anything Omaha can
show Pretty good wcok s work ain't itl
Wo are prepared to do the best work that
can bo douo and do it promptly and reason
ably Council Bluffs is growing faster than
any town I koow , and wo are hero to do our
part towards securing beautiful substantial
aud modern uuildlngs "
According to the propaganda In Rome
there are 218 000 000 Catholics in the world
The Christian college at Lucltnow India
has 11 f07 pupils cmollcd , of whom I 027 are
There are todaj T 847 young mon In Amci 1
can colleges preparing to preach the gospel
in every land under the sun
A missionary training school Is now open
at the Baptist tabernacle Hoston under the
presidency of Rev A J Gordon , D D
Rev Peter btry leer D D , of Strykor
somlnary Minneapolis has accepted a call
to the Thirty-fourth street Dutch Reformed
church of Now \ork
Rev A W Rudisill a Methodist mission
ary to India , has rcturnod to Hiltimoro for
Ills health Ho foimcrly had several pas
torul charges in that citj ,
lho Rev C D Martin , who now lives at
Dakota City , Neb in April 1S00 preached
at Vermillion the hrst Protestant sermon
over dellvoicd in what is now thostato of
South Dakota
lho number ot Piosbyterian mlnlstors reported
ported In tbo minutes of the general usscm
bly of 16S0 was 5 0 0 , the number ot ruling
elders -J oi the number ot deacons , 7 4j0
All these amount to Ji 015
In the Now Hebrides there Is n bibelot
tongues but the Presbyterian missionaries
have l educed twelve of them to writing 11 o
Bovcntccn missionaries laboring ou the group
are busy with tbo work of translation
Rev A R Grivos , for scion ycais past
rector of Getbsoraano Lplscopal church at
Minneapolis , will be consecrated at that city
on January 1 next as bishop of the diocese
of tha Plntto Bishop luttlo of Missouri
Bishop VNorthlnglou of On ihu and ether
prelates will bo picscnt
The receipts ot the American board for the
first month of tbo new financial vearamount
to I1720 Jl an ad van eo ever these of the
llrst month of the prece ling year of a llttlo
ever f2 ! 000 of which lncroaso about $ J 000
is from donutious and $ J DM from legacies
The Roy Dr George R. Vnndowator , an
Lplstopal rector In Now York , says I
have been told thut wo are running ayvav
from the poor , but it seems to mo thut any
church that rents its pews from the chancel
to the front aoors has already run away
from tlio poor It is the sheerest nonsense
for a embers of a church whoso pows are all
rente 1 to flutter thomselvcs with the thought
that they are reaching the masses "
A. Man of Uniform Courtesy Ho Trav-
cln Only Ky Day
Boston Tiavclot Ek Senator Bi-uco
of Mississippi la ono of the familiar
liguies o ( mishliiRton Ho is a lipht-
coloiod mulatto , wol l'lnff ' nbout 200
pounds Ilia hair is kinky und ho yvoai3
u mustuoho on his jolly face No man
in the country , olthor white or colored ,
has mote perfect munnoisthan the only
man of Iua taco whocvot occupied a
Boat In the UniW Stutos soiinto Ono
of his ftionds said to mo today us lie
passed down Pennsylvania nvenuo
"An intorcstlnp incident hnpponod
when Bruce yvus in tlio senate Ono
day a southern lady called nt the house
of loprcsoutntivou and hud tin intui view
with a Mississippi momboi who wns n
democrat Slio explained thut the win
had reduced her family from ullluoneo
toposltivo povetty , and she implored
him to obtain her a pluco in ono of
the Kovornment departments here He
i epliod that ho ivas sorry , that ho could
do nothing ivlth a topubllcan ndminis-
trution , and that there vvus only ono
man who could help her Senator
Bruce The lady replied that Bho could
not think of lowoiltig herself by asking
a negro fora favor , oven if ho was a
United States sonatoi bho was Rieatlv
diahoartoned , but upon thinking tlio
muttoi ever , she concluded to ewalloiv
hot fcelintrs and cull upon Mi Bruce
That afternoon she sent in her caidand
the BOimtor mot her in the roooption
room She explained liar position and
naked his uid Mi , Biuco listened and
said ho could artanpro for her appoint I
Thefl st Knnlppel I stubltslimcat In the Most lee ) llyel i Mil CUixntug ot ( Inrmeuts and I
( lo Is if cM-ry-de crli tl inn it material l rj Cl auliikot line OtirtnonUn l cehdty l
Out . otto in orders by m ill oroxpuss will rccelvaprompt attention J
Works on Motor Line , Corner 26th St & Ave , A , Council Bluffs y
mont l With all the couttcsj of a roii-
11011110 I of the elder school ho handed
her ) toacnrrlngonnilillroctcd the driver
to < pioeood to the treiisuiy dcourtinent
He < toolctiuothor cab nnd mot her nt the
olllco of the socrotaiv In u fen moments
monts I the appointment was mmlo nud
the 1 lady , who at ono time owned moro
than I n thousand mon of lho scmitoi a
r i ice vvai put on the reid to eiiin her
own , living Mr llmcohad
. nt my op-
poi ' Utilities of performing siinUui acts
whllo ' ho vn9 In tlio sen ito und hoiiovoi
fallod ' to imorovo a slnglo ono 11 tiled
upomhlm i thoothpr night nnd found him
nt i dinner in His room 1 was homewhiit
surprised i and asked him why he did not
take j his motils in the nubile dining loom
of the hotel Ho said llt Is my lulo
never to intrude whoio thcio is n sha
dow ' of i suspicion thntmv | to oncomiiy
not bodosituulo Tor thut tendon I novo
pationivo i sleeping cit or tike meals
on the train Before I stitt on a join
noy " I nrringo so us totiuiclbj dav-
UgiiJ , and my wife piopnrcs a luncheon
foi me ' lliis reminds mo that Mis
Bi uco is one of the handsomest Indies
in Washington Her inn tinge with
the son itoi created nn Immense social
sensation in Cleyeltind bho w is a
school tc ichor there md hoi family
mingled freely in white society Ihoro
wns not u suspicion tint they had eel
oicd blood in then veins , and If I 10-
member cotiocty , her biotliT yy is
qulto high in tlio Masonic fi itoinltj
llieir oldest child is n beautiful boy
When Bruco's credentials
woio pie
scntod in the sonuto , his democratic
colleague refused toesemt him to tlio
ftont to take the outh of olllco fiom the
presiding ofllcor lho situation wis in
embarrassing ono foi a momentJbut the
quick eve " of bontitoi Colliding it once
grasped it Ho arose , nud with that
dignity which but feiv men possess , ho
extended his arm and with tlio great ic-
publican leader at his sldo , Mr Bruce
was sworn in ben itor Bruce never
forgot this kindly act His sons n mio
is Hoscoo Conitling Bruce il
A Demi llog Orcalrs n Olrcus Anionc
- r I'anl CanlnoH
Last Thuisday a dog wns obsoiccd to
twitch suddenly , then yelp md run
nwav just is ho yv is p losing the butcher
shoj of Will & , Vucl el on seventh
sheet , sus i bt Paul dispitch to the
St Louis Republic Piosentlv unothor
doj meandered along th it way and took
occasion to smell oi the eueissof a
hoth it wis hung outside the shop ,
but the moment his nose touched the
caicuss he shot baekward as if sent that
w ly by the too of a boot Ho recovot od
hlmsolf quickly and ran away yelping
vigorously A thud dog came along
smcllod of the carcass , and wont heels
ovoihend nctossthe walk into the gut
ter , nhoro ho qulvored i moment , then
sprang to his foot , and ran aivay hoyvl-
Ing Quito a crowd of people was soon
attracted by the str ingo gymnastics of
tbo passing dog , but all were content
to stand quietly bv and bo amused at
the way the canines were getting
fooled on the hog caicuss Nobody un
derstood w but wa& the mutter , and ill
seemed to bo overcome by it = oit of
supor-ititlon and willingness that the
dogs should do all the invcstigiting
The proprietor and employes of the
shop soon joined the spcctitors and
gt in nod yvith satisf iction as ono and
inothci well known hvoi-coloiod
hound , brlndlo mip undvolloiv curenmo
along to stc il his accustomed nip ut
8omo cue iss or othei only to got dis
grucotullv loft and sontaway veiy much
The cutioslty of all the dogs around
that saw the odd capons of thou follow
cuts was also moused , md voty soon
theto was almost u mad msh among
thorn to see wh it was the rautlot Ono
do „ r was ahead of another , nnu the hind
do „ r became jealous of the ono nho id
md i ushed yvith all his might between
him und the c irctiss , took Jiistasimn
with a giowlat the outside cinino , and
then a sn ip without i growl nt the cur
ciss Result Iwo astonislud dogs
wont silling out into the street A ca-
tnno which witnessed the peiformances
then concluding th it the c ireass was
pool moat , thougnt ho would tiy a.
diessod tut key Imaging no n Ho was
a cautious do „ r , and sniifod at the tuikoy
at long lange Anotlioi dog thought
ho was i cowiudaud pioposed to mnko
him ashamed of himself , bo the bravo
dog took Hi &t a sneaking look at the
people about to o tlmato Ins chances of
getting kicked , and then opening his
mouth ivido enough to lnvclopo half of
the bird , made a bold rubh foi it Tor
u moment thoio was a limp and qulvot-
Ing dog hanging to the tuihov then
the cut suddenly came to , nnd his body
began Hying about the tuikoy like a
chickens dining the ptocoss of nock
yviiuging , while ho yelled as If mad
A butehor standing by got e\oitod nt
the way the dog hung to the turkey ,
und foi getting all ubout the ptovloua
scenes , lushed in headlong to sayo tlio
bird 'lho butehor wont to graBS with a
dull thud , nud then it began to dawn
upon the people vrhnt vyiis tlio matter
An investigation disclosed the fact that
nn mo who was touching the lion posts
upon whicli the caicass of the turkey
hung so thut the moats woio all heav
ily chat god with oloctilcity A half
lioui later an oloetticlan lomodiod the
dilllculty , but the butchora say they
woio half souy It was done untli a coi-
taln dog or tyvo they have boon hiving
for got u chnnco to lnvostiguto the
f > ot Ills Ijnokoiit
Detioit Tico Press A hoi so nttaohod
to a wagon londod with light wood was
slipping and sprawling along State
street In the heavy frost of Satuiduy
mottling , when a pollcomnu halted the
rig and biiid to the coloiod dilvor
Youi hoiso hasn't ' got u shoo on any
foot "
' No , sail IIo's jlst like do Lord dun
made him "
But how do you expect he's going to
got along in this frost " '
Bats ' not my bi/uoss If do Lord
mnkes a boss widout Bhoos an' don
bungs a fiostto make him blip down , it
hain't fur mo to llnd fault Ilcokon
dur's an objook in it , an' its a good un
Hey , Dougluss hole jer houd up
I'irst Issue ot "Unolo Toiii's Cubln "
The crowning glory of the National
Hi a wna that most famous of no vols ,
Undo Tom'a Cabin , " says the Wush-
lugtou Giuotte , by Mis Huii lot Beech
or Stoivo , which began in the issue of
Juno 1,1851 , Mid oiided Apiil 1 , 1& > 2
Beforoitwas half finished it had cio
I ated such a sensation that the Jewells l
of Boston hurt it storooty pert , and itn
mediately iftoi it was completed in the
papnr it was published in book fiuin
In its cirlioi stigos of publication m
lho nowspapoi it soouiod to fall Hat ,
lho ciiuiliuion of the Nitlon il I uiwna
lr > 000 when Undo loin was begun fi
On August 1 , lbjshoitly aftei lho 1
gient lomauco was completed , the oir i |
dilution hart gone up to ill ( KM On Bo * | |
cotnbei ' 10 , lbr 2 It reached J7,000 j
kJ-MACIU farm near the cltv In 1i1l.1i state ot
cultivation 1 asy tonus M.j or aire \ big
lr.rt.alii yy A WooIVto 6 J Main t ,
IJlUltMlUltl sacilll.ei snlo I h ivo na
. l ik nn 1 lliiily select 1 sti ckof the newest
uislcuamiu tioliblpot i attorns ns un > ntiU
ilt iter In Cunctl UltiilH or omutin mi I I nm
seliliiKOUtevcrvthlim to pilt 1 uslntsi M > da '
t-tmlnntim to iloso out the entile stock.nt
on c cnlli fi r ti o it b icrlllcc * to prlics i C Lreat ,
value to the i ublli nn t I nm pnpnn 111 iimko
tl i-m li ere Is not irliiLlu article In lho Una , ,
of liotuclioll liiinlttirt ) iromthopsiloi to the ' ;
kltilieu tint 1 wilt not neil -M | er rentlowor M
thnt Is nuotcilhj- otlicr dealer \ou enn .
ttt tin dopnnt I odroom or pmlor btiite the lat It
est novoltin in chairs nnu lallc-i fn nearly h
nnthlnp thut will mikui ljalnoluli ] prestuta '
fato\pa tlunaroandliousi-hol 1 i,0nl it every f
ili'cili tkn docks lull ricks mirrors and
I rio n bmc An i udlo Y irloty to Boloct from
Uoodsincnel nn 1 sent to nil points fieeot
ch irj.1 Ooniu jouraiKorsiu lyour frlonda to
niMKU our bargains A J Mau lei J-lntulKiJ
OOOI ) business lot I ft front , viltliln leas ' 1j
tn in two blocks of the Imuk corners ono (
ot the b st barKQlus lu the city nt % o per front
foot yy a yy oed * to ojo Mala
140 1 hFl on 7th nvenuo nn 1 112 tt on lUtn st
J at * 1 0U0 cheniy A ly oed A. UJ
Wr 1ms a bargain in nrro irniartyon
Malison stieLt No bettor Ian t fo
plnttini , neai tlio city yy A Wood v Co
LOSl \ r < 1 1 ncllsh jointer doi ? with
1 nthcr collar nn 1 sm ill scar ou 1 nek A.
suitable row nrd will bo pnll for his lo turn to
CU bouth llrst St 1 A Sllchler
WAMrD- \ cool , lrl to doRonen 1 1 ouao *
> > v\oik Mrs I M Iryor Ultl llluirst
WAM1 I ) Immedlntoly t vo dinnirl tsmoil
nt IM I Ills V t o rooms -H nnd ii
Morrlnm block Loimcil lllulls
IpINl-fruit nnl vepetnblo lnnl in llirpronfi
locntloiis lien tl o cltv W A Wo 14. to
WAV11 D AuenorKetlc gentleman of rooA '
n 1 Iress for spo lal 1 uslness too 1 < peulu *
for rle.11 paru Address It 4 lleo olllco Couu
ell minis
NI W lint rove I roil ostnto to trano for unttq-
proitti Omul i or Couutll UlulTa property
t I ) Judl Wt ) liroadw i >
I HAV I three nousos on 1 lncoln a 11 two oft 5
Sixth nvenuo for sale on terms to suit , , , J
these noises are now modern luiiroved { .
will Hull th se houses j per cent loss thMijoil i
can dupltcato the same C II Judd 000 llroad
wnj ,
AB 1 am contemplating 1 irco lmprov mentsi I
In Council 111 lira 1 will soil nouses and ft
lots ju mo'tlily payments or terms to suit bo-1 *
low theirensh value for the next J ) diys It
coats nothing to Investigate O li Juld , 600
llroadw ay „
IJlOltHl One seven room house on tourta | {
JL1 avenue ono eight room house on Bac- -1 '
end nven le an 1 o 10 el ht room house on Tenth $
street all tltt a up with all modem conven * ft
lencos W yy Bllor ( lenrl street ' ,
WVNTI 0 At once a few ioneral Btocks of
merchandise for good nrmms Ian Is and j
cash Kerri Uraj n
BAltaviNS \Vohavobarnlnilnsomo ( No { t
1 propoitj this week , must bo soil ICery i )
4 , dray
ITIOU \tll ANOE A good now 0 room house
. to exchange for nn improve 18J are fnrid ,
In western or central Iowa KeirA , Ora ) > i
Tj OH SAIF or Hont Onr Ion land with house * , Il
Jg by J ILIttca 10. Main at Council llluga '
NOTIcr If you have real estnto or cuattela1 J
jcuwant to dispose of quick list them with '
ICerri Gray Couucll lllulls la
IilOll S\rT at loss than cifali value or )
} inontl ly pnjmcuts or terms to ault , ot
tied ° foi Umnhnor Council HlulTs unlroi roved :
proleity I
evy 11 room house lot57x.lJ0 vvltliall mot r
eru improvements ou uih nvo bttvveon 10th ? • *
anllltlists Ono block from electric motor M
line and ono block from Maniiva motor line )
New U-riom house ndjolnlni , tuo nbovo . ' (
Jhreenen U-room houses on i ineoln ave two ; I1
blocks from electric motor line U1
lwo now 4 r om nouses rour locks front jv
electrlo motoi line on North "th st . of
Ono now fi room ho isa four blocks from eleo' m iff
r lo motor line on North "th st J J
rhr eo now r > and 6-room houses ono blocH H ii
romelectilc moloi line , comer Ave A and ) i\ \
.th st '
llcsldes the above 1 hnvehousea and lots in |
all parts ot the city Hie above proprty Is UJ
all my own audi will soil otiteimnto suit fey J1
less than you cm buy ns goo I property unl I ,
improvoltyouMelf f ireash 0 11 Judl WW JJ
llroalway Couucll lllutra la lr
RI Al ' lCSlAll'-llouKtit and nold nil I oxA \ \
channel Bpeclal attention civ on to exam * ' / ! ]
lnatlouot tltlea VV C James N > ID I earl st ji
IriOH SAfL-An old anl well eatabllshed SA
.MniLstoro estaullshol in 1813. ( ash re * V
nulred tMi \ balance real estate Address A tfl
2 lice Council lllulfa | ) i
01)1 r fi UHOS le CO loan money rile most W
liberal terms ollero 1 1UJ 1 earl st J2\ \
Will lay rent when sou can ouy a home for M
$ li per mouth and umvaris lucluulnn \i
iutorest ere II Judd Wl Hroadway i- ) , l
.J0l ) will buy llvo good ljts lu McMahoiI , " 4
$ Cooler A. Jolleris if neil soon \ \ A Wood liCe
&Co f
OrNr8\yanted-\yo pay Ml to f-oO nor j
month to energetic gentlemen unci ladles - }
to proem mcniljtrs for our aaaoclatlon lr 11 ,
you can only devote a low hours eicliwoiktd ( U
our business It will pay you well Korfuither 'If
I artlculars nil Ircss Xiilfoiiat 1 lbrary AssoclaJ I
tlon lUJBlnto street Chi at , " III 1" < 1 * M
AN II D lo trade for a lot two joe 1 3 ami j
a-i oar-old horses 1 n julro at the 1 ountnlq 9
cigar store Council lllulfa R
TfyOIl 8 VI V W e have a farm ot DiVl neres Id i
X1 luiliajorCo eb Woil improve I , teed m
bulhllnes barns , etc Lnsy terms Kurr is m
Uiwy 51
Clinnro these wishing to make In *
vostmcntn In Council lllulls property that , fj
willdoul lointhuuext six months now lstlieM
time yyehnvo a number of good bartalus , M
Call or address Iverr & Ura ) 4 _ _
Itooms noun 14 lleo II ill Hint Omni a Neb .
and llooms.II an 1-le Jlerriam lllotk Ojuncll W ,
lllutrs low i Corieapondeueu Bollcltcil III
Ires Vicel'r * * .
Cuts It IIannan Cashier M
orcotiNCii rtlvrrs M
Paid up Capital SIBO.OOO 00
surplus 33,000.00
Liability to Dopooltors 335,000 00
DliiiCTOlis-l A Miller , I' 0 Olettson 1' / * , D
Bhugart I' F Hart , J I ) Fduudson CUas It H
Jlnunan , 1'ransact general banking business m\ \
turkost capital uud surplus of any buuk la H
Northwestern Iowa , lnterestoo time deposits IEJ
Apple and Vliiin Ilulter , Mlura Meat Bute.and !
i-ourl Ickles OHvcaiu llulk hnmr liruul 1 ura m
Muple Byrup and Honey , lluekwluat I lour and M
Hominy , Oranges , Cranberries Oullfiruta
( iraiws I moin Nuts llalslns and Celery , jl
Heat Country Hultcr .Mo per lb , Our prices al-
w i tl e lowest No A j llroudw y , oppoalt * U
Oguin House N
- * * *