Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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H Cliriat GriiEfa is under nrrcst on tlio
H chnrgo of cruelty to iiuimtils
Bj Tlio McClurj ? Cracker company 1ms
Hj been lobbcil bororal tlmos lutoly
H C Wnsliburno , a tonnwtor , was fined
1 13 for lcavinp bis team unhitched yes
1 tordnv nftornoon The team ran into a
Hj butjgi' at Fifteenth anil Karnatn and
H Biiiaslit'il it into frngmonts
William II mhorn , lately ono of the
H cable pripmen , has been iippointeil to
Bj tlio now position of timer
j Ilig husitics" ) is to sco that tlio
Bi cars run moro promptly and oxnet n
j perfect eompUanco with the sehcilulo
K time of tlio road
H IVrnntinl I'nrncrniiln
V I. P. Gati ) of rrcmont U nt , tlio Millard
H C. IX Smith of Lincoln Is nl the Millard
B S , li Coului ot Clurki Is nl the Millard
! E. II Anpolgorof Lincoln Is at the Mur-
J. r. Halo of York Is a Micst at the Mil
K T. 0. Mead of Ch&dron is a rucU at the
K' Cuscy
' C. T. Drown of Lincoln Is registered at the
: Mllluril
Xj W. Hobcrlson o ! ICcarnay la at the
) Pnxton
A William Winters of Kcarnoy Is nt tlio
> Puxton
B * Lou Wcsscl uf Lincoln Is a guest at the
V Murray ,
w Mrs W. P. Critcliflold of Fullerton , is at
S the Casey
HB U. Thompson of Hastings is rcRlstorcd at
BB the Pnxton
BB Horn to Mr und Mrs , O. J. Isonseo , a ten
BBj pound hey
BB W. 1 * Walton and W. 15. UacKUs of Genoa
BB nro nt the * Jiitoy
BB' A. A. Welch anil J. Hrltton of Wnyno are
BB registered at the Millard
X J. A. Paddock and wife of Hcatrlco are
B rcclstcrctl nt the Murray
BB S. Stanford Parry of Liverpool , England ,
B la a guest nt the Pnxton
BB > Miss Nolllo flnypi , who ha * been visiting
BS > her father , James P. Hayes , has returned to
BB : Chicago
t , Mr and Mrs Dayton Irish and son Hort
Bfl' of Gencanrn the guests of Mr anil Mr * .
It Thcodoro 1Olott. .
. " Mr H. Kosowutnr , editor of The I3f.e , left
B8r for Chirnpo and Now Yoilt lust ovcnlng He
BaL will be absent about two weeks
BB Mr It P. CuinuiiiiK' ) , city ultorncy of lies
BB Moines , la . Is the truest of his former col lego
BB classmate Assistant Attorney Cobb
BB Klchnrd Swift , foiomnn at tlio Armour
BB Cuduliy paclcint , ' houses , with his son has
BB cone to vi lt his brother near Denver , Cole
B8 Mr W. S. Dcnson , traveling agent for the
Illinois Central r.illioad , was in the citv
BS , visiting the family of bis brother Mr J.
H Benson
H' Mr rj M. Doyle , financial editor of the
Philadelphia Press , called upon Tub Hun
last cvculup " Mr llovlo * tins ] ust nimlo a
tour of Iowa , where ho looked into the work
SB lugs of Uin prohibition law Ho character
M izes it as a failure
Bfl The peoples remedy for the cureof coughs ,
cohlo , usthinn , honrsoncss , bronchitis , croup ,
H lullucnz.i , wlioopinir cough , iniipient con
RUinptloi ] , is Dr Uull'R Cough Syrup , the old
Bar reliable Price 25 cts
B To promptly and permanently euro rheu '
i matlsm or ucuralgia use Salvution Oil Price 1
Ml 25 cents
BB | Numerous Tlmftfl
BB | Seven robberies wcro reported at police 1
B8 ; Btatlon ycstoiday , among the number bning :
B8 the larceny of a trunk , two overcoats and n i
BB ? vulise , the latter containing DOO shares of t
BB ; First National bank stock
BB | Snloiiu lilccusrs
BB | The saloon keepers of tlio city bavo al-
H ready began filing applications for licenses
BBtf with Cleric lirownlco of the pollco commls-
BBf" slc" . Already 170 hnvo m.ido application ,
Br three of whom have paid the required { 1,000. ]
BB | ' MIli'K' Aervo and Liver Pills
Bflj An important discovery They act on the
liver , stomach und bowels through the
BBi corves A nov principle They speedily
B8 | cura billiousuess , bad taste , torpid liver ,
Bar PdC9 and constipation Spicudid for men ,
Bit Women and children Smallest , mildest , ,
Bal eurest 30 doses for S.l cents Samples free
a $ nl Kuhu & Co 's , lSth and Douglas
Ba | * Jciuilu Smith
Mf Miss Jennie Smith will lecture at the
BBI1 Bouth Tenth Street M. U. " Church '
BBS Baturaay evening , December 0 , at 7:30 :
BBlf p. m. Miss Smith is known throughout
BB/ tllQ ellit aH ° " ° uf the must prominent and 1
BBv Btiecnssful workers among lailroad men
* Her addicss Is said to bo instructive und un-
Bal tcrtninlng Miss Smith-has n mostrumarka-
B8 | ' k bio personal history and is widely known in
Bit church circles
5 Pears soap is the most elcRant toilet adjunct :
HI- •
e Annoiiiiuuinciits
f Felix Morris , who is with Miss Voices
Ba | . compjny , which is nt the Boyd next week : ,
H ; is snid to bo an actor of unusual merit Uy
BaC Hard study of his art and nn extensive ex- :
1/ licrionce , bo has gained for himself a most
BSpv cuviablo reputation , both bora and In Dng-
Bat , laud For 2" .0 . nights ho played The
B8f Bcoiih Professor in "On Chnngo" before the
I most critical of London audiences
Ba | Hoard of Public Works
Blk At the meeting of the board of public
Ba % works C. D. Woodworth was granted the
BB | [ contract for curbing Twenty-ninth strcot
BB3\ | trom Jacltsou to Hickory , his bid of 72 cents
BBvf per lineal foot being the lowest
Bflr * * Major Halcombo reported that ha bad ox-
BH % nmiued Into the bill of Frank L. Itcovcs &
BB'iF Co for 91,725 L'S Jor putllug props nnd sbect-
Ba k lag into the south branch of the nortli Omaha
Bfl X eewcr nnd found It was not exorbitant Oa
Ba4 motion it was allowed
Ba-i O. H. Prlifhett was allowed the following
% estimates for grading ! Twenty-sixth street
% irom Popplotou to Hickory , $ liirl , " i ; Twcnty-
Ba % eoveutli street from Lo.ivunworlU to Half
B ; Howard , 533J.30 ; Hecs , from Twcuty-llfth to
11 Twcnty-scvontli.
Kf The Denver State lottery company
wants ngonts Ticltots 60 conta Ad-
BBjf dress A. 0. Uoss & Co , Denver Cole
B | . Twomj-I'lvo Diys
B V Henry Porter , a young man seventeen
BB | % years of ace , who has for somn tlmo boon in
ll the employ of Hnydon Hrothors , was ar-
Hi rested yesterday nrtoruoon charged with
B % * embezzling ? J0. Ho wns brought before
fi Judge llerka and pleaded guilty
P Judge Ucrkn , befuro sentencing him , In-
1 quired into the circumstances of the case ,
• which wore detailed as follows : Porter was
f o , cash boy whoso duly it was to take pur-
E. chqsos of goods to the cashiers desk , have
f them tied up and bring ttia change A party
1 of ladles purchased fJJ worth of goods , paid
B # , * von cush and the sulcsludy sent thorn to the
C desk Porter tied tliom up , destioycd the
Hlr check and pocketed the money Ho ploaUed
BHiW cullty and was scuteiicod to twcnty-flvo days
Bf' Rcnrcn Ci'amoi'H Dentil
BB George Cramor , the popular city salesman
rf of G. II Mack & Co , , the cigar dealer on
B& Faruam street , died suddenly Thursday night
BB | | nt tlio Windsor , Hu was subject to sovcro at-
B % faoks of asthma Ho was about thirty-four
Bflf * years of are.nnd was born nt Hoilbronn , Wcr-
| ; - totSbor r , Germany Ho studied medicine at
Br > the university of Wurzbcrg , and came to this
BT country ubout sovcu years ago Ho at oncu
BBJtf uutcrnd commercial business , at which ho '
K wus quito successful The deceased has no
MS relatives In this country , his parents residing
JT' i'i Hoilbronn , where bis father ranks ;
w omongsl the foreman in the medical profes-
Bir- ul0D' 'i'ho funeral willtakoiiluco on Sunday
Mm ' ultci noon , 2 o'clock , from Drex6l & Mauls
M\M' \ Another hotel death was that ot Christian
h < P , Lauritson , a Daiiu twouty-ilvo years of
WJ $ RP , who died of consumption at the Al-
K lautio hotel The deceased was u cur tender :
If > u the Union Pacillo yards Ho leaves a wif a
Bf nnd two children in ltanuiurlc
Bflp < SloopleBS , nervous prostration , nvrvoui I
BaB1 dvsycpsia , dulIucssQluujcurcd by Dr .MiVs ,
B Nervine Samulcs free lit Kubu & Co ,
K. > l 'b ' and Douglas ,
The Objections or llyr.m llootl to ttio
Apiii'tiUclnrnt Arc Overruled
. Uyroa Heeds ' objections to the report of
tlio commissioners who appralsod bis as well
ns . nil other property In block SO , on which
the , now postofllco is to bo erected , were
board | by Judge Dundy yesterday afternoon
Mr Heed not only objected for himself , but
for the Folsom heirs ns well , his plea being
informality of proceeduro , failure to obtain
legal scrvlco on these interested , and tnnt
Henry Estabrook , ono of the commissioners , .
was not a frco holder Not bolng fully Informed -
formed as to whether Helen Ferris , a Folsom \
belr living in California had been properly
notllied , nn exception nindo tompornritv
in her case , but his honor overruled nil other
objections and approved the report Mr \
Prilchett stated that be could show a power :
of attorney from Mrs Ferris , nnd when that I
j1 done tlio papers will bo forwarded to .
Washington J i
If Mr Keed Isnotsitlsflod with this result ;
hu 1 enn take an appeal
A -trass MiTtln-r to Im IIrUITIiIs Alter
noon to Secure It ,
The Douglas County Fair aisoclation , asi
slstcd by citizens and members of the board
trade , will niulco nn effort to secure the
state fair m Omaha A muss mooting will
bo 1 held this nftornoon in the board of trade
rooms to discAiss the different suggestions on
the subject , It Is estimated that tno cost to
Rccura tlio st.ito fair in Omaha will bo
S150l00. !
lt-al ICstnle nt Aiiollon
Lots 0 and 7 , block G , Boyd's addition ,
will ! bo ofloi oil at unction ut the Omalitv
Real Kstuto oxehtuiijo Now York Lifo
buihliu ' . Saturday murnlnir the 7th , nt
11I0. 1 : ! Tlioso lotsut'o very choice und
will bo sold , For particulate see T. S.
ClnrltsonS19S. < ! 14th St
Until Disopvorotl tu tlio llelntlonsli lp
BeHvocn : m Klonlnir lnlr
A month ago O. Warren Dunn nnd Austn
Plnttnor , the lutior a stenographer in the
oftlco ' of Mcogan cc Il.irding , < olopcd , as wns
supposed , 'lho girl told her mother , who
lives nt 201S Grant strcot , that she wus goiug
to Lincoln , where she had been offered a
much moro dcsirablu position Dunn was n
stenographer 'in the olllco of O. N. Delt7 ,
the lumberman , nnd resides nt 515 North
'Jwrnty-tliiul street
The truth of the matter Is it is alleged ,
that the young couple dm not elope , ns
ut llrst suspected , but instead Dunn had be
trayed the g.rl and taken her to Chicago to
got rid of her shame There n doctor was
called into the case and nn abortion was
effected To escape pi osccutlon Dunn married
the go I , but afterward deserted her und left
her sick und penniless in the bauds of
strangers in Chicago
She was assisted , however , by nn old
frlond of the family , nnd later returned tu
her homo In this city , arid resumed bur posi
tion lit Mccgan & Hardings Dunn , who has
acted the pirt of a thorouuti jouue ;
fuses to live with Ills wife , mid she rctuscs
to appear against bim in a criminal proceed
"Tlio Uaulcwnr.l Hey
Is often the most ilifllcult member of the
family His possibilities , and the best way
of bunging out Ins talents , are to bo dis
cussed in the coming volume of the Youths
Companion by President J , 15. Angell , of the
Uuiversitv of Michigan , President C. IC
Adams , of Cornell , and President D , O , Gilman -
man , of Johus Hopkins
An Ri'iin Philadelphia Wife Scut
Home In mother
Al Ward , of the Nebraska Detectlvo asso-
elation , lias been on a scent
Ho has boon in Norfolk , North Platte ,
Hastings , Hoatrico , in fact every good-sized
town in the state , in uuest of a deserted
• wife ,
Sit years ngo or thereabouts , Miss Illancho
IJoyuolds , the daughter of a well-to-do com
mission merchant of Philadelphia 119
Chestnut strcot fell in love with Stephen
the eldest son of a dry goods mei chant
named Daniel Capwcll They weio murnrd
after the usual engagement of eight months ,
nnd nt once went to keeping housu at 413
Girard avenue
Ono child , a girl , was born the second
year after the nuptials
Aoout a year ago , a shadow fell athwart
the threshold in the slmpo of a man named
so ho snys Gcnrgo Humphreys , who met
Mrs , Capwcll at a ball at 1310 Green street
Mrs , Capwcll was a lovable blonde with eves
as blue as the sky on a July morning nnd
hair as golden ns a Scptembor sunset , while
Humphroys was a male brunette
It wns u mutual case of veni , vedl , veel
both were mashed George said ho was a
cattle man from Nebraska and bud moro
money tban a mulo-cnuld hnul in adiit cart
and owned a ranch near Omaha Hlancho
was attracted und in a short tirno her own
Stovio was forgotten nnd Gcorgo was the
king that sat upon the throne of her affce-
They eloped , or skipped , in the month of
May , 1SS3 , and since that time Ucncdlct
Steve has hoard nothing of his wife lllanobo
until u few wcoks ago
Itupponrs that Humphroys wns nnd Is a
gambler who dealt faro in this cityattho
tlmo Omaha was a real old-fashioned town ,
and used to work at Sodestrom's old place
over tlio Palace saloon Twelfth and Far
namncxt the Nebraska Natloal bank Heiug
acquainted in Omaha , ho brought the woman
ho i < nd won to this city nnd rented rooms In
a flat on Ncrtb Sixteenth near California
street Here they lived , taking their
moils nt restaurants until the deceived
woman began to bohovo that her paramour
lid not own a cow , much less n ranch Hut
she still retained n slight degrco of confi
dence , nnd when n short tlmo ngo he quit bor
and went to Denver , loavlnir her without a
cent , she did notdosnalr until the gaunt wolf
of hunger setup n howl nt the doorsill , nnd
then she wrote him for a remittance Tlio
jmo mall which brought a check from her
father also brnught a letter to the
Nebraska detectlvo agency to look her
up nnd sco what she was doing
. Ward at once sot himself nbout finding
her ' ' homo nnd soon located her Ho ut once
wrote to her homo nnd nsked whnl ho should
do wllu mother , Ills reply from the old
man Hoyuolds was tell her toco in o homo at
once , that mother wants her ' '
Hut when Wnrd wont to deliver the message -
sago ho found Hint Illancho was gone Sus-
pectinir | that she had followed her paramour ,
} in nn effort to locnto hltn , ho iiuulo Inquiries
nnd learned that she , believing the man who
had j betrayed her to the lust , had gone to
Grand J Islnnd.whcro Humphreys claimed bis
ranch wns located Wnrd went there and
beard { from her ut the Jordan house Hy u
good pifo of wont ho traced her to the
Hostwick ] in Hastings and thencn to llcat-
nco Here she turnud und wont to Norfolk ,
where , she registered at the laelllc Hot on
her j trail came Wurd , who lollowcd her to
North Plntto , where ho found bor at the
r.illroud hotel Ho made known his errand
nnd induced her to return home A tele-
cram was sent bor father mid the necessary
funds i wcro soon forthcoming , she is
now i ridmg toward tlio Quaker City
An AbHiiititc Uure
Is only put up In largo two nunco tin boxes ,
nnd i Is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
. wounds , chapped hands , and nil skm orun
tions Will positively cure all kinds of piles
MENT ] Sold by Goodman Drag company at
Socouts i per box bv mall 111) ) centi
Notice to Contractors
Bids will bo received until noon of
Deeoinbor 10 , for ofootiufj it building
for j tin oleutt'le station ut the foot of
Jones strcot , uccDi'ding to plans and
specifications : on tlio at the olllce of the
enfrineor ' , 1105 } North Seventeen th
street ' The rljjht is rcsorvod to reject
nny ' or till bids Address nil bids to the
Now Omaha Thomson-Houston Klcctrio
Litfht company , 1205 N. Seventeenth st
hi Amlr w'H llrntlicrlioctl
The lourth annual convention of i the
Brotherhood of St Andrew of the dldeeso
of St Andrew will bo bold In this city to
day und Sunday
The llrst spuclul brotherhood services will
be held this evening ut : ! 3U o'clock in
St U.irnnbas church Addresses will be
aclivcrcd ns follows :
' l'ho Kingdom of-Christ , " Rev J. P. D.
Llwyd Oinaba "l'ho '
, ; Layman's Duty
Toward Its Extension , " John M. Locke ,
Chicago ; "Self-Consecration , " Mr Guy W.
Hogg , Cnicago
At i ) p. m. in the guild roDtntho election of
ofllccrs nnd other business will occur
At Trinity cathedral Sunday at 8 n. in
there will bo celebralbn of holy communion ,
and nn uddrcss on The Spiritual Life , " by
Dean Gardner All brotherhood men uio i
expected to nttcud thU meeting
At All Saints church nt 11 n. m. Hlsliop .
Worthinirtou will deliver an uddrcss to the '
At U p m. In Y. M. C. A. hall there will bo >
reports from the dl.Torent conference chap
At 4 p. m. there will bn at the same place 1
a public meeting , when the following ad-
ilioss will bo delivered :
"flio Young Man and His Life , " His i
Private Life , " Mr Johnf Kennedy , Omaha ;
His Uuslness Life , " His Influence In ;
Lite , " Mr Guy W. Doug , Chicasro
At 7:30 : iv-m. in Trinity cathedral the fol
lowing addresses on the brotherhood will bo j
delivered :
"Us Necessity , " Itov O. W. Pearson ,
Omaha ; Its Special Object , " Mr Kayiuond
Strylcer , Lincoln ; Die Necessary Qualifica
tions ot a True Hiotliorbood Man , " Mr Guy
W. Hogg , Chicago
The farowcll meeting of the brotherhood 1
will bo held in Trinity cathedral at 70 : ! ! p.
m. , when speeches will bo delivered on the ;
Offerings at all services in the different
churches will bo devoted to brotherhood use
The public , and especially younirmon , nro
cordially invited to nil these services , except
tliu chapter confcrccc , . ' ) p. in Sunday
Delegates Irom ubroud will bo entertained 1
by the city chapter , if notice of their inten
tion to attend is sent Mr Joseph Weeks , earu
of Merchants National bank , this city •
Pozzoni's Complexion Powder produces a t
soft and beautiful skin ; It combines every
clement or beauty und purity
At the rirst Christian churcn Wednesday ,
Docembor4 , at 8 p. m. by Hey A. Mariln ,
Dr Louis M. Scntt and Miss Clyra 11. Staf "
ford At ! ) o'clock a reception was given by
Dr nnd Mrs Jensen , Lcavouwortn street ,
to the newly married pcoplo and their
friends , which was u very enjoyable oc
niillillntr PermltH
The following permits were issued yester-
duy and Tuesday :
J. M llendor , residence , Dojga and Hi
ll * streets 11,000
One minor permit . - , . , , Ml
Twoperalts $1,200
Hcocham's Pills act like magic on a weak
This is to certify that I have anulyzod Dr , Prlco'6 Cronm Balclng Powder
I Und it com posed of pure materials , compounded on correct Rcionliilo
principles The iugrodlcnts nro nccurntoly nnd euioutilicnlly pro
portioned , llonco , bread or biscuits prepared with it are
bettor Bultod for digestion ,
lror tlu'iuUlry nnil Toxlcnlogr In tlio New Yon llcllerua
1Io > | iimI | MpiIIchI ColleKi ) . lror Clioiulstrr
und rh ) lrslnl > ieColloiiiot . the
Cllr or N w Inrk
JHHS1 HardwareaScales
ll'm ' W A , 'HIK ° Ansorlnioiit of
fiffiBSjfi' ' BOY'SANOMEH'S ' ' TJOl Gil ESTS ,
pi * TSi 'iy li MV t"SliND rOH CATALOGLU
lt l / 1405 Douglas Slreef , - Omaha ]
Ooi gliing
TS Nntttro's effort to expel foreign sulx
1 slnitcea from tlio bronchial passages
Frequently , this cause * Iiillamiiiatloii
nnd tlio need of on nnod > nc No other
oxpeetorant or nnodyno Is emial to
Aycu's Cherry/1'cctornl. It assists
Natnro in ejecting tlio mucus , nllnjs
irritation , Induce * rcposo , and is the
most popular of nil cough cures
"Of the manypreparatlons before tlio
public for tlio euro of colds , cough * ,
bronchitis , nnd kindred diseases , then )
Is none , within tlio ranga tit my cNpcri *
• once , so icllnblo ns Ajcr's Cherry Voc
toral Tor > ears I was RUbJect to colds ,
followed by terrible coughs About four
j oars ago , when so Alllicted , I wns nd- -
vliod to try Ajcr's Cherij- Pectoral and
to lay nil other remedies nsldo I did
soand within a week wns well of my
cold nnd cough Slnco then I hnvo
nlnays Itcpfc lids prcpirutloii In the
bouso , nnd feel coiupniiitltoly sccuro "
Mis L. L. llroun , Donmnrlc , Mis' ' * .
"A few vrnrs ngo t tools n severe rnld
which nffectcd my lungs I bad a tci-
liblo cough , nnd passed night afler
night without sleep Tim doctors gave
mi ! nil 1 tried Ajcr's Clmriy IVctornl ,
widen relieved my lungs , Induced sleep ,
nnd nllorilcd the rest tn > po nr.v for the
reroiery of my stieiiglh Hy the emi
tluunl uio of the lVctoral , n permaiu'lit
ruroWascirectod " Iluiaco I'alibrotbcr ,
Itockingbnm , Vt
Ayers ' Cherry Pectoral ,
rncrAnEU nv
Dr J. C Ayer & Co , Lowell , Mass
Bold ljnil nniggUH 1'rlcc $1J tlx bottles , tJ
jy its Makers
The Youths Companion is
An ordinary paper
contains an account of the great
movements in Religion , Science ,
Art , and Politics , as seen by out
side observers It is history
written by its students
The Youths Companion
contains a review of the move
ments of these great world-forces
as seen by inside and active parti
cipants It isihistory written by
The Youths Companion
for 1S90 will contain the Political
Problems of 1S90 wiittcn by the
great statesmen of the day ; latest
Popular Science by the most emi
nent scientific woi leers ; Gco-
graphical Discovery by the worlds
travelcis and exploiers ; enter
taining Fiction by the leading
authors of America and England ;
articles on Art by distinguished
artists ; Religious articles by emi
nent clergymen ; Hygiene by the
foremost medical advisers ; and
over a thousand general articles
on the most prominent topics of '
the day , written by specialists ex-
clusively for The Youths Com
It is a paper for
every person , to be read by all
ages , both sexes , and every class
Send for Complete Illustrated
Prospectus for 1890. The sub
scription price is $1.75 per year ,
paid in advance , to
Thu Youths Companion ,
41 Temple Place , Eoston , Mass
I't'liiay nnd Siitunlny , Dec nml 7 , nnd
Saturday Matinee
Homo ftzaln lifter her mosL auccofltful Kurop'sun
tuur , tbo Cliurmlait Mttto Cuuictlitnno ,
Patti Rosa
Under the nmntiKeuiont of Win Older , Ksq np-
vortcil ! • > • liernwiKoiniiHiiy I'liroxci-UeiHii.lncludliig
ihu two r.uii'jiiH ( ouiu.llans . , Messrs Uco O. llonlfucu ,
Jr , und Aiitcustua Uruno , und on
l'rliliiy nnd Saturday I.iciilnss and Salur *
day Afternoon
Will proline for tliu first tlmo In Mill cltylicr nevr
inuslcil ioiiicd'drnma ,
< ' .1I.VES KXtV A1V.
Hc u'iir pricus , Soati ko on saluTliurfl Inf ,
l\Anrx \ ! B B ffi& 9 B BO / > * & Bniiportoil
V SS RHHBiffB C" I'yMit. .
n > ' la B 1 eR Ir1 nk FELIX
RosinaWUS\Lw morris
Anil Uor laoiuluu Coined } * Comiiiny
3Siiuialeniid ) IMsllnct i'iicfs at j *
KiieiiilCifuiiiiaiuC "
Monilny nnd TiiemlHr Kvenlni , " ) "A ( Jumo of rnrils , "
" 1 lie firtun lll.ler and "A lluubln , I anon " Wvilnus-
day KTeulni--"in llunor llouiid , * "Mjr "ailllnvri'JlIU"
ami "Aly lAinl In Llvtry " _
b 'Ai . in * I'mcEHJ-rarqiii'tll ( )0 ) | parrjucttlrelo , II HO
nnd tUOi lialroni'lfic-iiiil ( Uii ; ecnoriu aduilmlim " 5o
and } l.Ul | nailery ix tt'ulavlll bo put on tall ) IrlUny
. Jertelery "flogcr "SII er-
PJated Flat Ware , Cutlery , Notlom ,
Fancy GoodiAlbums , , Toy Watcliei ,
> at-Collar Spring * and nil the
latest novt'ltlcs for tbo boll
Our ' largo and fully Illustrated ]
c&ialoc-io mailed to dealer ) only
All mall ordera recelro our
prompt and bott attention
Addrces IIMI'J N.X ourlliet , Bt , Ixnils , Mo
Ami Ilfi'M-Mornhino Habit Cured
11 Bil I 11 fUl AT ll0yl tiutiUT 1MI.V. Puy
Sir I BEIwl n > l l8ea ynlulcouaIc3ltllan !
U1 lUSlItO 'OUtiuiItt tllO Ill-bit.
, pn O. P. COATS
811 JA'ir.vmui.mM-1. KjiNiABOiTr , Mo
Kayr iua m * • emltalr ettrran If . * rS-Vft
FwW.I'.L l.fri i TUIDiM tA CUSHIUNSi/Sir. / 1 'Si& '
klaptliC a-en IIOBiirflJ .U w4.t mfTW { . < JX
frul . ; l ! l'0 'll , "JI • • • . a.crt.arafl A * 3f. * .
. . . , -
eJI , , .lt r lti ia tvlu vlr aikMa sSilJ
Y.IWOOK , * r.u • , . • . . * , , Cjniira . . iori.- .
ciu.a lf J l l" l • rJ o ul l ) < Jr , | -k . * uutt
"VVo hnvo iiUojrotlior too many fine suits ami ovorconlg both in our men's nnd boys tlepnrlnient
. The continued warm weather has domoralixed the enstcrn ninmifncturcra , ami tlio figures nt which lins
goods wcro ollereil the past few days tempted us to buy very heavy We must now unload , nnd eom-
inenno nn early slatighlor of these goods
"Wo iinme a few of the bargnins we offer this week $3. About 500 good Chinchilla Overcoats ,
serge lining nnd honestly niutlp , n substantial gnrmenl for nmeclinnic and workinjinaniiiul a coat for
which you would have to pay clsowhore ? G or ? 7 , only $3.
$ S.25 200 line nil wool Kersey Overcoats , of snme qunlily m these offi-roil a few days ago for 50.50 , ,
only llmt tliey huve no satin sleeve lining AVe have two shades , one dnvlc brown , which is silk faced ,
the other is a fine mixed blue without facing These coals nro positively worth double
$13.00 175 good Chinchilla Reefers and Vests , lined with checked eassiincro and well mnile , nn ex
cellent coat nnd vest for which other houses would ink about $7.50 ; we ollbr llieiti this week nt $3.00.
The nbove are nil in men ' s sives , from 04 to12. . '
At .f2.23 we offer 300 boys cape overcoats , sizes from 5 to 12 , mndo of good chinehilla , n neat brown
color ; this is splendid value , the coats arc worth fully § 5 ami could not bo bought for less '
Iiccollect Hint wo do not handle shoddy or trashy goods , so that when we quote prices they rci > ao3ent
honest goods , and however low a price wo may name , rest assured that the garment has our guarantee ,
which menus thai it is what it should bo andns fnir in every way as recommended
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha ,
www I
What We Wish
To desire tlio confidence of
the Dear Public , to preserve
o\ir own self respect , and to
subserve mutual Interest by
furnishing always to our pat
rons , the best material made
up in the best styles by the
best manufacturers
' 1
Dr.j.E.McGREW ,
Tliu Well Known Spu clitll'l ,
t-srrp u , „ l-un nrpn spilln
ra ! "iL atf2VM'aw ? t'lQlrtMiLincnLnt '
jtS3 * M\\kXV \ nil rormi or I'm-
i * * * \mWVV % \ vats Di-HAi-n-i ,
gr . iliept mi 1 rtrltt-
P5lJ USaE-- . v * . * v 5 / tiinty Jj > * * of
6-2a • * ' ; * - \ * fil M nhoii < l nnil
its ] X. ? { ivi > f ty or 11 irrnnnc-s .
/ * * * CaM nh iiltiti.l > cared
I \ GSII hind for bonka ,
w4aLij\ / or Woronii "
JF * i I Ulttinpi ) . Niry
f. % A Ousnirs.Catairli
V . /I unci hkln Die
V. " , / \ cn > o * pnrod
Sujar rfTI- / \ qnlcilyand Plt-
jBS SSJ \ limiuiilly Trmt-
• tffiffi&.Wia * ? l * > nitnt lay < orro ;
® Mr ? f3T ysS w HundomP M'jid
I The larsoai , lustcn iind Untet lu tlio world ,
li JL'aescnpcraccomaiodaUoii-innPxcQllcd.
Now York to Gla go vh Linioadsr.v
Ktlilopln , Dee . . . . Htli | lurncia , Deo.2Wli
AncUoiln , lleo . . . . -1st | rurncs6li , Jan ItH I
Now York to Azores , Gibraltar anl Italy
Assyria Doc 18 | Vlctoilo Inn It ,
( "aioon , Second CrAss ani > STBEitini : iatos ;
on lont'Bt terms I'xuurslon 'J'IckoW touucea ,
mnile nvullnble to return Br nlther the I'lctur-
esquo Clyda and North off Ireland , or Itlver
Mcrncy unit doutli of Ireland , or Nuplcauul
I'xrunsioNs ot TAHia on Covtinkntil
Timiirt on lovven tcmis , 'JYaveleis' Circular
I.citcrsot ( Jrcdlt nnd Drnfts for uny ninoiint at
lowest current rates , Apply to any of our local
He ilBrsoii Brolte Chicaso Ills ,
H. 8. HAM
11. VMnour. ? .
C. 11. SlAUES , V. V. Depot
A full Plof TcelU on rubber for P. euarantood tote |
to a well madu • plates mill out Irom anrUunial
cmrolntbliiountry , nnd lor wliau you would ba
iliariiod orertMlco a < inucli , . , , ,
' , ail will *
'J eetliuilratted without p iln or danyar
out Ihu u u cliulofiirm , uHa , c Itln-r or proarltlir
UoldaiiddlTprlllilniit at lialf latoi
HntlHlnotion Ouarniiicril
. , ,
Pi,2.i ( > .i iliock , lOih nml rnniam Slrccts
TuUo lileraior on lilth Street
oiin : r.vr.NiNos untu s oclock
clirated lined of HooU undHhoeas inanufaclur-
nl by O. M. IIeuiliT oii A ; Co , ot Chicago I'ac-
tores ut rilieayo lxon | , Ills Bint Ton llti l.a < " ,
l\ls.-bliouid WTlto HAM N. WATSON , reil-
denco , I'llIIMONT , NKII TMYcllug aisont ,
lieaJiiuuitciii for llubbeis
A GOODRICH Alfy l' > ) Voir
• born rt , ( . ' ! ilcuso ; advice free ; SI vein ux
perlfiicoi biisiuuia'iiuletly und legally tiuui 'I '
acted '
miua.m iu..nT T l ' | , ni " ' iTf-- ' " " ' * " ' " " - " - * • -n..u.liu-l.m . < ! una . . aa-U-i. , m T 11 , |
/ TCxj \ ( w That Nics , are
J \\i\r/\/L \ \ \ * * making for $25 their
( Urn v > 1\l > \ $ ' * ' * fuwy caushneve
N /Vvl I A\\ suit illy ft ;
I a \ - Y \ i No error about it
We cant afford errors over Nicoll's name
Could you ? if you were widely known for truth
Its a Fact
We had bolts upon bolts of fancy Suitings
Choice $35 worth
They're melting , melting , quicty before the price
$25 made to your measure and fancy %
iHsasswsML * ' N1001L Ihe TAILOR ,
1409 Douglas Street
. . . , ,
- - * • - - * - * * * * * - - ' - ' - * * - * * - * * - * -
-r-rrn.iiTjfi. n ! - " > " ' j- -j -t " " " " " /Ln-fm-wi'-'iii-iiii MTif i-w > MJaua au-H--a
Feom Max Meyer & Bro
The auction sale which is now in progress at our |
store has caused so many inquiries that we take \
this method to answer the inquiries and inform the public at j
the same time The object of the saleis not , as some have j' '
asserted , to got rid of our old stock for the best of reasons , U
we have none Nor is it a holiday scheme to _ get the |
trade but it is as advertised , to close the retail depart |
ment of our jewelry business which we have been desirous i
of doing for many months , and having failed to find a customer - 1
tomer to purchase the stock entire , and to pijt the stock in- j
to our wholesale department not being feasible , we have
determined upon an auction sale of our entire stock of dia- j ,
mends , fancy goods , art goods , and all Without limit or
reserve of one single article We invite all to attend these (
sales , which will be held daily for the next thirty days ( if not
disposed of before ) ana ! see if this statement is not a fact ' ,
wmmi g&fcd . six-cord
For Sale by all Mjp | J Loading Dealers J
34 Onion Square , New York City , flue 3' ' t. ' 889- I
After a series of tests at our Elhabeihport factory , extending over 11
a teiiod of several months , we have decided to use the j ]
believing it to be the best thread now in the matket , and strongly L\ \
recommend it to all agtnts , purchasers and users of the Singer Machines I
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Ifl
Yellow Pine
To ( Itnleis pnly Mills Boutucm MlKOurl Ilaotnt 1 , 3 n < ll US National , ! Juu"c llulldlog
'ffItiuiona 1 tiT , Omaha ISal- .
1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska j
. . _ * • . - . , . . - | B