H 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BElcSuESDAY , DECEMBER 3. JS83 HiHi Hii i H THE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS vvi ici , > o. ti2 pi auii sTitinr 1 cllvntubyorrltrlniinv inrt of the City at fifteen Utitspcr Week H.W.TinOV MANAUhU 1KI I tHOM S : lit RtM ( ltUc * So 42 hlllllT 1 IIITDII NO ii I lUeon Cents n Wcolt rrom nnd after November 10 Tin mil r llRr will bodollvcrcdbv tnrrlcrs in Council Muffs nt lMu.cn cents a week MINOH MlvVllOV " " N Y 1 * Co Olcnson coal Council lluffs * jmbcr Co enil Western Lumber and Supplv Co Thatcher coal eo ndv ortUcmcnt Heat coal and wood at O H fuel Co Carbon Coal Co wholcsalo retail , 10I'carl notion stoio opening lhursduy , Vrlday and Saturday Another case of diphtheria was rcpnrtod jestcrday morning at No 102" High street Ltiku Mnnawa Is covered with four inches of icu mid arrangements nro being made for several moonlitnt skating parties I M Ourstcr , KI Hunker an I 1 II "Ucsltott were orduiu < 'd Sunday ns uldcrs / of the 1 irst Pro-bytcrinn church Itovivnl meetings will bo held every even ing tins week ut the Ovoiton mission , corner of Fourth uvcnuu and blxtccnth street Hart V Hrowcr , fonnoilv of this city , lost , their libnitv and viluiblo papers in the Irib tine building lire in Minneipolls Saturday night A meeting of the cxcoatlvo couitntttoo of the press club Is called for WodncRdav evening at 7 o clock , at tlio rooms on I'carl street Iho Uluffspilo team wont to Oiniha last evening whciu thov played th < .h first gi no or the senson against the S 1' Slorso team at thu Coliseum During the inanlh of Novcmbor the ro colpts of the city clerk s ofllto nmountel to $1 , Ui V > IlLrlng the sjtno time twenty ouu building permits were issued , aggregating $1M 40U ' 1 ho city scavenger has filed complaints bl ilnst sovcinl l irtlos for ncglectim , to comply with the rules givcrinug v lults and icsspools , and the derelict citizens will bo prosecuted 'iho rcgulir monthly sochblo of the Ladles Auxlllaty to the Modern Woodmou will occur Wednesday evening Decoinbar 4 nt Woodmou hull Vll lueiubeia with their families and irietidslinvitod Ifqbcrt M , the infant son of Mr nnd Mrs tV it , Hateholor die I at ( • 4j o cloi If j s tcidav morning of congestion of the brain 'Iho ruuernl will take place fiom the icsl denec No I 111) ) twenty sixth avenue at 10 o clock this morning Mnirugo licenses were issued yesterday toUrantfciwocney and Delia Whit3 , VV II Dorri and Maggie Aloy ers and George L Coo | or and Lvn A Cumpholl , all of Neola nndV llllain Hudge and Laura Il.Uton , both of Douglas county , Neh In police court vesterday morning Tolm J audcr was lined $ J 00 for assaulting S ijoldsteln who keeps u second hand store on Lower Uroadwnv D Cumiingh im was taxed 57 00 for drunkenness , una Benton Brown § J 00 for disturbing the peace Iho last regular meeting of the board of trade of tLo prcsont year will bo hell this evening At this meeting matters of the greatest importance to all Interested In the welfare and prosperity of the city will coino up for consl leiation nnd nvcry member is earnestly requested to ho present Invitations nro out for a reception to bo bold by by Mrs S L Ko\ , next Ihursday evening , at her residence on south Seventh street , iho hostess will bo assisted by Miss Owens of Mnrysvlllo , Kj , Mrs be irch of I'diiisylvanln Miss Warren of Canadi ana Misses Sackott and hey of this city Hereafter the public llbinry will do open cvory week day from 10 o'clock in the morn Inc , until 0 in the evening Up to the present time It has bcou closed tu til 2 o clock in the nfUrnoon , but nnothci assistant librarian has been secured , and the public will un doubtedly appreclato the iuiprovcnipnt David O raj hns instituted n suit again&t A Itickm in ami \ \ J Ldohold in tlio dist rict court , and pravs for a tompo-ary in junction aguiust them ihe petition alleges that liielnnan is the owner of the property known as No 12(1 ( West liroaduaj , ana that Liohold is keeping a saloon there 1 ho case is filed for tlio January term Iho joung eoloied gill who to il ; a dose of morphlno nt the Parlor restnurint on Lower Uroadwaj Sunday evening , iccovercd suftl clently yc3tcidny to return to her home in Omaha She mivo her name us Llzzio Ions kens and sill that the drug w is tnKuu to 10 liovo a severe enso of toothache and not vv ith Buicidil intent , n- > was llrst rumored A week ago nn necoiiut of tlio burKlnri/ing of thu market of llobert Duaet , on Upper Uioadwuv uppenred in these columns "ies toiduy afternoon the burjlnr , II AleAbin , was arrested and locked un nml ho will bo civen ale iring today ills shous exactly fitted the tricks left uy the thief , unl some of the stolen jiiopertj was found in his pos bossIoii 'Ilia nioot'ng ' nt the bo trd of tridc rooms last evening for the purpose of organizing a real estate exchange was vcrv well attended , but the organisation was not olTcetid Hie couiiuittca appolnte 1 at the previous nicotine to drufta constitution and bylaws reported that they han been unable to secure n copy of the constitution of the Omaha exchange , and requested more time Iho matter was veiy fullv discussed and now committees were appointed to uoilt up the project K \ C A lowlo , superintendent of the . Coiil , relational Sundav school foi the state of Iowa is oxpeeted in this city today to coinmciieo n sci ics of l.osi ol nicetincs , in con ncetlou with the Congioiratloni.l Sunday Beheol at the church corner Ninth street and Avenue A San Ices will bLgln ut 7 10 All who linvo heard Mi Towli will not ncedarv urging to attend these meetings Ihoso who have not will bo Uad of au oppouunity to hoar him iho public is com lull j invited * At the annual mooting of Dltlfl Litv lypo Rinphlcil union , No 201 , the cominltteo on urrainemcnts for the annual ball on Christmas ovc loportcdthnt Musonlo Tcmplo luil been bpiuioI , Dilboy's orchestra en eaied , and thu ic gular ball cominltteo was appointed Iho following olllccrs were oltctcl for the ensuing vonr President John D Colletto , vieo prcsidout , J M 'iliouuu , seoietary , It S Itawllugs , treasurer uror , John C behurmorhorn , sergoantat- urms , David NMcoll 1 xceutivo eouiml'teo 11V luilor , \ \ . D Tester and Wlllium Doidsoii A meeting of the I nvv and Order lcnguo was held Saturday afternoon , at wtih.li it was decided to continue the prosecution of ill purlios engaged ui soiling II puor contraiy to law , icgardlcss of the tosult of the recent election ihulcac.uu docs not beliovothat the prohibitory law will bo repealed , and the prominent movers of the organization Dtatu thut It they woru satlsllenl that it would bo repealed , thev would lontinuo the prosecution of the saloon keepers as lone as the law was lu cfTcct Sov erul now cases will bo Instituted to come up for trial at the Jnnuaiy torni of court A newly organized society , composed of a number o' Well known young society people , has becu suegestivulv iiurnod the 1 resh Air club The object of the club Is to hnvo its members assemble for Ireipient strolls ram bles , runstltutlonuls or whatqv or they may choose to torni thoni 1 xerciso in the open air Is the f out pro sought and the walks ara six or eight miles in Ipiigth llieso walks uro very bcncllclal iho company is con genial , the Hi-oncry ulong the route pie islng nnd tlu mental and phjsloal effect mast sat isfactory Iho move is very popular and the membership of the club is rapidly in increasing Dr P P liolllnget Is nursin ? u baalv swollen hand the result of blood polsonlug About a week ago vvhllo couducting a post mortoni examlnatioti , ho accidentally In flicted a slmht cut on the end of the fore lluter nf his loft hand It was promptly dressed amf it was thought that all the poison hud been extracted , but a few hours later the han laud urm begin to swell and the symptoms boeatno alarming 1 ho linger w as opoiicd and a largo quantity of blood drawn und bj following up similarly heiolo treatment , tlio arm was restored to Its nor inal condition , As it is , the doctor w ill lesotho the end of the tinker It was a narrow cs- capo as the result would h > ve bean fatul had the treatment been delayed a few hours looger IN AND ABOUT THE BLUMS Dollnquont Tax Snto Fluds Muoh Property In ArrortrB A SHOE STORE BURGLARIZED A llnul nt the Gaining Tnblc A Purine l llluITIto Coiiiplluiciitcil Hcuttlnr Montlily Mootlnir of the City Council Iho Ieliiiurnt | Tax en\r. \ The county treasurers oftlco presnntcd a lively scene yostcrday , It being the time for the snlo of property on wh eh the taxes were delinquent At the opening hour the oftlco was crowded with real oslito men on the lookout for biigilus , and liwvers who were on hand to protect the Intorcits of clients Several property ownois had not known ot the sale until upprisod of the fact by Tub Hit , and there wis consilernblo lively rust ling to Let the tuxes p\ld before the prop crty was sol 1 A number of parties wont so far us to c ill at the treasurer s oHlco Sunday inorierto cnt their accounts square I up proterlv Iho ruth began yesterday morn ing , however mil noirly onu huniredtax ii ccipts bad been m ulooiit before 10 o'clock lhcrownsa lnro number who were not fortunatocnouc.il to tot urounl until nf tor their proi erly wis sold and snmoofthem Kicked v iLorotish , but it di 1 no coed , as thev alone were to blame for It Of caurt > thov can redeem thu property , but thnro Is u 10 per cent penalty nttuchod , and that Is want makes thorn fcol rather sore iho ll tof property to be sol 1 is n lengthy ono and the sale will not bo completed for sovcial days Mrs S L CI iffo of Omnha Prof Ciso , Prink Unlnletto and Willie Murphy will takoi ii tin thii Orpheus whistling concert 1 iklny uyciiluir The Puhuinn restaurant , S34 Uroadwaj Money lonncd ut L H Crvft Co's ' loan oftlco on furniture , pianos , hoises wacom ) erson ll prnncrty of all kinds , un I all othui articles of value without icmov il All bus iucss strictly conlldcntl il A Shoo Hlorn Ilur lnrl/i il , Tlio Hinkrupt shoo store _ i South Main street i , was buijliri/od Suulay tiihht and about , thrco da/eu pvlrs of shoes tilton 1 n . trance was effected throuch a window nn the north ' side of the ouildniL rhoro is n space about ' two foot wide between thotwobuili ings i nnd the end nearest the street is bearded 1 up The thief enteral from the alley < pried open u shutter , and broke out a pane j of glass , exposing the window fastener , so i that the window could be easily raised Just Insldu the window were shelves which were filled with shrei and the thlof helped himself without the trouble of climbing In side On the lower shelves weio boxes with i hildrcn h Rhocs but nunc of these were talten , although two oi three of the boxes were opened for the purpose of examining the contents Die property stolen consisted of misses ana Indies ' shoes and was value ! at about $ .0 Ono box wns dropped hi the ulley by the burglar as ho undo his esc ipo with his booty fhero is no clue to the identity of the thief llns stoio has been burglarized sevenl times Hn the past few months but uonc of the burelurs have boon appiehcndcd m Fountain cij.ni , a strictly 10c cigar for " cat at the touutaiii lry one o N'cuuicyornotcl firstclassreasonatlo ) rates Slicet muslo 10c , > .tS Hroadvvay * > Pincst tnnruot in city J M ScinlaaU m In tlm riccr'B Lair Instcvcnlng ibout 1130 o clock a young man fciving the name of L. Miller was ar rested for larceny from a building The charge wis piofonol by some of the em ployes otllio Mint , who stated that MiUor grabbed a lot of moncv from ono of the gvm ing t iblo9 and ran Millers friends claim tint ho was playing stud poker and had about (3 on the table He was about ready to stop pliylng and the gam blers decided to haul In his momy Ho ' cilled , " but the doiler refused to glvo him nnv show , ind ho picked up his money and skipped into the Hotel Inmcson , whnio ho was caught fheso are ttio two s to lies and then truth or Inuccuraey will bo pi oven in com t this inoi nlng Mill ! sent ) the night in jail C B Bleam dye works UIU Uro idiviy ihe Maul attui spoitlng head i rs41S B way - MwajH on Tim * 1 f j on w ish to purchns 3 a goo I and rell-iblo watih 35 per cunt less than club rates , and on easy terms then c ill it onto and make youi own solcelbn nt C B Jacuueniln A , Co 37 Main Btrcot J G lipton rcilcstite )27 Bioidwiy roiiiplliuciitlnu tlio HluflH Governor Lariabec has appointed Gcncrnl P M Do lgo to represent Iowa nt the meet ing of the jjOveruor * of nil the states to beheld held at Washington , D C , December 10 iho meeting is called by the association of governoisof tno oi Initial thirteen states , which wus oil , mirel foi the purpose of sn euiliig the erection of a monument to com mcinornto the siciiing of the dcclnr-ition of Independence j ho Invitation extended to the loci nor requested that If ho could not ntteuil ho would send a delegate und he has complimented the Bluffs by appointing u former resident Drs Woo I bury Have lomoynd their dental oftlco to 101 i'o.ii 1 stioot up stairs Secure vo ir tickets tor the Orpheus whist ling conceit , now on Halo at the Opera iiousa druj , bIoio S T McAttee 314 Main , 33J Pearl Pinost Hue fancy gioeorlos in city In the Council Chamber There was a full board of aldermen pros cjit nt the rcguliii monthly incoting last ulght and the uuoxciting but ever recurring contest with the monthly bills was vvajcd for nn houl , until ull the bills were passed and tlio whole batch ordered audited and paid iho bill for spechl pollmcn at the last tlon which had been sunt to the county board foi payment was rctuincd by that body with the notice that it had been rejected 1 ho bill was allowed by the council ami the dork was Instructed to collect it from the county by suit of iiocossarlcs The waterworks company gayo notice that Chief 1 nglneor Bliklnbino hud been in structed to construct a now Bottling bualn above the Broadway hold go for the purjiose of sccui ing a bcttei water supj ly A communication was received from the Hollow ay chemical engine company of Chi cac .0 , uccoptlng the cltv' proposition to test thcii engiiio here Alccrmau Lvorott presented a unanl mously signed petition asking for a division of the Second and Pout tti wards und mak in ir two now vvnrds It was rofcrred to com inittcc of the whole Iho reports of the city ofllccrs were referred ferred to the finance cominltteo iho board of supervisors wore orderol tq put the Sledontopt brldco on Upper Broad wuv in Rood condition Iho city engineer loportod that he found no errors In the line of twentieth street , nud consequently the tortious that have been fenced up by property owners in thatvlclnt ity were illegally oecupiod After a spirited dubato the ri | > ort was concurred In and the city marshal was ordered to notify property owners to roinovoull obstructions within thirty days Property owncrson Prauklln avenue asked to have the street reduced to thirty feet between tween the curbing to lessen the cost of pav • ing , but the request was promptly dontcd A resolution was presented oidoilug the ' clctrla llcbt company to place uro lights at the Intersections of Alynstur and Scott ; • tracts , Broidway and Ilevouth street and I ono In front ot Mrs Career s residence on i Gcn nvenue On motion the resolution was adopted The matter of erecting n new tovrer In the southern part of the city wus referred to lommlitco of the whole The city nttornoy reported that the nUey lines between Bryant and Plrst fctrcnt * were established In K'M ' by ordinance , nnd that if nnv ndjocont property owners were occupy ing any portion ot tlio nlloy batwnon tlima lines they vv era illcLally doing so Iho eitv marshal was ordered to remove all obstruo tion In one ween The city engineer rcpnrted there hod been no change of grodo on Ilarmonv strcitnnd reported ndvorsoly against the claim of J. b isk for da nago Concurred in 1 ho city marshal was instructed to nccitro the lines of the nlloy in the tear ot the Third strcnt school houses nud notifp the school board to remove their outhouses from the nllev which hnvo been discovered to bo two feet too fsr out Iho city attorney reported the IoliI requirements quiroments concerning the klmlof rails to bo used in street car extension , thut Hat nails could onlv bo used on paved stronts nml that shitttilo P rails tint will not eauso an ob- stiuetlou can bo used on unpivcd thorough fire and th it the city cinnot forbid the Use of such rills If they coma w itbm the re quirements of the of state laws dcllnlng not siticcs and the ordinances of the city , nnd that the city could not In- pose n line of more than f 100 where such nils were so orclcssly put downnstoeronto n tiulsmce In addition to or ioring the ubato Hunt of thu nuisnnce 1 ho city nttornov reported favorably upon the potitlon of piopcrtv owners on Sixth uvenuo from I ijhth to ronth street , to extend tend the time ot pivltig to allow proper settling of the earth trovldcd thu contrne tors ujrccd to it ihe city attorney roportea the statu to of limitation had run against claimants to Six teenth nvonuo and lhird street , tno city having used the protierty us a public thor ouLhfnro foi more thin twenty vcirs riio cluimnnts thnugh the minor , gave noticoof npneal to the courts Contrartor O Heirn give notice that ho would taito $200 dannces for the , oltv's annulling his contract for griding Commer cial street or that ho would submit the mat terto urbitritlon or take other work In lieu On motion Oheirn wis ordered to go on and lluish his < ontrict , Aldenmn \ \ envcr moved that n wnrrnut for * -00 bo driwn in favor of An Cones In full of iliinnuos fiom Indian Crook nnd cliuugo of Lrideon 1 ightlt avenue Carried , Aldi rmnn I acy yotinj , no Aldoimin Lverelt offered an ordinance dividing the Second and Pourth winds and dcllnlng the bmndurics of the snme Al lermen 'W civ or and 1 icy were in Tivor of dividing the war Is , but thought Lvciottwas u llttlo too selllsh In llxing the bound iries of the pro posed iilw wards Referred to cominltteo of thu whole iho marshal wis ordered to remove sun dry obstructions fiom Second uvenuo be tween fourteenth nud I iftccnth sticets and on fifteenth near Seventeenth , the obstru tlons consisting of hbuses und a Western Union teleer iph polo Iho city engineer was ordered to glvo gride on Benton street to Bipewalk con tractor uud to royulrc the fulfillment of his contract 1 ho bids for the erection of three electric light towers were opened Iho Stii Iron lower comjiany was the only bidder and offeicd to erect triangular towers with thirty loot ba > > oe forfl 0 > 0cacli and the Detroit towers , like thosn in use now forjJ ) iho representative of the ilrm was present ami stated thut his company lud purohased the De troit company s tow or , and theio woul 1 bo no ether bids Iho present towels lnclu line even Mr Ofllcer s sleeping car laro to Chicago was not fSW each ihe highei price asked for the new ones was cxpl lined by the rise in the price of lion Ihe hid was rofcrred to i committee of the whole to meet today ate do 1 , upon mo tion of Aldermin P vorett who thought the cost of the towers could bo bettor used In the i rcctlon ot additional low lights Bids for the city's veterinary work for the cnsaing year by Drs Cady una Stewart , and was iwaidcd to Cidy forSS per month Adjourned until this morning at 0 o clock Attend Chnpman s Christmas opcuinc 5th December \ \ ait for it 10 Main at P C Miller best paper hinging ind dpe orating iho best Is the choajicst ' Saddle Hock restaurant 402 Broadway , oncn day and night l irst class J L \ancy , prop A Grand Oponlne riio Boston store yesterday was the scene of unusual activity even for that busy place Professionil decorators , with the skill of ne comiilishod artists weront work arranging for the li ind Christm is opening to take plicoon rtmrsdiy 1 riday aim Satuiduvof this week The line work nlready donois au Indication of whit the gnud result will bo when it Is finished People who love pretty things who admire rich mil boautitul goods nttrnctivcly displayel will bo ciitertilncd well vvhllo malting ns many visits as they ch > ese And what Is better still they can buy ntcastern pices anythlmr lint strikes their fiuicj Such an an iy of liolld ij goo Is wns novel seen In Council Bluffs lhero is something for every i o el iss nnd condition of the human family , t-Hts that will ondcir you to vour fiicuds nnd will not baukrujt you to purchase , books at 100 per cent Joss than you ever puichased thoni bofoio picture turo boons nnd toys for childi on of ullages ull the newest products of wideawake manu factureis who study the wants of the people , nnd nro willing to take pennies yvhem they used to got doll irs Uomember , oveiy body is Invited to the opening Piobstlo s harness shop G > 3 orcta house block head murtors for lobes and blanl cts hho wns I'rotiuhly n Man Tup Bi r yesterday contnlnod an account of n shrewd robbery perpetrated at the residence idenco of County Uecordor Thomas on Sat urday afternoon flic tlilot was apparently n tall well dressed woman , and she called at the Thomas resi lenco a few moments after Mrs Thomas left the liouso toe ill on u neighbor ladv ihe stranger pretended to desire to sea Mrs 1 nomas very much , und requested the sen ant girl to go and cull her , and while she was tone the robbery vvas committed It is qulto evident the thlof is an accomp lished professional , and the polleo are quito ns sure that the person is not a woman at all , but a man who chooses the garb to bettor prosccuto his business and mora readily gain admission to private residences The police are prosecuting the search upon this theory , ami the prob ibility is that a very smooth and smooth faced man dressed in woman's clothes will soon occupy u cell m the central Btution Blxbv , plumbing steam boating , Mornain block The Bechtclo has boon rotnodelod and ro iltted and name chnuged to Hotel Jamison Six foot v oln of coal only f 10 per arro An Impiovcd farm of 100 acres 14 mlles south ot liicilanola , near C B \ , Q railway fiom Chariton to Dos Moines In the White Bioist valley coal district s o ofsco 8 Tl 22 Will trade for Omaha or Council Bluffs projiorty unincumbered , or soil ou easy pay meats J J Lvans or J li Itlco The Ross Investment and Trust ooinpin y A 1'r tty 1 iirlolnm Yesterday ino-ring a ncitly clad and very good looking young woman , about twenty yeais of ugo ontcrod the Boston store , kept by Pothorliighaui , Whltclaw .1 Company , and after making some small pur chases , asked to bo shown boiiio rings After Belcc ting one she handed thorn all back but ono , which bho put In her pocket Her actions hud been watched , andshowascullod to the oftlco and charged with the theit , which she Indignantly denied A scaich le vcaicd the ring , when quito a scene ensued , and in nrdor to uv old arrest , she paid for it nnd left the store Hei uama was not ' ascci tallied X Mitlo Closer Attention NpoiIpiI "I would like to call the attention of the 1 waterworks company to ouo thing , " remarked marked a well known jihvsiclan yesterday afternoon , us ho stepped into fin Blb ofllce 'I vvas driving over from Omaha jestorday when I noticed a number of boys skating on ; , the company's settling basin ut the foot of Broodwu ) Soma were chowlogtobacco and j splttlug on the ice , vvhllo ono euterprlslug ' youngster , whom I noticed , blow his nose 1 with such energy that the result fairly inado i mo sick when I tnongM thut all the water 1 Used i nine fi oiu UultVimo basin You see the consumers gut thu bonoflt of all deposits in thnt llttlo lake uud In a case of this kind it tan hnrdlv be cnllcl bcncllolal I am post the tint the company would take stc | s to remedy this It their nltontlon was called to the mutter , and It would be better nit around The now bnMn tlmtth v will build In a few weeks will of lotirsi ! bo mi lni | rovoment , but It is i ecessary that Aldps should bo taken to tcop the boy s away frpni it " The Council Bluffs furniture Ci 's cstab llshinuut at 407 Broiiwny Is one ot the most attractive places In the citv Just now It is well known that they have a stock of the finest furniture that the best factories in the country turn out , and thonnnounccniciitthnt u sweeping cut has been tiuido In prices In nil crudes Ins attracted wide attention The cut will last only thirty d iys It Is u splendid did opportunity to get n scnslblo and prac tical Christmas present foi your friends Now Is the time to buy your furniture C A Boebe & Company have too many goods for tholr s'orago capacity and nro citting prices to make goo Is go Borucy t (3 iy chamber suits , sideboards und dining tiblos , Windsor Welch and Borkey folding beds , parlor suites lounges nnd nil kinds of fancy chairs nt Unheard of llgurcs These goods are nil of the finest desimis and finish Dent buy until vou lcirn their prices A clean swcip to bo uindc Como nnd see for jour self \ \ n mo the I' onlo Iluhincs moil from Nobmskitfoi Chi cufro , Milwaukee anil nil custom cities wllliilen&o note thnt by tlio now time sthcihilc ( In olTtct fiom and uftoi No- vonibot 17 , 18b ) ) , they can nit hunt Oinnhii about 4 p in , tan do btislm ss or viaitwltliOtn Uiii moi chants nnd Ji lends foi uonrly two homa , nnd can thou taito the thimigh Pnllm m blcopinji un of tlio Olncajio , Mllwaukco & St Pml iiiilwiiy shoitlitio fnst tiuui ut Omaha depot of the Union Pacific iiulwuv tt 0 p in ( sttppoi reived on ( liiiliiff ear lonv- liitf Couiioil HlniTs ut ( > 10 p tn ) , and imlvo at Ohlcigoatf ) > 0 a in ( bionU- fnst also : ci y cd on dlinn , : cat ) in timplo time to in iko connections with the fast mointtifr trains fiom Chlenpo on thom m liioip tl custom and southcustu n lines , ot if dosiic.il , pas onjicn for the cast can romtiin ovet in Chicngo u few homsfoi business oi pleasure and 10- sunio their jomnoy by the nflernoon fast and limited trains of all the oust er n load 9 In addition to the foi cooing , another through shott-lino tuttii lo ics Omnha daily at 0 15 a in and Council BlulTs nt < ) 10 n in , arriving at Chlcigout 0 60 a m , making close connection with the oxpioi-s tttiins of ill eastern toads loc tiikots and ftirthoi pittirulais npply to the nearest ticket n font or to P A Kash , gcnoril agent , 1501 Pai- liiim st , Omah t Neb The Now Hand Puck The o\mcss hail been stopped What a the mnttot J" asked the con ductoi , huiry ing forvvnid . 'TneioV t tiauipnslcop on the tiacic ihcad thcto , " iild the II iginan Well why in thundei didn't jou vv il o him npi1 ' ' Ho s ud ho vvna tunl , mil I thouglit it only considoi ito • to let the pool fel low sleep " Well Ill ' he what's voui n ivno , nnv how • " ' ibUed the conductot "Idttio Loid Pauntloroy " was thoin- nocniit answer , and then the conductor siw hoyv it was SOUril OM MIA NbWS Urnck by n Train rrnnk Dennis rostiUng in West Albright had a narrow cscapo from instant death Walking down the „ rack on hlsivay homo Mr Dennis stepped off ono track to lot in npproacl ing train piss , and going on another trick only Btcppcd fiom in front of one train to bo in * rent of another Tsot knowing of the vvcsbouud train till it wis Just on him he jumped off ttio track and while In the air the locouintlvo caught him and throw him many feet from the trnck Mr Donnlswns insensible foi some time , but recovering consciousness was able to bo taken home No bones were broken and ho Is able to bo nroun 1 today although bo is very sere National liivo htock Exchange A meeting will bo held today in the rooms ot the Chicago live stock exchange to organize a national live stock exchange The delomtcs elected by the South Onmha live stock c\ch ingc arc Messrs ilv H Modov , James Elliott , Colonel L. P Savage D S Parkhuist , iaincs G Martin J A Hnko 13 B Branch Ab WaggonnerJ B Blanc'iard and George Burke Pint of the dolecates loft Suiidij ovcnlng Those in attendance nro authorised to cast tin solid vote of the ten delej-ites Police ArsIkiiiiii nt lor DocjinDzr Marshal Inmes P Maloney his in ido the following police assignments for December Day loice laller , DoUltt O Anderson , Tirst and Second wards Patrick I Me Malion , J hitd ward , John i ullou , Albright Ihomns Bionnin Mght force Ciptain , John T Sexton , Mmt ii Spoettlei from Twenty seventh to lwonty sitth stieets to I and back to Q sheets , Thomas Looncy fiom iwenty sixth to Iwcuty fourth streets , to T und back to Q streets , Tosuph Ilumpill nud William M Hughes , ihiid wild , Jailer , Moses II Ucd uiond Mip nilvvinil 8 Ijo < lines Mrs C M Woodward of Seward nitlonnl lecturer of the Woman's Christian Temper ance union , ai rived in the city Saturday and held n mothois' meeting Saturday afternoon Sunday morning the Methodist Lpiscopal chinch wus tilled with portions who went there to hear her Ici faro ou the Sunday Host Bill Many weio turned nwij us vvurotboy Sunday evening at the Prosby- tcilitl chin oh , where she hold u Union tern poi inco incoting At 1 o'clock y cstei day after noon she held a mothers meeting In the Methodist 1 plscopalchurch and in the even ing ut 7 10 o clock lectured lu the same liouso Sunday Hiiunlinll Councilman John N Burkes court was tbo Bceuo of some line han Iball playlin : Sunday nftornoon Messrs ICIg | llon and Byrne3 of Omaha , nnd Muipliy1 and Cronin of Chicago were piosent and indulged in the game Kilgallon of Omaha and Cronin of Chicago lost throoHtiaightLn'tnos to Murphy of Chicago cage and Burke of this city Thu wind up bewoen Mm nhy of Chicago and Kilgallon ot Om ilia nt ilnst Cronin ot Chlcaeo and Byrnes ot Omaha resulted lu a tie Notes Abe it the City Building Inspoctord J Broon is ill with sj mptonis of malnrjal rover This evening lu/ich / will bo scrvod at the resi lenco of Miv and Mrs Dwijht L Holmes for the benefit of the Ladles ' Aid so flctv of thoPrnsbyttrlano'imch Mesdames Dwlghtlj Holmes nhd James O Corloy will entertain A cordial Invitation Is extendo I lo all to put 10 cents In the society fund and enjoy a pleasant evening and a good meal John \ \ js&nlvely has boon granted a pen sion "J Edward A Cudahv Just received a tele gram notifying him that ins brother U tlliaiu Cudahy hul dropped deal In Mllwaukoo Mr Cuduhy started at oneo for that city Abinil I'ooplo iho family of Prof A W Guolias arrived frotuOltiwu Ull'ils L B Gorhaui the papular live stock agout of the Hook Island rallro 11 company , Satur- dav icturnod after a Lcnoral western trip A II Millspiueh who has bean visiting his old homo at ICulmnizoo Michigan dur ing the lapt month has returned , looking much better after his Illness Henry 13 , Campbell , form-rly with the ox- nress iouiiauj | hero , tiftora serious illness , lias i etui ned to Dcs Moines , la - WInlet la VtiHiiii , Viensji , Dec J In Austria a great snow storm has been laglug for Jhlity-slx hours , seriously Impeding railway travel 'llneo thousand sweepers and twenty snow plows were unable to clear the tracks in the neigh borhood of this city , Musi i AA onijY $ i.noo The Onrnonu findlnu < > r $ (1,500 , Itc- ilucctl 1.001) Judge Davis yesterday mnlo an order rcdtKingtho amount of damages awarded 1 > V the Jury in tbo case of Mrs Uushvs Iho Giimcnu Craiker romjinnv A llttlo dnuch- tirof Mrs Bush was tun over bv the driver otoneotGnrneaii swngou Sultwnsbrnught for $10 000 damages and n verdict for JtlBOJ vv ns awarded the pi ilntllt by the Jury llio defense asked forunow trial ontvvoirrouuds I hat the Jury was not Instilled In finding the driver guilty of negligcnco nnd that the amount awarded was ixccsslvc In his do clslon ludgo Davis stated tha the Jury was certainly Justlllcd In Undine "thut the acci dent vvas caused by tbo negligence of the driver The court hold that the nw ird of damiigo was oxccsslvo becausfl the Jury had taken Into its consideration oi damigcs the prcsont curvature of the child's sjilno , which , the court thought , was shown by the ovidonro to hnvo resulted moro from the neglect of the attending physician on I tbo treatment of the chills parents than from the accident The order of the court wns Unit the plaintiffs romlt lu ten days f ) POO from the awnrd , reducing it to 1.1 BOO , other wise a now trial would bo granted ludgo Wakclcy has gone to Sarpy county for a week Arguments were commenced this morning lu the Held MhClonnjhon case ludgo Hopowellroturncd from hwThanks- giving vaculon at noon nnd bLgnn tha work of Hocurlng a Jury for the trial of Lomt Mulshcharged with having murdered her child 1 ho docket In the county court will bo called tomorrow 1 ho cuso of the stnto against r.onn Marsh charged with the willful murder of her in font child in lane last wis tiiKcn up yoster- dav nfternoon In Judge Hopoivcll's court When the Jury was placed In the box the attorney foi the defense W S Strnwn , moved to qutish the panel on the ground that the county commlssiotiois had not selected the Jurors in the manner proscribe ! by the stntuto of 1S3J Iho motion vvas over ruled The examination of the Jury proceeded nnd tha ultorney for the dofouso denied the rijhtof the prosecuting attorney to dial lengo on account of n Juror having a ilxed opinion tilting the ground that the now stntuto did not state that n Juror vvas Inoli glble on account of un opinion , or by reason of nnv personal prejudice for or ogalnBt the defendant Ho went lo fur as to stnto that under the now stntuto a brother or any other rclntiv n of th * prlsonor would bo eligible to sit ns a Juror in the case Iho court decided that a pro conceived opinion is a bar to a Juror being competent It wis after 4 o clock when the panel vvas completed aud Prosecuting Attorney Ma honey piesontcd the case to the Jury The attorney for the defense , in his argu ment to the Jury , took the stand that there would bo no proof that any carbolic aci 1 had be"ti brought to the liouso or that the de fendant 1 now the character or effect of such a druc Ho also stated that the infant wns rapidly recovering from Uio effects of what ever had caused its sickness when it was removed in the night time to the Open Door , the shock followiue the exposure causing its death 1 hu county has filed its suit against Sher iff Coburn for $1110 00 for the use of the Jail In bonrdlng foreign prisoners from August II lbS to October dl , IS89 United Sint'S C itirl A somewhat sensational suit m which the wife is arranged as comjilainant ngamst her husband was put on trial before Judso Dun dy Ono yeir ago this weoit and In thu United States court room John Beech , o Humooldt had his old spouse arrested , ur nrnlgncd and tried for larceny , al leging that she had broken into his house and stolen $5 worth of clothing Ho failed however to convict hcrard she loturnod the compliment by com menclng action against him for malicious prosecution She asked the court to grant her $10 000 damages Domestic cilfllcultles and differences have Kept these people aj > irt several cars and Mrs Bocck now lesidcs in Colorado The Jury that sat through nearly all ot last vveok trying the case of Kussell At Company vs Bmkstuftct al returned a verdict this morning for the plaintiffs and assessed their damages al $1 4o0 Uussell & Company nro mucbino manufacturers at Mussillon , O , and from them Buekstaff who was at the head ot a | iper mill company in Lincoln bought their machinery , but did not pay all the nolc3 as they came due Martin Ev ms an Individual against whom Inclination hud been file ] , chaiging him with selling liquoi , wns arraigned and dis missed County Co irt Prcdcrlck Krug has commenced suit against Charles Kamtncror and C Spccht for $ - ! ' ! < U on a promissory note John Kiikland was yesterday appointed administrator of the estate of Piauk Kirk land deceased Ida Anderson was appointed admlnistra trix of the estate of LenU Anderson , deceased ceased ItOlltl ) or I3l > UOATIO\ Slioi t Session Last l.venlim State or the Hon ids I Innnccs At the mooting of the board of odication last evening nil the mcmbois were prcsont except Messrs Mai tin Coburn , Kelly and I elton The report of the city trousuror for the month of November showed the following amounts in the v arious funds General fund $510720 Sinking fund . 1277 71 Site nnd building fund . . . . 14 OJS Jt 1 ho lcslgnatlors of Miss Clniro Rustin , us member of the special cominltteo to examine applicants forccrtllicatcs as teachers , Bcrttt I estner , teacher , and Laura Bradford ns Bistant principal Dupont school , were pre scntcd and accepted Mr Clarke called the attention of the board to the fac' that the insuriuca polii ics on Leavenworth school of 15 000 Long school ot $10 000 and Dodge school of $10 000 , had expired und suggested that action betaken taken to obt Un n moro favorable rate Ho advised the lowering of the policies While ho did not deem it advisublo to drop the in surance altogether ho thought it was too ox pcnslvo to enrrv largo policies on school buildings which uro sato lisks Mi Ikes moved that the buildings bo in sured at 75 per cent of their value Mr McConnell moved to refer to the flnunco lommittco with instructions to report at the next regular meeting tbo best terms they can secure Curried ri ho report ut the cominltteo on buildings and property , recommending mat the eon tract for doing the plumbing ot tbo Pacific school ho lot to Graham Paru fortJ23 , was adopted iho report of the committee on teachers recommended that a night school be opened In tlio C iHtullur bi heel and that John A Brauloybe appointed toncher Adopted Supcrint udent James submitted a report for November showing the teachers who were absent from duty durhig the mouth and the nmount ot pay to bo deducted fiom their s llanos The cominltteo on salaries roporto I in favor ot refunding the amount deducted from MlssICutc Ilungcrford s salary beeauso she was compelled to lese two days on no- count of her room not being hcuto I suftl clently to allow bcIiooI to bo conducted Mr Points objected to a single case being singled out , but thought that the rule should bo either chuuged or done away with entirely . Mr Cory oil said that the committee had Invebtigati d the case ot Miss Hungerford , and were satisfied thut the amount should bo allowed 1 he feeling seemed to bo gonornlly ajalnst the allowing of an Isolated case , aud the matter was referred to the committee on salaiies iho cominltteo on high school reiom mended the pun bnso ot a lot of apparatus for the gvmnasiuin nt the high 8iho.il , con slstlng of mattresses vaulting bucks parallel bars ladders chest weights climbing poles , Indian clubs dumb bells , etc , amounting In nil to about f iW j ho icport was adopted The liaanco committee reported bills and claims amounting to $ .10 010 48 , including salaries of teachers for Sovcmbor Mr Points asked how these bills were to bo paid . "By drawing warrants , " said Dr Spal ding When the matter came to a voio Mr Points voted uguiust allowing the hills ns there Is not enough in the general fund to pav them Iho general fund only contains $5 107 and the payment of this account will create u i deficit of about $25UX > This Is a change for the better ns compared with Inst year At the bceimiing of 18 > 0 there was n dollclt of nbout $70 000 In the school fund , and n rough estimate this year places the dollclt at the en 1 of the present yonriit nbout $ . * > 0 000 1 hrtc schools nro being maintained this year , the Bancroft , Lake nnd Mmon , Involving n lnrgo incrousa In the expenditure for now furniture , oti , nud the number of toiicliors li is also been increase 1 lhoroi > ortot the lliiiuico eommittco was n loptcd and the president nn 1 finance dm mltteo were authorise I to urruigo forcirrv Ing the excess until the next lev v is avail nblo 1 ho board thor selected Dr L A Mer- rlntn und Mr W W Koysorns members of thooinmltto to examine applicants for cor- tillciitesas teachers Iho ditos on which the examination will bo held were llxod as December . ' 0 J7 nnd 28 Iho board then adjourned until next Sat urlei night When they moot to canvass the v oto for bonds A Arlt ol K'Milevln Oottlclb Zimmerman , manager of Paust's bottling works , put In nn nppoarAnca nt police court yesterday , per Charles 13dgar ton constable , with a writ of replevin from Justleo 11 irt's court for the bottles nnd cases cilitured In the recent nil on the houses of prostitution the keepers of which nro allege Ito hnvo sold llpior without a license Iho writ wis dliccteltu Iul.o ! Berki ChlofSonvoj Ciptiln Connaok and the police oflli ers luterostod In making the rail U hen the constable attempted toservo the process of law ho was callo I down bi Hi lgo Berkn who nsscrtod tint nn attempt to servo the writ vvhllo polleo court w is in session would bo ndjudged ns contempt Iho eon ilscatcd liquors were in tha courtroom In the meantime 1 dgnrton was ejected and vvhllo wroth is manifesting a yearning dcsiio to got the bet ties The li A C P Society 0 ho L A C L society or the Towlsh chui ch met In the v cstry ot ttio sy nncogao ou Hatnoy near lwonty fourth sti oot last ev on Ing nnd listened with interest to the llrst lit ernry programme of the orgunbitlon The uttendanco vvas gooi and represented the best Hebrew circles of the city Mr George Colin opouol the exercises vv Ith in address It was somew hat lotifcthy but in thu in tin intcrcstiiu ; Miss Minnie Rothschild next nppoarcd with a piano solo which w is brilll intlj run doro I and rccolv od n ho irty cneoi o Miss Liz/io Is ucs then entcrtninel the nudienco with a vocal solo that wis Btinc with such good effect tint the audience compollcd her to npicar again for their en tcrialtunont Miss Aunio Gladstone delivered ouo of lrow bridges poems in a most fccliLg and dinnintlc manner Mr Simon Goetz wns the last participant in the programme and be made the cold shivers play up und down the backs of his nudltors by entertaining thorn with all the horrors ho could remember boglnnlng with Noah's Hood and ending with the Johnstown inundation News or Grace nnd Charlie " Pretty Ginco Kvan , t o young school teacher who eloped with ( harlcs Sterns last week , Is now ilv Ing at Sholden la Or ice lived with her parents at P29 North Twentieth street all summer Poi the Inst year she In 1 taught school at Millard , but came homo each Pn lay niirht mil remained until Monday iounj S cms frequently came to sea her and after tlio parents learned th it they were ongigcd to bo mar rlcd there was an objection raise 1 Ihe principal objection vvas that their daughter was too young to wed she being only sixteen years of ago But tha love of ttio two youngsters stors resulted iu thosimo old way Ono morning last week the charming school inarm did not put in an opoearanco ut Mil lard Her parents investig itcd the clrcuin stances and learned that the couple had been married and moved to Sheldon Mr und Mrs Hvan mo now living out in the southwestern portion of the city Street Itullw-iy Hems The motormen and conductors of the Omaha sti ect railw iy company will not huvo to work from fourteen to llftcon hours per dny hereafter , as they hive done fornorly , as arrancements have been made t ) have cich employe s time of scivico ton hours per day Some of the motormen object to this as a shorter number of hours means shorter pay 1 ho company has abandoned the use of the tailors on the motor lines during the winter months und already there is a how I from the public about overcrowded cars Iiftt HIh Clothia as HcLiirllv Guam ) Hviid" Mich , Doc 2 Cluienoo J Toot , the cashier of the Unltod States ex pioss coni | > itiy hero Is missing under very my slcrlous < irciiuist incos \ \ han n mosscn gcr entered the oftlco 1 oot vvas not In his room , but all the clothing lie was known to possess including his lint and shoos weio there His watch and revolver lav on the floor near the bed and in his pints pockets were his inonoy , keys aud ether per souul effects The money In the safe In the ofllto had not been touched Avaluiblo package in the safe had boon opened und two packages which came finm n Cincinnati ilia raond 11 nn value unknown were missing ihoreis no clue to Toots whereabouts Allison on iaiifl liCgMntioii Wasiiivqiov , Dec 2 Sonatoi Allison is reported in u local paper as saj inj , In repl v to a question as to what prospects them was for legislation on the tailff this sossiou , ' lhero will bo some legislation on the tuiiff Whether It will bo on the Hues of the bill prepared by the semite ffnanco cominltteo during the last session is too bio id a question to nusvvor now I think this cougicbs will accomplish u crcnt deal of work llio country expects n great ileal of us audi don I think it will bo dis appointed " Montnna's Mnddlo Vn Clean r Hlii na , Mout , Doc J llio senate mot ugain today with only the republicans pros cnt nud ndjournu 1 until tomorrow Iho re publican house mot and adopted rules nud adjourned until tomorrow Iho demoiratio liouso held a shoit session but nothing of Importance was done lhero are no pros jiccts of any iiuincdlato change In the sit u itlon W < Iconic Snow Jamfstowv , N D , Dee 2 A heavy Bnovv fall befcjn last night an 1 still continues Over four inches hnvo fallen on a level ihls Is moro than foil altoLclher duiing last winter and Is regarded as very promising for thu future moistening of the giound An Indliin Murderer Cjuviii in mn , S D , Dee 3 Last night lorn lhompson , an Indian , liorilhly cut Modlcluu Bird , another Indian , indicting fatal wounds A Woiidcrliil Dragon Tree Dinpnpor in the curt out number of the Hovuo dos Sciences NaUiiolles Ap- pllqiioos on egotntion in Poi tugul loforenco is made to an oxtiiioidinnry cungon tree ( DiacoLiin Draco ) giowing in the guidon attaohod to the toy il pal ace at Ajuda , near Lisbon which is sup posed to have attained development un equalled by any othot Biinilurtico in the world Tlio crown of the ttee , the under pait of which is scuieely two motois from the ground , iu upivaid of thirtv-slx motors in chcumforenco ( about 1L0 feet ) , and in its upper outline forms a poifci t dome , 'ilioto is ii tradi tion that this tree was Imported and pluntod in the gatdon when it was Hist created upwind of throe contuiics ago Children Cry for Pitchers ' Castoria VThcn Hoby was slcx , wo gate her CVutorU When the u e. Child , she crlftd for Contoruv , WJ"ea she became ilhra she clung to OutorU , Whin the h * < ? Children , she gsTO them CutorU A I UUITirO A I IM'II M tion George nnd Pais ) PnPon llnve n H Lively Sornp H Lon George It nn Invslld , but Inst night ha H licked nn nlloged prbo lighter to a ttmsh H larly In the evening ho entered Pat H Pallon s svloon , on Twelfth street Soma H months ago the proprietor and I on had H trouble \ \ I on they mot Lon suggested Hint H they have n drink Pallon refuse I to drink , | nnd disroblnv his hat , co it on I gloves mnlo M n lush fur ( uorgo iho latter knocked 1 1 him down and gave hi li a gael thumping f H I alien was tarried o it and a pliysielnu was l H sent for When the latter arrive l it was M Dr ANavorh Tl o doctor mile seine remark - M mark nbout the person who nssaulto I 1 niton M and i few moments Inter ho and ( , cnrLo , H were together in n rough an 1 tumble scrap H In the tussle Wavcrly s leg was broken Bo H was talten to bt Joseph s liospitil H TRADE f $ % $ ljm ffl MARK H CURES PCRNANCNTLY M Mmmtlm I I * SOLD BY * M B v Druggists nnd Dealers 1 H THE CHARLES A VOGELEn CO Oaltlmoit.Ml j t LOTTERY 01 T1IL , HllIlCCIIAltllV H Establisliod in 1878 H lt1IIK H NATIOVAt nOlrilNMlNT H " oiT it tn i ) H Under a Twenty Voan' Ccatra-1 by th H llosican Intomatioail Imorovomnb H Company H Ciatul Monthly Driwing'i hoi tin the Men sous H l'ullllon In thi Alimala CirK tltv of Mexl M ro mil iuhllcly ionluct l by Oortrnnidit * H .llllo.luls ai | ilnte 1 for the ptirnnsu I y the H Scuetmlcs of tlio Interior un 1 tha Ireisury H i.oiii.tevj H 01 Till | H Oeneficencia PubSioa The montlily lour doll ir Drnwlnir M will lie lit Id in tlio M City of Mexico on December 15ii ! 1889. H CAPITAL PRIZE$60,000. , 8U.OOO rickrts nt $4 , $ .t2 ( > OOO H 1 rlre of llekctsmerlc&n Money H VTHOIlbt4 HAIVISJ2 QUiUALUJ H lisroi iiU7i > H 1 ( , M'ITALl'ltI71 Ol fiutiOOIs 1(0000 ( M 1 ( AI'Il VL , llll/l Ol J0III018 AltKXJ H 1 OAI 11 M Pltl/I 01 HIKHMl 10000 1 1 ( HtANIlltI/l 01 .IXKIIl .OTO H Illtl/ISOl KKklarn Loop M fl'ltl/isoi- nnun inno H /0 I HI/US Oh "OJ uro 1003 M IODIMII/1 soi 10. ) me 10U09 M UOI'ltl/KSOI Ml are l-OOO M Ml Hi/Lb 01 JUnre HUSO H AI I HOXIMAIIDV l m/i s. | H 1M ) Prizes oti • xnp t > $ M W I rl7o I I'000 H lWlrizesof Mapp t ) HllOlrUe G03 H IU Prizes of 4Uunp to H oOH'nze U00O M TUTormlnnls or { ji B decide lb } J.AdO ) 1 llzu 13 USO M . "Olrlzes \mnuntlngton' ,560 H All prizes sold In the United btutes full paid la H IIS ei rrcney _ _ _ H AGK \VA\rCl > . ' H } tT Foii dun Katks or any further Infoim 1 l Attondcslralwlto leellily to thu un lerslLUOit ' B clearly MuIIiil your rc-Jlih nee with nt its coun- H t ) street nnd number t Moro rnpl Upturn mall H delivery will Do nssmol hv vuur enclosing ua H env elope bearing your full nddress H IMPORTANT , H Address V II VBbl I II H Citv of Mi xii n Mruco H Dy or Unary letter , r mtalnlng Mom v Oiuikb * , M Issued by all 1 M r-'as ( i < ipanlo- < Now \ ork 1.x- M change llraftor Lostal Nolo M Special Kunturos t l Ilv terms of contract the compuuy mint deposit - / M posit the sum of all prizes Included In the 1 1 scheme before soiling ft single ticket , aud re- l l eclvo the following olllclul permit / H CUltll ICilt 1 larmi tollfu tlal the H liailc nf I union nil I Ifciio has i * ) rcld < lc- ! H jonfr the ircffKiru Juulu /iimmW ( thi tnu ' H nientr/nll i rlZMdituuihi/fhe 1 > tai ! U.a \ lltni 1 flceiicUi I ubltra M HOT j\ 11STJLTO ( lutei if ttor ) H rurther the Com ] any Is required to dlstrll- , H utc llfty six per cent nf the value of all the f B tickets la 11I70S a larkor proportion tinm Is > HH glvinhy any othoi 1 ottory H I Inalfy , the number ot tckets Is llmttol to H BO m I .muOO less than are soldi ) ) ' other lotteries ' , ' 1 Uiim the same schemes H Health is Wealth I Dll I' O W PST M Nl llK IMI HlUIN Ill VT- H wkn-i , nitauriintoo Up cltie for ll > rft il i lU7l- j H nest ) Conviiliilous Pits Neiviiim N iimlgla l H Headache Nonous I iintnitl n runs d b ) tlm V M use of nliohol tobicco W uicfiilnt n ental I M Ihpii-HiloiiKoftenliigiitthn llrilu rujiiltngjii H Insiinlty mid leiulliii , lomlfery dtni ) un j death H I roniaturoOl 1 Age llarrennusn , I n s of Power f B 111 either neit Inviiluiiury l/w-os in [ t > \ > ruut- tmlHLiiwiusedl oviiixuilioutthubinlu sotf- abiiKo or ovirlndulBeiic I aHi b lontalns I B one month s troatnu lit * 1 / > a box orjiv boxes * H for ir O/i south ) mnlli ninuUoaicrolrtof nrlco 'H WD GUANANTQn SIX BOXEa , I , QocurOHiiyrase With each Older lecolvid oy { H unforsUboxos accoiupaulodvtllhty 0 we Mill I B send the purchaser our n rltten I uirantnu to r - l M fund too 11 > ney If the treatment doc * not elTeck J M a cure ( luarantois Iss led only by liooiliuaa l H llrug ( o IiriiLidsts Hole At.euts [ llolurnaia H btreet , limaha NubrusKa , j H : , m - - , CHICHESTER 8 ENGLISH M PENNYROYAL PILLS • Cvjj BED CSOSS DIAMOND BB HD jt H frs , ' \Li S.rr , > ut 1 1 tji r.l ill Mlu , ull J H /4/Uru l.lorIl.i i > ndllr i.d lortdu'i If S H JC i-i.ir io4 uiii < u riiiijoB r w - • • i > ; ' X B JS Ktui Ic l > l ) I" P rUeu > tl .ull • UtUtt M ' | H F Itf ilViid'JJi' 'Xtr/nf tf m nCAVNESS CUREDk | U f.tk.l-.l Ul.r"ITUeulltlA CUSHIOIItpllc' F t m WM i > r , CMi ir ilMmltf iUkeM * < - • > | Ji axLS l l f.rut f.litl jKJ > ul > > ll < • • • ( ll JJk3 C H V.UISOOX , SBailra mr r lllll > Y li I l ciLS.NiiT4iMiu.t rv ( "t < rausri' * c * j H H