THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUIi-DAF , DIDCEMBEH 8. SIXTEEN PAGES 11 . P * PREAM1N' O' HOME H AtUvila Cimntitultnn B I cant tell Jos' whnt's coma to her , an' yet I M think Its elenr B That somclliin's poln' wrong o' lalo to see H her Blttln' tlicro H A droamln' In the doorway , with that look B Into tier eyes , H As ct they still was rcstln' ' on the ole time H llulds ami skies H | She's drcntnln' , drcamln' ' o' the llfo H wo left behind , B Thellttlc two-roomcottngc whore the tnornin' glories twined i The roses In the garden , the yellow sunflowro BVB era The violets , but slio hcrsclC the sweetest H Mower o < all H 1 Vou sec , the ustcr sit thcro In the doorway , B no content , The sunllowors fnllcrm' the sun , no matter H whoru ho went ; 1 The brown bees sli | ) > ln' honey nn' bu7zin' K roun'tho place ; H The rotes cllmbln' up to her an' stnllm' ' in H An1 now she cant forgot It When I toll her , M Little wire , H There ain't no use In gricvln1 for that sitnplo M country llfo , " 1 She twines her arms nrouu' my neck , an'w H Btnlltn' swccl tosco , H Shesuvs : "It seems so far awny to where H woustorbel" B Tlicro nln't no usn In chklln' ' or snytn' words H of cheer : H There's nuihln' In the city llfo she wtis ustcr l Where proachln' cum butonco o month an' 1 streets curs didn't run , B An'folks they tolo the tiuiu o'dny by lookln' V utttiosuu K An' lnrlts cot up tit peep o' dawn and undo B tno moddcrs ritii * ; M 1 tell .vou folks , when ones ' brought up tojes' thut kind o' things , B Its hnrd to got away from It , old feelings k bound to rlio , H An' tniiKo a rutiulu' over In a woman's ' leua H dor B So thcro she sits a droimtn' , till I git to BBSS drenmln , ' , too , BBBB An' when har head droops on my breast and BBBB sleep rail * like the dow BBBB An' closes them sweet eyes o' ucrs.onco mora BBBH wo scorn to bo BBBV In the old home , whero'll wo rest some day B BB together her and mo B MY CONFESSION B Leon Mend , in Now York Star : H Thouirh 11 ring at some distance ) from H the city , I was stilllolontly in touch with H urban life to bo spared the appellation B of ti rustic ; . Yet 1 was cillcd an cccoii- K trie mini because , boiug somathitig of B tut oxporiuiunUiliatia , 1 seldom did B things lileo nuiglibai- . my s Tliuy roa B eranlod mo as a linnnlosoalot , and iiiv P the com nunlty I w.w chaiMctcruoil as B ' bettor than fool nvorTtgo " Lint [ B iiovcr muidctl the opinions of my follow B citi/.ens I'ospacttiijr myself Year after H year I wont on ovparlnuntiiirr with my B booliivos , my grapa vines , my fruit trees H nnd my crops B To bo ontiruly frank , my knowledge H of Horace my subso Iptions to three B agricultural pipurs and my only until B iu < * : dovotioa to the moro soioutUic B nntlioJsof fat .niiig did not aisisL mo , | iinanhilly While not aslriuir | ; ' ' ) to | reap a fortune in agriculture , I dared BBBj to hopj lor a uiiiJoi'atu mtuotiryHue - BBBj cussfrom the application of approved H modern molhuJs to agricultural alTairs Bj But thov did nut appeal * to sucoood At B the end of cucb year I found myself BBBt Bomcwhat poorer than I hud boon tit the B beylniiiny Despite my iuduHtry , my B tuircs did noftlirivo VVhilo I was Ueop B in the study of onsila o and other B interesting matters , my produce garden H beeaino choked with woods and nottlcs , H and while I was eradicating them by H hand ( a laborious process requiring a H fortnight Ktcady toil ) my little dairy H of six cows died , one by one , of an H opidemio which olhor biilTororsliko my- H eolf culled by a great variety of names H So matters went from bail to worse , H • • and finally , being cramped for a little H ready money , my small bulunco in the H First National bunk of Contorvillo the H • nearest town having boon gradually H withdrawn , 1 began to ponder how I B could raise the necessary amount with K nut borrowing or mortgaging my farm B At last I decided to sell my four carrier BBBJ tuguons , which eonio three * years before BBBf liad been presented to mo by a friend BBBj who had procured them in Italy BBW Ho assured mo that originally they H bad belonged to a Noopolitau count , H who , while imprisoned for a ci line , had H used thorn as mubsengers between him H self nnd his lady love This count , it is H uld , did little else during his iucarcor- B ntion but indite burning epistle ? to the B _ fair senorita and dispatch thorn to her H by those pigeons , which were kept lly- BBa ing from the orison to his sweethearts BBV villa nnd back by day and night The BBa Konorita , of course , responded to each BBa i m passion oil vow of her captive lover , BBf nnd to etioh of her perfumed nolos was nt- B tuehed a scarlet ribbon , which was tied B o the tail-feathers of the faithful ear B BBl Neapolitans who lived in the neigh B borhood of the prison used to stand in BBb the street for hours watching the pig BBh cons sot forth from nnd return through BBa the narrow socond-story window of the BBa cell occupied oy the count This was BJBj ono of the interesting sights In Naples BBa Finally , the count died suddenly while BBV in the act of addressing ono of his most BBB nrdont deehuatlons to the senorita , and BBj his property , including the pigeons , BBB was publicly sold to redcom his debts BBS Wliat became of the fair senorita I BB have never heard , l'crhnps she Ian BBj gulsliod away lu a convent Mv friend BBV happened to Jo in Niiplos'ut the tlmo BjBJ of the sale of the count Gracedo's BjBJ olleetSj nod ho bought the pigeons at n BJBj ruthor extravagant price Hut each BJB one was indeed a rura avis BJB As I have paid , lie presented them to BBV mo in romombraiicoof oureluso friend BJB ship formed while at college On ac- BjB count of thu romnutia story ho related BBl concorniiig thum , I always had dourly BBT prlzad thoin.binco bocoinlug their pus H t sessor And now , though I needed BB money , I keenly disliked the idea of BB parting with them In my bachelor B loneliness they hud boon cxcolloiitcom- BB panions Thniughout my fony-llve BJears' oxistouco I never have boon BM uspcuinlly fond of domestic pots , but Bj these pigeons won my toudor alleetions BB from tlio dart , nnd I trust I shall not Bfl ho considered vuiulf I hint that my BB feelings yore charmingly reciprocated BB hy them They 11 led ns much in- BB } doors as out , They folloivod mo to BjB Jlho fields and lndulgod in their B own instlnclivo pastimes when I was B too busy to pay them uttontion , but they B wore never fur uwny from mo At B night when I wont to my ohamboi * to B read , or into my adjoining homemade B laboratory to fuss , they accompanied BBJ mo , and , lighting on my sliouleer , BBfl would con and pose in the most piqu- BBl aiitly nlToi'tlouuto mnnnui * . I culled BJBJ tlieinrosiwctlvoly''Jo-jophlnq , " uftoi * a BBfJ young lndy for whom I ouco otitortained BBl u sontlmoiitnl but futilu regard , and BBJ ' Tobias , " after u favorite deccabed Bfl uncle ; ' Penelope , " utter a married sls- BBV tor mid "llalpli , after my friend who B gave mo the pigeons BV After they thoroughly know ma I BM tested their training by taking thorn Bfl ! ona day Into a hillside forest about four Bfl , miles distant from my homo and leuv- i ing thoin In olmrgo of my farm hey , who B uccompunled mo , with instructions to frco tliom within an hour I hastened | back to my house , which I ronchod be1 | fore ! the hour was up , nnd gottlng my briarwood pipe nnd tob.icco pouch ' Boated myself on the vornnda to awnlt , the coming of my treasures Soon , how ever , doubt began to nruy upon my thoughts Would thyy cvor t'oturnV I oagerlv consulted my watch The hour would 1)0 up in three minutes These thrco ' minutes , how full they wore of suspoi el but I will not puuso to do- tall my misgivings light minutes later I descried throe birds Hying di- roetly townrd niu Yes , thov were my ) pigeons I bolluve I never extended n moro genuine welcomu lo any human being than I did to Itinin us they landed on my outstrochud arms Nor were then * greotingH in their dumb way , lots eorJlnl Hut k is enough to say that I liked my pigeons and thut they , liked me IT I did not need the money for myself , because ( my habits ol llfo were very simple mid Inexpensive at that time True , In my college days and tiftorwurd , while ; I mingled with the \vorld. I spent money freely too freely , in fact , for a man whnso legacy had boon lint $20,000. Hut , fortunately for mo at about the time I had noni'lv run through my in heritance I begun to thirst for scieutillc knowledge I purchased iv farm of nearly two hundred acres mid a consid erable number ot booksand in this way settled down I entertained a vague notion that I could buoohio an accomp lished scientist and a practical farmer tit the same time . I desired money to give my younger brother [ , a worthy uspiruiit for logul honors , who was suffering from what Is I commonly known as catoract of the eyes This trouble had become so seri ous ns to require him to consult an ouu- llst , who hud urged him to submit to an operation at once Tack wrote mo the circumstances and appealed to mo for money to pay for the operation • 'My whole career , ' ' ho wrote , ' • depends upon this operation , which Or I'owoll as sures mo ho can successfully perform What could 1 do In the law or in any thing ' elbe , without my ovcsightV I dislike to call upon you for funds , but I know of no ono else to apply to It would be a nlty and a shame , now that 1 um mlinlttod' the bar and stand a fair f ; show of working up a practice hero lu i ] Now York , to have everything go by the board Dear brother , help mo if you possibly can The operation will cost only $100. With that sum I think j can manage it , as I have a little laid away to moot my board , laundry bills , etc t caiyiot see to write this so my [ friend Lawrouco Shipley , is kindly not ing as my amanuensis " , It is ui.noccssary to ohsorvo that this letter touched my heart I had not heard , from Jack before In nearly three months i : He was a pushing , indopoiid- deut , clever fellow , and I never had had any occasion to worry about him , except in regard to his poor oyesij lit Hut previous to the receipt of his letter j had not known how bad it was getting Of course , I rcsoK'ed to provide Tuck with the money But how ? The pars ing i out of my hands of my ohtlro farm I should not have allowed to stand in the wav of furnishing him with asststnnco in his oxigoucy But being a man of middle , ago and not as practical as the law 1 will allow a man to be , and albo seusitivo us to my shortcomings In this respect ' . , I really hated to give up my farm After much reflection I hit upon the expedient of disposing of my cherished pigeons The very afternoon 1 received Jacks letter I worded an advertisement to insert in the Centorvillo Weekly F.irmorund ' Uural Companion , and plac ing ' . it in an envelope , with u note to the editor requesting him to send his bill for the same , gave it to dim Blood goou , inc sinjo ; urivor , louoiiver , as ins I rocking vehicle rattled along the dusty > turnpike t in front of my house aboutsun- sot The notice ran ns follows : " Gordon don Hildroth , Esq , of Woivvor Valley , olTors for sale four beautiful carrier pigeons , with a history For terms inquire - quire of the owner " On the following Saturday morning I was , sitting on my vornnda nftor having eaten a frugal broakfust , prepared ns usual by my housekeeper , Priscilla Dudley 1 , when a lively team and buck board j , whoso npprouoh from the direc tion i of Centroville , over siuco it ap peared in sight over the knoll on South Hill ; I had boon watching , turned Into the | lane loading up to my modest domicile ( This unusual circumstance at , once directed my attention to the solo occupant , of the conveyance , whoso form j nnd features were now plainly vibiblo Ho was a trillo stoop shoul dered , were a drab colored slouch lint and i uu outer coat of the same hue , and , though j it was July , thick buckskin gloves , A nearly ox 'haustod nnd poorly j lighted oigar rested lu ono side of Ills rather ] cap minus mid sensuous looking mouth lie did not glance at mo or nt my house during the tlmo ho was driv ing up the lane , which covered a dis tance of " 00 yards from the turn pi ko liven when he stopped opposite my threshold his gao was rolloctively in clined downward Ho cllmbod clum sily out of the buokbodrd , for ho was a heavy mini , put his whip in its iron soekot ; and curled the reins carefully around the whip Then , after patting the Hank of the nigh horse and testing the security of the nearest front wheel of ( the buekboard , ho turned sedately and , looking unnoneoruodlvat mo , said : Mr Hildi'oth , 1 believe " • ' • That Is my mime , sir , " I replied , amiably "I noticed in this weeks Rural Com panion that you have soma carrier Eiigeons to soil My nnino is * George ullon I thought I'd como up ana look at em ' ' Very well , " I said Como up and tiiko a chair nnu I will call the pig eons " , Ho slowly nsccndod the stons of the verundn without sneaking I know my vsltor } by reputation ns n bird faneior and dealer , una Irolloctod with a joyful thrill that ho would not have boon llkoly to drive all the way from Center villo , nineteen miles , just to boo mv pigeons A peculiar whistle which I liuule brought the four birds at ouco As usual they lighted on my arm They lookllko the genuine article , " absorvod Mr l'ullon , uftor gazing nt thorn for several moments , during which I hud brlolly narrated their his tory to linn Tie allowed no disposition to higgle Uo otTored mo $100 fqr the four pigeons , and aflor u roproncliful moment I acooptod the oiler My pots were placed lu a wooden cngo which Mr Pillion hud brought with him under the sent of his buclcboard As ho was about leaving , ho admitted that ho had hoard of mv pigeons from different par ties , and that lie had been desirous of gaining possession of thorn , sAftor Mr l'ulloii wont awny I felt thor oughly ashamed of myself for having \ surrendered my boftutlful birds tea 1 a stranger wjio desired thou only for a ; speculative object But when I thought of poor Jack and the help the $100 would 1 bo to him , my self-reproach , so to 1 speak , ovuporated , The next day I for . wurdod the money to my brother , and in my loiter fraternally expressed the 1 earnest wish that the proposed oper ation would prove successful HI About four days af tor I hud disposed l of my pigeons , 1 received a startling message i ftom my slslor and her hus band 1 , who resided in n , nourishing Ponns.vlvnula 1 town , where the latter was outraged in a maiiufncturlng busi ness i The dullness of the previous season and the reverses of the llrm had resulted i in an assignment , ltoracc my I brotliot'-iri-lnw wrote mo the p.irtlo- ulurs i of the failure und entreated mo to como to his rescue wlthaloan To this np- my sister Ponelone added a pitiful supplication for liiiiiueiiil relief , making a i strong point by referring to her two children t who , she said , would soon bo in i want of u crust of broad to keep their I llttlo bodies and souls together , if I did not hoed this petition That part of i the letter wrltton by lluraeo wns couched < In less doleful words and dis played ] a luoro practical vlow of the situation i Ho thought * M,000 would sot him : nu his feet , though Hint amount did i not cover all his liabilities But ho hoped to gnln the renewal of eortaln notes against him , in which case , with the $ : i,000 , ho could continue work In his factory and within alow months redeem - doom his obligation to me This wns far moro serious than my brother lacks mo lost request , but I was just as anx ious to eomply with it It was clour that I would bo obliged to niortgngo my farm The only doubt was wlu thei * 1 could ralsu the necessary amount in this way I immediately sent word to Squire Willoughby , the richest man in the township , who lived about a mi to up the valley , to como und sou mo on business Ho rode down after supper that dav , and I told him what 1 wanted Wo walked over the lurin and ho men tally look an inventory of it At last ho said that hr > would not take a mort- gugo for over fciDOO It was useless try lug to persuade him to raise Ills bid even 3100. Sol was obliged to accept his ell er , and the next dny the papers wei'o prepared and signed , and ho handed me his cheek for the amount Lute that nftornoon I was In my gnrdon , hojing my potato patch and wondering how I might secure the nd- ditioiul $100 lo make up the oven ft,000 : that my sister Penelope and her hus band desired , when suddenly I became awnro that something had lighted on my right shoulder Turning , I saw .lipophilic I could easily recognize her by the golden btwyi ring round her neck Yes , hero was my favorite pigeon Josephine Ere I had tlmo to salute her , the other three were scrambling for the best resting place on my shoulders I nt once dropood the boo and made for the house overjoyed at * the unexpected re turn of my pots , which seemed equally clatod at having found mo Where did from ? ' " How you come did you got a way V" Are you not afraid that it will bo suspected whore you tire : " ' These were some of the inquiries I ad dressed them as I approached the house The only answer they gave mo was an affectionate satisfied coo , us they nestled closer to my neck It was a pleasure indeed to have my pigeons back again After wo had onjoved a play spell as of old , I bocanio medita tive I roiiboned to myself that the pigoous could not have escaped from Mr Pullon Ho had dealt too long in specimens of the fenthory kingdom-'foi * such a thine to bo probable The most Slnuslblo inference was that thov-had oserted the pirty to whom Mr Pullon hue sold thorn Was it likely that this party would endeavor to recover thorn ? Yes and would ho not naturally go to Mr Pullon to ascertain from ' whom ho had obtained thorn , nnd then come tome mo with the question : Have you soon anything of the four carrier pigeons you sold the ether dny to George Pullon of Centroville ? " Hint , too Boomed llkoly At this point in my roIlectionI wassos/.od with the first dishonest thought which I think ever crossed * my mind The first town of any considerable size north of whore I livoa was Truck ton , twonty-two miles distant It wns lnrgor by some 4,000 inhabitants than Ceiitervillowith which it was connected by a stugo route Between these two towns I had divided my patronage among the stores , and if anything , I was bettor aoquulntod in Truckton than in the other plnco I know of a man in Truckton who kept a largo bird estab lishment , and I now conceived the Idea of going to him and trving lo sell the ( igures I did not pause to consider the total lack of honesty Involved in this act , my whole mind being concen trated upontho wish to procure the $ . ' 1.000to send my uufortunato kindred The stage from Contorvillo usually passed my house on its way to Truckton every morningat about 10 ocloak With my pigeons carefully concealed from sight , in a bnndlu so arranged ns to fur nish them sulllciont nir , I hnilod the drivorof the Truckton-bound stugo on the following morning , and mounted to the vacant scat beside him During the journey T attempted to maintain my usual composure , and to forget ns far as possible , the nature of my errand , but my conscience , like the proverbial kingly crown , would not easily rest Haunted by the fear thut my double dealing would bo delected , and thus bring mo to disgrace , my manner and words must have Boomed nrtlllcially gay to the Btago driver , though ho gave forth no sign that ho suspected tno of any mysterious purnoso Arriving in Truckton I at once proceeded - ceodod to the shop of Mr Sinclair , the bird dealer Without waiting to ex change the enstomary commonplaces , I undid my buudlo and explained to him that the four pigeons that flow out were for sale The birdB , " I nervously romnrUod , "ivs you can see , are very line speci mens They huvo sir , a remarkable history " Mr Sinclair closely scrutinised the birds , and asked : What is their his tory ? " I tlioroupon rolutod to him the story of the pigeons , to which ho listened at tentively , but with a slight expression of inorodullty When I hadllnishod ho rnthor ludillorontly inquired my price for thorn I replied that I valued thorn at $150 , which sum ho pooh-hoed as al together too exorbitant After consid erable hlckoring ho agreed to glvo mo $125 , which I accepted I then loft his shop secretly pleased at the success of my roguery Squl ro W illoughby's check for $2,000 I hud in my pocket That and $100 I had exchanged at a Truckton bank for & 1,000 , , made out to the order of my hrothor-ln-law , Horace Dunbar , to whom I Immodlatoly mailed it I re turned homo on thu Centrovlllo Btago , nnd for sevornl days afterward I kept myself very olosoly indoors , allowing mv farm boy , John Sunders , to perform all the duties dortaining to the farm Only under coyer of darkness would I steal nut for my usual oxurolso , and fre quently I cut short my walk by roasou of a vuguo four that I was being fol lowed , During this period my llfo wns mifeorablo , und I learned for the IIrat time that conscience not only mattes a coward of a man but tortures him worse than any bodily pain I was somewhnt consoled , however , for my dishonest transaction with Mr Sinclair , by the receipt of a letter from Penelope and Hornco alottorfull of tondorgratltudo nnd thanks for the relief I had afforded thoin ; and , finally , I gave up brooding over my infamous deed , and soothed my conscience with the resolve that us soon as possible I would trace the party to whom Mr Pullon had sold the pig eons und relmburso him for their loss , I I now began to tukf an interest in my J farm and instead of delating so much of my tlmo to my booliiVos and to the enro of my fruit trees , I labored hnrd llko an ordinary farm hand at tilling the soil Ono nftornoon jWhilo engaged in plowing In a now Hold I had freed from stones and stumrM , 'I ' hnppcnod to look up at the sky wondorlng what the wonth'jr would bo on the morioiv , when I ohsorvod four birds living in a straight Hub towards mo Instinctively I know they were my four pigeons which neither time nor dlstnneo , It seemed could alicuuto from mo A moment later they wcro poshed on my shoulder , indulging in their wonted coolngs nnd manifesting n redun dant joy in ugulr being with their old muster This time their rot urn affected rae to tears , and exultantly I called to John who was in a neighboring fluid , to con tinuo my labor at the plow , and went prancing homeward with my pigeons fondly clinging about mo Upon reach ing the h use Prisolllu handed mo a letter , which hnd boon left by the post inini during the day I opoued the letter - tor which was from Jack , and road as follows : Nr.w Yoiik , Aufr 10 , IS . Dear Hrothcr : I tun now In the hospital nmt getting along piotty well , the phjsicians Bay The operation was performed Inst week and my eyes must bo ka it bandaged for three weolts I wns obliged to como to ' the hospital in order to obtain the necotBiry care which inv c.iso donmnds It will coit nnnthor f 100 for biurd hero nud profoss'onnl services Cin you tmsibly r.iko up that nmoutit for ma ! I will work mv nails oft to repay you at the earliest opportunity Holi | inc dear brother , throueh this crisis nnd you will novel * regret It AfToctionately yours Jack In the perusal of this mossngc T did not lese my patience ; on the contrary , I rooklessly determined to double my sin and again soil the pigeons this time in the largo city of Pittsburg , fifty mlles away Thonoxtmornlng I' started on the Truckton-bound stngo , my pots securely confined in a bundle as before I had but an hour to wait at Truckton before taking a train for Pittsburg I did my wailing in a remote corner of the gontlonion's room in the station , behind a newspaper I ronchod Pitts burg too late in the day to transact anv business , but before going to bed I learned the name of the largest bird dealer In the city from the hotel clerk The uoxt morning I visited the bird shoo aud ciimo away with $1H ! ) , which I mailed to Jack , in care of the New York hospital Little remains for mo to add I re turned homo , my conscience hardoncd by the repetition of a dishonest net , and resolved that so long as my pigeons re mained faithful to mo , nnd my family continued uufortunato , I would pursue the same policy My pigeons did re main faithful , for in less than a week after I disnosod of thoin in Pittsburg they returned to mo But happily , my family did not have occasion to appeal again to mo for funds , and so I was , perhaps , spared a 6aroor of uulquo knnvory Jack enmo out of the hospital with his eyesight wonderfully improved , if I not wholly restored , and within six months sent mo his chock for the I nmount I had advanced him Ho is working his way up in the lawtind I am eortaln ho will jSuocood As for j Hornco , ho pulled through his rovcrses and now is well on the road to fortune Two years after his falluro ho repaid mo the lonu , with which , and what I hud managed to save , I lilted the niort gngo from my farm , which nets mo nearly a thousand a year nil nn old bachelor llko myself requires or do- serves In conclusion I will say thnt the man who purchased the four pigeons of Mr Pullon has boon p.Ud * 17o by mo , that being the price ho paid Mr I'ullon for them Mr .Tonkins of Truckton , who bought the pigeons of Mr Sinclair , I paid $200 to cover his loss ToMr Spicor , who bought the pigeons of tha dealer in Pittsburg , I remitted the sumo amount , r'or n gift to me , these birds proved rnther oxnonslvc , but they have tnught mo several practical and salutary lessons , and next to Penelope nnd Jack there is nothing in the world I love so much as I love thorn A rare opportunity to mnko fjOJ before Christmas Address with ref OastSt Louis Mr -Mikinn' ' Holort Youths Companion : Farmer Blen- kins , whoso wife , Mary Jauo , is noted for never being pleased with anything thnt she sees or hears , seldom hns a chance to administer a rebuke of her disagreeably critical habit But ono dny his opportunity came , and ho did not miss it They had been to Boston together , nnd on their return homo ono of the nolghbors dropped lu and bognn a con versation Bon to Boston , hov ye , Blcnklns ? " Yes " "Mis' ' " Blonklnsgo long ? "Um hum " How 'd yo llko it , Mis' Blonklns ? " Laws sakol" snapped out Mrs Blunkins "Bry thin 1 sec there wus 1 jest frlghtfull" "I believe yo , Mary Jane , " broho in Farmer Blonkins "Yo wn ' u 't doiti' ' nothin' the whole day but stoppni' in rout o' lookin'glassosl" • \ Clerpynim * Cjucor Iilon A distinguished clergyman has rcc- contly condemned nil social and polite fictions , says the Now York Tribune When , for instance , a stupid bore calls i upon you , ho thinks you ought to tell him that jouuronot glad to sco him , • but thn , on the contrary , you are sorry to see him and thnt you wish ho would go Thissort of brutal frankness would not do in the pulpit , us a critic of the , clergyman has pointed out A clergy man might ns well quit preaching who 1 should begin his bcrmon as follows : "My solllsh , mostly ignorant and dc- spicablo hearers , I should like to call your prayerful intention to my text , but I know-most of you uro thinking about other matters and that you do not como i hero to learn piety , but rather to show your good clothes nnd maintain a social i position ' " An Absolute Cur The ORIGINAL AUICTINE OINTMENT ls only put up in lurgo two ounce tin boxes , nnd Is nn absolnto euro lor old soies , burns , wounds , enur-pod hands and all skin erup tions Will positively euro all kinds of nlles Ask for the ORIGINAL AUICTINE OINT MENT Sold by Goodman Drug eomniany ut i5 cents per box by mall HO cents ( copritiniiTCO ) "MY LOVE 1 $ FAIR COLUMBIA " . A CharmingNew Waltz To Be Sung in Muel ler's Kings Fool " Adapted from tha German by HelnrlcU Conrled for the Coniied Opera Company ] j i i i i i i i i jtr x sTjT g % sTf Vs sr & ' % % | " " - " * . . ' V l = a. \XX ct < r * -jt - • * "r • - - * r T. • * 0- -W -T -0- • * • -Of -r - • * • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • ) zr * • * • * • a • v * * s * 3 j- ' r • • - • * • & I . | . . f _ _ I , i , ! c , r J nr n n " ' • * , n.- * * • • # Clinvut ' Hi . - s ; § gllll tg gg = pji pii = pifp | j i ' DRS BETTS k BETTS 1401 Faiii * m PmrcT , Om uu , Naa ( Opposite I'Axton ltot U Offlco hours , B * . m. , to 8 p. m. BumUr ' , 10 s. m „ to I pm Specialists lu Chronic , Ncrrouii , Skin ami Wood Die esson IWConiiittntlon t office or by m ll tire Mcdl- clnpa ( nt by mall or exfireit , tocuretr piukoil frt'O rrora oboerTatlon Guarantee ! lo turo quickly , sato If nnil permruioutlr NERVOUS PEBIL1TI SsnS5f5 ? . r&SSS ! ! ; lon . I'lijrMealilecnjr , nristnjr from ImlUerHlon , cc cess or inmtlizenco , imMiuInit Blcoplpftnos * . tloi > on * dcncT pimples " the fnoo.ineMon tosooUtspnstly tllRcoiiniiiud , lack of enntldonco dull unfit for imitly or business , ami finds life a hurtlcn , Safely , ppriunii- emir nnd prlvnlelr cured Consult Dri Hatta X Holts , liosFnriifcin Strcei.Omnlin , Neb Blood aim Siln Diseases S feUTniw resultti , completely mndlcntol wlttiont the lid of mercury bcrofuU odMih-Ihs , fever * orer\ blotches , ulceii pains lo tlio hcaa end bones , syphilitic lore Oiront , mouth * ml toniiuft c&tnnb , otc , veimtincntly cured wliero otlitrs liae fulled Kiflney Urinary K , i\t \ , , , , . : , " ! , ! ; ? . p . ' , ? to ' . quontUurnlnrf orbloody nrtno , urine hljh cotored or with milky r-cdlim-tit oi iianJlnc , vrvrxk birk norr tin n , fileut , cystitis , ytc L'romptly nn J safety cured charK ' reasonable CffpTOTr' tnTTTJP1 I Qnnrnntettil per inornl complete nlthoutcutllne , tmiSila ordlllAtlon Cures cffeciel nt homo tiy patknt wtthoutn moments pain or autioynncp To Yonng M aiid MidJlc-Aied Men , A0IIDD H IDD ' ' • " > awful cfTocts of tarly OUKD UJltu Vice Mliluh brines orjmulc weakness , .luslruyiDtf both unnU und body , nith nil Itsdrcndodlil * , imrmancntly curotl nnn DDipiptJ Address tlioie who have lm- lIUOi DDllO imlroil themsell-es by lmrop ] r indulSDiicetnndnnil olltury linblla XThlrh ruin both boa j and wind , untlttlne them for business , study or marrlBKO MAiutirn MKX , or tlioio entering on that happy lift , hit are cf pUj-lclal tleblllty qulcklr nsslited OUR SUCCESS Ubnied upon facts , first practical frpprlrnce , see * ond-overy la'-fl 1 % t-sjorlftlly Btudicl , thus Mnrtlng arlgQt , third moJlilnea are preiimroil In our own ia bstory exactly to suit tactt cme thus nfTtctlng cures without Injury , rB endt cents pontajro for celebrated works on chronic , nervous nnd delicate il ] ntt8 * . Thousands Mired jsr"A trl ndly letter or call mnjr faveyou fu tur * sulrerlnicnnd Hhamo.nndRddgo Uen yctr * to life tP Ko letters answered unites aciompanled by I cents In Ma-iips * Address orcntl on OEtv UlVKTS & BUTTS , 1403 Faroua btrcet Ouiuha , Neb > ' HWCOR I3TH& DodcE STB , OMAHA , NEB tOK TUB IBEATUINT Of ALL GHBaBiWICillimSES APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES Bttt Facilities , ApptratusaridRjmedlMforSucceiifn Treatment or everjr form otUUmno requirinr MEDICAtorStlBOIOAlIEEATMEHr , HIWETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS Board ft Attendance Beat Accommodations In West KTWRITK FOR OIRCTTLARBen BeforraitlH and grates , Trusses , Olnb Felt , Curraturra of Splne.l'iles , Tumora , Oanotr , OaUrrh Bronchitis , fnhalatloi ; SlootriellyJParalT.ji , , KpUap.r , Kidney , Bladder , 2ye , Bar , akin enl Blood and all Surtrieal Operations DISEASES OF WOMEN tSSSSteSHS . Only RelUMo Kedioal Institute mating a tff eeially of . PBIVATE DISEASES All Bloo4 Plsesies • ott.i.foHr tKttd O f-pt 11 It lo Poison r mo ( airomtti.ttinm llbo l mtrtorr jlrn lln-otall.s . . Trt lm..tforl.ilriir L ' . IOlim partlei ' eorreipondecei unsti'tlo Tlilt AlUommunlts- UonionCJmll UelUloeiorlnilrontnUs.nlt.niilloreT sender ImtpersousJlLlenlewprereire * . C.ll.ndtoi.uin.or.ena H' X. . ' C1F i J" ' and e will send la ) r pper o > , BflDiC Tfl MFN f-RIE : "P" rrisu b . mt or HJr ' * . M V- ' Nerrous Dl.e ie .l , " ' • ' . "i"i " < • V leo sl.nltli question ll.U Add/As " OMuUIA MEI1IOAI , & SORaiOAI INSTIXDXE lltb and Dodge StreoU , OntAUA , EB Dr.j7EfMcGREW , TJioV < II Known Spud a list , Wjv ) /J/// / > * ntl iur hooks , GOAL The Cnlelirnted Jlncklnaw Crusi'd Coal WSS . per ton , for halo only by JOHNSON BROS' ' TRANSFER LINE , 9111'urnam St , Dealers lu llaid ana Soft Coal Telephone lKj3 , CHICHC6TtR > S CNOLI8H PENNYROYAL PILLS , ncD cnoas diamond irano § Hare , sure au4 slmji tHlle ( adieu , e.l Drucalst fvr lllawoad red suetsjiu Use * , Msled villi t > lu rltiboa T ls , ss utlien Hcod 4e. , ( Mps ) fur i srtloulsrs aii * * llellef fol I idlea * lnliuerP ; return laalL.Vai.e/Mjxl CliUhelerClcinfcu . Ustuisb hHla-l OK MX P iariaiuiKTUIUUIllAI CUSMIOIU Mr tmt IHi Htl.pres tears dl.ll.e1l7. OoufuiuUe a.eees.rul wt.reall llHuvdle sil IlluiirttedUol * I. ; r mc Allressorullon V.HISXXti : llrea < > aif. . V. " LPIIKEHT401 " " PRACTICAL FURRIERS 114 South 15th St , Next to P. 0. OMAHA , - NEB Monii faeturors of Sealskin and Fill * Gtirniouts Hoas > , MuiTs , ( llovus , Caps , Robes , MitLs , ole , nlways on luuiil Old Soul Uarmoiits i'Ctltod , rollltatl and rulliiotl Plush Cloaks ropnlred , lliuliust prices paid for fur skins * ' THE FIGURE " 0" . Tlio iTguro "fl" in mii-ilutei Is with ua anil has comu lo stay No man or woinin now HvltiR will over tlnto it document without usiiib tlio llpuro U. It now Ht.ituln on tlio rxtrumo rlclit lSb' l Next .Vcnr it will ho In the third place , wliero it will lomuln ten j ears It will then uiovo up to tlio scrantl plnco ll.X-niid ) ) tliero It will rest ono hun dred tears There is another " 9' ' which lias also como 10 stay : II ti called the Nn Si " It Is not lllte the Jl uro "U" lu our dales lu the respect thnt it will liiivo to wait until next year for third place , ortcn yenrsfnr seiond plucc i as It has this year stood In Hist place , umll , it will not move Irani there ; It is the new "No 'J" Well Arm Whcolur & Wilson Sew * , inir Machine 'J ho No 1 " Is not an old style of lnncluno Imvlnr some slisht cliiingu liuulo In it und then called now improved , " hut It is an uti- tlrcly now maeliliio It was liivnnlcd bv the best mechanical c < pcrt9 of the uro What belter pioof is wanted of that fact than tjio I I I followingcnbleRrnm direct iroui the Piirls Kxuosltlon , which was published in all tlio Ohicuco nowspnpors of October2nill KxrosuioN" UxiniKt.i.K , I'litiH , Octohor 1 , IBpcclal.l Iho hluhest possible premium iitul the only Kiiuidprlro for He" luce luntliluo-t was auank-d tlio Wheeler uml Wilson Mnuufac , turlDR Company The No ! ) " has talton the lust iircmiuin this year at the State fairs of Iowa , Minno- sotaund Wisconsin , and the first piomliim ntoveiy county fair nliero it lius been ex * hibltcd No woman If she desires to bo happy should bo without a No 0" No uihii should ho happy until ho has purchased tlio Hchtest rnnniui * lock stitch machine In the world , the No 0" for his homo No nRont Is hnppv unless he sells the No 0. " No dealer will bo happy and prospemus in lliifl ape of progress utiles , ho furnishes his custo mers with tlio only perfect sowiiiK mnchlno mechanism for family use , the No 0. " We are happy , for our trade has inoro than doubled slneo the birth of the No 0. " WHHUr.EK & W1USON M'P'O ' CO . lS i and 18" Wabash ave . Chicago Wcollar , SiiT'Bersler I M'&Blnlliiipoiter&Dealei aBsJ IlCcolictlT.Hliiyi x XH Bsssslf& Voiinniintlt line Cuban I'ar- • BiwaV ' mini : mill ttiinn Moikun / • • ( KjJB Ymiiiir uml liniiu Vnlklii ' 45 * 51 ytSs rititeil to . lo'tnuu ilr-t clii"r Healtlr Is Wealtli ! ' 1)11.1' ) . C. WlWfi Nmvi : AMI HlltlN TltlUT * MKNr a iriiariinleed sjio llo | for llyhteriii , Il7zl- \wm , I'unvulsoni , lltp , Ncnois Ni-nrdlidu , Ileuuache , crvou Proitinlloii r.iusL'd hy tlio use of nlcoliol tobacco WakcfuliiCbH , Afcimil JlcpivNuImi.Softeutiif , ' rf lliu lliaiii , leHiiltlnt ; in liifuultyiiiiil 1i'mi1iikioiiiIk'tliciyuiiiltleutli. | ) . I'rematuniOld Aim , Iluieiincss , I.os < nt Power In nltherser , liivoliintui v l.osti'K and hlnrimit- torh'iaciiiiMidliyoreri'xertloiinrihu hniln , self - ; aljiisu or nveiiudulKtlieo I'lttli box tnntalns -1 imi > months treatment box , or fix Ijoxcs I for JS.tO , bent by mull pret a'd ' on leiolpt o'pilco , WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To euro any case With eathOlder i > eeil liv J us for slxlm.xos , accomimnltd by fine , wo will fl send thoimrchusurour written Kimrantco lo re- j fund thu money If the treatment dou < not clfect e a cttio ( liiarauti'CH Issued only liy ( Jonilmuii v DitlK Co , lhucirlsts Solo Kents , 1I1U Itanium , * Btleet , Umaha Nubraskn OMAHA BUSINEBSOOLLEOR , e J.arKert and Ilest Knulnpcd Hcliool In the West , Thorough Practical Department , „ Hi.NI > I'Olt VM\\VAiV \ .IOUHNA1. LSBi I SPENCER'Otl 1 ! \ Morlmnlral rSnirlnccr ami Draflsmiin , svlllactas ran , . isiililnirrnuliiitr Kllinatuniulo Ilrawlnts True nu , 111o „ Piluu ami Hocc mentions i'ATKM' ornCli WUItK A t-l'i'tlAi.TV. I ' Monhnnrl RESTORED • IflUllllwUU of ynulhful IniiirudmrB , rau.liiu 1 ittiijituro l > , * * uy , t < rvt > lls pel.lllty , Ltist 4 Mflnliuoit AchavlfiBtillMUlltalJitotr ) kuuHiueme dy , lias dlMMi creid a > lnmu > in , mis of u If cure , wl.lcU > w lllseiiila ( ale < l > HFKIo Ills fellow n irertis AdJrcsJH IUKVKH I * ( , ll03 3JW , > lwiulll ( , * ltT " " TOWEAKUFfa | : .7 , , SSLffS ! ! oiitatnlnir full paiilculan fur ticsiio run , friu ut fl ; hanru .Idre.s , ' PBOT F. C. FOWLER MootlUB , Conn . Dewey & Stone , * ' ' j Furniture Company | A maanlllcentdisplay of evepythlinj useful and ornamental in ' tha furniture makers art , at reasonable prices * . ' " \ - V ,