Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    H THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SA EDAY , DECEMBER 7 , 1889. _ _ _ _ 5 I
H | Local Ghargoa Treated on a Dig1
B1 tanco Tariff Basis
m Closing Day of the Biitiromo Court
H Sixth Judicial .Iiiilcslilp Mnrbla
B Dcntors' Convention A.
H O. U.V. . OUlcers
B tilXCOl.f HlfnBABOP Tns Omuh Uee , )
H. KM1) ) l > SritnET , [
H I Lincoln , Neb , Die G. )
B Tlio board of transportation Is In receipt ot
BBj tt communication from Aldnro F. Wnllcor
J chairman of the Interstate railway nssocla-
HHf tlon , with which ho enclosed n copy of the
J nward of the arbitrators on the ntibjoct of
J tnroUKli and local rates , In the stiitos ot No
HHJ lirnsku and ICnnsns , From n member ot the
HHJ board of secretaries were obtained the fol-
HHJ lowing interesting fact * in rotation thorato :
Hj The question of the revision of the relation
HHJ between the throuth { and local rates In No-
HHj lirosltit and Knnsas wis rcferrod nt the Sop
HHJ tornbor meeting of the manager ' * ot tltolntor-
HHj j state rultwny ussoelutlon to n apodal board
jt oT nrbltration , consisting ot the chairman ot
Hv $ that association , Mr Wulkor , who was
5 formerly n member of the Intcrstuto com
HHjf inorro commission , toeotner with Messrs
IBB | [ Flnley , Kaithorn mnl Mldgloy , cnclt ono of
jl whom Is chairman of ono ot the traffic asso-
IHB K elatlons , embracing lines operating in the
IBB | j states nmnod ; the objects of the associations
HHB K being chlelly the uiaintcnanco of rates
IBB I Thli disposition of the question was made
HHH after repeated failures to ngreo on the part
HHH ' of tha managers and freight agents to whom
HHB , the subject had been previously referred
HHH i ( The report is very comprehensive in its
HHH K trontment of the subject Its udojitlon
HHD * . menus n radical change in the system
HH I bcrctofoto provnillng in the establishment of
HHH i rates west of the Missouri river In Nebraska
HHH b nnd Kansas ; or , mora correctly apenlcing , It
HHHHB means the establishment of permanent nnd
HH | enduring nrlnclptos In plnco of the nrbitrarv
HJS modes of udjustmont to which may bo at-
HH ft trlbutod the present unsystematic arrange
HH I ment of tariffs In the llrst ptaca the award
. establishes a common nnd uniform relation
HHH I In the vaiious class rates to each other The
HHH matter which has heretofore been loft to the
HH | Individual trontment of dliferent lines with
H | | the obvious result of great diversity Inso-
fK much that , whereas , a person might ship a
fL certain nrtlcla upon ono line at , say 50 per
HHHJ ft cent of the lirst class rate , Upon another line
iHHj R ho would have to pay 05 per cent for the
HHHJ II llrst class , the rate for the llrst class being
il the same upon both lines The award os-
1 , tnblisiies class "t" as a basts of which the
' second Is 83 per coat , the third 73 , the fourth
Hi OT ) , and so on down to the lowest car load
HHHK ) | class , which is nbout 10 per cent of the llrst
J ! class The uward follows with a
HHHft ) . discussion nod iho establishment of
HHHj | ) a local rates The existing distinction
HHHft k between distributing rates from Omaha ,
t Lincoln nnd Fremont , and the state dlstiinco
turill employed at interior points Is very ma-
ft f teriul , the difterenco being as great us LOft
ft per cent on some classes Such a system of
building tariffs results In great injustice to
ft I many ot the lesser cities naturally located us
ft 6 the centers of trade , viz : lioatricc , Grand
HHHfg IsUnd , Hastings and others These towns
6 under the present system of discriminating
BBJ I tariffs are making an almost hopeless strug-
BBl I gle against their mora powerful competitors ,
Hj backed by the fevers ot all truuspottation
BBj l lines , in iueo of statutory provisions pre
BBl scribing rules of impartial accommodation
ft I between localities Moreover , to continuo to
i ) recognize the existing distinctions between
11 localities involved the arbitrary dctcrmina-
ft ftftl ' tlon , of the points which should bo treated
Pb PbB j rxccptlonally , nnd such a decision would bo
Pb PbB } ttubject in the future to endless niodillcutlon ,
P.J nnd would result In defeating the objects
Hlj nhncd at by the association in submitting
H'j the subject to arbitration , viz : a per
Pb Pbv j innncnl and enduring result Indeed , the
Pb PbH J nrbltrutors state that no ground appeared on
Hj' whlcii the tarifTs under consideration could
ft/ } bo adjusted except by placing the cntlro
[ u itysuui on a substantially uniform basis , ana
[ l tliorcupon proceed to establish n distance
a 6 tariff for the state of Nebraska , the prcpara-
8 tion of which , from tlioir staiwlpointof view ,
ftl viz ; the malntainanca of exUtiugrovenues
{ I to the roads , Involved combining the exist
ftftftB 1 ing distributing tariffs with the existing
ftftftftft | } state illstnnco tariffs employed at interior
l points This rosnltcd in a material reduc-
ft ftftH $ tlon iu Nebraska's ' distance turill , and a
1 slight increase in the present distributing
If rates From tables compllod the decrease in
the distance tariff is shown to bo us much as
' lTjicr cent In ono class for distances bo-
iwccn ono bundrcu and two hundred miles
ft The decrease attains its maximum in classes
ombraclng less than carload lots , and lessons '
ft ftftH r.s It renehes the lovvor classes for
carload freight The Increase iu dls-
ft ftftB | trlbuling rutcs is not uniform by
ft ft ] : any means On the contrary , nt
l some points , a reduction is shown But
I generally iho chunges that have been made 1
Iftft ftftj I nro relatively slight advances as tomparod
| v H { with the reductions upon the local dlsunco 1
i ftftftB J tarifts The Ohlcago rate into Lincoln is '
ft ftftH J inado llftcrcntial of 10 cents on llrst class ,
ft ftft { decreasing to 2 cents on class K over Omaha
t rates , Tuls is an Increase ort'c the oxistlng
1 differentials of 5 cents on llrst class , 3 cents
V Kfl on second class , U cents on third class , 3
HS cents on tourth class , 2 cents on fifth class , 2
1 cents on class A , 1 cent on class li no
chungo on class C , a reduction of 1 cent on
class U and a Ilka reduction on class li
\ Lincoln distributing rates is the distance
I tarllT Omaha distributing rates nro oquul-
| i7cd with Lincoln rutcs In other words , the
1 sum of the rates from Chicago to Omahn ,
i plus the rate from Omaha to un interior
\ point in tbo state , equally distant from
S Lincoln and Omaha , is tbo snmo as the sum
| of the rates from Chicago to Lincoln plus tha
J rate from Lincoln to tha interior point
I Through rates from Chicago to interior
R points in the state show u slight advance
[ I over cxistiug rates , the object being to bring
jf the rules nt polntn beyond short hauls from
, , the Mlstsouri river to anoint somewhera
li scar tha sum of the locals It Is thought
j thai tbo treatment of local rates on a dis-
i'l ' tanco tariff basis will meet with the cordial
11 support ot the state board of transportation
, Tlio buproinu Court
j | The closing days proceedings In the su ;
! premo court wera as follows :
I ' Mr James II Van Duson of Douglas
i county was admitted to practiro
Tlio following eases were contluuodi
Kichardton County vsj Hall , Keeling vi
Itoyt , Jouos vs State , Ooolt > a Ueatrico , Liu-
lnger vs Ulouu , Towusend vs Juso & Com
puuy , Dorsoy vs McCco , Weltz vs Wolf ,
} Ilondrickson vs Sullivan , ( Jalo Company vs
V Langhlln , l'etcrson vs Towusend , State ox
\ tel Uoird of Transportation vs Promont ,
Klltliorn & Missouri Vultoy railroad com
pany , State ox rel Attorney Ooneral vs
II , Atchison So Nouraska railroad company ,
Martin y State , Hrugman vs Iiurr , Hayloy
. vs Missouri l'aatlo railway company , Shcody
IJ vs llenadom , Scbuylar vs Ilauna , Ashby vs
I vs Grecnslado , IJarusby vs I'imumor , Mld-
I laud vs Qago county , Hill vs Dub , fJrccti-
| wood vs Craig , Aultmnn , Miller & Company
K vs Ueuueli , Hussoll vs Longmoor , Anderson
| vs Lombard } nvostment compjny , Aloxau-
I1 dor vs TIULcker , Shellcnbcrger vs lUnsom ,
t Opciibcimor v Melono , Sawyer vs Parker ,
I Martin v State , Hilton vs Crooker ,
I Fitzgerald vs lirewster , Crabb vs Morrlsoy ,
I Claus v Hardy , Ulctcard * vs Huno , Rhodes
I v Estubrook , Vamplow vs Chambers , Mai-
I colui vs Hansen , Anglo America company vs
I Evans , Michael vs Uenson , Iloblnsou va
I Jones , JnokBOD vs proighton , Omaha Horsa
I , Kail way company vs Omaha Motor company ,
I Omaha & Florence Land company vs Iiar-
I rett , Omaha & Florence Land compauy vs
I JIurkor , Helm Manufacturing compauy vs
I Kountio , State ox rel Scovilla vs Wilson ,
| l Hryant vs Uarton , Keller vs ICeilor , Oberlies
I r WU1U , Uolley vs State , Wullenwaber
I i V Uuaigan , Shreck vs Spain , Itujsell vs
„ _ j jt . „ - i -
Cornish , Trcster vs Missouri Pncltid rail
way company , Hurr vs Lnmastor Uarst vs
Grinin , tlranter vs Omaha llolt railway com
puny Kitchen Brothers Hotel company vs
Hammond , Omaha Motor company vs Omaha
Horse 1 rnilnay company , Omaha & Klorcnco
company v Hansen , Livinrston vs Living
\ ston , Hoaglnnd vs Van Ktton , Millson vs
Hall , Schuvlnr nntmnnl bank vs Uollong ,
Magol vs ( Jill , Northern ft Ccdnr Haplds
J railroad company vs Scott , llnglcr vs
State , Huckltn vs Strlcklor , Llch-
tenborgor vs Johnson , Hntts vs Uoyd ,
Clcndenning vs I'errinc , Worth vs Grcon-
wood Coy vs Miller , Spink vs state ox rol
iiobblns | , Hull vs Godrrov , llarton vs state
Ucckcr vs Slnionds Coy vs Jones , Nowolt
vs lClmbill , school district 49 , Adams county
vs Cooper , state ox rol James vs Lynn ,
Gates vs l'arrott , Kllpatrlck vs Atkisson ,
Schuster vs Sherman , Cond vs Homo
Cattle comptny , Seaman vs Urum-
mitt , Koncli vs llockinson , state
ox rol school district 1 , Hitchcock
county vs Cornutt , Nelson vs Hitchcock ,
Urown vs Work , state ex rol Austin Wlso
company vs Uutirnn , Voncman vs McOur-
tain , state ex rel Uobbinsvshprlnk foither
vs Kearney county , Haymond vs Woolman ,
Nelson vs Ueckor , Marathon County ban *
vs Jones , Ellwood vs Marsh , Hastings Im-
piovoment comjuny vs Citizens street rail
way , Meyer vs Fagan , Ornnd Island Hank
Ing company vs Shoemaker , Overton llridgo
company vs Tnvlor , stata ex rel Shoit vs
Shcriniiu county , i'rlor vs Hunter , McDon
ald vs Wesovur , county of Cherry vs
Thntcher , state ex rel Mnhonoy vs Mcintosh ,
Morse 1c Company vs Slolnrod Submission
vncatod nnd cause continued McDonald vs
Wcsuner Motion to dismiss nppenl sus
tained Leave given defendant to lllo peti
tion In error in thiity days Stevenson vs
Valentino Order modi lied Stnto ox rel
Smith vs Urown Defendant nllowcd to nu-
swer by December 10. State vs Farmers
batik of Hampton Otto -rfenboru ap
pointed receiver , llulc on defondnnt to show
cjuso on or before Dccatnbcr 17 , IbS'J ' , why n
receiver should not prorecd to wind up the
uffalrsof said bank Wan on vs Uihun Mo
tion to dismiss overruled D. T. & O. It H.
Co vs Hutuhlns Hcnrgument ordered State
ex rol Hock county vs Urown county Writ
of mandamus allowed I'otvln vs Myers
Hohcnrine denied Ward vs Watson Hc-
hcarlnc denied Nebraska Ss Iowa lnsuranco
compinv vs Slevers lichcarlng denied
Springlleld Fire and Mnrino Insurnnco com
pany vs Winn Rehearing denied
Uohcnrings were allowed in the following
cases :
Chicago Burlington & Qulncy railroad
company vs Hognn Ulcharusoti vs Camp
boll St.Uo ex rel Dasterdav vs Uowo Leave
Klveii plaintiff to withdraw petition Edear
vs Mills Dismissed Galloway vs Duncan
The following cases was areuod and sub
mitted : Cheney vs Wagner , motion to dis
miss ; Hilby vs 'i'ownsend , Symms vs Noxon ,
Watson va lloodo , Mltcholson vsSmlth , Halo
vs Hess , Alexander vs PJnttsmouth , Alex
ander vs Hunter Delorao vs Conna , Grand
Ledge Ancient Order United Workmen vs
Hrnnd , Oakley vs Fegler , Cobboy vs Wright ,
Fitzgerald vs Richardson , Foltou va Moffett ,
Sullivan vs McNennmy Folsom vs Mc-
Cague , Price vs Trent , Oborno va Burke ,
Nebraska National bank vs Logan ,
fllcCord vs Weil , Bradford vs iliggins ,
Bradford vs Peterson , Llpp vs Hunt , Hunt
vs Llpp , Uronnan vs Clark , Wostovor vs
Vnndoron , Chicago , Burlington & Qulucy
Railroad vs Kriskl , Hall vs First National
Bunk , State Uauk of Nebraska vs Smitn ,
Kersonbrock vs Muff , Horstvs McCormick ,
Finch vs Hartpenco , German , lnsuranco
Company vs Hoiduk , Osuorno vs Gehr , Nor
ton vs Fileer , State lnsuranco Company vs
Jordon , Mizcr vs Bristol , First National
Bank vs Turner , Weigel vs Hastings , Lin eh
vs State ex rel Uckles Goldsmith vs Fuller ,
Nebraska and Iowa lnsuranco company vs
Segard , Ward vs Parlin , Kcynoy vs Upstlll ,
Weltnor vs Commercial bank , Clarke vs
Williams , Houck vs Guo & Hurley , South
Omaha National bank vs Chase
Tlio following rules were adopted :
S . Original cases will bo pluced en tbo
calendar of assignments for the proper dis
trict and will not bo taken up out ot their
order except upon n showing that important
public interests require an earlier disposition
of tbo case
( % Neither motions to dismiss , unless for
the want of prosecution , uor to strike a bill
of exceptions will be heard , unless the notice -
tico thereof shall bo served upon the oppo
site party or his attorney or the attorney
who tried the cause lor him in the trial
court nt or before the expiration of the time
for serving briefs in the enso
Rule li amended to rend as follows :
0. ( Time for oral arguments ) In the oral
aigumcut of a cause the time allowed the
parties on each side shall not exceed thirty
minutes , unless ior special reasons the court
shall extend the time Oral nrgument on a
motion will bo limited to Qvo minutes on a
Court adjourned to Tuesday , December 17 ,
lSaJ at SJ0 : o'clock a. m. , for the purpose of
handlug down decisions only
Sixth Judicial diiittrcship
Tbo governor was at his desk again this
morning , having returned from Aurora ,
Hamilton county , and other points in tbo
Sixth judicial distrtot , where bo went to feel
the pulse of constituents regarding the dif
ferent candidates for the judgeship of that
district Pursuant to talk last night iu the 1
corridors ot the Capital hotel and other po
litical rendezvous of the city , candidates for
the appointmeut , ncconipanicd by their
fricnus poured in upon him thick and fast
But this perhaps , wus duo to the fact that
Judg o Norvnl's resignation was oxpectcd to i
be bunded in today , and that immediate i
steps would ho taken in tha wav ot nppoint-
mg his successor The governor hoard tbo
claims of each candidate patiently but gave '
no index as to what he would do In the
promises So far asknowlodgo is conoorned
tlio candidates and their respective friends 1
are as much at sea as tboy were a month ago
B. L. ICIng of Osceola , Pollf county , who 1
was hero today is on the anxious scat , but
entertains a woll-detlned hops that ligntnlng
may strike him Robert Wheeler of the
same place is also sanguine The opin-
Ion is , however , that noltbor ot [
these gentlemen can make It Upon
the principal that a divided bousa
can not stand , it is suggested that dual can
didacy can not augur well for tlio 6uccoss of
either In this connection it is also said that
A. W. Agco aud K. J. Holner are rival can
didates fiom Hamilton county , but it is given
out that they have compromised on this
issuu and will stand and fall together If
success crowns the efforts of cither ons the
other swears to fall into line and work for
bis nomination and election a yeur later ,
whorcas , tbo issues bctwocn King and
Wheolar are diametrically opposed and can
not insure harmonious action at the coming
convention But George H. France ot York
must not bo lost sight of He is backed by
strong iuilueuces and is well located ,
• It is the general opinion , howovcr , that
A gee or Hlnes will secure the apDolntmouU
W.T.Scott of York und J. C. Smith of
Aurora uro said to bo possibilities Promi
nent state ofllcials predict that u dork horse
will carry oft the honor ,
Logan Legion OIUcorH-Kleot.
At a meeting of Logan legion , No 8 ,
Select Kn Ights Ancient Order United Work
men , December'J , 18S9 , the following officers
were elected : W. S , Ilausoworth , past com
mander ; John E. Douglas , commander ; Carl
Sohmltt , vice commander ; J. II Burke , lieu
tenant commander ; W , Krause , standard
bearer ; P. Audrascn , senior workman ; Paul
I'ingcl , union workman ; Frank Pynchao ,
recorder ; A. Kraner , recording treasurer ;
li Matz , treasurer ; John Schultz , guard ;
also the following trustees ; P , Androsen ,
ouo year ; John Mcintosh , two years ; F. h\
Raase , thrco years Past Commander Wolfe
of Crete was present
Mnrtilo Dealers Convention ,
Tli q Nobrasks Marble and Granite Deal ,
era association continued Its session at tbo
Capital hotel this inoriring The principal
work was of a routluo character , in which
the public are not esDoqlally interested The
following oftlcers wcro e'ected ' : President ,
Charles Ned hart , Beatrice ; vice presidents ,
J. Uroulette Schuyler ; V. B. Kimball Lin
coin ; secretary and treasurer , A. II , Brown ,
ited Cloud : board of directorsW C Urosqr ,
Chicago ; W. A. Shane , Pawnee City ; M ,
Kildow , York : Frank Oouroy , Fairmont ; > .
C. Robinson , Chicago Just befora tan ad
journment , which took place at noou Presi
dent Ncldnnrt and Secretary Brown wcro
each presented with a line ooony gold
headed cane , nicely carved nnd engraved
The association is trylug to niilto the local
dealers In the state In an attempt to elevate
the business mid nanlsh tha little bickering ,
jealousies , etc , which occasionally come between
tween rival tlrms
City News nnd Notes
Juditu and Senator Norval of Howard wcro
in the city today ,
M. C. Bailey attempted to commit suicide
today at 10 oclock Ho took n dose of
strychnine , nnd but for timely assistance
would have gone the wny of earth Hols n
worthless character nnd has ilgurod conspic
uously in pollco circles of late
. Mrs Martha G. Schroeder , a patient of
the | insane asylum from Douglas county ,
tom mitt oil suicide last night by hnnging her
self She succeeded irf loosening the win
dow : pulley rope of her room , nnd by gottinc
upon a chair fastened it around her neck and
swung hcrsolf into eternity It is said that
she ! received n loiter from her physlclnn in
Omnha J Informing her that her husband was
{ nttempting to secure a dlvorco It is thought
that this added to her despondency aud directly
rectly led to the rash net
. Secretary ot State Cowdr.v and Land
Commissioner J Stern wont to Kearney Inst
evening to insnect the new buildings , going
up at the industrial school
Thoinembors of the Nobrnska national
gunrds nro discussing the question ot rotation -
J tion in oflico and nro advocating the election
of Colonel Harry Phillips of the First wrl-
mont to the oflico ot brigadier general This
Is not done bocatiso of nny disposition to
down ! Gcnornl Colby , but because they want
to ' pass the ofllcos around among the boys
. Siok hofulacho * ia readily cured by
Hoods ' Siirsapurllhi , which tones nnd
regulates I the digestion , mid creates nn
uppotito i
Kiulrnvorluc ; to Break the Jobbers
mill tlio SlnnnfrTH * Kitten
Under the surfneo in certain railrotd cir
cles ' , rolls n bit of agitation which promises
to break out in a red hot rebellion "
It was nnnouncod soma time ago that a •
contract had boon made between the Mil
waukee & St Paul , nnd the Pncllla short
line , to construct another brldga across the
river nt Sioux City , and thus complete an
entirely now route ever which , in time ,
through trains were to be run from lake Su
perior points to tha Pacific coast
This Pacillc short line Is moro familiarly
known as thn Sioux City & Ogden road which
has the Illinois Central behind IU About two
hundred miles It is stated , have been con
structed Tlio remainder , according to cal
culation , is expected to bo completed within
n year By that tlmu the Milwaukee and St
Paul also contemplates having a line ready
for oporatiou from Duluth to connect with It
nt some point in Minnesota , a distance of 'SOO
miles , wiiicli will then give that compauy a
direct road from Duluth to Sioux City It
will , furthermore , bo enabled to run solid
trains via the short line and Cen
tral Pacific to Sun Francisco and
as claimed , make a much shorter route than
either the Union Pacillc or the Northwest
ern.Tho schpuio is a big ono and apparently
shows to many certain indications of being
consummated that the parties likely to no
affected by it ara manifesting symptoms of
In view of these facts , there are these who
contend that the Union I'aeillo made a mis
take when it cntorod into an exclusive agree
ment with the Nounwcstorn and Vunderbilt
lines to get an advantage on transconti
nental tratlic What can bo done to head
off tbo Millwaukco , is now the quostlon
Conoral Manager Burt of the Elkborn re
turned yesterday from Chicago , where
ho attended the meeting of froisnt rata nd-
justors , who nave under consideration und
are greatly exercised over the determination
of Nebraska roads to place Omaha jobbers
in competition with Chicago whole
salers on business west ot the
Missouri river When ho lefi Chicuiro
the association was floundering with
MIdgloy , Faithorn , Walker and Finlcy ,
chairmen of the various trade pools These
were doing everything in their power to
break the written contract entered into ono
week ago between Burt , Mellon , Holdrcgo
and the committee of jobbers whereby a now
schedule giving Omaha tha boneflt of a rate
equal to the sum of the two locals , is to bo
put into effect on the 10th of this month
At that meeting this quartette of
chairmen tried to make it appear that Lin
coln was very much dlssatlslied whiio the
managers and freight men ot all these roads
here dcclaro that thcro Js no fight between
Lincoln and Omaha Chicago is doing all
the howling
The Union Pacific , Burlington , Elkborn
and Missouri Pacific passenger departments
have issued their midwinter holiday
atcs To all points within a radius
of 2U0 miles , ono fare for the round trip will
prevail These tickets will bo sold only on
four Jays , December ! M , 25 , 31 , and January
1 and cxplro January J
The Bolt line company has put a now time
tnblo into elTect which fixes the running of
early morning trains so as to accommodito a
great many moro people than heretofore
For instauce , the train which formerly ar
rived ut 8 o'clock , too late for scores of
clerks who are compelled to bo at their
places of business at that hour , now arrives
at 7:4 ! > , und as a coasequenco came in this
morning with a need load of passengers
J. B. Frawloy , who succeeds John Scott
as ticket agent of the Union Pacific
at Kansas City , left for that place last
night , and will relieve Mr Scott , who comes
here as assistant general passenger agent of
the road
Arthur Johnson has entered upon the
duties of his new position us assistant , gnn-
oral freight a ent of the Union Pacific at
The Union Paclllu will control the Don
vor Fort Worth & t'cxas road Dy an owner
ship of a majority of tha stock
Messrs Kllpatrlck Brothers & Collins of
Bcatrico have been given n contract to nulla
130 miles ot the Union Pacific's proposed 1
now line from Milford , Utah , to l'iocho , Nev
They will also change tbo Utah Northern 1
from Ogden to McCammon , laaao
H. J. Hungruve and John G. Cruise , general -
oral and commercial agents , respectively , of
tno Illinois Central and Georgia Central
roads at Kansas City , are taking in Omaha
Watch the box , buy the genuine Rod
Cro33 Cough Drops , 6 cents per box
Wo are the People
Business men from Nobraakit for Chicago
cage , Milwaukee and all eastern cities
will manse note that by the new time
schedule ( in olTact from and after No
vember 17 , 1889) ) , they can arrive at
Omaha about 4 p. in , can do buBlnoss or
visit with Omaha merchants and friends
for nonrly two hours , and can then tmco
tha through Pullman Bleeping car of
the Chicago , Milwnukeo & St Paul
railway short line fnst train at Omnha
depot of The Union Pncllla railway (1 (
p. m. ( supper served on dining car leaving -
ing Council HlulTs ut G:30 : p. in ) , and
nrrlvo at Chicago at 0:30 : a. m , ( break * -
fast also served on dining car ) , in ample
time to make connections with the fnst
morning trains from Chicago on the
principal enstorn and southeastern
lines ; or if desired , passenger : ) for the
east enn remain ever in Chicago a few
hours for business or pleasure and ro-
Btimo their journey by the afternoon
fast and limited trains of all the east
ern roads
In addition to the foregoing , another
through short-lino train loaves Omaha
daily at 0:15 : a. in and Council Blutfa
at 9:40 n. m. , arriving ut Chicago ut
0:60 : a. in , malting close oonnootion
with the express trains of all eastern
For tickets and further partlnulnrs
apply to the nearest ticket agent , or to
P. A. Nash , general agent , 1601 Par
nam St , Omaha , Neb ,
Ilieil nt Idist
Michael Rosso , ono of the men Injured in
the accident on the Milwaukee cast of Coun
cil Bluffs.on October 29 , died yesterday morn ,
ing at V:20 : o'clock" , at bis place on Leaven
worth street near Thirteenth Rosso wus a
laborer and had the reputation of being tbo
largest Italian in tbo city , beingover
six feet high , Ho wus a democrat
and mada a cansplcious banner carrier iu
the Cleveland paradus a few years ngo Ho
was unmarried The remains will bo
burled at Laurel Hill utSc'clock this
afternoon The funeral will take place from
Drcxel & Mauls
Uorsroi'itV Aolil I'liosp'itto
Impacts Renewed Strength
und vigor where there bms been haustion
am nuoAGiPJiTHKAdiinnY
Christ ' Speclit Glvpstlin filith tVnrilers
Ecnsllflo Knots
The Sixth ward republican club met Inst
night at the club rooms , Twonty-slxth nnd
Lnko streets , and held n post rnortom over
the late city olcctlon , In brdor to discover , if
possible 1 , the causes that led to the repub
lican ] defeat Members differed as to the
causes , and the discussion of the differences
led J to a scene Hint promised to result in the
breaking up of the club ,
Christ Spccht was ( present nnd was given
the \ privilcgo ot addressing tha club Mr
Specht . told the moollng that bo hnd always
been ' a republican and had nlways worked
for 1 the good of the party Ho rolntod how
ho I worltod for Broatch's nomination two
years ngo Ho was used for the purpose of
brlughn 1 ; over the uuti-Broatchltcs among
the ' Germans nnd ho succeeded Ho repeat
ed what Councilman Kaspar has nlways
claimed , la the face of Brontcli's denial , that
Broatch ' , at the incctlnas nt Kess-
lcr'p | hall , nt Hnscnll's park and at
Bohemian linll absolutely nnd posltlvoly
pledged l his hearers that ho would not Interfere -
fore ' with tbo running ot saloons ou Sunday
"Ho drank beer with mo , " suld Mr Specht ,
"nnd I paid all the bills I spout ST5U In
securing , his election Ho said ho would pay
j It all back to mo When the election wns
over ho said ho would never forcet me , buj
ho never paid mo a cent of my money back
us ho promised "
Mr Specht went on to sny that ho
know ho was killing himself politically
but ha wns going to tell the tha truth ,
Ho alleged that Broatch had used
nil maimer of'corrupt methods to cary the
urimarlos , nnd , being defeated in the conven
tion , had formed the conspiracy to defeat the
republican ticket nnd got , ns a result nt his
crooked work , his henchman , E. P. Davis ,
In ns president of the council
Mr Speclit congratulated the club and the
republicans of Omaha on tlio fact that they
can now know whereto find Broatch nnd his
followers , Wheeler , Chnffco , Lee , Davis and
other members of the present council , who
will never daroprosont their ntimcs for oflico
Mr Speclit's excoriation of Mr Broatch
was thoroughly appreciated by the members
ot the club who anplauned him warmly , nnd
it looked for a moment ns though the meet
ing was to end very harmoniously But it
didnt William Hodgetts a voter in the
Second district of the ward , nsked in u n Innocent -
nocont manner If the club had any bylaws
The club had Could ho hear them road Ho
could The bylaws were read and Mr Hod
getts called especial attention to section d ,
which provided that any member of the club
who should refuse to support any candldato
or ticket endorsed by the club should bo ex
pelled by n two-third vote Mr Hodgetts
said that Thomas Mugrnno , a raombor of the
club , had voted a uastani ticket ou election
dny and had worked iiRalnst the republican
candidate for mayor "If you keep that
kind of men in the club " said Mr Hod
getts , you will have lots of good mon leav
ing it "
This brought Magrano out MneranQ.was
so angry thai he was redheaded Ho laid
off his cent to keep his hair from scorching
his muskrat collar Ho turned red in the
fuco , his eyes started from thair sockets , us
lie proceeded to abuse Mr E. Rosewater
He sutd ho had voted lagainst Lininger In
order to kill Rosewater Ho volunteered
the Information that he was camping on Mr
Rosow.iter's trail and was gome to keep on
until ha sent him to hades , where ho be
At this burst of eloquence a cross-eyed
messenger boy near the door laughed , Bill
Morrow cheered and the respectable part of
the audience hissed
Then Macrano to tell what a
good republican ho wus , but was cut off by
Mr Hodgotts , who told how Magrane had
broken up sevcrnl clubs because ho could not
bo aloctod to offices in them that ho desired ,
and cited bis action on Tuesday last to show
that ho was liable under ' scction 0 to bo ox-
potfod from the club '
A motion was mado.that Magrano be ex
pelled from the club ,
Mnsrano tried to work oft another speech
but became so abusive and vulgar that Presi
dent Grant hud to . call him to order and
finally denied him the right to address tha
meeting further
The motion started a war , however , and
developed the fact that a majority of the
members of the club who had voted scratched
tickets on Tuesday nnd wer6 liable to ba expelled -
polled from the club Excitement ran high
for a few minutes until E. Glenn and Secre
tary Kelsey made pncif.vlnir speeches and the
motion was laid on the table and the meet
ing adjourned
The club uccompauicd by tbo Sixth ward :
band serenaded Councilman-eloct McLcjrio
after the meeting
For parties and banquets Cooks ' Extra Dry
Imperial Cbampngno has no rival ; there s
not a beaducho iu a cuso
P.itti Rosa entertained an excellent audi
ence at Boyd's ' opera house last night Sbo 1
appeared as the captivating , mischievous >
Margary Daw , in Tom Cravens sparkling ;
three-act comedy , which Clay Grooa re
wrote and roviscd especially for her , and
which furnishes the llttlo actress all tbo 1
scope she can possibly deslro for a full dis
play ot her talents It is not exaggeration
to rank Patti Rosa as the legitimate suc
cessor of Lotta , because her style and line
of business is very nearly the same as that
which made the rollicking California girl so
famous She slugs , dances , skips lightly
about the stage , assumes ridiculous
attitudes , has her own way in everything ,
and keeps the audience convulsed with laugh
tor The fact that she Is supported by a good '
company , tbroo of whom at least are clover
artists , had much to do with making the per
formance unusuall interesting and onjoyu-
blo Gcorgo C. Boniface , jr , is a clover
comodlan Ho Is a smooth , uleasing , self
possessed actor John W. Dune.who plays
tbo Italian nondescript nnd Augustus J.
Bruno as an English flunkydeserves special ;
mention Tbo latter cave a dialect recita
tion and sung a topical song that
won bim four or five encores Mr
Dunes character work wusjvery ilno
An attraction onlj fairly good , entitled ASocial
Social Session , " opened at the Grand last
nicht to a food slzod and appreciative audi
enco Some clever singing and dancing ,
introduced at frequent intervals , proved an
entertaining feature ot the performance
Harry F. Hal ) , who Imitates a Yankca
farmer ; Arthur v. Gibson , Billy Gray , Kate
Sprague and Blanche Hnvden are the princi
pals of the caste , and played tbelr parts very
Insist on having the genuine Rod
Cross Cough Dropg , 5 cents per box
Sold everywhere , <
"Tlie House of Lmr.lriV Condemn © I by
tlio Inspector
The building ownttd-by Colonel E. D ,
Pratt , ana familiarly known as "Tbo House
of Lords suloon , at 1503 Dodge street , was
condemned by the cjtjf _ building Inspector
last night
The McCagua Isros are excavating to
build on the adjoining * J6t at F fteoutn and
Dodge streets In the Pratt building Doty
& Darst conduct a saloon The place wus
closed at 0 p. m. and ulli tbo valuables wiire
carried out for fear tho'old shell would fall
* " " " •
down .
Pratt and his famtly have been living over
tlio saloon for a long time , but they were
afraid to romaln there tonight and went to a
A Cnush , Oolil or Horn Throat should
not bo neglected Browns Bronchial Troches
are a simple remedy , and give prompt relief
To Advertise Nebraska
John Gllmoro , who styles himself the fam
ous United States fair manager , was in Om
aha yesterday consulting with officials
unl members of the Nebraska Development
association with a view to inaugurating
some plan for carrying out that organisa
tion's purpose and deslro to advertise the
state Mr , Gllmore'a proposition is that
tl.eso people shall provide him with a car
load of products to transport througn thn
east and exhibit at all the important cantors
of population Havicg been the originator
of this novel scbenn for advertising , iyr-
poses , Mr Gllmora U well known from Ben
ton to Sua Francisco , and he thinks tbu the
most effective plan Nebraska cuu adopt to
place her resources before the publlo Uy
Invitation he mot sovernl members ot the
board of trndo yestordny afternoon In the
chamber ot commerce , laid this innttor before
fore them and they oxnrossod satisfaction
with it , A motion to assist Mr Gllmora nnd
co-oporoto with him was carried by ft unani
mous vote Vice President Ilolcomo of the
Union Paclflo has agreed to furnish cars ,
giving one each to Colorado , Wyoming ,
Utah , Idaho , Oregon and Washington , and
bo will do ns much for Nebraska
Mothora will find Mrs Wlnalow's
Soothing Syrup the best remedy for
tholr children 2-3 cents a bottle
Ilrnlstcd Arrest
Jack Gillcn , while undertbo ; influence ot
drink last night , was placed under arrest
Ho resisted Scrgaant "Wholan nnd Officer
Evcrlic , who wcro compelled to club him
Into submission The charge placed oppo
site his nntuo is being drunk nnd resisting
nn officer Glllen's head was seriously cut ,
Twlco llrokn Ills Leg
Henry Kuol stopped front a motor car
about ten days ngo nnd broke his leg
Last night ho foil again nt Twenty-ninth
nnd Cuming street und broke the same
limb Ho wns taken to St Joseph's hospital
in the pollco patrol wagon
Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous
ncs , spasims , sleeplessness , cured by Dr
Miles Nervine Snmplos fruo at Kuliu &
Co 's 15th mid Douglas
Ill Ijtist Nights Badly Played Game of
The Gnto CItvs and the Mlllards were
plltoil against each other at the Coliseum
last evening , the Mlllards proving easy via
There was another largo and cuthusinsno
crowd present , and while the gama was a
poorly played one , tha uudionee Beamed to
enjoy it about as much as they have nny of
The GatoCitys , with tbo pxsoptlon of second - ,
end rush , Wlllio Bill Magnor , played llko n
lot of hnms , nnd big McLurncd , the half
back , or way-back , It should be , bad to take
off bis shatcs to turn round Muc had better
stleic to his mits , if ho is panting for athletic
glory , polo Isn't his forte Walter Bray also
failed to distinguish himself , Ha tended
goal like nu old woman shooing chtcuens out
of an onion patch
But whllo the Gate Cltys are being mildly
toasted the Milhirds must not bo nozlcctcd
Whiio they wore moro successful in getting
the sphere in their opponents cage they
played with but precious little moro skill
The cntlro battle wus simply n rough-and-
tumble , go as-you-plc.iso scramble , mid of
all the people who wore surprised when a
goal was made , the player who made it was
the most surprised himself
The two teams were placed as follows :
Gate Citys McClary , flrat rush ; Willie Bill
Magner , second ; Horworth , cantor ; 11c-
Larned , halfback , and Bruy , goal tend
Mlllards Stoney , llrst rush ; btoclcdnle ,
second ; L. Holton , ( enter ; M. Holton , half
back , nnd Ellcombc , goal tend
In the llrst Innings the Mlllards made four
goals , the first ono on a foul , to tha Gate
Citjs two , and in the second Innings they
scored three straight points to their oppo
nents none , leaving the score as follows :
Mlllards 7
GutoOitys 4
'Jlio Hot urn ofClmkc
Dad Clarke , Omaha's star twlrlor , arrived
from California yesterday in good health ,
but looking n trifle pale and emaciated Dad
will stop in Omuha a couple of weeks , and
before leaving for Oswego , his home , will
probably put his hand to an Omnha contract
for next season
IYstofllco Business for November
Po3tmnstcr Peter Crockroll makes the fol
lowing showing of the business of the post
office for November : Postage stamps and
postal cards Bold , $ l,00i ! 13 ; envelopes and
wrappers , $ f,2S3.4.5. Total receipts for
postage , $5,291.83. Number of letters de
livered , 30,317 ; collected , 32,991 ; letters and
parcels delivered , 13,9s. ) ; collected , 53,901 ,
local letters collected , 1,3.73 ; postal cards col
lected , 2,332 ; delivered , 0,027. Total number
of pieces of mail matter handled during the
month 112,900 , or an avcrago of 5,190 , a day
'Jln > Council nnd Commissioikms
County Commissioners , Corrlgan , O'Koefo ' ,
Anderson and Turner met Mavor Sloano
and Councdmen McMillan , O'Rourko and
Johnston jesterday afternoon and discussed
the grading of L street Certain members
reluctantly admitted Hint it was linelv the
work would soon bo c.irriod on
Notes About the City
The county commissioners have approved
the bond of Justice of tlio Peaco-olect Jo-
sopb J. Breou
Garbage Master Splitt announces that the
garbage ordinances will be rigialy enforced
Camp E. K. Wells No 72 , Sons of Vet
erans , under tbo supervision of Charles R ,
Burgess , will present a popular nnd interest
ing drainn , Our Hero , " to a South Omaha
audience at nn early date
The Theater Comiquo on Twenty-soyenth
street will bo opened this evening
A son has been born to Mr and Mrs
James Dcmwoith
The Duzaar to bo givn by the Ladies aid
society of the Prcsbytoriau church , Decem
ber 12 and 13 , will bo held in the Riley build
ing , No 109 Twenty-fifth street
About People
Henry Gibson is visiting his urother , L. C.
T. H. Famsworth of Blair is visiting his
son , Attorney E. T. Furnsworth
J. B , Smiley , of the commission firm of
Smlloy , Truitt & Co , has gone to Columbus
Marshall Anderson , after an eastern jaunt ,
visiting friends in different parts of Now
York state and other eastern points , hns ro-
tu rned
A. R. Jones , with the Street stable car
company , has come from St Paul , to remain
hero for some time In the interest of tbut
John King has gone to Kansas on a short
James Mangnall , holding ticket No 7 ,
drew the horse rallied olT at the Delmonlco
by George W. Murrow
The Emppror's Crown
The Gorman emperors now crown , 1
which ho wears , however , only as king
of Prussia , has a frame of solid gold
Its weight is thrco and n third pounds ,
and it bears 750 carats of diamonds
The lower baud bears twonty-four liugo 1
diamonds , Round the rim rlso eight
clever leaves of sploudid olTcct , the ,
parts being formed of the finest dia
mends From these leaves rise eight '
hoops , adorned with sovanty-oight dia
mends Uotweon these hoops rise very
beautiful ornaments , each bearing a
diamond iu its mlddlo and a pearl the
size of an acorn on its point The whole I
is surmounted by aa upplo of the em
pire , consisting of a single largo sap
phire , The enormous jewel is sur
mounted by the cross , which is adorned 1
with cighloon diamonds
For 25 jcarsl * uffered from bolli , erjiipclsi
end other Hood affection * , Uklcg dtirhg that
time great quantities of dhTervnt roedkhws With
out giving wo ny ptrctptfih relief Friends
Induced bio to try S. a , S. 11 Improved roe from
the start , sad after taking scleral Utiles , re
stored ay bta' .th ai fur m I could bone far at
jny ego , which l now eoenty-flve yeare
11 < . D. H. Liicii , Bovrilog Green , Ky
TteiUdc on Wood and Kit in DUeauii mailed tree
. BWUT ei'KCIWO CO , AtUaUua
' ' . a H
For Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Olsordorod Liver
Preiarclonl.vlyTIOS.ltKECKAjIS ) ( [ < .loloisLniicashircKn ] lnmI
i \ JF AJLIjEUT & CO , Solo Agents
ron u itis : > states , aar & nor caxav . stm ibh * vokk , M
Who ( If your druggist docs not keep them ) will mail Bcccliam's m *
Pills on receipt of price lut inquire first ( Please mention this paper ) M
• • - i H
Chronic Cough Etar
Tor It you do not It mtiy lvpcomo con
Milnjitlio 1'or Oiiisiimiiffoii , .Sriu/W.l ,
rjriiri-fif lhblUlu mid llwtlnilUsomt , ,
thcro Is nothing llko j.
- % Fffi I I ©
Or Tuio Cod Liver Oil nnd
Of Iilmo iiikI Sodn
It Is almost ns pnlntnhtn its milk Fnr
bettor limn ollior Bo-cnltotl Kinulstone
A. womloitul uesh producer ,
Scott's ' Emlsiin
Thoio nro poor Imitations , ( let Muiyniufilc !
I ICDIP I For Improved &rco-
LlCDlU Inomlo cookery Use
Bit for Soups , S.uicos ,
I Mudo Dishes ( Game ,
fniiinnniT n I Fish , etc . ) Apslc or
IjOiipiys pScrt
I 1 unites for uuy lenirth
CVTDAflT lot time , and is cheiip
tA I mAu I | cr nnd of finer flavor
Uimi iuiy othcr gtock <
fTa P" PS ? ? a "S * I Ono pound equal to
BJI" BtflC SB 1 forty pound * of lean
" l
j toot 0f the value of
- - f about ST..V ) .
fy [ " ' gS / ? * Ociuiino only ivith
< 'K--'flC *
/Tc '
/ .liistn5 von Lteblg's
\J signature us shown
U08 RtnNUi Strf.rt , Omaha , Nod
( Opposlto I'nxton HoteL )
Odlco hours , 0 a. m. , to 8 p. m. BunUays , 10 a. m „ to
Specialists In Chronic Nerrou ,3kln and Blood Die
CVConmltatlon at office or by mall frco Modt-
elnea sent br mall or express , aecarolr paikod frco
from observation Guarantees to cure ( jukkljr , safe *
lr and ncrmnnenttr
slons riiTffcal decay , urtshiKfmm tnUlnciutloii , or-
cuss or iDUUlycmee producing ttU'iiilu ness deipon *
dnncr.p.mpleiiiii tlio fnee , fiTTn.on tcnorletjr , easily
dlscouniRCu , laofc of contlileuco.dull unfit /or Btucly
or business , unit tlntla llfo alitinlcn Hnfely perman
ently anUprlTHtelr cured Consult Ura.lieLts& lietu ,
UOSFtiriiaiu street , Omaha , Neb
Blood ana Sidn Diseasss ssS'SMbSfflS '
results , completely orntllcatud without tlio uld of
mercury , bcrufala erynlpelns fcTcr ore % ulotilies ,
ulcers palnntn the hona nnd bones , BjpMlltlo lore
throat , month nnd tonKito.rntiirrn , ttc , permanently
cured where other * linvo failed • /
Kidney Urinary t BtK mr c W0 alS'
quent burning or bloody urine , urine hUh colored ot
with milky etdluientOQ standing , went bti'k.Konorr
b ( aKlaofr8tltt , etc rroniptly and safely cured
charge a reasonable ,
roovnl conu'lf-to ' without cuttlutr cmintlo ordlMntlon
Cures eflecte 1 at home by patient without a mo menu
puin or ftunojrftucu
To Young Men and Mlle-Asell Men
PDP [ Tl ° • " ' " ' effects of e rly
uUlUJ UUfllj Vice , which brlnijs owinio
weakness , destroying botu mind and boor , wlib all
ttadreadod Ills , pormanenllj cured ,
TIDQ HFPTl ! Address ttiojo who h rs Jra-
UllOi DfillO paired themselves by tniproper
Indulgences and and solitary habits , which ruin both
body anil intnd , unfitting tbom 'or business , study or
uauiiibo Miv , or those cntortmr on that happy
His , aware ctphyslclsJ debility , q nlcaly asilsted
Is based upon facts , first pr&ctlcat exp rlenoo , see >
nnd .rarycase Is is | clally studio I , ibus slurtlna
arlsbt , third medicines are prepared In our own la-
bauiry oiactly to suit eacn case , thus atftcllng cares
without Injury
lU'-Send li umt posta-ro for cotebrated works on
chronic , nervous anddelloutodltousi * * , Ttiouianda •
nured ItTA frlenillr teller or call may tarn you future -
ture aufferlnd and shame , and add noiUen ye'ira ' to life
CtTHo letters answered unloia aLtompanled by I
touts In stamps Addreis orcall on
1106 Vartuun Street , Omaha , Nab
Illds will bo received until 4 o'clock p. m. .
Tue Uay , Dec JUth for moving JU.UXI yards of
dirt moro or less , on School Lots in ulock 109 In
Moronic , Neb , l'rolllo can be seen at County
Knirlneors ofllce , Hunii O , Cr.AiiK ,
d ( I d 8 t. IJIrector
ifljMCN OMLvJI . umsuaiojii ; i.l.f.r
Vu Tvt'.ii-y C ? tsl * • Iritis t-uriioas. CUKK ot
5S3 > rS20iTllNatltri [ WIUMSS.n.lajr
Wsslrls- * * ! j\Lllyaireclly Ibrosikill k pult , reiur
Is | tberaVyji Is atisllk ul loruu , klnaftb Iltllrla
• air l "J > V nii tLror .r rf > lllicx lntt4k.
• M.TsailSiip iar7t.apUla ) | . uOp VTorilcuiicar-
SUBtBtlrcurailstliraanionlla Haftla4aaiiil tSa.aUtui'
Nos 3 O 3-4 O4-170-804.
TO WEAKMEH ? t , ! ! r •
nSnSood will VaK'SU ileViid
, rtc I r U )
CiatoUtutf full putlcutnri fur bow * cur * , titm ox
iharv * Ad Ir * * * * *
PROP F. C , FOWLER Moodusj Conn
HHCOR I3TIIfi. Docct &TS , OMAHA , NEB , M
tOK TnS 1EKATMKM Oi" Xlh ' H
Dentr < itiUUiisArpir > tutacdItMTiedltifji8utc.s fa' |
Treatment of eftry fern of I ) < siasa rfqulrlnr B
BoardAttendaacfl Best Accammodatloni \7aiL H
_ 03" WHITE roil aiP.CnLXRS on BeforwtUas ana H
Braeei.Trusiei.Clubl'ctt.CureaturesofEjilna Uss H
Tumors , Oaaosr , Oalarrh , .Bronehlui , Inbilatloa H
gltrtrldty , Paralysia , BpU.psy , Kidney , Bladder H
Bye , Jbai , Skin anlBlood aadalf Snreleal Operation ! . H
wo ii riuijoconriXHtxr ( tTBICTlt fRIVATF , ) H
Only Reliable Madtoil Instituta maklas ; a Br lilsJW ol H
All Ulo 4Dl.r..i .uee.i.rally trrtt < l. 0rt > hllttl fol.oa i H
. . . . . . *
rrnofedrroonheiyumwUhHlmreurr K.w Dratrslrr eTsH
Tr < alu.air.Fb > aorTITilrOrTtll lrlla > tlill f H
aita./ earrr.r > ednt Allc.mmunlcv H
UeaconflJulll UdlrlDrlntlrutncauaiilbruallrci M
Lraia..euralrpa.koi1Bum.rks i.ln leatac.attat.or.c.dtr , M . CllaudcoD.ulteiorafBd 1
HO 11 If TO MPH fREE : vm i'.i i. . bp ui ei MM
Ul Ul t .ad V.rK.cclorllt , o..tluD llt Aiirn , MMt
ISth and Dodge Struts , OSAKA , NEB M
Health j < is Wealth I
OnnC West s Nrnvr Ann flit tiN Tiibat- < •
MR T , airnarantcodspt'olHo for llyntiilii IJlzzl i
ncss Unnvulsloni , Pits , Notvous N'tinilsla ,
Ilonilaclne , Nrrvous 1'rostiatlon mused hy tlio '
use ot alcohol tauiuro Urutcrnliio x , Mcntnl
Doprvsiton.Softntuni ; of the Ilrntn , loatiltlns In
Insanity and lendlnc to mlsery.ilcciv niul death ,
IromiituiaOlclyNKf Ilnrrenn s , I.ohs ot Power
inltliprhex lntolmitnry l/nsn mil rtnoriunt-
toilKraranscdhyoTroCirtlonoftholJrnlii soit-
abuTO or ovcrlndHilfnco llncli box contains
ouo months treatment Jl.Oia ho < c , ornlx bom
for * n.iv > , sent by mill prepaldon reoelrt otprlca v
To cure nny case With each order received oy
us for sKboxei , ncooiiiii.inlcd with t0 , M e will
send the purchaser our vt rltton gutrantHO to re
fund the money It tlu treatment cloei uot ellect
ncure Guirnntees Issued only by ( ioodmaa
IlrUR Co Drugirtstx Solo Agents , fill ) I'urnatn
Street , Omaha Nebraska ,
( LEiirTKi
Oooilyear sowed , I gt9
apunupHH vamps 1 i * J
Ittittuiil.arn or Con / fci in '
Bruit * . Tippnd or J l = z ! ry ' * !
plntnlnes.Mvd- / \ 7 * !
[ inn or wida / Mmir \
SIZES S T012 , - - - - S2.55
Wrliolor our ( nlalozue Bhocs sent by ex-
pri-B > C. U. 1) . If Mcents la sent with order
45 to 49 Randolph St , CHICAGO , ILLINOIS
IV'e refer to Armour A Co , Chicago , by pel million , *
Mntt * Imnrovod with twioftnp ihntkmanamM
ao and aturtan aecordlnsr to tha weliht pat on tbasa , ' - ; .
Xdapud aausJIr well to rough country or fin * • i
% Udrl oa WUIsilfayoa bast aatlefactlon *
, n ' ti
Willi head or nnfcol nofsitliiKrniulred , Soml2o '
stainninrcircular lr II Key buillb , Bpoclal- i
lst.7XOllrest.BI. ) Louis Mo ,
Whenyou ara buy log ploi rememl > er that there U
- , auchn'mngasaprlcetljat _ |
- si latooeA ip It la teller toMM
. B pay a fair price aud set IMmu\
tmmm ° od K'ovea ' like Mulch
1 Inona They ore mode _ mmMmt
| MJltoin seloeled skins In theft f H i
Htm aW best mauuer and are irai.Ei teH H
WdlM V rutiti'd lo be the luostlUaflg H
ly.M aervlcrahlo made If yon titWkBUUW
WafJBsy want to know inoro about V
\mmMmV gto > ia In Reneral and V
n Jluieiilnaou'a tilovea 1B |
Mmmf l0 particular , enoloaa WMm Z
Mmmf etatnpfor the book About H
sW ( ilovea It will Interest WmuW
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