H S. P. MORSE & CO , I j 3 BARGAINS I TRIPLICATE MIRRORS M LOT1. AUriotivo : wood _ " | 00 H f frnmcH illuminated Jf I B f with Jnnanoso figures , x H I LOT 2 , Attractlvo car _ -I 95 H ved woodfrumos iliumJK I H / LOT 3. llandsomo corrh > * | 50 H veil woodfrumos ilium • Jt I _ M ; inutod fitgurcs vp • * • • B : OOZfcfcALF CHATELAINE BAGS I m 50c. _ B Jrl For one H week we will /tr\ _ / H J ff \ offer 25 doz _ H , f \ * ° ° 7e Calf _ _ h iiB KT K r y B mciITEIl'S ANCHOR , STONE BUILDING BLOCKS _ B H I The original Riohtor Anchor Stone H j Building Blocks In colors , a book of do- . ' H signs with each box K ( No 4 , $1 ; No G , $1.50 ; No 8 , $2 ; No H I 0. $2.50 ; No 10 , $3 ; No 12 , $1 ; No 13 , H $3.00. H Wo nro solo agents for these amusing H 1 and instructive building blocks H ; S. P. morse & co If ARBITRATION RATES IGNORED ) K V Offlolal Notlco Filed with the Board H I of Transportation H \ NEW RAILROAD INCORPORATED H An Excursion l'arty for Mexico _ B VIllnliiouH Work of 11 Teamster B Damaged ' ' a I'onny'a B 1orth City Now . B Lincoln Bureau op Tub Omaha Beg , I 1029 V Stkeet , I W Linoolv , Neb , Dec 7. I HBV The stata bonrd of transportation is in re- HBV colpt tills morning of a notlco from Chair H tnan Wnllior of tbo Interstate railway asso- H • elation of the withdrawal of the tariffs com H piled for Nebraska business in accordance B With the award of the arbitrators , mention H of wmch was mada in full In The Bee of H 1 today It Is said that this means that the H I Chicago , Burlington &Quinoy railway com H < pany , the Chicago & Northwestern and the H ' , Union l'aciflc , together wltli tholr connoc- H tions east and west of tbo Missouri river , , H have refused to abide by the dccisionjif tbo H arbitrators In otlior words , tboy are un- H j willing that local distance tariffs , governing H 1 shlpmonts between interior polnU , shall bo H on an equality with distributing tariffs from B the powerful Jobbing comers ; that the pB through rate from the castorn marts to the j point of consumption at Interior points shall * not bo loss than tbo sum of the rates from the cast to Omaha and Lincoln , and from pt Omaha and Lincoln out into the state HBV New Itallroncl Company , P P B Articles Incorporating the ICearnoy > , P P Ii Hutchison & Gulf railway company wcro B P B Clod in tbo onico of the secretary of state P P B < this nftornoon The termini of this road are BHBm . flxod at Kearney , Buffalo county , and Ual- BBBl I vestou , Tex In this state the road will pass BBBT through the counties of Buffalo , Kearney and l'rmiltllu , and in Kansas through the J ( counties of Bmitli , Osborn , Mitchell , Lin- H ' coin , UUsworth , Ulcu , Hone , Kingman and J Harper Authorized capital , (3,000,000. In- f , corporators : F. G. Hobortsou , H. J. Alton , H v ' II , u , Andrews , Ross Gamble F. J , Bwitz , m Sylvester S. St John , J. W. Tlsdol , H. H. Martin , U. 11. lllckncil , M. A. Urown , C. D. K ) Swan , \V , U. Uolden , Hay H. Ilhono , F. J. f Carpenter , L. It Urilton , Qcorga U. Asp . < n- H \ wall L. II Ounnlngham , H. M. Sinclair , W. } L W. Patterson , A. U. Dotein , A. It Conner , pBT J , S. Harrington imd J , 8. Stacy P Bfl State IJouso Jottings P BM G. W. Harnhart of Columbus , one of the BBV ix-llvo stock commlsttonors , was at the cap B BM1 1 today BBB\ The state board of printing mot today In BBBl I the onico of the secretary of state and audited P BH' ' \ and allowed all printing bills duo and pay BBB Commissioner Steen and Secretary of J State Cowdery returned from Kearney last H night and were at tholr posts again today hhh 'Qbo governor , the auditor and the state treasurer , comprising the board for the sot tlsmeut of state mortgages , met this after H noon It bad to do especially with transac- pHH tions of the state In 1ST0. P BM f ° o Cent Damages BBhJ The Jury after being out forty-eight hour * BBBa la the case of Benjauilu Oldmeyer v Henry BBhV Burclmm brought in a verdict for 1 coats BBBh damages In favor of the plaintiff This is H the case In which both gentlomeu sought to l represent South Pass precinct In the renub- ) lican county convention of 1837. pf which H Tub Bkb gave full particulars a day or so H - 8g0f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H Hupreme Court Cases , H The following coses were filed for trial In V the supreme court today ) K Singer Manufacturing Company v H. P. _ _ -X S. P. MORSE & CO DOLLS ! DOLLS ! DOLLS ! Cut REPRESENTS lDj ( tThis Bisque head , flowing hair & trimmed muslin - lin shirt , height 15 inches , price French \ Bisque DOLLS i | \ J 2 H * -JL FRENCH JUMEAU BABIES Ilan so mo satin neck & § front pearl J bead neck lace Prlco $2.50 TO ) I acco r d i 11 ft to si/o. S. P. MORSE & CO Dunham \ , error from tbo district court of Buffalo county South Branch Lumber eomnanv vs Ilobort Littloohn ; error Trom the district court of Gage county , State of Nebraska ex rol Albert H. Strange va Samuel F. Cochran Mandamus This ease is brought from Lancaster county to compel Justice Cochran to issue execution on n Judgment secured In his court last October - ber for $0(1 ( Kthan H. Cowlos vs Stanley Thompson ; error from the district of Buffalo county If December IS is the limit for filing cases to come in for trial at the Jnnuary term , Snclnl Kvcntfl oftlio Week The York club hold its third party of the season at Temple hall Friday evening Mrs W. W. Holmes ontertuinod a number of friends Thursday evening Mrs Joseph Swan gave a very pleasant card party to her many friends Monday evening Mr nnd Mrs Carl Funkeentcrtnined their friends with a card party Thursday evening , rMrs , F. W. Baldwin gave a ploasnnt card 3partv at the Windsor hotel luosday evening 1Tho charity bnll committee report all ar- rangeincnts about complete City isows and Note * . Governor Thayer , Treasurer Hill Auditor Benton , and Land Commissioner Steen , no- ncempanicd by their wives and a few friends , will leave on the 11th Inst , for a trip to Mexico , to bo there during a portion of tbo holidays 1 Last evening n teamster throw a pleco of horBeshoo into a group of children en route homo from achool , striking llttlo Clark Fra- zior , a seven-year-old boy , in the eye do- stroying the slgiit As yet the teamster has not been idontillod Shorlft Shenbergor of Aurora , Hamilton county , was in the city today to return Willie Simon who was arrested yesterday oy Marshal Carder on a telegram from Hast idgs Young Simon whoa confronted by the sheriff and Mr Kohn , who accompinicd dim , broke down and confessed bis guilt Bo returned ( US , the amount of tbo stolen funds and was poiniltted to go The charges of cruelty to children made against the manaaoment of the Home for the Friendless Is donlcd by the committee appointed to make an investigation II It Howe and wife registered at the Windsor today Tnero is tulle of moving the oOlcos of mayor , council , city clerk , city treasurer , ougineor , water commissioner and health ofllccr to the basonicnt of the now court houbo , It is given out on whnt scorns to bo very good authority that when the Hock Island gap is tilled next season , that it will be from Council Bluffs to Fairbury instead of Bo- atrico Ed Friend has returned from a business trip to Kansas City , and is laid up with a . cold and sore throat A new Knights of Labor ledge will bo or ganized in East Lincoln tonight Marshal Carder very kindly showed Tub Bpb rcprosontativo this morning the now female - male ward in the city Jail It will bo in the , new part of tbo city building and far from the place whera the men are icept At present when a women is taken to the county 1 < " 1 she lias to run tno gauntlet of the foul 1 mouthed bums who are kept In the main cor rldor Wheu this ward is completed all will 1 bo changed , and a woman can bo taken to 1 and from the cells without losing what llttlo 1 self respect she lias left umovmKs _ _ _ There was a small fire at the smelting works at 5 o'clock last evening , The dam damage was trivial Saloon keepers are tailing out their licenses early for next year , 185 having alroauy been issued Of this number only nvo have paid their * 1,000 In advance Mrs Joe Houghton was robbed of three silver watches while standing in front of Hayden Brothers store last evening Joe pooohoe was arrested on suspicion of being the thief Dr Duryoa will open the winter season of lectures before the Western Art association with an address on Composition at the Lininger gallery December 10 at 7U0 p. m. As the success ot the course depends upon the Interest shown by the members and their friends , a full attendance requested S. P. MORSE & GO CHILDREN'S ' - BOOKS , 50 c. H , ? si I j w&m p ; v i > ' * & - - w U * J " * > * _ ' " • * T > " " ' < , - . . . . { j 0 T ' ' I ! Ml U Buiiutlfully mid profusely Illustrated , priiitod In largo , olonr typo , cm good strong piper , iliumlnalcu stiff board cover , 50c. LIST : Dnbylnnd , Young Folks Storlos ot Foreign Land Young Folks Stories of Amoricn History nnd Home Llle , edited by Pinny " Little Folks in Ploturo and Story Stories and Pictures from the Now Tes tax out by Pansy " Our Bo\s tiud Girls 1S90. Story Time for 1800. Wide Awake Pleasure Book All at 50c each CHILDREN'S ' - BOOKS , 75c. ? , • ( ihhr / ' . Handsomely bound and beautifully illustrated , 75c. Little Polly Blatchley Flrosidc Chronicles of the Family Story Tcllor Nod Hurwood's Visit to Jerusalem Out and About Arabian Night1 ? . Baby's Annual 1800. "Pansy's" Sunday Book And a host of otlior interesting storlos for Children All at 75c a volume S. P. MORSE & CO ROYAL AKOANUIU A Now Council to bo Organized Soon In Thlfl City A now council of tbo Iioyol Arcanum will bo 1 instituted on Thursday night , Doccmbor 12 j , nt Royal Arcanum ball A larco number ; of visiting Arcanumitos will bo ' present to give the now countl cil ( a good start Deputy Supreme Regent ] George Ker reports having secured a splendid list of charter members among whom are some of Omaha's most prominent eltizons 1 Any ono desiring to Join the new council 1 ns a charter member and thus secure some : special advantages , should notify Mr Ker not later than Tuesday nlgbt , as the charter j , under the laws of the Royal Areaf num , must bo closed on the night of institul tion , Pioneer counoll hold tholr regular meeting lust Wodnosrtuy night There wns a lnrgor attondnuco than usual , and a growing inter eat is being manifested by its members , n number being at this meeting that have not attended for a long time The coun cil is in good shape and is well fixed llnnn- daily and has such good oOiccrs that these who have control of the records and funds have been re-olcctcd over and over again There was an earnest discussion ns to the best means to bo employed to encourage a better appreciation of tbo fraternal nnd social features of the order among its members The following are the olllcors elect for 1690 : Regent , J. C. E. Duval ; vice regent , II J. H. Pickeringorator ; , V. It Straight ; past re- gent Judge Gustnvo Anderson ; secretary , D. St Goyor : collector , G. W. Ingram ; troasv uerer , C. L. FritscJier ; chaplain Rev Dr Dougherty : guide , C. L. Ilawktnson ; war den , A , N. Specht ; sentry L U , Piokott ; trustees , D , St Goyer , A. J. Simpson , Judge O. Anderson Fidelity council 156 , Council Bluffs , hold tholr regular meeting Friday , December 5. There was a good attendance A largo number of applications wore read by the sea * rotary Among the visitors was George Ker , deputy supreme rcgont of Nebraska , The oQicors of tbo council have so faithfully performed the duties during tbo present year that tboy were honored by a reelection for 1S0O by tbo unanimous vote of tbo coun1 oil The social meetings of Fidelity council are spoken of by all who have attended thorn to bo most entertaining and instructive and have proved of great boneflt to the council Tholr next social will bo held at Royal Ar canum hall on Thursday , December 12 , and a good time is assured The next meeting of Union Pacillo Council - cil , 1009 , will bo an Important ono and held at Elks hall Monday , December 9. Besides having to select ofllccrs for 1890 , the council will listen to a report of their entertainment committee , who have urranged for a splcn- did musical and social entertainment for the members , their wives and friends , on December - ber 19. The counoll will also act on some suggestions from tbo supreme council look Ing to a largo representative gathering nf the Arcanumitos of Nebraska to bo held in Omaha in January , It is expected the council - cil hall will bo filled to overflowing with on- tbuslastlo members , About fifty Arcanumitos , composed of members of Union Paelllo and Fidelity coun cils , will mabo a fratornalvisit to Cass coun- ell at Plattsmoutb on Wednesday , December • J. O. Peterson , recent of Cass council , vlsitod Omaha last week to arrange with Deputy Supreme Regent George Kor for the visit It is understood the members at Plattsmoutb are making great preparations to receive the visitors , and doubtless a very enjoyable time may bo expected by all who make the trip Reports from all the councils In Nebraska show that the Royal Arcanum Is hero to stay , and every effort will bo made to secure a grand council next spring There are now 1,200 subordinate councils of the Royal Ar canum nnd about 07.000 members , and among assessment fraternal lasurauco societies It Is considered ono of the host in the country , The number of assessments are less this year than liist , a fact almost unprecedented in the history cf this class of societies - In 11 Grnvo of Kvortcrcenw All Saints church on Wednesday morning last was the scene of a very Impressive ser Vlce , the occasion being the funeral of Mis * s. P , MORSE & CO j MEN'S ' SILK Mufflers $1.90. Tomorrow wo shall open 25 dozen Men ' s largest size Brocaded Pure Cream Sillc Mufflers SI.00 ; worth $3 , very lioavy , MAIL ORDERS HLLED Send for our 112-pngo Dry Goods Cnttiloguo , ulso now Christmas Cat alogue S. P. MORSE & CO EMBROIDERED PILLOW SHAMS , BUREAD .SCARFS , Pin Cushion Covers and Swiss Aprons Magnificent goods just Imported from St Gall , Switzerland , for our Chribtnias trade P. D. CORSETS $1.75. Monday wo shnll offer a Bpeolal bar gain in P. D. Corsets , with double side stools 31.75 each ; worth $2.50 , wlnto only only.H0W50C. . * i' 60 dozen Warm ' hand knitted Gcr- mautown Wool Toboggans and other Hoods utCOc ; worth $1.25. MAIL ORDERS FILLED S. P. MORSE & CO Bertha Evelyn Evans , who , during the past two years , has been a great sufferer from inflammatory rheumatism The deceased was widely known and her numerous friends held ber in nffectionato regard for nor amiat ble disposition and bright qualities Sbo was ono of the first teachers appointed to the Dupont pupils and their parents , and thii was testified by a procession of about one hundred and fifty of the little ones to the residence to take a last farewell of their departed friend Tboy also literally strewed the ' bier with floral offerings Rev Lewis Zahnor D.D , conducted the solemn ! j farewell service , which was the first of its description performed In All Saints church The music of tbo choir was pathct- irally 1 , rondercd The furneral cortcgo was followed by a largo number of friends to the Mount Hope cemetery , where nnothor sympathetic Incident occurred Miss Evans was a member of an association of young ladies } called the Busy Ton , presided over by Mrs Augustus Pratt Its purpose Is to aid \ In any chnrltablo work Tbo members bad prepared { | , their departed sisters grave by decorating it profusely with evergreens , all expressions being "To know her was to love ber " • 11E TllUATKKS For years the Vokcs children were an lm- portant feature in the great Christmas panto mimes . , of London Then Jessie , Victoria , Roslna , Fred and Fawdon in 16C.3 appeared as the Voltos family , Victoria , the queenly black-oyed one , was tbo bostslnger , and also won considerable success In the mora serious drama , appearing in London as Amy Rob Bart " Jesslo died about seven years ago , and Fred a year ago last Juno Fawdon has retired permanently from the stage Victoria , after nu absence of several years , has returned - turned > to America and is now making a tour of the country at the head of her own com pany But lioslna , who is to be in Omaha this wcok , possesses the unusual combination of hilarious fun with tbo perfect taste and refinement which dlsttngnlsbaa the whole family 1 It was the Vokos who first established the high reputation of the Union Square theatre , New Yorir Whoa , , Roslna left the stage tbo brightest light of the trougo Was gone , and with her return the soul and lieait ot the old Vokos performance I came back She Is about thirty years of age and went en the stage In pantomiino when Bho was but nine ] Her popularity In' this country is remarkable and is , mot only ovincej by the crowds nt her performances but by the courtesies which Eocioty is always delighted ] to offer this charming and jolly little woman There la no ono likelier There uro these who , perhaps , make one , laugh , but no ono like ' her can act tbo • merry romp and still retain : all the dignity LOnd elegance of ro- flnod ; womanhood And more , , there is a pathos in her acting which might bring 11 sob very close upon the laugh Manager D. J. Sprugua of the Postngo Stamp comedy company has , after urgent solicitation , cousented' , to give a performance at tbo Now Grand oneni house this ovenlug at tbo same popular prlcos that have pre vailed at the recent Sunday evening enter tainments ut this theatre which have been so liberally patronized , "A Social Session ' is full ot humor , provoking constant laughter and catching songs aud graceful dances The specialties introduced are very pleasing It Is an entertainment well worth the regular price of the Grand , but ut popular prices the 1 housoissure to be packed this evening , There are quartette and solo songs that are , alone wor.h the price of admission , to say nothing of the magnificent orchestra which 1 has won the applause of the audiences that i have intended tbo performances given slnco ! Fridav The bos office will be open for tbo reserv . ing ot seats after 10 o'clock this morninp It is advisable to secure souls duung tbo day and go early in the evening To entertain , thosu who go early tbo famous Black Hussar band , which has been the tall : of the town \ tor two da ) a past , will give u solo concert in , tki Theater Foyer at 7s 15 oclock It Is a gcnulno pleasure to announce the return of such a Urge and sterling and lyri cal organisation m the Conreld opera com ' S. P. MORSE & CO I S. P. MORSE &C0. i GRAND OPENING HOLIDAY GOODS In J Our Basement Salesroom , Monday , December 9th. ' TOILET I SETS , $1.00. . .T-tileco Toilet Sot , plusn case , satin lined , prlco $1.00 Toilet and Etaicure Set , $ g 5Q 8-pi "o Toilet nnd Manlcuro 8ot , wnlto celluloid fit tings , plush CA3S , satin lined , price S.iVi. . Plush Collar and Culf Box Elegant l'lush Collar and Cuff Box , assorted colors , price JI . Mall Orders Filled Send for Itolidny Catalogue pnny I , which will appear at the Now Grand op ra liouso on Wednesday and Thursday evenings next This operatic company 13 today j the largest in America , as it is com posed t of eighty-sovon artists Aside from this fact , Manager Conreid carries two car loads 1 of scenery and fiom tbo olatornto preparations ' which nro being made , pntronB of the Grand during the coming week can look ] forward to not only a delicious musical feast j , but likewise a succession of gorgeous scenic visions which characterized the pro ductlon last Jnnuary The Kings Fool is the grossest of the modern school of operas and It has created a great furore among musicians abroad The beautiful { lady fencers , who appeared In tbo original production of the opera , are with the t company and are a notable feature of the production The march by a corps of tnirty- two j young and excellently trained chorus girls is another interesting feature The reserved scat sale will open at the New ] Grand box ofllco on Tuesday morning The Omaha dramatic company , composed of t Miss Ida Anderson , Miss Adelaide Kcttlor , Miss 1 Jones , S. A. Lewis , Frank E. Smith , Harvey 1 W. Smith , S. S. Graves and A. Gordon ( Robinow , is rohearslng a comedy entitled 1 Caste , " to bo played nt the Grand oporn ( liouso Tuesday nnd Saturday evenings of this week The proceeds will bo dovotcd to I Christmas charities for poor and sick people Both Miss Jones and Miss Andersen - son ' come from schools of elocution in the east . and are said to bo very clover amateur actresses Caste is ono of T. W. Robert eons 1 sparkling productions and when pre sented 1 as it should do furnishes an enjoyable oatortalnmcnt ' On next Thursday evening David the Shepherd I Boy , " ono of the most ambitious of ' cantatas , will bo rendered at Boyd's opera ' house by a company of competent singers . whom long fnmillarlty with tholr several parts has encouraged to fool confl1 dent , of giving a very uocoptable presenta tion The story is boautlfully elaborated and , while in the main known to man } ' , still contains a number ot interesting incidentals which add groatlv to its force nnd beauty , The work opens with the feast of trumpets at Botblehem and the coming and anointing of David It closes with the coronation In a grand ensemble The resources of the staga wiU be utilized In the setting of the place and tbo costumes are rich , elegant and appropriate Inci dental to the cautata will bo a grand drill by tbo members of Black Eagle division , all of whom will bo attired in suits of armor ' 1 ho cast comprises the following ; Archie Prntto , the youuger , and B. F , Duncan , the older David ; J.A.Bowman , Saul : Mrs S. U , Clappo , Abigail , queen of Carmel ; Miss Grace Pike , Mlchnl , daughter of Suul ; A. B. King , Jonathan , son of Saul ; I. A. Con rad , Jesse ; Phillip Paschelot Council Bluffs , Samuel the prophet , 'i hero will be an excellent drllloi chorus of sovonty-flvo , with an auxiliary of Uventv- four children The accompaniment will be by orchestra A largo bouso is assured ' 1 ho entertainment will Pa given under the direction of Mm S. B. Clappe The County Agricultural Socinty Tourteon members of tbo Douglas County Agricultural sooloty spent a pleasant nftor noon at the board of trade rooms yesterday in the enjoyment or an annual mooting D. il Whcolor presided Henry Bollu , treas urer , and John Hamper , secretary , read reports ports that tallied all right aud showed that the Eociety has a surplus of f 1,10:1.03 : , After an hours gossip on matters for the good of tbo soc'oty ' the odlcers were ro-olccted for the ensuing year They nro : 1) , H. Wheeler , president ; Elijah Allen , vlco- president ; John Baumor , secretary ; Henry liolln , treasurer The following members were selected as a > board of managers : Omar Whitney , F. Vf , Lescnteln , H. It Avcrv , Julius Treitschke , F. T. Einorson , Henry Eicko and Joseph B. Harrington A committee of Ave consisting of Elijah 1 Allen , K. C. Erfiing , II R. Avery , Henry ' Bicko ana James Walsh was appointed to > revise the premium list aud report to the 1 board of managers Tbo question ot holding monthly meetings 1 ot the society through tno county was dls- cussed und referred to the board ot man agers The matter of making an effort to secure 1 the state fair location was rcforred to tbo meeting of the board of trade to bo held on Monday night Books , Books 59c. RED LINE EDITION OF THE POETS , mint ed on toned paper with Bcarlet boi- nages and fully Il lustrated , bound Bbcnutttnlly gant now designs in black and gold , miit 0 ! KU" m ) ) rlco 81 . { OUK PRICE , ARLINGTON EDITION l'Ol'L'S.Alt ! aios , _ _ _ / < 8P % J 9 bound Handsomely In bnst cloth , gilt ; list prlco $1 ; our prlco Pootrj nnd Fairy B from , All at the marvelous prlco ° ' g5c A VOLUME DNEQDALLED BARGAIN ! $4.50 $ a Set Clutrlos Dickens Work * , 15 volume * , cloth bound Sir Walter Scott's Works U olumos , cloth bound TliitckcNiy'it Works 10 volumes , cloth bound Harriet II Jlcltcctor'n Works , 01 olumes , Uoth bound All nt tliii uniform price of SI.SO a set S. P. MORSE & CO I S. P. MORSE & CO I MEDDLERS I SBPAUATK ! ! THEM Stcnogrnnhcr Hopkins Reply to His Wita'H Olvcirco Petition Albert M. Hopkins , the court reporter , has filed his answer to his wife's ' potltlon for a divorce i Mr Hopkins admits several things , among them that ho was married to the plaintiff J in May last ; that ho was previously married ; that his liouso burned and that his wife ; : loft him and went to her parents nome Mr HopUitiB then enters on absolute denial of the charges that ho was cruel to nis wife , even abused her or oven fold ber to leave him j ' Ho further declares that ho is nnd has at all times slnco plaintiff left him boon willing - : j ing and anxious for her to return to him , nnd he [ Is ready and willing to euro for , provide a homo and support his wife as a faithful j husband ought to do , and as bo has always trlod 7 to do ; nnddofondant avers , on information - mation and belief , that were it not for the uncalled for and meddlesome interference of ' these who have no legal or moral right to advise > his wife , she would still bo living with ' him happy and oonlcntod ' . A. Fraud Omaiii , Neb , Doc 7. To the Editor of Tub 1 Bebi It has been made known to mo that , some peison is canvassing the city as the representative of the National Association - tion of Stationary Engineers in the race for city 1 boiler inspector If such Ib the case it is : nothing Joss than fraud Any person who uses the association for political or religious purposes Is also fraudulent W. B. Austin Susplolous Characters Central police station is full of suspicious characters Among the gang suspected of being burglars and pickpockets are George Thompson 1 , B. J. McCaddon , Andy Green , Ed Brown , John Donohoo and Ed Hoban Personal Paragraphs C. J. Tompleton of Lincoln Is m the citv M. D. Welch ot Lincoln , Is at the Murray Jessie T. Davis of Blair Is at the Millard James R. Wash of Lincoln , is at the Mil lard J. W. Stanfleld of Pendor , is at the Casey A , Grclg of Beatrice is at the Mer chants W. S. Hugh of Wymoro Is nt the Mer chants S. W. Blllingsley ot Lincoln is at the Mer- chants Charles E. Hanson of Kearney is at the Paxton N. S. Harding ot Nebraska City is at the Paxton , A' L. Sbootz of Grand Island , is a guest at the Casov , Sam McClay and H. V. Hoagland are at tbo Cnsoy , Leonard Kohl of Columbus , Is a guest at the Millard E. R. Ellsmuth of Lincoln , is registered at the Casey Mrs J. B. Weston of Beatrice Is a guest at the Paxton William A. Newbury of Lincoln Is a guest at the Merchants , Dr J. M. Anon of Glcnwood la , has come to Omaha to locate permanently , II Blackburn and O. E. Gauulor of Lin coln are registered at the Paxton B. C , Burllnglm and E C , Cowos of Sew ard are registered at the Merchants , O , II Hendorson , senior donuty of the M. W. ot A. , has been in the city for several days working up tbo local Interest In tbo order pf Modern Woodmen of America S1NGULA.U1TIBS. John Horn , ot Orvl'lo ' , O. , Is six feet four Inches high , weighs S35 pounds , nud Is twen- ty-two years of age A proud mother In Merced , Cal , owns a four-montbs-old baby that weighs twenty [ six pounds and has cut four toetb In Clearwater harbor Florida , is a spring ? of delicious water , bubbling up through the mass of suit water in the briny deep John Rink of Jonnor township , Somerset couuty , Penusyluanla , has a suculng colt six months old which weighs 814 pounds An exchange chronicles the fact that ' , . ! „ i S. P. MORSE & CO • BLACK SILKS For Holiday Trade To meet the ilomntul for a fuioc finality ot Ulnck Silks for Christ mtis trndo wo fiffor next week some HAKOAlNS NOT TO BB HAD Bf.SEWHERE , S. P. MOUSE & CO BLACK SILKS , $1.50. -0 inches wide IIno Grain Silk Warranted to wear , reduced from l BLACK SILKS , $1.75. 22 inchns wide , roiluccd fiom $2.2-3 for Christmas Rale FINEST PARIS Black SI $2.50 21 Inches wide , reduced from $3.50. ' PARIS BLACK SILK $3.75. 27 iiiohos i\iuo. the finest qual ity imported , reduced from $5. MAIL ORDERS FILLED Satisfaction guaranteed Send for our 112-pago Cata logue and spoolal Ohristmaa Catalogue S. P. MORSE & CO Mrs Sophia Bennington of Xcnia , O. , ngod fortv , has given birth to her twenty-fifth child Thcio Is a mission grape vine at Carpon- tei ia , Cal , which has t > girth of six foot at the base , branches out in overv direction for a hundred feet , and this year produced four tons of truit , Hurry Bates of East Saginaw owns nn na tive and able-bodied sieor which has only thrco legs , one of its front legs being the ab- * sontco The animal was born that way and ' moves about as readily as anybody's steer The terrible storm that overtook the prov ince 1 of Catania , Sicily , early last month , was marked by a curious phenomenon Near San ; Maltoo a rent was formed in the earth from 1 north to south nearly a milo Ion ; , nine foot j wide and from six to thirty feel deep Mr VVT McCnrty , part of whoso jugular vein was removed recently by Dr Willis Westmoreland , returned with his wife to his homo ] at Dulton Dr Westmorclund states that 1 the operation ho performed on Mr Mc Carthy 1 Is the only ono of the kind on record A watch for blind pcoplo has been invented In I Swit7ciland , Tn the middle of every figure is I a small peg , which drops when the bour hand I reaches the flguro The owner feels that 1 the peg is down und counts back to twelve ' to detennino the hour In the Cuscado moun tains , nbout seventy flvo ( miles from Jacksonville , Ore , Is to be found the Great Sunken lake , the dooest lake | in the world It is said to avorugo 2,009 feet 1 down to the water on all smes 'lho depth 1 of the water Is unknown It is nbout fifteen miles long by four and one-half wide News has been rccclvod at St Louis from tbo 1 government expedition for the survey of Alaska The letter is da ted August Bland says i there are luxuriant forests , the grass was green , flowers In bloom and the weather very warm , but ton inches below the surface tbo ground is frozen hard , even as deep as twcnty-flvo foot A queer circumstance has Just boon brought to light in the Maryviilo , O. , post oflico A largo rat was disooverod by the postmaster which was In the habit of making ono meal a day out ot the adbesivo portion ot postugo stamps and another out of postal cards After being deprived of this dot [ the ' animal soon died ; On the See line , near the Menominee river , ' • n train struck a dcor and broke its leg tb ' other day , and the entire train crow abun- ; doued business on the spot and set about * * catching the game -wblch was finally accomf plisbod by the parlor car porter , who sprang . , upon the doors back and cut its throat of tor ' tiding it through the woods for half a mile C. L. Alexander has on exhibition at his store lu Madison , N , D „ a very perfect little spcclmon of the finny tribe , presented him 1 by his friend , tVillurd Luughlin It came forth from a 100 foot artoslan well twenty * . " ; miles southwest of Howard This well , It is . ; said , Hews with a wonderful force , and 3 throws out small fish freely during the spring and sumnior j | " About two years ago tbo frost burst the "I bark ot an orange trco at Auburn , Cal , all J around near tbo ground , and it subsequently fell off leaving a space of from eight to twelve inches on the tree without any bark Still the upper part of the tree lived and la at ulivo and thrifty today , bearing fruit The 71 ' tact of a tree living uftor being completely ? girdled is probably unprecedented > Something curious happoiiod in Kent's * moat market at Walla Walla , the otlior day , which scorns unoxplalnable The butcher , while cutting a hog in two , had his knlfa strike some hard substance , and on examination - . • : tion , found that bis knlfo bud struck a 10- cent piece , which was firmly lmboddod in the . back bono How the coin got Into such m I place is somoivhat of a conundrum 1 What is considered ouo of the most unao- counted-for , sights in Utah Is a mountain % about thlrty-llvo miles northeast of Sail ; City , occupying an area of about thirty < , ' acres and completely and tblokly covered * H with oyster shells The mountain is b - . f twoon throe and four huudrod feet high and < situated ever four thousand feet higbor than ' J Salt Lake City , which lstl300 feet above the ' -U level of the sea f The other day at Jaokson , Mloh , a dog % chased a mouse , and the frightened littl ' animal ran up a telegraph polo and then , ' started out on a wire for the next pole , 100 'j feet distant The wire swung gaily lu tbo ureczo , but the trembling traveler hung oxx V and reached the next stutiou in about an , bour Ho dotcondod too , pole , and when lm ' reached the base be was so tired that he al- i lowed himself to be picked up by a spectator * H 1 1