Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1889, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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I Two Prohibition Soarohora Nnr-
Hi rowly Escape Lynching
B '
M | A brorct arnrrlnuo Agitates Hoclcly
Wm Circles A Probability r a Com
B promise Itcturon tliu Slnto of
fl Iowa nml the Railroads ,
HI An KvoliliiK IHcnt In Dps Molnrn
j lrs Moines , In , Dec 7 f Special Tolo-
HI Rram to lm line 1 An oxcitlng riot took
H. plnco in the streets of this city touight when
H ! it mob nu nbcrlng sovornl thousand pcoplo
HI started nftor constables Potts and Hninllton ,
H two noted prohibition searchers JThoy lind
M nrrcstcd a mnn who was found In a gambling
B room nnd stnrtcd with lilm for n Juatlco
M court IIo resisted and they clubbed
H him An soon ns they reached Wnl
m nut street , which wis crowded , the
1 man yelled Murder , ' nnd the crowd rushed
| after the constables Hopes were nourished
M nnd shouts of Hang them filled the nlr
Hi 'I ha constables ran Into the UtlcJ clothing
Hj store nnl took rofugc In the vault ThoM
M crowd outsldoi-rcw larger cv cry moment nnd
W brickbats bofnn to lb Moantlmo the police
H were coining up nnd n platoon of n dozen
K Mien cnuio to the rescue llioy took the con
H ntnblcs out and forced their way thro ih ( the
K tnob m d started for the station Iho crowd
B lolloivcd throwing missiles and jelling lllto
Hj wild inon The constables were taken to the
HE station nnd locked up in the cage for safety
H It is predicted that they will never make imv
H [ tnoro nrrcsts , for they nro nearly frightened
H to death faovcral leaders of the mob have
Hj been arrested _ _ _ _ _ _ _
H A I ropnspil Compromise
H Dps Moists , In , Doc 7 Negotiations
H nro In progress between Governor Larrnboo
H lind the railroad companies of the state by
H which It is proposed that railroads accepting
H Iowa commissioners schedule as componsa
H tory , will dismiss their injunction proccod
Bi ings at ilnst the commissioners In the fcuesnl
B ] courts and the state will dtsmiss llfty pen
H nlty suitB against the roads begun by At-
H torncy General Vnkcr by the direction of
H Governor Larrnbeo in Polk an ] Scott
Hj counties Injunction proceedings in accord
Hj mica with the decision of Judge Urowcr , ara
H | 'in ' abov nnco whllu couimlss'oncrs rates nro
H { being tried If railroads push them they
Hj will hnvo to nroduco ovldonco that
Hj rates nro not compensator } Pho proposed
H > compromise contemplates the withdrawal of
H | the Kock Island injunction suits in the state
E courts us well as of other corporations in the
Bj- * federal courts Penalty suits woio brought
Hj by the governor at the time when the roads
Hf were disobey lug the law nnd continuing to
H ] charc.0 ol 1 rates Ihoy nro criminal pro
H ! ooduits and penalties under the law would
Hi mnount in llfty cases to about $2j0,000 J ho
K roads thought to move them to the fcdornl
W court , but Judge Brow or remanded them on
Hj constitutional grounds When in Pobruary
Hj last the ralho ids announced their into ition
H of accepting the schedule and obeying the
H law the governor directed Attorney General
H Btono not to push the suits for the time
H being It is probable now that ihey all will
H lie dismissed
H A Secret Mnriiigo
W Cjsdau rutins , In , Doc 7 [ Special Tele
w gram to fur Bee ] Ihcro was quito a son
B Batlon at Marlon today when it was nn
H no jneed that Robert Stewart , son of Will
_ 'am Stewart of this city , and Miss Tosio Glf
H ton , daughter of Ju lco , GilTcn of the district
H court , were married 1 ho affair occurred a
H month ago at Mount Carroll III , but until
B * today it had been kept secret As there
H were no objections on the part of the parents
B bo cause Is nsslgnod for the frc ik Stewart
H captured tbo prize ossav two years ago at
H Yale college of law ana was sub cpuontly n
B tutor there Mrs Stewart is an acconip
BV llshtd lady , a leader of thosocioti ntMarion
m CIiIctco Girl ScoIcIiik Separation
BBB I rom nn Almond-1 ycrt Itrutc
BV r Ciiioaoo Doc 7 [ Special Tologrnm to
BBV ( Till ! I3n | Mrs thing Loy is an applicant
BBS for divorce from Chlng Loy , a Chinaman
BBB Mrs Loy's homo was in Brooklyn and her
BBS rnaiden name was Blanche Wilson Without
BBB ] very mature consideration she Joined her
BBBj iuto with that of Lov , nn atmond eyed coles
BBBj Jul in September , 1830 and after living in
BBS Urooklya soma time Loy brought his wife to
BBS Chicago I ov's treatment of ISlnncho was
H \ cry bad After thov came lioro Mrs Loy
BBV Bald ho drank , gambled nnd bolt her Ho i
BHB throw her downstairs on onu occasion Sam i
BBV JMoj was n witness llo said Lei loft hero i
BBV OulyG Inst , but ho did not know whether ho i
BBVvcnt to China or San Francisco IIo said
BBV that Loy drank hard and gambled nil tbo i
BBV time VVhon the ovidoneo was concluded
BBV 0udco Ilorton said
BBV ' llils is another enso of a foolish girl mar
H tying a Chinaman 1 wont oncourngo such
BBB n enso end will make no promises The
BBB tudga looked mad and ic is doubttul If Mrs
BBVJ Loy will tct bur dlvorco
; r obinHlcn , lnwn nml Dakota I'onHions
Wasiuvotov , Dee 7 [ Snoclal Telegram
to Jin Ufl 1 Pensions granted Nebrns
leans Original ln\nlld llehr > C Crom
well Slrang , Thomas O Uussoll , Wood
tiher , falmon Hillings , 13ondwllo , Jnmcs
WcIColvoy , Juniata , Stcphon Walto ,
l ullorton Iiaissuo and Increase George
Audrows , Omaha Koissuo A Abra
tiams , ullas Hoary Scott , Crawford
Increase B liny ward Geneva , J Steven
eon , Broken How , V W Krols , Noligh , O
I II Sheldon , Columbus , P Kcsler.lckamah ,
Joseph Mann Iluda , S Parsons , Greoloy
Center , L Horrioir St Paul , W Jones ,
llnjmond.S Urumbanz , Whitney , P Han
p > rahon , Plnttsmouth , D O lnlt , Hcrlln ,
f p MoDutT , Columbus , T Ward , Prlond , A.
| , C Ilondorson , liraincrd
Pensions for Iowans Original Invalid
pamuolT Noel , IllllBdalo , John T Loach ,
Colfax Restoration nnd reissue Wlll-
iam II Park ( deceased , ) Dcs Moines
I ncrcasa Samuel Hurgor , Marietta ,
I Vnltcr Piatt , Spirit Lake , Henry Pnustlan ,
I pa\onport. Otto U llonnry , ICnoxvillo ,
I Ldwotid P Parkhurst , Sheldon , I Morritt ,
I * Anauiosa Chris Modatt , Altoona ,
I flames Kinsel , West Union , William
I Phillips , Knoxvlllo Ilelssuo George
I I Johnson , Burlington , Hiram Elliott ,
I Hilton , Thomas Goodwin , Leaudo ,
I Argo Washington , Keokuk Original
I widows etc Uunlco , widow of 01i\orII
I Ilolcomb , Dunlap , Catharine , widow of
I Matthew Henri , Martlnsburg
I , Pensions for Dakotans Original ln\alld
I Tark Howltt , Tllondalo Increaso-John W.
I roster , Hermosa , Gcorfeo Miller , Huron
I The Xienth Iteoorll
I Ar.TooNA , Pa , Dee 7 Bishop Tuigg ot
I • rittsburg dioccso died this afternoon
I Ant Audoh , Mich , Dee 7 Hocrv 8
I Prlcco , professor of Latin and lltoraturo and
I * doau of the faculty of literature , scieneo and
I art at th Uulvorsltj of Michigan , died this
I inorniug m
I l < * ale or the British Monnich
I CAiuTqwN , Dee 7 , The OrltisU bark
I JLIritlaU Monarch , which sailed from Ham
I burg October I for Sidney , burned at sea
B Bixteenof the crew were saved , but a bout
containing six others is missing
B <
B ' '
Tlio Ilnntnlnn or JcfTorson Dnvis In
the rscw OilomiH City Ilnll
hrwOitirANS La , Dee 7 The city hall ,
where the remains of Icfforson Davis llo in
stnto i , Is licnvlb draped in bind , which is re
llo\cd bv the red , white nnd liluc of the stars
nnd stripes 'Xheronro also rich floral decora
lions j etorywbero nnd crossed swords nnd
other military ilo\ices Attho tiendof thohnll
hangs a portrait of the dead chieftain richly
festooned ' with crope.through which sparkle
incandosccnt lights The Is
draped ( In plain black The codln is covered
with black plush The handles consist of a
n slnglo square bar of silver on either sldo
nnd > ncross each is n short bar of gold The
top ' of the casket is covered with ono sheet
of ' hoati pinto glass which extends its ontlro
length Oho Intoiior of the casket Is lined
with whlto sntln nnd beneath It upon the
cat-ifalquo ' Is spread n Turkish rug of black
On n silver plato Is the slmplo inscription ,
"TefTorson DaUs ntUest , " 1th the date of
his death addcl
Uadgos of the Confederates'association ,
the flag of the Washington artlllori , which
wns carried through the war , and a bunch ot
wheat and n pair of Spanish Daggers , ns the
plant is termed fastened together wlth purple
plo ribbon , nro the onlj orndnionts Slnco
cnrlj morning people hnVo boon pouring In
to obtain a Inst look at the dead All classes
nrc represented the number of coloicd people
plo bolng marked The mourning Is gonornt
nnd o\cry place of prominence iu the city
has put on black
A notowortln event this morning was n
tologr im of Mn\or Shakcspenro to Secretary
of War Proctor oftlclally noticing him of
the death of ex Secret iry Davis nnd the
Onto of the funornl
Major Shak03pearo today issued n proo
lamation call'ngon the commercial holies
nnd citizens in general to decorate their
1 ousos with npproprialo mourning and ob-
ser the dny of the funeral by the general
suspension of business The place of Unal
L ntcrmentof the rom tins will bo docldcd
upon bj the family later
1 ho Influx of visitors has nlrcad } com
menced and there will bo moro peoolo hero
today than on carnival occasions Iho remains
mains of the deceased have been Viewed bv
n muss of peojlo today Tlio Anm of jNorth
orn \ Irg nia's tomb In Molarlo cemetery has
bcon chosen ns a temporary resting place
Governor Lowry of Mississippi has issued
n proclamation calling on the pcoplo gener
ally to hold memorial services on the day of
the funornl
At IMclniKiml
HicnMo\D Vo Doc 7 Governor Lee has
Rent the following telegram of condolctico to
Mrs Divis The sympathetic chords of the
henrtsof our pcoplo arc dcoply touched at
the loss of ono wo have ever icgardcd with
the greatest affection and the momorv of
whoso valor and virtue wo will ever hold
sacred '
Tlio legislature today aloptod resolutions
of sympathy with the family of Jefferson
Davis highly eulogizing the chieftain Jho
resolution sijs ' Clio historians of the
future will assicn to this hero of the lo3t
cause n pluco among w iso nnd good men '
'iho chamber of commorct also adopted
leugthy resolutions from which the follow
lngoxtricci3 taken Singled out nt the
eloso of the vvir n3 the victim of malignaut
hate ho bore himself vv lth such high courugo
nnd a lofty consciousness of right ns to win
In uneven grcator degteo th in befoio , the
esteem and affection of the people whom ho
had iu ether ears so fulthfullv served
Those vicarious sufferings for the ucods of
the southern people doubly endear him to
our hearts " The losolutlous request that
the public and private buildings br draped
in mourning
At Montgomery
MoNTOOMEitr Ala , Doc 7 A meeting of
the ( Confederate survivors association was
held last ni ht to make arrangements for
memorial services on the daof the funornl
of Mr Davis Govontor Seay Bent a tele
gram to Mrs Dais , sa > inc "It is the wish
of our pcoplo that his Lravo mav bo made
beneath the monument of the confederate
dead on Capitol Hill at Montgomery hard by
the very cradle of confederacy The gov
crnor today issued a proclamation culofjzlui :
Jefferson Dav is whoso fume , ho saj s , Is tlio 1
common heritage of the toopto of ovary
southern state and calling on the pcoplo to
meet on the day of the funeral and show
their levcrcnco for the illustrious dead *
At mobile
Mouile Ala Dec 7 Upon receipt of the
news of the death of Jefferson Dav is citizens I
began draping their houses in mourning
The probata court wns closed as a token of
respect ro the deceased Jho ofllccrs of the '
Tirst regiment of the Alabama state troops I
have boon ordered to wear mourning for
thirty days It is understood that three I
Alaoama regiments am arranging to attend '
the funeral Wcdncsnay next in Now
At llnlolgli
IUiEiair N 0 , Dee 7 The flags on the
capitol and public buildings ara at half mast t
out of respect to Jefferson Davis At a mass
mcoting last night a commlttco of citizens
was appointed to attend the funeral of Mr
Dav Is
Ihoy Inuiigiirato n JIoliii of Tenor
nt I ort 1'loric
PicnnE , S D , Doc 7 fSpoclat Tolo
grnm to Thi Hel 1 rho hnlfbrcod nud 1
squaw men dwellurs of Tort Pierre are Bet
tiug exceedingly hostile to resldonts of this
citj and outs'dors ' who may hap ] en to stray
ever the river onto the reservation Ko-
contly a nowsnapor rcporto * named Urcggs
wl o wont there was roughly trontcd and bad
to run out of the village to escape personal
violence While there ho was victimized in
the most outrageous manner out of S'UU and
warned to leave under pain of being vie
lontlj used when ho made complaint Yes I
lorduj an uccd party named JudgoWuldron |
was iniido to lcavo ever fancied grievances ,
and hostility tp struiiors | or ethers who go
thrro is crowing lntunso especially from
this city , It is thought they arogotting
ready to adopt some big bulldozing tactics on
settlers who will rush iu when the land is
opened , preventing thorn from having any
rights as far as possible , and the government 1
mont troops and up river posts will doubtless
bo called out to prevent trouble when the
time comes to open the reservation Thoj 1
have made open threats ot bodily injury
against the special correspondents of this
city who imv o bcon exposing them in tlio
past Jho correspondent of the bloux City >
Journal has been torriflod into not sanding
any mora dispatches
AamtltlULL fHAabDK
Two People Killed and Xwo Woundoit
by n Kofcctrd Swnln
St Louis , Dee 7 A terrible tragedy oc
curred this morning at the house of John
Anson , 11131 Hickory strcot , Casper Cullspj ' ,
a would bo suitor of Anson's daughter Mary ,
atcd tvvoat ) two , and who had beeu forbid ' 1
den the house , entered whllo the fuuilly was
atbrcalcfast and without a word of wurnlag
draw two revolvers and commenced firing
Tbo first Bbot bred struck Mr Anson nnd
Intllctcd a fatal wound Another bullet
struck Mary on the head , but glanood around
under the scalp and she will recover Her
younger sister Agues received a boll above
the loft temple which penetrated the brain
nnd she cannot llvo through the night
MIchael Auson , a , lad ot ilftoon years , grSp
plod with tbo murderer and was shot through |
the arm , but was not badly hurt Cllspy
then dropped ono of his pistols and , running
up t to the second floor of the house , fired three
bullets into his hrnd nnd soon died
Clispy wns a machinist nnd worned In the
Missouri Pacific shops with Anson Man
did ; not enro for him but ho pcsistontly
thrust | his nttcntlons on her It is said that
Anson learned that Callspj was addicted to
the use of opium nnd forlndo him to enter
his house Mary nlso refused to boo him
again On learning this It is said ho threat
ened j to have blood , but little attention was
paid to his threats Anson died at the hos
pital this nttcrnoon
A DoHiiertto Husband
SroKtsr Taiw , Wnsh , Dee 7 It , L
Sanderltno n pnstry cook , shot and seriously
wounded bis wlfa nnd killed himself Ills
wlfo had left him nnd applied for n dlvorco
An I nornious Cniholio Investment
Coinpnny Orcnnlrcd
Nrw Yoiik Dee 7 Iho Herald snjs * A
most stupendous cntorprlso is on foot It is
one that will create a profound sensation
throughout the world Jho people ot Amor
lea will reccivo the news with various omo
tlons The Universal association bank and
trust comp iny is about to bo formed in this
citv under a special benediction of the pope
of Memo with n capital of CIOO.OOU 000 , to re
celvo nnd care lor nml Invest not only the
enormous rovenucs of the church , but prl-
vntofortunes ot members Monovs of nil
ether persons nnd sects nro to bo rocoivcd
and lavested its well "
Lucent Kelly , who was said to have boon
offered un 1 ncceptcd the tovornorship of the
Now \ork end of the corapanj , todnj toll
the ro | orter that the whole Btory was chl-
tnoricnl and was worthy of Colonel 30I
lors Ho admitted that oarlv In the spring
several persons called Utoii him nnd mou
tioncd such nn cutcrpriso , but ho ha 1 no
time to waste on any such frantic bubble
l-nle < l Ily AicJiUtshop Corrlcan
Nrw Yoiik , Dee 7 Archbishop Corrt
gnn who was scon this afternoon in regard
to the statement published this morning
that 11 croat Roman Catholic bank with a
capital of $100 000 000 was about to bo stnrtcd
In this city in which the Vatican would plnco
its money for Investment In American en
terprises to keep it safe from the possibility
of seizure b } tlio It Ulan government should
there ba a rupture , etc The urchbishop
' You can deny the whole thing most post
tively I have novcr , la nn\ shape or form ,
given any sanction or countcnanco to the
Bchcmo Eugene Kollcj Mr Hugett and
Mr Lvnch who have been named In con
ncction with the matter , ull of thorn state
most positively that they would novornu
provo of it The story that I have fnonds in
the v itlcan pushing the scheme is an un
mitigated filsohood The Vatican hosno er
vvrltton a line to mo about this matter
Moreover , tharo nro documents in mv pos
session which chnrnctorlzo Mr Lcsborn as a
liar and fraud Ibis papal bone lictlon does
not amount to anv thing It is siroplj a
blank form which any 0110 can buy and
fill in
Archbishop Corrigan then showed the 10
porter n long letter which ho received from
' Colonel Lcsborn asking the archbishop s
support for the proposed bank nnd offering
1 000 shnros of Btock if the enterprise received
coivod the archbishop s support iho col
encl said that if the enterprise succeeded
ho had reason to know that so mo ono might
reccivo re 1 stockings intimating of course
thorebj , said the archbishop that I might
bo uiudo n cardinal besides offorlng too a
bribe I took no notice ot any of the follows
letters nnd when ho cnllod ho was not ad
nutted to the kousc nnd orders were given
to the butler never to admit him on uny pretence
tenco whatever "
V Consolidation With the Northern
I.oiUoq 1 fronted
St LouiSj Dec 7 The farmers convon
tlon ndjournc 1 toduj to meet on the second
Juesdav in December 1800 at Jacksonv Hie
ria Ihe dnj was devoted milnlv to llnlsh
Ing the revision of the constitution nnd trj
inc to smooth the way for consolidation with
tbo northern alliance Terms were final ! }
ngrccd upon nnd Kansas and South Daliot 1
vv ill go in at once but the other states will
defer action until thu matter can be sub
mlttcd to each sep irate state alliance \ \ hat
the terms of the consolidation ara has not
lhc nnw constitution is the samcas the old
except a few verbal changes Ono of the
chief alterations is the striking out
of the w ord ' country ' before the phrase
country mechanics This will cnablo a lnrco
number of mechanics in villages and oi'los
who nro Knights of Labor to Join the organ
ization It is provided that negroes may betaken
taken into the union at the option of the
state orgnnlzitions but they cin-
not ba ma lo dologutcs to the
national convention The name
has been changed to the rarmors' Allinnco
nnd Industrial union Headquarters were
established at Washington , vvhoro tbo presi
dent , secretary and chairman of the exceu-
tlvo committee will transact business The
Judiciary committee which is practically a
trial court , has also been appointed
Friendliness Toward Alexander Sul
livan Not a Cipltal Crimp
Chicago , Dec 7 I ester , for the defense
resumed his address to the Jury in the 1
Cromn trial this morning on behalf of
Ueggs In making an alluaiou to that moot
Ing which has now become historic that was ,
bold in Camp 20 Tcbruary 8 bo said there 1
wus no princlplo of law mora llrmlj estab '
lished tliau that the burden of proof is on 1
tbo state and that tbo accused cannot bo
compelled to provo his innocence Fester I
went on to aiguo that the charge that tbero 1
was a conspiracy in Camp 20 to murder Dr
Cronin was unsupported by a sjllaolo of
testimonv It was untrue bo declared
Poster denied emphatically that any committee
mitteo was appointed in Camp 20 to try
Cronin , and had qdlto a tilt with the states s
attorney on this point Uoggs , bo said , ha 1
always counseled in favor of peace and 1
unit } Continuing , ho said ,
Hang him , becuuso ho Is a frlond of
Alcxondor Sullivan I I do not know whether
bo is or not I do know that Alexander
Sullivan has boon at rested in this case , been 1
discharged under ovldonco by ono of the '
ablest and oldest Jurists that sits upon the
bench in this state , that Ins case has 1
been presented to the grand jury and boon '
ignored , that the bonds under which bo was I
required to answer have boon caucollod and 1
ho is a free man Now , in the name of con
scieneo and in the name ot hcavon , will they
ask you to convict my client because bo is a
friend of another man whom they dosplso ,
but against whom they can provo no enmi-
11 al net I will not discuss the question
wliothcr bo and Alcxandor Sullivan are 1
friends or not I do not know I do not
After arguing further as to the ovldonco
Poster told the Jury they must eltbor And
lieges worthy of death or acquit him on-
Forrest then beenn the oloslug argument
on behalf of the defense Ho began by con
trastiug the methods used by tbo orates for
tbo prosecution and these for the defense
In treating ot circumstantial ovldonco the
prosecution treated it us mass , but the do
fonso analysed each clrcumstunco , and this
wus the right method Ho occupied the re-
maindo-of the session reading from legal 1
works and making an cxbuustivo statement
of the application of circumstantial ovldonco 1
The At ontlicr Forroast
For Omaha and Vicinity Halo or snow ,
followed by fair weather
Nebraska Light rain , followed * by clear
ing weather , wluds shifting to colder , north 1
Iowa Light rain stationary temperature , ,
southerly , shifting to westerly winds
South Dakota Lltrht rain or snow , win
shifting to colder , northwesterly ,
JUIiiIiik bfoolcs
New Youk , Dee 7 fSpoolal Telegram
to Tub Bub 1 The following are the mln
ingstouk quotations !
Abes . . . , , . 100 lllomestake . . SCO
Caledonia fl II JS5 Horn Ullvor
Contain * A ft tjO Mexican . . 2MJ
DeadwoodT . , .145 Ontario . 3 0
FlCrHto ,104 Opulr 370
Hale & NorcrossSO |
ratal Huncnrlnn Blizzard
Paissnimo , Huugary , Dee 7 A blizzard
has prev ailed hero , during which nine per
J sons lost their lives
But the , Sullivan-Jackson
The Gate Clt AJtilctlo Club Itcdooms
the City's ltoiuttntlon Uor Muni-
flccnt Offer to Sullivan
Inasmuch ns Omnlia has signally failed In
her ) efforts to got the Worlds fair , she is do
termlnod to have iho Sullivan-Jackson fight ,
. Jhls was sottlcd last night and the Gate
City Athlot lo club settled it
Pursuant to a call by Pros ! lent Chnrllo
McCormick , a lnrgo number of the club
members assembled In their Fourteenth
strcot ! rooms nnd from the resolute nspectof
tholr battle scarred visuges lt was ob
vious . that something of uncommon
import was about to happen
Alter calling the nicotine to order President
] McCormick stated the object of this special
convocation Ho said that ns long as the
ci ] ItallsU and business men of Omaha hud
fulled ' to show their hands In the mutter of
snatching the worlt's fair from Now \oik
nnd , Chicago nnd had only subscribed ? 10-
000 000 vv lion ? l 1100 1)00 000 vv ns the required
sum to accomplish this object , ho thought it
duvolvcl . upon the beneficent members of
the Gate Citj Athletic club to redeem the
cltj from the stlfema of niggardliness nnd
inerta that her action in this enter
prlso bad placed upon her and
this could onb bo compassed bj securing for
Omiha the Sullivan J ackson light , winch
was roallj of paramount Importnnco to tlio
worlds fair This could bo secured bj n lit
tlo liberality on the part of the club mem
bers , nnd amotion was in order that n sub
scriutlon bo raised within the club foi that
Hilly Thompson nroso nnd olTcro 1 a mo
tion that a purse of S.j 000 bo olTcrcd to Sul
llvan and Jackson piovidod Unit thev would
fight lioro under tbo auspices of the Gate
City club
' What s do mnddor wid yol" demanded
Willie Hill Mngncr , the secretary Do
California athletic club has offered dat
much , an' 'tain t 'nuft ' , t moves wo make do
purso3o000 ' o
'lorty thousand haln t a dollar too much '
shouted , Cush Clarke growing rod in the
Make hcrtoO.000 and Ill pat up $ > 000 of
it mvsolf , " chimed In Jim McCord
11 iftj thousand toes " shouted J J Phil
That's the stuff , " ochced Charlie Kostcrs
and I moves th it Henry bliarp nnd Juck
Morrison bo appointed a commlttco to collect
the mouov "
Mr President " intcrruptc 1 Chnrloy
Fanning in Broitch like accents "Ivvautto
make un iimondmont to that resolution '
Mr running * ' said tlio presi lent , fisten
ing his optics upon the opulent strcct-
sv coper
Well Mr President , I move tint the
monov ho collected rlfht hero bofoio wo
lcavo tlio room then there will bo no moro
worry about the matter nnd Messrs Sharp
nnd Morrison will not bo compelled to call
ui on the club members nt their places ot
business nnd there isn't a m in in the house
whohasnt rIob eight thousand dollars
with him , and so there is no cause for delaj "
' I second Mr zanninj , s substitution "
said Manager Jimmy Kilkenti }
' Question questloii " came from a d07cn
' \ \ oil gentlemen " oxclalinc 1 the prcsl
dent tlio motion , has been made and see
onde I thut a purs * 6a fjO 000 bo hung up bj
the Uato Citv Athletic club as an inducement
mont for Tohu L Sulllv in and Petei fnok
son to lleht hero , nnd thut Messrs Slurp
and Morrison bo appointed a commlttco to
collect the monoj , and the s imo bo collected
from the members hero before leaving the
roe n All who are in favor of tbo same
signifi by sajlnc yea '
The motion was purripd without a ulssent-
lng voice , ana ton minutes later the fjO 000
laj in an cinuralr pile on the prcsidont s
Tim McCord headed the subscription vv lth
? o 000 nnd not to bo outdone Clarke 1- tin
ning Morrison Phllbln McCormick Sh irp
Manner and Kusters followed suit , each
planking dovv n flvo crisp fl 000 bank notes
the other S5 000 was raised from the other
members present in sums vary ing from s 00
A motion was then made and carried that
the monoj be placed in Jack Morrison s
bitik for snfokoeping and that Socrotarv
Maguor bo instructed to telegraph Sullivan
nnd cable Jackson of the action of the club
Then after a heated discussion as to the
probability of the sluggers nccentlng this
reasonable offer tbo porter was ordorcd to
roil in a barrel of Pomoroy See and then
there was n How of wit and wlno and other
stuff until the wo sma' hours , when the most
imi orlant meeting within the history of the
club came to a glorious end
Omaha Seonrin Dad Olnrko
President McCormick and Secretary
Brandt of the OmaLa base ball cIud were
closctod with Dad Clarke for three hours
last night , and when tbo illustrious trium
\ irate separated McCormick hud the great
tvv trier's autograph to a contract giving his
services to Omiba noxtynar
It required a vast deal ot persuasion nnd a
very decided addition in salary to in luco
Clarke to como to time , but the prcsidont s
blundislimonts and the clubs liberality was
moro than the Oswego boy could stand and
bis fist wus placed to the paper that binds
him to tbo local club for uno'her six months
at least
All base ball patrons will bo delighted
over this news , for the securing of Clarke is
an accomplishment that many thought im
possible considering the brent demand for
players just now
And then too Clarke s Into work In Call
fornia slumps him as ono of the most effective
tivo pitchers In the profession today , and the
wav ho picked up in his batting was a big
surprlso even to himself Clarke coul 1
have remained In California at a splendid
salary and boon tlio reigning lion but ho
did not think the climate was just what it
ought to bo for his physical welfare
faro , so ho determined to return
east And another fact is that '
the brotherhood has bceu working uion
Clarke nnd Brooklyn offered him f j 500 to
pitch there next season with 61 000 Ir ad
vance His food judgment , however , do
tarred him uud ho came to Omaha purposely
to sco what could bo dona in the way ot
getting his roioaso lustoad of securing this
ho has again signed and the Omaha manage
moat is buppy
J. I Case HiijVS a JTrottcr , Wis , Dee 7j J I Cuso of this '
city has Just purchasedfof Edward Bain of
Kenosha , the trotting stallion Lexington
\ \ likes by Gooroyilkos { , for ? 10 000
CnnnvnV'on Polo
Simoom lp , Mdis , Doc , 4 John S
Prlnco Dear Sir I scjo by Ine Hbb that
your polo league has opened up in fine style
and I hope } ou vviUfjcqro u big success The
bltizons of Omaha should appreclato your
endeavors to givp tbolii a flno winter sport
and patronize it as It Reserves I would lllto 1
to have remained id 0maha and helped jou
run tbo league , but \ qould not , as my salary
for playing hero is a good ono How ever It
I can assist you by uUdvlco or la any other
way let mo know uoAJ will glauly do so It :
the game Is a 8Ucpss ( in Omaha the sur
rounding cities will v sure to want it next
vvlutor , thus you can form a flno leafua and
put in strong clubs .tor Omaha you could
engage the cntiro bprlngflold team and lt Is
the strongest in the country In such a
league there ought to ba big money It is
cheaper than baseball and extremely Inter
esting to old and young Write mo on the
subject James L Chav av
Gilbert and Sullivan's Itow Opera
Lonuov , Doc 7 [ Special Cablegram to
Tne Hue ] Gilbert and Sullivan's now
opera , "Tbo Gondoliers , " was produced to 1
night at tha bavoy theater Jho performance -
anco was conducted by Sir Arthur Sullivan
In person On tbo whole the now operu U a
Sailed lor Lisbon
Bosrov , Dee 7. The evolution squadron 1 ,
which has bcon anchored la tbo harbor for
tbo past two weeks , sailed this morning for
nnoTiiimiic-OD or st andumv
The Annual Convention An Interest
ing Opening Session ,
The fourth nnntial convention ot the
Hrotborhood of St Andrew of the dlocoso of
Nebraska began lnstevonlng In this cltj , the
opening session being hold nt St Barnabas
church , on Nineteenth , near California
strcot The bishop , n number of the clergj ,
nnd n full choir were in nttculnnro Three
addresses vv era glv en The first sponkor wns
Rev j J. P D Lloyd of Omaha , whoso sub
ject j was • The Klngloin of Christ " II10
speaker dwelt nt length on Its glory nnd the
work thnt should bo done for it
IIo wns followed by Mr John M Lncko of
Chicago I who delivered nn address on ' I'lio
Lnjmnti J s Dutj lovvard Its Lxtcnslon " Ho
j Insisted that nothing could bo done without
Christian spirit In the ho irt of the worker
Mr Guv M Hogg of Chicago si eke on the
subject of Self Consecration ' 'Mostotus
have 1 sometime in our lives ' said the speak
cr , soon some persons whom wo looked
] upon as ideals 111 righteousness and only
wisho 1 w 0 coul 1 equ il but when wo have
como , to comuaro ourselves with thorn wo
have j found that the dlfTcronco was that * o
lacked ] self consecration Consecration of
neither 1 time money nor oneigy nvmls
naught 1 unless thoro's self consecration No
parson ] can learn from another what sclf-
eonsccrntlon is Ho must learn It ou his
bende 1 I knees before God "
Iho members of thu convention then a I
jourued ; to the guild room to hold n business
session Mr A P Hopkins | resided A
roll 1 c ill of chapters was called , the following
dolegntcs 1 responding for tholr resicctlvo
ch inters
St Vnrks Hastings F W Truth
hU Phillips Omnhj CuusW Boll
Irlnlty , Omahi A C Powell 1 11 Smith
A Gorlon Itninboiv , D U C bmitli
bt Matthews Omaha Josoh [ Weeks
George 1 D Smith
bt Barnabas Omiha John J Kcnncdi
Thomas boward , Will Brown , Jr
All baintB Oinuhn Uov Dnhnor , A P
II01 ! kiiis G G Brabrook Arthur Hosoforl
St , Lul a s Plattsmouth C M Mead , Guv
Livingstone ] , I I Uarwlek
lilnltj , Lincoln J Coffortu , George
Hoarn ] , 1 orsomun
Mr Hopkins read his annual address reporting
porting 1 the work done bv the oxcciitlva com
tnitlco 1 during the past your During thnt
time 1 the number of chapters has increased
from ; nine to fifteen ono being revived and
llvo 1 now onus being started
He recommended that the members of the
national 1 commlttco fioin this diorosa to
made 1 n niembor of the executive coinmittoo
of < this convention Ho nlso recommended
thut 1 f)0 bo rinsed to establish a cot la the
Chirksou 1 Memorial hospitnl The election
of < ofllccrs followed resulting in the ro oloe
tlon 1 ot Mr A P Hopkins for first vlco pros
Idcnt I and Mr Joseph Weeks sccrotary and
troasu 1 or
And LcnveH Behind Itlin Quito n
"Snnihrp of Oclits
Matters were made unusunllj livol attho
Metiopolotati clib last evening hj a rumor
that 1 David B Kaufman secretary of that
Institution had quietlj loft the cltj without
informing , uny of his friends that ho rro
posed 1 boinguwny Some of the club mem
bets 1 in uiifestcd more or less cxeitoment
ovci 1 the ifTuir though when questioned thej
scouted : nil sUKgestion of dcfilcattou or dls
U [ 1 cat into fur coed
J burs 1 iv ufternoon ho transacted some
private business m a queer sort of manner
ni d as ono tentlem in expressed It' m ido a
fool of himself Since 7 o clock thut nlulit
ho has not been seen thercforo it is
suiposel bo went east ou the
J o clock train ro some of thobovs how
cv cr Kau fluiuu said th it ho w as Lomg w est
on a pleisuro trip but his moro intimate
associ itcs dccluro thut ho has fono to New
v.ork in hopes of raising monoj \ lth which
to square up his indebtedness and vvilliotuin
within ton days
Uufoitunnto teal ostnto speculations not
only broke the voung man up In business
but left him lnv olvcd to the extent it is
slid of nt least f6 000 bomoyeirs ago ho
started n ciar ( store on 1 lftccnth street and
throu n thouil of a monthlv prize drawing
scheme soon built up an immense tiadu and
made consi lerablo money W hen thp big
boom came Knuffmin with several
others invested qui to lieavilj
in real estate wn ch thov lr ld
too Ion ) , and ns a result were caught
short Creditors sfpped in and took his
cigar store to secure them though under tlio
linn name of B P Davl3 & Compnuv thov
placed KaufTintin iu chirgo ns mnnagci
Still with all tbo assistance of these who
stood bj him he could not pull himself out
ofthoholonud lt is bohovoa that ho dlsap
poaicd puiposdy toprovent being pushed
further for a settlement It 13 ki own that
ono 11 an heio holds his discounted panoi for
tl uOO another for 1 300 and ethers for less
It was rcportel that ho had defiaudcd the
Metro ) olitau club hut some of tlio ofllccrs
who were scon at the club rooms last iilhlit
asso-tod most vchcmontlv that there was no
foundation foi this
AltltCSTLI ) I Oil 1 IILIT
A Xounsr Inn Who Snld Ho Hnd to
btenl or Starve
W A McGraw , a Bivell voung dry goods
and clothing clerk came to Omaha nbout
six month neo , Since that time ho has
worked in a number of stores and has
formed n wide acquaintance
Uecently ho has been out of steady em
ployment Ho would work a few das In
ono bouse nnd then a few dajs In nnothcr ,
and on Saturdays during the last month has
worked for the Nebraska Clothing company
At times when ho was idle ho loafed in this
store Of late they have missed numerous
small ui tides uud McCiavv was suspected
Last niht ( when ho loft the store beigeaut
Ormsby shadowed him for a block and then
plnced him under arrest When > oung file
Grnw was Hoarehcd ho had In his possession
six silk bandkorehiofs four costly tics , uud
three pans of stlk socks
IIo coufussci to the officer th it ho had
stolen them His excuse wus that the vvacs
p ud were so small that ho had to steal or
Another thoorv It that McGraw has boon
stenllug from ether places where ho has
been employed and has been turning his
plunder over to a woman of the town
Ho will bo trie 1 tomorrow His boarding
house is at 815 Sovoutenntl ) strcot
Thrown From Her Carriage
Mrs Agnes Huntoon was thrown from
her carriage and severely injured v ostorday
about noon bha ba 1 started from her residence
denco 1031 South Thirty third strool to go 1
down town but had not gene far when her
horse became frightened nt a team of mules
which stnrtcd to run awav , and overturned
the buggy suddenly throwing filrs Huntoon
out She vv is rendered iusonsiblo bv the '
fall and was carried into the rcsldenco ot '
Mr Montmorency , nearby whoroan exam
inatton revealed the fact that the rltht
wrist was broken and U13 lady wus very
sovorolv bruised about the upper part of the 1
body The nttondlng physician thought
there were no Internal injuries and the lady ;
was romovcl to her homo where she was ,
resting qulotly at a late hour last niht (
Itnllrond Mnttors
The Union Pacific company closed a con
tract yesterday with the Thompson Houston
olectrio light pcoplo to Illuminate tbo shops J
and shop oftlccs with electricity Gas and
coal oil lamps are the lights now in use
Donald H Allen , chief clerk to Division
Superintendent Resscquto resigned yestor
day to cngago In another line ot work W
P bpafford , of tbo tralnmastor s at Council I
Bluffs , takes the place made vacant
John II Grcon , formerly city tioket agent
ot the Milwaukee road and well known In
Omaha , has Just bcon appointed general 1
western passenger agent of tno Chicago St
Paul & , Kansas City road , with headquarters
ut Dos Moines
A Birthday I'urly
Miss Emma Crandell entertained a party
of little friends last ovenlng at her homo on
Webster street , the occasion being her
twelfth birthday Rho following were pres
ent !
Jesslo Housoton , Daisy Housoton , Shelly
Harriger , Goraloa Uarrlgor , Ellzaboth Bar
rigor , Fred Hlgglnsou Kowcna Illgginson ,
Helen Millard , Lzra Millard , Bonlab bunrp \ ,
Wallace Peak , Wllllo Gardner , Lulu bmlth 1 ,
Leon Cromer , Mloa Creator , Bert Talmat.e i )
Fugcno Hobo , Wnltor Wltman Frcdcreka
Woisolls Ira Vnn Camp Bertha Ilungato ,
Nolllo Tall Jcannolto Crnndall , llalph Cian-
dall '
The ' A oto on tlio bohool Bonds Cnn
Xftssod Othrr School llusliicsi
A ice Prcsidont F K. MeConucll presided
nt the meeting of the board of education last
night m thonbsonco of President Goodman
Jho absentees being Savlllc , Cobum ICol-
loy , Felton and Goodman
At the suggestion of Mr Clarke the bonrd
proceeded to canvass tlio vote for the school
bonis Clnrko , Martin nnd Seciotnry Pqcr
were appointed tellers Iho following
results were abtnlucdi
1 lrstvvnrd Ave Nnv
1 Irst preclnrt ill ft
Second precinct . 7 > 107
Ihlrl precinct . . . 1 . 123 01ft
lotnl . "I 015
bctnnd \ \ \ nrd
I Irst 1 rcclnct . . in110
bciond l rcclnct . . . 00II
Total . 213 M
I irst prccliat . . T.71 Ti
Second precinct . . JIS Cb
lotnl . 5s7 01
Fourth Ward
1 irst proclnct 0G | 2U
bceoud prceltiet > I0 IS 1
total 1 1BJ7
rifth Ward
llrstpieclnct JI0 100
becond pieclnct . . I. 7 -11
Total M7 dll
Sixth W ard
1 irst precii ct 1A1 171
becond preelnet 1 > J H
Ihlrd piocinct . IN ! 0
Total bOl 21J
Sovcntb Wind
1 irst precinct 270 141
Second picrinct 68 1JJ
total . tu > , a
1 ighth Uaid
1 ii st precinct t4" 101
becond ; precinct _ ' 1 110
Total . Clt 2lo
1 irst precinct 27" 01
becond | precinct , IB B
. _ . .
lotai 410 10,1
Grand total 4 UJ0 - j U
Majority for bonds 1 JJb
\ \ hen the vote vv is announce I Mr Points
moved that the boird decliro the bonds
tarried but Mi Poppletou obji cto I ou tlio
ground that Iho board should have the lceal ,
opinion of the boui 1 s uitornoy on the quesj
tion of the legality of declaring thut a ma
Jority of the votes east cirriel the bonis
will out icferonco to the total number of
v otes cast at the election
Attorney I stcllo sal 1 that the only quos
tlon was whether thu vote on the bonds vv is
a 'peci il or rccul 11 election Ho w as of the
opinion thut the bonds had not been cuiiul
but a Iv lse I tl o board to dec ) ire tliem
cirricd nnd if any liwsuits were to bo
brought to contest the election they should
come up utoneo ind bo dcei led
Itees un 1 Hchrcr ieiecd , with the nttor icy
but Ponplcton said the attorney shoul 1 pro
sent a written opinion on the subject beloro
the ho ird commit Itself
M irtin quoted from section 0 of the No
braski statutes which dotines the minnei
in which bond ( lections sh ill bo eonluctol
nn 1 Lears out the icllou as prooscd ( by Mr
Mr Points then int odu od a vvrltton re o
lutinn declaring thut the bon Iswcio e uiiod
1 his was c uricd by 8 ncs and 1 no Popple
ton voting In tie nogitivo
Mr Popplo on expliluod I1I3 veto bv siv
int that be votid aciinst the lcsolution bee
e uiso ho thought the ULtion ot the board
irregular as thov hnd not acted ou a written
ouinlon of the boird s attornev He was of
the opinion tl at the bonds had carried
Wo lern Wooiiiiien Llcotlon
bouth Omaha camp No 109j Modern
Woodmen of Amoncn it the meeting Satur
dav evening elected the following oflicors
\ encrablo counsel Jheodoro F I lllott
worthy advisor , Charles L Armstrong ,
clerk , Jnnios II Holla baul or , b unuol
llcndrn osccrt Arthur I Goobort waleli-
raaii Willi im L Lee sentry , Ileniy W
I isl or , trustees Arthur L Shrivel It II
Law renco and D F Bay less , representa
tive to the head camp which will meet in
Fulton 111 De cmbeiI b M Piess
I he camp has eh ingod its mcotin „ place
and will meet hcioifter every S iturday
evening in Knights of Py thins hall
G , \ It Lluctlon
Uobcrt L Livingston post No 2SJ , Grand
Army of tbo Republic elected tl 0 following
olllcers Saturday uicht
Commander Samuel W Dennis , senior
vice commander Jonn I Hart junioi vice
commander , Is athan Gordon , quartet master
Jacob W Cress , surgeon , Dr J M Gins
low chaplain John W biilvely ofllcer of
the day Cliurles It Burgess ofllcor of the
guard , jvfartlr Henri , trustees Clinrics lt
Burgess John L H irt and Dr J M bias
ROW Representative to the state encampment
which will inoet at Grind Islan \ in January ,
Samuel \ \ Deuuis , with John L Hart
The olllcers will bo installed at the first
meeting in Januury next
, . 1 < > ) al I ocloii Concert
The Loy alTemporanco Legion under the
directorship of Mis L C Lane , vv ill hive a
concert at the Presb > terlati church corner
oflvvcntv fifth and J streets , this evening ,
Decombcr 8 , at 7 15 0 clock
llloallAMMI *
Invocation Uov Uobcrt L Wheeler
Itocitatlon Miss Coo L Hunt
bong I ogion
Recitation , No Drunkard Micro >
Miss I dim Curfman
Uccilatlon , ihofapldor'
Miss Lcnu Cockroll
Song Locton
bpeoch Muster Perrio Wheeler
Recitation , 'Iho lhreo lravolcrs'
Miss Barbara Hov man
Song Miss Mabel Gray
Uccilatlon Miss Bcssio filcycrs
Master Saminy McDonald
Song ' Little Pcoplo •
Miss Jesslo Carpenter
nxerclso By bixtnen Hecrults
Recitation , • bouietliiiiL and Nothing
Miss Jossla bullouberger
Song Duet
Misses Cora Goodmun and Mabel Groy
Hicltatlon , ' Little Blossom . .
. . Pearl Groy
Speech Master lommy Buyllss
Iciuporanco Doxoloty
Tomnoranoo liltorary Sooioty
Tbo Jomperanco literary socloty oloctcd
the follovying oflicors Friday evening Presi
dent Arthur L. Copeland , vice president ,
Uverelt E Lyman , sccrotary , Miss Allco
Grlflltti , treasurer , Miss Joannctto B Mui
Ion , critic , Albert L. button , chaplalu W
Heed Dunroy , programmo commitleo Miss
bwiss LUlott , Miss Alice Grifllth and Mr
Arthur L Copcland
I land Hall Ganic-H Joaay
bovoral games of hand ball will bo played
at Councilman John N , Hurko's court this 1
afternoon At 2 o'clock Jhomas Murphy of :
Chicago , and James Murphy af this city ,
will play J J Byrnes and M ICIlgallon of
Omaha , for a pot of f25 a sldo At il o'clock
ibomns Hartnett and Jhomas Kclloy will 1
play James Murphy and John N. Burke At
i 0 clock Thomas O Connors and Robert
Parks will play John N Burke and GooihO J
John McGovcrn ivos arrested late last
nlRht/or bolng drunk and resisting an
Mrs Sty los , a tall ollcrly lady , who was la ,
the drug store , corner of bixtoontb and Chicago .
cage streets , about B JO p in Saturday , buy
lag goods , Is uquosted to call thera at once
XmasJowclry watchea , diamonds bII-
vorwnro ana sjioctaelos , Liudsuy's , 1618 I
A ItcMAltKADLU OAIlUltlO ' " H
Mlclincl ShctTcr , n Bavarian Mtir * H
dcirr , Cnnght in Mltmrsotn WU
Misntaioli" , Minn , Dee 7 - > fbpeolnl H
Telegram to Tiir Her ] Michael Sholfor , on H
whoso head there Is n prlco for nn atrocious 9
double murder comnlttod In Bavaria two H
months ago , was arrested hero tonight nnd t
when taken bcToro buporintendent ot Pollco H
Urnckott made n full confession She I for , M %
who Is thirty two \cirs old and lived nt the Wm ]
vlllnco of Pamlorf county of Itcgontsburg |
Bavnrln Ills vvllo vvhow nsn widow with H
an infant son ivlicn she became Mrs mW
bhclfor Induced her husband to murder the W \
chll 1 that they Plight secure an Inhcritnneo H
ot 1 COO marks bhelfcr took the bov to n WM
deep pool and , tvlng n stone to his neck , H
threw him in Iho child s urnmlfathci no s H
ciiscd shelter of the murder nn 1 bhlofcr Umf
killed the old man with a rlflo i'lio nuir Wm
derer llel from Pnndorf into Bohcinlt , H
boucht a pass | ort from 11 man nninclKulil H
ami came to Ami rka , arriving In Minncnp H
oils two weeks iilo , llo secure I Urn
employment with a firmer named H
Mark nt Medina Mills In this countlt m
giving his rl ht name ftltirk road nu 11c M
count of the nuir tcr in the Mtlwaukco Her UM
aid and struck by the slmllarit\ nnmos WM
questlonel Shclfir concerning his autoUM
cedents Conv meet that bhelfcr wis thu WM
mur lorcr ho had n a 1 nbout the farmer in- M
duccd ' his employ o to colno to Minneapolis H
todai to bo troitod for 11 felon bhclfor was H
given over to the police nud broke * H
dovnvvhen I confronted with the | roofs of > H
his ( , ullt IIo inn lo a full confession ns Um
nbovolotho ' superintendent of police , vvhu mm
1 as n itiricl the chnri.a il affairs of the Gor WM
niun let itlon at Wnslilimton of the oipturo WM
( .1 nernl Vlnimgois Unnblo to I iNo - H
hriiRkn nnd Kniisiu ltnlcs H
Cmcuio Dec 7 Ibpeclal lelegram to H
lm Uic ] U10 general managers of the H
Interstate eommcreo railway association H
ncknowlidhcd tint the Nebraska and Kan M
bus rnto problem Is too h ird n nut for them H
to crick Lor six navs uow thoi liuo Um
wonted nt the problem an 1 they are abso mWl
lately no nu irar a conclusion tlnin 1 they H
were Mondav morning 1 hero is no question Um
that It is the most dlflli ult problem of the H
year for railroads to tied 10 involving ns it UM
does the dnnuur of hostile legislation no H
matter wlildi way It , Is decided Jho sub H
committee ' appointol Wednesday to arrange U
the Omaha nnd Lincoln rates ou an nbsoluto H
equality < were tumble to bring in a report H
and I the meeting llnnlly iidjouined until next WM\ \
Ucdiiesdav when the matter will bo ugnlu H
taken ' up , it bciiik the occ isiou of the regular mm
monthly ' meeting of tha general maunders H
A HitCut In Corn Hairs H
CiiicAao Dee 7 rbpoelil Tologrnm to H
J111 Bi L 1 1 ho Burlintto 1V Northern has H
announce j 1 a . > per cent cut 111 corn talcs bo H
tween 1 bt Paul and Chicago Um\ \
- W
Pirun Ijulins ItnUo Ono Over the B
Nivv ( npiiol Itnilding H
PimtiiB S D Dec 7 ibpeclal lcl0fraiu H
. to 1 iiii Bi 1 1 The Indies of Pierre con mW
] tributed 11 e ms to purchuso the llncst flair mW
that 1 ould bo obi lined and to lay tlicv as H
j scmbled ou tl o rotund 1 of the now capitol H
h J ill ling nnd ami 1 sovcial thousand spoetn mm
J tors with binds 1 lay hiL , nntiQtial airs and B %
leud ehceiing they rilsod South Dikotas H
J firkt forty two st"i If ij , ever the now capitol H
bull ling just being complete ! Iho sccuo WU
was impic sivo H
ltlir St < nnislilp I'lor Hiirning U
] \rw Vein Dec 7 1 Ire broke out nt the H
river 1 end ot the Nation il Steamship 10111 H
I ' any s pier on North uvciat2 o'clock this H
ufternoon ! About tvvuity flvo mou were ut H
work 1 ear thos | ot Som ) of thorn remained H
to assist in putting out the flames others H
lleeinc to thu street Ot tLoso who stayed H
behind in un were bidly burned nnd four J H
lost ' their lives llielr bodies h uo neon recovered - H
covered All the injured were taken to the H
hospital At J 10 0 clock the whole length H
of iI i the pier was burning It is 100 feet long H
mid I cost tl 0 000 Tlio 1 ly roll and the H
money of the employes hnvo been destioyed H
An Illiterate ) Neurn Who Can Solve U
Anvrltliinationl Prohlcin m
bun Summois , the pogio prodigy , Wt
was In town jostordny , and , ns usuut , H
cntcttnitiod ' a largo ciowd who were JM
testing lilra with all kinds of niiitho- M
ro itlcal ptobloitis , bays a Sholbvvlllo |
ICy , coi respondent of the LouIsviUo M
Commercial Summois is a negto , M
twenty four yours old , without tlio M
slightest cducntion IIo can not 1 end nor M
write , and docs not know ono liguro H
ftom nnothor Hoist common ovcry- M
uay farm h mil , md to look ut him nnd M
vvuteh his actions lie Booms to bo \V
about half-vviltod , but his quiel nnd \V \
nivatiabh coireot nnswci to unv o\- {
a 111 plo 111 niitlimoiio , no mnttot how tl
dililcult , is simply wondciful With \U \
tbo liuiidiods of tusts that ho has boon :
submitted to , not a slnglo time lias ho ;
fulled to give the correct miswor ovoi v im
lnslatno Seine examples glvonliira on ( M
ycstoiduj woto llou much gold c in bo II
bought for $70J in giocnbicks If gold 1b ) l
worth $1 bo , multiply 507JU , by 1J | , if
u grain of whout piodueos seven gialn , '
mid tlicso bo sown tlio hoeoud j out , cuch j
jioldtng tbo same IncrctHO , how innny jl
bnsliols will b intoduccd at this into in i
tvvolvaycais if 1,0U0 grains make 11 !
nintJ If tlio velocity of sound j
is 1112 foot per Eocond , the |
pulsation of the lioart svonly
nor mlnuto nftor seeing a flash of J
lihtniiig ( thoi 0 nro tvvonty pulbiitiotiH i
rountod bofoio you lion it thunder , 1'
what dlHliineo is tlio cloud from the .
cm th aim wli il Is tlio time after scoing J
tlio flush ot lightning until jou lioar it j'
thundoii1 A coininissloii muiclimit 10- (
colvod Bovonty bags of wheat , each con [
t lining thtoo bushels , three pocks and j (
tin co quiu Is , how many bushels did ho '
rccoivoi1 And so 011 With Robinson's , ,
Raj's nnd othoi hlghor iiiltlimotics ho- .
fore thorn , these who hnvo tested him \
us yet lmvo boon unnblo tollndnnyox- j
amnio thut with 11 few inomonts' thought I
on liis part ho iu not ublo to correctly j
uusvvoi \
iho Outlook I or 1H02
There is 110 doubt nbout the fact that
ClovehuHi is working for , writing foi
and bidding foi the domocratio nomi
nation , says the Cincinnati Commercial
In a recent speech ho snid thut tlio way 1
to doul with the ox-ptoaidonts was to lot
thorn ulono , nud yet ho lofusos to bo lot
nlono IIo Icoops himself in ndvortibo-
mont bettor thuu nny ether man in the
countiy You can hardly nlok up a
nowspnporthut does not con tain a letter ,
or a spocch or tin intorviovv , or a boij-
tontiousanil curofullj studied oxpios-
Blon fiotn Clovolund ,
l > oiy free trudo lnfluonco thut Hour '
ishod undui him will ho In line to"hlu
noinlnatton The oxtrnoidinary com
miltoo of wiijB und moans , chosen from
non-producing southern states , vyhloh
gained colobritj undoi hia piosodonoy ,
with nil its Inlluonco , will bo for him ,
und the old light will go on
Itluboliovod that Oovornor Hill of
Now York most truly represents ; the old
time domocraoy , and that ho will bo
iiomlnatod for the presldouoy If the insidious - H
sidious mugwump element is not al- tl
lovvod to have uny Intluoneo such in- H
lluunco us Curtis and Jouos and Godkin |
ot ui , hav 0 hud in the pust I
Iho chuncusuro/air ut tills present 1
outlook for u square light in 160J bo- 1
tvrcou tlio ropublkuns uud the demo 1
crats Tlio mugwumps uro played out
llio free tuido doinoruts aio tiylng to
( Ind the buttons 011 tliolt gaimouts , so
us to button up for unothoi light 'Iho
lepubllcuuB are dourly iindconolstoiitly
in full ilglitlng trim